fact sheet
Poverty Tasmania is not a wealthy state overall, and the gulf between top and bottom earners in the State also is large.
Average weekly personal income, Tasmanian and national, May 20151
Tasmania: $961.50
Average Tasmanian disposable household weekly income, by income quintile, 2013-142
Q1 (poorest): $311
Australia: $1136.60
Q2: $460 Q3: $615 Q4: $798 Q5: $1,243
Income share, 2013-143
Q1 (poorest): 9.2% Q2: 13.3% Q3: 17.6% Q4: 22.8% Q5 (richest): 37.1%
Proportion of population classified as low income, 2013144
Tasmania: 52.4%
Proportion of population with government pensions/allowances as the primary source of income, 2011-125
50%-90% of income: 11.5%
ABS 6302, Average Weekly Earnings, Australia, Tables 11F and 1. ABS 6523, Household Income and Wealth, 2013-14. 3 ABS 6523, Household Income and Wealth, 2013-14. 4 ABS 4130, Housing Occupancy and Costs, 2013-14, Table 20 5 ABS 6523, Household Income and Income Distribution, 2011-12. 2
Australia: 40.5%
90%+ of income: 20.9%
A high proportion of Tasmania’s population is at risk of poverty. Risk of poverty in Tasmania (calculated as 50% of median income), 2014 6
All of state: 15.1% Hobart: 13.8% Balance of state: 16%
Risk of poverty in Tasmania (calculated as 60% of median income), 2014 7
All of state: 25.8% Hobart: 20.7% Balance of state: 29.2%
Proportion of children under 15 in low income families, 20128
All of state: 25% Launceston: 27% Northern Region: 26%
Proportion of children under 15 in jobless households, 20129
All of state: 23%
Proportion of people who could not obtain $2000 in a week for something important
2013: 12.2%.10
Launceston: 21%
In the bottom two quintiles, 2009-10: 24.3%11
Poverty is located across the state, not just in the urban fringes. Local Government Areas by deciles of relative socioeconomic advantage and disadvantage (Australia), 201112
Out of 29 LGAs: In the lowest decile: 5 (Break O’Day, Brighton, Derwent Valley, George Town, West Coast) In the lowest quintile: 14 (as above plus Burnie, Central Highlands, Devonport, Dorset, Glamorgan/Spring Bay, Glenorchy, Southern Midlands, Tasman, Waratah/Wynyard) In the lowest third: 18 (as above plus Circular Head, Huon Valley, Kentish, Launceston) In the top decile: -In the top quintile: 2 (Hobart, Kingborough) In the top third: 2 (Hobart, Kingborough)
ACOSS 2014. ACOSS 2014. 8 State of Launceston’s Children 2012: Kids Come First. 9 State of Launceston’s Children 2012: ABS Tasmanian Regional Profile. 10 Tasmanian Population Health Survey, 2013. 11 ABS 6530, Household Expenditure Survey, 2009-10. 12 ABS, SocioEconomic Indices for Areas, 2011. 7
Some groups are at a much higher risk of poverty than the average. Personal and household weekly income by indigenous status, 2011
Median total personal income
Indigenous households: $395 Non-indigenous households: $503 Indigenous to non-indigenous ratio: 0.79
Median total household income:
Indigenous: $923 Non-indigenous: $949 Indigenous to non-indigenous ratio: 0.97
Persons per household:
Indigenous: 3.0 Non-indigenous: 2.4
If you on a low income, you are more likely to find it difficult to:
Find and stay in housing
Percentage of rental properties affordable to lowincome renters, April 201513
1842 properties in total, of which were affordable:
Proportion of low income renters paying more than 30% of income on housing, 2014. 14
Seek medical help
Proportion of population deferring medical care due to cost, 201415
For people on Newstart and Youth Allowance, including single parents with youngest children over 8: Between 4 and 12 properties in total across the state. For parents with youngest children under 8: Between 1% (27) and 5% (85) properties across the state. For people receiving the Aged Pension: Between 7% (128) and 15% (270) of properties across the state.
GP visit: 6.9% Prescription medication: 8.0%
Anglicare Rental Affordability Snapshot 2015. Report on Government Services 2015: Housing, Sector Overview, 2015, Table GA.5. 15 Report on Government Services 2015: Health, Sector Overview, Table E.5 14
If you live in a poor area, you are more likely to:
Be unwell and die earlier
Estimated rate per population aged 15+ with fair or poor self-assessed health, by quintile of socioeconomic disadvantage of area, 201116
Q1 (richest): 12.4%
Estimated proportion of population with high or very high levels of psychological distress, 201117
Q1 (richest): 6.4%
Median age at death, 201118
Q1 (richest): 82
Q5 (poorest): 26.9%
Q5 (poorest): 13.0%
Q5 (poorest): 78
Be unemployed or have parents who are unemployed
Unemployment, 201119
Q1 (richest): 3.5% Q5 (poorest): 14.5%
Long-term (6+ months) unemployment, 201120
Q1 (richest): 3% Q5 (poorest): 10.8%
Proportion of children in jobless households, 201121
Q1 (richest): 9.6% Q5 (poorest): 26.6%
Have a child who is developmentally vulnerable, who is not participating in school full-time, or who is not fully engaged in either education or work
Proportion of children classified as developmentally vulnerable on 2+ developmental domains, 201222
Q1 (richest): 7.6%
Full-time participation in secondary school education at age 16, 201123
Q1 (richest): 78.7%
Proportion of population aged 15-19 fully engaged in education or work24
Q1 (richest): 83.7%
PHIDU 2015, Monitoring Inequality in Australia: Tasmania. PHIDU 2015, Monitoring Inequality in Australia: Tasmania. 18 PHIDU 2015, Monitoring Inequality in Australia: Tasmania. 19 PHIDU 2015, Monitoring Inequality in Australia: Tasmania. 20 PHIDU 2015, Monitoring Inequality in Australia: Tasmania. 21 PHIDU 2012: 2011 Census. 22 www.aedc.gov.au/data, 2012 23 PHIDU 2015, Monitoring Inequality in Australia: Tasmania. 24 PHIDU 2015, Monitoring Inequality in Australia: Tasmania. 17
Q5 (poorest): 17.2%
Q5 (poorest): 60.5%
Q5 (poorest): 73.5%
Unemployment by LGA, highest to lowest, March 201525
Brighton: 11.9% Derwent Valley: 11.6% Tasman: 11.5% Break O’Day: 11.3% George Town: 10.6% Burnie: 9.7% Glenorchy: 9.5% West Coast: 9.3% Devonport: 9.2% Huon Valley: 9.2% Central Highlands: 8.8% Launceston: 8.4% Kentish: 7.6% Southern Midlands: 7.2% Waratah/Wynyard: 7.1% Glamorgan/Spring Bay: 6.9% Flinders: 6.8% Dorset: 6.7% Central Coast: 6.5% Sorell: 5.7% Clarence: 5.4% Northern Midlands: 5.2% Latrobe: 5.2% Circular Head: 4.9% West Tamar: 4.7% Meander Valley: 4.6% Hobart: 4.3% Kingborough: 3.8% King Island: 2.8%
Department of Employment, Small Area Labour Markets, LGA data tables, March 2015.