fall 2017 + gift report
Five Years at the Helm Navigating Tabor’s Future (p. 8)
: n o i t a r b e l e 8 C 1 0 2 , 0 Join the 1 8 e n u J s i d n e ek e W n o i n u e R
fall 2017 + gift report
in June .
our milestone celebrating as we celebrate are abor s T s and back to in June . in the charge be with us to lead C lasses ending will plans 68, C lass , 1 9 make y our R eunion gang and the T he 5 0 th . G ather together perience x E T abor
f eat u res
Navigating Tabor’s Future
A look at five years of progress and opportunities ahead
D EPART M E NT S 2 View from the Bridge John Quirk, Head of School 4 Along Front Street 20
Deeper Learning, Saner Pace
In Focus: Dining Hall Renovation
Rationale for our new academic schedule
Eileen Marceau, Dean of Studies
Making an Impact Alumni Profiles
Setting Up for Success Faculty prepare for successful implementation of our new 75-minute block schedule Derek Krein, Dean of Professional Head of School John Quirk Director of Admissions Bobbi Krein
Editorial Staff Deb Cohen Nita Howland Alumni News and Notes
Director of Advancement P.J. O’Connell
Director of Communications Kerry Saltonstall
Visit our Web site:
Staff Photographer Chris Kasprak
Tabor Today is produced in September and April. Please direct your
Academy, 66 Spring Street, Marion, MA 02738 or call 508-291-8340 or e-mail Visit us on the Web at
Geraldine Millham Design
us news about you. We look forward to hearing from you!
Global Connections A new partnership allows for expanded global exchange Rick DaSilva ’89, Associate Director, Center for International Students
Cover: Head of School John Quirk, portrait by Tom Kates Inside Front Cover: Reunion 2017, photo Chris Kasprak
Transitions Meet new faculty and the Class of 2017 36 Athletics: Tabor at Henley Athletic Hall of Fame 40
comments, ideas, letters or address changes to Kerry Saltonstall at Tabor for timely campus and sports news or to send
Contact us at
and Programmatic Growth
Alumni Connections Reunion 2017 Tabor Around the World Words to Lead By, Jon Callaghan ’87 Class Notes 50 Annual Gift Report
3 1
view from the bridge
by John Quirk, Head of School
t is five years this summer since my family and I moved to Tabor Academy, and to this absolutely majestic opportunity to play a role in what I felt would be—and what is proving to be—a pivotal period in the school’s history. Arriving, I felt the possibilities for this learning community were just about limitless, should we endeavor to take full advantage of them. Our enthusiastic Board of Trustees was energized in transition to build upon a solid foundation, and highly motivated to pursue a vision for Tabor that would see our great school elevated and improved as we marched towards 2026 and the 150th anniversary of our founding. This vision, reflected in the first iteration of our long range plan—Tabor 150: Navigating the Future —has guided us since, and has held me and many others accountable to our goals and to our expectations, insuring that our possibilities would be rendered into our realities. While our plans are populated by numerous charges to develop discrete programs, they have evolved to be as much about culture and philosophy. In order to accomplish the very best work on behalf of the school and our students, we find ourselves thinking differently about many of the assumptions that have guided the school in the past, and adopting a more competitive, rigorous, and purposeful personality than we have allowed ourselves previously. None of this is aimed at distancing us from what has come before. Tabor’s rich history is one of our best commodities, and to be cherished. In fact, it is this very history that allows us to be so bold in our hopes, so focused on what we can do, and so eager to claim the positions relative to other schools we so rightly and richly deserve. Still, with clarity about the prologue to today and great affection for what precedes, today we are actively writing our future and adding chapter upon chapter to the impressive volumes that comprise Tabor’s history. In this it is serendipitous and symbolic that we find ourselves joining the Independent School League (ISL), an educational and athletic association of the very best schools in New England or anywhere. Programmatically, this is an excellent fit for Tabor and for our students. To others watching us, however, and to ourselves as we work to perfect the school, this move to a new league is emblematic of our intention to strive toward and exist at an elevated level—“a whole new league and playing up”—in a competitive stance that demonstrates our intention to generate capabilities that are equal to our aspirations. In this we are of course focused on winning outcomes. However, we are more focused on building winning ways, which means to us competing for and pursuing our chosen future with an unceasing vigor. Having worn all the many hats of a boarding school teacher over the years, and now both as the Head of School and a current parent, I can’t say enough of how exciting I find this. It’s right for Tabor, and it is certainly right for our students and faculty.
M Motiv
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M Creati
Stuart Wemple ’20
This edition of Tabor Today balances three key messages: that Tabor is endlessly grateful for the support and guidance of alums, parents, faculty, and friends; that together we have accomplished a great deal during the first leg of our journey to 2026 and beyond; and most importantly, that these first two truths have us building to more pronounced and more aspirational goals and successes. So much has happened these past few years, all of it a tribute to the support and hard work of so many. But to me, it’s just the very beginning. The best work is still ahead of us, as are the most inspiring outcomes. On behalf of our great school, I thank you for what has been and I look ahead with you to all that is still to come for Tabor. 3
A sian A merican Footsteps T rading P laces!
Four Tabor students participated in the Asian American Footsteps
Students from our sister school in Beijing spent a week with us in April after Tabor students visited Beijing for the first time in March. It was great to see the connections being made between them, and to learn what was most different about our two systems of education. Prior to the Chinese students’ visit, there were drama exchange students from Ellesemere College in England, and after, eleven students from Lyon, France. It was a busy month as we made friends from all around the world!
Conference held at Andover in April with over 250 independent school students from the area. The conference included a series of activities Follow us @taboracademy
and workshops designed to empower students learning about their cultural identity and to provide networking opportunities for them to share ideas to bring back to their campuses.
along front street along front street D ance T eam Invited to Nationals
The Tabor Dance Team showcased two genres of dance—theater and contemporary—at their first competition in Providence, RI, this spring. “Be Italian,” a ballad from Broadway’s Nine, was a hit with the judges, winning several awards including: Platinum first place, first place High Score overall for large group, Best Choreography, Regional Champion and the Golden Ticket to Nationals! Other accolades included the Funky Fresh award, High Gold first place, and first place High Score overall senior line for their contemporary piece Wings.
A ISN E St u dents o f Color Conf erence
Pa u l W hite and Br uce C obbold Named Fac ulty E meriti
Nine students attended the AISNE High School
At the Board of Trustees Meeting in May, Bruce Cobbold, retired faculty, and retiring faculty member Paul White, were each honored with the distinction of Faculty Emeritus.
Students of Color Conference at Worcester Academy C eramics S t u dents Nationally R ecognized
Advanced Ceramics students Lucy Saltonstall ’17 and Leo Zhang ’17 received acceptances for their submissions to the National K-12 Ceramic Exhibition. The exhibition was held in Portland, OR, from March 22-25, 2017. Acceptance is notable as only about 10% of submissions are selected for the juried exhibition. At the end of the exhibition, the juror, noted potter and educator Julia Galloway, recognized Lucy’s work awarding her an Artistic Achievement Award (one of three awarded). Both students are to be congratulated on the achievement of being selected for exhibition.
in Massachusetts. According to their website, this overnight conference was created “in recognition of the unique needs, experiences, and challenges of students of color in independent schools. The conference seeks to raise self-awareness, build community, provide support, and cultivate leadership among students of color.” Featured speakers included Tiq Milan (Transgender Rights Activist), Julissa Arce (Immigrant Rights Advocate), and Che Anderson (Worcester, MA 2016 Person of the Year).
The trustees began the practice of naming Faculty Emeriti at their May meeting last year when they inducted Rich and Joan Roller on the occasion of their retirement after 46 years of service. The trustees determined the distinction would be shared with those retiring faculty who have made significant contributions to the life of Tabor Academy through their service. The honorees are publicly recognized at the annual May meeting and given a framed certificate. A gallery of photos is also planned at school.
Mu sic S t u dent S elected for All- S tate S ymphonic Band
Follow us @taboracademy
AJ Macrina ’18 performed with the 2017 Massachusetts Music Educators All-State Symphonic Band at Symphony Hall on March 11. He was chosen for this prestigious honor through a competitive audition process held this year at the district and all-state levels involving over 7000 musicians for 1600 positions in 20 ensembles. Only the top 7% of musicians who initially audition for districts become All-State musicians. This was AJ’s first time to be selected as an All-State musician.
along front street along front street J enni f er A lbright Wins Massach usetts E ducators A ward
A qu ac u ltu re Class G oes H ydroponic
Crew Shell D edicated to L o u W ol f e ’68
A ppreciation D ay
Jennifer Albright, faculty, won a prestigious award given by the
Jennifer Albright’s Aquaculture class spent a unit branching out from its traditional focus on culturing algae and shellfish to learn how to grow plants hydroponically. Hydroponics is gaining in popularity—part of a broader movement of growing food locally and sustainably, maximizing production while minimizing resource use. The project inspired further investigation into aquaponic growing. “Instead of adding liquid nutrients to the water reservoirs, you actually use the waste from fish for nutrients,” Albright explained. “It’s really the next step in sustainability.” Plants started were later planted in Tabor’s new community garden, built by students this spring (above).
On May 3, we dedicated a new B1 crew shell to Lou Wolfe ’68 for his many contributions to our crew program over the years. As the cox of the 1967 crew at Henley, Lou especially enjoys providing funding for the boys’ crew to head to the Henley Royal Regatta in years that they qualify. Lou has endowed this program so that future generations may enjoy the thrill of international competition and participation in the long tradition that is Tabor Crew at Henley.
On April 22, parents, students, and faculty enjoyed a day appreciating
Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs: the Secretary’s Award in Energy and Environmental Education Excellence (First Honors). Albright received the award in person at The Massachusetts State House on May 8, 2017. Dr. Michael Rice, PhD., Professor of Fisheries and Aquaculture at URI, nominated Albright and shared, “I offer my sincerest congratulations to Ms. Albright and to Tabor Academy for sponsoring and supporting such an innovative marine science education program appropriate for the Southeastern Massachusetts Region.” She was nominated by two other educators who collaborated with Albright on her goal to scale up Tabor’s oyster production dramatically in order to build an oyster reef at Tabor.
L EA PS M a k es an Impact
LEAPS, which stands for Leadership, Ethics, Academics, Perspectives, and Self, debuted
Albright’s aquaculture class worked the past two spring semesters to
last year as a weekly seminar course for our
“set” oyster larvae and create spat on shell (oyster larvae that have
freshmen and sophomores. By all accounts,
cemented themselves to whole shell called “clutch”). The aquaculture
the new course, redesigned to improve upon
class also experimented with tiny single seed oysters (larvae that have
the Foundations and Human Development
set on “micro clutch,” ground up shell). Karin Tammi, former shellfish
courses of the past, was a huge success.
hatchery manager at Roger Williams University, had helped Albright
Students investigate and practice how to
design and build the setting system the students used, a scaled down
study and prepare for success, how to live
version that the hatchery at Roger Williams utilizes. Tammi was one
and work in a collaborative community,
of the three educators who nominated Albright for this award.
and how to learn to lead within their spheres of influence.
each other. Parents put on a sumptuous spread for faculty and staff all day at school, while students learned more about the power and impact of philanthropy at Tabor. We call it “Phil Day!” short for Philanthropy Day. Organized by student leaders, items around campus were identified with colorful tags (Phil was Here!) to show just how much of Tabor is made possible through parent and alumni giving. Many took the time to pen a heartfelt thank you to our generous donors. Thank you! Science @W ork L ect u res
The Science@Work Lecture Series brought two intriguing speakers to campus in the spring. We welcomed two-time solo circumnavigator Donna Lange to school for the day. Donna addressed the entire community in an all school assembly in the morning, attended different nautical science classes during the school day where she spoke about celestial navigation and advanced sailing techniques, and then gave a talk for the public in the evening. The second speaker, Dr. Yolanda Cruz, shared her knowledge of stem cells in the fascinating world of regenerative medicine. This was the second year of the series, and we are pleased by the growth of the program. We look forward to another great slate of presenters in 2018. Join us! 7
Tabor’s Future
W here W e ’ re Headed
In 2013, Tabor’s Board of Trustees unanimously approved a long-term vision and an initial four-year strategic plan, the first in a series of planning epicycles to guide us to 2026. The
L iving and learning the tabor e x perience
As we looked ahead to our 1 5 0 th anniversary in 202 6 , the school community came together and developed a vision of what T abor could be . Though we still have a
vision and the plans, collectively called Tabor 150: Navigating
Ask John Quirk what brought him to Tabor Academy, and you’ll get a story. “When I was on campus interviewing, I walked around to get a feel for the place. Down by the Marine Science Center, I saw something you just don’t see at any other independent school: a student in jacket and tie and waders, knee deep in the tidal marsh, gathering specimens. ‘Wow,’ I thought. What a perfect image of a school. Traditional ‘up top,’ and with a bit of formality to underscore the seriousness and intentionality of the community, but also conveying that the best learning requires mucking around in the mud, experiencing the world first-hand and in spontaneous ways. I couldn’t help but be inspired by the possibilities of a place so unique.”
ways to go— nine y ears until our
. . . . by Maura King Scully
sesquicentennial— we’ ve made some great progress in the last five y ears with mr. Q uirk leading the charge .
Quirk became Head of School in 2012, arriving just in time to put his fingerprints on a long-range plan the Board of Trustees had initiated the spring before in anticipation and support of the coming leadership transition. Tabor 150: Navigating the Future set an ambitious course to steer Tabor toward its sesquicentennial in 2026, outlining changes to improve and enhance the intentionality and quality of the student experience, to secure the school’s financial sustainability, to increase Tabor’s competitiveness in the marketplace of great schools, and to harness the strength of the community and the learning opportunity presented by the residential character of Tabor’s programs. Though he didn’t initiate the plan, Quirk participated fully in its development and has been committed to its realization. “The beauty of the long-range plan is that it makes us accountable to ourselves,” he says. “It forces us to ask a lot of questions and gather information and data so we have baselines to measure growth. Importantly, the first iteration of the plan also established and built consensus around the notion that our aspirations for the future, which were high, would require a true and demonstrable commitment to building our infrastructure and our capabilities at all levels.” Five years later, progress is evident across campus. The school’s capabilities have changed and improved, which has enabled some dramatic growth in Tabor’s opportunities to evolve even further. Here, we consider advances in four overlapping areas: admissions, the Tabor experience, faculty, and alumni and parent engagement.
the Future, are the guiding principles for the school’s march through the next decade. Tabor 1 5 0 : Navigating the F ut ure
Vi s i o n 2 0 2 6
At Tabor Academy, we are a diverse community of life-long learners known for our principled engagement with the world around us. Our school is internationally recognized for its deliberate commitment to transformative personal growth for our students and innovative ocean-oriented programming. Tabor graduates are leaders, adaptable and exceptionally skilled at navigating the 21st Century.
C ritical P riorities
The priorities below, by their nature, are mutually dependent. Progress in one area overlaps with and builds upon progress in another.
T he T abor E xperience
Review and revise our curriculum and programs to support a personal approach to student development, incorporating new methods to cultivate academic rigor, personal responsibility, and service to others, global citizenship, and the joy of learning.
O cean E cology
Define and develop our approach to using the ocean as one educational tool and metaphor for the systematic study of the world around us.
Fac ulty
Attract, develop, and retain exceptional faculty members who will embrace and advance Vision 2026.
Establish an inclusive school community of students, faculty, staff, and trustees that embraces diversity and multiple cultural perspectives.
O perational E xcellence
Develop a rigorous and innovative culture of excellence in all areas of the school’s operations, emphasizing planning, communications, technology, volunteerism, and data-driven decision-making.
Build a culture of giving and engagement that advances these critical priorities; increases financial aid and the Fund for Tabor to position Tabor in the top quartile of peer schools; and inspires $150 million in capital and endowment giving.
That increase, in turn, raised the bar in other areas: Tabor has been able to improve selectivity in admissions dramatically, enrolling those best able to get the most from their experience. “It’s also allowed us to look at diversity within diversity— 962 167
156 143
165 $5.88
709 40%
n # of students receiving financial aid n $ total investment in financial aid We plan to invest $7.03M in aid in 2018.
n # of applications n % accepted As of May
C ra f ting Commu nity
When Eddie Hannon ’17 first came to Tabor, “older kids talked about how it used to be less strict,” he recalls. “I think when Mr. Quirk came, he set the standard of high expectations. I’ve seen huge steps in this direction every year. More and more kids show up ready to bring their best.” Three years later, when Hannon was elected student Co-Head of School, he saw this play out as a member of the discipline committee. “Last year, we just didn’t have that many cases. On the whole, kids see the value of being a contributing member of the Tabor community. They’re taking some serious pride in the school and what it stands for.”
not just racial but also cultural, geographic, and socioeconomic,” says Director of Multicultural Education and Student Life Anika Walker-Johnson. Students today come from 24 states and 19 countries, with students of color now comprising 13 percent of the student body, up from 5 percent in 2012. Living and Learning the Tabor Experience
What Hannon experienced is a result of Tabor’s focus on community, a broad area encompassing student life, financial aid, and the overall Tabor experience. The easiest of those to measure concretely is Tabor’s investment in financial aid: an 84 percent increase in total dollars awarded from 2012. “More financial aid has allowed us to be more selective within our applicant pool and attract students who are going to add the most to Tabor in the classroom, on the playing field, in the arts, in student life, and throughout the community as a whole,” says Director of Admissions Bobbi Krein. The increase was made possible by the Impact Investment Fund (IIF), seed money donated by members of the Board of Trustees and a number of other stakeholders. “The board realized that if we were going to reach Tabor 150’s goals, we needed early funding,” Quirk explains. IIF donors committed to a five-year pledge to both the school’s annual fund and the IIF. The combination produced an additional $1 million a year to be used in areas that would provide an immediate return on investment, like financial aid. 10
The care and attention to the kinds of students coming in has, in turn, produced a richer learning experience for everyone. “We see more students reaching outside of their comfort zones, taking risks by trying new things,” says Krein. One such student was Trinity Monteiro ’17. “I went to an all-girls’ middle school. When I got to Tabor, I found I missed the constant female empowerment environment,” she explains. After reading I Am That Girl, a book about female empowerment by Alexis Jones, Monteiro decided to act and invited Jones to speak at Tabor. “It was really inspirational,” she recalls. “Following that, we started an I Am That Girl chapter at Tabor.
/athletic offerings
It really took off. On average, we hosted two events a month: sometimes it was conversation-based meetings about topics such as body image or respect. Other times, it was events like Gratitude Week, or simple things like sticking post-it notes with positive messages around campus.”
classes for reflection and consolidation of ideas.” The longer periods, increased from 50 minutes, allow for more student-centered instruction and a deeper exploration of skills and concepts, facilitating greater student engagement, and with it, more enduring and transferable learning.
Following Monteiro’s graduation, the chapter is still going strong, a fact that makes her proud. “I’m not a top student, artist, or athlete, but I had such a passion for inspiring people and helping them grow,” she reflects. “I learned I have the ability to make change.”
Facu lty
Monteiro’s experience illustrates another of the long-range plan’s priorities: strengthening the Tabor experience, which involves a range of initiatives from the classroom to the dormitory. “In student life, we’re broadening the types of activities we offer,” explains Krein. “So, we still have big-group activities, like dances. But we now also have many more small-group activities: students getting together to make pizza in a faculty member’s apartment or discussion groups on cultural and political topics.” In addition, Tabor has reinforced the importance of the advising relationship, assuring that each student is known and prepared for school in every way. Other changes that have helped to facilitate this shift were the introduction of class deans—another point of connection for the community—and a 24/7 approach to wellness. “The Health Center is now open 24 hours a day,” says Walker-Johnson. “We also have a full-time counselor with two more on call so we can address issues as they arise.” On the academic side, Tabor instituted a new daily schedule this fall: increasing class meeting times to 75 minutes, and reducing the number of classes meeting in a single day. “We wanted to deliberately slow down the pace of the day,” notes Dean of Studies Eileen Marceau, “creating space within our
TOm kates
acceptance rate in 2017
Dr. Karl Kistler came to Tabor in 2001 with a degree in chemical engineering and two years of college teaching under his belt. “I wanted to introduce some engineering into the science curriculum,” he says. Kistler began offering some engineering classes that became popular with students. “A few years ago, we started a maker space with a couple of 3D printers and some hand tools.” In 2015, with support from Tabor, Kistler attended the International Society for Technology in Education conference in Philadelphia. He returned to campus inspired and was able to secure a new home for a full-fledged MakerLab in Ashley House. “The school has been very supportive. Tabor purchased a third 3D printer as well as a laser cutter and a CNC milling machine. We now have a sequence of engineering classes: electrical, mechanical, and advanced engineering—which are all full. Several interdisciplinary projects bring students from humanities, math, and science classes into the MakerLab. This year, we’ve added an after-school program for kids who want to get involved with making but might not be able to fit it into their academic day.”
faculty engagement in professional development; nearly doubled in
Tabor’s investment in engineering has paid off. Last year, the school was one of 15 nationally to win a Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam grant to develop “Sammy the Seabot,” a robot that can monitor water quality in Sippican Harbor. “The students will continue to work on the seabot going forward,” 11
of new hires over the past
years were in mid-career
Kistler notes. “Engineering is an iterative process. You make something, and then you make it better. In the short-term, we’d like marine science classes at Tabor to be able to use it. Long term, we’d like it to be helpful to outside groups such as the Buzzards’ Bay Coalition.” Kistler’s story is about the magic that can happen with faculty investment, both in institutional funding and individual commitment. “Faculty professional development has skyrocketed,” says Julie Salit, Associate Head for Faculty and School Affairs. “Such opportunities have enriched not only the individual’s teaching, but also that of the entire faculty as we share what we have learned through collaborative projects, course coordination, and our online resources board.” Tabor has developed a hiring process that enables the school to attract high-quality candidates with a range of experiences in educational institutions. “Focusing on the critical priority of attracting and retaining exceptional faculty, we have enhanced our benefits package and have made big strides in improving faculty housing,” Salit continues. “In just the past three years, Tabor has refurbished 30 faculty apartments and has built three additional new family apartments in Matsumura House.” Plans for a new dormitory will add four more faculty apartments, while continuing to improve student life. “This is important because we want to bring more adults on campus to be part of our ’round-the-clock learning community,” says Quirk. “It’s central to our core purpose that as many faculty members as possible—because they are the true ‘deliverers’ of the Tabor Experience—are here on campus, teaching, mentoring, and guiding by their exceptional examples. Of course, retaining and attracting the most effective boarding school teachers—people who excel in every area of school life—requires 12
increase in annual fund over
current and ongoing commitment to faculty support and to ensuring that our outstanding faculty members are compensated in ways that recognize the school’s position and their many strengths. Historically, our faculty were earning just 75 percent of median across our competitors; we’ve improved on that significantly because we know that to compete as a school means establishing the strongest possible faculty. To do that, we need to let aspiring teachers know that this is a professional destination worth coveting and pursuing.” A dvancement
Seven years ago, “when you went to a Tabor athletic game, you had no idea who the Tabor parents were and who were there from the other school,” recalls Regina Shakin, parent of three Seawolves. Fast forward a year later, and Shakin and her husband, Jim, were co-chairing a reinstituted Parents’ Association. The group holds meetings four or five times a year, on a Saturday when there are home games. They host a holiday gathering, class dinners, and Faculty Appreciation Day. Best of all, “when you go to a Tabor game now, parents wear buttons that say, ‘Proud Tabor Parent.’ There’s also a Tabor tent where they serve chili and chowder,” adds Shakin, who recently passed the reins to Elle Hotchkiss. “Tabor is doing a lot more now with parents and alumni. And good things happen when you engage those groups.” This past year, Tabor hosted two large-scale alumni events: The school’s first-ever Athletic Hall of Fame induction in October 2016 and Frozen Fenway in January—its first-ever hockey game at Boston’s Fenway Park. Over 300 alumni and friends attended each of these events. “Connections and conversations with alumni, parents, and past parents are happening much more,” says Quirk. “We have so much talent in these communities, and we’re looking to tap into
it. We want people to come back to Tabor to speak to classes, talk to students about their careers, or mentor students. And one of the most important things alumni and parents can do is to be an evangelist for the school. If you have a friend or colleague who is looking at high schools for their daughter or son, encourage them to look at Tabor. There isn’t anything more valuable.” Engaging alumni and parents has had a number of positive effects: significant growth in the Fund for Tabor, the school’s annual fund—both in dollars raised and in the number of people participating— and in the presence of many more of our outside constituencies on campus. “These are all are signs of our growing momentum,” Quirk continues. “When I first arrived at Tabor, I didn’t feel the parent presence nearly as strongly as I do now. We’ve committed to parent engagement as part of our approach to developing our students, and it has had great consequence for the tone and feel of the campus generally. I’m so pleased that parent participation in the Fund for Tabor has grown to 78 percent, but I’m even more proud that every parent recognizes their critical part in this community. It’s more difficult to cultivate the same engagement with alums, as the campus is not as accessible, but we’ve made progress there, too. Ensuring the many concentric circles of support that surround our students is central to all of our goals.” A G reat S tart
All of these developments are positive, signaling that Tabor Academy is indeed operating at a higher level and increasing its competitive opportunities in myriad ways. For Quirk, these are signs of a school culture that has growth at its heart, and which signals to all constituencies that the institution of Tabor is itself a learning entity. “We have the highest of expectations for our students,” he says, “and it is only right that we hold the school to the same standards or more.”
five years: $1.34 million to
“With Tabor 150, we’ve made some good progress in program, culture, and philosophy, but the truly heavy lift is just beginning as we build on a strong foundation. The next few years will see significant focus and investments in financial aid and scholarship; in faculty support and compensation; in the physical plant, especially facilities serving our academic, residential, and arts programs; and signature, forward-looking curriculum in areas like ocean ecology, engineering, leadership, and technology.” While these are part and parcel of the school’s vision and its six critical priorities, the next iteration of the strategic plan will further detail and prioritize the path toward reaching these goals as Tabor heads toward its 150th anniversary. Significantly, it will also involve a major fundraising campaign—the first Tabor has undertaken since 1993—which will generate the financial momentum and capacity to compel Tabor’s vision into realities. “We have momentum, but now we have to cement it,” Quirk says. “In the next stage of our long-range plan and upcoming fundraising campaign, we’ll be looking to solidify all of the advances we’ve made over the past five years and capitalize on our ocean setting. Today, from a growing position of strength and competitiveness, Tabor can reach toward, access, and realize even more of the possibilities that launched these efforts and our long-range plans. Navigating the future to the fully envisioned expression of all Tabor can be at 150 is our charge. Our progress these past five years has been remarkable, but the wins just ahead are the ones that will most elevate our great school.”
Deeper Learning, Saner Pace A New Academic Schedule :
by Eileen Marceau, Dean of Studies
engagement with the material for the purposes of thinking and learning, along with the time to be more responsive to a variety of learners. In short, our new schedule allows more opportunity to move our students beyond “doing school” to authentically engaging in deeper, enduring learning.
echnology has made our world seem faster and faster. Email and social media, texting, cell phones, and the 24-hour news cycle—access and accessibility have boxed out room for mindfulness, solitude, introspection. Compounding that, the day-to-day pace of our school lives has left students and adults alike breathless and exhausted, coasting into breaks on fumes, unable to pause and generate the type of deep thinking, reflection, and processing that is so necessary for cultivating knowledge—knowledge of ourselves and of our world. We are victims of our own freneticism, and our frenetic nature was exacerbated by the choppy structure of our daily timetable. To address our concerns with pace, we decided to slow down, fill our days with fewer transitions, create the breathing room needed for reflection, and the time necessary to allow us to dive deeper and engage our students more fully in the task of learning. So began our journey to a schedule change. We know that learning needs for our current world context have gone beyond mere content acquisition. 14
Instead, students must be tasked to think creatively and empathetically, to approach challenging and open-ended problems without clear answers, and to work collaboratively, applying critical reasoning and design-based thinking to reach solutions to real-world issues and problems. It is these higherorder cognitive skills that we are trying to teach, and it is these same skills that will stay with our students long after they have forgotten the details of the Krebs Cycle, the ramifications of the Stamp Act, or the significance of the pickle dish in Ethan Frome. Our new schedule employs 75-minute class periods and fewer classes meeting in a single day. Fewer, longer classes in a day will create more opportunities to engage in the kind of skills-based, transferable learning that we hope to cultivate at Tabor. While there was student-centered work happening before in places across our curriculum, in general, our 45- and 50-minute classes were simply too short to go beyond teacher-centered delivery of content on a regular basis. Our new longer classes allow us to move routinely beyond topic coverage to true
Our new academic schedule also creates fewer transitions in a day, both physical and mental, which take time away from engaged learning. An Independent School Management (https://isminc. com/) study on school schedules noted that the average time required to mentally transition between classes is about 13 minutes—from the time you start to check out and watch the clock on the back end of one class to the time you are really locked in on the subject at hand in the next. (Scheduling Without Conflict, Independent School Management, Wilmington, DE (2011), p.19.) By that logic, we were losing over 80 minutes of academic time each day just to transitions in our past schedule. And if we as faculty felt our days were packed, consider the pace for a student with a full day of six or seven classes. The amount of mental gear shifting required and the pace at which a student was obliged to take in information over the course of the academic day was truly draining. With no time to reflect or process, the only avenue for consolidating their learning was through evening study—time often consumed by assignments to be completed for the next day.
Independent School Health Check (http:// survey in 2016 indicated that a significant number of our students were under-rested, overstressed, and by extension, under-prepared for a world beyond just getting through high school, further confirming our desire to take action on our schedule.
Any change is a fundamental challenge to our innate desire for stability. Schools are driven by cycles and tides that are inherently predictable, and it is human to crave the comfort of that predictability. Naturally, anticipating this schedule shift With an eye toward community wellness, we knew has meant significant work and professional growth that the reduction in the number of class meetings for our teachers to prepare for the new school year. And it is just as important for us to recognize that in a single day would make for a more controlled longer classes demand more active engagement on prep cycle both for students and teachers. With up to six classes to prepare on a typical school night the part of our students. It will surely push many beyond their comfort zones as learners on their way in the past, our students had to regularly make to becoming more agile and active thinkers. This is decisions of “academic triage”—handling some all part of a learning and growing process. We want assignments superficially or not at all in favor of allocating mental resources elsewhere. Alternatively, our students to understand their school experience some students reported working late into the night as far more than just learning what to know, but rather learning (and practicing!) how to think. to complete their daily work. The results of our 15
Faculty prepare for successful implementation of our new 75-minute class schedule
Setting Up for Success the world. The components of this initiative will help to inform how we create and enhance student engagement and performance, design authentic assessment tools, and cultivate a learning community in which students and faculty alike see themselves as agents, owners, and partners of their learning.
by Derek Krein, Dean of Professional and Programmatic Growth
in the evolution of how we now plan to arrange and apportion our academic time is our obligation to leverage our professional development resources to generate the most valuable learning opportunities for our students. As we’ve planned this year to best utilize our new mission-driven academic schedule, featuring four 75-minute periods each day, we have built professional partnerships and skills to likewise align our professional growth pursuits to our mission.
In Thomas Friedman’s most recent publication, Thanks for Being Late (2016), he describes the era since 2007 as “the age of accelerations.” As technologies, markets, and other industries evolve at an eye-watering rate, education as an entity must enhance its capacity for adaptability and foster innovation dispositions—that is, the cycle of experimentation, learning, applying knowledge, and assessing aspects of success and failure—in order to maintain relevance in the task of preparing students for this new ubiquitous, global dynamism. How might we achieve such agility and adaptability? Friedman suggests that “when the pace of change gets this fast, the only way to retain life long working capacity is to engage in life long learning.” Sound familiar? This reads as though inspired by Tabor’s first mission tenet: “To instill a lifelong love of learning.” To improve the learning and adaptability of our students, we must attend to the learning and adaptability of the adults at school. Professional learning is demonstrably more valuable to faculty 16
when it challenges existing beliefs, occurs over 24-36 months, applies directly and immediately to daily practice, involves external experts, and addresses needs or concerns relevant to individual faculty. With the goal of creating a climate that is ever more rich and robust in learning for our students and faculty, Tabor partnered with The Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning (CTTL) housed at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac, Maryland. We embarked on a learning initiative that, over several years, will steadily and deeply engage our community with the current Mind Brain Education (MBE) research. This partnership, and their book, NeuroTeach, will allow Tabor faculty to develop both a shared vocabulary and a common conceptual framework for understanding and implementing this critical and burgeoning realm of scientific research. Our partnership will position Tabor to build its outreach and network among like-minded practitioners, schools, and colleges across the country and around
We began our work with the CTTL in the winter of 2016 when its co-directors engaged our faculty in an introductory and spirited conversation about teaching and learning that ranged from what we do, why we’ve done it that way, what we know now from research about the brain and learning, and what we might do with that profound information to guide schools going forward. It was a call to action—a call to learn, really—about learning and the implications for the opportunities and programs we create as teachers and as a school, collectively the “Tabor Experience.” Each summer, for the next three years, we will send 12-15 faculty to the CTTL Summer Academy, and CTTL will visit us in Marion to further advance both our MBE understandings and the MBE work. CTTL has established partnerships with researchers from Harvard Graduate School of Education who lead Research Schools International and Johns Hopkins University’s Science Leadership Institute. These types of research university to secondary school collaborations make good sense, as we have an abundant supply of what they need: teachers and students.
from learning objectives to lesson purpose to metacognitive processes. A session with students to consider their daily reality was illuminating: what motivates and inspires our students, the prominence of technology in social and academic affairs, and the importance of being known and connected to faculty.
