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WikiDesert An open collaborative space to share our research in the Desert Project.

Desert definiton We can define a desert from several angles, such as: o o o o

Climatological definition. Ecological view (ecosystems, biomes). Demographical view. Oceanic view.

Climatological definition Deserts are areas where the rainfall is too low to sustain any vegetation at all. The rainfall in desert areas is less than 250 mm or 10 inches per year, and some years may experience no rainfall at all. They approx. receive 25 centimeters of rainwater a year, a place that receives less than 10 inches of (25 centimeters) of rain per year is considered a desert. So, they are called climate deserts when the region loses more water via evapotranspiration than falls as precipitation. The hot deserts are situated in the subtropical climate zone where there is sunshine for the whole year due to the stable descending air and high pressure. Such areas include the Sahara, Saudi Arabia, large parts of Iran and Iraq, northwest India, California, South Africa and much of Australia. Here, maximum temperatures of 40 to 45°C are common, although during colder periods of the year, night-time temperatures can drop to freezing. The Gobi desert in Mongolia is an example of a cool desert. Though hot in summer, it shares the very cold winters of central Asia. Semi-desert areas include the Steppes of southern Russia and central Asia, and the Parries of Canada. o Desertification definitions are linked to some info. you can fin here. Bibliography:

Desert climate. (S.F) In Enviropedia. Retrieved 19:57, from




Ecological definition Deserts are biomes that are defined by their arid conditions. These biomes define specific areas by their vegetation and their animal species. However, deserts are not necessarily dry. It is the high evaporation relative to the precipitation that makes a desert such an extreme environment. Such evaporation occurs because deserts are often, but not always,

hot, and because precipitation is low. A result of this aridity is that most of the area occupied by deserts is barren and monotonous. Most deserts have an average annual precipitation of less than 400 mm. A common definition distinguishes between true deserts, which receive less than 250 mm of average annual precipitation, and semideserts, which receive between 250 mm and 400 to 500 mm.. There are 3 types of vegetation completely adapted at deserts: 1.

Plants that only grow when it rains. As we said before there are few precipitations but when it rains, these plants grow up. 2. Plants which have long roots, these long roots reach surfaces which are wet, so this makes the plant grow up. There are find mostly in cold deserts. 3. Plants which accumulate water in their tissues. Like the cactus. The animals have also developed some adaptations to survive in an area very dry. Mostly all animals stay in the morning in caves or underground and go outside at night There diferent types of deserts: 1. Hot Desert 2. Cold deserts 3. Oceanographic Deserts 4. Coastal Deserts 5. Polar Desert

Bibliography: Biome. (2015, 9 de diciembre). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 19:14, diciembre 16, 2015 desde Desert. (2015, 15 de diciembre). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 19:15, diciembre 16, 2015 desde

Demographic definition Demographic desert: territory that has 10 or less inhabitants per square kilometer due to its adeverse natural conditions or because of being the consequence of rural exodus or territorial extent. Bibliography:

Glossary of demograpic terms, (S.F.), demograpical desert, date: (2/03/2016) taken from:

Oceanic definition This deserts are an area of the oceanin wiis believed no marine life exists. The South Pacific's subtropical gyre is a "biological desert" with a expanse of nutrientstarved salt water, and the least productive ecosystem of the South Pacific. Together with the subtropical gyres in other oceans, biological deserts cover 40% of the Earth's surface. But their relative obscurity may be about to change. Researchers are reporting that the ocean's biological deserts have been expanding, and they are growing muc faster than global warning models predict. Gyre waters are already strongly layered, so stirring by the wind brings little of the nutrients stored in deep waters to the surface to fuel plant and ultimately animal growth. Warming strengthens this stratification, making this nourishing mixing more difficult. Climateecosystem models predict that global warming will exacerbate ocean desert expansion, but not this quickly, Polonia notes. During the past 9 years, gyre deserts expanded 10 to 25 times faster than modeled. Microscopic photoplankton are very important in food chains in ten ocean were water is too deep for rooted plants. Photoplankton are food for zooplankton, this ones are food for jellyfish, fish, wales and others. There are other predators like sea turtles, sharks, etc. Animals in the det zones adapted for living there, they usually eat the rests of living things that come from the upper part, others obtain foos from symbiotic mutualistic relationships or carrying bacteria that produce bioluminiscence for atraying their prey. Source: desert. (n.d.). The American HeritageÂŽ Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Retrieved March 13, 2016 from website Source: Oceanic desert (2016) by the American Association for the Advancement of Science in


Hot Desert


Hot Desert Acording to Wikipedia, Eoearth, Staff Writers, Britannica, Opishposh, wildflowers, outbackaustralia,mnn, arkive, arabiandesert1, alicespringsdesertpark we can find the following information.

ATACAMA DESERT FAUNA Guanaco live in atamama desert (scientific name: Lama guanicoe) belongs to Camelidae family it is approximately 1.60 cm tall. The blue Semillerito lives in the Atacama desert (scientific name: Xenospingus concolor) is the unique species of the xenospingus.

FLORA Native cactus lives in the atamaca desert (scientific name: Copiapoa ) there a lot of shapes and colours.

Tillandsia lives in the Atacama Desert (scientific name: Tillandsia tragophoba)it is found usually inchile. The Guanaco

The Native cactus

The blue Semillerito

The Tillandsia



Hot Desert

SAHARA DESERT FAUNA Fennec fox is a fox with big ears, and a light brown color. They behave like dogs. They live in the Sahara desert. (scientific name: Vulpeszerda). The dromedary is a type of artiodactil mammal from the Camelidae family( scientific name:Camelus Dromedarius). They have got only one hump. Sahara desert ant (scientific name: Cataglyphis) and a characteristic is that they are well adapted to the extreme conditions of their habitat The Deathstalker Scorpion live in sahara deserts (scientific name: Leiurus quinquestriatus) and it utilizes its tiny and fragile-looking pincers to kill a person with its neurotoxins.

FLORA The Eragrostis is a type of grass that belongs from the Poaceas family. It is eated by the human. The Cactus is a type of plant that belongs from the Cactuceae. Some can grow into enormous plants of more than 2 meters long. The Phoenix dactylifera is a plant that gives dates in form of fruits.Their fruits has 2 months to germinate.

