Tabor Today Magazine Fall 2020

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fall 2020 + gift report

Despite Tabor’s commitment to health and safety protocols such as social distancing and mask-wearing, learning continues as though little has changed. One example is the Marine Field Ecology class which puts students in charge of studying marine life close to shore. “One experiment focuses on how we do research in a marine environment,” shared Science Teacher Tamar Cunha, who asked students to study eelgrass in Sippican Harbor. FRONT COVER: Cory Sanders ‘21 is seen carrying a benthic sled, which has a camera attached to it that was used to capture footage of the seafloor and the eelgrass they studied. BACK COVER: Cory and his classmates can be seen in kayaks, which were used to drag the benthic sleds across the seafloor to capture the footage that was then studied. You can learn more about this experiment by visiting



Interim Head of School Julie Salit

Layout and Design Deb Cohen

Director of Advancement P.J. O’Connell

Alumni News and Notes

Director of Admissions Eric Long

Staff Photographers Samantha Lawrence Gary Lawrence

Director of Communications Stacy Jagodowski • Contact us:

• Visit our website:

Tabor Today is produced by the Office of Communications. Please direct your comments, ideas, and letters to the Office of Communications at Tabor Academy, 66 Spring Street, Marion, MA 02738 or by e-mail to Visit us at for timely campus and sports news or to send us news about you. We look forward to hearing from you!

Travis Roy 1975-2020

This issue of Tabor Today is dedicated to the memory of Travis Roy ’95 R E A D H I S T R I B U T E O N PA G E 3 0


fall 2020 + gift report



Courageous Conversations Getting to know Tabor’s New Director of Equity and Inclusion


Together While Apart Tim Cleary, Dean of Students



3 View from the Bridge Julie Salit, Interim Head of School

7 Athletics 8 Arts

A Shifting Landscape Eric Long, Director of Admissions


Making An Impact The Future of Sports: Joby Branion ‘81 A Little Hope: Seth Burr ‘97 Broadway Blackout: Justin Nichols ‘07

13 Transitions Faculty & Class of 2020

24 Class Notes Alumni Connections In Memoriam

The Power of the Alumni Network: Bill Phelps ‘74 & Seb Salvo ‘11 Once Upon a Pandemic in Hollywood: Alexandra Decas ‘05

34 Annual Gift Report


Remembering Travis Roy ‘95


A Tribute to Tabor Alumnus and Trustee


VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE On October 17 this year, the Town of Marion welcomed our school’s founder, Elizabeth Taber, home to our seaside village. I had the opportunity to spend a few moments with Mrs. Taber—well, not the real Elizabeth Taber, but a beautiful life-sized sculpture of her that now graces Marion’s Bicentennial Park. In 2019, the Town of Marion commissioned New Bedford sculptor Erik Durant to create the statue in honor of Mrs. Taber. As former trustee and longtime Marion resident Tinker Saltonstall wrote, “Marion would be a very different place if Elizabeth Taber had not blessed us with her generosity and passion for education. [She was] an extraordinary benefactor.” As I sat next to Mrs. Taber on that blustery fall afternoon, her torso turned slightly toward me welcoming a conversation, I wondered: What would she say if she were alive in 2020? Would she have forged ahead and reopened the schoolhouse even with all the uncertainties of the world? Would she have continued progress on building the Music Hall, the town library and the Natural History Museum? What would she have done to build relationships and engage in civil discourse within her own community if she were living during a time when there is much dissent across the country and protocols in place that keep everyone physically apart? I reflected upon Mrs. Taber’s life and all that she endured—the unspeakable loss of her three children all before the age of five and the untimely death of her beloved

by Julie Salit, Interim Head of School

husband, Stephen. However, even in the face of such enormous grief and adversity, Mrs. Taber chose to give back to the place she called home. She opened Tabor Academy in 1876, providing the foundation for the school we are today—a school that, in the face of a global pandemic, political unrest across our country and much uncertainty surrounding what is to come, has shown, like Mrs. Taber, great resilience. I hope that Mrs. Taber would feel proud of our community during this unique time in history. As you’ll read in the pages of this magazine, our school has remained strong even during times of uncertainty. We’ve held virtual open houses, Zoom back-toschool nights, remote reunions and a virtual graduation (we have not forgotten about you, Class of 2020!). We’ve continued to build a community of belonging, and set aside a day to show our Black students, faculty and staff that we stand with them, we support them and we care about them. We’ve enhanced technology to convert our classrooms into hybrid learning spaces for both in-person and remote learners. We’ve expanded our co-curricular offerings this fall and have added outdoor spaces to socialize at a physical distance.

who are playing fall sports. We pulled out the uniforms, divided up the squads and competed against one another in a slate of games. And, in early November we celebrated our thespians and artists with a series of red carpet events. There is much to feel good about, even as we navigate these uncharted waters. Sure, the Tabor of today looks and feels different than it did eight months ago, but we are together, living and learning through our mission and growing and evolving as the aspirational community we are. As I walked away from the celebration honoring Elizabeth Taber, I looked back at her one last time to thank her for providing all of us a place we can call “home.”

We’ve also forged ahead with the designs for a new student center—a building that will enable our community to engage in courageous conversations and to relax and enjoy the Tabor experience together. On October 22, we celebrated a modified Tabor Day here on campus—a day to cheer on friends and celebrate the seniors


Courageous Conversations Getting to Know Tabor’s New Director of Equity & Inclusion of institutionalized racism that face our schools today and, indeed, in our country.” What led her to Tabor, however, was “the commitment of the community to achieve social justice. I was further encouraged by the school’s pledge to be more welcoming and supportive for all students and to actively become a more anti-racist school. Interim Head of School Julie Salit’s words in a letter to the community resonated for me: ‘We believe that Black lives matter and Black voices matter, and we pledge to work together to better understand the issues and take the necessary actions to bring about positive change.’”

Tabor wants its faculty, staff and students to be aware that defensiveness is detrimental and creates division and barriers to campus cohesiveness and prevents the much-needed courageous conversations.

“I hope to develop a community of belonging by focusing awareness on bias in all of its forms and leveraging that awareness to actionable initiatives.” These are the words of Tabor’s new Director of Equity and Inclusion Loraine Snead, who joined the community this fall as part of our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office within Student Life.

Snead shared that research has found five characteristics that are evident in white supremacy cultures which prove to be detrimental to both white people and people of color within the organization: lack of a sense of urgency, defensiveness, quantity over quality, worship of the English written word, and only one right way.

Within the first two months of her new position, Snead has already started holding several professional development workshops around diversity, equity and inclusion for faculty and staff. “I will also help students with facilitating their affinity spaces. My goal is to help them organize whatever projects they want and help them prepare for action. Also, my role will be to advise and help teachers in the classroom to develop a curriculum that’s geared more towards equity and inclusion. This means that teachers will need to interrogate their curriculum to look at their pedagogy through an equity lens.

“A study by Jones & Okun cites defensiveness as one of the key roadblocks to progress, wherein ‘the organizational structure is set up and much energy spent trying to prevent abuse and protect power as it exists rather than to facilitate the best out of each person or to clarify who has power and how they are expected to use it,’” Snead explains. “Tabor wants its faculty, staff and students to be aware that defensiveness is detrimental and creates division and barriers to campus cohesiveness and prevents the much-needed courageous conversations. Racism, sexism, etc., are urgent matters in the 21st century and must be fully recognized and then acted on.”

Her passion for education is evident. “I am grateful and appreciative to have served in several independent schools and have trained with Peggy McIntosh at the National SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) Project working toward critical issues

In order to help ensure that Tabor’s commitment to an anti-racist learning and living environment, and promote action and change, Snead is adopting a “Project Management” approach to achieving diversity, equity and inclusion. “I firmly believe that


all of my roles in K-12 schools, colleges and universities have been informed by my own commitment to change oppression and privilege into agency and action,” she shared.

“Furthermore, many small projects can collectively help to change biased and discriminatory policies in the institution versus one large initiative stemming from one central diversity, equity and inclusion office. My initiatives introduce the decentralized working groups comprising all stakeholders and have benchmarks and metrics to assess the initiatives’ success. Dismantling white supremacy thinking includes looking for ways to measure whether or not the goal has been achieved so that feedback, reflection and ultimately learning can occur.”

Decentralize the DEI office into two major groups­— Working Groups and Student and Faculty Affinity Groups—and train faculty to facilitate the groups Develop and implement monthly faculty meetings focused on DEI education and dismantling white supremacy thinking while providing specific action steps geared toward supporting students of color and other marginalized groups at Tabor Academy Interrogate school-wide curricula and co-curriculum to decolonize and decenter whiteness Recommend workshops, conferences and other professional development as appropriate Develop a database for articles, books, videos and other resources for all stakeholders Develop a sustainable Annual Student of Color orientation Assist the Admissions Department with increasing the percentage of non-white students who will

In addition to her role of Director of Equity and Inclusion, Snead will draw on her years as a chemistry teacher, “I will teach one class of chemistry starting in the second module; I am excited about that. My last teaching position was at Penn State University, where I was an adjunct faculty, so it will be interesting to change from undergraduate teaching to 10th grade chemistry.”

attend Tabor Assist senior administration with hiring and retaining faculty and staff of color Develop and facilitate student forums to collectively hear all student voices and choices

“I’m impressed by the commitment of Tabor to the students, especially now in this climate, particularly the commitment to their health and education as well as the commitment to building leaders of tomorrow. I am honored to be a part of that.”


D E I O ff i c e I n i t i a t i v e s

Through a project management approach, all stakeholders (faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni, and the Board) are encouraged to take on individual and small group projects. Tabor can instill a sense of agency and confidence in our students, as well as a sense of belonging in the educational community. “Additionally, if more employees are working on equity and inclusion initiatives, the sheer number of successful projects achieved means that we have greater chances of furthering the eradication of white supremacy thinking,” Snead elaborated.

To read more about Snead’s background and career before she arrived at Tabor, visit


While the 2020 spring trimester was certainly anything but typical with students spread all over the world instead of here with us in Marion, we were able to capitalize on the meaningful connections that students and faculty developed here on the shores of Sippican Harbor from September to March. These relationships eased much of the discomfort presented by remote learning. A real highlight of the spring was the time students spent in their advisories, a space that has historically fostered some of the closest relationships between peers and adults. Each week at a designated time, advisors and advisees convened as a group via Zoom. In many ways, the flexibility of our remote learning schedule made one-on-one connections more feasible, too. One student commented that the thing he missed the most after the school year ended was the weekly meeting with his advisory from his couch and in his pajamas! When students and faculty returned to campus in the fall with a combination of in-person, remote and hybrid learning, the focus on providing opportunities to connect with their advisories was broadened. Each Wednesday, students and faculty now gather as a group to check in, watch the weekly chapel talk, now in a digital format, and talk about meaningful events both at school and around the world (and, there has been no shortage of newsworthy topics to discuss). Making connections with one another and exploring new ways to bring us closer together, even at a distance, is a top priority this year. 6

Schedules are organized so that advisories can enjoy meals together throughout the week. Lunch, always a favorite time of day, has become yet another opportunity to build relationships and bond as a group. While masks must be worn around campus throughout the day, when we share a meal—spaced apart in our new dining hall configuration—we can remove our masks and see each other more clearly. As someone who dabbles in sarcasm, this has been a godsend for my own advisory group, as they can now tell when I am joking (at least most of the time). We have replaced the common expression “socially distanced” with “physically distanced” here on campus because, while we may be six feet apart, we are still socially connected to our advisors, friends, teachers, and teammates. Advisory groups in their best iterations are small families within our broader community. And with increased opportunities to connect, we are leaning on each other for support and encouragement and having a lot of fun along the way. I am confident that in years to come when we look back on 2020, we will point to the relationships we built and the friendships we forged as long-lasting and positive consequences of the pandemic. As we learned last spring, peer-to-peer and student-to-advisor connections are not only meaningful when we are together, but they also are critical when we are apart.





The Co-Curricular Experience Adjusted for COVID-19 BY CONAN LEARY ‘97, DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Tabor has done its best to maintain a robust co-curricular program guided by the Centers for Disease Control and state parameters while adding CDC recommended activities. Specifically, the school has added a rotation of six CDC-endorsed outdoor recreational activities including badminton, disc golf, kickball, strength and agility, and volleyball.

With Tabor’s remote learning phase that began in December, planning began in advance for additional ways to keep students engaged in co-curricular activities. Similar to last spring’s remote trimester, co-curricular leaders are in contact with remote participants. Teams and groups will continue to work together so students are ready to jump into in-person activities once they’re back on campus.




Although this year may look a little different, we are dedicated to giving our Seawolves the best co-curricular experience possible.




We know that being active and having an outlet is essential for mental, emotional and physical health and it is why we provide such a large, diverse co-curricular program. Overall, it seems that students have enjoyed the variety of outdoor activities.
















A Shifting Landscape




At the same time as our newest students were receiving their admissions packets, our current students, faculty and staff were headed home to plan, prepare and execute on a trimester of distance learning. Despite some uncertainty regarding the road ahead and the need to adjust to new “office space,” Tabor’s Admissions & Financial Aid Office marshalled on, reaffirming confidence in the admissions process while preparing to welcome new students and families into the Class of 2024. While the choice proved extremely complex for local and regional families, the decision proved to be even more involved and nuanced for national and international families. Despite myriad challenges, including crossing borders, securing visas, booking flights, confirming accommodations and accessing other services essential to overseas travel, 48 of our international students returned to campus this fall to resume their in-person Tabor experience. The remaining 75 students are engaging with their teachers, classmates and peers and joining Tabor’s curricular and extracurricular experiences via Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Classrooms are equipped with cameras to provide for synchronous learning and to allow the remote experience 10

to be as similar as possible to the on-campus experience. In classrooms around campus, Tabor students are doing their best to include their international classmates in the life of the school. Our Chinese students are experiencing a particularly unique remote opportunity, thanks to Tabor Trustee Nini Suet ’03 and her colleagues at Shang Nancy Friends, a highly regarded consulting agency. Nini and the consultancy founded OnBoard, a day program that offers international students academic support, social interaction, and cocurricular options at education centers at the Shang Nancy Friends offices in Shanghai and Beijing. Twenty-two Tabor students, including most of our new students, are participating in this program. These students enroll in Tabor’s online classes and receive grades and credits for their work, and the staff at Shang provides support and encouragement that enhances the stay-at-home model of online learning. Nini and her colleagues also graciously invited students from other select boarding schools to join OnBoard. As our newest Seawolves adjust to their new home and our returning students acclimate to a slightly different look and feel on campus this year, the Admissions Office is hard at work sharing the Tabor experience with students who are just beginning the 2021 admissions process. This summer, my staff provided in-person tours and interviews while

ENROLLMENT FOR 2020-21 531 students 373 boarders / 158 day 265 boys / 266 girls 22 states / 16 countries 43% of students are from outside Massachusetts 23% international students 15% students of color 36% receive financial aid

socially distanced and masked. We have also designed a variety of interactive, informative, and customizable virtual experiences for prospective families including information sessions, student panel discussions, and tours of campus. The office is also collaborating with member boarding schools of the Independent School League and the Great Boarding Schools Consortium. Tabor’s admissions officers have been invited to serve as panelists on virtual events hosted by other organizations as well including Boarding School 360, Parents League of New York and individual “feeder schools.” Partnering with other boarding schools and developing new and innovative opportunities has been a rewarding “silver lining” of our new normal.




Creativity in Quarantine Although quarantine, separation and distance learning brought an all-too-long respite from the bustling enthusiasm, energy and creativity usually found in Tabor’s ceramic studio, it didn’t prevent a number of young alumni from gathering together (physically distanced, of course) to participate in a very special art project. This spring, Kevin Arnfield, the school’s visual arts teacher, contacted young alumni from near and far to judge their interest and ability to participate in an outdoor art experiment. With alumni on board, he set up shop in the nearby Rochester woods in mid-August and held a masterclass in potting, sculpture and glazing on his wood-fired salt kiln. Arnfield and his former students spent two days feeding the fire with two full cords of wood before the kiln reached its ideal temperature of 2400 degrees Fahrenheit. All those who participated in this socially distanced makeshift studio, including Nicole McLaughlin ’16, Thomas Kelly ’16, Vyper LaTulippe ’19, Gabe McCollester ’19, Eric Paliotta ’19, James Estabrook ’20, Kevin Arnfield, Albertine Arnfield, and Bob Mogilnicki ’76, were warmed as much by the opportunity to work together around a shared passion, as they were by the heat radiating from the kiln.

22 12


Welcome Aboard New Faculty! Leaving our Shores Retiring Faculty & Staff Capt. James E. Geil, SSV Tabor Boy

35 years of service (1)

David Pierce, Science


47 years of service Kerry Saltonstall, Communications

20 years of service




(6) (1) Jay Amster, Nautical Science, Captain, SSV Tabor Boy coming from Sea Education Association, Woods Hole, MA (2) Clare Feely, Nautical Science, Chief Engineer, SSV Tabor Boy coming from Sea Education Association, Woods Hole, MA (3) Stacy Jagodowski, Director of Communications coming from Sinai Akiba Academy, Los Angeles, CA (4) Miranda Laperle, School Counselor, coming from Rectory School, Pomfret, CT (5) Nicole McLaughlin, Visual Arts Fellow, coming from Kansas City Art Institute *Recent Grad


(7) Loraine Snead, Director of Equity & Inclusion & Science Teacher coming from Girard College, Head of High School / Penn State University, adjunct professor chemistry

3 13


(6) Natalie Passarelli, Science Teaching Fellow, coming from Middlebury College *Recent Grad




Class of 2020 launched!


American University Amherst College Babson College (2) Bentley University (3) Boston College (3) Boston University (4) Brandeis University Brown University (4) Bryant University Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo California College of the Arts Centre College Champlain College Colby College 14

College of Charleston College of the Holy Cross Connecticut College (4) Dartmouth College Denison University Drexel University Elon University Endicott College (3) George Washington University (3) Hamilton College (2) Hampton University Hobart William Smith Colleges Ithaca College Kenyon College (2) Lafayette College

Lake Forest College Lehigh University (5) Loyola Marymount University Loyola University Maryland Merrimack College Miami University-Oxford Middlebury College Mount Holyoke College New York University (2) Northeastern University (4) Northwestern University Norwich University Pennsylvania State University (2) Providence College (2) Purdue University




As is typical every spring, the graduating Class of 2020 finished its time at Tabor with reflections, awards, cheers, and tears—celebrating shared successes and marking challenges mastered. What was atypical this year was the remote fashion in which the class concluded its student experience. Graduates and their families “Zoomed” into Commencement from all corners of the globe to congratulate one another, bid farewell to classmates and friends, and thank faculty for support, counsel, and friendship. The entire Tabor community looks forward to the day when the Class of 2020 can celebrate its accomplishments and complete its Tabor journey together on the shores of Sippican Harbor. Until then, fair winds and following seas!

Quinnipiac University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rollins College Santa Clara University Southern Methodist University Stetson University Stony Brook University, SUNY Syracuse University (2) The University of Edinburgh The University of Tampa The University of Tennessee-Knoxville Trinity College Tufts University Tulane University of Louisiana Union College - Schenectady (2)

Follow us @taboracademy

University of California, San Diego University of California-Berkeley University of California-Los Angeles University of Colorado Boulder (3) University of Delaware University of Denver (3) University of Maine University of Massachusetts-Amherst (3) University of Miami University of New Mexico-Main Campus University of Oxford University of Pennsylvania (3) University of South Carolina-Columbia (2) University of Southern California (2) University of St Andrews

University of Vermont Vanderbilt University (2) Villanova University (3) Washington College Washington University in St. Louis Wellesley College Wesleyan University Wheaton College - Massachusetts (2) Williams College Worcester Polytechnic Institute



T H E F U TURE O F SP ORTS Q: Given the shifting landscape of the college football season and the decision by many top players to opt out of the 2020 season, what are the prospects and uncertainties for players, agents and professional teams entering the 2021 NFL draft?

Joby Branion ‘81

Everybody, and I mean everybody, is flying by the seat of their pants in 2020! No one alive has tried to play college and professional sports amid a dangerous pandemic. Athletes, families, coaches, colleges and professional leagues are all trying to navigate an uncharted path in an ever-changing wilderness. Student and professional athletes have “opted out” due to preexisting medical conditions while others want to “sit this out” because the long-term impacts associated with coronavirus are still widely unknown. And with respect to college athletes, there’s an additional layer of institutional decisionmaking about whether to play and under what conditions. It is said that great athletes make it look easy, and that is certainly the case with Joby Branion ’81. A super-agent to a roster of professional athletes in the NFL, MLB and NBA, Joby makes his work look easy, just as he did on the football field at Tabor, Duke University and the Washington Football Team. Today, as the founder and CEO of Vanguard Sports Group, Joby has negotiated over one billion dollars in deals and is responsible for the contract that made Von Miller of the Denver Broncos the highest-paid defensive player in NFL history. No one knows better than those who make it look easy, that real success is the result of relentless practice, preparation and passion. In a business that relies so heavily on close, trusting personal relationships, things like social distancing and virtual meetings are actually anathema to the sports agent business model. Tabor Today caught up with Joby and asked if he’d share his thoughts

The NFL was thought to be in an advantageous position at the outset of the pandemic, which began its assault on the sports world on March 12. There was widespread optimism that there was plenty of time for the NFL to figure things out. It soon became clear that this pandemic was not going away anytime soon, and the realization that without widespread testing, contact tracing, social distancing and isolation, advances in therapeutics and eventually effective vaccines, even the NFL was going to be hit very hard. Each week that goes by brings a collective sigh of relief from players and their franchises—at least games are getting played. But the loss of packed stadiums is obvious to the players on the fields in terms of ambiance and the team shareholders in terms of lost revenue (as much as $5.5 billion, reportedly). The revenue loss will certainly impact the salary cap for the 2021 season, and potentially another year after that.

on the future of sports in the COVID era, the impact of Black Lives Matter on professional sports, and some of the influences that Tabor continues to have on his personal and professional life.

Q: You work very closely with a number of professional athletes. I am sure it is variable, but can you give us some insight into the mindset of professional athletes right now?

As you might imagine, professional athletes are not a monolithic group. Every client and every family 16


dynamic is different—different sports, different career stages, different personal circumstances and different goals and values. That said, all of them are experiencing heightened stress around the uncertainty of the future of their chosen professions. The catch is that they are all managing their stresses individually, and some better than others. I often tell our youngest and newest clients and their families that life is going to continue to happen to you, whether you’re a professional athlete or you work in an office building. As a professional athlete, however, things may impact you very differently. Because pro careers are notoriously short, losing a year’s salary (opting out of the season, for example) can be daunting. Those who continue to play, are adjusting to a new normal as best they can. But, like most of us, they are very concerned about the uncertainty of the near future. And, while the pandemic is always at the front of their minds, many athletes are also deeply concerned about social injustices and, believe it or not, climate change. In the 25 years I have spent representing professional athletes, I have honestly never seen as much awareness and activism as I have witnessed in 2020. Q: All the professional leagues are trying their best to retain fans, but viewership is down and attendance is at zero in most cities. Through the years, when some leagues went on strike, it took a few seasons to fully rebound. What do you see for professional sports in the next few years?

There’s a great deal of long-term optimism, generally. And why not? Many are saying things can’t get any worse than this. Practically speaking, sports have always been an incredibly resilient aspect of our society. Even if there are some dramatic losses in the next few months or years, I expect the major professional sport leagues to survive and thrive once again. I am more concerned about the traditional pipelines we have relied upon in the United States for our future pros, namely youth sports, high school sports, and college athletics. I believe the fallout from

this crisis could have substantial, longer-term effects on each and every one of those conventional feeder systems. Q: From Colin Kaepernick taking a knee to the Bucks starting a playoff walk-out, can you share some of your thoughts on the role professional sports have played in the Black Lives Matter movement, and vice versa?

Sports have always provided a fertile platform for athletes to protest. What appears to be happening in 2020, however, is that there has been much greater support throughout college athletics and professional sports for social, political and economic change. Instead of relying on only a handful of the highest-profile athletes, this movement extends from the field to the owner’s box to the leagues themselves. In the past, star athletes were able to leverage their notoriety to become lightning rods for awareness. In 2020, the individual lightning rods have triggered full-fledged electrical storms of change rarely seen in this country. The test will be whether the messaging translates into tangible, permanent change. From my vantage point, it certainly appears that athletes and their many supporters have recognized the need to move beyond simple awareness and protest to actionable steps and achievable goals. Today’s athletes are actively seeking and securing “action” among influencers. They have championed the opening of stadiums as makeshift polling stations, created “Chief Purpose Officers” in front offices, and persuaded ownership and officials to reevaluate policies and practices to achieve meaningful social progress.

without a supportive and nurturing home life. And my experience at TA was heavily influenced by the fact that I was not a boarding student. Sometimes just getting to and from campus was a challenge. I also happened to be one of very few Black students at Tabor. In four years, I never played with another Black teammate on the football team. Even more jarring, I was the target of an explicit racial epithet scrawled on a bathroom wall in the Academic Center. I learned so much from the experiences, however, and I was fortunate to have coaches and teachers who truly cared about me as a human being, not just an athlete. I stay in touch with some of them over 40 years later. Those men helped shape me and I wouldn’t have survived, let alone thrived, without their guidance as I was trying to figure out how to become a man. My experiences at Tabor, good and bad, have helped me become personally accountable, resilient, and fearless, while allowing me to commit professionally to “do right” by my clients as people, not just as athletes. Tabor is forever a part of my DNA and it is the people I encountered during my four years that make that so. Joby was Tabor’s first African-American member of the Board of Trustees, and is an inductee into the Athletic Hall of Fame. He is our featured speaker in the December episode of the Forecasters Series. If you’d like to hear more from Joby on these and other topics, please watch his presentation on our website:

Q: What are some of the lessons you took away from your Tabor experience that stay with you today, either professionally or personally?

