Tabor Today Fall 2014

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fall 2014 + gift report

everyone needs inspiration! Our donors inspire us to bring Tabor’s important mission to life in the classroom, on the fields and stages, and in our daily life at school. With your support, we can inspire a life-long love of learning; instill a passion for the highest standards of achievement; encourage personal responsibility; and foster care for others and committed citizenship in our students.

Won’t you help?! Tanya Tantasathien ’15

Give to the Fund for Tabor today!

There is a place for all of us! The 1876 Founder’s Society

All-A-Taut-O Society $1,000 - $1,875

Walter H. Lillard Circle $100,000 and above

Navigators $1 - $999

James W. Wickenden Circle $50,000 - $99,999

GOLD Alumni Leadership Society

Joseph J. Smart Circle $25,000 - $49,999

Up to 10th Reunion $500 - $999

Roderick Beebe Circle $10,000 - $24,999

Up to 5th Reunion $100 - $999

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle $5,000 - $9,999 Richard F. Hoyt Circle $1,876 - $4,999


fall 2014 + gift report

fe atur e s :

4 Inspiration and Perspiration Eileen Marceau, Dean of Studies

6 Profiles from Inspired Learners Doyle Calhoun ’12 Maria Ferreira-Cesar ’10 Emily Pitman ’11

10 Putting up the Show Anne Richmond ’04 12 Athletes Extolling Chemistry John Anderson ’15 and Lydia Caputi ’14

departmen ts

2 View from the Bridge John Quirk, Head of School

18 Faculty News 20 Advancing Tabor 14 Last Lessons for the Class of 2014

24 Then and Now: Our Crew Tradition

McKinley Halpern-Reiss ’14

32 Sports Wrap-Up 16 Now What?! An Interview with Bruce Cobbold and Louise Kelly

34 Community News & Class Notes 40 Annual Gift Report

28 Reunion Highlights


Head of School John Quirk Director of Advancement Mark Aimone ’86 Director of Admissions Andrew McCain ’84

Editorial Staff Cynthia Donley Kimberly Owens Becky Love Kate Howard Marvel ’87 Jean McBride Nita Howland

Tabor Today is produced by the Advancement Office in September and April. Please direct your comments, ideas, letters or address changes to Kerry Saltonstall at Tabor Academy, 66 Spring Street, Marion, MA 02738 or call 508-291-8340 or e-mail Visit us

Alumni News and Notes Kimberly Owens

on the Web at for timely campus and sports news

Director of Communications Kerry Saltonstall •

Cover Photo: Abi Taber ’15. Senior Master Bruce Cobbold, our longest tenured faculty member, has retired.

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or to send us news about you. We look forward to hearing from you!

Geraldine Millham Design


Inspiring vi e w f r o m th e b r idg e

Teaching and Learning

by John Quirk, Head of School

It is surely fitting that an edition of Tabor Today focused on Inspiring Teaching and Learning finds its cover graced by Bruce Cobbold— recently retired as the longest tenured faculty member in our great school’s history, and a giant in the prodigious line of master educators who have presided over Tabor classrooms. I have often said and I firmly believe that it is the faculty itself who make the school what it is— quipping that if all else about Tabor fell away, but we were left with some willing students and our gifted faculty, the school would go on with barely a hitch. This is true of today’s faculty, as much as it’s been in the past, a new generation of educators inspired itself by the pantheon that precedes us, building atop the foundations left for us by legends—Wickenden, Buffington, Gowing, others too many to name. Who among us will become those inspiring teachers to the inspired learners with whom we share this learning community? School will have started again by the time you find yourself reading this article, and with that our renewed awareness that this question must be a forever endeavor: How best to attract, develop, and retain the most exceptional faculty members? While very good teaching abounds at Tabor, our aspirations for the level we could and should be teaching at are extraordinarily high. Additionally, they do not confine themselves just to the classroom environment. The truly exceptional Tabor faculty member sees learning openings everywhere he or she looks—in classrooms, on the fields, in studios and on the stage, at sea, in the dormitories. There are scripted and unscripted moments at school, there is fun and competition and mentoring. And all of it circles around the opportunity we teachers are given by the students and families who come to Tabor, to be the kind of person that a Bruce Cobbold has been to some, or a Louise Kelly (also retiring this year) to others, or a Lucien Lavoie to you, or a Gil Stokes to your friend. To become that sort of facet in the life of a young person, and to distantly “accompany” them through a life journey that far, far outreaches the particular confines of a Tabor experience—that’s quite a thing, and quite a calling. We must remember in a life that is centrally about developing students, that it is also Tabor’s obligation to cultivate master teachers. Some of the greatest seem born to it and to have the knack from the second they walk through the door. We are blessed to have a few of those here at the moment. Most of us, though, need to invest in the evolution of our craft as educators, over a career of life-long learning, growth, and eventual 2

mastery. And, of course, the school must invest in a process that will be supportive and challenging, progressive and aspirational, of highest expectation and of tremendous aspiration. Only in this way can the most gifted teachers grow into their ripest potential; only in this way can our students have the best possible chance to have the types of experiences so familiar to those of us who have known the impact of having the most excellent teaching lavished upon us in our formative and important learning. Who was that great teacher for you, and who will it be for today’s student? And how can Tabor most deliberately commit to meeting our goal of having our graduates feel and know what could and should be true, that the best learning they did, the best teaching they had in their lives happened here at Tabor Academy?

…the best learning they did, the best teaching they had in their lives

Lillian Blouin ’16

happened here at Tabor Academy…

Ultimately, Tabor’s work is all about inspiring and inspired teaching and learning—rendering creatively what we know surely is “there” if we can populate our school with the right teacher/artisans to deliver the transformative personal growth we want our graduates to leave us with. The brilliant Michelangelo, commenting on the process that revealed his David, is said to have said something like, “It is easy. I just chip away at the stone that doesn’t look like David.” While I won’t claim that master teachers or inspired learners emerge easily, it is somewhat true that the most substantial and meaningful learning comes about that way. Great teachers “see” what’s there, lurking in the medium, and inspire it to come forth. Pieces are chipped away, edges smoothed and polished—and suddenly,

there it is, what was waiting to become explicit. In this, we know, the greatest teachers are themselves inspired—which is what keeps the greatest faculty members at it! It also keeps me inspired to assure that Tabor is doing all it can to cultivate those faculty members. We have a vision for what it means to be an exceptional Tabor faculty member, and a keen sense of how we might, on behalf of our students, develop these teachers. Supporting and guiding that emergence, in the most significant ways, is critical to the strength of our school. This edition of Tabor Today recognizes this, even as it recognizes the incredible year of philanthropic support you have provided and we have enjoyed. Not just in the magazine are these two themes inextricably linked— your generosity of spirit and resource, and Tabor’s inspired quest to attract and to develop the exceptional faculty that has been, and will continue to be, our foundation and our bright future.


Inspiration and Perspiration by Eileen Neville Marceau, Dean of Studies


hen I want to learn more about an independent school, I typically head straight to the mission and values page on their website. To point out the obvious, a mission statement is only words on a page, but when thoughtfully articulated and woven into the daily fabric of a school’s life, it becomes the vision that aligns the community—the point on the horizon that faculty and students alike strive to meet in their daily work.

Googl e T abo r T alk Learn more about Eileen Marceau, and read about Chris McEnroe who is using digital tools to teach writing.

Though I’ve just joined the Tabor community, the four tenets of our mission inspire me in my work, and helped me to know that Tabor would be a good fit for me. They neatly encapsulate the things I love best about working in schools, and they set an aspirational goal for the type of school Tabor strives to be—the type of school we work to make, together. Reading the profiles of our recent graduates in the coming pages indicates the results of this mission in action and the ongoing impact our mission has on the lives of our graduates. T o ins p ir e a life - lo ng love of learn in g

Teachers tend to be learners: people who are passionate about their subject and curious about their world. The tricky part can be fostering that sense of wonder and inquisitiveness to high school students. Babies and children are naturally curious 4

about everything; by secondary school, that flame has been all but extinguished. Teachers need to kindle that flame of intellectual curiosity in students and tend it carefully. To encourage that love of learning, great schools provide a curriculum with both breadth and depth, exposing students to variety, while letting them discover and pursue their own passions. Skilled teachers help students make connections between their learning and their lives to keep them interested and involved in the learning process, and great education equips students with the tools to critically question and find answers to their wonderings. Our best work should create thinkers, dreamers, the wonder-why’ers; those who tinker, who doodle, who daydream, who read, who question, who accept nothing at face value. Once learned, those habits will follow them for life. To in still a passio n fo r th e high est sta n da rds of achievemen t

Without a doubt, we want students to live and work to their potential in all areas of school life, but how will they know what that potential is without opportunities to try new things and learn in the process? A rich and varied curriculum with a wide variety of co-curricular offerings gives students the chance to explore and grow, to hone their areas of strength and passion. We celebrate achievement

charact eri stic s fo r Excell en c e i n Teachin g Over the course of the last school year, Tabor faculty, led by our new Dean of Faculty, Julie Salit, identified the attributes that define an excellent teacher at Tabor. We are dedicated to utilizing these characteristics of excellence to continually enhance our faculty through our commitment to evaluation, professional development and mentorship. Tabor fac u lty … Have an unabashed enthusiasm, creativity and passion for and HANNAH BERKOWITZ ’14

thorough knowledge of their subject. •

across all areas of the school, not simply in the classroom. With that celebration goes a healthy respect for (and not a fear of) failure. We need to constantly be pushing students just beyond their comfort zones because that’s where their best growth occurs. Though an easy path is nice to wish for, we want students to experience some struggle and to be supported as they navigate through it. In the process, they can learn resilience, develop a sense of self-efficacy, grow in confidence, and learn what they are capable of achieving. As the adage goes, “A smooth sea never made for a skillful sailor.” To e n co u r age p e rs onal r e s p ons ibility

In addition to the purely academic, there are countless personal, ethical, social and moral growth opportunities that happen each day in schools. Adolescents are still learning that life is a series of choices with an associated series of consequences, and that sometimes the “right” choice lies outside our own interests. Part of an exceptional education is helping students become aware of the consequences of their actions, their words, and their assumptions. At Tabor, we want to help students grow intellectually, as well as ethically.

To fo ster ca re fo r others an d committed

Are empathetic and charismatic

citizen ship

leaders who know, care for, challenge,

Strong schools help students understand the web of their community and their role within it, from the local level to the global. Independent schools such as Tabor are developing students to be future leaders and world-changers. We must cultivate empathetic young people with a broad base of experience and an understanding of what it means to contribute and to serve the many levels of community. To include these last two items as core aspects of the mission, Tabor sets a high bar in valuing responsibility to the community, to one another, and to our own selves. For me, that’s every bit as important as understanding how to write a cogent essay or employ the scientific method.

and support the students with whom they work. •

Are facilitators and directors. They must know how to challenge students to problem solve and make personal discoveries. Excellent teachers know how to step aside and allow the student to stumble, struggle, and learn to resolve. •

Model the high standards of professionalism they expect their students to develop: organization, rigor, clarity, promptness,

I encourage everyone in the Tabor family to revisit our wonderful mission statement and commit those four key values to heart; they make doing what we do worth doing. I became a “school person” because working in schools was a way I could strive daily to achieve the things that I believe in, and because I could be learning and growing daily in the process. I came to Tabor because I saw myself —my passions and values—reflected in the goals of our mission statement. It is a vision worthy of striving towards together. 5

effectiveness, respect, and kindness. •

Maintain a perspective that allows teachers to take their work and their students seriously without taking themselves too seriously.

A l u m n i P r ofil e s

Doyle Calhoun ’12 WH ERE ARE THE Y N O W ?





I a m cur re ntly a j unio r st udying li ng ui stic s a n d F r e n ch lit e r at u r e

in Boston College’s honors program. I am especially interested in the interactions of linguistics and literature: specifically, how technical approaches to textual analysis, literary criticism, and scholarly editing can deepen our understanding of these fields. I find my linguistics major indispensable in bridging my French literature studies with my Western literature and philosophy studies in the honors program. The same strategies I use to approach linguistic data—detailed attention to form, looking for statistical tendencies and patterns, careful analysis of text—are also helpful when approaching a highly constructed work of prose or verse. Analysis of the way language is structured, whether in a passage from Joyce or from a fragment of Quechua, allows us to more precisely articulate and more completely understand what is being communicated.

This summer, I followed academic interests that I hope will eventually culminate in thesis work. I spent June studying 20th century literature and philosophy in Paris. I then returned to Boston to assist linguist Margaret Thomas with her summer research on historiography in the language sciences. Additionally, I continued work on BC’s graduate and undergraduate linguistics journal, Lingua Frankly, for which I am an editor.

Without doubt, my experiences at Tabor played a formative role both in sparking my interest in language and in providing me with the tools to pursue that interest. I credit my French teacher, Madame Pierce, for inspiring my appreciation for French texts and for equipping me with the skill to delve into high-level language study at the college level. Likewise, I am so thankful for the opportunity to have worked with English teachers as supportive and as patient as Mark Howland and Donn Tyler; Since beginning my concentration in linguistics as for Merry Conway, for her editing and publishing a freshman, I have tried to immerse myself in the expertise and her advising as a faculty supervisor field. The summer after my freshman year, as an Advanced Studies Grant recipient, I pursued a self- for The Log; and, of course, for my advisor, Cindy designed project on stylistic analysis studying under Muther, for her indispensable guidance and ability the critic-scholar Archie Burnett at Boston Univer- to instill confidence beyond the classroom. Each of sity’s Editorial Institute. I return to BU this fall (as these relationships, hallmarks of the Tabor experipart of the Boston consortium of universities) for a ence, contributed to my own process of discovering course on the theory and practice of literary editing. a challenging and fulfilling field of study. Bon courage à tous! The course features speakers from the editing and publishing industries and explores such topics as evaluating an original manuscript with respect to various subsequent editions. 6

Maria Ferreira-Cesar ’10

Left: Maria with her family (l to r) Zhandra ’06, Laura ’14, Zandra, Ricardo ’75 and Maria ’10. Right: Maria and her father in Boston.

A s I p re pare to b egin m y fi rst f ull - ti m e job a s a n e n gin e e r

at General Electric, I think about the path that got me to this exciting stage of my life. I have no doubt in my mind that the success I have achieved through my hard work is due in large part to the education I received at Tabor Academy. I learned from my parents to value the importance of education, and to work hard and take pride in my work. At Tabor, these values were strengthened by the rigorous curriculum and the passionate and dedicated teachers. During my very first year at Tabor, a lively and avid curiosity for learning was ignited in me by Mr. Cobbold’s vivid accounts of Greek and Roman history. This curiosity and desire to explore began with stories of mythological creatures and their teller’s fervor and carried on to every class I took at Tabor. Mr. Pierce’s entertaining explanations of APb Physics material, coupled with his unending patience, fueled my love for the sciences. Mr. Sughrue’s high expectations of his students paired with his tremendous ability to teach college-level calculus, gave me a strong foundation on which to base my future engineering degree. My expansion into the humanities was initially clouded by my unwillingness to stray from my beloved math and science courses. However, the Tabor faculty’s expertise and passion aroused new curiosities in me. Mr. Heavey’s seamless navigation of class discussions as both mediator and contributor led to entertaining, passionate and intellectual

discussions that forced us all to think and articulate our thoughts eloquently and concisely. No less importantly, Tabor’s unique diversity of students broadens the perspective of its entire student body. Building relationships with people from different cultures and backgrounds greatly widens the pool of experiences from which students can learn, both in educational and personal areas. The importance of global awareness is also fostered by the fabulous language department. Mr. and Mrs. Watt’s teaching immersed us in the culture of the language we chose to learn, so that we weren’t just learning words, but also lifestyles and customs. The importance of embracing different cultures and recognizing the globalization of our lives is something Tabor proudly instills in its students. After four years at Tabor Academy, I found myself at Boston University’s College of Engineering with a clear goal and purpose and with a solid foundation on which to base my college career. Now, four years after I walked across the Hoyt stage, I am applying the technical engineering knowledge for which I developed a passion at Tabor at one of the most global corporations in the world in a job which I would not have obtained were it not for the eloquence and thoughtfulness I honed in high school. Tabor Academy has been, without a doubt, the shaper and enabler of my career.


A l u m n i P r ofil e s

Emily Pitman ’11

W e alth , if yo u u s e it , co m e s to a n e n d ;


his spring, as part of the School for International Training’s (SIT) program entitled Coastal Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Zanzibar became my home. As a small island archipelago off the coast of Tanzania, East Africa, Zanzibar presented countless differences from my traditional New England home. The combination of eating new foods, embracing the Muslim religious customs, and learning conversational Swahili was, without a doubt, challenging. My experience at Tabor through the Caribbean Studies program and my classes was the inspiration to choose the SIT program and to go to Zanzibar. My marine science and environmental classes provided countless opportunities to go out into the harbor to get hands-on experience collecting samples and analyzing data. The insight on how human behavior could directly affect the marine 8

environment sparked my desire to learn more about global resources and the issues surrounding other coastal populations. After graduating from Tabor, I started my studies at Hamilton College where I am majoring in Geoscience with a Public Policy minor. When I graduate in May, it is my intent to use my studies and my interest in coastal ecology to educate others and to encourage positive change for environmental awareness. Despite the drastic differences between Zanzibar and my home, one thing remained constant— the ocean and the effect humans have on it. Fifteen other students and I investigated topics such as construction methods with natural resources, fishing and agricultural strategies, and the impact of humans on the surrounding aquatic environment. The lagoons that held coral reefs, the mangrove forests fringing the bays, and the porches of the

l e a r n i n g , if yo u u s e it , i n c r e a s e s . — A S wa h i l i p r o v e r b

families that I lived and worked with replaced traditional lecture halls. The expansion of foreign visitors to Zanzibar has caused a dramatic shift in the economy without significant consideration of the impact on the local and global environment. Through my research, I experienced the delicate relationship between available resources for local populations in contrast to the demand of the developing tourist industry. Our role was to independently conduct interviews in Swahili to gain insight to the changes local population’s experience and their perceived understanding of these changes, as well as to document the environmental changes referenced. As many of the students did during their Tabor Caribbean Studies adventures, I donned my snorkel equipment and found myself counting sea urchins surrounding coral reef structures to collect data on

the stability of the aquatic environment. I drew upon my previous experience to determine coral growth and health through indicator fish species in the Indian Ocean. Dr. Crosby’s lessons frequently came to mind while snorkeling along the coral reefs. The ocean is a valuable resource for human sustaining elements such as food, as well as for educational purposes regarding our relationship with the environment. A Swahili proverb states: “Wealth, if you use it, comes to an end; learning, if you use it, increases.” Continued education about the marine environments is necessary not only for Sippican Harbor or Zanzibar, but for the all the world’s oceans. I can only look forward to exploring more of the world’s oceans and sharing in the explorations of past and current Tabor students.


Putting Up Last fall, I was asked to provide some musical theater performance coaching at Tabor for the students participating in Legally Blonde. The experience of returning to campus as a teacher really encapsulated the values of the Tabor community: the drive to succeed, to support each other, and to celebrate what it means to be a Seawolf.

by Anne Richmond ’04

As a student at Tabor from 2000-2004, the winter musical was the mainstay of each year for me. I treated my creative opportunities at Tabor just like any other academic pursuit, working hard outside of voice lessons and my acting course, and applying myself when it came to participating in class. Finding something to be passionate about at Tabor wasn’t hard for me; it was balancing the things I loved with the classes in which I struggled that was tough. Despite my personal feelings of academic inadequacy, my teachers at Tabor embraced my strengths and my weaknesses. They encouraged me to apply for AP courses where I excelled in English and history while supporting my need for extra help in courses such as Latin and calculus. The faculty at Tabor went above and beyond what anyone would have expected of high school teachers, and that made me want to be deserving of that kind of dedication. When I had the opportunity to compete in the regional Shakespeare competition, Richard Van 10

Voris personally drove me across the state and chaperoned me through the experience. When I needed someone to drive me to the train so I could do my early decision audition for NYU Tisch School of the Arts, Mark Howland drove me to Providence after spending time coaching me on my monologues. When I needed tough love and someone to counsel me through personal problems, David Horne took me to lunch so I could talk openly about my issues, away from the ears of other students. When my friend Will Parker ’04 died, teachers gave me photographs of us together working on shows and hanging out around campus, photos I treasure to this day. As a student, I felt cared for in a very personal way—the way a parent would look after and direct a child along their path to becoming who they want to be. Fast forward nearly ten years from my graduation and I found myself facing the challenge of living up to the incredible precedent my teachers had set for me when I was a student. It was a whole new ball game, and I was curious as to what my experience with the students would be. The first thing that struck me was how dedicated the students were to completing the assignments I gave them, and how willing and open they were to

the Show dig into the hearts and souls of the characters they were building for the show. Megane Mongrain ’14, who was playing the lead character, Elle Woods, spent one or two hours in the middle of almost every day rehearsing, then attended three hours of rehearsal with the cast, followed by two or three hours working privately after that. She never backed down from the gargantuan task ahead of her no matter how overwhelming the process became. Alex Osgood ’14 transformed her athletic and nutrition routine in order to prepare for her role as the jumproping fitness queen, Brooke Wyndham. She made the musical more than a hobby; it became a lifestyle choice. She rehearsed her four minute non-stop belting and dancing sequence for hours at a time before rehearsal every day with nary a complaint, always willing to help out others as a Dance Captain when they needed to work on the number. Allie Dawson ’14, an incredibly hardworking academic achiever, was extraordinarily prepared to psychoanalyze her character’s motivations in life, and was by far the bravest of the bunch when it came to the bizarre physical challenges I set for her so that she could embrace the zany aspects of the salon owner, Paulette. When it came to the romantic center of the show, Spenser Huang ’14 really blossomed as Emmett while working with Megane. He broke down the barriers of being a high school

student and allowed himself to physically inhabit his character organically, taking more and more risks as the show approached. The key to success for my students, and to our success working together, was that they never said no. They approached every challenge with an open heart and open mind, and their unabashed enthusiasm inspired me to dedicate more time to coming up with increasingly elaborate lesson plans. It was an incredible honor to be invited to work with these students and to share the love I developed at Tabor for performing and the skills I’ve learned as a professional actor in New York City. I found that my road to embracing what I was passionate about in life was forged at Tabor, and that it had less to do with me personally and everything to do with the type of students that the Tabor faculty fosters. As a community we feed each other, the students embracing what the teachers have to offer them as the teachers become continually inspired to do more and to be more for their charges each and every year. To see a documentary of the making of the show, created by faculty member Chris McEnroe, please scan the code or follow this link: https://vimeo. com/98887043 11

Photos by: James Barton-Sousa ’14 Alix Bersani ’15 Caroline Bracken ’15

A thl e t e s E x tolli n g C h e m i s t r y ! Joh n A n d e r s o n ’ 1 5 , C a p tai n , Wre s tlin g

8O% sugar + 2O% vinegar

V Conan Leary ’97 was voted

New England Coach of the Year

by his peers. John Anderson ’15

was awarded the Seabrooke

Outstanding Wrestler Award, the

first Tabor wrestler to accomplish

this since Conan won it in 1997.

ictory and championships have been on my mind since I started sports at age seven. Starting wrestling late in the seventh grade, my goal was always to establish myself as a force to be reckoned with. Every time I step on the mat I strive for perfection and improvement. Though I can claim numerous titles and have defeated notorious opponents, each practice I work my hardest and try my best to improve my technique. Despite this work, during my sophomore season, I failed to accomplish my goal of being a New England champion. However, I came back the next week to become an AllAmerican. It was a break-though period in my technique where I improved immensely and began to really communicate with and motivate teammates. Sophomore spring I learned I would be a team captain! Tabor taught me that leadership is making those around you better. The problem I had at first was finding the right words to motivate my teammates while critiquing their mistakes. I looked to my coach, Conan Leary ’97, as an example of doing this well. Coach Leary is easily one of (if not) the wisest coaches I’ve ever had. He has so much knowledge, and he never makes me feel as though my results are unacceptable. He told me his formula: “eighty percent sugar and twenty percent vinegar.” He shared that if there isn’t enough encouragement then the negativity will hang on the athlete and cause him to perform tentatively and conservatively, 12


resulting in poor performance. I learned to pay attention to our wrestlers’ attitude before practice began and to treat people differently depending on if they were angry, depressed, or anxious. If they know that I care about them as a person, they will respect me more as a man. I guess it worked, as one of my teammates kindly shared, “John makes everyone around him want to work their hardest and leave each practice thinking they’ve gotten a little better. The overall success of the wrestling team this year can be largely attributed to John. He helped everyone by just being in the room; we would look over and see how hard he was working and that pushed us to work harder. He was available to the team every day to help us improve our technique or help out with whatever we needed. He pumped us up the days we had matches, and his presence provided true leadership in the wrestling room.” This year, I am proud to say that Tabor wrestling placed third at both the Class A and Prep New England tournament. We had eight of fourteen wrestlers qualify for the Prep New England tournament and six qualify for the Nationals in Lehigh, Pennsylvania. The varsity line-up consisted of two first-year wrestlers; quick learners who also wanted to do their best. With guidance and motivation, they both qualified for the Prep New England tournament, and one even went on to Nationals. That’s success!


fter three amazing years at Tabor and nine varsity sports seasons, I have made connections and memories that will last a lifetime. On the soccer and lacrosse fields and on the basketball court, I have formed bonds with teammates and coaches that have helped me grow and develop as both an athlete and a person.

Lydia Cap uti ’14, Ca ptai n, Socc er, Ba sketball , L acr o s s e

During my senior year, I was fortunate to be a captain of three teams. I had responsibilities that went well beyond making a save, hitting a free throw or scoring a goal. I found myself challenged and rewarded in different ways. In each season I learned valuable new lessons as a teammate, competitor, and captain, but the one constant I discovered as a captain is the importance of fostering chemistry for a team’s success.

must come first. From there, we trusted the team chemistry that developed. We had fun in the locker room and carried that fun out onto the court. We had a spark that carried us to the championship game. Best of all, we enjoyed every second of our season. Following two exciting and successful senior seasons, my final season of high school sports arrived. Despite many different personalities and characters, our lacrosse team managed to connect and come together as one unit working toward one goal. We knew we made it when we watched Coach Patrick deliver on his promise to jump into Sippican Harbor if we beat both Andover and Exeter. He did just that, and the whole team jumped in with him!

“The one constant I discovered as a captain is the importance of fostering chemistry for a team’s success.”

Lydia (red headband), after their Holderness Day win, with the starting line of the 2013 undefeated Girls’ Varsity team who became NE Champs

From my soccer team, moving from a losing record sophomore year to NE Champs this year, I learned that with a good foundation and teammates and coaches willing to trust each other, an athletic program could achieve excellence regardless of its reputation. Through trust and respect, we built team chemistry that propelled us to success.

a few days later.

On our NEPSAC finalist basketball team last winter, I knew talent could only take a team so far. In order to maximize our potential we needed to be on the same page and buy into the concept that the team

Some might add up wins and losses to determine success, but I will measure my success in the friendships I have made and the fun I have had as a Seawolf. This has been a tremendous year for Tabor sports with multiple NEPSAC championships and individual triumphs. I am willing to bet if you asked a softball player, a rower, a baseball player, a sailor—any athlete —what were the ingredients for their successful season, at the top of the list would be chemistry. Chemistry turns talent into success, and more importantly, chemistry brings fun and joy to sports! 13

Babson College (2) Bates College Bentley University (2) Boston College (4) Boston University (3)

Connecticut College

Bowdoin College (2)

Cornell University (2)

Georgetown University (2)

Brown University

Dalhousie University

Gettysburg College (2)

New York University (7)

Bucknell University

Dartmouth College

Glion Institute of Higher Education

Northeastern University (3)

Carleton College

Drexel University

High Point University

Northwestern University

Carnegie Mellon University (2)

Eckerd College

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Norwich University

Chapman University

Elon University (3)

Ithaca College (2)

Princeton University

Colgate University (2)

Emerson College

John Carroll University

Purdue University

College of Charleston (4)

Fairfield University

Lehigh University

Quinnipiac University

College of the Holy Cross

Franklin and Marshall College

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (4)

last lessons for the class of 2014


University of Mississippi Trinity College (3)

University of New Hampshire (4)

Tufts University (2)

University of Oklahoma

Tulane University

University of Richmond

Stanford University

Union College

University of Rochester

Stevens Institute of Technology

United States Coast Guard Academy

University of Tampa

Sacred Heart University

Stonehill College

University of California at Berkeley

University of Vermont

Saint Anselm College (2)

SUNY Maritime College

University of Colorado at Boulder

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Salve Regina University (2)

Syracuse University

University of Delaware

Villanova University

Santa Clara University

The George Washington University (2)

University of Denver (4)

Washington University in St. Louis

Savannah College of Art and Design (2)

The University of Alabama

University of Maine

Wesleyan University (2)

Scripps College

The University of Arizona

University of Massachusetts/Amherst

Western New England University

Sewanee: The University of the South

The University of Montana, Missoula

University of Miami

Wittenberg University

The single most important lesson I learned from being Head of School is the power of attitude. Everything revolves around how you approach a situation. If you go into something thinking it’s going to be difficult or tedious, you’re going to make it harder to complete. On the other hand, if something is difficult and tedious, and you go into it smiling and looking to contribute, the job will be significantly more enjoyable, and you are more likely to convert people to your side. I tried my best to keep smiling and contributing this year, and I think that Tabor’s community has done the same. We went into this year strong, climbed over all the obstacles put in our way, and now we are stronger than ever. As a community, we accomplished an incredible amount, and now look incredible places most of us have ever known. where we are headed! If you do, I guarantee we will stay in touch as we head into the unknown together, and because of I hope in the years to come, we will all look back our connection everything in life will be just a bit on our last year as the best of them. Truly, we easier. You all will forever be the family and friends have come so far. I am proud to have served as the that I will never forget. Thank you for the experiHead of School of this talented class. As we move ence of a lifetime. forward, remember the best of Tabor: what life was like living with your best friends in one of the most —McKinley Halpern-Reiss ’14, Head of School 15

Scan this code to listen to Mac’s final address to his class at Commencement. http://vimeo. com/98732071

lillian Blouin ’15

Scan this code to enjoy a video of the commencement address delivered by Dave McGillivary, Race Director, Boston Marathon. http://vimeo. com/98732072

fac u lty

now what?! Bruce Cobbold and Louise Kelly retired from Tabor in June. At 48 years, Bruce has the longest tenure of any faculty in our history, while Louise has served an impressive 30-year span. Tabor Today interviewed them to find out what’s next.

