Tabor Today Fall 2018

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fall 2018 + gift report

Extending Ourselves Relationships, Partnerships and Program page 5

Join the Celebration: Reunion Weekend is June 7-9, 2019 C lasses ending in


s and


s are celebrating milestone reu nions in J une.

The 5 0 th R e u nion C lass , 1 969, will lead the charge back to Tabor

as we celebrate o u r Tabor Ex perience together. G ather the gang and

Tabor f eat u res


Extending Ourselves

DE PART M E NT S 2 View from the Bridge John Quirk, Head of School

Eileen Neville Marceau, Associate Head of Teaching and Learning,


on how recent external connections are broadening our horizons

Along Front Street


Building Bridges Kellie Navarro ’19

make y o u r plans to be with u s in J u ne.

fall 2018 + gift report


shares her love for Marine Science with local schoolchildren

16 In Focus: The Arts 18 Making an Impact Alumni Profiles 26


Joining the Crew Jackson Cederholm ’19 brings some new players into crew practice

Transitions Seniors, Faculty & Trustees 36 Athletics 38 Alumni Connections


Reflection and Growth The NEASC 10-Year Accreditation process opens possibilities

Tabor Day & Hall of Fame 2018 Events and Reunion 2018 Class Notes 48 Words to Lead By Beth Hudson Rajchel ’06 50 Annual Gift Report

Head of School John Quirk Director of Admissions Eric Long

Editorial Staff Deb Cohen Nita Howland Alumni News and Notes

Director of Advancement P.J. O’Connell

Director of Communications Kerry Saltonstall

Visit our Web site:

Staff Photographer Gary Lawrence

Tabor Today is produced in September and April. Please direct your comments, ideas, letters or address changes to Kerry Saltonstall at Tabor Academy, 66 Spring Street, Marion, MA 02738 or call 508-291-8340 or e-mail Visit us on the Web at for timely campus and sports news or to send

Geraldine Millham Design

Contact us at

us news about you. We look forward to hearing from you!

Cover: Gary Lawrence, Communications Inside Front Cover: Rick DaSilva ’89, Faculty



view from the bridge

by John Quirk, Head of School

he start of school always generates quite a pace, in the novelty and energy a fresh year engenders. It is optimistic, hopeful, expectant, emergent—all great words for a learning community. For me, it is simply one of the best times of year, a moment when the possibilities seem endless, and the promise of this very particular version of the school (it will never be exactly this way again, I remind everyone at opening chapel) stretches far to the horizon. Despite the nagging sense that the summer has reached its limits and somehow slipped away, our start is just plain inspiring in its expansiveness. This year, that immediate sense of possibility is under-pinned, more than at any time in Tabor’s history, by more longitudinal work. Our decennial accreditation process is underway, with a year-long period of focused self-study. As surely as our students sit for assessments of varying types, our great school is under examination. Do we do what we say we do? Do we understand ourselves singularly and within the context of other schools and best practice? Are our plans consistent with our aspirations? Are we meeting our mission and on track towards our vision? This process brings us into a very rigorous partnership with NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges), the governing body which will ultimately oversee completion of this process a year from now. While accreditation is the premise, the promise is so much more. The way our community takes on this self-study and uses it to propel us towards our next best version of ourselves is so important. This is how we improve, and how we assert our ability to meet—or even outstrip—our capabilities.

along front street Tomlinson Fello w : M u ralist

Simultaneously, we are moving fully into the next iteration of the school’s long range plan, the blueprint guiding us to our vision and our 150th anniversary just eight years from now. The key areas of focus remain the same as in the initial iteration of our plan: The Tabor Experience; Ocean Ecology; Faculty; Diversity, Inclusion and Citizenship; Operational Excellence; and Advancement. Looking ahead, we are increasingly committing to the outward-facing opportunities these critical priorities permit us as we begin to seize in full measure the part of our vision that demands that we be “principally engaged with the world around us.” This is relational work and has us thinking deeply about the value and importance of building partnerships across the entire school. Simply, we know we can do better in concert with others than on our own. This burgeoning sense of “ecological” commitment (used as intended in the phrase Ocean Ecology, to connote our symbiotic relationships with our environment) has us looking near and far for those people, organizations, and environments that can best stretch us in our learning. For our students this means the expectation—really the 21st century requirement—that they will put the skills and habits we develop within this community to the test in real-world, relevant ways. We have a number of such opportunities at school currently, and our students certainly benefit. Yet, the Tabor of the future will be more heavily invested in things like internships, immersive exchanges, or hands-on research. For our top-notch faculty this means ongoing collaboration with such organizations as the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning. For the institution itself this means fully developing our networks of alums and parents, our partnerships with other top organizations, our participation in educational associations, and perfecting specific partnerships with ocean-oriented places similar to us. In the ecosystem of the world that surrounds us and with which we seek deeper connection, we see strength in the diversity of the many relationships available to us. The prospect, needless to say, is as exciting long-term as is the short-term thrill of September.

Timothy Ellis Cole spent two weeks on campus visiting classes, discussing his work as an artist, and painting his “Heart of Seawolf” mural in the middle of the mailbox area of the Stroud Academic Center. Sharing his love for art, painting, and creative expression, he weaved what he learned about our community from the students he met into this beautiful work of art, right before our eyes.

G A IN S Conf erence

M u sicians M eet Y o -Y o M a !

Six girls were selected to attend the Girls

Thanks to the efforts of Tabor’s Board of Trustees Chair, Carmine A. Martignetti ’71, who also serves on the Board of Trustees for the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Tabor Academy student musicians were invited to observe a rehearsal of Strauss’ “Don Quixote” featuring the world-renowned cellist, Yo-Yo Ma. The rehearsal was led by acclaimed conductor, Maestro Andris Nelsons, who is in his fourth year as the Music Director of the BSO. It was an incredible opportunity to see an orchestra in action and to meet these amazing musicians.

Advancing in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Conference held in NYC. Not only did the girls get to experience the Big Apple, but they were inspired by women leaders in STEM and treated to several tours of companies run by women, learning about the technology

I hope this direction comes through in this edition of Tabor Today, which seeks to show off our fine nascent efforts and to express our thanks for the support offered by so many of you as partners in this work. From me to you, from all of us here, thank you for being with us in what we are doing today, and in what we imagine for Tabor’s future. 2

that drives them. It was an eye-opening three days packed with learning and opportunity for our students.

Follow us @taboracademy


Follow us @taboracademy

G lobal Service Trip to Thailand

St u dents Train f or Diversity L eadership

Students enjoyed visiting and working in the Lahu region of northern Thailand. Their week-long journey had them bamboo rafting, harvesting tea, teaching English, and building homes. It was a great personal and cultural learning experience with some fun and hard work mixed in!

Six students out of 16 applicants will attend the Student Diversity Leadership Conference in December held in Nashville, TN. The week-long conference is a major investment of time and effort for our students who always return with great ideas to bring greater understanding and programming ideas that will impact the Tabor community. The photo shows all the faculty and students at Tabor who have attended or will attend SDLC this year.

A Cent u ry o f Tabor Ro w ing D ocu mentary

Last year, Jack Gordon ’17 turned his passion for rowing toward a major project: documenting the history of Tabor crew on film. Inspired by the film “Tabor Boy: One Hundred Years at Sea,” by John Rice ’70, Jack set out to interview alumni and collect vintage clips of the crews over the years. Attending Henley in 2017 allowed Jack to draw on his own experience as well. A packed house enjoyed the premiere of Jack’s film on May 20. It can be viewed on our website at

along front street along front street Anne G ardiner A w arded E ndowed C hair

The Rudolph W. Driscoll Chair in History was awarded on May 3, 2018 to Anne Gardiner for her recognized excellence across campus. Ms. Gardiner is one of the most sought-after teachers because of her high standards and the differences she makes with her students. Colleagues and students alike appreciate the depth of her care and the high quality of her help. She exhibits every aspect of our school’s mission in her day-to-day work. R Word C ampaign

Our Special Olympics Club continues to do great work building bridges to intellectually impaired individuals. Their most recent project was raising awareness of the “R” word and continuing their effort started last year to eliminate the use of this word on Tabor’s campus and beyond.

Al umni S hare L i f e L essons

As part of the Graboys Leadership Symposium this year, we added a day with alumni to share some life lessons about finding one’s path. Our alumni were well received by the students who shared their goals and dreams in exchange for some encouragement and advice for networking. It was a great way for alumni to give back and a successful day overall. (Read more on page 39.) 4

Ceramics Stu dents earn N ational Recognition

2017 N obel L a u reate in Physics Inspires Tabor

Ex change T rips

Vyper LaTulippe ’19 and Eric Paliotta ’19 were recognized on the national stage for their outstanding work in ceramics. Both were included in the National K-12 Ceramic Exhibition as a part of the multi-day annual conference of the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA). Fewer than 150 pieces were selected for the exhibition. They both received artistic merit awards from the Juror, Pete Pinnell. Additionally, Eric received the Regina Brown Teacher Development Award. Vyper received a cash prize from Bailey Pottery and a $20,000 scholarship for the study of ceramics at Alfred University in New York. This is the third consecutive year our students have been recognized.

Dr. Rainer Weiss, of MIT, shared his work on detecting gravitational waves

Students enjoyed two cultural exchange opportunities during spring break: one to Beijing’s RDFZ Xishan School and another to Rysensteen Gymnasium in Copenhagen, Denmark. In all, 35 students enjoyed a sojourn abroad learning about new cultures and educational systems and making new friends.

with two packed houses of students and faculty in Lyndon South this spring. He was kind and approachable, encouraged questions, and did his best to bring his heavenly topic down to earth. It was incredible to meet him and hear about his work successes and failures, and to try to understand the mysteries of the universe as he does!

K elly Brow ne ’18 w ins Br u ins ’ C arlton T rophy

After a stellar hockey career at Tabor, Kelly Browne ’18, a member of the 2018 gold medal winning U18 Women’s National Team, was honored as the Boston Bruins’ 2018 Carlton Memorial Trophy winner. The award is given annually to the best boy and girl ice hockey player in Massachusetts! She was also NEPSAC Division 1 Player of the Year, MVP of the ISL, and made the All NEPSAC First Team. Browne is off to Boston College.


Extending Ourselves

Relationships, Partnerships, Program

by Eileen Neville Marceau, Associate Head of School for Teaching and Learning

In the coming year, as part of our NEASC accreditation process, we’ll be deeply engaged in a period of deliberate self-study: looking inward to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses, and whether the things we do align with the things we say. At the same time, we have been engaged in a multi-year effort to look more routinely outward: to connect, to compare, to assess, to engage, and to learn. The relationships and partnerships we have begun to form as a result of this look outward—some still nascent, some more developed—have created opportunities and avenues leading us closer to our next evolution of the Tabor Experience.

For over 15 years, we’ve engaged in a longstanding partnership via a research project with the National Park Service in St. John, USVI, through our R.E.E.F. program (Research and Environmental Education Focus, formerly “Caribbean Studies”). We’re proud of the longitudinal relationship we’ve fostered with the island broadly, and the Park Service more specifically—as well as the exciting research opportunity that this experience creates for our students to contribute to the scientific knowledge base on the Elkhorn coral in that region.

Elsewhere around the world, we’ve been growing relationships with RDFZ Xishan School in Beijing, John Dewey, 20th century educational philosopher China, as well as Rysensteen Gymnasium in Copenhagen, Denmark; the cultural exchange and the father of experiential education, wrote, opportunity provided by each of these relationships “Education is not preparation for life; education has allowed our students and faculty—as well as is life itself.” While there are many ways to think theirs—to grow and expand their own cultural about Dewey’s words, I like to think of them as horizons.Of course, a globally-minded education a nod towards the importance of authenticity in isn’t exclusively served by trips overseas but is more learning. With that in mind, a significant part of broadly about how we interact and understand our this looking outward has us on a hunt for ways to environments—locally and globally—on all levels meaningfully relate what we do in the classroom with the world beyond Tabor—to help our students including the physical, the interpersonal, and the intellectual. With that thinking in mind, we have find authentic and meaningful audiences for their partnered with Envoys: Global Education in an work, and to seek connections that will deepen effort to audit our current program and help us learning for a lasting impact. In this way, we look better understand, articulate, and realize our global to better serve our mission and core values of instilling a life-long love of learning, care for others, citizenship goals for our students. and committed citizenship, and we turn our focus to ways we can strengthen our community ties and We are pursuing similar connections closer to home to allow our students to engage with authentic make a difference. 6


Some of our greatest service relationships are the direct result of student initiative. In an effort to share her passion for marine sciences, Kellie Navarro ’19 conceived and continues to execute on an annual day of learning in the Schaefer Wet Lab for students from Our Sisters’ School in New Bedford (you can read about Kellie’s efforts on page 10). Our developing partnership with the Special Olympics of Massachusetts, launched in 2015 by Molly Bent ’16—has since paired hundreds of Tabor students with meaningful volunteer service, engaging the entire school one to two times annually, while a core group of student volunteers work on smaller engagements throughout the year. With each of these efforts we are building our Tabor network and expanding our community reach. Our Meanwhile, we have been seeking ways for our students are gaining important skills in leadership academic program to push into the surrounding and empathy, along with a sense of pride in bringcommunity. A program we call “Juntos” (meaning ing a meaningful vision to fruition through partner“together” in Spanish and Portuguese) began in our Spanish department last year, connecting Tabor ship. (Read Jackson Cederholm’s story on page 12 students one evening a week with recent immigrants about his pride in bringing crew into our Special Olympics programming.) and English language learners via New Bedford’s Community Economic Development Center. Professional development via organizational conAnother program with roots in our modern nections has been an additional means to expand language department connects our students with Roosevelt Middle School in New Bedford, provid- our horizons in recent years. Our commitment to sending our students annually to the Student ing both academic support and mentorship to our Diversity Leadership Conference and the associated young friends at Roosevelt. Next year, we hope to expand our reach by connecting some of our math NAIS People of Color Conference (for faculty and administrators) strengthens our community’s classes with similar opportunities at Our Sisters’ capacity and support for inclusivity work. Our School in New Bedford. debut this spring in sending six students and two learning experiences beyond the classroom. We are so fortunate and uniquely advantaged by our location on Sippican Harbor on the Southcoast of Massachusetts. Research organizations in the marine sciences abound and we have sought opportunities with the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, and with them opportunities for students to intern and get involved with more local scientific research. This summer, we were pleased to place three students in research internships with MBL, and we hope that the valuable exposure to a working laboratory will help these students better understand their own goals for their education and future careers.


faculty members to the GAINS Conference (Girls Advancing in STEM) provided a valuable connection point for our young women to better envision their futures in careers in STEM fields. As we’ve transitioned into our new academic schedule, our professional partnership with the Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning (CTTL) at St. Andrew’s School in Maryland has connected now 26 members of our faculty with the latest research in Mind-Brain-Education science. The ongoing relationship with the CTTL has become a meaningful way that we are extending our professional networks, keeping current with advances in educational research, learning beyond Tabor and, importantly, bringing that learning back in to help keep our school moving forward.

The next iteration of the Tabor Experience will necessarily need to focus on the important demands of citizenship in the 21st century and beyond. As our world grows more complicated and we prepare our students to participate in problem solving on a global scale, a sense of understanding one’s place physically, and intellectually, within a broader world becomes ever more essential. We know our students will go on to have jobs that are not yet created, to serve needs that may not yet be known. In designing opportunities to view the world with an eye towards social entrepreneurship, to see needs and meaningfully engage community, to participate in real problem solving close to home, we hope to prepare them for lifelong engagement as citizens and scholars.

Our broad network of alumni is an important part of this picture, too. With the advent of the Graboys Leadership Symposium, we have found an additional avenue to invite alumni back to school to participate in a meaningful day with our students. One year it was to share their experience in social entrepreneurship, another to showcase the effectiveness of artistic expression to move people into action. Last year, we asked alumni to share their experiences and best advice to finding one’s way to fulfilling careers after college—a consequential time of transition into adulthood. Through partnership efforts with alumni on all levels, we are learning that we can go further together.

So, as we look inward through our NEASC self-study this year and ponder the next evolution of the Tabor academic experience, we know we must continue to reach outward, to grow these partnerships and relationships, to home in on real-world problems and get our students interested and involved in solving them, and above all, to emphasize for all in the Tabor community that we are part of a broader ecosystem of learning— together.


Building Bridges

photos by suzuno seki ’19

For the second year in a row, Kellie Navarro ’19 (above), a member of our student Community Service Board, created an opportunity to share her passion for marine science with fifteen students at Our Sisters’ School, a middle school in New

their own questions through science, as she has done at Tabor. “I wish to invoke an interest or passion for learning more about marine science or simply science itself through interesting activities and presentations.”

Bedford. Entirely through her own volition, and with a little help from her friends, Navarro created a schedule and secured three student presenters, as well as seven other student volunteers to help host the fifth graders and their teacher throughout an afternoon of activities.

OSS Science faculty member Jocelyn Mitchell said, “Last year one of the sixth graders who attended was so excited by her visit to Tabor, she helped me encourage the fifth graders to attend this year. It is so great to be back; Kellie has been wonderful to work with.” Navarro organized three activities presented by students to showcase the exciting independent work going on in our Marine and Nautical Sciences Center (MANS). “This year, seniors Sydney Farrell and Izzie Reid presented their independent study on the breeding of fish, while Riley Knight and Piper Cole shared themes from Piper’s senior project on ocean acidification and its impact on oysters. I organized a scavenger hunt activity where students learned about all kinds of marine life.” The opportunity not only helped showcase interesting studies conducted by female students, but also allowed our students to share their findings and articulate them in a formal presentation. Navarro hoped the student presentations would further motivate the fifth graders to imagine themselves someday indulging 10

It seems Navarro met her goal: the girls were very engaged in each activity, jumping right in with enthusiasm. Enjoying the touch tank, one of the students said, “It is really, really fun to be here. Tabor has so many things to see and try out!” That was certainly Navarro’s experience at Tabor. Before arriving as a freshman from Passaic, NJ, Navarro had no experience with the ocean. Her exposure to programs like Orientation at Sea (the first time she had ever stepped foot on a boat) and the classes in the MANS opened a new world to her. After exploring some of our classes in marine science, she followed her interest to The Island School in Eleuthera, Bahamas, last fall, a semester study abroad program for high school students, to immerse herself more deeply in the study of our oceans. At The Island School, Navarro had incredible opportunities to further her love for the ocean through learning how to SCUBA dive and free dive. As part of her marine ecology course, she had the unique chance to SCUBA dive for every class after learning about those very marine ecosystems. This was one of the most impactful parts of her experience at The Island School because she “never had the opportunity to see and interact with what I was learning in the classroom before.” Navarro got

involved in marine science research and projects being conducted around the world, including a large-scale aquaponics system, green sea turtle research, and bull shark research. Additionally, she was part of a research project that focused on developing a pyrolysis system that effectively converted plastic waste into fuel to be used around The Island School campus. “Being part of the pyrolysis research team opened my eyes to the unfathomable plastic problem and ways to bring new life to the piles and piles of plastic around the world. With this experience, I have developed a passion for eliminating the plastic waste polluting our world’s oceans, killing marine organisms, and introducing harmful toxins into our earth’s atmosphere through incineration.” On her return to Tabor last winter, she jumped right back in where she left off…into aquaculture. “I am actually maintaining an aquaponics installation with classmates. We are testing the feasibility of a low-cost, home aquaponics system to encourage people to try more environmentally friendly ways of growing food. Aquaponics highlights the importance of both fish and plants for a more sustainable future around the world. Next year, I plan to take as many marine science courses as I can, including Marine Invertebrates, Marine Field Ecology, Marine Invertebrates, and Marine Conservation Ecology. Finally, for my senior project, I hope to develop a large-scale aquaponics system that will eventually grow food that can be eaten in the dining hall using the skills I learned at The Island School and Tabor.” 11

Students from Our Sisters’ School enjoyed a day of Marine Science at Tabor, thanks to student leader Kelly Navarro ’19.

Joining the Crew by Jackson Cederholm ’19

Last fall, I started reaching out to college rowing coaches in hopes of continuing to pursue one of my passions at the next level when I graduate in May. In an email I received from one coach, there was a link at the bottom that brought me to a video about a partnership between their rowing team and Special Olympics that brought Special Olympics athletes to their boathouse and introduced them to the sport of rowing. As soon as I watched this video, I knew that I had to start a similar program here at Tabor. Rowing and Special Olympics are two of my greatest passions and the idea of starting a program at Tabor that would combine the two of them really excited me. I started working with students and athletes with intellectual disabilities back in the fifth grade and have been a member of the Special Olympics Club at Tabor since freshman year. I was very proud to join the student board that manages the club last fall. When I took up rowing my freshman year, I was doing it just to try something new, little did I know the love that I would develop for the sport. Still early in my rowing career, the sport has provided me with so many amazing opportunities and experiences, and I couldn’t pass up the chance to pass on my love of the sport to others.

helping me come up with a schedule. I then went to Mr. Pardo, my crew coach and advisor, who shared how to schedule the rowing facilities, suggested coaches who might help supervise, and fellow rowers who might be interested in helping out. After I had compiled all the necessary information and come up with a schedule, I met with Mr. Cleary again and we sent the idea along to Special Olympics Massachusetts. The people there were excited to have a new sport for their athletes and sent out the info about the program to Special Olympics programs in the area. Athletes began to sign up, and on March 28 we had our first session.

That session was supposed to be just an introductory meeting, but the athletes were so excited that they actually ended up on the rowing machines. Seeing I sent the video to Mr. Cleary, our faculty club their excitement, the same excitement that I get advisor, and asked if we could have a meeting about about the sport, made me so happy and proud to setting up a similar program here at Tabor. At the have started a program like this. meeting, Mr. Cleary was just as excited as I was to set up a new program, and he helped me come up Throughout this whole process, Mr. Cleary, while with what I would need in order to start a program being extremely helpful, has really pushed me to like this. do things myself. Whenever I have needed him, he has been there in order to point me in the right I began by reaching out to the coach at the college direction and encourage me but he leaves the tasks that originally gave me this idea. The coach was to me. This whole process has been an incredible quick to respond, and he told me that their rowers learning experience, and I could not be more actually run the program. He connected me with excited to see something that I have been working the two heads of the program who were extremely on for a while come together at last! helpful in providing me with information and 12


Piper Cole ’18 and Jackson Cederholm ’19 show their new friends the correct technique on the ergs.

Tabor 150 – Navigating the Future Long Range P lan 2 .0 / C ritical Priorities S eptember 2 0 1 7 - J u ne 2021 Our Vision for 2026

At Tabor Academy, we are a diverse and inclusive community of life-long learners known for our principled engagement with the world around us. Our school is recognized for its deliberate commitment to transformative personal growth for our students and our innovative ocean-oriented programming. Tabor graduates are leaders, adaptable and exceptionally

Chris McEnroe, faculty

skilled at navigating the 21st century.

Reflection and Growth


abor is engaging in our year of self-study in preparation for our 10-year Accreditation through the New England Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC) in the fall of 2019. NEASC works with schools and colleges across New England, including private, technical, parochial, and public schools from pre-K to the doctoral level. NEASC has been around since 1885 working to establish and maintain high standards for schools and colleges. Through their process of self-evaluation and an accreditation visit by peers, their mission is to stimulate constant improvement in education. Divided into four commissions to fine-tune their approach to different types of schools, NEASC uses fifteen research-driven standards to test how well a school does what it says it is doing through its mission, programs, governance, and administrative structure and policies.

Review and revise all programs to support a personal approach to student development incorporating new methods to cultivate rigor, responsibility,

quo, as well as ideas and plans for future improvement, is a huge undertaking requiring excellent communication between groups of diverse teams so that we get the clearest view of our current work and the widest input on our future potential. This stage, which commenced last spring, includes surveying students, parents, and alumni to gather data and information directly from the audiences we serve. The self-study takes about 9-12 months to complete.

After submitting our self-study document next spring, we will prepare for a fall 2019 visit from our assigned NEASC Visiting Team. These teams are created by NEASC and made up of volunteer professionals from peer schools who bring expertise from many different schools into our process. The teams are populated with experienced teachers and administrators from schools with similar missions to our own. Their job is to read our self-study and The first step in this process is a period of self-study then come to campus to see us in action, asking during which Tabor’s faculty and staff engage in questions to ensure that we actually do what we assessing exactly what we do and how and why we said we are doing. They then judge whether we are do it. An enormous opportunity for reflection and meeting the 15 standards NEASC sets out for growth, we are eager to uncover together areas for accreditation. The team will also make commenimprovement and opportunities to be more stream- dations and recommendations to the school. lined in our processes. This collation of the status 14

I. The Tabor Experience

Tabor’s faculty has been the most active in New England to volunteer as Visiting Team members: 20 faculty members have served in the last 4 years! Our participation as volunteers has been excellent preparation for this process, as well as wonderful professional development for our faculty who regularly bring back great ideas from other schools in the process. The timing of this evaluation couldn’t be better as it dovetails very nicely with the objectives in the second iteration of our long-range plan spanning from 2017-2021. The new plan calls for a reenvisioning of our academic program to broaden opportunities for students to move beyond the classroom into relevant and immersive learning experiences. Brainstorming innovative changes to teaching and learning at Tabor are part and parcel of the opportunity NEASC Accreditation brings to schools. We are confident that the full, extended Tabor community will engage wholeheartedly in this process to squeeze out every potential benefit for our great school.

service to others, global citizenship, and the joy of learning. II. Ocean Ecology

Define and develop a unique approach to using our relationship with the ocean as an educational tool and metaphor for the systematic study of the world around us. III. Faculty

Attract, develop, and retain exceptional faculty members who embrace and will advance the Vision for 2026. IV. Diversity, Inclusion and Citizenship

Continue to build an inclusive and equitable community of students, faculty, staff, and Board that embraces diversity and multiple perspectives and values the development of the central skills of citizenship. V. Operational Excellence

Develop an ambitious and innovative culture of excellence and continuous improvement in every area of the school’s operations, emphasizing planning, communications, technology, volunteerism, and data-driven understanding and decision-making. VI. Advancement

Build a culture of engagement and philanthropic support that advances the school and the critical priorities, increases financial aid and the Fund for Tabor to position Tabor in the top-quartile of peer schools, and inspires $150 million in annual, capital, and endowment giving by 2026.


in focus: the arts

Art, Clay and Fire Looking back on many years of teaching ceramics in the Braitmayer art building, two pillars stand clear in my understanding. One is the strength and depth of the ceramic program Bob Mogilnicki ’76 and I have worked together to develop. The other is my understanding of the deep value of teaching with and through art and clay. Here, I will reflect mostly on the first pillar and save my thoughts about the second for another place. When I joined the faculty in 2001, having recently finished graduate studies in ceramics, I was ready for action and so was Mr. Mogilnicki or “Mogs” as the students have long called him. Through the years, we have worked together to transform the ceramic curriculum and facility from a good, basic program to one that many schools, colleges included, respect and envy. In 2001, the ceramic curriculum consisted of two classes, one focusing on hand-building, the other on pottery and the potter’s wheel. Students used earthenware clays finished with commercially produced glazes and fired in electric kilns. The results were as predictable as the results anyone else who used these products would achieve. The curriculum has broadened overtime to offer a range of dynamic ceramic processes, many with deep historical roots. This evolution has encouraged a period of great creative inquiry, a period marked by the work Bob and I have done with our students to develop a 16

by Kevin Arnfield, Faculty

fuller understanding of ceramics, art, and each other. Teaching ceramics combines creativity, design, material, process, science, engineering, technology, history, aesthetics, and humanity all in one subject! Beginning courses continue to offer instruction in hand-building and pottery, introducing the dynamic of learning through idea generation, process, and creative problem solving. Intermediate level courses focus on specific topics or methods in ceramic art (covered jars/teapots/ sculpture/tile/mold making/glaze chemistry/firing processes, including oxidation, reduction, saggar, raku and wood-salt). Students in the year-long advanced course are challenged to consider this wide spectrum of ceramics as they hone their craft as artisans and develop their creative voice as artists.

with much help from students, colleagues, alumni, and friends. Annually, in mid-May, I share this kiln with the intermediate and advanced level ceramic students, firing it with them for nearly thirty continuous hours. We stoke the kiln every few minutes, ultimately consuming two full cords of wood in the struggle to reach 2400 degrees F, the magical temperature when the wood ash, salt vapors, clay, and glazes have melted, comingling in a variety of serendipitous and (hopefully) beautiful ways. After every firing of this special kiln, although exhausted, I am rewarded by the goodness of the communal focus on work, creativity, expectation, and discovery the process yields. This kiln has definitely been a catalyst for more than pottery!

Just as the ceramic curriculum evolved from basic to robust during my time at Tabor, so too have the studio facilities. In 2002, the donation of a gas-fired kiln capable of reaching temperatures needed to produce stoneware and porcelain and able to fire in oxidation or reduction states, dramatically changed what was possible with ceramics at Tabor. Additionally, a raw material lab was installed allowing students to discover and fabricate glazes through research and testing. Another leap forward happened in 2014 when, on sabbatical, I finished building a large wood-fired salt kiln in the woodland behind my home and studio,

Providing students with a great studio facility and a rich ceramic curriculum that interweaves art, process, expression, technique, problem solving, science, and history has resulted in so much rewarding teaching and many memorable student accomplishments. In fact, for three consecutive years, Tabor students have been recognized on the national stage for their outstanding work in the ceramic arts. Work made by the following Tabor students was accepted for exhibition during the previous three annual conferences of the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts: Nicole McLaughlin ’16, Philip Eisner ’16,

Thomas Kelly ’16, Lucy Saltonstall ’17, Zihao (Leo) Zhang ’17, Eric Paliotta ’19 and Vyper LaTulippe ’19. This national exhibition is the premier, juried exhibition for student ceramic work in the country. Most of the Tabor students who were accepted in this exhibition also received awards, scholarships, and commendation for the high level of their work. It is deeply gratifying to believe in your work, to work hard realizing what you believe in, and to achieve tangible results from your work. This is as true and vital for the artistic process the students work through as it is for my work teaching, sharing, and encouraging them. Having put a close to my seventeenth-year in the art department at Tabor, I am feeling bittersweet and reflective. Depth of time makes me feel this way, but so does summer. As a teacher, summer begins with many heartfelt farewells and the abrupt but welcome ending of an enormous amount of daily work and giving of oneself. As August wanes, summer yields to a mix of excitement and trepidation for an uncertain new beginning, a new class of students and another opportunity to share, discover, and grow. I know Tabor’s creative gardens have fertile soil, but I wonder, who will thrive in our garden of the muses and what variety of blossoms will emerge when we begin to work the fields of imagination with the creative possibilities of art, clay, and fire again? 17


The Slip’s Friedman is also a professional musician playing in The Ryan Montbleau Band. Brad noted that before that trio, there were several incarnations of The Slip that included John Myers ’93, Adam Mutterperl ’93, Sam Jaffe ’92, and Sally Taylor ’92.

“Sanborn encouraged and helped them develop the confidence to improvise and brave a new frontier,” Mogilnicki said.

healthy sense of discipline and respect for tradition, and just flexible enough to let us run wild when necessary,” said Brad Barr.

experiences of my personal and professional life.” Andrew Barr said he owes Mogilnicki a great deal for the friendship and mentorship his old dorm parent gave him.

Learn more at

He recalled old Tabor concerts: “When the audience listened to them play, we felt like we too were family Both Barrs credited Phil Sanborn as hugely influential. and part of something bigger than ourselves. Watching them has been one of the most rewarding He “was just rigorous enough to instill in us a

alu mni profile

Brad Barr ’93 + Andrew Ba rr ’95

The Barr Brothers M ontreal- Based Rock S tars G ot their S tart at T abor

by Lauren Daley

You might have heard them recently on NPR, seen them on “CBS This Morning,” or read about them in Paste Magazine, but you might remember The Barr Brothers best as two-thirds of Tabor-grown jam-trio, The Slip. Long before Brad ’93 and Andrew Barr ’95 moved to Montreal and became full-on Canadian indie rock stars—with two Juno Award nods to boot —they spent their nights with Slip bassist Marc Friedman ’95 jamming in the Fireman Center for Performing Arts in Hoyt Hall and rocking many a campus concert, benefit or festival. As The Barr Brothers, they’ve achieved international success: a headline billing at the Montreal International Jazz Fest and a spot at the iconic Newport Folk Fest. They’ve toured Europe and North America, rocked Levon Helm’s studio in Woodstock, filled Red Rocks Amphitheater in Denver, and twice played “The Late Show with David Letterman.” More recently, The Barr Brothers played songs off their new album “Queens of the Breakers,” on NPR’s World Stage. The album—which garnered praise from Paste Magazine, NPR, Mojo, Uncut 18

Magazine and the BBC, among other major outlets —was recently nominated for Canada’s 2018 Polaris Music Prize long list. Growing up in Providence, RI, the Barrs were always musically inclined. Brad Barr said Tabor’s strong music program was what initially drew the brothers to the School by the Sea. “I was really lucky to have the opportunity to go to Tabor. What drew me there in the first place—and what ultimately became my home away from home—was Hoyt Hall, a facility that rivals most collegiate arts centers.” “By my junior year, we essentially took over a room on the southeast corner and used it to practice six nights a week. This really helped expand my musical horizons—conceptually, theoretically, and professionally,” Brad said. Andrew Barr also recalled Hoyt Hall fondly: “I was one of very few drummers at the school at that time, and was allowed to keep my drums set up in a large practice room overlooking the harbor at Hoyt Hall. Looking back, I owe so much to the long hours and endless nights I spent up there working on music in that beautiful space.”

