TasCOSS Newsletter Commemorative 50th Anniversary edition 2011

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TASCOSS celebrating 50 years 1961–2011

Anniversaries are a wonderful opportunity to pause and reflect, remember the past, look forward to the future and celebrate achievements.

TasCOSS is this year celebrating 50 years of leadership and service to Tasmanians.

50 years of making positive change!


I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate TasCOSS for a wonderful 50 years of service to the community as the voice for the interests of people in Tasmania on low incomes or who are vulnerable or disadvantaged. Since 1961 TasCOSS has been a progressive force for change, and has worked closely with ACOSS, as the national peak body, to ensure equality and fairness remains at the forefront of state and federal decision making. 1

-- the introduction of government policies that have assisted Tasmanians to achieve their full potential. Many of these policies have been influenced by the strong research and advocacy provided by TasCOSS; -- the strengthening of community sector organisations; -- the partnerships that have been formed with others to ensure the vision of TasCOSS is being achieved; and -- the leadership of some outstanding individuals.

I am sure many of you have heard the story of the young boy who was walking along the beach and regularly bending down and throwing something into the sea. A businessman stood on the bank and watched the boy. He eventually walked over to the young lad and asked “What are you doing?”. The boy replied “I am throwing the starfish back into the water.” The businessman laughing said, “But lad there are thousands of starfish washed up on the beach, you won’t make a difference by throwing them back”. The young boy slowly bent down and picked up a single starfish and threw it back in the waves. “Well I just made a difference to that one didn’t I?”

In celebrating 50 years we all need to take some time to reflect on the difference that TasCOSS has made in serving the Tasmanian community. There is still much to be achieved but strong foundations have been established. Many amazing people have been part of laying those foundations over 50 years and we have an obligation to ensure that we all live in a fair, just and inclusive Tasmania.

Over 50 years TasCOSS has made a difference in the lives of so many Tasmanians. As we reflect and celebrate those achievements we look forward to this amazing organisation continuing to influence, lead, advocate, partner and support to continue that journey of making a difference.

The successes are many and Tasmanians have much to be proud of. I have seen this first hand during my visits to Tasamania and continue to be impressed by the hard work and efforts of all the wonderful community workers and volunteers striving to better the lives of the most disadvantaged people in our community. ACOSS looks forward to continuing to work closely with TasCOSS, the whole community services sector, and the current and future governments to achieve lasting social justice and equity for all people in your great state and in our prosperous nation.

There is no question that some of our nation’s most important campaigns for social justice have their beginnings out of the heart of Tasmania, and TasCOSS will continue to drive those changes both locally and onto the national agenda.

NOEL MUNDY President

We wish all those who have contributed to the great work of TasCOSS wonderful celebrations, and a future going from strength to strength over the next 50 years! Dr Cassandra Goldie

And they said the TasCOSS experiment wouldn’t work! When the Tasmanian Council of Social Service held its first official meetings in December 1961, I’m told that there were many who saw it as just another non-government organisation in the community sector with a limited life. How wrong they were. TasCOSS embarked upon a journey of leadership and advocacy that has now spanned five decades, and in its fiftieth year it has never been stronger or more influential. The longevity and achievements of TasCOSS are due to many factors, the clear need for a peak organisation in the community sector, the recognition by successive state governments of the benefits gained in the formation of good public policy provided by the organisation’s research and advisory capacities, and the understanding of the community for the work of TasCOSS as a fearless and vocal advocate for the most disadvantaged Tasmanians. However the strength and integrity that have underpinned the growth and development of TasCOSS in the last fifty years have been provided by remarkable people. Those people have had many roles with TasCOSS, appointed staff, board members, policy councillors, organisational and individual members, all of them contributing to the work of the Council and its improvement of the position of Tasmanians in need.

The Honorary Life Members of TasCOSS are excellent examples of that level of contribution; Dorothy Pearce, Bob Raynor, Cecily Gilson, Ann Hughes and Kay Thompson. Their contributions are legendary in the community sector, and are the type of commitment that has continuously provided TasCOSS with the foundation for its work. So how is TasCOSS seen in its fiftieth year of continuous operation? It’s pleasing to report that the feedback on this is very positive. Through its consistent and informed advocacy, proud maintenance of its apolitical status, and relevance and success of its work in social policy research and development of sector organisations, TasCOSS has built a solid reputation as a leader in the welfare sector.

