TASA Texas Association of School Administrators
Member Services and Benefits 2017–18
Student-Centered Schools Future-Ready Students
Student-Centered Schools n Future-Ready Students We are the Texas Association of School Administrators. We are passionate in our belief that education must be our top priority, uncompromising in our commitment to excellence, and ready to topple the status quo. We are as diverse as our great state, but we share the mission of creating and sustaining student-centered schools that develop future-ready students. As leaders in the state’s public education system, we are positioned to transform our schools into inspired learning organizations that truly meet the needs of 21st century learners. Together—as TASA members—superintendents and other school leaders benefit from valuable professional learning and networking opportunities that facilitate sharing and collaboration among districts. We also enjoy other support from TASA, including daily news and updates, as well as legislative and policy advocacy, that assists us whether we are managing day-to-day operations or working hard to provide innovative and future-focused leadership in our schools. We invite you to join us.
Buck Gilcrease TASA President Superintendent, Alvin ISD
Texas Association of School Administrators
Benefits and Services Communications and Information Resources n tasanet.org (online portal to many TASA benefits and services) n TASA Daily (popular daily e-newsletter) n Twitter (breaking news, alerts, and reminders) n Facebook (announcements, good news, article links, and more) n Capitol Watch Alerts (legislative and policy e-news as it happens) n Hot Off the Bench (bimonthly e-newsletter reviewing legal issues at the state
and federal levels) n INSIGHT (TASA’s quarterly professional journal featuring news, research
findings, and articles of interest to education leaders) n Texas School Business (bimonthly magazine covering the issues and “who’s
news” of Texas public schools since 1954) n Who’s Who in Texas Public Schools (annual membership directory
available in print and digital formats)
Public education’s need for courageous and visionary leadership has never been greater. We look forward to serving you as a 2017–18 TASA member.
Benefits and Services Governmental Advocacy Active representation in the state’s legislative and public policy process on issues critical to school districts and the children and communities they serve.
Professional Learning Meeting individual and district professional growth needs through research-based seminars and institutes, state-of-theart conferences, customized district professional and executive development, online learning, and networking opportunities.
Legal Support Legal consultation relating to the superintendent’s employment contract, superintendent/board relations, and other topics related to professional duties and employment.
Peer Support and Networking Promotion of educational excellence through networking with other school leaders to share ideas and discuss strategies; members generate enthusiasm for their profession from this interaction and encourage colleagues to maintain a personal commitment to leadership.
Career Center  Complimentary interactive job posting service featuring job vacancies posted by school districts, education service centers, TEA, charter/private schools, and other education organizations in Texas, including superintendent, central office, campus administrator, teacher, and professional support staff positions.
Membership Categories Active Membership For any person who meets the professional administrator’s certificate requirements, has equivalent professional training, or serves in an administrative position n Active Superintendent Membership — .004 x gross annual salary ($250 minimum) n Active Membership, Other Than Superintendent — .003 x gross annual salary ($150 minimum)
Why join? n Enjoy all the benefits described in this brochure.
College/University/State Agency Membership For professors employed full time in a college or university department of educational administration and employees of Texas state agencies n College/University/State Agency Membership — $75 (one-half the minimum annual membership fee for Active
Members who are not superintendents)
Why join? n Connect with practicing school administrators. n Help strengthen the profession and its preparation programs. n Support the development of aspiring superintendents and upper-level administrators who are fully prepared for
the rigors of public school leadership. n Enjoy all the benefits of Active Membership.
Student Membership For individuals currently enrolled in a college or university department of educational administration who are not employed in a full-time administrative position, other than at the campus level. Individuals employed in a full-time administrative position at the central office level are NOT eligible for Student membership. n Student Membership — $50 (does not include the right to vote, hold office, or receive legal support from TASA)
Why join? n Connect with practicing school administrators for professional networking and potential
career advancement. n Stay up to date on the latest in public education via TASA communications and information resources. n Benefit from the association’s proactive governmental advocacy efforts. n Engage in transformational learning opportunities.