With these ISM experiences, our faculty trainers planned and led the entire faculty in a similar full-day exercise in preparation for the 2017-18 school year. All these planning “dots,” when connected, illustrated how faculty might give students greater agency in their learning. Few approaches to professional learning are more compelling than teachers leading teachers, and as we crossed that threshold, the resulting optimism and infusion of inspiration from this day served to fuel our institutional acceleration of enhanced adaptability, innovation, and learning.
As faculty we are embracing the learning and modeling process related to reflection, as well. Through Folio, a management tool designed by independent school faculty that facilitates growth through conversation, goal-setting, and reflection, each Tabor faculty member will be able to cultivate their own professional growth through the same process of innovation that Freidman describes— a cycle of experimentation, learning, applying knowledge, and assessing aspects of our own success and failure. Through reflection we both model and consolidate our learning, we test our assumptions, reconnect with conviction, reimagine what is possible, and identify next steps for our learning.
We also invited industry leaders in education consulting, Independent School Management (ISM), to train a small group of Tabor faculty who engaged in a series of 75 minute periods, (mirroring As faculty, we have recommitted to being students; indeed, we have reaffirmed our love of life-long the length of our new class blocks) investigating learning. pedagogical structures and strategies that spanned 17
Global Connections
s our world grows ever smaller and more complex, our students benefit greatly from the experience of working with students from around the world on issues we face together, issues that have the power to unite us in common purpose. To this end, a new partnership with Rysensteen Gymnasium, Denmark, has been forged.
by Rick DaSilva ’89, Associate Director, Center for International Students
P artner school locations:
Throughout the decades, Tabor has engaged in various initiatives including service trips, language and cultural exchanges, and even our popular drama exchange, in an effort to engage in more dynamic, personal, and experiential international opportunities. Each opportunity has brought us closer to a new strategy to encourage international cooperation allowing students to visit other countries and learn from their cultures and traditions, their strengths and weaknesses. Building on Tabor’s long-standing tradition of international engagement, a new partnership with the Rysensteen Gymnasium in Copenhagen has been recently established and will begin this fall. As Tabor’s first exchange program with a Danish institution, this venture is meant to provide not only a new framework for student and programmatic exchange, but also an opportunity for Tabor Academy to join a larger network of schools from all over the world.
The Rysensteen Gymnasium, a school of approximately one thousand students from the central part of Copenhagen, has developed and committed to a Global Citizenship program that, according to their website, “encompasses all students and all courses of the school.” Recognized by the Danish Ministry of Education as an International Profile School, Rysensteen endeavors to provide rigorous academics with an international focus and has, to support these goals, created a network of schools from countries around the globe including Turkey, China, Egypt, Spain, and Argentina to name a few. Tabor is fortunate to be one of the most recent additions to this arrangement, affording us the opportunity to form similar exchanges and relationships with other Rysensteen partner schools, their students, and faculty. Through this group of similarly minded schools, Tabor hopes to further foster global competency and international engagement. Rysensteen’s ideals, as well as their educational philosophy, strive to create global citizens that will actively engage with the challenges of the world.
Using a “set of academic, intercultural and democratic aims,” Rysensteen students work to integrate national standards with a global perspective. During the fall of their senior year, students join their academic groups or “cohorts” in visiting schools across the world within their network. The partner schools, each representing a specific and predetermined academic focus, host students in homestays and invite them to experience the academic, cultural, and social settings of their communities and countries. Tabor Academy, fittingly, has been chosen as the Mathematics and Science Hub of the partnership. Beginning this fall, Tabor will accommodate Rysensteen cohorts who are focusing their studies in math or science. Students will stay with host families for one week in late fall and join classes in Engineering, Marine Science, General Science, Computer Science, and Mathematics. Outreach between Tabor seniors and their peers in Denmark began in the spring to best facilitate the projects the students will undertake together. Later in the
year, Tabor students will have the opportunity to visit Denmark as part of a similar academic exchange or as ambassadors to the Rysensteen Model United Nations Summit, a summit where students from across the network meet annually.
Argentina C anada C hina E gypt I celand I ndia
Tabor, through our previously established partnership with the RDFZ Xishan School in Beijing, China, our international service trips abroad, and this new relationship with Rysensteen Gymnasium, is working to set the standard in direct and engaging global endeavors that will not only broaden the reputation of our school, but also help develop international relations as well as global and cultural competency. We are eager to see what other exchange opportunities for both students and faculty can be fostered within this new network of international schools. As we begin this new chapter, and as we grow, we know that by working together on common concerns, our students will both meet and become global citizens.
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in focus
Dining Hall Renovation Complete
A major renovation of Johnson Dining Hall was accomplished over the summer, completed just in time for the opening of school. The improvements have made our dining spaces more appealing, welcoming, and flexible. The main goals were to improve the circulation around the serving area of the dining hall as well as to improve the experience for our diners, including those with food allergies. New flooring, higher ceilings with improved sound absorption, new floor to ceiling windows to take best advantage of our unique ocean views, and better lighting make the space feel more modern and open. The renovation was also a chance to return Lillard Living Room to its traditional elegance as a focal point of community life. Minor construction is still underway as we remake the fireplace alumni cherished. New windows, furnishings, rugs, and lighting are also featured. The improved living room will allow us more options to entertain groups in style, enjoy small group discussions, as well as have a special place for community celebrations. We look forward to enjoying the space together on Tabor Day!
this page: Justin acting in the Fireman
Producing Results
Center in 2007
President Barack Obama on the set of Hamilton following his post-show address to the audience during a special
by Lori Ferguson
fundraiser for the DNC.
Fresh off helping to shepherd the Broadway musical “Hamilton” to success, Justin Nichols ’07 has launched his own production company.
When Justin Nichols ’07 signed on as executive assistant to Hamilton lead producer Jeffrey Seller in 2012, playwright and lyricist Lin-Manuel Miranda had only written the first half of the first act. “When I started the job, I helped line produce small readings of the show, and over the next two years, I watched it grow into a fully formed creation.” Nichols realizes how fortunate he is to have had this opportunity. Hamilton became a huge success and Nichols learned the process of bringing a musical to Broadway from Seller, one of the best in the business.
A prominent figure on Broadway, Seller is known for producing such hits as Rent, Avenue Q and In the Heights. “When I got the job with Jeffrey, it was a right place, right time situation. I was thrilled; he does exactly what I want to do in the way I want to do it.” The producer is the person responsible for every aspect of the show, Nichols explains. “He’s the one managing the writers, the director and the creative team, as well as the marketing, the press and the box office. As Jeffrey’s assistant, my job was to get him from place to place to place and make sure all the bases were covered.” Hamilton went on to become a national phenomenon. In July of 2015, President Obama attended a performance; in June of 2016, the show was awarded Best Musical, one of 11 Tony awards it received from its record-setting 16 nominations; and in July, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton were in the audience. “From the show’s opening through the Tony awards was a pretty insane year,” observes Nichols wryly. In September of 2016, Nichols left Hamilton and formed his own production company, 31 Tanager. He currently has two musicals in development: a musical about Steve Jobs entitled The Crazy Ones and a folk rock re-imagining of Anne of Green Gables. In many respects, Nichols says, he’s come full circle, back to his days at Tabor when he first got the producer bug. “For my senior project at Tabor I produced, directed and starred in a musical, The Last Five Years,” he
recalls. “At the time, I thought I was going to be a Broadway star,” he quips, “but now I realize that I was really acting and singing in a show so that I could produce it.” Nichols’ love of musical theater was further strengthened through an independent music major course he took with music faculty member Phil Sanborn. “The Tabor music major was far more advanced musically than I was interested in, so Mr. Sanborn created a ‘History of Musical Theater’ course that allowed me to do a deep dive into the structure of musical theater composition. I really enjoyed it and think back on it even now.” Nichols further cemented his love of producing while pursuing his degree in musical theater performance at Syracuse University. Now he can’t imagine doing anything else. “My four years with Hamilton were amazing,” he says. “I was working with some of the greatest minds in musical theater, which was incredibly profound, but it was also like being in the eye of a hurricane. I had to keep reminding myself, ‘As crazy as life is now, in 30 years you’ll look back and happily remember being a part of this.’” These days, Nichols is committed to a fresh challenge, developing new musicals with passion, creativity, and kindness. It’s a tough process, he concedes, but it’s his passion. “My goal is to find writers who are ‘it’ and produce their work. What do I want Broadway to look like? That’s my focus, and after working on Hamilton, I feel like I have a good roadmap.” 23
MAKING AN IMPACT alu mni pro file
Bright Lights, Big Stage That changed in 2017, when—not one—but two former players made it to that national stage: Molly Bent ’16, who plays for the University of Connecticut Huskies, and Araion Bradshaw ’16, who plays for the University of South Carolina Gamecocks. “I’m so happy and proud of them,” says Becker. “Molly and Araion are both incredibly intelligent, hard-working and dedicated.” While at Tabor, he notes, “they pushed themselves in all aspects of their lives to excel. They took AP courses. They would come and get the keys from me so they could open the gym and work out. In addition to basketball, they were also elite players in other sports—Molly in soccer and Araion in track.” And though Becker is pleased with their early success, he’s not surprised. “I knew off the bat both were very special the first time I saw them play.” Tex as Bou nd
“The road to a national championship requires the dedication of each player. Araion’s contribution was
“Crazy” is how Bradshaw describes the Final Four, held this year at the American Airlines Center in Dallas. “Last year, I was watching it on TV and this year, I was playing in it. The atmosphere was insane—the stakes were so high.”
impactful on and off the court and is something we University of South Carolina
don’t take lightly.” —University of South Carolina
“It was pretty exciting,” adds Bent. “Women’s sports don’t usually get this much attention. It was cool to be a part of it.”
Coach Dawn Staley
The day before the first game, Becker texted the two. “I’m proud of you both,” he wrote. “I knew you could get there and you did.” “I was worried they wouldn’t be communicating with each other because of the pressure,” he explains. “They’re such 24
he’s coached Tabor girls’ basketball, Seawolves play in the NCAA Final Four. good friends; I didn’t want them to lose that connection.” Both players appreciated the message and admitted it was hard to connect amid all the hubbub. “We did get to talk briefly at the Salute Dinner the night before,” says Bent. “We wished each other good luck.” The competition was tough. The Huskies lost in the first round to the Mississippi State Bulldogs. The Gamecocks went on to beat the Bulldogs for South Carolina’s first-ever national championship. Though Bent was disappointed about losing, she’s philosophical. “We both hoped we’d get the chance to play each other in the finals but it didn’t happen. That just gives me more motivation for next year.” Bac k in M arion
Seeing Bent and Bradshaw play in the Final Four was great, but according to Becker, “the real treat was watching them play each other for three years in practice. It was amazing. You’d see one get the better of the other, and as they’d come back down the court, they’d both be smiling.”
“Every day, Molly is trying to get better, whether it’s on the court or off the court. All
“Playing at Tabor was a lot of fun,” observes Bent. “Coach Becker does a great job of getting really good players to come to Tabor. And not just great players but also great people.” “Coach Becker wants nothing but the best for you,” Bradshaw concludes. “He wants to help you get better. And playing with Molly, someone who works so hard and pushes you every day, also made me better. The whole experience allowed us both to grow, to get to where we are today.”
you can ask is that kids take every opportunity they can to get better, and that’s exactly what Molly does.” University of Connecticut
It was worth the wait. In the 25 years Will Becker had never seen one of his
— University of Connecticut Coach Geno Auriemma
by Maura King Scully
MAKING AN IMPACT alu mni pro f ile
Work Amo
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Phil Smith ’65 Retires from Board
After years of dedicated service, the longtime trustee makes room for the next generation of leaders.
by Michael Blumfield Heather McRae Tabisola ’01 rode a wave of interest in the ocean to a scientific career on the high seas.
When Heather McRae Tabisola kisses her family goodbye and goes to work, she’s often headed not to an office but to a ship—a 200-foot-long vessel laden with instruments and scientists. On board, she’ll work 12-hour shifts, for weeks at a time, in some of the most treacherous parts of the globe’s oceans. At the end, Heather and the others will have compiled massive amounts of data that will enhance our understanding of the marine ecosystem. That knowledge will be shared with others and potentially lead to more sustainable fishing practices.
“You rely on other people and they rely on you,” she said. “If you don’t do your part, it’s not going to get done at all.”
Although technically a New Jersey native, Trustee Emeritus Phil Smith ’65 considers Nantucket home. The island holds a special place in his heart for many reasons, including the role it played in bringing him to Tabor. Heading to the family’s home on the island in the fall of 1961, Smith and his parents crossed paths with Tabor’s football team. His father struck up a conversation with the coach and before long, a trip to campus was planned. The minute he arrived, Smith knew it was a fit. “I only looked at one school,” he confesses with a chuckle. “I love the water and the fact that Tabor had a place on the water—something no one else had—that was it. I never looked back.”
After Tabor she earned a degree in marine and freshwater biology from the University of New Hampshire. Since then, she’s worked on research expeditions in the U.S. and offshore of Uruguay, Greenland, and Africa, as well as the North Atlantic and Pacific. She now works for the University of Washington Joint Institute for the Study of Atmosphere and Ocean under the auspices of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
If it sounds exotic, it’s also a logical trajectory from her years at Tabor. Not only did the school feed her love of the ocean, it prepared her for functioning well as a crew member. That’s critical when your ship is being tossed around by the towering swells of the Bering Sea—her most recent work site.
Heather serves as a sort of super project manager, assisting the scientists in deploying the instruments and ensuring the testing comes off as it should, working through the accumulated data, as well as budgets, and communicating the information with a variety of audiences. The mother of a young Heather’s parents owned a Boston-docked sailboat daughter, 14-month-old Camden, she’s fortunate when she was growing up, and her interest in the to have a supportive husband, Joe, who serves as single parent during the lengthy oceanic excursions. sea intensified with a couple of summers at the Acadia Institute of Oceanography. Visiting Tabor Heather recently returned to Tabor and visited for an admissions interview, she immediately felt student classes in marine science and advanced at home. engineering. She was particularly impressed with the Lemelson/MIT-funded Sammy the Seabot “I just had such a fun, friendly, and welcoming project which is not terribly different conceptually experience that it never felt like an interview,” from the technology she works with. Heather said. “It just felt like I belonged.” A gifted athlete, she played basketball and lacrosse. Academically she focused on marine science and was astounded by the opportunity to study aboard the Tabor Boy. In retrospect, Heather says, the most valuable experience she gained was to be part of a community—not just because of the support it provides but the expectations it engenders. 26
“They’re doing big-kid science work,” Heather said. “They’re tackling a real problem.”
Smith graduated from Tabor in 1965 and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology and an MBA at the Wharton School at The University of Pennsylvania. He served as a Lieutenant on two ships in the U.S. Navy, an experience that enabled him to meet people from all over the country and cemented his belief in the importance of building relationships and listening actively. “I discovered that diversity is the strength of this nation.”
Heather at Saildrone Inc. in Alameda, CA, on a planning trip for
Any words of advice for Tabor students?
Upon completing his tour of duty, Smith embarked on a career in corporate commercial banking and investment banking, and in 1987, he returned to Tabor as a member of the Board of Trustees, a position he held until transitioning to emeritus status in May of this year. It has been a good run, he says, and now it is time to turn it over to the next generation.
work they performed collaboratively in the
“Take advantage of everything Tabor offers,” she said. “Don’t sell anything short because you don’t know where you’ll end up.”
p hi l s m i t h ’65
Bering Sea this summer.
“We had a great group on the board for my entire tenure,” says Smith. “We were all pushing Tabor to grow and improve, and during my time as a trustee,
I could see the progress we were making every time I drove through campus.” Among Smith’s proudest achievements: facilitating passage of a bond issue with an interest rate swap to finance the Fish Center for Health and Athletics and helping to shepherd the board through a transformation of leadership as five long-time trustees retired, a new board chair stepped in, and a new head of school took the helm. “It took a lot of discussion and introspection to make everything work, but we came through stronger than ever.” “It’s a wonderful time for the school,” Smith concludes. “We’re once more part of the Independent School League (ISL)—I spent years beating that drum—and the school is better than ever before. We’ve brought along a whole new generation of trustees—young, energetic, invested —and it’s their time now. I’m confident that John Quirk, our Head of School, will make Tabor a better institution, and Carmine Martignetti, our board chair, has new perspectives on the institution that I know will prove valuable. This is exciting!” “Phil has been a tremendous asset to the board over his 30 years of service,” said Martignetti ’71, “and I am so pleased we will continue to benefit from his insight as a trustee emeritus.” —Lori Ferguson 27
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Class of 2017
An extraordinary group of young people, the Class of 2017 had an extraordinary year. As we set out, we joyfully learned of our
acceptance into the ISL, which propelled us into an outstanding
entries into the Head of the Charles announcing their intentions to go to Henley in the spring, and gained an invite into Frozen
Suzu Seki ’19
championships in both football and cross-country, put two
Izzy Reid ’18
fall season of athletics. The seniors led their teams to NE
Fenway. From that high, the nation and Tabor watched history unfold with the 2016 elections, forcing us to navigate the choppy seas of dissenting opinion. It wasn’t easy or perfect, but our seniors made best efforts to lead our community by putting care and respect for others over difference, trying to model civil discourse while remaining open to others opinions. We didn’t know then we would be tested further when on January 31 we were forced to face the devastating loss of our classmate Tucker Francis ’16. The class will be remembered by the way they quickly and quietly led our community with such empathy and honesty through such a difficult year. After all, we emerged a stronger community, bound tightly to Tabor and each other, remembering our priorities. Our graduation speaker, Special Counsel and former director of the FBI, Robert Mueller, extolled the class to remember that honesty, integrity, patience, and humility were the most important enduring values. Perhaps, since his granddaughter was among the graduates, he knew he was speaking with a group with tested experience of those values, hoping they could envision the power of their application in the next steps of their lives. Godspeed 2017! Come home soon.
matric u lation list 2 0 1 7
American University Art Center College of Design Babson College (2) Bard College Bates College Belmont University Bentley University (3) Boston College (4) Boston University (3) Brandeis University Brown University (2) Bucknell University Chapman University Clark University (2) 30
Colby College Colgate University College of Charleston College of the Holy Cross Colorado State University (2) Columbia University (2) Concordia University/Canada (3) Connecticut College (2) Cornell University Dartmouth College (2) Denison University Elmira College Elon University (3) Emerson College Georgetown University
Gettysburg College Gordon College Hobart and William Smith Colleges (3) Johns Hopkins University Lafayette College Lehigh University Les Roches International School of Hotel Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Maritime Academy Miami University, Oxford Middlebury College (2) Mount Holyoke College New York University New York University/NYU Shanghai Northeastern University (6)
Oberlin Conservatory of Music Pennsylvania State University Pratt Institute Purdue University Quinnipiac University Rochester Institute of Technology Rollins College Saint Anselm College School of Visual Arts Skidmore College (2) Southern Methodist University St. Mary’s College of Maryland Texas A&M University Texas Christian University The George Washington University (2)
The New School University of Richmond (2) Trinity College/CT (5) University of South Carolina Tufts University (2) University of Vermont Tulane University (2) Villanova University United States Naval Academy Wagner College University of California/Berkeley (2) Wake Forest University University of Chicago Waseda University School of International Liberal Studies University of Connecticut Wellesley College University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Wesleyan University (2) Williams College University of Massachusetts/Amherst (5) Worcester Polytechnic Institute University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth Xavier University University of Miami (3) University of Michigan (2) University of New Hampshire at Durham (2) University of Pittsburgh 31
Senior Projects 2017
Sophia Zhang: Arranged and performed 7 versions of the Tabor Alma Mater for piano. She combined her passion for piano and for Tabor through this wonderful project. Kate Marshall: Wrote and directed 14 original monologues. After four years of musicals and black box productions, Kate was ready to direct, and found that she prefers acting. Aidan McEnroe: Designed and made a sailing rig and sails for a Swampscott Dory. As XO of Tabor Boy, he is a seasoned sailor and was eager to learn sail making. Kat Mitchell Painstakingly restored the coral reef
“My Senior Project
tank in the Marine and Nautical
offered me a great
Science Center featuring many of the
opportunity to delve
corals we research during our REEF
into the exploration of
the human mind which has always intrigued
Bryn Jacobs
me. In seven weeks, I
Used her talents in photography and
took online courses in
Photoshop to create a collage of two
psychology and learned
human faces celebrating the diversity
to create my own
of Tabor.
curriculum. I designed
Duhita Das
class activities, discussion quizzes and tests. The project has truly been a fun and rewarding experience for me!” —May Xia ’17
Senior Projects offer a time of unparalleled creativity for many of our students.
Was determined to make Tabor more
This year, 26 seniors took the opportunity to concentrate on an independent project
house was just one of several tasks she
eco-friendly. Refurbishing the green undertook to raise our awareness
of their choosing for the last seven weeks of school. Running the gamut from
about sustainability.
professional preparation to artistic exploration to academic pursuits and more,
David Martignetti Put his engineer’s hat on to design the
it is always a highlight to see and hear about their accomplishments. Learn more
Tidy Hamburger Bun. No more ketchup
on your shirt while enjoying your favorite burger with this bun!
Suzu Seki ’19
questions, and even
Photos by Joan Mabie P’13,’17
Henley Royal Regatta In the rowing world, there is a great deal of legend surrounding the Henley Royal Regatta. Hailed as the world’s most prestigious regatta, the legend extends far beyond the rowing and into the entire spectacle that is the Henley Royal Regatta. In a town nestled in the hills of the English countryside, thousands of people sit on the banks of the River Thames watching races dressed in boldly-decorated blazers, long skirts, and fancy hats. It’s a sight one cannot fully appreciate until they are surrounded by it, and one that is evidently hard to forget. This past summer, twelve Tabor rowers and two coxswains in an eight-man shell and a four-man shell traveled to Henley-on-Thames, England, to compete in the Henley Royal Regatta, the first Tabor crew to do so since 2012. Tabor has a long and storied history at Henley, having competed at the regatta since 1931 and won it on four occasions. Any rower dreams of being able to experience this event, and we were honored to be able to represent Tabor on the global scale and be part of the eighty-six year legacy of Tabor at Henley.
When we walked across Henley Bridge for the first time, it was immediately clear what all the hype is about. The town, the blue and white striped boat tents, the wooden “booms” lining the course are all truly unique elements of a race that has rarely strayed from its tradition over its 178-year history.
reconnect with some of the 1967 Eton oarsmen who were also there. In fact, George Linzee ’67 was invited to participate in Eton’s anniversary row by because one of the Eton alums could not make it. It was fun to witness the camaraderie between the Tabor and Eton men after all these years.
After our week of training at Camp Nashoba North in Maine, we flew over to England several weeks early to get acclimated and compete in several smaller regattas beforehand. The first was the Marlow Regatta, a 2000m race held on Dorney Lake, the 2012 London Olympic Rowing Venue. The second was the Reading Regatta, an 800m race held a few miles downriver of Henley. One of the highlights of the trip was the row back to Henley with Kent School after this regatta, navigating the river and its three locks.
One of the most exhilarating moments of the trip was the feeling of anticipation after our qualifying race on the Friday before Henley. After rowing the time trial race, we stood in a circle, arms locked together, waiting nervously for our name to be called over the loudspeakers in the competitors area confirming that we had earned our spot in the regatta. After standing silently for what seemed like ages, we finally got what we were so anxiously waiting for: the words “Tabor Academy.” The group erupted, jumping into the air and hugging each other—the hard work we’d put in to get to that moment was justified at last.
This year we had the good fortune to be joined by the 1967 Tabor crew celebrating the 50th anniversary of their near win vs. English schoolboy powerhouse Eton College; they lost in the finals by just 3 seconds! The Tabor alums, including our coach Wiley Wakeman ’68, enjoyed the chance to
On Wednesday, the day of our first race, we knew we had a challenge ahead of us. We were facing Shrewsbury School, one of Britain’s best rowing schools and a crew that outweighed us by twenty
by Jack Gordon ’17
pounds. Despite our eventual loss, it was certainly one of the gutsiest races I’ve ever been a part of. I think we all were proud of the race, even though we all wanted it to go a different way. Without the demands and focus of training and competing, we were free to enjoy the experience that is the Henley Regatta. Though the entire course is lined with thousands of people, the heart of the party was at the Stewards’ Enclosure, the exclusive area right at the finish line open to athletes, their families, and members. The strictly enforced dress code, a no-phone policy, and simply the atmosphere of the whole enclosure made it like stepping back in time. There was perhaps no better way to cap off my Tabor experience than being able to compete in one of the most unique sporting events in the world with my team and some of my closest friends. Henley is an event that not only connects Tabor to the world, but one that connects generations of student-athletes in a way that no other event can. 37
athletic Hall of Fame The Tabor Academy Athletic Hall of Fame exists to honor and recognize the significant contributions of former athletes, teams, coaches, and individuals who through their teamwork, dedication, leadership, and sportsmanship, have created a lasting legacy for Tabor’s athletic program. Hall o f Fame H ope f u l:
Congratulations to elected inductees for the Class of 2017,
A ly H u ssein ’19
who will be officially inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame on Tabor Day, October 7, 2017 at Tabor Academy. Biographies
Three time N ew E ngland C hampion
for the Inductee Class of 2017 are now posted on the Athletic Hall of Fame webpage under Athletics. The webpage also
Coach Gowing would have loved Aly Hussein ’19!
holds a nomination form for future inductees.
Aly earned three New England Championships
2017 H all o f Fame I nductees
M. Chester Hill ’37
last year in Cross Country, Squash, and Track
Edward “Ted” Kakas ’60
(in the 1500m while breaking the school
Conrad “Connie” Deneault ’64
record. He also broke the school record in
Jennifer Sherbrooke Palmer ’86 Alison Brewer ’96
the 3000m). In May, Aly was named by the U.S. Squash Association to its High School
1971 Varsity Boys’ Hockey
All-American list. He earned this honor of
2004 Varsity Girls’ Soccer
joining the top 20 boys high school squash players in the country by winning the
Division A New England Interscholastic
James Gowing
Squash Tournament in February. In mid-May,
All inductees are nominated by members of the Tabor
Aly returned home for four days to compete
community and selected by the Athletic Hall of Fame Committee. Nominees not selected for the Class of 2017
for and earn a place on Egypt’s six-member
will be considered for future election into Tabor’s
national team that competed in the World Junior
Athletic Hall of Fame.
Squash Tournament in New Zealand in July. He A thletic Hall o f Fame S election C ommittee
reached the quarterfinals and finished seventh in the
Colleen Coyne ’89 Dave Barker ’72
world! Aly’s work ethic, team spirit, and commitment on
Dick Duffy ’56
each of his teams has contributed to his teammates and to the
Diana Cochran Knightly ’88
school community. We congratulate him on his achievements!
Conan Leary ’97, Director of Athletics
Tabor Day, October 7, the day to return to Join us at
Join the celebration and meet the inductees.
Andrew McCain ’84, Director of Alumni Relations P.J. O’Connell, Director of Advancement John Quirk, Head of School Emily Roller ’95 Rich Roller, Faculty Emeritus Kelly Walker, Associate Director of Athletics
Register at 38
alumni connections
Building a New Alumni Association by Andrew McCain ’84, Director of Alumni Relations
Tabor Academy Alumni Association’s Mission is To connect our alumni to each other and their alma mater
Kayla Aimone ’17
in meaningful ways.
Why is engagement important to the school today? •
Check the Calendar! 10/7 Tabor Day including ISL contests,
Hall of Fame Induction, Fund for Tabor Training Day, food trucks and more!
Admission Open House
Fall Family Weekend
Head of the Charles
Lessons & Carols
Winter Musical
Reunion Weekend 2018
3s and 8s Celebrate! Check the calendar throughout the year at www.
Our mission couldn’t be any simpler. The Tabor Academy Alumni Association, of which all graduates are members, exists to keep alumni connected to each other and to the school. Currently, we engage our alumni through a variety of efforts such as regional gatherings, social media, the website, our alumni network, our e-newsletter Currents, our alumni magazine Tabor Today, and on campus events such as Reunion Weekend. But that isn’t enough. With a newly—and fully—resourced Alumni Relations Office, we plan to expand programs aimed at connecting, in meaningful ways, as many alumni as possible to each other and to the school. If you have heard Head of School John Quirk speak, you’ve heard him remark that the greatest takeaway from his conversations with alumni is that Tabor isn’t just something you did, it is something you’re always doing, a comment on the depth of the connection to our collective Tabor experience and to the place itself. The purpose of Alumni Relations is to help you find a way to continue to “live” Tabor.
Congrats to Kate! Kate Howard Marvel ’87, having served many roles in the advancement office over the past 14 years, has been promoted to Associate Director of Advancement. She will oversee Capital Giving and the Fund for Tabor as well as provide operational and systems expertise to the office. While her role has expanded, she will continue to do what she loves most, traveling the country to meet with Tabor alumni, parents, and friends.
boston event ... april 2017
The value and purpose of a school is measured by the contributions its alumni bring to the world. Yet, that value is unrealized if those contributions remain unrecognized. Only through engagement will Tabor’s true worth as an educational institution advance. The need for community is deep within us all. An active alumni engagement program leverages the pre-existing Tabor community and brings us together through a common bond. Active engagement makes the current student experience stronger by bringing alumni expertise back to campus and into student lives. It helps students recognize the true meaning of being a Tabor Seawolf. And finally, philanthropy. Tabor has met its philanthropic goals without a high level of alumni engagement, but we have ambitious aspirations for Tabor’s future. A high level of engagement keeps alumni informed of those ambitions and also signals the school is worthy of the generosity of others.
Looking ahead, I see great opportunities for growth through your participation. A fully mature Alumni Relations program will likely include area alumni clubs, career mentoring opportunities, on campus alumni panel discussions on a variety of topics, increased attendance at off campus events, the best reunion experience of any school in New England, summer internship stipends for college age graduates, and an active Alumni Council. Developing these, and other programs, is the work of the next few years. I hope you will take a moment to reflect on this effort and perhaps consider lending your assistance in its development. There is no shortage of energy and imagination on our part, and we look forward to seeking your guidance and partnering in new initiatives in the months and years to come.
East sandwich new f amily gathering
s u db u ry new f amily gathering
photos by Kayla Aimone ’17
al u mni connections
Reunion 2017 The affection and interest
2012, 5th Reunion
Follow us @taboracademy
There was something for everyone from yoga, fun runs, kayaking, and sailing, to receptions and lessons
among our alumni continues
with faculty, to opportunities to celebrate our traditions and loyalty, or just to enjoy the quiet
to build as over 500 people enjoyed reconnecting at
beauty of our incredible School by the Sea.
We hope many fond memories were ignited and we thank you all for coming. It is always best when
Reunion 2017!
you are here. 3s and 8s you are up in 2018! Enjoy all the photos at
1967, 50th Reunion
Photos by Stuart Wemple ’20
42 1992, 25th Reunion
1972, 45th Reunion
alumni connections
Words to Lead By… Jon Callaghan ’87 A venture capitalist, Jon has funded over 200 startups How did leadership roles at Tabor impact you?