While we can’t possibly predict what the next fifty years has in store for us, what we will continue to do is to run TasCOSS as a professional, high achieving organisation in the community sector, ensure that it gathers the necessary resources, that it plans effective work programs to carry out its mission, and continues to provide appropriate and necessary services to its members and beyond. TasCOSS is determined to build its political capital as we move the organisation forward and meet the very challenging demands of the years to come.



The Tasmanian Council of Social Service has an amazing history – a history of working with community service organisations, governments, other agencies and individual Tasmanians to provide leadership in our communities for a fair, just and inclusive Tasmania.

The influence that TasCOSS has bought over the past 50 years is recognised through:

Tony Reidy Chief Executive Officer

The Council has also strategically built its state-wide and national alliances and collaborations, extending its abilities and reach well beyond our Tasmanian resources, and earning the respect of social and media commentators. Of course our ability to carry out our work is dependent on the principal funding we receive from the Tasmanian Government, and it’s important to record our appreciation for their understanding over many years of the vital work that TasCOSS performs.

CEO Tony Reidy addressing the Equal Pay Rally, 18 May 2011.

Our mission to work towards a fair, just and inclusive Tasmania remains at the forefront of the minds of all our current staff, board and member organisations in all our strategic planning and allocation of resources.

CEO, Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)


TasCOSS Board Membership 2011 NAME Noel Mundy Helen Hortle Suzi Edwards Peter Middleton Vacant Paul Mallett Claire Vissenga

Volunteering Tasmania Anglicare Tasmania Aspire a Pathway to Mental Health TasCAHRD Oak Tasmania

CATEGORY/ROLE President Individual/ Treasurer Peak Body/ Vice-President Peak Body Individual Regional Organisation Regional Organisation Organisation Organisation

Past Board Members 2010-2011 Stuart Smith Kiros Hiruy

Launceston City Mission University of Tasmania

TAscoss staff 2011 Elida Meadows Development Officer, Industry Development Unit

Wynne Russell Social Policy and Research Officer

Tony Reidy Chief Executive Officer

Tim Tabart Development Officer, Industry Development Unit

Meg Webb Social Policy and Research Officer

Ann Hughes Acting Chief Executive Officer (until Feburary 2011)

Dale Rahmanovic Development Officer, Industry Development Unit

Maureen Richardson Administrative Assistant

Lure Wishes Adult Literacy Support Officer

Jill Pope Finance Officer


Carol Patterson HACC Project Officer

Kath McLean Senior Social Policy and Research Officer Melissa Iocco Social Policy and Research Officer (until July 2011)

Klaus Bauer HACC Project Officer, Consumer Engagement

TasCOSS Life Members Dorothy Pearce A passionate commitment to community – our first life member While it may have been Dorothy Pearce’s secret wish to become a mechanical engineer, the Tasmanian community sector, and TasCOSS in particular, are grateful that her mother steered her into the profession of Social Work which has led to a lifetime of community leadership. Born in Hobart in 1923, Dorothy was educated at Friends School. In her final year she was a Head Prefect which was the first of many leadership roles that she was to hold throughout her life. From captain of her hockey or cricket teams, through to membership of numerous boards, committees and professional associations, Dorothy seems destined to have been a mover and shaker in the Tasmanian community. Dorothy studied for a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Tasmania (which she later finished at University of Adelaide), and then at the instigation of her mother, she took up two years of study in Social Work in Melbourne, which led to a third year on a Red Cross scholarship to complete an Almoner qualification. Having graduated in 1946, Dorothy began her lifelong involvement with the Australian

Association of Social Workers (AASW), which extended from her time working as a Social Worker in South Australia and continued when she returned to live in Tasmania in 1955. For 28 years Dorothy worked at the Royal Hobart Hospital, first as an Almoner and then as a Social Worker. Dorothy identifies a strength of her work to be her practical approach - linking people to the community and to relevant services that could assist them. Drawn, as ever, to leadership roles, Dorothy helped to rebuild the struggling Tasmanian Branch of the AASW – becoming a member of the executive committee, holding various offices including Branch President, and being a branch delegate to the Federal Council of the AASW. Having valued her own educational opportunities, Dorothy was active in building the educational and professional opportunities for social workers in Tasmania. She was a member of the training committee which paved the way for a social work course to be set up in Tasmania in 1973. It was during her time as President of the Tasmanian AASW, that its members instigated the formation of a Tasmanian council of social service with the aim that it would help the community sector in Tasmania have a better understanding of the organisations and services in the sector, avoid overlapping or duplication of services, and identify gaps that needed to be filled.

