Tastevin Magazine October / November 2014

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HORS D’OEUVRE Contributors: Who’s who in this issue From the Desk of the Editor: Fall in love with fall’s trends Things We Love: Our editor obsessions


BEAUTY & WELLNESS The Skinny on Health: Lisa Eberly shares five tips to a skinny Thanksgiving {Beauty} Trick to Try: Facial in a bag? We tried it!

ARTS & LEISURE Puppy Diaries: A peek into the life of a new puppy owner! Made: Emily Van Guilder keeps your space festive for fall Good Eats: Wake up to autumn with a snickerdoodle-do!



You+Me: Which designer collaboration did we try this issue?Altuzarra x Target, of course! Share Your Where: The street art of Berlin is truly more than meets the eye Share Your Wear: Handcrafted jewelry with a charitable twist More Lepore: Acclaimed fashion designer Nanette Lepore chats fall fashion!

Always end with something sweet

CAROLINE A. WONG Editor-in-Chief

BRANDON GAMBLE Creative Director

FASHION AND FEATURES Fashion and Beauty Editor BREANA POWELL Features Editor AMANDA CHI Features Writer LINDY TOLBERT



ART Photography Director ALEXANDER HERMAN Assistant Photographer HAIL NOWAK West Coast Editor ANNA FRYXELL UK Editor JENNA ANDERSON




Lisa Eberly, the face of wellness site The Skinny on Health, shares her essential tips for making the most out of your Thanksgiving without letting out your pants!

Maria Eubanks whips up more kitchen magic with this issue’s tasty treat: snickerdoodles! Check out her easy recipe in the “Good Eats” column and get ready to share the sweets.

Erica Mau is the proud mama of Teddy Rex the Westie, and she can’t bear to be apart from him. Read about his latest antics in this issue’s installment of “Puppy Diaries”!

West Coast Editor Anna Fryxell interviewed jewelry designer Marie K. of Belcho USA for this issue. Fryxell’s favorite type of jewelry to wear is “necklaces, for sure.”

Features Editor Amanda Chi may never come back from her tour abroad! She delves deeper into the history behind the street art in Berlin and reveals the creativity brewing beyond the famous wall.

Jessica Harris is a Los Angeles-based style star and modeled a look from Nanette Lepore’s latest runway collection for this issue’s cover story. Harris wore her own handbag for the shoot!

Cover photo by Alexander Herman 2

Tastevin Magazine October / November 2014


from the desk of the

EDITOR It may be a bit basic, but I love falling in love with fall. There’s the chance to whip out my favorite boots, scarves, and coats; to finally turn off the central AC in my apartment; and to sip those tongue-tantalizing pumpkin spice lattes before making the transition to my winter go-to of peppermint white chocolate mochas. Yes, falling in love with fall might be cliche, but there’s a reason why everyone loves it so much: FALL ROCKS! Cover girl and acclaimed fashion designer Nanette Lepore fully agrees and chats fall fashion with us. Love the photos of model Jessica Harris? That’s one of Lepore’s fall looks straight from the runway! Other exciting news for fall include Halloween and Thanksgiving coming up, which also means a ton of sweet treats! Maria Eubanks has a great snickerdoodle recipe for us in her “Good Eats” column. And if you want to avoid overindulging when the turkey comes out of its hours-long roast, Lisa Eberly can help with that! Thanks to her awesome nutrition and health knowledge, she has culled five essential tips for ensuring you don’t ruin your wellness goals over the holidays.

This issue is jam-packed with ways to make the most of the season, be it an art lesson from Berlin or a crafty candle holder centerpiece or even just some beauty tips for taking in all the goodness! Be sure to let us know how you’re falling in love with fall. You can find us on social media...just check out the info below! As always, stay fashionable, stay happy, stay Tasty!


Tastevin Magazine October / November 2014

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Things We Love Caroline A. Wong Editor-in-Chief Mustard for Fall “My current obsession is mustard tones for fall, specifically in the form of this H&M coat! Oxblood is always on-trend for autumn, but I like mustard because it’s less expected. Plus, it was a big tone on the fall-winter runways along with forest green. So I’ll have some mustard with my forest, thank you very much.”


Tastevin Magazine October / November 2014

The Tastevin editors share their monthly obsessions.

Anna Fryxell West Coast Editor Choker “After seeing choker necklaces on every one, I decided to seek one out. I found this one at Forever 21 for $8 and now wear it all the time.”