While I would love to say every aspect and moment of my Tabor experience was enchanting, that was not the case. High school years are among the most difficult to navigate, especially



A Little Hope BY SETH BURR ’97

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, I began making preparations to move my business and team to a work-from-home model in early March. As COO and co-founder of LABUR (www.labur. com), a Boston-based workforce solution provider, we went 100 percent remote on March 12, and then my attention quickly expanded to the greater Boston community. What about those who wouldn’t be able to work remotely? What about those who would be battling COVID-19 on the front lines? Like so many, I feared—and knew— the virus could have crippling effects.

words that come to mind when I think of General Jack Hammond and the whole Boston Hope team that came together during these uncertain times to deliver a field hospital fit to handle a largely unknown, global pandemic. BOSTON HOPE AND TABOR ACADEMY

One of my leading contributions to the Boston Hope effort was quite simple: my network. At LABUR, our primary output is connecting leading technology consultants and executives to Bostonbased businesses, so naturally our Rolodex lent itself nicely to the Boston Hope cause.


In late March, retired Brigadier General Jack Hammond, executive director of Home Base (www., a Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital program, was tasked with standing up a field hospital in Boston. As an advisory board member to Home Base and a friend of the General, I knew I wanted to be involved as soon as I heard about this mission. For six weeks, I sat in on calls with the taskforce, which included representatives from the governor’s office, the mayor’s office, MEMA (Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency), the Massachusetts National Guard, and countless other volunteers like myself. We divvied up tasks and to-dos as they came in, and while I wasn’t completely surprised by the organization and flawless execution of the General’s plan, seeing what would become Boston Hope come together was one of the most impressive and humbling experiences I have personally ever had. Leadership, personal responsibility—one of the statements of the Tabor Academy mission I connect with the most—and citizenship are a few of the


When personal care products, snacks and drinks were needed, I tapped into our connections at Keurig, Dr. Pepper, BJ’s and Stop & Shop. Without hesitation, they stepped up and donated drinks and snacks to be left at the hotels where essential workers were staying and personal care products to be used in the field hospital. When we realized there was no entertainment for patients staying at Boston Hope, I raised my hand to see who I could find to donate books, magazines and board games. Almost immediately, I thought of Crystal Carlton Flynn ’95, Vice President of Global Communications & Publicity at Hasbro. I hadn’t spoken with Crystal in over 20 years, but like so many of us, she answered the call of service without hesitation. Her response to me was, “How many board games and where should I send them? Let me know what else I can do to help.” If there is anyone who knows the power of a good network, it’s me, but there’s something really special about the Tabor alumni network. Not only were Crystal and I involved in the volunteering and donation front of Boston Hope, but the Merrow brothers, Charlie ’95 and Owen ’97, converted

their manufacturing operations (http://merrowmfg. com) over to produce PPE, including much-needed gowns for Boston area hospitals. And then there’s John Fish ’78, chairman and CEO of Suffolk Construction ( who helped build out the infrastructure for Boston Hope. DEDICATED TO GIVING BACK

From a responsibility standpoint, being local and connected to people who I knew could make a difference in this project, Boston Hope stood for exactly that—a little hope during a scary and unnerving time. As a team, we were doing something that had never been done before, and I felt the drive to be involved in whatever capacity I could be.

With so much unrest, fear and frustration around COVID-19, I found it inspiring to hear about Seth’s efforts around Boston Hope. Despite having not seen Seth in over 20 years, I didn’t hesitate to help, because in my mind there isn’t much I wouldn’t do for a Seawolf. I loved every minute of my Tabor experience and I continue to carry that positive experience

Instilled in me at a young age while I was attending Tabor Academy were these values (the Tabor Academy Mission):

with me today. Not only did Tabor instill work ethic, values and commitment in me, but my experience at Tabor created a lifetime of memories and friendships. Those friendships, connections and networks have

To inspire a life-long love of learning To instill a passion for the highest standards of achievement To encourage personal responsibility To foster care for others and committed citizenship

helped guide, grow and shape who I am today. I’m grateful that I was able to support Seth’s incredible,

selfless efforts around Boston Hope and I hope his story inspires others to also get involved.

Crystal Carlton Flynn ‘95, Tabor alumna Vice President, Global Communications & Publicity Hasbro, Inc.

As our country and our community continues to face adversity, I encourage everyone to take responsibility—for themselves and the world around them. Get involved. Help drive the direction and commit yourself to making where you live—and the world—a better place. With the Tabor network, doing so is in closer reach than you may think.

Seth Burr ‘97

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BROADWAY BLACKOUT Q: Were there specific Tabor faculty members that cultivated your interest in the theater and nurtured your desire to pursue it in college and beyond?

I fell in love with theater doing community theater as a kid, and my passion for it absolutely grew at Tabor. Of course, being in the fall plays and winter musicals directed by Mr. Heavey, Mr. Howland and Mr. Horne all had a huge impact. My senior year, however, Mr. Sanborn created an independent study for me specifically on musical theater, focusing on the history of the Broadway musical, as well as the structural and musical analysis of a musical. I still have my textbook from that class and use it as a reference now. My Tabor career also culminated in my senior project, where I produced (as well as performed in) a production of The Last 5 Years. It was my first time producing a show, and on many levels, it is exactly what I am doing now, just on a slightly larger scale. Q: For the uninitiated, what does a theatrical producer do and what’s your role in bringing a play to the stage?

Justin Nichols ‘07 Justin Nichols is a New York City-based theatrical producer. He is currently the producer of Anne of Green Gables - The New Musical, which will receive its world premiere at Goodspeed Musicals in 2021. He spent four years as the executive assistant to Jeffrey Seller working on the development and production of Hamilton: An American Musical and Sting’s The Last Ship. Nichols is currently the director of operations at Broadway Brands. He is a graduate of Syracuse University and the Commercial Theater Institute.

A Broadway producer is the CEO, the person ultimately responsible for the success or failure of the production. Producing is choosing the show, making sure that the right creative team is in place, and ensuring that the show has the resources that it needs to create the best production possible. To do that, you need to raise capital and sell enough tickets to meet your budgeted running costs and continue paying the actors, creative teams, and investors. Q: As the director of operations at Broadway Brands, publisher of Broadway News, you have a bird’s-eye view into everything happening on the Great White Way. What’s the outlook for Broadway in the short- and long-term?

There is no denying that Broadway has a tough road ahead. The entire current business model relies on a thousand people buying a ticket to sit next to each other for two hours. Until there is a vaccine, I don’t know that Broadway will be able to be operational. And while Broadway is dark, actors and Broadway professionals may be out of work for a year or more. That being said, artists will continue to be artists, and they will continually look for ways to create, entertain and enlighten. Theater artists and producers are already looking for ways to adapt. Broadway streaming options have been slowly increasing, and some choreographers have spoken about restaging their work to help with social distancing. People will keep on thinking. Once there is a vaccine, people are going to be looking for live, in-person experiences. We’ve been cramped up in our homes either alone or in small groups. We’re going to be looking for joy. We’re going to be looking for connection. I really believe people are going to need the theater emotionally and spiritually once we’re out of this, and Broadway is going to be there for them once it’s safe.


Q: Do you think theatergoers will see marked differences when Broadway



I am sure that there will be differences in theater etiquette and audience procedures, including the process of entering a theater, waiting in line and getting tickets. Hopefully, in the long run, we’ll be able to make them better than they were in the first place. Anybody who’s ever been yelled at by an usher to get to your seat faster knows that Broadway has room for growth in the realm of customer experience. As far as what’s on stage, I imagine the content is going to shift a bit too, though I can’t say for certain how yet. For newer shows, there may be a trend towards performances aimed at a local NYC audience versus a tourist audience since tourism will most likely be down. We may see even more celebrity driven shows since that may help draw in audiences. And we’ll probably be looking at shows smaller in scale, with lower budgets and smaller casts. But even those examples are three completely different ways to attempt a successful theatrical venture in a new landscape. I think we’re going to see some experimentation in what works best.

extra year, what do we do with this time?” We’re looking forward to taking the time to build a following for the show which will include releasing some music from the show and possibly some additional content. Q: What outlets have you found your own creativity during this crisis, and how is the greater Broadway community coming together during the pandemic?

Honestly, thinking about all these issues has been exactly how I’ve been keeping up my own creativity. I’ve been thinking about the ways we can make Broadway strong again and perhaps make it stronger than it was before the pandemic. The Broadway community has been lending their time and talents to performing in and producing different online concerts and fundraisers. I think it’s been a way of giving back to the community, knowing that Broadway fans everywhere are missing the theater and missing each other. I also think they are doing it for their own healing. What is a performer who can’t perform?

Q: Your new play, Anne of Green Gables, is scheduled to receive its world premiere at Goodspeed Musicals in 2021. How has COVID-19 affected the premiere, and what have you done to move the musical forward despite so much uncertainty?

For starters, we were originally scheduled to make our world premiere on July 10, 2020. We were fully cast, our set was about to be built in the shop, and the rehearsal script was locked. So, our first step was to postpone the production until next year. We immediately had to reach out to cast members and the creative team to put a hold on their calendars for the future. The next question has been: “Now that we have an




Bill Phelps ‘74

So, here we are, self-isolating during the COVID19 pandemic. How can we feel connected during this time? By reaching out to the broad and diverse Tabor alumni network, a dedicated group of graduates who are a resource for students and alumni alike. Recently, Bill Phelps ’74 and Seb Salvo ’11 shared their perspectives on networking with the Tabor alumni community. Phelps is a successful entrepreneur and co-founder of emerging and established brands such as Wetzel’s Pretzels, Blaze Pizza, and Dave’s Hot Chicken. Salvo, a budding entrepreneur, connected with Phelps last year while seeking advice on launching his new business venture, StayBizze (@staybizze), an app providing free digital business cards worldwide. Not long ago, Salvo found himself searching LinkedIn and the Tabor alumni directory to connect with Tabor graduates to seek advice on a startup he was developing. While he enjoyed his work as a high school math teacher and baseball coach, he longed to put his own business plan into motion. Like most entrepreneurs, there were days when fear of failure became a hindrance rather than a motivator for success. There were plenty of moments when he felt he didn’t have the answers, and stress and doubt were his constant companions. Then he asked for help.

Seb Salvo ’11

Salvo reached out to a close friend and fellow Seawolf, Alex Nugent ’11. With Nugent’s guidance, he was able to complete his pitch deck and build a strategy to raise capital. They secured a sixfigure investment, established a limited liability company, and began developing their digital business card application. Then, he reached out to additional Tabor alumni. While perusing Tabor’s Instagram feed, Salvo noticed a post about Bill Phelps and his business partnership with LeBron James. Phelps’ company, Blaze Pizza, had been voted America’s favorite 22

quick-service pizza chain. “I had to reach out to him because here was a Tabor alumnus doing business with my favorite professional athlete,” Salvo shared. The two connected and Salvo explained that he’d developed a state-of-the-art business card application that replaced the paper card. “I don’t like your idea,” Phelps told him. “I love your idea. It’s a crazy good idea.” His words reaffirmed Salvo’s belief in his business plan. More importantly, Phelps allowed Salvo to pick his brain. They talked about their time at Tabor and the importance networking has on career growth. For Salvo, the conversation was both inspirational and transformational. “Entrepreneurs have a natural bond because they can relate to the struggles they will inevitably face,” says Phelps. “A favorite line of one of my business partners, Rick Wetzel, is the road to success is a smooth, straight path up—said no one ever!’ I told Seb that Rick and I built Wetzel’s Pretzels through networking early on, and that the connections we made there have helped us in all of our businesses over the last 25 years.” Salvo is now in the initial testing phase for his StayBizze app. “Tabor is a special place that allows young people to find their passion and chase their dream,” he said. “If you need guidance or mentorship on your career path, now, more than ever, is the time to be proactive and reach out to fellow members of the Tabor alumni network.” “We must remember that there are two sides to the networking process,” explained Phelps. “There are people seeking opportunities and there are people looking for team members or partners to help them achieve their vision. Don’t be afraid to ask anyone for help or a lead.”


Alexandra Decas graduated from Tabor in 2005 and went on to study film and television at Boston University before moving to Los Angeles to pursue a career in television writing and eventually meeting her writing partner, Melanie Kirschbaum. Their credits to date include the Netflix/DreamWorks show Boss Baby and ABC’s Mixed-ish, and they are currently producers on Freeform’s Grown-ish.

Alexandra Decas ’05

ONCE UPON A PANDEMIC IN HOLLYWOOD On Monday, March 9, the Grown-ish writers room gathered for day one of writing season four. I brought in a package of Clorox wipes and our boss sent out a largely ignored e-mail asking no one to hug. We joked about how we never realized our office is a total petri dish: eighteen writers and assistants in one room for sometimes fourteen-hour days with windows that don’t open for obvious reasons. Hilarious! But, no worries, we’d probably get a week off from work if this whole coronavirus thing got “really” crazy. By Wednesday, moments after the NBA shut down and around the time I was putting eighteen bottles of cold-pressed green juice in my grocery cart because I inexplicably feared I’d never have access to produce again, we were told to stay home. At first, a comedy writers’ room, my absolute happy place, just got better! No one talked over one another on Zoom; with that many people, we respectfully listened to everyone’s pitches and jokes. Our hours were excellent—11 AM to 5 PM every day? That was like five minutes compared to our sometimes 10 AM to midnight schedule. Instead of spending my lunch break in the petri dish, I would do things like play Super Nintendo on my couch or feed my sourdough starter. I felt like an Instagram influencer (only without the followers and athletic body).

But that just lasted a minute. Pretty soon it became clear that jokes didn’t land quite the same way. And if one did, my internet probably lagged, and I missed it. And we wouldn’t stop for ten minutes to roast someone for something dumb they said. I stopped having time for video games on my lunch break because now I had to clean up after a nineweek-old kitten, Lou (my first pet ever). He is adorable, living proof that I have gone from a girl in Hollywood who lived for post-work margaritas to an agoraphobic cat lady seeking emotional support from a pet, so she doesn’t have an anxious breakdown. Hello, glamour. While my sourdough is still going, I’d definitely give up one night of cooking and endless dishes to be back in the petri dish, eating questionable seafood dinner take-out from the Valley, and opening a bottle (or five) of wine with all of my funniest friends. Hopefully, we’ll be back in the writer’s room soon. Even if it is outside, sitting on a lawn, shouting our pitches to be heard over the nearby 101 freeway. I’ll take it. Hey, maybe I can even bring Lou!

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Elizabeth Barba ‘06

After living in Washington, DC, for nearly four years while working as Phoebe Mock ‘17 the content development specialist Phoebe Mock received the Edwina Graff for the USDA Sustainable Agriculture Hughes Johnston Award in Art History at Research & Education (SARE) program, Elon University on April 28, 2020. This I took my job across the country and award is given to a rising senior who moved back to Santa Cruz, CA, this has shown excellence in the art history past July. I really loved my time in DC, program. In addition to majoring in art where I reconnected with some fellow history, Phoebe also minors in classical Seawolves, but I am thrilled to return to studies and psychology. She is a member the ocean and to my network of friends of Elon’s Class of 2021. in California. If you are in the Monterey Bay or San Francisco Bay areas, please Tatum Leclair ‘14 reach out. This fall, I began pursuing a doctorate in applied social psychology from Loyola Victoria Forman Prudden ‘06 (2) University Chicago. I hope to study Landon Chad Prudden was born on June prejudice and discrimination as it relates 4, 2020. (Photo with big sister, Hadley) to ethnic and intersectional identities. In light of the increasing racism and Nathaniel Walton ‘04 (3) discrimination targeting Asians and I run a consulting firm, Sachem Asian Americans because of COVID-19, I Strategies, which is based in Boston have also been volunteering my time to and advises innovative businesses in create a website to help the community. the technology, defense, energy, and “A Safe Haven for Asians and Asian financial services sectors. I was recently Americans” ( appointed by Governor Charlie Baker to provides curated resources for individuals serve on the board of directors of the who want to learn about anti-Asian Massachusetts Technology Collaborative discrimination and are not sure what (MTC). MTC works to promote business to do after experiencing discrimination. formation and growth in the state’s Hopefully, this can help some folks out! technology sector. I live in Boston with my wife, Kendra. We welcomed a son, Nicholas Johnstone ‘11 Miles, in August 2019. I hope that all This past fall, I took over the head sailing Tabor friends stay safe and healthy during coach position for The Citadel: Military these challenging times. I look forward College of South Carolina. to reconnecting in person soon.


Whitney Ffrench ‘03 (5)

Hi there, I just wanted to share news that my husband Robert Williams III and I welcomed future Seawolf, Parker Anne Ffrench Williams on May 25. She joins her older sister Emerson (3yrs) as future Tabor graduates! Elizabeth Grosart Little ‘00 (6)

Bowman Crawford Allan Little arrived on May 4, 2020 to proud, thrilled, smitten parents Beth and Chris. The Littles live in Concord, NH, where Beth is a member of the Humanities Department at the St. Paul’s School. Stephen Soden ‘00

My wife, Laura, and I recently welcomed Lucy Ann Soden into the world. She was born Monday, April 28, 2020 at 5:30 PM. She weighed in at a healthy 8 lbs., 14 oz. Mother and daughter are both at home here at Berkshire School doing well. My mother has lots of pictures I am sure she would be willing to share if anyone is interested. Grandmothers are like that, I guess.


Mark Healey ‘97 (7) Heather Deblois Huszar ‘03 (4)

My husband and I welcomed our little Carly Nuttall Gibson ‘09 (1) baby girl, Shea Nicole, in early August. I married Joseph Gibson on March 27, She is named after her Daddy’s favorite 2020 in Chevy Chase, MD. Although baseball team in New York (and her aunt, COVID-19 threw a wrench in our original class of ‘95). We reside in South Florida. plans, we are thrilled to be married and I work in educational leadership helping look forward to celebrating with friends families and teachers support student and family next year! engagement in high poverty-high needs


areas, and my husband owns a local restaurant and private catering facility. We come up north as much as we can, and you can usually always find us at a baseball stadium. Sending lots of Seawolf love!

Jude and I welcomed a third child to our family, Josephine Mae, born August 2018. We’re still in Boulder, CO, with our two older kids, Benjamin (10) and Colette (8). This photo was taken at Badlands National Park in July 2019 during a 3,000-mile road trip around the states. All-A-Taut-O!




Hannah Amon Sexton ‘92 (8)

Andrew Ivory ‘82

I have been working on the front lines in the ERs in rural Montana, treating and helping patients through these tough times! Charlie Merrow ‘95 (Merrow Manufacturing) has been amazing offering PPE gear, and some has come to Montana. Thank you for everyone’s help during this time. We are in it together!!!!

So glad to have my boys Nigel ‘23 and Winston ‘24 starting Tabor this fall!


John Cockrell ‘87

My wife Theresa, son Theo (8) & dog, Scout, and I live in Staten Island, NY, where we parade around in Pats and Red Sox championship gear to subtly taunt the local populace. 2020 has us— just like the rest of you—all shut in and Netflix’d out, on birthday parade drivebys and Zoom catch-ups. When not in NYC, I am most often in Los Angeles, where my writer/producer work typically happens. That said, the latest gig came on the cop show INSTINCT, which wrote/ produced in Brooklyn. Deeply grateful that social media allows so many Tabor alums to keep up with our families and lives. Love Froes Macione ‘87

After relocating back to Massachusetts from California in 2014, I have spent much more time around Tabor and with my Tabor friends on the East Coast. My daughter Riley Suh ‘20, spent her last trimester at the Main Street campus (the kitchen table) and this fall, she’s off to Brown University; just in time for Vincent Suh ‘24, to start as a freshman at Tabor. I continue to work as an immigration attorney through this, as the immigration system is up and running. Stay safe everyone!


John Whittemore ‘82 (9)

Should have sent this last year, but since baseball is on hold this season it is worth remembering minor league players who are really in limbo waiting to see if there will be a season. I went to the Asheville Tourists (Colorado Rockies South Atlantic League Class A team) home opener last season and noticed they had a pitcher, P.J. Poulin ‘15 from Marion, MA, on the roster. The next week, when the Tourists were visiting the Hickory Crawdads, I went over to the bullpen to see if P.J. was an ORR or Tabor alum. P.J. was more than a little surprised to meet another TA alum all the way in Hickory, NC. This photo was taken after a later Tourists visit to Hickory. Despite it being summer in North Carolina, I wore my Tabor sweatshirt so he’d recognize me. I also caught up with him at the Tourists home closer. Not sure what he is up to this season. Maybe driving for Uber around Boston. He told me that is his off-season job, and he even knew where my hometown of Swampscott was.




w w w . ta b o ra ca de m y . o r g / c l a s s n o t e s


Robert Fusco Jr. ‘75 (10)

My wife Cheryl and I are happy to announce our 25th wedding anniversary!


Frank Stewart III ‘71

Retired in September from a career as an advocate for various national and state forestry concerns. Moved back to my home state of Alabama and am currently living in Fairhope.





Phineas Sprague Jr. ‘68

I am executing the transition of my boatyard business in Portland, Maine to the next generations. I invented a diabolical plan which I call “What would you do if I were dead?” and promptly left for three months to sail to Labrador and around Newfoundland. I was out of communications as the Company managers made day to day decisions without my input. Then, I returned to assess the practical answer to the question. Little did I expect that six months later I would be in quarantine and the hypothetical exercise had created a confident and unflappable leadership ready to address the issues of continuing to run the essential business. In this paradise, I have Joanna and all of my children and grandchildren around me. I see my contribution to future generations taking shape and a group of craftsmen and professionals fighting hard to make the Company a reflection of their own success. We are keeping calm and carrying on and, don’t tell anyone, fully intend to lap the world as we keep quietly chugging on. Cheers! Michael Walker ‘68

Best wishes to all ‘68 classmates! I wanted to share that Joanne and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary on August 8! All is well in SC, still doing some parttime orthopedic consulting for OrthoCarolina in Charlotte.


David Clayman ‘66

David was inducted into the West Virginia Health Care Hall of Fame by

West Virginia Executive magazine, West Virginia’s premier business publication. The inductees were honored at the program’s inaugural event on March 3 at the West Virginia Culture Center. The magazine states, “West Virginia Health Care Hall of Fame inductees are leaders who have made a significant contribution to the health care industry and supporting industries and have a passion for making the state a happier, healthier place to live.” David Clayman, Ph.D. is the owner and director of Clayman & Associates, PLLC, and has served the region as a clinical, medical, and forensic psychologist and advocate for 45 years. Conrad Deneault ‘64

My wife Gigi and I are grateful for all our blessings. We pray for all the families that have been victims of the coronavirus. We are proud grandparents of ten grandchildren and especially proud of the oldest four. Son Conrad, has two, Con at Marquette and Devaney at Notre Dame. Son Todd, has two, Todd at Arkansas and Katie at Texas A&M. The other six have good role models. Son Tyler, CLU, CHFC has been promoted to V.P. Agency in Ohio, with State Farm. He and his wife Crispin live in Hudson, OH, with their son Ford and daughter Marcelle. Peter Nourjian ‘64

Peter has applied his writing talents to a career in print and broadcast advertising, and later as editor of a Providence architecture magazine. More recently, he penned an independent feature film and two theatrical projects - one a comedy and the other a musical. Peter’s role as lyricist for the musical led him to a Nashville collaboration with a noted singer/musician on a number of country songs that are receiving a favorable reception. He is generously sharing one with our Tabor community. Good luck, Peter. https://www.vimeo. com/404340314/cb2607a787 Thomas Morgan ‘63 (11)


The All-A-Taut-O motto is a nautical term meaning that a ship is fully rigged and ready for sailing, which Tabor applies to its students in providing an education which prepares them for launching their lives following graduation. As a member of the Class of ‘63, and at the age of 76, one might think I belong to the high-risk class of COVID-19. On the contrary, I continue to work, and take risks as an essential worker, and continue to practice the Tabor motto, All-A-Taut-O. My partner April and I continue to do our part as essential workers in our home inspection business. Thank you to Tabor Academy for preparing me to take calculated risks in the world, well after graduation from Tabor Academy. We are blessed with good health and pray for those who have lost loved ones and for those who are at high risk. All-A-Taut-O. David Rogers ‘63

I am 75, retired in Charlotte, NC, and a widower since Pauline died in 2018. She had a long battle with Parkinson’s/ dementia, such a wicked disease! My time of joyful sorrow as Pauline is with our Lord Jesus Christ, but I am alone. Thanks to Tom Graboys ‘62 for his moving, uplifting and inspirational book, Life in the Balance. Thanks to his family for the love which kept Tom going. I am 12 miles from a daughter with 4 children, I have a son in Hingham, MA, with 3 children and a daughter in NZ with 2 children. I enjoyed visiting Red Fawcett ‘62 and his lovely wife, Jeannie. I miss Steve McKee ‘62, who kept Red humble. All the Fawcett’s loved Steve, and he them. As life should be. Joy to all! Fordyce Blake III ‘62

I have read more books in this past span

Bib Club


We welcome these children of alumni into our community with joy! Bettina Woll ’96 Girl, Seraphine Lyn, May 20, 2019

Whitney Ffrench ‘03 Girl, Parker Anne, May 2020

Victoria Forman Prudden ‘06 Boy, Landon Chad, June 2020

Elizabeth C. Grosart Little ‘00 Boy, Bowman Crawford Allan, May 2020

Nathaniel Walton ’04 Boy, Miles, August 2019

Stephen F. Soden ‘00 Girl, Lucy Ann, April 2020

Heather Deblois Huszar ‘03 Girl, Shea Nicole, August 2019

Mark F. Healey ‘97 Girl, Josephine Mae, August 2019

than I have since college, and lots of walking in local parks. The only good thing is I now get 4 days to the gallon with my car! Paul Larson ‘62

I am wrestling with boredom with this COVID mess and since the sun is barking pretty loud here in San Antonio this time of year, I thought I would drop a short note. I have four sons who have turned out quite well and a grandson and two granddaughters with another on the way. I am keeping busy teaching in a graduate school of business and with a painting hobby. https://1-paul-larson. James Calvin ‘61

Sign of the times: having retired less than a year ago, I am now on the Pandemic Control Board for the Kwan Um School of Zen, a large International Zen School. Isolated at home, I am also doing a lot of writing. Richard Hill ‘60

Meryl and I are fortunately healthy and living in my mother’s ancestral home. I am the fifth generation here. As a reference, my brother Fred Hill ‘58, wrote a great book, Ships Swindlers and Scalded Hogs (The History of the Crooker Shipyards). Half of the material came from bags of papers in the house. Since sequestering, I methodically went through all the papers and pictures. My plan is to create scrap books on each generation that lived in the house. The book on my parents will require some Maine research. I’m also including my Dad’s baseball story from Cony High, Bowdoin College, the Augusta Millionaires (semi-pro team), and signing

with the Red Sox. So, I am busy and still providing guidance for my clients especially long-term care.