“It started off with people saying they ought to.., then you ought to..., and, finally, we ought to...” Dorothy and the Director of the then Department for Social Welfare, Mr G.C. Smith convened the inaugural meeting of the Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS) in the Hobart Town Hall in December 1961. Dorothy remembers the meeting being quite well attended, and believes that they were given use of the Town Hall for free, with the support of the Lord Mayor, Sir Basil Osborne. Dorothy’s involvement with TasCOSS continued for many years. She served as Honorary Secretary for the Steering Committee (in a time of minutes being taken in longhand and universal smoking during meetings!), as a foundation member of TasCOSS, as President from 1979-81 and in various other voluntary capacities. She stayed committed to TasCOSS due to a strong belief, based on her own experience as a Social Worker at the hospital, in the need for organisations in the community sector to be better connected, so that workers and clients in the sector are able to access the services they required. Other notable community involvements for Dorothy included being a life member of AASW, a member of Lifeline and Soroptimist International, a foundation member of Council on the Ageing, an executive member of the Hobart District Nursing Service, and a volunteer for both Meals on 4



Dave Willans John Paton

WORKPLACE Mission Australia – Tasmania Tasmanian Centre for Global Learning TACH

Ann Hughes, Cecily Gibson and Dorothy Pearce Life members

Wheels and the State Library Courier Service. Alongside her incredibly full professional life Dorothy also managed to pursue a very active recreational life, playing hockey, cricket, badminton and tennis. In fact, she only gave up tennis and badminton two years ago, aged 87. Dorothy has been recognised in many ways for the amazing contribution she has made to the community. She was made a member of the Order of the British Empire in 1977 for service to the community, she was made the first life member of TasCOSS, and since 2003 TasCOSS has honoured Dorothy with an annual Dorothy Pearce Address which promotes current social justice issues. TasCOSS is indebted to the passion, commitment and leadership of this inspiring woman, Dorothy Pearce.

Cecily Gilson Cecily Gilson was born 4 July, 1925 in Samarai, PNG. At the age of 6 weeks old her parents moved to Sydney, where she grew up. Cecily was educated at Woolwich Public School, Fort Street Girls High School and Sydney Technical College where she studied mechanical drawing. Cecily worked in what was then the PMG’s Department then for a surveyor in Sydney. She married on 26 April,1946 and moved to Brisbane in 1948, where her first three children were born. In 1955, the family moved to Melbourne where Cecily’s fourth child arrived in February, 1960. Cecily has 5

been a member of Mothers’ Clubs, School Community Associations, Neighbourhood Watch and Inner Wheel. My first involvement with TasCOSS was after death of my husband in 1965, when TasCOSS helped me to set up a Community Information Centre in a small room in the Clarence Council Chambers, as they and Council had for many years seen a need for this. When Eastlands was developed the owners provided a small rent free office from which we operated for 20 years, then came computers, Glenorchy Info-line, State library infoservices and the Eastlands management wanted rent, so we closed! In its early days when I first “met” TasCOSS, the organisation had no permanent office, no money, no paid staff, and board meetings were held wherever they could be. As for accommodation, it consisted of vacant space in unused buildings we were allowed to use rent free, some needed much cleaning before the move in, e.g. rooms in one of the old warehouses in Salamanca Place (demolished to make way for the Law Courts) were scrubbed - the City Council rat catcher visited! At one time TasCOSS had an office in the Lands Department building. The first Christmas Card Shop was opened in a small vacant office in Murray Street (also rather dirty), opposite Hadley’s. Charities wishing to have their cards displayed and sold there put them in empty shoe boxes, clearly labelled and placed on racks (I think these racks were the backs of unwanted church

pews which were to go to the tip). The shop was manned by volunteers from the various charities. There was rarely enough change in the till! It makes me very happy to “see” TasCOSS now, its professionalism, dedication, optimism, co-operation and knowledge.