DECOMPOSER Millipede live in Sahara deserts (Scientific name: Diplopoda) it main characteristic is that they have a lot of feet more or less around 200.

The Fennec fox

The dromedary 2/13


Hot Desert

The Sahara desert ant

The Eragrostis

The Phoenix dactylifera

The Deathstalker Scorpion

The Cactus




Hot Desert

We have just done a food chain about these desert.

NORTH MEXICO DESERTS FAUNA Desert cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii): It is a mammal that lives in the Mexican deserts. One characteristic is that is member of the family Leporidae. Monstruo de gila is a poisonous lizard they live in the north of mexico (scientific name: Heloderma suspectum) and a characteristic is that they are very slow and they live alone.

FLORA Elephant tree (Bursera microphylla): It is a small tree that lives is extremely arid deserts in Mexico and California. One characteristic is that her leaves are deciduous. Organ pipe cactus (Stenocerus thurberi): It is a type of cactus that lives in Mexico and Southern California. The main characteristic is that it has several narrow stems that rise verticaly.

The Desert cottontail

The Monstruo de gila



Hot Desert

The Elephant tree

The Organ pipe cactus

We have just done food chain of these desert

LYBIAN DESERT FAUNA Cerastes is a type of snake that is usual in Africa and Arabia. It is poisonous. The grey heron (Ardea cinera) is a bird common in Africa. One characteristic is that it is a big bird, between 90-100 cm high.

FLORA Blady grass (Imperata cylindrica) is a plant that lives in the lybian desert. One characteristic is that is one of the exotic invasor species more harmful of the world. Cleome droserifolia is a specie of plant that lives normally Africa and Asia. A characteristic is that it is between 5-50 cm high. Cerastes

The grey heron



Hot Desert

Blady grass

Cleome droserifolia

ARABIAN DESERT FAUNA The Arabian wolf is a subspecies of grey wolf that has adapted to live in impressively harsh conditions. This 40-pound wolf has a long coat in winter to insulate it against freezing temperatures, and while in summer it has a shorter coat, the longer fur remains along its back to help protect against the heat of the sun. It also has extra-large ears to help disperse body heat. (Scientific name: Canis lupus arabs) The Arabian oryx is an antelope that is highly specialised for its harsh desert environment. The bright white coat reflects the sun’s rays and the hooves are splayed and shovel-like, providing a large surface area with which to walk on the sandy ground. (Scientific name: Oryx leucoryx)

FLORA Date palms are extremely common and have the biggest plant population in the Arabian Desert. Many residents and animals of the Arabian desert enjoy eating the fruit that this tree produces whichare called dates. It can reach to 75 feet high (about 23 metres). The trunk of the date palm is rough and its leaves are barbed. (Scientific name: Phoenix dactylifera) The Juniper spreads across a wide range of the Arabian Desert. The Juniper produces seedsand berries which make perfect feeding ĂĄreas for a variety of different animals thriving in the desert area. The wood on the tree is very strong and makes great use for utensils and shelter. There are about 70 different species of the Juniper. (Scientific name: Juniperus)



Hot Desert

The Arabian wolf

The Arabian oryx

The Date palms

The Juniper

AUSTRALIAN DESERT FAUNA Kangaroo rats are small rodents that live in the Australian desert. They have the ability of jumping, that´s why they are named this way. Its weith is between 70 and 170 grams. (scientific name: Dipodomys) The Red Kangaroo, the largest marsupial in the world, is the most famous kangaroo species, but it is only one of many. The "big reds" are the species that inhabits the driest parts of Australia, the central deserts. And their adaptation to their environment is the one aspect they are so famous for: the hopping. (scientific name: Macropus Rufus)

FLORA Spinifex is a tough, spiky tussock grass that dominates much of the red sand desert and rocky ranges of Central Australia. Spinifex seeds are produced after exceptional rainfall events. The seed is an important source of food for many desert birds and rodents. (Scientific name: Spinifex, Triodia species.) Desert Bloodwood trees have rough bark and thick blood red sap. They have tough leathery leaves and store water in their roots. The Desert Bloodwood is slow growing and long-lived. (Scientific name: Corymbia opaca) The Kangaroo rats

The Red Kangaroo 7/13


Hot Desert

The Spinifex

The Desert Bloodwood trees

KALAHARI DESERT FAUNA The brown hyena (Hyaena brunnea, formerly Parahyaena brunnea) is a species of hyena found in Namibia, Botswana, western and southern Zimbabwe, southern Mozambique and South Africa. It is currently the rarest species of hyena The common warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) is a wild member of the pig family (Suidae) found in grassland, savanna, and woodland in sub-Saharan Africa The meerkat or suricate (Suricata suricatta) is a small carnivoran belonging to the mongoose family (Herpestidae). It is the only member of the genus Suricat The hartebeest, also known as kongoni, is an African antelope, first described by the German zoologist Peter Simon Pallas in 1766. It belongs to the bolidae faily

FLORA The Cucumis metuliferus, horned melon or kiwano, also African horned cucumber or melon, jelly melon, hedged gourd, melano, in the southeastern United States, blowfish fruit, is an annual vine in the cucumber and melon family, Cucurbitacea. The Acacia (/əˈkeɪʃə/) is a monophyletic genusof flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae, commonly known as thorn trees or shittah trees. The brown hyena

The common warthog 8/13


Hot Desert

The meerkat or suricate

The hartebeest

The Cucumis metuliferus

The Acacia




Hot Desert

The burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) is a small, long-legged owl found in open landscapes of North and South America, including the Patagonian Desert. It belongs to the Strigidae family. The Darwin's rhea (Rhea pennata), also known as the lesser rhea, is a large flightless bird, but the smaller of the two extant species of rheas. It is found in the Altiplano and Patagonia in South America. It belongs to the Rheidae family. The South American gray fox (Lycalopex griseus), also known as the Patagonian fox, the chilla or the gray zorro, is a specie of Lycalopex, the "false" foxes. It is endemic to the southern part of South America The western ribbon snake (Thamnophis proximus) is a species of garter snake, with several subspecies.