Q Bruce: You have experienced Tabor consistently longer than anyone else alive! Can you share some of Tabor’s crossroads since your arrival in 1966 and how those events may have affected the essence of Tabor today? Surely the re-admittance of girls has had the greatest effect on the tone of the school. The pioneers who arrived in the fall of 1978 were tough, independent and imaginative, such that they quickly mollified most of those who might have been expected to resent them the most. They were smart, and in some circles at least, it became OK to take an interest in scholarly matters. They were musicians and actors and artists, and it became OK to sing and dance and paint. They were athletes, who brought a sense of fun into what had often become too grim and humorless. More recently, the addition of a number of excellent students from Asia, which swelled the original smattering from South America and Western Europe, has challenged the intellectuals and has had a similar salutary effect both on the arts and increasingly on athletics. They have shown themselves to be witty and affable, and they have effortlessly taken to themselves Tabor’s 16

traditional values of friendliness and decency, which will remain unchanged as long as we don’t start taking ourselves too seriously.

Q Louise: Beyond history, you are known for your keen interest in the empowerment and education of girls. How has Tabor evolved its co-educational mission from your start in 1984 to today? And what are our opportunities going forward? In the late 1980s, Tabor was still a “boys’ school that took girls,” but in the 1990s more strong women coaches and teachers helped change the school’s tone. More boys began attending girls’ games, and the teams won championships. Grace Culley ’94 and Kara Burbank ’96 were outstanding Heads of School. The recently created position of male and female Co-Heads of School augers well for the future of coeducation at Tabor, as do the increasing number of women administrators.

Q Bruce: You have been a stalwart voice for high standards of achievement and personal responsibility. What have been your best strategies to instill these critical values of our mission in our students?

abi taber ’15

Q+A The increasingly vicious competition has to a great extent diminished students’ love of learning for its own sake and their concomitant willingness to risk failure. Students’ grades—grades for their own sake—have, through no fault of their own, become all-important, and their achievement is too often subordinated to the process of learning. If I could, and if I dared, I would not give grades at all, and I would confine myself to a narrative (and publicly unrecorded) assessment. I have always tried to persuade students that real achievement is not measured by grades, but by their level of understanding and (one may hope) appreciation of, and enthusiasm for, the subject. But few believe me—it’s not really their fault.

Q Louise: What have been the most rewarding aspects of your career at Tabor? Probably the most rewarding aspect of my teaching career has been helping students who arrived in one of my classes saying, “I can’t do history!” see that they are able to write solid essays and papers.

Q Bruce: You have held many positions at Tabor, including Director of Studies, Classics Department Chair, Assistant Headmaster, Acting Headmaster, and now Senior Master. What has been your favorite and why?

I enjoyed both the autocracy and the democracy of administration, though I was delighted to get back to the classroom. I enjoyed the running of a usually very laid back Classics Department, though recently I was very happy to do exactly what I was told by a much stricter boss than I. Mostly, I continue to enjoy the constant conviction that my father was absolutely right when he told me that teaching is the only profession where you are guaranteed at least one good laugh every day.

Q: So, as the title says, now what? Where are you headed, what will you do, and how can we ever be Tabor without you? I look forward to exploring historic New Bedford and keeping in touch with my friends in Marion.

Scan this code to read

I will read and I will write (I have a lot of translation I want to do, and a lot to learn about translation); but if I ever get up early in the morning, it will be to watch the sunrise in solitude, not to struggle into school to give extra help to the masses. Like all my predecessors, I will have many memories of the past, which should inform but not create the future.

Also found on our




Bruce Cobbold’s Baccalaureate speech.

blog: TaborTalk at www.taboracademy.

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faculty NEWS

IntrOducing our

new faculty…

Clare cifrino ’14

by Julie Salit, Dean of Faculty

M eli ssa B r ide

Ja s on C as s is ta

Mack en zie Cha pu t


Science, Summer Program


BA, Colby; MA, Middlebury

BA, Atlantic Union College; MA,

BA, Virginia Tech;

Mel joins our faculty this year as a member of the Modern Languages Department where she will teach Spanish. Her background includes both teaching Spanish and serving as the Director of Diversity Initiatives at Dublin School in NH. She has also worked in various administrative roles at Save the Bay (Director of Advancement) and the Gordon School (Admissions) in Providence, RI. Mel received her BA from Colby and her MA in Spanish from Middlebury College. She lives in Spring Street with her family, and is coaching girls’ field hockey and lacrosse.

Loma Linda University

MA, Harvard University

Jay comes to us from Dexter Southfield School where he has been teaching science. His expertise is in the marine world, and he has served as Camp Director of the Briarwood Marine Science Center since 2001. He teaches marine science, will assess our marine science programs, and plan programming for the future of marine science here at Tabor. Jay and his family on the Cape.

Mackenzie, having been a part time coach and houseparent last year, joins us full-time as a member of the Mathematics Department where she will teach calculus, algebra and geometry. Mackenzie graduated from Virginia Tech with a BS in Business Management. She went on to earn her MA in Mathematics for Teaching from Harvard last year. She is coaching field hockey and basketball, and will do some speed work in our intramural program in the spring. She and her husband, Wes, serve as houseparents in Knowlton House.


travis glen n o n History BA, Butler University

New to our History Department this year is Travis Glennon, a graduate of Philips Exeter Academy and Butler University in Indiana. Travis is teaching two sections of US History and two sections of our freshman history course, Historical Themes of the 21st Century. He will also be assisting with the boys’ varsity hockey and varsity lacrosse programs. Travis lives on campus and serves as a houseparent in West House.

lexi sprites ’13

We are so pleased to welcome the following individuals to our faculty this year!

Eil e e n Ma r ce au

Jon Siroi s

A lec Wall

Dean of Studies



O r lan do Patt e r s on ’0 5

BA, Harvard University;

BA, Stonehill College;

BA, Dartmouth College;

Admissions Associate

MA, Columbia University

MA, Middlebury College

MA, Dartmouth College;

BA, Hobart and William Smith

Our new Dean of Studies moved back to New England from Charlotte, NC, where she served as the Upper School Director of Studies at Charlotte Country Day School, in Charlotte, NC. In her role, she was responsible for academic management and curriculum development, parent education and student support, and faculty development. Eileen received her BA in History of Science from Harvard University and her MA in Education Leadership from the Klingenstein Center of Columbia University. She resides in Baxter House with her family.

Jon has three years of teaching experience at both Portsmouth Abbey and the Trinity School. He joins our faculty to teach Spanish and is looking forward to coaching squash and golf. He and his fiancé, Rachael, are planning to marry later this fall. Jon lives off campus.

MA, University of Arizona


Since graduating from Tabor and Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Orlando has been working as a history teacher and coach at Bridgton Academy in Maine, and more recently, at Blue Ridge School in Virginia where he led a championship football team and was named the 2012 Falcon Club Private School Coach of the Year. He returned to Marion in June for his Reunion, moving into his new abode in Lillard. Orlando joins our faculty as an Admissions Associate, a football and track coach, and a houseparent. We welcome him back to Tabor!

A n n Richard BA University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

Ann will serve as our Interim Director of Library Services this year. She brings an extensive knowledge of information literacy and the various kinds of libraries to this role. A local resident, Ann is involved in the surrounding towns volunteering for the Marion Institute and is chief organizer of the Fairhaven Farmer’s Market. 19

After earning his BA in Classical Languages and Literatures, Alec went on to receive an MA in Comparative Literature from Dartmouth and an MA in Classical Philology from the University of Arizona. He is joining the Classics Department and coaching boys’ cross country and track. Alec serves as a houseparent in Foc’sle and Sail Loft.

advancing tabor

inspiring leadership

Travis Roy ’95 Joins the board

My two years at Tabor were the best years of my life. I can truly say there wasn’t a moment that went by that I didn’t appreciate. I am thrilled to be a new trustee, knowing that I now have a greater opportunity to give back to a school that gave me so much.

Photos by Jane McCarthy P’10

by Keith Browning ’79, Trustee, Chairman 2006-2014

When I joined the Board of Trustees in 1988, fewer than ten years after my graduation from Tabor, and the youngest member by far, I wondered where my tenure would lead. What I quickly ascertained was my tenure paled in comparison with the opportunity to spend time learning from the widely talented trustees. I have had the pleasure of working with terrific people, all of whom cared deeply about the school, never put themselves ahead of the school’s goals, and always worked to create a collegial and productive environment. It is bittersweet to relay that several of those trustees have recently retired from the board.

at Thanksgiving, and securing significant funds for faculty professional development. They envisioned new programs for international and American students, young alumni, Tabor Boy, and alumni volunteerism. They have been vigilant stewards of our finances and, perhaps most importantly, have served as trusted advisors and mentors, tireless listeners, patient teachers, and great friends to fellow trustees, faculty, and administrators. They were also invaluable to our Heads of School over the past thirty-four years: Peter Webster, Jay Stroud, and John Quirk. An era is passing with the retirement of these trustees and they will be sorely missed.

Pictured above (l to r) Bill Blasdale ’61, P ’85 ’90 (joined in 1984, Chair from 1991-2006), Lee Pokoik ’63 (joined in 1980), Deb Clark P ’95 ’97 (joined in 1995, Vice Chair) and David Campbell ’71 (joined in 2005) all served the board in exemplary ways during their tenures. They all led and worked on various committees and helped each of those, as well as the entire board, to learn a great deal from their service about how to run a school, and about leadership, kindness and community. They have been extraordinary volunteers for Tabor tallying over ninety years of service to our school.

On behalf of this board, past trustees, students and faculty members, and thousands of alumni, I extend my deepest thanks and gratitude for their undying support, love, and guidance of the school we all love.

I’m also excited to know I can play an active role in making sure Tabor continues to provide the same experience I received to

future Seawolves.

Through their inspiring leadership, they renewed the physical plant from top to bottom. They have taken careful care of our community, inoculating many thousands of students and faculty against the flu, providing faculty with turkeys for their tables 20

Finally, I am very pleased to share the news that Travis Roy ’95 has joined the board. He is an inspiration to us all for the person he is and all he represents about resilience, strength, and courage. These are all qualities a school needs, and they are excellent leadership qualities. Travis’s management of The Travis Roy Foundation is a wonderful example of people helping people through adversity. His calm but steady demeanor, his infectious smile and positive attitude, and his love for Tabor will stand us all in good stead over the coming years. Welcome aboard, Travis.

Trus t e e s 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5

Mr. David A. Barrett ’70 Marion, MA

Mr. Garrard K. Schaefer ’72 Atlanta, GA

Mr. Clement C. Benenson ’00 Hamilton, MA

Mr. Phillips G. Smith ’65 Treasurer New York, NY

Mr. Keith N. Browning ’79, P ’06 ’10 ’11 Chairman 2006-2014 Dayton, OH Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler ’87, P ’15 ’17 Las Vegas, NV Mrs. Joanne M. Fallon P ’08 Rye, NY Mr. Peter T. Francis P ’14 ’16 Marion, MA Mrs. Kristiane C. Graham P ’16 Middleburg, VA Mrs. Susan S. Grosart P ’00 ’03 Marion, MA Mr. Angus H. Leary ’95 Dover, MA

Mr. James A. Tomlinson ’83 Marion, MA Mr. David A. Wallace ’85 Boca Raton, FL Mr. Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Southport, CT

C a r mi n e Mar tig n e tti ’ 7 1 Ele ct e d C hai r man of the Boa rd Mr. Geoffrey H. Worrell P ’01 ’03 ’10 Wareham, MA T r us te e Eme r iti

Mr. R. William Blasdale ’61, P ’85 ’90 Chairman 1991-2006 Mattapoisett, MA Mrs. Deborah C. Clark P ’95 ’97 Rochester, MA Mr. John F. Fish ’78, P ’15 Milton, MA

Mr. Carmine Martignetti ’71 Chairman Chestnut Hill, MA

Mr. Albert Fried Jr. ’48 New York, NY

Mrs. Jennifer C. Noering McIntire ’84, P ’16 Mattapoisett, MA

Dr. Thomas B. Graboys ’62, P ’92 Chestnut Hill, MA

Mr. Paul J. Murphy ’75 Secretary Atlanta, GA

Mr. William T. Hurley III ’57, P ’91 ’97 Hingham, MA

Mr. William L. Phelps ’74 San Marino, CA

Mr. Edward P. Jaeger P ’94 Lancaster, PA

Mr. John H. Quirk (ex-officio) Marion, MA

Mr. Lee Pokoik ’63 Sarasota, FL

Mr. Travis Roy ’95 Boston, MA

Mr. John F. Swope ’56, P ’88 Concord, NH

The Board of Trustees unanimously elected Carmine Martignetti ’71, a valued trustee at Tabor since 2006, as our next Chairman at their summer meeting. “I am delighted to serve Tabor, which has been such a significant part of my life, as well as to work with our dedicated trustees and our outstanding Head of School John Quirk.” Carmine is President and Co-Owner of Martignetti Companies, the leading wine and spirits distributor in New England. He is currently a Vice Chair of The Boston Symphony Orchestra and Chair of its Nominating and Governance Committee. Carmine has been active in many organizations including The Park School in Brookline, MA, and Brooks School in North Andover, MA, where he served as a trustee. Carmine and his wife, Beth, are 1976 graduates of Boston College where they remain involved. They have three children and reside in Chestnut Hill and Marion, Massachusetts. As a business leader in Boston, a seasoned volunteer, and a summer resident of Marion, Carmine brings a breadth of experience and perspective as our new Chairman. We congratulate him on his new post and thank him for accepting this important leadership position on behalf of our school. Keith Browning ’79, after eight years of leadership as Chairman, and twenty-six as a trustee, continues his board tenure on several standing board committees. Carmine shared with Tabor Today, “The board is enormously grateful for Keith’s leadership over the past eight years, and I expect to make full use of his experience as I succeed him in chairing Tabor’s Board of Trustees.” Keith received the Distinguished Service to Tabor Award in 2013, Tabor’s highest honorary award, for his long and dedicated service to Tabor.


A F ! advancing tabor

Volunteers = Success In our last annual report, we shared the news of our newly created alumni volunteer structure called AFT: Alumni for Tabor, created to increase engagement with our alumni. It was modeled after our parent volunteer program which has been very successful for several years. After tallying the numbers, it is safe to say that AFT’s first year was a resounding success.

In total, we enjoyed the support of 154 alumni and 76 current parent volunteers. Our alumni served as decade or reunion chairs and class or reunion agents reaching out to classmates spanning their decade or reunion class. Parents worked in class teams, or individually, to reach out to approximately 500 current families in grades 9-12 to encourage their support.

To help organize and support our volunteers, we purchased a web-based, contact management software called AgentSphere. Our volunteers rose to the challenge of learning this new program that serves as an interface between the Advancement Office staff members, others within the volunteer network, and the vast number of community members of Tabor. Through the system, volunteers were able to keep track of their work and contacts as they wrote letters, made phone calls, and sent e-mails in their effort to connect people and encourage their support for Tabor. That support came in droves through our main fundraising program, Fund for Tabor, which provides unrestricted support for Tabor’s programs, as well as in increased event attendance at Tabor-hosted gatherings across the country. Our volunteers also encouraged visits to campus to see all that goes on

Me e t a fe w of ou r dedicated Vol u n teers

Cha rli e I v e s ’ 5 3

Emily In gham ’00

After serving as Class Agent for sixty years, it was an easy decision to volunteer in the

Volunteering for Tabor has given me a chance to

Alumni For Tabor (AFT) program as Decade Chair for the 50’s. I contacted many former

connect with classmates I haven’t spoken to in almost

Class Agents who were most willing to continue to carry the ball and to engage other

fifteen years. I follow a lot of my classmates through

classmates to help Tabor. We met with Advancement staff to learn our roles and responsi-

social media, but due to the craziness of everyday life,

bilities and how to use a new online volunteer program to easily communicate with

busy schedules etc., I rarely get the chance to slow

classmates and keep track of our progress. We held conference calls to exchange ideas

down and catch up. Volunteering has helped me make

and stay on track. With the support of the Advancement Office, who guided us and

it a priority to pick up the phone or write an email to

assisted with drafts of letters, support on the volunteer computer program which provides

a classmate I wouldn’t otherwise get the chance to

important dates and deadlines as well as updated giving records, we charged forward with

connect with. Tabor gave me a big head start in life,

the AFT initiative. The results have been positive. I enjoy interacting with alums from

and it’s so nice to have a chance to give back and stay

different classes, reaching out to my peers and reconnecting over a shared commitment to


Tabor Academy. I look forward to the program’s continued growth and success!


FT ! by Kimberly Owens, Volunteer Coordinator

at Tabor today from the classroom to the theater to the fields, and to plan interactions with our students as speakers and presenters.

With the beginning of the new year, we are off to a great start. We have implemented changes based on lessons learned through our first year that will help us gain further momentum and success. We With the help of our incredible group of volunteers, look forward to another great year for Tabor with we enjoyed terrific attendance at our gatherings our AFT and Parent Volunteers. Please enjoy the this year with the GOLD program and the Tabor profiles of a few of our volunteers below. Boy 100th Anniversary events garnering the most interest. It was wonderful so many alumni, parents, If you are interested in becoming an AFT or Parent and friends could join us.


please contact Kimberly Owens, Volunteer Coordinator,

Perhaps most telling of our volunteers’ commitment and success is that they exceeded the Fund for Tabor goal, set at $1.7 million, by $75,000. I think it is pretty clear to see the success these volunteers have brought to our programs on so many levels. We can’t thank them enough!

at or 508-291-8574.

Ca r ly N u ttall ’ 0 9

St ephen Cochran ’84

Why do I volunteer for Tabor? Simply put, my time

When I step out of my car at Tabor, I always feel at home. So when I was asked to be

at Tabor helped shape the person I am today. Tabor

a Reunion Volunteer, it was a quick “YES!” Planning the 30th reunion for our class was

faculty, staff, and fellow students invested their time

fantastic. It was as if no time had passed since I last spoke with many of my classmates.

and energy into making me the best version of myself

My four years at Tabor were great years of learning. I learned unexpected new concepts

possible. Now, it’s my turn to do the same for Tabor.

in physics with David Peirce through amazing classroom discussions, experienced the thrill of victory in crew on Sippican Harbor with Wiley Wakeman ’68, as well as the

agony of defeat to Kent at Lake Quinsigamond. Without these experiences, I would not be the person I am today. Volunteering is a great way for me to give back to the school that means so much to me. And, what a great excuse to be with my Tabor friends on the great campus that was our home for so many years.


th e n + n o w

Our Crew Tradition “Attention,


by Noel Pardo, Coach

Many alumni from the last twenty years remember rowing’s familiar starting commands, or if you are a tad older, the French equivalent used for so many years: “Et vous prêt? Partez!” Tabor’s rowing tradition began sometime in the early 1900s when rowing was introduced to the boys of the Academy. From old photos, we know the crew rowed both on a much emptier harbor and potentially raced in New Bedford and on the Charles River. Early competition was scarce, but races against Nobles, St. Marks, Kent, and several colleges such as Harvard and Yale, provided able competition. In 1922, Rod Beebe was appointed Head Coach and held the position for a number of years bringing stability and excellent leadership to the program.

formed the New England Interscholastic Rowing Association (NEIRA) to have an end of season championship race in Worcester, MA, each spring. Today, the event hosts over 1,000 rowers and over forty schools in a series of 1500 meter races to determine the best in the New England region. Tabor has captured several medals over the years with the most recent a bronze by the Boys’ 1st boat in 2013.

When Harry Hoyle took over in 1960, he continued the tradition of forming competitive crews and teaching young men the value of teamwork. In 1965, his crew added another tremendous win at the Henley Royal Regatta by winning the Princess Elizabeth Cup formed especially for high schoolaged crews. Tabor is well known at Henley, and the In 1931, Mr. Beebe began the tradition of taking school even has a room named after it at the world the boys’ crew program to the prestigious Henley famous Leander Club, home to many British Royal Regatta at Henley on the Thames, England, Olympic oarsmen. Many fine crews were produced and proceeded to produce victorious crews that under Mr. Hoyle’s guidance; one of his rowers, won the Thames Challenge Cup in 1936, 1937, and 1939. These were impressive feats as the Thames Wiley Wakeman ’68, remains a coach of the varsity boys’ crew today. Challenge Cup was opened to colleges as well as high schools. His desire to bring out the best in Henley is special to Tabor because our crews the boys formed very competitive crews, and news historically get faster as they practice on the clippings from the times showed a good deal of Thames River which is very calm and flat. A success against the local schools and colleges in perfect example is our 1967 trip to Henley. Tabor the area. lost to Kent at the NEIRAs that year by 21/2 boat In 1947, Tabor along with Kent, Shrewsbury, and lengths, but later at Henley, in the semis, Tabor St. Paul’s rowing clubs, Halcyon and Shattuck, beat Kent by 2 lengths: a 4-length difference in 24

just four weeks! In 1980, Mr. Hoyle also coached the girls’ program in its inaugural season and paved the way for a very successful coed rowing program. The girls won their first New England championship in 1988 and first traveled to England to compete in the Women’s Henley Regatta in 1997. Tabor rows on Sippican Harbor, rough due to the wonderful and regular winds that challenge our championship sailing team, though not so helpful for a championship crew team. Folks think the rough waters of Sippican benefit Tabor, especially when conditions are less than ideal, but rowers need to practice on flat water or at least fairly smooth water to become proficient at the stroke. Many coaches and rowers will attest to arriving back on shore drenched in salt water, chilled to the bone, and ready to repeat the process the next day. While the water conditions do not always teach the prettiest stroke, they do teach tenacity and resiliency to overcome any obstacles on the water. Lou Wolfe ’68, a member of the 1967 Henley crew, remembered the waters well, and a couple of years ago put forth the idea of constructing a rowing tank. In partnership with Lee Pokoik ’63, Lou spearheaded a drive to raise funds for the construction of a new facility. With the support of over 100 friends, alumni, parents, and current rowers, the fundraising was completed in 2013 and the tanks were finished in 2014.

The project was born out of appreciation for the sport and the hope to give future Tabor rowers the best possible environment for learning the subtlety of the stroke. Along with an eight-seat rowing tank, the space houses thirty-five ergometers (rowing machines) that allow the coaches to round out the training for Tabor’s rowers. When the program’s fleet is grounded due to high winds, the girls’ and boys’ teams now have a space to call their own. The Crew Alumni Rowing Center has transformed the team’s identity. Instead of a sport that happens out of view from the rest of the campus, players from other sports can now observe Tabor’s rowers working to their potential. Much sweat and effort pours into the facility each and every day, and the rowers are better technically and physically.










This past spring, the crew program saw five eights of boys boats and three of girls take to the waters of Sippican Harbor. Rowing in a mix of carbon fiber boats from Resolute, Vespoli, and Hudson, Tabor competed against our traditional opponents St. Paul’s, Andover, Exeter, and Northfield Mount Hermon. Both programs finished in the top six at the NEIRAs, and next year’s crews look strong. The future of Tabor rowing remains bright, and due to the generosity of many friends of Tabor crew, the program will continue to shine in the region. Go Seawolves!



Rowing Tank Dedicated! See page 35 Photos: Tabor Archives

Sayde e Mc Quay ’1 3

Rowing: a beautiful, precise sport. No timeouts, no stopping if you’re in pain, no messing up or else everyone else is affected. Five a.m. practice, hours on the erg, all for 2000 meters of sheer intensity and pain. To the non-rower this all sounds crazy, but rowing is one of my greatest accomplishments. I started off at Tabor as a chubby, shy, awkward freshman girl with an eagerness to learn. After seeing potential in my erg scores, the coaches at Tabor continued to push me to my limits physically and mentally. From a novice, working my way up the ranks of each boat, to captain my senior year, I gained so much from my time rowing at Tabor: confidence, leadership, self-esteem, friends, and, of course, muscle. In fact, the only thing I lost while on the rowing team was forty pounds. By senior year, I knew I wanted to pursue crew at the division one level in college. After countless phone conversations, numerous emails, and four official visits, I knew Syracuse University was where I wanted to row. Having a top twenty ranked rowing program and an amazing coaching staff, I could not picture any other place to be. Without the time and care my Tabor rowing coaches put into developing me into an athlete, I would have never had that opportunity. Rowing truly means the world to me, and without it, I wouldn’t be the same woman I am today. Saydee is a sophomore at Syracuse University.

Angie Gould ’1 0

I first started rowing during my freshman year at Tabor because my older sister, Gabrielle ’06, was on the team and she thought it would be a good fit for me. I ended up loving it and knew that I wanted to pursue it at the Division I level in college. I’m so glad I did. I have had so many awesome opportunities over the past eight years of rowing and competing at three Women’s Henley Regattas, four National Championships, and four Ivy League Championships. My favorite moment of all time was during my freshman year at Princeton when each of our top four boats won gold in their events at Eastern Sprints (our Ivy League Championships at the time), although breaking the course record at Ivy Championships this past spring is definitely up there, too! In June, I learned that I was selected for Academic All-Ivy in addition to first-team All-American and first team All-Ivy! Angie graduated from Princeton in May. 26

Ji m C r ick ’8 4

Jim rowed at Tabor and made first boat coxswain. According to coach Wakeman, “He mastered driving the boat, but he was also a leader, confident in his role, a keen competitor, and an excellent motivator.” His experiences at Tabor allowed him to excel at Harvard where he became the first varsity heavyweight coxswain from 1987 to 1988. During the 1987 campaign, Jim coxed the eight to victory at the National Championships in Cincinnati, the Victoria Boatrace in British Columbia, the Royal Henley Regatta in England, and his crew represented the US at the World University Games in Zagreb, Yugoslavia. His successful seasons as a coxswain for Harvard led to his induction into the Harvard Varsity Hall of Fame in 2006. He continued to work with the rowing industry, including working with Graham King on a version of the boatmaker’s famous designs. Jim continues to cox at Tabor alumni events and currently teaches in Maine. —Profile by Coach Pardo

Re inald We r r e nr ath ’32

Reinald and Elizabeth live in Evanston, IL, and recently celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary! —Profile by Coach Pardo 27

Nicole Schneeberger ’15

Reinald began his rowing career as a coxswain, but he grew tall and reported that it was an “exciting day” when he became an oarsman. Rod Beebe, the head coach, was a “wonderful human being” and “much of what he taught me in working with others as [part] of a team gave me a valuable life lesson.” Reinald rowed the bow seat and was part of the first crew to represent Tabor at the Royal Henley Regatta in 1931. While they lost in the first race that year, their “entire experience of mixing socially with other crew members, of traveling the English countryside, of London with its myriad traffic all going the wrong way, and the reverent memorials to different events and individuals that we had read about in our history books” proved unforgettable. Reinald rowed his first year at Cornell, and there met his future wife, Elizabeth.

REUNION tabor 2014 It was the best ever! A revamped program allowed for more faculty participation, which everyone enjoyed, along with the traditional water


front favorites such as Tabor Boy cruises, small boat sailing, kayaking and more. We were so glad to see you all! Thank you for coming back.


Photo (l to r): Hank ’70, Henry ’44 and Will Keene ’71


Over the years, I have had a chance to meet several alumni veterans and hear their heroic stories of sacrifice and service. by Tim Trautman Advancement Officer

This past June 6, as the nation remembered the 70th anniversary of D-Day, the Battle of Normandy (Operation Overlord), I was pleased to help Tabor during our Reunions to remember our many alumni who served our country during WWII, and enjoyed a special opportunity to honor one veteran in particular. Henry Keene ’44 attended Tabor for his sophomore and half of his junior year before his schooling was interrupted by the call from Uncle Sam. As an Army Combat Engineer for two and one half years, it was Henry’s job to “clear and hold the beach” on the Pacific islands of Guam, Okinawa, Ie Shima, Leyte, as well as others. In a recent conversation, Henry recalls “holding the beach” in Ie Shima during three different landings. During that time, the Japanese bombed the beaches every night for three months while Henry and the other Army Engineers slept in foxholes. Henry was released from military 30

service in January 1946 and returned home without a high school diploma. Henry remembers wearing just his military uniform from January to June because manufacturing in this country had only recently changed back from making military uniforms to civilian clothing. After a stint at Jordan Marsh driving a forklift, Henry accepted a position at Edson Company in New Bedford, MA, where, after a few years, he became its new owner and President (followed by Henry R. “Hank” Keene Jr. ’70). Henry skillfully led and grew Edson Company into a business whose maritime products can be found in recreational and commercial boats worldwide. Through the efforts of George Wiswell ’44, who last January began planning a 70th Reunion for his class, Henry Keene, Cynthia Babbit Bryden, Paul Lipsitt, Bob Scully and Phil Clough returned for their 70th Tabor Reunion (unfortunately George could not join us due to some health concerns). Their gathering gave us the perfect opportunity to remember our veterans on this important weekend in history, and in particular, Henry. In front of the Admirals, his returning classmates, and his entire family, Head of School John Quirk surprised Henry with the presentation of two honorary diplomas from Tabor Academy: one a copy from 1944 signed by Headmaster James W. Wickenden and the other from 2014 signed by Head of School John H. Quirk. The significance of the day was not lost on the crowd; it was the exact same Saturday, seventy years later, when young Henry would have received his Tabor diploma if war had not interceded. Thus, it was on June 7, 2014, that Tabor Academy had a unique and moving opportunity to remember the sacrifice of so many of our alumni and veterans who severed our nation in WWII through the Battle of Normandy and in other theatres around the globe. We salute you all.