ANN HUGHES In late 1974 (or early 1975) the committee of TasCOSS decided to close the organisation. At that time Dr Eric Cunningham Dax, undertaking research into ‘multi- problem families’ for the State Government had allowed TasCOSS to use a room in what became Clare House and his secretary Anne Rood provided a strong support. TasCOSS had employed Jean Gibbs as a part-time administrative secretary over the previous year or so. However TasCOSS’s resources were extremely limited. The Australian Assistance Plan had provided community development staff and offices across Tasmania, with the Southern Regional Council for Social Development also having a substantial budget for distribution to community groups and activities and by comparison it seemed that TasCOSS was no longer necessary. Second thoughts led to the motion to wind up the organisation being rescinded and Ann Hughes was employed, using a small bequest, for six months as

a project officer to assess whether there was a role for TasCOSS and if so, what it might be. Betty Cusick was the administrative secretary, and when she went to work for Bruce Goodluck on his election in 1975, Doreen Hazelwood was appointed. Ann was one of only two qualified social workers employed outside government at that time – the other being Clem Kilby, the Director of the Catholic Family Welfare Bureau and TasCOSS committee member. The next period was very exciting for TasCOSS. It became clear that there definitely was a role – even if not a lot of money. Ann Hughes worked as Director for the next 18 months or so – sometimes paid only for a day or two per week, while more stable funding and accommodation were sought. The national COSS movement was growing in strength and TasCOSS benefited from its participation. Active lobbying eventually led to some core funding from the state government and TasCOSS was able to operate on a more settled basis. Highlights of this period include the revitalisation of the Mental Health Association – against forceful opposition from the Mental Health Services Commission because former ‘patients’ were involved! Shelter was established under TasCOSS auspices with ACOSS support and Duncan Kerr from the University Student Union worked with TasCOSS to set up the Tasmanian Tenants

Union. The Social Work and the Environmental Design departments at the Tasmanian College of Advanced Education were vibrant centres committed to community involvement so there were many students who shared the social justice concerns of TasCOSS and were keen to be involved. TasCOSS mounted a successful argument to the Parliamentary Public Works Committee that prevented the building in New Town of a maximum security Remand and Assessment Centre for children and young people. The politicians said they were ‘just making a decision about a building, not about welfare services’; TasCOSS pointed out that their decisions about priorities would have major implications for the nature and quality of services for years to come. There was a strong commitment to a state wide TasCOSS – in days long before email, video conferencing or even speaker phones!

Kay Thompson In 2010 I ceased working in the community sector after 30 years involvement and within months of leaving the sector was offered Life Membership of TasCOSS. Accepting was an unexpected honour and one that gave me cause to reflect on just what the presence of TasCOSS within the community sector has meant to me personally and to the industry as a whole.

For the industry as a whole there can be little doubt that without TasCOSS’s continued lobbying the sector would struggle to adequately articulate the needs of its clients to government and the broader community. On a personal level involvement with TasCOSS and the community sector itself has allowed me to express the deeply held view that maintaining people of all ages within the community with dignity and self-worth is the least response that should be expected from any humane society. Whilst it is easy to lament the deficiencies in society’s response to the most vulnerable within our community and look to government to provide the funds that can assist in altering the life situations of those most in need, I have learnt that it is the way we treat one another as work colleagues, contemporaries and friends that can make the biggest difference: for it is a change in attitude toward life itself that is at the heart of a truly humane society. As a Life Member of TasCOSS I hope to continue working toward the kind of society which I cherish for my grandchildren and their grandchildren to live in. Kay Thompson Life member






Rev Father Clem Kilby, Chairman Miss Dorothy Pearce, Honorary Secretary


Mr R C Wood


Mr R C Wood


Mr Morris


Mr Morris

Executive Officer Left: Leaving Hampden House, 1997. In the centre with the Managing Complaints publication is Wanda Buza, Executive Officer at the time.

