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SPRING 2001 VOLUME 15, NO. 1 E S
Is There an Ethics Complaint in Your Future?
by Elvis Arterbury, Carolyn Crawford, and Dorman Moore Addresses what the ethics law is and how it is flawed, what you should expect if a case is filed against you or a staff member, how to defend against a complaint, and how the current code can be improved
TASA Directory Update
Gives an update of TASA members who have either renewed their memberships or joined the association since publication of the 2000–2001 Directory, Who’s Who in Texas Public Schools
Snapshot of a Leader: Texas 2001 NSOTY Winner Rod Paige
Offers a snapshot of Education Secretary Rod Paige through his responses to specific questions in the American Association of School Administrators’ 2001 National Superintendent of the Year Award Program Application
Who Wouldn’t Want to Teach in Paradise?
by Mike Seerey Suggests several solutions that are working in Paradise ISD to retain quality teachers and staff, including a child care program on campus and employee sick leave bank
The Superintendent Professor
by Douglas W. Otto Shares a superintendent’s experiences as an adjunct professor and how serving in this capacity has strengthened relationships between practicing administrators and departments of educational administration; reflects on how both organizations, as well as the instructor and the students, have benefited
Technology Leadership Academy: What Are Administrators Learning? Answers the two most commonly asked questions regarding the TASA/Texas Leadership Center Technology Leadership Academy—What do people learn in the academy, and what will they be able to do after the academy?
New TASA Honorary Life Members 2001
Pays special tribute to 64 educators who were given Honorary Life Memberships in January
Life Members
SPRING 2001 3
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Paige named AASA National Superintendent of the Year, TASA wins state award, Flores receives AASA scholarship, AASA announces 2002 call for presentations
Executive Director’s View Technology on track
11 44
President’s Message Pillars of strength
The Leader Leadership for today’s urban schools, review on Information Technology for Schools, Board briefs
At-Large Members
James E. Wilcox, President, Hooks ISD Leonard E. Merrell, President-Elect, Katy ISD Don Gibson, Vice-President, Wall ISD Virginia L. Collier, Past President, Texas A&M
Marla Guerra, UT–Pan American Willis Mackey, Navasota ISD Hector Montenegro, San Marcos CISD Edith J. Peacock, Vidor ISD
Executive Committee
Editorial Advisory Committee
Eliseo Ruiz, Jr., Los Fresnos CISD, 1 Henry D. Herrera, Alice ISD, 2 Tom R. Jones, Jr., Tidehaven ISD, 3 James F. Smith, Alief ISD, 4 M. R. “Bob” Tilley, Kirbyville CISD, 5 Jim V. Scales, College Station ISD, 6 James E. Dunlap, Hallsville ISD, 7 Harvey Hohenberger, Chisum ISD, 8 Robert H. Henderson, Henrietta ISD, 9 Tony Daugherty, Pottsboro ISD, 10 Lloyd H. Treadwell, Springtown ISD, 11 Rex Daniels, Lampasas ISD, 12 Ron Reaves, New Braunfels ISD, 13 Gayle Lomax, Snyder ISD, 14 Billy Jack Rankin, Bangs ISD, 15 Kyle Collier, Claude ISD, 16 Ken McCraw, Lamesa ISD, 17 Bobby D. McCall, Iraan-Sheffield ISD, 18 Lu Anna Stephens, Fabens ISD, 19 Alton Fields, Pleasanton ISD, 20 Dawson R. Orr, Pampa ISD, Legislative Chair
James E. Wilcox, Hooks ISD, Chair Michael G. Killian, Lewisville ISD Leonard E. Merrell, Katy ISD Michael W. Moehler, Abilene ISD Shirley J. Neeley, Galena Park ISD Dawson R. Orr, Pampa ISD Kay E. Waggoner, Red Oak ISD Elaine L. Wilmore, UT–Arlington
TASA Headquarters Staff Johnny L. Veselka, Executive Director Ellen V. Bell, Associate Executive Director, Professional Development Louann H. Martinez, Associate Executive Director, Governmental Relations Ann M. Halstead, Director, Communications & Technology Pat Johnston, Director, Special Services Emily Starr, Design/Production Karen Limb, Editorial Coordinator Neal W. Adams, TASA General Counsel, Adams, Lynch, & Loftin—Bedford
Advertising For information on advertising in INSIGHT, contact Ann Halstead, TASA, 512-477-6361.
INSIGHT is published quarterly by the Texas Association of School Administrators, 406 East 11th Street, Austin, Texas, 78701-2617. Subscription is included in TASA membership dues. © 2001 by TASA. All rights reserved. TASA members may reprint articles in limited quantities for in-house educational use. Articles in INSIGHT are expressions of the author or interviewee and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of TASA. Advertisements do not necessarily carry the endorsement of the Texas Association of School Administrators. INSIGHT is printed by Thomas Graphics, Austin, Texas.
SPRING 2001 5
Paige Named AASA National Superintendent of the Year Education Secretary Rod Paige, former superintendent of Houston ISD, was recognized as the 2001 National Superintendent of the Year on February 16 during the first general session of the AASA National Conference on Education in Orlando. Paige is not only the first superintendent of schools to be appointed U.S. secretary of education but is also a Texas superintendent, a member of TASA, our state nominee in AASA’s NSOTY program, and the first Texan to receive this award in 14 years of national competition.
TASA Wins State Award TASA’s Communications Department has won a state award in TSPRA’s Annual Star Awards Communications Contest. The Gold Star Award for distinguished achievement in the category of magazines was presented to Ann Halstead, director of communications and technology; Iliana Cavazos, former design/production coordinator; and Karen Limb, editorial coordinator. TASA’s INSIGHT was rated excellent for overall quality of product and clarity of information. The award was presented at the annual TSPRA Conference in Austin, February 19–21. The TSPRA Star Awards Contest recognizes outstanding school communications in print and electronic categories. We are honored to be a recipient of this special award, acknowledging a quality publication for our association members.
Paige, a native of Monticello, Mississippi, is credited for succeeding at something that few before him have—turning around student achievement in a large city school district. He also is known for his technological savvy and for launching a system of charter schools that has broad authority in educational decision making. (See related story on page 26.) The other three finalists for the national award were David E. Clune, superintendent of the Wilton, Connecticut, Public Schools; Neil G. Pederson, superintendent of the Chapel HillCarrboro, North Carolina, Public Schools; and Raymond Yeagley, superintendent of the Rochester, New Hampshire, Public Schools.
Flores Receives AASA Scholarship Steve Flores, TASA executive assistant, Special Projects, was named recipient of the Richard D. Miller Scholarship at the AASA National Conference on Education in February. The scholarship is one of six $2,000 scholarships presented each year by AASA in honor of former AASA executive directors. Scholarships are presented to outstanding graduate students in educational administration based on
their experience and excellence in school administration, personal essays about their qualifications, and recommendations from university faculty. Flores is a doctoral candidate and Cooperative Superintendency Fellow at The University of Texas at Austin. He is a former teacher, coach, and principal at Edison Junior High School in San Angelo.
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AASA’s 2002 Call for Presentations— Leadership: Shaping the Future, One Child at a Time Again this year, AASA is making it easy for you to submit an abstract for the National Conference on Education, February 15–17, 2002, in San Diego, California. Simply go to www.aasa.org/cops2002 and submit your proposal electronically beginning March 1. Only online submissions will be considered. The submission deadline is May 15, 2001. Start planning now to be part of this unique conference experience. Choose from the following main program areas: • Preparing and Enhancing School Leaders • Leadership for Children and the Community • Leading Schools and School Systems into the Future
• • • •
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SPRING 2001 7
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Executive Director’s VIEW
Technology on Track Over the past three legislative sessions, the Texas Legislature has accelerated the integration of technology into public education. With federal and state funding, through the efforts of the Texas Education Agency; substantial telecommunications grants from the TIF Board; and significant local initiatives, dramatic changes in technology infrastructure have been achieved. In 1996 and again in 1998, TASA facilitated a survey of Texas schools to determine the effect of these changes. A third survey was recently conducted to determine the patterns of technology implementation over this five-year period. With a response rate greater than 75 percent on each survey, the results present a clear picture of the progress that has been made by local school districts during this period. The survey results show dramatic changes in classroom connectivity and in the installation of classroom technology equipment. In addition, technology professional development activities for classroom teachers have been expanded and a majority of teachers indicate they have changed the way they integrate technology into their classroom practices. According to the survey, the most needed technology professional development program is curriculum integration with technology. This finding is supported by the input from more than 650 superintendents and principals who are participating in TASA’s Technology Leadership Academy this year. As we plan to train more than 1,400 participants in the second year of the three-year grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, it is noteworthy that those who are currently participating in this program rate the academy as well organized and well presented, modeling the appropriate use of technology integrated into the curriculum, relevant to their work, and contributing to their comfort level as technology leaders. With expectations rising steadily for the systematic use of data and technology, there is no question that technology can facilitate the success of all students in a standards-based, results-driven, data-rich education environment. The TASA EduPortalTM, TASAnet, and our Educator Job Bank are at the forefront of our efforts to deliver information and resources to TASA members through technology. TASA’s efforts to support our members through the ongoing analysis of technology implementation and state-of-the-art resources and training continue to evolve. Your support of these efforts and your input on ways we can be most supportive of your work are always welcome.
SPRING 2001 9
Breathe Easier. The future of indoor air quality in Texas schools is assured. QIC Systems, long the state’s gold standard for indoor air quality, has partnered with an investment group to assure that Texas school administrators will continue to have the best IAQ service on the planet. Same leading-edge technology. Same team of experienced experts. Same exclusive relationship with Texas Tech University’s Health Sciences Center. Same TASA endorsement. New financial resource to assure continued low pricing. New research funding to assure breakthrough technology. New name: Assured Indoor Air Quality. Call Eli Douglas. Let him clear the air for you. Licensed by QIC Systems. Phone 214-855-0222.
Pillars of Strength You have all heard me say how proud I am to represent and work on behalf of the Hooks Independent School District, the Texas Association of School Administrators, and, indeed, public education in general. I have stopped being surprised by people who do not have a good impression of this nation’s public schools. We have schools that are not performing for students to the level that they should, but we have many more that are developing great and exceptional leaders for the 21st century. This is evident throughout the state of Texas, where we have placed a priority on improving our students’ academic performance in an education system that stresses accountability for that performance. The Founding Fathers of this great nation had some good ideas about establishing a democratic republic, and few would disagree that Athens is the mother of all democracy. President George W. Bush quoted both these sources in a speech on November 19, 1999. He said, “We believe, with George Washington, that ‘Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth,’ and we firmly believe our nation is on the right side of history—the side of man’s dignity and God’s justice.” The president went on to say that, “Few nations have been given the advantages and opportunities of our own. Few have been more powerful as a country, or more successful as a cause. But, there are risks, even for the powerful. ‘I have many reasons to be optimistic,’ said Pericles in the golden age of Athens. Indeed, I am more afraid of our own blunders than of the enemy’s devices.” Looking at America’s historical stage, I would say that one of the basic pillars of our strength and, indeed, our very democracy has been this nation’s ability to take masses of people from around the world, all from different backgrounds, ethnicity, and social classes, and mold them into solid American citizens who take pride in their freedom and contribute daily to our country’s progress. This has been accomplished, in large part, by the public schools of this nation. The biggest attack, ever, on the public schools of America has come from those who advocate the use of vouchers to educate our youth in private schools. TASA’s long-standing position is to oppose state or federally mandated vouchers. When massive efforts to attract widespread public support fail, these same advocates attempt “backdoor” schemes to accomplish the same goal. The “backdoor” approach would allow parents to deduct a major part of their yearly income to pay the educational expenses of each of their children attending private elementary and secondary school. This deduction, while coming from the general revenue, could greatly impact the amount of funds ultimately available for educational innovation from the U.S. Department of Education. Such action would enable some of our best and brightest children to leave and never have the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits offered by our nation’s public schools. It is my hope that, one day, our state and national leaders will set aside the “voucher” effort and direct their full energies toward improving and adequately funding our public schools. Thank you for allowing me to serve as your TASA president, and thank you for allowing me to serve the public schools of Texas through our professional association.
SPRING 2001 11
Masonry ad (new–film provided) p. 12
Is There an Ethics Complaint in Your Future? by Elvis Arterbury, Carolyn Crawford, and Dorman Moore
s it possible that a fabrication could cost an administrator his/her professional certification? Superintendents who have had experience with the Professional Discipline Unit of the State Board for Educator Certification believe it is possible. As professional educators, we support ethical codes and standards; however, some of our colleagues have had experiences that require our attention and thoughtful reaction. Several superintendents and other professional leaders have recently had complaints filed against them with the State Board for Educator Certification claiming they have violated the educators’ Code of Ethics. Some of these cases appear to be based on various assertions of extreme viewpoints, with a certain amount of encouragement and embellishment from antiadministration staff and patrons. Initially the complaints are taken at face value without consideration of the actual facts in order for SBEC to determine whether or not it has jurisdiction over the claim. All administrators know that the emotions and perspectives of complainants must be evaluated, and all sides of issues must be considered before the facts can be determined. SBEC rules have no initial provision for that consideration. One superintendent who helped defend an accused staff member said, “The complaint process in place at SBEC, as I witnessed it, appears to be a ‘guilty until proven innocent’ process.” This article will attempt to answer the following questions: • What is the ethics law and how is it flawed? • What should I expect if a case is filed against me or a staff member? • How do I defend against a complaint? • How can the current code be improved?