Colette Choi Beauty Editor ISO Beauty Twisters


“I was intimidated by clipless curl irons at first, but these ones by ISO Beauty really give the best, most even heat. And, because they don’t have the metal clamp, it meant I had smooth curls! I use the black twister [$300] for beachy waves and the zebra-print one [$300] for tighter styles. I really love how ISO Beauty has such fun prints. It makes the prepping process so much more glamorous!”


by Lisa Eberly

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Drink Up! When you sit down at the table, reach for the water before the food. Drinking a full glass of water before even putting food on your plate will help you control how much you eat, filling your stomach a bit and helping you to eat more slowly. Usually at Thanksgiving, people immediately stuff their faces when they sit down and overeat before they even realize they’re full. A lot of times, when someone feels hungry it’s because they’re dehydrated, so drinking the water will help curb your cravings.

Don’t Compensate

A lot of people will either not eat or eat a lot less earlier on in the to try to compensate for the big Thanksgiving meal later. Don’t!! By starving yourself to save all your calories for one meal, you’re ultimately going to overdo it. You’ll feel like you can eat anything as a result of your earlier “control” and end up eating way too many calories. Thanksgiving is delish, but instead of eating a whole loaf of pumpkin bread, wouldn’t you rather eat a normal amount and have leftovers for days?! Eat a regular breakfast and lunch, then you won’t hangrily eat like a zillion pieces of pie!

Balance Your Plate

You should always balance your plate, but it’s important to do on Thanksgiving too. Your plate should be ½ fruits and veggies, ¼ protein, and ¼ grains. So, make sure that your green bean casserole or whatever veggies are served cover ½ your plate, your turkey only covers ¼ of the plate, and a roll or slice of pumpkin bread take up the last ¼. Usually, Thanksgiving recipes have a lot more fat and calories than regular meals (I’m not so sure green bean casserole even counts as a vegetable!), so you could make these divisions over a smaller portion of

your plate (make a smaller circle of food on a larger plate). Side note: yams are actually not terrible for you, so if you don’t have an alternative good veggie option, they can take up a little bit more space.

Play Either/Or

You’re allowed to indulge a little on Thanksgiving! Don’t totally deprive yourself so you’re miserable and dreaming about all the food you can’t eat! I like to bargain with myself over big holiday meals, which I call the Either/Or Game. You can either have butter on your roll or skin on your turkey meat. A slice of pumpkin bread or a slice of pumpkin pie. Stuffing or mashed potatoes. Pick which is your favorite (I can do without a roll, but pumpkin bread…omg get at me!) and have that instead something you don’t love.

Burn the Bird

Calories only count toward your weight if you don’t burn them off! So many people use holidays as an excuse to not exercise, when really exercise can make holidays a lot more enjoyable. Try to get your siblings or family to go on a hike together Friday morning or maybe play touch football with your cousins Thursday afternoon. Do something to be active both the day of and the day after Thanksgiving, burning off the excess calories from your big dinner. Making it something fun to do with the fam rather than a task at the gym— especially if you’re just visiting home for the weekend—will make it much easier! xoxo,


{Beauty} Trick to Try

By Colette Choi

The golden wraps have a slightly intimidating “face” already built into them with slits for your eyes, nose, and mouth. Get past that though, and you’ve got a built-in infusion of vitamins and minerals without the normal ick and goo of a mud mask. I lit a couple candles, laid a mask on my face, and relaxed for twenty minutes to let the good stuff in the wrap sink in. After the time was up, I discarded the used mask and found that some serum remained on my face, so I rubbed it into my skin to lock in even more moisture. It was definitely a great, easy way to do a facial, and I’d definitely recommend it to my beauty buffs out there, especially you jet setters....this is PERFECT for traveling since airplanes really dry out your skin. For a quick something to use while you’re watching television and don’t necessarily want a full mask, try Spa Life’s Hydrating Collagen Lip Masks. These are my new favorite thing. The masks are super-hydrating and help reduce the appearance of lines (straw-drinkers and smokers, I’m looking at you!). Like the gold mask, they’re really easy to use, and I SWEAR they will help wean you off lip balm! Kisses!