FLORA The Benthamiella is a genus of plants in the Solanaceae family, native to Patagonia in southern South America. Its species have been described as "attractive, small, cushion plants". The Stipa is a genus of around 300 large perennial hermaphroditic grasses collectively known as feather grass, needle grass, and spear grass. They are placed in the subfamily Pooideae and the tribe Stipeae. The Stipa

The burrowing owl

The Benthamiella

The western ribbon snake



Hot Desert

The Darwin's rhea

The South American gray fox


Burse ra m icrophylla. (2016, 6 de fe bre ro). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fe cha de consulta: 21:02, fe bre ro 9, 2016 de sde https://e s.wik ipe x .php?title =Burse ra_m icrophylla&oldid=88974634. De se rt cottontail. (2015, Se pte m be r 17). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 21:03, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =De se rt_cottontail&oldid=681420149 He lode rm a suspe ctum . (2016, 16 de e ne ro). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fe cha de consulta: 21:05, fe bre ro 9, 2016 de sde https://e s.wik ipe x .php?title =He lode rm a_suspe ctum &oldid=88480028. Ste noce re us thurbe ri. (2015, 7 de novie m bre ). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fe cha de consulta: 20:50, fe bre ro 9, 2016 de sde title =Ste noce re us_thurbe ri&oldid=86576758. 10 sahara anim als. (2015, 11 de ce m be r).opishposh. R e trie ve d: 16:32, Fe bruary 9, 2016 from Ant. (2016, 5 de nove m be r). Britannica. R e trie ve d: 18:44, Fe bruary 9, 2016 from Diplopoda. (2015, 28 de nove m be r). W ik ipe dia, La e nciclope dia libre . R e trie ve d: 15:10, Fe bruary 8, 2016 from https://e s.wik ipe x .php?title =Diplopoda&oldid=87345977. Le iurus quinque striatus. (2015, 27 de august). W ik ipe dia, La e nciclope dia libre . R e trie ve d: 15:25, Fe bruary 8,



Hot Desert

2016 from https://e s.wik ipe x .php?title =Le iurus_quinque striatus&oldid=84713138. Vulpe s ze rda. (2015, 5 de de ce m be r). W ik ipe dia, La e nciclope dia libre . R e trie ve d: 19:30, Fe bruary 8, 2016 from

https://e s.wik ipe x .php?title =Vulpe s_ze rda&oldid=87557641.

Eragrostis. (2016, 3 de fe bre ro). W ik ipe dia, La e nciclope dia libre . R e trie ve d: 01:31, Fe bruary 10, 2016 from https://e s.wik ipe x .php?title =Eragrostis&oldid=88901437. Mothe r Nature Ne twork , (without date ), Arabian W olf, (que ry date : 8 Fe bruary, 2016), tak e n from (photo include d): http://www.m /e arth-m atte rs/anim als/photos/17-anim als-am azingly-adapte d-to-thrive -inde se rts/arabian-wolf W ildscre e n ark ive , (without date ), Arabian O ryx , (que ry date : 8 Fe bruary, 2016), tak e n from (photo include d): http://www.ark ive .org/arabian-oryx /oryx -le ucoryx / Plants in the Arabian de se rt, (without date ), Date Palm s, (que ry date : 8 Fe bruary, 2016), tak e n from (photo include d): http://arabiande se rt1.we e /plants.htm l Plants in the Arabian de se rt, (without date ), Junipe r, (que ry date : 8 Fe bruary, 2016), tak e n from (photo include d): http://arabiande se rt1.we e /plants.htm l Plants in the Arabian de se rt, (without date ), Acacia, (que ry date : 8 Fe bruary, 2016), tak e n from (photo include d): http://arabiande se rt1.we e /plants.htm l Arde a cine re a. (2015, 23 de novie m bre ). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fe cha de consulta: 21:36, fe bre ro 9, 2016 de sde https://e s.wik ipe x .php?title =Arde a_cine re a&oldid=87149758. C e raste s. (2015, 24 de junio). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fe cha de consulta: 21:31, fe bre ro 9, 2016 de sde https://e s.wik ipe x .php?title =C e raste s&oldid=83396114. C le om e drose rifolia, (No date ). Photo: Sara Gold. Fe cha de consulta: 21:29, fe bre ro 9; 2016 de sde http://www.wildflowe nglish/picture .asp?ID=2567 C le om e drose rifolia. (2013, 31 de octubre ). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fe cha de consulta: 21:23, fe bre ro 9, 2016 de sde https://e s.wik ipe x .php?title =C le om e _drose rifolia&oldid=70519803 Im pe rata cylindrica. (2015, 3 de julio). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fe cha de consulta: 21:16, fe bre ro 9, 2016 de sde https://e s.wik ipe x .php?title =Im pe rata_cylindrica&oldid=83559641. W ik ipe dia (last m odification: 22 January, 2016), k anguroo rats, (que ry date : 8 Fe bruary, 2016), tak e n from : https://e n.wik ipe i/Kangaroo_rat O utback Australia trave l guide , (date : 2005), Australian de se rt anim als, (que ry date : 8 Fe bruary, 2016), tak e n from (photo include d): http://www.outback -australia-trave l-se cre /australian-de se rt-anim als.htm l Alice Springs, De se rt Park , (without date ), Nature note s- Spinife x , (que ry date : 8 Fe bruary, 2016), tak e n from (photo include d): http://www.alice springsde se rtpark .com .au/k ids/nature /plants/spinife x .shtm l Alice Springs, De se rt Park , (without date ), Nature note s- de se rt Bloodwood tre e , (que ry date : 8 Fe bruary, 2016), tak e n from (photo include d): http://www.alice springsde se rtpark .com .au/k ids/nature /plants/bloodwood.shtm l Acacia. (2016, January 16). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 17:52, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =Acacia&oldid=700156054 Brown hye na. (2016, January 26). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 17:33, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =Brown_hye na&oldid=701757365 C om m on warthog. (2016, January 24). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 17:34, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =C om m on_warthog&oldid=701408417 C ucum is m e tulife rus. (2016, January 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 17:52, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =C ucum is_m e tulife rus&oldid=697867870 Harte be e st. (2016, Fe bruary 6). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 17:34, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =Harte be e st&oldid=703657627 https://upload.wik im e ipe dia/com m ons/0/04/Parahyae na_brunne a_3.jpg Kalahari De se rt. (2016, Fe bruary 1). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 17:32, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =Kalahari_De se rt&oldid=702774996 Me e rk at. (2016, Fe bruary 1). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 17:33, Fe bruary 9, 2016,