What Is the Law? The Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 7, Chapter 247, Section 247.2, outlines a Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators. The purpose of the code is to provide guidelines for educators in carrying out their professional responsibilities; engaging in professional ethical conduct; and exhibiting professional practices toward professional colleagues and staff, students, parents, and the community. It is the responsibility of SBEC to enforce the rules of the Code of Ethics. Ethical codes and standards for conduct are valuable to our profession because they: 1. Provide broad general guidelines and principles of conduct. They serve to educate the profession about sound practice and offer guidance. As a result of the code, educators should consider the ethical dimension of their actions and decisions. 2. Establish accountability and protect those served by the profession. In our profession this includes all of the stakeholders in public school education. 3. Develop the aspiration dimension of the profession and serve as a catalyst to improve practice. The aspiration nature of the code means that ethical decision making is a continual process and that there are no “pat” answers. The professionals must be engaged in continual dialogue about what is ethical practice and informed judgment. SPRING 2001 13
In other words, the ethical standards provide a general framework within which to operate, but they do not give specific answers to specific situations. For this reason, the administrator must be continuously aware that his/her judgment can be questioned by almost anyone in an ethics complaint to SBEC. For example, Bridge City ISD is involved in a case pending before SBEC at the current time. The case revolves around a group of cheerleaders who carried out a hazing of freshman cheerleaders. The high school principal conducted an investigation and punished the students according to board policy. Parents appealed to the superintendent, stating they felt the punishment was too severe. The superintendent upheld the principal’s decision, and the case was appealed to the Board of Education where the administrator’s decision was upheld. The parents filed a suit in federal court alleging various state and federal law violations connected with the discipline issued to the students. The magistrate judge in federal court has made a recommendation that the case be dismissed; however, the federal judge has not yet ruled. The parents also filed an ethical complaint at SBEC against the principal and superintendent asserting that they had been unethical in dealing with the discipline of the students.
The Texas educator should strive to create an atmosphere that will nurture to fulfillment the potential of each student. The educator shall comply with standard practices and ethical conduct toward students, professional colleagues, school officials, parents, and members of the community. In conscientiously conducting his or her affairs, the educator shall exemplify the highest standards of professional commitment. After this introduction, five principles are articulated and then further explained in 29 standards. The five principles are: Principle I: Professional ethical conduct. The Texas educator shall maintain the dignity of the profession by respecting and obeying the law, demonstrating personal integrity, and exemplifying honesty. Principle II: Professional practices and performance. The Texas educator, after qualifying in a manner established by law or regulation, shall assume responsibilities for professional administrative or teaching practices and professional performance and shall demonstrate competence.
The general language of the Code of Ethics provided the parents’ attorney an opportunity to file the complaint and obligated SBEC to review it. The fact that the code is so general represents a fundamental flaw in its ability to accomplish its intended purpose.
Principle III: Ethical conduct toward professional colleagues. The Texas educator, in exemplifying ethical relations with colleagues, shall accord just and equitable treatment to all members of the profession.
The Code of Ethics opens with the following general statement of professional responsibility:
Principle IV: Ethical conduct toward students. The Texas educator, in accepting a position of public trust, should measure
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success by progress of each student toward realization of his or her potential as an effective citizen. Principle V: Ethical conduct toward parents and community. The Texas educator, in fulfilling citizenship responsibilities in the community, should cooperate with parents and others to improve the public schools of the community. The 29 standards are equally general, and they give a disgruntled parent or staff member an opportunity to accuse an educator of unethical conduct when he/she is merely conducting school business according to standard procedure.
What Should I Expect? If a complaint is filed against you, expect to feel like the system has double-crossed you because: (1) the rules provide no provision for local/district-level due process for the accused educator; (2) once a complaint has been filed, the complainant has the staff and attorneys at SBEC working in his/her behalf at no cost to the complainant; (3) the person accusing you or your staff does not have to possess personal knowledge of the charges against you—hearsay (something another parent, student, or patron told them) can be used in the complaint; (4) it is your responsibility to prove you are not guilty of the charges against you; and (5) there will be a great deal of time and money required in defending the case. Dickinson ISD experienced a case against a band director, which provides an example of what can happen. A teacher in the district filed a grievance on behalf of other teachers, parents, and students against the band director. The complaints were reviewed and resolved at the local school board level. The teacher then filed a complaint containing more than 50 allegations with SBEC. The district employed an attorney to represent the administrator, since the allegations were inclusive of duties performed within the scope of assignment of the employee. Between 1,000 and 1,500 hours of administrator time were consumed in dealing with the grievances and SBEC complaints. The grievance process cost the district approximately $50,000 in legal fees, and the SBEC process cost the district more than $100,000 in legal fees. The SBEC complaints were ultimately settled with the band director agreeing that he would not contest one minor infraction in exchange for dismissal of the case. This had no impact on his credentials or employment status. He agreed to the settlement in order to cease further expense to the district, which could have amounted to another $50,000 and as much as another six to twelve months of distractions. The fundamental issue is that you are at risk to have a complaint filed against you when you are in a position that requires you to make decisions that may be unpopular. Initially when SBEC receives a complaint it is obligated to take action as if the allegations are legitimate. The fact that the complaint may evolve from something relatively insignificant, a minor infraction, or even a fabrication is not immediately considered. Most surprising to you will be the "guilty until proven innocent" approach that is present in the procedures established to deal with an alleged Code of Ethics violation. As an educator and employee of a school district, you have broad legal immunity in civil and tort cases as long as you are acting in good faith to discharge your duties. Not so in the administrative law hearings that govern the Code of Ethics process. Do
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not expect SBEC to dismiss the complaint even though the case has successfully passed local due process before the board of trustees and in some cases even a court trial. SBEC is charged with protecting the public and policing the profession. As a result, this agency is obligated to protect those served by the profession and, thus, assumes that the complainant has a legitimate issue.
How Do I Defend Against a Complaint? The first thing you need to do is make sure you understand the Code of Ethics, and the second is to understand the SBEC enforcement process (19 TAC Section 249). These enforcement rules became effective in April 1999. The only provision for local action is in 19 TAC Section 249.49 (d). This allows the superintendent or board president 45 calendar days to resolve the complainant's allegations before SBEC takes any action on the case. While there are elaborate grievance procedures at the local level for myriad rules and regulations an educator may violate, no parallel set of guidelines exists at the state level for alleged Code of Ethics violations. There is a provision that requires the complaint be filed with SBEC no later than 90 calendar days after the last act giving rise to the complaint, and also a section that defines a frivolous complaint. It is recommended that you immediately retain an attorney with experience in dealing with SBEC complaints to evaluate the opportunity to resolve a complaint at the local level within the 45-day continued on page 40 SPRING 2001 15
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DIRECTORY UPDATE OF TASA MEMBERS Allen, Mickey Tucker Superintendent Clarksville ISD P.O. Box 1016 Clarksville, TX 75426-1016 903-427-3891, fax: 903-427-5071 mallen@clarksville.esc8.net
Benestante, Judi Jones Assistant Superintendent Windham School District P.O. Box 40 Huntsville, TX 77342-0040 936-291-5300, fax: 936-291-5360 jbenestante@hotmail.com
Baggett, Kelly Roy Principal, Levelland High School Levelland ISD 1400 Hickory Street Levelland, TX 79336-5499 806-894-8515, fax: 806-894-6029
Berges, Juneria P. Principal Coppell ISD 200 South Denton Tap Road Coppell, TX 75019-3205 972-393-2211, fax: 972-304-1554 jberges@coppell.ednet10.net
Barnett, Michael D. Chief Appraiser Smith County Appraisal District 245 SSE Loop 323 Tyler, TX 75702-2035 903-510-8600, fax: 903-510-8621 chiefappraiser@scad.org
Blassingame, Laura Lee Superintendent Gruver ISD P.O. Box 650 Gruver, TX 79040-0650 806-733-2001, fax: 806-733-5416 laura.blassingame@region16.net
Barrus, Roger A. Executive Assistant San Benito CISD 240 North Crockett San Benito, TX 78586-4501 956-361-6113, fax: 956-361-6115 rbarrus@ix.netcom.com Beasley, Tracy Prepared Table Charter School 5919 Ridgeway Drive Houston, TX 77033 281-831-7563, fax: 713-635-6077 tlbeasley@excite.com
Bowermon, R. Kent Superintendent Weimar ISD 506 West Main Street Weimar, TX 78962-1907 979-725-9504, fax: 979-725-8737 Boyce, James B. Superintendent Goodrich ISD P.O. Box 789 Goodrich, TX 77335-0789 936-365-2747, fax: 936-365-3518 jboyce@esc6.net Brasier, James Superintendent Montague ISD P.O. Box 78 Montague, TX 76251-0078 940-894-2811, fax: 940-894-6605 james.brasier@esc9.net
Bona, Margaret Curriculum Director Princeton ISD 321 Panther Parkway Princeton, TX 75077-1002 972-736-3503, fax: 972-736-3505 mabona@ednet10.net
Brewer, Duane Business Manager Johnson City ISD P.O. Box 498 Johnson City, TX 78636-0498 830-868-7410, fax: 830-868-7375 brewerd@johnsoncity.txed.net
Booth, Kenneth Director of Secondary Education Galveston ISD P.O. Box 660 Galveston, TX 77553-0660 409-766-5195, fax: 409-766-5106 kcbooth@prodigy.net
Bruce, Richard Director, Compensatory Programs Katy ISD P.O. Box 159 Katy, TX 77492-0159 281-396-6330, fax: 281-396-6089 rburce@admin.katy.isd.tenet.edu
SPRING 2001 17
Burchfield, Randy A. Executive Director of School Instructional Operations Galena Park ISD P.O. Box 565 Galena Park, TX 77547-0565 713-672-7491, ext. 216, fax: 713-676-2022 rburch@galena-park.isd.tenet.edu Burnham, Joan G. Director, Research & Development The Austin Project 1600 Chicon Street Austin, TX 78702 512-414-8655, fax: 512-414-8679 jburnham@mail.utexas.edu
Castanedo, Emily R. Head of School Wesley Academy 10570 Westpark Houston, TX 77042 713-266-3341, fax: 713-785-9655 ecastanedo@firstmethodist-houston.org Chapman, Stephen J. Assistant Superintendent Bland ISD P.O. Box 216 Merit, TX 75458-0216 903-776-2239, fax: 903-776-2240 StephenJChapman@yahoo.com
Burns, Heath Superintendent Anderson-Shiro CISD P.O. Box 289 Anderson, TX 77830-0289 936-873-2802, fax: 936-873-2673
Chiles, Dottie B. Superintendent Gregory-Portland ISD P.O. Box 338 Gregory, TX 78359-0338 361-643-6566, fax: 361-643-1754 chiles@tenet.edu
