Tm performance assessment

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• Must evaluate results that are conected with the core business of the organization • Must happen periodically (at least every 2 weeks) • Must be connect with the process of feedback (the member have to know its correct actions and its mistakes so he can improve) • The performance results must be rewarded • TM must analyse the LC Performance to see where and when there is a need for trainings.

• It’s very importante to have simple and easy to understand tools • You need to difine the criterias • You can use sheets or webforms to get the informations • All the TLPs must be trained to use the tool the members must be aware of the criteria, and TM must track it closely There are many different methods, the exemple I’ll give is based in the 9inbox methodology, that classify the members according to their performance and shows the leader how to act with each member.

Exemple of a performance assessment form:

This is a very simple exemple that you can add other questions or criterias. Idealy the TLPs will fill it every two weeks and TM must anylise the responses to guide the TLPs on how to manage each member and increase their productivity. Also TM must guarantee that all the members will receive feedbacks, preferably directly from the TLP.

With this grafic we can classify the members according 2 main citireas:


Training, tracking, feedback

Lack of results

High Performers

Medium Members Low Performers

Lack of Engagement


Coaching, inner journey



• Doing the jobs (Inside the DDL and with Quality) • Member’s efficiency • Goals achievement

• Presence in mandatory Events (Team and General Meetings, Conferences) • Engagement in LC campaigns

• According to this methodolody you use a tool that the leader you fill to evaluate what type of member its team have, and for each type of member the TLP must give a feedback and have de right next steps. Type Lack of results – If the member is engaged in the activities but is not acomplishing any results probably is beacause the members doesn’t have enough operational knowledge or is doing some processes wrong or in a non efficient form. So the leader must give them the proper training, track his actions closely and give him feedback about anything that is not done correctly.

• Rewards are not Always necessary, it vary for each entity, but if the LC can afford any rewards it should preferably be things that bring return in results such as national conference fees, IXP fee, etc)

• Recognition on the other hand is absolutaly necessary to estimulate the members. The recognition must be: • • • •

Periodic (montlhy is a good periodicy) Follow the performance assessment criteria Recognize the best member per area (given that different areas have different KPIs) Public (recognize the members in a LC Meeting, Conferences, in the LC comunication channels)

The TLPs performance also needs to be evaluated, but a TLP performance is not mesured only by its results, it’s necessary to evaluate his team management skills.

1) Have a Team Minimums Tracking Tool 2) Send a regular form to the TMPs with questions about the TLPs work to see if they are applying correctly the Team Minimums and being good leaders. It can be montly or every 2 weeks. Questions Exemples: Do you know your JD? Do you understand your projects planning? Did you recieve coaching with what frequency? Do you have weekly meetings? ...

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