He won hands-down! >48 Years of Service >Trusted Assistant Headmaster >Disciplined Director of Studies >Inscrutable Classics Department Chair >Academician beyond reproach >Discreet advisor >Crew coach extraordinaire >Drama aficionado >Mentor to many; friend to all >Classy orator >Creative instructor >Respected Senior Master AND… >Consummate English Gentleman

There was no other choice!

For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow! One alumna summed up what was said in the volume of letters Mr. Cobbold received from alumni, faculty, and friends for his honorary retirement Book of Letters: “You always expected the most from me, and all of your students. You have this amazing knack for realizing students’ potential, often times before they realize their own. Tabor is truly losing an irreplaceable asset. Thank you!” Mr. Cobbold delivered a “last lecture” at Reunion where we heartily celebrated his contributions to us all. He will indeed be sorely Mark Aimone ’86, Director of Advancement, congratulates Bruce and awards him the Distinguished Service Award.

missed on the faculty. Fortunately, he lives just down the street, so we hope to see him enjoying the best of our Tabor community well into his golden years.



A Great year in sports

The phrase, “It is a great day to be a Seawolf!” is spoken often here at Tabor, but this was a great YEAR to be a Seawolf! The girls’ soccer win at the New England Championship in the fall was followed by impressive showings by our wrestlers, boys and girls hoopsters and our girls’ hockey team this winter. The spring saw the hardware continue to come Tabor’s way with the school’s first CNEPBL league championship for the baseball team, and wins at The

Arianna O’Brien ’17

Big East Championship for our softball team, and New England Womens’ Championship for sailing. We want our interscholastic teams to be highly competitive, and winning is something

Hayden Kilpatrick ’15 competed in the US Track and Field Junior Olympics this summer in Hurdles.

we all value, respect, and strive

Nicole Schneeberger ’15

for, especially given our objective to instill a passion for the highest standards of achievement in our students.

by Dick Muther

var s ity r e cor ds

Director of Athletics

Baseball 10-3 (CNEPBL Champs) Softball 12-2 (Big East Champs) Sailing 17-9 (NE Women’s Champs, 1st at Terk, 2nd at NIT, 4th at Oday, 12th at Mallory) Girls Crew (6th at NIERA)


Boys Crew (5th at NIERA) Girls Track 7-8 (6th @ISTA & NE’s) (New school records set for high jump, long jump, tripe jump and 200 meters!) Boys Track 4-11 (won the 110 m high hurdles and the 300 m intermediate hurdles at ISTA and New England D2 championships, breaking personal bests)

Golf 11-4 Boys Lax 8-8 Girls Lax 11-5 Girls Tennis 3-6 Boys Tennis 2-9

Hew Russell P’15 ’17 Nicole Schneeberger ’15

Well done, Seawolves! sssstrike


Hatti Willemsen ’13

Girls’ Softball were BIG EAST Champs!

Steve Sughrue (Girls Soccer), Conan Leary (Wrestling), Paul Salit and Mark Perkins (both for Boys Lacrosse), were each recognized with Coach of the Year honors in their respective sports. These coaches, as well as so many of our coaches, provide an example to our athletes of their passion and respect for their sport, and their willingness to continue to learn and strive for the best from their teams. It rubs off on our student-athletes and we see the results in their hard work, sportsmanship, and team leadership. They make us proud. Much of what our teams do is very public, and as the athletic director, I often get comments from opposing coaches, parents and even random strangers. I have heard countless stories about how responsible, respectful and kind our players are individually and in groups when they are on the road representing Taber. A few examples: • An opponent’s parent told us of a TA crosscountry runner who went back on the racecourse to let an opponent know that he had taken a wrong turn.

CNEPBL Champs!

• A local parent thanked us because their 11-year old son had come to a clinic on campus and “could not stop talking about how much fun he had and how much he learned from the Tabor players.” • A coach whose team was crossing paths with a Tabor team shared this story: “Our locker room was next door to your team. I was so impressed with your team that I wanted to send you a note. Your team had music playing and asked me if I wanted them to turn it off while we had our team meeting. I told them it wasn’t necessary, but they did it anyway. Your girls asked us who we were playing and wished us luck. My team was impressed with how friendly your players were.” While these are relatively small events, they speak volumes to the character of the student-athletes we work with. We all know winning is important, but it matters how you do it! On the field and off, it was certainly a great year to be a Seawolf!


c 0 m m u n ity n e w s

Stay I nfo r m e d , S e a w olv e s ! Find us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter at Tabor Academy and Tabor Academy Alumni. Google and follow our

for our newly redesigned website, later this fall!

oyster farm dedicated to margot foster

Marguerite Peet Foster was an enthusiastic ambassador of the Marine Science, Nautical Science, and Tabor Boy programs and believed in and stood firmly behind the School by the Sea mission as a trustee and friend. On June 7, 2014 we dedicated our new Oyster Farm in her memory. We started the Tabor Academy Oyster Farm a year ago with the mission of having a school farm, but one with an appropriate marine theme for our school by the sea. We are now in our second year of operation. Our 5000 seed oysters, started in July 2013, are now over two inches long and were planted in Marion waters at the end of the summer. Just before the dedication, we started an additional 10,000 seed oysters to begin another new crop rotation. We plan to farm the oysters in the same cyclical seasonal fashion for years to come. The Oyster Farm has inspired and continues to inspire lots of interdisciplinary academic work at Tabor and has been fun to share with our local community. As we remember Margot’s influence on these programs at Tabor and her love for Marion, we can’t help but think she would be proud of our efforts. Join us for

Summer Program

Pa r e n ts’ Weekend October 17-18 !

Co-ed, Ages 6-17 Counselor in Training Program Join us for a weekend full of

Activities and Optional

events! Parents come

Enrichment Courses

Friday for advisor meetings and

1, 3 or 6 Week Residential or 2-6 Week Day

seminars, while alumni join us on Saturday to socialize and have some fun cheering on our teams! Please bring your family and plan to join us.

Late June to early August Email TEL 508-291-8342


FAX 508-291-8392

Caroline Fish ’15

blog: TaborTalk, and stay tuned


We dedicated the Crew Alumni Rowing Center on May 3 with an enthusiastic crowd in attendance. With over 100 donors ranging from members of the 1937 crew to the entire 1967 boat to today’s athletes and faculty, this was truly a community success. Lou Wolfe ’68 was the driving force behind building the momentum and involvement of our alumni oarsmen. “I really enjoyed talking to people of all ages about this project and about how the crew program affected each of them in similarly positive ways as it had impacted me. I think everyone felt the tanks would be a great benefit to the program at all levels.” The 1967 boat is planning to have a paddle down the course during the 2017 Henley Royal Regatta to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their participation in the finals of the Princess Elizabeth Cup!

1967 Henley Crew (l to r): Wiley Wakeman ’68, George Linzee ’69, Bill Reed ’68, Ken Foster ’67, Bob Laing ’67, Dave Borden ’67, Tim Sanders ’67, Lou Wolfe ’68 (missing was Bill Rogers ’67).



cha n g e T r ip

Tabor students enjoyed their second exchange with students from Begues, Spain, a suburb of Barcelona. The Spanish students visited Tabor in the fall and spent the winter keeping in touch with all their new friends. Then, in June, our students had the opportunity to reconnect with them and see their school and way of life. Travel uncovers a world of mystery, puts students outside of their comfort zone, and encourages responsibility and respect. It is also not such a bad way to spend the first week of summer vacation!







We had a banner year for events



with our advancement staff visiting alumni, parents, and friends

all over the globe! The focus this year has mostly been on the 100th Anniversary of Tabor Boy where well over 500 alumni came out to celebrate! The celebration continues this fall: When you turn 100, you celebrate all year!

Upcoming Events



9/18 Alumni at Tia’s in Boston 10/4 Alumni Sailing Regatta 10/8 Grandparents’ Day 10/17 Parents’ Weekend 10/18 Alumni Homecoming 11/7 Holderness Day @ Holderness 12/14 Lessons & Carols 6/5-7 Reunion for 0’s and 5’s

The summer brought us to Asia where John Quirk, Head of School, Mark Aimone ’86, Director of Advancement and Steve Downes, Director of the Center for International Students, met with current and new parents and students, as well as with alumni and parents of alumni. They visited Bangkok, Beijing, Tokyo, and Taipei over two and a half weeks in late June. Dinners were held in Beijing, Tokyo, Taipei, and Bangkok and were organized by our wonderful alumni and parent volunteers in each city. We even had our first young alumni event in Bangkok! We are working on an idea to host an international student reunion somewhere in Asia. If you have ideas, or would like to work on this project, contact Mark Aimone ’86 in the Advancement Office at


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Molly Curley ’13 (1)

Molly has been working hard balancing her modeling career and college. She recently did big jobs for Reebok and Puma and got the covers on New England Monthly and SOCO Magazine. It’s great that she is getting some hands-on marketing experience which lends well to her studies at Bentley! Connor Gordon ’12

Gordon was the starting lacrosse goalie at Division 1 UMBC and had a great season. It was reported by Coach Salit that he was ranked nationally in saves and save percentage and had at least ten saves in the eight games they had played by mid-season. Josh Kanter ’10

Josh was in the Swampscott local news for his excellence in lacrosse at Franklin & Marshall College in PA. The article describes his interest in hockey starting out at Tabor and then his shift to lacrosse. He was known as the top shutdown guy this year at F&M. Well done, Josh! http://swampscott. 20140318/ SPORTS/140316114/12429/SPORTS

5th Reunion: Class of 2010 T.J. Dyer ’10 (2) T.J. won the deciding match for Northeastern by defeating Boston College 5-4 at the Men’s College Squash Nationals, Division E. The Chaffee Cup involved the last division final scheduled for the tournament. Neither Northeastern nor Boston College was going to go home early. All three of the contests in the first flight of matches went four games. Boston College led 2-1 after the first flight of matches, and they went up 4-2 after the second flight. Northeastern needed to win every remaining match, and they did, sweeping the final three matches 3-0. The final score was Northeastern 5, Boston College 4. Dyer’s match was the last one in a long day of

matches featuring several divisions at Harvard’s Murr Center on February 16. Kevin Sullivan ’10 (3)

On May 24th at the Division III Track and Field National Championship in Ohio, Kevin Sullivan placed 13th in the javelin throw with a toss of 57.73 meters (189’ 5”). Kevin entered the event ranked 6th in the country. He concludes his collegiate career as the Washington and Lee University and Old Dominion Athletic Conference (ODAC) record holder with a mark of 63.76 meters (209’ 2”). At Tabor, Kevin lettered in football, basketball, and baseball, but did not compete in track and field until college. Cady Hrasky Hayes ’09 (4)

Cady was married in Limerick, Ireland on July 5th. Here is a picture of the clan including (l to r) Tucker Hrasky, Kim Teves, Bryan Hayes, Cady, Bill Hrasky and Matthew Hrasky ’08.

(6) Andy Oakes ’06 (5)

Several Tabor graduates gathered at the Cape Cod wedding celebration for Jeffrey Andrew Oakes and Laure-Helene Caseau in September 2013. The celebration took place at The Beach Club in Centerville, MA, following an August wedding ceremony in Paris, France. Pictured (l to r) are: Geoff Lenk ’74, Peter Johns ’75, Tim Chapin ’77, Andy Oakes, William Oakes ’14, Justin Oakes ’04 and George DeMello ’09. Samantha Caplan Lowen ’06 (6)

After being introduced by fellow TA ’06 alumna Beth Hudson Rajchel nearly seven years earlier, Samantha Caplan married 1st Lt. Matthew Lowen, USMC, on April 12, 2014. From left to right, pictured are: Will Moger, Jenna Barnes, Alyse Churchill, Beth Hudson Rajchel, Samantha Caplan Lowen, Kathryn Metscher, Melissa Lindsay, and Chris Potts ’05.


Elizabeth Hudson Rajchel ’06 Matthew Jackson ’09

After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania last May, Matt matriculated to the University of Cambridge. While working towards his MA in applied economics and finance, he was selected for the Cambridge crew for the 160th Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race on the River Thames in London on April 6, 2014. He was sorry to have to miss his reunion due to his exams. Matt was planning to work in banking in London over the summer.


Beth touched base from the high seas sharing that she has been onboard a Trident ballistic missile submarine, the USS WYOMING, for a little over two years. She offered to speak with anyone interested in a career in the military or in attending a service academy. We wish her all the best in her work! We are so lucky to have people such as Beth and our other Tabor graduates in uniform representing our country with their style, grace and competence! Many thanks to all our service men and women wherever you are.


Lizi Barba ’06

I graduated from UCSC in 2010 and still live in Santa Cruz, California. I left my job at CCOF, California Certified Organic Farmers, in March after almost five years. I recently started as a copywriter at West Marine’s headquarters in Watsonville, CA. It feels pretty natural after sailing my whole life and going to Tabor! I’m happy to be around so many other boating enthusiasts. In my free time, I go to the beach and run a home-based canning company, Lizi’s Cans. Find me at www.

Amanda Grusz ’01

Greetings from San Jose, Costa Rica, where I am teaching my first graduatelevel course in tropical plant biodiversity offered by the Organization for Tropical Studies. PhD students from across the USA, Central, and South America are joining me for the five-week intensive course. This experience follows two additional milestones in my life: in May, I received my PhD from Duke University, after which I joined the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History as



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a postdoctoral fellow. My work there will explore the influence of genomelevel processes on the evolution and diversification of vascular plants. Graduate school was a long haul, but I am loving life and enjoying the fruits of my hard work. I hope everyone is well— sending hugs to all of my peers.

15th Reunion: Class of 2000 Mark Ribeiro ’00 (1)

My daughter, Crosby, posing with me in her Tabor bib. Don’t let her nonchalant gaze fool you—she really likes the bib, and it came just in time for the sprouting of her first teeth! (1)

Have new s to s har e ? Share o n o u r T A A l u m n i Fac ebook p age o r o n w w w . tabo r acade my . o r g/ cla ssnot es !

Follow Tabor T alk B log !


Cara Linehan Esch ’99

Cara was recently profiled in Boston Magazine’s wedding issue for her talents as a calligrapher. Read the story here: weddings/article/2014/01/07/weddingexperts-calligraphy-cara-linehan-esch/ Tim Morse ’99 (2)

I was attending our family’s foundation meeting and noticed, as we were socializing amongst the various family tree lines, that we had some Tabor alumni among us! It is a small world and always a pleasure to find out other people from the Tabor community! Pictured (l tor) Jon Blake ’65, Raider (Dwight) Blake ’68, Bill Pettit III ’68, Tim Morse. B ib Cl ub We welcome these children of alumni into our community with joy! Cristin Sager Gillespie ’98, girl, Eleanor Mary, March 20, 2014 Margot Feeney Kalkanis ’97, girl, Helena Brooke, June 6, 2014 Jennifer Jackson Breitling ’94, girl, Catherine Anne, Januaury 30, 2014

Cristin Sager Gillespie ’98

My husband, Sean, and I welcomed Eleanor Mary on March 20, 2014. She joins big brother Jack, age 3, who loves having her around. We all enjoyed a wonderful summer in Duxbury! Hope all are well.

20th Reunion: Class of 1995 Mike Fawcett ’95

Mike is teaching fourth grade in Stafford, VA. Jaime, his wife, is now the new




Director of the Edgar Allen Poe Museum in Richmond, VA. Mike completed an intensive internship in Williamsburg, VA, this summer concentrating on the history of Virginia.

Eleanor Crow ’92

I just moved to Newport, RI, where I have started my own marketing communications consulting practice. Looking forward to connecting with Tabor people in and around the area!

Nicole DeBlois Greene ’95 (3)

I was married recently to my husband, Chad. We met for drinks last October and the rest is history. We got engaged in March and had a small family wedding on June 14th. We just got back from Africa where we climbed Mt Kilimanjaro, both won our division at the Mt Kilimanjaro Marathon, and then hit a five day safari on the Serengeti. It was an amazing honeymoon. Travis Roy ’95 (4)

A number of alumni gathered for Spring Fling, a fundraiser in support of the Travis Roy Foundation. Here is the whole gang pictured with me. I so appreciated everyone’s involvement! Thank you so much! Go Seawolves! Maija Langeland Scarpaci ’95 (5)

Two members of our class, Nicole DeBlois and Clare Trautvetter (pictured here), ran in the Boston Marathon for the Travis Roy Foundation. Both ladies did an absolutely amazing job fundraising for TRF, and it was great to see, via Facebook, how many Tabor alums donated in support of these two ladies and TRF. We met afterwards at the Mass Ave Tavern to celebrate with a really fun Tabor group in attendance. Pam O’Brien flew in all the way from Alaska! Others included Pam O’Brien, Maura McGovern ’93, Susie Germer ’96, Clare Trautvetter, Seychelle Leonard, Nicole DeBlois, Travis Roy, Kat Thompson ’96, Laurel Simonini Schnitman, Elizabeth Leary, Maija Langeland Scarpaci and Wesleigh Langeland McMahon ’00. The event served as a reminder to me of how the Tabor community is so supportive of Travis’ goal to help others. Tabor is a special and unique place because of the people who work there teaching and inspiring students to go on to do a lot of fascinating and exciting things.

25th Reunion: Class of 1990


David Mears ’87

David shared a memory of Tabor Boy: “All my Tabor Boy stories begin and end with Cap Glaeser. Whether allowing my friend as a sophomore navigator to harmlessly run us aground in Hadley’s for misreading the depth gauge, coming into Nantucket harbor at 9 knots under full sail on the Father’s Day cruise or pulling away from the pier on Goat Island by dropping the top square-sail, Cap Glaeser taught us about confidence and experience. After another friend climbed for the first time to the top of the main mast to untangle the flag on a spring break cruise in the Bahamas, Cap said, “Never underestimate the power of a teenager…” and I have never forgotten it. I have yet to come across another leader as calm, cool and collected, though I am certain the experiences and confidence gained by the teenagers under Gap Geil are the same. She is truly an amazing asset and one that separates Tabor Academy, with the opportunity of a lifetime for all those lucky enough to step aboard.”

30th Reunion: Class of 1985 John Ahern ’85 (6)

Three of us met on Nantucket for dinner and enjoyed re-connecting. Here are (l to r) Dave Wallace, me, and Kevin Fish. Good times! Ralph Philips ’83

I am still driving long haul trucks all over the Mid-West, Southeast and the Mid-Atlantic States. Driving all over the eastern half of the country has helped improve my photography skills—so many interesting places and many incredible

Send your NOTES to


sunrises and sunsets. I spent two weeks touring the south island of New Zealand last year. Such a beautiful place! Next year I’m planning on Iceland, or maybe the north island of New Zealand. Kip St. Germaine’83

Kip served as an announcer for NBC during the Paralympic telecasts this past winter in Sochi, Russia. He was remembered in this article as one of the players who made one of the 17 most memorable goals in US Hockey history. He is a 2002 gold medalist in Sled Hockey. Here is a QR code to a video of his memorable goal!

35th Reunion: Class of 1980


David Allen ’79 (7)

I was on the Great Wall at Mutianyu, and I wore my Tabor shirt there to represent the school. In fact, I always take my Tabor shirt when I travel; quite often it leads to meeting alumni or hearing a story about someone who attended our great school! Jeffrey Feroce ’78

Chris Donley ’84, Andrew McIntire ’84, and I are running a youth and high school lacrosse program in the Southcoast area. It is called Southcoast Buzzards Lacrosse. It has been a lot of fun. If interested, our site is www. David Gardner ’77

This fall, I wrap up a three-year tour with the Coast Guard’s First District as Reserve Chief of Staff at their Boston headquarters. I’ll head down to Little Creek, VA, in October to work with the Navy’s Coastal Riverine Group as the senior Coast Guard officer there. This summer, I started a new civilian position as well, Vice

President for Academic Affairs at Maine Maritime Academy. Tabor/MMA alums, look me up if you’re ever in Castine! Bill Rose ’77

Bill shared this memory of Tabor Boy: “The senior officers of the Tabor Boy all seemed so competent and mature, at least to this freshman in September, 1973. Actually, I think they really were. After Cap (Captain George Glaeser), there were Jon Barrett ’74, Executive Officer, and Henri Gignoux ’74, Lieutenant. Full grown men they seemed to me. Jon, Henri, and the other officers—Navigator Dirk Roggeveen ’74, Commissary Officer Paul Perry ’74, Engineer Paul Torres ’75, and Bos’n Jimmy Walker ’75 kept us in line, following the guidelines set by Cap. Jon was a natural leader who went to King’s Point and became a captain in the merchant marine. So did Jimmy Walker a year later. Paul was a wizard of the 8-71 diesel (eight cylinders, 71 cubic inches each). Although Cap complained, ‘Dirk couldn’t navigate two turds in a piss pot with sticks,’ that was just his way of expressing affection. We would sand and chip and paint on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and some Fridays. On Wednesdays, we would go out for an afternoon sail. On weekends, we would cast off the mooring Friday after school or Saturday morning, and return late Sunday. The Wednesday sails were remarkable for the funnelator wars we had with the two smaller schooners that Tabor had in those days. We would fill dozens of balloons with water and shoot them across the water at one another as we maneuvered in Buzzards Bay. Good fun, although we realized there was injury potential when Jon broke a window in one of the other vessels. That did not slow us down, of course.”


with Andrea, my wife of forty years and counting! All the best to everyone!


H av e n ew s to sha re?

Tom Eberman ’68

Hello to all! Life is leisurely in Savannah in semi-retirement. I am still doing project work for U.S. Art Co, but at a slower pace. After my hip replacement surgery, our daughter, Blair, died tragically of a post natal heart condition. My wife, Desdie, Blair’s husband, Shea, and I have taken on raising the little ones, Lorilei (2 yrs.) and Hank (6 mos.) Enjoyed seeing classmates at the Tabor Boy’s 100-year celebration in Charleston. John Dallas Thomson ’68

John died peacefully on March 3, 2014 at his home surrounded by his wife, family, and friends. John earned the rank of SP5 in the US Army where he served in Vietnam. He worked as a Clinical Psychologist, counseling homeless people and veterans. He spent his entire professional career working with individuals in need. John enjoyed driving old trucks and cars and paddling his kayak on a river at dawn. John leaves behind a lovely wife, many family members and dozens of committed friends in the DC and San Francisco Bay area.

50th Reunion: Class of 1965 Michael Fawcett ’64

40th Reunion: Class of 1975 45th Reunion: Class of 1970 Henry Keene ’70

I am retired from Edson Corporation after thirty-eight wonderful years there. I am looking forward to spending more time on the water and hanging out

I joined the Masonic Shrine two years ago, but wasn’t getting that involved. I kept pestering to see what I could help with and was soon elected as an aide to the Board of Governors for the Shrine Maple Sugar Bowl football game—an annual event pitting the best high school players from Vermont against the best


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student athletes from New Hampshire. Recently, I was elected as a full member of the Board of Governors. I am now second in charge of crowd control at Dartmouth Stadium during the game! HELP! I was also recently honored with my forty-year service pin from the Westminster Fire & Rescue Department. I don’t do much on the fire end of things, but I am still an active EMT on rescue calls. It’s a great feeling to know that you can help someone at an accident scene. A smile goes a long way! David Johannesen ’64

I have moved from MA to Silicon Valley. My wife will be selling her company in CA. I have published some short stories, poetry, and have written a novel to be released sometime this year. (4) Art Reid ’64 I n M e m o r ia m The Alumni Office has recently received news that the alumni listed below have died. The Tabor community extends condolences to the family and friends of those listed.

George “Tony” Ward ’43 Melvin Lash ’45 Edwin Williams ’45

I have returned to Tabor for several reunions, but this last was the best. Not only because it was my 50th class reunion, but also because I saw my school at its best. I really felt proud to be a part of the school that was such a big part of my life. Seeing classmates, some after 50 years, was amazing; and living in the dorm, Baxter House, was fun. Seeing the beautiful campus, the waterfront, sailing on the Tabor Boy, the food, music, cupcakes, etc., was really memorable. My gratitude to all the wonderful people who welcome us and embrace us each time we return to our school by the sea.

William Calkins ’46

Ware Fuller ’63 (1)

Nancy Hiller Jones ’46

I shall always remember my trip to the Bahamas on Tabor Boy in the summer of 1959. As the youngest crewmember (therefore, probably the smallest), I was assigned the outermost end of the top yard for gathering sail. Safety ropes were not used and it didn’t seem particularly dangerous, but what did a 15-year old know.

Sargent Heath ’54 Stephen Wong ’55 Lewis Churbuck ’58 John Goodrich ’59 Roy Fraser ’66 Donald D. Kenney ’68 John Dallas Thomson ’68 Timothy R. Sweetser ’73 James S. Draper ’77 John Koniares ’79 Jamie Schou ’96


(3) Joseph Hyman ’61 (2)

Ned Luke ’57 (3)

My wife and I opened a museum in Schoharie, New York. We bought a 1785 home next to a covered bridge to be near our daughter and family for the summers. On the property is a 2400 square foot museum dedicated to the life’s work of a deceased folk artist who painted eggs. So, we now own a museum that has been closed for a decade. Berna and I published a book on the history of the collection and made photographs of the scenes and other items to be sold to benefit our local library. I never would have guessed I would be in this situation as a retired rocket scientist! Life is fun!

I thought readers might get a kick out of the attached photograph taken many, many years ago. Us older alums would recognize the general tenor of the scene. The picture was of the reviewing stand area, for some parade review, in front of the waterfront flagpole (note the muzzle of one of the surplus cannons that used to stand on either side of the flagpole.) The dignitaries are, from right to left, George “Cap” Glaeser in his fancy uniform, next—my father Edmon Luke —then a member of the Board of Trustees—the next two gentlemen are unknown to me, and finally the Headmaster Mr. James Wickenden. The picture had to have been taken before 1968, as my father died in 1968.

John Cederholm ’60

I am still running and racing, although the chassis is shot after fifty-six years of running. I still row on Sippican Harbor and race indoor in the winter.


Allen Blake ’57

Al wrote to update his information and share some memories of his days at Tabor. A big athlete, Al was the MVP for three teams: football, basketball and baseball his senior year, earning him the Frederick Thompson Award for Outstanding Athlete. He also remembered George Crawford, in whose memory he started a scholarship in 2006 on the occasion of his dear friend’s death, sharing some wonderful stories about his life. I was so inspired by Al’s note that I made a blog post called “Admiration” that you can find at TaborTalk on Wordpress (our alumni blog). Al went on to share that he has been coaching teens in basketball, one a boy he has raised from a baby who he thinks might be interested in Tabor! On a sad note, he also shared that his wife of 44 years, Pat, passed away on Christmas Day 2011. Thanks for sharing with us, Al.

Anthony Martin ’54

I retired from dentistry ten years ago. My wife and I now spend our winters in Arizona. An especially good idea based on last winter’s weather in New England!

40s Al Fried ’48

A quick update to let everyone know I am now spending most of my time in Bal Harbour, Florida. Elwood Leeming ’42 (4)

Elwood celebrated his 92nd birthday on our 92’ schooner when Tabor Boy was in West Palm Beach this spring. It was fun for him to recall his memories sailing her back in the day around the bay.

2013-2014 GIFT REPORT

Danielle Dillon ‘14



A milestone year… by T. Mark Aimone ’86, Director of Advancement

Over the course of this year, we have honored the Tabor Boy on her 100th anniversary and celebrated her years of service to Tabor Academy and the incredible ocean oriented programs she supports. We witnessed past and present come together as the undefeated girls’ soccer team met with members of the 1963 undefeated football team, and we bid farewell to one of our longest standing faculty icons, Bruce Cobbold. It has truly been an exceptional year! In a year full of milestones, we take this moment to celebrate the extraordinary commitment of our alumni, parents, and friends. Thanks to your generosity, we not only raised more unrestricted support than any other year in our history, but we were also recognized by CASE for Overall Improvement based on performance over a three year period. While it is a milestone for the Advancement Office, the credit really lies with you for your loyalty and support. We literally could not have done it without you! Over the past two years, we have asked you to “Imagine the Possibilities.” Your response has been overwhelming and your participation demonstrates the high regard you have for our great school. As we look to turn possibilities into accomplishments, we have created a vision for our future. Thanks to the leadership of our Head of School, Board of Trustees, parents, faculty, and alumni we have developed a strategic plan called Tabor 150: Navigating the Future that provides us a path to our school’s 150th year in 2026. While 2026 may seem far away, we all know how quickly the time passes.

Gift Report Photo Credits

James Barton-Sousa ’14 Hannah Berkowitz ’14

The future of Tabor was brought ever closer to me personally this year as my own daughter began her Tabor experience. It has been gratifying to see the school through her eyes and to witness firsthand the incredible opportunities that your generosity provides our students in the classrooms, on the fields, in the art buildings or out at sea. Through the lens of an alumnus, a faculty member, and a parent, I couldn’t be more excited about the future of our school. Clearly, under John Quirk’s leadership, Tabor is a school on the move!

Alix Bersani ’15 Lillian Blouin ’16 Caroline Bracken ’15 Helena Castro ’14

As Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. said, “I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving…we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it—but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.”

Clare Cifrino ’14 Hannah Dawicki ’16 Danielle Dillon ’14 Colby Magratten ’14 Alyssa Rueb ’14 Nicole Schneeberger ’15

Our aspirations are lofty and our expectations are high. We have a passion for high achievement and a drive for excellence. It is your generosity and engagement that has a direct impact on how fast and how far we can go. Your support is an investment in the quality of the Tabor experience for all of our students. I am honored by your participation, humbled by your generosity and grateful for your engagement in our school. As we continue to sail on, I know together we can achieve!

