Community Services Industry Plan (2021-31) Governance Briefing Paper and Draft Terms of Reference

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Community Services Industry Plan (2021-31) Governance Briefing Paper Background The Tasmanian Community Services Industry Plan (2021-31) (Industry Plan) is an overarching framework for governments, peak bodies and community service organisations to guide strategic industry development and transition planning. It is intended to safeguard the sustainability of the industry to ensure the entire Tasmanian community will benefit from changes to the way in which services are delivered. It aims to do this by addressing current and future challenges within the community services industry workforce, including strengthening both the workforce and the evidence-base that informs its development. The objective of the Industry Plan is to create a connected community services industry that supports all Tasmanians to live a good life and enriches our state’s social, cultural and economic wellbeing. It will achieve this through actioning three strategic priorities: •

Strategic Priority 1: Local Solutions for Tasmanians Building a responsive and connected local service system that ensures all Tasmanians can get the right support, in the right place at the right time. Strategic Priority 2: Workforce Development and Training Ensuring the industry has the skilled and diverse workforce it needs to deliver flexible, responsive services that can withstand future disruptors and achieve positive outcomes for clients. Strategic Priority 3: Leading for Impact Ensuring the community services industry is a well-governed, viable industry with leadership that creates value by being targeted, resilient, accountable, innovative, connected and ethical.

Implementation The Industry Plan will be implemented through collaborative partnerships between the community services industry, service users, communities, government agencies, educational institutions, training providers and other stakeholders. The overall implementation of the Industry Plan is driven by a focus on: 1. Opportunities Digital technology, place-based approaches and innovative investment models. 2. Challenges Growing need for services, rapidly changing industry requirements and workforce shortages and challenges. 3. Strategic Pillars Partnerships, sustainability and innovation.

Governance Structure The implementation of the Industry Plan will be overseen by a robust and comprehensive governance structure comprising three bodies: 1. Industry Advisory Council to provide high level oversight and endorsement. 2. Industry Development Steering Committee for steering and advising, reporting to the Industry Advisory Council. 3. Workforce Coalition for actioning Strategic Priority 2: Workforce Development and Training, reporting to the Industry Development Steering Committee. Each of these groups will be informed by input from community and consumer groups. They will have strong accountability measures and will be subject to evaluation and success measures. Diagram 1: Governance Structure

The Community Services Industry Advisory Council will oversee and endorse decisions of the Industry Development Steering Committee. It will provide vision, leadership, strategic direction and accountability in the implementation of the Industry Plan. It will lead change and ensure the future growth of the community services industry (see Appendix 1 for draft Terms of Reference). The Industry Development Steering Committee will steer the implementation of the Industry Plan by identifying, prioritising and overseeing projects under the Industry Plan. The initial focus will be on Strategic Priority 2: Workforce Development and Training and the committee will steer and advise Workforce Coalition. The Committee will also report to and inform the Council. It will work collaboratively to action all aspects of the Industry Plan (see Appendix 2 for draft Terms of Reference).

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The Workforce Coalition will action Strategic Priority 2 of the Industry Plan (Workforce Development and Training). The Workforce Coalition will oversee the activities of the Workforce Project Manager and Workforce Ready Team. It will work to position Tasmania as a national leader in thinking and best practice in strategic workforce planning and to deliver industry led workforce projects. The Terms of Reference are draft only. They will be discussed and finalised at the first meeting of each of the governance bodies. Community and consumer groups will inform these governance groups through mechanisms such as peak body representation on each of these bodies and service user and workforce representation on the Industry Development Steering Committee and Workforce Coalition. Workforce development and training (Strategic Priority 2) is funded for $1.1 million per year for three-years (2022-24) and is the first priority area to be implemented. This first phase of implementation is underway. The project team is based at TasCOSS and the recruitment process for the Workforce Ready Team is imminent. The Workforce Ready Team will be a group of workforce specialists with a specific industry focus who will work to deliver the following initiatives: • • • • •

Design and delivery of a recruitment and awareness campaign aimed at shaping and raising the public perception of the community services industry and attracting and retaining skilled workers. Driving a program of research to identify current and future training and development needs within the industry and informing the application of funding. Driving a program of research to identify future industry demands, trends and needs, including barriers to and opportunities for employment. Improving capacity for training delivery and assessment in the various industries by strategically subsidising training and assessment qualifications. Leveraging capital for identified strategies and initiatives and informing future Industry Plan project and initiatives.