Mrs Lette, Nov 1970



Information not available


Information not available


Mr P G Underwood

Only staff member: Jean Gibbs, Secretary/Admin


Mr P G Underwood

Only staff members: Ms Ann Hughes, Project Officer Mrs B Cusic, Secretary/Admin


Mr P G Underwood

Ann Hughes, Executive Officer


John Langford


Information not available


Information not available


Dorothy Pearce, Royal Hobart Hospital

Peter McDonald


Dorothy Pearce, Soroptimist International

Peter McDonald Officer – till Feb.’81 Chris Chappell – from March.’81


Les Batchelor, Hobart City Mission

Chris Chappell


Fonda Arnold

Chris Chappell – to May 83 Jane Longbottom – from May 83


Fonda Arnold

Jane Longbottom


Fonda Arnold

Jane Longbottom


Fonda Arnold

Dick Friend


Fonda Arnold

Michael Foley


Rod Mitchell

Michael Foley


Maurice Todd

Michael Foley


Maurice Todd

Peter Nute


Chris Webster

Peter Nute


Chris Webster

Peter Nute


Chris Webster

Peter Nute


Sr Philippa Chapman

Peter Nute


Phillippe Allen

Peter Nute – to June 1995 Wanda Buza – from June 1995


Right: Tom Muller, CEO and Maree Fudge, Manager, IDU, at the Fairer Futures Conference, 2008.


Phillippe Allen – resigned Bill Smith

Wanda Buza


Bill Smith

Wanda Buza


Nick Toonen, Volunteering Tasmania

Wanda Buza – to July 1999 Lis de Vries – from July 1999


Rhonda Voight, Shelter Tasmania

Lis de Vries


Rhonda Voight, Shelter Tasmania Sue Ham, Colony 47- from April 01

Lis de Vries


Sue Ham, Colony 47

Lis de Vries


Sue Ham, Colony 47

Lis de Vries


Sue Ham, Colony 47

Mat Rowell


Sue Ham, Colony 47

Mat Rowell


Alex Huntir, St Michael’s Association

Mat Rowell


Alex Huntir, St Michael’s Association

Tom Muller


Alex Huntir, St Michael’s Association

Tom Muller


Alex Huntir, St Michael’s Association

Tom Muller


Noel Mundy, Mission Australia,Tasmania

Ann Hughes Acting CEO – from August 2010


Noel Mundy, Mission Australia, Tasmania

Tony Reidy (started February 2010)

TasCOSS has some gaps in its knowledge of its own organisational history. If you can help fill in the gaps with information, documents or photographs, we would be grateful for your assistance. We are particularly in need of Annual Reports for the years 1971/72; 1972/73; 1977/78; and 1978/79.


TasCOSS History – a chronology










First meeting of the Tasmanian Council of Social Service on 8 December in the Hobart Town Hall; prompted and assisted by ACOSS which was established in 1956.

First Social Welfare Directory published by TasCOSS.

Citizens Advice Bureau established by TasCOSS.

TasCOSS works with the Fire Victims Welfare Association to coordinate assistance to those who were affected by the February 1967 bushfires in Southern Tasmania.

A training survey was carried out among Family Welfare Services and the Prison Service, and TasCOSS lobbied for the establishment of a public service training division ‘to train those engaged in social welfare by state, private and voluntary agencies’.

Mental Health Association established by TasCOSS.

A TasCOSS Branch was established in the North West.

First edition of COSST News (Council of Social Service of Tasmania) published in March.

ACOSS Conference held in Hobart in May 1974.

First TasCOSS Chairman was Rev Father Clem Kilby, Secretary Dorothy Pearce.


Superintendents & Matrons Association (of residential children’s homes) established by TasCOSS to ‘discuss common problems and present a uniform view on matters of policy’.


New edition of Directory of Health and Welfare Services published.

Also lobbying for a social work course to be established in Tasmania.

First paid worker employed – Jean Gibbs as part-time Secretary. A Tasmanian Regional Council for Social Development (RCSD) was established in the electorate of Denison under the Australian Assistance Plan (an initiative of the Whitlam Government). It was thought that the RCSD replicated the work of TasCOSS and a decision was made, and later rescinded, to disband TasCOSS. Seminar on ‘Welfare Manpower’ was held in August 1973.

Our current premises, second floor of the McDougall Building.

Film-maker Khoa Do presenting his film Forgotten People at the Fairer Futures Conference, 2008.

[Sometime in this early period TasCOSS was provided a room in Clare House, New Town from which to work].