Indeed, what makes The Barr Brothers so unique to fans and critics alike is their penchant to “run wild.” Sonic playfulness is their bread and butter. Known today for their experimental, sonic-exploring neo-folk avant-rock, they’re apt to turn anything into a musical instrument—Brad has been known to play a guitar made from a fishing tackle box, and tie thread to his guitar to play like a violin. Andrew has made his own PVC-pipe xylophone and tossed dried corn inside his drum. Paste Magazine called them “one of the most creative bands out there today.” Longtime Tabor ceramics instructor Bob Mogilnicki ’76 was a dorm parent to both Barrs in Dexter House. He said their creativity traces back to their Tabor days. As students, “Andrew created an instrument out of PVC pipe cut at different lengths that he would hit with a flip-flop, producing rhythm as well as melody. Brad dove into a sea of foot pedals, cutting- edge technologies, looping,” said Mogilnicki, who has been a hardcore fan and supporter since their Slip days.

above left: Jazz Band

Marc Friedman ’95, Daina Bray ’94, Andrew Barr ’95, Brad Barr ’93, John Myers ’93, Josh Finkelstein ’94,

“It’s important in that environment to form some bonds with faculty that extend beyond the normal teacher/student relationship. There’s a lot of growth happening at that age and being away from family leaves a space to form strong bonds. Bob Mogilnicki was very aware of the needs of students who were under his wing to form friendships with their dorm parents that were real,” he said. “Many of us who were more artistically inclined turned to him to gauge ways to navigate our Tabor experience. He kept us out of trouble and helped us shape our experience.” Brad Barr said his Tabor memories will last a lifetime: “I took solace in the creative and rebellious spirit that seemed to run through the majority of my classmates—amongst us were future architects, marine biologists, writers, wilderness leaders, TV producers. We’d ride our bikes into the woods and build forts, cook hotdogs, talk about life as we knew it. It was one of the most intelligent, mischievous, creative, resourceful gangs of friends I’ve ever had.” 19

Mr. Sanborn

above right: The Slip

Brad Barr ’93, Andrew Barr ’95, John Myers ’93, Adam Mutterperl ’93


alu mni profile

macy pry o r ’10

The Love of Craft by Scott Lajoie

Macy Pryor ’10, a leather-maker in Colorado, has found her purpose: spreading the love of craft and teaching. After college, Macy Pryor ’10 and her best friend and roommate from Tabor headed out to California and took a trip up the coast in search of inspiration for a new phase of their lives. They landed in the beautiful coastal community of Santa Barbara. Trained in studio art with a passion for metal and woodwork, Pryor discovered leather-making and was lucky enough to get an apprenticeship with a local practitioner. During the day, Pryor would craft leather goods, and by night she would use the workshop and tools to fulfill custom orders. Always entrepreneurially minded, when the demand for custom leather goods got so high, she eventually left to pursue her own business. After a year of making beautiful, one-of-a-kind bags, hats, belts and other accessories for an elite crowd, she felt stuck in her young business and had a desire to travel and see more of the world. In the winter of 2017, Macy was introduced to BeadWORKS Kenya, an organization that employs women in remote communities to create unique beaded products. Coincidentally, they were struggling at the time to introduce beaded leather products to their line. Pryor immediately penned a proposal for a twoweek, intensive leather workshop curriculum and found herself in Africa three weeks later. The trip was life-changing. She realized that teaching the craft gave her a sense of higher purpose within her business that she felt had been lacking. 20

The following summer, wildfires tore through the Santa Barbara area, and she felt it was a sign to move on. So she packed her bags and tools and headed home to Telluride, CO, hoping to continue her business. She set up shop in her parents’ garage, finished her stack of Christmas orders, and made another trip out to Africa with BeadWORKS. When she came back, one of her favorite retail stores on the main drag in Telluride had vacated, and she signed a lease. The space serves as both a shop and a studio so customers can watch her in action and see how each product is meticulously handcrafted. Her goal is not getting her bag on the shoulder of a celebrity for all the world to see, but rather “spreading the love of the craft and teaching.” Pryor has always had wanderlust in her. After all, it requires an independent spirit to take a “leap of faith” and go across the country for school at 14. Mom went to Exeter in New Hampshire, and her older sister to Southborough’s St. Mark’s. So, when a younger Pryor—who says she was always getting into trouble—had to choose a school, her response to her parents’ offer to send her to Tabor: “Yeah!” Tabor offered her the opportunities she was looking for in art. “I always liked building things,” she says. She embraced Tricia Smith’s art class, namely the small sculpture making.

“From day one I could see that Macy’s spirit was different. She thought like an artist,” says Smith. “As a student her creativity, curiosity, work ethic, and enthusiasm were always what drove her. I wanted to encourage that spark. Today, I see these same qualities as the strength that drives her business. I had been watching her story unfold on Instagram for a while and was incredibly psyched to see someone whose spirit I admired find the thing that lights them up.” After Tabor, it was off to Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where she continued to enjoy an intimate learning atmosphere. “There were 12 kids in my graduating class [in my art major],” she remembers. The workshops she gives in Africa and those she offers in Telluride at the local Ah Haa Art School have been and will be equally intimate. “It wasn’t until I returned to Kenya this year that I really understood that [my leather workshop] had worked,” Pryor wrote in her blog. “The production team is killing it, and the women have mastered the new beadwork.” Pryor can be proud of more than just her own work now. Behind each product she creates there is a much bigger story. The products she sells are vessels that allow her to practice her craft in order to spread the love for it around the world.

For more information on Crossbow Leather or BeadWORKS Kenya, go to and



al umni pro file

I nt ro duc i ng N e w F u nd f or T abor C o -C h a i r s

Ro n Mycock ’66 + Sara Cederhol m ’91

by Tom Mottur ’84 and Maija Langeland Scarpaci ’95

A Family Affair

by Maura King Scully

What they all talk about is the old ice rink. Ron Mycock ’66, a varsity hockey player, remembers the whip of the wind when skating across the outdoor ice rink. His daughter, Sara Cederholm ’91, remembers her dad’s literally chilling stories, when freezing the puck had more to do with icicles than the boards. And Sara’s kids, Lainie Cederholm ’21 and Jack Cederholm ’19, rarely pass through the athletic center without a glance at the picture of their grandfather and his varsity team hung not far from the locker room. “My grandfather talks about his hockey days, about how the locker rooms were in a different building and there was no athletic center,” says Jack.

Ron Mycock ’66 with his daughter, Sara Mycock Cederholm ’91, and his grandchildren, Lainie ’21 and Jackson ’19.

Over three generations, the Mycock/Cederholm family has witnessed significant changes to the Tabor campus including the building of the impressive Fish Center for Health and Athletics and, thankfully, an indoor ice rink. What has not changed is this family’s embrace of the school’s mission and the central role it has played in all of their lives. “Each generation has come to enjoy and get even more out of Tabor than the previous,” says Sara, who made the decision to have her two children live on campus based on her own formative experience as a boarding student. “They are just thriving there. I wish I had been the type of kid who was able to get as much out of it as they do.” “I have been around Tabor all of my life,” explains Lainie, who, like her brother, came to Tabor after graduating from Friends Academy. “I would come with my mom for reunions, and as I got older, as my brother got here, I would come to watch his games.”

The outdoor ice rink at Tabor circa 1965.

Please enjoy Jackson Cederholm’s ’19 article in this issue on page 12.


Now, it’s Jack who watches Lainie play field hockey and basketball, and the two share a passion for crew which brings them together for rowing team practices and regattas. All of his grandchildren’s sporting events also happily draw Ron back to campus,

along with Sara and her husband, Eric. Though Eric did not attend Tabor, it was not a hard sell. “Eric is in awe every time he is on campus,” says Sara, though she notes, “The boarding part took a little convincing, but he trusted me, and we all said we would try it and see how it worked out.” Though both kids were a bit homesick when they arrived as freshman, that quickly passed. “Now they rarely come home, which I hope isn’t a reflection on my husband and me,” says Sara with a laugh. She also notes that quality over quantity in the time department has altered the family dynamic. “When we’re together, it sounds corny, but we don’t fight because we’re all so happy to spend some time together.” Adjusting to being the parent rather than the student has deepened Ron and Sara’s appreciation of the Tabor community. “When I was a student, I felt like I was a big person out on my own, never realizing I was living in a cocoon,” recalls Ron. “I didn’t know that until I sent my daughter there.” Sara echoes the sentiment. “Jack and Lainie have developed such amazing life skills by being at Tabor,” muses Sara. “They’re learning to be independent, yet there is a whole universe that sees everything they do. There are so many sets of eyes on them. My father told me he always knew what I was doing, but you feel like you’re doing it on your own, so it builds confidence; you feel like you can do it.” The three generations also point to the faculty mentors who they look up to and the friends they have made. “My grandfather talks a lot about how he made all of these amazing friends. One of the best times of his life was at Tabor,” says Lainie, “and my mom talks about how she had so many friends and tried so many new things. My brother and I always talk about that—that same sense of community around Tabor.”

Emily Schnure ’04 & Brian Montgomery ’97

Together we’ve spent the last three years in the inaugural role as Fund for Tabor Co-Chairs. This summer represents another first as we successfully transition our responsibilities to new co-chairs. While helping the fund grow during our tenure has been rewarding and exciting, the real joy has come with the connections we have made with alumni and friends, both old and new. As Emily and Brian take the reins as the next Fund for Tabor Co-Chairs, we look forward to continuing to support Tabor and their efforts, because as John Quirk often reminds us, “Tabor isn’t just something you did, it’s something you do!” We hope to see you back on campus soon. Now: Meet Emily Schnure ’04 & Brian Montgomery ’97 our new Fund for Tabor Co-Chairs! —Tom & Maija What excites you about taking on the role of the Fund for Tabor Co-Chairs?

I am eager to be able to participate in this community in a more formal capacity. I have a lot of ideas about how we can make the Tabor community even stronger, and I can’t wait to work on those and others with Brian!

Emily :

I am happy to support a school that has given me so much: life-long friendships, memories, and opportunities for professional and personal growth.


continued on page 24



new f und f or tabor c 0 -chairs (continued) What inspires you to volunteer and give to Tabor every year?

The Tabor community is a vast network of amazing, smart individuals, and I know my life wouldn’t be the same without it. I contribute resources and time to make sure Tabor remains a wonderful life-long community for future classes. Also, thanks to my volunteerism (and perhaps the Tabor at Tia’s happy hour afterwards), I met my husband Alex Lanstein ’03!

E mily:

It’s a wonderful feeling to know that volunteering my time and contributing to the Fund for Tabor has a direct impact on the student experience each and every year.



Step Up!

B rian:

How do you see the culture of philanthropy growing at Tabor in the coming years?

I think it’s really key to keep classes engaged from the moment they graduate. It’s not about capacity that early on, but it is about staying engaged. By one’s 10th reunion, I hope engagement is high enough for us to see participation rates around 50%.

E mily:

I think a culture of growth is linked to alumni engagement and consistent volunteer effort throughout the year. Our community is full of leaders and do-ers, and the more people we get on board, the more we can accomplish.

B rian:

What was your favorite Tabor memory or experience?

That’s a tough one, there are so many! I’ve recently found myself talking about my attempt to play ice hockey. I, along with many other young women, didn’t even make JV, so we were on the thirds team. We had an absolute blast all winter!

E mily:

I have many amazing memories during my time at Tabor, from traveling to Finland and Sweden with our hockey team, to visiting the Cape with my oceanography class. My fondest and most influential experience was playing in the inaugural Travis Roy Cup in 1997. It was an emotional day, and the overall support from the Tabor community still gives me goosebumps.

B rian:


by Andrew McCain ’84, Director of Alumni Relations

Our one-year-old Alumni Board has committed to developing an engagement program designed to meet alumni where their interests lie. That might be with their class, a program they were associated with at Tabor, or regionally. On that last point, we have created four area alumni chapters with at least three more on the near horizon. The Advancement Office helps get these groups started, but each chapter is independently run. Their events are their own from concept to execution. A chapter’s sole purpose is to offer alumni increased opportunities to stay connected with each other and the school. While these chapters are in the early stages, feedback is clear, alumni appreciate additional ways to stay connected that are close to home. We caught up with a few chapter volunteers. A LM: Ted , what inspired you to “ ans w er the call” for ou r RI chapter ?

Ted Trafton ’98: I have always tried to support Tabor in any way I can. This new effort to get people engaged locally makes a ton of sense to me. I appreciate Tabor’s effort to hold events, especially our great reunions, but I think there are enough alumni out there who want to stay connected that we should hold more events closer to home and not rely on Tabor to take on that entire responsibility. A LM: Melissa, yo u r Cape Cod Chapter w as ou r first. With two events in the books , how has the response been so f ar ?

Melissa Press De La Vega ’97: I was really pleased with the turnout at our first events. I am certain the enthusiasm and interest will continue to grow as we get better at communicating. Thank goodness for Facebook! There’s definitely a need within our alumni base to maintain and grow the connections. The Cape was a great place to start. The feedback overall has been positive: Tabor alumni love an excuse to get together!

there are plenty of bar/restaurant/club events in all of our lives but being invited into someone’s home in NYC elevates the game. We were super fortunate with our first venue. Chris’s terrace is stunning and was a great way to kick off summer…and our New York Chapter (see the group above).

The NYC Chapter held its first event in June. New Alumni Chapters are started in NYC, Cape Cod, RI, Chicago. Where next? Contact Andrew McCain ’84, Director of Alumni Relations,

A L M : J essica , you are j u st getting started, b u t do you think there is a desire f or Chicago area alu ms to connect ?

A L M : K u rt , you ’ve vol u nteered f or Tabor

Jessica Nixon Cashman ’87: I hope so—and I know so! When you called to see if I might a hand to the Cape Cod Chapter ? be interested in partnering up with a few other Chicago area alums, it seemed like a natural to me. Kurt Mogilnicki ’93: Whether Tabor tends to Giving an opportunity to ten or twelve alumni to attract a certain type of person, or the school shapes reconnect who might not have otherwise would be a certain type of person, I usually like Tabor people! a great start. But I bet we can do better than that! Regardless of whether you graduated five years It’s an exciting opportunity to build a strong ago or 50, I think most of us share transformative Midwest presence. Tabor experiences that make us smile. We have something in common and we are able to immedi- A L M : Chris , you hosted the f irst NYC C hapter ately relate. Cape Cod alumni events give us a event . H o w ’d it go f or you and L indsay ? chance to reflect and have some fun. While we are all busy, I am always glad when I make an effort Chris Gefaell ’97: We knew what we hoped for that night, but being the first time, we were to participate in a Tabor activity. prepared for anything. I had a great team: Emily A L M : Emily , you g u ys j u st had you r f irst Ingham ’00 on social media, and veteran NYC event in N Y C. Tell u s a little abou t how event hosts Christian Salvati ’93 and Gretchen you r Chapter L eadership is approaching Marolda ’93. Together we pulled off what turned getting N Y C area alu ms together . out to be a great night. All told about 30 people attended. The only thing from Tabor was the banner! Emily Edwards Ingham ’00: We decided we would We had a great night, and the feedback from everyhold our first few events in our homes. I think one was that we should do it again—and soon. in a variety o f capacities thro u gh the

years . What makes you so qu ick to lend


to get involved.


tenzin chodak ’18

Big Shoes to Fill…

D avid H orne, Mu sic , retired

Reorganizing St u dent L i f e

David Horne will long be remembered by two decades worth of alumni and faculty for his many contributions to vocal music at Tabor. Head of School John Quirk said, “I know David will always be the melody of this school, and that in moving on, his infectious love for music and for singing will delight all those he encounters.” Over 30 alumni madrigals had great fun surprising David at Chapel this spring just before he received the Fore ’N’ Aft Dedication. He remarked on Facebook, “I cannot think of a greater honor to have received than the one you all bestowed today. I know that the image of all your faces, past and present on the dais in Wickenden Chapel, will always be with me. Thank you, all!” Enjoy these photos of the big reveal and the reception following.

We have restructured the Deans Office to create a new Office of Student

David Horne shows the Fore ’N’ Aft Dedication to the crowd.


Life. The new office will be co-directed by former Dean of Students Mel Bride, now Dean of Community Life, and former class dean Tim Cleary, now Dean of Students. Reporting to Mel will be new Co-Directors of Equity and Inclusion Bert Nascimento, a returning faculty member who joined us in 2017 and Kimberlee Williams, a new faculty member who joined us this fall. Both are experienced in this work. Reporting to Tim are three class deans. The Office of Student Life will continue to manage the day-to-day experience of our students including residential life, advising, student activities and A nika Walker- J ohnson, D ean of Mu lticu ltu ral E du cation and Comm u nity Life, retired, moves on

Anika and her husband, former faculty member Khalil Johnson ’91 and their children are off to Germantown Academy in Pennsylvania where Anika will be the Dean of Equity and Inclusion. Head of School John Quirk remarked, “Anika, in her own right, has been a major driver of the school’s commitment to diversity and inclusion (a pillar of our long-range plan), and I consider her primarily responsible for much of the momentum that has been captured in this area in recent years.” Anika led Tabor’s recent steps to not just support our community of color, but to actively build the diversity of our student body, moving us from 5% domestic students of color to 15% in just four years. Creating programming to educate our community about issues of race and diversity, Anika encouraged students and faculty to embrace differences and learn each other’s background stories to add to our perspectives. As Anika departs, she leaves us poised to expand our skill development in perspective and dialogue across all aspects of student life with the promise of building a more rigorous, inclusive community life.

issues and education around health and wellness. Their wider mission will be to ensure an inclusive environment where everyone feels willing and welcome to share ideas and try new things. In this effort, we will focus on student culture and community through character education and discussions about leadership and citizenship.

We w elcome o u r ne w est teaching f ac ulty :

Lan Crofton, Science Sarah Kniesler, English Denise Riordan, Spanish Stephen Sanford, Associate Head of School, Chief Financial Officer Halle Silva ’14, Director of Student Activities Emily Stump, Science Kimberlee Williams, Spanish, Co-Director of Equity and Inclusion Tianxu Zhou, Music (Welcome back, Tianxu!) A nd honor the accomplishments o f those departing :

David Bill, Nautical Science, 29 years Conor Bozzi, History, 7 years David Horne, Choral Music, 22 years Bobbi Krein, Director of Admissions, 5 years Amy Norris, Science, 2 years Akachukwu Obi, Science, 1 year Josh Vargas, English, 1 year Anika Walker-Johnson, Director of Multicultural Education & Community Life, 17 years Chris Winslow, Associate Head of School, Chief Financial Officer, 4 years



New Trustees Join the Board The Nominating Committee is pleased to welcome three new Trustees. We appreciate their willingness to serve Tabor at this level which requires a great deal of time and energy to become acquainted with our mission and structure, and the challenges and opportunities facing Tabor. Existing in a highly competitive market, our school will be well served by the business acumen and life (1)

experiences these men bring as we shape the Tabor of the future. C . Jason Lloyd B land ’9 0 (1)

Jason manages Operations and Engineering across Chevron Corporation’s LNG and Oil Fleets, managing some of the most technologically advanced vessels at sea. Jason has lived and traveled all over the world in various capacities for Chevron. During his senior year at Tabor, he was the Executive Officer (XO) on Tabor Boy. Jason’s professional and corporate background, coupled with his Tabor maritime experience, provides him a unique perspective and expertise in areas of ocean programming at Tabor.

Get to Know our New Trustees Can you share a bit about your background and how you came to study at Tabor?

My first time sailing as a young boy was on Buzzards Bay. I was hooked, and then started dingy racing, and scuba diving while becoming fascinated by marine biology. Looking at several New England boarding schools, Tabor seemed a good fit. What I did not know then was what a profound impact the community, faculty, and the School by the Sea would have on the rest of my life.

S tephen S prag ue ’6 8 ( 3 )

Steve is Chief Financial Officer of Rafferty Capital Markets, LLC, a diversified financial services company. Steve handles all financial and accounting needs for RCM and its affiliates. His financial management skills and knowledge of the investment business will be valuable as the board manages its critical fiduciary obligations.


I am intrigued by the ways that the school has taken its traditional strengths and built on them to incorporate the latest technologies. I am excited by the possibilities of continuing and expanding that path.

ED :


E ric Davis ’8 9 ( 2 )

Eric serves as Executive VP, General Counsel, and Secretary for BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. At Tabor, he enjoyed playing football and crew, and rowed at Henley in his senior year. His legal background and experience in a high growth industry shaped by innovation will be an important asset to our board.


My wife and I are impressed with the energy, enthusiasm, and engagement of both the students and the faculty and staff. We are pleased to find how friendly and embracing the entire Tabor community is. I sometimes find myself wishing I could be a Tabor student and do it all over again. SS:

ED :

My mother felt I was an “underachiever” and could do better. Following 11th grade, she took me to interview at Deerfield Academy, Mount Herman, and Tabor. Tabor thought they might be able to do something with me, but only if I repeated 11th grade. I couldn’t wait to get out of the house, and with its sailing program, Tabor was the only place I wanted to go.


What intrigues you most about Tabor today?

The expectations on young men and women are increasingly complex and demanding. It is the importance of the foundation laid at Tabor during these critical years and the opportunity to positively impact it that intrigues me most.


What do you hope to bring to the board?

While I have a very strong marine background, I work at a global corporation that is heavily invested in a strong culture where people, performance, integrity, diversity, and inclusion are core values. I hope to bring these perspectives to the board. I have stayed in contact with Tabor since graduating and care greatly for this institution. It will be incredibly fulfilling to be able to give more back in this role.


As an executive in a California based high growth industry, I think I bring a professional perspective that is shaped by innovation, and a desire to address problems that seemed insurmountable in the very recent past.

ED :

What is the opportunity of a Tabor education?

As my parents lived abroad, I was looking for a place where I could get an immersive education that was as diverse as I experienced in London.


With my perspective today, looking back at the faculty, they were very professional, human, and the type of mentors you would want your own children to be around. The sense of the community and unique location by the sea makes for a truly transformative educational experience.


By leveraging its amazing human assets and unique set of physical assets, Tabor provides students with not just the opportunity but the support structure to teach kids how to learn and explore, as well as how to use failure to reach their next accomplishment.

ED :

SS: When I was asked to join the board, I thought, “This is the way I can re-engage.” Three of the committees are right up my alley: Finance, Audit, and Building & Grounds. I am looking forward to contributing as much as I can to each committee and the board as a whole as my way of giving back to Tabor and reliving the Tabor experience.

If you haven’t learned the right study habits, a love of learning, and other life values before college, much of the college experience and opportunities in life will be wasted. This has been Tabor’s mission for almost 150 years and is worth continuing for generations to come. SS:



Class of 2018 Commencement 2018 marked the end of a dynamic year for Tabor and the Class of 2018. This class led their peers through dramatic shifts in our academic and athletic schedules which asked every student and faculty member to raise the bar. Fittingly, astronaut Story Musgrave gave the Commencement Address extolling the joy of living, learning, and exploration. He told the students to follow their curiosity, apply their skills, and get in the game! Most of all, he reminded them to enjoy the ride. Godspeed

matric u lation list 2 0 1 8

American University (3) Babson College Bentley University Boston College (5) Boston University (4) Bridgewater College (VA) Brown University (3) Bryant University Bucknell University (2) Case Western Reserve University Centre College Chapman University Colby College College of Charleston 30

College of the Holy Cross (2) Columbia University Connecticut College (6) Dartmouth College Drew University Drexel University (2) Eckerd College Elon University (3) Emory University Fairfield University (3) Florida Institute of Technology Gettysburg College Guilford College Hobart and William Smith Colleges (6) Hofstra University

Class of 2018: Come home soon!

Indiana University at Bloomington Johns Hopkins University (2) Kenyon College Loyola University Maryland (3) Massachusetts Maritime Academy (3) Muhlenberg College New York University New York University (Shanghai) Northeastern University (2) Northwestern University Pennsylvania State University Reed College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (2) Rhode Island School of Design Rice University

Rochester Institute of Technology Rollins College Saint Anselm College (3) Santa Clara University Savannah College of Art and Design (2) Southern Methodist University Stetson University Stevens Institute of Technology (2) The George Washington University (4) The University of Alabama The University of Tampa The University of Texas at Austin (2) Trinity College (6) Trinity College (Dublin) Tufts University (2)

Tulane University Union College United States Coast Guard Academy University of California, Berkeley (2) University of Chicago University of Colorado at Boulder (2) University of Connecticut University of Maryland at College Park University of Massachusetts at Amherst University of Minnesota, Twin Cities University of Notre Dame University of Rhode Island University of Richmond (2) University of Rochester University of Southern California (2)

University of St. Andrew’s (Scotland) (2) University of Vermont University of Washington University of Wisconsin, Madison Villanova University (4) Wesleyan University (2) Williams College Worcester Polytechnic Institute Yale University



Senior Projects T h is ye a r w e h a d a p l ethor a of p r o j e c t s t a k e p l ace in t h e M a r i n e a n d N a utical Sc ie n c e C e n t e r a s p ar t of cl a s s roo m wo r k , i n d e p e ndent stu d y a n d / o r S e n i o r P r ojects.

P iper C ole: All about Oysters

photos by photo pool

Izzie Reid and Sydney Farrell : Spa w ning

Charlie Widing : M icroplastics in G ame Fish

Mu mmichogs

Charlie worked all year on a research project that continued into the Senior Project period. Beginning in the fall, after his return from The Island School, Charlie wanted to continue a line of research he was helping with in the Bahamas on microplastics. Hoping to expand the research project to our area, he designed an independent study to research the problem of microplastics more broadly, and then set out to test how widespread the problem might be here in our local waters. Charlie dissected over 30 game fish this winter, caught in or around Buzzards Bay, to seek microplastics in their digestive tract. He also conducted four trawling missions to collect microplastic in Sippican Harbor. His findings mirrored the results found in the Bahamas with over 20% of the fish affected and all four trawling nets fouled with microplastics. Charlie plans to submit his findings for publication in a scientific journal.

Izzie and Sydney conducted an unanticipated project on breeding fish from Sippican Harbor in captivity. “We began experimenting with mummichogs during trimester 2 in Fish and Fisheries, and quite by accident, during our experiment, we bred 9 fry (baby) mummichogs.” Deciding to continue this work during the third trimester, the pair began an independent study that involved monitoring the fry’s growth as well as attempting to recreate the environment that made the fish reproduce. “We hoped to determine how we can breed fish in our lab.” Unfortunately, the team ran out of time before spawning conditions were reproduced.

Piper conducted an independent study on ocean acidification and its impact on oysters. Ocean acidification is the lowering of the ocean’s pH level due to the increase of carbon dioxide. The ocean acts as a sink for carbon dioxide by soaking up large quantities of the gas which has caused the ocean to slowly become more acidic. “The goal of my project was to develop a greater understanding of what impact the acidification of the ocean will have on filter feeders, such as oysters. Filter feeders play a critical role in marine ecosystems due to their ability to filter out suspended sediment, chemical contaminants, and other factors in the water column as they feed.” Piper hypothesized that the oysters would develop thinner shells as their environments became more acidic, but difficulty in measuring shell density brought inconclusive results. She learned a great deal about caring for the oysters, and how difficult it is to introduce and maintain a specific amount of acidity into a tank to maintain the study conditions.

M addie K istler : Creating Inspiring S paces

Maddie Kistler is a maker. She loves making all kinds of things, from robots in the MakerLab to sets and lighting designs for the Winter Musicals. As her first passion is marine science, it was no surprise when Maddie set her mind to creating a marine environment to display the common marine inhabitants of Sippican Harbor. Combining her many talents and interests, she asked if she could create the exhibition within a tank that had been abandoned due to its fussy inhabitants: jellyfish. After building the tank, mostly in her free time, she determined that she would do more exhibit type interactive installations for her senior project. The night before her final senior project presentation, Maddie transformed our Black Box Theatre into a museum about museums. She created several interactive installations for students to enjoy from simple activities such as drawing or smelling things to interacting with virtual technology. Her many interests and talents are combined in these types of pursuits, and she is planning to continue this line of work in college at URI this fall. It seems she may be on the right path as she won the award for the best senior project at Commencement in May.

Hannah Strom ’18

O ther T ypes o f S enior P rojects

Short Story Writing Podcasting Filmmaking Cooking Teaching Photojournalism Photography Robotics Bodywork Restoration Graphic Design Multicultural Art Exploration Designing a Dystopian Landscape

suzuno seki ’19






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Cum Laude Inductees








Henry Knoblauch: “Most Artistic”


Danielle Plunkett: Editor of The Log

Noah Urell: XO Tabor Boy

Liv Finocchiaro: Received ISL Award of Excellence

Georgia West: Service is her game!


ctor and fri en d

Performed in Musical all 4 years


attending service/ maritime academies


Jack Skinner: Favorite places: MakerLab, soccer field

Accepted to most / highly competitive colleges


Angel Santiago: A three sport captain

India Daniel: Brought back the Bike Share Program


ding flight


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Glenn Leong: Robotics is his passion

playing sports in college




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countries matriculated


Grace Duvos: advocate for the LGTBQ community

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three sport athletes




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attending college abroad

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class of 2018 at a glance



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hannah strom ’18


Please find results for all our teams at

by Kelly Walker, Assistant Director of Athletics

What does it take to be a champion? To shake off a bad day and show up ready to tackle the next challenge, to bring your best each and every day with the knowledge that, as the saying goes, “champions are made in practice.”

Tabor athletes have accomplished great feats this year on the track, the courts, the water, the ice, the mat, the fields. They each brought their best, for themselves and their teammates, pushing to reach a new level. Whether individual sport or team sport athletes, or athletes who hope to compete in college sports, or those who just want to make their season the best it can be, our student-athletes show up for practice, for each other, for the team. They make us proud! Examples this spring of individual sport athletes are numerous: Abby Park ’18 earned the status of New England Champion in the long jump for the girls’ track team, Ollie Sughrue ’19 and Bill Zhang ’19 were runners-up in the New England Individual Boys’ Tennis Tournament as a doubles team, and Aly Hussein ’19 now holds five different individual championships over the past two years in Cross Country, Squash and Track! As individual sport athletes, they face the pressure of showing up each day, needing to be better than the last day, knowing that no one can be their substitute. They rely on their coaches, teammates, athletic trainers, and friends to encourage them, to push them, to support them.

Aly Hussein ’ 1 9

Abby Park ’ 1 8

Likewise, the team sport athletes have to not only show up every day, ready to push themselves and their teammates, but they also have to quickly find team chemistry, to be in sync with each other, and 36

O ur Ne w E ngland C hampions

finely tune their game. Tabor athletes on all teams are often found working out together, pushing each other, and engaging in discussions of “what can make us better, stronger, more competitive?” With two ISL championships in Girls’ Hockey and Girls’ Basketball already under our belt this winter, our sailing team stepped up this spring as New England Champions. Our sailing Seawolves earned the title of New England Champion this year in both team racing and fleet racing. Tabor sailors compete outside the ISL among the best schools in New England and across the country. With strong senior leadership, the 2018 team was tough and competitive; and with a core of sailors returning, the team should have another strong year in 2019. We were equally impressed by three other teams this year. Our Boys’ Tennis, Boys’ Hockey and Co-ed Wrestling teams each won our first ISL Team Sportsmanship Awards. These awards are voted on by the ISL coaches of each sport at the end of the season and are a real honor to receive. Finally, as a member of the ISL, Tabor has the opportunity to award The ISL Award of Excellence to an athlete who represents the ideals of Tabor athletics as a standout player, leader, and teammate. The first recipient of this award is Olivia Finocchiaro ’18. As a three-sport captain, Olivia

O ur I S L C hampions

embodied the best of a three sport, competitive student-athlete: an energizing captain, a kind teammate, and a serious student-athlete. Her teammates in field hockey, ice hockey, and lacrosse could count on her to have their back, but also to ask them for more when she knew they had the ability to improve. As Liv brings her game to Boston College this fall, she will be missed by her coaches and teammates who will strive to meet her example!


L iv F I NO C C HI AR O ’ 1 8

al u mni connections


Marion: 10/13 Tabor Day

Boston: 10/21 (Head of the Charles)

to M entor St u dents

New York City: 11/14 (Andaz Hotel)

This spring, during the George and Lois Graboys

Boston: 12/5 Leadership, Loyalty, Legacy Donor Reception

Palm Beach: 2/24 (TBD)

Sarasota: 2/25 (Sarasota Yacht Club)

Los Angeles: 2/28 (TBD)

Boston: 3/18 (City Winery) Chicago: 4/25 (TBD) DC: 4/26 (TBD) Marion: 6/7-9 Reunions Follow the calendar at

Alum ni Ret ur n TABOR DAY! Join us on October 13 for Tabor Day,

Leadership Symposium, twenty recent alumni were invited back to share the various twists and turns of their early career paths with our students. Their message was to be flexible, take advantage of opportunities, value education (in and out of the classroom), work hard, and be a team player. Sound familiar?

a day volunteers return to learn more about engaging classmates, Hall of Famers come for their induction luncheon, and everyone joins us for an afternoon on the fields to cheer our teams. In the evening, a post-game reception is planned to celebrate all the day’s events at Head of School John Quirk’s Residence. Please join us. It’s a great day to be a Seawolf!

Abby Magni, New Director of the Fu nd for T abor

Third A nn u al A thletic H all of Fame

Abby Keene Magni (daughter of Hank Keene ’70)

Ind u ction

returned to Tabor’s Advancement Office after

One feature of Tabor Day is our annual luncheon

gaining broader community fundraising experience

in honor of our Athletic Hall of Fame inductees

at Our Sisters’ School in New Bedford as their

and their guests. Here are the inductees for

Director of Development, and at Wheaton College

2018. Come out to congratulate them along the

where she championed their Annual Fund. Abby


built a strong young alumni program over the years before she left, and now returns to head up the


thriving Fund for Tabor. We are thrilled to welcome

Russell Boardman ’63

Abby back to Tabor.

Charlie Ogletree III ’85

Through small group discussions, the students vocalized potential career aspirations and began to consider steps they might take in the next few years to bring their goals closer to fruition. Everyone got something out of the morning. Maria Cesar ’10 commented, “I am so proud of Tabor’s commitment to its students and their futures. I received so many warm embraces from the same faculty that helped me grow into the professional woman I am today and seeing them do the same for a new generation of students makes me proud to be a Seawolf.” Chris Picard ’19 spoke for many of his classmates when he said, “They all seemed like they had really interesting lives and that made me excited for my future. It was also cool to see people who are busy in their own lives come back to Tabor voluntarily. This really shows how much Tabor means to the present students and alums.”

Tommy Masaschi ’88 B rian Montgomery ’97 and Emily Schnu re ’04,

Sarah Feldman Burns ’04

C o- C hair the Fund for Tabor

We are so pleased to announce that Brian and Emily


are our new Co-Chairs for the Fund for Tabor! They

1969 Riflery

take over after the successful three-year term of Tom

1972 Varsity Boys’ Lacrosse

Mottur ’84 and Majia Langeland Scarpaci ’95. Tom

1995 Varsity Girls’ Basketball

and Majia carved out a terrific role as the alumni champions for the Fund for Tabor. Over their term,


they have encouraged increased volunteerism and

Lucien Lavoie

engagement, and we have no doubt Brian and Emily

Richard Roller

will further the enthusiasm out there for Tabor.

A l u mni Chapters Open

New alumni club chapters have opened for alumni on the Cape, in Rhode Island, Chicago, and New York City! We are eager to see the programming they can bring to their area constituents. Find the clubs on our Facebook page to find people in your area and share ideas. If you would like to open an alumni chapter, host an event in your area, or have other ideas to improve alumni engagement, we would appreciate hearing your thoughts. Please contact Andrew McCain ’84, Director of Alumni Relations at

Thanks to Tom and Majia, and Brian and Emily!




alumni connections

photos by stuart wemple ’20



Follow us @taboracademy




Classes ending in 3s and 8s returned to campus to catch up and remember their Tabor days! We managed to connect them not only to friends but to former faculty through seminars and receptions throughout the weekend. Enjoy the photos! 4s and 9s are up June 7-9, 2019! For more

Reunion 2018

information, visit





alumni connections

M arion

Welcome New Families!



N Y C Chapter

So Many Events!

D u x b u ry

From enjoying the Century of Tabor Rowing documentary by Jack Gordon ’17 and the reception following in May to our first alumni chapter events and the summer gatherings for new parents and international alumni, parents and students, it has been a busy spring and summer socially!