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Appendix 1: DRAFT Terms of Reference — Community Services Industry Advisory Council Role

Objective Membership

The role of the Community Services Industry Advisory Council (the Advisory Council) is to provide vision, leadership, strategic direction and accountability for the implementation of the Community Services Industry Plan (the Industry Plan). The objective of the Advisory Council is to ensure a sustainable future for the community services industry. The Advisory Council will comprise the following members:^

Co-chaired by the Minister for Community Services and Development, the Hon Nic Street MP, and TasCOSS Board President, Alex McKenzie. Selected Members (to be selected from EOI process): • Chairs of community service organisations boards to provide representation from peak bodies, different size organisations, sector diversity and regional providers (four members) Appointed Members: • Minister for Skills, Training and Workforce Growth, the Hon Roger Jaensch MP • Vice-Chancellor, University of Tasmania • CEO, TasTAFE • Australian Government representation (one member) • Chair, Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) • CEO, TasCOSS (ex-officio)* • Secretary, Department of Communities Tasmania (exofficio)* Secretariat: • Industry Plan Project Manager, TasCOSS • Industry Plan Project Support, TasCOSS In addition, the chair(s) may invite representatives from other agencies to participate in discussions for specific agenda items, as appropriate.

^ No proxies for these positions. * Ex-officio members are non-voting members.

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Term of Appointment

Scope and Responsibilities

Role of the Co-Chairs

Members’ Roles and Responsibilities

Selection for the above roles on the Advisory Council will be undertaken via the following methods: • Appointment. • Expressions of interest for selected membership roles. • Selection by co-chairs in accordance with: o Statewide strategic representation; o Implementation of strategic initiatives; o Strong connections and relationships within the industry; and o Ensuring appropriate mix of sector, size and regions. • Co-chairs and appointed members: ten-years (Jan 2022– Dec 2031). • Selected members: three-years (May 2022–May 2025). The Advisory Council is responsible for: • Guiding, advising and endorsing decisions of the Industry Development Steering Committee and endorsing and promoting the implementation of the Industry Plan. • Providing strategic direction for Tasmanian Government funding for the community services industry. • Building on successes and celebrating outcomes. • Fostering collaboration. • Sponsoring projects and enabling the progress of the Industry Plan’s three strategic priority areas. • Ensuring accountability for implementation of the Industry Plan and of the Industry Development Steering Committee. The role of the co-chairs is to: • In consultation, agree on the meeting agenda for each meeting. • Preside over all meetings. • Ensure all members have opportunities to contribute ideas, opinions and concerns through maintaining a positive and constructive dialogue. • Assist members to work together and ensure active participation in the group. • Work across both the community and government sectors to progress implementation of the Industry Plan and its priorities. The role of individual Advisory Council members is to understand and accept responsibility for the success of the Industry Plan, understand the scope of their responsibilities and to engage with and actively participate in and promote Advisory Council activities.

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Accountability Review

Meeting Frequency and Format: • The Advisory Council will convene twice a year in May and November. • Meeting location and time TBC. • Wherever possible, decisions of the Advisory Council are to be made by consensus, or if consensus cannot be reached, by a majority vote of those members present. If there is a significant decision with dissenting views, a vote will be made based on a quorum, or may be referred to a working group. • For the purposes of a vote of members for a ‘majority ruling’ a quorum is no less than half the total number of members, plus one. • Additional meetings may be convened at the discretion of the co-chairs. • To contribute to progressing priorities, the Advisory Council may task the Industry Development Steering Committee with progressing specific tasks within specified timeframes. Agendas and Papers: The Industry Plan Project Manager, located in TasCOSS, will oversee the administrative support for the Council. This support will include: • Organising meetings. • Circulating agenda and papers to the Advisory Council two-weeks prior to meetings. • Recording minutes and attendance at meetings. Reporting to the Tasmanian Government and the public annually through an annual report. The work program and governance arrangements will be reviewed annually.