Hot Desert

from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =Me e rk at&oldid=702754464 Be ntham ie lla. (2015, April 26). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 17:11, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =Be ntham ie lla&oldid=659280373 Burrowing owl. (2016, Fe bruary 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 16:22, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =Burrowing_owl&oldid=702966617 Darwin's rhe a. (2016, January 17). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 16:34, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =Darwin%27s_rhe a&oldid=700264508 Patagonian De se rt. (2016, January 16). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 16:20, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =Patagonian_De se rt&oldid=700171913 South Am e rican gray fox . (2016, Fe bruary 3). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 16:55, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =South_Am e rican_gray_fox &oldid=703048668 Stipa. (2015, O ctobe r 8). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 17:16, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =Stipa&oldid=684695861 W e ste rn ribbon snak e . (2015, Nove m be r 30). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. R e trie ve d 17:03, Fe bruary 9, 2016, from https://e n.wik ipe x .php?title =W e ste rn_ribbon_snak e &oldid=693055051 Lam a guanicoe . (2016, 21 de january). W ik ipe dia, La e nciclope dia libre . R e trie ve d: 21:58, Fe bruary 10, 2016 from https://e s.wik ipe x .php?title =Lam a_guanicoe &oldid=88604397 C opiapoa. (2015, 12 de nove m be r). W ik ipe dia, La e nciclope dia libre . R e trie ve d: 20:51, Fe bruary 10, 2016 from https://e s.wik ipe x .php?title =C opiapoa&oldid=86821020. Xe nospingus concolor. (2014, 13 de nove m be r). W ik ipe dia, La e nciclope dia libre . R e trie ve d: 22:04, Fe bruary 10, 2016 from https://e s.wik ipe x .php?title =Xe nospingus_concolor&oldid=78120688. Tillandsia. (2015, 12 april). Eoe arth. R e trie ve d: 21:30 Fe bruary, 2016 form http://www.e oe w/article /150268/



Cold deserts


Cold deserts

Cold desert definition: Cold deserts are found in regions with higher latitudes (so colder temperatures) than those that are found at lower latitudes like hot deserts. The dry environment of a cold desert is caused by it's distance from the coast, which makes the atmosphere have less humidity and no onshore winds which regulate the temperatures in coastline zones. (This means that cold deserts are usually found in high places like mountains or plateaus)

List of Cold deserts: Gobi (China and Mongolia) Patagonian (South America, Argentina, Chile) Colorado Plateau (Southwestern United States in Western Colorado) Taklamakan (China) KyzlKum (Kazajistรกn and Uzbekistรกn) Karakum (Turkmenistan) Great Basin (United States, central west of Nevada) Tibet (China) Salty Uyuni (Bolivia)

Food chain in cold desrts Flora and fauna in some cold deserts. According to wikipedia, wordspress, we can find the following information:

KYZLKUM DESERT (Kazajistรกn and Uzbekistan) FAUNA The Russian tortoise: (Agrionemys horsfieldii). They are herbivores and feed on weeds and wild flowers. They are also sexually dimorphic. Russian tortoises have four toes and their coloration varies. The desert monitor:(Varanus griseus). They normally display a variety of body coloration from light brown and yellow to grey. They average about one meter in length, but can reach the two meters. Saiga Antelope: (Saiga tatarica).He horned males are larger than the hornless females. Their



Cold deserts

lifespans range from 6 to 10 yearsThe saiga is recognizable by an extremely unusual, over-sized, flexible nose. The Bactrian deer: (Cervus elaphus bactrianus). This deer is usually ashy-gray with yellowish sheen, These deer do not have neck manes, but do have stronger and thicker neck muscles The wild boar: (Sus scrofa). The wild boar is a bulky, massively built suid with short and relatively thin legs. The trunk is short and massive, while the hindquarters are comparatively underdeveloped. The animal's head is very large. Przewalski's horse: (Equus ferus). Przewalski's horse is stockily built, with shorter legs. hey weigh around 300 kilogramsIn the wild, Przewalski's horses live in small, permanent family groups consisting of one adult. The houbara bustard: (Chlamydotis undulada). It is a small to mid-sized bustard. It measures 55– 65 cm in length. The sexes are similar, but the female is rather smaller and greyer above than the male,

FLORA The white saxaul: (Haloxylon persicum).The Haloxylon persicum has a stout rugged stem and light grey bark, growing up to 4.5-5 metres in height. The white saxaul is a hardy tree that can grow in nutritionally poor soil and can tolerate drought. The desert monitor

Saiga Antelope

The wild boar

The Russian tortoise

The Bactrian deer

Przewalski's horse



Cold deserts

The houbara bustard

The white saxaul

TAKLAMAKAN DESERT (China) FLORA Camelthorns: (Alhagi sparsifolia). Alhagi species have proportionally the deepest root system of any plants.1 m high shrub may have a main root more than 15 m long Scorzonera: (Scorzonera divaricada). Some Scorzonera species contain lactones, including the sesquiterpene lactones known as guaianolides. Karelinia : (Karelinia caspia). It is an herb, evergreen. The leaves are alternate, shortly hairy and the fruits in the form of achenes, with straight hair.




Cold deserts

Ching Hai Toadhead Agama: (Phrynocephalus vlangalii). The systematics of this genus is very complicated with many controversial points of view about the unclear phylogeny of this group. Wild Bactrian Camel: (Camelus ferus). It is closely related to the domesticated Bactrian camel Their habitat is in arid plains and hills where water sources are scarce and there is very little vegetation. Asiatic Wild Ass: (Equus hemionus). Onagers are larger than donkeys and are a little more horselike. They are short-legged compared to horses, and their coloring varies depending on the season. Himalyan Marmot: (Marmota himalayana). It lives in colonies and excavates deep burrows that colony members share during hibernation.It is about the size of a la rge housecat and it has a dark chocolate-brown coat with contrasting yellow patches on its face and chest. Pewzow's Toad: (Pseudepidalea pewzowi.) A toad is any of a number of species of amphibians in the orderAnura (frogs) that are characterized by dry, leathery skin, short legs, and parotoid glands Siberian Frog: (Rana arvalis) Is a slim, reddish-brown, semiaquatic amphibian native to Europe and Asia. It is a member of the family Ranidae, or true frogs