Cre w D ocu mentary Event

Su db u ry

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Tabor Boy in H yannis


alumni connections For more ne w s , please see o u r WebSite



class notes

Class of 2016 (1)

Tabor alumni shared in a walk down the newly named “Tucker’s Trail” named in memory of Tucker Francis ’16 by the Sippican Lands Trust on June 2, 2018.


Player of the Month in November 2017 and Hockey East First Team All-Star for this season. Way to go, Erik!

Pat Daly ’18 (2)


Pat Daly donned the Tabor jersey for the last time and went out and won the MVP of the Boston Lax All-American game in July by putting up 5 goals and 1 assist. Says his coach and mentor, RJ Swift ’08, “This is no small accomplishment as this game had the very best Massachusetts has to offer! The game included players attending schools like John Hopkins, Harvard, Cornell, Dartmouth, UNC, and many others.” Congratulations, Pat! Jonathan Mabie ’17 (3)


Former Tabor rowers, Wyatt GenasciSmith ’15, Jonathan Mabie ’17 and Theo Warren ’16 reunited at Eastern Sprints in May 2018.

William Hooper ’16

William won the silver medal in the Senior/Elite Men’s 4+ with the NYAC Rowing Club at the US Rowing Club Championships held in July in New Jersey on Cooper River. P.J. Poulin ’15

P.J. Poulin plays baseball for UConn and was recently selected by the Colorado Rockies in the MLB draft. Poulin, a lefthander whose signature pitch is a slider, set the UConn record for saves in a season with 16 and is the fifth UConn closer to be drafted in recent years. Congratulations, P.J.! Caroline Shaunessy ’15

Trinity Monteiro ’17

Trinity Monteiro worked with the Local Chapter Program Internship of the I Am That Girl organization last summer. Brendan Reynolds ’17 (4) (5)

Brendan Reynolds was inducted into the US Naval Academy in July. He joined roughly 1,200 young men and women for “plebe” summer where the new midshipman (plebes) learn the history and traditions of the Navy, basic skills in seamanship, navigation, damage control and sailing. Brendan’s family is extremely proud, and so are we! Erik Foley ’16


Erik Foley will forego his senior year at Providence College in favor of signing an entry-level contract with the St. Louis Blues NHL hockey team. He will report to the San Antonio Rampage, the AHL affiliate of St. Louis, on an Amateur Tryout (ATO) at the start of the 2018-19 NHL season. Erik was named the Hockey East


Caroline Shaunessy was honored this year with Academic All-Ivy Honors at Dartmouth College. Caroline was a three-sport athlete in field hockey, ice hockey, crew (sophomore) and lacrosse (junior/senior) for her three years at Tabor and was a three-sport captain in her senior year. Congratulations to Caroline! Class of 2014: 5th Reunion in June! Stephanie Campbell ’14

I graduated from Smith College in Northampton, MA, in December 2017 with a degree in Biological Sciences focused in Marine Science & Policy. Since then, I have relocated to Charlotte, NC, to teach 6th and 7th grade science at a private day school in the area. Many a lecture have included stories from my Tabor days, especially time spent in the MANS or sailing on Sippican Harbor! Miles Wright ’14

Miles Wright was honored this year with Academic All-Ivy Honors at Dartmouth


College. While at Tabor, Miles played (and captained in his senior year) football and basketball. Recruited for both sports, he chose to play basketball for Dartmouth and was the first player to score 1,000 points for the Big Green. Congratulations to Miles! Nick Veronesi ’13 (5)

I will be graduating from the University of South Carolina in December 2018 with a B.S. in Marine Science and Geography. More importantly, however, I completed a four-year journey to become a Christian in March 2018 with some huge help from the Reformed University Fellowship. I will be baptized in the fall. Pictured are me on the left, RUF at USC pastor and renowned author Sammy Rhodes, and one of the RUF interns who has since become my best friend. The photo was taken on a summer retreat in Panama City Beach, FL. Christopher Tracy ’10 (6)

Chris Tracy married Amelia Bradley on March 17, 2018! Chris and Amelia were married at the PGA National Resort and Spa in Palm Beach, FL. Joining them from their Tabor family were: L-R Matt Tracy ’14, Asa Smith ’12, Mildred Conroy ’08, Chris Tracy ’10, Eleanor Conroy ’11, Eli Smith ’10, Chris Aitken ’11, Stan Moore ’61 and Brad Tracy ’82. #Gonewithatrace.


Class of 2009: 10th Reunion in June! Jessica Shor ’09

Jessie lives in Boston and has spent the past four years working in renewable energy finance, structuring investments in large-scale wind and solar projects. She started an MBA program at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School in January 2018.


Elle Carroll ’05 (7)

Ali Mattison ’03 (11)

My husband, Brandon Smith, and I were married at a beautiful private estate in Santa Barbara, CA, on July 29, 2017. Attending were are a few ’05 classmates: Caroline Schou (bridesmaid), Emily Ford (bridesmaid), Alexandra Decas (bridesmaid), Dan Simon (usher), Kelley McCarthy (MOH), Tica Wakeman (guest), and Nathaniel Burns (usher).

On June 23, Stacy Turner ’98 and I were married on Great Island on Cape Cod surrounded by many of our favorite Tabor alumni and coaches. L-R: Andy Campbell ’98, Justine Rooney ’08, Melissa Press De La Vega ’97, Zoe Nugent ’13, Ali Mattison ’03, Stacy Turner ’98, Kelly Walker, Liz Hurley ’97, Jessica Tabb Wood ’97, TJ Walker. We both are still working at Brooks School in North Andover where I teach math and Stacy teaches both math and science. I am the head field hockey coach, and Stacy is our head lacrosse coach.

Aiya “Helen” Ono ’05 (8)

Earlier this year, I visited the Nobel Peace Museum in Stockholm and London!


Sarah Feldman Burns ’04 and John Burns ’04 (9)

Jeff Vickers ’02 (12)

Sarah and John were married on May 19, 2018 at the Rosebrook Event Center in Wareham, MA. Pictured from L-R: Brittany Burnham, Dan Grew, Maid of Honor Kate Wolff, Will O’Toole, Liz Gallinaro, Bridesmaid Lauren Folino, Emma Smith, John and Sarah Burns, Caroline Keene, Jason Polcaro, Kelley Vesey ’05, and Nate Burns. Congratulations, Sarah and John!

Jeff and his wife Emily welcomed a new baby girl, Alexandra, into their family. Big sister Betsy is two, and they live in Beacon Hill, Boston.

Beth Lucas Higgins ’04 (10)

Beth Lucas married Chris Higgins on January 21, 2018 at the Boston Public Library. Celebrating with the newlyweds were Alex Lanstein ’03, Zoe Murray Lindemuth, Emily Schnure Lanstein, Sara DiPesa, Beth Lucas Higgins, Jessica King, Chris Higgins, Andrea Bildman, Lauren Folino, Alex Larsen ’97, and Ginger Larsen. Beth and Chris met while they were working for Liberty Mutual in Charlotte, NC. They now reside in Boston. Congratulations!

Meredith Langille Braverman ’01

Meredith Langille Braverman and her husband, Bill, welcomed their second child, Leanna Rose Braverman, on February 24, 2018. She is adored by big brother Brandon. Leanna accompanied Meredith at the Design and Construction Issues at Hazardous Waste Sites Conference in Philadelphia, where Meredith served as an evening panelist for the opening panel discussion on Design and Construction Project Management: Junior and Senior Staff Perspectives.




Bib Club

Chris Carron ’00

We welcome these children of alumni into our community with joy!

Chris Carron was selected as the Houston Young Lawyer of the Year for 2017. Chris earned his J.D. from the University of Mississippi School of Law and his B.S. in Neuroscience from the College of William & Mary. He is currently an attorney in Exxon Mobil Corporation’s Environmental & Safety Law Group. Congratulations, Chris!

Meredith Langille Braverman ’01, girl, Leanna Rose, February 24, 2018 Jeff Vickers ’02, girl, Alexandra, March 28, 2018



class notes

(2) John Knowles ’00 (1)

John Knowles married Danika Druttman in Llivia, Spain on June 23, 2018. They forgot to use the Tabor banner, but it’s a nice photo! From L-R: Patrick Kane, Jeremy Thompson ’96, Clem Benenson, Alexandra Knowles Thompson ’95, John Knowles and Danika Druttman Knowles, Ekkarin Wongleecharoen, Mai Yoo ’01, Sam Bradford, Brett Siddell.


Class of 1999: 20th Reunion in June! Thomas Callahan ’99


Tom is the owner of Horse Cycles, a custom bicycle company based in Brooklyn, NY, that he founded in 2007. Known mainly for gorgeous steel-framed urban bikes, he recently turned his attention to building what he described as “the ultimate East Coast trail bike.” Read more about his story in the New York Times ( Matt Joblon ’99

Matt Joblon was recently featured in 5280, Denver’s Mile High Magazine, as his company, BMC Investments, has developed the fast growing, mixed-use Cherry Creek North neighborhood. Read the full article here ( Will Benson ’98


Will was awarded the Volunteer of the Year Award by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. Will volunteers at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary helping to build and strengthen partnerships between the recreational fishing community and Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, increasing awareness about the sanctuary and the conservation benefit that this designation brings to both biodiversity and anglers. Travis Roy ’95 (2)

Travis and his foundation hosted their 8th annual Spring Fling at the Hotel Commonwealth in Boston MA, on April 7, 2018. Over 300 attendees celebrated


the efforts of the Travis Roy Foundation. This picture showcases the number of Tabor Academy alumni who came to support Travis and enjoy a night of celebration together. Renata Everett Valladares ’93

I was sorry to miss our 25th reunion! I moved back to Brazil for a year to expand Perene Institute’s work in rural development. My older son is attending NYU, and my younger son already beats me at ping pong. Life goes on! Khalil Johnson ’91 (3)

Khalil Johnson, daughter Samaiyah ’21, and family with Rep. John Lewis, the Civil Rights activist. Bonnie Lewis-Johnson ’90

We are living in Northern Virginia and love living so close to DC and all the opportunities it affords us! Cannot believe our daughter, Shelby, graduated from high school in June and is heading out to Purdue (#BoilerUp) to be part of their engineering and honors program. Our son, Reed, finished his freshman year, loved school and played lots of soccer—between his club team, ODP and as a starter on the varsity team. I am working part-time for one of the soccer clubs and enjoying life with the family as much as possible. Life is good and I am thankful every day for that!


Class of 1989: 30th Reunion in June! Albert Shui ’85 (4)

Albert was in town and stopped in to visit one of his favorite teachers, physics teacher David Pierce! David and Albert caught up on David’s porch, enjoying a wonderful summer afternoon together. David DeFilippo ’84

Dave has self-published a book called “Reflections of a Corporate Coach: Lessons on Leadership & Learning.” He shared the book with us, and it is now a part of our Tabor Authors collection. We thank Dave for enriching our library and

for his kind words in the foreword where he credits Tabor’s teachers and coaches as his inspiration to start his career as a teacher. David has had an impact on many people through his teaching and coaching, now in the corporate sector, and he has published many papers as he continues to learn, grow, and contribute. Stuart Egenberg ’84

In January 2018, I had the opportunity to purchase a business and finally be my own boss. I bought The Pool Guy in Georgetown, MA, and opened a small e-vape store in it as well. My son graduated from high school in June and is working with me full-time. I’m teaching him business and the pool side of things, and he’s teaching me the vape side. Finally, achieving the dream of owning my own business!


Class of 1979: 40th Reunion in June! Jose Sulaiman ’76

I’ve been in Los Angeles since 2014. Besides working on my personal art projects, I also direct the World Boxing Council’s LA office. We organize an annual amateur tournament. In just three years, it has grown to be the 2nd biggest in the country. I have coffee with Charlie Moynagh ’79, my classmate and friend, every week. Jay Grey ’74

Our daughter Rachel got married in August 2017. I am scheduled for a total replacement of my left hip in November, and am looking forward to retiring from Electric Boat next spring after 18 years.


table. During my senior year, I was captain of the football team and the lacrosse team, and became an AllAmerican lacrosse player. My success at Tabor obviously got me the opportunity for a scholarship to the University of North Carolina with incredible lacrosse, academic, and social experiences at a school second to none. I am forever grateful to Tabor Academy! ALL-A-TAUT-O. David Barrett ’70 (5)

Trustee David Barrett and his wife Laurie traveled to Paris to spend time with Trustee Lou Wolfe ’68 and his wife Sarah. Here are David and Lou in front of the Louvre.

50s Bruce Lewis ’59

I was very excited to learn of the Tabor Rowing Centennial event that took place on May 20, 2018. I was in the Class of ’59 — never big enough to row, but just the right size to cox. The November/ December 2017 issue of Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors featured my story as I recounted the challenge of rowing from Cape Cod to Portland, ME, in under 72 hours when I was 64. I am now 78 and still rowing. Bob Regazzini ’54

We have four children; two of our sons graduated from Tabor. We have eight John and his wife Beth recently traveled beautiful grandchildren. I had a very to Denmark and Amsterdam. They visited successful construction business and their daughter, Ally, during her Holy now enjoy my wonderful family. I would Cross Junior Year Abroad at the U of love to hear from classmates! Sussex in the UK. Their son, Mike ’07, received his MFA from Cal Arts and lives Tomas Avellan ’53 in Los Angeles. Happy to report, John’s I am retired and playing golf three times documentary, Tabor Boy: 100 Years at a week. Recently I almost shot my age: Sea, continues to air on PBS. 83. Recovering very well in California from some health issues. John Rice ’70


Class of 1969: 50th Reunion in June! Michael Fawcett ’64

I was recently honored by the Westminster, VT, Fire & Rescue Department for 45 years of service as a fireman and Rescue EMT. Just published my first novel, a murder mystery called Westland Smoke. You can find it on line at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. My son, Michael B., wife Jaime, and I bought a 1700’s plantation house in Virginia and are excited about restoration.

John Threshie, Jr. ’73

I would have liked to have attended the 45th alumni reunion. However, I coached two teams this spring and my nine-yearold boy is keeping me busy with other teams here in Connecticut. My memories of defeating Andover during my junior year, winning the New England championship, and becoming a New England all-star that year are unforget-


Dick Hill ’60

Correction from the April issue: Dick Hill and his wife celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary in April (not their 50th). It was his 50th anniversary with his employer, Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York (MONY). Both are worthy of celebration, and we will look forward to hearing about the 50th wedding anniversary in 2022!

Augusta, ME, and the larger portion in Hallowell. Our son, Brad, and his wife Amy, live in Fairbanks, AK, where Brad recruits doctors for a large clinic operated by 43 native villages, and Amy is a nurse and professional photographer specializing in Aurora photos. We have 3 grandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren. Other than some back issues requiring me to use a walker, both Ginny and I are fortunate to enjoy good health. Love to hear from anyone still here.

40s Chuck Trefrey ’46

At age 90, I am a life-long learner, like Tabor boys and girls, but at St. John’s College in Annapolis, MD. (The other college in town!) I manage and enthusiastically participate in its monthly Seminar Program, reading and discussing the GREAT works of civilization for pleasure and inspiration. We live in the continuing care community of Bay Woods of Annapolis and call it the Bay Woods Campus of St. John’s College.

Charles “Pete” Smith ’53 (6)

Tabor Today Survey Says!

Pete Smith was named by the Marion Selectmen as “Honorary Town Historian 2018.” Pete has been a director of the Sippican Historical Society for over 40 years, serving as its Treasurer for many years, then as Curator. He is also the author of the very popular book, A Picture Postcard History of Marion, Massachusetts. Pete volunteers every Saturday morning at the Society for those seeking information about Marion’s history. A life-long resident of Marion, Pete has traced his genealogy back 13 generations to a Wampanoag woman.

Of 603 responses: • 95% get most/all info from magazine • 90% say magazine strengthens ties • 88% read every issue cover to cover!

Stephen Clark ’50

Ginny and I are headed into our fifth year of living at Granite Hill Estates. It is a retirement community of about 150 people, operated by Maine General Hospital, with some of its campus in

I n M emoriam

The Alumni Office has recently received news that the alumni listed below have died. The Tabor community extends condolences to the family and friends of those listed. Mr. Francis S. Lane Jr. ’45 Mr. Thomas Russell III ’47 Mr. Leon “Bill” Tuck ’47 Mr. Tom Brody ’51 Mr. Thomas J. Myers Jr. ’52 Mr. Jackson P. Sumner ’52 Mr. John E. Luke ’53 Mr. George E. Spofford III ’53 Dr. Anthony M. Martin ’54 Charles Francis Monahan ’54 Mr. Donald Ross Smith ’54 Mr. William J. Fenton II ’55 Mr. Klee Dobra ’57 Mr. Frank “Pete” W. Jaeger ’60 Col. L. C. Burwell III USAF ’61 Mr. William “Tim” Manning ’63 Mr. Edward W. Brown III ’67 Mr. Jackson O. Long ’67 Mr. James Hull ’69 Mr. Larry Tibbetts ’70 Mr. David W. Barnett ’78

Thanks for your feedback and support!

share you r ne w s on T Abor ’ s Facebook page or on w w w .taboracademy. org / classnotes


w ords to lead by

B eth H u dson R ajchel ’ 0 6 , l i e u t e n a n t u s n a v y

How did leadership roles at Tabor impact you? What are the key leadership

How do you continue to learn in your life

lessons you live by today?

and career?

Being Senior Officer aboard the SSV Tabor Boy, subordinate to the Executive Officer, truly set the stage for how I strive to lead today. Essentially all my life experience up to that point focused on being the leader, Number One. Learning how to influence in my own way, but in alignment with a higher authority, was a distinctly unique opportunity. It forced me to recognize what I now firmly believe: everyone, arguably excluding some political and religious figures, has a boss. Regardless of whether your boss is a Board of Directors, an individual in an explicit chain of command, a constituency of shareholders, or a deeply-held conviction, the takeaway is the same. Strive to be an outstanding Number Two.

TaborgUSNAgPower School/Nuclear Prototype gQualify SubmarinesgQualify Engineer OfficergMasters #1gDefense Acquisition University Program Management Certificationg Qualify Engineering Duty OfficergCommence Masters #2 …By compulsion?

An outstanding Number Two can be characterized by one principle: ownership. He executes initiatives and promulgates guidance with the same fervor and earnestness as if the initial ideas were his own. He’s not a “Yes Man”; he actively seeks understanding of Number One’s intent before deciding how to proceed. He pursues constructive resolution when he disagrees with authority. He takes responsibility for his actions and the consequences of his influence even if it was done on behalf of Number One.

For example, I have observed and participated in interviews where the new hire is asked to describe a time when she overcame failure and learned from her mistakes. What organization wouldn’t want those qualities? Well, in my career, failures have potentially dire consequences: loss of life, billions of dollars in property damage, compromise of national security. Instead of overcoming failure, I’d rather hear about a time when she nearly failed, recognized what could happen, and took action to prevent it. However, a more risk tolerant field, like a new technology start up, may encourage failure so as not to stifle innovation.

Everyone can be a leader, but you will be most effective if you orient yourself in a purposeful direction. There’s nobility in “everyone marching to the beat of their own drum”…unless you’re all trying to get somewhere. So, if you find yourself as a Number Two, or Three, or One Hundred Fifty, take ownership of your area of responsibility and lead in cooperation with those above you. And if you think you’re Number One, think again. Who’s your boss? Determine what you can support, how you can orient, and how you can lead.


What kinds of traits are you looking for in a new hire?

If asked to describe a “good” Boy Scout, most people will use very similar adjectives, likely from the Scout Law: trustworthy, loyal, friendly. How about a “good” job candidate? Answers may be, and should be, wildly different depending on the career field.

My ideal new hire would be committed, selfappraising, and transparent in her communication. But that’s for my field. Furthermore, that’s not only what I seek from a new hire, that’s what I seek from the organization. If you’re looking to hire, or be hired, be honest with yourself about which traits matter, and especially which matter most. All parties involved will be more satisfied when the values of the individual are congruous with those of the organization.

LTN Beth Hudson Rajchel ’06 on the bridge of USS WYOMING - her first sub assignment.



with gratitude Dear Friends, As I reflect on the past school year, I recall countless memories—each a vivid reminder of the amazing vitality, breadth, and depth of the Tabor Academy community. The philanthropic support the school receives each year from our global network of alumni, parents, and friends makes these experiences possible and drives the school forward to new possibilities. For your choice to make Tabor a philanthropic priority, I thank you. This past fiscal year was marked by unprecedented generosity. A record $2,788,216 was given in support of the Fund for Tabor and the school’s operational priorities. This represents a remarkable 67% increase in the fund over the past five years, a testimony to the spirit of enthusiasm, passion, and commitment that donors have demonstrated toward Tabor’s mission. More than 22% of our alumni chose to make a gift to Tabor this year at all levels, two percentage points more than the previous year. This increase in our broad-based alumni participation is reflective of an ever more engaged Alumni Association through which we are building regional chapters in cities across the country and the globe.

gi ft report photo credits

Isaiah Bailey ’18 Tenzin Chodak ’18

Notably, parents continue to play an increasingly vital role in shaping Tabor. Current parents contributed a total of $717,773 to the Fund for Tabor, a 29% increase year to year.

Rick DaSilva ’89, Faculty Anna Douglas ’19 Paige Feeney ’21 Aaliyah Garcia ’19

Two moments from many this year stand out: • The palpable energy and gratitude felt here in our Advancement Office during Tabor’s first ever #TaborTime Day of Giving in February, in which 863 donors participated and provided more than $200,000 in vital support for key priorities (we’ll do it again on February 26, 2019, so please mark your calendar!).

Eli Hjerpe ’19 Gary Lawrence, Communications Chris McEnroe, Faculty Julia Pardo ’18 Izzie Reid ’18 Hannah Strom ’18


2017-2018 GIFT REPORT

The touching and fitting tribute paid to the generosity and ongoing legacy of Jack Braitmayer ’48 by fellow alumni, parents, administrators, and faculty as part of the annual Leadership and Legacy Event in Boston last December.

These moments represent in distinctive ways how you, collectively and through individual, extraordinary gestures, can have a profound impact on Tabor and the more than 500 students who recently arrived here on campus, full of anticipation. Thank you for the way you made this year so special. It is a privilege to share with you the 2017-2018 Gift Report. Sincerely,

P.J. O’Connell Director of Advancement 50



The William C. Alden Scholarship Fund The Alumni Scholarship Fund The Arms Family Scholarship Fund The Barker Family Scholarship Fund The Theodore H. Barth Foundation Scholarship Fund The Thomas Bishop Scholarship Fund The Gwendolyn S. Bleakley Family Scholarship Fund The Braitmayer Scholarship Fund The James and Margaret Brennan Scholarship Fund The Theodore H. Brodie ’47 Scholarship Fund The Tyler Brown ’02 Memorial Fund The Browning Family Scholarship Fund The Kathryn Mary Bullard Scholarship Fund The Ernest C. Clark III ’63 Scholarship Fund The Classes of ’26, ’27 & ’28 Scholarship Fund The Class of ’37 Scholarship Fund The Class of ’38 Scholarship Fund The Classes of ’45 & ’46 Scholarship Fund The Class of ’52 Scholarship Fund The Rosemary Dalzell Coler Scholarship Fund The Roger and Parker Converse Scholarship Fund The Charles Coolidge Scholarship Fund The Warner B. Cornwall ’39 Scholarship Fund The George M. Crawford ’57 Memorial Scholarship Fund The Current Parents’ Scholarship Fund The James and Katrina Saltonstall Currier ’87 Scholarship Fund The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation Scholarship Fund The Harry J. Decas ’82 Memorial Scholarship Fund The Edward G. Detmer Scholarship Fund The DiVosta Scholarship Fund The Doubleday Scholarship Fund The Dows Scholarship Fund The Peter G. DuPuy ’66 Scholarship Fund The Robert W. Fawcett Memorial Scholarship Fund The Edward E. Ford Foundation Scholarship Fund The Lincoln E. Ford ’56 Scholarship Fund The Albert Fried Scholarship Fund The George E. Glaeser Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund The Alan S. Golub ’53 Scholarship Fund The James D. Gowing Scholarship Fund The H. Theodore Gregory Scholarship Fund The Walter and Milada A. Hampson Scholarship Fund The Barbara W. and George H. Hart Jr. ’38 Scholarship Fund The Charles Hayden Foundation Scholarship Fund The Andrew David Heitman Scholarship Fund The Hiller/Clark Scholarship Fund


$46,856 $49,440 $10,011 $1,038,366 $21,153 $145,237 $27,236 $254,662 $334,881 $40,000 $187,499 $105,655 $850 $51,905 $73,594 $11,331 $1,130,686 $38,732 $233,846 $270,982 $19,568 $200 $5,318 $81,795 $52,560 $6,386 $24,445 $63,667 $104,252 $461,013 $28,041 $229,208 $13,346 $21,631 $93,220 $369,011 $128,462 $1,000 $136,717 $96,400 $73,108 $113,877 $53,205 $176,950 $130,642 $456,615 $3,325 $36,547 $4,500 $226,146 $22,465 $40,491 $24,522 $88,823 $376,542 $233,569 $25,899

$47,091 $59,750 $1,064,832 $145,965 $27,372 $255,940 $376,761 $188,439 $107,039 $52,165 $85,350 $1,136,356 $38,926 $235,019 $272,341 $19,867 $5,344 $82,205 $59,242 $24,567 $63,986 $104,775 $463,325 $28,181 $230,357 $13,413 $21,739 $464,549 $130,111 $137,403 $96,884 $73,475 $114,448 $53,472 $177,838 $131,297 $462,247 $41,253 $227,280 $22,578 $40,694 $24,645 $89,268 $378,431 $234,741 $26,029

The Sturtevant Hobbs ’42 Life Sports Scholarship $233,197 The Henry Hornblower Scholarship Fund $81,511 The Horan Memorial Scholarship Fund $5,306 The John H. Hughes Scholarship Fund $16,075 The Lt. Col. William A. Illingworth III, MD ’65 Scholarship Fund $57,485 $9,550 The Robert D. Kiernan Scholarship Fund $125,385 The William W. Knight III ’52 Scholarship Fund $21,242 $1,750 The Lucien Lavoie Memorial Scholarship Fund $35,675 The John D. Lawrence Scholarship Fund $71,992 The Lyndon Paul Lorusso ’73 Scholarship Fund $318,179 The Jules Luchini Scholarship Fund $74,815 The John Noel Macy ’75 Memorial Scholarship Fund $42,704 $2,500 The John C. Makepeace Memorial Scholarship Fund $491,543 $20,000 The Paul L. “Buzz” Masaschi ’55 Scholarship Fund $25,380 The Kari McCarthy Memorial Scholarship Fund $40,489 $150 The Memorial Scholarship Fund $111,339 The Miller Family Scholarship Fund $46,144 $5,000 The Mitton Scholarship Fund $14,269 The Ronald E. Oliveira ’55 Scholarship Fund $26,863 The Charles A. Pappas Endowed Scholarship Fund $512,204 The Wayne N. Peterson ’55 Scholarship Fund $24,195 The Carl & Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Scholarship Fund $307,154 $1,000 The Helen A. and Robert D. Reinhardt ’28 Scholarship $107,841 The Schaefer Scholarship Fund $37,193 The Lt. Col. William Sean Schumaker ’80 Scholarship Fund $48,272 $5,400 The Hugh W. Schwarz ’36 Scholarship Fund $33,159 The Robert and Frank Scully ’44 Endowed Scholarship Fund $245,632 The Sedgeman Family Scholarship Fund $58,399 $100 The Jack Boyd Smith Jr. ’76 Endowed Scholarship Fund $473,520 $25,000 The L. Middlebrook Smith ’34 Scholarship Fund $51,148 The Stephen P. ’68 & Gary K. ’76 Sprague Scholarship Fund $94,760 $20,000 The Stevens Foundation Scholarship Fund $73,165 The Robert Gregg Stone Scholarship Fund $316,215 The Robert V. Sweeney Scholarship Fund $281,336 $650 The Elizabeth Taber Scholarship Fund $137,198 The James B. Tedesco ’79 Memorial Scholarship Fund $60,918 $5,001 The Atlabachew Tedla Scholarship Fund $23,382 The Tiedemann Family Scholarship Fund $872,469 The Mary & Edmund Tripp Scholarship Fund $310,877 The Tarik Toukan ’98 Memorial Scholarship Fund $16,662 $100 The Wallace Foundation Scholarship Fund $153,835 The Watts-Meinkoth Family Scholarship $25,928 The Webster Scholarship Fund $997,496 The James W. Wickenden Scholarship Fund $885,885 The Williams Scholarship Fund $15,879 The Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Family Scholarship Fund $218,903 $25,000 TOTA L SCH OL A RSH IP EN D OW M EN T $15,851,840 $588,967

valu e 6.30.18

est . market

this year

total received



market valu e

valu e 6.30.18

est . market

this year

total received


market valu e


$234,367 $81,919 $5,333 $16,156 $67,371 $126,013 $23,107 $35,854 $72,353 $319,775 $75,190 $45,431 $514,109 $25,507 $40,843 $111,897 $51,400 $14,341 $26,998 $514,772 $24,316 $309,700 $108,381 $37,380 $53,942 $33,325 $246,864 $58,792 $501,020 $51,404 $115,336 $73,532 $317,801 $283,401 $137,887 $66,249 $23,499 $876,844 $312,436 $16,846 $154,607 $26,058 $1,002,498 $890,328 $15,959 $245,126 $16,523,259



valu e 6.30.18

est . market

this year

total received



market valu e

valu e 6.30.18

est . market

this year

total received


market valu e


E NDOWME NT FOR faculty and instru ction


Anonymous $149,956 $150,708 The Lawrence O. Bidstrup Faculty Summer Sabbatical Fund $30,522 $30,676 The Birdsall Faculty Fund $126,255 $126,888 The Braitmayer Faculty Enrichment Fund $862,476 $866,802 The Rudolph Weyerhaeuser Driscoll Chair in History $1,418,732 $1,425,847 The Winifred P. & Robert E. Eichler Jr. ’32 Fund $142,384 $143,098 The Faculty Summer Sabbatical Fund $112,208 $112,771 The Edward E. Ford Foundation Faculty Benefit Fund $120,496 $121,100 The Edward E. Ford Foundation Fund for Faculty Study $108,159 $108,701 and Development The Dr. Lincoln E. Ford ’56 Fund for Biological Sciences $401,205 $403,217 The Marguerite Peet Foster Fund for Marine Science $107,497 $108,037 The Frank Faculty Fund for Excellence in Science $34,117 $5,355 $39,670 The James David Gowing Chair in English $1,387,924 $1,394,885 The Jim Gowing/Ben Phipps Fund $55,836 $2,500 $58,629 The Clayton Edward Keith Fund $83,841 $84,261 The William R. Kenan Jr. Fund $2,604,705 $2,617,768 The Lyndon Paul Lorusso ’73 Faculty Fund $175,216 $176,095 The Mazzuto Mathematics Fund $35,697 $35,876 The Charles E. Merrill Fund $104,414 $104,937 The Mitton Faculty Fund $14,803 $14,878 The W. Ralph Muth Fund for Marine Sciences $58,269 $58,561 The David K. Pierce Chair in Math & Science $264,871 $250,000 $517,453 The Lee Pokoik ’63 Faculty Fund $251,341 $252,601 The Gilbert E. & Dorothy Stokes Endowment Fund for Science $67,833 $68,173 The Gilbert E. Stokes Endowment Fund for Science Technology $113,274 $15,200 $129,118 The Marjorie and Stanley Stroud Faculty Summer Sabbatical Fund $53,667 $53,937 The Tabor Faculty Fund $176,028 $176,911 The Torch Award for Commitment to Professional Growth $211,575 $212,636 and Development The Barbara Wickenden Memorial Fund for Faculty Enrichment $140,603 $100 $141,408 The Richard S. & Katharine E. Wickenden Fund $162,064 $162,877 T OT AL FAC ULT Y AND IN STRUCTION EN D OWMEN T $9,575,968 $273,155 $9,898,517 E NDOWME NT FOR T HE LIBRA RY The Buccaneer Library Fund $18,015 $18,105 The Parents’ Library Fund $47,727 $47,966 The Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Library Fund $247,809 $249,051 The Stone Library Fund $40,059 $40,260 The Swope Family Library Fund $267,068 $268,407 Nancy Wickenden Library Collection $47,829 $1,000 $49,074 T OT AL LIB R AR Y E NDOWMEN T $668,506 $1,000 $672,864 E NDOWME NT FOR T HE ARTS The Cushner Art Fund $219,757 $10,000 $230,909 The William C. Maxwell Recital Series Fund $70,066 $70,417 The Page Music Fund $35,921 $36,101 The Joseph Tomlinson Jr. Fellowship in the Arts and Letters $272,793 $274,162 The Tomlinson Performing Arts Fund $178,583 $179,479 T OT AL AR T S E NDOWME NT $777,120 $10,000 $791,068

The Aron Family Girls’ Crew Fund $74,931 $75,307 The F. Turner Blake Jr. ’34 Memorial Fund $28,973 $29,118 The Brown Crew Fund $23,179 $23,295 The Comfort Competitive Sailing Fund $35,728 $35,907 The Fleet Replacement Fund $675,817 $679,207 The Ford Memorial Fund $14,500 $14,573 The Girls’ Athletics Endowed Fund $12,578 $12,641 The Girls’ Crew Fund $14,829 $14,904 The George E. Glaeser Fund $271,488 $272,850 The Griffith Fund $70,720 $71,075 The Integlia Family Lacrosse Fund $27,526 $27,664 The Robert H. Leighton ’60 Memorial Tabor Boy Fund $3,284,557 $8,000 $3,309,070 The Schaefer Wet Lab Fund $262,321 $15,000 $278,712 The James B. & Elizabeth P. Sprague Competitive Sailing Fund $32,134 $3,000 $35,310 The Squash Team Fund $16,908 $16,993 The Sumner J. Waring III ’87 Fund For Athletics $160,912 $161,719 The Elinor & Thomas C. Weaver Endowed Tabor Boy Fund $52,199 $52,461 The Joshua H. Weeks Tournament Fund $5,442 $5,469 The Sarah & Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Henley Crew Fund $531,876 $534,543 TOTA L A TH L ETICS A N D W A TERF RON T EN D OW M EN T $5,596,620 $26,000 $5,650,818 OTH ER EN D OW M EN T FUN D S The Laurence F. Brooks ’33 Fund $135,654 $136,335 The Class of ’48 Fund $598,443 $75,000 $676,821 The Class of ’72 Student Research Fund $18,303 $18,395 The Cum Laude Society Fund $22,765 $1,000 $23,884 The William F. G. Dawson ’45 Award $10,329 $10,381 The Pamela Trussell Duggan Memorial Fund $55,011 $55,287 The External Studies Fund $364,753 $366,582 The George M. French Summer Sailing Scholarship Fund $19,210 $19,306 The Harple Technology Fund $128,615 $129,260 The Headmaster’s Fund $85,909 $86,340 The Andrew D. Heitman ’89 Creativity Fund $7,645 $7,683 The Matthew W. Houlihan ’99 Faculty Award $4,400 $4,422 The Shattuck Fund for Language Studies $21,519 $20,483 $42,213 The Pauline M. and Bradley E. Steele ’50 Fund $112,575 $113,139 The Catherine C. Weathers Fund $47,344 $47,581 The Stanley G. Welsh ’29 Fund $7,745,823 $7,784,669 The Welsh Family Fund $275,504 $276,885 The West Family Award $2,881 $2,895 The Wickenden Chapel Fund $274,274 $275,650 TOTA L OTH ER EN D OW M EN T $9,930,957 $96,483 $10,077,729 G EN ERA L / U N RESTRICTED EN D OW M EN T $3,357,799 $50,017 $3,407,816 TOTA L EN D OW M EN T *Unaudited $45,758,810 $1,045,623 $47,022,070


The Impact of Your Giving

Your Support at Work

Your support is what keeps Tabor strong and nimble, making a difference in the lives of our students

A ccess to the Tabor Ex perience

and faculty every day. Investing in Tabor is an endorsement of our mission to provide a transformative

Combining your support through the Fund for Tabor with established

student experience. Tabor students are learning, growing, and making a difference at school and

endowments, we have been able to increase financial aid by 84% over

beyond, creating lasting memories from their unique Tabor experience.

the past five years. This investment has allowed Tabor to become

You make it all possible. Thank you!

more selective while offering access to a broader community of students we know will give and get the most out of Tabor in the classroom, in the arts, in student life, and throughout the community as a whole. A cademic snapshot

Who Are Our Donors?

