TasCOSS Health Literacy Survey Flyer 2021

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Survey: Using technology during COVID-19 to access health and community services We are doing a short survey to find out what it has been like for people and services trying to find, book and use health or community service appointments using technology (computers or phones) during COVID-19. When COVID-19 happened, there was a rapid shift to online and digital ways of accessing services. For many of us these changes came quickly. We want to know what those changes meant for you. The survey should take five minutes, and closes on Sunday, 13 June 2021.

How can I help? We would like to hear from health and community service providers, as well as people who use those services. Your feedback and insights will help us work with health, community, and government services to improve the experience of people who use them in the future. We have two surveys:

Consumer Survey

Service Provider Survey

I used a health or community service during COVID-19

I am a health or community service provider who offered support during COVID-19



Who do I contact for more information? If you would like a printed copy of the survey, or to chat with us to share your experiences, please contact Chris Sierzant – Health Literacy Coordinator, by email at chris@tascoss.org.au or by telephone on (03) 6231 0755. The Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS) is the peak body for community service organisations in Tasmania. This project is funded by Primary Health Tasmania and the Tasmanian Government Public Health Services.

Level 3, 86 Murray St TAS 7000 GPO Box 771, Hobart TAS 7001 p 03/6169 9500 ABN 69 078 846 944

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