Abi Taber ’15 Tanya Tantasathien ’15



ma rk et valu e

this y ea r

total rec eiv ed


ma rk et valu e



The William C. Alden Scholarship Fund $43,466 The Alumni Scholarship Fund $45,864 The Arms Family Scholarship Fund $88,698 $867,082 The Barker Family Scholarship Fund $112,681 $5,000 The Theodore H. Barth Foundation Scholarship Fund $25,265 The Thomas Bishop Scholarship Fund $236,240 The Gwendolyn S. Bleakley Family Scholarship Fund $154,921 $45,000 The Braitmayer Scholarship Fund $173,935 The James and Margaret Brennan Scholarship Fund $94,114 $1,600 The Theodore H. Brodie ’47 Scholarship Fund $48,150 The Tyler Brown ’02 Memorial Fund $37,329 $5,350 The Browning Family Scholarship Fund $1,046,920 The Kathryn Mary Bullard Scholarship Fund $35,930 The Ernest C. Clark III ’63 Scholarship Fund $220,162 The Classes of ’26, ’27 & ’28 Scholarship Fund $251,378 The Class of ’37 Scholarship Fund $17,484 $200 The Class of ’38 Scholarship Fund $4,933 The Classes of ’45 & ’46 Scholarship Fund $75,878 The Class of ’52 Scholarship Fund $48,758 The Rosemary Dalzell Coler Scholarship Fund $22,676 The Roger and Parker Converse Scholarship Fund $59,061 The Charles Coolidge Scholarship Fund $96,710 The Warner B. Cornwall ’39 Scholarship Fund $427,663 The George M. Crawford ’57 Memorial Scholarship Fund $26,012 The Current Parents’ Scholarship Fund $212,627 The James and Katrina Saltonstall Currier ’87 Scholarship Fund $12,381 The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation Scholarship Fund $20,066 The Harry J. Decas ’82 Memorial Scholarship Fund $86,430 The DiVosta Scholarship Fund $126,827 The Doubleday Scholarship Fund $89,427 The Dows Scholarship Fund $67,820 The Peter G. DuPuy ’66 Scholarship Fund $105,639 The Robert W. Fawcett Memorial Scholarship Fund $37,905 $12,500 The Edward E. Ford Foundation Scholarship Fund $164,149 The Lincoln E. Ford ’56 Scholarship Fund $121,191 The Albert Fried Scholarship Fund $395,344 The George E. Glaeser Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund $23,884 $2,000 The Alan S. Golub ’53 Scholarship Fund $204,368 The James D. Gowing Scholarship Fund $20,840 The H. Theodore Gregory Scholarship Fund $37,562 The Walter and Milada A. Hampson Scholarship Fund $22,748 The Barbara W. and George H. Hart Jr. ’38 Scholarship Fund $86,692 $385 The Charles Hayden Foundation Scholarship Fund $349,303 The Andrew David Heitman Scholarship Fund $216,673 The Hiller/Clark Scholarship Fund $24,025 The Sturtevant Hobbs ’42 Life Sports Scholarship $216,328 The Horan Memorial Scholarship Fund $4,922 The Henry Hornblower Scholarship Fund $66,129 $2,000 The John H. Hughes Scholarship Fund $14,912 The Lt. Col. William A. Illingworth III, MD ’65 Scholarship Fund $28,950 The Robert D. Kiernan Scholarship Fund $116,314 The William W. Knight III ’52 Scholarship Fund $17,360 $715 The Lucien Lavoie Memorial Scholarship Fund $33,046 The John D. Lawrence Scholarship Fund $66,784 The Lyndon Paul Lorusso ’73 Scholarship Fund $295,162 The Jules Luchini Scholarship Fund $69,403 The John Noel Macy ’75 Memorial Scholarship Fund $27,752 $7,500

$48,022 $50,671 $958,125 $129,693 $27,913 $261,000 $215,793 $192,165 $105,631 $53,197 $46,811 $1,156,648 $39,696 $239,666 $277,726 $19,519 $5,450 $83,831 $53,869 $25,053 $65,251 $106,846 $472,487 $28,738 $234,912 $13,678 $22,169 $95,489 $140,120 $98,799 $74,928 $116,711 $54,529 $181,354 $133,893 $436,780 $28,371 $225,788 $23,024 $41,499 $25,132 $91,034 $385,914 $239,382 $26,543 $239,001 $5,438 $75,140 $16,475 $28,715 $128,505 $19,924 $36,509 $73,784 $326,098 $76,677 $38,342



ma rk et valu e

this y ea r

total rec eiv ed


ma rk et valu e


The John C. Makepeace Memorial Scholarship Fund $393,496 $10,000 $445,143 The Paul L. “Buzz” Masaschi ’55 Scholarship Fund $25,000 $26,011 The Kari McCarthy Memorial Scholarship Fund $29,820 $1,050 $33,990 The Memorial Scholarship Fund $102,906 $200 $113,893 The Miller Family Scholarship Fund $16,202 $15,000 $33,507 The Mitton Scholarship Fund $13,237 $14,624 The Ronald E. Oliveira ’55 Scholarship Fund $24,920 $27,531 The Charles A. Pappas Endowed Scholarship Fund $475,150 $524,951 The Wayne N. Peterson ’55 Scholarship Fund $25,000 $24,797 The Carl & Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Scholarship Fund $280,020 $309,370 The Schaefer Scholarship Fund $34,503 $38,119 The Lt. Col. William Sean Schumacher ’80 Scholarship Fund $26,071 $3,850 $32,706 The Hugh W. Schwarz ’36 Scholarship Fund $30,760 $33,984 The Robert and Frank Scully ’44 Endowed Scholarship Fund $136,548 $150,860 The Sedgeman Family Scholarship Fund $52,284 $500 $58,260 The Jack Boyd Smith Jr. ’76 Endowed Scholarship Fund $244,884 $25,000 $297,879 The L. Middlebrook Smith ’34 Scholarship Fund $47,448 $52,421 The Stephen P. ’68 & Gary K. ’76 Sprague Scholarship Fund $51,456 $6,000 $63,091 The Stevens Foundation Scholarship Fund $67,873 $74,986 The Robert Gregg Stone Scholarship Fund $293,340 $324,085 The Robert V. Sweeney Scholarship Fund $260,366 $100 $287,759 The Elizabeth Taber Scholarship Fund $127,175 $140,504 The James B. Tedesco ’79 Memorial Scholarship Fund $27,814 $15,000 $46,336 The Atlabachew Tedla Scholarship Fund $20,709 $22,879 The Tiedemann Family Scholarship Fund $809,353 $894,183 The Mary & Edmund Tripp Scholarship Fund $288,387 $318,614 The Tarik Toukan ’98 Memorial Scholarship Fund $15,442 $17,060 The Wallace Foundation Scholarship Fund $142,707 $157,664 The Watts Family Scholarship Fund $25,000 $25,541 The Webster Scholarship Fund $925,336 $1,022,321 The James W. Wickenden Scholarship Fund $821,799 $907,933 The Williams Scholarship Fund $14,730 $16,274 The Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Family Scholarship Fund $45,000 $49,191 T OT AL SC HOLARSHIP END OWMENT $12,506,773 $1,174,982 $15,004,930 ENDOWMENT FOR FAC ULTY A ND INS TRU CTION Anonymous $139,108 $153,688 The Lawrence O. Bidstrup Faculty Summer Sabbatical Fund $28,218 $50 $31,228 The Birdsall Faculty Fund $117,121 $129,397 The Braitmayer Faculty Enrichment Fund $800,084 $883,941 The Rudolph Weyerhaeuser Driscoll Chair in History $1,316,099 $1,454,041 The Winifred P. & Robert E. Eichler Jr. ’32 Fund $132,084 $145,928 The Faculty Summer Sabbatical Fund $104,091 $115,001 The Edward E. Ford Foundation Faculty Benefit Fund $111,779 $123,495 The Edward E. Ford Foundation Fund for Faculty Study and Development $100,334 $110,850 The Dr. Lincoln E. Ford ’56 Fund for Biological Sciences $200,000 $208,090 The Marguerite Peet Foster Fund for Marine Science $100,787 $110,173 The Frank Faculty Fund for Excellence in Science $10,759 $12,591 $24,898 The James David Gowing Chair in English $1,287,520 $1,422,467 The Jim Gowing/Ben Phipps Fund $44,592 $49,266 The Clayton Edward Keith Fund $77,776 $85,927 The William R. Kenan Jr. Fund $2,416,278 $2,669,531 The Lyndon Paul Lorusso ’73 Faculty Fund $162,541 $179,577 The Mazzuto Mathematics Fund $33,115 $36,586 The Charles E. Merrill Fund $96,860 $107,012 The Mitton Faculty Fund $13,732 $15,172



ma rk et valu e

this y ea r

total rec eiv ed


ma rk et valu e


The W. Ralph Muth Fund for Marine Sciences $54,054 $59,719 The Lee Pokoik ’63 Faculty Fund $233,158 $257,596 The Gilbert E. & Dorothy Stokes Endowment Fund for Science $62,926 $69,521 The Gilbert E. Stokes Endowment Fund for Science Technology $67,354 $8,150 $82,887 The Marjorie and Stanley Stroud Faculty Summer Sabbatical Fund $49,785 $55,003 The Tabor Faculty Fund $163,294 $180,409 The Barbara Wickenden Memorial Fund for Faculty Enrichment $130,333 $143,993 The Richard S. & Katharine E. Wickenden Fund $150,340 $166,097 TO T A L F A C U L T Y a n d ins tr uctio n ENDOWMENT $7,903,336 $321,578 $9,071,492 EN D O WMEN T F O R T HE LIB RARY The Buccaneer Library Fund $16,712 $18,463 The Parents’ Library Fund $44,274 $48,914 The Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Library Fund $223,414 $7,000 $253,976 The Stone Library Fund $37,161 $41,056 The Swope Family Library Fund $247,748 $273,715 Nancy Wickenden Library Collection $39,621 $2,650 $46,412 TO T A L L I B R A R Y ENDOWMENT $608,930 $9,650 $682,536 EN D O WMEN T F O R T HE ART S The Cushner Art Fund $169,630 $5,000 $192,611 The William C. Maxwell Recital Series Fund $64,997 $71,809 The Page Music Fund $33,323 $36,815 The Joseph Tomlinson Jr. Fellowship in the Arts and Letters $253,059 $279,583 The Tomlinson Performing Arts Fund $165,664 $183,028 TO T A L A R T S END O WMENT $686,673 $5,000 $763,846 EN D O WMEN T F O R AT HLET IC S AND T HE WAT ERFRONT The Aron Family Girls’ Crew Fund $69,511 $76,796 The F. Turner Blake Jr. ’34 Memorial Fund $26,877 $29,694 The Brown Crew Fund $21,502 $23,756 The Comfort Competitive Sailing Fund $33,144 $36,617 The Fleet Replacement Fund $626,928 $692,637 The Ford Memorial Fund $13,451 $14,861 The Girls’ Athletics Endowed Fund $10,289 $11,367 The Girls’ Crew Fund $13,756 $15,198 The George E. Glaeser Fund $246,592 $3,000 $275,534 The Griffith Fund $65,605 $72,481 The Integlia Family Lacrosse Fund $25,535 $28,211 The Robert H. Leighton ’60 Memorial Tabor Boy Fund $2,972,946 $7,400 $3,292,238 The Schaefer Wet Lab Fund $224,219 $5,000 $252,922 The James B. & Elizabeth P. Sprague Competitive Sailing Fund $23,077 $2,000 $27,577 The Squash Team Fund $15,685 $17,329 The Sumner J. Waring III ’87 Fund For Athletics $53,308 $50,174 $108,661 The Joshua H. Weeks Tournament Fund $5,048 $5,577 The Elinor & Thomas C. Weaver Endowed Tabor Boy Fund $48,423 $53,499 The Sarah G. & Louis S. Wolfe Crew Endowment Fund $53,364 $58,957 The Sarah & Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Henley Crew Fund $493,400 $545,113 TO T A L A T H L E T I C S A ND WAT ERFRONT ENDOWMENT $5,042,659 $67,574 $5,639,026 O T H ER END O WMENT FUNDS The Laurence F. Brooks ’33 Fund $125,841 $139,030 The Class of ’48 Fund $537,139 $8,954 $602,636 The Class of ’72 Student Research Fund $16,979 $18,759 The Cum Laude Society Fund $19,500 $20,782 The William F. G. Dawson ’45 Award $9,392 $10,376 The Pamela Trussell Duggan Memorial Fund $51,032 $56,381



ma rk et valu e

this y ea r

total rec eiv ed


ma rk et valu e


The External Studies Fund $338,366 $373,831 The George M. French Summer Sailing Scholarship Fund $17,679 $19,532 The Harple Technology Fund $119,311 $131,816 The Headmaster’s Fund $79,694 $88,047 The Andrew D. Heitman ’89 Creativity Fund $7,092 $7,835 The Matthew W. Houlihan ’99 Faculty Award $4,082 $4,509 The Shattuck Fund for Language Studies $19,962 $22,054 The Pauline M. and Bradley E. Steele ’50 Fund $105,547 $115,377 The Catherine C. Weathers Fund $43,919 $48,522 The Stanley G. Welsh ’29 Fund $7,162,163 $8,033,250 The Welsh Family Fund $234,288 $10,082 $269,333 The West Family Award $2,672 $2,953 The Wickenden Chapel Fund $253,535 $1,000 $281,100 T OT AL OT HER ENDOWMENT $9,023,146 $145,083 $10,246,123 GENERAL/UNRES T RIC T ED EN D OWMENT $2,538,786 $2,804,879 T OT AL ENDOWMENT $38,310,303 $1,723,867 $44,212,833 * June 30, 2014 Unaudited

giving trends O verall

% Pa r tici p atio n

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

100 100 100 100 100 Trustees 100 99 81 100 96 Faculty 58 58 63 60 63 Current Parents 22 21 20 21 21 Parents of Alumni 20 19 18 20 20 Alumni Total givin g to all fu n ds, ca pital, an n u al, an d endow m en t , w a s

$ 6 ,3 9 0 ,9 8 7

Tabor A dvan c e me n t Ear ns

O ve r a l l I m p r ov ement A wa rd Thanks to your efforts in supporting our fundraising and volunteer programs, Tabor’s Advancement Office

You r u n restricted gifts th rou gh th e Fu n d fo r Tabor directly impact th e qu ality of th e program at Tabor. Your givin g i s

was selected by our professional organization CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education)

an in vestmen t in ou r stu den ts an d facu lty, an d in o u r school .

to receive their Overall Improvement Award in Fundraising for 2014! What a testament to our entire community’s affection for Tabor. Thank you!


We appreciate your support for Tabor!

7% m en t ow




s 2 0

s 1 6%

a rC

e mm

es 7%









En d

Fund raisin g 9 %



Tuition 73%



/T min

Ad Instruction 51%



s of

Summer Camp 4%










s 2 0


n Fu





6% RS NO DO of $ 1 3 9 0,0 id 00 m + ra Py $1 r ,00 1-$ Tabo 10 r ,00 fo 0



F und

donors to



14 $1

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e / Gi ft Ra ng # of Do no rs







gave$250 r

Tabo r



$1 e di









Fund for Tabor Performance Overtime 2014

$ 1 ,774,844


$ 1 ,669,774


$ 1 ,344,569


$ 1 ,391,895


$ 1 ,446,200






Nicole Schneeberger ’15



1 8 7 6 Founde r ’s Soci e ty Don ors

Walt e r H. Lilla r d C ir cl e

Gifts of $100,000 or more Anonymous (1) The Estate of Charles S. Arms Mr. & Mrs. John W. Braitmayer ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Keith N. Browning ’79 Mr. David M. Campbell ’71 Dr. & Mrs. Lincoln E. Ford ’56 Mrs. Marguerite P. Foster * Mr. & Mrs. Carmine A. Martignetti ’71 Mr. Kenzo Matsumura Mr. & Mrs. William L. Phelps ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Lee Pokoik ’63 Mr. & Mrs. Hector Sulaiman Mr. & Mrs. David A. Wallace ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Ja me s W. Wicke nde n C ir cl e

Gifts of $50,000 - 99,999 Anonymous (1) Mr. & Mrs. Clement C. Benenson ’00 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan H. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Gring Jr. ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Shosuke Idemitsu ’52 Mr. & Mrs. Sumner J. Waring III ’87 Jo s e p h J. Smar t C ir cl e

Gifts of $25,000 - 49,999 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barrett ’70 Mr. Brad Ellins & Ms. Tonya Jilling Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Graham Mr. & Mrs. William F. Houlihan Jr. Mr. Paul Murphy Esq. ’75 & Ms. Gia Partain Mrs. Joanne Peterson The Estate of Wayne W. Peterson ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Boyd Smith Jr. ’76 The Estate of Mr. Tudor H. Tiedemann Jr. ’45 Dr. Peter D. Watts ’72 & Dr. Jane M. Watts Rode r ick B e e be C ir cl e

Gifts of $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (2) Dr. Seung Chang Baek & Ms. Soa Sung Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Benton Jr. ’46 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Callaghan ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Clark Mr. & Mrs. G. Eric Davis ’89 Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler ’87 & Mr. John Eyler Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett Sr. ’62 Dr. Edmund Frank ’69 & Dr. Eustacia Frank Mr. Kenneth R. Graboys Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Grosart Liz & Dennis Hager ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Jamieson Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Jarbeau ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Won-Suk Joo Mr. & Mrs. James Lennane Mr. & Mrs. Brian Liistro ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Macaulay Mr. & Mrs. Archer M. Macy Jr. ’71


Mr. Christopher Makepeace ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Liam McClennon Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miller Mr. & Mrs. John B. Parker ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Pyne ’66 The Estate of Mr. John H. Read ’33 Mr. & Mrs. Garrard K. Schaefer ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Phillips G. Smith ’65 Mr. Stephen Sprague ’68 & Ms. Catherine Capasso Mr. & Mrs. John F. Swope ’56 Mr. Charles M. Talanian Mr. Andrew M. Tappe ’79 Dr. Steven A. Tedesco Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tomlinson ’83 Mrs. S. J. Weinberg Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Amr Zahid ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Zammito

Dr. John Park & Dr. Grace Park Mr. & Mrs. John F. Parks ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Rego Mr. & Mrs. William P. Rice Jr. ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Rogers ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Schaefer III ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Scully ’44 Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin Mr. & Mrs. Ross E. Sherbrooke Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Sherbrooke ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Squarcia Jr. ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey T. Stewart ’69 Dr. Paul Tedesco & Dr. Eleanor Tedesco Ms. Barbara Timken Mrs. Heather Rosbe Vrattos ’87 & Mr. William Vrattos Mr. Philip Wellman & Ms. Leslie Smith Ms. Sybil Williams Mr. & Mrs. James F. Wilman ’55

Capt. John A . Carlson Circle

Richard F. H oyt Ci rcle

Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous (1) Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV Mr. William Adamson Ms. Lyle Anderson ’94 Mr. Peter B. Aronson ’84 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Austin ’74 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Austin III Dr. Fahad Balghunaim Mr. Faisal A. Balghunaim ’11 Mr. & Mrs. David B. Barker ’46 Mrs. Lisa A. Barnhill Dr. William G. Bethel ’65 Mr. & Mrs. R. William Blasdale ’61 Prof. & Mrs. Wendell S. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. Browning ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Eric Carlstrom Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Chapin ’77 Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Cushner ’49 Mrs. Sarah Lambert Dolan ’90 & Mr. John Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ehrreich Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett Jr. ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gamache Mr. & Mrs. John M. Goll Jr. ’90 Mr. Kevin Grant & Ms. Valarie Kinkade Mr. Ralph A. Greene ’58 Mr. & Mrs. Josiah Hatch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hunter IV ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Willard M. Hunter ’75 Mr. Alexander Kohn ’95 & Ms. Mary O’Rourke Mr. Samuel W. Lambert III Mr. & Mrs. Angus H. Leary ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Y. Lubar ’88 Mr. Edmon G. Luke Jr. ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Allen Mann Mr. & Mrs. Ledyard McFadden Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Mendes III ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Harry P. Oakes ’51 Mr. John C. Pappas ’84

Gifts of $1,876 - $4,999 Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Adams ’48 Ms. Heather Aron ’94 & Mr. Ross Schulman Dr. Seihyun Baik & Ms. Kyungran Lee Mr. William Beautyman Jr. ’63 & Ms. Catharine Gribb Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Benedict Mr. Peter E. Blau ’50 Mr. & Mrs. David V. D. Borden ’67 Mr. Alexander O. Browning ’10 Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Browning ’81 Mr. Sam Buttrick & Mrs. Carolin Raleigh Buttrick Mr. Joseph Castro Mr. & Mrs. James T. Chadwick Jr. ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cifrino Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Clark ’48 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Curley III ’80 Mrs. Katrina Saltonstall Currier ’87 & Mr. James Currier Mr. & Mrs. Joshua A. Darwin ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiFilippo Mr. Christopher Dowley ’76 & Ms. Laura Freysinger Ms. Robin Dripps ’60 & Ms. Lucia Phinney Mr. & Mrs. Bradford N. Eames ’61 Mr. Richard M. Edlin ’73 Mr. & Mrs. William M. Evans ’65 Mr. Yeping Fan & Mrs. Wei Song Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Finn ’74 Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Floyd ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Foster ’67 Ms. Jennifer B. Fox ’07 Mr. Albert Fried Jr. ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Genereux Mr. & Mrs. Alan S. Golub ’53 Mr. & Mrs. John Gorham Mrs. Robin T. Hadley The Estate of Mr. Robert D. Hall ’51

* = deceased Mr. & Mrs. Merrick W. Hellyar ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Hodges ’64 Mr. A-Tien Huang & Mrs. Hsiu-Hsiang Cheng Mr. & Mrs. William T. Hurley III ’57 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hutton ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Inches Mr. Andrew Joblon ’02 Mr. & Mrs. C. Ronald Johnson ’64 Mr. Jinsoup Joung & Mrs. Hyemi Seol Mr. Ernest M. Kalman ’52 Mr. & Mrs. James Kay Mr. & Mrs. David M. Keeffe ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Klaff ’85 Mr. John B. Knowles ’00 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Krueger ’53 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Levine ’69 Mr. Yadong Li & Mrs. Yihe Zhang Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Manory Mr. Richard B. Marchisio ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Carter E. Mario ’76 Mr. Andrew McIntire ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 Mr. & Mrs. James McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Orin H. Meyer ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mongrain Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Moore ’61 Mr. Cyril O’Neil ’88 & Mr. Tristan McManaman Mr. Andrew M. O’Shaughnessy ’91 & Dr. Elizabeth S. O’Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. John Paliotta Mr. & Mrs. Paul Park Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin K. Phipps Jr. ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund O. Piehler Jr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk Mr. & Mrs. Paul Riley Ms. Barbara I. Rodgers Ms. Gale P. Runnells Ms. Jaquelyn M. Scharnick ’02 Mr. Norman Schneeberger Mr. Lawrence F. Schumaker ’52 & Dr. Elizabeth J. Schumaker Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sears Jr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. David Sigal Mr. Augustin V. Simeon ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Smith ’90 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Sprague ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stillwell Mr. & Mrs. Eric H. Strand ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Sturgess ’66 Ms. Courtney M. Taylor ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Jay H. Tracy Mr. & Mrs. Jay Wang Mrs. Christine Ward Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Webb Mr. Joshua J. Weeks ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Brad Whitman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Willms Mr. & Ms. Peter J. Zacchilli ’65 Mr. Hongyang Zhang & Ms. Yaqian Wang

Honor ing the Tradition and Le ade r ship of 25 Y ears of C ons e cutiv e G ivin g

These alumni and friends have crossed a noteworthy threshold. They have joined the esteemed group of Tabor supporters

Did You Know A L L G I F T S M A KE A D I F F EREN C E


Below are few examples of how gifts, of every size, to the Fund For Tabor pay for everyday student expenses.

who have contributed toward our success for twenty-five consecutive years. They are our bedrock! Thank you. Mr. Spencer W. Blasdale ’85 Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler ’87 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Knoll Mr. and Mrs. David K. Pierce Mr. Crey R. Weston ’76


One set of 24 hard pastels

Dissection Kit


One spool of sculpture wire


Rain gear for a field hockey player

Football game ball

Seine net


One set of professional design

markers $85

Sketchbooks for intro art class


One dozen 9x12 canvases


Soccer game ball

Fine drawing paper for a drawing/

sculpture class

Refractometer (measures salinity)


Basketball uniform


Football helmet


Digital pottery scale

Referees for a game


Field hockey game balls for a season


Bus trip to St. George’s


Crew oar

$1,000 Shimpo potter’s wheel

Defibrillator for Athletic Center

Microscope $2,000 Raw materials for Glaze Lab

Camera body

Camera lens

$5,000 Video editing equipment


gift s fr om al umni C la s s Of 1 9 2 8

Mr. Robert D. Reinhardt D C la s s Of 1 9 3 2

Mr. Reinald Werrenrath Jr. D

Navigators Mr. E. Vaughn Deal D Mr. John H. Giffin Jr. D Mr. Roger L. Kellner D Mr. Edward W. Noyes D Mr. Stephen R. Warsaw D

C la s s of 1 9 3 3

The Estate of Mr. John H. Read C la s s Of 1 9 3 6

Mr. Russell W. Field Jr. D Mr. Orville W. Forte Jr. D

Class Of 1946 Pa rti ci pat i on 28% D ollars $23,925

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. Philip E. Benton Jr.

C la s s Of 1 9 3 8

The Estate of Mr. George H. Hart Lt. Col. George Holton, USAF D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. David B. Barker D

C la s s Of 1 9 3 9

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. William H. Hoffmann D

Dr. Edward F. Woods D C la s s Of 1 9 4 2 Pa r ticipat ion 3 3 % Dollar s $ 6 2 5

Navigators Mr. Donald E. Hewat Mrs. K. Julie Race D Mr. Bradley Randall Jr. D Mrs. Mary A. French Ryan D C la s s Of 1 9 4 3 Pa r ticipat ion 7 1 % Dollar s $ 6 5 0

Navigators Mr. George A. L. Brown Mr. Kenneth G. Cloud Jr. * Mr. William P. Mallory D Mr. Phillips A. Noyes Jr. D Mr. John W. Orcutt Jr. D C la s s Of 1 9 4 4 Pa r ticipat ion 3 8 % Dollar s $ 6 ,8 7 5

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Robert G. Scully All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. George C. Wiswell Jr. Navigators Mr. Philip B. Clough D Paul D. Lipsitt, PhD Geoffrey H. Tootell, PhD D Mr. Cyrus B. Whitney D C la s s Of 1 9 4 5 Pa r ticipat ion 3 0 % Dollar s $ 3 1 ,9 5 0

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000 +) The Estate of Mr. Tudor H. Tiedemann Jr. All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. G. Howard Morse Jr. D


Navigators Mr. Charles E. Beckman D Mr. John E. Bethel D Mr. Stuart I. Harris D Mr. John A. Murphy D Mr. William B. Southworth Jr. D Mr. Robert G. Thompson Mr. Charles S. Trefrey D Class Of 1947 Pa rti ci pat i on 31% D ollars $2,545

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Silas C. Peterson Jr. D Navigators Mr. Eric P. Bierrie D Mr. Bennett R. Donovan Dr. Timothy W. Edlund D Mr. Charles B. Flood D Mr. Stephen Greenberger D Mr. Wayne D. Jackson Lewis P. Lipsitt PhD D Mr. Donald H. Ramsbottom D Mr. Irving R. Stewart D Mr. Irving K. Taylor D Class Of 1948 Pa rti ci pat i on 56% D ollars $116,905

Navigators Mr. Edward S. Buckley IV D Mr. William C. Couch D Mr. Myron G. Eisenhaure Mr. William S. Elliott Jr. Mr. Edwin L. Lyon D Mr. Donald W. Noyes D Mr. Richard A. Somerby D Mr. Will W. White III Mrs. Nathaniel C. Wiley Jr. Class Of 1949 Pa rti ci pat i on 26% D ollars $7,802

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Dr. Richard M. Cushner D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Merrick W. Hellyar D Navigators Mr. Walter L. Flaherty Mr. R. Chase Lasbury III Mr. Nicholas Sarris D Mr. Paul K. Young D Class Of 1950 Pa rti ci pat i on 39% D ollars $6,264

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Peter E. Blau D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. George Graboys D Mr. Lyman W. Phillips Jr. D Navigators Mr. Joseph L. Albertson Jr. D Mr. Arthur H. Bennett Jr. D Mr. Stephen E. Clark D Mr. Robert M. Cushman D Mr. Robert K. Edwards Mr. William P. Engels D Mr. Thomas B. Harrington D Mr. William J. Maddox D Mr. Samuel Russell D Mr. Robert W. Snow D Mr. Frederick J. Tower D

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000 +) Mr. John W. Braitmayer D

Class Of 1951 Pa rti ci pat i on 47% D ollars $14,663

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. John F. Parks D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Harry P. Oakes D

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Robert E. Adams D Mr. Edward E. Clark D Mr. Albert Fried Jr. D

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) The Estate of Mr. Robert D. Hall Mr. Benjamin K. Phipps Jr.