Tabor teachers have always used the marshes, beaches, and harbor near Tabor as a living laboratory. With the help of your gifts this past

Parents 25%

year, the Marine Science department was able to purchase eight

Alumni 62%

paddleboards for students to participate in on-the-water research, bringing the classroom out onto Sippican Harbor.

Grandparents & Friends 6% Faculty & Staff 5%

TA Pride

After a careful assessment of our needs, Tabor’s Director of Athletics,

Honor & Memorial 2%

Conan Leary ’97, has made improvements to our athletic equipment and resources. With your support, we have invested in covers for our softball and baseball fields; fencing around the field perimeter; ME

Where Are Our Donors? While the majority of our donors come


renovation to batting cages; and we have repainted our rink with inspirational graphics and hung banners to display our pride in our ISL and tournament victories. Investing

VT 25

from Massachusetts, a significant number

in these upgrades provides the dual benefit of showcasing a more attractive program to prospective

NH 58

come from other U.S. states and abroad.


students while building pride on campus for our teams



and alumni.

RI 100 Fac u lty Pro f essional Development

This year 71% of our faculty engaged in professional development opportunities. With the help of increased funding, this figure has doubled in just over five years. Your


support of faculty learning allows them to bring productive


change to our curriculum and the opportunity to improve their skill

Outside of New England


set to provide our students the best experiences possible in our classrooms. Y o u make the dif f erence !

From students and faculty to programs and facilities, your gifts have touched all areas of our great school, allowing Tabor Academy to continue to offer an exceptional college preparatory education.

Thank you for believing in Tabor.



$ 2 , 7 8 8 ,2 1 6

Sou rces of operational


donors gave

Fu nds 2018

exceeding our 2018 goal of $2.7 Million an historic year for the fund for tabor

% m5 gra o r P


2, 578


We appreciate your support for Tabor! r me Sum Endowment 6%

Tuition 74%



The Beacon Society is Tabor’s most prestigious donor recognition society. It serves to recognize and honor our most dedicated alumni, parents, and friends who have distinguished themselves through their transformational giving to Tabor with cumulative gifts of one million dollars or more. The foundation and future success of Tabor Academy is forged through the philanthropic leadership of individuals who believe in our mission and invest in the vision of Tabor. We are forever grateful for their unwavering support and counsel as they shape all that Tabor can be for our next generation of leaders.


Beacon Society D onors as o f J u ly 1, 2018



20 18

$2 ,78 8, 216

20 17

$2 ,54 6, 246

Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Arms* Mr. & Mrs. Clement C. Benenson ’00 Mr. James Benenson Jr. P’00 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Braitmayer ’48 Mr. Robert E. Browning P’79, P’81 & P’83* Mr. & Mrs. Keith N. Browning ’79, P’06, P’10 & P’11

20 16

$2 ,31 9, 936



Fund for Tabor Performance Over time

$2 ,08 5, 908

20 14

$1 ,77 4, 844

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Clement C. Benenson ’00 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Braitmayer ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Keith N. Browning ’79 Mr. David M. Campbell ’71 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Fish ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Graham Carmine ’71 & Beth Martignetti Mr. Paul Murphy ’75 & Ms. Gia Partain Mr. & Mrs. William L. Phelps ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Lee Pokoik ’63 Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin Mr. & Mrs. Jack Boyd Smith Jr. ’76 Mr. Stephen Sprague ’68 & Ms. Catherine Capasso Mr. & Mrs. David A. Wallace ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Sumner J. Waring III ’87

Fu nds 2018


u ses of operational


es 1


20 15

Walter H . L illard Circle ($100,000+)

Admin & IT 18%

Instruction 50%


es 9%







ent S


Sum me rP rog ram

J ames W . Wickenden Circle ($50,000+)


Anonymous Mr. Ernest Boch Jr. Mr. & Mrs. G. E. Davis ’89 Mr. Peter Douglas & Ms. Ulrika Ekman Mr. Albert Fried Jr. ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Gring Jr. ’83 J oseph J . Smart Circle ($25,000+)

O verall 2014

% P articipation





96 83 82 94 84 Faculty 63 75 74 78 72 Current Parents 20 20 21 20 22 Alumni Total giving to all fu nds, capital , ann u al, and endowment was


$ 5 ,3 5 3,574

Mr. William Adamson* Mr. & Mrs. John F. Austin III Mr. Yanchun Bai & Ms. Hong Liu Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barrett ’70 Mrs. Joanna Bennett Jon ’87 & Christie Callaghan & Family The Estate of Mr. Philip B. Clough ’44 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Daniel Mr. John C. Decas ’53 Mr. Brad Ellins & Ms. Tonya Jilling Ms. Sarah E. Ellins ’07 & Ms. Maura Ellins Mrs. Elizabeth W. Eyler ’87 & Mr. John M. Eyler Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Fallon Mr. Christopher Makepeace ’66 Mrs. Myra Monfort Runyon The Estate of Mr. Tudor H. Tiedemann Jr. ’45

Mr. David M. Campbell ’71 Mr. Rudolph W. Driscoll P’86* Mr. Rudolph W. Driscoll Jr. ’86* Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Fireman ’62, P’88, P’90 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Fish ’78, P’15 Mrs. Marguerite P. Foster* Carmine ’71 & Beth Martignetti Mr. Kenzo Matsumura P’17

Mr. & Mrs. Roderic B. Park ’49* Mr. & Mrs. Lee Pokoik ’63 Mrs. Elizabeth Taber * The Estate of Mr. Tudor H. Tiedemann Jr. ’45* Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Welsh ’29, P’67* William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Wolfe ’68

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tomlinson ’83 Mr. Joshua J. Weeks ’78 Mr. Baolong Wei & Ms. Xiaojun Chen The Estate of Mr. Thomas W. Wilbor Jr. ’45 Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Wolfe ’68

Mr. John S. Rando Jr. ’82 Mrs. Rebecca S. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Roberts ’69 Mr. & Mrs. James Rubenstein Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Sarris ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip M. Sarris ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Garrard K. Schaefer ’72 Mr. & Mrs. William C. Shattuck Mr. & Mrs. Tim S. Sperry ’86 Mr. David Stiller ’61 Mrs. Lauren Fawcett Strachan ’89 & Mr. Thomas M. Strachan Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Sturgess ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Surdam Jr. ’68 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Swope ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Paisal Tarasansombat Mr. & Mrs. James M. Theis ’67 Ms. Kai Tsutsumi Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. H. M. White ’76

As we wrap up our time serving our School by the Sea, we are impressed by the support Tabor has received and by the

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+)

Anonymous (2) Ms. Jing Bao ’20 Mr. Bingzhang Bao & Ms. Yuping Yu Ms. Margaret H. Blair* Prof. & Mrs. Wendell S. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Cushner ’49 Dr. David J. DeFilippo ’84 & Ms. Lisa Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. David Earley Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett Jr. ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett Sr. ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Gar F. Ferguson ’66 Ms. Kristen Gillis Mr. Kenneth R. Graboys Mr. Biao Guo & Ms. Zhaoxia Chen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Haas Liz & Dennis Hager ’56 Mr. Adam Hetnarski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hofeldt Ms. Summer L. Hofeldt ’17 Mr. & Mrs. William F. Houlihan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas T. Hsu ’61 Ms. Victoria C. Huber Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hunter IV ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Willard M. Hunter ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jadul Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Jarbeau ’65 Mr. Alexander Kohn ’95 & Ms. Mary O’Rourke Mr. & Mrs. Brian Liistro ’78 Mr. Lingfei Liu & Ms. Chi Zhang Mr. Edmon G. Luke Jr. ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Macaulay Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mallory ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Atsushi Matsuo Mr. & Mrs. Liam McClennon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Pope Mr. Russell Post Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk

progress we have made. The Fund for Tabor has grown every year, this year achieving a record high of $2,788,216 from alumni, parents, faculty, and friends. We have seen the number of alumni contributing grow every year, and

Capt . J ohn A. C arlson C ircle ($5,000+)

the success of our first Day

Anonymous Ms. Lyle Anderson ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barry Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Benzak ’93 Mr. C. Jason L. Bland ’90 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bomberg Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bray Mr. & Mrs. Alexander O. Browning ’10 & ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. Browning ’83 Mr. Devon Bruce & Mrs. Yvonne Derrig Bruce Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cook Mr. & Mrs. Christopher de Roetth Mr. & Mrs. John Doggett Ms. Ashley H. Dowling ’18 Ms. Caroline C. Dowling ’21 Dr. & Mrs. James P. Dowling ’81 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eames Mr. Richard M. Edlin ’73 Mr. Dennis Ehrreich & Mrs. Catherine Connolly Ehrreich Mr. & Mrs. E. Daniel Eilertsen Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Farrell Mr. & Mrs. James W. Feeney


of Giving brought a new level of excitement this year. None of this success is possible without you! Clearly there is great strength in numbers, and a

tidal wave of TA pride! —Tom Mottur ’84 and

Maija Langeland Scarpaci ’95, Fund for Tabor Co-Chairs

* = deceased

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fisher Dr. Edmund Frank ’69 & Dr. Eustacia Frank Mr. & Mrs. Richard Franyo Dr. & Mrs. Sarakorn Gerjarusak Mr. & Mrs. John M. Goll Jr. ’90 Dr. Henry Grazioso & Dr. Kristine Grazioso Mr. Michael B. Ingram ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Jaeger Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jeffries Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jessop Mr. & Mrs. C. Ronald Johnson ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Loring Knoblauch Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Lack Mr. Angus H. Leary ’95 & Mrs. Shannon McGrath Leary ’95 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Levine ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Y. Lubar ’88 Mr. Stewart MacDonald & Ms. Cynthia Doggett R. Admr. & Mrs. Archer M. Macy Jr. ’71 Mrs. Kristen Miller Mahoney ’01 & Mr. Bobby Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Eric Marandett Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel ’87 & Mr. William Marvel Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Mead Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miller Mr. & Mrs. John Murray Mr. & Mrs. James A. Myers ’78 Mrs. Deirdre L. Nickerson Huang ’86 & Mr. Bing Huang Ms. Grace C. Palazei ’19 Mr. & Mrs. Leni J. Palazesi Mr. & Mrs. John Paliotta Mr. & Mrs. John B. Parker ’57 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Parks ’48* Capt. Benjamin K. Phipps Jr. ’51 Mr. & Mrs. William D. Ramsbottom ’56 Mr. & Mrs. William P. Rice Jr. ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ridgley Mr. & Mrs. William Rousseau Mr. & Mrs. John Rudicus Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Sanger ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Schaefer III ’71 Mr. Jamey Shachoy & Mrs. Laura Ryan Shachoy Mr. & Mrs. Ross E. Sherbrooke Mr. John A. Sprague ’73 Mr. David H. Stevens ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey T. Stewart ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Eric H. Strand ’84 Mr. Benjamin B. Strong & Mrs. Alexandra Strong Mr. Jackson P. Sumner ’52* Mr. John G. Swope ’88 Mr. Andrew M. Tappe ’79 Dr. Paul Tedesco & Dr. Eleanor Tedesco Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tidus Ms. Jratsri Tobunluepop Mrs. Heather R. Vrattos ’87 & Mr. William Vrattos Ms. Christine Ward Mrs. S. J. Weinberg Jr. Mr. Aimin Zhang & Ms. Hong Shen Mr. Wen Zhou & Ms. Bei Yang


Richard F. H oyt Circle ($3,000+)

Anonymous (2) Ms. Heather Aron ’94 & Mr. Ross E. Schulman Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Blasdale ’61 Mr. Peter E. Blau ’50 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Cavanaugh Mrs. Jin Chen Mr. Clarles T. Clark ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Cunningham ’65 Mrs. Sarah Lambert Dolan ’90 & Mr. John Dolan Mr. & Mrs. George C. Domolky Ms. Robin Dripps ’60 & Ms. Lucia Phinney Mr. & Mrs. James Durkin Capt. & Mrs. Stephen Ethridge Mr. & Mrs. William M. Evans ’65 Mr. Lei Fang & Mrs. Kehan Lu Mr. H. Lee Heap ’57* Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hill Mr. Sang Hoon Kim & Ms. Seung Jin Lee Mrs. Diana Cochran Knightly ’88 & Mr. Todd Knightly Mr. Samuel W. Lambert III Mr. & Mrs. James Lennane Mr. & Mrs. David V. Mason ’62 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher N. Merrill ’89 Mr. Carlos Mogollón & Ms. Elspeth Hotchkiss Mrs. Elizabeth Tomlinson Nemickas ’88 & Dr. Tomas Nemickas Mr. Lawrence F. Schumaker ’52 & Dr. Elizabeth J. Schumaker PhD Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sears Jr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Shabshelowitz Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Squarcia Jr. ’85 Tabor Korean Parents’ Association Mr. Hoon Cheol Kim & Ms. Eunsoo Lee Mr. Il Seung Heo & Ms. Yoon Jung Jang Mr. Seongsoo Hong & Ms. Injeong Kim Dr. Seung Soo Hwang & Ms. Moon Hyeon Kim Mr. Gi Suk Jung & Ms. Mi Kyung Shin Mr. Sang Hoon Kim & Ms. Seung Jin Lee Mr. Jai Sung Lee & Ms. Sae Wha Chung Dr. Jeong-Woo Nam & Ms. Jung-Min Kim Mr. Channing L. Walker ’12 Mr. & Mrs. George T.J. Walker Ms. L. Anne Walker ’13 alu mni circle ($1,876+)

Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV Mr. Peter B. Aronson ’84 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Austin ’74 Mr. William Beautyman Jr. ’63 & Ms. Catharine Gribbel Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Bonoli Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand H. Brewer III Mr. & Mrs. Russell E. Browning ’81 Mrs. Edith Carson Mr. & Mrs. James T. Chadwick Jr. ’83 Mr. Yadi Chen & Ms. Jiner Chen Mr. Cameron A. Coelho ’16 Mr. & Mrs. James C. Collins ’48 Mrs. Katrina Saltonstall Currier ’87 & Mr. James Currier

Mr. & Mrs. Joshua A. Darwin ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiFilippo Mr. Christopher Dowley ’76 & Ms. Laura Freysinger Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Bradford N. Eames ’61 Ms. Jennifer B. Fox ’07 Ms. Katherine O. Graham ’16 Mr. Ralph A. Greene ’58 Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Grosart Mr. Jun Han & Ms. Wei Sun Mr. & Mrs. John Hartnett Mr. Tao Huang & Ms. Fang Fang Mr. & Mrs. William T. Hurley III ’57 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hutton ’79 Mr. Karl D. Jackson ’60 & Ms. Jean Aden Mr. Andrew Joblon ’02 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Joblon ’99 Mr. Robert H. Judd Jr. & Ms. Rania Lavranos Dr. & Mrs. Dennis La Rock Mr. Alex C. Lanstein ’03 & Ms. Emily L. Schnure ’04 Mr. Jai Sung Lee & Ms. Sae Wha Chung Mr. & Mrs. Ryck B. Lent ’68 Ms. Adrienne M. Li ’93 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Luke Sr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Stephan & Eileen Marceau Mr. Richard B. Marchisio ’61 Mr. Kevin M. McCarthy ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miccolis Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Myer Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Nadler Jr. Ms. Louise K. Nadler ’09 Dr. & Mrs. Jeong Woo Nam Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. O’Connell Mr. Cyril F. O’Neil ’88 & Mr. Tristan McManaman Mrs. Jennifer Sherbrooke Palmer ’86 & Mr. Lansing Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Edmund O. Piehler Jr. ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pierce Jr. ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Polemis ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Carey D. Rhoten ’54 Mr. John W. Riggs ’89 Ms. Barbara I. Rodgers Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Rogers ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rolighed Mr. & Mrs. Robert Romagnoli Ms. Gale P. Runnells Mr. & Mrs. William W. Saltonstall ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Schaefer ’91 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Shachoy Mrs. Robin Arms Shields ’90 & Mr. Timothy M. Shields Lt. Col. & Mrs. Philip C. Simmons ’54 Mr. Chris Simon & Dr. Tina Wang Mr. Charles S. Trefrey ’46 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Vickers Jr. ’02 Mr. & Mrs. John E. Villela ’90 Mr. & Mrs. D. W. Vose Jr. ’61 Mr. Jianfei Wang & Ms. Liyan Xing Mr. Zhe Wang & Ms. Guang Wu Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Webb Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Whitaker Jr. ’69 Mr. Geoff H. Worrell Dr. & Ms. Masayuki Yamakawa

Tabor A cademy ’s A nchor Society celebrates o u r L oyal D onors

Tabor’s Anchor Society was established in 2017 to honor our loyal alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends. Through consistent financial support, Anchor Society members recognize the importance of investing in Tabor Academy. Their consecutive annual gifts, no matter the size, continue to transform our campus and the lives of our students. Consistent giving to Tabor Academy is critical to the success and lasting impact that our great school provides for the next generation of leaders. Tabor is on the rise to being one of the top innovative private schools in New England. The annual generosity of our supporters is paramount in helping strengthen programs, augment financial aid, explore new opportunities, attract outstanding students, and recruit exceptional faculty. G IF TS F ROM A L U M N I Class Of 1938

Navigators Lt. Col. George Holton USAF, Ret. D

Class o f 1946 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 25% D o l l a rs $3,450

Class o f 1 9 4 9 P a rt i c i p a t ion 2 5 % D o l l a rs $1 1 , 2 5 0

Class Of 1939

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Charles S. Trefrey D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Dr. Richard M. Cushner DDS D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. William H. Hoffmann D

Navigators Mr. Merrick W. Hellyar D Mr. R. Chase Lasbury III D Mr. Richard H. Needham

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Dr. Edward F. Woods D Class Of 1942 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 17% D o l l a rs $500

Navigators Mr. Donald E. Hewat D Class Of 1943 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 33% D o l l a rs $700

Navigators Mr. William P. Mallory D Mr. Phillips A. Noyes Jr. D Class o f 1944 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 44% D o l l a rs $29,588

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Philip B. Clough* D Navigators Mr. Henry R. Keene D Paul D. Lipsitt PhD D Mr. Cyrus B. Whitney D Class o f 1945 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 29% D o l l a rs $56,400

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) The Estate of Tudor H. Tiedemann Jr. D The Estate of Mr. Thomas W. Wilbor Jr. All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. G. Howard Morse Jr. D Navigators Mr. Roger L. Kellner D Mr. Edward W. Noyes D

Navigators Mr. Charles E. Beckman D Mr. Robert G. Caffray Mr. William B. Southworth Jr. D Mr. Robert G. Thompson D Class o f 1947 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 20% D o l l a rs $800

Navigators Mr. Eric P. Bierrie D Dr. Timothy W. Edlund D Mr. James B. Knight Mr. Donald H. Ramsbottom D Mr. Irving R. Stewart D Class o f 1948 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 50% D o l l a rs $174,563

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. John W. Braitmayer D James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. Albert Fried Jr. D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle( $5,000+) Mr. John F. Parks* D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. James C. Collins D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Richard F. Bumer D Mr. William C. Couch D Mr. Arthur J. Ferguson D Navigators Mr. Leonard S. Chace III D Mr. Edward E. Clark Mr. Edwin L. Lyon D Mr. James J. Marshall D Mr. Donald W. Noyes D Mr. Mauro G. Salazar

Class o f 1 9 5 0 P a rt i c i p a t ion 4 8 % D o l l a rs $4 , 8 6 7

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. Peter E. Blau D Navigators Mr. Joseph L. Albertson Jr. D Mr. Arthur H. Bennett Jr. D Mr. Stephen E. Clark D Mr. Robert M. Cushman D Mr. Robert K. Edwards D Mr. George Graboys* D Mr. Thomas B. Harrington D Mr. Samuel Russell D Mr. Nicholas C. Siotka D Mr. Robert W. Snow D Mr. Frederick J. Tower D Class o f 1 9 5 1 P a rt i c i p a t ion 2 4 % D o l l a rs $6 , 0 7 0

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Capt. Benjamin K. Phipps Jr. D Navigators Mr. Thomas C. Brody* D Mr. Peter E. French D Mr. Randolph J. Hayes* D Mr. George E. Morson D Mr. Wainwright R. Roebling D Mr. Morgan Seelye D Mr. Richard G. Temple D Mr. Peter D. Tripp Class o f 1 9 5 2 P a rt i c i p a t ion 3 9 % D o l l a rs $ 1 1 , 6 3 7

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Jackson P. Sumner* D


D = Anchor Society Members

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. Lawrence F. Schumaker D

Class of 1956 Parti ci pati o n 31% Do lla rs $29,860

Navigators Mr. G. William Ellis III D Mr. Henry M. Haskell Mr. Reid Higgins D Mr. C. Denison Makepeace II Mr. Andrew J. Santos D Mr. J. Lincoln Spaulding D The Esate of Mr. Jonathan F. Swain D Mr. Theodore C. Taub JD D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Dennis S. Hager D Mr. John F. Swope D

C lass of 1 9 5 3 Par ticipation 4 2 % Dollar s $ 5 3 ,6 3 6

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Dr. Lincoln E. Ford James W. Wickenden PhD Navigators Mr. Bradford S. Howe D Mrs. Judith Ford Loutit Mr. Andrew S. Marvin D Dr. Howard R. Wexler Mr. Denys Wortman D Mr. Vincent C. Zavorskas D

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. John C. Decas All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Alan S. Golub D Mr. Charles C. Ives D Mr. Wayne Thomas Keith D Dr. Thomas P. Krueger D Mr. Robert L. Needham Mr. Joseph A. Schwartz Navigators Mr. Lawrence A. Collins D Mr. William H. Edgerton D Mr. J. Michael Gearon Mr. Peter T. Houston D Dr. Harry M. Johnson D Mr. F. Fritz Knight D Mr. Garrison F. Lane D Mr. John E. Luke* D Mr. August B. Miller Jr. D Ms. Carol Sanz D Cmdr. Richard R. Ward USN, Ret. D C lass of 1 9 5 4 Par ticipation 1 4 % Dollar s $ 4 ,4 7 5

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Carey D. Rhoten D Lt. Col. Philip C. Simmons D Navigators Rev. William A. Jeffrey Jr. D Dr. Anthony M. Martin* D Mr. George P. Porter D Mr. Franklin C. Stout D Mr. Anthony A. Tully C lass of 1 9 5 5 Par ticipation 2 4 % Dollar s $ 1 ,6 6 0

Navigators Mr. Sidney L. Boorstein Prof. Louis Michael Falkson D Dr. Ralph H. Henderson D Mr. Robert B. Jones D Mr. John E. McGrath* D Mr. Nicholas Nilsen D Mr. Albert R. Pierce III D Mr. Eugene F. Proctor D Mr. William H. Williams III D


Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. William D. Ramsbottom D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. G. Richard Duffy D

Navigators Mr. Peter D. Billings D Mr. Gordon A. Carpenter, Esq. D Mr. & Mrs. John H. Detweiler D Mr. Gray G. Henry D Mr. Peter Meenan D

Navigators Mr. Antony H. Acker D Mr. Alan H. Banister D Col. L. C. Burwell III USAF* D Dr. James B. Calvin D Mr. Howard B. Cantor D Mr. Charles E. Carey Jr. D Mr. Ernest J. Chornyei Jr. D Mr. Robert S. Gugler D Mr. John R. Hallen D Dr. Joseph S. Heyman D Mr. Robert W. Kraemer D Mr. F. C. Pease D Mr. William M. Savage D Mr. Howard Shrut D Mr. Russell V. Sullivan D Mr. Richard Barry Swain D Dr. Harold Weintraub MD

Class of 1960 Pa rti ci pati o n 26% Do lla rs $8,530

Class o f 1962 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 30% D o l l a rs $24,074

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Ms. Robin D. Dripps D

Mr. Richard F. Reed D Mr. John F. Scott III D Mr. Thomas B. Shapiro D Mr. John S. Van Stone Class of 1959 Parti ci pati o n 15% Do lla rs $3,100

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Richard C. Marcy Jr. D Mr. Robert J. Smith

Class of 1957 Parti ci pati o n 22% Do lla rs $29,979

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Karl D. Jackson D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Robert R. Fawcett Sr. D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Michael B. Ingram D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Edmon G. Luke Jr. D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Edward F. Kakas II D

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. David V. Mason D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. John B. Parker Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. H. Lee Heap* D

Navigators Mr. William T. Bertrand Mr. John T. Cederholm D Capt. Gerald Davis Jr. USN, Ret. D Mr. Oswald G. Hayes Jr. D Mr. Frank W. Jaeger* D Mr. Richard J. Lawton D Mr. Robert C. Myers D Mr. William B. Notman D Mr. William H. Sedgeman Jr. D Frederick B. Tuttle Jr. PhD D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John H. Birdsall III D Mr. J. Bruce Hamilton

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. William T. Hurley III D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Ross R. Anderson D Mr. Robert A. O’Brien D Navigators Mr. Richard E. Block D Mr. Harvey C. Felton D Mr. Robert S. Hurd Sr. D Mr. Arthur W. McLean D Mr. Roger J. Simmons D Mr. Richard W. Swett D Mr. David M. Ziskind D Class of 1958 Parti ci pati o n 28% Do lla rs $5,558

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Ralph A. Greene D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Robert G. Crocker D Navigators Mr. John A. Bentley Mr. Peter D. Haddock D Mr. Frederic B. Hill D Mr. Bradford W. Lowe D Mr. Richard H. Pierce D

Class of 1961 Parti ci pati o n 45% Do lla rs $46,064

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Douglas T. Hsu D Mr. David Stiller D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. R. William Blasdale D Mr. Richard W. Sears Jr. D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Bradford N. Eames D Mr. James P. Luke Sr. D Mr. Richard B. Marchisio D Mr. Edmund O. Piehler Jr. D Mr. D. Warren Vose Jr. D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Roger D. Elsas D Mr. Robert W. Gunning D Mr. Robert K. Merry D Mr. Stanley W. Moore D Mr. Charles P. Schutt Jr. D

Navigators Mr. Fordyce T. Blake III D Mr. George F. Booth II D Mr. Andrew E. Bram D Mr. Richard L. Cherry D Mr. Jeffrey P. Ellis D Mr. Graeme L. Flanders D Mr. John M. Hills D Mr. Wayne W. Long D Mr. John P. Marchand D Mr. Theodore L. Prescott D Mr. William R. Reid III D Dr. Robert I. Russell Mrs. Donna V. Sawyer D Mr. Wayne Walega D Mr. William E. Young D Class o f 1963 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 21% D o l l a rs $313,125

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Lee Pokoik D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. William Beautyman D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Paul D. Harrington D Mr. Raymond W. Mino Jr. D Navigators Mr. Douglas W. Beach Mr. E. Russell Boardman D

Mr. Thomas C. Burke D Mr. Ron L. Fink D Mr. Rodger W. Fling D Mr. Gordon L. Goodwin D Mr. Robert K. Griffith Jr. D Mr. John W. Lovell D Mr. Donald S. Merry D Mr. Tom K. Morgan Mr. Henry P. Taggard D Class o f 1964 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 22% D o l l a rs $9,975

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. C. Ronald Johnson D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Richard L. Fowler Jr. D Mr. Thomas H. Hodges D Navigators Mr. John A. Correa D Mr. & Mrs. Conrad M. Deneault D Lt. Col. Christopher M. Hayes D Mr. Robert T. Kidder D Mr. Kim R. MacConnel D Dr. Jonathan L. Markley D Mr. David S. McNeilly D Mr. William R. Sanders Mr. William J. Schuler D Mr. Jay A. Ziskind, Esq. D Class o f 1965 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 22% D o l l a rs $24,550

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Richard W. Jarbeau D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. Robert S. Cunningham D Mr. William M. Evans All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. William H. Beyer D Mr. Peter J. Zacchilli D Navigators Mr. Jonathan D. Blake D Mr. Samuel E. Carr D Mr. Robert B. Cowan D Mr. Francis D. Dibble Jr. D Mr. Winder M. Heller D Mr. Terry Ladd D Mr. Arthur G. Mitton III Mr. John P. Read D Mr. John E. Robinson D Mr. Robert A. Shore D Mr. Phillips G. Smith D Mr. Robert J. Stevenson Mr. John L. Taber D Mr. Ronald A. Wilbur D Dr. Jay T. Winburn D Class o f 1966 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 19% D o l l a rs $55,958

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Christopher Makepeace D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Gar F. Ferguson D Mr. Jeffrey C. Sturgess D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Richard F. McConnie D Mr. Joseph H. Pyne D Mr. Kristian J. Stoltenberg D Navigators Dr. David A. Clayman D Mr. Steven L. Crowley D Hon. Peter H. Fauver Mr. Mark B. Glovsky D Mr. Richard R. Gumpert D Mr. Wayne E. Harrington D Mr. Duncan M. Kelso D Mr. Brian M. Mullen D Mr. Ronald J. Mycock D Mr. James W. C. Parker D Mr. Bert M. Rappaport D Class o f 1 9 6 7 P a rt i c i p a tion 1 8 % D o l l a rs $ 1 4 , 5 9 8

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. James M. Theis D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Timothy H. Dyer RIA D Mr. Robert D. Ripley D Navigators Mr. David V. D. Borden Mr. Michael J. Castillo D Mr. Paul L. Johnson D Mr. Ronald A. Katz D Mr. Jackson O. Long* D Mr. Richard J. Mazzuto D Mr. Michael H. McShane D Mr. & Mrs. Taylor A.B. Mills D Mr. Joseph F. Murphy Mr. Timothy E. Sanders D Mr. Peter E. Tenney D Class o f 1 9 6 8 P a rt i c i p a t ion 2 9 % D o l l a rs $1 6 9 , 4 5 1

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Stephen P. Sprague D Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Louis S. Wolfe D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Robert M. Surdam Jr. D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Ryck B. Lent D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Richard R. Gascoigne D Mr. Phineas Sprague Jr. Navigators Mr. Dwight C. Blake D Mr. Thomas H. Buffinton III D Mr. Robert E. L. Burwell D


Mr. & Mrs. Royal T. Davis Mr. Thomas G. Davis Mr. Thomas E. Eberman D Mr. William O. Fisher Jr. D Rev. Dr. Benjamin P. Fowler Mr. Randolph O. Goodlett Mr. Stephen G. Hopkins Mr. Peter Jeffrey Lacy D Mr. William F. Lowell Mr. Robert S. Nielsen Mr. William D. Reed D Mr. Wade I. Treadway D Mr. Peter C. Tufts Mr. G. Wiley Wakeman D Dr. Michael W. Walker C lass of 1 9 6 9 Par ticipation 2 3 % Dollar s $ 4 3 ,0 6 8

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Charles Mallory Mr. Henry P. Roberts Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Dr. Edmund H. Frank D Mr. John P. Levine D Mr. Geoffrey T. Stewart D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Michael A. Polemis D Mr. Edward A. Whitaker Jr. D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Douglas S. Magee D Navigators Mr. Robert G. Babson D Mr. Courtland L. Booth D Dr. LeBaron R. Briggs IV D Mr. Mitchell W. Cabot D Mr. Christopher D. Cunningham D Mr. William E. Fitzhugh D Mr. John Stevens Hamilton D Mr. William L. Lane Jr. D Mr. Roy K. Lewis CPA D Capt. George Howard Linzee D Mr. Peter F. Long Sr. D Mr. Samuel G. Palestine D Mr. William T. Simonds D Mr. Peter G. Sloan Jr. D C lass of 1 9 7 0 Par ticipation 1 7 % Dollar s $ 3 8 ,8 5 0

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. David A. Barrett D Navigators Mr. James A. Brennan Jr. D Mr. John C. Carrick D Mr. Freddy A. Cicerchia D Mr. Richard W. Cowen D Mr. J. Hunt Herrigel Jr. D Mr. Mark E. Hill D Mr. Henry R. Keene Jr. D Mr. Richard M. Kimball II Rev. Robert H. Malm D Mr. Stephen M. McIntosh D


Mr. Christopher B. Mead, Esq. D Mr. John T. Rice D Mr. Eric M. Sandberg

Class of 1973 Parti ci pati o n 14% Do lla rs $18,110

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. William H. Weeks D

Class o f 1978 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 9% D o l l a rs $145,692

Class o f 1 9 8 1 P a rt i c i p a t ion 9 % D o l l a rs $1 2 , 6 7 5

Class of 1971 Parti ci pati o n 17% Do lla rs $416,786

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Richard M. Edlin D Mr. Abbott Sprague D Mr. David H. Stevens D

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. John F. Fish D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Dr. James P.F. Dowling D

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. David M. Campbell D Mr. Carmine A. Martignetti D

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Joshua J. Weeks D

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Russell E. Browning D

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Christopher W. Rogers D

Navigators Mr. Mark A. Burns Mr. James E. Conroy D Mr. Alexander P. Felson D Mr. D. Ross Griswold Jr. D Mr. James W. Henry D Mr. Edward W. Holmes Mr. Keiron G. Lynch II D Mr. Jonathan S. Rich D Mr. Winthrop Sargent D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Brian Liistro D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Kirk J. Franklin D Mr. Wayne Johnson III D Mr. Robert C. Miller D Col. Jonathan L. Pirkey D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) R. Adm. Archer M. Macy Jr. D Mr. Edward A. Schaefer III D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Jerald E. Brown D Mr. Donald C. Hurter D Mr. Richard G. Reed Mr. Douglas R. Rich D Navigators Mr. John V. Flower D Mr. Joseph S. Husted D Mr. Dwight E. Smith D Mr. H. William Sowles D Mr. William H. Steff Mr. Brett W. Thacher D Dr. John D. Thomas II D Dr. Edward R. White D Mr. Thomas W. Wilbor III D Mr. Charles E. Woodcock III Class of 1972 Parti ci pati o n 17% Do lla rs $33,625