Frederic Hill ‘58

I expect to have three books coming out this summer and fall. The first is waiting for publication, now delayed by the virus, A Flick of Sunshine, written with my son Alex, about the exploits of a Maine seaman. The second will be a collection of op-ed columns for the Dallas Morning News, Baltimore Sun, Seattle Times and New England Newspapers, tentatively titled Dereliction of Duty; The Failed Presidency of Donald John Trump; and the third, The Short Stories of Richard Matthews Hallet, a leading Maine author who wrote nearly 200 short stories. Otherwise, Marty and I are holding down the fort in Arrowsic, Maine. I’d add that the Virginia, the reconstruction of Maine’s first ship, with which I have worked, is just about finished! I would love to hear from any classmates.


sweetheart, for almost 58 years. We have 3 great kids, 4 grandkids, with another on the way, and 3 greatgrandkids, with another on the way. One of my best Tabor memories was during a major hurricane when Gil Stokes, our housemaster and biology teacher said, “Alright, everyone outside. You’ll never get to do this again!” The sea was splashing over the parade ground and in 360° all was black, but straight up, blue sky. Stay well, Taborites. All-A-Taut-O!

The Alumni Office has recently received news that the alumni listed below have died. The Tabor community extends condolences to the family and friends of those listed. Mr. Roger L. Kellner ‘45 Mr. G. Howard Morse Jr. ‘45 Mr. Neil P. McCulloch ‘46 Mr. Whipple D. Crossman Jr. ‘48 Mr. Myron G. Eisenhaure ‘48 Mr. Donald W. Noyes ‘48 Mr. Nicholas C. Siotka ‘50 Mr. Ernest M. Kalman ‘52 Mr. Wayne Thomas Keith ‘53 Capt. Robert E. Ellis USN, Ret. ‘54 Mr. Spencer J. Stonemetz ‘57 Mr. G. Clark Williams Jr. ‘60 Mr. George W. Morgan Jr. ‘61 Mr. Jorge E. Bacardi ‘62 Dr. William L. Caton III ‘63 Mr. Craig Nakashian ‘63 Mr. Douglas M. Stokes PhD ‘65 Mr. Michael S. Sumner ‘67 Mr. William Fitzhugh ‘69 Mr. Christopher H. Lent ‘72 Mr. Jeffrey G. Winters ‘75 Robert G. Benson PhD ‘76 Mr. William V. Lloyd ‘81 Mr. David L. Morton Jr. ‘81 Mr. Kevin W. Baggan ‘89 Mr. Geoffrey M. Ewenson ‘90 Former Faculty/Staff Mr. Thomas H. Buffinton (1952-1991) Mr. William V. Lloyd ‘81 (1997-2014) Reverend Robert A. Richardson (1984-1998) Mr. George M. Trautman (1955-1969)

Frederick Miley ‘55

I retired from my full-time solo practice of psychiatry ten days after my 80th birthday in 2017. The Tabor experience at a Naval Honor School helped influence me to become a USNR Medical Officer/LCDR during the Vietnam era. Still happily married to Judith, my college

Current Trustee Mr. Travis M. Roy ‘95 Former Trustee Mr. Edward P. Jaeger (2003-2017)



ALUMNI CONNECTIONS BY ANDREW McCAIN ’84, DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI RELATIONS Despite the pandemic causing modifications to school life from stem to stern, learning continues unabated, friendships are made through shared experience and teamwork is learned on fields and stages. While not everything looks the same, the mission of the school and the core experience of the students and faculty remains. Conceiving, designing and implementing these changes throughout campus took a tremendous amount of work on the part of faculty and staff, and adjusting to these new norms has required a level of patience, cooperation and understanding that is remarkable for teenagers. Our successes are testimony to the courage and adaptability of the entire community. The mission of the Alumni Relations Office, the Alumni Council and its Executive Committee, continues to advance. As with the student experience, we’ve adjusted programing and have adopted new and novel ways to engage with the alumni community in this new normal. In the spring we rolled out Tabor Together Virtual, which afforded over 600 alumni the opportunity to connect with Tabor and one another through class Zoom-unions, extracur-

Follow us @taboracademy

ricular chats and “distance learning” classes during this week-long virtual event. Over the summer, graduates came together on three Zoom calls to lean into the topic of diversity, equity and inclusion at school and in the larger Tabor community. At the same time, our alumnae group, Women at Tabor, has considered meaningful ways to engage with each other and the school. And this fall we rolled out our new Forecasters Series, a program bringing alumni leaders from various industries into your living rooms and offices to share their thoughts on the future of their respective areas of expertise. The lessons are obvious—when possible, strip away the limitations of geography, offer interesting programming and rely on a robust corps of volunteers throughout. The mission behind the work of the Alumni Relations Office, which is so ably supported by the Alumni Council, remains committed to building a strong sense of connection between alumni and the school.



The power of Tabor is in its alumni network. And the power of the network is in its graduates. Become a part of our growing online community by creating or updating your alumni profile today.

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Thomas Buffinton Tom Buffinton served Tabor Academy for 39 years from 1952-1991 as a history teacher, department chair, coach, athletic director, and role model. He was a distinguished classroom teacher and administrator who influenced countless lives throughout his career. Mr. Buffinton held the Rudolph W. Driscoll Chair in History from 1981-1988, an acknowledgment of his excellent instruction of AP United States History. Those fortunate enough to have had Mr. Buffinton recall his high standards and encyclopedic knowledge of the presidency and the Constitution. For many students, his requirement of typewritten papers was their first such experience, complete with copious amounts of late-night white out.


A scholar and an athlete, Mr. Buffinton served as defensive coordinator for varsity football, coached JV baseball, lacrosse, and basketball, and was Tabor’s athletic director from 1958-1980. His leadership was instrumental in establishing many of our programs and facilities, including the Stone Gymnasium where many reconnected with Mr. Buffinton this past winter as he stood courtside during home basketball games. For his dedication to his teams and his great service to our school, Mr. Buffinton was inducted into Tabor Academy’s Hall of Fame Inaugural Class in 2016.



In 1990, Mr. Buffinton was awarded the Trustees’ Award for Distinguished Service to Tabor Academy. Complete school people like Mr. Buffinton don’t grace boarding schools often, and his passing is both a loss and a reminder of the value of qualities such as loyalty, high standards of achievement, and a passion for learning. Mr. Buffinton is survived by his children, Tom Buffinton III ‘68 and his wife Wendy, and Holly Buffinton and her husband Victor Bove, and their extended families. We are grateful to Mr. Buffinton for his commitment to Tabor throughout his 39 years of service. He made a difference in the lives of many and will remain in our hearts and minds for years to come.

29 C R E W A LU MN I


Remembering Travis Roy ‘95



My first friend at Tabor ... He left such a positive legacy behind. Words of love, condolence and compassion poured from the hearts of the Tabor community on October 29 and in the days that followed after we learned of the passing of beloved alumnus Travis Roy ’95. “We were immensely saddened to share that a man, who has meant so much to Tabor Academy and who had made such a positive impact on our world, had left us,” said Interim Head of School Julie Salit. Salit knew Travis well after working together to chair the Tabor Experience Committee on the Board. “No matter if you knew him for 25 years or 25 minutes, you were deeply impacted by him and grateful for the time you shared,” she remarked.

the hockey world.” However, on October 20, 1995, eleven seconds into his first shift, Travis hit the end boards head-on and was paralyzed from his shoulders down.

According to classmate and friend Matt Perrin ’96, “Travis’ outlook on life was a function of his selfawareness, gratitude, courage and determination. From the first day we met at Tabor, he put others first and never took any opportunity, moment, challenge or relationship for granted.”

In his TEDxBU talk, Travis shared: “Paralysis in a way… it’s amazing in its simplicity. No sensation. No mobility. Just this head on my shoulders that enables me to navigate each day. And this brain that allows me to feel all the emotions that anyone else does. As it turns out, that’s all I need to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.”

Travis was a hockey standout during his time at Tabor, arriving as a junior in the fall of 1993. He also played soccer, golf and served as a Proctor during his senior year. At Tabor, Travis discovered his knack for ceramics. “As a trustee, he would often make his way over to Braitmayer to visit with our ceramics students whenever he was on campus— he loved that space,” Salit added. Matt remembered Travis’ excitement in the summer of 1995 of what was to come as he moved to Boston, where he enrolled at Boston University. “He was beginning to realize a lifelong dream [of playing Division 1 hockey] and worked hard to make the most of the opportunity. I never doubted for a second that his talent, commitment and discipline would’ve taken him to the highest heights of

“The fear, anger and weight of all that Travis (and his family) had lost was suffocating,” Matt remarked. “Yet at the same time, I recall being astonished by the outpouring of love and support from so many. As Travis always said, he and his family, were shown the best in humanity. And I vividly remember the feelings of hope that stemmed from watching Travis’ gratitude, grit, courage and determination in action throughout his recovery.”

Gratitude: Do What Trav Would Do BY ANGUS LEARY ‘95

To understand Travis is to understand how central gratitude and family were to his life and, therefore, the rest of us. In this note, I would like to bring the two together and “do what Trav would do:” thank the people who meant the most to him for their gifts to us. Lee and Brenda, thank you, thank you, thank you. For 45 years, your unconditional love, sacrifice and devotion allowed all of us to experience

And what an incredible life he lived, one full of meaning and inspiration. Travis devoted his life to helping other spinal cord injury survivors by starting the Travis Roy Foundation (TRF) in 1996. Since its inception, the TRF has awarded over $4.6 million to fund research to find a cure for spinal cord injuries. Every season the Tabor boys’ hockey team raises money in support of the TRF, each player pledging to raise $24 for #24 in 24 hours. The team also has a long-standing tradition of competing against Saint Sebastian’s School for the Travis Roy Cup each year.

and enjoy the gift of your son. Words are inadequate to describe the admiration I have for you both. I pray God guides me to be the parents you are. I love you both with all my heart. Tobi, you bravely paved the way and always have been the best role model. You are confident, strong, determined, beautiful, loving, selfless, kind and generous. Travis loved being your brother but loved even more having you as his sister. Thank you for all the love you gave him and for all you did and had to endure.

“Those of us who knew him in his time at Tabor saw from the beginning what an extraordinary person and leader he has always been,” said

Travis, I love you; till next we meet, my brother.

His courage will continue to be an inspiration to many. 31


Will never be forgotten! #24

Will Becker, Tabor faculty member. Becker explained that the summer before Travis came to Tabor, the hockey coach who recruited him had moved on from the school and ultimately took most of the team with him. “Travis could have gone too, but he had made a commitment to Tabor, and Travis was always a man of his word. That first season was not an easy one on the ice; the team did not win many games, but Travis never lost hope or his smile. “He had a natural and singular ability to put everyone at ease and make us all feel special. In the 27 years since I first met Travis as his teacher, we became good friends over long talks and meals in Boston. Travis’ accident, and his response to it, showed the world why he was so special, but many of us already knew,” Becker posited. Travis had a special bond with many of his classmates, including Maija Scarpaci ’95, who spoke about how their bond was significant on many levels. What stood out, however, was their shared gratitude for the Tabor experience. “The support that the Tabor family extended to us after Travis’ injury and over the years is something that Trav and I marveled over right up until one of our last conversations this September,” she said. Maija acknowledged that Travis is special to so many members of the Tabor family, be it people who have known him for years or people who have simply listened to him speak or who have read his book. “Many of us may be wondering, how can we honor him. What would he want us to do? This is something I have been considering, as well, and I have

A true Hero, and Seawolf forever. 32

been mentally sifting through our many conversations, searching for an answer,” she mused. Maija looked back to that conversation in September for inspiration. “In pondering his role as a Trustee, Travis said, ‘I just want everyone to love their Tabor experience as much as I did, in whatever role they play there.’ I knew just what he meant. Travis felt cherished and valued and supported by the Tabor family and wanted everyone else to feel that, too.” “Travis has meant so much to the entire community. A dedicated Trustee since 2014, the Class of 2015’s esteemed graduation speaker, spinal cord injury philanthropist, role model, true hero and friend, he lived a life of passion and purpose. We are all the better having known him,” added Salit. “Travis served our beloved Tabor with great joy and inspiration as he did with all things in his memorable, impactful and purposeful life,” shared Carmine Martignetti ’71, Board Chair. “He approached all of his assignments as a Trustee with the same determination to ‘do a good job’ as he did with everything in his life. Travis exemplified the ideal Trustee in his willingness to serve all of our constituencies equally well and gained the admiration of everyone. His involvement in anything we undertook was made better for his role in it.”


According to Dick Muther, former Tabor Academy Athletic Director and Travis’ coach for hockey and soccer, Travis never wanted to be special, even though he was. He was a humble man, but he always worked hard and sought to find ways to have an impact through all he did. “There is always that person you know; it might be a teammate, classmate, or schoolmate who makes everything right. They are the person who connects us. They are the person who makes us better both as a friend and as a person. They … are Travis.” Muther’s words ring true to many people who knew Travis. “The contributions he made to Tabor’s community as a student, alumnus, and Trustee, combined with what he accomplished with his Foundation, speak volumes to his spirit of giving and his undeniable faith in the power of love.” Muther continued, “If we truly wish to honor Trav’s memory, we must carry on his good work: be kind, be helpful, be a contributor to the good in the world. This will ensure that we all have a bit of Travis within.” This is a sentiment his entire family—Cindy, Sammi ’10, Ry ’12, Chris ’16 and Luke Muther ’18—embraces. “We have always been reminded of Trav each time we step into the Travis Roy Rink here at Tabor Academy to cheer on our teams,” states Salit,

“and now, we will remember him fondly and do our best to carry on his legacy every day.” “In many ways, Travis embodied the values we aspire to at Tabor Academy, and I know we will continue to have those values reflected in our work on behalf of Tabor and our lives. He was a Seawolf for the ages and will never be forgotten,” Martignetti added. “As we say good-bye to my dear, sweet, brave friend, my question for you, and myself, is, how can we celebrate those who are important to us within our community? How can we show them that we value them?” Maija’s words can be felt by the entire community, as she recalls that September meeting with Travis. “He was so good at celebrating and supporting others because he knew first-hand how it felt (though in fairness, he had a head start—he was always good at making people feel special).” For 25 years, the Tabor family celebrated Travis and cheered him on; he knew how much the community supported him, Maija confirmed, saying that he felt the support and was grateful for it. “But now we must continue to celebrate him by celebrating each other,” she said. “This school, this community, has an incredible capacity for love, and Tabor becomes better and stronger when we can all feel it.”




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2019-2020 GIFT REPORT


Dear Friends, This past year was marked by events and circumstances that tested our school community in unimaginable ways. Reflecting back, much of what weighed upon us in those last months of the school year remains with us today—and may yet for some time. Through disappointment and loss, I have observed members of the Tabor community showing profound care and concern for one another both on campus and from a distance. And donors have left an indelible mark all along Front and Spring streets through selfless generosity, producing an unprecedented year of giving. To all who included Tabor among your philanthropic priorities, thank you. The Board of Trustees, alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students, and friends combined to contribute a total of $7,279,137 across all funds last year, a significant increase of more than 23% over the previous year and such a remarkable statement of support for our students and faculty in these times. Other notable highlights include: • The Fund for Tabor ended the year at $2,919,751, just shy of what was a recordsetting 2019 year for this fund. • The Seawolves for Seawolves Fund was established in the spring to help offset unexpected costs incurred in response to the realities of remote and hybrid instruction, and the Tabor community rallied with amazing support: a total of $153,905 was contributed, and this fund remains open today. • Staying connected in meaningful ways with alumni and families was and remains our top priority; in place of reunions that we were unable to host in person, our Alumni Relations team was joined by volunteer leaders and Tabor faculty in bringing together more than 600 alumni over the course of one week in June for Tabor Together Virtual, a mix of stimulating content and class camaraderie. This type of programming now has a permanent place in our offerings (our new Forecasters Series features alumni and others in the Tabor community sharing insights on a variety of issues and industries via evening Zoom gatherings. Visit for more information and upcoming sessions.) Finally, for the second consecutive year Tabor has been recognized with a CASE Educational Fundraising Award (CASE refers to the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, the leading nonprofit association for fundraisers in education). As it did last year, the award reflects the existence of a caring and supportive community and its thriving spirit of generosity—recognized on the following pages. Thank you to the thousands of Seawolves who make it possible, and who make our work so fulfilling. Sincerely,

P.J. O’Connell Director of Advancement



The Beacon Society is Tabor’s most prestigious donor recognition society. It serves to recognize and honor our most dedicated alumni, parents, and friends who have distinguished themselves through their transformational giving to Tabor, with cumulative gifts of one million dollars or more. The foundation and future success of Tabor Academy is forged through the philanthropic leadership of individuals who believe in our mission and invest in the vision of Tabor. We are grateful for their unwavering support and counsel as they shape all that Tabor can be for our next generation of leaders.


Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Arms* Mr. and Mrs. Clement C. Benenson ’00 Mr. James Benenson Jr. P’00 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Braitmayer ’48 Mr. Robert E. Browning P’79, P’81 & P’83* Mr. and Mrs. Keith N. Browning ’79, P’06, P’10 & P’11 Mr. David M. Campbell ’71 Mr. Rudolph W. Driscoll P’86*

Mr. Rudolph W. Driscoll Jr. ’86* Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Fireman ’62, P’88 & P’90 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fish ’78, P’15 Mrs. Marguerite P. Foster* Mr. Edward P. Jaeger* and Mrs. Elizabeth Jaeger P’94 Carmine ’71 and Beth Martignetti Mr. Kenzo Matsumura P’17 Mr. and Mrs. Roderic B. Park ’49*

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pokoik ’63 Mr. Stephen Sprague ’68 and Ms. Catherine Capasso Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyd Smith Jr. ’76 Mrs. Elizabeth Taber* The Estate of Mr. Tudor H. Tiedemann Jr. ’45* Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Welsh ’29, P’67* William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wallace ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Wolfe ’68

Mrs. Katrina Saltonstall Currier ’87 & Mr. James Currier Mr. Brad Ellins & Ms. Tonya Jilling Mrs. Sarah E. Ellins ’07 & Mrs. Maura Ellins Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler ’87 & Mr. John M. Eyler Mr. Lei Fang & Mrs. Kehan Lu Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Fireman ’90 Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Gring Jr. ’83 Mr. Biao Guo & Mrs. Zhaoxia Chen The Hsu Family Mr. Christopher Makepeace ’66 Mrs. Myra Monfort Runyon Mr. & Mrs. Jack Boyd Smith Jr. ’76 Ms. Ngai Suet ’03 Mr. Joshua J. Weeks ’78 Mr. Bozhong Wei & Mrs. Shuzhen Qiu Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Mr. Zhe Xu & Ms. Yiqun Chen

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. Kohn ’95 Mr. Alex C. Lanstein ’03 & Ms. Emily L. Schnure ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Liistro ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John B. Parker ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Roberts ’69 Dr. & Mrs. John J. Stephan Mr. David L. Stiller ’61 Mrs. Lauren Fawcett Strachan ’89 & Mr. Thomas M. Strachan Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Sturgess ’66 The Estate of Harold L. Sutcliffe ’61 Mr. John Swope ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Jared A. Synnestvedt Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tomlinson ’83 Mr. Jian Yang & Mrs. Ping Li

1 8 7 6 FOUNDE R ’S SOC IE T Y DON ORS WALT E R H. LILLAR D C IR C LE ( $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 + )

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Clement C. Benenson ’00 Ms. Elisabeth Taber Bottler Dr. Lincoln E. Ford ’56* & Mrs. Susan Ford Mr. Albert Fried Jr. ’48 The Estate of Mr. Robert D. Hall ’51 Mr. Edward P. Jaeger* & Mrs. Elizabeth Jaeger The Estate of Edmon G. Luke Jr. ’57 Carmine ’71 & Beth Martignetti Paul J. Murphy, Esq. ’75 & Ms. Gia Partain Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin Mr. Stephen Sprague ’68 & Ms. Catherine Capasso Mr. Stuart B. Sutphin III ’71* & Mrs. Barbara Sutphin Mr. & Mrs. David A. Wallace ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Sumner J. Waring III ’87

JAME S W. WIC KE NDE N C IR C LE ( $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 + )


Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barrett ’70 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Braitmayer ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Keith N. Browning ’79 Jon ’87 & Christie Callaghan & Family Mr. David M. Campbell ’71 Mr. & Mrs. G. Eric Davis ’89 Mr. Peter T. Jenkins & Ms. Julie P. Donovan Mr. Wu Jiang & Ms. Yan Song Mr. & Mrs. Lee Pokoik ’63 Mr. Baolong Wei & Mrs. Xiaojun Chen

Anonymous (3) Mr. Bingzhang Bao & Ms. Yuping Yu Prof. & Mrs. Wendell S. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Alexander O. Browning ’10 & ’09 Ms. Lin Chu Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Cushner ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett Sr. ’62 Mr. Gar F. Ferguson ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Franyo Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gormley Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Graham Mr. Xiaolin Guo & Ms. Zheng Tang Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Haas Liz & Dennis Hager ’56 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Houlihan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hunter IV ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Willard M. Hunter ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jadul Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Jarbeau ’65

JOSE P H J. SMART C IR C LE ( $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 + )

* = deceased

Anonymous (2) The Austin Family Mrs. Joanna Bennett


CA PT. JOH N A . CARL S ON CIRCL E ($5,000+)

Anonymous (9) Mr. & Dr. Robert A. Almy ’93 Mr. Charles L. Barmonde ’94 & Ms. Aiden E. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Benzak ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bomberg Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. Browning ’83 Mrs. Sandra Campbell Mr. Gang Chen & Mrs. Jin Wu Mr. Charles T. Clark ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Cunningham ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Daniel Mr. & Mrs. James Deters Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. D’hondt Dr. & Mrs. James P. Dowling ’81 Mr. Richard M. Edlin ’73 Mr. & Mrs. E. Daniel Eilertsen Mr. Yu Fang & Mrs. Yan Zhang Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett Jr. ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ferguson Ms. Jennifer B. Fox ’07 Dr. & Mrs. Sarakorn Gerjarusak Mr. & Mrs. John M. Goll Jr. ’90 Mr. Gang Hu & Ms. Jingying Wu

Mr. Jianwei Hu & Mrs. Xiaolei Tian Mr. Andrew N. Ivory ’82 & Mrs. Andrea Ferguson Ivory Mr. & Mrs. Rory P. Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. King Jr. Mr. Angus H. Leary ’95 & Mrs. Shannon McGrath Leary ’95 Mrs. Kristen Miller Mahoney ’01 & Mr. Bobby Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mallory ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Mead Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miller Mr. & Mrs. John Murray Mr. James A. Myers ’78 Charles & Louise Mauran Nadler The Estate of Katharine & Silas C. Peterson Jr. ’47 Mr. Benjamin K. Phipps Jr. ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Polemis ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Pope Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk Mr. & Mrs. William P. Rice Jr. ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ridgley Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Roe Mrs. William Rousseau Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Schaefer III ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Garrard K. Schaefer ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Schaefer ’91 Mr. Lawrence F. Schumaker ’52 & Mrs. Elizabeth J. Schumaker PhD Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Sherbrooke ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Warren Skillman Ms. Elizabeth Weinberg Smith Mr. & Mrs. Armond Spikell Mr. John A. Sprague ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Squarcia Jr. ’85 Mr. David H. Stevens ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey T. Stewart ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin B. Strong Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy S. Styles Mr. John G. Swope ’88 Mr. Andrew M. Tappe ’79 Dr. Eleanor Tedesco Mr. Jeff Thompson & Dr. Elissa C. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Veronesi Mrs. Heather Rosbe Vrattos ’87 & Mr. William Vrattos Ms. Christine Ward Mr. Chunyong Xu & Ms. Yi Zhang Mr. Changfu Xue & Mrs. Yan Wang Mr. Bosheng Yin & Ms. Jing Tian Mr. Tong Yin & Ms. Chengye Zhang R I C H A R D F. H O Y T C IR C LE ($3,000+)

Anonymous (4) Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV Ms. Heather Aron ’94 & Mr. Ross E. Schulman Mr. & Mrs. R. William Blasdale ’61 Mr. Peter E. Blau ’50 Mrs. Theresa A. Chase & Mr. Michael Kubasiewicz Mr. Yadi Chen & Ms. Jiner Chen Mr. & Mrs. Zhihui Chen Mr. Mark W. Cook Dr. David J. DeFilippo ’84

& Ms. Lisa Shapiro Ms. Robin Dripps ’60 & Ms. Lucia Phinney Mr. & Mrs. Matthew C. Dyroff Mr. & Mrs. David Earley Mr. David G. Foss & Ms. Sue A. Yurkewicz Foss Dr. Edmund Frank ’69 & Dr. Eustacia Frank Mr. Samuel W. Lambert III Mrs. Sarah Lambert Dolan ’90 & Mr. John Dolan Mr. & Mrs. David Lewis RADM & Mrs. Archer M. Macy Jr. ’71 Mr. Robert L. Needham ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Aaron A. O’Neil ’92 Ms. Barbara I. Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sears Jr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Shabshelowitz Mr. & Mrs. Ross E. Sherbrooke Tim & Robin ’90 Shields Mr. Lin Shi & Mrs. Jialin Zheng Mr. Channing L. Walker ’12 Ms. L. Anne Walker ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Webb Mr. Fan Zhong & Ms. Wanqing Xu ALUMNI C IRCLE ( $ 1 ,8 7 6 + )

Anonymous (8) Mr. Eric S. Almeida ’80 Mr. William Beautyman Jr. ’63 & Ms. Catharine Gribbel Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Brown Mr. & Mrs. Barry Browning Mr. Russell E. Browning ’81 Mr. Fenghua Chen & Mrs. Yan Liang Mr. & Mrs. James Ciffolillo Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan A. Cottrell ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Crocker ’58 Mr. & Mrs. Joshua A. Darwin ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Conrad M. Deneault Sr. ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiFilippo Mr. & Mrs. Bradford N. Eames ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Elsas ’61 Mr. Alan R. Epstein & Ms. Yvonne D. Tropp Mr. & Mrs. James W. Feeney Mr. James Forker Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Glance Mr. & Mrs. Alan S. Golub ’53 Dr. Henry Grazioso & Dr. Kristine Grazioso Mr. Ralph A. Greene ’58 Mr. Robert W. Gunning ’61 Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Hamilton ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Hodges ’64 Mr. James R. Holmes ’72 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hutton ’79 Karl D. Jackson PhD ’60 & Ms. Jean Aden Mr. & Mrs. C. Ronald Johnson ’64 Mr. Keat Loon Koay & Ms. Joyce K. Ting Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Keene Jr. ’70 Mrs. Linda Knowles Ms. Adrienne M. Li ’93 Mr. Liping Liao & Ms. Shixuan Xu Mr. Lingfei Liu & Mrs. Chi Zhang Mr. & Mrs. Ian O. Malin ’95 Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel ’87 & Mr. William Marvel

Mr. Tom Maudlin Mr. Andrew F. McIntire ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Bob McIvor Mr. & Mrs. Martin McKerrow Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Miller Jr. ’90 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon S. Milne ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Moller Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Myers ’60 Mr. Duncan H. M. Nadler ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. O’Connell Mr. Cyril F. O’Neil ’88 & Mr. Tristan McManaman Mr. & Mrs. John Paliotta Ms. Laura Lorusso Peterson ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Edmund O. Piehler Jr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pierce Jr. ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Rich ’71 Mr. Robert D. Ripley ’67 Mr. Travis M. Roy ’95* Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Silvia III ’99 Mr. J. Armand Soucy Mr. & Mrs. Eric H. Strand ’84 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Villela ’90 Mr. & Mrs. D. W. Vose Jr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. John Wemple Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark White ’76 Dr. & Mrs. James W. Wickenden ’56 Mr. Honghui Yang & Mrs. Juan Huang Mr. Ming Zhu & Ms. Xin Wang



This society recognizes those alumni who have given every year since graduation or have been a Tabor supporter for 30 or more consecutive years. Consistent loyalty through support for Tabor is an incredible example of Seawolf Pride!