Ching Hai Toadhead Agama

Asiatic Wild Ass


Wild Bactrian Camel

Himalyan Marmot



Cold deserts

Pewzow's Toad

Siberian Frog

GOBI DESERT. (China and Mongolia) FAUNA Goitered gazelle: (Gazella subgutturosa). Until recently, goitered gazelles were considered to represent a single, albeit polymorphic, species. However, recent genetic studies show one of the subspecies, is paraphyletic in respect to the other populations of goitered gazelle. The marbled polecat: (Vormela peregusna). Marbled polecats are most active during the morning and evening. Their eyesight is weak and they rely on a well-developed sense of smell. Wild Bactrian Camel: (Camelus ferus). It is closely related to the domesticated Bactrian camel Their habitat is in arid plains and hills where water sources are scarce and there is very little vegetation. The Mongolian wild ass: (Equus hemionus hemionus). Mongolian khulans are known to dig holes at dry river beds and water sources to access to subsurface water to drink in response of the lack of water during hot summers in the Gobi Desert.



Cold deserts

Sandplovers: (Charadrius). They are characterised by relatively short bills. They hunt by sight, rather than by feel as longer-billed waders like snipes do.

FLORA The white saxaul: (Haloxylon persicum). The Haloxylon persicum has a stout rugged stem and light grey bark, growing up to 4.5-5 metres in height. The white saxaul is a hardy tree that can grow in nutritionally poor soil and can tolerate drought. Saltwort: (Salsola kali). This weed-like plant has an extremely high tolerance to salt, making it the ideal plant life to thrive in the least vegetative area of the region, the Salt Desert. Wild Onion: (Allium polyrhizum). These plants, are a food source for animals and hu mans travelling in the desert, and is said to taste like hazelnuts.

Tamarix shrubs: (Tamarixarceuthoides). This smalIn the early summer to the beginning of fall, it blooms, creating small white or pink flowers. Its tolerance to extreme conditions

Hair moss: (flagelliforme). It helps prevent sandstorms during the windy season. It is considered a pioneer organism. Goitered gazelle

Wild Bactrian Camel


The marbled polecat

The Mongolian wild ass

The white saxaul 6/27


Cold deserts


Tamarix shrubs

Wild Onion

Hair moss



Cold deserts


The burrowing owl: (Athene cunicularia).It has long legs for allowing to sprint when it is hunting. It is also a type of owl that is active during the day and they tend to avoid the midday heat. Darwin’s rhea: (Rhea pennata). It has quite large wings, as well as its legs and its neck. Its length is between 92 to 100 cm, and its weight is between 15 to 28.6 kg. Guanaco: (Lama guanicoe). It’s a camelid native to South Africa that has grey faces and small ears. Its height is between 1.0 and 1.2 metres tall and its weight is about 90 kg. Patagonian fox:(Lycalopex griseus). It is a type of fox that has a reddish-brown coloured head and its weight is between 2.5 to 5.45 kg. It measures 65 to 110 cm. Desert iguana: (Dipsosaurus dorsalis). It is one of the most common lizards in deserts. Its color is mostly grey and tan. It grows to 61 cm long. Patagonian weasel: (Lyncodon patagonicus). It is a small mustelid that has a length between 300 to 350 mm. It is black and dark brown and it has small ears, short legs and a busy tail. Western ribbon snake: (Thamnophis proximus). It is a species of garter snake that is quite long. Its color varies from dark brown to olive-grey. It also has three light stripes running along the body. Tuco-tuco: (Ctenomys). Its name comes from the sound they make. It forms part to the family of Ctenomyidae. Mara: (Dolichotis patagonum). It is a genus of the cavy family. Its height is about 45 cm and a weight of 11 kg. It can run at speed up to 29 km/h.




Cold deserts

Desert shrub: (Benthamiella). They are low-growing cushions, with small overlapping leaves and with flowers that appear just above the leaves. Tuft grasse s: (Poa annua). It is a genus of about 500 types of grasses. Its height is between 5 cm to 30 cm. Its leaves have a membranous liguile. It also has some flowers.

Burrowing owl

Darwin's rhea


Desert iguana

Patagonian fox

Patagonian weasel



Cold deserts

Western ribbon snake

Tuco- tuco


Tuft grasses

Desert shrub


Mule deer: (Odocoileus hemionus). It’s a type of deer named of its ears because they are quite long. It has a height of 80-106 cm and a weight from 43 to 90 kg. Bobcat: (Lynx rufus).It is a type of lynx of grayish-brown color with black streaks on the body and dark bars on the forelegs and tail. Its weight is from 6.4 to 18.3 kg and its height is 47.5 to 125 cm.



Cold deserts

Kangaroo rat:(Dipodomys). They are small rodents with big hind legs, small front legs and relatively large heads. Its weight is about 70 to 170 g and their tails are longer than their bodies. They can run up to 10 feet/second. Cactus mouse:(Peromyscus eremicus). They are small, between 18 and 40 g in weight. Females weigh slightly more than males. Their ears are nearly hairless, large, and membranous and their fur is long and soft. Black-tailed jackrabbit: (Lepus californicus). They have quite big ears. They reach a length of 61 cm and a height from 1.4 to 2.7 kg. Gambel’s quail: (Callipepla gambelii). It is a small bird that measures 28 cm and it feeds with plant matter and seeds. This birds are quite short and they have rounded wings and long legs. Flat-tailed horned lizard:(Phrynosoma mcallii). It is a reptile that has multiple of adaptations to camouflage. This type of species are threatened because of human activities. Desert tortoise:(Gopherus agassizii). They are tortoises that live about to 80 years, they grow slowly and finally they get a length of 10 to 14 cm long. This animal can weight from 4 to 5 kg. Bighorn sheep: (Ovis canadensis). It is a sheep named because of its horns that can weigh up to 14kg. These animals have a height from 91 to 104 cm tall and they can weight 58-143 kg. Arroyo toad:(Anaxyrus californicus). It is a stocky species of toad that is 5 to 7.5 cm long. It is grey, green or salmon and has horizontal pupils.


Willow:(Salix). It is a species of deciduous trees or shrubs. They have elongated leaves and they have flowers.

