the SAPLING Tabor Academy’s Freshman Edition of Student Newspaper
Volume 9
May 2015
Is the Rumor about a Schedule Change True?
A block change proposal has underclassmen buzzing by Sydney Cohen
Walking through the halls of the Stroud Academic Center, groups of students talk in hushed tones discussing the rumor of a schedule change. Is this just a rumor or the beginning of a new block system at Tabor?
The proposal includes an alteration to the block system. This alteration would change the current eight-block system to a seven-block system. It would extend overall class blocks to 50 minutes that would be held four times a week. This idea
Another portion of this schedule change would include every class having the opportunity to have a lab block. This lab block would be used to work on projects, and students’ interactive skills such as editing, talking with teachers and process-based learning opportunities that are occasionally neglected.
Within this proposal is the idea of both
Photo by Maggie Finley ‘18
Despite the hushed chatter, this change truly is just a rumor. Mrs. Marceau, who is part of the committee putting this proposal together, clarified that as of right now, this rumor is only just a proposal. It has not yet been brought before TASC but will be shared with them soon. Marceau also shared some of the possible changes that they are addressing within this proposal. Earlier this year, Marceau shadowed a sophomore from breakfast check-in until the end of the academic day. During her experience shadowing this student, she discovered that students are involved in a high pace school day with a very frantic block schedule.
was introduced due to the lack of teaching time. From a teacher’s perspective, currently there is not enough time to incorporate all they want to teach in one class block. It is difficult to stretch out lessons and as a result of the short blocks, teachers must hold classes that seem to occur at a very fast pace. As of right now, teachers have on average 130 hours of teaching time over the course of the year. If the block system were changed, and classes were extended, teachers would gain 16 more hours of teaching time, allowing them to stretch out their lessons and teach at a slower, more manageable pace. This proposal also includes fiveminute longer lunch blocks to give students more time to eat, and slow the pace exhibited during the academic day.
A new proposal would change the current block system.
Wednesday and Saturday classes always beginning at 8:30 AM. This idea is based on a study that shows that teenagers do not get enough sleep. The later start on these two days would allow students who find themselves exhausted during the academic day to catch up on their sleep and be more refreshed and awake during classes. This proposal also includes the idea that each class would have a longer block every other week.
Finally, this schedule change would include a revised schedule for speakers during times such as All-School and chapel. This change lengthens the time each speaker has in order to have enough time to speak. If this schedule change fails to go through for next year, it is highly possible that an alternate form of this proposal will be created in the future. Yet, as of now, no changes have actually occurred.
Bride Takes Over as Dean of Students Teacher, Dorm Parent, and Coach Mel Bride will join the administration next year
by Abigail Mottur
Photo by Maggie Finley ‘18
of school are to extend the wifi on Friday nights when there is no Saturday class the next day. Also, she may want to take another look at the dress code for both boys and girls.
Bride is excited to join the administration next year.
Although it is only her first year at Tabor, it has not taken long for Mrs. Bride to make a huge impact on the community through coaching the JV Field Hockey and Varsity Lacrosse teams, living in Spring Street dorm, and teaching Spanish classes. She has “loved getting to know the Tabor kids and wants to work closer with them to
Inside the issue
make their experience more fun and more transformative,” in her new position as the Dean of Students.
Bride has great ideas to make the weekends more fun for the upcoming year such as off-campus camping trips, pillow polo, foursquare tournaments and bubble soccer games. Her ideas in terms
Tabor Siblings p. 3
Bride is currently a Spanish teacher and absolutely loves it. One of her favorite parts about being a teacher is “the energy that kids bring to class everyday.” She always knew that she wanted to work with kids when she was growing up but she was not sure what she wanted to do. Her own experience from boarding school is a huge contributing factor to her becoming a teacher. She has also taught at a school in Honduras, at a middle school, has been the director of development at an environmental non-profit, and a stayat-home mom.
Mrs. Bride has made some great memories at Tabor even though she has only been here for a year. Some of her favorites have been JV Field Hockey, her Spanish Elective Trip to Hathaway School
in New Bedford, a Spring Street dorm trip to a multicultural dance performance at Wheaton College, and all of her classes. When she was driving her dorm to the dance performance she “accidentally drove the Tabor bus on the walking paths by mistake due to the mounds of snow.” Even though she says that was an embarrassing experience it is now a funny memory that she has made.
“Memories are only going to be made if you try new things,” says Mrs. Bride. She wants all students to take part in making the weekends more fun. “Don’t just wait for the weekend activities to be posted, bring your ideas to the student activities council!” Bride really wants all the students to be a part of the weekends and other school events. She also hopes to work with kids to give a meaning to “All A-Taut O.” Bride is overjoyed to be our next Dean of Students and cannot wait to make an even bigger impact on the Tabor community.
Tabor News.................................1,3 Editorials.......................................2 Center Spread.............................4,5 Opinions........................................6 Sports.............................................7 The Back Page................................8
Dance Program p. 7