Ms. Elizabeth K. Abbott ’16 Michael Patrick Adams DDS ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Albertson Jr. ’50 Mr. Will Appleton ’16 Ms. Heather J. Aron ’94 Ms. Alissa N. Assad ’04 Mr. Samuel S. Assad ’03 Dr. Emily Carson Atwood ’05 Mr. Andrew P. Bannon ’11 Mr. Jarrod R. Bannon ’08 Mr. Zachary J. Bannon ’15 Mr. Cameron Barbagallo ’19 Mr. Scott M. Barnhill ’10 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barrett ’70 Mr. Scott F. Bearse ’74 Mrs. Janice K. Birdsall Mr. Dwight C. Blake ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Blake ’65 Mr. & Mrs. R. William Blasdale ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Spencer W. Blasdale ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Block ’57 Mr. George F. Booth II ’62 Mr. Sean M. Bouchard ’08 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Braitmayer ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Jerald E. Brown ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Keith N. Browning ’79 Ms. Kristen L. Burke ’15 Mr. Andrew R. Buttner ’94 Dr. & Mrs. James B. Calvin ’61 Mr. David M. Campbell ’71 Ms. Stephanie R. Campbell ’14 Mr. Jackson A. Cederholm ’19 Ms. Emily Chandler ’05 Ms. Chloe E. Charette ’09 Mr. Colby R. Chevalier ’00 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Chornyei Jr. ’61 Mr. Charles T. Clark ’72 Ms. Alexandria Coffin ’18 John & Merry Conway Mr. Benjamin A. Cook ’15 Mr. Samuel A. Cook ’15 Mr. Daniel J. Cooney ’83 & Mrs. Katherine Schaefer Cooney ’93 Mr. Lewis C. Cooper ’17 Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Crocker ’58 Mrs. Katrina Saltonstall Currier ’87 & Mr. James Currier Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Cushman ’50 Ms. India J. Daniel ’18 Ms. Shelby C. Densman ’14 Ms. Danielle Dillon ’14 Ms. Elizabeth M. Dognazzi ’16 Mrs. Sarah Lambert Dolan ’90 Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Bradford N. Eames ’61 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Edgerton ’53 Mr. Richard M. Edlin ’73 Dr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Edlund ’47 Mrs. Maura Neal Eger ’08 Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Ellis III ’52


Mr. David M. Eyler ’15 Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler ’87 & Mr. John M. Eyler Ms. Reagan E. Eyler ’17 Prof. & Mrs. Louis M. Falkson ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Barry H. Federman ’77 Mr. Harvey C. Felton ’57 Mr. Grayson M. Fertig ’98 Mr. Graeme L. Flanders ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Fowler Jr. ’64 Ms. Holly Francis ’14 Mr. Austin G. Franklin ’16 Ms. Paige M. Franklin ’20 Ms. Christina M. Frasca ’13 Mr. Albert Fried Jr. ’48 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Frothingham Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Gascoigne ’68 Mrs. Jessica Hurley Givney ’91 Mr. & Mrs. L. Stanley Godwin Jr. ’72 Mr. Jack K. Gordon ’17 Mrs. Lois W. Graboys Mr. Ryan C. Grace ’19 Ms. Katherine O. Graham ’16 Mr. Nicholas Grazioso ’19 Mr. Ralph A. Greene ’58 Mr. Peter D. Haddock ’58 Liz & Dennis Hager ’56 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hallen ’61 Mr. Wayne E. Harrington ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Heditsian ’74 Mr. Michael J. Hennessy ’09 Mr. J. Hunt Herrigel Jr. ’70 Ms. Margaret K. Hersam ’14 Mr. Alexander T. Hetzeck Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Heyman ’61 Mrs. Lindsey Burke Higgins ’97 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hoffmann ’46 Ms. Elizabeth S. Hurley ’97 Mr. & Mrs. William T. Hurley III ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Ives ’53 Ms. Madeleine O. Jamieson ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Jarbeau ’65 Ms. Selbie L. Jason ’09 Mr. & Mrs. C. Ronald Johnson ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Johnson ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Jones ’86 Mr. Lee W. Jones II ’87 Mr. Robert B. Jones ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Keene Jr. ’70 Mrs. Wayne T. Keith Ms. Aimee R. Kelleher ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Knoll Ms. Catherine Clare M. Knowlton ’13 Col. & Mrs. Deane R. Konowicz ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kraemer ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Latham Ms. Leah A. Latham ’00 Ms. Tatum Leclair ’14 Mr. John P. Levine ’69 & Ms. Susan M. Clopton

Mrs. Emilie Schnitman Liebhoff ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne W. Long ’62 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Lovell ’63 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Luke Sr. ’61 Mr. Keiron G. Lynch II ’75 Mr. Jonathan E. Mabie ’17 Mrs. Sydney Maddox Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Magee ’69 Ms. Madeleine R. Mahoney ’19 Mr. Christopher Makepeace ’66 Ms. Krista K. Manzanares ’11 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Marchand ’62 Mr. Richard C. Marcy Jr. ’59 Ms. Catherine L. Marshall ’17 Mr. David S. Marshall ’15 Carmine ’71 and Beth Martignetti Ms. Elsie M. Martinson ’14 Mr. John Marvel ’19 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Marvin ’56 Ms. Abigail E. McBride ’11 Mr. Aidan P. McBride ’11 Mr. Alec McBride ’14 Ms. Anne M. McBride ’12 Mr. Myles J. McGreavy ’08 Ms. Mary Katharine E. McIntire ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Mead ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Meenan ’59 Ms. Rebecca Merriam ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Merlin G. Miller Mr. Paul E. Mitchell III ’15 Mr. Frederic C. Mock ’83 & Mrs. Cindy Carr Mock ’86 Ms. Emily R. Moore ’17 Mr. Colby E. Morgan ’09 Mrs. Amanda Lackey Murray ’95 Mr. John S. Murray ’18 Ms. Kelley T. Newman ’12 Mr. Phillips A. Noyes Jr. ’43 Mrs. Kelly Foley O’Brien ’08 Mr. Christopher J. Picard ’19 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund O. Piehler Jr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. David K. Pierce Mr. Kyran T. Pina ’19 Mr. & Mrs. Lee Pokoik ’63 Mr. & Mrs. James T. Potdevin ’72 Ms. Isabel Powell ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Proctor ’55 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Reid III ’62 Mr. William P. Rice Jr. ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Elmer A. Richards Mr. David G. Richardson ’72 Mr. John E. Robinson ’65 Ms. Kendolyn C. Roe ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Rogers ’73 Ms. Melanie M. Rosen ’12 Mr. Owen T. Rudicus ’19 Ms. Shannon Ryan ’16 Mr. Noah L. Sadhwani ’17 Ms. Lucy A. Saltonstall ’17 Mr. & Mrs. William W. Saltonstall ’82

Seawolves for Seawolves Fund

Mr. William W. Saltonstall Jr. ’14 Ms. Nina Sasakawa ’20 Mr. & Mrs. William M. Savage ’61 Mr. Lawrence F. Schumaker ’52 & Mrs. Elizabeth J. Schumaker PhD Mr. Charles P. Schutt Jr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Scott III ’58 Ms. Catherine Shakin ’19 Ms. Kelsey B. Shakin ’15 Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Shapiro Mr. Nathan C. Shapiro ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Ross E. Sherbrooke Mrs. Margaret Simeon Ms. Lily K. Smith ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Phillips G. Smith ’65 Mr. & Mrs. William B. Southworth Jr. ’46 Mr. H. W. Sowles ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey T. Stewart ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Alan O. Stickles Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Stickles ’81 Mr. Oliver H. Stone ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Eric H. Strand ’84 Ms. Kathryn Sudduth ’14 Mr. Owen Sughrue ’19 Mr. Colin D. Sullivan ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Russell V. Sullivan ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Surdam Jr. ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Swain ’61 Mrs. Kearsley Lloyd Sweeney ’06 Mr. John Swope ’56 Mr. & Mrs. John L. Taber ’65 Mr. Charles C. Talanian ’04 Mr. Peter M. Teague ’14 Ms. Carrie Thornburg-Bearse Mr. Katarnut Tobunluepop ’20 Mrs. Mary L. Tomlinson Ms. Holley H. Tyng ’97 Mr. George L. Unhoch Jr. Mr. Kevin M. Valles ’08 Mrs. Heather Rosbe Vrattos ’87 & Mr. William Vrattos Ms. Diana P. Walcott ’88 Ms. Emma Waligory ’16 Mr. Channing L. Walker ’12 Ms. L. Anne Walker ’13 Mr. Nathaniel Walton ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Washburne ’72 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Crey R. Weston ’76 Dr. Edward R. White ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Wilbur ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Mr. Roger F. Woodman Jr. ’72 & Mrs. Carol De Tine Mr. & Mrs. Denys A. Wortman ’56 Mr. Spencer E. Zahn ’06 Mr. J. Michael Zollo ’07

This past May, as the global uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic continued to unfold, Tabor established the Seawolves for Seawolves Fund, which served as an important resource to the school’s leadership in responding to the immediate needs associated with COVID-19 and distance learning. Thanks to the largesse of the many alumni, parents, and friends who supported this initiative, a total of $159,935 has been contributed to the fund so far. These gifts have been vital to Tabor’s reopening plan, ensuring a safe learning and working environment for students, faculty, and staff. Tabor is committed to ensuring that all students have the necessary tools to support their success. To assist with in-person and remote education this year, classrooms have been outfitted with new technology such as HD wide-angle cameras to capture the entire class, digital microphones to boost sound for remote students, speakers to hear remote students better, and additional monitors and smart TVs for some classrooms. This investment has been critical to supporting a rich and rigorous learning environment on-and off-campus. Beyond the classroom, Tabor has invested in a more robust and diverse co-curricular program to support the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of our students. Guided by state and CDC guidelines, fall sports offerings are entirely intramural and opportunities to play badminton, disc golf, and kickball have been added. At the same time, the school has re-envisioned the performing arts program, replacing this fall’s in-person theatre performance with a virtual film production. In their acting classes, students are remotely sharing monologues, speeches, dialogues, and lip-syncs. More than anything, students appreciate the many ways in which the school has nurtured interpersonal connectivity, allowing them to safely interact, socialize, compete, and learn, despite social distancing mandates. The Seawolves for Seawolves Fund has allowed Tabor to navigate, course correct, and move forward boldly with the 2020-2021 academic year. Now more than ever, the commitment of our supporters to Tabor’s students, faculty, and staff is a testament to the steadfast belief in the virtue of this school community.

As I think back about my time at Tabor, giving consistently each year since graduation helps me feel like I’m a part of the community and contributing in a small way to such an

important place for so many students during a pivotal time in their lives.

Colby R. Chevalier ‘00



Tabor’s Anchor Society was established in 2017 to honor our loyal alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends. Through consistent financial support over two or more consecutive years, Anchor Society members recognize the importance of investing in Tabor Academy. Their consecutive annual gifts, no matter the size, continue to transform our campus and the lives of our students. Consistent giving to Tabor Academy is critical to the success and lasting impact that our great school provides for the next generation of leaders. Tabor is on the rise to being one of the top innovative private schools in New England. The annual generosity of our supporters is paramount in helping strengthen programs, augment financial aid, explore new opportunities, attract outstanding students, and recruit exceptional faculty. G I F T S F R O M A L U MNI CLASS OF 1937 $100 DONATED | 100% PARTICIPATION

Navigators Ms. Jane Lillard Bartter CLASS OF 1939 $1,114 DONATED | 100% PARTICIPATION

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Dr. Edward F. Woods* D CLASS OF 1942 $525 DONATED | 50% PARTICIPATION

Navigators Anonymous Mrs. Mary A. Ryan D CLASS OF 1943 $200 DONATED | 25% PARTICIPATION

Navigators Mr. Phillips A. Noyes Jr. D CLASS OF 1944 $850 DONATED | 60% PARTICIPATION

Navigators Mr. David W. Fisher* D Mr. Henry R. Keene D Dr. Paul D. Lipsitt D CLASS OF 1945 $100 DONATED | 9% PARTICIPATION

Navigators Mr. Roger L. Kellner* D CLASS OF 1946 $2,400 DONATED | 32% PARTICIPATION

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Charles S. Trefrey D

Navigators Mr. Eric P. Bierrie D Dr. Timothy W. Edlund D Mr. Wayne D. Jackson D Lewis P. Lipsitt PhD D Mr. Donald H. Ramsbottom D Mr. Irving R. Stewart D



Navigators Mr. Neale Birdsall* D Mr. Peter E. French D Mr. George E. Morson D Mr. Wainwright R. Roebling D Mr. Morgan Seelye D

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Albert Fried Jr. D James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. John W. Braitmayer D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Richard F. Bumer D Mr. William C. Couch D Navigators Mr. Arthur J. Ferguson D Mr. James J. Marshall D Mr. Donald W. Noyes* D C LASS OF 1949 $11,300 DONATED | 17% PARTICIPATION

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Dr. Richard M. Cushner D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Merrick W. Hellyar D C LASS OF 1950 $4,807 DONATED | 42% PARTICIPATION

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. Peter E. Blau D

Navigators Mr. Charles E. Beckman D Mr. Robert G. Caffray D Mr. Richard W. Cederberg D Mr. William H. Hoffmann D Mr. William B. Southworth Jr. D Mr. Robert G. Thompson D CLASS OF 1947 $8,896 DONATED | 39% PARTICIPATION

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) The Estate of Katharine & Silas C. Peterson Jr.


Navigators Mr. Joseph L. Albertson Jr. D Mr. Arthur H. Bennett Jr. D Mr. Stephen E. Clark D Mr. Robert M. Cushman D Mr. Robert K. Edwards* D Mr. Thomas B. Harrington Mr. Samuel Russell D

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) The Estate of Mr. Robert D. Hall D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Benjamin K. Phipps Jr. D


Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Lawrence F. Schumaker D Navigators Mr. G. W. Ellis III D Mr. Reid Higgins D Mr. C. Denison Makepeace II D Mr. Andrew J. Santos D Mr. J. L. Spaulding Mr. Theodore C. Taub JD D CLA SS OF 1953 $6,296 DONATED | 32% PARTICIPATION

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. Robert L. Needham Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Alan S. Golub D Navigators Mr. Bruce E. Barnard Mr. Lawrence A. Collins D Mr. William H. Edgerton D Mr. Peter T. Houston D Mr. Charles C. Ives D Mr. Wayne T. Keith* D Mr. F. F. Knight D Mr. Garrison F. Lane Mr. August B. Miller Jr. D CLA SS OF 1954 $1,375 DONATED | 24% PARTICIPATION

Navigators Mr. Peter W. Bachner Mr. David L. Brown D

D = Anchor Society Members

* = deceased

Rev. Ira W. Chace D Mr. Peter S. Ellis D Rev. William A. Jeffrey Jr. D Mr. George P. Porter D Mr. Carey D. Rhoten D Mr. Jeffrey Ruttenberg D Mr. Franklin C. Stout Mr. Anthony A. Tully D C LASS OF 1 9 5 5 $1,710 DONATED | 41% PARTICIPATION

Navigators Mr. Thomas B. Albertson* D Mr. Sidney L. Boorstein D Prof. Louis M. Falkson D Dr. Ralph H. Henderson D Mr. Robert B. Jones D Mr. Nicholas Nilsen D Canon Richard T. Nolan* Mr. Albert R. Pierce III D Mr. Eugene F. Proctor D Mr. Benjamin M. Schneierson Mr. William H. Williams III D Mr. Robert M. Yacubian D C LASS OF 1 9 5 6 $142,028 DONATED | 22% PARTICIPATION

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Dr. Lincoln E. Ford* D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Dennis S. Hager D Mr. John Swope D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Dr. James W. Wickenden D Navigators Mr. G. Richard Duffy D Mr. Bradford S. Howe D Mr. Andrew S. Marvin D Mr. Denys A. Wortman D C LASS OF 1 9 5 7 $116,700 DONATED | 19% PARTICIPATION

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) The Estate of Edmon G. Luke Jr.


Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Robert G. Crocker D Mr. Ralph A. Greene D Navigators Mr. Peter D. Haddock D Mr. Frederic B. Hill D Mr. Richard H. Pierce D Mr. Richard F. Reed D Mr. John F. Scott III D Mr. John S. Van Stone D CLA SS OF 1959 $2,350 DONATED | 16% PARTICIPATION

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Richard C. Marcy Jr. D Navigators Mr. Peter D. Billings D Gordon A. Carpenter, Esq. D Mr. John H. Detweiler D Mr. Peter Meenan D Mr. Thomas A. Ranges Mr. Robert J. Smith D CLA SS OF 1960 $9,315 DONATED | 23% PARTICIPATION

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Ms. Robin D. Dripps D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Karl D. Jackson PhD D Mr. Robert C. Myers D

Navigators Mr. Antony H. Acker D Mr. Robert W. Bruce D Dr. James B. Calvin* D Mr. Charles E. Carey Jr. D Mr. Ernest J. Chornyei Jr. D Mr. Bradlee F. Clarke Jr. D Mr. Richard B. Earle D Mr. Robert S. Gugler D Mr. John R. Hallen D Dr. Joseph S. Heyman D Mr. Jack B. Hirschmann Jr. Mr. Robert W. Kraemer D Mr. Richard B. Marchisio D Dr. Gordon E. McNeer D Mr. F. C. Pease D Mr. William M. Savage D Mr. Howard Shrut D Mr. Russell V. Sullivan D Mr. Richard Barry Swain D CLA SS OF 1962 $18,592 DONATED | 36% PARTICIPATION

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Robert R. Fawcett Sr. D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. J. B. Hamilton D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Edward F. Kakas II D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John H. Birdsall III D

Navigators Capt. Gerald Davis Jr. USN, Ret. D Dr. David W. Ferris Mr. Oswald G. Hayes Jr. D Mr. Richard J. Lawton D Mr. William B. Notman D Mr. Raymond S. Streit D Dr. Frederick B. Tuttle Jr.

Navigators Mr. Fordyce T. Blake III D Mr. George F. Booth II D Mr. Andrew E. Bram D Mr. Stephen F. Brown D Mr. Richard L. Cherry D Mr. Graeme L. Flanders D Mr. John M. Hills D Mr. David N. Kelley II D Mr. Alexander S. Koehler D Mr. Wayne W. Long D Mr. John P. Marchand D Mr. David V. Mason D Mr. Theodore L. Prescott D Mr. William R. Reid III D Dr. Robert I. Russell D Mrs. Donna V. Sawyer D Mr. Wayne Walega Mr. Robert E. White Jr. D Mr. William E. Young D


Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. John B. Parker

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Douglas T. Hsu D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. William T. Hurley III D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. David L. Stiller D The Estate of Harold L. Sutcliffe

Navigators Mr. Richard E. Block D Mr. Harvey C. Felton D Mr. Arthur W. McLean D Mr. Richard H. Rowland Mr. Richard W. Swett D Mr. David M. Ziskind D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Alan H. Banister D Mr. Howard B. Cantor D Mr. James P. Luke Sr. D Mr. Stanley W. Moore D Mr. Charles P. Schutt Jr. D

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. R. William Blasdale D Mr. Richard W. Sears Jr. D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Bradford N. Eames D Mr. Roger D. Elsas D Mr. Robert W. Gunning D Mr. Edmund O. Piehler Jr. D Mr. D. Warren Vose Jr. D


James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. Lee Pokoik D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. William Beautyman Jr. D


All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Paul D. Harrington D Mr. Peter M. Robbins

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Gar F. Ferguson D Mr. Jeffrey C. Sturgess D

Navigators Mr. E. R. Boardman D Mr. Thomas C. Burke D Mr. Rodger W. Fling D Mr. Robert K. Griffith Jr. D Mr. John W. Lovell D Mr. Donald S. Merry D Mr. Henry P. Taggard Mr. David D. Tura

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Richard F. McConnie D Mr. Ronald Mycock D Mr. Joseph H. Pyne D Mr. Kristian J. Stoltenberg D


Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Conrad M. Deneault Sr. D Mr. Thomas H. Hodges D Mr. C. Ronald Johnson D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John A. Correa D Mr. Richard L. Fowler Jr. D

Navigators Dr. David A. Clayman D Mr. Steven L. Crowley D Hon. Peter H. Fauver D Mr. Mark Glovsky D Mr. Richard R. Gumpert D Mr. Wayne E. Harrington D Mr. Duncan M. Kelso D Mr. Brian M. Mullen D Mr. James W. C. Parker D Mr. Bert M. Rappaport D C LASS OF 1967 $5,825 DONATED | 16% PARTICIPATION

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Robert D. Ripley D

Navigators Mr. Michael S. Fawcett D Lt. Col. Christopher M. Hayes D Mr. Robert T. Kidder D Mr. Kim R. MacConnel D Dr. Jonathan L. Markley D Mr. David S. McNeilly D Mr. William R. Sanders Mr. William J. Schuler D Jay A. Ziskind, Esq. D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. David F. Hitchcock Mr. Timothy E. Sanders D


Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Richard W. Jarbeau D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Robert S. Cunningham D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Peter J. Zacchilli D

Navigators Mr. Lawrence L. Goldberg D Mr. Paul L. Johnson D Mr. Ronald A. Katz D Mr. Richard J. Mazzuto D Mr. Michael H. McShane Mr. Taylor A.B. Mills D Mr. Joseph F. Murphy D Mr. C. T. Robertson D Mr. Peter E. Tenney D C LASS OF 1968 $2,231,770 DONATED | 22% PARTICIPATION

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Stephen P. Sprague D

Navigators Mr. William H. Beyer D Mr. Jonathan D. Blake D Mr. Samuel E. Carr D Mr. Francis D. Dibble Jr. D Mr. Winder M. Heller D Mr. Terry Ladd D Mr. John P. Read D Mr. John E. Robinson D Mr. Robert A. Shore D Mr. Phillips G. Smith D Mr. John L. Taber D Mr. Ronald A. Wilbur D Dr. Jay T. Winburn D

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Louis S. Wolfe D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Robert M. Surdam Jr. D Mr. Peter C. Tufts D


Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Christopher Makepeace D


Navigators Mr. Dwight C. Blake D Mr. Royal T. Davis Mr. Thomas G. Davis D Mr. Thomas E. Eberman D Mr. William O. Fisher Jr. D Mr. Richard R. Gascoigne D Mr. Peter J. Lacy D Mr. Ryck B. Lent D

Mr. William F. Lowell III D Mr. William O. Pettit III D Mr. Wade I. Treadway D Mr. G. Wiley Wakeman D Dr. Michael W. Walker D CLA SS OF 1969 $36,851 DONATED | 26% PARTICIPATION

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Henry P. Roberts D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Charles Mallory D Mr. Michael A. Polemis D Mr. Geoffrey T. Stewart D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Dr. Edmund Frank D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John P. Levine D Mr. Douglas S. Magee D Navigators Mr. Robert G. Babson D Mr. Courtland L. Booth D Dr. LeBaron R. Briggs IV D Mr. Christopher D. Cunningham D Mr. William E. Fitzhugh* D Mr. John S. Hamilton D Mr. William L. Lane Jr. D Mr. Peter F. Long Sr. D Mr. Michael T. Luchini D Mr. Samuel G. Palestine D Mr. William T. Simonds D Mr. Peter G. Sloan Jr. D Mr. John T. Weaver D Mr. Stanley M. White D CLA SS OF 1970 $55,334 DONATED | 16% PARTICIPATION