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Thomas B. Hunter IV D Mr. Garrard K. Schaefer D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. Charles T. Clark D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Gordon S. Milne D Navigators Mr. David B. Barker Jr. D Mr. Steven Cowen D Mr. William C. Davison D Mr. Paul J. Durgin D Mr. John C. Evans D Mr. L. Stanley Godwin Jr. D Mr. James R. Holmes D Mr. Christopher H. Lent D Mr. C. Christopher MacKenzie D Mr. James T. Potdevin D Mr. R. Channing Reis D Mr. David G. Richardson D Mr. & Mrs. Bradford N. Tenney D Mr. Stephen H. Washburne D Dr. Peter D. Watts D Mr. Roger F. Woodman Jr. D

Navigators Mr. Robert T. Boon D Mr. James J. Farrell D Mr. John M. Halsted Mr. Norman Platt Johnson D Mr. William S. Kimball Jr. D Mr. Scott A. McCaig Mr. John W. McLaughlin D Mr. Prentice F. Weathers D Mr. David M. Williams Mr. John P. Zacchilli D Class of 1974 Pa rti ci pati o n 15% Do lla rs $115,002

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. William L. Phelps D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Phillip M. Sarris D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. John C. Austin D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Capt. Jon M. Barrett D Mr. John W. Dixon D Mr. Michael S. Finn Navigators Michael Patrick Adams DDS D Mr. Scott F. Bearse D Mr. Timothy Bryan D Mr. Robert A. Heditsian D Mr. Bennett J. Leary D Mr. Geoffrey F. Lenk Mr. Hunter S. Luke D Mr. Stephen B. Lynch D Mr. Joseph T. Marino D Mr. Mark G. Mueller D Mr. Richard T. Porteus Jr. D Mr. Donald P. Ross III D Mr. Alexander W. Thomson D Mr. Mark E. Tuller D Class of 1975 Parti ci pati o n 10% Do lla rs $143,093

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Paul J. Murphy, Esq. D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Willard M. Hunter Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Anonymous

Class o f 1976 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 13% D o l l a rs $301,000

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Jack Boyd Smith Jr. D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Nicholas A. Sarris Mr. H. Mark White D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Christopher L. Dowley D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John H. A. Chapman Jr. D Mr. Carter E. Mario D Navigators Mr. Charles E. Clapp III D Mr. Stewart C. Dary D Mr. James P. Dooley D Mr. Richard K. Hollander D Mr. Todd P. Kennelly Mr. Walter L. Landergan D Mr. Robert L. Mogilnicki Jr. D Mr. Thomas P. Musante Jr. D Mr. Robert H. Pinkston D Mr. Dana K. Smith D Mr. Thomas A. Tarrant III D Mr. Crey R. Weston D Class o f 1977 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 12% D o l l a rs $6,825

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Daniel Pierce Jr. D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Andrew F. Toth Navigators Mr. Christopher E. Beach Mr. Philip Cabot D Mr. Timothy H. Chapin Mr. Charles Barns Davis D Mr. Barry H. Federman D Mr. David C. Grusz D Mr. Mark A. Heartfield D Mr. Michael J. Kelleher D Mr. Peter A. Mello D Mr. Wright J. Montgomery D Mr. Christopher T. Ripley D William C. Rose PhD Mr. Richard J. Welch

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. James A. Myers D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Roy M. Harms Jr. D Mr. Timothy C. McCarthy Mr. Thomas G. Sarris Navigators Mr. David C. Beal Mr. Matthew G. Fee D Mr. Jeffrey R. Feroce Mr. Charles A. Freni Jr. D Mr. Peter S. Hill Mr. David W. Johns II D Class o f 1979 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 9% D o l l a rs $113,545

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Keith N. Browning D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Andrew M. Tappe D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. James P. Hutton D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Adam P. Briggs D Navigators Mr. David J. Allen D Mr. William R. Congdon Mr. Samuel H. Howell Mr. Charles S. Ingersoll Jr. D Mr. David E. Lee Mr. Dean R. Purcell D Mr. William C. Schrader Jr. D Mr. Alec M. Willeson

Navigators Mr. David F. Coogan D Mr. Randall L. Souza, Esq. D Mr. Robert A. Stickles D Mr. Jonathan P. Stonis D Class o f 1 9 8 2 P a rt i c i p a t ion 1 3 % D o l l a rs $1 8 , 5 3 3

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. John S. Rando Jr. D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Kevin M. McCarthy D Mr. William W. Saltonstall D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Hon. Matthew A. Reynolds D Mr. Charles K. West III D Navigators Mr. Raad S. Abduljawad D Mr. Peter T. Bidstrup D Mr. Andrew D. Coler D Mr. William W. Creed D Mr. Christopher K. Heaslip D Mr. Eric M. Romm D Mr. Joseph K. Schumaker D Ms. Ruth A. Shapiro D Mr. James F. Welcome Mr. Peter F. Winters, Esq. D Class o f 1 9 8 3 P a rt i c i p a t ion 1 8 % D o l l a rs $9 3 , 0 7 1

James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. Frank M. Gring Jr. D

Class o f 1980 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 6% D o l l a rs $3,600

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. James A. Tomlinson D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Eric S. Almeida D Mr. Anthony G. Featherston IV D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Peter V. Browning D

Navigators Mr. Edward A. Brown, Esq. D Mr. Edward J. Olivier D Capt. Michael A. Peszke Jr. D Mr. Benjamin A. Taub D Mr. Robert G. Wilkinson Jr. D

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. James T. Chadwick Jr. D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Russell B. Fearing D Mr. B. Jackson Gierhart Jr. D Mr. John N. Kirk D Mr. Frederic C. Mock D

* = deceased


Navigators Mr. Edward J. Bresnahan Jr. D Mr. Richard M. Capen D Mr. Daniel J. Cooney D Mr. James R. D’Agostino Jr. D Mr. Rudolph H. Deetjen III D Mr. Peter V. V. Edwards D Mr. Timothy J. Foulk D Mr. Stephen S. Mercer Mr. Charles B. Murray Mr. Richard H. Needham II D Mr. Eric J. Northern D Mr. Lincoln S. Purdy D Mr. Francis X. St. Germaine III D Mr. Stephen E. Vaitses Mr. Alfonso Velasco D Mr. Robert E. Wallace Jr. D C lass of 1 9 8 4 Par ticipation 5 4 % Dollar s $ 3 2 ,5 4 3

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Dr. David J. DeFilippo D

Mr. Thomas R. Mottur D Mrs. Catherine Schaefer Nellis Mr. R. Gregg Nourjian D Mr. Elisha E. Nyman D Mrs. Claire M. Olivier Mr. Anthony T. Pace Mr. Adam W. Packard Dr. W. Mark Peluso D Mr. Thamrong T. Phenjati Ms. Eleanor E. Pierce Mr. Christos G. Poravas D Dr. Alexander Raslavicus D Mr. J. Derek Reid Mrs. Jane Sumner Richardson D Mr. Nathaniel Saltonstall D Ms. Jacqueline W. Shire D Mr. Douglas A. Swartz Mrs. Sara Meade Turner D Ms. Dana Richards Vaitses Mr. Sergio Velasco D Mrs. Elizabeth Cohn Weinstein Mr. William L. White Jr. Mr. Cole E. Worthy III

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Eric H. Strand D

Class of 1985 Parti ci pati o n 18% Do lla rs $108,032

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Peter B. Aronson D

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. David A. Wallace D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Brian L. Griffith D Mr. Andrew F. McIntire D Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire D Mr. Ian M. H. Patrick D Mr. Patrick R. Sherbrooke D

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. Paul A. Squarcia Jr. D

Navigators Anonymous Mr. Jeffrey A. Akeson Mrs. Ann Baker Atwood Mr. James E. Bartlett Mr. Serge E. Brosselin D Mr. George Chakmakis Jr. D Ms. Julia I. D. Childs Mr. Stephen R. Cochran D Mr. Gordon R. P. Connor II Mr. Harold S. Crain III D Mr. James E. Crick D Mr. W. Austin Curwen D Mr. Daniel R. D’Hedouville, Esq. Mr. Chris M. Donley D Mr. Peter C. Eastman D Mrs. Ann Astrachan Eggleston Mr. Jay M. Fernald D Mr. Mark A. Finley D Mr. Christopher H. Hampson D Mr. Bret R. Hekking Mr. Matthew J. Hiles Mrs. Lisa Pozzo Iannella D Mr. David E. Kellar Mr. Kirk P. Kelly Mr. Jonathan P. Klaren D Mr. Jonathan M. Lincoln D Mr. Michael A. Lorusso Mrs. Stephanie Cockrell Lyon D Mr. Andrew L. McCain D Mrs. Erica Paquin Meyers D


All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John T. Ludes Jr. D Mrs. Cindy Carr Mock D Navigators Mr. T. Mark Aimone D Mr. Sean B. Backus D Mr. Kenneth H. Berlack D Mrs. Julie Perkins Cordonnier D Mrs. Ana Lorenz Dierkhising Mrs. Sarah Hartman Dole D Mrs. Patrice Bauer Fallon D Mr. Christopher C. A. Hall D Mr. Douglas W. Jones D Mr. Ronald F. MacDonald Jr. D Mrs. Susan Thomas Macleod D Mr. M. Ansley Martin Jr. D Mr. Christopher J. Morse D Ms. Elizabeth B. Mottur Mrs. Kristen Ryan Mozayeni D Mr. Bruce P. Myers D Mr. Mark C. Parsons D Mr. Brendan M. Pollock D Mr. Kevin R. Roller D Ms. Jamie B. Rotman D Dr. Kristin C. Smith MD D Mr. Shawn R. Stilphen Mr. Andrew M. Thompson D Mr. Stuart B. Titus D Mr. Ronald J. Willett Mr. Ralph B. Williams II D Mr. Daniel M. Zinsmeyer D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Albert Y. Shiu D

Class of 1987 Parti ci pati o n 27% Do lla rs $186,899

Navigators Mr. Samuel T. Adams D Mr. George A. Benway III D Mr. Spencer W. Blasdale D Mr. Joseph H. Bozoyan CFA D Mr. Richard J. DellaRusso D Mr. William Y. H. Dickey D Mrs. Stephanie Kotrofi Dragatsis D Mr. Edward J. Fiorentino D Mr. Brian F. Freyermuth D Mr. Steven H. Galavotti D Ms. Kimberly A. Garey Mr. Thomas D. Kirk D Mr. Craig E. Kulas D Mr. Paul B. Merian Mr. Michael E. Porrazzo D Mr. Kevin C. St. Germaine D Mr. Paul R. Stahl D Mrs. Gretchen Shufelt Stoddard D Mr. Mark T. Torrisi D Mr. Peter R. Way D

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Sumner J. Waring III D

Class of 1986 Pa rti ci pati o n 28% Do lla rs $23,059

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Tim S. Sperry D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mrs. Dede Nickerson Huang D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mrs. Jennifer Sherbrooke Palmer D

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. Jonathan D. Callaghan D Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Robert R. Fawcett Jr. D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel D Mrs. Heather Rosbe Vrattos D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mrs. Katrina Saltonstall Currier D Mr. Joshua A. Darwin D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Ms. Kate G. Duffy D Mr. Todd A. Needham D Mr. Todd M. Peckham D Navigators Mr. Charles S. Adams Mrs. Kathryn T. Ashworth D Mrs. Camille Fairbanks Babanikas RN D Ms. Bridget Dugan Baratta D Mr. Gregory W. Barnes D Mr. Peter A. Boniface III D Mrs. Jessica Nixon Cashman D Mr. John E. Cockrell

Mr. Christopher M. Demakis Mrs. Lora Lowe FitzGerald CRM, CIC, CISR, CPIW D Ms. Jenell L. Haas D Mrs. Gail Livingston Horn D Mr. Lee W. Jones II D Ms. Love Froes Macione D Mr. David A. Mears Mrs. Catherine Goodwin Monaghan Mr. Peter A. Mottur D Mr. Michael E. Norek D Mrs. Erin Osborne O’Connell D Mr. Harry M. Ostrander D Mr. David B. Pepin D Ms. Laura Lorusso Peterson D Mrs. Margaret Henderson Pierce AIFA, CFP D Mr. Jonathan S. Robie D Mrs. Julie Asselta Savage D Class o f 1988 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 26% D o l l a rs $29,422

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Gregory Y. Lubar D Mr. John G. Swope D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mrs. Diana Cochran Knightly D Mrs. M. Elizabeth Tomlinson Nemickas D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Cyril F. O’Neil III D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Dalton W. Menhall II D Navigators Mr. Samuel T. A. Ames D Mrs. Jacante Tougas Arnone Mrs. Julie Kaczynski Baars Cmdr. John F. Buckley USCG D Mrs. Kerry Galligan Caldwell D Mrs. Jennifer Heimlich Conaty D Mr. Douglass C. Coupe Mr. Ian M. Del Balso D Ms. Linda Myers Dennison CPA D Mr. Weems E. Estelle Jr. Mr. J. Michael Feeney D Mr. Kevin P. Foster D Ms. H. Kendall Garey D Mrs. Elise Schickel Goddard D Mrs. Nannette Orr Gustafson D Mr. Jonathan J. D. Hall D Mr. Matthew D. Hicks D Mr. Kimball H. Ingram D Mr. Shawn R. Knechtel D Mr. Nathaniel A. Paige D Ms. Laurie R. Paulsen Mr. Nicholas H. Penfield D Mr. Kevin A. Pepe Ms. Amelia M. Richards D Mrs. Michielle Pina Robidoux Mr. P. Scull III Ms. Diana Walcott D Mrs. Kathleen Thomas Woodberry

Class o f 1989 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 20% D o l l a rs $70,110

Class o f 1 9 9 1 P a rt i c i p a t ion 1 6 % D o l l a rs $7 , 6 5 2

James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. G. Eric Davis D

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Samuel M. Schaefer D

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mrs. Lauren Fawcett Strachan

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mrs. Rebecca Holmes Adler D Mrs. Sara Mycock Cederholm D Mr. Jonathan R. Hallam D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Christopher D. Sanger D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. & Mrs. Christopher N. Merrill D Mr. J. West Riggs D Navigators Dr. Douglas S. Barnes Mr. Christopher J. Basse D Mrs. Sarah Voss Cappelli Ms. Colleen M. Coyne D Mr. Richard DaSilva Jr. D Ms. Alison MacGregor Durant D Mr. Patrick D. Harold D Ms. Susan K. Karp Hon. Jason A. King Mrs. Sofia Lundquist Larsson PhD Mr. Jonathan W. Leaf D Mr. Andrew S. Macaulay D Ms. Elizabeth C. McDermott D Mr. Christopher H. McGuire D Mr. A. Mark Milhench D Mr. Gregory T. Mino Dr. Laura Patterson Nichols D Ms. Sarah W. Penfield D Ms. Denise D. Shanahan D Mr. Andrew Sinn D Mr. Andrew V. Strawbridge D Mrs. Jennifer Schneider Ziskin D Class o f 1990 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 14% D o l l a rs $24,377

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. C. Jason L. Bland D Mr. John M. Goll Jr. D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mrs. Sarah Lambert Dolan D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mrs. Robin Arms Shields D Mr. John E. Villela D Navigators Mr. Josh C. Adams Mrs. Alyssa Ware Bayus D Mr. Benjamin J. Daly D Ms. Kristin R. Emory Mr. Geoffrey M. Ewenson D Mr. Jared C. Grimm D Mr. David B. Howard D Mr. Anthony W. Miller Jr. D Mr. Tyler W. Moore D Mrs. Laurelle Christian O’Neil D Mrs. Lee Mumford Peterson, Esq. D Mr. Timothy J. Roller Mr. Daniel Shugrue D Ms. Jennifer Tichon D Mrs. Cedar McClure Valentine D

Navigators Mr. Shawn M. Barry Mr. Shane M. Borman D Mr. Noel T. Duarte D Mr. Neil R. Feeley Jr. D Mrs. Erin Burke Gaudreau Mr. Russell A. Gaudreau III Mrs. Jessica Hurley Givney D Mr. Cain K. Goettelman D Mr. Kevin P. Leddy D Mr. Jonathan H. Loer D Ms. Rebecca Merriam D Mrs. Saran C. Mignott Cadet D Mr. Christopher W. B. Scott D Mr. Aaron N. Webb Class o f 1 9 9 2 P a rt i c i p a t ion 1 5 % D o l l a rs $4 , 5 5 0

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mrs. Sarah Graboys Valeo D Navigators Mrs. Kara Anne Decas Albert D Mr. Bertram A. Balch D Mr. Scott M. Carson D Mr. Christopher C. Chandler D Ms. Eleanor M. Crow D Mrs. Abigail Smith Derrig D Mr. Christian Gibbs Mrs. Amy Warner Larkin D Mr. William C. Lovett D Mrs. Katherine Boniface Maurizi D Mrs. Elizabeth McGarrie Mr. Gerald A. Morrissey III D Mrs. Lindsay Conway Murphy D Mr. Craig W. Raposa D Mrs. Jodi Siegel D Mr. Frank B. Sousa III D Ms. Sally M. Taylor D Class o f 1 9 9 3 P a rt i c i p a t ion 3 3 % D o l l a rs $1 3 , 3 9 6

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Christopher L. Benzak D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Ms. Adrienne M. Li D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Christian E. Salvati D Navigators Mrs. Emily Soden Auerswald D Mrs. Ellison Beech Bakelaar D Mr. Timothy M. Brady D Mr. John T. Buckley Jr. D


Mr. Michael J. Callahan D Mr. William P. Condon Mrs. Katherine Schaefer Cooney D Mrs. Helena Baldwin Grima D Mr. Ogden H. Hammond D Mrs. Ellyn Heimlich Hurd D Mr. Oakley R. Jones III D Mrs. Christel Bivens Kanda D Mrs. Inger Strand Kenworthy D Mr. David W. Kessler Mrs. Amanda Mahoney Kuhn D Mr. John P. Lari D Mr. Andrew F. Major D Ms. Gretchen D. Marolda D Mrs. Laura Blumenberg Martorella D Mr. Terry H. Miller Jr. D Mr. Kurt J. Mogilnicki D Mr. Adam R. Mutterperl Mr. Aaron B. Norton D Ms. Ellie Osborn Dr. William V. Robertson V D Mrs. Heather G. Schuhwerk D Mr. Christopher J. Smith Mr. Colin D. Sullivan D Mr. Jeffrey A. Swan D Ms. Sarah T. Titus D Mrs. Heather Fournier Truscinski D Mrs. Renata Everett Valladares Mrs. Alison Howard Van keuren D C lass of 1 9 9 4 Par ticipation 1 9 % Dollar s $ 1 6 ,4 3 5

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Ms. Lyle Anderson D Mr. William P. Rice Jr. D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Ms. Heather J. Aron D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Christopher E. O’Connor D Navigators Anonymous (2) Mrs. Elizabeth Bodkin Bagley D Ms. Daina Bray D Mrs. Jennifer Jackson Breitling D Mr. Ethan D. Bungert D Mr. Andrew R. Buttner D Mr. Adam I. Cohen Mr. David M. Glynn D Mr. Carl R. Hall D Mr. Andrew F. Herlihy Mrs. Elizabeth Jaeger Krueger Mrs. Emilie Schnitman Liebhoff D Ms. Tracy A. Marquis Mrs. Elizabeth K. Stott D Mr. James C. Tosi D Mrs. Meredith Makanna Zolty

Class of 1995 Parti ci pati o n 42% Do lla rs $32,688

Class of 1996 Parti ci pati o n 21% Do lla rs $4,315

Class o f 1998 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 25% D o l l a rs $2,980

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. Alexander W. Kohn D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Angus H. Leary D Mrs. Shannon McGrath Leary D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mrs. Kelley Boutin Boucher Navigators Mr. Thomas K. Baird D Ms. Alison A. Brewer D Ms. Kara J. Burbank D Mr. Ryan J. O. Burrell Dr. Job D. Cardoza D Mrs. Patricia Constance D’Anna D Mr. Jesse C. Flynn D Ms. Susan A. Germer Mrs. Molly Brzek Hollister Mr. Christopher L. Horton Sr. D Mrs. Allison Bessette Koskinas D Mr. James H. Kroll D Mr. Michael B. Lampert Ms. Elizabeth R. Leary D Mr. Russell S. Manchester III Mrs. Lisa Sorelle Mayhew D Mr. Robert W. O’Leary III D Mr. Matthew S. Perrin D Mrs. Nicoleen A. Prince Burrell Mrs. Christina M. Proppe D Mr. Jeremy H. Thompson Mr. Christopher T. Wimer Mrs. Megan Edwards Yelton D

Navigators Mr. Larry R. Adams Mr. Marshall E. Birkins D Mrs. Marci Epstein Brigman D Mrs. Amy Clark Canty Mr. Noah J. Coughlin Mr. Grayson M. Fertig D Mrs. Shannon Tyler Fortin Mrs. Cristin Sager Gillespie D Mr. Eric H. Gropper Mr. Peter F. Hams Mr. Leon J. Hayward D Mrs. Emily Archibald Johnson Mr. Owen H. R. Johnson D Ms. Anna E. MacIntosh D Ms. Heidi A. McNeil Mr. Hiroshi Mokudai Mrs. Elizabeth Drake Perkins D Ms. Emily Y. Rhee Mr. Ryan L. Staszko Mr. John A. Thompson D Mrs. Jamie DiCostanzo Tormey Mr. Theodore G. Trafton D Mr. David J. Trovato D Ms. Stacy L. Turner D Ms. Caroline E. Watson Felt D Mrs. Amanda Ashley Zivin

Class of 1997 Parti ci pati o n 24% Do lla rs $4,165

Class o f 1999 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 15% D o l l a rs $4.386

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mrs. Margot Feeney Kalkanis D

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Matthew Joblon

Navigators Anonymous Mrs. Emilie Douglas Ball D Mr. John M. Beaumont D Mr. Alan G. Bern D Mr. Michael S. Bray D Mr. Seth M. Burr D Ms. Anny R. Candelario & Mr. Edwin Escobar D Mrs. Melissa Press De La Vega D Mr. Christopher C. Gefaell D Dr. Andrew P. Gilmartin D Mrs. Andrea Wadman Goldman D Mrs. Lindsey Burke Higgins D Mr. Matthew T. Holmes D Ms. Elizabeth S. Hurley D Mr. Alex W. Larsen D Mrs. Laura R. Marlow Latka D Mr. Conan H. Leary D Mr. Colin F. Lynch Mr. Wesley T. McMichael Mrs. Laura Benedict Millar D Mr. Brian M. Montgomery D Ms. Carlen H. Singmaster D Ms. Elizabeth A. Tuckel D Ms. Holley H. Tyng D Mr. Jared D. Yule

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Philip T. Silvia III D

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Anonymous Lt. Col. Deane R. Konowicz D Mr. Lawrence L. Kook D Mr. Thomas McNeil D Mr. Travis M. Roy D Mr. Stephen G. Svajian Navigators Mrs. Amy Minella Ambrecht D Mr. Nathaniel R. Balboni D LCDR Jonathan L. Baron USN Mrs. Courtney Buttner Bridge Mrs. Meredith Lutz Cabarrus JD D Mr. Timothy V. Cahalane Mr. Ian M. Conway D Mr. Terrence M. Costello Ms. Amanda Lackey Cote D Mr. Wayne P. Day Laporte D Mr. Todd H. DeBlois Mrs. Salinda A. Fertig Pechaitis D Mr. Horace F. Field IV Mrs. Crystal Carlton Flynn D Mrs. Alison Fleitas Gertonson D Mrs. Nicole DeBlois Greene D Mr. Daniel H. Guenther D Mrs. Amy Buckley Kessler Mr. Erik W. Larsen D Ms. Danielle Lei D Ms. Seychelle E. Leonard Mrs. Ariane D. Lombardi Willey D Mrs. Brooke Ollinger Lovett D Mr. Ian O. Malin D Mr. Nathan J. Meleo D Mr. James H. Melville III D Mr. Joshua E. Mulvey D Mrs. Katherine Clark Pawlicki Mr. Jay R. Peabody, Esq. D Mr. Pedro M. Rachadell Mr. Jensen E. Remes D Mrs. Suzanne M. Roberts Ms. Emily C. Roller D Mrs. Maija Langeland Scarpaci D Mrs. Laurel Simonini Schnitman D Mrs. Alexandra Holmes Scott D Ms. Annie S. Shaw Mrs. Alexandra Knowles Thompson Ms. Clare B. Trautvetter Mr. Michael B. Wahl D Ms. Eri Wakita Mr. Christopher L. Weeks D Ms. Jill C. Weinreb Mr. Maximiliano A. Zayas D

Navigators Mrs. Sarah Hitchcock Adams Mrs. Susan D. Cervino D Mr. Michael A. Close D Mrs. Cara L. Esch D Mr. Brian P. Fortier D Mrs. Lindsey C. Francis Dowling Mr. Derrick C. Frazier D Mr. Andrew K. Henry IV D Mr. Mark D. Hutson D Mr. David M. Keeffe D Mr. Timothy L. Morse Mr. Joshua B. Piekarski D Mr. Timothye J. Polley Mr. Michael P. Press Mrs. Tracy Nichols Roberts D Mr. Joseph A. Sciuto D Class o f 2000 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 17% D o l l a rs $453,850

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Mr. Clement C. Benenson D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mrs. Emily Edwards Ingham D


Navigators Mr. Samuel G. Bradford Mr. Michael J. Buckley Mr. Colby R. Chevalier D Mr. Eli L. Dana Mr. Anthony R. Dundas Lucca D Mr. Thomas J. Flanagan III D Ms. Leah A. Latham D Ms. Elizabeth C. Little D Mr. D. Jesse MacDougall D Ms. Wesleigh E. McMahon D Mr. Cyrus H. Moulton D Mr. Edward P. Norton Mr. Kevin J. O’Brien D Mr. Emil J. Peinert D Mr. Mark C. Ribeiro D Mr. Stephen F. Soden D Mr. Blake E. Zahn D

Ryan J. Michney PhD Mr. Guillermo Moronta Jr. D Mrs. Augusta F. Nadler Williams D Mr. Edward C. Poirier D Ms. Katherine Sherman Roth D Mr. Daniel C. Ryan D Ms. Jaquelyn M. Scharnick D Mr. Adam Shabshelowitz D

Class o f 2001 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 16% D o l l a rs $8,965

Navigators Anonymous Mr. Samuel S. Assad D Mrs. Molly Koch Bechtel D Mr. Patrick J. Collins D Mrs. Lulit Anteneh Tamiru Finnegan Mrs. Charlotte Bryan Brown Glawe D Ms. Alexandra D. Gray D Ms. Louise L. Hill D Mrs. Heather Deblois Huszar D Ms. Ashley A. Johnston D Ms. Jeanette P. Lofsky D Ms. Alice Mattison D Mrs. Maura Walsh McGuinness D Ms. Sarah J. Palestine Mr. Tucker D. Prudden D Mr. Ford S. Reiche D Mr. Matthew B. Sloan D Ms. Ashley E. Steen Mrs. Melissa Epstein Weller Lt. Katherine B. Whitman D Mr. Christopher E. R. Wildman Mr. Geoffrey A. Worrell D Mrs. Caitlin Milbury Young D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mrs. Kristen Miller Mahoney D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Aaron D. Polhemus D Mrs. Courtney Birkins Polhemus D Navigators Mr. Jonathan M. Aisenberg Ms. Anne S. Bowen D Mrs. Erin Washburn Griffith D Ms. Debora L. Harmsen Mrs. Caitlin McCormick Murray D Ms. Cameron O. Nugent D Mr. Stephen H. O’Brien D Mr. John C. Phelan Mrs. Devon Kensington Rannazzisi D Mr. Michael L. Rehwinkel D Mr. Eric Shabshelowitz D Ms. Virginia Schnure Simon Mr. Daniel P. Skoglund D Mrs. Heather McRae Tabisola D Ms. Lindsay Worrell White D Mr. Alan A. Zwicker D

Class o f 2 0 0 3 P a rt i c i p a t ion 2 6 % D o l l a rs $7 , 2 1 1

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Alex C. Lanstein D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. John C. Cotti D Mr. Louis M. Cotti D

Class o f 2 0 0 4 P a rt i c i p a tion 3 3 % D o l l a rs $ 7 , 6 8 6

Class o f 2002 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 19% D o l l a rs $6,607

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Ms. Emily Schnure D

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Andrew Joblon D Mr. Jeffrey P. Vickers Jr.

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Anonymous

Navigators Mr. Hiromasa Aono D Mrs. Jameson DuPont Collingham D Mrs. Eliza Moulton Crimmings D Ms. Suzanne M. Elio D Mrs. Kathleen M. Fredericks Ms. Greer G. L. Gehler D Mr. Jonathan G. Gistis D Mrs. Brie Chevalier Kalivas D Mrs. Jessica Keeley Keough D Mr. Alexander D. Kirkland Ms. Molly MacDougall Ms. Alexandria M. McManus D Ms. Margaret E. McSweeny D

Navigators Anonymous Ms. Alissa N. Assad D Ms. Brittany L. Burnham Mr. John J. Burns Mrs. Sarah Feldman Burns Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Buteau D Mr. Garrett B. Curran D Ms. Sara G. DiPesa D Dr. Ryan W. England D Ms. Lauren E. Folino D Ms. Liz M. Gallinaro D Mrs. Elizabeth Lucas Higgins D Mr. Philip G. Kazlauskas D Ms. Jessica B. King D


Mr. Brian T. Kolb D Ms. Sarah J. Lang Mr. Peter C. LePage Jr. D Mr. Christopher E. Manatis Lornell D Ms. Alanna K. McGovern USCG D Mr. Ryan M. Moskovitz D Mr. Duncan H.M. Nadler D Mr. Justin J. Oakes D Mrs. Kathleen J. O’Neil Moore D Ms. Ainsley C. Onstott Mr. Eric T. Ostrowski D Mr. William H. O’Toole D Ms. Kristin S. Phalen D Mr. Drew D. Piekarski Mrs. Bonnie Duncan Punsky D Mr. Benjamin Sampson D Mr. Jacob T. Soares Mr. Jonathan O. Stoltenberg Mr. Charles C. Talanian D Mr. Keenan D. Thomson D Mr. Lawrence Vo Mr. Nathaniel Walton D Mrs. Katharine Wolff Ms. Sharon Yang D C lass of 2 0 0 5 Par ticipation 2 4 % Dollar s $ 3 ,6 0 0

All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Allen M. Piekara D Navigators Mr. Isa H. Abdur Rahman D Mrs. Emily Carson Atwood D Mr. Andrew D. Barker D Mrs. Meghan C. Barrett Welch D Mrs. Elizabeth A. Blank D Ms. Kara R. Boon D Ms. Elizabeth L. Carroll Ms. Emily A. Chandler D Mr. David M. Cleveland D Mrs. Siobhan Murphy Cleveland D Ms. Ellen S. Collins Ms. Alexandra S. Decas D Mr. Matthew P. Duggan Mr. Curtis A. Edenfield D Mrs. Alaska Burr Elia Mr. Christian J. Garris Mr. Nicholas O. Keches D Ms. Johanna D. Lopez Paraizo Dr. Molly M. Malone D Ms. Kelley C. McCarthy D Mr. John W. Nobrega D Mr. Orlando R. Patterson D Mr. Christopher M. Potts D Mr. Adam E. Roy D Ms. Catherine E. Sheridan D Ms. Mary Frances Griffith Szoradi Ms. Candace P. Whipple D Mr. Michael A. Yacobian D C lass of 2 0 0 6 Par ticipation 3 3 % Dollar s $ 3 ,8 0 0

Navigators Ms. Elizabeth P. Barba D Ms. Jenna Barnes D Mr. Trevor N. Browning D


Ms. Phoebe C. Cabot D Mrs. Carolina Cesar Levesque D Ms. Alyse K. Churchill D Mr. Perry F. Dripps D Ms. Elizabeth G. Eaton D Mr. Eric J. Franks D Dr. Whitney E. Greene D Ms. Laura E. Grimes D Mr. Eliott P. Grover D Mrs. Meghan Shine Grover D Ms. Courtney N. Kensington Mr. Jesse A. Kirkland Mr. Brian A. Koehler Ms. Ka Lam Kung D Mrs. Kathryn Metscher Lally D Mr. Kyle W. Lortie Mrs. Samantha Caplan Lowen D Mr. Maximilian Martucelli D Mr. Jonathan J. McCarthy Mr. William M. Moger D Mr. William T. Morrissey Ms. Carly B. Nelthropp D Ms. Wendy D. Nobrega D Mrs. Sarah Madison Pennington D Mr. Jamie B. Prudden D Mrs. Victoria Forman Prudden D Lt. Elizabeth T. Rajchel Ms. Leigh E. Richards D Mr. Andrew P. Roque Ms. Nina P. See Mr. Benjamin D. Smith D Mr. Douglas M. Surgenor D Mrs. Kearsley Lloyd Sweeney D Ms. Valerie J. Valant D Ms. Katherine K. Verrochi Ms. Youna Whang Mr. Spencer E. Zahn D Class of 2007 Parti ci pati o n 22% Do lla rs $28,765

Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Ms. Sarah E. Ellins D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Ms. Jennifer B. Fox Navigators Ms. Danielle Belanger D Mr. Ryan M. Carroll D Mr. Nathaniel J. Carson D Mr. Thomas W. Cashel III Ms. Elizabeth A. Confalone D Ms. Catherine M. DiPesa D Mr. Bryan M. Eger D Ms. Marissa R. Gentile D Ms. Kaela M. Grealish D Ms. Lauren E. Grew D Mr. Peter A. Lamb D Ms. Shannon Neschke Mr. Justin B. Nichols D Mrs. Kelsey Durocher Smith Mrs. Victoria Sargent Sulser Mr. Vincent J. Valant D Ms. Lauren M. Veneziano D Mrs. Laura Allen Zilewicz D Mr. J. Michael Zollo D

Class of 2008 Parti ci pati o n 28% Do lla rs $3,600

Navigators Anonymous (3) Pfc. Peter Bacon D Ms. Katherine E. Baer Mr. Jarrod R. Bannon D Ms. Lindsey D. Barrington Mr. Sean M. Bouchard D Mrs. Grace Emmons Carroll D Mr. Wyatt W. Clarke Ms. Daniele S. Cole D Ms. Tory A. Dennerlein Mr. John C. Douglas Mrs. Maura Neal Eger D Ms. Kelly E. Foley D Ms. Stephanie E. Garrett D Mr. Philip H. Greenwood D Mr. Wesley P. Grover Mr. Schuyler G. Hemmerdinger D Mr. Michael M. Jangro Ms. Aimee R. Kelleher D Mr. Clifford R. Kensington Mr. Evan R. Lehrer Ms. Ariel D. Leitao D Ms. Anne W. Lukens D Ms. Katherine E. Maloy Mr. Myles J. McGreavy D Ms. Elizabeth L. Pierce D Ms. Jane E. Pimentel D Mr. Ned R. Riseley Ms. Justine N. Rooney Mr. Sean P. Ross D Mr. Christopher M. Sirianni Ms. Annabelle J. Smith D Mr. R.J. Swift D Mr. Per C. Tvetenstrand D Mr. Kevin M. Valles D Class of 2009 Parti ci pati o n 23% Do lla rs $11,011

