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design portfolio

2 010 - 2 013

A fresh g raduate g raphic desig ner based in Singapore, from Su rabaya - Indonesia. Most of my works a re hybrids within illustration a nd moder n g raphics. I a lso enjoy doing photog raphy, cra ftworks, listening to a lter native music a nd read good, twisted books. In the mea n time I a m looking for a full-time job in Singapore yet I a m a lways open for collaborations a nd exciting ex perimenta l projects for fu n.

con tacts

e mail

tasia.loekito@ya hoo.com

W e bsit e

w w w.tasia loekito.com

A ddr ess

Houga ng 918, #09-40 Singapore, 530918

phon e

+65 96375789


Aug ‘10 - Aug ‘13 J u l

Na nya ng Academy of Fine Arts Diploma in Design a nd Media (Graphic Design)

‘08 - J u l ‘10

SM A K St. Louis 1 Su rabaya High School

skills SOFT WA RES

Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, In Desig n, Premiere Pro. Fontog rapher.


M a r ‘13 - A pr ‘13

Rêvasseu r Collaterals collaboration for Rêvasseur’s 2013 Spring/Su m mer Colection, “Ships Ahoy!”.

A pr ‘12 - J u n ‘12

Shya la la Pte ltd Once Upon A Ta ng: a heritage book project for TANGS Singapore 80 Light Years Anniversary.


‘11 & ‘12

Pop-Up NOISE Singapore Illustration a nd photography works were showcased.

M A R ‘12

NA FA ICON Awa rds - Bronze; Listerine: Take One For Your Own Good! - Finisher; Sew Typeface

AUG ‘10

MINISTRY OF E DUCATION SINGA PORE Received tuition gra nt deed for diploma.

languanges E nglish (fluent), Ba hasa Indonesia (native)

1. Once Upon A Ta ng 2. Ships A hoy! 3. _visua l mixtape 4. Sew Ty peface 5. Booze You r Groove!

6. I A m A Portrait in a n A ntique Fra me 7. too sweet? 8. the end of a begin ning / the begin ning of a n end 9. Assorted Illustrations

1. Once



Tang A project done du ring inter nship with Shya la la for TA NGS. Desig ned a nd cra fted meticulously to tell the ta le of Singapore’s most established na me. Available for sa le at TA NGS.

Every chapter of C.K. Ta ng’s jou r ney is presented a nd desig ned in distinctive ways. Sta rting from the time he a rrived in Singapore u ntil the futu re of TA NGS.

2. Ships

Ahoy! Artwork collaboration with Gilda Su, Singapore fashion desig ner a nd creator of rêvasseu r. To be used for rêvasseu r’s 2013 spring/su m mer collection.

Series of a rtworks that a re used for promotion pu r poses.

Two pieces from rêvasseu r’s ‘Ships A hoy!’ collection that I digita lly illustrate from rough sketches by the desig ner.

3. _visual

mixtape A n illustrated ‘mix-tape’ of a few from my most played songs from my favorite ba nds a nd a rtists based on my imagination. A n ex periment a nd a n ex ploration th rough the hybrid of audio a nd visua l media.

Clock wise: I’ve Got A Feeling by The Beatles W here Is My Mind by Pixies House of Ca rds by Radiohead Cay ma n Isla nd by Kings of Konvenience 505 by Arctic Monkeys Bulletproof...I Wish I Was by Radiohead

Bou nd ma nua lly using french binding method. Open size: 210 m m x 140 m m x 20 m m

4. Sew

Typeface A specimen book for Sew fa mily ty peface. Sew is a cra fty, circle-ish monoline serif ty peface that was str uctu red by a nd inspired from th read, needles a nd buttons. Available in 3 styles; Cra ftwork, Solid a nd Dashed. A nd 2 weights; Reg ula r a nd Light.

5. Booze



A project to inter pret the ‘taste’ of music into a nice bottle of cocktail d rin k, using a n existing bra nd from London na med West Eleven.

T he six gen res from Booze You r Groove series.

By sca n ning the QR code provided, people will be directed to a mobile app that play songs from every gen res a nd more in for mations.

To promote the d rin k, there will be thematic musica l events held a rou nd Cla rke Quay. People get introduced to the product in a fu n a nd memorable way.

6. I Am a Portrait in an Antique Frame A mini publication about my fa mily. Told in for m of photog raphs ha nging on the wa ll.

7. too

sweet? A series of poster to raise awa reness on diabetes issue, focusing on consu mption of sweet snacks a nd desserts that is popula r nowadays within you ngsters.

8. the beginning /the end of a

of an end beginning

A thought a nd reflection to ‘u nlayer’ ou rselves a nd look back to what is it in ou r life. We often wonder about why we a re here a nd what brought us here. T he end is a new begin ning, a nd a new begin ning is a nother end. T his book is a pa radox.

9. Assorted


Collection of illustration works from 2010 till present in different media a nd styles.

“BADASS LONG NECKS” ~ 2013 Media: pencil, acrylic, marker, color pencil

“THE KISS” ~ 2012 T he fa mous Madon na a nd Britney Spea rs’ V M A kiss. Media: drawing pen

“YO -LANDI VI$$ER” ~ 2013 Media: pencil

“QONDENSED QUATRO” ~ 2013 Media: drawing pen

“ALEX TURNER” ~ 2012 Media: pencil, brush pen

“SELF-PORTR AIT” ~ 2010 Media: pencil, marker

“(UN)SYMMETRYCAL” ~ 2010 Media: acrylic, drawing pen

“DEAR , DEER” ~ 2010 Media: drawing pen, watercolour

“FLU� ~ 2012 Portraits of th ree most in fluentia l desig ner, musicia n & w riter in my life; Stefa n Sag meister, Ja nis Joplin a nd Ha r u ki Mu ra ka mi. Media: digital

All works were produced by Tasia Loekito. Copy right reserved.

Š 2013

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