James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. David A. Barrett D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Henry R. Keene Jr. D Navigators Mr. James A. Brennan Jr. D Mr. John C. Carrick D Mr. Freddy A. Cicerchia D Mr. Richard W. Cowen D Mr. Steven B. Fleming Mr. J. Hunt Herrigel Jr. D Mr. Mark E. Hill D Mr. Washington Irving III D Mr. Richard M. Kimball II D Rev. Robert H. Malm D Mr. Stephen M. McIntosh D Mr. Christopher B. Mead D Mr. William E. Miller Mr. John T. Rice D

D = Anchor Society Members

* = deceased

C LASS OF 1 9 7 1 $271,535 DONATED | 30% PARTICIPATION

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Carmine A. Martignetti D The Estate of Stuart B. Sutphin III D James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. David M. Campbell D

Mr. Philip C. Steiger III D Mr. Bradford N. Tenney D Mr. Stephen H. Washburne D Dr. Peter D. Watts D Mr. Roger F. Woodman Jr. D CLA SS OF 1973 $17,554 DONATED | 10% PARTICIPATION

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Edward A. Schaefer III D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Richard M. Edlin D Mr. John A. Sprague D Mr. David H. Stevens D

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) RADM Archer M. Macy Jr., USN (Ret.) D

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Christopher W. Rogers D

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Douglas R. Rich D

Navigators Mr. Robert T. Boon D Mr. N. Platt Johnson D Mr. John W. McLaughlin D Mr. David M. Williams D Mr. John P. Zacchilli D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Jerald E. Brown D Mr. Donald C. Hurter D Navigators Mr. Herbert C. Fett III D Mr. Joseph S. Husted D Mr. Raphael Paola Ltcp D Mr. L. B. Pyne Mr. Dwight E. Smith D Mr. H. W. Sowles D Mr. John K. Stanton Jr. D Mr. Nathaniel M. Stout D Mr. Brett W. Thacher D Dr. John D. Thomas II D Dr. Edward R. White D Mr. Thomas W. Wilbor III D Mr. Charles E. Woodcock III D C LASS OF 1 9 7 2 $30,442 DONATED | 21% PARTICIPATION


All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Capt. Jon M. Barrett D Navigators Michael Patrick Adams DDS D Mr. Scott F. Bearse D Mr. Timothy Bryan D Mr. Robert A. Heditsian D Mr. G. R. King II Mr. Stephen B. Lynch D Mr. Joseph T. Marino D Mr. Richard T. Porteus Jr. D Mr. Alexander W. Thomson D Mr. Mark E. Tuller D


Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Jack Boyd Smith Jr. D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Jonathan A. Cottrell Mr. H. Mark White All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John H. A. Chapman Jr. D Mr. Charles E. Clapp III D Mr. Christopher Dowley D Mr. Carter E. Mario D Navigators Mr. Jeffrey T. Brown D Mr. Stewart C. Dary D Mr. James P. Dooley D Mr. Richard K. Hollander D Mr. Todd P. Kennelly D Mr. Walter L. Landergan D Mr. Robert H. Pinkston D Mr. Dana K. Smith D Mr. Thomas A. Tarrant III D Mr. Crey R. Weston D CLA SS OF 1977 $3,950 DONATED | 7% PARTICIPATION

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Daniel Pierce Jr. D Navigators Mr. Christopher E. Beach D Mr. Barry H. Federman D Mr. Mark A. Heartfield D Mr. Hector R. Jones D Mr. Kelly K. Lydon Mr. Peter A. Mello D Mr. Richard J. Welch D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Thomas B. Hunter IV D


Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Charles T. Clark D Mr. Garrard K. Schaefer D

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Paul J. Murphy, Esq. D

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Joshua J. Weeks D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Willard M. Hunter D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Brian Liistro D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Winthrop Sargent D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. James A. Myers D

Navigators Mr. David M. Booth Mr. Mark A. Burns D Mr. James E. Conroy D Mr. Robert R. Duncan III D Mr. Alexander P. Felson D Mr. D. Ross Griswold Jr. D Mr. James W. Henry D Mr. Anthony V. LoMenzo D Mr. Keiron G. Lynch II D Mr. Walter F. Martin II D Mr. Jonathan S. Rich D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Charles A. Freni Jr. D Mr. Roy M. Harms Jr. D

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. James R. Holmes D Mr. Gordon S. Milne D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Peter G. Ellis Jr. D Navigators Mr. David B. Barker Jr. D Mr. Steven Cowen D Lt. Col. David W. Currid Mr. William C. Davison D Mr. Paul J. Durgin D Mr. John C. Evans D Mr. L. Stanley Godwin Jr. D Mr. Christopher H. Lent* D Mr. C. Christopher MacKenzie D Mr. James T. Potdevin D Mr. R. C. Reis D Mr. David G. Richardson D


Navigators Mr. Matthew G. Fee D Mr. David W. Johns II D Mr. Andrew C. Oyaas D Mr. Christopher C. Perry D Mr. Peter V. See D




James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. Keith N. Browning D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Andrew N. Ivory D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Andrew M. Tappe D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. William W. Saltonstall D

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. James P. Hutton D

Navigators Mr. Andrew D. Coler Mr. William W. Creed D Mr. Christopher K. Heaslip D Hon. Matthew A. Reynolds D Mr. Eric M. Romm D Mr. Joseph K. Schumaker D Ms. Ruth A. Shapiro D Mr. Charles K. West III D Peter F. Winters, Esq. D

Navigators Mr. David J. Allen D Mr. Adam P. Briggs D Mr. Robert T. F. Candler D Mr. Shawn Horan D Mr. Paul M. Hughes D Mr. Charles S. Ingersoll Jr. D Mr. Jeffrey A. Jackson D Mr. Steve Savage D Mr. William C. Schrader Jr. D Mr. Mark A. Soderstrom D Mr. Michael L. Torruella D Mr. Matthew S. Twomey D Mr. Alec M. Willeson D


Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Frank M. Gring Jr. D


Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. James A. Tomlinson D

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Eric S. Almeida D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Peter V. Browning D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Gerald W. Peck Jr. D

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. James T. Chadwick Jr. D

Navigators Mr. Albert Basse III Edward A. Brown, Esq. D Mr. Michael H. Bucar Mr. Anthony G. Featherston IV D Mr. Derrick M. Foren Capt. Michael A. Peszke Jr. D Mr. Alexander D. Pline Mr. Edward J. Olivier D Mr. Benjamin A. Taub D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Frederic C. Mock D


Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Dr. James P. Dowling D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Russell E. Browning D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Robert C. Miller D Col. Jonathan L. Pirkey D

Navigators Mr. Edward J. Bresnahan Jr. D Mr. Richard M. Capen D Mr. Daniel J. Cooney D Mr. Rudolph H. Deetjen III D Mr. William S. Detwiler III Mrs. Sybil McCarthy Dufour D Mr. Russell B. Fearing D Mr. David B. Kennedy D Mr. Timothy E. Lund Mr. Richard H. Needham II D Mr. Eric J. Northern D Mr. Lincoln S. Purdy D Mr. Francis X. St. Germaine III D Mr. Stephen E. Vaitses D Mr. Robert E. Wallace Jr. D C LASS OF 1984 $30,524 DONATED | 56% PARTICIPATION

Navigators Mr. David H. Barr D Mr. David F. Coogan D Mrs. Rebecca Harriman Cummings Mr. Kirk J. Franklin D Mr. Wayne G. Johnson III D Randall L. Souza, Esq. D Mr. Robert A. Stickles D Mr. Jonathan P. Stonis D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Patrick R. Sherbrooke D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Dr. David J. DeFilippo D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Andrew F. McIntire D Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire D Mr. Eric H. Strand D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Peter B. Aronson D Navigators Anonymous Mr. Jeffrey A. Akeson D Mr. Paul A. Aston D Mrs. Ann Baker Atwood D Mr. John M. Barnett D Mr. James E. Bartlett D Mr. Keith J. Boegler D Mr. Serge E. Brosselin D Mr. George Chakmakis Jr. D Ms. Julia I. D. Childs Mr. Stephen R. Cochran D Mr. Gordon R. P. Connor II D Mr. Harold S. Crain III D Mr. James E. Crick D Mr. W. Austin Curwen D Mr. John L. DeMello D Mrs. Susan King Dowd D Mrs. Ann Astrachan Eggleston D Mr. Jay M. Fernald D Mr. Mark A. Finley D Mr. Andrew M. Garcia D Mr. Christopher H. Hampson D Mr. Matthew J. Hiles D Mr. David E. Kellar D Mr. Jonathan P. Klaren D Mr. Jonathan M. Lincoln D Mr. R. A. Loer D Mr. Michael A. Lorusso D Mrs. Stephanie Cockrell Lyon D Mr. Andrew L. McCain D Mr. Roderick C. McNeil IV D Mrs. Erica Paquin Meyers D Ms. Heike B. Milhench D Mr. Thomas R. Mottur D Mrs. Catherine Schaefer Nellis D Mr. R. Gregg Nourjian D Mr. Elisha E. Nyman D Mr. John A. Ohrn Jr. D Mr. Adam W. Packard D Mr. Ian M. H. Patrick D Dr. W. M. Peluso D Ms. Eleanor E. Pierce D Mr. Christos G. Poravas D Dr. Alexander Raslavicus D Mr. J. D. Reid D Mrs. Jane Sumner Richardson D Mr. Nathaniel Saltonstall D Ms. Jacqueline W. Shire D Mr. Douglas C. Smith D Mr. Douglas A. Swartz D Ms. Dana Richards Vaitses D Mr. Sergio Velasco D CLA SS OF 1985 $179,823 DONATED | 18% PARTICIPATION

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. David A. Wallace D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Paul A. Squarcia Jr. D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Albert Y. Shiu D


D = Anchor Society Members

* = deceased

Navigators Mr. Samuel T. Adams D Mr. James A. Ball D Mr. Spencer W. Blasdale D Mr. Joseph H. Bozoyan CFA D Mr. Richard J. DellaRusso D Mr. William Y. H. Dickey D Mrs. Stephanie Kotrofi Dragatsis Mr. Edward J. Fiorentino D Mr. Brian F. Freyermuth D Ms. Kimberly A. Garey D Mr. Thomas D. Kirk D Mr. Lawrence E. Klaff D Mr. Craig E. Kulas D Mr. Michael E. Porrazzo D Mr. Matthew E. Schiff D Mr. Kevin C. St. Germaine D Mrs. Gretchen Shufelt Stoddard D Mr. Mark T. Torrisi D Mrs. Caroline M. Villela-Weisblatt D Mr. Peter R. Way D C LASS OF 1 9 8 6 $5,696 DONATED | 19% PARTICIPATION

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John T. Ludes Jr. D Mrs. Susan Thomas Macleod D Mrs. Cindy Carr Mock D Mrs. Jennifer Sherbrooke Palmer D Navigators Mr. T. Mark Aimone D Mr. Sean B. Backus D Mr. Kenneth H. Berlack D Mrs. Julie Perkins Cordonnier D Mrs. Patrice Bauer Fallon D Mr. Christopher C. A. Hall D Mr. Douglas W. Jones D Melissa Blake Mannino, Esq. Mr. M. A. Martin Jr. D Ms. Elizabeth B. Mottur D Mrs. Kristen Ryan Mozayeni D Mr. Bruce P. Myers D Ms. Jamie B. Rotman D Dr. Kristin C. Smith D Mr. Shawn R. Stilphen D Mr. Roy S. Strand D Mr. Stuart B. Titus D Mr. Ralph B. Williams II D Mr. Daniel M. Zinsmeyer D C LASS OF 1 9 8 7 $231,985 DONATED | 18% PARTICIPATION

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Sumner J. Waring III D James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. Jonathan D. Callaghan D Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mrs. Katrina Saltonstall Currier D Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Robert R. Fawcett Jr. D Mrs. Heather Rosbe Vrattos D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Joshua A. Darwin D Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel D Ms. Laura Lorusso Peterson D Navigators Mrs. Camille Fairbanks Babanikas RN D Ms. Bridget Dugan Baratta D Mr. Brooks R. Brown Mrs. Jessica Nixon Cashman D Mrs. Lora Lowe FitzGerald CRM, CIC, CISR, CPIW D Mr. Lee W. Jones II D Ms. Love Froes Macione D Mr. David A. Mears D Mrs. Catherine Goodwin Monaghan D Mr. Todd A. Needham D Mr. Michael E. Norek D Mrs. Erin Osborne O’Connell D Mr. Harry M. Ostrander D Mr. Todd M. Peckham D Mr. Jonathan S. Robie D Mrs. Julie Asselta Savage D CLA SS OF 1988 $15,119 DONATED | 20% PARTICIPATION

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. John G. Swope D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Cyril F. O’Neil D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Ian R. Anderson Mr. Dalton W. Menhall II D Mrs. M. Elizabeth Tomlinson Nemickas D Navigators Anonymous Mr. Samuel T. A. Ames D Cmdr. John F. Buckley USCG D Mrs. Kerry Galligan Caldwell D Mrs. Jennifer Heimlich Conaty D Mr. Douglass C. Coupe D Mr. Ian M. Del Balso D Ms. Linda Myers Dennison CPA D Mr. J. Michael Feeney D Mr. Kevin P. Foster D Mrs. Nannette Orr Gustafson D Mr. Matthew D. Hicks D Mr. Kimball H. Ingram D Ms. Amy K. Jones Mr. Shawn R. Knechtel D Mrs. Diana Cochran Knightly D Mr. Nathaniel A. Paige D Mr. Nicholas H. Penfield D Mr. Kevin A. Pepe Ms. Amelia M. Richards D Ms. Diana P. Walcott D Ms. Lilly Windle


James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. G. Eric Davis D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mrs. Lauren Fawcett Strachan D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John West Riggs D Navigators Anonymous Dr. Douglas S. Barnes D Mr. Christopher J. Basse D Mrs. Sarah Voss Cappelli D Mr. Richard DaSilva Jr. D Ms. Alison M. Durant D Mrs. Shannon Reddy Kerr D Mr. Jonathan W. Leaf D Ms. Elizabeth C. McDermott D Mr. Christopher H. McGuire D Mr. Christopher N. Merrill D Mr. Gregory T. Mino D Mrs. Emily Tague O’Marah D Ms. Sarah W. Penfield D Mr. Andrew Sinn D Mr. Thomas B. S. Sowles Mr. Gregory J. E. Stevens Mr. Andrew V. Strawbridge D Mrs. Jennifer Schneider Ziskin D CLA SS OF 1990 $33,680 DONATED | 15% PARTICIPATION

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Daniel M. Fireman D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. John M. Goll Jr. D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mrs. Sarah Lambert Dolan D Mrs. Robin Arms Shields D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Anthony W. Miller Jr. D Mr. John E. Villela D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. William P. Clarke Jr. Mr. Jacob F. Schutt Navigators Anonymous Mr. Josh C. Adams Mrs. Jill Haas Brandt D Mr. Benjamin J. Daly D Mr. Geoffrey M. Ewenson* D Mr. Jared C. Grimm D Mr. David B. Howard D Mr. Peter A. Milt Mr. Tyler W. Moore D Mrs. Laurelle Christian O’Neil D Lee M. Peterson, Esq. D Mr. Timothy J. Roller D Mr. Daniel Shugrue D Mrs. Cedar McClure Valentine D



Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Samuel M. Schaefer D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mrs. Rebecca Holmes Adler D Mr. Jonathan R. Hallam D Navigators Mr. Shawn M. Barry D Mr. Shane M. Borman D Mrs. Sara Mycock Cederholm D Mrs. Kathleen Garvin Clancy D Mr. Noel T. Duarte D Ms. Erin Burke Gaudreau D Mrs. Jessica Hurley Givney D Mr. Cain K. Goettelman D Mr. Barry K. Lawton D Mr. Kevin P. Leddy D Mr. Jonathan H. Loer D Ms. Rebecca Merriam D Mrs. Saran C. Mignott D Mr. Christopher W. B. Scott D

Mrs. Inger Strand Kenworthy D Mr. David W. Kessler D Mrs. Amanda Mahoney Kuhn D Ms. Gretchen D. Marolda D Mr. Terry H. Miller Jr. D Mr. Kurt J. Mogilnicki D Mr. Aaron B. Norton D Mr. Prapol Phornprapha D Mr. Christian E. Salvati D Mr. Colin D. Sullivan D Mr. Jeffrey A. Swan D Ms. Sarah T. Titus D Mrs. Alison Howard Van Keuren D C LASS OF 1994 $15,663 DONATED | 17% PARTICIPATION

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Charles L. Barmonde Mr. William P. Rice Jr. D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Ms. Heather J. Aron D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Christopher E. O’Connor D


Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. Aaron A. O’Neil D Navigators Mrs. Kara-Anne Decas Albert D Ms. Lisa M. Arredondo D Mr. Bertram A. Balch D Mr. Scott M. Carson D Mr. Christopher C. Chandler D Mrs. Abigail Smith Derrig D Mr. Timothy J. Herlihy D Mr. Geoffrey S. Jarbeau D.V.M. Mrs. Katherine Boniface Maurizi D Mr. Eric R. Mino D Mr. Gerald A. Morrissey III D Mrs. Lindsay Conway Murphy D Ms. Jodi Siegel D Mr. Frank B. Sousa III D

Navigators Dr. Grace Curry Adamson D Mrs. Elizabeth Bodkin Bagley D Ms. Daina Bray D Mrs. Jennifer Jackson Breitling D Mr. Ethan D. Bungert D Mr. Andrew R. Buttner D Mr. Adam I. Cohen D Mr. David M. Glynn D Mr. Carl R. Hall D Mr. Chandler W. Hall D Mrs. Darah Harper D Mr. Andrew F. Herlihy D Mrs. Emilie Schnitman Liebhoff D Mrs. Elizabeth K. Stott D Mr. James C. Tosi D C LASS OF 1995 $36,255 DONATED | 42% PARTICIPATION

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Alexander W. Kohn D


Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Robert A. Almy D Mr. Christopher L. Benzak D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Angus H. Leary D Mrs. Shannon McGrath Leary D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Ian O. Malin D Mr. Travis M. Roy* D

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Ms. Adrienne M. Li D Navigators Mrs. Emily Soden Auerswald D Mrs. Ellison Beech Bakelaar D Mr. Timothy M. Brady D Mr. John T. Buckley Jr. D Mr. Michael J. Callahan D Mrs. Katherine Schaefer Cooney D Mr. Ogden H. Hammond D Mrs. Ellyn Heimlich Hurd D Mr. Oakley R. Jones III D Mrs. Christel Bivens Kanda D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mrs. Crystal Carlton Flynn D Mrs. Nicole DeBlois Greene D Mr. Thomas McNeil D Navigators Anonymous Mrs. Amy Minella Ambrecht D Mrs. Courtney Buttner Bridge D Mrs. Kristan Clarke Burba Mr. Ian M. Conway D


Mr. Terrence M. Costello Mr. Todd H. DeBlois D Jeffrey A. DeGrasse PhD Mrs. Salinda A. Fertig-Pechaitis D Mr. Horace F. Field IV D Mrs. Alison Fleitas Gertonson Ms. Edith M. Gilliss Mr. Daniel H. Guenther D Mrs. Amy Buckley Kessler D Col. Deane R. Konowicz D Mr. Lawrence L. Kook D Mr. Erik W. Larsen D Ms. Danielle Lei D Ms. Seychelle E. Leonard D Mrs. Ariane D. Lombardi-Willey D Mrs. Brooke Ollinger Lovett D Mr. Thomas P. Lovett Jr. Mrs. Molly Dinan McIlvaine D Mr. Nathan J. Meleo D Mr. James H. Melville III D Mr. Joshua E. Mulvey D Mrs. Amanda Lackey Murray D Mrs. Katherine Clark Pawlicki D Jay R. Peabody, Esq. Mr. John H. Pitney Mr. Jensen E. Remes D Mrs. Suzanne Chepren Roberts D Ms. Emily C. Roller D Mrs. Maija Langeland Scarpaci D Mrs. Laurel Simonini Schnitman D Mrs. Alexandra Holmes Scott D Mrs. Kerri Mackenzie Slade-Jones D Mrs. Alexandra K. Thompson D Ms. Clare B. Trautvetter D Mr. Ryan M. Vincenzo D Mr. Michael B. Wahl D Mr. Christopher L. Weeks D Ms. Jill C. Weinreb D Mr. Maximiliano A. Zayas D CLA SS OF 1996 $2,351 DONATED | 15% PARTICIPATION

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Jesse C. Flynn D Navigators Mr. Thomas K. Baird D Ms. Alison A. Brewer D Ms. Kara J. Burbank D Dr. Job D. Cardoza Mr. Nathaniel A. Cram Mrs. Patricia Constance D’Anna D Mrs. Allison Bessette Koskinas D Mr. James H. Kroll D Ms. Elizabeth R. Leary D Mrs. Lisa Sorelle Mayhew D Mr. Marlon McRae Mr. Robert W. O’Leary III D Mr. Matthew E. Phelan D Mrs. Christina M. Proppe D Mr. Jeremy H. Thompson D Mrs. Megan Edwards Yelton D CLA SS OF 1997 $4,643 DONATED | 22% PARTICIPATION

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mrs. Margot Feeney Kalkanis D Ms. Elizabeth A. Tuckel D

D = Anchor Society Members

* = deceased

Navigators Mrs. Emilie Douglas Ball D Mr. John M. Beaumont D Mr. Alan G. Bern D Mr. Michael S. Bray D Mr. Seth M. Burr D Mr. Jon B. Corbino Mrs. Melissa Press De La Vega D Dr. Andrew P. Gilmartin D Mrs. Andrea Wadman Goldman D Mrs. Lindsey Burke Higgins D Mr. Matthew T. Holmes D Ms. Elizabeth S. Hurley D Mr. Conan H. Leary D Mr. Thomas M. Leatherbee D Mr. Colin F. Lynch D Mr. Michael Martiniello Mr. Wesley T. McMichael D Mr. Brendan M. McSweeny D Mrs. Kelly Jensen Meleo Mrs. Laura Benedict Millar D Mr. Brian M. Montgomery D Ms. Holley H. Tyng D C LASS OF 1 9 9 8 $2,425 DONATED | 13% PARTICIPATION

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John von Schwarz Navigators Mr. Larry R. Adams D Mr. Marshall E. Birkins D Mrs. Amy Clark Canty D Mr. Grayson M. Fertig D Mrs. Shannon Tyler Fortin D Mrs. Cristin Sager Gillespie D Mr. Peter F. Hams Mr. Leon J. Hayward D Ms. Anna E. MacIntosh D Mrs. Elizabeth Drake Perkins D Mr. Theodore G. Trafton D Ms. Stacy L. Turner D Mr. Dave Trovato Wright D C LASS OF 1 9 9 9 $2,601 DONATED | 9% PARTICIPATION

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Philip T. Silvia III D Navigators Mrs. Susan Duncan Cervino D Mr. Michael A. Close D Ms. Alyssa L. Cook D Mrs. Cara Linehan Esch D Mr. Derrick C. Frazier D Mr. Mark D. Hutson D Mr. David M. Keeffe D Mr. Joshua B. Piekarski D Mrs. Tracy Nichols Roberts D Mr. Joseph A. Sciuto D C LASS OF 2 0 0 0 $162,130 DONATED | 13% PARTICIPATION

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Clement C. Benenson D

Navigators Mr. Samuel G. Bradford D Mr. Colby R. Chevalier D Mr. Anthony R. Dundas-Lucca D Mr. Thomas J. Flanagan III D Ms. Leah A. Latham D Ms. Elizabeth Grosart Little D Mr. D. J. MacDougall D Mr. Cyrus H. Moulton D Mr. Edward P. Norton Mr. Kevin J. O’Brien D Mr. Emil J. Peinert D Mr. Mark C. Ribeiro D Mr. Stephen F. Soden D Mr. Blake E. Zahn D CLA SS OF 2001 $6,350 DONATED | 12% PARTICIPATION

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mrs. Kristen Miller Mahoney D Navigators Mr. Jonathan M. Aisenberg D Ms. Cameron O. Nugent D Mr. Stephen H. O’Brien D Mr. John C. Phelan D Mr. Aaron D. Polhemus D Mrs. Courtney Birkins Polhemus D Mrs. Devon Kensington Rannazzisi D Mr. Mrs. Eric Shabshelowitz D Ms. Virginia Schnure Simon D Mr. Daniel P. Skoglund D Mrs. Heather McRae Tabisola D Mrs. Heather D. Burns Wardenaar D Mr. Alan A. Zwicker D CLA SS OF 2002 $2,455 DONATED | 18% PARTICIPATION

Navigators Mrs. Jill C. Button D Mr. Jonathan P. Cahoon D Mrs. Jameson DuPont Collingham D Mr. Robert B. Cowen D Mrs. Eliza Moulton Crimmings D Ms. Hilary A. Dwyer Ms. Suzanne M. Elio D Ms. Greer G. L. Gehler D Mr. Jonathan G. Gistis D Mrs. Brie Chevalier Kalivas D Mrs. Jessica Keeley Keough D Mr. Alexander D. Kirkland D Ms. Molly MacDougall D Ms. Alexandria M. McManus D Ms. Margaret E. McSweeny D Dr. Ryan J. Michney D Mrs. Augusta F. Nadler Williams D Ms. Katherine Sherman Roth D Mr. Daniel C. Ryan D Ms. Jaquelyn M. Scharnick D Mr. Adam Shabshelowitz D Mr. Jeffrey P. Vickers Jr. D Mr. Matthew E. Windhol D


Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Ms. Ngai Suet D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Alex C. Lanstein D Navigators Mr. Samuel S. Assad D Mrs. Molly Koch Bechtel D Mrs. Katherine Whitman Broomell Mr. Joseph F. Burke Mr. Patrick J. Collins D Mr. Graham C. Cottrell D Mrs. Charlotte M. Glawe D Ms. Sophie L. Hemmerdinger D Mr. Cory J. Heselton D Ms. Louise L. Hill D Mrs. Heather Deblois Huszar D Ms. Jeanette P. Lofsky D Ms. Alice M. Mattison D Mrs. Maura Walsh McGuinness D Ms. Sarah J. Palestine D Mr. Tucker D. Prudden D Mr. Matthew B. Sloan D Mrs. Caitlin Milbury Young D CLA SS OF 2004 $17,766 DONATED | 27% PARTICIPATION