Tabor was a safe place to take risks with leadership and learning. As a four year class leader, Head of School, and a proctor, I learned how to communicate with peers, faculty, and the administration, how to articulate my views in front of big audiences, and the importance of vision. Share a lesson learned from a mentor…
Tabor Around the World by Steve Downes, Director, Center for International Students
Tabor in Bangkok
Tabor in Beijing
Tabor in Seoul
With a service trip to Indonesia and alumni and parent gatherings in four cities, Tabor was very present in Asia this summer! Over two hundred Tabor students, parents, alumni, and faculty attended dinners and gatherings in Bangkok, Beijing, Seoul, and Tokyo. Faculty members John Quirk, Chris and Margaret Winslow, P.J. O’Connell, Steve Downes, and Rick DaSilva ’89 enjoyed some fantastic events and travels thanks to the hospitality of our Tabor friends in each country. We began with a service trip to Indonesia where twenty-nine Tabor students and five faculty worked with a local NGO to construct park facilities and teach English to local children. After, the annual Tabor summer receptions began. In Bangkok, at a Tabor dinner attended by fourteen alumni and all four of our current families, our four new Thai students and their parents joined in. Faculty were treated to trips to the ancient capital at Ayutthaya, as well as trips around Bangkok. They also managed to meet with several alumni individually. 44
In Beijing, Tabor’s new students from China attended a new families dinner with five faculty, and hiked the Great Wall the next day near Beijing before the Tabor summer dinner. In Seoul, we had eleven alumni join the faculty and students to welcome our three new students from Korea. We also took the opportunity to honor six recent graduates. The trip concluded in Tokyo, where the largest Tabor dinner in some time brought together thirty alumni, students, parents, and faculty for a happy evening of reminiscing and a look ahead for our three new students from Japan. We enjoyed the chance to catch up with our summer scholar, Danielle Plunkett ’18, who took a break from her one-month summer program at CIEE Tokyo to join faculty on a visit with our elder graduate from Japan, Shosuke Idemitsu ’52. Tabor’s strong connections in Asia come to life through these visits, joining faculty, new students, current families, and alumni bound together by their common Tabor experience.
Mr. Marr, the Dean of Students, taught me the importance of being present and taking time to look at the big picture. Through his example, I learned the importance of leaders and managers taking responsibility for the health and well-being of their teams. Tell us about your first management role after college? What did you learn?
A few months after graduating from Tabor, I went to purchase my first mountain bike, a new idea I was captivated by. As the clerk kicked me out, yelling that mountain bikes were nothing more than a fad, I realized I saw something others didn’t. The future of an industry was about to be born, and I wanted to be a part of it. That day, my brother and I started building a booming mountain bike business from scratch. The profits over eight years paid for many years of college and beyond, and the experience taught me almost everything I needed to know about being an entrepreneur and manager. From then on, I was hooked, both on mountain bikes and on startups! How do you continue to learn in your life and career?
Creativity and learning are huge passions in my life. I read a ton of history, science fiction, classics, business books, and lots of modern fiction. I also love listening to and seeing live music. I find this brings me all kinds of creative insights.
I attend two “big idea” conferences a year: the TED conference and the Lobby. I’ve learned that it’s important to constantly put myself in new situations with new ideas, specifically in sciences. What are the key leadership lessons you live by?
Values matter. Always start with why. Be present: life is short. If you’re in the room, whether it’s a class, a business meeting or lunch with a friend, be there, present, in the moment. Don’t let even a moment of life slip by. Life presents us all with moments “big” and small: the chance to meet someone special, the career risk you should take, the right turn you weren’t expecting, the subtle change in your friend’s voice or expression. Presence allows you to spot life’s moments of opportunity and impact. Success is never a straight line and there are no shortcuts. Recognize it’s a journey and be open to possibilities. There’s no such thing as a dumb question. If you don’t understand something, ask. You’ll be amazed at how many others around you were too afraid to ask. Take care of those around you and bring them up with you. What piece of advice would you share with a recent Tabor graduate just starting their career?
Just like at school, it’s more about the teacher than the class. Pursue the opportunities with the best people involved. Learning from the best is essential when you’re starting out. Take chances, especially with respect to markets, and future possibilities. Position yourself for the future, not the past. Balance all of your planning with some serendipity and comfort with the unknown.
class notes
Jeremiah Adams ’16
Jeremiah Adams, attends University of Oklahoma, and this summer, played as an outfielder for the Plymouth Pilgrims of the NECBL (New England Collegiate Baseball League). Austin Franklin ’16
Austin Franklin and classmates Amir Daouk and Sterling Benkhart have started a clothing company called Twain Clothiers. Their goal, aside from making clothing that is high quality and unique, is to empower artists and writers who are trying to get their work noticed. Part of the website is dedicated to publishing pieces written by up and coming writers.
Jack Wolff ’15 (3)
Kelley Newman ’12 (5) and her mother,
Former classmates Jack Wolff, JP McGrady, Billy Philpott, and David Marshall all returned to Tabor in May for the Men’s Alumni Lacrosse game.
Kathleen, presented a painting to John Quirk during Reunion Weekend. The painting depicts the SSV Tabor Boy while visiting their homeport of St. Croix. Kelley commented that the colors are so accurate and that the painting reminds her of her two homes: Tabor and St. Croix. Thank you, Kelley!
Class of 2013: 5th Reunion in June! Gia Doonan ’13 (4)
William Hooper (7th from the left) was named the all-conference rookie of the year. His Marietta College crew team won their conference championship! Congrats William!
Gia Doonan had a fantastic rowing career while at the University of Texas, and this spring finished 4th place at the NCAA Championships. According to a press release from University of Texas, Doonan became the first Texas rower to earn three first-team selections to the CRCA Division I All-America Team. She was nominated in June for the NCAA Woman of the Year, one of 229 Division 1 nominees, an incredible accomplishment! She now rows for the US Rowing Team. Congratulations, Gia!
PJ Poulin ’15
Will Lehrer ’13
PJ Poulin, attending University of Connecticut, pitched for the Bourne Braves of the CCBL (Cape Cod Baseball League).
Recently Will Lehrer and teammate Kento Kaijima ’14 helped the Bates College men’s rowing team claim the 2017 NESCAC Championship. It’s the second trophy for Bates rowing, coming behind their first win in 2015. Watch a video ( to see how Will and Kento (along with Welles Mathison ’12) have helped build Bates rowing into a top-notch New England rowing program.
William Hooper ’16 (1)
Francesca Ward ’15 (2)
Francesca Ward is in Nicaragua, working for a non-profit organization for sustainable development. She is teaching surf lessons and is the Women Empowerment Coordinator, which engages the local women of the community in a number of different vocational training and teaching programs. She recently met James Downer ’10, one of the founders of Colibri, a solar power energy start-up in Nicaragua. They both thought it was pretty surreal accidentally meeting another Tabor alum in the middle of Nicaragua. Goes to show that the Tabor community is everywhere!
Gabby Enos Fox ’09
Gabi and her husband live in a 1972 Airstream Overlander, which they have refurbished themselves. When not traveling on the open road, they own a wedding photography business. Recently they were a feature story on Read the story here: http:// Clay Mohrman ’09 (6)
(4) Kevin Salvucci ’12
Kevin Salvucci led the ’16-17 Norwich University Men’s Ice Hockey team with 21 goals, and helped the team win the NCAA Division 3 Championship over Trinity College. Norwich also won the New England Hockey Conference regular-season title with a 16-1-1 record. Cam Spiro ’11
Cam graduated from Boston College in 2015. In 2017, Cam won a Silver Medal playing hockey for the Gentofte Stars of Denmark.
Sean Lowder ’13
James Downer ’10 (2)
Upon graduating from MIT’s Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Sean Lowder will relocate to Washington, D.C. and join the engineering team responsible for the designs of nuclear reactors used to power the U.S. Navy’s fleet of submarines and aircraft carriers. Read more about his MIT and Navy accomplishments ( Congrats, Sean!
James Downer is one of the founders of Colibri, a solar power energy start-up in Nicaragua. He was giving a presentation in Managua to Casa Congo, where Francesca Ward ’15 is working. They both thought it was pretty surreal accidentally meeting another Tabor alum in the middle of Nicaragua.
Clay has just recently moved into and opened up a new studio at The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington, VT. For the past few years he has been creating LED lighting designs and will continue to do so in this new space. “I’m super stoked about it and have created an Instagram account if anyone is interested in following what’s going on!” Stop by if you’re ever in Burlington! IG: @ claymohrlighting Mattie Farrar ’04 (7)
Mattie Farrar married Andrew McLean on April 15, 2017. The wedding was in Tucson, AZ, in their backyard, surrounded by family and close friends. Maggie Wessling ’04 (8)
Tabor students spent a spring day behind the scenes with Maggie at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Maggie is the Claire W. and Richard P. Morse Fellow in Paper Conservation at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Maggie graduated from the Conservation Center at NYU in 2014 with a specialization in photographs and works of art on paper. She has completed internships at the Northeast Document Conservation Center, the Rijksmuseum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the Weissman Preservation Center.
(8) Skyler Ralston ’02
Skyler Ralston and Jayro Antonio Mendieta Gutierrez were married in a beautiful beachside wedding in Panama on March 11, 2017. Skyler graduated from Northeastern University in 2008 with an International Business degree, major in Marketing and minor in Spanish. She now works as the International Sales Manager for the Trump International Hotel & Tower Panama.
Class of 1998: 20th Reunion in June! Amy Clark Canty ’98
My husband, Rob, and I welcomed our second daughter Mariella Grace on July 22, 2016. Her big sister Vivi (now 4 years old) loves to help us take care of Ella. We live in Milford, New Hampshire, on property that adjoins my parent’s property, so Vivi and Ella get to see their grandparents every day! Rob and I continue to work in education where he is a School Psychologist and I am a Reading and Writing Specialist. Holley Tyng ’97
Holley Tyng has officially become head coach of the Colby College women’s hockey program. Congratulations! Aaron Webb ’91 (9)
Aaron and Dick Duffy ’56 bumped into each other while entering Jet Blue Park in Ft. Myers, FL, in order to watch a Pittsburgh spring training game over March break. Duff reported that he enjoyed meeting Aaron’s family and catching up while they shared some stories from the good old days before heading off to enjoy the game.
Bib Club We welcome these children of alumni into our community with joy! Cecelia Frodsham Azhderian ’96, boy, Arev Flynn, January 2017 Amy Clark Canty ’98, girl, Marielle Grace, July 2016 Wesleigh Langeland McMahon ’00, girl, Olivia Grace, April 2016 Mike Bannon ’02, boy, Brooks Henry, May 2016 Sam Assad ’03, boy, James Paul, May 2017 Laura Compton Trevelen ’03, girl, Sloan Ashbrook Loyal, July 2016 Victoria Sargent Sulser ’07, boy, Henry Fitzwilliam, June 2017 We learned both Edwin Kwok ’94 and Lawrence Kook ’94 also recently welcomed children into their lives.
For more news , please see o ur W eb S ite
w w w . t a b
Kate Marvel ’87
class notes
Having served many roles in the advancement office over the past 14 years, Kate Marvel ’87 has been promoted to Associate Director of Advancement. She will oversee Capital Giving and the Fund for Tabor as well as provide operational and systems expertise to the office. While her role has expanded, she will continue to do what she loves most, traveling the country to meet with Tabor alumni, parents, and friends.
Jose “Pepe” Sulaimán ’79 (1)
I had the privilege to be at the Vatican with Pope Francis presenting him a Virgin of Guadalupe that I carved for him.
My brother, Hector Sulaimán P’16, was invited to represent Pope Francis in Mexico through his foundation Scholas Occurrentes, he invited my other brother, Mauricio Sulaiman, who is president of the World Boxing Council and both created BoxVal—Boxing with Values, this program was at the Canelo Amir Khan fight, a Catholic fighting a Muslim with a message of peace and many others since then. The personal friend of Pope Francis and director of Scholas Occurrentes once saw a wood carving that I made and asked me to make one for the Pope, so I did a Virgin of Guadalupe, the Mexican Virgin. On June 9, we presented the Virgin to Pope Francis along with the plans for BoxVal and Scholas Occurrentes in Mexico. He was amazed with the Virgin; and for me, it was a moment that you live once in a lifetime.
Thomas Horan ’77
Thomas has been named dean of University of Redlands School of Business. Read about his appointment at
CORRECTION: In the spring 2017 Class Notes, we incorrectly referred to Jack Hawkins ’74 as the grandfather
Carter Mario ’76 (2)
Three Seawolves at the recent NCAA wrestling championships in St. Louis. That’s me on the left, my son Jake Mario ’15, and Jon Cottrell ’76, wearing our UNC gear. (Jon was an honorary Tarheel for the weekend!)
Class of 1968: 50th Reunion in June! Steven Beserosky ’68
I am happy. No, more than happy, to let you know that I got married on July 16, 2017 to Diane Cohen!
and a “catch-up” recently at The Shore Restaurant, St. Armand’s Circle, Sarasota, FL. Connie and Gigi are residents of St. Petersburg, FL. Ron and Chris are seasonal residents of Longboat Key. Connie and Ron are forming early plans for a 55th reunion in Marion in 2019. “We’ve had some nice e-mail exchanges with our classmates,” said Ron. “There’s good interest among the Class of ’64 alums to gather in Marion and rekindle old friendships with each other, and with the school.” Class of 1963: 55th Reunion in June! Ron Fink ’63
Lou Wolfe ’68 (3)
The crew program dedicated a shell in Lou’s honor this spring to thank him for all the generosity he has shown to the program over the years. Beyond his own contributions to the program, he was instrumental in raising the funds required for the Alumni Crew Rowing Tanks to become a reality! Thank you, Lou! Paul Johnson ’67 (4)
Paul Lee Johnson ’67 recently published The McLaurys in Tombstone, Arizona. An O.K. Corral Obituary. He donated the book to the Charles Hayden Library at Reunion 2017 when he was celebrating his 50th Reunion. Check it out! Richard Dey ’65
Richard donated a copy of his latest book, Westport Point—Poems, to our library. It is available on Amazon or preferably the Westport River Watershed Alliance. Inside he mentions his time on Tabor Boy. He noted that three fellow grads were among the dedicatees of “Requiem for a Shrimp Boat.” Richard Earle ’61, Paul Brayton ’65 and J. Moore ’73, were owners and captain, respectively, of Side Show, the boat they fished from. Ron Johnson ’64 (5)
Tabor alums Ron Johnson and Connie Deneault, with wives Chris Johnson and Gigi Deneault (far right) enjoyed lunch
Ron Fink was named Senior Volunteer at the USO where he has volunteered for eight years. Ron’s welcoming personality is just what they have needed! A past Army Captain, Ron works at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center where over 700 Seaman Recruits in basic training come for their “no dough dinners” each week. He is there to greet the sailors and their dependents each and every week, to make them feel appreciated and at home. A perfect job for a man who has more empathy and heart than most! A well-earned accolade for a wonderful man. Well done, Ron! Ridge White ’62 (6)
This great picture was taken on Saturday at the Alumni Regatta (5/6/17). The three individuals who have guided Tabor sailing for the past 45 years: Rob Hurd (1997-present), Ridge White ’62 (1972-1978) and Toby Baker (19791996). Over that time span, Tabor has won 40 New England Championships (Fleet & Team), but more importantly, produced countless Seawolves (and midshipmen), who have developed a love and respect for the Sea. All-A-Taut-O!
Gordon Carpenter ’59
After 50 years of practice as a business attorney and counselor, I took pen to paper to capture my experience and
wisdom representing budding entrepreneurs with clear, impactful, and practical advice. As a result I am now a published author. The book, Start Your Business… But Do It Right, is now available on Amazon. My Tabor experience stood me in good stead throughout my career and I continue to be licensed by the RI and MA Bars. I now reside on Cape Cod near my childhood summer home. Larry Schumaker ’52 (7+8) attended his
65th Reunion in June with his wife, son, Joseph ’82, his brother and sister and their spouses, and his nephews to donate a beautiful painting by American painter Hale Johnson called The Cady House. The painting was prominently placed in the Great Room at the Head of School’s residence where it will be seen and easily referenced to remember the service and character of Larry’s beloved son Lt. Col. William Sean Shumaker ’80 who passed away in 2011. In honor of his son’s memory and his family’s legacy of service to others through education, the military, firefighting or law enforcement, a scholarship was created to assist a student from a similar family of service on Sean’s death. We are grateful to the Shumakers for their gifts to Tabor and their lives of service to country and community. Their lives are a wonderful example to our students.
(8) share your news on T Abor ’ s Faceboo k page or on www . taboracademy. org / classnotes
Service Flag Project To honor our Tabor veterans we hung a Service Flag in
William Barney ’39
Veterans’ Day 2016.
Follow us @taboracademy
Elwood P. Leeming ’42 Chester A. Robinson Jr. ’49
To be represented on the Tabor
Nick Sarris ’49 Dick Holloway Hill ’53
Academy Service Flag, share your
Charlie Peters ’53 Chester P. Soliz, D.M.D. ’53
service history on our survey at:
John McGrath ’55 John Kowalski ’58
Robert W. Pierce ’58 Scott Bourgault ’82 James Lewis Ethington III ‘90 David Sosnowski ’04 Current Parent: Todd Stressenger P’18 Former Faculty/Staff: Neale Birdsall ‘51
of his son Jackson ’17. Our sincere apologies, Jack.
The Alumni Office has recently received news that the alumni listed below have died. The Tabor community extends condolences to the family and friends of those listed.
Wickenden Chapel on
Herb Wheeler ’48
Over the years, I have only made it to one reunion—in 1998 for my 50th. Since graduating Tabor, I earned my Navy wings and commission at NAS Pensacola in 1952, and was deployed on carriers Coral Sea and Antietam during the 50’s. I left the Navy with rank of CDR. I joined TWA the late 50’s and retired in 1987 after 31 years, flying both domestic and international routes. I had the pleasure of having Len Chase ’48 on one of my L1011 flights. We’ve been in touch ever since. I miss Tabor, but I’m too old and too far away to visit anymore.
I n M emoriam
Bryant Palmer
with gratitude Dear Friends, Looking back at the 2017 fiscal year, evidence of Tabor Academy’s exceptional forward momentum is all around us—and the financial support we receive from loyal and generous donors is at the heart of the school’s growth. Philanthropy impacts so much of what makes the student experience at Tabor second to none. Thank you for making Tabor a philanthropic priority. A few highlights stand out for me: • For the first time in history, giving to the Fund for Tabor surpassed $2.5 million. A tremendous accomplishment on its own, the total amount contributed in unrestricted dollars also represents a nearly 10% increase over last year’s total, and nearly double the Fund’s total from just 5 years ago. • While every Tabor student’s experience is enhanced by a successful Fund for Tabor, the remarkable increase in support over these past five years—a full $1 million more this year than in 2012—allowed for more flexibility in funding student financial assistance than ever before. • Parent giving continues to flourish; parent participation ended the year at 78%, with more than $550,000 in total contributions.
gi ft report photo credits
Kayla Aimone ’17 Mallak Al Busaidi ’17
• Finally, the Class of 1987 celebrated its 30th Reunion in June and in honor of this milestone presented Tabor with a class gift of $205,265. One of the many highlights of a fun-filled weekend, the class’s largesse is a testimony to the power of connection and the life-long relationships Tabor fosters.
Julianna Brewer ’17 Maggie Finley ’18 Cailyn Garber ’17 Summer Hofeldt ’17 Bryn Jacobs ’17
2016-2017 GIFT REPORT
The resources that donors provide are critical to advancing Tabor’s core mission. As a result, we are extraordinarily grateful for all that was shared—financial and otherwise. On the pages that follow, we honor the many who helped make the year so special. In the year ahead, bolstered by this generous support, we’ll seek to provide you with even more meaningful opportunities to touch the lives of the exceptional young people who arrived on campus just a few weeks ago.
Takamasa Matsumura ’17 Matthew Paliotta ’17 Julia Pardo ’18 Izzie Reid ’18 Suzu Seki ’19 Justin Simpson ’18 Hannah Strom ’18
Lucy Toltz ’19 Stuart Wemple ’20
P.J. O’Connell Director of Advancement
The William C. Alden Scholarship Fund The Alumni Scholarship Fund The Arms Family Scholarship Fund The Barker Family Scholarship Fund The Theodore H. Barth Foundation Scholarship Fund The Thomas Bishop Scholarship Fund The Gwendolyn S. Bleakley Family Scholarship Fund The Braitmayer Scholarship Fund The James and Margaret Brennan Scholarship Fund The Theodore H. Brodie ’47 Scholarship Fund The Tyler Brown ’02 Memorial Fund The Browning Family Scholarship Fund The Kathryn Mary Bullard Scholarship Fund The Ernest C. Clark III ’63 Scholarship Fund The Classes of ’26, ’27 & ’28 Scholarship Fund The Class of ’37 Scholarship Fund The Class of ’38 Scholarship Fund The Classes of ’45 & ’46 Scholarship Fund The Class of ’52 Scholarship Fund The Rosemary Dalzell Coler Scholarship Fund The Roger and Parker Converse Scholarship Fund The Charles Coolidge Scholarship Fund The Warner B. Cornwall ’39 Scholarship Fund The George M. Crawford ’57 Memorial Scholarship Fund The Current Parents’ Scholarship Fund The James and Katrina Saltonstall Currier ’87 Scholarship Fund The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation Scholarship Fund The Harry J. Decas ’82 Memorial Scholarship Fund The Edward G. Detmer Scholarship Fund The DiVosta Scholarship Fund The Doubleday Scholarship Fund The Dows Scholarship Fund The Peter G. DuPuy ’66 Scholarship Fund The Robert W. Fawcett Memorial Scholarship Fund The Edward E. Ford Foundation Scholarship Fund The Lincoln E. Ford ’56 Scholarship Fund The Albert Fried Scholarship Fund The George E. Glaeser Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund The Alan S. Golub ’53 Scholarship Fund The James D. Gowing Scholarship Fund The H. Theodore Gregory Scholarship Fund The Walter and Milada A. Hampson Scholarship Fund The Barbara W. and George H. Hart Jr. ’38 Scholarship Fund The Charles Hayden Foundation Scholarship Fund The Andrew David Heitman Scholarship Fund The Hiller/Clark Scholarship Fund
$44,225 $46,665 $978,567 $129,107 $25,707 $240,364 $276,079 $176,972 $98,873 $48,991 $58,460 $1,067,204 $36,557 $220,717 $255,767 $18,269 $5,019 $77,203 $49,609 $23,072 $60,092 $98,399 $435,130 $26,466 $216,339 $12,597 $20,416 $87,986
$1,500 $7,975 $40,000 $850 $11,002
$129,041 $90,988 $69,004 $107,484 $50,218 $167,015 $123,307 $426,418 $29,995 $207,936 $21,204 $38,218 $23,145 $83,836 $355,402 $220,456 $24,445
$200 $121,249 $4,561 $4,500 $5,513
$46,856 $49,440 $1,038,366 $145,237 $27,236 $254,662 $334,881 $187,499 $105,655 $51,905 $73,594 $1,130,686 $38,732 $233,846 $270,982 $19,568 $5,318 $81,795 $52,560 $24,445 $63,667 $104,252 $461,013 $28,041 $229,208 $13,346 $21,631 $93,220 $128,462 $136,717 $96,400 $73,108 $113,877 $53,205 $176,950 $130,642 $456,615 $36,547 $226,146 $22,465 $40,491 $24,522 $88,823 $376,542 $233,569 $25,899
valu e 6.30.17
est . mark et
this year
total received
mark et valu e
valu e 6.30.17
est . mark et
this year
total received
mark et valu e
The Sturtevant Hobbs ’42 Life Sports Scholarship $220,105 $233,197 The Henry Hornblower Scholarship Fund $76,934 $81,511 The Horan Memorial Scholarship Fund $5,008 $5,306 The John H. Hughes Scholarship Fund $15,173 $16,075 The Lt. Col. William A. Illingworth III, MD ’65 Scholarship Fund $45,208 $9,050 $57,485 The Robert D. Kiernan Scholarship Fund $118,345 $125,385 The William W. Knight III ’52 Scholarship Fund $19,549 $500 $21,242 The Lucien Lavoie Memorial Scholarship Fund $33,672 $35,675 The John D. Lawrence Scholarship Fund $67,950 $71,992 The Lyndon Paul Lorusso ’73 Scholarship Fund $300,315 $318,179 The Jules Luchini Scholarship Fund $70,615 $74,815 The John Noel Macy ’75 Memorial Scholarship Fund $37,807 $2,500 $42,704 The John C. Makepeace Memorial Scholarship Fund $443,946 $20,000 $491,543 The Paul L. “Buzz” Masaschi ’55 Scholarship Fund $23,955 $25,380 The Kari McCarthy Memorial Scholarship Fund $36,116 $2,100 $40,489 The Memorial Scholarship Fund $104,888 $200 $111,339 The Miller Family Scholarship Fund $38,653 $4,900 $46,144 The Mitton Scholarship Fund $13,468 $14,269 The Ronald E. Oliveira ’55 Scholarship Fund $25,355 $26,863 The Charles A. Pappas Endowed Scholarship Fund $483,446 $512,204 The Wayne N. Peterson ’55 Scholarship Fund $22,836 $24,195 The Carl & Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Scholarship Fund $284,909 $5,000 $307,154 The Helen A. and Robert D. Reinhardt ’28 Scholarship $101,786 $107,841 The Schaefer Scholarship Fund $35,105 $37,193 The Lt. Col. William Sean Schumaker ’80 Scholarship Fund $40,337 $5,225 $48,272 The Hugh W. Schwarz ’36 Scholarship Fund $31,297 $33,159 The Robert and Frank Scully ’44 Endowed Scholarship Fund $231,841 $245,632 The Sedgeman Family Scholarship Fund $54,620 $500 $58,399 The Jack Boyd Smith Jr. ’76 Endowed Scholarship Fund $421,935 $25,000 $473,520 The L. Middlebrook Smith ’34 Scholarship Fund $48,276 $51,148 The Stephen P. ’68 & Gary K. ’76 Sprague Scholarship Fund $77,440 $12,000 $94,760 The Stevens Foundation Scholarship Fund $69,058 $73,165 The Robert Gregg Stone Scholarship Fund $298,462 $316,215 The Robert V. Sweeney Scholarship Fund $265,291 $250 $281,336 The Elizabeth Taber Scholarship Fund $129,396 $100 $137,198 The James B. Tedesco ’79 Memorial Scholarship Fund $52,441 $5,057 $60,918 The Atlabachew Tedla Scholarship Fund $22,069 $23,382 The Tiedemann Family Scholarship Fund $823,484 $872,469 The Mary & Edmund Tripp Scholarship Fund $293,423 $310,877 The Tarik Toukan ’98 Memorial Scholarship Fund $15,711 $15 $16,662 The Wallace Foundation Scholarship Fund $145,198 $153,835 The Watts-Meinkoth Family Scholarship $24,472 $25,928 The Webster Scholarship Fund $941,492 $997,496 The James W. Wickenden Scholarship Fund $836,147 $885,885 The Williams Scholarship Fund $14,988 $15,879 The Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Family Scholarship Fund $186,613 $20,000 $218,903 TOTA L SCH OL A RSH IP EN D OW M EN T $14,652,099 $309,748 $15,851,840
valu e 6.30.17
est . mark et
this year
total received
mark et valu e
valu e 6.30.17
est . mark et
this year
total received
mark et valu e
E NDOWME NT FOR faculty and instru ction
Anonymous $141,536 $149,956 The Lawrence O. Bidstrup Faculty Summer Sabbatical Fund $28,809 $30,522 The Birdsall Faculty Fund $119,166 $126,255 The Braitmayer Faculty Enrichment Fund $814,053 $862,476 The Rudolph Weyerhaeuser Driscoll Chair in History $1,339,078 $1,418,732 The Winifred P. & Robert E. Eichler Jr. ’32 Fund $134,390 $142,384 The Faculty Summer Sabbatical Fund $105,909 $112,208 The Edward E. Ford Foundation Faculty Benefit Fund $113,731 $120,496 The Edward E. Ford Foundation Fund for Faculty Study $102,086 $108,159 and Development The Dr. Lincoln E. Ford ’56 Fund for Biological Sciences $378,680 $401,205 The Marguerite Peet Foster Fund for Marine Science $101,462 $107,497 The Frank Faculty Fund for Excellence in Science $27,060 $5,141 $34,117 The James David Gowing Chair in English $1,310,000 $1,387,924 The Jim Gowing/Ben Phipps Fund $52,701 $55,836 The Clayton Edward Keith Fund $79,134 $83,841 The William R. Kenan Jr. Fund $2,458,465 $2,604,705 The Lyndon Paul Lorusso ’73 Faculty Fund $165,379 $175,216 The Mazzuto Mathematics Fund $33,693 $35,697 The Charles E. Merrill Fund $98,552 $104,414 The Mitton Faculty Fund $13,972 $14,803 The W. Ralph Muth Fund for Marine Sciences $54,998 $58,269 The David K. Pierce Chair in Math & Science $250,000 $264,871 The Lee Pokoik ’63 Faculty Fund $237,229 $251,341 The Gilbert E. & Dorothy Stokes Endowment Fund for Science $64,024 $67,833 The Gilbert E. Stokes Endowment Fund for Science Technology $101,074 $5,840 $113,274 The Marjorie and Stanley Stroud Faculty Summer Sabbatical Fund $50,654 $53,667 The Tabor Faculty Fund $166,145 $176,028 The Torch Award for Commitment to Professional Growth $199,696 $211,575 and Development The Barbara Wickenden Memorial Fund or Faculty Enrichment $132,609 $100 $140,603 The Richard S. & Katharine E. Wickenden Fund $152,965 $162,064 T OT AL FAC ULT Y AND IN STRUCTION EN D OWMEN T $8,777,249 $261,081 $9,575,968 E NDOWME NT FOR T HE LIBRA RY The Buccaneer Library Fund $17,004 $18,015 The Parents’ Library Fund $45,047 $47,727 The Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Library Fund $233,896 $247,809 The Stone Library Fund $37,810 $40,059 The Swope Family Library Fund $252,073 $267,068 Nancy Wickenden Library Collection $45,144 $47,829 T OT AL LIB R AR Y E NDOWMEN T $630,973 $668,506 E NDOWME NT FOR T HE ARTS The Cushner Art Fund $197,318 $10,100 $219,757 The William C. Maxwell Recital Series Fund $66,132 $70,066 The Page Music Fund $33,904 $35,921 The Joseph Tomlinson Jr. Fellowship in the Arts and Letters $257,478 $272,793 The Tomlinson Performing Arts Fund $168,557 $178,583 T OT AL AR T S E NDOWME NT $723,389 $10,100 $777,120
The Aron Family Girls’ Crew Fund $70,724 $74,931 The F. Turner Blake Jr. ’34 Memorial Fund $27,346 $28,973 The Brown Crew Fund $21,877 $23,179 The Comfort Competitive Sailing Fund $33,722 $35,728 The Fleet Replacement Fund $637,874 $675,817 The Ford Memorial Fund $13,686 $14,500 The Girls’ Athletics Endowed Fund $11,872 $12,578 The Girls’ Crew Fund $13,997 $14,829 The George E. Glaeser Fund $256,245 $271,488 The Griffith Fund $66,750 $70,720 The Integlia Family Lacrosse Fund $25,980 $27,526 The Robert H. Leighton ’60 Memorial Tabor Boy Fund $3,091,648 $8,500 $3,284,557 The Schaefer Wet Lab Fund $242,593 $5,000 $262,321 The James B. & Elizabeth P. Sprague Competitive Sailing Fund $27,330 $3,000 $32,134 The Squash Team Fund $15,959 $16,908 The Sumner J. Waring III ’87 Fund For Athletics $146,877 $5,000 $160,912 The Elinor & Thomas C. Weaver Endowed Tabor Boy Fund $49,269 $52,199 The Joshua H. Weeks Tournament Fund $5,136 $5,442 The Sarah & Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Henley Crew Fund $502,014 $531,876 TOTA L A TH L ETICS A N D W A TERF RON T EN D OW M EN T $5,260,900 $21,500 $5,596,620 OTH ER EN D OW M EN T FUN D S The Laurence F. Brooks ’33 Fund $128,038 $135,654 The Class of ’48 Fund $564,844 $598,443 The Class of ’72 Student Research Fund $17,275 $18,303 The Cum Laude Society Fund $20,487 $1,000 $22,765 The William F. G. Dawson ’45 Award $9,649 $100 $10,329 The Pamela Trussell Duggan Memorial Fund $51,923 $55,011 The External Studies Fund $344,274 $364,753 The George M. French Summer Sailing Scholarship Fund $18,131 $19,210 The Harple Technology Fund $121,394 $128,615 The Headmaster’s Fund $81,085 $85,909 The Andrew D. Heitman ’89 Creativity Fund $7,216 $7,645 The Matthew W. Houlihan ’99 Faculty Award $4,153 $4,400 The Shattuck Fund for Language Studies $20,311 $21,519 The Pauline M. and Bradley E. Steele ’50 Fund $106,254 $112,575 The Catherine C. Weathers Fund $44,686 $47,344 The Stanley G. Welsh ’29 Fund $7,310,938 $7,745,823 The Welsh Family Fund $250,036 $10,000 $275,504 The West Family Award $2,719 $2,881 The Wickenden Chapel Fund $258,875 $274,274 TOTA L OTH ER EN D OW M EN T $9,362,289 $11,100 $9,930,957 G EN ERA L / U N RESTRICTED EN D OW M EN T $2,788,712 $569,087 $3,357,799 TOTA L EN D OW M EN T *Unaudited $42,195,611 $1,182,616 $45,758,810
We appreciate your support for Tabor! donors gave
Stude nt Ser vices 9% Fu nd ra isi ng 6%
2, 203
$ 2 , 5 4 6 ,2 4 6 ,
exceeding our 2017 goal of $2.5 Million —an increase of
m ra og Pr
over 5 years
Fund for Tabor Performance Over time 20 16
$2 ,319, 936
20 15
$2 ,085, 908
20 14
$1 ,774, 844
20 13
$1 ,669, 774
20 12
$1 ,344, 569
Instruction 53%
er % mm u IT 12 S in & m d A
Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Arms * Mr. & Mrs. Clement C. Benenson ’00 Mr. James Benenson, Jr. P’00 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Braitmayer ’48 Mr. Robert E. Browning P’79, P’81 & P’83 * Mr. & Mrs. Keith N. Browning ’79, P’06, P’10 & P’11 Mr. David M. Campbell ’71
tie 7%
u ses of Fu nds 2017
The Beacon Society is Tabor’s most prestigious donor recognition society. It serves to recognize and honor our most dedicated alumni, parents, and friends who have distinguished themselves through their transformational giving to Tabor, with cumulative gifts of one million dollars or more. The foundation and future success of Tabor Academy is forged through the philanthropic leadership of individuals who believe in our mission and invest in the vision of Tabor. We are forever grateful for their unwavering support and counsel as they shape all that Tabor can be for our next generation of leaders. Beacon Society D onors as o f J u ly 1, 2017
$2 ,546, 246
c Fa
20 17
O verall 2013
Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. John W. Braitmayer ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Keith N. Browning ’79 Mr. David M. Campbell ’71 Mrs. Edward G. Detmer ’72 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Fish ’78 Carmine ’71 & Beth Martignetti Mr. Paul Murphy ’75 & Ms. Gia Partain Mr. & Mrs. William L. Phelps ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Lee Pokoik ’63 Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin Mr. & Mrs. Jack Boyd Smith, Jr. ’76 The Estate of Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan F. Swain ’52 Mr. & Mrs. David A. Wallace ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Sumner J. Waring III ’87
% P articipation
100 96 83 82 94 Faculty 60 63 75 74 78 Current Parents
Sou rces of Fu nds 2017 g
20 20 20 21 20 Alumni
“Thank you to the thousands of collective alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, friends, and others who supported the Fund for Tabor this year. You helped propel us to a record-breaking year-end total exceeding $2.54M. This is the largest total we have ever raised toward the Fund for Tabor and we couldn’t have done it without you!” —Tom Mottur ’84, P’21 56
r nd
T otal giving to all funds , capital , annu al, and endowment was
n isi
Tuition 74%
Endowment 4% Summ er Pro gram 5% Fe es 6%
J ames W . W ick enden Circle ($50,000+)
Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Clement C. Benenson ’00 Mr. Ernest Boch, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Gring, Jr. ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Amr Zahid ’75 J oseph J . Smart Circle ($25,000+)
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Austin III Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barrett ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Callaghan ’87 Mr. Brad Ellins & Ms. Tonya Jilling Ms. Sarah E. Ellins ’07 Mrs. Elizabeth W. Eyler ’87 & Mr. John M. Eyler Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Graham Mr. Christopher Makepeace ’66 Mrs. Myra Monfort Runyon Mr. & Mrs. Harry P. Oakes ’51
to Tabor. It fostered my love of sailing, starting with my First Mate’s role on the SSV Tabor Boy in my
Mr. Rudolph W. Driscoll P’86 * Mr. Rudolph W. Driscoll, Jr. ’86 * Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Fireman ’62, P’88, P’90 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Fish ’78, P’15 Mrs. Marguerite P. Foster * Carmine ’71 & Beth Martignetti Mr. Kenzo Matsumura P’17 Mr. & Mrs. Roderic B. Park ’49 * Mr. & Mrs. Lee Pokoik ’63
Mrs. Elizabeth Taber * The Estate of Mr. Tudor H. Tiedemann, Jr. ’45 * Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Welsh ’29, P’67 * William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Wolfe ’68
Mr. Stephen Sprague ’68 & Ms. Catherine Capasso Mr. Harold L. Sutcliffe ’61 The Estate of Mr. Tudor H. Tiedemann, Jr. ’45 Mr. Joshua J. Weeks ’78 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Wolfe ’68
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jadul Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Jarbeau ’65 Mr. Kelvin Ko ’03 Mr. Angus H. Leary ’95 & Mrs. Shannon McGrath Leary ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Liam McClennon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Pilaro Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk Mr. & Mrs. Garrard K. Schaefer ’72 Mr. Ling To Shum & Ms. Oi Fan Ng Mr. & Mrs. Phillips G. Smith ’65 Mr. Stephen Sorbaro Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Sturgess ’66 Ms. Ngai Suet ’03 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Swope ’56 Mr. Andrew M. Tappe ’79 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tomlinson ’83 Mr. & Mrs. David D. Tura ’63 Mrs. Heather R. Vrattos ’87 & Mr. William Vrattos
senior year, which taught me leadership and the responsibility of giving back. Since then I have
1876 F OU N D ER’S S OCIETY D ON ORS W alter H . L illard Circle ($100,000+)
I have a special relationship
been on the Board, served
Roderic k Beebe Circle ($10,000+)
Anonymous Mr. Yanchun Bai & Ms. Hong Liu Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Barker ’74 Mr. & Mrs. David B. Barker, Jr. ’72 Mr. David B. Barker ’46 * & Mrs. Jane Barker Ms. Wendy Barker Prof. & Mrs. Wendell S. Brown Mr. Earl Cate & Ms. Joanne Melikian Cate Mr. Charles T. Clark ’72 Mrs. Katrina Saltonstall Currier ’87 & Mr. James Currier Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Cushner ’49 Mr. Ron Daniel & Ms. Lise Scott Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Daniel Mr. & Mrs. G. Eric Davis ’89 Mr. Peter Douglas & Ms. Ulrika Ekman Mr. Dennis Ehrreich & Mrs. Catherine Connolly Ehrreich Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett, Jr. ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett, Sr. ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Gar F. Ferguson ’66 Mr. & Mrs. David Finley Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgerald Mr. Albert Fried, Jr. ’48 Mr. Kenneth R. Graboys Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Haas Liz & Dennis Hager ’56 Mr. Mark R. Horan ’78 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Houlihan, Jr.