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mrs. Kathryn Faucher Browning D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Ms. Louise K. Nadler D Navigators Anonymous (2) Mr. John M. Allen Ms. Liese J. Becker Ms. Chloe E. Charette D Mr. Caleb T. Corliss D Mr. Carson H. Drake D Mr. Matthew F. Dunne D Ms. Brianne G. Grealish D Mr. Christopher S. Hall D Mr. Michael J. Hennessy D Mr. Matthew L. Jackson D Ms. Constance K. Jangro Ms. Selbie L. Jason D Ms. Alyson A. Metscher Mr. Colby E. Morgan D Ms. Carly E. Nuttall D Mr. Robert W. Oliver D Ms. Meghan E. Reynolds

Ms. Megan E. Rilkoff D Mr. Winthrop Sargent Mr. Malcolm T. See D Mr. Andrew J. Silva D Ms. Chelsea E. Souza D Ms. Sara B. Stone D Ms. Dannette I. Tejeda D Ms. Caroline I. Tocci Mrs. Meredith Reynolds Welsh D Mr. Harry J. Yates D Class o f 2010 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 44% D o l l a rs $9,646

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. Alexander O. Browning D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Scott M. Barnhill D Ms. Yuxin Guan D Navigators Anonymous Mr. Robert C. C. Armstrong D Mr. Samuel S. Bacon Ms. Bliss H. Baker D Mr. Scott G. Barger D Mr. George C. Barrett D Mr. Samuel H. Barrington D Mr. H. Jake Berry Ms. Ashley M. Brooks D Mr. Kyler G. Canastra Ms. Erika R. Carleton D Mr. Charles S. Cheston Ms. Yea Seul Chung Mr. Nicholas P. Ciffolillo Mr. James H. Downer D Mr. Timothy H. Dyer Ms. Maria A. Ferreira Cesar D Ms. Kacy D. M. Fontaine D Mr. Fernando Jose Gonzalez D Mr. Obadiah O. Greer Carney Mr. Adam Harding Mr. Chawner W. Hurd Mr. Peter T. Hurd Mr. Joshua T. Kanter D Ms. Eliza T. Kennedy D Ms. Kaely A. Kernan Mr. Christopher Kim Ms. Hope B. King D Ms. Erica L. Larence Ms. Debi J. Lindsey D Mr. Cleuton C. Lopes Ms. Mary Christine Mackey D Mr. Gary A. Maestas D Ms. Madeline P. Marinella D Mr. Cody S. Martin D Ms. Meagan K. McCarthy D Ms. Samantha H. Muther D Ms. Lara N. Nargozian Mr. Patrick M. O’Brien Mr. Jonathan E. Pezzoni D Ms. Trillium M. Pryor Mr. Dana J. Resmini D Mr. Vir Seth Mr. Timothy A. Shea Ms. Julia H. Shepley Ms. Cassandra D. Smith Mr. Eli B. Smith D

Mr. Kevin P. Sullivan D Mr. Christian W. Tracy Ms. Ashley T. Worrell D Mr. Anthony H. Zonfrelli D Class o f 2011 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 28% D o l l a rs $1,505

Navigators Anonymous (3) Mr. Christopher H. Au Mr. Andrew P. Bannon D Mr. Samuel W. Barrett D Mr. Daniel E. Benoit Mr. Matthew R. Benoit Ms. Charlotte L. Browning Mr. Timothy J. Coffey D Ms. Alexandra B. Cunningham Ms. Alden C. Drake D Ms. Solange V. Elkallassi Ms. Mellissa J. Giegerich Ms. Jillian M. Hoban Mr. Nicholas H. Johnstone Ms. Katheryn A. Kanto D Ms. Erin A. Kickham Mr. Virapat Kieuvongngam Mr. Takuo Koyama Mr. Scott J. Lauermann D Ms. Samantha D. Lockley D Mr. Timothy R. Lucey D Ms. Krista K. Manzanares D Ms. Abigail E. McBride D Mr. Aidan P. McBride D Ms. Marjorie R. Morrissey Ms. Emily L. Norris Mr. Alex T. Nugent D Ms. Emily E. Olson Ms. Emily R. Pitman D Mr. Andrew P. Staniar Ms. Meaghan E. Sullivan Mr. Samuel V. P. Toomey D Class o f 2012 P a rt i c i p a t i o n 20% D o l l a rs $4,115

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. Channing L. Walker D Navigators Mr. Connor W. Barley D Mr. Frederick C. Buffum V Mr. Yi Min Chen D Ms. Alexa N. Driscoll D Mr. Jake A. Farias D Ms. Katherine R. Hill Ms. Catherine A. Hjerpe D Ms. Margaret R. LeBrun D Ms. Carley B. Lemay D Ms. MacKenzie C. MacRae Ms. Anne M. McBride D Ms. Kelley T. Newman D Ms. Kristen M. Nuttall D Mr. Michael V. Pratt Ms. Abigail G. Pynchon D Mr. Nicholas M. Ramos D Ms. Paula M. Rooney Ms. Melanie M. Rosen D Ms. Jazmyne M. Roulhac D

Mr. Bryan D. Shropshire D Mr. Asa W. Smith D Ms. Lily K. Smith D Ms. Catherine V. Sullivan D Mr. Zachary W. Togut Ms. Sarah A. White D Ms. Kara L. Zammito D Mr. Torin A. Zonfrelli D Class o f 2 0 1 3 P a rt i c i p a tion 2 4 % D o l l a rs $ 4 , 2 8 0

Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Ms. L. Anne Walker D Navigators Anonymous (2) Mr. Connor M. Banks Mr. Simon E. Bearse Mr. Edmund M. Cooper Mr. Nicholas R. Craig Mr. Lex M. Davis D Mr. Benjamin M. DiFilippo D Ms. Christina M. Frasca D Ms. Allison A. Griffin D Ms. Caroline Hill Mr. Hsing Han Huang D Ms. Peiying Huang Ms. Alyssa R. Kanter Ms. Kristen E. Knight Ms. Catherine Clare M. Knowlton D Ms. Brenna L. LaPierre Mr. Sean Lowder D Ms. Kristen N. Mabie D Mr. James Q. McKeown Ms. Emily A. Palazesi Mr. Adam W. Ryder Mr. Oliver H. Stone D Ms. Jessica A. Stowell Ms. Katherine H. Sweetser Ms. Katherine L. Vareika D Mr. Nicholas L. Veronesi D Mr. Justin H. Waligory D Ms. Abigail M. Waring Class o f 2 0 1 4 P a rt i c i p a t ion 2 5 % D o l l a rs $1 , 3 3 0

Navigators Mr. Charles L. Benedict D Mr. Alexander Benoit Mr. James M. Brunone Ms. Stephanie R. Campbell D Ms. Lydia E. Caputi Mr. Mitchell B. Cole Ms. Harley L. Cornell Mr. Morgan G. Dawicki Ms. Alexandra J. Dawson D Ms. Shelby C. Densman D Mr. Grant J. DeWald Ms. Danielle Dillon D Ms. Ariel J. Etheridge Ms. Laura V. Ferreira Cesar Ms. Holly Francis D Mr. McKinley Halpern Reiss Ms. Margaret K. Hersam D Ms. Madeleine O. Jamieson D Ms. India Johnstone

* = deceased


Mr. Patrick L. Leary Montolio Ms. Tatum Leclair D Ms. Meaghan L. MacRae Ms. Elsie M. Martinson D Mr. Alec McBride D Mr. William W. Oakes Ms. Kendolyn C. Roe D Ms. Alyssa E. Rueb D Mr. William W. Saltonstall Jr. D Mr. Nathan C. Shapiro D Ms. Halle Silva Ms. Kathryn Sudduth D Mr. Peter M. Teague D Mr. Matthew R. Tracy Mr. Samuel Wakeman D C lass of 2 0 1 5 Par ticipation 2 1 % Dollar s $ 1 ,4 9 8

Navigators Mr. Robert W. Balboni Mr. Zachary J. Bannon D Ms. Samantha B. Benedict D Ms. Kristen L. Burke D Ms. Alexa Cole D Mr. Benjamin A. Cook D Mr. David M. Eyler D Mr. Fangyi Fan D Mr. William B. Hall D Ms. Caldwell D. Harden D Mr. David S. Marshall D Ms. Gweneth M. McCain Mr. Joseph P. McGrady III Mr. Paul E. Mitchell III D Mr. Christopher M. O’Brien Ms. Olivia R. Palombo Mr. Peter A. Poulin Jr. D Ms. Kelsey B. Shakin D Ms. Caroline J. Shaunessy D Ms. Catherine L. Stampfli Mr. Horace J. Stillwell D Ms. Francesca A. Ward Ms. Leandra I. Warren Mr. Connor M. West D Mr. John A. Wolff Ms. Yatong Yang Ms. Julie E. Zammito D

Ms. Bridget Lattimer D Ms. Mary Katharine E. McIntire D Mr. Michael B. McLean Ms. Karen T. Morahan D Ms. Hannah L. Perry D Mr. Thomas J. Riley D Mr. Kyle E. Rood Ms. Coco S. Ross Mr. Michael J. Ryan D Ms. Shannon Ryan D Mr. Griffin R. Sigal Ms. Andrea N. Tardif D Ms. Brooke C. Wakeman Ms. Emma Waligory D Ms. Lulu Ward Ms. Maura E. Woods D Class of 2017 Parti ci pati o n 16% Do lla rs $13,142

Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Ms. Summer L. Hofeldt All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Mr. Jackson K. Doggett Mr. John N. Kirk Jr. Navigators Anonymous Ms. Katherine H. P. Cody Mr. Lewis C. Cooper Ms. Duhita Das Ms. Reagan E. Eyler D Mr. Jack K. Gordon Ms. Merrick J. Gregory Mr. Jonathan E. Mabie Ms. Catherine L. Marshall Ms. Madison McGrady D Mr. Giles W. McNamee Ms. Katherine P. Mitchell Ms. Emily R. Moore Mr. Noah L. Sadhwani Ms. Lucy A. Saltonstall Mr. John T. Shakin Ms. Mingyi Xia Mr. David Zymba Class of 2018

C lass of 2 0 1 6 Par ticipation 2 2 % Dollar s $ 6 ,0 8 7

Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. Cameron A. Coelho Ms. Katherine O. Graham D Navigators Ms. Elizabeth K. Abbott D Mr. Will Appleton D Mr. Sterling Benkhart Ms. Mary Catherine Bent D Ms. Catherine Boxler Mr. Finnian S. Cashel Mr. Antranig M. Dadagian Ms. Elizabeth M. Dognazz D Ms. Lauren Y. Feeney Mr. Austin G. Franklin D Mr. Charles T. Hersam D Ms. Olivia A. Kaszanek D


Rising Tide Mr. Daniel Bailey Ms. Lilly G. Carlson Mr. John A. Cavanaugh Ms. Alexandria Coffin D Ms. Piper D. Cole Ms. India J. Daniel Ms. Ashley H. Dowling Mr. Graham G. Mogollón Ms. Abigail F. Mottur Ms. Julia C. Peterson Ms. Isabelle B. Reid Ms. Angela R. Waters Ms. Ella G. Withington Mr. Michael P. Zammito D Class of 2019

Rising Tide Mr. Cameron Barbagallo D Ms. Phoebe Dias Mr. Nicholas Grazioso

Mr. Max A. Gryska Mr. Tyler J. Harvey Mr. John Marvel Ms. Lizzie M. McClennon Ms. Kellie N. Navarro Ms. Grace C. Palazesi Mr. Owen Sughrue D Mr. Steven Walxim Mr. Yudai Yamakawa Ms. Yu Ye Class of 2020

Rising Tide Ms. Jing Bao Mr. Cormac R. Bruce Ms. Isabelle W. Cheney Mr. Peter L. Cheney Mr. Edward R. Dunn Ms. Paige M. Franklin Ms. Tara Gerjarusak Ms. Emma K. Quirk Mr. Mahiro Yamakawa

Mr. & Mrs. Gar F. Ferguson ’66 D Ms. Kristen Gillis D Mr. Biao Guo & Ms. Zhaoxia Chen D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Haas D Mr. Adam Hetnarski D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hofeldt D Mr. & Mrs. William F. Houlihan Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Douglas T. Hsu ’61 D Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jadul D Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Jarbeau ’65 D Mr. Lingfei Liu & Mrs. Chi Zhang D Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Macaulay D Mr. & Mrs. Atsushi Matsuo D Mr. & Mrs. Liam McClennon D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Murphy D Mr. Russell Post D Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk D Mr. & Mrs. William C. Shattuck Mr. Ling To Shum & Ms. Oi Fan Ng D Mr. & Mrs. John F. Swope ’56 D Mr. & Mrs. Paisal Tarasansombat Ms. Kai Tsutsumi D Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welsh D

Class of 2021

Rising Tide Ms. Elaine A. Cederholm Ms. Caroline C. Dowling Mr. Peter A. Eberley D Mr. Samuel W. Gryska D Ms. Skylar K. Irving Ms. Katherine L. Marvel Mr. Andrew C. Mottur G IFTS FROM PA REN T S PA ST A N D PRESEN T

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Anonymous Carmine ’71 & Beth Martignetti Mr. & Mrs. Keith N. Browning ’79 D Mr. & Mrs. John F. Fish ’78 D Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Graham D Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin D Mr. & Mrs. Sumner J. Waring III ’87 D James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Mr. Ernest Boch Jr. D Mr. Peter Douglas & Ms. Ulrika Ekman D Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. & Mrs. John F. Austin III D Mr. Yanchun Bai & Ms. Hong Liu D Mrs. Joanna Bennett D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Daniel D Mr. John C. Decas ’53 Mr. Brad Ellins & Ms. Tonya Jilling D Mrs. Elizabeth W. Eyler ’87 & Mr. John M. Eyler D Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Fallon D Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tomlinson ’83 D Mr. Baolong Wei ‡ Mrs. Xiaojun Chen The Estate of Thomas W. Wilbor Jr. ’45 Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Anonymous Mr. Bingzhang Bao & Ms. Yuping Yu Prof. & Mrs. Wendell S. Brown D Mr. & Mrs. David Earley D Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Fawcett Sr. ’62 D

Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barry D Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bomberg D Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bray D Mr. Devon Bruce & Mrs. Yvonne Derrig Bruce D Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Campbell D Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cook D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher de Roetth D Mr. & Mrs. John Doggett D Dr. & Mrs. James P. Dowling ’81 D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eames D Mr. Dennis Ehrreich & Mrs. Catherine Connolly Ehrreich D Mr. & Mrs. E. Daniel Eilertsen Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Farrell D Mr. & Mrs. James W. Feeney D Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ferguson D Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fisher D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Franyo D Dr. & Mrs. Sarakorn Gerjarusak D Dr. Henry Grazioso & Dr. Kristine Grazioso D Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Jaeger Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jeffries D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jessop D Mr. & Mrs. C. Ronald Johnson ’64 D Mr. & Mrs. Loring Knoblauch D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Lack D Mr. Stewart MacDonald & Ms. Cynthia Doggett Mr. & Mrs. Eric Marandett D Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel ’87 & Mr. William Marvel D Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Mead D Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miller D Mr. & Mrs. John Murray D Mr. & Mrs. Leni J. Palazesi D Mr. & Mrs. John Paliotta D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ridgley Mr. & Mrs. William Rousseau D Mr. & Mrs. John Rudicus D Mr. Jamey Shachoy & Mrs. Laura Ryan Shachoy D

Mr. & Mrs. Ross E. Sherbrooke D Mr. David H. Stevens ’73 D Mr. & Mrs. Eric H. Strand ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin B. Strong Mr. Jackson P. Sumner ’52* D Dr. Paul Tedesco & Dr. Eleanor Tedesco D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tidus Ms. Jratsri Tobunluepop D Ms. Christine Ward D Mr. Aimin Zhang & Ms. Hong Shen D Mr. Wen Zhou & Ms. Bei Yang D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Blasdale ’61 D Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Cavanaugh D Mrs. Jin Chen D Mr. & Mrs. George C. Domolky D Mr. & Mrs. James Durkin D Capt. & Mrs. Stephen Ethridge D Mr. Lei Fang & Ms. Kehan Lu Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hill D Tabor Korean Parents’ Association D Mr. Hoon Cheol Kim & Ms. Eunsoo Lee Mr. Il Seung Heo & Ms. Yoon Jung Jang Mr. Seongsoo Hong & Ms. Injeong Kim Dr. Seung Soo Hwang & Ms. Moon Hyeon Kim Mr. Gi Suk Jung & Ms. Mi Kyung Shin Mr. Sang Hoon Kim & Ms. Seung Jin Lee Mr. Jai Sung Lee & Ms. Sae Wha Chung Dr. Jeong-Woo Nam & Ms. Jung-Min Kim Mr. Samuel W. Lambert III D Mr. & Mrs. James Lennane Mr. Carlos Mogollón & Ms. Elspeth Hotchkiss D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Shabshelowitz D Mr. & Mrs. George T.J. Walker D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV D Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Bonoli D Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand H. Brewer III D Mr. Yadi Chen & Ms. Jiner Chen D Mr. & Mrs. James C. Collins ’48 D Mr. & Mrs. Robert DiFilippo D Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 D Mr. & Mrs. Bradford N. Eames ’61 D Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Grosart D Mr. Jun Han & Mrs. Wei Sun D Mr. & Mrs. John Hartnett D Mr. Tao Huang & Ms. Fang Fang D Mr. & Mrs. William T. Hurley III ’57 D Mr. Robert H. Judd Jr. & Ms. Rania Lavranos D Dr. & Mrs. Dennis La Rock D Mr. Jai Sung Lee & Ms. Sae Wha Chung D Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miccolis D Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Myer D Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Nadler Jr. D Dr. Jeong Woo Nam & Ms. Jung Min Kim Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Phelan D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pierce Jr. ’77 D Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rolighed D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Romagnoli D Mr. & Mrs. William W. Saltonstall ’82 D Mrs. Robin Arms Shields ’90 & Mr. Timothy Shields D

Mr. Chris Simon & Dr. Tina Wang Mr. Jianfei Wang & Ms. Liyan Xing D Mr. Chris Simon & Dr. Tina Wang D Mr. Zhe Wang & Ms. Guang Wu Mr. Geoff H. Worrell D Dr. & Ms. Masayuki Yamakawa D All-A-Taut-O Society ($1,000+) Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Aisenberg D Mr. Richard I. Arthur & Ms. Sarah Fallon D Mrs. David B. Barker ’46 D Mr. & Mrs. John H. Birdsall III ’62 D Mr. & Mrs. James & Melissa Bride D Mr. & Mrs. Sarawut Buamahakul D Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Burbank D Mr. & Mrs. Eric Carlstrom D Mrs. Sara Mycock Cederholm ’91 & Mr. Eric Cederholm D Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Chandler D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Clark D John & Merry Conway D Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan H. Cook D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Craighead Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Crocker ’58 D Mr. Timothy H. Dyer ’67 D Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Ferguson ’48 D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Foley D Mr. & Mrs. Kirk J. Franklin ’81 D Ms. Susan Franyo Mr. & Mrs. Peter O. Frisch D Mr. & Mrs. Albert Giandomenico D Mr. & Mrs. Byron J. Gierhart Jr. ’83 D Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grace D Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Gregory Jr. D Mr. Wei Guo & Mrs. Chunhui Li D Mr. James Forker & Ms. Jennifer Henriques Forker D Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Kakas II ’60 D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelliher D Mr. & Mrs. Charles King D Mr. & Mrs. John N. Kirk ’83 D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Knoll D Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Kroll D Mr. & Mrs. Carter E. Mario ’76 D Mr. & Mrs. John H. McCain D Mr. Andrew F. McIntire ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. George McNamara D Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Merry ’61 D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mills D Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Mino Jr. ’63 D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mira D Mr. Frederic C. Mock ’83 & Mrs. Cindy Carr Mock ’86 D Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Moore ’61 D Ms. Summers Moore D Mr. & Mrs. John R. Nugent D Mr. & Mrs. Paul Park D Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. Brentnall Powell D Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ramos D Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Reed ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Richmond Rev. & Mrs. Mark K. J. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Schutt Jr. ’61 D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Schwartz ’53 D


Mr. & Mrs. Warren Skillman D Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Smith ’59 Mr. & Mrs. David Souza D Mr. & Mrs. Kristian J. Stoltenberg ’66 D Mrs. Margot D. Stone D Mr. & Mrs. Galen Sweeney D Mr. John Sweeney & Dr. Linda Sweeney D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tardif D Mrs. Mary L. Tomlinson D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vareika D Mr. & Mrs. William H. Weeks ’75 D Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. West III ’82 D Mr. & Mrs. John Wolff D Mr. Wei Dong Ye D Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Zammito D Navigators Anonymous (13) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Abbott D Ms. Nahdiyah Abdur Rahman D Mr. & Mrs. Todd Ackerman D Mr. Christopher G. Adams D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Adams D Mr. & Mrs. Clayton W. Adams Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Owen Ahearn Mr. & Mrs. T. Mark Aimone ’86 D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Albertson Jr. ’50 D Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Alfonso D Ms. Charlotte Amorello Ms. Alexis Anderson D Mr. & Mrs. Darvin Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Carl Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Appleton D Rev. Robert Baer & Rev. Christine Burns D Mr. Richard L. Baker D Mr. & Mrs. John N. Balboni D Dr. Fahad Balghunaim Mr. Phillip Banas & Ms. Cynthia De Witt D Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Banister ’61 D Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bannon D Mr. & Mrs. Randolph C. Barba D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Barbagallo D Ms. Kelly A. Barley Dr. & Mrs. Walter F. Barnes D Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Barresi D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Barry Sr. Mr. Scott F. Bearse ’74 D Mr. Gus Bedoya Mr. & Mrs. Nelson A. Belanger III D Mr. & Mrs. Sidney M. Bennett D Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Benoit II Mr. & Mrs. George Bent D Mr. & Mrs. George A. Benway III ’85 D Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence O. Bidstrup Jr. D Mrs. Janice K. Birdsall D Mr. & Mrs. Mark Boardman D Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Boniface D Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Boon ’73 D Mr. & Mrs. David V. D. Borden ’67 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bosworth D Mr. & Mrs. Rene J. Bouchard III D Ms. Lauren Boucher D Ms. Nicole Bousquet D Mrs. Hollie Bowen D Mr. & Mrs. Chad Bower Mr. & Mrs. Matthias Boxler D Mr. & Mrs. James Bracken D Mr. & Mrs. James R. Brady D


Dr. & Mrs. Earl & Mimi Briggs D Mr. & Mrs. Serge E. Brosselin ’84 D The Estate of Mrs. Ruth T. Brown Mr. & Mrs. James Browne Mr. & Mrs. Barry Browning D Mr. Nicholas Bryan-Brown & Ms. Claudia Richards Mr. Charles S. Bucklin Mr. & Mrs. Leon Budilovsky D Mr. Robert Burke D Mr. Thomas N. Butler & Ms. Julie Reitzas D Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Butters D Ms. Carolin R. Buttrick D Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell W. Cabot ’69 D Ms. Tara Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. James P. Cammarata Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Campbell D Mrs. Linda C. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Orland Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Craig Carchidi D Mr. & Mrs. Brett Carlson D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Carter Mr. & Mrs. Steven Carvalho D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cashel D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Chapin ’77 Mr. & Mrs. George Charette III D Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cheney D Mr. Hoon Cheol Kim & Ms. Eunsoo Lee D Mr. Lobsang Chodak & Ms. Thinlay Chodon Mr. Hojin Chung & Ms. Kyung Ah Lee D Mr. & Mrs. Derek Civilinski D Col. & Mrs. Gerald S. Clancy Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Gary Clark Mr. & Mrs. Derek D. Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Cochran ’84 D Rev. & Mrs. Ernest W. Cockrell D Mr. & Mrs. Ray Coffin D Mr. & Mrs. William D. Colby D Mr. & Mrs. Derek Cole D Mr. & Mrs. Shannon Collins D Mr. & Mrs. Clinton H. Condon Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Connard III D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Costello Jr. D Ms. Kristen Cote D Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Cowen ’70 D Mr. & Mrs. Steven Cowen ’72 D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Craig Mr. Steven L. Crowley ’66 D Mr. John Croy & Ms. Erica Buchanan D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Cunningham ’69 D Mr. & Mrs. John Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dadagian D Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Daly D Mr. Sheldon Daly & Ms. Bernadette Kelly D Mr. & Mrs. Richard DaSilva Jr. ’89 D Mr. & Mrs. Eric Dawicki D Ms. Maria DeSantis Harden D Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Dias D Ms. Melissa Dias D Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Sally Dinan D Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Dineen D Mr. Jeffrey Dingle & Ms. Susan Poor D Ms. Patricia M. Dodge D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dognazzi D Mr. & Mrs. Gregory F. Donahue

Mr. & Mrs. Chris M. Donley ’84 D Mr. Christopher Douvos D Mr. Robert C. Dowley D Mr. & Mrs. David H. Drake D Mr. & Mrs. Donovan Dunn D Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Durocher D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eberley Mr. & Mrs. Charles Elliott Mr. Peter J. Erving D Dr. & Mrs. Francis Falck D Prof. & Mrs. Louis M. Falkson ’55 D Mr. & Mrs. Paul Farren D Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Feeney ’88 D Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Feldman D Mr. & Mrs. James Ferguson D Mr. & Mrs. John & Jane Fertig D Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Finley ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Flynn D Mr. & Mrs. William H. Foulk Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Kirk J. Franklin ’81 D Dr. Ivan Frantz & Dr. Barbara Shephard D Mr. & Mrs. David A. Frothingham D Mr. & Mrs. Dave Furneaux Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gamer D Mr. & Mrs. Clay Garber D Mr. Peter T. Gebhard III & Dr. Sara S. Gebhard D Mr. & Mrs. William Gebhardt D Capt. James E. Geil D Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Geraghty Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Germer D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gindhart D Mr & Mrs. Andrew Glashow D Mr. Mark B. Glovsky ’66 D Mr. & Mrs. Nader Golestaneh Mr. & Mrs. William Goncalo D Mr. Lebis Gonzalez & Ms. Teresa Benavides Mr. & Mrs. Brad Gordon Mr. Jeffrey E. Gould & Ms. Jeanne Runewicz D Mr. Kevin Grant & Ms. Valarie Kinkade D Mr. & Mrs. William C. Greene Mrs. Marjorie Grinnan D Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Grondin D Mr. & Mrs. David C. Grusz ’77 D Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Gryska D Ms. Helen Hadley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hall D Mr. & Mrs. Russell Halpern Reiss D Dr. Thomas Hamilton & Dr. Virginia Hamilton D Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Hanneman Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hanrahan Mr. & Mrs. Joe Harding Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harlow Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harris Mr. & Mrs. Brett Harvey D Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hauck D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. Heaslip ’82 D Mr. & Mrs. John M. Heavey D Dr. & Mrs. William J. Hemmerdinger D Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Hempel II D Mr. Il Seung Heo & Ms. Yoon Jung Jang Mrs. Jean P. Hermes D Mr. Oscar Hernandez Ms. Margaret E. Hersam D Mr. Alexander T. Hetzeck D

Mr. Brad Hill & Mrs. Maureen McManus Hill Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hjerpe Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Hodgson Jr. Mr. Seongsoo Hong & Ms. Injeong Kim D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Horton Sr. ’96 D Mr. & Mrs. Gary Horton D Ms. Joanie Hosp Mr. & Mrs. James D. Houck D Mr. & Mrs. Edward Howard Mr. & Mrs. William Howell Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Howland D Ms. Katherine W. Hoxsie Mr. Teng Huang & Ms. Qizhi Dai Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hunsaker Jr. D Mr. Lawrence Hunt & Ms. Lisa Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Euan Hutchison D Dr. & Mrs. William H. Hutson D Dr. Seung Soo Hwang & Ms. Moon Hyeon Kim D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Iascone D Mr. & Mrs. Jay Irving Mr. Thomas Jackivicz & Ms. Pamela Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Franklin P. Jackson D Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Jacobs D Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Jangro Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jason D Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Jenkins D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jenkins D Mrs. Diane Johnston D Mr. Robert B. Jones ’55 D Mr. & Mrs. Donald Q. Joyce D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Joyce D Mr. Gi Suk Jung & Ms. Mi Kyung Shin D Mr. & Mrs. James M. Keeley D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Kelleher III D Mr. Kirk Kelly ’84 & Dr. Brooke Kennington The Estate of Mr. & Mrs. Taylor L. Kennedy ’39 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Kennedy The Kensington Family D Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. King D Mr. & Mrs. Gary King Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kirk ’85 D Dr. & Mrs. Karl Kistler D Mr. & Mrs. James A. Knight D Ms. Lynne Kollock Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Kosicki D Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kourtesis D Mr. & Mrs. Derek Krein D Mr. & Mrs. Carl Harry A. Kwapong D Mr. & Mrs. Richard LaCasse D Ms. Lisa LaGue D Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Lang Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lankowski D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Latham D Mr. & Mrs. William Lattimer D Mr. Eric LaTulippe Dr. Scott D. Lauermann D Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Lawton ’60 D Dr. & Mrs. Allen Leadbetter D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Leaver D Mr.& Mrs. Luis Leguia D Ms. Micheline LeRoy D Mr. & Mrs. Yiu Tung Leung D Mrs. Katheryn Lincoln D

Mrs. Elizabeth Linzee D Dr. Ke Chang Liu & Dr. Ya Ling Cheng D Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Livingston D Ms. Mary P. Lockley D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Loftus D Mr. & Mrs. James M. Lombardo D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lotuff Mr. Douglas Lovell D Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lowder D Mr. & Mrs. Bradford W. Lowe ’58 D Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Lucas D Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ludes D Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. MacGregor D Ms. Love Froes Macione ’87 D Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Macken D Mr. & Mrs. C. Christopher MacKenzie ’72 D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Mahon D Rev. & Mrs. Robert H. Malm ’70 D Mr. & Mrs. Steven Maloney D Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Manley D Ms. Christine Manory D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Manory D Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Marlow D Mr. & Mrs. Peter Marshall D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Marshall D Ms. Lynne Mayers Thomas D Mr. & Mrs. David Mazzarella D Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O. McBride D Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. McCaig ’73 D Mr. Andrew L. McCain ’84 & Mrs. Mary Kate McCain D Mr. & Mrs. William McCauley D Mr. & Dr. Rodney McCollester D Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDermott D Mr. & Mrs. Mark McDevitt Mr. Christopher McEnroe & Ms. Kathleen Bliss Mr. & Mrs. John J. McGarrie D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGrady D Mr. & Mrs. Shawn McGuire D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. McIntosh ’70 D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McKenna D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McKerrow D Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. McLean ’57 D Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd B. McManus Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. McNeil D Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. McRae D Mr. & Mrs. James J. McSheffrey D Ms. Kelli M. McSweeny D Mr. & Mrs. John F. Meck III D Mr. & Mrs. Jan Mermin Ms. Tracy Mignatti Mr. & Mrs. Irwin A. Mignott D Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mihalovich Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. William Milewski Mr. & Mrs. Merlin G. Miller D Mr. & Mrs. Terry H. Miller D Mr. Francis Millette D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Milso D Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mogilnicki Jr. ’76 D Mrs. Catherine Goodwin Monaghan ’87 & Mr. Ralph Monaghan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Morahan D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Morgan D Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Morse Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Mottur ’87 D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Mottur ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Musante Jr. ’76 D Mr. & Mrs. Dick & Cindy Muther D Mr. Ronald Mycock ’66 & Ms. Lynn Bernard D Ms. Elizabeth Napolitano Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Neal D Mrs. Joan P. Needham D Mr. Richard H. Needham ’49 Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Nelthropp Jr. D Mr. Eden Yi Ting Ng & Ms. Fiona Wing Shan To Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Nichols D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nickerson D Mr. & Mrs. John H. Nobrega D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Noering Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Northern Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. William B. Notman ’60 D Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Nunes Atty. & Mrs. Thomas J. Nuttall D Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Oakes D Mr. Kenneth Okongwu & Ms. Evelyn Achebe Mr. & Mrs. Leif O’Leary D Mr. William R. O’Leary & Ms. Alexandra Tolischus D Mr. Christopher Olsen & Ms. Elizabeth Clark D Ms. Hilda Orozco Mr. & Mrs. John R. Orshak Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Osborn III D Mr. Edward Pachla & Mrs. Diana Myers Pachla D Mr. & Mrs. Adam W. Packard ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Pala D Mr. & Mrs. Samuel G. Palestine ’69 D Mrs. Donna J. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Noel J. Pardo D Mr. Hugh Parker & Ms. Kanya Numpradit Mr. & Mrs. James W. C. Parker ’66 D Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Parker D Dr. & Mrs. W. M. Peluso MD ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. David Pernell D Mr. & Mrs. Klaus Petereit Mr. & Mrs. Daniel & Lianne Petrocelli D Mr. & Mrs. Samuel P. Phelan D Dr. & Mrs. David Picard Mr. & Mrs. David K. Pierce D Mr. E. Warren Pierce Mr. Myron Pina D Mr. & Mrs. Brian Plunkett D Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Potts D Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Proctor ’55 D Mr. & Mrs. Dennis H. Pucello D Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Purdy Ms. Stacey Quackenbush Mr. William Quackenbush Mr. Marc Racine & Mrs. Ann Marie Pfeninger Racine Mr. & Mrs. James Raisides D Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Ramsbottom ’47 D Ms. Daphne Redd Mr. William D. Reed ’68 D Mr. Fred Reid & Ms. Candida Miranda Mr. & Mrs. James Reid D Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo Resendiz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Resmini D Mr. John J. Reydel Jr. & Ms. E. Anne Gardiner D


* = deceased


Mr. & Mrs. John T. Rice ’70 D Mr. & Mrs. Elmer A. Richards D Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Rilkoff Mr. & Mrs. William E. Riseley D Ms. Angelyn Robinson D Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Rogers D Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Roller D Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Ross II Mr. & Mrs. Hal Rood D Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Rosbe Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Roussel D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ryan D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan D Mr. Damaso Saavedra & Mrs. Allyson Saavedra Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Ajay Sadhwani D Mr. & Mrs. William G. Saltonstall Jr. D Dr. & Mrs. Eduardo A. Salvati Mr. & Mrs. Rico Sanders Mr. Timothy E. Sanders ’67 D Mr. Edgardo Santos Sr. & Ms. Felisa Mendez D Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Sargent ’75 D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sargis D Mrs. Donna V. Sawyer ’62 D Mr. & Mrs. William E. Scharnick D Dr. Frederick W. Schnure & Ms. Christina B. Hutton Mrs. Rosemary L. See D Mr. Richard Seeley Mr. & Mrs. Dana Seero D Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shaffer D Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Shannon Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Shapiro D Mr. & Mrs. John J. Shapiro D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Shaunessy D Mr. William M. Sheehan D Mr. & Mrs. Russell Sherman D Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Sherry Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Shields D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Shire Jr. Mr. Michael S. Silipo D Mr. & Mrs. David Slick Mr. & Mrs. Allan Smith D Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Smith D Mr. & Mrs. James E. Soden D Mr. Daniel Solien & Ms. Kris Horiuchi D Ms. Elizabeth Soto D Ms. Michelle Sparks Mr. & Mrs. Robert Squires D Mr. Harold R. Sterrett IV D Ms. Marie McIntyre Sterrett D Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Stewart Mr. & Mrs. William Stewart D Mr. & Mrs. Alan O. Stickles D Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Stickles ’81 D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stillwell D Ms. Catherine M. Stone D Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Stone D Mr. & Mrs. Eivind Strand D Ms. Remy Stressenger D Mr. & Mrs. Jay S. Stroud D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sudduth D Mr. & Mrs. O. Stevens Sughrue III D Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Sullivan Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. George E. Sullivan D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Surgenor D Mr. & Mrs. Ted Svendsen D