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Ms. Emily L. Schnure D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Duncan H. M. Nadler D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Dr. Nathaniel H. Merrill D Ms. Sharon Yang D Navigators Mr. Geoffrey D. April D Ms. Alissa N. Assad D Mr. Joseph P. Buteau D Mr. Garrett B. Curran D Ms. Sara G. DiPesa D Dr. Ryan W. England D Ms. Lauren E. Folino D Ms. Hanley Johnson D Mr. Philip G. Kazlauskas D Ms. Caroline F. Keene D Mrs. Jessica B. King D Mr. Brian T. Kolb D Mr. Peter C. LePage Jr. D Mr. Christopher E. Manatis-Lornell D Ms. Alanna K. McGovern USCG D Mr. David A. Meleney D Mr. Ryan M. Moskovitz Ms. Ainsley C. Onstott D Mr. Eric T. Ostrowski D Mr. William H. O’Toole D Mrs. Bonnie Duncan Punsky D Mr. Benjamin M. Sampson D Ms. Emma W. Smith D Mr. Jacob T. Soares D


Mr. Charles C. Talanian D Mr. Keenan D. Thomson Mr. Lawrence Vo D Mr. Nathaniel Y. Walton D CLASS OF 2005 $4,100 DONATED | 22% PARTICIPATION

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Allen M. Piekara D

Mr. Andrew P. Roque D Ms. Nina P. See D Mr. Doug M. Surgenor D Mrs. Kearsley Lloyd Sweeney D Dr. Anthony J. Troiano D Ms. Valerie J. Valant D Mr. Spencer E. Zahn D C LASS OF 2007 $31,598 DONATED | 18% PARTICIPATION

Young Alumni Leadership Society ($500+) Mr. Alexander P. Katzenstein D Mr. Nicholas O. Keches D Navigators Mr. Isa H. Abdur-Rahman D Dr. Emily Carson Atwood D Mrs. Meghan Barrett Welch D Mr. James W. Birkins D Mrs. Elizabeth A. Blank Keen D Ms. Kara R. Boon D Mr. Wesley D. Cain Ms. Emily A. Chandler D Mr. David M. Cleveland D Mrs. Siobhan E. Murphy Cleveland D Ms. Ellen S. Collins D Mr. Matthew P. Duggan D Mr. Curtis A. Edenfield D Mrs. Alaska Burr Elia D Mr. Nicholas J. Fink D Mr. Christian J. Garris D Dr. Molly M. Malone D Mr. Kristofer K. Mansur D Ms. Brittany Dolan Mautner D Mr. John W. Nobrega D Mr. Orlando R. Patterson D Mr. Christopher M. Potts D Mr. Adam E. Roy D Ms. Catherine E. Sheridan D CLASS OF 2006 $4,065 DONATED | 24% PARTICIPATION

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Anonymous Navigators Mrs. Katherine K. Adams D Ms. Courtney B. Bono Ms. Phoebe C. Cabot D Mrs. Carolina Cesar-Levesque D Ms. Jenna Barnes Compton D Ms. Elizabeth G. Eaton D Mr. Eric J. Franks D Dr. Whitney E. Greene D Ms. Laura E. Grimes D Mr. Eliott P. Grover D Mrs. Meghan Shine Grover D Ms. Courtney N. Kensington D Mr. Jesse A. Kirkland D Mrs. Kathryn Metscher Lally D Mr. Kyle W. Lortie D Mr. Maximilian Martucelli D Mr. William M. Moger D Mr. William T. Morrissey D Ms. Carly B. Nelthropp D Ms. Wendy D. Nobrega D Mrs. Sarah Madison Pennington D

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mrs. Sarah E. Ellins D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Ms. Jennifer B. Fox D Navigators Ms. Danielle Belanger D Mr. Thomas W. Cashel III D Ms. Elizabeth A. Confalone D Ms. Catherine M. DiPesa D Mr. Bryan M. Eger D Ms. Emerald Epke D Ms. Marissa R. Gentile D Mrs. Sarah Arwine Gerekos D Ms. Lauren E. Grew D Mr. Peter A. Lamb D Mr. Justin B. Nichols D Mr. Grant A. O’Connell D Ms. Ashley T. Regan Mrs. Victoria Sargent Sulser D Mrs. Laura Allen Zilewicz D Mr. J. Michael Zollo D C LASS OF 2008 $3,048 DONATED | 15% PARTICIPATION

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Myles J. McGreavy D

Navigators Ms. Madeline A. Bacon D Ms. Chloe E. Charette D Mr. George M. DeMello D Mr. Matthew F. Dunne D Ms. Brianne G. Grealish D Mr. Christopher S. Hall D Mr. Michael J. Hennessy D Mr. Matthew L. Jackson D Ms. Alyson A. Metscher D Mr. Colby E. Morgan D Mrs. Carly Nuttall Gibson D Mr. Robert W. Oliver D Ms. Haley C. Olson Ms. Elizabeth M. Pierce D Mr. Winthrop Sargent Jr. D Mr. Malcolm T. See D Mr. Andrew J. Silva D Ms. Sara B. Stone D Ms. Caroline I. Tocci D CLA SS OF 2010 $14,783 DONATED | 23% PARTICIPATION

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Alexander O. Browning D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Anonymous Young Alumni Leadership Society ($500+) Mr. Scott M. Barnhill D

Navigators Sgt. Peter Bacon D Mr. Jarrod R. Bannon D Mr. Sean M. Bouchard D Mrs. Shaelyn M. O’Reilly Bouchard D Mr. Wyatt W. Clarke D Ms. Danielle T. Dory D Mrs. Bryan M. Eger D Mr. Schuyler G. Hemmerdinger D Ms. Aimee R. Kelleher D Mr. Evan R. Lehrer D Ms. Anne W. Lukens D Mr. Cameron H. MacKenzie D Ms. Katherine E. Maloy D Mrs. Kelly Foley O’Brien D Ms. Elizabeth L. Pierce D Mr. Sean P. Ross D Ms. Annabelle J. Smith Mr. Per C. Tvetenstrand

Navigators Anonymous Mr. Robert C. C. Armstrong D Ms. Bliss H. Baker D Mr. Samuel H. Barrington D Ms. Ashley M. Brooks D Ms. Erika R. Carleton D Mr. James H. Downer D Ms. Maria A. Ferreira-Cesar D Ms. Kacy D. M. Fontaine D Mr. Obadiah O. Greer-Carney D Ms. Eliza T. Kennedy D Mrs. Ashley Worrell Kilcoyne D Mr. Cleuton C. Lopes D Ms. Mary Christine Mackey D Ms. Madeline P. Marinella D Ms. Meagan K. McCarthy D Mr. Michael J. McGreal D Ms. Tyler M. Mitchell D Ms. Samantha H. Muther D Ms. Lara N. Nargozian D Mr. Jonathan E. Pezzoni D Mr. Vir Seth D Mr. Christian W. Tracy D Mr. Anthony H. Zonfrelli D



Young Alumni Leadership Society ($500+) Mr. Kevin M. Valles D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mrs. Kathryn F. Browning D


All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Ms. Selbie L. Jason D

Navigators Mr. Christopher H. Au D Mr. Andrew P. Bannon D

D = Anchor Society Members

* = deceased

Mr. Cameron P. Christie Mr. Timothy J. Coffey D Mr. Winston A. Day D Mr. Shea W. Doonan Ms. Celia C. Dyer D Ms. Haley L. Frade Ms. Mellissa J. Giegerich D Mr. Nicholas H. Johnstone D Ms. Katheryn A. Kanto D Ms. Samantha D. Lockley D Ms. Krista K. Manzanares D Ms. Abigail E. McBride D Mr. Aidan P. McBride D Mrs. Jillian M. Hoban Morales D Ms. Emily L. Norris D Mr. Alex T. Nugent D Ms. Emily E. Olson Ms. Meaghan E. Sullivan D Mr. Samuel V. P. Toomey C LASS OF 2 0 1 2 $5,039 DONATED | 14% PARTICIPATION

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. Channing L. Walker D Navigators Mr. Connor W. Barley D Mrs. Kristen M. Boyle D Ms. Phoebe M. Cady Ms. Riley R. Calhoun D Mr. Jake A. Farias D Ms. Jennifer L. Godin D Ms. Katherine R. Hill D Mr. Anthony M. Hinds D Ms. Catherine A. Hjerpe D Ms. Margaret R. LeBrun D Mr. Nathanial C. Matteson D Ms. Anne M. McBride D Ms. Kelley T. Newman D Ms. Alling B. Remsen Ms. Melanie M. Rosen D Mr. Bryan D. Shropshire D Ms. Lily K. Smith D Ms. Catherine V. Sullivan D Ms. Sarah A. White D C LASS OF 2 0 1 3 $4,690 DONATED | 11% PARTICIPATION

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Ms. L. Anne Walker D Navigators Ms. Christina M. Frasca D Ms. Peiying Huang D Ms. Molly C. Johnson Ms. Alyssa R. Kanter D Ms. Kristen E. Knight D Ms. Catherine Clare M. Knowlton D Mr. Matthew J. Kosicki Ms. Kristen N. Mabie D Mr. Oliver H. Stone D Ms. Brittany A. Tyrrell D Ms. Katherine L. Vareika D Mr. Justin H. Waligory D


Navigators Mr. James M. Brunone D Ms. Stephanie R. Campbell D Mr. Mitchell B. Cole D Ms. Rebecca L. Czajkowski Ms. Shelby C. Densman D Mr. Grant J. DeWald D Ms. Danielle Dillon D Mr. Tri M. Do D Ms. Holly Francis D Ms. Margaret K. Hersam D Ms. Madeleine O. Jamieson D Ms. India Johnstone D Ms. Tatum Leclair D Ms. Elsie M. Martinson D Mr. Alec McBride D Ms. Kendolyn C. Roe D Mr. Maxwell A. Rose Ms. Alyssa E. Rueb D Mr. William W. Saltonstall Jr. D Mr. Nathan C. Shapiro D Ms. Kathryn Sudduth D Mr. Peter M. Teague D Mr. Matthew R. Tracy D Mr. Miles M. Wright CLA SS OF 2015 $645 DONATED | 14% PARTICIPATION

Navigators Mr. Zachary J. Bannon D Ms. Kristen L. Burke D Mr. Benjamin A. Cook D Mr. Samuel A. Cook D Mr. David M. Eyler D Ms. Hannah J. Gierhart D Mr. William B. Hall D Mr. Andrew H. Jacob Mr. Patrick M. Korzeniowski D Mr. David S. Marshall D Mr. Paul E. Mitchell III D Ms. Sarah P. Noyes Mr. Peter A. Poulin Jr. D Ms. Kelsey B. Shakin D Ms. Caroline J. Shaunessy Ms. Kathryn J. Shea D Mr. Horace J. Stillwell Mr. Riley S. Whitham

Ms. Elizabeth M. Dognazzi D Mr. Austin G. Franklin D Ms. Mary Katharine E. McIntire D Mr. Connor K. Murphy D Ms. Shannon Ryan D Ms. Emma Waligory D CLA SS OF 2017 $215 DONATED | 8% PARTICIPATION

Navigators Anonymous Mr. Lewis C. Cooper D Ms. Reagan E. Eyler D Mr. Maxwell J. Gonye Mr. Jack K. Gordon D Mr. Jonathan E. Mabie D Ms. Catherine L. Marshall D Ms. Emily R. Moore D Mr. Noah L. Sadhwani D Ms. Lucy A. Saltonstall D CLA SS OF 2018 $180 DONATED | 4% PARTICIPATION

Navigators Ms. Alexandria Coffin D Mr. Michael G. Collins Ms. India J. Daniel D Mr. Alex A. Grazioso Mr. John S. Murray D Ms. Isabel Powell D CLA SS OF 2019 $1,090 DONATED | 8% PARTICIPATION

Navigators Mr. Cameron Barbagallo Mr. Jackson A. Cederholm D Mr. Ryan C. Grace Mr. Nicholas Grazioso Ms. Madeleine R. Mahoney Mr. John Marvel D Mr. Christopher J. Picard Mr. Kyran T. Pina Mr. Owen T. Rudicus Ms. Catherine Shakin Mr. Owen Sughrue D


Navigators Ms. Elizabeth K. Abbott D Ms. Jinan Al-Busaidi Mr. Will Appleton D Mr. Liam P. Barley D Ms. Lillian Blouin Ms. Catherine Boxler D Mr. Antranig M. Dadagian D Mr. Brett Dineen D



Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Anonymous Mr. Edward P. Jaeger* & Mrs. Elizabeth Jaeger D Carmine ’71 & Beth Martignetti D Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin D Mr. & Mrs. Sumner J. Waring III ’87 D James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Keith N. Browning ’79 D Mr. & Mrs. G. Eric Davis ’89 D Mr. Wu Jiang & Ms. Yan Song Mr. Baolong Wei & Mrs. Xiaojun Chen D Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Anonymous The Austin Family D Mrs. Joanna Bennett D Mr. Brad Ellins & Ms. Tonya Jilling D Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler ’87 & Mr. John M. Eyler D Mr. Lei Fang & Mrs. Kehan Lu D The Hsu Family D Mr. Bozhong Wei & Mrs. Shuzhen Qiu D Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welsh D Mr. Zhe Xu & Ms. Yiqun Chen D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Anonymous Mr. Bingzhang Bao & Ms. Yuping Yu D Prof. & Mrs. Wendell S. Brown D Ms. Lin Chu D Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett Sr. ’62 Mr. Gar F. Ferguson ’66 D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Franyo D Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Graham D Mr. Xiaolin Guo & Ms. Zheng Tang D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Haas D Mr. & Mrs. William F. Houlihan Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jadul D Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Jarbeau ’65 D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Murphy D Mr. John F. Swope ’56 D Mr. & Mrs. Jared A. Synnestvedt Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tomlinson ’83 D Mr. Jian Yang & Mrs. Ping Li D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bomberg D Mrs. Sandra Campbell D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Daniel D Mr. & Mrs. James Deters Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. D’hondt D Dr. & Mrs. James P. Dowling ’81 D Mr. & Mrs. E. Daniel Eilertsen D Mr. Yu Fang & Mrs. Yan Zhang D Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ferguson D Dr. & Mrs. Sarakorn Gerjarusak D Mr. Gang Hu & Ms. Jingying Wu D Mr. Jianwei Hu & Mrs. Xiaolei Tian D Mr. Andrew N. Ivory ’82 & Mrs. Andrea Ferguson Ivory D


Mr. & Mrs. Rory P. Kelleher D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. King Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Mead D Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miller D Mr. & Mrs. John Murray D Charles & Louise Mauran Nadler D Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ridgley D Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Roe D Mrs. William Rousseau D Mr. & Mrs. Warren Skillman D Mr. & Mrs. Armond Spikell D Mr. David H. Stevens ’73 D Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin B. Strong D Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy S. Styles Dr. Eleanor Tedesco D Mr. Jeff Thompson & Dr. Elissa C. Thompson D Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Veronesi Ms. Christine Ward D Mr. Bosheng Yin & Ms. Jing Tian D Mr. Tong Yin & Ms. Chengye Zhang D Mr. Chunyong Xu & Ms. Yi Zhang D Mr. Changfu Xue & Mrs. Yan Wang D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV D Mr. & Mrs. R. William Blasdale ’61 D Mrs. Theresa A. Chase & Mr. Michael Kubasiewicz Mr. Yadi Chen & Ms. Jiner Chen D Mr. & Mrs. Zhihui Chen D Mr. Mark W. Cook D Mr. & Mrs. Matthew C. Dyroff D Mr. & Mrs. David Earley D Mr. David G. Foss & Ms. Sue A. Yurkewicz Foss Mr. Samuel W. Lambert III D Mr. & Mrs. David Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Shabshelowitz D Mr. & Mrs. Ross E. Sherbrooke D Mr. Lin Shi & Mrs. Jialin Zheng D Tim & Robin ’90 Shields Mr. Fan Zhong & Ms. Wanqing Xu D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Barry Browning D Mr. Fenghua Chen & Mrs. Yan Liang D Mr. & Mrs. James Ciffolillo Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan A. Cottrell ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Crocker ’58 D Mr. & Mrs. Joshua A. Darwin ’87 D Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiFilippo D Mr. & Mrs. Bradford N. Eames ’61 D Mr. & Mrs. James W. Feeney D Mr. James Forker Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Glance D Dr. Henry Grazioso & Dr. Kristine Grazioso D Mr. & Mrs. C. Ronald Johnson ’64 D Mr. Liping Liao & Ms. Shixuan Xu Mr. Lingfei Liu & Mrs. Chi Zhang D Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel ’87 & Mr. William Marvel D Mr. Andrew F. McIntire ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 D

Mr. & Mrs. Bob McIvor D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Moller Mr. & Mrs. John Paliotta D Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Phelan D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pierce Jr. ’77 D Mr. & Mrs. Eric H. Strand ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. John Wemple D Mr. Honghui Yang & Mrs. Juan Huang D Mr. Ming Zhu & Ms. Xin Wang D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Aisenberg D Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Banister ’61 D Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bannon D Mr. & Mrs. John H. Birdsall III ’62 D Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Burbank D Mr. & Mrs. Eric Carlstrom D Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Chandler D Mr. Sheng Chen & Ms. Rixin Yang D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Clark D Ms. Lisa Clark John & Merry Conway D Mr. Michael O. Crowley & Ms. Meredith Twombly D Mr. & Mrs. Everett M. Davis D Mr. Jeffrey A. Desich Mr. & Mrs. George C. Domolky D Mr. & Mrs. Derek Doo D Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Fallon D Ms. Sarah Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fisher D Mr. & Mrs. Desmond G. Fitzgerald Ms. Susan Franyo D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gable Mr. & Mrs. Tomotaka Goji D Mrs. Dorothy A. Heath D Mr. & Mrs. David F. Hitchcock ’67 Mr. Lin Hu & Ms. Xiaohui Guan D Mr. & Mrs. William T. Hurley III ’57 D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jessop D Mr. & Mrs. Adam Joffe Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Kakas II ’60 D Dr. Edward Kerslake & Dr. Melinda Gray Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Knoll D Mr. Keat Loon Koay & Ms. Joyce K. Ting D Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Kroll D Mr. & Mrs. James Lennane D Mr. Stewart MacDonald & Ms. Cynthia Doggett D Mr. & Mrs. Carter E. Mario ’76 D Ms. Kelly Mendell D Mr. Frederic C. Mock ’83 & Mrs. Cindy Carr Mock ’86 D Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Moore ’61 D Mr. Ronald Mycock ’66 & Ms. Lynn Bernard D Mrs. Madge Nickerson D Mr. & Mrs. John R. Nugent D Dr. & Mrs. David Picard D Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Quirk Mr. John W. Riggs ’89 D The Rev. & Mrs. Mark K. J. Robinson D Mr. & Mrs. William W. Saltonstall ’82 D Mr. Timothy E. Sanders ’67 D Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Sargent ’75 D

D = Anchor Society Members

* = deceased

Mr. Charles P. Schutt Jr. ’61 D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Shaunessy D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Shire Jr. D Mr. Albert Y. Shiu ’85 & Mrs. Annie Fung D Mr. & Mrs. Kristian J. Stoltenberg ’66 D Mrs. Margot D. Stone D Mr. Mauricio Sulaiman & Mrs. Christiane Manzur Mrs. Mary L. Tomlinson D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vareika D Dr. Tong Xie & Dr. Chunling Li D Mr. Xiaodong Zhou & Ms. Yanhua Zhang D Navigators Anonymous (8) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Abbott D Mr. & Mrs. Todd Ackerman D Mr. Christopher G. Adams D Mr. & Mrs. Clayton W. Adams Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. T. Mark Aimone ’86 D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Albertson Jr. ’50 D Ms. Alexis Anderson D Rev. Robert Baer & Rev. Christine Burns D Mr. Yanchun Bai & Ms. Hong Liu D Mr. & Mrs. Dudley S. Baker D Mrs. Suzanne Baker Mr. & Mrs. John N. Balboni Mr. Patrick Bannon D Mr. & Ms. Hongchuan Bao D Mr. & Mrs. Randolph C. Barba D Mr. & Mrs. Rob Barletta Dr. Dennis A. Barley D Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Barry Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Shawn M. Barry ’91 D Mr. Scott F. Bearse ’74 D Mr. & Mrs. Nelson A. Belanger III D Mr. & Mrs. William Belmore D Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Benedict D Mr. & Mrs. Sidney M. Bennett D Mr. & Mrs. George Bent D Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Bentz D Ms. Jacqueline Bernat Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence O. Bidstrup Jr. D Mrs. Janice K. Birdsall D Mr. Neale Birdsall ’51* & Mrs. Janice Birdsall D Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Boniface D Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Boon ’73 D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bosworth Mr. & Mrs. Rene J. Bouchard III D Ms. Lauren Boucher D Ms. Nicole Bousquet D Mrs. Hollie Bowen D Mr. & Mrs. Matthias Boxler D Mr. & Mrs. James Brackenv Mr. & Mrs. James R. Brady D Mrs. Jill Haas Brandt ’90 & Mr. Christopher Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand H. Brewer III D Mr. & Mrs. James & Melissa Bride D Mrs. Courtney Buttner Bridge ’95 & Mr. Gardiner Bridge D Mr. & Mrs. Earland D. Briggs D Mr. Serge E. Brosselin ’84 & Mrs. Amalia Perez Palma D

The Estate of Mrs. Ruth T. Brown D Mr. Devon Bruce & Mrs. Yvonne Derrig Bruce D Mr. Charles S. Bucklin D Mr. & Mrs. Leon Budilovsky D Mr. Robert Burke D Rev. Robert Baer & Rev. Christine Burns D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Butera Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Butters D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cady Dr. & Mrs. Peter H. Cain Mr. & Mrs. James P. Cammarata D Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Campbell D Mr. & Mrs. Orland Campbell D Mrs. Linda C. Campbell D Ms. Joan Cappelletti Mr. & Mrs. David Caputi D Mr. & Mrs. Craig Carchidi D Mr. & Mrs. Brett Carlson D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Carter D Mrs. Sara Mycock Cederholm ’91 & Mr. Eric Cederholm D Mr. & Mrs. George Charette III D Mrs. Jin Chen Mr. Ningning Chen & Ms. Yan Jin Mr. Renqing Chen & Ms. Ming Chen D Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cheney D Mr. Zhonghan Cheng Mr. & Mrs. Derek Civilinski D Col. & Mrs. Gerald S. Clancy Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Cochran ’84 D Rev. & Mrs. Ernest W. Cockrell D Mr. & Mrs. Ray Coffin D Ms. Debra Cohen D Mr. & Mrs. William D. Colby D Mr. & Mrs. Anthony B. Cole Mr. & Mrs. Derek Cole D Mr. Russ Cosentino & Ms. Debbie Cosentino D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Costello Jr. D Ms. Kristen Cote D Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Cowen ’70 D Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cowen ’72 D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Craig Mr. Steven Crowley Mr. Steven L. Crowley ’66 D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Cunningham ’69 D Mr. & Mrs. Jay B. Curran Katie and Steve Dadagian D Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Daniels D Mr. & Mrs. Richard DaSilva Jr. ’89 D Ms. Robin D. Delnicki D Mrs. Abigail Smith Derrig ’92 & Mr. Jason Derrig D Mr. Stephen Diffenderfer D Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Sally Dinan D Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Dineen D Mr. Jeffrey Dingle & Ms. Susan Poor Ms. Patricia M. Dodge D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dognazzi D Mr. Christopher A. Douvos D Mr. Robert C. Dowley D Mr. & Mrs. David H. Drake D Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 D

Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Duncan III ’75 D Mr. & Mrs. Donovan Dunn D Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Durocher D Mr. & Mrs. Charles Elliott D Mr. Peter J. Erving D Mr. & Mrs. David Estabrook Prof. & Mrs. Louis M. Falkson ’55 D Mrs. Deborah A. Fasciana D Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Fawcett ’64 D Mr. & Mrs. James Feen D Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Feeney ’88 D Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Feldman D Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ferguson ’48 D Mr. & Mrs. John & Jane Fertig D Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Finley ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Flowers Mr. William H. Foulk Jr. D Mr. David Fowler & Ms. Lori Daniel Fowler D Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Francis D Mr. & Mrs. Kirk J. Franklin ’81 D Dr. & Mrs. Robert I. Friedman D Mr. & Mrs. Peter O. Frisch D Mr. Moises Frois & Ms. Laurel Pinto Mr. & Mrs. David A. Frothingham D Mr. Peter T. Gebhard III & Dr. Sara S. Gebhard D Mrs. Ashley Gebhardt Mr. William Gebhardt Capt. James E. Geil D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gelina D Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Geraghty D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Gistis D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Glashow Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Gleason D Mr. Mark Glovsky ’66 D Mr. & Mrs. William Goncalo D Ms. Sandra K. Goodnough Hanneman Mrs. Catherine Goodwin Monaghan ’87 & Mr. Ralph Monaghan D Mr. & Mrs. Brad Gordon D Mrs. Laura B. Gowen D Mr. Michael L. Goyette Mr. Kevin Grant & Ms. Valarie Kinkade D Mr. & Mrs. William C. Greene D Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Gregory Jr. D Mrs. Marjorie Grinnan D Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Grondin D Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Grosart D Dr. Sam E. Gruner & Ms. Leslie O. Goss D Mr. Wei Guo & Mrs. Chunhui Li D Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Gwosch D Ms. Helen Hadley D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hall Dr. Thomas Hamilton & Dr. Virginia Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. William S. Hammond D Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harden D Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harlow Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. Heaslip ’82 D Dr. & Mrs. William J. Hemmerdinger D Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Hempel II D Ms. Margaret E. Hersam D Mr. Alexander T. Hetzeck D Mr. Wei Chung Ho & Ms. Jin Xia D