Burr, Beverly Director of Curriculum/Instruction Terrell ISD 212 West High Street Terrell, TX 75160-2613 972-563-7504, fax: 972-563-1406 burrb@terrell.ednet10.net
Christian, Joe Superintendent Whitney ISD P.O. Box 518 Whitney, TX 76692-0518 254-694-2254, fax: 254-694-2213 christje@whitney.isd.tenet.edu
Calderone, Jennifer H. P.O. Box 1440 Marfa, TX 79843 915-729-4621 jcaldero@esc18.net
Conner, C. Glen Superintendent Chester ISD P.O. Box 28 Chester, TX 75936-0028 936-969-2211, fax: 936-969-2080 gconner@esc5.net
Carlyle, Hardy Superintendent Lazbuddie ISD P.O. Box 9 Lazbuddie, TX 79053-0009 806-965-2156, fax: 806-965-2892 hardy.carlyle@region16.net Carroll, Susanne 706 Gardenia Victoria, TX 77904 361-573-0211, fax: 361-788-9643 susannecarroll@yahoo.com Casas, Mary Finance Area Administrator Edgewood ISD (ESC 20) 5358 West Commerce San Antonio, TX 78237-1399 210-444-4544, fax: 210-444-4548 mcasas@eisd.net 18
Connor, Glenn M. Retired Superintendent North Zulch ISD 9674 Batson Road Normangee, TX 77871 Cowart, Lisa A. Director of Special Services Splendora ISD P.O. Box 168 Splendora, TX 77372-4622 281-689-3128, fax: 281-689-7509 lcowart@esc6.net Cowley, James B. 1804 Greenridge Court Sulphur Springs, TX 75482-3641 903-885-8534, fax: 903-439-6126 cowley@tenet.edu
Cummings, Cindy Director of Technology West Hardin County CISD P.O. Box 128 Saratoga, TX 77585-0128 936-274-5061, fax: 936-274-5671 ccummings@esc5.net Daniels, Jennifer Special Education Director Copperas Cove ISD P.O. Box 580 Copperas Cove, TX 76522-0580 254-547-1227, fax: 254-547-5676 jennh@ccisd.com Dannelley, Deborah Superintendent Marathon ISD P.O. Box 416 Marathon, TX 79842-0416 915-386-4431, fax: 915-386-4395 ddannell@esc18.net Darmstadter, Sallye Director, Stubblefield Learning Center Hudson ISD 206 N. John Redditt Dr. Lufkin, TX 75904 936-634-1100, fax: 936-634-1102 SLC@INU.net
Diaz, Danna 10926 Jollyville Road, Apt. 1203 Austin, TX 78759 512-343-6656 Dunn, Eddie Superintendent Troup ISD P.O. Box 578 Troup, TX 75789-0578 903-842-3067 fax: 903-842-4563 dunne@troup.esc7.net Durham, Ronnie Pat Superintendent Oakwood ISD 631 North Holly Street Oakwood, TX 75855-0631 903-545-2666, fax: 903-545-2310 Durham Transportation, Inc. Templeton, Richard Vice-President of Sales 9011 Mountain Ridge Drive, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78759-7222 512-343-6292, fax: 512-343-6596 llilie@durhamtrans.com Educational Technology Services Ingram, Scott Sales Representative 9801 Stonelake Blvd., Apt. 2013 Austin, TX 78759 512-633-6434, fax: 512-343-1966 scotti@amered.com Edwards, Jane Hewitt Registrar Lampasas ISD 902 S. Broad Lampasas, TX 76550-3125 512-556-9964, fax: 512-556-4118 edwardsj@lampasas.k12.tx.us Elizondo, Eduardo Superintendent Pearsall ISD 522 East Florida Street Pearsall, TX 78061-9999 830-334-8001, fax: 830-334-8007 eelizondo@pearsall.k12.tx.us Flinn, Kathryn 5359 Fredericksburg Road, #203 San Antonio, TX 78229 210-344-1334
Ford, Roy L. Assistant Superintendent North Forest ISD P.O. Box 23278 Houston, TX 77228-3278 713-636-4329, fax: 713-636-8196 rford2222@aol.com
Glover, John O. Assistant Superintendent Athens ISD 104 Hawn Street Athens, TX 75751-2423 903-677-6903, fax: 903-677-6908 jglover1@athens.esc7.net
Fowler, Mike Executive Director of Media Services Pasadena ISD 1515 Cherrybrook Pasadena, TX 77502-1799 713-920-6992, fax: 713-475-7989 mfowler@pasadena.isd.tenet.edu
Gouger, Kathryn 613 Heather Lane Friendswood, TX 77546 281-992-1845 gouger@ev1.net
Garcia, Jr., Daniel Assistant Superintendent Progreso ISD P.O. Box 610 Progreso, TX 78579-0610 956-565-3002, fax: 956-565-2128 co_dagarci@progreso.k12.tx.us Garza, Marissa Y. Dean of Curriculum & Instruction Edinburg CISD P.O. Box 990 Edinburg, TX 78540-0990 956-316-7300, fax: 956-384-5238 marissay@swbell.net Garza, Mary Jane Superintendent Jim Hogg County ISD 210 West Lucile Street Hebbronville, TX 78361-3025 361-527-3203, fax: 361-527-4823 drmaryjanegarza@cts.nu Gaston-Camarigg, Julia Director of Instruction, Federal Grants, Special Programs Boerne ISD 123 West Johns Road Boerne, TX 78006-2023 830-249-5000, fax: 830-249-5099 camarigg@Boerne-isd.net Gerloff Company, Inc. Shudde, Rusty Director of Marketing 14955 Bulverde Road San Antonio, TX 78247 210-490-2777, fax: 210-494-0610
Graves, Paulette Student Services Director Ingram ISD 510 College Street Ingram, TX 78025-4101 830-367-5517, fax: 830-367-4869 pgraves@ingram.k12.tx.us Hannel, Clarence W. Dean of Graduate Studies Lubbock Christian University 5601 West 19th Street Lubbock, TX 79407 806-796-8800, fax: 806-796-8917 cw.hannel@lcu.edu Hatlen, Philip H. Superintendent Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired 1100 West 45th Street Austin, TX 78756-3494 512-454-8631, fax: 512-206-9450 PhilHatlen@tsbvi.edu Haug, Mikel 18 Kiowa Trail Seguin, TX 78155 830-372-4242 Hayden, Kyle L. 3105 Ranchette Marble Falls, TX 78654 830-596-8138, fax: 830-693-6079 kyle_hayden@hotmail.com Hicks, Jennifer Kay Principal Intern Lometa ISD P.O. Box 250 Lometa, TX 76853-0250 512-752-3384, fax: 512-752-3424
SPRING 2001 19
Hoffmeyer, Carl Lee Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership University of Texas—Permian Basin 4901 East University Odessa, TX 79762-0001 915-552-2137, fax: 915-552-2125 hoffmeyer_c@utpb.edu Holland, Francine Deputy Executive Director, Instructional Services ESC Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, TX 76106 817-740-3670, fax: 817-740-7600 fholland@esc11.net Holland, Michael Kim Principal Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD P.O. Box 115186 Carrollton, TX 75011-5186 972-466-6100, fax: 972-323-6675 hollandk@cfbisd.edu Honea, Jake D. Superintendent Hardin ISD P.O. Box 330 Hardin, TX 77561-0330 936-298-2112, fax: 936-298-9161 jakehonea@hotmail.com Hooper, Leslie D. Executive Director of Facilities/Technology Harris County Department of Education 6300 Irvington Boulevard Houston, TX 77022-5618 713-694-6300, ext. 415 fax: 713-696-0730 hooper@hcde-texas.org Hope, Larry W. Executive Director of Facilities and Operations Barbers Hill ISD P.O. Box 1108 Mont Belvieu, TX 77580-1108 281-576-2221, fax: 281-576-5879 lhope@barbershill.isd.esc4.net Hopp, Charles Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services Fabens ISD P.O. Box 697 Fabens, TX 79838-0697 915-764-2025, fax: 915-764-3115 chopp@fabens.k12.tx.us 20
Hopton, Deborah Isaac 1500 Faro Drive, #814 Austin, TX 78741 512-386-8573, fax: 512-836-8411 Howard, David Superintendent Water Valley ISD P.O. Box 250 Water Valley, TX 76958-0250 915-484-2478, fax: 915-484-3359 david.howard@netxv.net Howell, Regina Director of Personnel/Curriculum Bandera ISD P.O. Box 727 Bandera, TX 78003-0727 830-796-3313, fax: 830-796-6238 rhowell@bandera.k12.tx.us Hudson, John E. Assistant Superintendent McGregor ISD P.O. Box 356 McGregor, TX 76657-0356 254-840-2828, fax: 254-840-4077 jhudson@mcgregor-isd.org Hutto, Rodney D. Superintendent Sherman ISD P.O. Box 1176 Sherman, TX 75091-1176 903-891-6400, fax: 903-891-6407 rhutto@shermanisd.net Johnson, Kenneth Superintendent Bremond ISD P.O. Box 190 Bremond, TX 76629-0190 254-746-7145, fax: 254-746-7726 jkjohnson@esc6.net Jolley, Andrea Assistant Superintendent Mineola ISD 1000 West Loop 564 Mineola, TX 75773-1617 903-569-2448, fax: 903-569-5155 andrea.jolley@mineola.esc7.net Lee, Annie Thompson Interim Superintendent Wilmer-Hutchins ISD 3820 East Illinois Avenue Dallas, TX 75216-4140 214-376-7323, fax: 214-376-4262 atlee@ednet10.net
Leifeste, K. Fritz Assistant Professor Angelo State University Department of Education ASU Station San Angelo, TX 76909 915-942-2052, ext. 266, fax: 915-942-2039 fritz.leifeste@angelo.edu Line, Vicki L. P.O. Box 1353 Albany, TX 76430 915-762-2535, fax: 915-762-3384 linevic@hotmail.com Lively, Willard R. Superintendent Comstock ISD P.O. Box 905 Comstock, TX 78837-0905 915-292-4444, fax: 915-292-4436 willard.lively@netxv.net Lopez, Roberto I. Superintendent/Principal George I. Sanchez Charter High School 1411 West Hempstead Pasadena, TX 77506 713-534-9196, fax: 713-534-9196 blopez@pdq.net Lunenburg, Fred Professor Sam Houston State University P.O. Box 2119 Huntsville, TX 77341-2119 936-294-3838, fax: 936-294-3886 edu_fcl@shsu.edu MacBride, Jonathan Director of Special Education Austin County Education Co-op 1727 Eagle Lake Rd. Sealy, TX 77474 979-885-2987, fax: 979-885-7860 jonamac1@swbell.net Marmon Mok Reeves, William M. Partner 700 North St. Mary’s, Suite 1600 San Antonio, TX 78205 210-223-9492, fax: 210-223-2582 reeves@marmonmok.com
Matthews, Billy J. Interim Superintendent Sam Rayburn ISD Route 1, Box 127 Ivanhoe, TX 75447-9717 903-664-2255, fax: 903-664-2406 bimatthe@ednet10.net
Moczygemba, Randy Superintendent Medina ISD P.O. Box 1470 Medina, TX 78055-1470 830-589-2855, fax: 830-589-7150 misdsupt@hctc.net
Matthews, Robert Superintendent Gause ISD P.O. Box 38 Gause, TX 77857-0038 979-279-5891, fax: 979-279-5142 robertmatthews88@hotmail.com
Montalvo, Hector High School Principal San Felipe-Del Rio CISD P.O. Box 420128 Del Rio, TX 78842-0128 830-774-9316, fax: 830-774-9320 hmontalv@tenet.edu
McCoy, Rebecca B. Assistant Superintendent Floresville ISD 908 10th Street Floresville, TX 78114-1852 830-393-5300, fax: 830-393-5399 bmccoy@floresville.isd.tenet.edu
Morris, Raymond L. Superintendent Burton ISD P.O. Box 37 Burton, TX 77835-0037 979-289-3131, fax: 979-289-3076 rmorris@esc6.net
McLean, Linda N. Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Nacogdoches ISD P.O. Box 631521 Nacogdoches, TX 75963-1521 936-569-5735, fax: 936-569-5745 lmclean@nacogdoches.k12.tx.us
Moss, Stephen Jon Saegert, Angenend & Augustine P.O. Box 410 Austin, TX 78767-0410 512-474-6521, fax: 512-477-4512
Medrano, Cynthia 808 North Roberts Street Edinburg, TX 78539 956-384-9062 cemedrano@aol.com Miller, Sheryl 1111 N. Hwy 123 Bypass, #103 Seguin, TX 78155 830-303-9391, fax: 830-372-9851 Mitchell, Linda L. Business Manager China Spring ISD P.O. Box 250 China Spring, TX 76633 254-836-1115, fax: 254-836-4299 lmitchell@csisd.rbec.tenet.edu
Moss-Boozer, Debra Director of Professional Personnel Grand Prairie ISD P.O. Box 531170 Grand Prairie, TX 75053-1170 972-237-5368, fax: 972-237-5378 debra.boozer@gpisd.org Myers, Allan Brant High School Principal Sonora ISD 807 South Concho Sonora, TX 76950-3922 915-387-6533, fax: 915-387-5348 brant.myers@netxv.net
Nericcio, Mary Anne Director of Communications and Community Relations South San Antonio ISD 2515 Bobcat Lane San Antonio, TX 78224-1298 210-977-7000, fax: 210-977-7034 manericc@southsanisd.net Newberry, Kay P.O. Box 714 Fritch, TX 79036 806-857-6243 knewberry@sanfordisd.org Nicholson, Kathy Director of Curriculum & Instruction Castleberry ISD 315 Churchill Road Fort Worth, TX 76114-3729 817-252-2000, fax: 817-738-1062 nicholsonk@castleberryisd.net Norris, Dorland Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum Longview ISD P.O. Box 3268 Longview, TX 75606-3268 903-753-0206, fax: 903-753-5389 dnorris@lisd.org O’Hara, Charles Richard Interim Superintendent Bridgeport ISD 2107 15th Street Bridgeport, TX 76426-0036 940-683-5124, fax: 940-683-4268 rohara@bport.esc11.net Ogden, Morris L. Middle School Principal Bremond ISD P.O. Box 190 Bremond, TX 76629-0190 254-746-7145, fax: 254-746-7726 mogden@esc6.net
Paris, Lana Marie Personnel Administrator Weslaco ISD P.O. Box 266 Weslaco, TX 78599-0266 956-969-6500, fax: 956-969-0201 Paschal, Linda Associate Superintendent for Technology Fort Bend ISD 16431 Lexington Boulevard Sugar Land, TX 77479 281-634-1067, fax: 281-634-1709 lpaschal@fortbend.k12.tx.us Pedraza, Manuela Associate Superintendent of Human Resources Fort Bend ISD 16431 Lexington Blvd Sugar Land, TX 77479 281-634-1055, fax: 281-634-1766 907mp325@fortbend.k12.tx.us Peregrine, Phillip Edward Regional Director National Center on Education and Economics 1320 S. University Drive, Suite 118 Fort Worth, TX 76107 817-882-9515, fax: 817-321-9119 pperegrine@ncee.org Peterson, Patricia J. Executive Director for Legal and Administrative Services Round Rock ISD 1311 Round Rock Avenue Round Rock, TX 78681-4999 512-464-5036, fax: 512-464-5055 Phillips, Nancy Johnson Coordinator for At-Risk Programs Corsicana ISD 601 North 13th Street Corsicana, TX 75110-3298 903-874-7441, fax: 903-872-2100 nphillip@airmail.net Poffinbarger, Lynn Executive Director of Staff Development and Curriculum Design Galena Park ISD P.O. Box 565 Galena Park, TX 77547-0565 713-672-7491, ext. 245, fax: 713-676-7041 lynn@galena-park.isd.tenet.edu
Potts, Melanie A. Assistant Principal Lewisville ISD 1532 Bellaire Blvd. Lewisville, TX 75067 972-436-5548, fax: 972-221-2885 pottsm@lisd.net
