1 minute read
Change for the better
Men who want to change their abusive behaviour can sometimes face delays when accessing support through national family violence programs.
Now, men can now call the Brief Intervention Service on 1300 766 491. The service is free, short term, multi-sessional, and provides support from qualified counsellors.
The Brief Intervention Service is facilitated by the Men’s Referral Service, a national men’s family violence telephone counselling, information and referral service operated by No to Violence. It is the central point of contact for men taking responsibility for their behaviour.
The Brief Intervention Service is not meant as a replacement for behaviour change programs or groups. Instead, the service engages men who are experiencing delays in accessing immediate family violence support, by providing short-term interim support. The delays happen due to COVID-19 restrictions or waiting lists for family violence support.
The Brief Intervention Service also focuses on supporting men who live in remote or regional areas, men who have barriers to attending group programs and men who are from a non-English speaking background.
Men in Tasmania who wish to access the Brief Intervention Service can call the Men’s Referral Service on 1300 766 491 for an initial assessment or can be referred by other services.
Learn more at mrs.org.au.