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Richard F. Bumer D Mr. James C. Collins D Mr. Arthur J. Ferguson D

Navigators Mr. Neale Birdsall D Mr. Thomas C. Brody D Mr. Kenneth H. Clark D

Mr. Randolph J. Hayes D Mr. Patrick H. Horgan II D Mr. Daniel M. Johnson D Mr. Peter W. Kilborn Mr. Austin F. Kirkbride D Mr. John M. Lane D Mr. E. Swift Lawrence D Mr. Thomas K. Marshall D Mr. George E. Morson Mr. G. Donald Newman Mr. Wainwright R. Roebling Mr. Morgan Seelye D Mr. Richard P. Slavin Mr. Richard G. Temple D Mr. Edward A. Washburn Jr. D Cla s s O f 1 9 5 2 Pa r t i c i p at i on 3 2 % Dollars $66,136

James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000 +) Mr. Shosuke Idemitsu Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Ernest M. Kalman D Mr. Lawrence F. Schumaker D Navigators Mr. G. William Ellis III D Mr. Reid Higgins D Mr. Anthony S. Horton D Mr. J. Kendell Longe Jr. D Mr. C. Denison Makepeace II D Mrs. Virginia Rice Mr. Jackson P. Sumner D Mr. Jonathan F. Swain D Mr. Theodore C. Taub Cla s s O f 1 9 5 3 Pa r t i c i p at i on 3 5 % Dollars $7,660

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Alan S. Golub D Dr. Thomas P. Krueger All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Jon R. Shakour D Navigators Mr. Lawrence A. Collins Mr. Henry D. DeWolf Jr. Mr. William H. Edgerton D Mr. J. Michael Gearon Mr. Peter T. Houston Mr. Charles C. Ives D Harry M. Johnson, PhD D Mr. Wayne Thomas Keith D Mr. F. Fritz Knight D Mr. August B. Miller Jr. D Mr. Charles R. Peters Jr. Ms. Carol Michaud Sanz Mr. Joseph A. Schwartz CMDR Richard R. Ward USN(Ret.) Mr. John Woodman

C la s s Of 1 9 54 Pa r ticipat ion 22% Dollar s $ 2 ,530

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Carey D. Rhoten D Navigators Mr. Peter W. Bachner Mr. David L. Brown Rev. Ira W. Chace Mr. Peter S. Ellis D Rev. William A. Jeffrey Jr. D Dr. Anthony M. Martin D Mr. Duncan C. Martin Mr. James M. O’Connor Lt. Col. Philip C. Simmons D Mr. Franklin C. Stout D Mr. Anthony A. Tully D Honorable John M. Xifaras D C la s s Of 1 9 55 Pa r ticipat ion 33% Dollar s $ 3 3 , 285

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000 +) The Estate of Mr. Wayne N. Peterson Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. James F. Wilman D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Canon Richard T. Nolan D Mr. Gary Reitzas D Navigators Mr. Arthur C. Conro II Prof. Louis Michael Falkson D Dr. Ralph H. Henderson D Mr. Robert B. Jones D Mr. Richard E. Nelson Mr. Albert R. Pierce III D Mr. Eugene F. Proctor D Peter B. Ripley, PhD Mr. William H. Williams III D Mr. Robert Mugar Yacubian D C la s s Of 1 9 56 Pa r ticipat ion 23% Dollar s $ 2 2 5,375

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000 +) Dr. Lincoln E. Ford Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. Dennis S. Hager D Mr. John F. Swope D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. G. Richard Duffy D Dr. Richard R. Pariseau Mr. Jules S. Worthington D Mr. Denys Wortman D

Navigators Mr. Bradford S. Howe Mr. Andrew S. Marvin D Mr. M. Vance Munro D Mr. Vincent C. Zavorskas D Class Of 1957 Pa rti ci pat i on 20% D ollars $21,800

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. John B. Parker Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Edmon G. Luke Jr. D


Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. William T. Hurley III D

The Anchors you see

Navigators Mr. Ross R. Anderson D Mr. Richard E. Block D Mr. Harvey C. Felton D Mr. Robert S. Hurd Sr. D Mr. Robert A. O’Brien D Mr. Richard H. Rowland D Mr. Richard W. Swett D Mr. Almon F. Townsend III Mr. David M. Ziskind D

the strong foundation

Class Of 1958 Pa rti ci pat i on 23% D ollars $9,940

30. New graduates are

after names represents

our consistent donors provide to Tabor. We opened the Anchor program in FY2010 to recognize those alumni who make a gift each and every year by June

encouraged to join in their first year after

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Ralph A. Greene D


Navigators Mr. Robert G. Crocker D Mr. Peter D. Haddock D Mr. Frederic B. Hill Mr. Bradford W. Lowe D Mr. Richard H. Pierce D Mr. Daniel J. Reagan III Mr. Richard F. Reed Mr. John F. Scott III D Mr. John S. Van Stone D Major Edward Flournoy Wells Class Of 1959 Pa rti ci pat i on 19% D ollars $2,325

Navigators Mr. Peter D. Billings Gordon A. Carpenter Esq. D Mr. John H. Detweiler D Mr. John Q. Goodrich Jr Mr. Gray G. Henry D Mr. Thomas W. Hoagland D Mr. John D. MacBain Jr. D Mr. Richard C. Marcy Jr. D Mr. Peter Meenan D Mr. Robert J. Smith


C la s s Of 1 9 6 0 Pa r ticipat ion 3 2 % Dollar s $ 7 ,8 6 0

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Ms. Robin D. Dripps D

Mr. Howard Shrut D Mr. David Stiller D Mr. Russell V. Sullivan D Mr. Harold L. Sutcliffe Mr. Richard Barry Swain D Mr. D. Warren Vose Jr. D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Karl D. Jackson D Mr. Edward F. Kakas II D

Class Of 1962 Pa rti ci pat i on 46% D ollars $30,097

Navigators Mr. William T. Bertrand Mr. John T. Cederholm Dr. John M. B. Craig D Captain Gerald Davis Jr. USN(Ret.) D Mr. Oswald G. Hayes Jr. D Mr. David S. Howard Mr. Glenn R. Howe Mr. Frank W. Jaeger Jr. D Mr. Richard J. Lawton D Mr. Robert C. Myers Mr. William B. Notman D Mr. Charles C. Pierce Mr. William H. Sedgeman Jr. Mr. Raymond S. Streit D Frederick B. Tuttle Jr., PhD D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. Robert R. Fawcett Sr.

C la s s Of 1 9 6 1 Pa r ticipat ion 4 3 % Dollar s $ 2 4 ,6 6 5

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. R. William Blasdale D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Bradford N. Eames D Mr. Richard B. Marchisio D Mr. Stanley W. Moore Mr. Edmund O. Piehler Jr. D Mr. Richard W. Sears Jr. D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Roger D. Elsas Mr. James P. Luke Sr. D Mr. Robert K. Merry D Navigators Mr. Alan H. Banister D Col. L. C. Burwell III, USAF D Dr. James B. Calvin D Mr. Howard B. Cantor Mr. Charles E. Carey Jr. D Mr. Ernest J. Chornyei Jr. D Mr. Richard B. Earle D Mr. Robert W. Gunning D Mr. Martin C. Hackel Mr. John R. Hallen D Joseph S. Heyman, PhD D Mr. Jack B. Hirschmann Jr. D Mr. Robert W. Kraemer D Mr. Albert E. Love Jr. D Dr. Gordon E. McNeer Mr. F. Colin Pease Mr. William M. Savage D Mr. Charles P. Schutt Jr. D


Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Orin H. Meyer All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. John H. Birdsall III D Mr. John M. Hills D Mr. Michael B. Ingram D Mr. Wayne W. Long D Mr. David V. Mason, USAR (Ret.) D Navigators Anonymous (1) Mr. Thomas R. Birnbaum Mr. Fordyce T. Blake III D Mr. George F. Booth II D Mr. Andrew E. Bram D Mr. Stephen F. Brown D Mr. Richard L. Cherry D Mr. Jeffrey P. Ellis Mr. Christopher J. Gerow Capt. Nathaniel A. Gladding Dr. Thomas B. Graboys Mr. J. Bruce Hamilton Mr. James B. Hartley Mr. David N. Kelley II Mr. Alexander S. Koehler D Mr. John P. Marchand D Mr. Christopher Pett-Ridge Mr. Theodore L. Prescott Mr. William R. Reid III D Mr. Peter E. Rhoten Dr. Robert I. Russell Mrs. Donna V. Sawyer D Mr. Edward W. Terrill Mr. George B. Utter Mr. Wayne Walega D Mr. Robert E. White Jr. D Class Of 1963 Parti ci pat i on 17% Dollars $177,740

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000 +) Mr. Lee Pokoik D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. William Beautyman D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Paul D. Harrington D

Navigators Mr. Thomas C. Burke D Mr. David R. Ellis D Mr. Ronald L. Fink D Mr. Robert K. Griffith Jr. Mr. Joseph Halsted Mr. John W. Lovell D Mr. Donald S. Merry D Mr. Raymond W. Mino Jr. D Mr. David D. Tura D Mr. Paul S. Zottoli D Class Of 1964 Pa rti ci pat i on 33% D ollars $12,735

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Thomas H. Hodges D Mr. C. Ronald Johnson D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Richard L. Fowler Jr. D Mr. David S. McNeilly D Navigators Mr. Kenneth V. Chace Jr. Mr. John A. Correa D Mr. Peter G. Delany Mr. Conrad M. Deneault Sr. Mr. Michael S. Fawcett D Lt. Col. Christopher M. Hayes D Mr. David A. Hirsch Mr. Kim R. MacConnel D Jonathan L. Markley, PhD D Mr. Scott L. Matthews Mr. Robert H. Meyer Mr. Peter M. Nourjian Mr. Edward L. Pierce Mr. William R. Sanders Mr. Richard F. Savignano Mr. William J. Schuler D Jay A. Ziskind, Esq. D Class Of 1965 Pa rti ci pat i on 36% D ollars $53,786

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. Richard W. Jarbeau D Mr. Phillips G. Smith D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Dr. William G. Bethel Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. William M. Evans Mr. John L. Taber D Mr. Peter J. Zacchilli All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Alexander M. Chanler Mr. Robert B. Cowan Mr. Robert S. Cunningham Mr. Timothy C. Hall Mr. Ladd P. Hey

Mr. Howard C. Mandeville Mr. Robert A. Shore D Dr. Jay T. Winburn Navigators Mr. William T. Banning D Mr. John W. Beveridge Mr. Robinson M. Billings Mr. Jonathan D. Blake D Mr. Samuel E. Carr Mr. John C. Clark Mr. Richard A. Dey Jr. Mr. Francis D. Dibble Jr. Mr. Brooks Garis Mr. Winder M. Heller D Mr. Terry Ladd D Mr. Paul E. Medeiros Mr. Roger Merrill III Mr. John P. Read Mr. Robert E. Reid Jr. Mr. John E. Robinson D Mr. Robert N. Sibulkin Mr. Harry A. Trautmann III Mr. Robert D. Watt Jr. Mr. Ronald A. Wilbur D Cla s s O f 1 9 6 6 Pa r t i c i p at i on 1 9 % Dollars $35,425

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. Christopher Makepeace D Mr. Joseph H. Pyne Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Jeffrey C. Sturgess Navigators Mr. Peter K. Aitkin Sr. D Dr. David A. Clayman D Mr. Steven L. Crowley D Mr. Gar F. Ferguson D Mr. Eneas P. Freyre D Mr. Mark B. Glovsky D Mr. Richard R. Gumpert D Mr. Wayne E. Harrington D Mr. Richard F. McConnie D Mr. Brian M. Mullen Mr. James W. C. Parker Mr. Bert M. Rappaport D Mr. Kristian J. Stoltenberg D Mr. Nicholas C. Utter D Mr. Mark W. Warter Cla s s O f 1 9 6 7 Pa r t i c i p at i on 1 9 % Dollars $9,287

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. David V. D. Borden Mr. Kenneth H. Foster All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Robert D. Ripley D Mr. Timothy E. Sanders D

Navigators Mr. Bryan T. Adriance Jr. D Mr. Michael J. Castillo D Mr. Timothy H. Dyer D Mr. Lawrence L. Goldberg Mr. Paul L. Johnson D Mr. Ronald A. Katz D Mr. Jackson O. Long D Mr. Michael H. McShane D Mr. Taylor A.B. Mills D Mr. C. Todd Robertson Mr. Peter E. Tenney D C la s s Of 1 9 68 Pa r ticipat ion 16% Dollar s $ 1 4 0,780

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000 +) Mr. Louis S. Wolfe D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. Stephen P. Sprague D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Robert M. Surdam Jr. D Navigators Mr. Dwight C. Blake D Mr. Robert E. L. Burwell D Mr. William O. Fisher Jr. D Mr. Richard R. Gascoigne D Mr. Dana C. Keyes Jr. Mr. Peter Jeffrey Lacy Mr. Ryck B. Lent Mr. Nelson W. Orr D Mr. William D. Reed Mr. Arthur E. Tebbetts II D Mr. Wade I. Treadway Mr. G. Wiley Wakeman D C la s s Of 1 9 69 Pa r ticipat ion 24% Dollar s $ 3 9 ,801

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Anonymous (1) Dr. Edmund H. Frank D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Geoffrey T. Stewart D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. John P. Levine D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Richard W. McGowan Mr. Michael A. Polemis D Mr. Edward A. Whitaker Jr. D Navigators Mr. Robert G. Babson D Mr. Paul J. Bouffier Dr. LeBaron R. Briggs IV D Mr. Mitchell W. Cabot D Mr. Christopher D. Cunningham D Mr. William E. Fitzhugh D Mr. John Stevens Hamilton D

Mr. William L. Lane Jr. D Mr. Laurence F. Lee III D Capt. George Howard Linzee Mr. Peter F. Long Sr. Mr. Douglas S. Magee D Mr. Roger C. McDonald Mr. Samuel G. Palestine Mr. William T. Simonds Mr. Peter G. Sloan Jr. D Mr. Stanley M. White D Mr. James J. Wilmot Class Of 1970 Pa rti ci pat i on 17% D ollars $48,969

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000 +) Mr. David A. Barrett D Navigators Mr. J. Scott Bermingham Mr. James A. Brennan Jr. D Mr. John C. Carrick Mr. Freddy A. Cicerchia D Mr. Richard W. Cowen Mr. Steven B. Fleming D Mr. Roger E. Hammer Jr. Mr. J. Hunt Herrigel Jr. D Mr. Mark E. Hill D Mr. Henry R. Keene Jr. D Mr. Stephen M. McIntosh Christopher B. Mead Esq. D Mr. John T. Rice Mr. Christopher O. Utter Class Of 1971 Pa rti ci pat i on 16% D ollars $319,489

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000 +) Mr. David M. Campbell Mr. Carmine A. Martignetti D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. Archer M. Macy Jr. D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Edward A. Schaefer III D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Jerald E. Brown D Navigators Mr. Donald P. Cameron III Mr. Donald C. Hurter D Mr. Joseph S. Husted D Mr. James B. Keeney D Mr. Douglas R. Rich D Mr. Dwight E. Smith D Mr. H. William Sowles D Mr. John K. Stanton Jr. Mr. Nathaniel M. Stout D Mr. Brett W. Thacher Dr. John D. Thomas II D Dr. Edward R. White D Mr. Thomas W. Wilbor III Mr. Charles E. Woodcock III


C la s s Of 1 9 7 2 Pa r ticipat ion 2 0 % Dollar s $ 6 4 ,4 5 5

Class Of 1974 Pa rti ci pat i on 16% D ollars $116,785

Class Of 1976 Pa rti ci pat i on 13% D ollars $34,989

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000 +) Dr. Peter D. Watts D

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000 +) Mr. William L. Phelps D

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000 +) Mr. Jack Boyd Smith Jr. D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. Garrard K. Schaefer D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. John C. Austin

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Christopher L. Dowley D Mr. Carter E. Mario D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Thomas B. Hunter IV

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Michael S. Finn

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Frederick P. Floyd

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Capt. Jon M. Barrett Mr. Scott F. Bearse D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Christopher N. Brennan D Mr. Charles T. Clark D Mr. Gordon S. Milne D Navigators Mr. David B. Barker Jr. D Mr. Ronald A. Bryden D Mr. Steven Cowen D Mr. William C. Davison D Mr. Edward G. Detmer D Mr. David S. Duncan Mr. Peter G. Ellis Jr Mr. John C. Evans Mr. L. Stanley Godwin Jr. D Mr. James R. Holmes D Mr. Christopher H. Lent Mr. James T. Potdevin D Mr. R. Channing Reis Mr. David G. Richardson D Mr. Bradford N. Tenney D Mr. Victor K. Toft Mr. Stephen H. Washburne D Mr. Roger F. Woodman Jr. D C la s s Of 1 9 7 3 Pa r ticipat ion 1 1 % Dollar s $ 1 3 ,5 2 3

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Christopher W. Rogers D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Richard M. Edlin D Mr. Abbott Sprague All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. David H. Stevens D Navigators Mr. Robert T. Boon D Mr. James J. Farrell Mr. John M. Halsted Mr. Norman Platt Johnson Mr. John W. McLaughlin Mr. Hilmar T. Stefansson D Mr. Michael N. Villani Mr. John P. Zacchilli D


Navigators Dr. Michael Adams D Mr. Matthew D. Blake Mr. Evan P. Braude Mr. Timothy Bryan Mr. Henri Gignoux Mr. Jonathan H. Hawkins Mr. Robert A. Heditsian D Mr. Thomas W. Henderson Mr. Bennett J. Leary Mr. Geoffrey F. Lenk Mr. Stephen B. Lynch D Mr. Joseph T. Marino D Mr. Richard T. Porteus Jr. Mr. Phillip M. Sarris Mr. Alexander W. Thomson D Mr. Mark E. Tuller Mr. Christopher J. Wood Mr. Dennis H. Wynott Class Of 1975 Pa rti ci pat i on 11% D ollars $52,512

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000 +) Mr. Paul J. Murphy D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. Amr Zahid Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Willard M. Hunter All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. James E. Conroy D Mr. William H. Weeks D Navigator Mr. Harry D. Barnett Mr. Stephen A. Bobo D Mr. Mark A. Burns Mr. Ricardo F. Cesar Mr. Alexander P. Felson Mr. D. Ross Griswold Jr. D Mr. James W. Henry D Mr. Anthony V. LoMenzo Mr. Don K. Mehan Jr. Mr. Winthrop Sargent D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Charles E. Clapp III D Mr. Jonathan A. Cottrell D Mr. Douglas C. King Navigators Mr. James P. Dooley D James M. Duarte Esq. Dr. Jay T. Hodge D Mr. Walter L. Landergan Mr. Robert L. Mogilnicki Jr. D Mr. Thomas P. Musante Jr. Mr. Douglas C. Muth Mr. Robert H. Pinkston Mr. Dana K. Smith D Mr. Frank A. Stefansson Jr. D Mr. Thomas A. Tarrant III D Mr. Crey R. Weston D Class Of 1977 Pa rti ci pat i on 9% D ollars $19,050

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Anonymous (1) Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Timothy H. Chapin All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Robert F. Long Mr. Daniel Pierce Jr. D Navigators Mrs. Wendy Cabot D Mr. Barry H. Federman D Mr. Mark A. Heartfield Mr. Michael J. Kelleher Mr. James R. Lyons Mr. Peter A. Mello Mr. Wright J. Montgomery Mr. Christopher T. Ripley D Class Of 1978 Parti ci pat i on 9% Dollars $18,106

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. Brian Liistro D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Joshua J. Weeks D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Mark R. Horan D Mr. James A. Myers D Mr. Chanet Phenjati Navigators Mr. Matthew G. Fee D Mr. Jeffrey R. Feroce Mr. John F. Fish D Mr. Charles A. Freni Jr. D Mr. David W. Johns II D Mr. Christopher C. Perry Mr. Peter V. See D Mr. Kornkrit Suksangium Cla s s O f 1 9 7 9 Pa r t i c i p at i on 1 4 % Dollars $117,188

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000 +) Mr. Keith N. Browning D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. Andrew M. Tappe D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. James P. Hutton D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Adam P. Briggs Mr. Michael A. Ryan

C la s s Of 1 9 81 Pa r ticipat ion 13% Dollar s $ 6 ,0 74

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Russell E. Browning All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Wayne Johnson III Navigators Mr. Thomas J. Buck Mr. David F. Coogan D Mr. Robert K. Creighton III Dr. James P.F. Dowling D Mr. Kirk J. Franklin Mr. Christopher M. John Mr. Regis L. Lavoie D Mr. Robert C. Miller D Mr. Brian D. Scanlon D Mr. Mark C. Soutter D Randall L. Souza, Esq. D Mr. Robert A. Stickles D Mr. Jonathan P. Stonis D C la s s Of 1 9 82 Pa r ticipat ion 10% Dollar s $ 1 2 ,554

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Louis J. Mendes III

Navigators Mr. David J. Allen D Mr. Michael L. Dunn D Mr. James H. Gildea Mr. Jeffrey D. Hauck D Mr. Shawn Horan D Mr. Charles S. Ingersoll Jr. D Mr. David E. Lee D Mr. Thompson A. Maher Mr. Dean R. Purcell Dr. William C. Sager Mr. William C. Schrader Jr. D Mr. Jose M. Sulaiman Mr. Matthew S. Twomey Mr. Alec M. Willeson D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Raad S. Abduljawad Mr. William B. Breed III Mr. William W. Saltonstall D

Cla s s O f 1 9 8 0 Pa r t i c i p at i on 7 % Dollars $4,575

C la s s Of 1 9 83 Pa r ticipat ion 23% Dollar s $ 8 9 ,775

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. William F. Curley III D

James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000 +) Mr. Frank M. Gring Jr. D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Eric S. Almeida D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. James A. Tomlinson D

Navigators Edward A. Brown, Esq. Mr. Michael H. Bucar Mr. Anthony G. Featherston IV Mr. Thomas R. Illingworth Mr. Edward J. Olivier D Mr. Robert G. Wilkinson Jr.

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Peter V. Browning

Navigators Mr. John C. Bernardin D Mr. Andrew D. Coler D Mr. William W. Creed D Mr. Christopher S. Galazzi Honorable Matthew A. Reynolds Ms. Ruth A. Shapiro Mr. Bradford W. Tracy Mr. Charles K. West III D Peter F. Winters, Esq.

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. James T. Chadwick Jr. D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Dana Didriksen

Mr. B. Jackson Gierhart Jr. D Mr. Bruce H. Lee D & Mrs. Sarah Forbush Lee Mr. Frederic C. Mock D Navigators Mr. Thomas W. Akin D Mr. Edward J. Bresnahan Jr. D Mr. Richard M. Capen D Mr. Kevin M. Chagnon D Mr. Daniel J. Cooney D Mr. Rudolph H. Deetjen III D Mr. Stewart S. Dixon Jr. Mr. Russell B. Fearing Mr. Timothy J. Foulk Mr. John C. Gannon Mr. Scott T. Johnston Mr. Joseph J. LeBlanc Ms. Sybil McCarthy Mr. Stephen S. Mercer Mr. Lincoln W. Miller D Mr. Charles B. Murray Mr. Richard H. Needham II Mr. Eric J. Northern D Mr. Lincoln S. Purdy D Mr. John D. Rogers Mr. Francis X. St. Germaine III Mrs. Kelly Starvish Stanislawzyk Mr. Stephen E. Vaitses Mr. Robert E. Wallace Jr. D

I support Tabor in recognition and thanks for its formative role in my life. Who I am, how I conduct myself personally and professionally, how I deal with challenges, all have

Class Of 1984 Parti ci pat i on 34% Dollars $32,905

been indelibly influenced by my years at Tabor.

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Peter B. Aronson Mr. John C. Pappas Mr. Patrick R. Sherbrooke

To paraphrase Alcott, ‘I do not fear storms,

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Andrew F. McIntire & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire D Mr. Eric H. Strand

for I have learned how to sail my ship.’

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. David J. DeFilippo D

—Alyssa Assad ’04

Navigators Mr. Jeffrey A. Akeson Mr. Paul A. Aston Mrs. Ann Baker Atwood Mr. George Chakmakis Jr. D Mr. Stephen R. Cochran Mr. Harold S. Crain III Mr. James E. Crick Mr. W. Austin Curwen Mr. Chris M. Donley Mr. Peter C. Eastman Mr. Stuart M. Egenberg Mrs. Ann Astrachan Eggleston Mr. Jay M. Fernald Mrs. Lisa Pozzo Iannella Mrs. Karyn Walega Janssen Mr. Kirk P. Kelly D Mrs. Stephanie Cockrell Lyon


Mr. Andrew L. McCain Mr. Todd K. Merry Mrs. Erica Paquin Meyers Ms. Heike B. Milhench Mr. Thomas R. Mottur D Mr. R. Gregg Nourjian D Mr. Elisha E. Nyman D Mr. Anthony T. Pace Mr. Ian M. H. Patrick D Dr. W. Mark Peluso D Dr. Alexander Raslavicus Mr. J. Derek Reid Mrs. Jane Sumner Richardson D Ms. Jacqueline W. Shire D Mrs. Dana Richards Vaitses Mr. Sergio Velasco D   C la s s Of 1 9 8 5 Pa r ticipat ion 2 0 % Dollar s $ 1 1 6 ,0 0 3

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000 +) Mr. David A. Wallace D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Paul A. Squarcia Jr. Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Lawrence E. Klaff Ms. Courtney M. Taylor All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Alexander J. Bernhardt II Mr. Peter R. Way Navigators Mr. Samuel T. Adams D Mr. Spencer W. Blasdale D Mr. Joseph H. Bozoyan Mr. Gary P. Brennan Mr. Richard J. DellaRusso D Mr. William Y. H. Dickey D Mrs. Stephanie Kotrofi Dragatsis Mr. Edward J. Fiorentino Mr. Kevin B. Fish Mr. Brian F. Freyermuth Mr. Steven H. Galavotti D Mrs. Marielle Meyer Gillard Mrs. Christy Jones Ketchel Mr. Thomas D. Kirk Mrs. Kristin Richardson Leahy Ms. Joanne H. Lydon Mr. Michael E. Porrazzo D Mr. Kevin C. St. Germaine D Mrs. Gretchen Shufelt Stoddard D Mr. Charles B. Teravainen Mr. Mark T. Torrisi C la s s Of 1 9 8 6 Pa r ticipat ion 2 2 % Dollar s $ 1 0 ,6 2 8

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. T. Mark Aimone D Mr. John T. Ludes Jr Mrs. Cindy Carr Mock


Mr. Christopher J. Morse D Mrs. Kristen Ryan Mozayeni D Mr. Geoffrey L. Murphy D Mrs. Jennifer Sherbrooke Palmer D Navigators Mr. Sean B. Backus D Mr. Kenneth H. Berlack D Mrs. Julie Perkins Cordonnier Ms. Amy E. Correia Mrs. Sarah Hartman Dole D Mr. Christopher C. A. Hall D Mr. Matthew P. Heard D Mr. Douglas W. Jones D Mr. Douglas H. Leighton Mr. Ronald F. MacDonald Jr. D Mrs. Susan Thomas Macleod D Mr. M. Ansley Martin Jr. D Mr. Mark C. Parsons Ms. Elizabeth Rogers Rathborne Mr. Kevin R. Roller D Ms. Jamie B. Rotman Dr. Kristin C. Smith Mr. Stuart B. Titus Mr. Ronald J. Willett D Mr. Ralph B. Williams II D Mr. Daniel M. Zinsmeyer Class Of 1987 Pa rti ci pat i on 18% D ollars $94,361

James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000 +) Mr. Sumner J. Waring III D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. Jonathan D. Callaghan D Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Robert R. Fawcett Jr. D Mrs. Heather Rosbe Vrattos D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mrs. Katrina S. Saltonstall Currier D Mr. Joshua A. Darwin D Navigators Mr. David H. Allen D Mrs. Camille Fairbanks Babanikas D Ms. Bridget Dugan Baratta D Mr. Gregory W. Barnes D Mr. Timothy D. Brewer Mrs. Jessica Nixon Cashman D Ms. Kate G. Duffy Mrs. Lora H. Lowe FitzGerald D Mrs. Catherine Harries Friesen D Mr. Lee W. Jones II D Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel D Mr. Peter A. Mottur Mr. Todd A. Needham D Mr. Harry M. Ostrander Ms. Laura Lorusso Peterson Mr. Suchin Ratanasiriwilai Mr. Jonathan S. Robie D Mrs. Julie Asselta Savage D

Class Of 1988 Pa rti ci pat i on 21% D ollars $16,510

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Gregory Y. Lubar D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Cyril F. O’Neil III All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Ian M. Del Balso Mrs. Diana Cochran Knightly D Mrs. Elizabeth Tomlinson Nemickas Navigators Mr. Samuel T. A. Ames D Mrs. Julie Kaczynski Dr. James E. Boswell Cmdr. John F. Buckley USCG D Mrs. Jennifer Heimlich Conaty D Mr. Douglass C. Coupe Mr. J. Michael Feeney D Mr. Kevin P. Foster D Mrs. Elise Schickel Goddard Mrs. Nannette Orr Gustafson Mr. Jonathan J. D. Hall D Mr. Matthew D. Hicks D Mr. Shawn R. Knechtel D Mr. Joshua C. Macomber Mr. C. Scott Marx Mr. Dalton W. Menhall II D Ms. Linda Myers D Mr. Nathaniel A. Paige Mr. Nicholas H. Penfield D Ms. Amelia M. Richards D Mr. Bradley R. Stuber Ms. Diana Walcott D Ms. Lilly F. D. Windle D Mrs. Kathleen Thomas Woodberry D Class Of 1989 Pa rti ci pat i on 22% D ollars $23,543

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. G. Eric Davis D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Honorable Jason A. King Mr. Christopher N. Snyder Mr. Andrew V. Strawbridge D Navigators Dr. Douglas S. Barnes Mr. Christopher J. Basse Mrs. Stacy Stuber Cleveland Mr. Ian F. Downey Ms. Alison MacGregor Durant D Mrs. Edgenie Rice Egerton-Warburton D Mr. Patrick D. Harold D Mr. J. David Kober Mr. Jonathan W. Leaf D Mr. Andrew S. Macaulay Ms. Elizabeth C. McDermott Mr. Christopher H. McGuire D Mr. A. Mark Milhench