Renew or join online at tasanet.org
Membership Categories, continued
Associate Membership For companies and individuals who wish to share their products and services with top education executives — the key decision-makers in Texas school districts (open to individuals other than school district, ESC, university, or state agency personnel) n Associate Membership — $250
Why join? n Connect with a powerful audience. Associate Members are listed in and receive TASA’s annual directory, Who’s
Who in Texas Public Schools, which provides contact information for school district leaders across the state. Associate Members may also purchase an advertisement in the directory. n Get a great deal on advertising. Reach out to TASA members via an advertisement in our quarterly professional
journal, INSIGHT, or our bimonthly magazine, Texas School Business. n Reach TASA members online. Associate Members’ contact information is listed on the TASA website, which
TASA members use daily. Banner ads are also available, as are opportunities to advertise in our popular daily e-newsletter, TASA Daily, and our emailed Capitol Watch Alerts. n Engage with school leaders face to face. Associate Members have the opportunity to participate in and exhibit
their products and services at major conferences including the TASA Midwinter Conference and TASA/TASB Convention.
Sustaining Membership For Active and Associate Members who recognize the importance of developing and sustaining the association as a preeminent advocate for public education n Sustaining Membership — $100 Plus Appropriate Membership Fee (Active or Associate)
Why join? n Receive special recognition as a member of a select group of TASA Sustaining Members we call our Circle of
Support. n Support TASA’s development fund, a permanent fund used for special projects and activities designated by the
Executive Committee. n Help strengthen TASA programs and services to better meet the diverse professional needs of all members.
AASA Membership For TASA members who also want to belong to AASA — The School Superintendents Association, the professional organization for more than 13,000 educational leaders in the United States and throughout the world n Various Membership Levels — See aasa.org
for details.
Why join?
Active $450
n AASA members benefit from advocacy at the federal
level, publications, leadership development, liability insurance, and more.
Active Small-School District Leader
Active College Professor
District/Cabinet $200 BASIC/Aspiring $75 Retired $75 Associate
TASA Corporate Partner Program Offers Even More TASA’s Corporate Partner Program gives companies that do business with schools ongoing recognition and visibility through a choice of event/advertising packages, ranging from $10,000 to $40,000. Each package offers special opportunities for Corporate Partners to sponsor professional learning opportunities and experience exclusive, face-to-face time with school leaders.
Become a TASA Corporate Partner 2017–18
District Subscriptions and Services School Transformation Network When your district joins the School Transformation Network, it becomes part of TASA’s MISSION: School Transformation (see tasanet.org/transformation) — a movement to transform Texas public schools led by the Texas High Performance Schools Consortium (THPSC) and Consortium Associates, school districts that are focused on developing innovative, next-generation learning standards, and assessment and accountability systems. New This Year! TASA is putting the finishing touches on mySTN, a brand-new virtual learning platform designed exclusively for campus leaders and district administrators in School Transformation Network districts. mySTN users will engage in learning centered around the MISSION: School Transformation work, build leadership skills, and cultivate a professional support network. Watch for our mySTN rollout in August 2017!
School Transformation Network districts benefit from: n Opportunities to engage with leaders of THPSC and Consortium Associates
districts and other network members at meetings and conferences and receive special briefings n Complimentary Network Luncheon at the Midwinter Conference n Discounts on in-depth, transformation-focused professional learning at the
TASA Spring Leadership Conference n Discounts on transformation-related professional development offerings n Discounts on TASA School Transformation Services (consulting and/or
in-district training and facilitation) and on related tools and resources n Furthering the reach of MISSION: School Transformation with financial
support and increased participation
District subscription fees are based on student enrollment.