as Chairman of the Board, and have always been a loyal supporter of Tabor. I also have been influenced by my mother, being the first woman trustee, and by my good fortune to have the resources to help worthy causes. Tabor has
Capt . J ohn A. C arlson C ircle ($5,000+)
always been a high priority.
Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV Ms. Lyle Anderson ’94 Mr. Peter B. Aronson ’84 Mr. Hongchuan Bao & Ms. Yan Bao Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barry Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bomberg Mr. & Mrs. Alexander O. Browning ’10 & ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. Browning ’83 Mr. Devon Bruce & Mrs. Yvonne Derrig Bruce Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cook Mr. & Mrs. Joshua A. Darwin ’87 Dr. David J. DeFilippo ’84 & Ms. Lisa Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. John Doggett Mr. Christopher Dowley ’76 & Ms. Laura Freysinger Dr. & Mrs. James P. Dowling ’81
— Jack Braitmayer ’48
* = deceased
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eames Mr. & Mrs. David Earley Mr. Richard M. Edlin ’73 Capt. & Mrs. Stephen Ethridge Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ferguson ’48 Dr. Edmund Frank ’69 & Dr. Eustacia Frank Ms. Kristen Gillis Mr. & Mrs. Alan S. Golub ’53 Dr. Henry Grazioso & Dr. Kristine Grazioso Mr. Adam Hetnarski Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hill Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hunter IV ’72 Mr. Michael B. Ingram ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jeffries Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jessop Mr. & Mrs. Loring Knoblauch Mr. Alexander Kohn ’95 & Ms. Mary O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Y. Lubar ’88 Mr. Edmon G. Luke, Jr. ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Macaulay Rear Admiral & Mrs. Archer M. Macy, Jr. ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Marandett Mr. Richard B. Marchisio ’61 Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel ’87 & Mr. William Marvel Mr. & Mrs. David V. Mason ’62 Ms. Rachel McCoog ’15 Mr. & Mrs. John E. McGrath ’55 Mr. Andrew F. McIntire ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Mead Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Mendes III ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Mino, Jr. ’63 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Nadler, Jr. Mrs. Deirdre Nickerson Huang ’86 & Mr. Bing Huang Mr. Joseph Onstott & Ms. Patricia Campbell Mr. John C. Pappas ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Parks ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin K. Phipps, Jr. ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Pope Mr. Russell Post Mr. John S. Rando, Jr. ’82 Mr. John Reydel, Jr. & Ms. E. Anne Gardiner Mr. & Mrs. William P. Rice, Jr. ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Romagnoli Mr. & Mrs. William Rousseau Mr. & Mrs. John Rudicus Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Sanger ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Schaefer III ’71 Mr. Jamey Shachoy & Mrs. Laura Ryan Shachoy Mr. & Mrs. Ross E. Sherbrooke Mr. & Mrs. Tim S. Sperry ’86 Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey T. Stewart ’69 Mr. John G. Swope ’88 Tabor Korean Parents’ Association Mr. William W. Choi & Ms. Soo Jung Park Mr. Hojin Chung & Mrs. Kyungah Lee Mr. Sangyoun Han & Mrs. Hyunryun Kim Mr. Seongsoo Hong & Ms. Injeong Kim Dr. Seung Soo Hwang & Ms. Moon Hyeon Kim Mr. Il Bong Jeong & Mrs. Jaeyoun Rye Mr. Gi Suk Jung & Mrs. Mi Kyung Shin
Mr. Sung Tae Jung & Mrs. Hee Ja Kim Mr. Dong Hyun Kim & Mrs. Eun Hwa Shin Mr. Hoon Cheol Kim & Mrs. Eunsoo Lee Mr. Min Seong Kim & Mrs. Jung Mi Bark Mr. Jai Sung Lee & Mrs. Sae Wha Chung Dr. Paul Tedesco & Dr. Eleanor Tedesco Ms. Jratsri Tobunluepop Ms. Kai Tsutsumi Ms. Christine Ward Mrs. S. J. Weinberg, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Zammito Mr. Aiming Zhang & Mrs. Hong Shen Mr. Wen Zhou & Ms. Bei Yang Richard F. H oyt Circle ($1,876+)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Adams ’48 Ms. Heather Aron ’94 & Mr. Ross E. Schulman Mr. Richard I. Arthur Sr. & Ms. Sarah Fallon Mr. & Mrs. John C. Austin ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bascom Mr. William Beautyman, Jr. ’63 & Ms. Catharine Gribbel Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Benzak ’93 Mrs. Virginia Benzak Mr. C. Jason L. Bland ’90 Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Blasdale ’61 Mr. Peter E. Blau ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Browning ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. James T. Chadwick, Jr. ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. James C. Collins ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan A. Cottrell ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Craighead Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Cunningham ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher de Roetth Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiFilippo Mrs. Sarah Lambert Dolan ’90 & Mr. John Dolan Mr. & Mrs. George C. Domolky Ms. Robin Dripps ’60 & Ms. Lucia Phinney Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Mr. & Mrs. James Durkin Mr. & Mrs. Bradford N. Eames ’61 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Feeney Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Foley Mr. & Mrs. Richard Franyo Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Freyermuth ’85 Dr. & Mrs. Sarakorn Gerjarusak Mr. & Mrs. John M. Goll, Jr. ’90 Mr. & Mrs. George Graboys ’50 Mr. Ralph A. Greene ’58 Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Gregory, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Griffith ’84 The Estate of Mr. Robert D. Hall ’51 Mr. Jun Han & Mrs. Wei Sun Mr. & Mrs. Roy M. Harms, Jr. ’78 Mr. & Mrs. William T. Hurley III ’57 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hutton ’79 Mrs. Emily Edwards Ingham ’00 & Mr. Donald Ingham, Jr. Mr. Andrew Joblon ’02 Mr. & Mrs. C. Ronald Johnson ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Johnson III ’81
Mr. Joshua T. Kanter ’10 Mr. & Mrs. James Kay Mr. Chak M. Kung ’07 Dr. & Mrs. Dennis La Rock Mr. Samuel W. Lambert III Mr. & Mrs. John P. Levine ’69 Ms. Adrienne M. Li ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Liistro ’78 Mrs. Kristen Miller Mahoney ’01 & Mr. Bobby Mahoney Mrs. Eileen Marceau & Mr. Stephan Marceau Mr. & Mrs. Atsushi Matsuo Mr. Kevin M. McCarthy ’82 Mr. Giles McNamee Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miccolis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Miller, Jr. ’90 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miller Mr. & Mrs. John Murray Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Needham ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. O’Connell Mr. Aaron A. O’Neil ’92 Mr. Cyril F. O’Neil ’88 & Mr. Tristan McManaman Mr. & Mrs. John Paliotta Mr. & Mrs. Paul Park Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Edmund O. Piehler, Jr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pierce, Jr. ’77 Mr. & Mrs. James Raisides Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ramos Mr. & Mrs. Dana J. Resmini ’10 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Rich ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Rogers ’73 Mr. William W. Saltonstall ’82 & Mrs. Kerry C. Saltsonstall Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Schaefer ’91 Ms. Jaquelyn M. Scharnick ’02 Mr. Lawrence F. Schumaker ’52 & Dr. Elizabeth J. Schumaker Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sears, Jr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Shabshelowitz Mr. & Mrs. Norman Shachoy Mrs. Robin Arms Shields ’90 & Mr. Timothy Shields Mr. John A. Sprague ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Squarcia, Jr. ’85 Mr. David H. Stevens ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew V. Strawbridge ’89 Mrs. Barbara Toltz Mr. & Mrs. Eric Vander Mel Mr. & Mrs. John E. Villela ’90 Mr. Channing L. Walker ’12 Mrs. Kelly L. Walker & Mr. George T.J. Walker Ms. L. Anne Walker ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Webb Mr. Charles K. West III ’82 & Mrs. Elizabeth West Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Wicks Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Winslow Mr. Geoffrey H. Worrell Mr. & Mrs. Masayuki Yamakawa Ms. Sharon Yang ’04 Ms. Robynn Yip ’04 Mr. Hongyang Zhang & Ms. Yaqian Wang Mr. & Mrs. Qi Zhang Mr. & Mrs. Ying Jian Zhang Mr. J. Michael Zollo ’07
Tabor A cademy ’s A nchor Society celebrates o u r L oyal D onors
Tabor’s Anchor Society was established in 2016 to honor our loyal alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends. Through consistent financial support, Anchor Society members recognize the importance of investing in Tabor Academy. Their consecutive annual gifts, no matter the size, continue to transform our campus and the lives of our students. Consistent giving to Tabor Academy is critical to the success and lasting impact that our great school provides for the next generation of leaders. Tabor is on the rise to being one of the top innovative private schools in New England. The annual generosity of our supporters is paramount in helping strengthen programs, augment financial aid, explore new opportunities, attract outstanding students, and recruit exceptional faculty. G IF TS F ROM A L U M N I Class Of 1938
Navigators Lt. Col. George Holton USAF, Ret. Class Of 1939
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Dr. Edward F. Woods D Class Of 1942 P a rt ici p a t ion 33% D o l l a rs $550
Navigators Mr. Donald E. Hewat Mrs. K. Julie Race D Class Of 1943 P a rt ici p a t ion 33% D o l l a rs $600
Navigators Mr. William P. Mallory D Mr. Phillips A. Noyes, Jr. D Class Of 1944 P a rt ici p a t ion 36% D o l l a rs $675
Navigators Mr. Henry R. Keene D Paul D. Lipsitt PhD D Mr. Cyrus B. Whitney D Mr. George C. Wiswell, Jr. D Class Of 1945 P a rt ici p a t ion 29% D o l l a rs $31,500
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. William H. Hoffmann D
Class Of 1 9 4 9 P a rt ici p a tion 3 1 % D o l l a rs $ 1 1 , 6 0 0
Navigators Mr. Charles E. Beckman D Mr. Richard W. Cederberg D Mr. William B. Southworth, Jr. D Mr. Robert G. Thompson D Mr. Charles S. Trefrey D
Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Dr. Richard M. Cushner DDS D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Merrick W. Hellyar D
Class Of 1947 P a rt ici p a t ion 20% D o l l a rs $620
Navigators Mr. Eric P. Bierrie D Dr. Timothy W. Edlund D Mr. Wayne D. Jackson Mr. Donald H. Ramsbottom D Mr. Irving R. Stewart D Class Of 1948 P a rt ici p a t ion 50% D o l l a rs $139,550
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. John W. Braitmayer D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Albert Fried, Jr. D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Arthur J. Ferguson D Mr. John F. Parks D
Navigators Mr. Walter L. Flaherty D Mr. R. Chase Lasbury III D Mr. Gordon A. Oppenheim
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Peter E. Blau D Mr. George Graboys D Navigators Mr. Joseph L. Albertson, Jr. D Mr. Arthur H. Bennett, Jr. D Mr. Stephen E. Clark D Mr. Robert M. Cushman D Mr. Robert K. Edwards D Mr. James S. Fanning Mr. Thomas B. Harrington D Mr. Samuel Russell D Mr. Nicholas C. Siotka D Mr. Robert W. Snow D Mr. Frederick J. Tower D
Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) The Estate of Mr. Tudor H. Tiedemann, Jr. D
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Robert E. Adams D Mr. James C. Collins D
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. G. H. Morse, Jr. D
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Richard F. Bumer D
Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Harry P. Oakes D
Navigators Anonymous Mr. Roger L. Kellner D Mr. Stephen R. Warsaw D
Navigators Mr. Edward S. Buckley IV D Mr. Leonard S. Chace III Mr. William C. Couch D Mr. Edwin L. Lyon D Mr. James J. Marshall D Mr. Donald W. Noyes D Mr. Will W. White III
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Benjamin K. Phipps, Jr. D
Class Of 1946 P a rt ici p a t ion 29% D o l l a rs $4,248
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. David B. Barker * D
D = Anchor Society Members
Class Of 1 9 5 0 P a rt ici p a t ion 5 2 % D o l l a rs $6 , 9 6 6
Class Of 1 9 5 1 P a rt ici p a t ion 3 4 % D o l l a rs $ 3 5 , 6 3 7
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) The Estate of Mr. Robert D. Hall D Navigators Mr. Neale Birdsall D Mr. Thomas C. Brody D Mr. Peter E. French D Mr. Randolph J. Hayes D Mr. John M. Lane D
Mr. E. S. Lawrence D Mr. George E. Morson D Mr. Wainwright R. Roebling D Mr. Morgan Seelye D Mr. Richard G. Temple D
Class Of 1955 Participation 30% D olla rs $6,215
C lass Of 1 9 5 2 Par ticipation 3 2 % Dollar s $ 2 2 3 ,4 5 3
Navigators Mr. Arthur C. Conro II D Prof. Louis M. Falkson D Dr. Ralph H. Henderson D Mr. Robert B. Jones D Mr. Nicholas Nilsen Mr. Albert R. Pierce III D Mr. Eugene F. Proctor D Mr. William H. Williams III D Mr. James F. Wilman D Mr. Robert Mugar Yacubian
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) The Estate of Jonathan F. Swain D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Lawrence F. Schumaker D Navigators Mr. G. W. Ellis III D Mr. Reid Higgins D Mr. Ernest M. Kalman Mr. Andrew J. Santos Mr. J. L. Spaulding D Mr. Jackson P. Sumner D Mr. Theodore C. Taub D C lass Of 1 9 5 3 Par ticipation 3 5 % Dollar s $ 8 ,5 2 3
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Alan S. Golub D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Dr. Thomas P. Krueger D Navigators Mr. Lawrence A. Collins D Mr. William H. Edgerton D Mr. Peter T. Houston D Mr. Charles C. Ives D Harry M. Johnson, PhD D Mr. Wayne T. Keith D Mr. F. F. Knight D Mr. Garrison F. Lane Mr. John E. Luke D Mr. August B. Miller D Mr. Charles R. Peters, Jr. D Ms. Carol Sanz D Cmdr. Richard R. Ward USN, Ret. D C lass Of 1 9 5 4 Par ticipation 1 8 % Dollar s $ 2 ,0 0 0
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Carey D. Rhoten D Navigators Rev. Ira W. Chace D Rev. William A. Jeffrey, Jr. D Dr. Anthony M. Martin D Mr. James M. O’Connor D Mr. George P. Porter D Lt. Col. Philip C. Simmons D Mr. Franklin C. Stout D The Honorable John M. Xifaras D
Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. John E. McGrath* D
Class Of 1956 Participation 28% D olla rs $24,567
Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Dennis S. Hager D Mr. John F. Swope D
Class Of 1959 Participation 15% D olla rs $1,850
Navigators Mr. Peter D. Billings D Gordon A. Carpenter, Esq. D Mr. John H. Detweiler D Mr. Gray G. Henry D Mr. Thomas W. Hoagland D Mr. Richard C. Marcy, Jr. D Mr. Peter Meenan D Class Of 1960 Participation 31% D olla rs $7,135
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. William D. Ramsbottom D
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Ms. Robin D. Dripps D
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. G. Richard Duffy D
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Karl D. Jackson D Mr. Edward F. Kakas II D
Navigators Mr. Bruce D. Evans D Mr. Bradford S. Howe Mr. Andrew S. Marvin D Dr. Richard R. Pariseau D Mr. Bruce F. Roubaud Mr. Jules S. Worthington D Mr. Denys Wortman D Mr. Vincent C. Zavorskas D Class Of 1957 Participation 25% D olla rs $10,585
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Edmon G. Luke, Jr. D
Navigators Mr. John T. Cederholm Dr. John M.B. Craig D Capt. Gerald Davis, Jr. USN, Ret. D Mr. Oswald G. Hayes, Jr. Mr. Richard S. Hill Mr. Frank W. Jaeger D Mr. Richard J. Lawton D Mr. Robert C. Myers D Mr. William B. Notman D Mr. William H. Sedgeman, Jr. D Mr. Raymond S. Streit D Frederick B. Tuttle, Jr., Ph.D. Mr. Robert Wolf D
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. William T. Hurley III D
Class Of 1961 Participation 49% D olla rs $52,464
Navigators Mr. Allen M. Blake Mr. Richard E. Block D Mr. John J. Crocker D Mr. Harvey C. Felton D Mr. Robert S. Hurd, Sr. D Mr. Jeffrey W. Leeds Mr. Arthur W. McLean Mr. Robert A. O’Brien D Mr. Richard H. Rowland D Mr. Roger J. Simmons D Mr. Richard W. Swett D Mr. David M. Ziskind D
Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Harold L. Sutcliffe * D
Class Of 1958 Participation 23% D olla rs $5,558
Navigators Mr. Robert G. Crocker D Mr. Peter D. Haddock D Mr. Frederic B. Hill D Mr. Bradford W. Lowe D Mr. Richard H. Pierce D Mr. Richard F. Reed D Mr. John F. Scott III D Mr. Thomas B. Shapiro D
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Ralph A. Greene D
Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Douglas T. Hsu D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Richard B. Marchisio D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. R. W. Blasdale D Mr. Bradford N. Eames D Mr. Edmund O. Piehler, Jr. D Mr. Richard W. Sears, Jr. D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Roger D. Elsas D Mr. James P. Luke, Sr. D
Mr. Robert K. Merry D Mr. Stanley W. Moore D Mr. David Stiller D Navigators Mr. Antony H. Acker D Mr. Alan H. Banister D Dr. James B. Calvin D Mr. Howard B. Cantor D Mr. Charles E. Carey, Jr. D Mr. Ernest J. Chornyei, Jr. D Mr. Bradlee F. Clarke Jr. Mr. Richard B. Earle D Mr. Robert S. Gugler D Mr. Robert W. Gunning D Mr. John R. Hallen D Dr. Joseph S. Heyman D Mr. Jack B. Hirschmann, Jr. D Mr. Roger D. Knauff Mr. Robert W. Kraemer D Mrs. Albert E. Love, Jr. D Dr. Gordon E. McNeer D Mr. F. C. Pease D Mr. William M. Savage D Mr. Charles P. Schutt, Jr. D Mr. Howard Shrut D Mr. Russell V. Sullivan D Mr. Richard B. Swain D Mr. D. W. Vose, Jr. D Class Of 1962 P a rt ici p a t ion 32% D o l l a rs $24,910
Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Robert R. Fawcett, Sr. D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Michael B. Ingram D Mr. David V. Mason D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John H. Birdsall III Navigators Mr. Fordyce T. Blake III D Mr. George F. Booth II D Mr. Andrew E. Bram D Mr. Stephen F. Brown D Mr. Richard L. Cherry D Mr. Jeffrey P. Ellis D Mr. Graeme L. Flanders D Mr. John M. Hills D Mr. Alexander S. Koehler D Mr. Wayne W. Long D Mr. John P. Marchand D Mr. Theodore L. Prescott D Mr. William R. Reid III D Mrs. Donna V. Sawyer D Mr. Wayne Walega D Mr. Robert E. White, Jr. D Mr. William E. Young D Class Of 1963 P a rt ici p a t ion 23% D o l l a rs $336,764
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000.00+) Mr. Lee Pokoik D
Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. David D. Tura D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Raymond W. Mino, Jr. D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. William Beautyman, Jr. D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Paul D. Harrington D Navigators Mr. E. R. Boardman D Mr. Thomas C. Burke D Mr. Ronald L. Fink D Mr. Rodger W. Fling D Mr. Gordon L. Goodwin Mr. Robert K. Griffith, Jr. D Mr. John W. Lovell D Mr. Donald S. Merry D Mr. Harold M. Scott III D Mr. Henry P. Taggard D Mr. Richard G. W. Twining Class Of 1964 P a rt ici p a t ion 22% D o l l a rs $6,500
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. C. Ronald Johnson D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Richard L. Fowler, Jr. D Mr. Thomas H. Hodges D Navigators Mr. John A. Correa D Mr. Conrad M. Deneault, Sr. Mr. Michael S. Fawcett D Lt. Col. Christopher M. Hayes D Mr. Robert T. Kidder D Mr. Kim R. MacConnel D Dr. Jonathan L. Markley D Mr. David S. McNeilly D Mr. William J. Schuler D Mr. Jay A. Ziskind, Esq D Class Of 1965 P a rt ici p a t ion 23% D o l l a rs $30,178
Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Richard W. Jarbeau D Mr. Phillips G. Smith D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Robert S. Cunningham D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Peter J. Zacchilli D Navigators Mr. William H. Beyer Mr. Jonathan D. Blake D Mr. Samuel E. Carr D Mr. Robert B. Cowan Mr. Richard A. Dey, Jr. D Mr. Francis D. Dibble, Jr. D Mr. Timothy C. Hall
Mr. Winder M. Heller D Mr. Terry Ladd D Mr. John P. Read Mr. Rodney C. D. Reames Mr. John E. Robinson D Mr. Robert A. Shore D Mr. John L. Taber D Mr. Harry A. Trautmann III Mr. Ronald A. Wilbur D Dr. Jay T. Winburn D Class Of 1 9 6 6 P a rt ici p a t ion 2 3 % D o l l a rs $ 5 6 , 8 7 0
Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Christopher Makepeace D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Gar F. Ferguson D Mr. Jeffrey C. Sturgess D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Richard R. Gumpert D Mr. Ronald Mycock D Mr. Joseph H. Pyne D Mr. Kristian J. Stoltenberg D
I have given annually since graduation. At first,
Navigators Anonymous Mr. Peter K. Aitkin, Sr. D Mr. Harold V. Banks, Jr. D Dr. David A. Clayman D Mr. Steven L. Crowley D Mr. Mark B. Glovsky D Mr. Wayne E. Harrington D Mr. Duncan M. Kelso D Mr. Carl R. Krause Mr. Richard F. McConnie D Mr. Brian M. Mullen D Mr. James W. C. Parker D Mr. Bert M. Rappaport D
I wanted to share my appreciation for the faculty and staff’s dedication, guidance, and friendship, to both me and my son, Geoff ’92. Now, I hope
Class Of 1 9 6 7 P a rt ici p a tion 2 1 % D o l l a rs $ 7 , 5 2 5
my contributions will help
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Timothy H. Dyer RIA D Mr. Robert D. Ripley D Mr. Timothy E. Sanders D
ensure Tabor will survive
Navigators Mr. Bryan T. Adriance, Jr. D Dr. Benjamin J. Barker D Mr. Michael R. Brennan Mr. Michael J. Castillo D Mr. David F. Hitchcock Mr. Paul L. Johnson D Mr. Ronald A. Katz D Mr. Jackson O. Long D Mr. Peter D. Mason Mr. Richard J. Mazzuto D Mr. Michael H. McShane D Mr. Taylor A. Mills D Dr. Reid V. Selden Mr. Peter E. Tenney D
students. I also give to
and prosper for future
thank my parents for their financial sacrifice to send me to Tabor and then
on to college and graduate school.