Mr. & Mrs. Galen Sweeney D Ms. Christine Szuszkiewicz D Dr. Yasuhiro Tabata & Dr. Hiroko Tabata D Mr. & Mrs. Tatee Tanchanpongs D Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. C. Tardif D Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Tarrant III ’76 D Mr. & Mrs. Todd Taylor D Mr. & Mrs. Claude M. Thomas D Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. Thomson ’74 D Ms. Carrie Thornburg Bearse D Mr. & Mrs. David B. Titus D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tobin D Ms. Laura Toland D Mr. John Torres & Ms. Nancy Rivera D Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Jeanne Townsend D Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Tripp D Mr. Alan Lynch & Mrs. Zora A. Turnbull Lynch D Dr. & Mrs. Christian Tvetenstrand D Mr. & Mrs. Donn A. Tyler D Ms. Dana Richards Vaitses ’84 D Mr. Stephen E. Vaitses ’83 D Mr. Peter Vakhutinsky & Dr. Svetlana Vakhutinsky D Mr. & Mrs. Eric Vander Mel D Mr. Sergio Velasco ’84 & Ms. Ana Escobedo D Ms. Helen Ventouris D Mr. & Mrs. Ruy S. Villela D Dr. Vince Vismara & Dr. Andrea Pezzella D Mr. & Mrs. Karl F. Von Schwarz D Mr. David Wainwright D Mr. & Mrs. G. Wiley Wakeman ’68 D Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Walega ’62 D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Waligory D Mr. & Mrs. F. Timothy Walsh D Dr. Biaoxia Wang & Mr. Guijiang Xia D Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Warren D Mr. & Mrs. John Waters D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Christine Watt D Mr. Michael Watts & Dr. Sonya Stevens D Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Way D Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Way ’85 D Mr. & Mrs. John Wemple D Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Wessling D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher White D Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. White D Mr. & Mrs. Brad Whitman D Mr. & Mrs. George H. Whitney III D Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Wicks D Mr. & Mrs. Bradway Widing D Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Wiles D Ms. Roxane Williams D Mr. & Mrs. William H. Williams III ’55 D Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Wilson D Ms. Tracey Winters D Mr. Sean Withington & Ms. Lois Atherton D Mr. & Mrs. John Wolff D Mr. & Mrs. David Woods D Mr. & Mrs. Alan Worden D Ms. Liliana Yepes & Mr. Edward Rivera D Mr. & Mrs. Gokhan Yukselen D Mrs. Claire Zacchilli D Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Zagarri D Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Dorelle Zahn D Mr. Scott Zeien & Mrs. Lisa Glovsky Zeien D Mr. XueGong Zhou & Ms. Yumei Jia D Mr. & Mrs. Herb Zwicker D


James W. Wickenden Circle ($50,000+) Anonymous Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Mr. William Adamson* Mrs. Myra Monfort Runyon D Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Ms. Margaret H. Blair Mr. Kenneth R. Graboys D Ms. Victoria Huber Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Pope D Mrs. Rebecca S. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. James Rubenstein Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mr. & Mrs. James W. Feeney D Mrs. S. J. Weinberg Jr. D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Anonymous Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Anonymous Mrs. Edith Carson D Ms. Barbara I. Rodgers D Ms. Gale P. Runnells Mr. & Mrs. Norman Shachoy D Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Webb D All-A-Taut-O ($1,000+) Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Brown D Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Brown Mr. Alexander H. P. Colhoun & Ms. Selina Rossiter D Mr. & Mrs. William K. Doggett Jr. D Mr. & Mrs. Warren Farrell D Mrs. Robin T. Hadley D Ms. Anna Hanson Mr. John G. Knight D Mrs. Linda Knowles D Mr. & Mrs. John H. McCain D Mrs. James R. Pescosolido D Mrs. Richard A. Reilly ’56 D Ms. Mary Ann Soltys D Mr. J. Armand Soucy D Mrs. Margot D. Stone D Mr. & Mrs. James Tanis D Col. & Mrs. Thomas P. Watts D Navigators Anonymous (5) Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ackerman D Mr. Douglas Adams & Mrs. Calla Jean Schaefer Adams Mr. & Mrs. Paul Adams Mr. Bruce Alexander & Ms. Mary Jane Martinson Alexander Mrs. Margery B. Atherton D Mrs. Ruth Auger D Ms. Katherine Barnard D Ms. Diane Bondi Pickles Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Boniface D Mr. Paul Boykas D Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Brainard II

Mr. Eric A. Braitmayer D Mr. William D. Brennan D Mr. & Mrs. Jim H. Bride II Dr. & Mrs. Earl & Mimi Briggs D Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cafarella Dr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Calbos D Mr. & Mrs. Bill Capotosto D Mr. & Mrs. William Casey Jr. D Mrs. Lindsay H. Cavanagh D Mr. Nilde Cerundolo Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cheney D Mrs. Elizabeth C. Cloud D Mr. & Mrs. William L. Cobb D Mr. & Mrs. G. Bruce Cobbold D Mr. & Mrs. William Cote Mrs. Barbara Curran D Mr. & Mrs. J. Peter Dahlborg Mrs. Dorothy Denault Mrs. Edward G. Detmer ’72 D Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas DiBuono D Mr. Guy F. DiNocenza D Rev. & Mrs. John Douhan Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Dunn D Mrs. Natalie Dyer D Mr. & Mrs. William R. Elfers Mr. Edwin Escobar D Ms. Elizabeth Faherty Mrs. Laura Finnegan D Mrs. Mary S. French Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gardiner D Mrs. Judy Gordon Mrs. Lois W. Graboys D Ms. Elizabeth Grant D Mr. & Mrs. Frank Grazioso Mr. & Mrs. Hitoshi Hasegawa D Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hauck D Ms. Melissa Hazelton D Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hewitt D Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Hill Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Jones D Mr. Christopher Kasprak D Ms. Carolyn Keating D Ms. Louise D. Kelly D Mr. David Knight Mr. & Mrs. David C. Knight D Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Knight D Mrs. Nancy D. Knight Dr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Larson Mrs. Albert E. Love Jr. ’61 D Ms. Julia W. Lown Mr. Talbot Lown Mr. & Mrs. Dual Macintyre Jr. D Mrs. Sydney Maddox D Mrs. Jane Magnant D Mrs. Doreen Marshall D Mr. & Mrs. Wilkinson B. Marvel D Mr. & Mrs. James McDevitt Mr. & Mrs. Martin McKerrow D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meadows D Mr. & Mrs. Harold Meinkoth Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mendes D Mr. & Mrs. John J. Merageas Mrs. Adele Millette D Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Mueller III D Mr. Ronald Mycock ’66 & Ms. Lynn Bernard D Mrs. Maureen Naughton D Mr. & Mrs. Percy L. Nelson

Mr. & Mrs. William Nevelos D Mr. & Mrs. Richard Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Rico Petrocelli Mr. & Mrs. Drew Porter D Mr. & Mrs. Jerry H. Pyle D Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Reed D Mr. Bagley Reid Mr. & Mrs. John J. Reydel Sr. D Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Ridgley Mrs. Celeste A. Ringuette D Mr. & Mrs. R. Edward Rose D Mr. & Mrs. B. F. Saul II Mrs. Calla Jean Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Warren Schappell D Dr. & Mrs. Robert Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Schnure Mr. Frederick D. Seeley D Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Silvestro Sr. D Mr. Neil Souther D Ms. Ann Sparks Mr. & Mrs. Roger Stearns Mrs. Allan W. Steere ’52 Mr. & Mrs. Eivind Strand D Mrs. Jane B. Sughrue D Mrs. Jonathan F. Swain ’52* Mr. & Mrs. John Teal The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation Inc. Mr. Robert R. Thompson D Ms. Saundra B. Tobins Mr. & Mrs. Donn A. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. George L. Unhoch Jr. D Mr. Alec J. Wall D Mr. Tim Walsh Mr. Taylor Washburn D Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Way Ms. Ann Wessmann Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. White Ms. Patricia Whitehead Ms. Julie Wood Mr. Thomas Wood Ms. Mary Denny Wray D Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zammito D

Walter H. Lillard Circle ($100,000+) Gaska Tape, Incorporated The Vesper Foundation Joseph J. Smart Circle ($25,000+) Austin Foundation, Inc. Kenneth & Myra Monfort Charitable Foundation Inc. The Maurice & Anne Makepeace Family Foundation The Fried Foundation, Inc. The Howard Johnson Foundation Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Alamitos Bay Traders, Inc. The Ansonia Foundation Fawcett Energy Partners, Inc. Matthew W. Houlihan Foundation Hunter Family Foundation New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Scudder & Taylor Oil Sperry Tents Uncle Jon’s Cookies Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Anonymous Benzak Foundation The Better Than Average Foundation The Dana Foundation Fidelity Foundation Goll Insurance Co. Meredith Corporation Sidney J. Weinberg Jr. Foundation The Abbott and Leslie Sprague Family Foundation The Clark Halladay Memorial Foundation The Nelson Mead Fund WestWind Foundation Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. Grimshaw Gudewicz Charitable Foundation J. Aron Charitable Foundation, Inc. James Lennane Fund 2 of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation The Losam Fund Simon & Stella Sheib Foundation Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Arbella Charitable Foundation, Inc. Cymaron Foundation Delta Air Lines Foundation The New York Community Trust Nittany Construction Inc. Nuveen Investments R.E. & B.O. Browning Foundation SportsScarf, LLC The Hartless Foundation The Rhode Island Foundation The Rice Family Charitable Foundation The Willow Creek Charitable Foundation William Rosenberg Family Foundation, Inc. All-A-Taut-O ($1,000+) Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Carter Mario Injury Lawyers Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines


* = deceased


G IFTS FROM fac u lty and staff

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Greater Houston Community Foundation IBM Corporation The Ludes Family Foundation Morse Bros., Inc. Northern Trust Company Charitable Trust Northwestern Mutual Foundation SC Johnson Fund, Inc. Abbot and Dorothy H. Stevens Foundation SunTrust Foundation UBS Wealth Mgmt. USA Wickenden Associates, Inc. Navigators All Access Infotech LLC AmazonSmile American Honda Motor Co., Inc. American International Group, Inc. AOL Matching Gift Program Apple, Inc. Barnstable County Mutual Insurance Company Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Cataumet Boats, Inc. Chevron Matching Grants Program Cleary’s Pub Crum & Forster Insurance FM Global Foundation GE Foundation Matching Gift Goldman, Sachs & Company Google, Inc. GTE Matching Contributions to Education Program Hanover Insurance John Hancock Financial Services Junior League of Greenville The Kula Foundation Microsoft Corporation PayPal Employee Giving PIN, Inc. The Prudential Foundation RadioShack Matching Gifts Program Samuel Barnet Blvd. Corp. Seaway Company Snow & Thomson Insurance Agency, Inc. State Street Boston Corp. Tarklin Hill Realty Corp. The Ameriprise Financial Gift Matching Program The Bank of New York Mellon The Reebok Foundation The Walt Disney Company Foundation The Petrucci Family Foundation United Way of Tocqueville Society Van Sloun Foundation Washington Group Foundation, Inc. Wells Fargo Foundation West Falmouth Aluminum and Glass The Wicks Insurance Group, Inc. Zammito Family Charitable Foundation


Roderick Beebe Circle ($10,000+) Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk D Capt. John A. Carlson Circle ($5,000+) Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel ’87 & Mr. William Marvel D Richard F. Hoyt Circle ($3,000+) Mr. and Mrs. George T.J. Walker D Alumni Circle ($1,876+) Mr. & Mrs. Stephan & Eileen Marceau D Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. O’Connell D Mr. & Mrs. William W. Saltonstall ’82 D All-A-Taut-O ($1,000+) Mr. & Mrs. James & Melissa Bride D Mr. James Forker & Ms. Jennifer Henriques Forker D Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. West III ’82 D Navigators Anonymous (5) Ms. Marima Abdulrehman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Ackerman D Mr. Christopher G. Adams D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Adams D Mr. & Mrs. David B. Barker Jr. ’72 D Ms. Anna Barlow Boesch Ms. Samantha Barney D Mr. William E. Becker D Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Benoit II Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Bentz D Mr. David A. Bill D Mr. Philip Hall & Ms. Brianny D. Blakeman Hall Ms. Lauren Boucher D Mr. & Mrs. Roxie Bratton D Mr. Trevor W. Britton D Ms. Laura Burgess D Mr. & Mrs. Wesley M. Chaput D Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cheney D Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cleary D Ms. Debra Cohen D Mrs. Bethany Daniels D Mr. & Mrs. Richard DaSilva Jr. ’89 D Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Dineen D Mr. Stephen Dixon D Mr. David Dodge Mr. & Mrs. Chris M. Donley ’84 D Mr. & Mrs. William & Amy Duffell D Ms. Roxanne Dunlop D Mr. & Mrs. Donovan Dunn D Mr. & Mrs. James Feen Mrs. Meredith Finch D Mr. & Mrs. Tim Frey D Mr. Christian J. Garris ’05 D Capt. James E. Geil D Ms. Maria Gomes D Ms. Jesse Hawley Mr. & Mrs. John M. Heavey D Ms. Polly Henshaw D Mr. & Mrs. James D. Houck D Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Howland D Mrs. Ellyn Heimlich Hurd ’93 & Mr. Robert S. Hurd Jr. D Ms. Emily Kaplan D

Christina & Ben Kennedy Ms. Eliza T. Kennedy ’10 D Dr. & Mrs. Karl Kistler D Mr. & Mrs. Derek Krein D Mr. Gary Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Conan H. Leary ’97 D Mr. & Mrs. Scott Leaver D Mr. & Mrs. Eric Long D Ms. Rebecca A. Love & Mr. Steven Macomber D Mr. Alan F. Lynch & Mrs. Zora A. Turnbull Lynch D Mr. & Mrs. Michael Magni D Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O. McBride D Mr. Andrew L. McCain ’84 & Mrs. Mary Kate McCain D Ms. Molly McCarthy D Mr. Christopher McEnroe & Ms. Kathleen Bliss Dr. David McGinnis & Dr. Karen McGinnis D Mrs. Sharon McGraw D Mrs. Kristin McLaughlin D Ms. Kelli M. McSweeny D Mr. & Mrs. Nathan J. Meleo ’95 D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher & Lauren Millette D Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mogilnicki Jr. ’76 D Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Cheryl Moore D Ms. Nancy L. O’Brien D Mr. William R. O’Leary & Ms. Alexandra Tolischus D Mr. & Mrs. Noel J. Pardo D Ms. Rebecca Parente D Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Meghan Parks Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Petrocelli D Mr. & Mrs. David K. Pierce D Mrs. Bonnie Duncan Punsky ’04 & Mr. Jay Punsky D Mr. John J. Reydel Jr. & Ms. E. Anne Gardiner D Ms. Ann M. Richard D Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Roussel D Mr. & Mrs. Jeptha Runyon D Mr. & Mrs. Paul Salit D Dr. & Mrs. Matt Sandefer D Ms. Alexandra Sickel D Mrs. Jillian Silva D Mr. Jon Sirois D Mr. Gary Sousa Ms. Yu-Wen Su Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sudduth D Mr. & Mrs. O. Stevens Sughrue III D Mr. R.J. Swift ’08 D Mr. Drew Tanzosh D Mr. & Mrs. Brian Torres D Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Jeanne Townsend D Mr. Matthew Voci D Mr. & Mrs. G. Wiley Wakeman ’68 D Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Christine Watt D Mr. & Mrs. Christopher White D Ms. Amelia Wright D Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Dorelle Zahn D

In Memory of Mr. Cesar Albini Mr. Guy F. DiNocenza Mr. & Mrs. James W. Henry ’75 In Memory of Wendell W. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Wade I. Treadway ’68 In Memory of Mr. Charles S. Arms Anonymous (2) In Memory of Mr. Stephen D. Backus ’60 Mr. Sean B. Backus ’86 In Memory of Mr. David B. Barker ’46 Mr. & Mrs. Jay S. Stroud In Memory of Mr. Larry J. Barr ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Ryck B. Lent ’68 In Memory of Mr. Neale Birdsall ’51 Anonymous Mr. Bruce Alexander & Ms. Mary Jane Martinson Alexander Mrs. Janice K. Birdsall Mr. & Mrs. John W. Braitmayer ’48 Rev. & Mrs. John Douhan Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Mr. & Mrs. Bradford N. Eames ’61 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Eklund Mr. & Mrs. John Emler Mr. & Mrs. James W. Feeney Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Heditsian ’74 Ms. Maureen H. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. MacGregor Ms. Elsie M. Martinson ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Morse Mr. & Mrs. Alan A. Moses Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Purdy Ms. Marguerite K. Repass Mr. Wainwright R. Roebling ’51 Mrs. Rosemary L. See Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Seelye ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey T. Stewart ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Surdam Jr. ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Taub JD ’52 Mr. Thomas Wood The Village at Duxbury In Memory of Mr. Tyler A. Brown ’02 Mr. Christopher G. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Brown Dr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Calbos In Memory of Mr. Patrick M. Butler ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Garrard K. Schaefer ’72 In Memory of Mr. David A. Capen ’54 Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Capen ’83 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Clark Ms. Julia C. Peterson ’18 In Memory of Mr. Kenneth G. Cloud Jr. ’43 Mrs. Elizabeth C. Cloud In Memory of Ms. Helen S. Coolidge ’54 Mr. August B. Miller Jr. ’53

In Memory of Everett H. Corson Mr. & Mrs. William B. Notman ’60 In Memory of Mr. Peter de Manio Mr. Peter A. Eberley ’21 In Memory of Martha DeBoer Mr. David Trovato ’98 In Memory of Mr. Kendall E. Eames ’67 Mr. Jackson O. Long ’67 In Memory of Mr. H. W. Evans III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Mottur ’84 In Memory of Ms. Heidi E. Ferguson ’97 Mrs. Melissa Press De La Vega ’97 & Mr. Marcus De La Vega In Memory of Mr. John W. Folino Jr. Mr. Slater Latour In Memory of Mr. Tucker A. Francis ’16 Anonymous (5) Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barrett ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Barry Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John B. Billik Mr. Stuart Blair Ms. Diane Bondi Pickles Mr. & Mrs. James T. Bowler Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Brainard II Mr. & Mrs. John W. Braitmayer ’48 Dr. & Mrs. Earl & Mimi Briggs Ms. Marcia Browne Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cafarella Mr. Finnian S. Cashel ’16 Michael & Laura Cashel Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Cavanaugh Mr. John A. Cavanaugh ’18 Ms. Emily A. Chandler ’05 Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Chandler Ms. Katherine H. P. Cody ’17 Mr. Cameron A. Coelho ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Clinton H. Condon Jr. Ms. Anne T. Converse Ms. Susie Dade The De Luca Verley Family Mr. Lawrence S. DiCara Ms. Elizabeth M. Dognazzi ’16 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Elfers Mr. & Mrs. James W. Feeney Mrs. Meredith Finch Dr. & Mrs. Lincoln E. Ford ’56 Ms. Holly Francis ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Clay Garber Capt. James E. Geil Ms. Katherine O. Graham ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Graham Dr. Henry Grazioso & Dr. Kristine Grazioso Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Gryska Mr. Max A. Gryska ’19 Mr. Samuel W. Gryska ’21 Mr. Christopher S. Hall ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hamill Mr. & Mrs. David Heine Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hewitt Ms. Victoria C. Huber Mr. & Mrs. David W. Johns II ’78

Ms. Olivia A. Kaszanek ’16 Mr. & Mrs. John N. Kirk ’83 Mr. John N. Kirk Jr. ’17 Ms. Katharine LeMond Mr. Douglas Lovell Mr. Alan F. Lynch & Mrs. Zora A. Turnbull Lynch Ms. Janet N. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Wilkinson B. Marvel Mr. Christopher McEnroe & Ms. Kathleen Bliss Mr. Andrew F. McIntire ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 Ms. Mary Katharine E. McIntire ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Mead Mr. & Mrs. Jim Miller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Noering Ms. Hannah L. Perry ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Klaus Petereit Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Pope Ms. Kathleen A. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Ribeiro ’00 Mr. & Mrs. Hal Rood Mr. Kyle E. Rood ’16 Mr. & Mrs. James Rubenstein Ms. Alyssa E. Rueb ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Rueb Karim Sahyoun Mr. & Mrs. Paul Salit Mr. & Mrs. William G. Saltonstall Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William W. Saltonstall ’82 Ms. Macey Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Mark Shaffer Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin Ms. Caroline J. Shaunessy ’15 SportsScarf, LLC Mr. Adam Stern Ms. Karen Susskind Ms. Andrea N. Tardif ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tardif The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, Inc. Mr. William Tifft Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tomlinson ’83 Uncle Jon’s Cookies Mr. & Mrs. Eric Vander Mel Ms. Susan Vogler Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. West III ’82 Ms. Lindy Williamson Mr. Geoff H. Worrell Ms. Amelia Wright In Memory of Mr. George M. French Jr. Mrs. Mary S. French In Memory of Capt. James E. Geil Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Collins ’03 Mrs. Katherine Clark Pawlicki ’95 & Mr. Nate Pawlicki In Memory of Mr. Stuart D. Gladstein ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Singley In Memory of Capt. George E. Glaeser Capt. & Mrs. Gerald Davis Jr. USN, Ret. ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Griffith Jr. ’63 Mr. John S. Rando Jr. ’82 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Williams ’73


G IF TS IN honor OF

In Memory of Mr. George Graboys ’50 Mrs. Lois W. Graboys Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Mrs. Sarah Graboys Valeo ’92 & Mr. Thomas Valeo

In Memory of Mr. Lucien O. Lavoie Mr. & Mrs. John A. Bentley ’58

In Memory of Dr. Thomas B. Graboys ’62 Mrs. Sarah Graboys Valeo ’92 & Mr. Thomas Valeo

In Memory of Mr. Albert E. Love Jr. ’61 Mrs. Albert E. Love Jr. ’61 Ms. Rebecca A. Love & Mr. Steven Macomber

In Memory of Ms. Katherine K. Graham ’01 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Shabshelowitz ’01 In Memory of Mr. Stewart H. Grimes Ms. Laura E. Grimes ’06 In Memory of Mr. Flynn D. Grinnan ’06 Mr. Spencer E. Zahn ’06 Mrs. Marjorie Grinnan In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Grudzinski Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gamer In Memory of Ms. Mary Harris Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harris In Memory of Mr. H. Lee Heap ’57 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gallagher Ms. Allison Johnson Junior League of Greenville Ms. Kathryn Freedman Mr. Richard W. Swett ’57 In Memory of Capt. M. Chester Hill ’37 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Hill Mr. & Mrs. Lucas Hill Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Hill ’70 In Memory of Mr. Matthew W. Houlihan ’99 Mr. Timothy L. Morse ’99 Mrs. Tracy Nichols Roberts ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Silvia III ’99 In Memory of Mrs. Leland Hyatt Ms. Lauren Boucher In Memory of Dr. William A. Illingworth III ’65 Mr. & Mrs. John L. Taber ’65 In Memory of Mr. Thomas E. Jaillet Ms. Yea Seul Chung ’10 Mr. & Mrs. David K. Pierce In Memory of Mr. Robert Jordan ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Swan ’93 In Memory of Ms. Patricia Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Donald Q. Joyce In Memory of Mr. William W. Knight III ’52 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Knight Mr. & Mrs. James A. Knight Mr. John G. Knight Mrs. Nancy D. Knight


In Memory of Richard & Babette Lent Mr. & Mrs. Ryck B. Lent ’68

In Memory of Mrs. Jules G. Luchini Mr. & Mrs. Royal T. Davis ’68 In Memory of Mr. John E. Luke ’53 Mr. & Mrs. George Allgair Ms. Stephanie Carr Mr. Joseph Costello Mr. John Immerwahr Mr. & Mrs. James P. Luke Sr. ’61 Mr. Richard Miller Ms. Cara Snow The Petrucci Family Foundation Mr. Clark Wrigley Ms. Lynn Zennario In Memory of Mr. Robert E. Lynde Jr. ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Wade I. Treadway ’68 In Memory of Mr. Maurice B. Makepeace ’24 Mrs. Joanna Bennett Mr. Christopher Makepeace ’66 The Maurice & Anne Makepeace Family Foundation In Memory of Mr. Charles Markham Mr. & Mrs. F. F. Knight ’53 In Memory of Mr. Richard T. Marr Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Germer Ms. Susan A. Germer ’96 Mr. & Mrs. Jay S. Stroud Ms. Holley H. Tyng ’97 & Ms. Kristin Cirbus Mr. Alan A. Zwicker ’01 In Memory of Timothy W. Martin Mr. Wayne E. Harrington ’66 In Memory of Ms. Guadalupe A. Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gamer

In Memory of Mr. Chad J. Nunes ’89 Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Nunes Mr. & Mrs. John E. Villela ’90

In Honor of The Baer Family Rev. Robert Baer & Rev. Christine Burns

In Memory of Mrs. Betsy R. Parks ’51 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Meghan Parks

In Memory of Mrs. Norma Stonis Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan P. Stonis ’81

In Honor of Mr. Talbot Baker Jr. Mr. Chris Hall ’86

In Memory of Mr. John F. Parks ’48 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Meghan Parks

In Memory of Mr. James S. Swan ’93 Mr. Craig W. Raposa ’92

In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Barresi Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Barresi

In Memory of James R. Pescosolido MD ’81 Mrs. James R. Pescosolido

In Memory of Mr. Robert V. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Reed

In Honor of Mr. Maxwell E. Bearse ’11 Ms. Carrie Thornburg Bearse

In Memory of Mr. Charles A.R. Pickles Ms. Diane Bondi Pickles

In Memory of Mr. James B. Tedesco ’79 Mr. & Mrs. David E. Lee ’79

In Honor of Mr. Simon E. Bearse ’13 Ms. Carrie Thornburg Bearse

In Memory of Mr. Robert W. Pierce ’58 Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Pierce III ’55 Ms. Eleanor E. Pierce ’84

In Memory of Mr. Frederick E. Thompson ’31 Mr. Robert R. Thompson

In Honor of Mr. William E. Becker Mr. John Croy & Ms. Erica Buchanan Ms. Meagan K. McCarthy ’10 Ms. Shannon Ryan ’16 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan

In Memory of Mr. Richard A. Reilly ’56 Mrs. Richard A. Reilly ’56 In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Reis Jr. Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Reis ’72 In Memory of Mr. Gary Reitzas ’55 Mr. Thomas N. Butler & Ms. Julie Reitzas In Memory of Ross W. Richards Ms. Dana Richards Vaitses ’84 Mr. Stephen E. Vaitses ’83 In Memory of Nicholas Sarris ’49 Mr. David Beebe Mr. Keith Clark Mr. & Mrs. William F. Kous Mr. & Mrs. Brian Liistro ’78 In Memory of Mr. Eric J. Schou ’96 Mr. Thomas K. Baird ’96 Mr. Christopher T. Wimer ’96 In Memory of Lt. Col. William S. Schumaker USA ’80 Ms. Melissa Hazelton

In Memory of Mr. Stanley Mercer Mr. Stephen S. Mercer ’83

In Memory of Mr. Jonathan A. Smith ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. Durocher Mr. Benjamin D. Smith ’06 & Mrs. Kelsey Durocher Smith ’07

In Memory of Mr. Phillips A. Noyes Sr. Mr. Phillips A. Noyes Jr. ’43

In Honor of Ms. Jennifer L. Albright Ms. Stephanie R. Campbell ’14

In Memory of Mr. Galen L. Stone II Mr. Richard I. Arthur Sr. & Ms. Sarah Fallon

In Memory of Mr. Joseph J. Smart Mr. & Mrs. Frederic B. Hill ’58

In Memory of Kathleen A. Moriarty Mr. & Ms. Alan Worden

In Honor of Mr. Benjamin L. Ackerman ’20 Mr. & Mrs. Todd Ackerman

In Memory of Mr. William W. Parker ’04 Mr. & Mrs. James W. C. Parker ’66 Mrs. Katharine L. Wolff ’04 & Dr. Tracey Samko

In Memory of Mr. John E. McGrath ’55 Mr. Rick Monteith

In Memory of Mr. Todd M. Miller ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Merlin G. Miller

In Memory of Mr. Gilbert E. Stokes Mr.& Mrs. Luis Leguia Mr. Bert M. Rappaport ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Whitaker Jr. ’69

In Memory of Mr. Philip B. Smith ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Ryck B. Lent ’68 In Memory of Mr. David N. Sosnowski ’04 Mrs. & Mr. Elizabeth L. Carroll ’05 Mr. James Tierney

In Memory of Mr. Lawrence K. Tibbetts ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Hill ’70 In Memory of Mr. H. Edmund Tripp ’22 Mr. & Mrs. Franklin P. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Shawn R. Knechtel ’88 In Memory of Mrs. Jeannette Z. Turnbull ’38 Mr. Alan F. Lynch & Mrs. Zora A. Turnbull Lynch In Memory of Frederick B. Tuttle Dr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Tuttle Jr. PhD ’60 In Memory of Mrs. Nancy Wickenden Mr. & Mrs. Marshall E. Birkins ’98 Mr. Tom K. Morgan ’63 Mr. Aaron D. Polhemus ’01 & Mrs. Courtney Birkins Polhemus ’01 Dr. & Mrs. Robert I. Russell ’62 In Memory of Mr. Thomas W. Wilbor Jr. ’45 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Wilbor Jr. ’45 In Memory of Mr. John G. Willett ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Willett ’86 In Memory of Mr. Frederick Wilson Mr. Charles T. Hersam ’16 Ms. Margaret E. Hersam Ms. Margaret K. Hersam ’14 In Memory of Mr. Donald B. Wing Anonymous In Memory of Mrs. Cynthia Worrell Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Jones Ms. Lindsay Worrell White ’01 & Ms. Carolyn White Mr. Geoff H. Worrell In Memory of Mr. Emerson Zeitler Mr. Guy F. DiNocenza

In Honor of Ms. Jaydah M. Bedoya ’21 Mr. Gus Bedoya In Honor of Ms. Katelyn B. Belmore ’21 Mr. & Mrs. William Belmore In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence O. Bidstrup Jr. Mr. Peter T. Bidstrup ’82 In Honor of Mr. Roxie Bratton Mr. Jackson K. Doggett ’17 Mr. & Mrs. John Doggett In Honor of Mrs. Melissa Bride Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Farrell In Honor of Prof. & Mrs. Wendell S. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Grosart

In Honor of Ms. Elaine “Lainie” A. Cederholm ’21 Mrs. Sara Mycock Cederholm ’91 & Mr. Eric Cederholm In Honor of Mr. Jackson “Jack” Cederholm ’19 Mrs. Sara Mycock Cederholm ’91 & Mr. Eric Cederholm In Honor of Mr. Wesley M. Chaput Mr. Peter L. Cheney ’20 Mr. Douglas Lovell In Honor of Ms. Ashley E. Clark ’21 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Clark In Honor of Mr. Wyatt W. Clarke ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Derek D. Clarke In Honor of Class of 1947 Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Bierrie ’47 Mr. Irving R. Stewart ’47 In Honor of Class of 1948 Mr. Mauro G. Salazar ’48 In Honor of Class of 1951 Capt. Benjamin K. Phipps Jr. ’51 In Honor of Class of 1952 Mrs. Allan W. Steere ’52 In Honor of Class of 1953 Mr. John C. Decas ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Ives ’53 Dr. & Mrs. Harry M. Johnson ’53 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Krueger ’53 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Schwartz ’53 In Honor of Class of 1955 Mr. Robert B. Jones ’55 In Honor of Class of 1957 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. McLean ’57

In Honor of Mr. Alexander O. Browning ’10 Ms. Trillium M. Pryor ’10

In Honor of Class of 1958 Mr. & Mrs. Bradford W. Lowe ’58 Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Pierce ’58 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Shapiro ’58

In Honor of Mr. Robert “Bam Bam” Browning Mr. & Mrs. Trevor N. Browning ’06

In Honor of Class of 1960 Mr. & Mrs. William T. Bertrand ’60 Mr. & Mrs. Oswald G. Hayes Jr. ’60

In Honor of Mr. Doyle D. Calhoun ’12 Mr. and Mrs. R. Edward Rose

In Honor of Class of 1963 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon L. Goodwin ’63

In Honor of Ms. Riley R. Calhoun ’12 Mr. and Mrs. R. Edward Rose

In Honor of Class of 1965 Mr. & Mrs. Winder M. Heller ’65

In Honor of Mr. Cooper J. Carlson ’20 Mr. & Mrs. Brett Carlson

In Honor of Class of 1967 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Murphy ’67 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Theis ’67

In Honor of Mr. Jake F. Carlson ’21 Mr. & Mrs. Brett Carlson In Honor of Ms. Lilly G. Carlson ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Brett Carlson

In Honor of Class of 1968 Raider Blake ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Royal T. Davis ’68 Mr. Thomas G. Davis ’68


Mr. & Mrs. William O. Fisher Jr. ’68 Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin P. Fowler ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Randolph O. Goodlett ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Ryck B. Lent ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Nielsen ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Phineas Sprague Jr. ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Surdam Jr. ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Wade I. Treadway ’68 Dr. & Mrs. Michael W. Walker ’68 In Honor of Class of 1970 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Mead, Esq. ’70 In Honor of Class of 1971 Dr. Edward R. White ’71 In Honor of Class of 1973 Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Boon ’73 In Honor of Class of 1975 Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Holmes ’75 Mr. Paul Murphy ’75 & Ms. Gia Partain In Honor of Class of 1976 Mr. & Ms. Walter L. Landergan ’76 In Honor of Class of 1978 Mr. & Mrs. Roy M. Harms Jr. ’78 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Myers ’78 In Honor of Class of 1981 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Johnson III ’81 In Honor of Class of 1983 Mr. Daniel J. Cooney ’83 & Mrs. Katherine Schaefer Cooney ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Byron J. Gierhart Jr. ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln S. Purdy ’83 In Honor of Class of 1984 Anonymous Mr. Peter B. Aronson ’84 Mrs. Ann Baker Atwood ’84 & Mr. George K. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Serge E. Brosselin ’84 Ms. Julia I. D. Childs ’84 Mr. Gordon R. P. Connor II ’84 Mr. James E. Crick ’84 Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Curwen ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Chris M. Donley ’84 Mrs. Ann Astrachan Eggleston ’84 & Mr. Jeffrey M. Eggleston Mrs. Lisa Pozzo Iannella ’84 & Mr. Christopher A. Iannella Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan P. Klaren ’84 Mr. Andrew F. McIntire ’84 & Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 Mrs. Erica Paquin Meyers ’84 & Mr. Peter W. Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Elisha E. Nyman ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Christos G. Poravas ’84 Ms. Jacqueline W. Shire ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Eric H. Strand ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Cole E. Worthy III ’84 In Honor of Class of 1985 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kirk ’85


In Honor of Class of 1987 Ms. Love Froes Macione ’87 Mrs. Margaret Henderson Pierce AIFA, CFP ’87 & Mr. Rob Pierce In Honor of Class of 1988 Mrs. Jennifer Heimlich Conaty ’88 & Mr. Thomas Conaty Mr. & Mrs. Douglass C. Coupe ’88 Ms. H. Kendall Garey ’88 & Mr. Matthew Herndon Mrs. Elise Schickel Goddard ’88 & Dr. Jeff H. R. Goddard Mr. & Mrs. Dalton W. Menhall II ’88 Ms. Diana P. Walcott ’88 In Honor of Class of 1989 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. McGuire ’89 In Honor of Class of 1992 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Chandler ’92 Mrs. Donna J. Palmer Mr. Jodi C. Siegel ’92 In Honor of Class of 1993 Mrs. Ellison Beech Bakelaar ’93 & Mr. Timothy P. Bakelaar Mr. David W. Kessler ’93 & Mrs. Amy Buckley Kessler ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Brady ’93 Ms. Lynne Mayers Thomas Mr. Adam R. Mutterperl ’93 Mr. Aaron B. Norton ’93 Dr. & Mrs. William V. Robertson V ’93 In Honor of Class of 1994 Mrs. Jennifer Jackson Breitling ’94 Mrs. Meredith Makanna Zolty ’94 & Mr. Mark Zolty In Honor of Class of 1995 Mrs. Courtney Buttner Bridge ’95 & Mr. Gardiner Bridge Mr. & Mrs. Horace F. Field IV ’95 Mr. Jesse C. Flynn ’96 & Mrs. Crystal Carlton Flynn ’95 Mrs. Alison Fleitas Gertonson ’95 & Mr. Bryan Gertonson Mr. Lawrence L. Kook ’95 Ms. Seychelle E. Leonard ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Pedro M. Rachadell ’95 Mrs. Suzanne Chepren Roberts ’95 & Mr. Christopher Roberts Mr. Travis M. Roy ’95 Mrs. Maija Langeland Scarpaci ’95 & Mr. Jared F. Scarpaci Mrs. Laurel Simonini Schnitman ’95 & Mr. Michael W. Schnitman Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Svajian ’95 Ms. Clare B. Trautvetter ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Weeks ’95 Ms. Jill C. Weinreb ’95 In Honor of Class of 1997 Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Bray ’97 Ms. Carlen H. Singmaster ’97

In Honor of Class of 1998 Mrs. Amy C. Canty ’98 & Mr. Robert Canty Mr. John A. Thompson ’98 Mrs. Amanda Ashley Zivin ’98 & Mr. Aaron Zivin Mr. Larry R. Adams ’98 Mr. & Mrs. Eric H. Gropper ’98 Mrs. Elizabeth Drake Perkins ’98 Mrs. Jamie DiCostanzo Tormey ’98 & Mr. Peter Tormey In Honor of Class of 1999 Mr. Brian P. Fortier ’99 In Honor of Class of 2000 Mrs. Emily Edwards Ingham ’00 & Mr. Donald Ingham Jr.