Mr. Gregory T. Mino Dr. Laura Patterson Nichols Mrs. Emily Tague O’Marah Mr. Alexander Parsons Ms. Sarah W. Penfield D Mrs. Kristen Aucoin Pollack Mr. Leman M. Porter Ms. Katherine Schickel Mrs. Kelly Niehoff Schmidt Ms. Denise D. Shanahan Mrs. Lauren Fawcett Strachan Mr. Brendan E. Tierney Mrs. Jennifer Schneider Ziskin Cla s s O f 1 9 9 0 Pa r t i c i p at i on 1 0 % Dollars $18,225

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mrs. Sarah Lambert Dolan Mr. John M. Goll Jr. Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Edward J. Smith All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. C. Jason L. Bland D Mr. Anthony W. Miller Jr. Mr. John E. Villela Navigators Mrs. Alyssa Ware Bayus D Mr. David B. Howard D Mr. Peter A. Milt Mr. Tyler W. Moore D Mr. Timothy J. Roller D Mr. Eli R. Sharp Mrs. Elizabeth Arms Shields Mr. Daniel Shugrue D Mrs. Cedar McClure Valentine D Cla s s O f 1 9 9 1 Pa r t i c i p at i on 1 7 % Dollars $9,531

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Andrew M. O’Shaughnessy D Mr. Augustin V. Simeon All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Jonathan R. Hallam D Mr. Samuel M. Schaefer Navigators Mrs. Rebecca Holmes Adler Mr. Shane M. Borman Mrs. Sara Mycock Cederholm Mrs. Christina Bryan Dorrer Mr. Noel T. Duarte D Mr. Neil R. Feeley Jr. D Mrs. Jessica Hurley Givney D Mr. Cain K. Goettelman Mr. Bj B. Hall III Mr. Khalil J. Johnson Mr. Kevin P. Leddy D Mr. Jonathan H. Loer D Ms. Rebecca Merriam D

Mrs. Saran C. Mignott-Cadet Mr. Arthur J. Rosen Mr. Christopher W. B. Scott D Mr. Robert J. Weeks C la s s Of 1 9 92 Pa r ticipat ion 15% Dollar s $ 5 ,1 00

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Christopher C. Chandler Mr. Aaron A. O’Neil Navigators Mr. Bertram A. Balch D Ms. Kara-Anne Decas D Mrs. Abigail Smith Derrig D Ms. Sarah S. Evans D Mr. Geoffrey S. Jarbeau Mrs. Amy Warner Larkin Mr. Jeffrey A. Mathias D Mrs. Katherine Boniface Maurizi Mr. Eric R. Mino Mr. Gerald A. Morrissey III D Mrs. Lindsay Conway Murphy D Mrs. Teryn Moore Power Mr. Craig W. Raposa D Mrs. Hannah Amon Sexton Mr. Frank B. Sousa III D Mrs. Jodi Siegel Sward Mrs. Sarah Graboys Valeo D C la s s Of 1 9 93 Pa r ticipat ion 32% Dollar s $ 6 ,0 55

Navigators Mrs. Emily Soden Auerswald D Mrs. Ellison Beech Bakelaar D Mr. Philip Bradford Barr Mr. Timothy M. Brady D Mr. John T. Buckley Jr. Mrs. Kristen Sperry Burns Mr. Michael J. Callahan Mrs. Katherine Schaefer Cooney Mr. Vincent M. Davis Mrs. Andrea Knoll Dawson-Ellis Mr. Derek L. Gladding Mr. Ian S. Griffiths Mrs. Helena Baldwin Grima Mr. Ogden H. Hammond Mrs. Ellyn Heimlich Hurd D Mr. Oakley R. Jones III Mrs. Christel Bivens Kanda Mrs. Inger Strand Kenworthy D Mrs. Amanda Mahoney Kuhn Mr. John P. Lari Mr. Michael J. Makunas Ms. Gretchen D. Marolda Mrs. Laura Blumenberg Martorella Mr. Terry H. Miller Jr. D Mr. Kurt J. Mogilnicki D Ms. Kelly C. Moore Mr. Adam R. Mutterperl Mr. John P. Myers Mr. Aaron B. Norton D Mr. Alex G. Power

Dr. William V. Robertson V D Mr. Sasha David Salerno D Mr. Christian E. Salvati Mr. Christopher J. Smith Mr. Colin D. Sullivan D Mr. Jeffrey A. Swan Ms. Sarah T. Titus D Mrs. Renata Everett Valladares D Mrs. Alison Howard Van Keuren D Class Of 1994 Pa rti ci pat i on 18% D ollars $17,125

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Ms. Lyle Anderson D Mr. William P. Rice Jr. D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Ms. Heather J. Aron D

My education went beyond the classroom.

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Dustin R. Benson Mr. John D. Scribner

Tabor was my home. I met

Navigators Mrs. Elizabeth Bodkin Bagley Ms. Daina Bray D Mrs. Jennifer Jackson Breitling D Mr. Ethan D. Bungert Mr. Andrew R. Buttner D Mr. David M. Glynn D Mr. Darren S. Grout D Mr. Chandler W. Hall Mr. Carl R. Hall D Mr. David B. Harlow Mr. Andrew F. Herlihy D Ms. Carrie B. Johnson D Mrs. Emilie Schnitman Liebhoff D Mr. Christopher E. O’Connor D Mrs. Darah A. Smoot-Harper

so many amazing people, faculty and their families as well as my classmates, who greatly influenced the person I am today. I give to Tabor annually to say thank you.

Class Of 1995 Pa rti ci pat i on 19% D ollars $22,695

—Lizzy Confalone ‘07

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Alexander W. Kohn D Mr. Angus H. Leary & Mrs. Shannon McGrath Leary D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mrs. Nicole DeBlois Greene D Mr. Thomas McNeil D Mr. Travis M. Roy D Navigators Mrs. Amy Minella Ambrecht Mrs. Amanda Lackey Cote D Mr. Wayne P. Day-Laporte D Mrs. Salinda A. Fertig-Pechaitis Mrs. Crystal Carlton Flynn D Mr. Gabriel S. Grossman Mr. Daniel H. Guenther Lt. Col. Deane R. Konowicz D Mr. Erik W. Larsen D Mr. Ian O. Malin


Giving back to Tabor is always an easy decision for me. The difference that Tabor made in my life is an opportunity I want to help create for others. —Drew Wadsworth ‘06

Mr. Nathan J. Meleo Mr. Joshua E. Mulvey D Mrs. Katherine Clark Pawlicki Ms. Emily C. Roller D Mrs. Maija Langeland Scarpaci D Mrs. Laurel Simonini Schnitman Mrs. Sarah Meck Svaerd Mrs. Alexandra P. Knowles Thompson Mr. Christopher L. Weeks D

Mrs. Shannon Tyler Fortin D Mr. Tan Gao D Matthew M. Gorden, Esq. Mr. Leon J. Hayward D Mr. Owen H. R. Johnson D Ms. Anna E. MacIntosh Mrs. Jamie DiCostanzo Tormey Mr. Theodore G. Trafton D Mr. David J. Trovato D

C la s s Of 1 9 9 6 Pa r ticipat ion 1 0 % Dollar s $ 1 ,2 6 0

Class Of 1999 Parti ci pat i on 10% Dollars $4,020

Navigators Mr. Thomas K. Baird D Mr. Andrew W. Barter D Ms. Alison A. Brewer Dr. Job D. Cardoza D Mr. Jesse C. Flynn Mrs. Allison Bessette Koskinas D Mr. James H. Kroll D Mr. Michael B. Lampert Mrs. Christina M. Orshak Proppe D Mr. Jeremy H. Thompson Mrs. Megan Edwards Yelton D

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. David M. Keeffe D

C la s s Of 1 9 9 7 Pa r ticipat ion 1 5 % Dollar s $ 3 ,1 0 3

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Ms. Elizabeth A. Tuckel D Navigators Mrs. Emilie Douglas Ball D Mr. Alan G. Bern Mr. Michael S. Bray D Mr. Seth M. Burr D Mr. Jon B. Corbino Mrs. Emily Oppenheim Dowal Dr. Andrew P. Gilmartin D Mrs. Andrea Wadman Goldman Mrs. Lindsey Burke Higgins D Mr. Bryan D. Hitchcock Mr. Matthew T. Holmes D Ms. Elizabeth S. Hurley D Mrs. Margot Feeney Kalkanis Mr. Alex W. Larsen D Mrs. Laura R. Marlow Latka Mr. Conan H. Leary D Mrs. Laura Benedict Millar D Mr. Brian M. Montgomery Ms. Holley H. Tyng D Mrs. Jessica Tabb Wood C la s s Of 1 9 9 8 Pa r ticipat ion 1 3 % Dollar s $ 1 ,5 9 0

Navigators Mr. Marshall E. Birkins Mrs. Marci Epstein Brigman D Mr. Andrew C. Campbell Ms. Elizabeth A. Drake Mr. Grayson M. Fertig


Navigators Mr. Michael A. Close D Mr. James S. Conway Ms. Susan E. Duncan Mr. Craig A. Falite Ms. Nicole M. Fortier Mr. Derrick C. Frazier D Ms. Nadia C. Harmsen Mr. Mark D. Hutson D Mr. Joshua B. Piekarski Mr. Timothye J. Polley Mrs. Tracy Nichols Roberts D Mr. Joseph A. Sciuto Mr. Philip T. Silvia III Class Of 2000 Pa rti ci pat i on 13% D ollars $54,449

James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000 +) Mr. Clement C. Benenson D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. John B. Knowles Young Alumni Leadership Society ($500 - $999) Classes 2000 thru 2008 Mr. David T. Robinson Navigators Mr. Michael J. Buckley Mr. Colby R. Chevalier D Mrs. Courtney M. Cottrell Mr. Anthony R. Dundas-Lucca Mr. Thomas J. Flanagan III Ms. Leah A. Latham D Mr. D. Jesse MacDougall D Mrs. Laura Bender McGuinness D Mr. Cyrus H. Moulton Mr. Emil J. Peinert D Mr. Mark C. Ribeiro D Mr. Stephen F. Soden Mr. Blake E. Zahn D

Class Of 2001 Pa rti ci pat i on 15% D ollars $2,618

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Aaron D. Polhemus & Mrs. Courtney Birkins Polhemus Navigators Mr. Jonathan M. Aisenberg Ms. Emily Nissen Amanti Ms. Ashleigh C. Bowers Mrs. Lauren Piekarski Byron Ms. Kristen K. Cady-Sawyer D Mrs. Emily Silverstein Cohen Mr. James K. Dormon Mrs. Erin Washburn Griffith D Capt. Daniel F. Gwosch Ms. Devon M. Kensington Ms. Kristen S. Miller D Mrs. Caitlin McCormick Murray D Ms. Cameron O. Nugent D Mr. Stephen H. O’Brien Dr. Joshua J. Shaw Mr. Daniel P. Skoglund Ms. Amy K. Van der Veer Ms. YoungSuk M. Yoo Mr. Alan A. Zwicker D Class Of 2002 Pa rti ci pat i on 17% D ollars $6,671

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Andrew Joblon D Ms. Jaquelyn M. Scharnick Navigators Mr. Hiromasa Aono Ms. Audrey L. Blanchette Mrs. Jameson DuPont Collingham Mrs. Eliza Moulton Crimmings D Mr. Jonathan G. Gistis D Mrs. Brie Chevalier Kalivas D Mrs. Jessica Keeley Keough Mr. Stuart A. Kidder Mr. Alexander D. Kirkland Ms. Madeleine A. Mariner D Mr. Matthew J. McCarthy Ms. Alexandria M. McManus Ms. Margaret E. McSweeny Mr. Colby T. McVey Mr. Daniel C. Ryan D Mr. Adam Shabshelowitz Mr. Jeffrey P. Vickers Jr. Mr. Joshua C. White Ms. Maggie J. Zayko Class Of 2003 Pa rti ci pat i on 26% D ollars $3,225

Young Alumni Leadership Society ($500 - $999) Classes 2000 thru 2008 Mr. Samuel S. Assad D Mr. Louis M. Cotti

Navigators Mr. Jonathan E.S. Bean Mr. Joseph F. Burke Mrs. Molly Koch Bechtel D Mrs. Karla Sirianni Daniels D Ms. Melissa B. Epstein Mr. Christopher B. Franks Mr. J. Luke Gibson Mrs. Charlotte Bryan-Brown Glawe Ms. Sophie L. Hemmerdinger D Ms. Louise L. Hill Mrs. Heather Deblois Huszar D Ms. Ashley A. Johnston Mr. Alex C. Lanstein Mr. E. Bailey LaRue III Mr. Robert Hunt Latham Ms. Catherine P. Lister Ms. Jeanette P. Lofsky Ms. Alice M. Mattison Ms. Caitlin E. Milbury Mr. Tucker D. Prudden Ms. Elizabeth Reimers Captain Ryan E. Schuler Mr. Matthew B. Sloan Mrs. Alyssa Close Spavento D Ms. Maura B. Walsh Lieutenant Katherine B. Whitman D Mr. Christopher E. R. Wildman Mr. Geoffrey A. Worrell Cla s s O f 2 0 0 4 Pa r t i c i p at i on 2 8 % Dollars $7,011

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Ms. Alissa N. Assad D Ms. Fatasha D. Fareed Young Alumni Leadership Society ($500 - $999) Classes 2000 thru 2008 Ms. Alanna K. McGovern, USCG Mr. Duncan H. M. Nadler D Mr. Nathaniel Y. Walton D Navigators  Ms. Brittany L. Burnham Mr. Joseph P. Buteau D Ms. Sara G. Di Pesa Ms. Bonnie P. Duncan D Ens. Ryan W. England Ms. Lauren E. Folino Ms. Liz M. Gallinaro D Mr. Khaliq J. Gant Mrs. Anusia Hirsch Gillespie Mr. Adam P. Joyce D Ms. Caroline F. Keene Ms. Jessica B. King Ms. Sarah J. Lang Mr. Peter C. LePage Jr. Mrs. Zoe Murray Lindemuth Ms. Elizabeth A. Lucas D Mr. Patrick L. Lucey Mr. Christopher E. Manatis-Lornell D Mr. David A. Meleney Mrs. Sarah Bender Merrick Mr. Ryan M. Moskovitz D

Ms. Rebecca W. Nourse Ms. Kathleen J. O’Neil Mr. William H. O’Toole Mr. Justin J. Oakes D Ms. Ainsley C. Onstott D Mr. Eric T. Ostrowski Mr. Brendan C. Regan Ms. Emily L. Schnure Ms. Laurel A. Schultz Mr. Charles C. Talanian D Mr. Keenan D. Thomson Mr. William F. Washburn III Ms. Katharine L. Wolff C la s s Of 2 0 05 Pa r ticipat ion 28% Dollar s $ 2 ,5 00

Young Alumni Leadership Society ($500 - $999) Classes 2000 thru 2008 Ms. Catherine E. Sheridan Navigators Mr. Isa H. Abdur-Rahman D Ms. Andrea S. Ahern Mr. Zachary M. Alton Ms. Meghan C. Barrett D Mr. Christopher H. Birkins Mr. James W. Birkins Ms. Elizabeth A. Blank D Ms. Kara R. Boon Ms. Alexandra C. Bowers Ms. Alaska Burr Mr. Wesley D. Cain Ms. Emily D. Carson D Ms. Emily A. Chandler D Mr. Matthew W. Cook Ms. Alexandra S. Decas Mr. Curtis A. Edenfield Ms. Emily T. Ford Ms. Mary Frances Griffith Mr. Alexander P. Katzenstein Mr. Nicholas O. Keches D Ms. Ann H. Koch D Ms. Elizabeth V. Koczera Mr. Christopher C. Latham Ms. Molly M. Malone Ms. Kelley C. McCarthy Mr. Sean P. McGrath Ms. Siobhan E. Murphy Ms. Megan L. Olson Mr. William C. Onstott D Mr. Orlando R. Patterson Mr. Allen M. Piekara D Mr. Christopher M. Potts D Mr. Adam E. Roy Ms. Kaitlin R. Sowinski Mr. W. Casey Spilman Ms. Martica Wakeman LTJG Timothy R. Wall Ms. Charlemagne L. Watson Ms. Candace P. Whipple Ms. Lillian A. Wilson

Class Of 2006 Pa rti ci pat i on 24% D ollars $2,165

Navigators Ms. Elizabeth P. Barba Ms. Preston E. Bertles Ms. Phoebe C. Cabot Ms. Zhandra C. Cesar D Ms. Alyse K. Churchill Mr. Perry F. Dripps Ms. Elizabeth G. Eaton Mr. Ernest J. Economides Mr. Eric J. Franks D Ms. Whitney E. Greene Mr. Eliott P. Grover Ms. Sarah L. Hallberg Ms. Courtney N. Kensington Ms. Ka Lam Kung Ms. Kearsley A. Lloyd D Mr. Michael M. Lombardo Mr. Maximilian Martucelli Mr. Jonathan J. McCarthy Ms. Kathryn E. Metscher Mr. William M. Moger D Ms. Carly B. Nelthropp Ms. Wendy D. Nobrega Mr. Michael A. O’Brien Mr. Jeffrey Andrew Oakes Ms. Nina P. See Ms. Meghan L. Shine Mr. Benjamin D. Smith Mr. Douglas M. Surgenor Ms. Valerie J. Valant D Mr. Drew A. Wadsworth Mr. Dong-Yoon Yang Mr. Spencer E. Zahn D Class Of 2007 Pa rti ci pat i on 23% D ollars $4,455

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Ms. Jennifer B. Fox Navigators Ms. Laura D. Allen D Ms. Danielle Belanger Mr. Anders M. Boman D Ms. Constance E. Cammarata D Mr. Ryan M. Carroll Mr. Nathaniel J. Carson Ms. Katelyn B. Chesley Ms. Alexandra W. Comstock Ms. Elizabeth A. Confalone D Ms. Catherine M. Di Pesa Ms. Kelsey S. Durocher D Mr. Theodore Economides Mr. Bryan M. Eger Mr. Colin D. Geil Ms. Marissa R. Gentile Mrs. Sarah Arwine Gerekos D Ms. Lauren E. Grew Ms. Taylor E. Johnson Ms. Hye Mi Joo Mr. Harrison F. Lyman


Ms. Shannon Neschke Mr. Justin B. Nichols Ms. Iris M. Reed Mr. Vincent J. Valant D Ms. Lauren M. Veneziano Mr. J. Michael Zollo D C la s s Of 2 0 0 8 Pa r ticipat ion 1 5 % Dollar s $ 2 ,1 7 5

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Ms. Annabelle J. Smith D Navigators Ms. Anne R. Adams Mr. Jarrod R. Bannon D Ms. Lindsey D. Barrington Mr. Sean M. Bouchard Ms. Daniele S. Cole D Ms. Grace C. Emmons Ms. Kelly E. Foley D Ms. Gina M. Giuggio Mr. Philip H. Greenwood Mr. Schuyler G. Hemmerdinger D Ms. Aimee R. Kelleher Mr. Clifford R. Kensington Mr. Myles J. McGreavy D Ms. Maura V. Neal D Ms. Shaelyn M. O’Reilly Ms. Jane E. Pimentel Ms. Justine N. Rooney Mr. Sean P. Ross Mr. Per C. Tvetenstrand Ms. Brittany T. Usmail Mr. Kevin M. Valles D C la s s Of 2 0 0 9 Pa r ticipat ion 2 4 % Dollar s $ 3 ,4 6 8

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. John A. Domolky Young Alumni Leadership Society 5th Reunion and below ($100 - $999) Mr. Devon C. Barley Mr. Brenden E. Barry Ms. Chloe E. Charette D Ms. Kathryn E. Faucher Mr. John W. Gagnon Mr. Christopher S. Hall D Mr. Michael J. Hennessy D Mr. Matthew L. Jackson Ms. Selbie L. Jason Mr. Winslow S. Marshall Mr. Colby E. Morgan D Ms. Carly E. Nuttall Mr. Robert W. Oliver Mr. Harry J. Yates D Navigators Mr. John M. Allen Ms. Elizabeth F. Dean Mr. Carson H. Drake Mr. Matthew F. Dunne D


Mr. Ross J. Garson D Ms. Brianne G. Grealish Mr. Potter B. Hodgson Mr. Jack C. Ingram D Mr. Thomas J. Kader Mr. Shane D. King Mr. Amay J. Merchant Mr. Kyle W. Mitchell Ms. Lucie Nadler D Ms. Haley C. Olson Mr. Max D. Peinert D Ms. Frances G. Robinson Mr. Malcolm T. See Ms. Jamesin F. Seidel Mr. Craig R. Skelly Ms. Lucy V. Stevens Ms. Sara B. Stone Ms. Caroline I. Tocci D Class Of 2010 Parti ci pat i on 11% Dollars $3,587

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. Alexander O. Browning Young Alumni Leadership Society 5th Reunion and below ($100 - $999) Mr. Scott M. Barnhill Mr. Joshua T. Kanter D Navigators Ms. Bliss H. Baker D Mr. George C. Barrett Mr. Harold J. Berry Mr. Ian J. Coleman Mr. James H. Downer Ms. Maria A. Ferreira-Cesar Mr. Erik J. Geil Ms. Amanda C. Georgescu Ms. Meagan K. McCarthy Ms. Cassandra D. Smith D Mr. Edward J. Warren Ms. Ashley T. Worrell Class of 2011 Pa rti ci pat i on 15% D ollars $8,630

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. Faisal A. Balghunaim All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Christopher H. Au Mr. Richard O. Crane Mr. Mark L. Rickabaugh Young Alumni Leadership Society 5th Reunion and below ($100 - $999) Mr. Kody F. Grondin Ms. Krista K. Manzanares D Navigators Mr. Andrew P. Bannon D Mr. Samuel W. Barrett Mr. Maxwell E. Bearse D

Mr. Matthew R. Benoit Mr. Daniel E. Benoit Mr. Samuel S. Berry Ms. Catherine F. Clancy Mr. Winston A. Day Ms. Alden C. Drake Mr. Scott J. Lauermann D Mr. Aidan P. McBride Ms. Abigail E. McBride Mr. Samuel A. Post Mr. Samuel V. P. Toomey Mr. Christopher K. Tortolani Class Of 2012 Pa rti ci pat i on 14% D ollars $7,915

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Anonymous (1) All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. Mathieu C. Mongrain D Ms. Lily K. Smith D Young Alumni Leadership Society 5th Reunion and below ($100 - $999) Mr. Connor W. Barley D Ms. Devin A. Koswick D Ms. Melanie M. Rosen D Ms. Kara L. Zammito D Navigators Mr. Frederick C. Buffum V Ms. Lauren M. Christopher D Ms. Zorela D. Georgescu Ms. Katherine R. Hill Mr. Brooks B. Jacobs D Ms. Taylor M. Kielczewski Ms. Anne M. McBride D Ms. Kelley T. Newman D Ms. Kristen M. Nuttall Mr. Gabriel Renaud Ms. Jazmyne M. Roulhac Mr. Hunter G. Schneeberger Ms. Dayren J. Stacey Ms. Catherine V. Sullivan D Mr. Karl M. Teague D Mr. Channing L. Walker D Class Of 2013 Pa rti ci pat i on 15% D ollars $6,770

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Anonymous (1) Young Alumni Leadership Society 5th Reunion and below ($100 - $999) Mr. Lex M. Davis D Ms. Peiying Huang D Ms. Brenna L. LaPierre Mr. Shamus D. Maloney Ms. Phoebe M. McGee Navigators Mr. Benjamin M. DiFilippo D

G ifts From Pa ren ts Pa st an d Present

Ms. Christina M. Frasca D Mr. James P. Gamache Mr. Hsing-Han Huang D Ms. Alyssa R. Kanter D Ms. Catherine Clare M. Knowlton D Mr. Sean Lowder Mr. Brett L. McGwire Mr. Tevin J. Montgomery D Mr. Oliver H. Stone Ms. Kaija F. Townsend D Ms. Katherine L. Vareika D Mr. Nicholas L. Veronesi D Ms. L. Anne Walker D Mr. Jonathan S. Woods Cla s s O f 2 0 1 4 Pa r t i c i p at i on 6 7 % Dollars $664

Young Alumni Leadership Society 5th Reunion and below ($100 - $999) Mr. Morgan G. Dawicki D Navigators Mr. Jacob D. Adelberg D Ms. Nicole Alissi D Mr. Ahmed Alomran D Mr. James C. Babbitt D Mr. Ryan H. Barnes D Ms. Ellen Barry-Cormier D Mr. James D. Barton Souza D Mr. Alexander Benoit D Ms. Remcy A. Boadih D Mr. Bryce D. Boggs D Mr. Nicholas Boynton D Mr. James M. Brunone D Mr. Sean M. Buxo D Ms. Stephanie R. Campbell D Ms. Lydia E. Caputi D Mr. Lucian J. Cascino D Mr. Mitchell B. Cole D Ms. Harley L. Cornell D Ms. Carly S. Cote D Ms. Rebecca L. Czajkowski D Ms. Alexandra J. Dawson D Ms. Shelby C. Densman D Ms. Grace C. DeWald D Mr. Grant J. DeWald D Ms. Danielle Dillon D Mr. Tri M. Do D Ms. Laura V. Ferreira-Cesar D Ms. Grace A. Fors D Mr. Adam B. Fraley D Ms. Holly Francis D Ms. Elisabeth L. Giegerich D Mr. Matthew T. Gorham D Mr. Stephen C. Hall D Mr. Ethan S. Hartzell D Ms. Margaret K. Hersam D Ms. Sonja L. Horan D Mr. Sheng-Wen Huang D Ms. Madeleine O. Jamieson D Mr. Xiaodu Jia D Ms. India Johnstone D Mr. Kento Kaijima D Mr. John W. Kanto D

Mr. Frederick G. Kaub D Ms. Lisa Kraemmer D Ms. Laura L. Krishfield D Mr. Joel Lavoie D Mr. Patrick L. Leary-Montolio D Ms. Tatum Leclair D Ms. Celia Lincoln D Ms. Jessica B. Lowe D Ms. Meaghan L. MacRae D Mr. Andrew J. Maestas D Ms. Alexandra K. Marsella D Ms. Elsie M. Martinson D Mr. Ian C. Masotti D Mr. Alec McBride D Ms. Catherine McCance D Ms. Dejah McGibbon D Ms. Paige C. McInnis D Mr. Mark C. McKenna D Mr. David J. Mitchell D Ms. Megane A. Mongrain D Mr. Alexander M. Montuori D Ms. Katherine H. Mooney D Ms. Savannah R. Morrissey Martin D Mr. Rodney B. Morton D Mr. Weerachai Neeranartvong D Mr. Patrick H. O’Sullivan D Mr. William W. Oakes D Ms. Alexandra G. Osgood D Mr. Andres Rodriguez D Ms. Kendolyn C. Roe D Mr. Maxwell A. Rose D Ms. Alyssa E. Rueb D Mr. William W. Saltonstall Jr. D Mr. Pawarute Samorwong D Mr. Alexander M. Schneider D Mr. Nathan C. Shapiro D Ms. Stephanie A. Sheehan D Ms. Halle Silva D Mr. Jack L. Skinner D Mr. Joseph P. Slovak D Mr. Kijun Song D Ms. Kathryn Sudduth D Ms. Caitlin M. Sullivan D Mr. Peter M. Teague D Ms. Ivy Helena A. Torres D Mr. Samuel Wakeman D Mr. Yan Wang D Ms. Alyssa R. Ward D Ms. Christine M. White D C la s s Of 2 0 15

Leadership Society ($100 - $999) Mr. Patrick M. Korzeniowski C la s s Of 2 0 16

Leadership Society ($100 - $999) Ms. Hannah E. Dawicki Mr. Oliver L. Sughrue Mr. Pengyuan Zhai Navigators Mr. Liam P. Barley Ms. Elizabeth M. Dognazzi Mr. Connor K. Murphy

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000 +) Anonymous (1) Mr. & Mrs. Keith N. Browning ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Carmine A. Martignetti ’71 Mr. Kenzo Matsumura Mr. & Mrs. Hector Sulaiman James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000 +) Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan H. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Sumner J. Waring III ’87

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000 +) Mr. Brad Ellins & Ms. Tonya Jilling Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Graham Mr. & Mrs. William F. Houlihan Jr. Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Dr. Seung Chang Baek & Ms. Soa Sung Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Benton Jr. ’46 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Clark Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler ’87 & Mr. John Eyler Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett Sr. ’62 Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Grosart Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Jamieson Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Jarbeau ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Won-Suk Joo Mr. & Mrs. James Lennane Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Macaulay Mr. & Mrs. Liam McClennon Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miller Mr. & Mrs. John F. Swope ’56 Mr. Charles M. Talanian Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tomlinson ’83 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Zammito

I give to Tabor because it has been such an influential part of my young adult life. I feel it is essential to continue the growth of development and excellence at Tabor so that I am just as proud to come back as I was to graduate. The experiences and

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV Mr. & Mrs. John F. Austin III Dr. Fahad Balghunaim Mr. & Mrs. David B. Barker ’46 Mrs. Lisa A. Barnhill Mr. & Mrs. R. William Blasdale ’61 Prof. & Mrs. Wendell S. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Eric Carlstrom Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Chapin ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ehrreich Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gamache Mr. Kevin Grant & Ms. Valarie Kinkade Mr. & Mrs. Josiah Hatch Mr. Samuel W. Lambert III Mr. & Mrs. Allen Mann Mr. & Mrs. Ledyard McFadden Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mitchell Dr. John Park & Dr. Grace Park Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Rego Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin Mr. & Mrs. Ross E. Sherbrooke Dr. Paul Tedesco & Dr. Eleanor Tedesco Ms. Barbara Timken Mr. & Mrs. George T.J. Walker Mr. Philip Wellman & Ms. Leslie Smith


friendships I had while at Tabor are so important to me and could not have been possible without the past generosity from other alumni. —Lex Browning ’10