—Dick Jarbeau ’65
C lass Of 1 9 6 8 Par ticipation 1 7 % Dollar s $ 6 4 ,1 5 0
Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Stephen Sprague D Mr. Louis S. Wolfe D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Robert M. Surdam, Jr. D Navigators Mr. Dwight C. Blake D Mr. Robert E. L. Burwell Mr. Thomas E. Eberman Mr. William O. Fisher, Jr. D Mr. Richard R. Gascoigne D Mr. Peter Jeffrey Lacy D Mr. Ryck B. Lent D Mr. William D. Reed D Mr. Arthur E. Tebbetts II D Mr. Wade I. Treadway D Mr. G. Wiley Wakeman D C lass Of 1 9 6 9 Par ticipation 2 7 % Dollar s $ 3 0 ,2 7 7
Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Anonymous Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Dr. Edmund H. Frank D Mr. Geoffrey T. Stewart D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. John P. Levine D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Douglas S. Magee D Mr. Michael A. Polemis D Mr. Edward A. Whitaker, Jr. D Navigators Anonymous Mr. Robert G. Babson D Mr. Courtland L. Booth D Dr. LeBaron R. Briggs IV D Mr. Mitchell W. Cabot D Mr. Christopher D. CunninghamD Mr. Peter H. Falk Mr. William E. Fitzhugh D Mr. John Stevens Hamilton D Mr. William L. Lane, Jr. D Mr. Jeffrey W. Lee D Mr. Laurence F. Lee III D Mr. Roy K. Lewis CPA Capt. George Howard Linzee Mr. Peter F. Long, Sr. D Mr. Samuel G. Palestine D Mr. William T. Simonds D Mr. Peter G. Sloan, Jr. D
Navigators Mr. J. Scott Bermingham D Mr. James A. Brennan, Jr. D Mr. John C. Carrick D Mr. Freddy A. Cicerchia D Mr. Richard W. Cowen D Mr. Steven B. Fleming D Mr. J. Hunt Herrigel, Jr. D Mr. Mark E. Hill D Mr. Henry R. Keene, Jr. D Rev. Robert H. Malm D Mr. Stephen M. McIntosh Mr. Christopher B. Mead, Esq. D Mr. John T. Rice D Mr. David P. Samano Class Of 1971 Participation 20% D olla rs $316,431
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. David M. Campbell D Carmine ’71 and Beth Martignetti D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Archer M. Macy, Jr. D Mr. Edward A. Schaefer III D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Douglas R. Rich D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Jerald E. Brown D Navigators Mr. William F. Atwood Mr. Donald P. Cameron III Mr. John V. Flower D Mr. Donald C. Hurter D Mr. Joseph S. Husted D Mr. William N. Keene D Mr. Fitzhugh J. Read, Sr. D Mr. Dwight E. Smith D Mr. H. William Sowles D Mr. John K. Stanton, Jr. D Mr. Nathaniel M. Stout D Mr. Brett W. Thacher D Dr. John D. Thomas II D Dr. Edward R. White D Mr. Thomas W. Wilbor III D Class Of 1972 Participation 19% D olla rs $56,250
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mrs. Edward Detmer D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. David B. Barker, Jr. D Mr. Charles T. Clark D Mr. Garrard K. Schaefer D
C lass Of 1 9 7 0 Par ticipation 1 8 % Dollar s $ 3 7 ,9 2 7
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Thomas B. Hunter IV D
Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. David A. Barrett D
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. James R. Holmes D Mr. Gordon S. Milne D
Navigators Mr. William H. Bogins Mr. Steven Cowen D Mr. William C. Davison D Mr. Paul J. Durgin D Mr. Peter G. Ellis, Jr. Mr. John C. Evans D Mr. L. Stanley Godwin, Jr. D Mr. Christopher H. Lent D Mr. C. Christopher MacKenzie D Mr. James T. Potdevin D Mr. R. Channing Reis D Mr. David G. Richardson D Dr. Steven Schwartz Mr. Bradford N. Tenney D Mr. Stephen H. Washburne D Dr. Peter D. Watts D Mr. Roger F. Woodman, Jr. D Class Of 1973 Participation 18% D olla rs $13,134
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Richard M. Edlin D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Christopher W. Rogers D Mr. Abbott Sprague D Mr. David H. Stevens D Navigators Mr. Robert T. Boon D Mr. James J. Farrell D Capt. Jeffrey A. Gadboys D Mr. Norman Platt Johnson D Mr. William S. Kimball, Jr. Mr. Scott A. McCaig Mr. John W. McLaughlin D Mr. Frederick W. Mueller, Jr. Mr. Sergio M. Pineda Mr. Peter W. Ream Mr. Hilmar T. Stefansson D Mr. Prentice F. Weathers Mr. John P. Zacchilli
Mr. Bennett J. Leary D Mr. Hunter S. Luke Mr. Stephen B. Lynch D Mr. Joseph T. Marino D Mr. Mark G. Mueller Mr. Richard T. Porteus, Jr. D Mr. Donald P. Ross III D Mr. Alexander W. Thomson D Mr. Mark E. Tuller D Mr. Craig L. Wheeler D Class Of 1975 P a rt ici p a t ion 10% D o l l a rs $180,798
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Paul Murphy D James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. Amr Zahid D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. William H. Weeks D Navigators Mr. Harry D. Barnett D Mr. Stephen A. Bobo D Mr. James E. Conroy D Mr. Alexander P. Felson D Mr. D. Ross Griswold, Jr. D Mr. James W. Henry D Mr. Keiron G. Lynch II Mr. Walter F. Martin II Mr. Don K. Mehan, Jr. Mr. Jonathan S. Rich D Mr. Winthrop Sargent Class Of 1976 P a rt ici p a t ion 13% D o l l a rs $288,375
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Jack Boyd Smith, Jr. D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Christopher Dowley D
Class Of 1974 Participation 16% D olla rs $129,627
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Jonathan A. Cottrell D
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. William L. Phelps D
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John H. A. Chapman, Jr. D Mr. Charles E. Clapp III D Mr. Carter E. Mario D Mr. H. Mark White D
Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Charles F. Barker Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. John C. Austin D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Capt. Jon M. Barrett D Navigators Michael Patrick Adams DDS D Mr. Scott F. Bearse D Mr. Timothy Bryan D Mr. John W. Dixon Mr. Henri Gignoux D Mr. Jonathan H. Hawkins Mr. Robert A. Heditsian D
Navigators Mr. Stewart C. Dary D Mr. James P. Dooley D Mr. Richard K. Hollander Mr. Walter L. Landergan D Mr. Robert L. Mogilnicki, Jr. D Mr. Thomas P. Musante, Jr. D Mr. Robert H. Pinkston D Mr. Dana K. Smith D Mr. Frank A. Stefansson, Jr. D Mr. Thomas A. Tarrant III D Mr. Crey R. Weston D
Class Of 1977 P a rt ici p a t ion 10% D o l l a rs $6,000
Mr. Jonathan B. West Mr. Alec M. Willeson D
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Daniel Pierce, Jr. D
Class Of 1 9 8 0 P a rt ici p a t ion 1 0 % D o l l a rs $4 , 1 2 5
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Robert F. Long D
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Eric S. Almeida D Mr. Christopher R. MacLean D Mr. Gerald W. Peck, Jr. D
Navigators Mr. Philip Cabot D Mr. Charles Barns Davis Mr. Barry H. Federman D Mr. David C. Grusz D Mr. Mark A. Heartfield D Mr. Michael J. Kelleher D Mr. James R. Lyons D Mr. Peter A. Mello Mr. Wright J. Montgomery Mr. Christopher T. Ripley D Class Of 1978 P a rt ici p a t ion 8% D o l l a rs $142,680
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. John F. Fish D Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Joshua J. Weeks D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Mark R. Horan Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Roy M. Harms, Jr. D Mr. Brian Liistro D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. James A. Myers D Navigators Mr. Matthew G. Fee D Mr. Charles A. Freni, Jr. D Mr. David W. Johns II D Mr. Christopher C. Perry D Mr. Peter V. See D Mr. Edward H. Taussig II D Class Of 1979 P a rt ici p a t ion 10% D o l l a rs $115,341
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Keith N. Browning D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Andrew M. Tappe D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. James P. Hutton D Navigators Mr. David J. Allen D Mr. Adam P. Briggs D Mr. Michael L. Dunn D Mr. Charles S. Ingersoll, Jr. D Mr. Thompson A. Maher Mr. Dean R. Purcell Mr. William C. Schrader, Jr. D Mr. Matthew S. Twomey D
Navigators Mr. Edward A. Brown, Esq. D Mr. Michael H. Bucar D Mr. Douglas A. Davis Mr. Anthony G. Featherston IV D Mr. Edward J. Olivier D Capt. Michael A. Peszke, Jr. D Mr. Barry R. Powers D Mr. Benjamin A. Taub D Mr. Robert G. Wilkinson, Jr. D Class Of 1 9 8 1 P a rt ici p a t ion 1 2 % D o l l a rs $1 3 , 5 2 5
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Dr. James P.F. Dowling D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Russell E. Browning D Mr. Wayne Johnson III D Col. Jonathan L. Pirkey D Navigators Anonymous Mr. James A. Buckner Mr. David F. Coogan D Mr. Kirk J. Franklin D Mr. Robert C. Miller D Mr. David H. Mooney Mr. Christopher D. Snow D Mr. Randall L. Souza, Esq. D Mr. Robert A. Stickles D Mr. Jonathan P. Stonis D Class Of 1 9 8 2 P a rt ici p a t ion 1 5 % D o l l a rs $2 0 , 0 7 8
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Louis J. Mendes III Mr. John S. Rando, Jr. D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Kevin M. McCarthy D Mr. William W. Saltonstall D Mr. Charles K. West III D Navigators Mr. Raad S. Abduljawad D Mr. Peter T. Bidstrup Mr. Andrew D. Coler D Mr. William W. Creed D Mr. Christopher K. Heaslip D Mr. James Douglass Hillhouse Mr. Andrew N. Ivory D Hon. Matthew A. Reynolds D Mr. Eric M. Romm D Mr. Joseph K. Schumaker Ms. Ruth A. Shapiro
* = deceased
Mr. E. Gaar Talanian Mr. Peter F. Winters, Esq. D C lass Of 1 9 8 3 Par ticipation 1 9 % Dollar s $ 8 8 ,6 1 1
James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. Frank M. Gring, Jr. D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. James A. Tomlinson D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Peter V. Browning D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. James T. Chadwick, Jr. D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Peter V. V. Edwards Mr. B. Jackson Gierhart, Jr. D Mr. Frederic C. Mock D Mr. Richard H. Needham II D Navigators Mr. Edward J. Bresnahan, Jr. D Mr. Richard M. Capen D Mr. Kevin M. Chagnon D Mr. Daniel J. Cooney D Mr. James R. D’Agostino, Jr. Mr. Rudolph H. Deetjen III D Mr. Jeffrey P. Doyle Mr. Russell B. Fearing D Mr. Timothy J. Foulk D Mr. John N. Kirk Ms. Sybil McCarthy Mr. Eric J. Northern D Mr. Lincoln S. Purdy D Mr. Francis X. St. Germaine III D Mr. Alfonso Velasco Mr. Robert E. Wallace, Jr. D C lass Of 1 9 8 4 Par ticipation 3 4 % Dollar s $ 3 8 ,2 8 1
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Peter B. Aronson D Dr. David J. DeFilippo D Mr. Andrew F. McIntire & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire D Mr. John C. Pappas Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Brian L. Griffith D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Ian M. H. Patrick D Mr. Patrick R. Sherbrooke D Mr. Eric H. Strand D Navigators Mr. Serge E. Brosselin D Mr. George Chakmakis, Jr. D Mr. Stephen R. Cochran Mr. Harold S. Crain III D Mr. James E. Crick Mr. W. Austin Curwen D Mr. Chris M. Donley D
Mr. Peter C. Eastman D Mr. Jay M. Fernald D Mr. Mark A. Finley Mr. Christopher H. Hampson D Mrs. Lisa Pozzo Iannella Mr. Jonathan P. Klaren Mr. Jonathan M. Lincoln D Mrs. Stephanie Cockrell Lyon D Mr. Andrew L. McCain D Mr. Roderick C. McNeil IV Mrs. Erica Paquin Meyers D Ms. Heike B. Milhench Mr. Thomas R. Mottur D Mr. R. Gregg Nourjian D Mr. Elisha E. Nyman D Dr. W. Mark Peluso D Mr. Christos G. Poravas D Dr. Alexander Raslavicus Mrs. Jane S. Richardson D Mr. Nathaniel Saltonstall Ms. Jacqueline Shire D Mrs. Sara Meade Turner D Mr. Sergio Velasco D Class Of 1985 Participation 19% D olla rs $112,113
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. David A. Wallace D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Brian F. Freyermuth D Mr. Paul A. Squarcia, Jr. D
Mr. Christopher J. Morse D Mrs. Jennifer Sherbrooke Palmer D Navigators Mr. T. Mark Aimone D Mr. Sean B. Backus D Mr. Kenneth H. Berlack D Mrs. Julie Perkins Cordonnier D Mrs. Leslie Grumhaus Davidson D Mrs. Sarah Hartman Dole D Mrs. Patrice Bauer Fallon D Mr. Christopher C. A. Hall D Mr. Douglas W. Jones D Mr. Douglas H. Leighton D Mr. Ronald F. MacDonald, Jr. D Mrs. Susan Thomas Macleod D Mr. M. Ansley Martin, Jr. D Mrs. Kristen Ryan Mozayeni D Mr. Bruce P. Myers D Mr. Brendan E. O’Neil D Mr. Mark C. Parsons D Mr. Brendan M. Pollock Mr. Kevin R. Roller D Ms. Jamie B. Rotman D Dr. Kristin C. Smith D Mr. Roy S. Strand D Mr. Andrew M. Thompson D Mr. Stuart B. Titus D Mr. Ralph B. Williams II D Mr. Daniel M. Zinsmeyer D Class Of 1987 Participation 29% D olla rs $205,266
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Albert Y. Shiu D
James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. Sumner J. Waring III D
Navigators Mr. Samuel T. Adams D Mr. George A. Benway III D Mr. Spencer W. Blasdale D Mr. Joseph H. Bozoyan CFA Mr. Richard J. DellaRusso D Mr. William Y. H. Dickey Mrs. Stephanie Kotrofi Dragatsis D Mr. Edward J. Fiorentino D Mr. Steven H. Galavotti D Mr. Thomas D. Kirk D Mr. Lawrence E. Klaff D Mr. Craig E. Kulas D Mrs. Loren Milhench le Gassick Mr. Michael E. Porrazzo D Mr. Kevin C. St. Germaine D Mr. Paul R. Stahl D Mrs. Gretchen Shufelt Stoddard D Ms. Courtney M. Taylor D Mr. Mark T. Torrisi D Mr. Peter R. Way D
Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Jonathan D. Callaghan Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler D
Class Of 1986 Pa rticipation 28% Dolla rs $23,963
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mrs. Dede Nickerson Huang Mr. Tim S. Sperry D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John T. Ludes, Jr. D Mrs. Cindy Carr Mock D
Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mrs. Katrina Saltonstall Currier D Mr. Robert R. Fawcett, Jr. D Mrs. Heather Rosbe Vrattos D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Joshua A. Darwin D Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Todd A. Needham D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Jon C. Bennett Mr. Steven L. Davidow Ms. Kate G. Duffy D Mrs. Erin Osborne O’Connell Mr. Todd M. Peckham D Navigators Mr. David H. Allen D Mrs. Kathryn T. Ashworth Mrs. Camille Fairbanks Babanikas RN D Ms. Bridget Dugan Baratta D Mr. Gregory W. Barnes D Mr. Peter A. Boniface III Mr. Gordon W. Bonneville
Mrs. Jessica Nixon Cashman D Mr. Christopher W. Edgar Mrs. Lora Lowe FitzGerald D Ms. Jenell L. Haas Mrs. Gail Livingston Horn Mr. Lee W. Jones II D Mr. Andrew G. Kaeyer Ms. Love Froes Macione D Mr. Peter A. Mottur D Mr. Michael E. Norek D Mr. Harry M. Ostrander D Mr. David B. Pepin Ms. Laura Lorusso Peterson D Mrs. Margaret Henderson Pierce AIFA CFP Mrs. Kerrin Talty Pratt Mr. Suchin Ratanasiriwilai Mr. Jonathan S. Robie D Mrs. Julie Asselta Savage D Class Of 1988 P a rt ici p a t ion 20% D o l l a rs $18,329
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Gregory Y. Lubar D Mr. John G. Swope D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Cyril F. O’Neil D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mrs. Jennifer Heimlich Conaty D Mrs. Elizabeth Tomlinson Nemickas D Navigators Mr. Samuel T. A. Ames D Cmdr. John F. Buckley USCG D Mrs. Kerry Galligan Caldwell Mr. Douglass C. Coupe D Mr. Ian M. Del Balso D Ms. Linda Myers Dennison CPA D Mr. J. Michael Feeney D Mr. Kevin P. Foster D Ms. H. Kendall Garey Mrs. Elise Schickel Goddard Mrs. Nannette Orr Gustafson D Mr. Jonathan J. D. Hall D Mr. Matthew D. Hicks D Mr. Kimball H. Ingram D Mr. Shawn R. Knechtel D Mrs. Diana Cochran Knightly Mr. Dalton W. Menhall II D Mr. Nathaniel A. Paige Mr. Nicholas H. Penfield D Ms. Amelia M. Richards D Mr. Bradley R. Stuber D Ms. Diana Walcott D Class Of 1989 P a rt ici p a t ion 17% D o l l a rs $26,566
Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. G. Eric Davis D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Christopher D. Sanger D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Andrew V. Strawbridge
Navigators Mr. Christopher J. Basse D Ms. Colleen M. Coyne Mr. Richard DaSilva, Jr. D Ms. Alison MacGregor Durant D Mr. Patrick D. Harold D Mr. Jonathan W. Leaf D Mr. Andrew S. Macaulay D Ms. Elizabeth C. McDermott D Mr. Christopher H. McGuire D Mr. Christopher N. Merrill D Mr. A. Mark Milhench D Dr. Laura Patterson Nichols Ms. Sarah W. Penfield D Mr. J. West Riggs D Ms. Denise D. Shanahan D Mr. Andrew Sinn Mr. Brendan E. Tierney Ms. Kumi Watanabe D Mrs. Jennifer Schneider Ziskin D Class Of 1990 P a rt ici p a t ion 13% D o l l a rs $18,577
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. C. Jason L. Bland D Mrs. Sarah Lambert Dolan D Mr. John M. Goll, Jr. D Mr. Anthony W. Miller, Jr. Mrs. Robin Arms Shields D Mr. John E. Villela D Navigators Mrs. Alyssa Ware Bayus D Mr. Benjamin J. Daly D Mr. Geoffrey M. Ewenson D Mr. Jared C. Grimm D Mr. David B. Howard D Mr. Tyler W. Moore D Mrs. Laurelle Christian O’Neil D Mrs. Lee Mumford Peterson, Esq. D Mr. Daniel Shugrue D Ms. Jennifer Tichon D Mrs. Cedar McClure ValentineD Mrs. Sara Franzen Wamsley D
Mr. Jonathan H. Loer D Ms. Rebecca Merriam D Mrs. Saran C. Mignott Cadet D Mr. Christopher W. B. Scott D Class Of 1 9 9 2 P a rt ici p a t ion 2 0 % D o l l a rs $ 8 , 9 8 0
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Aaron A. O’Neil D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mrs. Sarah Graboys Valeo D Navigators Ms. Lisa M. Arredondo Mr. Bertram A. Balch D Ms. Catherine S. Barton Mr. Jared G. Brackett Mr. Scott M. Carson D Mr. Christopher C. Chandler D Ms. Carson B. Colmore Ms. Eleanor M. Crow Ms. Kara Anne Decas D Mrs. Abigail Smith Derrig D Mrs. Amy Warner Larkin D Mr. Kevin J. Lombardi Mr. William C. Lovett D Mrs. Katherine Boniface Maurizi D Mr. Eric R. Mino D Mr. Gerald A. Morrissey III D Mrs. Lindsay Conway Murphy D Mrs. Teryn Moore Power Mr. Craig W. Raposa D Mrs. Lee Hamel Sayers D Mrs. Jodi Siegel D Mr. Frank B. Sousa III D Ms. Sally M. Taylor Class Of 1 9 9 3 P a rt ici p a tion 3 0 % D o l l a rs $ 1 0 , 6 1 4
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Christopher L. Benzak D Ms. Adrienne M. Li D
Class Of 1991 P a rt ici p a t ion 16% D o l l a rs $10,585
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Robert A. Almy D
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Samuel M. Schaefer D
Navigators Mrs. Emily Soden Auerswald D Mrs. Ellison Beech Bakelaar D Mr. David P. Berger, Esq. D Mr. Timothy M. Brady D Mr. John T. Buckley, Jr. D Mr. Michael J. Callahan Mrs. Katherine Schaefer Cooney D Mr. Derek L. Gladding Mr. Ogden H. Hammond D Mrs. Ellyn Heimlich Hurd D Mr. Oakley R. Jones III D Mrs. Christel Bivens Kanda D Mrs. Inger Strand Kenworthy D Mrs. Amanda Mahoney Kuhn D Mr. John P. Lari D Mr. Andrew F. Major Ms. Gretchen D. Marolda D Mrs. Laura Blumenberg Martorella D
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mrs. Rebecca Holmes Adler D Mrs. Sara Mycock Cederholm D Mr. Jonathan R. Hallam D Mr. Andrew M. O’Shaughnessy D Mr. Augustin V. Simeon D Navigators Mr. Shane M. Borman D Mr. Noel T. Duarte D Mr. Neil R. Feeley, Jr. D Mrs. Jessica Hurley Givney D Mr. Cain K. Goettelman D Mr. Khalil J. Johnson Mr. Barry K. Lawton D Mr. Kevin P. Leddy D
Mr. Terry H. Miller, Jr. D Mr. Kurt J. Mogilnicki D Mr. Aaron B. Norton D Mr. Alex G. Power Dr. William V. Robertson V D Mr. Christian E. Salvati D Mrs. Heather G. Schuhwerk Mr. Colin D. Sullivan D Mr. Jeffrey A. Swan D Ms. Sarah T. Titus Mrs. Heather Fournier Truscinski Mrs. Alison Howard Van Keuren C lass Of 1 9 9 4 Par ticipation 1 4 % Dollar s $ 1 5 ,5 0 5
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Ms. Lyle Anderson D Mr. William P. Rice, Jr. D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Ms. Heather J. Aron D Navigators Anonymous Mrs. Elizabeth Bodkin Bagley D Ms. Daina Bray D Mrs. Jennifer Jackson Breitling D Mr. Ethan D. Bungert D Mr. Andrew R. Buttner D Mr. David M. Glynn D Mr. Darren S. Grout D Mr. Carl R. Hall D Mrs. Emilie Schnitman Liebhoff D Mr. Christopher E. O’Connor D Mr. James C. Tosi C lass Of 1 9 9 5 Par ticipation 2 7 % Dollar s $ 4 4 ,4 7 2
Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Angus H. Leary & Mrs. Shannon McGrath Leary D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Alexander W. Kohn D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mrs. Nicole DeBlois Greene D Lt. Col. Deane R. Konowicz D Mr. Ian O. Malin D Mr. Thomas McNeil D Mr. Travis M. Roy D Navigators Mrs. Amy Minella Ambrecht D Mr. Nathaniel R. Balboni D Mrs. Meredith Lutz Cabarrus JD D Mr. Ian M. Conway Ms. Amanda Lackey Cote D Mr. Wayne P. Day Laporte D Mrs. Salinda A. Fertig Pechaitis D Mrs. Crystal Carlton Flynn D Mr. Daniel H. Guenther D Mr. Erik W. Larsen D Ms. Danielle Lei D Mrs. Ariane D. Lombardi Willey D Mrs. Brooke Ollinger Lovett D
Mr. Nathan J. Meleo D Mr. Joshua E. Mulvey D Mr. Jay R. Peabody, Esq. D Mr. Jensen E. Remes Ms. Emily C. Roller D Mrs. Maija Langeland Scarpaci D Mrs. Laurel Simonini Schnitman D Mrs. Alexandra Holmes Scott D Ms. Tomoko Takayama D Mr. Ryan M. Vincenzo Mr. Michael B. Wahl D Mr. Christopher L. Weeks D Mr. Maximiliano A. Zayas D Class Of 1996 Participation 15% D olla rs $12,650
Navigators Anonymous Mr. Thomas K. Baird D Ms. Alison A. Brewer D Ms. Kara J. Burbank D Dr. Job D. Cardoza D Mrs. Patricia Constance D’Anna D Mr. Jesse C. Flynn D Mrs. Rebecca Zilkha Halpin D Mr. Christopher L. Horton, Sr. D Mrs. Allison Bessette Koskinas D Mr. James H. Kroll D Ms. Elizabeth R. Leary D Mrs. Lisa Sorelle Mayhew D Mr. Robert W. O’Leary III D Mr. Matthew S. Perrin D Mrs. Christina M. H. Proppe D Mrs. Megan Edwards Yelton D Class Of 1997 Pa rticipation 24% Dolla rs $4,760
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mrs. Margot Feeney Kalkanis Navigators Ms. Nicole L. Adriance Mrs. Derith Hart Andrew Mrs. Emilie Douglas Ball D Mr. John M. Beaumont Mr. Alan G. Bern D Mr. Michael S. Bray D Mr. Seth M. Burr D Ms. Anny R. Candelario D Mr. Ryan T. Costello Mrs. Melissa Press De La Vega D Mrs. Lisa Holmes Evans Mr. Christopher C. Gefaell Dr. Andrew P. Gilmartin D Mrs. Andrea Wadman Goldman D Mrs. Lindsey Burke Higgins D Mr. Matthew T. Holmes D Ms. Elizabeth S. Hurley D Mr. Alex W. Larsen D Mrs. Laura R. Marlow Latka D Mr. Conan H. Leary D Mr. Brendan M. McSweeny Mrs. Laura Benedict Millar D Mr. Brian M. Montgomery D Ms. Carlen H. Singmaster Ms. Elizabeth A. Tuckel D Ms. Holley H. Tyng D
Class Of 1998 Participation 12% D olla rs $2,187
Navigators Mr. Marshall E. Birkins D Mrs. Marci Epstein Brigman D Mr. Grayson M. Fertig D Mr. Tan Gao D Mrs. Cristin Sager Gillespie D Mr. Leon J. Hayward D Mr. Owen H. R. Johnson D Ms. Anna E. MacIntosh D Mrs. Elizabeth Drake Perkins D Mr. Theodore G. Trafton D Mr. David J. Trovato D Ms. Stacy L. Turner Class Of 1999 Participation 13% D olla rs $1,230
Navigators Mr. William J. Boyce Mrs. Susan D. Cervino Mr. Michael A. Close D Mr. James S. Conway Mr. Alexander D. Erving USN D Mrs. Cara L. Esch Mr. Brian P. Fortier Mr. Derrick C. Frazier D Ms. Nadia C. Harmsen D Mr. Andrew K. Henry IV D Mr. Mark D. Hutson D Mr. David M. Keeffe D Mr. Joshua B. Piekarski D Mrs. Tracy Nichols Roberts D Mr. Joseph A. Sciuto Mr. Philip T. Silvia III D Class Of 2000 Participation 14% D olla rs $54,760
James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. Clement C. Benenson D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mrs. Emily Edwards Ingham D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Emil J. Peinert D Navigators Mr. Colby R. Chevalier D Mr. Anthony R. Dundas Lucca D Mr. Thomas J. Flanagan III D Ms. Leah A. Latham D Ms. Elizabeth C. Little Mr. D. Jesse MacDougall D Ms. Wesleigh E. McMahon D Mr. Cyrus H. Moulton D Mr. Kevin J. O’Brien D Mr. Mark C. Ribeiro D Mr. Stephen F. Soden D Mr. Blake E. Zahn D Class Of 2001 Pa rticipation 19% Dolla rs $9,190
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mrs. Kristen Miller Mahoney D
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Aaron D. Polhemus & Mrs. Courtney Birkins Polhemus D Navigators Anonymous (2) Mrs. Meredith Langille Braverman D Mr. Ross M. Cottrell D Mrs. Erin Washburn Griffith D Mr. Edward H. Mackel D Mrs. Caitlin McCormick Murray D Ms. Cameron O. Nugent D Mr. Stephen H. O’Brien D Mrs. Julia Hale Printz Mrs. Devon Kensington Rannazzisi D Ms. E. Macy Reed D Mr. Michael L. Rehwinkel D Mr. Eric Shabshelowitz D Dr. Joshua J. Shaw D Mr. Daniel P. Skoglund D Mrs. Heather McRae Tabisola D Ms. Lindsay Worrell White Mr. Alan A. Zwicker D Class Of 2002 P a rt ici p a t ion 22% D o l l a rs $7,689
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Andrew Joblon Ms. Jaquelyn M. Scharnick D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Hiromasa Aono D Young Alumni Leadership Society ($500+) Mrs. Kari Rabatin Shih Navigators Anonymous Mr. Tucker Burr D Mrs. Jameson DuPont Collingham Mr. Robert B. Cowen D Mrs. Eliza Moulton Crimmings D Ms. Suzanne M. Elio D Mrs. Kerrin Falk Forsyth Ms. Greer G. L. Gehler Mr. Jonathan G. Gistis D Mr. Kaj Haley Mrs. Brie Chevalier Kalivas D Mrs. Jessica Keeley Keough D Ms. Molly MacDougall D Ms. Alexandria M. McManus D Ms. Margaret E. McSweeny D Mr. Guillermo Moronta, Jr. D Ms. Augusta F. Nadler D Mr. Frank E. Ng Mr. Edward C. Poirier D Ms. Katherine Sherman Roth D Mr. Daniel C. Ryan D Ms. Maggie J. Zayko D Class Of 2003 P a rt ici p a t ion 24% D o l l a rs $24,100
Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Kelvin Ko D Ms. Ngai Suet D
Young Alumni Leadership Society ($500+) Mr. Samuel S. Assad D Mr. Patrick J. Collins D Mr. John C. Cotti Mr. Louis M. Cotti Mr. Graham C. Cottrell D Mr. Alex C. Lanstein D
Mr. Charles C. Talanian D Mr. Keenan D. Thomson D Mr. Nathaniel Y. Walton D Mr. William F. Washburn III
Navigators Anonymous Mr. Jonathan E. Bean D Mrs. Molly Koch Bechtel D Mrs. Charlotte M. Glawe D Ms. Alexandra D. Gray Ms. Sophie L. Hemmerdinger D Mr. Cory J. Heselton D Ms. Louise L. Hill D Mrs. Heather Deblois Huszar D Ms. Jeanette P. Lofsky D Ms. Alice M. Mattison Mrs. Maura Walsh McGuinness D Ms. Caitlin E. Milbury D Mr. Ford S. Reiche D Mr. Matthew B. Sloan D Mr. Geoffrey A. Worrell D
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Allen M. Piekara D
Class Of 2004 P a rt ici p a t ion 32% D o l l a rs $9,602
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Ms. Sharon Yang D Ms. Robynn Yip All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Ms. Weishan Gao D Young Alumni Leadership Society ($500+) Ms. Alissa N. Assad D Mr. Duncan H. M. Nadler D Navigators Anonymous (2) Mr. Geoffrey D. April D Mr. Joseph P. Buteau D Mr. Garrett B. Curran Ms. Sara G. DiPesa D Ms. Bonnie P. Duncan D Ens. Ryan W. England D Ms. Lauren E. Folino D Ms. Liz M. Gallinaro D Mr. Adam P. Joyce D Mr. Philip G. Kazlauskas D Ms. Caroline F. Keene D Ms. Jessica B. King D Mr. Brian T. Kolb D Mr. Matthew W. Lee D Mrs. Zoe Murray Lindemuth Ms. Elizabeth A. Lucas D Mr. Christopher E. Manatis Lornell Ms. Alanna K. McGovern USCG D Mr. David A. Meleney D Mr. Ryan M. Moskovitz Mr. Justin J. Oakes D Mrs. Kathleen J. O’Neil Moore D Mr. Eric T. Ostrowski D Mr. William H. O’Toole D Ms. Kristin S. Phalen D Mr. Benjamin M. Sampson D Ms. Emily L. Schnure D
Class Of 2 0 0 5 P a rt ici p a t ion 2 4 % D o l l a rs $ 3 , 3 7 5
Young Alumni Leadership Society ($500+) Mr. Nicholas O. Keches D Navigators Anonymous Mr. Isa H. Abdur-Rahman D Mrs. Emily Carson Atwood D Mr. Andrew D. Barker D Mrs. Meghan Barrett Welch D Mrs. Elizabeth Blank D Ms. Kara R. Boon D Mr. Wesley D. Cain D Ms. Emily A. Chandler D Mr. David M. Cleveland D Ms. Alexandra S. Decas D Mr. Curtis A. Edenfield D Mr. Nicholas J. Fink D Mr. Garrett B. Curran D Mr. Kristofer K. Mansur D Ms. Kelley C. McCarthy D Ms. Siobhan E. Murphy D Mr. John W. Nobrega Ms. Aiya Ono Mr. Orlando R. Patterson D Mr. Christopher M. Potts D Mr. Adam E. Roy D Ms. Catherine E. Sheridan D Ms. Kaitlin R. Sowinski D Ms. Charlemagne L. Watson Ms. Candace P. Whipple Mr. Michael A. Yacobian D Class Of 2 0 0 6 P a rt ici p a tion 2 9 % D o l l a rs $ 4 , 1 9 3
All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Ms. Ka Lam Kung D Young Alumni Leadership Society ($500+) Mr. Noah R. Cottrell D Mrs. Kearsley Lloyd Sweeney D Navigators Ms. Elizabeth P. Barba D Ms. Jenna Barnes D Ms. Preston E. Bertles D Mr. Trevor N. Browning D Ms. Phoebe C. Cabot D Mrs. Carolina Cesar Levesque D Ms. Alyse K. Churchill D Mr. Perry F. Dripps D Ms. Elizabeth G. Eaton D Mr. Eric J. Franks D Dr. Whitney E. Greene D Ms. Laura E. Grimes D Mr. Eliott P. Grover & Mrs. Meghan Shine Grover D Mrs. Kathryn Metscher Lally D
Mrs. Samantha Caplan Lowen D Mr. Maximilian Martucelli D Mr. William M. Moger D Ms. Carly B. Nelthropp D Ms. Wendy D. Nobrega D Mr. Henry A. Peacor Mrs. Sarah Madison Pennington D Mr. Jamie B. Prudden & Mrs. Victoria A. Forman Prudden D Ms. Kristi R. Reardon D Ms. Leigh E. Richards D Ms. Nina P. See D Mr. Benjamin D. Smith D Mr. Doug M. Surgenor D Ms. Valerie J. Valant D Mr. Drew A. Wadsworth D Mr. Spencer E. Zahn D
Navigators Pfc. Peter Bacon Mrs. Grace Emmons Carroll Ms. Daniele S. Cole D Ms. Kelly E. Foley D Ms. Stephanie E. Garrett D Mr. Philip H. Greenwood Mr. Schuyler G. Hemmerdinger D Ms. Aimee R. Kelleher D Mr. Evan R. Lehrer D Ms. Ariel D. Leitao D Ms. Anne W. Lukens D Mr. Cameron H. MacKenzie D Ms. Jane E. Pimentel D Class Of 2009 Participation 19% D olla rs $7,590
C lass Of 2 0 0 7 Par ticipation 2 6 % Dollar s $ 3 0 ,4 2 0
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mrs. Kathryn Faucher Browning D
Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Ms. Sarah E. Ellins D
GOLD Leadership Society ($100+) Ms. Chloe E. Charette D Ms. Jonna H. Cottrell Mr. Carson H. Drake D Mr. Christopher S. Hall D Mr. Michael J. Hennessy D Ms. Selbie L. Jason D Mr. Colby E. Morgan D Ms. Carly E. Nuttall D Mr. Malcolm T. See D Ms. Dannette I. Tejeda D Mr. Harry J. Yates D
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Chak M. Kung Mr. J. Michael Zollo D GOLD Leadership Society ($100+) Mr. Manuel Antunes, Jr. Mr. Bryan M. Eger D Ms. Marissa R. Gentile D Ms. Lauren E. Grew D Ms. Hye Mi Joo D Mr. Peter A. Lamb Mrs. Laura Allen Zilewicz D Navigators Ms. Danielle Belanger Mr. Ryan M. Carroll D Mr. Nathaniel J. Carson D Ms. Elizabeth A. Confalone D Ms. Catherine M. Di Pesa D Mrs. Sarah A. Gerekos D Ms. Kaela M. Grealish Ms. Kenly A. Hiller D Ms. Suzanne E. Hunter Ms. Taylor E. Johnson D Mr. Harrison F. Lyman D Mr. Justin B. Nichols D Mrs. Kelsey Durocher Smith D Mr. Vincent J. Valant D Ms. Lauren M. Veneziano C lass Of 2 0 0 8 Par ticipation 1 8 % Dollar s $ 2 ,1 7 5
GOLD Leadership Society ($100+) Mr. Jarrod R. Bannon D Mr. Sean M. Bouchard D Mr. Myles J. McGreavy D Ms. Maura V. Neal D Ms. Elizabeth L. Pierce D Mr. Sean P. Ross D Mr. Robert J. Swift Mr. Per C. Tvetenstrand D Mr. Kevin M. Valles D
Navigators Anonymous Mr. Caleb T. Corliss D Mr. Matthew F. Dunne D Ms. Brianne G. Grealish D Mr. Jack C. Ingram Mr. Matthew L. Jackson D Ms. Louise K. Nadler D Mr. Robert W. Oliver D Ms. Megan E. Rilkoff D Mr. Alexander H. Sheehan Mr. Andrew J. Silva D Ms. Sara B. Stone D Mrs. Meredith Reynolds Welsh Class Of 2010 Participation 28% D olla rs $11,367
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Alexander O. Browning D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Joshua T. Kanter D Mr. Dana J. Resmini D All A Taut O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Eli B. Smith D GOLD Leadership Society ($100+) Mr. Scott M. Barnhill D Ms. Maria A. Ferreira Cesar D Mr. Fernando Jose Gonzalez D Ms. Yuxin Guan D Ms. Debi J. Lindsey D
Mr. Cody S. Martin D Mr. Jonathan E. Pezzoni D Mr. Kevin P. Sullivan D
Ms. Kelley T. Newman D Ms. Melanie M. Rosen D Ms. Kara L. Zammito D
Navigators Anonymous (2) Mr. Robert C. C. Armstrong D Mr. Harris F. Austin Ms. Bliss H. Baker D Mr. Scott G. Barger D Mr. George C. Barrett D Mr. Samuel H. Barrington D Ms. Ashley M. Brooks Ms. Erika R. Carleton D Mr. James H. Downer D Ms. Amanda C. Georgescu Ms. Eliza T. Kennedy D Ms. Hope B. King D Ms. Mary Christine Mackey D Mr. Gary A. Maestas Ms. Madeline P. Marinella D Ms. Meagan K. McCarthy D Ms. Kara B. Moffa Mr. Riley H. Strand Ms. Ashley T. Worrell D Mr. Anthony H. Zonfrelli
Navigators Mr. Connor W. Barley Ms. Riley R. Calhoun Ms. Lauren M. Christopher Ms. Alexa N. Driscoll Mr. Jake A. Farias D Mr. Keyan Golestaneh Ms. Catherine A. Hjerpe D Mr. Ian A. Horne Ms. Taylor M. Kielczewski D Ms. Margaret R. LeBrun Ms. Carley B. Lemay Ms. Anne M. McBride Mr. Christopher C. Mendes Ms. Kristen M. Nuttall D Ms. Helena M. Nyhart Mr. Samuel L. Peirson Ms. Abigail G. Pynchon Mr. Nicholas M. Ramos D Mr. Andrew T. Reiley Mr. Bryan D. Shropshire D Mr. Asa W. Smith Ms. Lily K. Smith D Ms. Catherine V. Sullivan Mr. Thomas A. Tarrant IV Mr. Karl M. Teague D Ms. Sarah A. White Mr. Torin A. Zonfrelli
Class Of 2011 Participation 19% D olla rs $893
GOLD Leadership Society ($100+) Mr. Andrew P. Bannon D Ms. Darya L. Blout D Ms. Alden C. Drake D Mr. Alex T. Nugent D
Class Of 2013 P a rt ici p a t ion 12% D o l l a rs $3,527
Navigators Anonymous (2) Mr. Samuel W. Barrett D Mr. John A. Burke D Mr. Paul A. Centauro Mr. Timothy J. Coffey D Ms. Eleanor T. Conroy D Mr. William S. Cunningham Mr. Connor D. Finley Ms. Katheryn A. Kanto D Ms. Devin K. Karambelas Mr. Scott J. Lauermann Ms. Samantha D. Lockley D Mr. Timothy R. Lucey D Ms. Krista K. Manzanares D Ms. Abigail E. McBride D Mr. Aidan P. McBride D Ms. Emily R. Pitman D Mr. Eli P. Sevigny D Mr. Samuel V. P. Toomey D
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Ms. L. Anne Walker D
Class Of 2012 Participation 25% D olla rs $4,760
Class Of 2014 P a rt ici p a t ion 14% D o l l a rs $1,216
Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Channing L. Walker D
GOLD Leadership Society ($100+) Mr. Charles L. Benedict D Ms. Alexandra J. Dawson D Ms. Margaret K. Hersam D Ms. Tatum Leclair D Mr. Nathan C. Shapiro D
GOLD Leadership Society ($100+) Mr. Yi Min Chen D Mr. Brenden T. Geary Mr. Ziyi Liu Mr. Mathieu C. Mongrain
GOLD Leadership Society ($100+) Mr. Benjamin M. DiFilippo D Mr. Justin H. Waligory Navigators Mr. Lex M. Davis D Ms. Christina M. Frasca D Ms. Allison A. Griffin Mr. Hsing Han Huang D Ms. Catherine Clare M. Knowlton D Mr. Sean Lowder D Ms. Kristen N. Mabie D Mr. Shamus D. Maloney D Mr. Oliver H. Stone D Ms. Katherine L. Vareika D Mr. Nicholas L. Veronesi D Mr. Shinnosuke Yoshikawa D
Navigators Anonymous (2) Ms. Stephanie R. Campbell D Ms. Shelby C. Densman D Ms. Danielle Dillon D Mr. Matthew T. Gorham Ms. Madeleine O. Jamieson D Ms. Jessica B. Lowe Mr. Alec McBride D Ms. Kendolyn C. Roe D Ms. Alyssa E. Rueb Mr. William W. Saltonstall, Jr. D Ms. Kathryn Sudduth D Mr. Peter M. Teague D Class Of 2015 P a rt ici p a t ion 19% D o l l a rs $9,982
Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Ms. Rachel McCoog All A Taut O Society ($1,000+) Ms. Emily M. Toltz GOLD Leadership Society ($100+) Ms. Samantha B. Benedict D Mr. Benjamin A. Cook D Mr. Samuel A. Cook D Mr. William F. Curley Mr. William B. Hall D Mr. David S. Marshall D Ms. Caroline J. Shaunessy D Ms. Julie E. Zammito D Navigators Anonymous Mr. Zachary J. Bannon D Ms. Kristen L. Burke D Ms. Alexa Cole D Mr. David M. Eyler D Mr. Fangyi Fan D Ms. Caldwell D. Harden Mr. Paul E. Mitchell III D Ms. Sarah P. Noyes Mr. Peter A. Poulin, Jr. Ms. Kelsey B. Shakin D Mr. Horace J. Stillwell Ms. Julia A. Wainwright D Mr. Connor M. West D Class Of 2016 P a rt ici p a t ion 21% D o l l a rs $2,050
GOLD Leadership Society ($100+) Ms. Elizabeth K. Abbott Mr. Evan N. Abbott Mr. John H. Condon Ms. Elizabeth M. Dognazzi D Mr. Austin G. Franklin D Mr. Charles T. Hersam Ms. Bridget Lattimer Ms. Hannah L. Perry D Mr. Oliver L. Sughrue D Ms. Andrea N. Tardif Ms. Emma Waligory
Navigators Mr. Will Appleton Ms. Mary Catherine Bent Ms. Hannah E. Dawicki D Mr. Thibaut C. Deluca Verley Mr. Tucker A. Francis* D Mr. Andrew J. Gorham Ms. Katherine O. Graham Ms. Madeleine S. Gregory Ms. F. Woodard Hooper Mr. William S. Hooper Ms. Olivia A. Kaszanek Ms. Mary Katharine E. McIntire Ms. Karen T. Morahan Mr. Thomas J. Riley Mr. Michael J. Ryan Ms. Shannon Ryan Ms. Maura E. Woods D Ms. Victoria G. Young Ms. Koko Kumamoto D Class Of 2 0 1 7