Salinas, Claudio ACP Director/Assistant Professor Texas A&M International University 5201 University Boulevard Laredo, TX 78040 956-326-2682, fax: 956-326-2429 csalinas@tamiu.edu
QCD of America, Inc. Sims, L. N. President, Chief Executive Officer 12222 Meri Drive, Suite 1070 Dallas, TX 75251 972-726-0444, fax: 972-726-0448
Sanchez, Lorenzo Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Human Resources San Benito CISD 240 North Crockett San Benito, TX 78586-4501 956-361-6159, fax: 956-361-6291 lsanchez@mail.sanbenito.k12.tx.us
Ray, Phillip A. Director of Purchasing Katy ISD P.O. Box 159 Katy, TX 77492-0159 281-396-6260, fax: 281-396-6124 pray@admin.katy.isd.tenet.edu Ritter, William E. Lecturer Texas A&M University—Commerce Rt. 1, Box 302P Mineola, TX 75773 903-569-2115, fax: 903-886-5507 Rulla, Elaine A. Curriculum Director Sanger ISD P.O. Box 2399 Sanger, TX 76266 940-458-7438, fax: 940-458-5140 erulla@esc11.net Russell, Barry 2507 West Shandon Midland, TX 79705 915-570-6681, fax: 915-689-1144 coachruss@marshill.com Saenz, Rodolfo Warehouse Administrator Weslaco ISD 1916 Joe Stephens Boulevard Weslaco, TX 78596 956-969-6840, fax: 956-969-6852
Sayle, Judy L. Business Manager Devers ISD P.O. Box 488 Devers, TX 77538-0488 936-549-7135, fax: 936-549-7595 judys@devers.isd.esc4.net Seei, Kathy Vice-President PageSoutherlandPage 3500 Maple Avenue Dallas, TX 75219 214-522-3900, fax: 214-522-4380 kseei@psp.com Seerey, J. Michael Assistant Superintendent Paradise ISD 338 School House Road Paradise, TX 76073-9622 940-969-2501, fax: 940-969-2908 seerey@pisd.net Seigrist, Mark Andrew Principal Blue Ridge ISD 425 North Church Blue Ridge, TX 75424-9730 972-752-5554, fax: 972-752-9950
DIRECTORY UPDATE Shafer, Patty E. Director of Instruction Calhoun County ISD 525 North Commerce Street Port Lavaca, TX 77979-3034 361-552-9728, fax: 361-552-6684 shafer@tisd.net
Sonnen, Arlene M. Staff Development Facilitator El Paso ISD 6500K Boeing Drive El Paso, TX 79925-1008 915-587-1185, fax: 915-772-6830 jsonnen@aol.com
Simpson, Joe R. Interim Superintendent Bland ISD P.O. Box 216 Merit, TX 75458-0216 903-776-2239, fax: 903-776-2240 jrsimpo@ednet10.net
SRA/McGraw-Hill Sneddon, Shelley Wright Texas/New Mexico Regional Vice-President 4360 Beltway Place, Suite 230 Arlington, TX 76018 800-435-6772, fax: 817-784-2127 Shelley_Wright@mcgraw-hill.com
Slotman, Debra L. Business Manager Matagorda ISD P.O. Box 561 Matagorda, TX 77457-0561 979-863-2013, fax: 979-863-2230 debbieslotman@hotmail.com
Stockton, Donald J. Principal, The Woodlands High School Conroe ISD 1601 Research Forest Drive The Woodlands, TX 77381 936-441-9297, fax: 936-760-7704 dostockton@conroe.isd.tenet.edu
Smith, Roel R. Superintendent Rio Grande City CISD Fort Ringgold Rio Grande City, TX 78582-4799 956-716-6702, fax: 956-487-8506
Sullivan, Deborah Director of Curriculum Liberty ISD 1600 Grand Avenue Liberty, TX 77575-4725 936-336-7216, fax: 936-336-2283 dgsullivan@liberty.isd.esc4.net
Smith, William C. Assistant Superintendent Greenville ISD P.O. Box 1022 Greenville, TX 75403-1022 903-457-2511, fax: 903-457-2504 smithw@greenville.ednet10.net Solis, Mario Director of Federal Programs Progreso ISD P.O. Box 610 Progreso, TX 78579-0610 956-565-3002, fax: 956-565-2128
Swinnea, Teloa J. Director of Curriculum and Instruction Presidio ISD P.O. Box 1401 Presidio, TX 79845-1401 915-229-3008, fax: 915-229-4329 tswinnea@esc18.net Taylor/Balfour Griffin, Don Regional Vice-President 5821 C.R. 429 Van Alstyne, TX 75495 800-947-0511, fax: 800-643-6841 dgriffin@taylorpub.com
ThaĂ, T. M. 1811 Pecan Forest Court Missouri City, TX 77459 713-260-0050, fax: 713-260-0060 tlethai@houstonisd.org Thomas, Kirk Special Assistant Killeen ISD P.O. Box 967 Killeen, TX 76540-0967 254-501-0006, fax: 254-526-3103 kirk.thomas@killeenisd.org Thompson, Bob Director, Center for Executive Leadership Lamar University P.O. Box 10098 Beaumont, TX 77710 409-880-1841, fax: 409-880-7993 bobthomp@tenet.edu Thornell, Connie Coordinator, Teacher Preparation and Certification ESC Region VI 3332 Montgomery Road Huntsville, TX 77340-6499 936-295-9161, fax: 936-295-1447 cthornell@esc6.net Tidwell, Christy L. Principal Texarkana ISD 4241 Summerhill Road Texarkana, TX 75503-2733 903-794-3651, fax: 903-792-2632 tidwellc@texarkana.txed.net Tileston, Donna Walker 909 Sleepy Hollow Drive Cedar Hill, TX 75104 972-396-5621, fax: 972-396-5621 dwtileston@yahoo.com
Toliver, Judy R. Director of Instruction Breckenridge ISD P.O. Box 1738 Breckenridge, TX 76424 254-559-2278, fax: 254-559-3180 JToliver@breck.esc14.net Trammell, Jane Business Manager Texhoma ISD P.O. Box 709 Texhoma, TX 73949-0709 806-827-7400, fax: 806-827-7657 jane.trammell@texhomaisd.net Trejo, C. Larry Executive Director of Community Initiatives Ysleta ISD 9600 Sims Drive El Paso, TX 79925-7225 915-434-0691, fax: 915-435-9561 ltrejo@ysleta.isd.tenet.edu Tubbs, Rachelle L. Business Manager Crosbyton CISD 204 S. Harrison Crosbyton, TX 79322-0204 806-675-7331, ext. 201, fax: 806-675-2409
Turman, John F. Assistant Superintendent for Administrative and Pupil Services New Braunfels ISD 430 West Mill Street New Braunfels, TX 78130-7993 830-620-6200, ext. 5725 fax: 830-620-9005 JTurman@newbraunfels.txed.net Turner & Bair Architects Turner, R. Gregory Partner 303 Stafford Street, First Floor Houston, TX 77079 281-497-1040, fax: 281-497-7480 rgt@turnerbair.com Turner, Tommy C. Superintendent Miller Grove ISD Route 2, Box 101 Cumby, TX 75433-9711 903-459-3288, fax: 903-459-3744 tturner@esc8.net Vickers, James Don Executive Director of Technology Katy ISD P.O. Box 159 Katy, TX 77492-0159 281-396-6000, fax: 281-396-6124 dvickers@katy.isd.tenet.edu Walker, Roger Superintendent Santa Anna ISD P.O. Box 99 Santa Anna, TX 76878-0099 915-348-3136, fax: 915-348-3141
Westbrook, Jane J. Community Services Director Weatherford ISD 1100 Longhorn Dr. Weatherford, TX 76086-0439 817-598-2800, fax: 817-598-2835 jwestbro@weatherford.isd.tenet.edu Whitaker, Barbara 2319 Chappell Lane Missouri City, TX 77459 281-634-3620, fax: 281-634-3649 044bw836@fortbend.k12.tx.us White, Lonnie C. P.O. Box 1392 Ozona, TX 76943 915-392-8818 charles.white@netxv.net
Wiggins, Billy Superintendent Simms ISD P.O. Box 9 Simms, TX 75574-0008 903-543-2219, fax: 903-543-2512 bwiggins@simms.esc8.net Williamson, James L. The Fred Hale Professor of Education Baylor University P.O. Box 97314 Waco, TX 76798 254-710-3117, fax: 254-710-3265 jimmy_williamson@baylor.edu Winebright, Matt Director of Sales SchoolPeople, Inc. 3925 West Braker Lane Austin, TX 78759 512-481-1147, fax: 512-481-1267 mattw@schoolpeople.net Wood, Ronald E. Assistant Superintendent for Financial Services Lubbock ISD 1628 19th Street Lubbock, TX 79401-4895 806-766-1092, fax: 806-766-1262 ronwood@lubbock.k12.tx.us York, Charles T. Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction New Caney ISD 21580 Loop 494 New Caney, TX 77357-9804 281-354-1164, fax: 281-354-2639 www.esc6.tenet.edu York, Vicki L. Assistant Superintendent Brownsboro ISD P.O. Box 465 Brownsboro, TX 75756-0465 903-852-3701, fax: 903-852-3957 vyork@admin@brownsboro.k12.tx.us Zolman, Johnny Superintendent Apple Springs ISD P.O. Box 125 Apple Springs, TX 75926-0125 936-831-2241, fax: 936-831-2824 zolman@lcc.net
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Snapshot of a
Texas’ 2001 NSOTY Winner Rod Paige
Education Secretary Rod Paige, former superintendent of Houston ISD, was named 2001 National Superintendent of the Year by the American Association of School Administrators during its National Conference on Education in February. The following offers a snapshot of his responses to specific questions in AASA's 2001 NSOTY Award Program Application. Q. Experts have described a critical and even frightening shortage of leaders to head the nation’s schools. What would you say to potential school leaders about why they should take up this work? A. There is no more important job than that of leading effective public schools. That is a central tenet behind the Declaration of Beliefs and Visions of the Board of Education, which was developed in 1990 by the Houston ISD Board on which I served. That document continues to provide the foundation for all that the school district strives to do to ensure the highest quality education for Houston’s children. As one of the primary authors of this reform document, I still firmly believe that schools are where decisions
should be made, and principals must be the leaders of that decision-making process. The individual school must be the unit of accountability and improvement. That has required a new way of thinking about school leadership, particularly in an increasingly decentralized environment. The scope of the principal’s job is growing in every way. Today’s principal must function in the same manner as a chief executive officer of a business or enterprise, making the tough, individual decisions necessary for his/her unique student and community needs and maintaining open communications with all participants. At the same time, principals are the instructional leaders of their schools, creating and encouraging a positive learning environment for students and the school staff and being mindful of the steady academic progress that must be demonstrated each year. In addition to leading in an ever-changing environment, potential school leaders must find personal satisfaction in improving student achievement, expanding life options for students, developing a more positive image for public education, and leading a committee
instructional team. The principal must believe that he/she has the ability to positively affect the lives of students, solve complex instructional and operational problems, be an instructional and business entrepreneur in an era of scarce resources, maintain critical relationships with constituents, and focus the organization on critical priorities. The fact that public schools are under tremendous scrutiny and facing increasing competition from private enterprises, home schooling, state-run charters, and vouchers makes it absolutely necessary that principals have the know-how to build, nurture, and expand innovative, meaningful, and results-driven learning environments within the scope of ever scarcer resources. Traditional principal preparation programs have lagged behind in their response to the complex challenges now faced by urban school principals. There has been a need for new levels of leadership skill-building for 21st century urban schools. To prepare principals to meet this challenge, HISD has developed a series of in-house management training programs that are a blend of
best practices in both the educational and business arenas. We approached the business community to find the best training available. Through a partnership with American General Corporation and Main Event Management, HISD has implemented existing business training programs, adapted others for the educational environment, and developed still others to focus on the unique needs of HISD schools. The foundation is Model-Netics, a basic management program that leveled-up the management skills of all HISD principals. This program was followed by the Management Course for Principals, which provides a systems approach to the principal’s job from the CEO perspective. (HISD is currently developing training for School Business Managers to strengthen the management team at every school and increase the principal’s ability to focus on increasing student achievement.) We have taken action in our belief a step further by implementing the Secondary Principal Internship Program, which allows HISD to develop its own secondary-level principals through a two-year, jointly funded course of study. This program, in cooperation with the University of Houston, provides job-specific training in a master's-degree program SPRING 2001 27
that includes a full-year internship, university coursework taught by district and university staff members, and individual assessments. I wholeheartedly encourage leaders who want the chance to be leaders to take the reins of HISD’s schools and be in the vanguard of the nation’s educational improvement initiatives. Our expectations of school leaders are extraordinarily high, but we have also demonstrated our belief that “leadership matters,” by setting the standards for accountability, providing the financial resources, and giving the principals the freedom and responsibility to make individual decisions that will get the job done. It is a job that can be done well if change and innovation are embraced and if the core mission—the education and well-being of children—is always in sight.