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Appendix 2: DRAFT Terms of Reference — Industry Development Steering Committee Role



The role of the Industry Development Steering Committee (the Steering Committee) is to work collaboratively to action all aspects of the Community Services Industry Plan (the Industry Plan), focusing on short, medium and long-term priorities. The objective of the Steering Committee is to steer the implementation of the Industry Plan by identifying, prioritising and overseeing projects under the Industry Plan. The Steering Committee will comprise the following members:

This body is responsible for steering the Industry Plan. Co-chaired by Secretary of the Department of Communities Tasmania, Michael Pervan, and TasCOSS CEO, Adrienne Picone. Selected Members (to be selected from EOI process): • Peak body representation (two members)^ • CEOs of community service organisations representation (two members)^ • Service user representation (two members) • Workforce representation (one member) • Volunteering Tasmania representation (one member) Appointed Members: • Secretary, Department of State Growth • Secretary, Department of Education • Director, Community and Disability Services, Department of Communities Tasmania+ (ex-officio) * • Executive industry partners (University of Tasmania, TasTAFE) By Invitation: • Chair(s) of the Workforce Coalition or Working Groups for the lifetime of the project (ex-officio)* Secretariat: • Industry Plan Project Manager, TasCOSS • Industry Plan Project Support, TasCOSS In addition, the chair(s) may co-opt additional members as required for a specified time to ensure implementation of particular aspects of the work plan.

+ New structure to replace Department of Communities Tasmania. * Ex-officio members are non-voting members. ^ These four members will be made up of a mix of organisations with regional, size and sector diversity. Page 7 of 9 Community Services Industry Plan (2021-31) Governance Briefing Paper, March 2022



Scope and Responsibilities

Role of the Co-Chairs

Selection for the above roles on the Steering Committee will be undertaken via the following methods: • Appointment. • Expressions of interest for selected membership roles. • Selection by co-chairs in accordance with: o Statewide strategic representation; o Implementation of strategic initiatives; o Strong connections and relationships within the industry; and o Ensuring appropriate mix of sector, size and regions. • Co-chairs and appointed members: ten-years (Jan 2022– Dec 2031). • Selected members: three-years (Apr 2022–Apr 2025). The Steering Committee is responsible for: • Supporting the Community Services Industry Advisory Council (the Advisory Council) in developing and recommending implementation of the Industry Plan. • Providing advice about strategic priorities and actions. • Identifying challenges to and opportunities for the implementation of projects and planning for future projects. • Recommending priority areas for Budget Priorities Statements, subject to Advisory Council approval. • Delegating projects and ensuring funding obligations are met. • Supporting, providing oversight and ensuring accountability of the Workforce Coalition and other working groups to deliver on expectations, resolve issues and manage risks. • Approving project scope and variations. • Monitoring project progress against agreed project outcomes. The role of the co-chairs is to: • In consultation, agree on the meeting agenda for each meeting. • Preside over all meetings. • Ensure all members have opportunities to contribute ideas, opinions and concerns through maintaining a positive and constructive dialogue. • Assist members to work together and ensure active participation in the group. • Work across both the community and government sectors to progress implementation of the Industry Plan and its priorities.

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Members’ Roles and Responsibilities


The role of individual Steering Committee members is to understand and accept the scope of their responsibilities and to engage with and actively participate in Steering Committee activities. Meeting Frequency and Format: • The Steering Committee will convene four times a year (April, July, October and January). • Meeting location and time TBC. • A meeting quorum will be half the total number of members plus one. • Wherever possible, decisions of the Steering Committee are to be made by consensus, or if consensus cannot be reached, by a majority vote of those members present. If there is a significant decision with dissenting views, a vote will be made based on a quorum, or may be referred to a working group. • For the purposes of a vote of members for a ‘majority ruling’ a quorum is no less than half the total number of members, plus one. • Additional meetings may be convened at the discretion of the co-chairs. • Attendance/decision-making cannot be by proxy. Working Groups: Working groups will be established as required and appropriate roles and responsibilities will be delegated to them. This includes delegating to the Workforce Coalition responsibility for implementation of Strategic Priority 2: Workforce Development and Training.

Accountability Review

Agendas and Papers: The Industry Plan Project Manager, located in TasCOSS, will oversee the administrative support to the Steering Committee. This support will include: • Organising meetings. • Circulating agenda and papers to the Steering Committee two-weeks prior to the meeting. • Recording minutes and attendance at meetings. Reporting to the Advisory Council via six monthly reports against priority actions. The work program and governance arrangements will be reviewed annually.

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