Rising Tide Ms. Kayla A. Aimone Ms. Reagan E. Eyler Mr. Jackson K. Hawkins D Ms. Kaede Ido D Ms. Madison McGrady Class Of 2 0 1 8
Rising Tide Ms. Alexandria Coffin D Mr. Michael G. Collins Mr. Samuel P. B. Gerecke Ms. Lillia P. Lovell Mr. Brendan J. Pratt D Ms. Elizabeth A. Rousseau Mr. Michael P. Zammito Class Of 2 0 1 9
Rising Tide Mr. Cameron Barbagallo Ms. Kelsey Boch Mr. Hunter D. Brackett Mr. John M. Collins Mr. Owen Sughrue D Ms. Lucy Toltz Ms. Eleanor A. Townsend Ms. Tianni Wang Class Of 2 0 2 0
Rising Tide Mr. Oscar Hernandez, Jr. Ms. Julia T. Shaunessy Ms. Mia G. Vaughn Class Of 2 0 2 1
Rising Tide Mr. Paul J. Collins Ms. Hope E. Lovell
* = deceased
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Keith N. Browning ’79 D Mr. & Mrs. John F. Fish ’78 D Carmine ’71 and Beth Martignetti D Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin D Mr. & Mrs. Sumner J. Waring III ’87 D James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. Ernest Boch, Jr. D Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. & Mrs. John F. Austin III D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bennett D Mr. Brad Ellins & Ms. Tonya Jilling D Mrs. Elizabeth W. Eyler ’87 & Mr. John M. Eyler D Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Graham D Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welsh D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Yanchun Bai & Ms. Hong Liu D Mrs. David B. Barker ’46 D Prof. & Mrs. Wendell S. Brown D Mr. Earl Cate & Ms. Joanne Melikian Cate D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Daniel D Mr. Peter Douglas & Ms. Ulrika Ekman D Mr. Dennis Ehrreich & Mrs. Catherine Connolly Ehrreich D Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Fallon D Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett, Sr. ’62 D Mr. & Mrs. Gar F. Ferguson ’66 D Mr. & Mrs. David Finley D Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgerald D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Haas D Mr. & Mrs. William F. Houlihan, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jadul D Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Jarbeau ’65 D Mr. & Mrs. Liam McClennon D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Murphy D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Pilaro D Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk D Mr. Ling To Shum & Ms. Oi Fan Ng D Mr. Stephen Sorbaro D Mr. & Mrs. John F. Swope ’56 D Tabor Korean Parents’ Association D Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tomlinson ’83 D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV D Mr. Hongchuan Bao & Ms. Yan Bao D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barry D Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bomberg Mr. Devon Bruce & Mrs. Yvonne Derrig Bruce Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Campbell D Mr. William W. Choi & Ms. Soo Jung Park D Mr. Hojin Chung & Mrs. Kyungah Lee Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cook D Mr. & Mrs. John Doggett D Dr. & Mrs. James P. Dowling ’81 D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eames Mr. & Mrs. David Earley Capt. & Mrs. Stephen Ethridge D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Farrell D Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ferguson ’48 D Ms. Kristen Gillis D
Dr. Henry Grazioso & Dr. Kristine Grazioso D Mr. Sangyoun Han & Mrs. Hyunryun Kim D Mr. Adam Hetnarski Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hill D Mr. Seongsoo Hong & Ms. Injeong Kim Dr. Seung Soo Hwang & Ms. Moon Hyeon Kim D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jeffries D Mr. Il Bong Jeong & Mrs. Jaeyoun Rye D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jessop Mr. Gi Suk Jung & Mrs. Mi Kyung Shin Mr. Sung Tae Jung & Mrs. Hee Ja Kim D Mr. Dong Hyun Kim & Mrs. Eun Hwa Shin D Mr. Hoon Cheol Kim & Mrs. Eunsoo Lee Mr. Min Seong Kim & Mrs. Jung Mi Bark D Mr. & Mrs. Loring Knoblauch D Mr. Jai Sung Lee & Mrs. Sae Wha Chung D Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. MacaulayD Mr. & Mrs. Eric Marandett D Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel ’87 & Mr. William Marvel D Mr. Andrew F. McIntire ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Mead D Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Mino, Jr. ’63 D Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mitchell D Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Nadler Jr. D Mr. Joseph Onstott & Ms. Patricia Campbell Mr. Russell Post D Mr. John J. Reydel, Jr. & Ms. E. Anne Gardiner D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Romagnoli D Mr. & Mrs. William Rousseau D Mr. & Mrs. John Rudicus Mr. Jamey Shachoy & Mrs. Laura Ryan Shachoy D Mr. & Mrs. Ross E. Sherbrooke D Dr. Paul Tedesco & Dr. Eleanor Tedesco D Ms. Jratsri Tobunluepop Ms. Kai Tsutsumi D Ms. Christine Ward D Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Zammito D Mr. Aiming Zhang & Mrs. Hong Shen D Mr. Wen Zhou & Ms. Bei Yang D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. David B. Barker ’46* & Mrs. Jane Barker D Mrs. Virginia Benzak D Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Blasdale ’61 D Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Cavanaugh D Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Chandler D Mr. & Mrs. James C. Collins ’48 D Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan A. Cottrell ’76 D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Craighead Mr. & Mrs. Christopher de Roetth Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiFilippo D Mr. & Mrs. George C. Domolky D Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 D Mr. & Mrs. James Durkin D Mr. & Mrs. Bradford N. Eames ’61 D Mr. Richard I. Arthur, Sr. & Ms. Sarah Fallon D Mr. & Mrs. James W. Feeney D Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Foley D
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Franyo Dr. & Mrs. Sarakorn Gerjarusak Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Gregory, Jr. D Mr. Jun Han & Mrs. Wei Sun D Mr. & Mrs. William T. Hurley III ’57 D Mr. & Mrs. C. Ronald Johnson ’64 D Mr. & Mrs. James Kay D Dr. & Mrs. Dennis La Rock D Mr. Samuel W. Lambert III D Mr. & Mrs. Atsushi Matsuo D Mr. Giles McNamee Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miccolis D Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miller D Mr. & Mrs. John Murray D Mr. & Mrs. John Paliotta D Mr. & Mrs. Paul Park D Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Phelan D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pierce, Jr. ’77 D Mr. & Mrs. James Raisides D Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ramos D Mr. William W. Saltonstall ’82 & Mrs. Kerry Saltonstall D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Shabshelowitz D Mr. David H. Stevens ’73 D Mrs. Barbara Toltz Mr. & Mrs. Eric Vander Mel D Mrs. Kelly L. Walker & Mr. George T.J. Walker D Mr. Charles K. West III ’82 & Mrs. Elizabeth West D Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Wicks D Mr. Geoffrey H. Worrell D Mr. & Mrs. Masayuki Yamakawa D Mr. Hongyang Zhang & Ms. Yaqian Wang D Mr. & Mrs. Qi Zhang Mr. & Mrs. Ying Jian Zhang D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Anonymous (2) Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Aisenberg D Mr. & Mrs. John H. Birdsall III ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Bonoli D Mr. & Mrs. Matthias Boxler D Dr. & Mrs. Earl & Mimi Briggs D Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Burbank D Mr. & Mrs. David Burton D Mr. & Mrs. Eric Carlstrom D The Carr Family Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cashel D Mrs. Sara Mycock Cederholm ’91 & Mr. Eric Cederholm D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Clark D John & Merry Conway D Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan H. Cook D Mr. & Mrs. Everett M. Davis D Mr. Timothy H. Dyer ’67 D Mr. & Mrs. Jose Fernandes D Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fisher D Mr. & Mrs. Albert Giandomenico Mr. & Mrs. Byron J. Gierhart, Jr. ’83 D Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Grosart D Dr. Alan J. Grout Mr. Wei Guo & Mrs. Chunhui Li D Mr. & Mrs. Yanguang Han Mr. James Forker & Ms. Jennifer Henriques Forker
Mr. Robert Judd & Ms. Rania Lavranos D Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Kakas II ’60 D Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Keller D Mr. & Mrs. Charles King D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Knoll D Mr. Gary W. Koch D Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Kroll D Mr. Yadong Li & Mrs. Yihe Zhang D Mr. & Mrs. Carter E. Mario ’76 D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. MacLean ’80 D Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Merry ’61 D Mr. Francis Millette D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mills D Mr. Frederic C. Mock ’83 & Mrs. Cindy Carr Mock ’86 D Mr. Carlos Mogollón & Ms. Elspeth Hotchkiss D Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Moore ’61 D Mr. Ronald Mycock ’66 & Ms. Lynn Bernard D Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. Brentnall Powell D Mr. Zhenxian Qin & Ms. Yan Zhang D Ms. Nancy Reich Dr. Mark A. Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Ajay Sadhwani D Mr. Timothy E. Sanders ’67 D Mr. & Mrs. David Souza D Mr. & Mrs. Alex Stephens D Mr. & Mrs. Kristian J. Stoltenberg ’66 D Mrs. Margot D. Stone D Mr. & Mrs. Galen Sweeney Mrs. Mary L. Tomlinson D Mr. Cangyu Wang & Mrs. Ning Jiang D Mr. Jianfei Wang & Ms. Liyan Xing D Mr. & Mrs. William H. Weeks ’75 D Mr. Lei Wei & Mrs. Min Chen D Mr. & Mrs. John Wolff D Mr. Yezhong Xia & Mrs. Ying Liu D Mr. Wei Yan & Ms. Xiaozhou Wang D Mr. Enbo Zhang & Ms. Nilda Jardim Navigators Anonymous (17) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Abbott D Ms. Nadiyah Abdur-Rahman Mr. & Mrs. Todd Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Adams D Mrs. Elizabeth Adams & Mr. Scott Adams D Mr. & Mrs. Clayton W. Adams, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Owen Ahearn Mrs. Jean Aimone Mr. & Mrs. T. Mark Aimone ’86 D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Albertson, Jr. ’50 D Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Alfonso Ms. Charlotte Amorello D Mr. Matthew Amorello D Ms. Alexis Anderson D Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Appleton D Mr. William F. Atwood ’71 Rev. Robert Baer & Rev. Christine Burns D Mr. & Mrs. Dudley S. Baker Mr. Richard L. Baker D Mrs. Suzanne Baker D Mr. & Mrs. John N. Balboni D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Baldwin
Mr. Phillip Banas & Ms. Cynthia De Witt Ms. Misty Baniewicz Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Banister ’61 D Mr. & Mrs. Harold V. Banks, Jr. ’66 D Mr. Patrick Bannon Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bannon D Mr. & Mrs. Randolph C. Barba D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Barbagallo Dr. Dennis A. Barley D Dr. & Mrs. Walter F. Barnes D Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Barresi D Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Barrett D Mrs. Melissa Houlihan Barton Mrs. Marna E. Bate Mr. Scott Bearse ’74 & Ms. Carrie Thornburg Bearse D Mr. Rene Beil & Ms. Kimberly Mairs Mr. & Mrs. Nelson A. Belanger III D Mr. & Mrs. Truesdale Beloti Mr. & Mrs. Sidney M. Bennett D Mr. & Mrs. George Bent D Mr. & Mrs. George A. Benway III ’85 D Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bey Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence O. Bidstrup, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Neale Birdsall ’51 D Mr. & Mrs. Ebenezer Boadih Mr. & Mrs. Mark Boardman D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Bobo ’75 D Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Boniface D Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Boon ’73 D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bosworth Mr. & Mrs. Rene J. Bouchard III D Ms. Lauren Boucher D Ms. Nicole Bousquet Mrs. Hollie Bowen D Mrs. Jan Boyce Mr. & Mrs. James Bracken D Mr. Jared G. Brackett ’92 Mr. & Mrs. James R. Brady D Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bray D Ms. Marie Bresilla Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand H. Brewer III D Mrs. Melissa Bride & Mr. James Bride D Ms. Roberta Brock Mr. & Mrs. Serge E. Brosselin ’84 D The Estate of Mrs. Ruth T. Brown D Mr. & Mrs. Barry Browning D Mr. & Mrs. Kwanruthai Buamahakul D Mr. & Mrs. Leon Budilovsky D Ms. Cathy Bunting D Ms. Kelly Anne Burke D Mr. Robert Burke D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Butera Mr. Thomas N. Butler & Ms. Julie Reitzas D Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Butters Ms. Carolin R. Buttrick D Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell W. Cabot ’69 D Mr. & Mrs. David Calhoun Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Campbell D Mr. & Mrs. Paul Capobianco Ms. Joan Cappelletti D Mr. & Mrs. Craig Carchidi D Mr. & Mrs. L. Howard Carl, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Brett Carlson D Mr. & Mrs. John C. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Steven Carvalho D
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Casey D Mr. Joseph Castro D Mr. Yung Hsun Chang & Ms. Chiu Ling Yu Mr. & Mrs. George Charette III D Mr. Tim Cheney & Mrs. Elizabeth Cheney D Mr. & Mrs. Pasgan Chongkolrattanaporn Mr. Walter Christian & Ms. Yvonne Page Mr. & Mrs. Derek Civilinski D Col. & Mrs. Gerald S. Clancy, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Cochran ’84 Rev. & Mrs. Ernest W. Cockrell D Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Cody Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Coelho D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Coen D Mr. & Mrs. Ray Coffin D Mr. & Mrs. William D. Colby D Mr. & Mrs. Derek Cole D Mr. & Mrs. James R. Coleman D Mr. & Mrs. Shannon Collins D Mr. & Mrs. Clinton H. Condon, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Connard III D Dr. Robert Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cooper D Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Cornell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Costello, Jr. D Ms. Kristen Cote D Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Cowen ’70 D Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cowen ’72 D Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Crocker ’58 D Mr. Steven L. Crowley ’66 D Mr. John Croy & Ms. Erica Buchanan D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cunningham ’69 D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dadagian D Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Daly D Mr. Sheldon Daly & Ms. Bernadette Kelly D Mr. & Mrs. Roy DaSilva D Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Davis Mr. Clint Davis & Dr. Frankie Ann Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Eric Dawicki D Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dawson Mrs. Monica Delgado D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Dermont Ms. Maria DeSantis Harden D Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Dias D Ms. Melissa Dias Mr. Paul B. Dickey, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Sally Dinan D Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Dineen D Mr. Jeffrey Dingle & Ms. Susan Poor D Ms. Patricia M. Dodge D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dognazzi D Mr. & Mrs. Jarvone Dolby D Mr. Chris M. Donley ’84 & Mrs. Cynthia Donley D Mr. Christopher Douvos D Mr. Robert Dowley Mr. & Mrs. David H. Drake D Mrs. Jennifer Dunn & Mr. Donovan Dunn D Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Durocher D Mr. & Mrs. Deron Ellis D Mr. Peter J. Erving D Ms. Susan Ethridge D Dr. & Mrs. Francis Falck D Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Falk ’69 Prof. & Mrs. Louis M. Falkson ’55 D Mr. Yeping Fan & Mrs. Wei Song
* = deceased
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Farren D Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Fawcett ’64 D Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Feldman D Mr. & Mrs. James Ferguson D Mr. & Mrs. John & Jane Fertig D Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Finley ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Flynn D Mr. & Mrs. William H. Foulk, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. David W. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Kirk J. Franklin ’81 D Dr. Ivan Frantz & Dr. Barbara Shephard D Dr. & Mrs. Robert I. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Frisch D Mr. & Mrs. David A. Frothingham D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gamer Mr. & Mrs. Clay Garber D Mr. Peter T. Gebhard, III & Dr. Sara S. Gebhard Mr. & Mrs. William Gebhardt D Capt. James E. Geil D Dr. & Mrs. Teodor Georgescu Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Gerecke Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Germer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gindhart Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Gistis D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Glashow Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Gleason D Mr. Mark B. Glovsky ’66 D Mr. & Mrs. William Goncalo D Mr. Kenneth Gonye Mr. & Mrs. John Gorham D Mr. Jeffrey E. Gould & Ms. Jeanne Runewicz D Mr. Colin Gounden & Mrs. Alyson Gounden Rock D Mrs. Laura B. Gowen D Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grace D Mr. Kevin Grant & Ms. Valarie Kinkade D Mrs. Marjorie Grinnan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Grondin D Mr. & Mrs. David C. Grusz ’77 D Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Gryska D Mr. Xiaoming Guo & Mrs. Tonghui Li D Mr. & Mrs. Larry P. Haberman D Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hall D Mr. & Mrs. William Hall D Mr. & Mrs. Russell Halpern Reiss D Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hambley Dr. Thomas Hamilton & Dr. Virginia Hamilton D Dr. & Mrs. Ogden H. Hammond D Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harden D Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harlow, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. John Hartnett Mr. & Mrs. Brett Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hauck D Mr. Jonathan H. Hawkins ’74 & Dr. Brenda Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. Heaslip ’82 D Mrs. Dorothy A. Heath D Mr. John M. Heavey & Mrs. Alex Heavey D Dr. & Mrs. William J. Hemmerdinger D Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Hempel II D Mrs. Jean P. Hermes D
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Herren Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hersam Mr. Alexander T. Hetzeck D Mr. & Mrs. David F. Hitchcock ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hofeldt D Mr. & Mrs. Frederic C. Hood D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hooper D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Horton, Sr. ’96 D Mr. & Mrs. Gary Horton Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Howland D Mr. William A. Hrasky & Ms. Blythe Berger D Mr. Pei Huei Huang & Mrs. Jui Tao Lai Mr. Tao Huang & Ms. Fang Fang D Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hunsaker, Jr. D Dr. & Mrs. William H. Hutson D Mr. Derek Krein & Mrs. Barbara Krein D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Iascone Mr. & Mrs. Takeshi Ido D Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Jacobs D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jason D Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jenkins D Mrs. Diane Johnston D Mr. Robert B. Jones ’55 D Mr. & Mrs. Donald Q. Joyce D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Joyce D Mr. & Mrs. David Kadison Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kearley D Mr. & Mrs. James M. Keeley D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Kelleher D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelliher D Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kemp D The Estate of Mrs. Jane Kennedy D The Kensington Family D Mr. Daniel Kim & Ms. Lea Nakamura D Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. King D Mr. & Mrs. John N. Kirk ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kirk ’85 D Dr. Karl Kistler & Mrs. Susan Kistler D Mr. William Kleinfeld & Dr. Kimberly Kleinfeld D Mr. & Mrs. James A. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Allan Koswick D Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kourtesis D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kracz D Mr. & Mrs. Yusuke Kumamoto Mr. & Mrs. Carl Harry A. Kwapong D Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Lacaillade D Mr. & Mrs. Richard LaCasse D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lack D Ms. Lisa LaGue D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lambalot D Mr. & Mrs. A. Wesley Langeland D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lankowski Mrs. Bethany S. Laporte D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Latham D Mr. & Mrs. William Lattimer D Ms. Danielle LaTulippe Dr. Scott D. Lauermann Mr. & Mrs. Regis L. Lavoie ’81 D Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Lawton ’60 D Mrs. Loren M. le Gassick ’85 & Mr. Stuart le Gassick Dr. & Mrs. Allen Leadbetter D Mrs. Margaret A. Leary D
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. LeBrun Ms. Patricia Leclair D Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Lee ’69 D Mr. & Mrs. Luis Leguia D Dr. & Mrs. Michael W. Lemelin D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Leone D Ms. Micheline LeRoy D Mr. & Mrs. Kitti Lertviwatkul D Mr. Clyde Lettsome & Mrs. Lisa Penn Lettsome Mr. & Mrs. Yiu Tung Leung D Mrs. Katheryn Lincoln D Mrs. Elizabeth Linzee Dr. Ke Chang Liu & Dr. Ya Ling Cheng D Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Livingston D Ms. Mary P. Lockley D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Loftus D Mr. & Mrs. James M. Lombardo D Mr. Douglas Lovell D Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lowder D Mr. & Mrs. Bradford W. Lowe ’58 D Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Lowe D Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Lucas D Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ludes Ms. Joan Mabie D Dr. Kevin Mabie D Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. MacGregor D Mr. & Mrs. Dual Macintyre III D Ms. Love Froes Macione ’87 D Cmdr. & Mrs. Andrew Mackel Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Macken Mr. & Mrs. C. Christopher MacKenzie ’72 D Mr. & Mrs. Tony Macrina D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Mahon D Rev. & Mrs. Robert H. Malm ’70 D Mr. & Mrs. Steven Maloney D Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Manley Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Manory D Ms. Christine Manory D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Manory D Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Marlow D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Marshall D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Marshall D Mr. Michael Martignetti & Ms. Yvette Beeman D Mr. & Mrs. Middleton A. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Matherson D Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Mathias Ms. Lynne Mayers Thomas Mr. & Mrs. David Mazzarella D Mrs. Jean McBride & Mr. Patrick O. McBride D Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. McCaig ’73 Mr. Andrew L. McCain ’84 & Mrs. Mary Kate McCain D Mr. & Mrs. John H. McCain D Mr. & Mrs. William McCauley D Mr. & Dr. Rodney McCollester D Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDermott D Mr. & Mrs. John J. McGarrie D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGrady D Mr. & Mrs. Shawn McGuire D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. McIntosh ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McKerrow D Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McLaughlin D
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. McLean ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Marshall McLean D Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd B. McManus, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. George McNamara D Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. McNeil D Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. McRae Mr. & Mrs. James J. McSheffrey D Ms. Kelli M. McSweeny D Mr. & Mrs. John F. Meck III D Dr. Steven Mendes Mr. & Mrs. Ezequiel Mendoza Mr. & Mrs. Irwin A. Mignott D Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mihalovich, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Merlin G. Miller D Mr. & Mrs. Terry H. Miller D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Milso D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mira Mr. & Mrs. George B. Mock, Jr. D Mr. Robert L. Mogilnicki, Jr. ’76 D Mr. & Mrs. Allen Moore III D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moore D Ms. Summers Moore Mr. & Mrs. Richard Morahan D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Morgan D Mr. & Mrs. Asghar Mostafa Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Mottur ’87 D Mr. Rajakumar Munnangi & Ms. Radha Pullalarevu D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Musante, Jr. ’76 D Mr. & Mrs. Dick & Cindy Muther D Mr. & Mrs. Toshiyuki Nagaoka Dr. & Mrs. Assane Ndoye D Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Neal D Mrs. Joan P. Needham D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Nelson D Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Nelthropp, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Todd H. Newman Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Nichols D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nickerson D Mr. & Mrs. John H. Nobrega D Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Northern, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. William B. Notman ’60 D Mr. & Mrs. John R. Nugent Atty. & Mrs. Thomas J. Nuttall D Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Oakes D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel O’Brien D Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Brien D Mr. & Mrs. Mark O’Brien D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. O’Connor Ms. Elizabeth O’Leary Mr. & Mrs. Leif O’Leary D Mr. Christopher Olsen & Ms. Elizabeth Clark Mr. & Mrs. John R. Orshak, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Osborn III D Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. Ostrander Mr. Edward Pachla & Mrs. Diana Myers Pachla Mr. & Mrs. Philip Pala D Mr. & Mrs. Leni J. Palazesi D Mr. & Mrs. Samuel G. Palestine ’69 D Mr. Noel J. Pardo & Mrs. Kyle Pardo D Mr. & Mrs. James W. C. Parker ’66 D Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Parker Ms. Natasha Pena Mr. & Mrs. William Peppes D
Mr. & Mrs. David Pereira Mr. & Mrs. David Pernell Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Perry ’78 D Mr. & Mrs. Charles Peterson D Mr. & Mrs. Samuel P. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. John Piekara D Mr. David Pierce & Mrs. Constance Pierce D Mr. Myron Pina D Mr. & Mrs. Brian Plunkett D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Poole Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Potts D Mr. & Mrs. John Pratt D Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Proctor ’55 D Mrs. Julie Przybyszewski & Mr. Dana Przybyszewski Mr. & Mrs. Dennis H. Pucello D Mrs. K. Julie Weeks Race ’42 D Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Ramsbottom ’47 D Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. Rancourt Mr. & Mrs. Suchin Ratanasiriwilai ’87 Mr. William D. Reed ’68 D Mr. & Mrs. James Reid D Mr. & Mrs. William L. Remes D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Resmini D Mr. Matthew Reynolds & Ms. Denley Poor Reynolds D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reynolds D Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ribeiro D Mr. & Mrs. John T. Rice ’70 D Mrs. Martha B. Rich Mr. & Mrs. Elmer A. Richards D Mrs. Lawrason Riggs Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. John F. Righter Mr. & Mrs. William E. Riseley D Mr. & Mrs. Frank Robilotto D Ms. Angelyn Robinson Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Rogers D Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rolighed D Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Roller D Mr. & Mrs. Hal Rood Mr. & Mrs. Leslie M. Rood Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Rosbe Jr. D Mr. Kenneth Roussel & Mrs. Amy Roussel D Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Rowland ’57 D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ryan D Mr. & Mrs. William G. Saltonstall, Jr. D Mr. Edgardo Santos, Sr. & Mrs. Felisa Mendez Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Sargent ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sargis D Mrs. Donna V. Sawyer ’62 D Mrs. Lee Hamel Sayers ’92 & Mr. Scott Sayers D Mr. Richard Scarano Mrs. Susan S. Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. William E. Scharnick D Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Schiffer Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Schutt, Jr. ’61 D Mr. Steven Schwartz PhD ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Scott III ’63 D Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Scott D Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. See ’78 D Mrs. Rosemary L. See Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shaffer D Mrs. Joan D. Shanahan D Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Shapiro D
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Shapiro D Ms. Karen Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Scott Shaunessy D Mr. William M. Sheehan D Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Shepley D Mr. & Mrs. Russell Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Xianrong Shi Mr. & Mrs. William Shields D Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Shuster D Mr. & Mrs. David Sigal D Mr. Michael S. Silipo Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sipple D Mr. Marcus Siskind D Mr. & Mrs. Allan Smith D Mr. & Mrs. David Smith Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Smith D Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Smith D Mr. & Ms. Philip Smyth D Mr. & Mrs. James E. Soden D Mr. Daniel Solien & Ms. Kris Horiuchi D Mr. & Mrs. Phacharaphol Sombutboon Ms. Elizabeth Soto Mr. & Mrs. Robert Squires D Mr. & Mrs. William Stewart D Mr. & Mrs. Alan O. Stickles D Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Stickles ’81 D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stillwell D Ms. Catherine M. Stone D Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Stone D Mr. & Mrs. Eivind Strand D Mr. Roy S. Strand ’86 D Dr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Streeter Ms. Nina Streeter D Ms. Remy Stressenger D Mr. & Mrs. Jay S. Stroud D Ms. Claudine Struck Mrs. Jean Sudduth & Mr. Robert Sudduth D Mr. O. Stevens Sughrue III & Mrs. Helene Sughrue D Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Sullivan, Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. George E. Sullivan D Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Sullivan Mr. Jackson P. Sumner ’52 D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Surgenor D Mr. & Mrs. Ted Svendsen D Mr. John Sweeney & Dr. Linda Sweeney D Ms. Christine Szuszkiewicz D Mr. Shih Kuan Tai & Ms. Shu Chen Yu Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. C. Tardif D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tardif Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Tarrant III ’76 D Ms. Courtney M. Taylor ’85 D Mrs. Kimberly A. Teves D Mr. & Mrs. Claude Thomas D Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. Thomson ’74 D Ms. Laura Toland Mr. Frank W. Townsend & Mrs. Jeanne E. Townsend D Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Tripp D Mr. & Mrs. Carl Tripp D Mr. & Mrs. Stanley S. Trotman, Jr. D Ms. Joann Tschaen Mrs. Etsuko Tsugihara Mr. Alan Lynch & Mrs. Zora A. Turnbull Lynch Dr. & Mrs. Christian Tvetenstrand
Mr. & Mrs. Donn A. Tyler D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tziachris Mr. David Urell & Mrs. Kathrine Nichols D Mr. Peter Vakhutinsky & Dr. Svetlana Vakhutinsky D Ms. Elizabeth Van der Veer D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vareika D Mr. Sergio Velasco ’84 & Ms. Ana Escobedo D Dr. Louis Velazquez Ms. Helen Ventouris Mr. Cyril Verley & Ms. Michele DeLuca Verley D Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Veronesi D Mr. & Mrs. Ruy S. Villela D Mr. & Mrs. Karl F. Von Schwarz D Mr. David Wainwright Mr. G. Wiley Wakeman ’68 & Mrs. Michele Wakeman D Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Walega ’62 D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Waligory D Mr. & Mrs. F. Timothy Walsh Mrs. Janet L. Walsh Dr. Biaoxia Wang & Mr. Guijiang Xia D Ms. Trina Waniga & Mr. James S. Maffei D Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Warren D Mr. & Mrs. John Waters D Mr. Stephen Watt & Mrs. Christine Watt D Mr. Michael Watts & Dr. Sonya Stevens D Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Way ’85 D Mr. & Mrs. John Wemple Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Wessling D Mr. Christopher White & Mrs. Yupin White D Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. White D Ms. Roxane Williams D Mr. & Mrs. William H. Williams III ’55 D Mr. & Mrs. David Woods D Mr. & Mrs. Alan Worden Dr. & Mrs. Peter C. Wright D Ms. Carol Wu D Hon. & Mrs. John M. Xifaras ’54 D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Young D Mr. & Mrs. Gokhan Yukselen D Mrs. Claire Zacchilli D Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Zagarri Mrs. Dorelle Zahn & Mr. Gary Zahn D Mr. XueGong Zhou & Mrs. Yumei Jia D Mr. & Mrs. Herb Zwicker D
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mrs. Edward G. Detmer ’72 D Mrs. Jonathan F. Swain ’52* D James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Anonymous Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mrs. Myra Monfort-Runyon D The Estate of Mr. Tudor H. Tiedemann, Jr. ’45 D Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welsh D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Ms. Wendy Barker Mr. Ron Daniel & Ms. Lise Scott D Mr. & Mrs. Alex Knowles D Mr. Kenneth R. Graboys D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Pope D Mrs. S. J. Weinberg, Jr. D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bascom D Mr. & Mrs. Norman Shachoy D Mrs. Barbara Toltz Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Webb D All A Taut O ($1,000+) Mr. & Mrs. David B. Barker, Jr. ’72 D Ms. Katherine Barnard D Dr. & Mrs. Earl Briggs D Mrs. Edith Carson D Mr. Alexander H. P. Colhoun & Ms. Selina Rossiter D Mr. & Mrs. William K. Doggett, Jr. D Mrs. Robin T. Hadley D Mr. Ronald Mycock ’66 & Ms. Lynn Bernard D Mrs. James R. Pescosolido D Mrs. Richard A. Reilly ’56 D Ms. Barbara I. Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. James Rubenstein D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Smyth D Ms. Mary Ann Soltys D Mr. J. Armand Soucy D Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Stevens D Mrs. Margot D. Stone D Mr. Michael Toltz Navigators Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ackerman Mrs. Jean Aimone Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Amodei Mrs. Margery Atherton Mrs. Ruth Auger D Mrs. Marna E. Bate Mr. Lawrence Becker D Mr. & Mrs. Carl Berghman Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Boniface D Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Bost, Sr.