The Hon. Lara Giddings, Minister for Health and Human Services, launching Enhancing Quality of Life HACC Consumer Consultation Report 2008.

Mat Rowell, CEO, at the Just Jobs 2 Conference, 2004.


1976/77 1977/78 1978/79



A Project Officer (Ann Hughes) was appointed in May 1975 to assess the role, direction and purpose of the organisation. As a result, TasCOSS began to focus on broad social developments rather than only social welfare services.

Ann Hughes appointed Executive Officer; TasCOSS office moved to 11 Salamanca Place.

TasCOSS received grants from the Australian Assistance Plan and ran projects including a revitalised Citizens Advice Bureau, a Shelter Housing group (which led to the establishment of Shelter in Tasmania), Community Chest (fund raising), a Charity Christmas Card Shop and a state information system.

Community Resource Centre established at TasCOSS and a Voluntary Health and Welfare Sector study was undertaken by TasCOSS at the request of the State Government.






Worsening economic situation.

Volunteer Conferences held in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie

First TasCOSS ‘Pre-Budget Submission’ made, urging the Government ‘to balance its economic development initiatives with a pro-active social development policy’.

Child Poverty Campaign coordinated.

First TasCOSS Human Services Conference (March 1990).

Welfare Rights Network established.

Issues for Management Conference held (November 1990).

Local Government & Community Housing Program Project. Focus on developing membership and activities in the regions. Series of TasCOSS discussion papers launched, the first paper being ‘National Income Support’ by Allan McDonald.


Annual reports missing.

Restructure of the organisation with increased focus on social policy and publications.

Establishment of North West TasCOSS Committee to develop policy and strategy on regional issues. HACC Forum held. Rural Counselling Service established by TasCOSS in conjunction with Rural Youth.






Publication of Directory of Community Services and a Guide to Government Funding.

TasCOSS office moved to 138 Collins Street Hobart.

TasCOSS office moved to 206 Elizabeth Street Hobart.

Workshops held around the State on the How To ... Book.

Office moved to Hampden House (Old Queen Alexandra Hospital in Hampden Road Battery Point) in Oct 1984.

About Poverty by Fonda Arnold & Ruth Errey published; an Anti-Poverty Campaign launched by TasCOSS.

Publication of the How To ... Book – a TasCOSS Guide for Community Organisations.

Community Legal Service Project – to do groundwork for the establishment of a Community Legal Service in Tasmania. Employment of two Community Employment Development Officers (in North and North West) to facilitate access to the Community Employment Development Program (Commonwealth).

TasCOSS Board met for the first time in Burnie on June 3, 1988 Home and Community Care (HACC) Volunteer Training Officer position funded by HACC.

National Childcare Strategy Research Officer employed. TasCOSS auspices Community Transport Services Tasmania - an executive officer and three regional coordinators are employed.

Domestic Violence seminars held in Hobart & Launceston.

Cooperative Housing Tenure Project (with Shelter Tas). Consumer Advocacy Project, resulted in publication Advocacy Training in Community Services: a Training Package.

Management Support and Training Unit established at TasCOSS & funded under HACC (along with continuation of the HACC Volunteer Training Service)

JET (Jobs, Education, Training) Support Officer employed.

Consumer Rights Network established.

TasCOSS auspices the Tasmanian Palliative Care Foundation.

Industry Training Committee lobbying to establish a Community Sector Industry Training Board.











Projects from previous year continued.

Second Human Services Conference held in May 1992 at Rutherglen in the North – titled Social Justice, Recession: The Challenge.

TasCOSS auspices and oversees the establishment of the Carers Association of Tasmania and the Volunteer Centre of Tasmania, both in 1993.

Third Human Services Conference held at Rokeby Police Academy in May 1994.

Continuation of JET and Volunteer Training and Management Support & Training Unit Projects.

TasCOSS hosted the first Tasmanian Conference on Gambling in Launceston.

Fourth Human Services Conference – Equity, Fairness and Justice: Are they still part of Australia’s Agenda? was held in September 1996.

TasCOSS moves to the McDougall Building in August.

Fifth Human Services Conference held in Launceston in February 1999 - Charting a Compassionate New Millennium.