Mr. & Mrs. Sven C. Holch Mr. Hongbiao Hong & Mrs. Jing Dang D Mr. & Mrs. Frederic C. Hood D Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Horan ’79 D Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hough D Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Howland D Mr. Yan Hui & Mrs. Na Xu D Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hunsaker Jr. D Mrs. Ellyn Heimlich Hurd ’93 D Mr. & Mrs. Euan Hutchison Dr. & Mrs. William H. Hutson D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Iascone D Mr. & Mrs. Jay Irving D Mr. Thomas Jackivicz & Ms. Pamela Pierce D Mr. & Mrs. Franklin P. Jackson D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jason D Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Jenkins D Mr. Robert B. Jones ’55 D Mr. & Mrs. Donald Q. Joyce D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Joyce D Mr. Robert H. Judd Jr. & Ms. Rania Lavranos D Dr. Herb Kantor Mr. & Mrs. James M. Keeley D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Kelleher III D Mr. & Mrs. David N. Kelley II ’62 D Mr. & Mrs. Philip Kennedy D The Kensington Family D Mr. Seungchan Ki & Mrs. Eunmi Kim D Ms. Meredith Kilpatrick D Mr. & Mrs. Charles King D Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. King D Mr. & Mrs. David W. Kinsley D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kirk ’85 D Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm A. Kirkland Dr. & Mrs. Karl Kistler D Col. & Mrs. Deane R. Konowicz ’95 D Mr. & Mrs. Walter Korzeniowski D Mr. Fred Kracke & Ms. Anne Marie Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Derek Krein D Mr. & Mrs. John Kyranos Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Lacaillade D Mr. & Mrs. Guy Lacerte Mr. Yuen Man Lai & Ms. Sin Man Chan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lankowski D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Latham D Dr. Scott D. Lauermann Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Lawton ’60 D Dr. & Mrs. Allen Leadbetter D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Leaver D Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. LeBrun D Mr. & Mrs. Luis Leguia D Mr. Clyde Lettsome & Mrs. Lisa Penn Lettsome D Mr. Weimin Li & Ms. Jing Xu D Mr. Feng Lin & Mrs. Jiao Zhou D Mrs. Katheryn Lincoln D Mrs. Elizabeth Linzee D Mr. Tiejun Liu & Mrs. Xiaodan Li D Mrs. Yuxin Liu D Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Livingston D Ms. Mary P. Lockley D Mr. & Mrs. James M. Lombardo D Mr. & Mrs. Eric Long D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lotuff D Mr. Douglas G. Lovell III D


Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lowder D Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Lucas D Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ludes Sr. D Mr. Jianfeng Luo & Mrs. Qiang Peng D Mr. Alan F. Lynch & Mrs. Zora A. Turnbull Lynch D Mr. Cheung Ma & Ms. Pik Wa Chan Mr. Xiangxiao Ma & Ms. Ping Xiao D Ms. Joan Mabie D Ms. Love Froes Macione ’87 D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Macken D Mr. & Mrs. C. Christopher MacKenzie ’72 D Mr. & Mrs. Chad Mahoney Rev. & Mrs. Robert H. Malm ’70 D Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Manley D Ms. Christine Manory D Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Marlow D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Marshall D Mr. Michael Martignetti & Ms. Yvette Beeman D Mr. Bruce Martin D Mrs. Tammy Martin D Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Mathias Ms. Lynne Mayers Thomas D Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O. McBride D Mr. Andrew L. McCain ’84 & Mrs. Mary Kate McCain D Mr. John H. McCain* D Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. McCleery D Mr. & Mrs. Liam McClennon Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDermott D Mr. & Mrs. Mark McDevitt D Mr. & Mrs. John J. McGarrie D Dr. David McGinnis & Dr. Karen McGinnis D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. McIntosh ’70 D Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. McLean ’57 D Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd B. McManus Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. George McNamara D Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. McNeil D Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. McRae D Mr. & Mrs. James J. McSheffrey D Ms. Kelli M. McSweeny D Mr. & Mrs. John F. Meck III D Ms. Jennifer Mello D Mrs. Lorraine Mello Mr. Peter A. Mello ’77 D Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Menard Dr. Steven Mendes Ms. Tracy Mignatti D Mr. & Mrs. Irwin A. Mignott D Mr. & Mrs. William Milewski D Mr. & Mrs. Merlin G. Miller D Mr. & Mrs. Terry H. Miller D Mr. Francis Millette D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mira D Ms. Elisabeth Deans Mooney D Mr. & Mrs. Allen Moore III D Ms. Summers Moore D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Morgan D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Mottur ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. Dick & Cindy Muther D Mr. & Mrs. Hideki Nakano D Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Neal D Mrs. Joan P. Needham D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Nelson D

Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Nelthropp Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Dana G. Nemes D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nemon Mr. & Mrs. Todd H. Newman D Mr. Eden Yi Ting Ng & Mrs. Fiona Wing Shan To D Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Nichols D Mr. & Mrs. John H. Nobrega D Mr. & Mrs. William B. Notman ’60 D Mr. & Mrs. Prince Nuamah Atty. & Mrs. Thomas J. Nuttall D Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Oakes D Mr. Daniel J. O’Brien & Mrs. Ulrike Szalay Mrs. Karen O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Leif O’Leary D Mr. & Mrs. John R. Orshak Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Osborn III D Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Ostrander D Mr. & Mrs. Eusebius Oyigbo Mr. & Mrs. Adam W. Packard ’84 D Mr. Samuel G. Palestine ’69 D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Panos D Mr. & Mrs. Noel J. Pardo D Mr. & Mrs. James W. C. Parker ’66 D Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Parker D Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Meghan Parks D Mr. & Mrs. John A. Patch D Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. David Peck Dr. & Mrs. W. M. Peluso MD ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. William Peppes D Mr. & Mrs. Hector R. Perez D Ms. Nancy Perkins Ferguson D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Perry ’78 D Mr. & Mrs. Matthew E. Phelan ’96 D Mr. & Mrs. Samuel P. Phelan D Mr. & Mrs. Nathan J. Pickup Sr. D Mr. & Mrs. David K. Pierce D Mr. E. Warren Pierce D Dr. Frank Pigula & Dr. Diane Pigula D Mr. Myron Pina D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Porter D Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Potts D Mr. & Mrs. Brentnall Powell Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Proctor ’55 D Mr. & Mrs. Dana Przybyszewski Mr. & Mrs. Dennis H. Pucello D Mr. & Mrs. L. B. Pyne ’71 Ms. Stacey Quackenbush Mr. & Mrs. James Raisides D Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ramos D Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Ramsbottom ’47 D Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Regan Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Reimold D Ms. Patricia S. Reiss Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Resmini D Mr. John J. Reydel Jr. & Ms. E. Anne Gardiner D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Rezendes D Mr. & Mrs. John T. Rice ’70 D Mr. & Mrs. Elmer A. Richards D Mr. & Mrs. Lawrason Riggs Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. William E. Riseley Mr. & Mrs. Frank Robilotto Mrs. Milton G. Robinson ’56 D Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Rogers D Mr. Michael C. Rogers & Dr. Stacey A. Rogers D

D = Anchor Society Members

* = deceased

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rolighed Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Roller D Mr. & Mrs. Hal Rood D Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Roussel D Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Rowland ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ryan D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan D Mr. & Mrs. Paul Salit D Mr. & Mrs. William G. Saltonstall Jr. D Dr. & Mrs. Eduardo A. Salvati Mr. & Mrs. Rico Sanders D Mr. Yong Sang & Mrs. Rong Lu D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sargis D Mrs. Donna V. Sawyer ’62 D Mr. Richard Scarano Mr. & Mrs. William E. Scharnick D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Scheerer D Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. See ’78 D Mr. Richard Seeley D Mr. & Mrs. Dana Seero D Mr. & Mrs. Philip Shannon Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Shapiro D Mr. & Mrs. John J. Shapiro D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Shaw D Mr. William M. Sheehan D Mr. & Mrs. Russell Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Sherry Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. William Shield D Mr. & Mrs. David Sigal Mr. Michael S. Silipo D Mr. Chris Simon & Dr. Tina Wang D Mrs. Robin Slick & Mr. David Slick D Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Smith ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Smith ’59 D Mr. & Mrs. James E. Soden D Mr. Daniel Solien & Ms. Kris Horiuchi D Ms. Elizabeth Soto D Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Stewart D Mr. & Mrs. Alan O. Stickles D Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Stickles ’81 D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stillwell D Ms. Catherine M. Stone D Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Stone D Mr. & Mrs. Eivind Strand D Mr. Roy S. Strand ’86 D Ms. Nina Streeter D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sudduth D Mr. & Mrs. O. Stevens Sughrue III D Mr. John Suh Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Sullivan Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Sullivan Mrs. Roberta Smith Sullivan D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Surgenor D Mr. & Mrs. Galen Sweeney D Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Swider Mr. & Mrs. Rene Szynal Dr. Hiroko Tabata & Dr. Yasuhiro Tabata D Mr. & Mrs. Tatee Tanchanpongs D Mr. Drew Tanzosh D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. C. Tardif D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Tarrant III ’76 D Mr. & Mrs. Do C. Thanh Mr. & Mrs. Claude M. Thomas D Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. Thomson ’74 D Ms. Carrie Thornburg Bearse D Mr. & Mrs. David B. Titus D

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tobin D Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Jeanne Townsend D Mr. & Mrs. Stanley S. Trotman Jr. D Ms. Joann Tschaen Dr. & Mrs. Christian Tvetenstrand D Mr. & Mrs. Donn A. Tyle D Ms. Dana Richards Vaitses ’84 D Mr. Stephen E. Vaitses ’83 D Mr. Peter Vakhutinsky & Dr. Svetlana Vakhutinsky D Ms. Elizabeth Van der Veer D Mr. Sergio Velasco ’84 & Ms. Ana Escobedo D Ms. Helen Ventouris D Mr. & Mrs. Ruy S. Villela D Mr. & Mrs. Karl F. Von Schwarz D Mr. David Wainwright D Mr. & Mrs. G. Wiley Wakeman ’68 D Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Walega ’62 D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Waligory D Ms. Kelly A. Walsh D Mr. Jun Wang & Mrs. Jingfen Zhang D Ms. Trina Waniga & Mr. James S. Maffei Dr. Peter Ward & Dr. Anna A. Ward Mr. & Mrs. John Waters D Mr. Michael Watts & Dr. Sonya Stevens D Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Way D Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Way ’85 D Mr. Lei Wei & Mrs. Min Chen D Mr. Xinyan Weng & Mrs. Caiyun He D Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Wessling D Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. West III ’82 D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher White D Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. White D Mr. & Mrs. George H. Whitney III D Mr. William H. Williams III ’55 D Mr. Geoffrey H. Worrell D Mr. Chenxi Wu & Ms. Jinping Zhao D Mr. Cai Gao Xiong & Mrs. Lan Fan Chau D Dr. & Ms. Masayuki Yamakawa D Mr. Wei Yan & Ms. Xiaozhou Wang D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Young D Mr. Frank Yu & Mrs. Helen Gao D Mr. Shinan Yuan & Ms. Xue Yuan D Mr. Yeh Yuen D Mrs. Claire Zacchilli D Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Dorelle Zahn D Mr. Scott Zeien & Mrs. Lisa Glovsky Zeien D Mr. Zhi Jie Zhang D Mr. & Mrs. Herb Zwicker D


Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Ms. Elisabeth Taber Bottler James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Anonymous Mr. Peter T. Jenkins & Ms. Julie P. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Lee Pokoik ’63 D Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mrs. Myra Monfort Runyon D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gormley D Dr. & Mrs. John J. Stephan Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) The Estate of Katharine & Silas C. Peterson Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Pope D Ms. Elizabeth Weinberg Smith D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Ms. Barbara I. Rodgers D Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Webb D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Brown D Mr. Alan R. Epstein & Ms. Yvonne D. Tropp D Mr. & Mrs. James W. Feeney D Mrs. Linda Knowles D Mr. & Mrs. Martin McKerrow D Mr. J. Armand Soucy D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Alexander H. P. Colhoun & Ms. Selina Rossiter D Mrs. Dorothy Denault D Ms. Anne L. Detmer D Mrs. Lois W. Graboys D Mrs. Robin T. Hadley D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hunt Mrs. Sally Johnston D Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Mueller III D Mr. Ronald Mycock ’66 & Ms. Lynn Bernard D Mrs. Ellen Pescosolido D Mrs. Richard A. Reilly ’56 D Ms. Gale P. Runnells D Mr. & Mrs. B. F. Saul II D Mr. & Mrs. Norman Shachoy D Ms. Mary Ann Grew Soltys D Mrs. Margot D. Stone D Navigators Anonymous (5) Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ackerman D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ackerman D Mrs. Katharine S. Albertson Mr. & Mrs. David B. Barker Jr. ’72 D Ms. Katherine Barnard Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Boniface D Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Bost Sr. D


Mr. Paul Boykas D Mr. Eric A. Braitmayer D Mr. William D. Brennan D Mr. & Mrs. Earland D. Briggs D Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Brown D Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Burgess D Mrs. Gertrude Burr Mrs. Laura Butterfield D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cheney D Mrs. Elizabeth C. Cloud D Mr. & Mrs. William L. Cobb D Mr. & Mrs. G. Bruce Cobbold D Mr. & Mrs. Louis Coffin D Ms. Sally Cooke Mrs. Barbara Curran D Mr. & Mrs. J. Peter Dahlborg D Mr. & Mrs. Tony Delnicki D Mrs. Edward G. Detmer ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas DiBuono Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Dunn D Mrs. Martha Edwards D Mrs. Sandra J. Engels D Mr. & Mrs. Warren Farrell D Mr. & Mrs. Donald Faulkner Mrs. Laura Finnegan D Mrs. Mary S. French D Mrs. Leslie Gill Mr. & Mrs. John B. Gooch Jr. D Ms. Lisa A. Goodwin D Mrs. Judy Gordon D Ms. Elizabeth Grant D Ms. Mary Ann H. Hayes D Mr. & Mrs. Mike Henriques Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hewitt D Mrs. Virginia Holton D Mr. Donald E. Irving D Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Jones D Mr. & Mrs. Bob Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Keally D Ms. Carolyn Keating D Mrs. Wayne T. Keith D Mr. & Mrs. James Kelleher Mrs. Diane G. Keller D Ms. Louise D. Kelly D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lavin D Mrs. Julia E. Love D Ms. Deborah Jackson Lynch D Mr. & Mrs. Dual Macintyre Jr.* D Ms. Ceilidh MacNeill Mrs. Sydney Maddox D Mrs. Jane Magnant D Mrs. Doreen Marshall D Mr. John H. McCain* D Mr. & Mrs. James McDevitt D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meadows D Mr. Harold Meinkoth* D Mrs. Shirley B. Meinkoth D Mrs. Lorraine Mello Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mendes D Mrs. Loretta Merageas D Mr. John Merrill Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Mikitka Mr. Terrence Milka D Mr. & Mrs. William Nevelos D Mr. Abner Oakes IV & Ms. Lolli Jewett Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Reed D Mrs. John J. Reydel Sr. D Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Ridgley D


Mr. & Mrs. Lawrason Riggs Jr. D Mrs. Celeste A. Ringuette D Mr. & Mrs. R. Edward Rose D Mr. Leroy Savill Mr. Douglas W. Sears D Mr. Frederick D. Seeley D Mr. Neil Souther D Mr. & Mrs. John Souza D Mr. & Mrs. Eivind Strand D Mr. & Mrs. Raymond S. Streit ’60 D Mr. & Mrs. Chris Thibeault Mr. & Mrs. David B. Titus D Dr. James F. Traer* & Mrs. Maribeth K. Traer D Mr. & Mrs. Donn A. Tyler D Mr. George L. Unhoch Jr. & Mrs. Dagmar Unhoch* D Mr. Tim Walsh D Mrs. Christine Warsaw D Mr. & Mrs. James Watt D Dr. Peter D. Watts ’72 & Dr. Jane M. Watts D Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Way D Mrs. Peter M. Webster Sr. Mrs. Judith White Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. White D Ms. Patricia Whitehead D Mr. Roger F. Woodman Jr. ’72 & Mrs. Carol De Tine D Mrs. Diana M. Worley D Ms. Amelia Wright D Mr. & Mrs. Ching Fong Wu D


Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) The Better Than Average Foundation Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Austin Foundation Inc. Gaska Tape, Incorporated Kenneth & Myra Monfort Charitable Foundation Inc. The Maurice & Anne Makepeace Family Foundation The Howard Johnson Foundation Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) The Paul & Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation Matthew W. Houlihan Foundation Hunter Family Foundation Scudder & Taylor Oil Sperry Tents Inc. The Clark Halladay Memorial Foundation Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Anonymous Fawcett Energy Partners Inc. Goll Insurance Co. Sherbrooke Family Charitable Trust Sidney J. Weinberg Jr. Foundation The Abbott and Leslie Sprague Family Foundation Uncle Jon’s Cookies WestWind Foundation William Rosenberg Family Foundation, Inc. Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. Benzak Foundation The Cromarty Foundation Cymaron Foundation Grimshaw Gudewicz Charitable Foundation J. Aron Charitable Foundation Inc. The Losam Fund Simon & Stella Sheib Foundation The Oregon Community Foundation Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Anonymous Anchor Capital Advisors, Inc. Arbella Charitable Foundation, Inc. Nittany Construction, Inc. Wickenden Associates, Inc. All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) DST Systems, Inc. Fidelity Foundation James Lennane Fund 2 of the Sacramento Region Comm. Found. Marion Bermuda Cruising Yacht Racing Association, Inc. The New York Community Trust Northern Trust Company Charitable Trust Northwestern Mutual Foundation Abbot and Dorothy H. Stevens Foundation SunTrust Foundation UBS Matching Gift Program

D = Anchor Society Members

* = deceased

Navigators A.W.G. Dewar, Inc. Always In Bloom, Inc. AmazonSmile Arch Painting Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Blackbaud Brew Fish Bar & Eatery Cataumet Boats, Inc. Citizens Bank Charitable Foundation Claybrook Construction, LLC Compass Group USA, Inc. Converse Company Realtors Crum & Forster Insurance Delphi Construction, Inc. Delta Air Lines Foundation E & R Laundry & Dry Cleaners Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation ECM Security, Inc. Frank Corp. Environmental Services GE Foundation Matching Gift Program Gibbs Roofing and Remodeling HUB International Limited John Hancock Financial Services LPL Financial OSIsoft, LLC Pew Charitable Trusts Employee Matching Gifts Program PFG Benefits, Inc. R & W Enterprises, Inc. Saltonstall Architects Samuel Barnet Blvd. Corp. SC Johnson Fund, Inc. Snow & Thomson Insurance Agency, Inc. State Farm Companies Foundation Tarkiln Hill Realty Corp. The Walt Disney Company Foundation UBS Wealth Mgmt. USA Wareham Pediatric Associates, P.C. Wepay Matching Gift


Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel ’87 & Mr. William Marvel D Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. O’Connell D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. & Mrs. Stephan & Eileen Marceau D Mr. & Mrs. William W. Saltonstall ’82 D Navigators Anonymous (2) Mr. Christopher G. Adams D Ms. Anna Barlow Boesch D Mr. & Mrs. William Belmore D Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Bentz D Ms. Brianny D. Blakeman D Ms. Lauren Boucher D Mr. & Mrs. Roxie Bratton Mr. Jason Cassista Ms. Emily A. Chandler ’05 & Mr. Taylor Washburn D Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cheney D Ms. Debra Cohen D Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Daniels D Mr. & Mrs. Richard DaSilva Jr. ’89 D Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Dineen D Mr. Stephen Dixon D Mr. Thomas S. Downes D Mr. & Mrs. William & Amy Duffell D Mr. & Mrs. Donovan Dunn D Mr. & Mrs. James Feen D Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Francis D Mr. Christian J. Garris ’05 D Capt. James E. Geil D Mr. Sean C. Harlow Ms. Polly Henshaw D Christina & Ben Kennedy D Ms. Eliza T. Kennedy ’10 D Dr. & Mrs. Karl Kistler D Mr. & Mrs. Derek Krein D Mr. & Mrs. Conan H. Leary ’97 D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Leaver D Mr. & Mrs. Eric Long D Ms. Rebecca A. Love & Mr. Steven Macomber D Mr. Alan F. Lynch & Mrs. Zora A. Turnbull Lynch D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Magni D Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O. McBride D Ms. Molly McCarthy D Dr. David McGinnis & Dr. Karen McGinnis D Mrs. Sharon McGraw D Mrs. Kristin McLaughlin D Mr. Nathan J. Meleo ’95 & Mrs. Kelly Jensen Meleo ’97 D Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Cheryl Moore D Ms. Nancy L. O’Brien D Mr. & Mrs. Noel J. Pardo D Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Meghan Parks D Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. David K. Pierce D

Mr. Moises Frois & Ms. Laurel Pinto Mr. & Mrs. Dana Przybyszewski Mrs. Bonnie Duncan Punsky ’04 & Mr. Jay Punsky D Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Reimold D Mr. John J. Reydel Jr. & Ms. E. Anne Gardiner D Ms. Ann M. Richard D Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Roussel D Mr. & Mrs. Paul Salit D Dr. & Mrs. Matt Sandefer D Mr. James Sherbahn & Ms. Tyler M. Mitchell ’10 D Mr. Gary Sousa Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sudduth D Mr. & Mrs. O. Stevens Sughrue III D Mr. Drew Tanzosh D Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Jeanne Townsend D Ms. Stacy L. Turner ’98 & Ms. Alice M. Mattison ’03 D Mr. Matthew Voci D Mr. & Mrs. G. Wiley Wakeman ’68 D Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. West III ’82 D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher White D G IFTS WERE G IVEN IN M EM ORY OF

Mr. James H. Aimone Jr. Mr. Thomas B. Albertson ’55 Mr. Cesar Albini Mr. Wendell W. Anderson Mr. Jonathan D. Arms ’87 Mr. Christopher N. Brennan ’72 Mr. George T. Brown ’41 Ms. Janet C. Brown Mr. Tyler A. Brown ’02 Mr. Thomas H. Buffinton Mr. David A. Capen ’54 Capt. John A. Carlson Mr. Kenneth G. Cloud Jr. ’43 Mrs. Rosemary D. Coler Mr. Everett H. Corson Jr. ’60 Mrs. Martha DeBoer Mr. Edward G. Detmer ’72 Ms. Lucile I. Dickey Mr. Guy F. DiNocenza Mrs. Elizabeth Duncan Mr. Kendall E. Eames ’67 Mr. William P. Engels ’50 Mr. H. W. Evans III Ms. Heidi E. Ferguson ’97 Mr. R. David Ferrigno Jr. ’85 Mr. Thomas P. Finn ’85 Mr. Andrew E. Ford ’66 Mr. William Brock Foster ’69 Mr. Tucker A. Francis ’16 Mr. George M. French Jr. Mr. James D. Gowing Mr. Flynn D. Grinnan ’06 Mrs. Anita H. Gunning Mr. Milan A. Heath Jr. ’55 Mrs. Isabel Heditsian Mr. & Mrs. Manoog T. Heditsian Ms. Jennifer H. Henriques Forker Mr. Dennis W. Herer Capt. M. Chester Hill ’37 Mr. Stephen G. Hopkins ’68


Mr. Matthew W. Houlihan ’99 Mr. Robert S. Hurd Sr. ’57 Mr. E. Leighton Hutchinson Mr. Michael Integlia ’03 Ms. Patricia Joyce Mr. Thomas W. Keith ’53 Mr. Lucien O. Lavoie Mr. Jackson O. Long ’67 Mr. Albert E. Love Jr. ’61 Mr. John E. Luke ’53 Mr. John N. Macy ’75 Mr. Maurice B. Makepeace ’24 Mr. Richard T. Marr Mr. Timothy W. Martin John and Deborah McCain Mrs. Kari McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Mears Mr. Harold Meinkoth Mr. Roger Merrill III ’65 Mr. Todd M. Miller ’88 Mr. Hiromi Monro ’87 Mr. David L. Morton Jr. ’81 Mr. Richard H. Needham ’49 Mr. Chad J. Nunes ’89 Mrs. Susan J. O’Brien Mr. Jonathan M. Ogan ’03 Ms. Katherine Paez ’01 Mr. John R. Pandolfi Mr. William W. Parker ’04 Mr. Donald L. Perry ’47 James R. Pescosolido MD ’81 Mr. Robert Pierce Mr. A. William Reis Jr. ’72 Mr. Milton G. Robinson ’56 Mr. Bert Romm Capt. Richard A. Rosbeck ’57 Mr. Edward O. Sanchez III ’86 Ms. Carol Sanz ’53 Mrs. Shirley A. Sarris Mr. Jonathan A. Smith ’04 Mr. Robert R. Stechschulte ’71 Douglas M. Stokes PhD ’65 Mr. Gilbert E. Stokes Mrs. Norma Stonis Mr. James B. Tedesco ’79 Mr. H. Edmund Tripp Mr. Frederick B. Tuttle Sr. Mr. Nicholas L. Veronesi ’13 Mr. Stephen R. Warsaw ’45 Mr. Peter M. Webster Sr. Ms. Rebecca B. Westcott ’94 Mr. James W. Wickenden Mrs. Nancy Wickenden Mr. Richard S. Wickenden Mrs. Cynthia Worrell G I F T S W E R E G I V E N IN HONOR OF

Mrs. Emily Soden Auerswald ’93 Mr. Talbot Baker Jr. Mr. Joseph Barry ’24 Mr. William E. Becker Ms. Mary Catherine Bent ’16 Mr. John W. Braitmayer ’48

Mr. G. Bruce Cobbold Ms. Mackenzie T. Cole ’23 Mrs. Merry Conway Mr. Ryan T. Costello ’97 Mr. Graham Cottrell ’03 Mr. Noah R. Cottrell ’06 Mr. Ross M. Cottrell ’01 Dr. Richard M. Cushner DDS ’49 Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Ms. Lillian F. Earley ’20 Ms. Sophia Earley ’22 Mr. Jake F. Feen ’22 Mr. Christian J. Garris ’05 Capt. James E. Geil Maj. Daniel F. Gwosch USA ’01 Mr. John M. Heavey Mr. Richard F. Hoyt Mr. Robert S. Hurd Jr. Ms. Mae R. Johnson ’22 Ms. Aimee R. Kelleher ’08 Mr. Graham H. Kilpatrick ’13 Mr. Hayden C. Kilpatrick ’15 Dr. Karl Kistler Mrs. Susan Kistler Mr. Conan H. Leary ’97 Mr. Jonathan M. Lincoln ’84 Capt. George Howard Linzee ’69 Mr. Griffin McDevitt ’20 Mrs. Jonna Cottrell McHugh ’09 Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 Mr. Terry H. Miller Jr. ’93 Mr. Marc S. Millette ’19 Mr. Thomas K. Morgan ’63 Mr. William “Billy” Morrissey ’06 Mr. Thomas R. Mottur ’84 Mr. R. Gregg Nourjian ’84 Mr. Alex T. Nugent ’11 Mr. Hunter J. Patrick ’13 Mr. David K. Pierce Mrs. Bonnie Duncan Punsky ’04 Mr. John H. Quirk Ms. Amelia Richards ’88 Ms. Frances G. Robinson ’09 Mrs. Kerry C. Saltonstall Mr. Philip E. Sanborn Ms. Emily Schnure ’04 Mr. Stephen F. Soden ’00 Mr. Oliver H. Stone ’13 Ms. Sara B. Stone ’09 Mr. O. Stevens Sughrue III Mr. Henry C. Synnestvedt ’23 Ms. Madeline Synnestvedt ’23 Mr. Samuel Taub Ms. Caroline R. Thompson ’20 Mr. John P. Thompson ’23 Ms. Mary T. Townsend ’22 Mrs. Zora Ann Turnbull Lynch Dr. Peter D. Watts ’72 Mr. Paul C. White Mrs. Dorelle L. Zahn D = Anchor Society Members

* = deceased



The Impact of Giving Back



Tabor is deeply grateful to our Asia parent community for their support throughout the COVID-19 crisis. During the 2019-20 academic year, 120 students from Asia called Marion their second home. In March, as the coronavirus pandemic reached the Eastern United States and Tabor was forced to pivot from in-person education to remote learning, Asia parents were among the first to engage with the school in a very personal and deliberate way. Building on a grassroots mini-campaign which evolved from a single WeChat discussion, Tabor’s Asia families donated nearly 2,000 face masks and contributed more than $226,000 in the last quarter of the school’s fiscal year. In many ways, these initial gifts were the impetus for the creation of Tabor’s Seawolves for Seawolves



Fund. This fund provided the school’s leadership with the flexibility and resources necessary to impact a range of areas during the early days of the pandemic, including our distance-learning program. Among much global uncertainty, one parent shared, “Thank you for all that the school does for international students. Every parent in China feels the love and support from the school. We hope that the pandemic will be under control in the United States soon, and hopefully we can work together to overcome this. We want our students to return to the Tabor campus as soon as possible.” Another parent wrote, “Thank you Tabor for your love and dedication to our children. We are deeply touched by the care and love of the school!” Thank you to the many Asia parents and families who make Tabor a personal and philanthropic priority. We are forever grateful!