Ms. Shirley Boyd Mr. Paul Boykas D Mr. Eric A. Braitmayer D Mr. William D. Brennan D Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Brown D Mr. Stephen G. Brown D Mr. & Mrs. Randy Browning Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Burgess Mrs. Gertrude Burr D Dr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Calbos D Dr. & Mrs. Edward Carchidi Mr. & Mrs. William Casey Mr. Jim Catanzaro Mrs. Lindsay H. Cavanagh D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cheney Mr. Daniel Chin Mrs. Elizabeth C. Cloud D Mr. & Mrs. William L. Cobb D Mr. & Mrs. G. Bruce Cobbold D Mr. Paul J. Collins D Mr. & Mrs. John Connors D Ms. Maggie Corcoran Mrs. Barbara Curran Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas DiBuono D Mr. Guy F. DiNocenza D Mr. & Mrs. Bob Dunn Mrs. Natalie Dyer Mrs. Sandra Engels Ms. Anny R. Candelario ’97 & Mr. Edwin Escobar D Mr. & Mrs. Warren Farrell D Mrs. Laura Finnegan D Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gardiner D Mr. Travis J. Glennon D Ms. Elizabeth Grant D Ms. Mary L. Griffin Mr. Douglas B. Harding Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hauck D Ms. Janet G. Hawkins D Mr. Donald Heselton Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Hight Mr. & Mrs. James D. Houck D Ms. Margaret C. Howland Mr. Donald E. Irving D Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Jones D Ms. Carolyn Keating D Ms. Louise D. Kelly D Mr. & Mrs. David C. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Knight D Mr. John G. Knight Mrs. Nancy D. Knight D Mr. & Mrs. A. Wesley Langeland D Mr. J. Eric Lindholm Mrs. Albert E. Love, Jr. ’61 D Ms. Hope E. Lovell D Mr. & Mrs. Dual Macintyre, Jr. D Mrs. Sydney H. Maddox D Mrs. Jane Magnant D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Magni D Mrs. Richard T. Marr Mrs. Doreen Marshall D Mr. & Mrs. John Matterazzo Mrs. Judith Hagemann Mazurkiewicz D Mr. & Mrs. Michael McBee Mr. & Mrs. John H. McCain D Mrs. Nancy McFadden
Mr. & Mrs. Martin McKerrow D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meadows Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mendes Mr. John Merrill, Jr. D Mrs. Teresa Metcalf D Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Mikitka Mr. Terrence Milka D Mrs. Adele Millette D Mr. & Mrs. George B. Mock, Jr. D Ms. Deborah Morehead Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Mueller III Mrs. Maureen Naughton Mr. & Mrs. William Nevelos Mr. & Mrs. Manning Parsons D Mr. Dillon Paul D Mr. Drew Porter Mrs. Kerrin Talty Pratt ’87 & Mr. Timothy W. Pratt D Mr. & Mrs. Jerry H. Pyle D Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. Rancourt Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Reed D Dr. Anne McKee Rex Mr. & Mrs. John J. Reydel, Sr. D Mrs. Celeste A. Ringuette D Mr. & Mrs. R. Edward Rose D Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Russell III D Mr. & Mrs. William G. Saltonstall, Jr. D Mr. & Ms. Shel Sanders D Mr. & Mrs. Warren Schappell D Mr. Douglas W. Sears Mr. James Sharpe & Mrs. Deborah Stein Sharpe D Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Silvestro, Sr. Mr. Joe Silvia & Ms. Cori Fernandes Mr. Neil Souther D Mr. & Mrs. Galen L. Stone Mrs. Jane B. Sughrue D Mrs. Sandra Svihovec Hewitt D Mr. & Mrs. James Tanis Mr. Robert R. Thompson D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tolischus Dr. & Mrs. James F. Traer Mr. & Mrs. George L. Unhoch, Jr. D Mrs. Christine Warsaw Mr. Taylor Washburn D Mr. & Mrs. John Waterman Mr. Ted Watson Col. & Mrs. Thomas P. Watts D Mrs. Betty White D Ms. Kathryn Wilcox Mr. Robert Williams III Mr. Fredrick Wilson Mrs. Diana M. Worley D Mrs. Cynthia Worrell D Ms. Mary Denny Wray D Mrs. Louise Wright Mr. & Mrs. Ching Fong Wu D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zammito D
* = deceased
Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Gaska Tape, Incorporated James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) The Vesper Foundation Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Austin Foundation, Inc. Kenneth & Myra Monfort Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Maurice & Anne Makepeace Family Foundation The Howard Johnson Foundation Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) The Ansonia Foundation Fawcett Energy Partners, Inc. Matthew W. Houlihan Foundation New Hampshire Charitable Foundation The Philip and Tammy Murphy Family Foundation Robert Browning Family Foundation Scudder & Taylor Oil Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Barnes Group Foundation, Inc Cymaron Foundation National Philanthropic Trust The Robert Reiser & Co., Inc. Russell Post Properties, Inc. Sidney J. Weinberg, Jr. Foundation Sperry Tents The Nelson Mead Fund Thomas Anthony Pappas Charitable Foundation Uncle Jon’s Cookies Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Benzak Foundation Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines Goll Insurance Co. Grimshaw Gudewicz Charitable Foundation J. Aron Charitable Foundation, Inc. J.M. Huber Corporation The Losam Fund Nittany Construction, Inc. Nuveen Investments R.E. & B.O. Browning Foundation Simon & Stella Sheib Foundation The Abbott and Leslie Sprague Family Foundation The Rice Family Charitable Foundation Toyota Dealer Match Program UBS Matching Gift Program UBS Wealth Mgmt. USA Wells Fargo Foundation WestWind Foundation All-A-Taut-O ($1,000+) American International Group, Inc. Burr Brothers Boats, Inc. Delta Air Lines Foundation Fidelity Foundation Friends Academy
Goldman, Sachs & Company Howard A. Van Vleck Foundation Koch Family Foundation, Inc. Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Co. Krueger Family Foundation The Ludes Family Foundation Northwestern Mutual Foundation Samuel Barnet Blvd. Corp. Sherbrooke Family Charitable Trust Abbot and Dorothy H. Stevens Foundation The Rumson Country Day School The Upstream Foundation The Willow Creek Charitable Foundation Van Sloun Foundation The Wicks Insurance Group, Inc. Navigators Above the Line Programming Group, Inc. All Access Infotech, LLC AmazonSmile American Honda Motor Co., Inc. The Ameriprise Financial Gift Matching Program Apple, Inc. Atlantic Comfort Systems, Inc. Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Bernard G. Rethore Foundation Biogen MA, Inc. Cataumet Boats, Inc. Coast Guard Foundation Community Foundation of Acadiana DST Systems, Inc. E.J.P. Associates Fernandes Masonry, Inc. FM Global Foundation G & P Management Group, Inc. Greater Houston Community Foundation Hastings Art Management Services, Inc. IBM Corporation John Hancock Financial Services Kevin F. Donoghue & Associates Macy’s, Inc. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company McDonald’s Restaurant NRG Energy, Inc. PayPal Employee Giving The Prudential Foundation Sappi SC Johnson Fund, Inc. Semler Brossy Consulting Group, LLC Snow & Thomson Insurance Agency, Inc. State Street Boston Corp. SunTrust Foundation Tarklin Hill Realty Corp. The Reebok Foundation The Walt Disney Company Foundation US CLIVAR W.H. Peppes General Contractor, Inc. West Falmouth Aluminum and Glass Zammito Family Charitable Foundation
GIFT S FR OM faculty and staff
Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel ’87 & Mr. William Marvel D Mr. John J. Reydel, Jr. & Ms. E. Anne Gardiner D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($1,876+) Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 D Mrs. Eileen Marceau & Mr. Stephan Marceau D Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. O’Connell Mr. William W. Saltonstall ’82 & Mrs. Kerry Saltonstall D Mrs. Kelly L. Walker & Mr. George T.J. Walker D Mr. Charles K. West III ’82 & Mrs. Elizabeth West D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Winslow D All-A-Taut-O ($1,000+) Ms. Jennifer Henriques Forker & Mr. James Forker Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84 D Navigators Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Ackerman D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Adams D Mrs. Elizabeth Adams & Mr. Scott Adams D Mr. & Mrs. William E. Becker D Mr. & Mrs. William Belmore D Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Bentz D Mr. David A. Bill D Ms. Lauren Boucher D Mr. Conor M. Bozzi D Mr. & Mrs. Roxie Bratton D Mrs. Melissa Bride & Mr. James Bride D Mr. Trevor W. Britton Ms. Laura Burgess Ms. Elizabeth G. Calore Mr. Jason Cassista D Mr. & Mrs. Wesley M. Chaput D Mr. Tim Cheney & Mrs. Elizabeth Cheney D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cleary D Ms. Debra Cohen D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cunningham ’69 D Mrs. Bethany Daniels D Mr. & Mrs. Richard DaSilva, Jr. ’89 D Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Dineen D Mr. Stephen Dixon D Mr. Michael doCurral Mr. Chris M. Donley ’84 & Mrs. Cynthia Donley D Mrs. Amy Duffell & Mr. William Duffell D Ms. Roxanne Dunlop Mrs. Jennifer Dunn & Mr. Donovan Dunn D Mrs. Meredith Finch & Mr. Michael Finch D Capt. James E. Geil D Mr. Daniel E. Griffin D Mrs. Londa Halpin & Mr. Peter Halpin D Ms. Jesse Hawley Mr. John M. Heavey & Mrs. Alex Heavey D Ms. Polly Henshaw D
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Houck D Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Howland D Mr. William A. Hrasky & Ms. Blythe Berger D Mrs. Ellyn Heimlich Hurd ’93 & Mr. Robert S. Hurd, Jr. D Ms. Xinyu Jiang Ms. Emily Kaplan D Mr. Christopher Kasprak D Ms. Eliza T. Kennedy ’10 D Dr. Karl Kistler & Mrs. Susan Kistler D Mr. Derek Krein & Mrs. Barbara Krein D Mr. Alex W. Larsen ’97 & Mrs. Virginia K. Larsen D Ms. Danielle LaTulippe Mr. Conan H. Leary ’97 & Mrs. Elizabeth Leary D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Leaver D Ms. Lauren Lewis Mr. Eric Long & Mrs. Nicole Long D Ms. Rebecca A. Love & Mr. Steven Macomber D Mr. Alan F. Lynch & Mrs. Zora A. Turnbull Lynch Mr. Shaun Mayor Mrs. Jean A. McBride & Mr. Patrick O. McBride D Mr. Andrew L. McCain ’84 & Mrs. Mary Kate McCain D Ms. Molly McCarthy Dr. David McGinnis Mrs. Sharon McGraw D Mrs. Kristin McLaughlin & Mr. Kevin McLaughlin D Ms. Kelli M. McSweeny D Mr. Nathan J. Meleo ’95 & Mrs. Christine Meleo D Mr. Christopher Millette & Mrs. Lauren Millette D Mr. Robert L. Mogilnicki, Jr. ’76 D Mr. Matthew Moore & Mrs. Cheryl Moore Mrs. Amy Norris & Mr. Hal Norris Ms. Nancy L. O’Brien Mr. Noel J. Pardo & Mrs. Kyle Pardo D Ms. Rebecca Parente D Mr. Orlando R. Patterson ’05 D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Petrocelli Mr. David Pierce & Mrs. Constance Pierce D Mrs. Julie Przybyszewski & Mr. Dana Przybyszewski Capt. Zane Randall D Mrs. Kristen Reimold & Mr. Ray Reimold Ms. Ann M. Richard D Mr. Kenneth Roussel & Mrs. Amy Roussel D Mr. & Mrs. Jeptha Runyon D Mr. Paul Salit & Mrs. Julie Salit D Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Sanborn D Dr. Matt Sandefer & Mrs. Rebecca Sandefer Ms. Carol Sanz ’53 D Ms. Alexandra Sickel Mr. Jon Sirois D Mr. Gary Sousa D Mrs. Jean Sudduth & Mr. Robert Sudduth D Mr. O. Stevens Sughrue III & Mrs. Helene Sughrue D Mr. Robert J. Swift ’08
Mr. Drew Tanzosh Mr. & Mrs. Brian Torres D Mr. Frank W. Townsend & Mrs. Jeanne E. Townsend D Mr. & Mrs. Donn A. Tyler D Ms. Jillian Vierra Mr. Matthew Voci Mr. G. Wiley Wakeman ’68 & Mrs. Michele Wakeman D Mr. Khalil J. Johnson ’91 & Mrs. Anika Walker-Johnson Mr. Alec J. Wall D Mr. Stephen Watt & Mrs. Christine Watt D Mr. Christopher White & Mrs. Yupin White D Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. White D Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Wicks D Ms. Amelia Wright D Mrs. Dorelle Zahn & Mr. Gary Zahn D
In Memory of Mr. Cesar Albini Mr. & Mrs. James W. Henry ’75 In Memory of Mr. Wendell W. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Wade I. Treadway ’68 In Memory of Mr. Jonathan D. Arms ’87 Mrs. Camille Fairbanks Babanikas RN ’87 & Mr. Gus Babanikas In Memory of Mr. David B. Barker ’46 Anonymous Michael Patrick Adams DDS ’74 Mr. & Mrs. T. Mark Aimone ’86 Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Barker ’74 Mr. & Mrs. David B. Barker, Jr. ’72 Mrs. Jane F. Barker Ms. Wendy Barker Mr. & Mrs. Neale Birdsall ’51 Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Blasdale ’61 Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Feeney Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Hight Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Keene, Jr. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Michael McBee Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ribeiro The Robert Reiser & Co., Inc. Mrs. Rosemary L. See Mr. & Mrs. Galen L. Stone Mr. Robert R. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. David D. Tura ’63 Mr. Geoffrey H. Worrell In Memory of Mr. George T. Brown ’41 Mrs. Ruth T. Brown Mr. Stephen G. Brown In Memory of Mr. Tyler A. Brown ’02 Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Brown Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Grosart In Memory of Mr. Carter J. Buckley ’04 Mr. Jonathan E. Bean ’03 In Memory of Mrs. Sally Buffinton Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 In Memory of Mr. Cyrus C. Cady ’62 Mrs. Donna V. Sawyer ’62 In Memory of Mr. David A. Capen ’54 Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Capen ’83 In Memory of Ms. Helen S. Coolidge ’54 Mr. August B. Miller, Jr. ’53 In Memory of Mr. John T. Corsi ’86 Mr. & Dr. Kevin C. St. Germaine ’85 In Memory of Mr. Edward G. Detmer ’72 Mr. & Mrs. David B. Barker, Jr. ’72 Ms. Barbara Tapp Mr. Roger F. Woodman, Jr. ’72 & Mrs. Carol De Tine
In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Duncan Mrs. Susan Duncan Cervino ’99 & Mr. Victor M. Cervino In Memory of Mr. H. W. Evans III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Mottur ’84 In Memory of Ms. Heidi E. Ferguson ’97 Mrs. Melissa Press De La Vega ’97 & Mr. Marcus De La Vega In Memory of Mr. Tucker A. Francis ’16 Anonymous (11) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Abbott Ms. Elizabeth K. Abbott ’16 Mr. Evan N. Abbott ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Ackerman Ms. Kayla A. Aimone ’17 Mr. & Mrs. T. Mark Aimone ’86 Ms. Jana M. Albert Mr. Abdulaziz A. Al Salim Ms. Dana Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Appleton Mr. Richard I. Arthur & Ms. Sarah Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Michael Baldwin Dr. Dennis A. Barley Ms. Mary Jo Bender Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bergeron Bernard G. Rethore Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Berrien Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bey Ms. Uma S. Bhatt Ms. Melanie Bikis Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Blasdale ’61 Mr. & Mrs. James T. Bowler, Jr. Mr. Christopher Boyatt Mr. & Mrs. John W. Braitmayer ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Roxie Bratton Ms. Pamela Brewster Mr. & Mrs. Adam P. Briggs ’79 Dr. & Mrs. Earl Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Mark Briggs Mr. & Mrs. John Britten Mr. Anthony Broccoli Mr. Lawrence Buchalter Burr Brothers Boats, Inc. Mrs. Gertrude Burr Mr. Andrew Butler Ms. Ivonne Cabrera Ms. Stephanie R. Campbell ’14 The Carr Family Ms. Marion B. Case Ms. Alice Cashel Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cashel Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cheney Coast Guard Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Judah L. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Simon Colley Mr. John M. Collins ’19 Mr. Michael G. Collins ’18 Mr. Paul J. Collins ’21 Mr. & Mrs. Shannon Collins Mr. & Mrs. Clinton H. Condon, Jr. Mr. John H. Condon ’16 Ms. Randi Conley Dr. Robert Conroy
Ms. Anne T. Converse Mr. & Mrs. Don Cook Mr. Daniel J. Cooney ’83 & Mrs. Katherine Schaefer Cooney ’93 Ms. Barbara Corrigan Mr. William F. Curley ’15 Mrs. Katrina Saltonstall Currier ’87 & Mr. James Currier Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dadagian Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Daniel Mrs. Bethany Daniels Mr. Paul Lew Davies III Mr. & Mrs. Everett M. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Eric Dawicki Ms. Alexandra J. Dawson ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dawson Ms. Elizabeth M. Dognazzi ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dognazzi Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Druckenmiller Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Mr. & Mrs. William Duhamel Ms. Roxanne Dunlop Mrs. Brenda Ekwurzel Ms. Susan Eldredge Mead Mr. & Mrs. Deron Ellis Ens. Ryan W. England ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Erikson Mr. David M. Eyler ’15 Mrs. Elizabeth W. Eyler ’87 & Mr. John M. Eyler Ms. Reagan E. Eyler ’17 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Feeney Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ferguson ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Alexander G. Fernald Mr. & Mrs. Scott Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Kirk J. Franklin ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Franyo Friends Academy Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gallaher Mr. & Mrs. Clay Garber Mr. & Mrs. William Gebhardt Capt. James E. Geil Mr. Aidan Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Byron J. Gierhart Jr. ’83 Mr. Travis J. Glennon Mr. & Mrs. Bill Goodspeed Mr. & Mrs. Gordon L. Goodwin ’63 Ms. Madeleine S. Gregory ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Ian Grusd & Family Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Gryska Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Halstead Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hamill Ms. Anne R. Harris Ms. Jeanne P. Hickey Ms. Marcia Hoffer Ms. Eileen Hofmann Ms. Sandra Horbach Mr. John Hou Mr. & Mrs. Alan Houghton Ms. Marian B. Howell Ms. Margaret C. Howland Mr. Hsing Han Huang ’13 Ms. Andrea Huber Ms. Tabitha A. Huber
Tucker was always an incredible source of inspiration. He never saw something as far-fetched or unrealistic. With an incredible mind and unfaltering determination, he went after every opportunity and idea that was set in front of him and
he encouraged his friends to do the same.
—Finn Cashel ’16
Ms. Victoria C. Huber Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hutton ’79 Ms. Janet M. Intrieri J.M. Huber Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Jarbeau ’65 Ms. Barbara J. Kahn Ms. Olivia A. Kaszanek ’16 Mr. & Mrs. James Kay Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Keene, Jr. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. William N. Keene ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Kelleher Ms. Anna Knight Ms. Carol S. Kostik Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Krause ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lannin Mr. & Mrs. Erik W. Larsen ’95 Ms. Leah A. Latham ’00 Ms. Bridget Lattimer ’16 Mr. & Mrs. William Lattimer Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. LeBrun Ms. Patricia Leclair Ms. Tatum Leclair ’14 Ms. Jessica B. Lowe ’14 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ludes Mr. Alan F. Lynch & Mrs. Zora A. Turnbull Lynch Ms. Kristen N. Mabie ’13 Mr. Christopher Makepeace ’66 Ms. Christine Manory Ms. Eileen J. Marum Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel ’87 & Mr. William Marvel Mr. & Mrs. Wilkinson B. Marvel Ms. Meagan K. McCarthy ’10 Ms. Karen Mcclellan Mrs. Nancy McFadden Ms. Mary Katharine E. McIntire ’16 Mr. Alexander R. Mehran Mr. Shawn Miele Ms. Heike B. Milhench ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Doug Miller Mr. Neil Muranaka Mr. & Mrs. John Murray Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Nadler, Jr. Ms. Mary Ng Dooley Ms. Catherine Niederer Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Norweb III Ms. Sarah P. Noyes ’15 Mr. Gery F. Nunnelee Ms. Aiya Ono ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Park Ms. Verna Parlin Ms. Sandria Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Ellison Patten Mr. & Mrs. James T. Patten Mr. Paul R. Perez Ms. Hannah L. Perry ’16 The Philip and Tammy Murphy Family Foundation Col. & Lt. Col. Jonathan L. Pirkey ’81 Ms. Shari Polikoff Mr. & Mrs. Edward Poplawski Ms. Tracy Portmann & Family Mr. & Mrs. James Prieur Mr. & Mrs. Fred Putnam & Family Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Ribeiro ’00
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Richland Mr. & Mrs. Hal Rood Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Rosbe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Rubenstein Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ruesterholtz Mr. and Mrs. William W. Saltonstall Samuel Barnet Blvd. Corp. Ms. Carol Sanz ’53 Ms. Jaquelyn M. Scharnick ’02 Mr. & Mrs. William E. Scharnick Mr. Axel Schweiger Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Scurletis & Family Mrs. Rosemary L. See Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Seely Mr. Jonathan Seely Ms. Logan Seely Ms. Linda B. Segre Semler Brossy Consulting Group, LLC Mr. James Sharpe & Mrs. Deborah Stein Sharpe Ms. Caroline J. Shaunessy ’15 Ms. Julia T. Shaunessy ’20 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Shaunessy Mrs. Robin Arms Shields ’90 & Mr. Timothy Shields Ms. Susan S. Shuwall Mrs. Whitney Slade Ms. Alison Smart Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. James E. Soden Mr. Tony Stayner & Ms. Beth Cross Mr. & Mrs. Barry Steinberg Ms. Catherine M. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Eivind Strand Dr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Streeter Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Stubbs Mr. O. Stevens Sughrue III & Mrs. Helene Sughrue Mr. Oliver L. Sughrue ’16 Mr. Owen Sughrue ’19 Mr. Barry Sullivan Ms. Shannon Sweeney Tabor Boy Crew Ms. Andrea N. Tardif ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tardif Tarklin Hill Realty Corp. Mr. & Dr. Brett W. Thacher ’71 The Rumson Country Day School Mr. Robert R. Thompson Mr. Frank W. Townsend & Mrs. Jeanne E. Townsend Mr. Fred W. Trezise Mr. Walter Trott Mr. & Mrs. George L. Unhoch Jr. Ms. Debra L. Urquhart US CLIVAR Ms. Taneil Uttal & Mr. Francis R. Jesse Mr. & Mrs. Eric Vander Mel Ms. Katherine L. Vareika ’13 Dr. Stephen J. Vavrus & Dr. Susan K. Swanson Ms. Claire Wadlington Mr. G. Wiley Wakeman ’68 & Mrs. Michele Wakeman Mr. Taylor Washburn
Mr. & Mrs. John Waterman Mr. Richard Watkins & Ms. Heidi Hansen Ms. Tracy Weatherby Mrs. Christine Wente Mr. Charles K. West III ’82 & Mrs. Elizabeth West Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Mr. & Mrs. David Woods Mr. Roger F. Woodman, Jr. ’72 & Ms. Carol De Tine Ms. Jane Woodward Mr. Geoffrey H. Worrell Ms. Amelia Wright Ms. Susan P. Young Mrs. Dorelle Zahn & Mr. Gary E. Zahn Mr. Steven Zuckerman In Memory of Mrs. Barbara Gindhart Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gindhart In Memory of Capt. George E. Glaeser Mr. John S. Rando, Jr. ’82 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Godwin Mr. & Mrs. L. Stanley Godwin, Jr. ’72 In Memory of Mr. James D. Gowing Mr. David P. Samano ’70 In Memory of Mr. Flynn D. Grinnan ’06 Mrs. Marjorie Grinnan Mrs. Dorelle Zahn & Mr. Gary E. Zahn In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Grudzinski Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gamer
In Memory of Mr. Lucien O. Lavoie Mr. Arthur E. Tebbetts II ’68
In Memory of Ms. Amy Nichols Anonymous
In Memory of Mr. James B. Tedesco ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Dean R. Purcell ’79
In Memory of Mr. Gregor R. Leguia ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Luis Leguia
In Memory of Mrs. Virginia R. Oliver Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56
In Memory of Mr. Tarik A. Toukan ’98 Ms. Shari Polikoff
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. Lincoln Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan M. Lincoln ’84 In Memory of Mr. Albert E. Love, Jr. ’61 Mrs. Julia E. Love Ms. Rebecca A. Love & Mr. Steven Macomber
In Memory of Mr. William W. Parker ’04 Ms. Bonnie P. Duncan ’04 Mr. & Mrs. James W. C. Parker ’66
In Memory of Mrs. Jeannette Z. Turnbull ’38 Mr. Alan F. Lynch & Mrs. Zora A. Turnbull Lynch
In Memory of Mrs. Jules G. Luchini Mr. Arthur C. Conro II ’55 In Memory of Dr. William P. Luke Mr. Hunter S. Luke ’74 In Memory of Mr. Richard T. Marr Mr. Richard I. Arthur & Ms. Sarah Fallon Mrs. Meredith C. Braverman ’01 Ms. Alexandra D. Gray ’03 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Marlow Mr. John J. Reydel, Jr. & Ms. E. Anne Gardiner Mrs. Kari Rabatin Shih ’02 & Mr. Andrew Shih Mrs. Heather McRae Tabisola ’01 & Mr. Joseph Tabisola Ms. Holley H. Tyng ’97 & Ms. Kristin Cirbus Mr. Alan A. Zwicker ’01 In Memory of Guadalupe A. Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gamer
In Memory of Mrs. Carol Heselton Mr. Cory J. Heselton ’03 & Ms. Jenny Wang
In Memory of Mr. Paul L. Masaschi ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Pierce III ’55
In Memory of Capt. M. Chester Hill ’37 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Hill ’70
In Memory of Mrs. Kari McCarthy Mr. Isa H. Abdur Rahman ’05
In Memory of Mr. Matthew W. Houlihan ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Silvia III ’99
In Memory of Mr. Todd M. Miller ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Merlin G. Miller
In Memory of Dr. William A. Illingworth III ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Cunningham ’65
In Memory of Mr. Hiromi Monro ’87 Mr. Jon C. Bennett ’87
In Memory of Mr. Michael Integlia ’03 Ms. Caitlin E. Milbury ’03
In Memory of Mr. M. Vance Munro ’56 Anonymous Mr. David B. Barker ’46* & Mrs. Jane S. Barker Ms. Cathy Bossemeyer Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Bradford S. Howe ’56 Ms. Ann Jones Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lancaster Ms. Janice Linhares Pinefield Garden Club Ms. Ellen L. Riddle Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Taube Mr. Carl York, Jr.