enrolled in advanced academic courses were able to study College Board Advanced Placement statistics, calculus, U.S. government, and macroeconomics online as they prepared for final examinations. Through Virtual School students take courses that are not offered in their schools or log on from home to do advanced class work at night or on weekends. Virtual School courses meet all state curriculum requirements. Computers generate lesson assignments which students complete at their own pace, and online teachers monitor students’ progress. Midterm and final examinations are taken as live events at a particular location and designated time. Our goal is to expand the program so that within a year all HISD middle-school students have the opportunity to take classes online, in addition to the Advanced Placement option. Following an internal audit of school libraries, we announced that HISD would be removing thousands of out-of-date books
Q. How do you use technological advances in education in the pursuit of the goal of teaching all children? A. The Houston Independent School District was one of the first school systems in the state to develop a comprehensive statement of beliefs and vision for the use of technology to enhance instruction, communication, and operations. That document led to the development of a three-year strategic plan for unprecedented technology-infrastructure improvement in 1993, the largest undertaking of its kind in any urban school system in the country. In less than three years, the improvement included a state-of-the-art technology infrastructure, connecting all schools and departments electronically through a wide-area network and enabling all campuses to expand instructional possibilities for all children. Since that time, HISD has partnered with universities, businesses, and industry to provide meaningful technology experiences for students; pursued low-cost methods to extend the technology connections between schools and homes; trained teachers in the use of technology in educational activities; and leveraged partnerships with businesses/universities to fill immediate workforce needs in technology fields. HISD recognized that technology must be embraced in the classroom to ensure that students will be able to compete successfully. We have enhanced student learning and achievement by networking all schools, increasing computer availability and accessibility, and establishing campus-to-campus distance-learning initiatives. This year, HISD launched the Virtual School program, a significant investment in technology that allows high-school students to take courses over the Internet in school or at home and receive full credit for their coursework. In spring 2000, 7,000 students who were 28
from the shelves and replacing them with new, computerized materials. Over the next three years, HISD will dedicate more than $10 million to replace books and install computers for access to the Internet and digital books. In addition, librarians are asked to remove all out-of-date nonfiction books and reference materials, even at the risk of being out of compliance with state recommended standards. Schools are asked also to have librarians on staff who are trained in automation and electronic research and who can make new library resources available to the community after school. In addition to using technology in instruction, HISD has also developed ways in which it can be used to monitor progress and measure accountability. HISD Profiler is a district-developed software program that assesses student, teacher, school, and district academic performance in a testing environment. HISD Profiler generates various student academic reports for administrative and classroom-level review using data contained within student information systems. Profiler-generated reports may include lists of students grouped by teacher/class/school showing subject pass/fail rate and subject mastery rate; lists of students showing score by objective and overall average for each subject area; classroom-level item analysis by subject area; individual student item analysis by subject area; longitudinal analysis by class and subject area; and list of students by class, subject area, and objective sorted by score. Technology is also used to develop and implement performance indicators for each school, using six critical data points that will help schools plot their courses. The Research and Accountability Department gathered for each school data on the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills, the Stanford 9/Aprenda 2, college admissions tests, student attendance, dropout rates, reading proficiency levels, continued on page 30
mbia (fpo from FALL p. 29)
continued from page 28 and retention rates. For each indicator, the data describe current performance, expected performance for the current year, and a fiveyear goal. The performance indicators will be used each year to assess progress, and they will be adjusted to reflect the rising expectations for every school and student.
Q. In this era of increased accountability and high-stakes testing, how does your school district assess the progress of your students? How has this changed in the last five years? How would you like to see it change? A. Like all public school systems in Texas, students in the Houston Independent School District take the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills, a criterion-referenced test that determines the percent of students who meet and/or pass the reading, mathematics, writing, social studies, and science criteria established in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. The TAAS, which began in 1992, is the basis of the state’s accountability system for education and a major component for school-district accreditation. However, we determined that student progress should be more than one dimensional, so we added the Stanford 9 and its Spanishlanguage equivalent Aprenda 2 to the Houston Independent
School District’s inventory of performance measures in 1997. The addition of those norm-referenced tests afforded HISD a more detailed evaluation of its student progress by making possible comparisons with students nationwide. As HISD continued to show impressive gains on both the TAAS and the Stanford 9, we also continued to impose on ourselves even higher standards of performance, not waiting for state or federal mandates. With each subsequent year of my superintendency, we have raised the bar on HISD’s standards for instruction and evaluation not only to provide more meaningful tools for improved classroom teaching and learning, but also to demonstrate to the Houston community that HISD does provide a highly competitive educational program that is open to all students. Our self-imposed higher standards have made HISD a model for educational improvement throughout Texas and the nation. HISD was the first school system in Texas to require all students, even those normally exempted by the state, to take the TAAS. State law allowed schools to exempt from accountability formulas special education students and students with limited English skills. With those students exempted from the test, some school districts were evaluated on the basis of fewer than 30 percent of the students enrolled. Although the state will require all students to be tested in 2001, we insisted
53rd Annual Summer Conference on Education Sponsored by: • The University of Texas at Austin, College of Education • Texas Association of School Administrators • Texas Education Agency
Mark you calendar!
that HISD move forward three years earlier to end as many TAAS exemptions in HISD as possible. In addition, we have recently announced that all schools in HISD will be expected to attain a rating of either “exemplary” or “recognized” under the state’s accountability system. There are four levels: “exemplary,” “recognized,” “acceptable,” and “low performing.” Three years ago, we declared a zero tolerance for schools with a rating of “low performing.” In the current year, we have raised the stakes to include the requirement that even an “acceptable” rating is unacceptable. HISD was also the first large school system in Texas to abolish “social promotion,” by developing rigorous new promotion standards for students in grades 1–8. HISD’s standards require students to demonstrate, through their test scores and class performance, that they have learned what is required of public-school children in the state before they are promoted to the next grade. If a student does not meet the standards, assistance is provided for improvement, and if no improvement is made by the end of the summer, then the student is retained. The results have been significant. Test scores have improved and students enrolling in mandatory summer school as an alternative to grade level retention have increased. We have also imposed another measure of student progress that goes well beyond what is required. In 2000, HISD announced that all first-grade students will be reading on grade level at the end of first grade and thereafter. This is significant departure from the state requirement that all third-grade students read on grade level at the end of third grade. We believe that waiting until the third grade to require on-grade-level reading skills is too lax and that expectations should be raised for students, teachers, parents, and school systems. HISD developed the High Frequency Word Evaluation for first and second graders to further assess their early reading skills beyond the Stanford and Aprenda (TAAS is not administered in first and second grades).
Q. Education, while locally governed, has become a national issue. What three arguments do you make in advancing the cause of public education as a prerequisite for a strong democracy, and how do you communicate these in your community? A. In the Houston Independent School District, we recognize the important, necessary coexistence of public education and the community. HISD’s purpose states that HISD exists to strengthen the social and economic foundation of Houston by providing the highest quality elementary and secondary education available anywhere. The purpose addresses two key relationships: the community has a responsibility to provide public schools for its children, and public schools have the responsibility to provide the community with the best education for its future citizens. Both sides of the relationship are based on the idea that the future of the community and the nation—and the democracy on which they will continue—is dependent on citizens who are educated, responsible, and productive. • In a democracy, citizens are considered equal. Public schools do not turn any child away from an education. Every child, regardless of social and economic background, physical ability, race, gender, or religion has a place in public schools. And through the open door of the public classroom, children learn from their continued on page 42
Multiple-choice tests are not the only means of assessing student progress, and HISD is reviewing the possibilities of training teachers to use rubrics that students can use to analyze their own performance on tasks that cannot be measured using standardized testing. In addition, we would like to develop end-of-course exams for every secondary-level subject to help schools align what is being taught with the standards established by the state and school district for each grade and subject. Without that information, districts cannot be sure that all students in every school have equal opportunities to learn.
SPRING 2001 31
Wouldn’t Want to Teach in Paradise?
by Mike Seerey The recent concern regarding the Texas teacher shortage has many administrators groping for solutions. Paradise ISD has been trying several solutions to retain quality teachers and staff over the past eight years.
Introduction Looking at a small, conservative district with 880 students (K–12), you might ask—who wouldn’t want to teach in Paradise. Teachers have smaller classes in a small district but end up teaching a wider variety of preparations. The conservative philosophy of Paradise produces a safe and secure environment for teachers and students, which is a definite plus for most teachers. About eight years ago, however, Paradise ISD had a teacher turnover rate of almost 30 percent annually. Housing was very difficult to find and land was not readily affordable at $2,500–$4,500 per acre. Some teachers were commuting as far as 55 miles one way to work each day. With declining mineral wealth and below-state-average resources, Paradise ISD paid only $1,500 above state base and $50 per month as employee benefits. These benefits were not competitive with other area schools and contributed partly to the high teacher turnover rate. Administration and the board put into place several changes that helped change the turnover rate over the next couple of years.
Child Care on Campus To begin with, the district had an extra portable building. A local day care provider and central office secretary, Cindy Staley, requested that a local private day care provider be allowed to use the facility so that she could 32
care for more of the teachers’ children. With board approval, the facility was upgraded with flooring and a fenced yard with playground equipment. The district maintained the facility and paid for the utilities while the teachers paid for the weekly day care. The teachers have enjoyed the proximity of their young children and security of the program so much that it is considered a substantial means of retaining teachers at Paradise.
Sick Leave Bank In addition, the district had two local days for sick/personal days. When one of the teachers was faced with cancer treatment and having to lose salary, the teachers opted for donating a day into a sick leave bank. The school board was approached with a district policy whereby employees would donate a local sick/personal day into the bank to be vested in the district’s catastrophic sick leave bank. Guidelines and a committee were established to manage the bank, and the school board agreed to match the donation so that initially when 80 employees donated a day, then the school board donated 80 days. The bank was only intended for catastrophic events (not normal pregnancy) and had a limit of one semester coverage. The sick leave bank covered one employee with severe injuries for a semester after she hit a horse on a county road at night. The severe neck and back injuries kept the employee out for over a semester but she was able to receive a paycheck because of the program. This program is unique to our district, and our employees like the assurance that they will be taken care of in an emergency situation.
Number of Students Per Teacher
% with 5 or Fewer Years with District
Average Years of Experience
With Advanced Degrees
Teacher Turnover Rate Average Teacher Salary Number of Students Per Total Staff
Note: Teacher turnover rates actually represent the previous year. The anticipated 00-01 rate is about 15 percent.
Results Even with these unique benefits, the district saw some fluctuations in teacher turnover rate going from a high of 29.0 percent to a low of 21.7 percent between 1994 and 1999. There was still a concern that the district needed to continue to attract and retain teachers. The turnover rate in 97–98 was 28.1 percent and the board increased the above-base salary from $1,500 to $2,000 per year (in line with other area schools). The local contribution for insurance increased from $50 a month to $100 a month per employee. The following year, the turnover rate was 25.4 percent. It looks like the 99–00 teacher turnover rate will be even significantly lower at approximately 15 percent. (Remember that teacher turnover rates are calculated on prior year data and are a year behind.)
Annual Maintenance The competitive nature for personnel keeps our district looking at what benefits are necessary to both attract and retain teachers. Now, our school board annually looks at the issue before contract time and reexamines the need for adjustment in benefits as necessary. In spring 2000, Superintendent Robert Criswell proposed additional local days so employees moved from two local sick/personal days to five local sick/personal days. The days are cumulative for five years and an employee can exchange those days for pay at the highest substitute rate upon leaving the district. In addition, Criswell proposed that our board increase the district’s contribution for medical coverage from $100 per employee per month to $115 per employee per month. Such financial commitments are a strain on the local budget but are necessary in the fight for personnel. Annual board review of employee benefits during contract time will probably be critical throughout Texas in upcoming years and an important part of the solution to each district’s teacher shortage.
making the task that much more difficult. Paradise ISD cannot take anything for granted and must address the personnel issue annually. Paradise cannot alleviate the housing shortage and high cost of land, but it can overcome these hurdles with some unique programs such as childcare and a sick leave bank that cost relatively nothing to attract and retain teachers. We hope that other districts can benefit from our experience and also offer these programs as part of an employment package to help their district’s situation.
