Workforce Coordination Research Info sheet

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Information sheet. Research into workforce experience in the community services industry. An initiative of the Workforce Coordination Project

The community services industry is growing and will need more workers. This is addressed in the Tasmanian Community Services Industry Plan 2021-2031. The plan includes building a sustainable industry and workforce. Which is why you workforce experience is so important.

What's being researched and why? Understanding workforce experience - why people come, why they stay and why they go. Recruitment and awareness - how to best recruit new workers and volunteers Training and assessment - understanding the needs of and for trainers and assessors Training and development and career pathways - understanding workforce needs The research will contribute directly to: More effective recruitment campaigns for skills shortages Elevating the voice of the workforce with government and others Informing investment and funding for the industry Influencing for the industry outcomes

What's involved?

Will it be confidential?

There are two main approaches: Formal research being undertaken with partners such as UTAS. This may involve answering surveys or being interviewed. Informal research with short surveys, pulse check questions and some brief focus groups. This won't take up too much of your time.

Yes, all the research is confidential.

What will I get for participating? You may win a prize and/or your workplace may support you to participate.

When will it start? There will be stages of research, so you may not hear from us immediately. We will be in touch when research commences.

You won't:

Be identified. We ask your first name so we can contact you. All findings will be deidentified. Be asked to name your employer or organisation. Be providing your position. We ask the type of role you have. Be representing your employer. We want to hear what you think.

You will: Have a chance to win $100 voucher for being willing to be involved.

I'm interested. What do I do now? Click on the QR Code to access the form to register your interest in being involved. Don't forget to register if you want to be in the draw for the $100 voucher when completing the form.

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