There are such a diverse number of things that students can do at Tabor. There really is something for everyone. What I love most is that Tabor encourages you to try something new. —Andrea Tardif ’16

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Anonymous (1) Dr. Seihyun Baik & Ms. Kyungran Lee Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Benedict Mr. & Mrs. David V. D. Borden ’67 Mr. Sam Buttrick & Mrs. Carolin Raleigh Buttrick Mr. Joseph Castro Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cifrino Mr. & Mrs. William F. Curley III ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiFilippo Mr. & Mrs. Bradford N. Eames ’61 Mr. Yeping Fan & Mrs. Wei Song Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Foster ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Genereux Mr. & Mrs. John Gorham Mr. A-Tien Huang & Mrs. Hsiu-Hsiang Cheng Mr. & Mrs. William T. Hurley III ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Inches Mr. & Mrs. C. Ronald Johnson ’64 Mr. Jinsoup Joung & Mrs. Hyemi Seol Mr. & Mrs. James Kay Mr. Yadong Li & Mrs. Yihe Zhang Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Manory Mr. & Mrs. Carter E. Mario ’76 Mr. Andrew F. McIntire ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 Mr. & Mrs. James McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Orin H. Meyer ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mongrain Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Moore ’61 Mr. & Mrs. John Paliotta Mr. & Mrs. Paul Park Mr. & Mrs. Paul Riley Mr. Norman Schneeberger Mr. & Mrs. David Sigal Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stillwell Ms. Courtney M. Taylor ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Jay Wang Mrs. Christine Ward Mr. & Mrs. Brad Whitman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Willms Mr. Hongyang Zhang & Ms. Yaqian Wang All-A-Taut-O ($1,000 +) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Abbott Mr. & Mrs. T. Mark Aimone ’86 Mr. Richard I. Arthur & Ms. Sarah Fallon Mr. Chi Yan Au & Mrs. Glendy Chiu Dr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Barley Mr. Scott Bearse ’74 & Ms. Carrie Thornburg-Bearse Mr. & Mrs. John H. Birdsall III ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Buffinton Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Burbank Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cashel Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Coelho Mr. & Mrs. James C. Collins ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Clinton H. Condon Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John A. Conway Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan A. Cottrell ’76 Ms. Frances Crane Mr. & Mrs. Everett M. Davis


Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Dillon Mr. & Mrs. George C. Domolky Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Dr. & Mrs. Donald O. Fareed Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ferguson ’48 Mrs. Melissa Fish-Crane & Mr. Kenneth Crane Mr. and Mrs. Reginald C. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Byron J. Gierhart Jr. ’83 Mr. & Mrs. William Hall Mr. Sangyoun Han & Mrs. Hyunryun Kim Dr. Patrick Horan & Dr. Katherine Macoul Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Kakas II ’60 Mr. Inchul Kang & Ms. Eunhee Kim Ms. Suzanne Kelley Mr. Ki Hong Kim & Mrs. Su Kyong Jin Mr. Min Seong Kim & Mrs. Jung Mi Bark Mr. & Mrs. Charles King Mr. Albert Knaus & Ms. Kathleen Karich Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Knoll Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Kroll Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Langeland Dr. & Mrs. Richard Lehrer Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Lucas Mr. & Mrs. David MacDougall Mr. & Mrs. G. Thomas Martinson Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Merry ’61 Mr. & Mrs. James Mingle Mr. Frederic C. Mock ’83 & Mrs. Cindy Carr Mock ’86 Mr. & Mrs. George B. Mock Jr. Dr. Atsushi Nakajima & Dr. Noriko Nakajima Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Neal Mr. Thomas O’Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Chanet Phenjati ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pierce Jr. ’77 Mr. Fang Qi & Ms. Lei Tian Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rose Mr. & Mrs. William W. Saltonstall ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Sanders ’67 Mr. Philip Scudder & Mrs. Sharon Smith Scudder Mrs. Margaret Simeon Mr. David H. Stevens ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Jay S. Stroud Mr. Sean Sweeney & Dr. Lisa Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Krit Tantasathien Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tardif Mrs. Barbara Toltz Mrs. Mary L. Tomlinson Dr. Susan Walker Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Way ’85 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Weeks ’75 Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. David Woods Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey H. Worrell Mr. Yezhong Xia & Mrs. Ying Liu Navigators Anonymous (1) Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Scott Adams Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Aisenberg Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Albertson Jr. ’50

Mr. & Mrs. Geno Alissi Ms. Pearl Alvarez Ms. Alexis Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Appleton Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Arnfield Mr. & Mrs. John F. Aspinwall Mrs. Natalie C. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bachetti Rev. Reed Baer & Ms. Christine Burns Mr. & Mrs. Bendrix Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bailkin Mr. & Mrs. Dudley S. Baker Mr. & Mrs. John N. Balboni Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Banister ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bannon Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bannon Mr. & Mrs. Randolph C. Barba Mr. & Mrs. Eric Barnes Dr. & Mrs. Walter F. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Barry Mr. & Mrs. Nelson A. Belanger III Mr. Bruce Benkhart Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Sidney M. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Benoit II Mr. & Mrs. George Bent Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence O. Bidstrup Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Neale Birdsall ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Ebenezer Boadih Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Bobo ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Troy Boggs Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Boniface Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Boon ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Rene J. Bouchard III Ms. Lauren Boucher Mrs. Hollie Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Matthias Boxler Mr. & Mrs. James Bracken Mr. & Mrs. James R. Brady Mr. Richard Bresnahan Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand H. Brewer III Dr. Earland D. Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Brito Ms. Roberta Brock Ms. Janie Brown Mrs. Ruth T. Brown Mr. & Mrs. David Brunone Mr. Charles S. Bucklin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bucsko Ms. Cathy Bunting Mr. Robert Burke Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Butters Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell W. Cabot ’69 Mr. Xiaofeng Zhu & Ms. Wenhui Cai Mr. & Mrs. Mark Caliendo Mr. & Mrs. James P. Cammarata Mr. & Mrs. Steven Campbell Ms. Venice Campbell Ms. Joan Cappelletti Mr. & Mrs. David Caputi Mr. & Mrs. L. Howard Carl Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Cavallo Mrs. Anthony Cerundolo Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo F. Cesar ’75

Mrs. Durinda F. Chace Mr. N. Jameson Chace Mr. & Mrs. George Charette III Mr. & Mrs. Derek Civilinski Col. & Mrs. Gerald S. Clancy Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Ernest W. Cockrell Mr. & Mrs. William D. Colby Mr. & Mrs. Derek Cole Mr. & Mrs. James R. Coleman Ms. Nina Collins Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Connolly Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Cook Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Costello Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Cowen ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cowen ’72 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Craig Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Crocker ’58 Mr. Steven L. Crowley ’66 Mr. Yuying Cui & Mrs. Yawei Ma Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Cunningham ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Curran Mr. & Mrs. Bart Cushing Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Cuthbert Mr. Raymond Czajkowski Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dadagian Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Davis Mr. Clint Davis & Dr. Frankie Ann Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Eric Dawicki Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Brad Day Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey DeWald Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Dickey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. DiMaggio Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Dinan Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Dineen Mr. Jeffrey Dingle & Ms. Susan Poor Ms. Patricia M. Dodge Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dognazzi Mr. & Mrs. Chris M. Donley ’84 Dr. David Dove & Ms. Leigh Tiedemann Ms. Coco Dowley Mr. Robert Dowley Dr. & Mrs. James P. Dowling ’81 Mr. & Mrs. David H. Drake Mrs. Josephine S. DuBois Mrs. Daniel J. Dunleavy Mr. & Mrs. John Dunne Mr. Reynolds DuPont Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Durocher Mr. Timothy H. Dyer ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Winston S. Emmons Mr. Peter J. Erving Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Etheridge Mr. & Mrs. Frank Falite Prof. & Mrs. Louis M. Falkson ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Farren Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Fawcett ’64 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Feeney Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Feldman Ms. Susan Fencer-Cote Mr. & Mrs. Gar F. Ferguson ’66 Mr. & Mrs. James Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Jose Fernandes Honorable & Mrs. John W. Fertig Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fischelis Mr. & Mrs. John F. Fish ’78 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Ford Mr. & Mrs. William H. Foulk Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Frasca Dr. & Mrs. Robert I. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. David A. Frothingham Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gaillard Mr. Peter T. Gebhard III & Dr. Sara S. Gebhard Mr. & Mrs. William Gebhardt Capt. James E. Geil Ms. Leslie H. Geil Rev. & Mrs. Phillip Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Gleason Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Glovsky ’66 Mr. & Mrs. William Goncalo Mr. & Mrs. Brad Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gordon Mrs. Laura B. Gowen Dr. Thomas B. Graboys ’62 & Ms. Victoria Baker Mr. & Mrs. Spencer E. Gray Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Greenwood Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Grondin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Gumlak Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Gwosch Mr. & Mrs. Larry P. Haberman Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hall Mr. & Mrs. Russell Halpern-Reiss Dr. & Mrs. Ogden H. Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Hanneman Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hanrahan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harden Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harlow Jr. Mr. & Mrs. A. Neil Hartzell Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Hauck ’79 Mr. & Mrs. David Havens Mr. & Dr. Jonathan H. Hawkins ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Sprague W. Hazard Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan L. Healy Mrs. Dorothy A. Heath Dr. & Mrs. William J. Hemmerdinger Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Hempel II Mrs. Jean P. Hermes Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hersam Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hess Mr. Alexander T. Hetzeck Mr. & Mrs. David A. Hirsch ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Van Dua Hoang Mr. & Mrs. Frederic C. Hood Mr. & Mrs. David Hooke Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hooper Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Horan ’79 Dr. & Mrs. Paul Houle Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Howland Mr. William Hrasky & Ms. Blythe Berger Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hunsaker Jr. Ms. Sheila Hunt-Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. E. Leighton Hutchinson Dr. & Mrs. William H. Hutson Mr. & Mrs. Takeshi Ido Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Imrie Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Jackson

Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Jaillet Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jason Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jenkins Ms. Cheryl Jennings Mr. Gerald Jennings Mr. James Jepeal & Ms. Joanne Gundersen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johnson Mr. Robert B. Jones ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Q. Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Michael Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Natsuki Kaijima Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kanter Mr. & Mrs. William Kaszanek Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kearley Mr. & Mrs. James M. Keeley Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Kelleher Mr. & Mrs. David N. Kelley II ’62 Mr. Kirk Kelly ’84 & Dr. Brooke Kennington Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kemp Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kenny The Kensington Family Mr. & Mrs. Dana C. Keyes Jr. ’68 Mr. & Mrs. L. Mark Kibler Ms. Meredith Kilpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. King Mr. & Mrs. Gary King Mr. & Mrs. John J. King III Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kingan Dr. & Mrs. Karl Kistler Mr. & Mrs. James A. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Walter Korzeniowski Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Kosicki Mr. & Mrs. Allan Koswick Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kourtesis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Krishfield Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Lacaillade Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lambalot Mr. & Mrs. Alan LaPierre Mrs. Bethany S. Laporte Mrs. Nancy L. Lashley Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Latham Mr. & Mrs. William Lattimer Dr. Scott D. Lauermann Mr. & Mrs. Regis L. Lavoie ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lawton Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Lawton ’60 Dr. & Mrs. Allen Leadbetter Mrs. Margaret A. Leary Ms. Patricia Leclair Mr. & Mrs. Luis Leguia Dr. & Mrs. Michael W. Lemelin Mr. & Mrs. Michael LeValley Mr. & Mrs. Yen-Tien Lin Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. Lincoln Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Linton Ms. Mary P. Lockley Mr. & Mrs. James E. Loer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Loftus Mr. & Mrs. James M. Lombardo Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lowder Mr. & Mrs. Bradford W. Lowe ’58 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Terry Lowinger


Mr. Edmon G. Luke Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lunn Mrs. Carol Lyall Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Mabie Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. MacGregor Mr. Gordon MacRae & Ms. Anne Clark Mr. & Mrs. Brooks Magratten Mr. & Mrs. Steven Maloney Ms. Christine Manory Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Marlow Ms. Cindy Marsella Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Marshall Mr. Michael Martignetti & Ms. Yvette Beeman Mr. Craig Martin Mr. Kenneth Masotti & Ms. Kathleen Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O. McBride Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. McCain ’84 Mr. & Mrs. John H. McCain Mr. & Mrs. William McCance Mr. & Mrs. William McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCoog Mr. & Mrs. Bob McCullough Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Mark McDonald Mr. Christopher McEnroe & Ms. Kathleen Bliss Mr. & Mrs. John M. McFaul Mr. & Mrs. John J. McGarrie Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McGillicuddy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGrady Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGwire Mr. & Mrs. Paul McInnis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. McIntosh ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Michael McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd B. McManus Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George McNamara Mrs. Linea McQuay Ms. Kelli M. McSweeny Mr. & Mrs. John F. Meck III Mr. & Mrs. Roger Merrill III ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miccolis Mr. & Mrs. David Mielke Mr. & Mrs. Irwin A. Mignott Mr. & Mrs. Merlin G. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Terry H. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Mino Jr. ’63 Mr. & Mrs. David Mitchell Mr. Robert L. Mogilnicki Jr. ’76 Mr. Wilfred Montolio & Mrs. Kelly Leary-Montolio Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moore Mr. & Mrs. Richard Morahan Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Moreau Mr. & Mrs. Richard Morgan Ms. Susan Morrissey Ms. Elizabeth G. Morton Mr. Rajakumar Munnangi & Mrs. Radha Pullalarevu Mr. & Mrs. Peter Murley Mr. & Mrs. Gary Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Musante Jr. ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Muther Mrs. Joan P. Needham


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Nelthropp Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Todd H. Newman Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nickerson Mr. Steven Nickerson Mr. & Mrs. John H. Nobrega Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Northern Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William B. Notman ’60 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Nugent Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Nunes Atty. & Mrs. Thomas J. Nuttall Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Oakes Mr. & Mrs. John R. Orshak Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Osborn III Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Ostrander Mr. & Mrs. Philip Pala Mr. & Mrs. Francis Palczynski III Mr. & Mrs. Samuel G. Palestine ’69 Mr. & Mrs. James W. C. Parker ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Jay A. Patch Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84 Ms. Kristen Pavao Mr. & Mrs. Todd Pearson Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Peinert Ms. Rosemary L. Perrin Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Perry ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Phifer Mr. & Mrs. Scott Philpott Mr. & Mrs. John Piekara Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pierce Mr. & Mrs. David K. Pierce Mr. E. Warren Pierce Dr. Frank Pigula & Dr. Diane Pigula Ms. Claudia G. Piper Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Post Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Potts Mr. & Mrs. Peter Poulin Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Proctor ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis H. Pucello Mrs. K. Julie Race ’42 & Mr. James J. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. James Raisides Mr. & Mrs. John Raleigh Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ramos Mr. & Mrs. James M. Ramsay Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Ramsbottom ’47 Mr. & Mrs. Suchin Ratanasiriwilai ’87 Mr. William D. Reed ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Renaud Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Resmini Mr. Matthew Reynolds & Ms. Denley Poor-Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Rhoten ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ribeiro Mr. & Mrs. John T. Rice ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Elmer A. Richards Mr. & Mrs. Scott B. Richards Mr. Alan Richmond & Ms. Portia Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Rieck Mrs. Lawrason Riggs Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Rilkoff Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Robie Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Robilotto Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Roller

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Rosbe Jr. Mrs. Thomas H. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Rowland ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Rueb Mr. & Mrs. John E. Ryder Mr. & Mrs. Jay Ryder Mr. & Mrs. Ajay Sadhwani Mr. & Mrs. William G. Saltonstall Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Sargent ’75 Mrs. Donna V. Sawyer ’62 Mr. Richard Scarano Mr. & Mrs. William E. Scharnick Ms. Kerry Schneeberger Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Schutt Jr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Schwartz ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. See ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Erik Seidel Mrs. Joan D. Shanahan Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Scott Shaunessy Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Sherry Jr. Mr. Songde Shi & Ms. Min Zhang Mr. & Mrs. William Shields Mr. & Mrs. Matt Siegel Mr. Michael S. Silipo Mr. Nopajit Sindhuchatra & Dr. Nithivadee Sindhuchatra Mr. & Mrs. Peter Slovak Mr. & Mrs. Allan Smith Mr. & Mrs. Craig Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Smith ’59 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Soden Mr. Daniel Solien & Ms. Kris Horiuchi Mr. Kyungsup Song & Mrs. Yoojeong Chun The Sotiriou Family Ms. Katharine Spirtes Mr. & Mrs. John T. Stacey Mr. & Mrs. David Stampfli Mr. & Mrs. Alan O. Stickles Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Stickles ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Kristian J. Stoltenberg ’66 Ms. Catherine M. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Stone Ms. Nina Streeter Mr. & Mrs. O. Stevens Sughrue III Mr. & Mrs. Kornkrit Suksangium ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Sullivan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George E. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sullivan Mr. Jackson P. Sumner ’52 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Surgenor Mrs. Stephani Taber Mr. Michael Tan & Ms. May Mukuda Dr. Amit Tandon & Ms. Roochi Chopra Mr. Bo Tao & Mrs. Qi Huang Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. C. Tardif Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Tarrant III ’76 Dr. Marshall A. Taylor Mrs. Meg Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Todd Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Claude Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. Thomson ’74 Mr. & Mrs. David B. Titus Mr. & Mrs. Bradford W. Tracy ’82

Gift s fr om G ran dparen ts an d Frien ds

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley S. Trotman Jr. Mr. Alan F. Lynch & Mrs. Zora A. Turnbull Lynch Dr. & Mrs. Christian Tvetenstrand Mr. & Mrs. Donn A. Tyler Dr. & Mrs. Kenji Unayama Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas C. Utter ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Vaitses ’83 Ms. Elizabeth Van der Veer Mr. & Mrs. Eric Vander Mel Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vareika Mr. Sergio Velasco ’84 & Ms. Ana Escobedo Dr. Louis Velazquez Mr. Cyril Verley & Ms. Michele DeLuca-Verley Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Veronesi Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vesprini Mr. & Mrs. Ruy S. Villela Mr. & Mrs. Karl F. Von Schwarz Mr. David Wainwright Mr. & Mrs. G. Wiley Wakeman ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Walega ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Waligory Dr. & Mrs. David Walker Mr. & Mrs. F. Timothy Walsh Mrs. Natalie Ward Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Warren The Wasson Family Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Webster Sr. Mrs. Claire A. Weeks Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Weimer Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Wessling Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. West III ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Weyant Mr. Leslie K. Whitaker Mr. Harvey White Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. White Mr. Benjamin Whitham & Dr. Michelle Whitham Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Wicks Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel C. Wiley Jr. ’48 Mr. Andrew Willemsen & Ms. Karen Kuhlthau Mr. & Mrs. Michael Williams Ms. Nancy Williams Ms. Takiyah Williams Mr. & Mrs. William H. Williams III ’55 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wilsterman Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Wing Mr. & Mrs. John Wolff Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Woollacott Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Wright Dr. & Mrs. Peter C. Wright Honorable & Mrs. John M. Xifaras ’54 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Yates Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Young Mrs. Claire Zacchilli Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Zahn Mr. Scott Zeien & Ms. Lisa Glovsky-Zeien Ms. Louisa Zezza Mr. Bao Zhang & Mrs. Jiao Zhou Mr. Guojing Zhang & Ms. Qing Yuan Mr. Yu Zhao & Mrs. Honghua Zhu Mr. XueGong Zhou & Mrs. Yumei Jia Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Zilkha Mr. & Mrs. Herb Zwicker Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zymba

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000 +) Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Arms Mrs. Marguerite P. Foster James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000 +) Anonymous Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000 +) The Estate of Mr. Tudor H. Tiedemann Jr. Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Mr. Kenneth R. Graboys Dr. Steven A. Tedesco Mrs. S. J. Weinberg Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welsh Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Mr. William Adamson Mr. Samuel W. Lambert III Ms. Sybil Williams Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mrs. Robin T. Hadley Ms. Barbara I. Rodgers Ms. Gale P. Runnels Mr. & Mrs. Jay H. Tracy Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Webb All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Ms. Katherine Barnard Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bascom Ms. Magalen O. Bryant Mrs. Edith Carson Mr. Richard I. Arthur Sr. & Ms. Sarah Fallon Ms. Janet Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. George B. Mock Jr. Mrs. Richard A. Reilly Mr. Robert M. Rose Ms. Mary Ann Soltys Mr. J. Armand Soucy Mr. & Mrs. Jay S. Stroud Mrs. Barbara Toltz Col. & Mrs. Thomas P. Watts Ms. Patricia P. Wylde Navigators Anonymous (1) Mrs. Raffaela Almeida Mrs. John Aska Mr. & Mrs. David Barker Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Barry Ms. Norma Bartolucci Mr. Lawrence Becker Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence O. Bidstrup Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Biette Mr. & Mrs. Neale Birdsall ’51 Mr. Paul Boykas Mr. Eric A. Braitmayer Dr. & Mrs. Earland D. Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Brown Mr. Stephen G. Brown Mrs. Gertrude Burr Mrs. Jacqueline Callahan Mrs. Lindsay H. Cavanagh Mrs. Frances S. Clardy Mrs. Elizabeth C. Cloud

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Cobb Mr. Alexander H. P. Colhoun & Ms. Selena Rossiter Mr. & Mrs. John Connors Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas DiBuono Mr. Guy F. DiNocenza Mr. Jeffrey Eberle Mr. & Mrs. John J. Geil Ms. Leslie M. Gibbs Ms. Elizabeth Grant Ms. Mary L. Griffin Mrs. Joan Hall Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Hilsinger Mrs. Petie Hilsinger Mr. William Illingworth Mr. Donald E. Irving Mr. Larry W. Jones Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Donald Q. Joyce Mr. David C. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Knight Mr. John G. Knight Mrs. Nancy D. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Kosicki Dr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Larson Ms. Molly F. Layton Mrs. Margaret A. Leary Mrs. Frederick R. Loney Mr. & Mrs. Christopher MacDougall Mr. George Macridis Mrs. Jane Magnant Mr. & Mrs. Michael Magni Mrs. Lois Manning Mr. & Mrs. John H. McCain Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDermott Mr. John Merrill Jr. Mr. Terrence Milka Mr. Frank D. Millet Mr. David W. Moran Ms. Joan Morris Mr. & Mrs. Percy L. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Norman Paetzold Mrs. Dorothy R. P. Palmer Mr. Dillon Paul Ms. Elda Petrowicz Ms. Susan Petrowicz Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pierce Mr. & Mrs. William K. Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Jerry H. Pyle Ms. Nina Randall Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Reed Mr. & Mrs. John J. Reydel Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Riedinger Mrs. Celeste A. Ringuette Ms. Nancy Robator Ms. Michelle R. Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. R. Edward Rose Mr. & Mrs. Klaus Rothstein Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Russell III Mr. & Mrs. William G. Saltonstall Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John P. Santoro Mr. Daniel W. Schumaker Mr. Douglas W. Sears Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Shapiro Mrs. Phyllis Spiro Mrs. Allan Steere Ms. Charlotte P. Sudduth

I cannot put a dollar amount on the academic preparation and personal growth I gained from my time at the school by the sea. I know that my contribution directly impacts the extent to which the institution can continue to innovate and thrive for future generations. I want to not only be a part of Tabor’s history, but also a part of its future. —Jeanette Lofsky ‘03

” 65

G ifts From Fac u lty a n d Staff

Tabor is a special and unique place because of the people who work there teaching and inspiring students to go on to do a lot of fascinating and exciting things. — Maija Langeland Scarpaci ‘95

Dr. Scott Sudduth Mrs. Jane B. Sughrue Ms. Sandra Svihovec Dr. Marshall A. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Andre R. Thibodeau Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Thomasy Mr. Matthew Trautman Mr. & Mrs. George L. Unhoch Jr. Mr. Michael L. Volpe & Ms. Cindy A. Doty Mr. & Mrs. Kirby von Kessler Ms. Leslie J. Warren Mr. & Mrs. Art Wasson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Whittemore Mr. & Mrs. Bob Zammito Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Zezza Gift s fr om C or p or ations an d Foundations

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000 +) Matthew W. Houlihan Foundation Kenneth & Myra Monfort Charitable Foundation Inc. Monroe Capital, Inc. Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000 +) Ayco Charitable Foundation Greater Houston Community Foundation James Lennane Fund of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation Jewish Communal Fund The Maurice & Anne Makepeace Family Foundation New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Sidney J. Weinberg Jr. Foundation Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Austin Foundation, Inc. Hunter Family Foundation The Losam Fund Meredith Corporation Montauk Foundation Peter V. Browning Family Foundation Sperry Tents Abbot and Dorothy H. Stevens Foundation Thomas Anthony Pappas Charitable Foundation Toyota Dealer Match Program Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Anchor Capital Advisors, Inc. The Ansonia Foundation Arbella Charitable Foundation, Inc. Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Cymaron Foundation Goldman, Sachs & Company Henry Hornblower Fund, Inc. J. Aron Charitable Foundation, Inc. Krueger Family Foundation Nuveen Investments R.E. & B.O. Browning Foundation The Abbott & Leslie Sprague Family Foundation The Fried Foundation, Inc. The Lenox Foundation, Inc.


True Venture Management, LLC. UBS Matching Gift Program William Rosenberg Family Foundation, Inc. All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Abacus Industries, Inc. American International Group, Inc. The Boeing Company Greater Lowell Community Foundation The Howard Johnson Foundation The Ludes Family Foundation Northwestern Mutual Foundation Sentinel Benefits & Financial Group Sherbrooke Family Charitable Trust Phineas W. Sprague Memorial Foundation Tara Foundation The Ameriprise Financial Gift Matching Program The Friendship Fund The Rose Foundation, Inc. The U. S. Charitable Gift Trust The Upstream Foundation Van Sloun Foundation Navigators Anonymous (1) Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Beverly Yacht Club The Boston Foundation Cataumet Boats, Inc. FactSet Research Systems, Inc. Fidelity Foundation FM Global Foundation Google, Inc. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Lincoln Financial Group Foundation MassMutual McKinsey & Company Matching Gift Program Microsoft Corporation Geraldine Millham Design New York Life Foundation Nittany Construction Inc. Northern New York Community Foundation, Inc. Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program The Prudential Foundation Quincy Mutual Fire Insurance Company Raytheon Company SC Johnson Fund, Inc. Schuman Enterprises LLC Snow & Thomson Insurance Agency, Inc. Stiller Family Charitable Foundation Suffolk Construction Company SunTrust Foundation Target The Bank of New York Mellon Bill & Julie Young Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation The Piper Family Foundation The Willow Creek Charitable Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation White Mountains Capital, Inc. Zammito Family Charitable Foundation

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000 +) Anonymous (1) Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876 +) Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000 +) Mr. & Mrs. T. Mark Aimone ’86 Dr. & Mrs. John A. Conway Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Mr. & Mrs. William W. Saltonstall ’82 Mr. Robert R. Thompson Navigators Anonymous (1) Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Arnfield Mr. & Mrs. William E. Becker Mr. & Mrs. William Belmore Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Benoit II Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Bentz Mr. David A. Bill Mr. Christopher H. Botello Ms. Lauren Boucher Mr. Conor M. Bozzi Mr. & Mrs. Roxie Bratton Ms. Elizabeth G. Calore Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carney Ms. Emily A. Chandler ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Wesley M. Chaput Mr. & Mrs. G. Bruce Cobbold Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Cunningham ’69 Ms. Katherine E. Cushing Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dahill Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Dineen Mr. & Mrs. Chris Donley ’84 Mr. Stephen Downes Ms. Ashley Fish Jessica Foley, PhD Capt. James E. Geil Ms. Leslie H. Geil Mr. Eric C. Hartell Ms. Polly Henshaw Mr. David C. Horne Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Howland Mr. William Hrasky & Ms. Blythe Berger Mr. Robert Hurd Jr. & Mrs. Ellyn Heimlich Hurd ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Jaillet Mr. Khalil J. Johnson ’91 & Mrs. Anika Walker-Johnson Ms. Louise D. Kelly Ms. Paige Kemezis Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kenny Dr. & Mrs. Karl Kistler Mr. & Mrs. Derek Krein Mr. & Mrs. Alex Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Conan H. Leary ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Long Ms. Rebecca Love & Mr. Steven Macomber Ms. Ann Lovely Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel ’87 & Mr. William Marvel Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O. McBride

in me mor y of

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. McCain ’84 Mr. Christopher McEnroe & Ms. Kathleen Bliss Mr. Luke McGraw Mrs. Sharon McGraw Ms. Kelli M. McSweeny Mr. & Mrs. Nathan J. Meleo ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Millette Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Minneman Mr. Robert L. Mogilnicki Jr. ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Muther Ms. Lucie Nadler ’09 Mr. William O’Leary & Ms. Alexandra Tolischus Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Owens Mr. & Mrs. Noel J. Pardo Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84 Mr. Andrew O’Dell & Ms. Adriana Picariello Mr. & Mrs. David K. Pierce Mr. John Reydel Jr. & Ms. E. Anne Gardiner Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Roller Mr. & Mrs. Jeptha Runyon Mr. & Mrs. Paul Salit Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Sanborn Ms. Carol Sanz ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Jason C. Smith Mr. Gary Sousa Mr. & Mrs. O. Stevens Sughrue III Mr. & Mrs. David B. Titus Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Townsend Mr. Timothy Trautman Mr. Alan F. Lynch & Mrs. Zora Ann Turnbull Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Donn A. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. G. Wiley Wakeman ’68 Mr. & Mrs. George T.J. Walker Ms. Katherine S. Walker Mr. Taylor Washburn Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Watt Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. West III ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher White Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. White Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Wicks Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Wing Ms. Amelia Wright Ms. Sara Yeransian Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Zahn Mr. & Mrs. Tianxu Zhou

In Memory of Mr. James H. Aimone Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mark Aimone ’86

Mr. & Mrs. Reginald C. Foster Mr. Andrew M. O’Shaughnessy ’91 Mr. & Mrs. William W. Saltonstall ’82

In Memory of Mr. R. C. Allen Mr. Ralph Greene ’58

In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCoog

In Memory of Mr. Gregory H. Barnhill Mr. Scott M. Barnhill ’10

In Memory of Capt. George E. Glaeser Mr. Jeffrey A. Akeson ’84 Capt. Gerald Davis Jr., USN (Ret.) ’60 Mr. Robert K. Griffith Jr. ’63

In Memory of Mr. F. Turner Blake Jr. ’34 Mr. Dwight C. Blake ’68 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. James A. Brennan Mr. Christopher Brennan ’72 In Memory of Mr. George T. Brown ’41 The Estate of Ruth T. Brown In Memory of Mr. Tyler A. Brown ’02 Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Brown In Memory of Mr. Carter J. Buckley ’04 Ms. Bonnie P. Duncan ’04 Mr. David A. Meleney ’04


In Memory of Mr. James D. Gowing Mr. Gary Reitzas ’55

“(Men like) Bill Illingworth are hard to come by, but

In Memory of Mr. George G. Gray ’38 Mr. & Mrs. Spencer E. Gray Jr.

each Bill Illingworth that does come by will find that life is a rewarding experience and not to

In Memory of Capt. M. Chester Hill ’37 Mr. Mark E. Hill ’70

be cast aside lightly.” —From Tabor Academy “Senior Sketch” 1964

In Memory of Mr. Matthew W. Houlihan ’99 Matthew W. Houlihan Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William F. Houlihan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey H. Worrell

The Class of 1965 has created The Lt. Col. William A. Illingworth III,

In Memory of Mr. Cyrus C. Cady ’62 Mrs. Donna V. Sawyer ’62 In Memory of Mr. James E. Conroy III ’47 Mr. Charles B. Flood ’47 In Memory of Ms. Helen S. Coolidge ’54 Mr. August B. Miller Jr. ’53 In Memory of Mr. Frank Dibble Mr. Arthur E. Tebbetts II ’68 In Memory of Ms. Katharine Dickey Mr. William Y. H. Dickey ’85 In Memory of Mr. Peter G. Ellis Mr. Peter G. Ellis Jr. ’72 In Memory of Mr. William H. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Mottur ’84 In Memory of Mrs. Marguerite P. Foster Mr. David B. Barker ’46 Mr. & Mrs. Bryant P. Barnes Mr. Richard I. Arthur Sr. & Ms. Sarah Fallon

In Memory of Lt. Col. William A. Illingworth III, MD ’65 Anonymous Mr. William T. Banning ’65 Dr. William G. Bethel ’65 Mr. Robinson M. Billings ’65 Mr. Jonathan D. Blake ’65 Mr. Samuel E. Carr ’65 Mr. Alexander M. Chanler ’65 Mr. John C. Clark ’65 Mr. Robert B. Cowan ’65 Mr. Williams M. Evans ’65 Mr. Brooks Garis ’65 Mr. Timothy C. Hall ’65 Mr. Winder M. Heller ’65 Mr. Thomas R. Illingworth ’80 Mr. William Illingworth Mr. Richard W. Jarbeau ’65 Mr. Paul E. Medeiros ’65 Mr. Roger Merrill III ’65 Ms. Joan Morris Mr. & Mrs. William K. Pratt Ms. Nancy Robator Mr. John E. Robinson ’65 Ms. Barbara I. Rodgers Mr. Robert A. Shore ’65 Mr. J. Armand Soucy Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Thomasy Mr. Timothy Trautman Mr. Harry A. Trautmann III ’65 Mr. Robert D. Watt Jr. ’65 Mr. Ronald A. Wilbur ’65 Dr. Jay T. Winburn ’65 Mr. Peter J. Zacchilli ’65


MD ’65 Scholarship Fund to honor Bill Illingworth’s service and commitment to our country, and to acknowledge the respect he commanded as a classmate, friend, and teammate while at Tabor. The Financial Aid Committee at Tabor will be selecting a worthy student as the first recipient of this scholarship. Equally as important, the scholarship will further support generations of Tabor students into the future.