DRIP DRIP DRIP Mike Seerey is assistant superintendent at Paradise ISD.
Think you can ignore that leak through another Spring?
Who Wouldn’t Teach at Paradise? Yes, Paradise ISD has to continue to search each year for key personnel in math, Spanish, music, art, and computer science and is not immune from what all districts are experiencing. It is possible that a special stipend might need to be attached to these critically low-supply areas in teaching. As districts compete for personnel, area schools continue to improve benefits for their teachers and staff
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SPRING 2001 33
“It has allowed me to step back from the day what
I have lea
The Superintendent Professor by Douglas W. Otto
-to-day problems of practice and to on since completing a doctoral program…”
The following is reprinted from The AASA Professor, Summer 2000, Volume 23, No. 4.
Introduction Teaching at the graduate level can be extremely satisfying for school superintendents. This is especially true now because school reform is focusing on district-level leadership and governance. Students and teachers are no longer the only change targets; policymakers have shifted their sights upward through the principalship ranks to the superintendency. As initiatives such as school-based management, outsourcing, charter schools, and vouchers create a more competitive and demanding theater for practice, the role of the superintendent is changing. Today, the notion of superintendent as scholar is back in vogue. Broader than the concept of “teacher of teachers” that defined superintendents at the beginning of the 20th Century, this conceptualization casts the district’s chief executive as a leader able to use professional knowledge to adequately address community needs. The evolving role requires both theoretical knowledge and experience. The product is a form of artistry that needs to be woven into the professional preparation of aspiring administrators. Currently, I am the superintendent of the Plano Independent School District (ISD) in Plano, Texas, a district with approximately 50,000 pupils. I have been a superintendent for 19 years, having also served in this capacity in three other districts, all in separate states. During my tenure in the superintendency, I have taught courses in school administration at two universities: School Law at Ball State University and Instructional Leadership and the Superintendency at the University of North Texas. My teaching has been valuable for me and I hope it has been equally valuable for my students. Involvement with a university as an adjunct professor has been an excellent way for me to connect theory and practice. It has allowed me to step back from the day-to-day problems of practice and to reflect on what I have learned since completing a doctoral program many years ago. The purpose of this article is to share my experiences as an adjunct professor. I believe that having superintendents serve in this capacity is an excellent way to strengthen relationships between practicing administrators and departments of educational administration.
SPRING 2001 35
The following is a list of four observations and five suggestions about my experiences in that role.
Observations There were recurring elements in my teaching experiences at two universities. They constitute several observations about the work of adjunct professors in school administration. Freedom to teach. Some administrators might expect that universities would exercise tight controls over adjunct professors. That has not been my experience. In fact, I felt that the university officials and faculty did not want to restrict my teaching. Although dates, times, and a location for my classes were predetermined, I always felt that I had the flexibility to make logistic changes, provided that my class met for the required number of hours over the semester. I also had complete freedom to select textbooks and other materials that would be used in the course. The department chair always told me what book had been used previously in the course, and on some occasions, I continued to use the same textbook. In other instances, however, I selected a different book. University personnel were responsible for ordering the book and for making sure it was available prior to the class starting. Finally, my independence extended to class assignments and grading. Although I received a syllabus used by the instructor who last taught the class, I was never told that I had to do things the way they were done previously. I had the opportunity to revise almost any portion of the syllabus. In summary, I liked the fact that I was treated as a professional. This freedom encouraged me to integrate my personal experiences into the course and it allowed me to be creative. Opportunity for reflection. Teaching courses in school administration prompted me to reflect more frequently on my own practice. My responsibilities as an instructor required me to think about my profession and how I could interject my experiences into the classroom. Classroom discussions have been wonderful opportunities for me to think out loud about my professional life as a superintendent. I have tried to personalize course content by demonstrating how my own experiences, both positive and negative, relate to the subject matter presented in the textbook. For me, preparing to teach a class was a thought-provoking experience, one quite different from having to prepare for the routine 36
meetings that consume much of my time. Instructional planning caused me to refocus on theoretical dimensions of my profession. As a result, I often thought about my administrative experiences in a different light. There is something very gratifying about being able to show your students how theory and practice actually can be interfaced to improve decision making. I believe students react more positively to abstract concepts when I am able to apply them to real situations. Time requirements. Teaching a course in school administration properly requires a considerable amount of time, and I suspect that many first-time adjunct professors do not realize this. All of the elements of planning the class, such as preparing the course syllabus, selecting materials, determining assignments, grading procedures, and preparing all of the materials to be distributed at the onset of the class, took a great deal of my time. If these tasks are not completed properly, students usually detect this fact rather easily. In addition to initial planning, I spent about two to three hours preparing for each class session. This time was devoted to reviewing the required readings, preparing lecture or discussion notes, selecting activities, and determining the assignment for the following week. Because many of my students had to drive a great distance to get to the class, I felt an even greater obligation to make each class period challenging and rewarding for them. Finally, I structured my schedule to ensure that I was always available to students for a certain period of time before and after class. For most students, this was the only time they had to see me privately. Integrating craft knowledge. I suspect there are two primary reasons why educational administration programs use adjunct professors. One is financial. At many universities, adjuncts are paid relatively little and there is no obligation for the university to provide fringe benefits. The second reason is to ensure that students are exposed to at least a few practitioners who can bring contemporary experiences into the classroom. As a practicing superintendent, I have tried to provide my students with examples of my work that hopefully increase the relevance and credibility of my teaching. Feedback from my classes supports the notion that students truly appreciate the infusion of real-life experiences. At the University of North Texas, students can provide confidential evaluations on each instructor. One part of the evaluation asks students to respond to
“As a result, I often thought about my administrative experiences in a
different light.”
this question: “What behaviors or characteristics exhibited by this instructor warrant approval or recognition?” The following responses for my class show the extent to which students value craft knowledge: • “Went out of his way to apply material to real-life situations he had encountered.” • “He’s been a superintendent. This class needs an instructor who has been or is currently a superintendent.” • “I respect the fact that the professor has ‘been there’. I resent professors in education who have never worked in public schools.” • “Length of time as a superintendent and experiences in the ‘real world’.” In summary, I believe that students expect adjunct professors to offer something unique. In school administration, that special contribution is almost always a focus on the real world of practice.
Suggestions Recognizing that not all experiences as an adjunct professor are identical, I offer some suggestions to those who may think about serving in this capacity. My suggestions are practical and based on what I have learned through experience. Obtain board of education approval. Some superintendents may decide that teaching a university class in the evening or on a Saturday is their business, because the teaching occurs outside the regular workday. Besides, they assume that their school boards will be proud of the fact that they have been asked to teach a university course in school administration. Thus, they accept the assignment without getting approval from their school boards. I think this is a serious mistake. Most board members do not view the superintendency as a 40-hour per week job. I have had several board members who expressed concern that teaching would interfere with my job as superintendent. But when I assured them that the duties of the superintendency would never be subordinate to my obligations as an adjunct professor, they approved my serving in this role. Specific language in the superintendent’s contract may address the issue of outside employment. Sample language is available in the contract template that is published by both the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) and the
National School Boards Association (NSBA). Most templates, however, recommend that any outside employment require board approval in advance of accepting such an assignment. My own contract with the Plano ISD Board includes such language, giving me the right to assume outside employment, including receiving compensation as an adjunct professor. This language is included in that part of my contract that also gives me the right to serve as a consultant to other districts, educational agencies, or other individuals. I can also, at my discretion, lecture, engage in writing activities and speaking engagements, and engage in other activities that are of a short-term duration. But, in all instances, board approval in advance of these activities is necessary.
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Consider the students. Busy schedules are common in the education profession. Typically, most of my students were employed as full-time teachers or administrators. Over time, I learned to be sensitive to the conditions under which they had to attend class. Those conditions included having to sit through a three-hour class after eight or more hours of work and having to resolve possible conflicts between their extended job responsibilities (e.g., parent-teacher conferences, school open houses) and attending class. Two factors should be weighed in making assignments to students: the assignments should be relevant to their work in education and students should be able to complete them in a reasonable period of time. I may give students extra time to complete assignments if they can show that job-related commitments have unduly restricted the available time for this task. With respect to class attendance, I anticipate that some students may have to miss one or two classes. Students are asked to notify me in advance when they will be absent, and they know that they are expected to get the class notes and assignments from other students. Obviously, grading practices will vary depending on the course and conditions under which instruction takes place. My general suggestion is that instructors always try to walk in the students’ shoes before making decisions about assignments, class attendance, and grades.
Final Thoughts If you asked educators what are the benefits of having practicing superintendents serve as adjunct professors, some would say that universities get highly talented instructors at a very low cost. Others would answer that students are exposed to realities of practice giving them a broader professional knowledge base. Probably far fewer, however, would answer that superintendents improve themselves and their school districts. As I reflect on my own experiences in this role, there is no question in my mind that both organizations, the university and the school district, and both participants, the instructor and the students, have benefited. Although the use of adjunct professors is not a new idea in preparing school administrators, the relevance of this role has increased in recent years. I believe that both theory and practical knowledge need to be part of graduate education, and by serving as a classroom instructor, I have been able to act on that belief. In addition, I believe that school reform has increased the demand for me to be an intellectual leader in my district and community. Service as an adjunct professor has been a positive form of continuing education helping me develop the knowledge needed for this challenge. Douglas W. Otto is superintendent of Plano ISD in Plano, Texas, and an adjunct professor at the University of North Texas.
Review the talent. One of the lesser-emphasized benefits of being an adjunct professor is the chance to make new friends and form collegial relationships with your students. You also have an opportunity to assess the abilities of your students, and I have not hesitated to pass the names of some students on to our school district’s Human Resources Department. My teaching has put me in touch with individuals who have enormous leadership potential, and it has allowed students to learn about our school district and career opportunities in it. Do not drift too far from the norm. Although I have had considerable freedom to determine course content, I have tried to maintain a degree of alignment with others who are teaching the same course. Too much deviation could be detrimental to your students for two reasons. First, some students may be in degree programs requiring comprehensive examinations. If you provide them substantially different content, they may be placed at a disadvantage. Second, you should be sensitive to the content of other courses. Typically, classes in educational administration are aligned to ensure proper sequence and to restrict possible duplication. As a general rule, I think adjunct professors should focus on how they can make subject matter relevant rather than trying to totally reconstruct course content. Draw the professors into your world. Being an adjunct professor gives you an opportunity to work more closely with professors. This relationship could lead to greater involvement of the professors in your school district. Often, professors are interested in conducting research or participating in program development and most of them have a great deal to offer. I like to think of my involvement with higher education as a form of collaboration. In good partnerships, both parties benefit. Superintendents who serve as adjunct professors should take a broad view of the opportunities this experience provides. 38
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Technology Leadership Academy: What Are Administrators Learning?