Locational Disadvantage Project funded by the Commonwealth – investigated the impact of residential location on awareness of and access to entitlements such as pensions and concessions. Day of Action on Unemployment – delegations to Tasmanian Federal MPs.

Carer Support Kit published. Needs analyses undertaken in Launceston and the North West in conjunction with local councils.

Continuation of existing projects. Involvement in negotiations for the introduction of Community Services Award. TasCOSS undertook a review of respite care in Tasmania and reported findings to the Minister.

Information, Freedom, Democracy conference held in November 1992. TasCOSS funded to undertake a public inquiry into the impact of the extension of video gaming machines beyond the casinos in Tasmania. ‘Have your say on a new logo for TasCOSS’ public campaign.

The TasCOSS Management Support and Training Unit held a workshop on the new Community Services Award and an introduction to OH&S.

Emergency Relief in Tasmania Study undertaken. Community Sector/ Government Relations Project initiated – to establish a ‘new partnership’ and improved consultation.

Changing Relationships Project. Series of publications produced for the community sector on taxation, conferences, fundraising, employment, position description, boards of management, incorporation, insurance, managing money and web design.

Paper analysing national competition policy published: Tasmania’s Competition Framework: A discussion paper.

TasCOSS staff with Executive Officer Liz de Vries (far right) on the Walk for Reconciliation, 2000.

Changing Relationships Project continues. IT Strategic Plan Project – consultations with the sector on the uses of and barriers to IT in the community sector. Just Tasmania campaign launched with Anglicare SARC and the Poverty Coalition – Freedom Rides undertaken across Tasmania in a bus for consultation and awareness-raising about poverty issues in Tasmania. GST Campaign – consultant employed to research the impact of a GST in Tasmania. Report published: The GST: What’s in it for low income households in Tasmania?

Just Jobs 2 Conference, 2004.









Forum held on State taxation issues with a focus on maintaining fairness.

Dead Man’s Shoes published – details the experiences 60 unemployed people across Tasmania. From the Unemployed Workers Network Project.

TasCOSS auspices the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Council.

Tasmanian Social Policy Council established.

Inaugural Dorothy Pearce Address held in October 2003 with Robert Fitzgerald as speaker.

Second annual Dorothy Pearce Address held during Anti-Poverty Week; address presented by Andrew McCallum, ACOSS President.

Just Tasmania Conference held in Launceston in April 2000 – organised by the Just Tasmania Coalition. Hearing the Voices Forum held at Parliament House and a report of the same title published – documenting the results of the Just Tasmania Coalition consultations. IT Strategic Plan developed and funding provided for a website gateway for the community sector.

Corrections Justice Reform Alliance formed. GST Start-up Assistance Project – provided free business skills education focusing on GST requirements for the sector. Unemployed Workers Network Project initiated.

Sixth Human Services Conference, Sustaining Communities: The Role of the Community Sector held in August 2000 in Hobart. Beyond Imprisonment Conference held at the University of Tasmania (Hobart) in September 2000. HACC Consumer Consultation Project funded.

Dorothy Pearce and Gayle Kennedy at the Dorothy Pearce Address presented by Gayle at the Fairer Futures Conference, 2008.

Projects continue: HACC Consumer Consultation Project, Partnerships Project and the Unemployed Workers Network Project. Research report published on the intersection between mental illness and HACC services.

Partnerships Project replaces the Changing Relationships Project and focuses on ‘a structured relationship between DHHS and the community services organisations funded by DHHS’.

Consumer Issues Project established. Just Jobs Conference held – an ‘open space’ conference focusing on unemployment as a serious social and economic issue. Initiation of job creation programs in a number of Tasmanian communities including Launceston’s northern suburbs, Break O’Day, New Norfolk, Huon, Risdon Vale and Ulverstone (through the Unemployed Workers Network Project).

National Electricity Research & Advocacy Project funding commenced; four part training program on the National Electricity Market run for domestic consumers and consumer advocates. Just Jobs 2 Conference, Enterprising Communities Creating Work, held in June 2004.

Telecommunications consumer project carried out in the Huon Valley. Medicare Action Group launched. Disability Coalition on Unmet Need. Community Heritage Grant received – a significance assessment of TasCOSS records undertaken and records lodged at the Archives Office of Tasmania. TasCOSS fortnightly E-News launched.