In ways great and small, our students from Asia define what it means to be resilient, adaptable, and understanding as we’ve created our

school life for the new year. Steve Downes Director, Center for International Students Associate Director, International Recruitment

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The William C. Alden Scholarship Fund $ 47,258 The Alumni Scholarship Fund $ 59,961 The Arms Family Scholarship Fund $ 1,068,604 The Barker Family Scholarship Fund $ 157,019 The Theodore H. Barth Foundation Scholarship Fund $ 27,469 The Thomas Bishop Scholarship Fund $ 256,846 The Gwendolyn S. Bleakley Family Scholarship Fund $ 378,095 $ 40,000 The Braitmayer Scholarship Fund $ 199,142 The James, Margaret and Chris ’72 Brennan Scholarship Fund $ 108,522 $ 4,200 The Tyler Brown ’02 Memorial Fund $ 97,139 $ 22,674 The Browning Family Scholarship Fund $ 1,140,382 The Ernest C. Clark III ’63 Scholarship Fund $ 235,851 The Classes of ’26, ’27 & ’28 Scholarship Fund $ 273,305 The Classes of ’45 & ’46 Scholarship Fund $ 82,497 The Class of ’52 Scholarship Fund $ 59,452 The Roger and Parker Converse Scholarship Fund $ 64,213 The Charles Coolidge Scholarship Fund $ 105,146 The Warner B. Cornwall ’39 Scholarship Fund $ 464,967 The George M. Crawford ’57 Memorial Scholarship Fund $ 28,281 The James and Katrina Saltonstall Currier ’87 Scholarship Fund $ 13,461 $ 25,000 The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation Scholarship Fund $ 21,816 The Harry J. Decas ’82 Memorial Scholarship Fund $ 467,198 $ 7,000 The Edward G. Detmer Scholarship Fund $ 132,579 $ 3,000 The DiVosta Scholarship Fund $ 137,890 The Doubleday Scholarship Fund $ 97,227 The Dows Scholarship Fund $ 73,735 The Peter G. DuPuy ’66 Scholarship Fund $ 114,854 The Robert W. Fawcett Memorial Scholarship Fund $ 53,661 The Edward E. Ford Foundation Scholarship Fund $ 178,468 The Lincoln E. Ford ’56 Scholarship Fund $ 131,762 $ 113,703 The Tucker A. Francis ’16 Scholarship Fund $ 144,413 The Albert Fried Scholarship Fund $ 504,027 $ 70,000 The George E. Glaeser Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund $ 45,915 $ 4,500 The Goll Family Scholarship $ 26,092 $ 5,000 The Alan S. Golub ’53 Scholarship Fund $ 228,085 The James D. Gowing Scholarship Fund $ 22,658 The Barbara W. and George H. Hart Jr. ’38 Scholarship Fund $ 89,585 The Charles Hayden Foundation Scholarship Fund $ 379,771 The Andrew David Heitman Scholarship Fund $ 235,572 The Hiller/Clark Scholarship Fund $ 26,121 The Sturtevant Hobbs ’42 Life Sports Scholarship $ 235,197 The Henry Hornblower Scholarship Fund $ 82,210 The John H. Hughes Scholarship Fund $ 16,213 The Lt. Col. William A. Illingworth III, MD ’65 Scholarship Fund $ 80,205 $ 9,850


$ 45,792 $ 58,102 $ 1,035,464 $ 152,150 $ 26,617 $ 248,881 $ 405,129 $ 192,966 $ 109,227 $ 116,097 $ 1,105,016 $ 228,537 $ 264,829 $ 79,938 $ 57,608 $ 62,221 $ 101,885 $ 450,547 $ 27,404 $ 37,268 $ 21,140 $ 459,492 $ 131,375 $ 133,613 $ 94,212 $ 71,449 $ 111,292 $ 51,997 $ 172,933 $ 237,852 $ 139,934 $ 556,224 $ 48,852 $ 30,128 $ 221,012 $ 21,955 $ 86,806 $ 367,994 $ 228,267 $ 25,311 $ 227,903 $ 79,660 $ 15,710 $ 87,262

The Turner Taber Jenkins Memorial Scholarship $ 201,045 The Robert D. Kiernan Scholarship Fund $ 126,460 The William W. Knight III ’52 Scholarship Fund $ 24,895 The Lucien Lavoie Memorial Scholarship Fund $ 35,981 The John D. Lawrence Scholarship Fund $ 72,610 The Lyndon Paul Lorusso ’73 Scholarship Fund $ 320,908 The Jules Luchini Scholarship Fund $ 75,457 The John Noel Macy ’75 Memorial Scholarship Fund $ 52,115 $ 3,000 The John C. Makepeace Memorial Scholarship Fund $ 536,001 $ 20,000 The Paul L. “Buzz” Masaschi ’55 Scholarship Fund $ 25,597 The Kari McCarthy Memorial Scholarship Fund $ 41,138 $ 4,200 The Memorial Scholarship Fund $ 112,394 The Miller Family Scholarship Fund $ 56,600 $ 5,000 The Charles A. Pappas Endowed Scholarship Fund $ 516,596 The Carl & Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Scholarship Fund $ 315,815 $ 1,000 The Helen A. and Robert D. Reinhardt ’28 Scholarship $ 108,765 The Schaefer Scholarship Fund $ 37,512 The Lt. Col. William Sean Schumaker ’80 Scholarship Fund $ 64,329 $ 6,800 The Robert and Frank Scully ’44 Endowed Scholarship Fund $ 247,739 The Sedgeman Family Scholarship Fund $ 59,503 The Jack Boyd Smith Jr. ’76 Endowed Scholarship Fund $ 527,884 $ 25,200 The L. Middlebrook Smith ’34 Scholarship Fund $ 51,586 The Stephen P. ’68 & Gary K. ’76 Sprague Scholarship Fund $ 115,744 The Stevens Foundation Scholarship Fund $ 73,793 The Robert Gregg Stone Scholarship Fund $ 318,927 The Robert V. Sweeney Scholarship Fund $ 284,806 $ 1,100 The Elizabeth Taber Scholarship Fund $ 138,375 The James B. Tedesco ’79 Memorial Scholarship Fund $ 71,602 $ 5,100 The Tiedemann Family Scholarship Fund $ 879,951 The Mary & Edmund Tripp Scholarship Fund $ 313,543 The Tarik Toukan ’98 Memorial Scholarship Fund $ 50,023 The Wallace Foundation Scholarship Fund $ 155,155 The Watts-Meinkoth Family Scholarship $ 26,151 $ 250 The Webster Scholarship Fund $ 1,006,050 $ 20,000 The James W. Wickenden Scholarship Fund $ 893,482 The Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Family Scholarship Fund $ 271,083 $ 25,000 T O T A L S C H O L A R S HIP E NDOWME NT $ 16,257,021 $ 767,034

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$ 194,810 $ 122,538 $ 24,123 $ 34,866 $ 70,358 $ 310,956 $ 73,117 $ 53,406 $ 538,758 $ 24,803 $ 43,932 $ 108,908 $ 59,690 $ 500,575 $ 306,989 $ 105,392 $ 36,349 $ 68,923 $ 240,056 $ 57,657 $ 535,931 $ 49,987 $ 112,155 $ 71,504 $ 309,036 $ 277,039 $ 134,084 $ 74,324 $ 852,661 $ 303,819 $ 48,471 $ 150,343 $ 25,582 $ 994,229 $ 865,772 $ 286,901 $ 16,496,090


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The Lawrence O. Bidstrup Faculty Summer Sabbatical Fund $ 30,784 $ 29,829 The Birdsall Faculty Fund $ 127,337 $ 123,388 The Braitmayer Faculty Enrichment Fund $ 879,908 $ 852,619 The Rudolph Weyerhaeuser Driscoll Chair in History $ 1,430,898 $ 1,386,522 The Winifred P. & Robert E. Eichler Jr. ’32 Fund $ 143,605 $ 139,151 The Faculty Summer Sabbatical Fund $ 113,171 $ 109,661 The Edward E. Ford Foundation Faculty Benefit Fund $ 121,529 $ 117,760 The Edward E. Ford Foundation Fund for $ 109,086 $ 105,703 Faculty Study and Development The Dr. Lincoln E. Ford ’56 Fund for Biological Sciences $ 404,646 $ 392,097 The Marguerite Peet Foster Fund for Marine Science $ 108,419 $ 105,057 The Frank Faculty Fund for Excellence in Science $ 42,821 $ 4,114 $ 45,479 The James David Gowing Chair in English $ 1,399,827 $ 1,356,414 The Jim Gowing/Ben Phipps Fund $ 61,345 $ 2,500 $ 61,865 The Clayton Edward Keith Fund $ 84,560 $ 81,937 The William R. Kenan Jr. Fund $ 2,627,042 $ 2,545,570 The Lyndon Paul Lorusso ’73 Faculty Fund $ 176,719 $ 171,238 The Charles E. Merrill Fund $ 105,309 $ 102,043 The W. Ralph Muth Fund for Marine Sciences $ 58,769 $ 56,946 The David K. Pierce Chair in Math & Science $ 519,286 $ 503,182 The Lee Pokoik ‘63 Faculty Fund $ 253,496 $ 245,634 The Gilbert E. & Dorothy Stokes Endowment Fund for Science $ 68,414 $ 66,293 The Gilbert E. Stokes Endowment Fund for Science Technology $ 131,583 $ 100,000 $ 224,401 The Marjorie and Stanley Stroud Faculty Summer Sabbatical Fund $ 54,429 $ 52,741 The Tabor Faculty Fund $ 177,538 $ 172,032 The Torch Award for Commitment to Professional $ 213,389 $ 206,771 Growth and Development The Barbara Wickenden Memorial Fund $ 142,060 $ 50 $ 137,702 for Faculty Enrichment The Richard S. & Katharine E. Wickenden Fund $ 163,454 $ 158,385 T OT AL FAC ULT Y AND INST R UCTION EN D OWMEN T $ 9,749,425 $ 106,664 $ 9,550,423 E NDOWME NT FOR T HE LIB R A RY A N D TH E A RTS The Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Library Fund $ 254,951 $ 247,044 The Cushner Art Fund $ 241,762 $ 10,200 $ 244,148 The William C. Maxwell Recital Series Fund $ 70,667 $ 68,475 The Stone Library Fund $ 40,403 $ 39,150 The Swope Family Library Fund $ 269,358 $ 261,004 The Joseph Tomlinson Jr. Fellowship $ 275,133 $ 266,600 in the Arts and Letters The Tomlinson Performing Arts Fund $ 180,115 $ 174,529 Nancy Wickenden Library Collection $ 49,499 $ 250 $ 48,206 T OT AL LIB R AR Y & AR T S E NDOWMEN T $ 1,381,887 $ 10,450 $ 1,349,156


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The Aron Family Girls’ Crew Fund The Brown Crew Fund The Comfort Competitive Sailing Fund The Fleet Replacement Fund The George E. Glaeser Fund The Griffith Fund The Integlia Family Lacrosse Fund The Robert H. Leighton ’60 Memorial Tabor Boy Fund The Schaefer Wet Lab Fund The James B. & Elizabeth P. Sprague Competitive Sailing Fund The Sumner J. Waring III ’87 Fund For Athletics The Elinor & Thomas C. Weaver Endowed Tabor Boy Fund The Sarah & Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Henley Crew Fund

$ 75,574 $ 73,230 $ 23,378 $ 22,653 $ 36,035 $ 34,917 $ 681,613 $ 660,474 $ 273,816 $ 265,324 $ 71,327 $ 69,115 $ 27,762 $ 26,901 $ 3,328,822 $ 8,000 $ 3,233,337 $ 288,498 $ 1,280 $ 280,791 $ 115,719 $ 112,130 $ 167,309 $ 2,000 $ 164,059 $ 52,647 $ 51,014 $ 536,437 $ 519,801 T O T A L A T H L E T I CS AND WAT E R FR ONT E NDOWME NT $ 5,678,937 $ 11,280 $ 5,513,747 O T H E R E N D O W ME NT FUNDS The Laurence F. Brooks ’33 Fund $ 136,818 $ 132,574 The Class of ’48 Fund $ 679,219 $ 658,154 The Cum Laude Society Fund $ 24,972 $ 24,198 The William F. G. Dawson ’45 Award $ 10,418 $ 10,095 The Pamela Trussell Duggan Memorial Fund $ 55,483 $ 53,762 The External Studies Fund $ 367,881 $ 356,472 The George M. French Summer Sailing Scholarship Fund $ 19,375 $ 18,774 The Harple Technology Fund $ 129,718 $ 125,695 The Headmaster’s Fund $ 86,645 $ 83,958 The Shattuck Fund for Language Studies $ 42,362 $ 41,049 The Pauline M. and Bradley E. Steele ’50 Fund $ 113,540 $ 110,019 The Stanley G. Welsh ‘29 Fund $ 7,812,248 $ 7,569,968 The Welsh Family Fund $ 277,866 $ 269,249 The Wickenden Chapel Fund $ 276,626 $ 268,047 T O T A L O T H E R E NDOWME NT $ 10,033,173 $ 9,722,015 G E N E R A L / U N R E S TR IC T E D E NDOWME NT $ 4,482,494 $ 1,111,466 $ 5,420,475 T O T A L E N D O W M E NT *Unaudited $ 47,582,935 $ 2,006,893 $ 48,051,906


The Elizabeth Taber Society recognizes the selfless commitment of those alumni, parents, and friends who have chosen to provide a lasting legacy for Tabor Academy. Through bequests, life income gifts, and charitable trusts, the members of the Society follow



Mr. Philip B. Clough*

Mr. Arthur C. Conro II Prof. Louis Michael Falkson Mr. Milan A. Heath Jr.* & Mrs. Milan A. Heath Jr. Mr. Ronald E. Oliveira* Canon Richard T. Nolan* & Mr. Robert C. Pingpank


Mr. Edward W. Noyes Mr. Tudor H. Tiedemann* Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Wilbor* 1946

Mrs. Taber’s noteworthy commitment to edu-

Mr. David B. Barker* & Mrs. Jane Barker Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hoffmann

cation and the growth of the school she


founded in the late 19th century. We are indebted to all for their generosity and vision to help future generations of Tabor students. ALUMNI 1927

Mr. & Mrs. J. Dukehart Chesney* 1928

Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Reinhardt*

Anonymous* Mr. Bennett R. Donovan* & Mrs. Bennett R. Donovan Prof. & Mrs. Lewis P. Lipsitt 1948

Anonymous Mr. John W. Braitmayer Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Clark Mr. & Mrs. James C. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Myron G. Eisenhaure* Mr. Albert Fried Jr. Mr. John F. Parks* 1949


Mr. W. Burton Salisbury Jr.* & Mrs. W. Burton Salisbury Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard Cushner




Mr. Philip F. Hall Jr.

Mr. James S. Fanning



Mr. Russell W. Field* Mr. Orville W. Forte Jr.* & Mrs. Orville W. Forte Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Schwarz & Family*

Mr. Kenneth H. Clark* Mr. Robert D. Hall* Mr. Sidney R. Stern*


Mr. Jackson P. Sumner* Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan F. Swain*

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest C. Clark* Mr. & Mrs. George H. Hart* 1939

Mr. Warner B. Cornwall* Dr. Edward F. Woods* 1941

Anonymous* 1942

Mr. Bradley Randall Jr.*



Mr. John C. Decas Mr. & Mrs. William H. Edgerton Mr. Alan S. Golub Mr. Charles C. Ives Mr. Wayne Thomas Keith* & Mrs. Wayne Thomas Keith Mrs. Lynn H. Woodman 1954

Lt. Col. Philip C. Simmons*


Mr. Eric Alliot*



Anonymous* Liz & Dennis Hager Mr. M.V. Munro* Mr. Mott Peck Jr.* & Mrs. Mott Peck Jr. Mr. John F. Swope Mr. Jules S. Worthington* & Mrs. Judith Worthington 1957

Anonymous* (2) Mr. Ross R. Anderson Mr. Robert S. Hurd* 1958

Mr. Bradford W. Lowe 1959

Anonymous Mr. Allen M. Glick 1960

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cederholm Dr. David W. Ferris Mr. Richard S. Hill 1961

Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Blasdale Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Elsas Mr. & Mrs. Heyman Mr. Richard W. Sears Jr. 1962

Mr. John H. Birdsall III Mr. George F. Booth II Mr. Robert R. Fawcett Sr. Mr. John M. Hills Mr. & Mrs. David N. Kelley 1963

Mr. Walter A. Greene Mr. Donald S. Merry Mr. Thomas K. Morgan Mr. Lee Pokoik

TRU STEES 2020-2021



Mr. Richard L. Fowler Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David T. Johannesen Mr. Kim R. MacConnel

Mr. Joseph J. LeBlanc CFP Mr. Richard H. Needham II



Mr. Carmine A. Martignetti ’71


Dr. David J. DeFilippo

Mr. Robert B. Cowan Mr. Robert S. Cunningham Mr. John E. Robinson Mr. Phillips G. Smith 1966

Mr. Henry H. Barnard Jr. 1967


Mr. & Mrs. T. Mark Aimone Mr. Sean P. Maher 1987

Mr. Jonathan D. Callaghan Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel

Mr. Timothy H. Dyer RIA Mr. Timothy E. Sanders




Mr. William O. Pettit III Mr. Stephen P. Sprague & Ms. Catherine Capasso Mr. Robert M. Surdam Mr. E. Clinton Wadsworth Mr. Millard S. Younts 1969

Mr. Roger C. McDonald Mr. Edward A. Whitaker Jr. 1970

Mr. David L. Parke Jr.* 1971

Mr. Jerald E. Brown Mr. David M. Campbell Carmine & Beth Martignetti Mr. Edward A. Schaefer III Mr. Stuart B. Sutphin III* 1972

Mr. Edmond Bowen Mr. Charles T. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Will Davison Mr. Garrard K. Schaefer Drs. Peter & Jane Watts 1974

Mr. David W. Roche 1976

Mr. Charles E. Clapp III Mr. Christopher L. Dowley 1979

Mr. Keith N. Browning Mr. Alec M. Willeson 1980

Mr. Barry R. Powers 1982

Mr. Andrew N. Ivory Mr. John S. Rando Jr. Mr. Peter F. Winters Esq.

Ms. Linda Myers Dennison CPA Mr. Christopher H. McGuire 1992

Anonymous Ms. Lisa M. Arredondo Mr. Bertram A. Balch 1995

Mrs. Nicole DeBlois Greene FRIENDS

Anonymous* (2) Mr. William Adamson* Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Arms* Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Brainard II Mrs. Anne B. Stone


Mr. Paul J. Murphy ’75 Vice-Chair Mr. David A. Barrett ’70 Treasurer Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler ’87, P ’15 ’17 Secretary Trustees

Mr. Clement C. Benenson ’00 Mr. G. Eric Davis ’89 Mr. Angus H. Leary ’95 Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84, P ’16 Mr. D. Marvin Pierre ’02 Mr. Travis Roy ’95* Mrs. Julie Salit (ex-officio) Ms. Regina Shakin P ’15 ’17 ’19 Mr. Jack B. Smith Jr. ’76 Mr. Stephen Sprague ’68 Ms. Ngai Suet ’03 Mr. Sumner J. Waring III ’87, P ’13 Mr. Geoffrey H. Worrell P ’01 ’03 ’10


Trustees Emeriti

Anonymous* Anonymous (2) Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Aisenberg Mr. Stanley C. Baker* & Mrs. Stanley C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Randolph C. Barba Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bozic Mr. & Mrs. L. Howard Carl Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Clark Mrs. Leslie B. Conway Mr. Stephen S. Daniel Mrs. Susan Anspach Furlong Mr. Edward P. Jaeger* & Mrs. Edward P. Jaeger Mrs. Jane Kennedy* Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Lucas Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ludes Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Marlow Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Martin Sr. Dr. Stephen C. Milt* & Mrs. Ellen Mazer Milt Mr. Frederick Osborn Mrs. Judith Westlund Rosbe Mrs. Kerry C. Saltonstall Dr. Eleanor Tedesco Mrs. Mary L. Tomlinson

Mr. R. William Blasdale ’61, P ’85 ’90 Chair 1991 - 2006 Mr. John W. Braitmayer ’48 Chair 1978 - 1986 Mr. Keith N. Browning ’79, P ’06 ’10 ’11 Chair 2006 - 2014 Mr. John F. Fish ’78, P ’15 Mr. Peter T. Francis P ’14 ’16 Mr. Albert Fried Jr. ’48 Mr. Lee Pokoik ’63 Mr. Phillips G. Smith ’65 Mr. John F. Swope ’56, P ’88 Mr. Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Departing Trustees

Mr. C. Jason Lloyd Bland ’90 Mr. Stephen Daniel P ’18 Mrs. Sally Earley P ’20 Mr. Anthony G. Featherston IV ’80 Mr. Garrard K. Schaefer ’72 Mr. James A. Tomlinson ’83 *Deceased




I N S P I R E S TO GETHER. AC HIEVES TOGETHER. EXC ELS TO G ETH ER . Now more than ever, the Tabor community is counting on your support to help lead us through unprecedented times. As we forge ahead with new platforms for learning and novel ways to connect to our students, we are steadfast in our commitment to educating young people. Despite new challenges and increased expectations, our students continue to demonstrate an unwavering commitment to their education and our dedicated and devoted faculty champion, inspire and motivate tomorrow’s leaders. Your gift is critical to upholding Tabor’s mission and elevating a learning community, both on- and off-campus, that inspires, achieves and excels together.


W AY S T O G I V E C A S H OR C H E C K Checks payable to Tabor Academy, Advancement Office, 66 Spring Street, Marion, MA 02738 For your convenience, please use the adjacent pre-stamped envelope. V I A C RE D IT C A R D ON L IN E F I ND TA B OR ON VE N MO @Tabor_Academy S T OC K S , S E C U R IT IE S , AN D W IR E T R A N S F E R S Contact Bri Hall at or 508.291.8362

I N-P E R S O N & D I S TA N C E L E A R N I N G

F A C U LT Y & S T U D E N T S C O N N E C T

DONOR RECOGNITION SOCIETIES T H E 1876 FOU N D ER’S SOCIETY Walter H. Lillard Circle Capt. John A. Carlson Circle $100,000 and above $5,000-$9,999 James W. Wickenden Circle $50,000-$99,999

Richard F. Hoyt Circle $3,000-$4,999

Joseph J. Smart Circle $25,000-$49,999

Alumni Circle $1,876-$2,999

Roderick Beebe Circle $10,000-$24,999

All-A-Taut-O Society $1,000-$1,875

N AV IG ATORS $1-$999

Y OU N G ALUMNI LEA D ERSHI P SO CI ETY Young Alumni Leadership $500-$999 (Classes 11-15 years out) GOLD Alumni Leadership $100-$999 (Graduates of the Last Decade)


TABOR July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021

Protect What Matters Most, Now And Always


Do you ever wonder what the future holds? While it’s impossible to know or control what lies ahead, you can achieve your ultimate goals by making an estate plan. Planning is one way to create a secure future for you and your loved ones while also supporting the organizations you care about most. Many people choose to support Tabor by including a gift in their will. For some, this is their first gift to Tabor, but for many others this gift is a continuation of giving begun long ago. Estate gifts have helped shape Tabor since it was founded, providing the resources that create extraordinary opportunities for our students today and financial stability year after year. F O R M O RE I NF O RM ATI O N O N P L A N N E D G I V I N G , O R T O E X P L O R E Y O U R O P T I O N S , VIS IT OU R WE BS IT E

w w w.p l a n n e d g i vi n g .ta b o ra ca d e

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