Mule deer

Kangaroo rat


Cactus mouse



Black-tailed jackrabbit

Flat-tailed horned lizard

Bighorn sheep

Cold deserts

Gambel’s quail

Desert tortoise

Arroyo toad




Cold deserts

KARAKUM (Turkmenistan) FAUNA Saxaul sparrows

Fox corsac


Goitered gazelle

FLORA Haloxylon ammodendron

Ammodendron conollyi



Cold deserts


SALAR DE UYUNI (Bolivia) FLORA Hay algunos tipos de Cactus gigante, por ejemplo: Echinopsis atacamensis pasacana, Echinopsis tarijensis, y algunos más que no vamos a nombrar. Crecen sobre 1 centímetro por año hasta 12 metros. Algunos arbustos incluyen la Pilaya, que se usa por la gente local para curar catarros u otras enfermedades, otro arbusto es la Thola: Baccharis dracunculifolia, que se quema y se usa como fuel. Pero hay otros arbustos como quinoa plants y quenua bushes.

Echinopsis atacamensis pasacana Echinopsis tarijensis



Cold deserts

Baccharis dracunculifolia Quenua



Cold deserts


Every November the Salar de Uyuni shelters three species of pink South American flamingo: the Chilean, Andean and rare James’s flamingos (They are pink because they feed on pink algae). There are about 80 other bird species include the horned coot whichwas described by Bonaparte in 1853, Andean goose and Andean hillstar which is really colourfull. The Andean fox which is called culpeo is a representative animal. The "islands" of the Salar, in particular Incahuasi Island, host colonies of hares like viscachas.

James’s flamingos

Fulica cornuta



Cold deserts

Lycalopex culpaeus

Lagostomus maximus

Chloephaga melanoptera

Oreotrochilus estella

TIBETAN PLATEAU (Central Asia and East Asia)



TIBETAN PLATEAU (Central Asia and East Asia) Cold deserts


Tibet's elevation and lack of precipitation creates an alpine tundra environment, which reduces species diversity. Many plants in Tibet have medicinal value. There are more than 1,000 wild plants used for medicine. Some well-known medicine plants include Chinese caterpillar fungus, Fritillaria Thunbergii, Rhizoma Picrorhizae, Rhubarb, Rhizoma Gastrodiae, Pseudo-ginseng, Codonopsis Pilosula, Radix Gentiane Macrophyllae, Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, Glossy ganoderma, and Caulis Spatholobi.

In addition, there are over 200 known species of fungi, including famous edible fungi Songrong, Hedgehog hydnum, Zhangzi fungus, Mush rooms, Black fungi, Tremellas and Yellow fungi. Fungi for medical use include Tuckahoes, Songganlan, and stone-like omphalias.

Ophiocordyceps sinensis

Ganoderma lucidum


Auricularia auricula-judae



Cold deserts

FAUNA Tibet's elevation and lack of precipitation creates an alpine tundra environment, which reduces species diversity. Tibet hosts species of wolf, wild donkeys that are used by nomads for carrying things, cranes, vultures that can be 3 or 4 metres long, hawks who are used by hunters , geese, snakes, yak and buffalo that some sheperds also keep with them. One common animal is the high altitude jumping spider that can live at over 6,500 metres of elevation.

Bos grunniens

Gypaetus barbatus



Cold deserts

Canis lupus chanco



Cold deserts

Tibet hawk

Euophrys omnisuperstes

Wild tibet donkeys


Pinyon Jays



Cold deserts

Bighorn sheep

Greater sage-grous (Centrocercus urophasianus)

FLORA Plains pricklypear

Sagebrush steppe

Big sagebrush

Atriplex species




Cold deserts

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Cold deserts

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Cold deserts

-South American gray fox. (2016, February 3). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:36, February 4, 2016, from title=South_American_gray_fox&oldid=703048668

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-Mule deer. (2016, January 21). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:42, February 4, 2016, from



Oceanographic Deserts


Oceanographic Deserts

Introduction Oceanographic deserts are located in a zone called the abyssal zone. The abyssal zone is the abyssopelagic layer or pelagic zone. This word means bottomless. At depths of 4,000 to 6,000 metres, this zone never receives daylight. These regions are also continuously cold and have lack of nutrients. Its average temperatures are around 2 °C to 3 °C. The deep trenches or fissures such as the Mariana Trench are almost unexplored, but the Deepsea Challenger was able to descend in it to a depth of 10,898.4 metres. Abyssal plains cover more than 50% of the Earth’s surface. Abyssal zone´s permanent inhabitants are able to withstand immense pressures, up to 76 megapascals. Though the plains were once assumed to be vast, desert-like habitats, researchs over the past decade show that they have a wide variety of microbial life. New species make up more than 80% of the thousands of seafloor invertebrate species collected at any abyssal station. Some examples of abyssal species are:

Fauna: - Abyssobrotula galatheae:

It is a species of cusk eel in the family Ophidiidae, and the only species in its genus. It is the deepest-living fish known. One specimen was trawled from a depth of 8,370 m in the Puerto Rico Trench in 1970. This fish holds the record for the deepest fish ever captured.

- Pse udoliparis amblystomopsis:



Oceanographic Deserts

In October 2008, a team from Scottish and Japanese institutes discovered a shoal of P. amblystomopsis at a depth of 7,700 metres in the Japan Trench. These were, until December 2014, the deepest living fish ever recorded on film. The record has since been surpassed by another type of snailfish filmed at a depth of 8,145 metres.

- Bathypterois longipes:

It is a species of deepsea tripod fish living on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, even on the abyssal plain. It is one of the deepest-dwelling fish known. This solitary fish grows about ten inches long, and has a "tripod" formation of fins both used to rest on the bottom, and to travel on the water column. It lives in extremely cold water, at temperatures of 0–9 °C.

- Lysianassidae:

This is a family of amphipods that live in the abyssal plain.

Probably the reason of lack of species in abyssal ecosystems is energy limitation. Abyssal seafloor communities are considered to be food limited because they depend of detrital organic material produced in the euphotic zone, thousands of meters above, that falls and reaches the abyssal plain.