The most commonly asked questions regarding the TASA/Texas Leadership Center Technology Leadership Academy are “What do people learn in the academy? What will they be able to do after the academy?” This article addresses both those questions. First, the following information is about how the academy is organized. The Technology Leadership Academy is a five-day learning opportunity divided into two days in the fall, two days in the spring, and a final day in late spring or early summer. This year, 673 principals and superintendents are registered in 10 paired ESC cohort groups of approximately 60–80 members. Participants pay an $845 registration fee, which includes a laptop computer; the computer is the property of the school district. Administrators work from an electronic training manual, which is provided on a CD for each session, and on a wireless network. Education service centers have provided meeting space, technical support, and a co-trainer for each session. The mission of the academy is for superintendents and principals to have the leadership skills necessary to transform schools through systemic change efforts. They must be knowledgeable of how technology can enhance teaching and learning. The first goal of the academy is to help school leaders build a vision for the integration of technology into the curriculum. The second goal is to strengthen the role of administrators in decision making about technology in their districts and on their campuses. Finally, superintendents and principals must model the use of technology for colleagues, students, and staff. Day One of Session One of the academy is devoted to the research on the impact of technology and convincing others of the necessity of effective technology integration into the curriculum. Administrators complete a pre-academy questionnaire and the CEO Forum StaR Chart, which helps them determine the progress their organization has made in technology implementation. They end the day learning PowerPoint skills so they can produce a brief presentation for their board or faculty on “Why Technology?” On the morning of Day Two, participants share their PowerPoint presentations in their family groups, and a few are shared with the entire class. As we say throughout the academy, “It’s not about the PowerPoint. It’s about presenting the importance of technology use to enhance student learning, increase motivation, and prepare students for the future.” Later on Day Two, principals and superintendents study the Baldrige criteria for continuous improvement; and, for homework, take a
national Baldrige assessment. The Engaged Learner model from the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory demonstrates to administrators the difference technology can make in providing curriculum to students when they are constructing their own knowledge. For additional homework before Session Two, administrators draft their personal action plans of a technology-related project in their district or on their campus that they will complete by the end of the academy. Day Three of the academy begins with each family of administrators sharing its personal action plan draft and administrators coaching each other. Then the trainers extend participants’ knowledge of datadriven decision making with how to use the tools and information on the TEA Web site. Days Three and Four include staff development standards, the change process, and evaluating staff development for whether or not teachers have a positive effect on student learning. Day Three ends with participants learning about basic Web design, another tool for communicating with the public the importance of technology integration: and, in an optional session the morning of Day Four, more about manipulating data on an Excel spreadsheet. Between Sessions Two and Three (Days Four and Five) administrators take the national Taking a Good Look at Instructional Technology Instrument (TAGLIT). The TAGLIT is required for all Gates Foundation-funded projects. Participants print their own data summary of how they, their teachers, and even their students, rate technology implementation on the campus. Day Five includes administrators sharing the implementation of their final personal action plans, discussing total cost of ownership and sustaining the technology requirements in a district, taking a post-academy questionnaire, and graduation. The Technology Leadership Academy is sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; the Sid W. Richardson Foundation; the Meadows Foundation; Houston Endowment, Inc.; Dell Computer Corporation; Apple Computer, Inc.; Southwestern Bell/SBC Foundation; Gateway Business; Curriculum Advantage; and Sylvan Education Solutions. Additional corporate and foundation supporters will be added to meet the requirements of matching funds for the state challenge grant from the Gates Foundation. Online registration for the 2001–2002 academy will open May 10, 2001. SPRING 2001 39
Is There an Ethics Complaint in Your Future? continued from page 15 timeframe, and to prepare and file a response. Remember that the system is not on your side, and the complainant has a state agency as his/her advocate against you. Also remember that failing to prove your innocence could cause the state to remove your credentials. Documentation of actions you have taken is your number one defense against an allegation. Contact other administrators who have had complaints filed against them or their staff for advice and counsel. Remember that an ethical standard is a higher standard than most legal standards. Within 130 days after a complaint has been filed with SBEC, the executive director of SBEC will either dismiss the complaint or file a petition on behalf of the complainant, who may appeal to a review committee if the complaint is dismissed. If SBEC files a petition against you on behalf of the complainant, it is filed with the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH). You have 30 days to respond, and the burden of proof by a preponderance of evidence lies with SBEC. SBEC may impose the following sanctions for a violation of the Code of Ethics: • Place a restriction on a certificate, either indefinitely or for a set term • Issue an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand • Suspend a certificate for a set term • Revoke or cancel, which includes accepting the surrender of, a certificate without opportunity for reapplication for a set term or permanently • Impose any additional conditions or restrictions upon a certificate that the board deems necessary to facilitate the rehabilitation and professional development of the educator or to protect students, parents of students, school personnel, or school officials Monica Ingram, staff attorney for the Texas Association of School Boards, has written a document entitled “Helpful Tools to Successfully Dismiss a Code of Ethics Complaint” in which she outlines the following seven steps for dealing with a complaint: Step 1.
Make an initial determination of whether the school district's attorney should represent the accused educator.
Step 2.
Review the procedural timelines and requirements for filing a complaint.
Step 3.
Determine whether there are grounds for dismissing the complaint.
Step 4.
Determine whether local resolution is an option.
Step 5.
Determine the appropriate documentation for submission to SBEC with the accused educator's response.
Step 6.
Review the appeals process.
Step 7.
Determine whether the COE complaint can be dismissed prior to the hearing before the administrative law judge.
Do your best to remain positive and professional.
How Can the Current Code Be Improved? All administrators and defense attorneys who have been involved in an ethics violation agree on this one thing: the current code needs to be improved or replaced. Everyone also agrees that there is a legitimate function involved, and we as professional administrators need to help define it. School attorneys such as Dorcas Green, with the law firm of Walsh, Anderson, Brown, Schulze & Aldridge, P.C.; and Neal Adams, general counsel for TASA and with the law firm of Adams, Lynch & TASA’s EduPortalTM posts Loftin, P.C., indicate improvements have been made in the state laws and regulations in a searchable format! enforcement procedures, but a need to further improve the sysCall TASA at tem remains. Representative Ron Lewis filed HB 1329 in the 1-800-427-TASA (8272) state legislature that would give SBEC the continued authority to subscribe! 40
to adopt and amend an educator Code of Ethics but would remove SBEC’s authority to enforce the code and return the enforcement to school districts. If the authority for enforcement of the code remains with SBEC, changes need to be made. A short list of amendments and modifications to improve the Code of Ethics and the enforcement procedures has been recommended by Adams, Green, and other school lawyers. Those recommendations are: 1. Revise or replace the Code of Ethics with some combination of the following: a. A preamble that recites aspirational goals for Texas educators b. A set of black-letter rules c. A set of interpretive comments, including illustrative examples 2. Require that each complaint be verified by an affidavit, based on the personal knowledge of the complainant. 3. Require that each complainant exhaust available remedies through the district's grievance complaint process. 4. In the absence of revising or replacing the Code of Ethics, allow SBEC’s executive director to dismiss a complaint that is insubstantial or de minimis even if the facts alleged are assumed to be true. The modifications and amendments to enforcement procedures set forth above, taken together, would facilitate the resolution of complaints on a basis that is fair to those involved. However, the most
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critical element is the Code of Ethics, which is presently subject to varying and diverse interpretations. The current enforcement procedures are perceived as unfair by some Texas educators who have experienced the process. Moreover, the broad and aspirational nature of the statements in the Code of Ethics complicates the enforcement efforts. As previously stated, everyone agrees that a viable Code of Ethics and enforcement procedures are legitimate and necessary for our profession; however, they should not interfere with the ability of an administrator to conduct routine responsibilities such as student discipline. Administrators enforcing local district policy must not be routinely “second guessed” at the state level. A set of black-letter rules and interpretative comments are needed to ensure the credibility of the enforcement process. A concise set of professional responsibility rules is a necessity. You are encouraged to invest your time and influence to help improve the current Code of Ethics. It should be noted here that SBEC has established a Committee on Code of Ethics Review and Professional Discipline Procedures, which met in Austin in December. This committee recommended that a Revision Committee be created to conduct an in-depth review of the current rules and enforcement procedures. Public hearings will be held so concerned parties will have an opportunity to comment and make recommendations.
Elvis Arterbury is a professor; Carolyn Crawford, department chair and associate professor; and Dorman Moore, associate professor, in the Educational Leadership Department at Lamar University, Beaumont.
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Anne Jenkins SPRING 2001 41
continued from page 31 teachers and each other the value of diversity and character, selfreliance and cooperation, self-discipline, and responsibility. Every child in a public-school setting such as HISD’s is provided a high-quality education with high expectations. It is the high expectations of every child, such as more rigorous promotion standards, that firmly establish the idea that all children have the chance and the right to succeed. • Public education cannot exist in isolation. The stakeholders are too varied, and the dependence on public funding is too great to assume that the community’s interest at large is unimportant. Indeed, while less than 15 percent of the citizens in Houston have children in HISD, 61 percent of the school district’s revenues are generated from local property taxes. The school system must address everyone who invests in public education so that they believe their tax support is helping the community at large, economically and socially. High graduation rates, low dropout rates, steady academic progress, effective schools—all of these success factors strengthen the entire community by stabilizing neighborhoods, attracting new business, expanding economic opportunities, improving the workforce, and encouraging civic pride. In turn, the community increases its civic capacity, the idea that education depends on activities beyond what happens inside the classroom. A community that cares enough to get involved to make good teaching and learning happen is a larger, civic process. It includes identifying quality candidates for the board, getting out the vote for them, and working together for the common good. • The primary interest of a business or organization is to keep its operation open and it can do that only with a skilled, productive workforce. Employers must know that their employees can do their job with minimal retraining. They also want a workforce that is literate, professional, aware of business trends, and socially responsible enough to vote on issues that will help the community grow and prosper. Public education is in the best position to prepare such a workforce because its doors are open to everyone. Giving all children the opportunity to learn and be prepared for work or a career is the hallmark of public education. HISD advances these three arguments for public education by communicating what is expected of all participants. We have published the district’s core ideology, including its purpose, goals, core values, and strategic intent, on posters and in a pocket-sized booklet for all employees. They outline the direction of the school district and the expectations for all employees. We encourage employees to put these 42
concepts into daily practice. All students and parents know what is expected in order to succeed in school through the communication of the district’s new promotion standards for K–8. Parents are required annually to acknowledge receipt of letters outlining the new standards, videotapes were produced for the district’s cable channel, news releases were distributed to local news agencies, and presentations were prepared for school assemblies. We actively encourage community participation in public schools through the use of Peer Examination, Evaluation, and Review committees (where experts in various business areas are called upon to assist in improving school instruction and operation); ad hoc advisory committees of parents and students; business/school partnerships and community engagement activities that nurture a two-way flow of information between elected officials and the community/business leadership through small-group meetings and regular correspondence.
Q. Data-driven (results-oriented) decisions are widely heralded today as a means of moving school districts forward. What are the benefits of data-driven decisions? What concerns, if any, do you have regarding data-driven decision making? A. All decisions should be based on reliable, quantifiable data. This has formed the foundation of a performance culture in HISD, where each year, employees are expected to set goals and establish the quantifiable measures to assess their progress and strategies by which they will reach those goals. The degree to which the goals are achieved is the basis of annual appraisals. While this process requires a significant amount of time and job analysis, the benefits are obvious. Documenting the strengths and weaknesses of programs and processes in both the instructional and operational arenas provides the district with the means to make informed decisions that could have significant impact on both human and financial resources. In HISD, schools are expected to work toward pre-established performance indicators (TAAS, Stanford, student attendance, teacher attendance, etc.) that describe each school’s current status, end-of-year status, and projected five-year goal. By using data such as these, instructional planning can be more effective because it is based on the needs of individual students, not class averages. Effective interventions can be identified, teachers can be trained and deployed, and students’ progress can be monitored toward very specific goals. In addition, teacher performance can be analyzed over time and the data used for individual, school-wide and/or district-wide staff training and performance incentives. Data-driven decisions also facilitate clearer communication of
progress to the public, which can better understand and internalize specific tangible goals and where the district stands in meeting them. A good example is the recent new promotion standards from first to eighth grades. The standards are very clearly spelled out for parents in terms of quantifiable performance expectations on the TAAS, Stanford, and class work. Parents can readily determine whether their children have met these expectations and what must be done in order for their children to be promoted to the next grade. The quality of any data-driven decision is, of course, dependent on the quality of the data. Measures must be meaningful and useful in determining job performance or program continuation. It is important that the right things are measured right. Also, it is assumed that no single measure can tell the entire story. In HISD, a carefully designed set or family of measures is used to assess school support systems and central office departments. Those areas are measured in terms of quality, quantity, cost, timeliness, and customer satisfaction.
perspective, we have been strong proponents of staff and customer satisfaction and climate data to ensure that services are both hightech and high-touch. Data must be combined with personal observations to ensure that they identify causes, not symptoms. In fact, the data on student enrollment in each grade prompted an analysis of the “spike� in ninth-grade enrollment. It became clear that ninth-grade retention was the result of the previous social promotion policy. When critics challenged the impact of promotion standards on retentions at elementary and middle schools, we responded that the real problem was promoting students without the knowledge and skills required for success at the next grade level. That ultimately resulted in ninth graders being unable to do high-school level work. I believe it is far better, both academically and emotionally, to improve the child’s skills as soon as the problem is detected than to allow the problems to multiply and try to identify and resolve them in ninth grade. Where data can be used to identify causes, solutions can be implemented that avoid the symptoms altogether.
But while data provide a high degree of objective information, education revolves around people and service. To address that
spectrum (fpo) p. 43 SPRING 2001 43
Leadership for Today’s Urban Schools by Lonnie H. Wagstaff and Tina Juarez Learned, skilled, and effective principals are in short supply. Principals who understand and have the insight, versatility, and commitment to successfully lead/manage urban schools are in even shorter supply. Research on schools in the field of educational administration cite a growing shortage of principals, and all delineate a variety of reasons as to why the short supply situation has developed. To meet the problem of the evidently inadequate supply of principals, urban school districts more and more have decided that they must grow their own to avoid a serious leadership vacuum that could spawn serious consequences for their schools and the academic success of their students. Austin ISD joined in partnership with The University of Texas at Austin to establish a School Leadership Academy to address this problem. Two themes give direction to the leadership development programs provided by the School Leadership Academy. The first theme is that a well-designed school leadership program must be problemand/or reality-based. The second theme is the recognition that a valid school leadership program prepares individuals to lead schools in ways that ensure that all students are provided a rigorous academic curriculum. The Academy pursues its leadership development work with the end in mind—principals equipped with the knowledge, skills, and commitment to promote and sustain school success for diverse learners. Tailored programs are provided for two categories of AISD professional staff: (1) teachers who are outstanding in their practice but who are interested in expanding the sphere of their work to include the whole school by training to become assistant principals and, subsequently, principals; and (2) assistant principals who desire a promotion to principal but have need for knowledge and skill expansion to meet the demands of the position of principal. 44
The primary focus of the School Leadership Academy, to date, has been the preparation of new assistant principals. However, conceptual work is underway on an approach to craft leadership development opportunities for current assistant principals. We believe that principals and assistant principals have the central responsibility of creating the conditions that foster and sustain student success, and must provide leadership from the assumption that teaching and learning are the “core technology” of schools. Program Design. The Academy has designed its program for new assistant principals to include five elements: (1) a selection process that relies upon nominations and assessment; (2) a cohort structure with those selected beginning the program in a 9-week intensive summer session; (3) clinical experiences of one semester duration in both an elementary and a secondary school; (4) a research-based academic program that draws from educational administration, curriculum and instruction, and educational psychology; and (5) a yearlong internship as an assistant principal under the guidance of a mentor principal. The Selection Process. The Academy uses a nomination process whereby AISD principals, area superintendents, and other central office administrators are asked to identify teachers whom they think should be invited to consider preparing for the principalship. Nominees are contacted by the Academy and asked to apply. Additionally, they must successfully complete the Assessment Center, which provides the opportunity to review their problem-solving perspectives and communication skills. The final requirement is a commitment to remain with AISD for three years after completion of the program. Cohort Structure. Selectees to the Academy pursue the program as a cohort.