In Honor of Class of 2013 Mr. Connor M. Banks ’13 Mr. Edmund M. Cooper ’13 Mr. Lewis C. Cooper ’17 Mr. Nicholas R. Craig ’13 Ms. Catherine Clare M. Knowlton ’13 Mr. Adam W. Ryder ’13 Ms. Abigail M. Waring ’13 In Honor of Class of 2015 Ms. Alexandra B. Cunningham ’11 Mr. David M. Eyler ’15 Mr. John A. Wolff ’15 Ms. Yatong Yang ’15 In Honor of Class of 2016 Mr. Finnian S. Cashel ’16

In Honor of Class of 2001 Ms. Debora L. Harmsen ’01

In Honor of Class of 2017 Mr. Edmund M. Cooper ’13 Mr. Lewis C. Cooper ’17 Ms. Duhita Das ’17

In Honor of Class of 2003 Mrs. Lulit Anteneh Tamiru Finnegan ’03 Mrs. Maura Walsh McGuinness ’03 Ms. Ashley E. Steen ’03 Mrs. Melissa Epstein Weller ’03 Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey A. Worrell ’03 Mrs. Caitlin Milbury Young ’03 & Mr. Ryan Young

In Honor of Class of 2018 Mr. & Mrs. Serge E. Brosselin ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kirk ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Shawn McGuire Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk Mr. & Mrs. James Reid

In Honor of Class of 2005 Mrs. Meghan Barrett Welch ’05 & Mr. Andrew Welch Mr. Carson H. Drake ’09 Mr. Christian J. Garris ’05 Mr. Orlando R. Patterson ’05 Ms. Candace P. Whipple ’05 In Honor of Class of 2006 Mrs. Sarah Madison Pennington ’06 Lt. Elizabeth T. Rajchel ’06 In Honor of Class of 2007 Ms. Lauren M. Veneziano ’07

In Honor of Ms. Lillian F. Earley ’20 Mr. & Mrs. David Earley Mr. & Mrs. Roger Stearns In Honor of Mr. Colin G. Ferguson ’20 Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ferguson In Honor of Ms. Lauren E. Folino ’04 Mr. Alex C. Lanstein ’03 & Ms. Emily L. Schnure ’04 Ms. Alanna K. McGovern USCG ’04

In Honor of Mr. Richard F. Hoyt Mr. & Mrs. R. G. Nourjian ’84 In Honor of Mr. Christopher Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Beach ’77 In Honor of Mr. Robert S. Hurd Jr. Mr. Michael J. Callahan ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Dana K. Smith ’76 In Honor of Mr. Matthew L. Jackson ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Jackson In Honor of Mr. Khalil J. Johnson ’91 Mrs. Carolina Cesar Levesque ’06 In Honor of Ms. India Johnstone ’14 Mrs. Robin T. Hadley In Honor of Mr. Nicholas H. Johnstone ’11 Mrs. Robin T. Hadley In Honor of Ms. Emily Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Leni J. Palazesi Ms. Grace C. Palazesi ’19

In Honor of Class of 2019 Mr. & Mrs. John Doggett Ms. Daphne Redd

In Honor of Ms. E. Anne Gardiner Ms. Caldwell D. Harden ’15 Mr. Andrew J. Silva ’09

In Honor of Ms. Louise D. Kelly Dr. Fahad Balghunaim Ms. Marissa R. Gentile ’07

In Honor of Class of 2020 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kirk ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lotuff

In Honor of Ms. Mengze Han ’18 Mr. Jun Han & Mrs. Wei Sun

In Honor of Ms. Eliza T. Kennedy ’10 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Kennedy

In Honor of Ms. Mary K. Hanrahan ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hanrahan

In Honor of Mr. Henry Knoblauch ’18 Mrs. Natalie Dyer

In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harlow Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David K. Pierce

In Honor of Ms. Sara B. Kourtesis ’15 Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kourtesis

In Honor of Ms. Katherine L. Hauck ’19 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Schneider

In Honor of Mr. Seth Kourtesis ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Jon Kourtesis

In Honor of Ms. Erin E. Hill ’18 Mr. Brad Hill & Mrs. Maureen McManus Hill

In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Latham Mr. Alexander H. P. Colhoun & Ms. Selina Rossiter

In Honor of Mr. G. Bruce Cobbold Mr. & Mrs. Nathan J. Meleo ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Wessling In Honor of Mr. Christopher J. Conley Mr. John J. Reydel Jr. & Ms. E. Anne Gardiner In Honor of Mrs. Leslie B. Conway Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. Conway ’95

In Honor of Class of 2010 Mr. Obadiah O. Greer Carney ’10 Ms. Debi J. Lindsey ’10 Ms. Madeline P. Marinella ’10

In Honor of Mr. Charles J. Crowley ’21 Ms. Tara Calabrese

In Honor of Class of 2012 Mr. Michael V. Pratt ’12 Ms. Sarah A. White ’12

In Honor of Mr. G. Richard Duffy ’56 Anonymous Mr. Peter T. Bidstrup ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Fearing ’83 Mr. D. Ross Griswold Jr. ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. McCarthy ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Miller ’81 Mr. Andrew Tillett Dr. Howard R. Wexler ’56 Mr. & Mrs. H. M. White ’76 Mr. Geoff H. Worrell

In Honor of Mr. Mark S. Howland Ms. Amanda Lackey Cote ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Adam W. Packard ’84

In Honor of Mr. Louis F. Franyo ’20 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Franyo

In Honor of Class of 2008 Anonymous Ms. Katherine E. Baer ’08 Ms. Lindsey D. Barrington ’08 Mr. Ryan M. Carroll ’07 & Mrs. Grace Emmons Carroll ’08 Ms. Kelly E. Foley ’08 Mr. Michael M. Jangro ’08

In Honor of Class of 2011 Ms. Jillian M. Hoban ’11 Mr. Takuo Koyama ’11 Ms. Samantha D. Lockley ’11

In Honor of Mr. Thomas Stephen Downes Mr. Hsing Han Huang ’13

In Honor of Ms. Lauren J. Craig ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harry A. Kwapong In Honor of Dr. John S. Crosby Mr. Douglas Lovell

In Honor of Mr. Cameron Dias ’18 Ms. Melissa Dias In Honor of Mr. Guy F. DiNocenza Mr. & Mrs. David K. Pierce In Honor of Mr. Quentin L. Doggett ’19 Mr. & Mrs. William K. Doggett Jr.

In Honor of Mr. Mark E. Hill ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Hill Mr. & Mrs. Lucas Hill In Honor of Mr. Robert M. Hollis ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bryan ’74 In Honor of Mr. David C. Horne Ms. Alissa N. Assad ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Dave Furneaux Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harlow Jr. Ms. Elizabeth C. Little ’00 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Pala Mr. Ned R. Riseley ’08 Mr. & Mrs. William E. Riseley In Honor of Mr. Jack E. Howard ’19 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Howard

In Honor of Mr. Lucien O. Lavoie Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mogilnicki Jr. ’76 In Honor of Mr. Conan H. Leary ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Alan G. Bern ’97 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dadagian Mr. & Mrs. Nader Golestaneh Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Zammito In Honor of Ms. Sydney Leaver ’21 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Leaver In Honor of Mr. Samuel A. Lorusso Jr. ’91 Ms. Laura Lorusso Peterson ’87 In Honor of Mr. Jonathan E. Mabie ’17 Anonymous


In Honor of Ms. Kristen N. Mabie ’13 Anonymous In Honor of Mr. Sawyer MacDonald ’21 Mr. & Mrs. William K. Doggett Jr. In Honor of Mr. Nicholas J. Marshall ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Marshall In Honor of Mr. Shaun Mayor Mr. & Mrs. James Ferguson In Honor of Ms. Abigail E. McBride ’11 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O. McBride In Honor of Mr. Aidan P. McBride ’11 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O. McBride In Honor of Mr. Alec McBride ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O. McBride

In Honor of Ms. Natalia “Tali” P. O’Leary ’19 Mr. William R. O’Leary & Ms. Alexandra Tolischus In Honor of Mrs. Jennifer Sherbrooke Palmer ’86 Mr. Chris Hall ’86 In Honor of Mr. Mark C. Parsons ’86 Mr. & Mrs. Stuart B. Titus ’86 In Honor of Mr. Hunter J. Patrick ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84 In Honor of Mr. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84 Mr. & Mrs. James & Melissa Bride Mr. John Croy & Ms. Erica Buchanan Dr. David J. DeFilippo ’84 & Ms. Lisa Shapiro Ms. Ashley A. Johnston ’03

In Honor of Ms. Anne M. McBride ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O. McBride

In Honor of Ms. Lindsey R. Patrick ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Ian M. H. Patrick ’84

In Honor of Mr. Andrew L. McCain ’84 Dr. David J. DeFilippo ’84 & Ms. Lisa Shapiro

In Honor of Ms. Laurie R. Paulsen ’88 Ms. Amelia Richards ’88 & Mr. Peter Sloan

In Honor of Mrs. Mary Kate McCain Mr. Douglas Lovell In Honor of Ms. Meagan K. McCarthy ’10 Ms. Molly McCarthy In Honor of Mrs. Kristin McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. T. Mark Aimone ’86 In Honor of Ms. Sophia M. Mignatti ’20 Ms. Tracy Mignatti In Honor of Ms. April R. Mihalovich ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Silvestro Sr.

In Honor of Mr. Justin D. Pernell ’19 Mr. & Mrs. David Pernell In Honor of Mr. Daniel Petrocelli Mr. & Mrs. Rico Petrocelli In Honor of Ms. Sierra Petrocelli ’21 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Petrocelli In Honor of Mrs. Constance H. Pierce Mr. David K. Pierce In Honor of Mr. David K. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyd Smith Jr. ’76

In Honor of Mr. Peter C. Mitton ’90 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Mitton III ’65

In Honor of Mrs. Bonnie Duncan Punsky ’04 Mrs. Susan Duncan Cervino ’99 & Mr. Victor M. Cervino

In Honor of Mr. Thomas R. Mottur ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cheney

In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Jerry H. Pyle Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Gregory Jr.

In Honor of Mr. Connor K. Murphy ’16 Ms. Carolyn Keating In Honor of Ms. Carly B. Nelthropp ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Nelthropp Jr.

In Honor of Mr. John H. Quirk Mr. & Mrs. Shannon Collins Mrs. Laura Finnegan Mr. Harold R. Sterrett IV & Marie McIntyre Sterrett

In Honor of Mr. Alex T. Nugent ’11 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Nugent

In Honor of Mr. Nicholas M. Ramos ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ramos

In Honor of Ms. Nancy L. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Leni J. Palazesi Ms. Grace C. Palazesi ’19

In Honor of Ms. Isabelle B. Reid ’18 Mr. Bagley Reid Ms. Mary Denny Wray

In Honor of Mr. George E. Okongwu ’21 Mr. Kenneth Okongwu & Ms. Evelyn Achebe

In Honor of Mr. Michael M. Rice ’07 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Rice ’70 In Honor of Ms. Reese K. Richmond ’21 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Richmond


In Honor of Ms. Frances G. Robinson ’09 Rev. & Mrs. Mark K. J. Robinson

In Honor of Mr. Harrison R. Seeley ’21 Ms. Patricia Whitehead

In Honor of Tabor’s Knowlton House Mr. Virapat Kieuvongngam ’11

In Honor of Ms. Lindsay Worrell White ’01 Mr. Geoff H. Worrell

In Honor of Ms. Tayler Rogers ’19 Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Rogers

In Honor of Ms. Kate Seim Mr. & Mrs. Leni J. Palazesi Ms. Grace C. Palazesi ’19

In Honor of Tabor’s Awesome Faculty Mr. & Mrs. James Reid Mr. Geoff H. Worrell

In Honor of Mr. Paul C. White Mr. & Mrs. David K. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sinn ’89

In Honor of Ms. Caitlin ‘Cat’ Sheehan ’17 Mr. William M. Sheehan

In Honor of the Generosity of the Tabor Community Mr. & Mrs. Albert Giandomenico Ms. Christine Szuszkiewicz

In Honor of Ms. Avaline E. Wilson ’21 Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Wilson

In Honor of Mr. Zachary A. Rogers ’21 Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Rogers In Honor of Ms. Hannah D. Rolighed ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rolighed In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Roller Mr. John Reydel Jr. & Ms. E. Anne Gardiner Mr. & Mrs. John M. Goll Jr. ’90 Ms. Emily C. Roller ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Roller ’90 In Honor of Mr. Sean P. Ross ’08 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Ross II In Honor of Mr. Jeptha Runyon Mr. Thomas N. Butler & Ms. Julie Reitzas In Honor of Ms. Grace E. Ryan ’19 Mrs. Doreen Marshall In Honor of Mr. Kenneth S. Safe III ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Davis ’77 In Honor of Mr. Thorn K. Safe ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Davis ’77 In Honor of Mrs. Julie Salit Col. & Mrs. Thomas P. Watts In Honor of Mrs. Kerry C. Saltonstall Mr. Christopher Kasprak In Honor of Ms. Kendall E. Sargis ’18 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sargis In Honor of Mrs. Maija Langeland Scarpaci ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cheney In Honor of Emily Schnure ’04 & Alex Lanstein ’03 Mr. & Mrs. William E. Becker Mr. Neil Burgess Ms. Cassandra Dewey Mrs. Charlotte M. Glawe ’03 & Mr. CJ Glawe Ms. Lauren E. Folino ’04 Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Lucas Mr. Andrew L. McCain ’84 & Mrs. Mary Kate McCain Melanie Nevin & Matt Nevin Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Schnure Dr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Schnure Ms. Virginia Schnure Simon ’01 Mr. Matthew B. Sloan ’03 Ms. Ann Wessmann Mr. Christopher E. R. Wildman ’03 Ms. Julie Wood

In Honor of Mr. Justin Z. W. Simon ’20 Mr. Chris Simon & Dr. Tina Wang In Honor of Mr. Christopher J. Smith ’93 Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Smith In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Soden Mrs. Emily Soden Auerswald ’93 & Mr. William H. Auerswald In Honor of Mr. Gary Sousa Drs. Thomas & Virginia Hamilton Mr. Andrew J. Silva ’09 In Honor of Ms. Kathryn T. Sparks ’21 Ms. Ann Sparks In Honor of Mr. Oliver H. Stone ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Stone In Honor of Ms. Sara B. Stone ’09 Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Stone In Honor of Mr. Todd W. Stressenger ’18 Mr. Douglas Adams & Mrs. Calla Jean Schaefer Adams In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Stroud Mr. Alexander H. P. Colhoun & Ms. Selina Rossiter In Honor of Mrs. Helene Sughrue Mr. Taylor Washburn In Honor of Mr. O. Stevens Sughrue III Col. & Mrs. Thomas P. Watts Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dognazzi Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Wahl ’95 In Honor of Tabor Academy Anonymous Ms. Peiying Huang ‘13 Ms. Hilda Orozco Ms. Emma K. Quirk ’20 Ms. Christine Szuszkiewicz Ms. Dannette I. Tejeda ’09 In Honor of All My Tabor Students, Past & Present Mr. & Mrs. Paul Salit In Honor of Tabor’s Academics Mr. & Mrs. William Casey Jr.

In Honor of Ms. Ella G. Withington ’18 Mrs. Margery B. Atherton

In Honor of the Tabor Experience Mr. Chris Simon & Dr. Tina Wang Mr. Geoff H. Worrell

In Honor of Mr. Mahiro Yamakawa ’20 Dr. & Ms. Masayuki Yamakawa

In Honor of Mr. Patis Tarasansombat ’21 Mr. & Mrs. Paisal Tarasansombat

In Honor of Mr. Yudai Yamakawa ’19 Dr. & Ms. Masayuki Yamakawa

In Honor of Mr. Robert R. Thompson Mr. Alexander H. P. Colhoun & Ms. Selina Rossiter

In Honor of Mr. William E. Young ’62 Mr. John M. Hills ’62 Ms. Julia W. Lown

In Honor of Mr. Katarnut Tobunluepop ’20 Ms. Jratsri Tobunluepop

In Honor of Ms. Nicole E. Zeien ’17 Mr. Scott Zeien & Mrs. Lisa Glovsky Zeien

In Honor of Ms. Georgia M. Toland ’20 Ms. Laura Toland

In Honor of Mr. Ryan Zeien ’19 Mr. Scott Zeien & Mrs. Lisa Glovsky Zeien

In Honor of Mr. Donn A. Tyler Mr. Teng Huang and Ms. Qizhi Dai

In Honor of Mr. Alan A. Zwicker ’01 Mr. & Mrs. Herb Zwicker

In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. David K. Pierce In Honor of Mr. Channing L. Walker ’12 Mr. and Mrs. George T.J. Walker In Honor of Mrs. Kelly L. Walker Mr. Douglas Lovell Mrs. Maija Langeland Scarpaci ’95 & Mr. Jared F. Scarpaci Ms. L. Anne Walker ’13 In Honor of Ms. L. Anne Walker ’13 Mr. and Mrs. George T.J. Walker In Honor of Mrs. Anika Walker Johnson Mrs. Carolina Cesar Levesque ’06 Ms. Johanna D. Lopez Paraizo ’05 & Mr. Antonio C. Paraizo In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. F. Timothy Walsh Mrs. Maura Walsh McGuinness ’03 Mr. & Mrs. David K. Pierce In Honor of Mr. Thomas F. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. West III ’82 In Honor of Mr. Peter S. Wemple ’20 Mrs. Dorothy Denault In Honor of Mr. Kevin J. Whelan Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. West III ’82

In Honor of Tabor’s Math Department Mrs. Jane B. Sughrue


VOLUNT E E R S Alumni and P arent E vent Hosts

Alumni Chapter Reception - Cape Cod Alumni Chapter Reception - New York Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barry Mr. Devon Bruce & Mrs. Yvonne Derrig Bruce Mrs. Sara Mycock Cederholm ’91 & Mr. Eric Cederholm Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Daly Mr. & Mrs. Eric Dawicki Mr. & Mrs. Christopher de Roetth Mr. & Mrs. John Doggett Mr. Peter Douglas & Ms. Ulrika Ekman Mr. & Mrs. David Earley Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fisher Mr. Peter T. Francis & Dr. Jennifer A. Francis Mr. & Mrs. William Gebhardt Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grace Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Haas Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Harris Jr. ’92 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jadul Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelliher Dr. & Mrs. Dennis La Rock Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Y. Lubar ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mihalovich Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Leif O’Leary Mr. & Mrs. Adam W. Packard ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Leni J. Palazesi Mr. & Mrs. John Paliotta Mr. & Mrs. James Raisides Mr. Travis M. Roy ’95 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ryan Mr. Jamey Shachoy & Mrs. Laura Ryan Shachoy Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin Mr. & Mrs. Warren Skillman Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin B. Strong Ms. Helen Ventouris Mr. & Mrs. George H. Whitney III Mr. & Mrs. John Wolff al umni VOLUNT E E R S

Mrs. Jennifer Noering McIntire ’84 Mr. Christopher N. Merrill ’89 Mrs. Saran C. Mignott-Cadet ’91 Mr. William M. Moger ’06 Mr. Kurt J. Mogilnicki ’93 Mr. Brian M. Montgomery ’97 Ms. Katherine H. Mooney ’14 Mr. Colby E. Morgan ’09 Mr. Thomas R. Mottur ’84 Mrs. Lindsay Conway Murphy ’92 Mr. James A. Myers ’78 Mr. Duncan H. M. Nadler ’04 Mr. Richard H. Needham II ’83 Mr. Aaron B. Norton ’93 Mr. R. Gregg Nourjian ’84 Ms. Kristen M. Nuttall ’12 Mr. Christopher M. O’Brien ’15 Mr. William H. O’Toole ’04 Mr. Eric T. Ostrowski ’04 Mrs. Martica Wakeman Otto ’05


Mr. Samuel G. Palestine ’69 Mrs. Elizabeth Drake Perkins ’98 Mr. Christopher C. Perry ’78 Mr. Jonathan E. Pezzoni ’10 Mrs. Bonnie Duncan Punsky ’04 Mr. John T. Rice ’70 Ms. Amelia M. Richards ’88 Ms. Anne M. Richmond ’04 Ms. Megan E. Rilkoff ’09 Mr. Henry P. Roberts ’69 Mrs. Tracy Nichols Roberts ’99 Mr. Michael A. Ryan ’79 Mr. Christian E. Salvati ’93 Mr. Christopher D. Sanger ’89 Mr. Thomas G. Sarris ’78 Mrs. Maija Langeland Scarpaci ’95 Ms. Jaquelyn M. Scharnick ’02 Ms. Emily Schnure ’04 Mrs. Amy Macklin Severance ’94 Mr. Eric Shabshelowitz ’01 Ms. Kelsey B. Shakin ’15 Ms. Jacqueline W. Shire ’84 Mr. Philip T. Silvia III ’99 Mr. Dana K. Smith ’76 Mrs. Mia Colarusso Smith ’00 Mr. David H. Stevens ’73 Mr. Kristian J. Stoltenberg ’66 Mr. Oliver L. Sughrue ’16 Mr. R.J. Swift ’08 Mr. Peter E. Tenney ’67 Mr. James M. Theis ’67 Mrs. Wendy Westcott Thornton ’88 Mr. James A. Tomlinson ’83 Mr. Theodore G. Trafton ’98 Dr. Anthony J. Troiano ’06 Mrs. Alison Howard Van keuren ’93 Mr. G. Wiley Wakeman ’68 Ms. Diana Walcott ’88 Mr. Nathaniel Walton ’04 Mr. Sumner J. Waring III ’87 Mr. Charles K. West III ’82 Mr. Edward A. Whitaker Jr. ’69 Ms. Lindsay Worrell White ’01 Mr. John A. Wolff ’15 Mr. Michael A. Yacobian ’05 Mr. Millard S. Younts ’68 Mr. J. Michael Zollo ’07 PA REN T LEA D ERSH IP COUN CIL

Mr. Yanchun Bai & Ms. Hong Liu Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barry Mr. Ernest Boch Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bomberg Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bray Mr. Devon Bruce & Mrs. Yvonne Derrig Bruce Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Cavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. James Compson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cook Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Craighead Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Christopher de Roetth Mr. & Mrs. Devon Bruce Mr. & Mrs. John Doggett Mr. Peter Douglas & Ms. Ulrika Ekman Dr. & Mrs. James P. Dowling ’81

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eames Mr. & Mrs. David Earley Mr. and Mrs. E. Daniel Eilertsen Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Franyo Ms. Kristen Gillis Dr. Henry Grazioso & Dr. Kristine Grazioso Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Haas Mr. & Mrs. John Hartnett Mr. Adam Hetnarski Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hill Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jadul Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jeffries Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jessop Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Lack Mr. Stewart MacDonald & Ms. Cynthia Doggett Mr. & Mrs. Eric Marandett Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel ’87 & Mr. William Marvel Mr. & Mrs. Liam McClennon Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Mead Mr. & Mrs. Edward Miccolis Mr. Carlos Mogollón & Ms. Elspeth Hotchkiss Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Mottur ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Myer Mr. & Mrs. Leni J. Palazesi Mr. & Mrs. John Paliotta Mr. Russell Post Mr. & Mrs. John H. Quirk Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ridgley Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rolighed Mr. & Mrs. Robert Romagnoli Mr. & Mrs. William Rousseau Mr. & Mrs. John Rudicus Mr. Damaso Saavedra & Mrs. Allyson Saavedra-Goodwin Mr. Jamey Shachoy & Mrs. Laura Ryan Shachoy Mr. & Mrs. James Shakin Mr. Ling To Shum & Ms. Oi Fan Ng Mr. & Mrs. Warren Skillman Mr. & Mrs. Eric H. Strand ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin B. Strong Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tidus Ms. Kai Tsutsumi Ms. Christine Ward Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Zammito Mr. Aimin Zhang & Mrs. Hong Shen

The Elizabeth Taber Society recognizes

class of 1949

the selfless commitment of those alumni,

Mrs. W. Burton Salisbury Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard Cushner

parents, and friends who have chosen to provide a lasting legacy for Tabor Academy. Through bequests, life income gifts, and

class of 1950

Mr. James S. Fanning

class of 1960

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. John T. Cederholm Dr. David W. Ferris Mr. Richard S. Hill class of 1961

charitable trusts, the members of the Society

Mr. Sidney R. Stern

follow Mrs. Taber’s noteworthy commitment

class of 1952

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. R.W. Blasdale Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Elsas Mr. & Mrs. Heyman

to education and the growth of the school

Mr. Jackson P. Sumner* Mrs. Jonathan F. Swain*

class of 1962

she founded in the late 19th century.

class of 1951

class of 1953

We are indebted to all for their generosity and vision to help future generations of Tabor students. CLASS OF 1927

Mrs. J. Dukehart Chesney* class of 1933

Mr. Philip F. Hall Jr. class of 1936

Mrs. Orville W. Forte Jr. class of 1939

Dr. Edward F. Woods

Mr. John C. Decas Mr. & Mrs. William H. Edgerton Mr. Alan S. Golub Mr. Charles C. Ives Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Thomas Keith Lynn H. Woodman

Anonymous class of 1945

Mr. Edward W. Noyes class of 1946

Mr. David B. Barker* & Mrs. Jane Barker Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hoffmann

class of 1963

Lt. Col. Philip C. Simmons

Mr. Walter A. Greene Mr. Donald S. Merry Mr. Thomas K. Morgan Mr. Lee Pokoik

class of 1955

class of 1964

Mr. Arthur C. Conro II Prof. Louis Michael Falkson Mrs. Milan A. Heath Jr. Canon Richard T. Nolan & Mr. Robert C. Pingpank

class of 1965

class of 1954

class of 1956 class of 1941

Mr. John H. Birdsall III Mr. George F. Booth II Mr. Robert R. Fawcett Sr. Mr. John M. Hills Mr. & Mrs. David N. Kelley

Anonymous Liz & Dennis Hager Mrs. Mott Peck Jr. Mr. John F. Swope Mr. Jules S. Worthington* & Mrs. Judith Worthington class of 1957

Anonymous (2) Mr. Ross R. Anderson Mr. Robert S. Hurd

Mr. Richard L. Fowler Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David T. Johannesen Mr. Kim R. MacConnel

Mr. Robert B. Cowan Mr. John E. Robinson Mr. Phillips G. Smith class of 1966

Mr. Henry H. Barnard Jr. class of 1967

Mr. Timothy H. Dyer RIA Mr. Timothy E. Sanders class of 1968

class of 1948

class of 1959

Mr. William O. Pettit III Mr. Stephen P. Sprague & Ms. Catherine Capasso Mr. Robert M. Surdam Mr. E. Clinton Wadsworth Mr. Millard S. Younts

Anonymous Mr. John W. Braitmayer Mr. Edward E. Clark Mr. & Mrs. James C. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Myron G. Eisenhaure Mr. Albert Fried Jr. Mr. John F. Parks *

Anonymous Mr. Allen M. Glick

class of 1969

class of 1947

Anonymous Mrs. Bennett R. Donovan Prof. & Mrs. Lewis P. Lipsitt

class of 1958

Mr. Bradford W. Lowe

Mr. Roger C. McDonald Mr. Edward A. Whitaker Jr. class of 1970

Mr. David L. Parke Jr.


class of 1971


Tru stees 2018-2019

Mr. Jerald E. Brown Carmine & Beth Martignetti Mr. Edward A. Schaefer III

Anonymous* Mr. William Adamson* Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Brainard II Mr. Galen L. Stone* & Mrs. Anne B. Stone




Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Aisenberg Mrs. Stanley C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Randolph C. Barba Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bozic Mr. & Mrs. L. Howard Carl Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Clark Mrs. Leslie B. Conway Mr. Stephen S. Daniel Mrs. Susan Anspach Furlong Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Jaeger Mrs. Jane Kennedy* Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Lucas Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ludes Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Marlow Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Martin Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Milt Mr. Frederick Osborn Mrs. Judith Westlund Rosbe Mrs. Kerry C. Saltonstall Mrs. Mary L. Tomlinson

Mr. Paul J. Murphy ’75 Vice-Chair Mr. David A. Barrett ’70 Treasurer Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh Eyler ’87, P’15 ’17 Secretary

class of 1972

Mr. Edmond “Rip” Bowen Mr. Charles T. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Will Davison Drs. Peter & Jane Watts class of 1974

Mr. David W. Roche class of 1976

Mr. Charles E. Clapp III Mr. Christopher L. Dowley class of 1979

Mr. Keith N. Browning Mr. Alec M. Willeson class of 1980

Mr. Barry R. Powers class of 1982

Mr. Andrew N. Ivory Mr. John S. Rando Jr. Mr. Peter F. Winters, Esq. class of 1983

Mr. Joseph J. LeBlanc CFP Mr. Richard H. Needham II class of 1984

Dr. David J. DeFilippo class of 1986

Mr. & Mrs. T. Mark Aimone Mr. Sean P. Maher class of 1987

Mrs. Katherine Howard Marvel class of 1988

Ms. Linda Myers Dennison CPA class of 1989

Mr. Carmine A. Martignetti ’71


Mr. Clement C. Benenson ’00 Mr. C. Jason L. Bland ’90 Mr. Stephen Daniel P’18 Mr. G. Eric Davis ’89 Mr. Anthony G. Featherston IV ’80 Mr. Peter T. Francis P’14 ’16 Mrs. Kristiane C. Graham P’16 Mr. Angus H. Leary ’95 Mr. Kenzo Matsumura P’17 Mrs. Jennifer C. Noering McIntire ’84, P’16 Mr. John H. Quirk (ex-officio) P’20 Mr. Travis Roy ’95 Mr. Garrard K. Schaefer ’72 Ms. Regina Shakin P’15 ’17 ’19 Mr. Jack B. Smith Jr. ’76 Mr. Stephen Sprague ’68 Mr. James A. Tomlinson ’83 Mr. Sumner J. Waring III ’87, P’13 Mr. Louis S. Wolfe ’68 Mr. Geoffrey H. Worrell P’01 ’03 ’10

Mr. Christopher H. McGuire Trustee Emeriti class of 1992

Anonymous Ms. Lisa M. Arredondo

* = deceased


Mr. R. William Blasdale ’61, P’85 ’90 Chair 1991-2006 Mr. John W. Braitmayer ’48 Chair 1978-1986 Mr. Keith N. Browning ’79, P’06 ’10 ’11 Chair 2006-2014 Mrs. Deborah C. Clark P’95 ’97 Mr. John F. Fish ’78, P’15 Mr. Albert Fried Jr. ’48 Mr. Lee Pokoik ’63 Mr. Phillips G. Smith ’65 Mr. John F. Swope ’56, P’88


As someone who has spent their life in the nonprofit world as a fundraiser, volunteer, and trustee for several organizations, one of my most rewarding experiences has been supporting Tabor as both an annual and legacy donor. The school has shown a sustained eagerness to strive for excellence in recent decades and I find great satisfaction in supporting this growth. Over time, Tabor has transformed and capitalized upon its defining legacies. It is particularly inspiring to see improvements to Tabor’s facilities, academic programs, and to the thoughtful development of its relationship to the sea—likely the reason many of us chose Tabor in the first place. The marine science program is one example of Tabor assuming leadership in what we now recognize to be a crucial scientific field. Rather than dilute these traditions, Tabor has kept alive the best of them, all the while reassuring us alumni that the community we know and love comes first. To help sustain this momentum, many of us can help ensure Tabor’s growth and financial stability through outright bequests and planned gifts. I designated a percentage of my will to Tabor that I hope will one day support a student in need, add to a building campaign or fund innovative programming. Planned gifts provide a meaningful legacy while benefiting our heirs and engendering a sense of good will. I love meeting Tabor students who reignite the passion that I felt for Tabor all those years ago. By supporting Tabor with current and planned gifts, I am helping to keep the Tabor spirit alive for generations to come. —Charlie Clark ’72

For more in formation abou t be qu ests and other planned giving options, contact

Amy Duffell, Director of Planned Giving at 508.291.8583 or

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage

Tabor Academy 66 Spring Street, Marion, Massachusetts 02738


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Tabor Day

is October 13


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for games, food, fun and friendship! From morning to night, there is something for everyone. See for details.

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