Bibliography: - Abyssal zone. (2016, February 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 10:52, February 7, 2016, from - Abyssal plain. (2016, January 24). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 10:54, February 7, 2016, from



Oceanographic Deserts

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Coastal Deserts


Coastal Deserts ATACAMA According to Wikipedia (2015) The Atacama Desert is a plateau in South America, covering part of the Pacific coast and west of the Andes mountains. It is the driest non-polar desert in the world. It occupies 105,000 square kilometres approximately. Most of the desert is composed of stony terrain, salt lakes, sand, and felsic lava that flows towards the Andes. According to the National Geographic (2003) in the Atacama’s center, there is a place known as absolute desert, this desert is known as the driest place on Earth. There are sterile, intimidating stretches where rain has never been recorded, at least as long as humans have measured it. There you cannot find a blade of grass or cactus stump, not a lizard, not a gnat. But you will see the remains of most everything left behind. Fauna The coastal deserts have a harsh climate, but a surprising number of animals manage to survive. According to Wikipedia (2015) and Bueno Saber(2015) this are some of the animal species we can find in this kind of Coastal deserts. Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) : It has a great aptitude to adapt to the way, feeding of carrion if is necessary. Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) : Only lives in the American coastal deserts. Vulture (Accipitridae): They have a bold haid in order that when they eat, there are no feathers to get dirty of blood. Dhole (Cuon alpinus) : It's the only type of dhole that lives out of Africa. Fennex fox (Vulpes zerda) : It has got big ears that serve it as a system of ventilation and refrigeration of the blood that helps it to support the high temperatures and the extreme climate of the desert. Rßppell's fox (Vulpes rueppellii) : It has hair has on the ink pads of the feet, which probably helps it to distribute its weight and to walk easier on the sand, and prevents the animal from burning its feet. Dorcas gaezelle (Gazella dorcas) :They are very adapted to the desert; they can be all the life without drinking because they can obtain the whole dampness from the plants of its diet. Lizards (Lacertilia) : All the lizards can change color in response to its environment or in moments of danger. Hairy Scorpion (Hadrurus arizonesis): It is very similar to the Bark Scorpion but not so dangerous.

Tarantula (Aphonopelma sp.): The biggest and notorious of the Spider family. They only make webs to encase the entrances to their subterranean dens. Salt lizard (Liolaemus):is a genus of iguanian lizards, containing many species, all of which are endemic to South America. Flora



Coastal Deserts

According to Wikipedia (2015), Ecologic peru (2015) and Chile flora (2015) this are some plants that can survive in coastal deserts. Cistanthe (Cistanthe) : Many of them are apadtated and some of them can survive with almost absolute absence of rains. Portulacaceae (Portulacaceae) : They are hermaphrodite plants. Nolana (Nolana) : It's an annual plant in which is the only whose fruits are composed of schizocarp (dry fruit composed of multiple carpels that separate). Chaetanthera (Chaetanthera) : These plants get water principally from the air for condensation. Mesquite tree ( Prosopis pallida ) : It is also known as kiawe, huarango and American carob, as well as "bayahonda" (a generic term for Prosopis) and "algarrobo blanco" (usually used for Prosopis alba). It is a thorny legume, native to Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, mostly in drier areas near the coast. Amancae Flower (Hymenocallis amancaes or Ismene amancaes) : It lives in the coastal zones of PerĂş and belongs to the familly of Amaryllidaceas. It only appears in the cold and cloudy season, and is in danger of extinction. Wild tobacco (Nicotiana glauca) : It's known by the common name tree tobacco. Its leaves are attached to the stalk by petioles and its leaves and stems are nei ther pubescent nor sticky like Nicotiana tabacum.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Nicotiana glauca. (2015, October 27). Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 19:21, February 6, 2016, from style="font-family: 'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: medium;">Mesquite. (2015, October 16). Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 6, 2016 from style="font-family: 'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: medium;">The Almancae flower. (2012, February 12). Peru ecolĂłgico. Retrieved February 6, 2016 from style="font-family: 'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: medium;">Flora from Coastal deserts (2012, March 24). Chile flora. Retrieved Februry 6, 2016 from style="font-family: 'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: medium;">Fauna in the Coastal deserts (2011, June 28). Bueno saber. Retrieved Februry 6, 2016 from style="font-family: 'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: medium;">Atacama Desert (2003) National Geographic. Retrieved February 8, 2016 from style="font-family: 'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: medium;">Atacama Desert. (2016, February 1). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:08, February 9, 2016, from



Coastal Deserts style="font-family: 'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: medium;">RĂźppell's fox. (2015, December 28). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:10, February 9, 2016, from style="font-family: 'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: medium;">Desert insects (2014) Don & Linda Gilmore. Retrieved February 8, 2016 from style="font-family: 'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: medium;">Liolaemus. (2016, February 8). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:50, February 9, 2016, from style="font-family: 'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: medium;">Atacama food chain

NAMIB DESERT According to Wikipedia (2015) the Namib Desert it’s a coastal one, situated in South Africa, and occupies Angola, Namibia and Sudafrica. Fauna: According to Delia McDade and Allison Knudsen (s.f.) some of the animals we can find are: The Gemsbok (Oryx gazella) is an interesting specie in the desert of Namibia. They are part of the antelope species, and a brown coat. They are often hunted for their horns, and can run very fast. Their adaptations to the desert include their small stature, and their ability to avoid drinking water for weeks by not sweating. The Golden Mole (Chrysochloridae), a very small, furry animal, is a primary consumer in this ecosystem. They can anticipate attacks on them, but are still endangered due to hunting by jackals. These animals live underground; they burrow to escape the sun. The Namib Desert Viper (Bitis peringueyi), a 20 cm commonly built viper, reside in this biome. They are high venomous snakes use camouflage to trick prey. The Meerkats (Suricata suricatta) are small, desert creatures which travel in clans. They have curved phalanges in order to enhance their digging abilities, to burrow. Their burrowing allowed them to escape the sun. Another adaption they have is their immunity to scorpions, which are desert creatures as well. The Namib Desert beetle (Stenocara gracilipes) is a unique beetle, which lives in the driest regions of the biome. They have long, thin legs, and bumpy outer wings. They are able to obtain sufficient water by climbing to high peaks of dunes, and facing into the breeze. Now, according to World Wildlife Fund (WWF)(S.F.) more animals: The mountain zebra (Equus zebra) Like all extant zebras, mountain zebras are boldly striped in black or dark brown and no two individuals look exactly alike. The whole body is striped except for the belly. Mountain zebras live in hot, dry, rocky, mountainous and hilly habitats. They prefer slopes and plateaus as high as 1,000 metres above sea level, although they do migrate lower during winter. They drink every