AISD gives cohort members leaves of absence from teaching to become full-time students. Each cohort begins the program during a 9-week summer session. Summer instructional time is devoted to the research and literature on leadership and school improvement and to the analysis, solving, and reporting of selected problem-based case studies. This period of fast-paced activity provides Academy members a time to reflect on whether or not they want to commit to leadership development and make the transition from teacher to administrator. Clinical Experiences. Following the 9week summer session, Academy members begin the first of two clinical experiences. Each Academy member has an elementary and a secondary clinical experience. The clinical work is under the guidance and direction of a mentor principal who meets with the Academy member each week for feedback on performance. The work done by the Academy member is similar to the work expectations of an assistant principal. Academy staff visit mentor principals several times during each semester. Research-based Academic Program. A wellrounded leadership development program for assistant principals must be grounded not only in the research and literature of leadership and administration but also in the research and literature of curriculum and instruction, and educational psychology. Departments collaborate to offer courses that enable Academy members to acquire knowledge and skill. Yearlong Internship. The internship with its reflective seminar is designed to give program participants the opportunity to test their knowledge and skills, and to refine them under the guidance of mentors. The intern is a novice practitioner who must acquire “real-world practice” before being continued on page 46
theLeader Book Review
News from the Texas Leadership Center
Information Technology for Schools by Bena Kallick and James M. Wilson, editors Published by Jossey-Bass Incorporated ISBN 0-7879-5522-1 Reviewed by Lyn Mefford, program coordinator, Texas Centers for Educational Technology, the University of North Texas While much current educational literature focuses on the instructional uses of technology, Kallick and Wilson have edited a book about technology use as a context for systemic, organizational change. In this book they provide a model for organizational learning, along with some powerful, practical examples of the technology contexts in which change has occurred, and an explanation of the processes and interactions that catalyze the change. Therefore, this book has as much, if not more, to say about planning and organizational development as it does about technology. The authors tell the organizational learning stories through the experiences of superintendents,
educational consultants, technologists, and a library media specialist. As might be imagined with this broad range of roles, the mini-case studies reflect a variety of implementation levels from system-wide impact to classroom improvement. All of the chapters are brief, easily read, and practical in nature.
Chapter 1 proposes the Feedback Spiral as a model for organizational learning. While the components of the model are familiar (benchmarking, planning, implementation, assessment, reflection), they iterate throughout the spiral creating the unique learning aspect of the model. Chapter 2 provides one superintendent’s reflection on how applying the Feedback Spiral to district decision-making processes facilitated community-wide collaboration on a new technology-rich school for the district. Chapters 3 and 4 provide insight into the role information technology can play in supporting systemic change around assessing and reporting comprehensive student achievement data or through linking technology directly to school improvement. The next three chapters focus on action research approaches that use technology in the classroom and library to transform the way students (and educators) learn and do their work.
focusing on authentic, supported learning. This story is told through the perspectives of the team—intermediate teacher, library media specialist, principal, and staff development specialist—and uses the feedback spiral as the change model. Key conclusions emerged that can inform those who might undertake to transform a school organization through technology professional development. One, educators must recognize the need to learn; two, there must be benefits for students that result from the new learning; three, an environment of trust must exist which allows educators to take the risk of new learning; and four, resources and support must be readily available. Kallick and Wilson conclude their book with a chapter on future challenges, which they list as: Expectations for Increased Service, Changing the Culture, Deciding What Information Should Be Collected and Who Decides, Creating Shared Categories of Information to Build an Information Infrastructure, Defining Private Versus Public Information, Building an Enterprisewide Integrated Information System, Cultivating Educators as Knowledge Workers, and Managing the Politics for Change to a Knowledge Building Culture. This final chapter provides thoughtful context for the exciting and challenging future that technology in all its forms and functions poses for education and educators.
Chapter 8 provides a multidimensional look at educator professional development in technology using a team approach and SPRING 2001 45
Leadership for Today’s Urban Schools, continued from page 44 judged ready to practice alone. Both the clinical and internship experiences provide the opportunity for refining knowledge and skills so that patterns of successful practice are honed as the novice moves ever closer to the weltering work of a principal. In this
Academy, we believe that a yearlong internship as an assistant principal, under the tutelage of a mentor principal and with the support of a reflective seminar, is a fitting final examination to determine who is ready to provide leadership for today’s urban schools.
Lonnie Wagstaff is director of the School Leadership Academy, Austin ISD, and professor of educational administration, UT-Austin. Tina Juarez is deputy director of the School Leadership Academy and former principal of Stephen F. Austin High School.
The board reviewed the Phase Two training schedule and curriculum outline.
• Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) Leadership Development Initiative
Three-year commitments of matching funds have been received from the Sid W. Richardson Foundation; the Meadows Foundation; and Houston Endowment, Inc. In addition to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, corporate sponsors of the academy to date are Dell Computer Corporation; Apple Computer, Inc.; Southwestern Bell/SBC Foundation; Gateway Business; Curriculum Advantage; and Sylvan Education Solutions.
TASA staff has been in discussion with staff of CCL regarding a possible project in 2001–2002.
Board Briefs The following are highlights of the Texas Leadership Center board of directors meeting held January 31, 2001. UPDATES • Technology Leadership Academy The board received an update on the TASA/Texas Leadership Center Technology Leadership Academy. Six hundred seventythree superintendents and principals have completed Phase One of the three-phase academy. More than 90 percent of the Phase One evaluations indicate that the participants view the academy as well organized and well presented, feel involved in activities appropriate to the topic and nature of their work, and are becoming more comfortable with technology-based learning.
A letter has been sent to ESC executive directors to select dates for Year Two of the threeyear state challenge grant.
The board also welcomed Brettany Nilson, administrative secretary, Professional Development. Brettany joins TASA from Dell Computer Corporation. In official business, the board of directors approved the minutes of the September 23, 2000, meeting and approved the financial statement of the center.
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Honorary Life Members C. Warren Alexander Deputy Superintendent for Administration Northside ISD (ESC 20) 5/31/2000 (39) Gerald E. Anderson Superintendent Brazosport ISD 6/30/2000 (30) Richard J. Bain Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Andrews ISD 6/30/2000 (38) Anna Brodie Director of Elementary Education Brazosport ISD 11/30/2000 (43) John C. Brooks Superintendent Northwest ISD 12/31/1999 (30) John L. Bryant Superintendent Morgan ISD 5/31/2000 (26) Robert C. Clanton Superintendent Blooming Grove ISD 11/30/2000 (39) Richard J. Clifford Superintendent Southwest ISD 5/31/2000 (32) Virginia L. Collier Superintendent Brenham ISD 7/31/2000 (35) Ben Colwell Superintendent Alvarado ISD 6/15/2000 (31) Steve Cooper Superintendent Muenster ISD 5/31/2000 (30) Ruben A. Corkill Superintendent Southside ISD 6/30/2000 (29) Marvin Crawford Superintendent Grand Prairie ISD 6/30/95 (41)
Robert Kenneth Crouch Superintendent Bridgeport ISD 7/31/2000 (34) James Denny Crow Superintendent Lampasas ISD 6/15/2000 (30) Nolen R. Crow Superintendent D’Hanis ISD 6/15/2000 (31) Gene E. Davenport Associate Commissioner Texas Education Agency 8/31/1997 (34) Cecil Davis Superintendent Wylie ISD (ESC 14) 6/30/2000 (30) Craig Gibbins Superintendent White Settlement ISD 3/31/2000 (30) Larry D. Groppel Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Highland Park ISD (ESC 10) 8/31/2000 (31) Gerald E. Hampton Superintendent Winfield ISD 6/5/2000 (33) William J. Harlan Superintendent Sonora ISD 12/31/2000 (35) John H. Harrell Superintendent Uvalde CISD 5/31/2000 (38) Rik B. Hawkins Assistant Superintendent for Personnel Texas City ISD 6/30/2000 (38) H. Lamar Hebert Superintendent Little Cypress-Mauriceville CISD 11/30/2000 (40) Charlie Z. Helmer Superintendent Culberson CountyAllamoore ISD 5/31/2000 (34)
Freddy Holcomb Director of Special Education Grayson County Special Education Co-op 5/31/2000 (35) James G. (Jimmy) Horn Superintendent Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco CISD 6/30/2000 (39) Charles H. Hundley Superintendent Abilene ISD 7/1/2000 (37) Jean Wyatt Kemp Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction Belton ISD 7/31/99 (28) Ted R. Kerr Superintendent Mason ISD 8/1/2000 (29) Wayne King Superintendent Howe ISD 12/31/2000 (38) Marilyn G. Kuhn Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Bastrop ISD 11/30/2000 (37) Nathan Y. Lee Superintendent Bishop CISD 11/8/2000 (32) Will F. Lowrance Field Service Agent ESC Region XII 8/31/2000 (37) Kenneth W. Manning Superintendent Chico ISD 6/30/96 (33) Jay A. Martin Superintendent La Vernia ISD 8/31/2000 (35) Billy J. Matthews Superintendent Dodd City ISD 6/30/2000 (42)
John R. McFadin Superintendent Utopia ISD 11/30/2000 (33)
Randy M. Savage Superintendent Gordon ISD 6/30/2000 (29)
Gilbert J. Mircovich Superintendent Ingleside ISD 6/30/2000 (44)
James W. Smith Superintendent Coolidge ISD 6/30/2000 (37)
David Montgomery Superintendent Waxahachie ISD 11/1/97 (33)
Mario A. Sotelo Superintendent Jim Hogg County ISD 12/8/2000 (27)
Dorman W. Moore Associate Professor Lamar University Educational Leadership Department 6/30/2000 (29)
James H. Stewart Superintendent Del Valle ISD 6/30/2000 (30)
Joe A. Neill Superintendent McCamey ISD 6/30/2000 (36) Bobby R. Nicholson Superintendent Industrial ISD 6/30/2000 (36) Gus H. Pfeiffer Superintendent Bandera ISD 7/1/2000 (28) Wayne R. Pierce Superintendent Kaufman ISD 5/31/2000 (31) Harold Pinkerton Superintendent Grandview ISD 6/15/2000 (38) Dale L. Pitts Superintendent Fort Stockton ISD 6/30/2000 (30) Joe E. Robinson Superintendent Floresville ISD 6/30/2000 (30) Marvin D. Roden Assistant Superintendent for Administration Garland ISD 6/30/2000 (35) Wilburn G. Roesler Superintendent Maypearl ISD 9/1/2000 (41)
Jon R. Tate Superintendent Llano ISD 7/1/1984 (28) Don Taylor Superintendent Roosevelt ISD 12/31/1999 (44) Steven L. Tom Superintendent Smithville ISD 9/1/2000 (31) Thomas L. Walker Superintendent Lorenzo ISD 5/31/2000 (30) James D. Ward Superintendent Harper ISD 11/30/2000 (28) Keith Watkins Superintendent Eastland ISD 12/1/2000 (36) Jesse M. Wheat Superintendent Carthage ISD 8/10/2000 (35) Gene Williams Superintendent Comanche ISD 5/31/2000 (30) Bill D. Wood Superintendent Cisco ISD 6/30/2000 (33)
SPRING 2001 47
41st ANNUAL TASB/TASA CONVENTION September 21–24, 2001 • Dallas Convention Center • Dallas, Texas
For the Latest Information, check www.tasa.tasb.org. Application for Topic Discussion Sessions (mailed to superintendents, board presidents in March) • Paul Whitton • 512-477-6361 • 800-725-8272 Registration and Housing Packets mail in May Registration • Pat Johnston, TASA • 512-477-6361• 800-725-8272 Housing • Lisa Carothers, TASB • 800-580-8272
406 East 11th Street Austin, TX 78701-2617
Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Austin, TX Permit No. 1941