Third annual Dorothy Pearce Address held in Anti-Poverty Week; Saul Eslake presented the address.

Fourth annual Dorothy Pearce Address held in July; delivered by Professor Larissa Behrendt.

Fifth annual Dorothy Pearce Address held in August with Professor David Adams.

TASCOSS Fairer Futures Conference 29–31 October 2008 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart.

Seventh annual Dorothy Pearce Address presented by Dr Marilyn Waring.

Eighth annual Dorothy Pearce Address presented by Ernesto Sirolli in August 2010.

Partnerships to Jobs Project funded by the Department of Economic Development.

State-wide consultations with low income Tasmanians carried out across the State.

Our Island Our Voices State Election campaign: Better Health, Better Education, Better Services.

Living in the Country: Consumer Perspectives on Energy Supply in Rural Tasmania research report published.

Pre-payment Meters in Tasmania: Consumer Views and Issues research report published.

Housing Advocacy Day held with Anglicare and Shelter during Anti-Poverty Week.

Gambling Alliance - $1 Bet Limit campaign.

The Intersection between Emergency Relief and Food Security in Tasmania research project report published.

TasCOSS Industry Development Unit established to focus on industry planning and support. Affordable Housing Crisis Coalition formed.

Partnership with University Department of Rural Health, DHHS, HACC and TasCOSS for ARC Linkages Grant to conduct research on Community Engagement for Productive Ageing. Community Services Industry Plan 2008-2012 completed. 15

Sixth annual Dorothy Pearce Address presented during the conference by Gayle Kennedy. Just Scraping By: Conversations with Tasmanians Living on Low Incomes published. HACC Consumer Engagement Project launched.

Consumers’ Guide to Personal Care by Robin Wilkinson published.

What’s Culture Got to Do With It? Organisational Culture Project Report and Workforce Development Toolkit published. Consumer Engagement Model and Toolkit launched by HACC Consumer Engagement Project. 16

Alison Dixon Client Relationship Manager, Tasmania

On behalf of HESTA


congratulations to everyone at TASCOSS on achieving 50 years of service to the Tasmanian community. We truly value our partnership and look forward to working closely with you in the years to come. At HESTA we’re committed to helping members reach their retirement goals. After all, we’ve had more than 20 years experience in the health and community services sector. We deliver our financial education and advice services in easy-to-understand language, using real-life examples. Led by CEO, Anne-Marie Corboy, our role is to inform you about your options — so that you can build a better retirement savings balance, whether you’re 25 or 65.

HESTA now has more than 700,000 members, 100,000 employers and more than $18 billion in assets. HESTA’s size means we can offer many benefits to members and employers. These include: low fees, a fully portable account, easy administration, access to low-cost income protection and death insurance, limited financial advice (at no extra cost), super education sessions and transition to retirement options. HESTA members also have access to a range of great value products and services including health insurance, banking and financial planning.

We are at the forefront of super innovation. HESTA was the first major super fund in Australia to introduce a sustainable investment option — Eco Pool — and assess fund managers on their after-tax investment returns. For more information visit

hesta.com.au or free call 1800 813 327. Issued by H.E.S.T. Australia Limited ABN 66 006 818 695 AFSL 235249, Trustee of Health Employees Superannuation Trust Australia (HESTA) ABN 64 971 749 321. For more information about HESTA, free call 1800 813 327 or visit hesta.com. au for a copy of a Product Disclosure Statement which should be considered when making a decision about HESTA.

TasCOSS staff at the Equal Pay Rally, 18 May 2011.


Tasmanian Council of Social Service Street address: 2nd Floor McDougall Building Ellerslie Road Battery Point Hobart Tasmania Postal address: PO Box 1126 Sandy Bay TAS 7006 Ph: (03) 6231 0755 Fax: (03) 6223 6136 Email: admin@tascoss.org.au Web: www.tascoss.org.au

The Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS) was established in 1961. It is the peak body for the community services industry in Tasmania.

TasCOSS is supported by the Department of Health and Human Services:

OUR MISSION To provide a voice for Tasmanians affected by poverty and inequality and to act as the peak council for the community services organisations that serve, support and work for them.

Thank you also to our sponsors:


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A fair, just and inclusive Tasmania.

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