Under 500
500–2,499 $500 2,500–9,999 $750 10,000–49,999 $1,000 50,000+ $1,250 ESCs $450
Texas Curriculum Management Audit Center®* TCMAC supports the delivery of Curriculum Management Audits™, training programs, consultation, and technical support services offered in cooperation with Curriculum Management Systems, Inc. Curriculum Management Audit™ is a structured approach to organizational analysis, policy direction, curriculum quality and equity, and system use of feedback to determine school district effectiveness in promoting student learning. It is perfect for any district leadership team seeking valuable feedback regarding its efforts to improve learning for all students. TCMAC is focused specifically on optimizing audit services for Texas school districts in a cost-effective manner. * Contact TASA to learn more about these services, 512.477.6361 or 800.725.TASA (8272) or visit us online at tasanet.org.
Legislative and Public Policy Services Legislative advocacy on behalf of Texas schoolchildren is one of the most important benefits of association membership. It is also one that requires significant time, energy, and resources — beyond that funded by regular membership dues. Your district’s subscription to TASA’s Legislative and Public Policy Services allows your professional association to dedicate the resources needed to monitor and influence legislative and public policy matters on behalf of your district.
Your support allows TASA to: n Remain highly visible and respected among education associations, legislators, and other state
leaders, increasing our effectiveness. n Conduct the research, policy analysis and development, education, and technical assistance
needed to fulfill our roles as advocates. n Secure the expertise of outside legal counsel and consultants
on legislative issues, bill analyses, and related training. n Represent and successfully advocate for all Texas public
school districts, regardless of size, wealth, or location.
District subscription fees are based on student enrollment.
Under 500
500–2,499 $500 2,500–9,999 $750 10,000–24,999 $1,000 25,000–49,999 $1,250 50,000+ $1,500
District Subscriptions and Services, continued
Accountability Forum The TASA Accountability Forum, pioneered in 2008 by TASA in cooperation with Moak, Casey and Associates, helps superintendents and other school leaders stay current with the latest developments in state assessment and accountability. Subscribers benefit from a built-in network of expert advisors who rapidly identify, interpret, and — using available data — analyze the impact of significant policy changes on districts and schools. Subscribers become part of an active professional community in which peers share information and solutions.
Districts that subscribe benefit from: n Twice-yearly subscriber conferences (with no registration fees for up to three
attendees per district) that provide up-to-date information on state activity and how that may affect local districts n Analyses of significant issues in state and federal accountability n Detailed analysis of district and campus accountability data n Interactive participation in an electronic forum to facilitate the rapid exchange of
information among subscribers
District subscription fees are based on student enrollment.
Under 500
500-2,499 $1,100 2,500-9,999 $2,200 10,000-49,999 $2,750 50,000+ $3,300
Other public education entity
Other private nonprofit entity
2017–18 Professional Learning Opportunities The mission of the Texas Association of School Administrators is to promote, provide, and develop leaders who create and sustain student-centered schools and develop future-ready students. To fulfill that mission, TASA provides professional learning opportunities yearround, including: Academy for Transformational Leadership (with the Schlechty Center) Accountability Forum Seminar Aspiring Superintendents’ Academy Curriculum Management Audit Training (with Curriculum Management Solutions, Inc.) First-Time Superintendents Academy TASA Midwinter Conference TASA Spring Leadership Conference TASA/TASB Convention Texas Assessment Conference UT/TASA Summer Conference on Education Texas A&M University/TASA Administrative Leadership Institute
…and more! See TASA’s Events Calendar at tasanet.org for current offerings.
Student-Centered Schools n Future-Ready Students
TASA Officers 2017–18 Buck Gilcrease President Alvin ISD Gayle Stinson President-Elect Lake Dallas ISD Greg Smith Vice-President Clear Creek ISD Kevin Brown Past President Alamo Heights ISD Johnny L. Veselka Executive Director
Become a TASA member today at tasanet.org! Create a profile in our Member Services Center to join TASA, manage your memberships and subscriptions, and register for TASA events. For questions about membership, contact Kassey Baines: kbaines@tasanet.org
TASA Texas Association of School Administrators 406 East 11th Street • Austin, TX 78701-2617 12
512.477.6361 • 800.725.TASA (8272) • Fax 512.482.8658 • tasanet.org