In Memory of Mr. Robert Jordan ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Swan ’93 In Memory of Mr. William W. Knight III ’52 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Knight Mr. & Mrs. James A. Knight Mr. John G. Knight Mrs. Nancy D. Knight In Memory of Mr. Bruce M. Kosman ’56 Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56
In Memory of James R. Pescosolido MD ’81 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. G. Bruce West Mrs. Ellen Pescosolido Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Berlack ’86 In Memory of Mr. Richard A. Reilly ’56 Mrs. Gretchen A. Reilly In Memory of Mr. Gary Reitzas ’55 Mr. Thomas N. Butler & Ms. Julie Reitzas In Memory of Mr. Nicholas Sarris ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Reginald D. Anderson Mr. David Bento Ms. Stella D. Burke Mr. & Mrs. John C. Carpenter Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Mr. Peter G. Ellis, Jr. ’72 Mr. Edwin E. Fraktman Ms. Barbara B. Freedman G & P Management Group, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Michael Gerrity Mr. & Mrs. Brian Liistro ’78 Ms. Mary M. Nelson Ms. Lynne L. Nemerowski Mr. Gordon A. Oppenheim ’49 Mr. Jonathan D. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Carlton J. Sherman Mr. Robert R. Thompson Ms. Karla Viscio In Memory of Mr. Eric J. Schou ’96 Mr. Thomas K. Baird ’96
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. James W. Wickenden Mr. David P. Samano ’70 In Memory of Mrs. Nancy Wickenden Mr. & Mrs. Marshall E. Birkins ’98 Mr. Aaron D. Polhemus ’01 & Mrs. Courtney Birkins Polhemus ’01 In Memory of Mr. Richard S. Wickenden Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Curwen ’84 In Memory of Mr. John G. Willett ’82 Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Mr. & Mrs. E. G. Talanian ’82 Mr. & Mrs. John Wolff Mr. & Mrs. David Woods In Memory of Mrs. Cynthia Worrell Mr. Khalil J. Johnson ’91 & Mrs. Anika Walker Johnson Ms. Lindsay Worrell White ’01 & Ms. Carolyn White In Memory of Mr. Emerson Zeitler Mr. Guy F. DiNocenza Dr. & Mrs. W. M. Peluso ’84
In Memory of Mr. Jonathan A. Smith ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Durocher Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hambley Mr. Benjamin D. Smith ’06 & Mrs. Kelsey Durocher Smith ’07 In Memory of Mr. Gilbert E. Stokes Dr. & Mrs. David A. Clayman ’66 Mr. Bert M. Rappaport ’66 In Memory of Mr. Gilbert & Mrs. Dorothy Stokes Mr. & Mrs. Luis Leguia In Memory of Mrs. Norma Stonis Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan P. Stonis ’81 In Memory of Mr. Jonathan F. Swain ’52 Mr. J. Eric Lindholm In Memory of Mr. James S. Swan ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Swan ’93
In Honor of the 1988 Girls Crew Team Mrs. Elise Schickel Goddard ’88 & Dr. Jeff H. R. Goddard
In Honor of Class of 1987 Mrs. Camille Fairbanks Babanikas RN ’87 & Mr. Gus Babanikas
In Honor of Mr. Benjamin L. Ackerman ’20 Mr. & Mrs. Todd Ackerman
In Honor of Class of 2017 Mr. Giles McNamee Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk
In Honor of Mr. Kenneth J. Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Coelho
In Honor of Mrs. Merrie Beth Cleary Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin
In Honor of Mr. Christopher G. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hooper Dr. Louis Velazquez
In Honor of Mr. Timothy Cleary Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin
In Honor of Mr. Kevin Arnfield Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Way ’85 Mr. Hongyang Zhang & Ms. Yaqian Wang
In Honor of Mr. G. Bruce Cobbold Mr. Nathan J. Meleo ’95 & Mrs. Christine Meleo Ms. Emily C. Roller ’95
In Honor of Mr. Talbot Baker, Jr. Mr. Chris Hall ’86 Ms. Joanne Tschaen
In Honor of Mrs. Leslie B. Conway Mrs. Lindsay Conway Murphy ’92 & Mr. Ian B. Murphy
In Honor of Mr. William E. Becker Mr. & Mrs. Charles Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Jose Fernandes Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hersam Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miccolis Ms. Emily C. Roller ’95 Mr. Geoffrey H. Worrell
In Honor of Mr. Ryan T. Costello ’97 Ms. Joann Tschaen
In Honor of Mr. Michael F. Bentz Mr. & Mrs. David Woods
In Honor of Mr. Lex M. Davis ’13 Mr. Clint Davis & Dr. Frankie Ann Holmes
In Honor of Mr. Richard DaSilva Jr. ’89 Mr. Russell Post Mr. & Mrs. Ajay Sadhwani Mr. Hongyang Zhang & Ms. Yaqian Wang
In Honor of Mr. Luther H. Blount Anonymous
In Honor of Mr. Guy F. DiNocenza Mr. Richard T. Porteus Jr. ’74
In Honor of Ms. Zoe E. Boardman ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Boardman
In Honor of Mr. Stephen Downes Mr. Hiromasa Aono ’02 Mr. Ziyi Liu ’12 Mr. Hongyang Zhang & Ms. Yaqian Wang
In Honor of Ms. Lauren Boucher Mr. & Mrs. Matthias Boxler Mr. & Mrs. William Lattimer In Honor of Mr. Conor M. Bozzi Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Lowe Mr. Stephen Sorbaro
In Honor of Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Fearing ’83 Mr. & Mrs. John V. Flower ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Zinsmeyer ’86
In Honor of Mrs. Melissa Bride Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Leone
In Honor of Mr. Colin G. Ferguson ’20 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ferguson
In Honor of Mr. Trey Catanzaro Mr. Jim Catanzaro
In Honor of Ms. Lauren E. Folino ’04 Ms. Emily L. Schnure ’04
In Honor of Mr. Ricardo Ferreira-Cesar ’75 In Honor of Ms. Cailyn H. Garber ’17 Mr. & Mrs. Clay Garber & Ms. Sandra Suarez Ms. Maria A. Ferreira Cesar ’10 In Honor of Ms. E. Anne Gardiner Mr. & Mrs. Jose Fernandes In Honor of Class of 1962 Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett Sr. ’62 In Honor of Capt. James E. Geil Ms. Emily A. Chandler ’05 In Honor of Class of 1984 Mr. Cyril Verley & Dr. David J. DeFilippo ’84 & Ms. Michele DeLuca Verley Ms. Lisa Shapiro
In Honor of Ms. Mengze Han ’18 Mr. Jun Han & Mrs. Wei Sun In Honor of Mr. John M. Heavey Mr. Colby E. Morgan ’09 In Honor of Mr. Vaughndre D. Henry ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Clay Garber In Honor of Mr. Richard S. Hill ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Jaeger ’60 In Honor of Mr. Robert M. Hollis ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bryan ’74 Mr. & Mrs. William S. Kimball, Jr. ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Mueller, Jr. ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Ream ’73 Mr. Ted Watson In Honor of Mr. David C. Horne Ms. Elizabeth C. Little ’00 In Honor of Mr. Mark S. Howland Mr. Colby E. Morgan ’09 In Honor of Mr. William A. Hrasky Mr. Frederic C. Mock ’83 & Mrs. Cindy Carr Mock ’86 In Honor of Mr. Robert S. Hurd, Jr. Mr. Michael J. Callahan ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cooper In Honor of Mr. Khalil J. Johnson ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Truesdale Beloti Mr. & Mrs. David Burton In Honor of Ms. India Johnstone ’14 Mrs. Robin T. Hadley In Honor of Mr. Nicholas H. Johnstone ’11 Mrs. Robin T. Hadley
In Honor of Mr. Andrew L. McCain ’84 & Mrs. Mary Kate McCain Ms. Nancy Reich In Honor of Mr. Christopher P. McEnroe Mr. & Mrs. Allen Moore III In Honor of Ms. Kelli M. McSweeny Mrs. Laura Marlow Latka ’97 & Mr. Jackson W. Latka Mr. & Mrs. David Woods In Honor of Mrs. Lauren V. Millette Mr. & Mrs. Derek Civilinski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hofeldt Mr. Frederic C. Mock ’83 & Mrs. Cindy Carr Mock ’86 In Honor of Mr. Robert L. Mogilnicki Jr. ’76 Mr. Hongyang Zhang & Ms. Yaqian Wang In Honor of Mr. Alex T. Nugent ’11 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Nugent In Honor of Mr. Jack O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. John Matterazzo In Honor of Mr. Hunter J. Patrick ’13 Mr. Grayson M. Fertig ’98 Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84 Ms. Karen Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Robert Waligory In Honor of Ms. Lindsey R. Patrick ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84 In Honor of Ms. Hannah L. Perry ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Perry ’78 In Honor of Mr. David K. Pierce Gaska Tape, Incorporated Mr. & Mrs. Jack Boyd Smith, Jr. ’76 Mr. Hongyang Zhang & Ms. Yaqian Wang
In Honor of Ms. Louise D. Kelly Mrs. Deirdre Nickerson Huang ’86 & Mr. Bing Huang
In Honor of Mr. John J. Reydel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jose Fernandes
In Honor of Mr. Christopher R. Latham Mr. Alexander H. P. Colhoun & Ms. Selina Rossiter
In Honor of Mrs. Joan Roller Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Appleton Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. Rancourt
In Honor of Mr. Conan H. Leary ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Alan G. Bern ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dadagian Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Lowe Mr. & Mrs. James Raisides Mr. & Mrs. David Woods
In Honor of Mr. Richard E. Roller Mr. Dillon Paul
In Honor of Mrs. Elizabeth Leary Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mitchell In Honor of Capt. George Howard Linzee ’69 Mrs. Elizabeth Linzee
In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Roller Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Marlow Mr. John Reydel, Jr. & Ms. E. Anne Gardiner In Honor of Mr. Travis M. Roy ’95 Ms. Meagan K. McCarthy ’10 In Honor of Ms. Grace E. Ryan ’19 Mrs. Doreen Marshall
In Honor of Mrs. Julie Salit Ms. Kristen M. Nuttall ’12
In Honor of Mrs. Anika Walker-Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Truesdale Beloti
In Honor of Ms. Emily L. Schnure ’04 Anonymous
In Honor of Mr. Steven Walxim ’19 Dr. Biaoxia Wang & Mr. Guijiang Xia
In Honor of Ms. Emily Schnure ’04 & Mr. Alex Lanstein ’03 Mr. Matthew B. Sloan ’03
In Honor of Mr. Christopher White Mr. Eli B. Smith ’10
In Honor of Mr. Lawrence F. Schumaker ’52 Ms. Melissa Hazelton Mrs. Kristin McLaughlin In Honor of Mr. Gary Sousa Dr. Dennis A. Barley Ms. Elizabeth A. Confalone ’07 In Honor of Mr. Jay S. Stroud Mr. Alexander H. P. Colhoun & Ms. Selina Rossiter In Honor of the Tabor Academy Advancement Staff Mrs. Laura Finnegan In Honor of Mr. Katarnut Tobunluepop ’20 Ms. Jratsri Tobunluepop
In Honor of Mr. Paul C. White Mr. Christopher S. Hall ’09 Mr. Andrew M. O’Shaughnessy ’91 & Dr. Elizabeth S. Stief O’Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sinn ’89 In Honor of Mr. Fredrick Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hersam Ms. Margaret K. Hersam ’14 In Honor of Mr. Christopher J. Winslow Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McLaughlin In Honor of Ms. Victoria G. Young ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Young In Honor of Mrs. Dorelle L. Zahn Mr. & Mrs. James Kay
In Honor of Mr. Frank W. Townsend Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Veronesi In Honor of Mrs. Zora Turnbull Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Glashow Mrs. Maija Langeland Scarpaci ’95 & Mr. Jared F. Scarpaci Mr. & Mrs. David Sigal In Honor of Mr. Richard W. Van Voris Mr. Colby E. Morgan ’09 In Honor of Mr. G. Wiley Wakeman ’68 & Mrs. Michele Wakeman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Morahan In Honor of Mrs. Michele Wakeman Ms. Jessica B. King ’04 In Honor of Mr. Channing L. Walker ’12 Mrs. Sarah Lambert Dolan ’90 & Mr. John Dolan Mr. Samuel W. Lambert III Mrs. Kelly L. Walker & Mr. George T.J. Walker Ms. L. Anne Walker ’13 In Honor of Mrs. Kelly L. Walker Mr. & Mrs. David Woods In Honor of Ms. L. Anne Walker ’13 Mrs. Sarah Lambert Dolan ’90 & Mr. John Dolan Mr. Samuel W. Lambert III Mr. Channing L. Walker ’12 Mrs. Kelly L. Walker & Mr. George T.J. Walker
Much of my life is intertwined with the Tabor community in one way or another - friends, mentors, jobs - and I’m forever grateful for that. For many years now, I have donated to the annual fund and volunteered my time fundraising or collaborating with school leadership and other alumni on the future of Tabor. The Tabor community is a vast network of amazing, smart individuals and I know my life wouldn’t be the same without it. That’s why I make sure to donate each year and will continue spending time making sure that Tabor remains a wonderful life-long
community for future classes. —Emily Schnure ’04
Mr. Travis M. Roy ’95 Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin Mr. Richard C. D. Cox ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Winder M. Heller ’65 Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Reed ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Lee Pokoik ’63 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Harris, Jr. ’92 Mr. Eli B. Smith ’10 al umni VOLUNT E E R S
Mr. Hiromasa Aono ’02 Mrs. Camille Fairbanks Babanikas RN ’87 Mr. David B. Barker, Jr. ’72 Ms. Catherine S. Barton ’92 Mr. William Beautyman ’63 Mr. Peter T. Bidstrup ’82 Mr. Jerald E. Brown ’71 Mr. Alexander O. Browning ’10 Mrs. Jessica Nixon Cashman ’87 Mrs. Sara Mycock Cederholm ’91 Mr. James T. Chadwick, Jr. ’83 Mr. Timothy H. Chapin ’77 Mr. Charles E. Clapp III ’76 Mr. Daniel J. Cooney ’83 Mr. Joshua A. Darwin ’87 Mrs. Melissa Press De La Vega ’97 Ms. Kara-Anne Decas ’92 Ms. Linda Myers Dennison CPA ’88 Mrs. Abigail Smith Derrig ’92 Mr. John C. Douglas ’08 Ms. Bonnie P. Duncan ’04 Mr. Timothy H. Dyer RIA ’67 Mr. Paul S. Evans ’57 Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler ’87 Mr. Robert R. Fawcett, Jr. ’87 Mr. Kenneth H. Foster ’67 Ms. Jennifer B. Fox ’07 Mrs. Cristin Sager Gillespie ’98 Mr. Frank M. Gring Jr. ’83 Mr. Dennis S. Hager ’56 Mr. Christopher S. Hall ’09 Mr. James W. Henry ’75 Mr. Andrew F. Herlihy ’94 Mr. James R. Holmes ’72 Mr. Thomas B. Hunter IV ’72 Ms. Elizabeth S. Hurley ’97 Mrs. Heather Deblois Huszar ’03 Mr. Paul L. Johnson ’67 Mrs. Diana Cochran Knightly ’88 Mrs. Kathryn Metscher Lally ’06 Mr. Alex C. Lanstein ’03 Mr. Alex W. Larsen ’97 Mrs. Laura R. Marlow Latka Mr. Conan H. Leary ’97 Ms. Elizabeth R. Leary ’96 Ms. Margaret R. LeBrun ’12 Mrs. Avery Campaigne Libby ’96 Mrs. Brooke Ollinger Lovett ’95 Mr. David W. Lynn ’77 Ms. Love Froes Macione ’87 Mrs. Kristen Miller Mahoney ’01 Ms. Gretchen D. Marolda ’93 Ms. Cara M. Marquis ’92 Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel ’87 Ms. Abigail E. McBride ’11
Ms. Anne M. McBride ’12 Mr. Kevin M. McCarthy ’82 Mr. Myles J. McGreavy ’08 Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 Ms. Heike B. Milhench ’84 Mr. Prescott C. Miller ’92 Mr. Kurt J. Mogilnicki ’93 Mr. Brian M. Montgomery ’97 Mr. Guillermo Moronta, Jr. ’02 Mr. Thomas R. Mottur ’84 Mrs. Lindsay Conway Murphy ’92 Mrs. Caitlin McCormick Murray ’01 Ms. Augusta F. Nadler ’02 Mr. Duncan H. M. Nadler ’04 Ms. Maura V. Neal ’08 Mr. Richard H. Needham II ’83 Mr. Todd A. Needham ’87 Mr. Justin B. Nichols ’07 Mr. Aaron B. Norton ’93 Mr. R. Gregg Nourjian ’84 Ms. Carly E. Nuttall ’09 Ms. Kristen M. Nuttall ’12 Mr. Robert W. O’Leary III ’96 Mr. Eric T. Ostrowski ’04 Mrs. Jennifer Sherbrooke Palmer ’86 Ms. Laura Lorusso Peterson ’87 Ms. Abigail G. Pynchon ’12 Mr. John T. Rice ’70 Ms. Amelia M. Richards ’88 Ms. Megan E. Rilkoff ’09 Mr. James M. Riordan ’77 Mr. Christopher T. Ripley ’77 Mr. William W. Saltonstall ’82 Mrs. Julie Asselta Savage ’87 Mrs. Maija Langeland Scarpaci ’95 Mr. Edward A. Schaefer III ’71 Mr. Garrard K. Schaefer ’72 Mr. Samuel M. Schaefer ’91 Ms. Jaquelyn M. Scharnick ’02 Ms. Emily L. Schnure ’04 Ms. Ruth A. Shapiro ’82 Ms. Caroline J. Shaunessy ’15 Mr. Christopher M. Sirianni ’08 Ms. Annabelle J. Smith ’08 Mr. Dana K. Smith ’76 Mrs. Kelsey Durocher Smith ’07 Ms. Lily K. Smith ’12 Mrs. Victoria Sargent Sulser ’07 Mrs. Kearsley Lloyd Sweeney ’06 Mr. Robert J. Swift ’08 Mr. Peter E. Tenney ’67 Mr. James M. Theis ’67 Ms. Holley H. Tyng ’97 Mr. Kevin M. Valles ’08 Mrs. Alison Howard Van Keuren ’93 Mr. G. Wiley Wakeman ’68 Mr. Sumner J. Waring III ’87 Dr. Peter D. Watts ’72 Mr. Charles K. West III ’82 Mrs. Laura Allen Zilewicz ’07 Mr. J. Michael Zollo ’07
PA REN T event hosts
Mrs. Sara Mycock Cederholm ’91 & Mr. Eric Cederholm Mr. & Mrs. Eric Dawicki Mr. & Mrs. John Doggett Mr. & Mrs. David Earley Mr. Peter T. Francis & Dr. Jennifer A. Francis Mr. & Mrs. William Gebhardt Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grace Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Gryska Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Haas Mr. & Mrs. James Hill Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jadul Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelliher Dr. & Mrs. Dennis La Rock Mr. & Mrs. Regis L. Lavoie ’81 Mr. Andrew F. McIntire ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mihalovich, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Leif O’Leary Mr. & Mrs. Adam W. Packard ’84 Mr. & Mrs. John Paliotta Mr. & Mrs. James Raisides Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Ajay Sadhwani Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sargis Mr. Jamey Shachoy & Mrs. Laura Ryan Shachoy Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin Mr. & Mrs. George Whitney III Mr. & Mrs. John Wolff PA REN T LEA D ERSH IP COU N CIL
Mr. Yanchun Bai & Ms. Hong Liu Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barry Mr. Ernest Boch, Jr. Mr. Devon Bruce & Mrs. Yvonne Derrig Bruce Mr. Earl Cate & Ms. Joanne Melikian-Cate Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Kaige Chen Mr. William W. Choi & Ms. Soo Jung Park Mr. & Mrs. James Compson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cook Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Craighead Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Daniel Mr. Peter Douglas & Ms. Ulrika Ekman Mr. & Mrs. David Earley Mrs. Elizabeth W. Eyler ’87 & Mr. John M. Eyler Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Richard Franyo Ms. Kristen Gillis Dr. Henry Grazioso & Dr. Kristine Grazioso Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Haas Mr. & Mrs. John Hartnett Mr. Adam Hetnarski Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hill Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jadul Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jeffries Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jessop Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lack
Ms. Kimberly Mairs & Mr. Rene Beil Mr. & Mrs. Eric Marandett Mr. Kenzo Matsumura Mr. & Mrs. Liam McClennon Mr. Andrew F. McIntire ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Mead Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miccolis Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mitchell Mr. Carlos Mogollón & Ms. Elspeth Hotchkiss Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Mottur ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Pilaro Mr. Russell Post Mr. & Mrs. James Raisides Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rolighed Mr. & Mrs. Robert Romagnoli Mr. & Mrs. William Rousseau Mr. & Mrs. John Rudicus Mr. Jamey Shachoy & Mrs. Laura Ryan Shachoy Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin Mr. Ling To Shum & Ms. Oi Fan Ng Mr. Stephen Sorbaro Mr. & Mrs. Alex Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tidus Ms. Kai Tsutsumi Mr. & Mrs. Robert Willms Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Zammito Mr. Aiming Zhang & Mrs. Hong Shen PA REN T V OL U N TEERS
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barry Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bomberg Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bray Mr. & Mrs. Craig Carchidi Mr. & Mrs. David Earley Mr. & Mrs. James Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gamer Dr. Henry Grazioso & Dr. Kristine Grazioso Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Gregory, Jr. Mr. Jonathan H. Hawkins ’74 & Dr. Brenda Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hofeldt Ms. Joan Mabie Ms. Love Froes Macione ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Marshall Mr. Andrew F. McIntire ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mihalovich, Jr. Mr. Francis Millette Mr. Carlos Mogollón & Ms. Elspeth Hotchkiss Mr. & Mrs. Leni J. Palazesi Mr. & Mrs. John Paliotta Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sargis Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin Ms. Remy Stressenger Mr. & Mrs. John Wemple Mr. & Mrs. Bradway Widing Ms. Kamryn Willis Mr. & Mrs. John Wolff
The Elizabeth Taber Society recognizes
the selfless commitment of those alumni,
Mrs. W. Burton Salisbury, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard Cushner
parents, and friends who have chosen to provide a lasting legacy for Tabor Academy. Through bequests, life income gifts, and
Mr. James S. Fanning CLASS OF 1951
charitable trusts, the members of the Society
Mr. Sidney R. Stern
follow Mrs. Taber’s noteworthy commitment
to education and the growth of the school
Mr. Jackson P. Sumner Mrs. Jonathan F. Swain *
she founded in the late 19th century.
Tabor students.
Mr. John C. Decas Mr. & Mrs. William H. Edgerton Mr. Alan S. Golub Mr. Charles C. Ives Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Thomas Keith
Mrs. J. Dukehart Chesney
Lt. Col. Philip C. Simmons
Mr. Philip F. Hall, Jr.
Mr. Arthur C. Conro II Prof. Louis Michael Falkson Mrs. Milan A. Heath, Jr. Canon Richard T. Nolan & Mr. Robert C. Pingpank
We are indebted to all for their generosity and vision to help future generations of
Mrs. Orville W. Forte, Jr. CLASS OF 1939
Dr. Edwards F. Woods CLASS OF 1941
Anonymous CLASS OF 1945
Mr. Edward W. Noyes
Anonymous Liz & Dennis Hager Mrs. Mott Peck, Jr. Mr. John F. Swope Mr. & Mrs. Jules S. Worthington CLASS OF 1957
Mr. David B. Barker * & Mrs. Jane Barker Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hoffmann
Anonymous (2) Mr. Ross R. Anderson CLASS OF 1958
Anonymous Mrs. Bennett R. Donovan Prof. & Mrs. Lewis P. Lipsitt CLASS OF 1948
Anonymous Mr. John W. Braitmayer Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Clark Mr. & Mrs. James C. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Myron G. Eisenhaure Mr. Albert Fried, Jr. Mr. John F. Parks
Mr. Bradford W. Lowe CLASS OF 1959
Anonymous Mr. Allen M. Glick CLASS OF 1960
Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cederholm Dr. David W. Ferris Mr. Richard S. Hill
Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. R.W. Blasdale Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Elsas Mr. & Mrs. Heyman
Mr. Charles E. Clapp III Mr. Christopher L. Dowley
Mr. John H. Birdsall III Mr. George F. Booth II Mr. Robert R. Fawcett, Sr. Mr. John M. Hills Mr. & Mrs. David N. Kelley CLASS OF 1963
Mr. Walter A. Greene Mr. Donald S. Merry Mr. Thomas K. Morgan Mr. Lee Pokoik
Mr. Keith N. Browning Mr. Alec M. Willeson
Mr. Barry R. Powers CLASS OF 1982
Mr. Andrew N. Ivory Mr. John S. Rando, Jr. Mr. Peter F. Winters, Esq. CLASS OF 1983
Mr. Joseph J. LeBlanc CFP Mr. Richard H. Needham II CLASS OF 1984
Dr. David J. DeFilippo EdD CLASS OF 986
Mr. Robert B. Cowan Mr. John E. Robinson Mr. Phillips G. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. T. Mark Aimone Mr. Sean P. Maher CLASS OF 1987
Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel CLASS OF 1966
Mr. Henry H. Barnard, Jr.
Ms. Linda P. Myers CPA CLASS OF 1967
Mr. Timothy H. Dyer RIA Mr. Timothy E. Sanders
Mr. William O. Pettit III Mr. Stephen P. Sprague & Ms. Catherine Capasso Mr. Robert M. Surdam Mr. E. Clinton Wadsworth Mr. Millard S. Younts
Ms. Lisa M. Arredondo
Mr. Christopher H. McGuire
Anonymous Mr. William Adamson * Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Brainard Mr. & Mrs. Galen L. Stone
Mr. Roger C. McDonald Mr. Edward A. Whitaker, Jr. CLASS OF 1970
Mr. David L. Parke, Jr. CLASS OF 1971
Mr. Jerald E. Brown Carmine & Beth Martignetti Mr. Edward A. Schaefer III CLASS OF 1972
Mr. Edmond “Rip” Bowen Mr. Charles T. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Will Davison Drs. Peter & Jane Watts CLASS OF 1974
Mr. David W. Roche
Mr. Carmine A. Martignetti ’71 Officers
Mr. Richard L. Fowler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David T. Johannesen Mr. Kim R. MacConnel
Tru stees 2017-2018
Giving away assets is a selfless act, and yet a difficult thing to do in a time when we may be focused on achieving life’s many goals. Finding assets to give can be a challenge while we seek to support the school we love.
Mr. Paul J. Murphy ’75 Vice-Chair Mr. David A. Barrett ’70 Treasurer Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler ’87, P’15 ’17 Secretary
While thinking on this some years ago, I came to the idea of making a larger contribution to Tabor. What I wanted was a lasting impact well beyond my life span. After consulting my financial advisor, I realized that Planned Giving held the answer. As I accumulate assets for retirement, the need for the life insurance that has protected my family’s future diminishes. Instead of reducing or canceling the policy, I have made Tabor a beneficiary of the portion of the death benefits not deemed necessary for my family’s security.
Mr. Clement C. Benenson ’00 Mr. Stephen Daniel P ’18 Mr. Anthony G. Featherston IV ’80 Mr. Peter T. Francis P ’14 ’16 Mrs. Kristiane C. Graham P ’16 Mr. Angus H. Leary ’95 Mr. Kenzo Matsumura P ’17 Mrs. Jennifer C. Noering McIntire ’84, P ’16 Mr. John H. Quirk P ’20 (ex-officio) Mr. Travis Roy ’95 Mr. Garrard K. Schaefer ’72 Ms. Regina Shakin P ’15 ’17 ’19 Mr. Jack B. Smith Jr. ’76 Mr. Phillips G. Smith ’65 Mr. James A. Tomlinson ’83 Mr. Sumner J. Waring III ’87, P ’13 Mr. Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Mr. Geoffrey H. Worrell P ’01 ’03 ’10
The gift is especially easy to make. I simply filled out a change of beneficiary form found on the company’s website. I even directed the gift to my favorite endowed fund. The gift doesn’t affect my cash flow. I pay the same life insurance premiums I have always made. But now my premium payments leverage a much larger gift than I had ever made previously. My gift will go to helping Tabor admit students with financial need and will pay out in perpetuity. Thus, my gift can affect the lives of Tabor students well after I leave this world!
Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Aisenberg Mrs. Stanley C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Randolph C. Barba Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bozic Mr. & Mrs. L. Howard Carl, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Clark Mrs. Leslie B. Conway Mrs. Susan Anspach Furlong Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Jaeger Mrs. Jane Kennedy * Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Lucas Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ludes Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Marlow Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Martin, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Milt Mr. Frederick Osborn Mrs. Judith Westlund Rosbe Mrs. Kerry C. Saltonstall Mrs. Joseph Tomlinson, Jr.
Trustee Emeriti
Mr. R. William Blasdale ’61, P ’85 ’90 Chair 1991-2006 Mr. Keith N. Browning ’79, P ’06 ’10 ’11 Chair 2006-2014 Mrs. Deborah C. Clark P ’95 ’97 Mr. John F. Fish ’78, P ’15 Mr. Albert Fried, Jr. ’48 Mrs. Susan S. Grosart P ’00 ’03 Mr. William T. Hurley III ’57, P ’91 ’97 Mr. Lee Pokoik ’63 Mr. Phillips G. Smith ’65 Mr. John F. Swope ’56, P ’88
For more in formation on planned giving options , contact
Amy Duffell at 508.291.8583 or
This gift has the added benefit of being flexible. As I get older, I can make Tabor the owner and beneficiary of the policy. The advantages to this include all of those stated above as well as an income tax deduction for the value of the policy, a deduction for any subsequent premium payments made to Tabor to fund it, and a reduction in any estate taxes that would have accrued had the policy remained in my taxable estate. This is a win-win scenario for everyone involved. This is my Tabor legacy. What will yours be? —Christopher L. Dowley ’76 RLP, CLU, ChFC, CFS
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Parents of Alumni:
In the interest of sustainability, we are now sending one issue per household. If this magazine is addressed to a son or daughter who no longer maintains a permanent address with you, please e-mail us at with a new address. Thank you! Please recycle this magazine or pass it on to a friend
Come Home for
Tabor Day! October 7!
Here is the Game Plan: Come watch our football team, winners of the 2016 Hugh Caldera Cup, take on Belmont Hill at 3:00pm on October 7.
Ten Home ISL Games vs Thayer (2:00pm to 5:00pm) Parent and Alumni Volunteer Training Grand Opening Luncheon in the newly renovated Johnson Dining Hall Tabor Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony (by invitation only) Meet and Greet Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees – Half-Time (4:15pm)
Post-Game Reception at the Head of School’s Residence (5:00pm to 7:00pm)
Tabor Day - It’s Becoming A Tradition
TABOR DAY: def; noun 1. a beautiful day in October when the entire Tabor community is invited to campus for an over-the-top celebration of our accomplishments, our volunteer spirit, and our long tradition of athletic excellence.
Join us for what is quickly becoming the day to return to Tabor. Register at