Coastal Deserts

day. When there is no surface water due to drought, they commonly dig for ground water in dried river beds. The short-eared elephant shrew (Macroscelides proboscideus). They keep trails clear of debris for fast escape from predators and keep their tails horizontal while they move. They clean themselves with dust baths. There are 17 species of elephant shrew and they are more closely related with elephants than with shrews. According to Wikipedia (2015) another animal is: The Namib Desert Horse (Equus ferus caballus), is a rare feral horse found in the Namib Desert of Namibia, Africa. It is probably the only feral herd of horses residing in Africa, with a population ranging between 90 and 150. Despite the harsh environment in which they live, the horses are generally in good condition, except during times of extreme drought. (Pachydactylus rangei), the Namib sand gecko or web-footed gecko, is a species of small lizard in the family Gekkonidae. It inhabits the arid areas of Angola and Namibia. grows to a length of about 13 cm including a 6-centimetre tail. The head is quite distinct from the slender body and both are flattened dorsally. The eyes are large, dark-coloured and protuberant and have vertical pupils.The Webfooted gecko is very pale, nearly translucent. Flora: According to Delia McDade and Allison Knudsen (s.f.) some of the plants we can find are: The Welwitschia mirabilis is a famous plant in the Namib due to its brown color and wideness. It adapts to the sun and heat with its growth in thickness of stem instead of height. It can live for up to 2,000 years, and grow up to 24 feet wide. According to National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine (2007) we can find the:

The dollar bush (Zygophyllum stapffii) is one of the Namib Desert's endemic species with a range that extends from the central Namib north into southern Angola. It is a leaf succulent and this desert shrub has a low growth feature. The round leaves, which some say resemble coins particularly when dried, are its main unmistakable feature. They are mostly found on gravel plains, drainage lines and at times sandy areas. According to Wikipedia (2015) more plants are: The Melon of Nara (Acanthosicyos horridus). The Nara plant is leafless, the modified stems and spines serve as the photosynthetic "organs" of the plant. The edible seeds are known locally as butterpips. The fruit serves as an essential food source for Topnaar people from February to April and August to September. (Hoodia gordonii) is a leafless spiny succulent plant with medicinal properties. It grows naturally in South Africa and Namibia. The species became internationally known and threatened by collectors,



Coastal Deserts

after a marketing campaign falsely claiming that it was an appetite suppressant for weight loss. The flowers smell like rotten meat and are pollinated mainly by flies. The indigenous San people of the Namib desert call this plan hoba and the Afrikaans Ghaap.


Namib Desert. (2016, January 30). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 14:53, February 4, 2016, from

The Namib Desert. (S.F.) Plants and animals - The Namib Desert. Consulted: 4th February, 2016, from:

Dollar Bush. (2007). Dynamic responses of photosystem II in the Namib Desert shrub. Consulted: 5th February, 2016, from: style="font-family: 'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: medium;">

Acanthosicyos horridus. (2015, September 16). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:05, February 5, 2016, from title=Acanthosicyos_horridus&oldid=681274706 style="font-family: 'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: medium;">

Namib Desert Horse. (2015, October 17). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:12, February 5, 2016, from title=Namib_Desert_Horse&oldid=686116167 style="font-family: 'times new roman', times, serif; font-size: medium;">Pachydactylus rangei. (2015, November 3). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:20, February 5, 2016, from

Hoodia gordonii. (2015, June 12). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:32, February 5, 2016, from



Polar Desert


Polar Desert According to the wikipedia there are only two types of polar deserts Arctic and Antarctic. The Arctic desert consists of the Artic ocean, and Alaska, Greenland, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The Antartic desert consists of the Antarctica in the southern hemisphere. Bibliography: Arctic. (2016, January 22). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:38, February 9, 2016, from Antarctica. (2016, February). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:38, February 9, 2016, from PLANTS OF THE POLAR DESERTS: The typical plants of polar deserts are the ones that don’t have water-transporting structures like mosses, liverworts and hornworts. ARTIC DESERTS: Arctic Willow (salix) They are also called the touenge plant because of their leaves. Paque flower (anemone) The plant gives a fruit which is a achenical plum. Bearberry (arctostaphylos) The strong leaves hel to protect it from the cold. Purple saxifrage (saxifragaceae) The plant bloom very quickly. Arctic poppy (papaver laestadianum) They have a cup-shaped petals which help to absorb the sun and it also follow the sun. Cotton grass (euriophorum) The green flowers develop to white tufts. Lichens (disambiguation) They can grow in rocks and in the soil. ANTARTIC PLANTS: Antartic hair grass (deschampsia Antartica) They look like grass. Antartic pearlwort (colobanthus quitensis) They have yellow flowers and they look like moss. ANIMALS OF THE POLAR DESERT: ARTIC DESERTS: Dallsheep: Ovisdalli, itis a species of sheep White in theArtic. Killerwhale: Orcinus orca, is a toothedwhale belongingtothe oceanic dolphin family Narwhal:Monodonmonoceros, itis a whalewith a verylargecanineteeth.



Polar Desert

Polar bear: Ursus maritimus, itiscarnivouswhitebear. Lemming: Lemmuslemmus, itis a smallrodentfound in tundra biomes Ermine: Mustela erminea, Itis a smallpredator, itisvery agile and fast. Walrus: Odobenusrosmarus, is a large flippered marine mammal. Snow Goose: Chencaerulescens, Itsname derives fromthetypicallywhite plumage ANTARTIC DESERTS: Killerwhale: Orcinus orca, is a toothedwhale belongingto the oceanic dolphin family EmperorPenguin: Aptenodytesforsteri, isthetallest and heaviest of all penguin species Snow Petrel: Pagrodama nĂ­vea, istheonlymember of thegenus Pagodroma CrabeaterSeal: Lobodoncarcinophaga, This animal isspecializedin predation SnowySheatbill: Chionisalbus, Itispurewhiteexceptforitspinkface LeopardSeal:Hydrurgaleptonyx, isthesecondlargestspecies of seal in the Antartic

Food chain in Polar deserts.


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