In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. David B. Keeffe Mr. David M. Keeffe ’99

In Memory of Mr. Jonathan M. Ogan ’03 Ms. Catherine P. Lister ’03

In Memory of Mrs. Norma Stonis Mr. Jonathan P. Stonis ’81

In Memory of Mr. William W. Knight III ’52 Mr. David C. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Knight The James A. Knight Family The John G. Knight Family Mrs. Nancy Knight

In Memory of Mr. Ronald E. Oliveira, Esq. ’55 Ms. Leslie J. Warren

In Memory of Dr. Jose Sulaiman The Woods Family

In Memory of Mr. John R. Pandolfi Mrs. John Aska Dr. Douglas S. Barnes ’89 Ms. Norma Bartolucci Ms. Amy E. Correia ’86 Ms. Elda Petrowicz Ms. Susan Petrowicz Mr. Edward J. Smith ’90

In Memory of Mr. James S. Swan ’93 Mr. Jeffrey A. Swan ’93 Mr. James B. Keeney ’71

In Memory of Mr. Jeffrey H. Lane ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Earl M. Foster In Memory of Mr. Lucien O. Lavoie Anonymous Mrs. Andrea Knoll Dawson-Ellis ’93 Mr. Richard A. Dey Jr. ’65 In Memory of Mr. Gregor R. Leguia ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Luis Leguia Mr. Ronald J. Willett ’86

In Memory of Mr. Orlando Pandolfi Sr. Ms. Sybil McCarthy In Memory of Mr. Roderic B. Park ’49 Mr. David B. Barker ’46

In Memory of Mrs. Jules G. Luchini Mr. Gary Reitzas ’55

In Memory of Mr. William W. Parker ’04 Mr. David A. Meleney ’04 Mr. James W. C. Parker ’66

In Memory of Ms. Priscilla Beaton Gray MacKenzie Mr. Spencer Gray Jr.

In Memory of Mr. Lester H. Petnick ’65 Dr. William G. Bethel ’65

In Memory of Mr. Maurice B. Makepeace ’24 The Maurice & Anne Makepeace Family Foundation Mr. Christopher Makepeace ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bennett

In Memory of Ms. Alice Mills Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Pierce III ’55

In Memory of Mr. Paul L. Masachi ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sullivan In Memory of Mr. Daniel A. Mello Mr. Peter A. Mello ’77 In Memory of Ms. Chandra T. Miller ’90 Mrs. Saran C. Mignott-Cadet ’91 In Memory of Mr. Walter W. Myers ’59 Ms. Linda P. Myers ’88 In Memory of Mr. Chad J. Nunes ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Nunes Mrs. Jennifer Schneider Ziskin ’89 In Memory of Capt. David & Jane Isaksen Paquin Ms. Erica Paquin Meyers ’84


In Memory of Dr. David F. Reese ’47 Mr. Eric P. Bierrie ’47 Mr. Charles B. Flood ’47 In Memory of Mr. Parker Regan Mr. Brendan C. Regan ’04 In Memory of Mr. Richard A. Reilly ’56 Mrs. Gretchen A. Reilly In Memory of Lt. Col. William S. Schumaker, USA ’80 Ms. Katherine Barnard Mr. Lawrence F. Schumaker ’52 & Dr. Elizabeth J. Schumaker In Memory of Mr. Jonathan A. Smith ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Durocher In Memory of Mr. Gilbert E. Stokes Mr. & Mrs. Luis Leguia Mr. Gary Reitzas ’55

In Memory of Mr. Robert V. Sweeney Mr. Gary Reitzas ’55 In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Thompson ’31 Mr. Robert R. Thompson In Memory of Mr. H. Edmund Tripp ’22 Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Jackson In Memory of Mr. Frederick B. Tuttle Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Tuttle Jr. ’60 In Memory of Ms. Ruth Taber Vincent Mr. & Mrs. Mark McDonald In Memory of Dr. Benjamin H. Walker Jr. Dr. Susan Walker In Memory of Mr. Robert L. Weeks ’54 Mrs. Claire A. Weeks In Memory of Mr. James W. Wickenden Peter B. Ripley, PhD ’55 Mr. Matthew Trautman Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Mr. David R. Ellis ’63 Mr. Harold L. Sutcliffe ’61 In Memory of Mrs. Nancy Wickenden Mr. & Mrs. David R. Ellis ’63 Mr. Aaron D. Polhemus ’01 & Mrs. Courtney Birkins Polhemus ’01 In Memory of Mr. Richard S. Wickenden Mr. James W. Henry ’75 In Memory of LCDR Edwin E. Williams, USN (Ret.) ’45 Ms. Sybil Williams In Memory of Lt. Seth Williams, USN (Ret.) ’75 Ms. Sybil Williams

gifts i n hon o r of

In Honor of Mr. Christopher G. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lowder

In Honor of Ms. Madeline L. Chapin ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Chapin ’77

In Honor of Ms. Jennifer L. Albright Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGwire Mr. & Mrs. Robert Waligory

In Honor of Mr. Wesley M. Chaput Dr. John Park & Dr. Grace Park

In Honor of Mr. Maxwell E. Bearse ’11 Mr. Scott F. Bearse ’74 & Ms. Carrie Thornburg-Bearse In Honor of Mr. Simon E. Bearse ’13 Mr. Scott F. Bearse ’74 & Ms. Carrie Thornburg-Bearse In Honor of Mr. William E. Becker Mr. & Mrs. David Caputi Mr. Peter T. Gebhard III & Dr. Sara S. Gebhard Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Rueb Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vareika In Honor of Mr. Michael F. Bentz Mr. & Mrs. George McNamara Mrs. Linea McQuay In Honor of Mr. Bryce D. Boggs ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Troy Boggs In Honor of Mr. Christopher H. Botello Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Coelho In Honor of Ms. Lauren Boucher Mr. & Mrs. David Caputi Mr. & Mrs. John R. Nugent In Honor of Mr. Keith N. Browning ’79 Mr. Lawrence Becker In Honor of Mr. Thomas H. Buffinton Mr. Gary Reitzas ’55 In Honor of Ms. Kristen K. Cady-Sawyer ’01 Mrs. Donna V. Sawyer ’62 In Honor of Ms. Anny R. Candelario ’97 Dr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Larson In Honor of Mr. Christopher H. Chapin ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Chapin ’77

In Honor of Mr. G. Bruce Cobbold Mr. Samuel S. Assad ’03 Mr. Matthew G. Fee ’78 Ms. Deven A. Koswick ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Alan LaPierre Ms. Brenna L. LaPierre ’13 Ms. Patricia Leclair Mr. Laurence F. Lee III ’69 Mr. Stephen B. Lynch ’74 Dr. Laura Patterson Nichols ’89 Mr. Andrew M. O’Shaughnessy ’91 Dr. John Park & Dr. Grace Park Mr. Alan Richmond & Ms. Portia Morrison Ms. Emily C. Roller ’95 In Honor of Mrs. Leslie B. Conway Mr. James S. Conway ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Matt Siegel In Honor of Ms. Molly J. Curley ’13 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Curley III ’80 In Honor of Ms. Rebecca L. Czajkowski ’14 Mr. Raymond Czajkowski In Honor of Mr. Richard DaSilva Jr. ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kanter In Honor of Mr. Gerald D. Dineen Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Stone In Honor of Mr. Joseph F. Doggett Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lowder Mr. & Mrs. George McNamara In Honor of Mr. Stephen Downes Mr. Bo Tao & Mrs. Qi Huang Mr. Yu Zhao & Mrs. Honghua Zhu In Honor of Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Dr. James E. Boswell ’88 Mr. Edward J. Bresnahan Jr. ’83 Mr. Russell E. Browning ’81 Mr. James T. Chadwick Jr. ’83 Mr. James P. Dooley ’76 Mr. Kevin B. Fish ’85 Mr. D. Ross Griswold Jr. ’75 Mr. Carl R. Hall ’94

Mr. Christopher M. John ’81 Mr. Michael J. Kelleher ’77 Mr. Douglas H. Leighton ’86 Mr. James R. Lyons ’77 Mr. Gregory T. Mino ’89 Mr. Geoffrey L. Murphy ’86 Mr. J. Derek Reid ’84 Dr. William C. Sager ’79 Mr. Francis X. St. Germaine III ’83 Mr. Colin D. Sullivan ’93 Mr. Charles B. Teravainen ’85 Mr. Mark T. Torrisi ’85 Mr. Robert G. Wilkinson Jr. ’80

In Honor of Ms. Bailey L. Farnham ’08 Mrs. Nancy L. Lashley

I realize now in my late

In Honor of Ms. Ashley Fish Mr. & Mrs. Robert Inches

20’s that Tabor is where

In Honor of Ms. E. Anne Gardiner Mr. & Mrs. George McNamara Mr. & Mrs. John R. Nugent

I gained my individuality as a person. I credit Tabor

In Honor of Capt. James E. Geil Mrs. Katherine Clark Pawlicki ’95 Mr. Phillip Wellman & Ms. Leslie Smith In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gorden Mr. Matthew M. Gorden, Esq. ’98

with much of my happiness and success today. I have made friends and memories that will last a

In Honor of Ms. Francis W. Hooper ’16 Mrs. Frances S. Clardy

lifetime, and I want others to be able to enjoy this

In Honor of Mr. William S. Hooper ’16 Mrs. Frances S. Clardy

enriching experience as I

In Honor of Mr. James D. Houck Dr. & Mrs. Richard Lehrer Mr. & Mrs. David Woods

have. —Chris Talanian ’04

In Honor of Mr. Mark S. Howland Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Dillon Mrs. Linea McQuay Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Rilkoff Ms. Kaija F. Townsend ’13 In Honor of Mr. Robert S. Hurd Jr. Mr. Michael J. Callahan ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Murley In Honor of Ms. Frances A. Jennings ’11 Mr. Gerald Jennings


In Honor of Ms. India Johnstone ’14 Mrs. Robin T. Hadley

In Honor of Mr. Francis M. Palczynski ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Francis Palczynski III

In Honor of Mr. Robert R. Thompson Mr. James Jepeal & Ms. Joanne Gundersen

In Honor of Mr. Nicholas H. Johnstone ’11 Mrs. Robin T. Hadley

In Honor of Mr. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84 Mr. Jeffrey D. Hauck ’79 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Nugent

In Honor of Mr. Frank W. Townsend Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Veronesi

In Honor of Mr. Kento Kaijima ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Natsuki Kaijima

Moving on from Tabor is moving on from what I’ve known for the past four years, and my every day is going to be redefined, allowing for a new definition of myself. It’s up to me to make it what I want. —Adam Fraley ’14

In Honor of Ms. Louise D. Kelly Mr. Faisal A. Balghunaim ’11 Mr. Tan Gao ’98 In Honor of Mr. Derek Krein Mr. & Mrs. David Caputi Dr. John Park & Dr. Grace Park In Honor of Mr. Conan H. Leary ’97 Mr. Alan G. Bern ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Caliendo In Honor of Dr. Elizabeth Leary Mr. Michael A. Ryan ’79 In Honor of Mr. Eric Long Mr. & Mrs. Michael Frasca In Honor of Mr. Richard T. Marr Mr. Ian S. Griffiths ’93 In Honor of Mrs. Jane McCarthy Ms. Emily A. Chandler ’05

In Honor of Mr. Mark B. Perkins Dr. John Park & Dr. Grace Park In Honor of Mr. David K. Pierce Mr. Clint Davis & Dr. Frankie Ann Holmes

In Honor of Mrs. Kelly L. Walker Dr. Patrick Horan & Dr. Katherine Macoul Ms. Alice M. Mattison ’03

In Honor of Ms. Abigail G. Pynchon ’12 Ms. Claudia G. Piper

In Honor of Mr. F. Timothy Walsh Mr. James B. Keeney ’71

In Honor of Mr. John J. Reydel Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Frasca

In Honor of Mr. Taylor Washburn Dr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Barley Dr. David Dove & Ms. Leigh Tiedemann Dr. Patrick Horan & Dr. Katherine Macoul Dr. & Mrs. Richard Lehrer

In Honor of Mr. Thomas J. Riley ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas DiBuono In Honor of Ms. Isabelle M. Rodgers ’15 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rodgers In Honor of Mr. Adam W. Ryder ’13 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Ryder In Honor of Mrs. Julie Salit Ms. Kaija F. Townsend ’13 Col. & Mrs. Thomas P. Watts

In Honor of Ms. Danielle J. McCullough ’11 Mr. & Mrs. Bob McCullough

In Honor of Ms. Emily L. Schnure ’04 Ms. Laurel A. Schultz ’04 Ms. Lauren E. Folino ’04

In Honor of Ms. Kelli M. McSweeny Mr. Raymond Czajkowski

In Honor of Mr. Robert K. Sheridan Ms. Catherine E. Sheridan ’05

In Honor of Mr. Nathan J. Meleo ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lowder

In Honor of Mrs. Marthe Soden Mrs. Emily Soden Auerswald ’93

In Honor of Mr. Robert K. Merry ’61 Mr. Todd K. Merry ’84

In Honor of Mr. Gary Sousa Dr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Barley

In Honor of Mr. Tevin J. Montgomery ’13 Ms. Shelia Hunt-Montgomery

In Honor of Mr. Jay S. Stroud Mr. Ian S. Griffiths ’93 Mr. Dillon Paul

In Honor of Mr. Tom K. Morgan ’63 Mr. Thomas K. Baird ’96


In Honor of Mrs. Michele Wakeman Ms. Jessica B. King ’04

In Honor of Mr. O. Stevens Sughrue III Col. & Mrs. Thomas P. Watts

In Honor of Mrs. Elizabeth West Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Veronesi In Honor of Class of ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett Sr. ’62 In Honor of Class of ’77 (35th Reunion) Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Chapin ’77 In Honor of TA Crew Coaches & TA Faculty Mr. & Mrs. George McNamara

volu n teers Ev en t H osts

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C.D. Cox ’77 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Curley III ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Dillon Mr. Peter T. Francis & Dr. Jennifer A. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hooper Mr. & Mrs. James Kay Mr. & Mrs. Regis L. Lavoie ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Carmine A. Martignetti ’71 Mr. & Mrs. William McCance Mr. Andrew F. McIntire ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Lee Pokoik ’63 Mr. Philip Scudder & Mrs. Sharon Smith Scudder Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tardif Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Young

R eu n ion V olu n t ee r s

Dr. Michael Adams ’74 Mr. Zachary Alton ’05 Mr. Scott Bearse ’74 Ms. Elizabeth Blank ’05 Ms. Alexandra Bowers ’05 Mr. Timothy Bryan ’74 Mr. Joseph Burke ’03 Ms. Catherine Burr ’05 Mr. Richard Capen ’83 Mr. Stephen Cochran ’84 Mr. Daniel Cooney ’83 Mr. Richard DaSilva ’89 Ms. Corinna DeCollibus ’09 Mr. Richard DellaRusso ’85 Mr. Stewart Dixon ’83 Ms. Bonnie Duncan ’04 Mr. Peter Eastman ’84 Mr. Curtis Edenfield ’05 Ms. Melissa Epstein ’03 Mr. Michael Finn ’74 Ms. Emily Ford ’05 Mr. Brian Freyermuth ’85 Mr. Steven Galavotti ’85 Ms. Liz Gallinaro ’04 Mr. Khaliq Gant ’04 Mr. Henri Gignoux ’74 Mrs. Marielle Meyer Gillard ’85 Ms. Anusia Gillespie ’04 Mr. Christopher Hall ’09 Mr. Jonathan Hawkins ’74 Mr. Robert Heditsian ’74 Mr. Cory Heselton ’03 Mr. David Hirsch ’64 Mr. Potter Hodgson ’09 Mrs. Heather Deblois Huszar ’03 Mr. C. Ronald Johnson ’64 Mr. Scott Johnston ’83 Mr. Nicholas Keches ’05 Honorable Jason King ’89 Mr. Lawrence Klaff ’85 Ms. Molly Koch Bechtel ’03 Mr. Bennett Leary ’74 Mr. Bruce Lee ’83 & Mrs. Sarah Lee ’83 Ms. Jeanette Lofsky ’03 Ms. Johanna Lopez ’05 Ms. Elizabeth Lucas ’04 Ms. Joanne Lydon ’85 Mr. Andrew Macaulay ’89 Mr. David Meleney ’04 Mr. Christopher Merrill ’89 Mr. A. Mark Milhench ’89 Mr. Thomas Mottur ’84 Mr. Duncan H. M. Nadler ’04 Ms. Louise Nadler ’09 Mr. R. Gregg Nourjian ’84 Ms. Madison Noyce ’09 Ms. Carly Nuttall ’09 Mrs. Emily Tague O’Marah ’89 Ms. Ainsley Onstott ’04 Mr. Ian Patrick ’84 Mr. Richard Porteus ’74 Mr. Phillip Sarris ’74 Mr. Richard Savignano ’64

Captain Ryan Schuler ’03 Mr. William Schuler ’64 Ms. Laurel Schultz ’04 Mr. Jeffrey Schwarz ’74 Mr. Malcolm See ’09 Mr. Matthew Sloan ’03 Mr. Christopher Snyder ’89 Mr. Charles Talanian ’04 Mr. Alexander Thomson ’74 Ms. Martica Wakeman ’05 Ms. Kara Walsh ’05 Mr. Nathaniel Walton ’04 Par e nt Vol un teers

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Abbott Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Benedict Mr. & Mrs. Matthias Boxler Mr. & Mrs. Derek Cole Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Cook Mr. & Mrs. William F. Curley III ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey DeWald Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Etheridge Mr. & Mrs. Peter Francis Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Graham Mr. Kevin Grant & Ms. Valarie Kinkade Mr. Sangyoun Han & Ms. Hyunryun Kim Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hess Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Jamieson Mr. & Mrs. James Kay Mr. Jong Won Kim & Ms. Eun Ha Lee Mr. & Mrs. James Knight Mr. & Mrs. Amit Kohli Mr. & Mrs. Regis Lavoie Ms. Patricia Leclair Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Mabie Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Marshall Mr. & Mrs. William McCance Mr. & Mrs. Paul McInnis Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. McIntire Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mongrain Mr. Joseph Noyes Mr. & Mrs. John Paliotta Dr. & Mrs. John Park Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Perry Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin Mr. Hector Sulaiman & Ms. Monica De La Rosa Mrs. Natalie Ward Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Warren Mr. & Mrs. Robert Willms Mr. & Mrs. John Wolff Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zammito Mr. Hongyang Zhang & Ms. Yaqian Wang Mr. XueGong Zhou & Ms. Yumei Jia

Elizabeth S. Taber Society The Elizabeth S. Taber Society recognizes the selfless commitment of those alumni, parents, and friends who have chosen to provide a lasting legacy for Tabor Academy. Through bequests, life income gifts, and charitable trusts, the members of the Society follow Mrs. Taber’s noteworthy commitment to education and the growth of the school she founded in the late 19th century.

We are indebted to all for their generosity and vision to help future generations of Tabor students.

Alumni Class of 1927

Mrs. J. Dukehart Chesney Class of 1928

Mrs. Robert D. Reinhardt The Estate of Robert D. Reinhardt Class of 1929

Anonymous (1) Class of 1933

Mr. Philip F. Hall Jr. Class of 1936

Mr. Orville W. Forte Jr. Class of 1939

Edward F. Woods, DMD Class of 1941

Anonymous (1) Class of 1942

Mr. Bradley Randall Jr. Class of 1945

Mr. Edward W. Noyes Class of 1946

Mr. & Mrs. David B. Barker Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hoffman


Class of 1947

Class of 1960

Class of 1979

Anonymous (1) Mr. Bennett R. Donovan Prof. & Mrs. Lewis P. Lipsitt

Anonymous (1) Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cederholm Dr. David W. Ferris Mr. Richard S. Hill Mr. Dennis W. Kunian

Mr. Keith N. Browning Mr. Alec M. Willeson

Class of 1961

Class of 1982

Mr. & Mrs. R. William Blasdale Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Elsas Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Heyman

Mr. Andrew N. Ivory Mr. John S. Rando Jr. Peter F. Winters, Esq.

Class of 1962

Class of 1983

Mr. Joseph J. LeBlanc Mr. Richard H. Needham II

Class of 1951

Mr. John H. Birdsall III Mr. George F. Booth II Mr. Robert R. Fawcett Sr. Mr. John M. Hills Mr. & Mrs. David N. Kelley II

The Estate of Mr. Robert D. Hall Mr. Sidney R. Stern

Class of 1963

Class of 1986

Mr. & Mrs. T. Mark Aimone Mr. Sean P. Maher

Mr. Jackson P. Sumner Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan F. Swain

Mr. Walter H. Greene Mr. Donald S. Merry Mr. Thomas K. Morgan Mr. Lee Pokoik

Class of 1953

Class of 1964

Mr. John C. Decas Mr. Alan S. Golub Mr. Charles C. Ives Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Thomas Keith Mr. & Mrs. Jon R. Shakour

Mrs. & Mrs. Richard L. Fowler Jr. Mr. Kim R. MacConnel

Class of 1988

Class of 1965

Class of 1989

Mr. Phillips G. Smith

Mr. Christopher H. McGuire

Class of 1954

Class of 1966

Class of 1990

Mr. Philip C. Simmons

Mr. Henry H. Barnard Jr.

Mrs. Elizabeth Arms Shields

Class of 1955

Class of 1967


Mr. Arthur C. Conro II Prof. Louis Michael Falkson Mrs. Milan A. Heath Jr. Canon Richard T. Nolan & Mr. Robert C. Pingpank

Anonymous (1)

Anonymous (1) Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Aisenberg Mr. & Mrs. Stanley C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bozic Mr. & Mrs. L. Howard Carl Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Clark Dr. & Mrs. John A. Conway Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Cook Jr. Ms. Susan Anspach Furlong Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Jaeger Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Lucas Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ludes Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Marlow Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Martin Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Milt Mr. Frederick Osborn III Mrs. Judith Westlund Rosbe Mrs. Margot D. Stone Mrs. Joseph Tomlinson Jr.

Class of 1948

Anonymous (1) Mr. John W. Braitmayer Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Clark Mr. James C. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Myron G. Eisenhaure Mr. Albert Fried Jr. Mr. John Parks Class of 1949

Mrs. W. Burton Salisbury Jr.

Class of 1952

Class of 1980

Mr. Barry R. Powers

Class of 1984

Mr. David J. DeFilippo

Class of 1987

Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel

Class of 1956

Lincoln E. Ford, MD Liz and Dennis Hager Mr. M. Vance Munro Mrs. Mott Peck Jr. Mr. John F. Swope Mr. & Mrs. Jules S. Worthington

Class of 1968

Mr. William O. Pettit III Mr. Robert M. Surdam Jr. Mr. E. Clinton Wadsworth Mr. Millard S. Younts Class of 1969

Mr. Roger C. McDonald Class of 1970

Mr. David L. Parke Jr.

Class of 1957

Class of 1971

Anonymous (1) Mr. Ross R. Anderson

Mr. Jerald E. Brown Carmine & Beth Martignetti Mr. Edward A. Schaefer III

Class of 1958

Mr. Bradford W. Lowe

Class of 1972

Class of 1959

Anonymous (1) Mr. Charles T. Clark

Anonymous (1) Mr. Allen Glick

Class of 1974

Mr. David W. Roche Class of 1976

Mr. Charles E. Clapp III


Mrs. Linda Myers Dennison


Mr. William Adamson Ms. Carolyn Arms Mr. Myron Arms Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Brainard II Mrs. Kerry C. Saltonstall Mr. & Mrs. Galen L. Stone

David Taylor Johannesen ’64 The best tuition dollars my father spent were at Tabor and Oxford. Not only were these experiences vital, I awoke in different decades to a strong sense of self and purpose. In each, water was important: Buzzards Bay and the Thames River. For years, Linda and I had a home on the Slocum River in South Dartmouth where a Padanaram Marshall catboat was moored. A lifetime of sailing is due to Tabor, as is learning hockey on cranberry bogs. Once, at Sunday Vespers, James Wickenden said:

“God provides the wind; you boys are responsible for the sails, sheets, lines and tiller.” —James Wickenden I remember our Headmaster, an accomplished amateur pianist, playing duets with my father, Grant Johannesen, renowned concert pianist. Dad came down to Marion after a performance with BSO and Erich Leinsdorf to play for Tabor to honor the school and to atone for a few of my pranks encouraged by such ’64 rascals as Toby Tighe, Dick Savignano, “Tonto” Nourjian, Peter Delany, Chris Hayes, and Bill Schuler. Mr. Wickenden wove strands of compassion, diligence, humor, challenge and forgiveness into our lives. Because of Tabor’s influence throughout my life, I have established a bequest to benefit the school in my will. Our gift will be a good percentage of our estate and may reach a handsome figure. We have a start-up company now attracting venture investors in Stanford-land. Our partners are a Harvard man who sold his company to Oracle, and a Professor of Math and Computer Science at Santa Clara University. We plan to sell our company by year-end or early 2015. This event will increase our Tabor gift either in cash or with a trust. Linda and I have moved from South Dartmouth to Los Altos, “Silicon Nation.” In retirement, I am a published author of novels and short stories. My latest, Falcons & Seagulls, a Utah Novel will appear in December, from Simon & Schuster, NY, and a new collection of stories, Boston Casualty will be out next year. At Tabor, I learned the love and craft of writing from Messrs. Gowing, Smart, Weisshaus and Swain, inter alia. At my graduation in 1964, its speaker and editor of The Atlantic, Edward Weeks, presented me with a prize for best school fiction for the year.

To learn more about the benefits of a planned gift, please contact: Bob Thompson, Director of Planned Giving, 508-291-8576, rthompson@

I urge classmates of all ages to stand up: In addition to an annual gift, please join Linda and me by including Tabor in your own estate plans. It’s Tabor’s life-blood—assurance of our Bicentennial, 2076. Thanks and All-A-Taut-O at six bells! David Taylor Johannesen ’64

Tabor A C A D E M Y Marion, Massachusetts 02738-1581

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