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Some people crave time at the spa—like, vampirefor-blood crave. I mean, what’s not to love? There’s the soothing aromatherapy candles, the gentle sound of trickling water from that little fountain in the corner, the paid attendant smearing goop on your face... Okay, I’ll be honest. I’m not the biggest fan of facials and rarely go in to get them, but when I came across Spa Life’s Anti-Aging Gold Facial Masks, I had to give them a try!

Reservations: 3 2 3 . 4 6 7 . 7 9 9 1 6350 HOLLYWOOD BLVD @BESOHOLLYWOOD


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Fall Candle Holder

by Emily Van Guilder

I’ve always been a big fan of decorating for the holidays—though, when it comes to fall, I’ve never been huge on doing just Halloween decorations. I prefer to decorate with simple autumn themes since you can keep them up pretty much exclusively from September until the end of November!

Supplies Needed • Sponge brush • Mod Podge (satin or gloss finish) • Plain glass cylinder • Fake autumn leaves • Tea candle


Clean surface of your glass cylinder and dry thoroughly.

Apply thin coat of mod podge to the backs of your fake leaves and carefully arrange them around your cylinder. Note: You will not be able to place all the leaves at once; it’s best to work in sections.

As you arrange your leaves around your cylinder, apply some extra Mod Podge to the top to help secure them in place.

After everything is dry and secured, apply 1-2 more coats around the entire cylinder. Make sure to paint the coats in the same direction, so as to create as few streak marks as possible.

Place lit tea candle in and you’re done!


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Puppy Diaries

by Erica Mau

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What has Teddy Rex the Westie been up to? Read on for the latest on this mischievous pup! t had been less than three months since Teddy’s arrival when the time came that all parents dread. Dog parents, cat parents, fish parents, human parents, the details are trivial…It was time to leave Teddy for an extended time. You may cue the violins. My boyfriend and I had planned an 11day vacation to Hawaii prior to the addition of our beloved Teddy Buns to our family, so the thought of leaving our pup was stressful, to say the least. Will he forget we ever existed? Will he fall in love with the trainer and never want to see us again? Will he slip out from the gates of the boarding place and get run over by a car? These were the tamest of our worries, which raced through our minds as our departure date fast approached. It was ruff. The morning came to drop off T Rex, and if there’s one tip I can give to future dog mamas and papas, it’s to do your research! The only saving grace of this experience was the fact that we loved and trusted the trainer who would be taking Teddy into his home to live with his own pack of doggies. We drove away confused, wondering what to do in the hours leading up to our flight. Our lives revolved so much around the Tedders that it seemed a piece of us was missing. Why not just turn the car around and get him now? It wouldn’t be a true vacation without Teddy Rex! Too bad Hawaii has a six-month quarantine period so our 11-day trip wouldn’t necessarily be worth bringing our little Teddy Rex. Sigh. To the airport. But even after our arrival in balmy Hawaii for our paradisiacal trip, the void the Tedster left in our hearts only grew. I mean, bring out the Kleenex, because I didn’t know it was possible to love anything so much, especially a little puppy.

We were The Most Pathetic people, the ones you know so well, talking about our pup any time it seemed somewhat relevant—or, even, not relevant at all. “How is your dog?” I asked my cousin, knowing the conversation would transition to the topic of my own Teddy Ruxpin. Whenever anyone asked how we were doing, we’d exclaim, “We got a puppy!” The segues soon became a stretch. “How’s your job?” people would ask me. “Oh, it’s stressful now that I have a dog,” I would smoothly slide in. “How’s the weather in LA?” they’d start. “Pretty nice, based on when we go out to walk our dog!” We were a wink-wink-nudge past obsession. What potentially made the trip worse (or maybe I’m just full of excuses for my behavior)

were the inconsistent video and Instagram updates we’d receive from the trainer looking after Teddy. Two days in a row, an email arrived in our inbox with a short clip of our boy playing with other pups. Joy to the world! The next day…nothing! You can’t do that to new pup parents, bro! 21

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Hyperbolically, we were ready to sell our kidneys on the black market for a three-second sound byte of Teddy barking at his shadow. Then, a few days later, an Instagram post would appear featuring @ TeddyRexWestie at his finest—looking dirty, but alive and smiling. Followed by three more days of nothing! How much are we paying you to tweet about our dog? I mean, I can’t. #emotionalrollercoaster The time finally came to fly back home, and we were full of anticipation. The test of true love, we decided, would be the Hall Run: a family tradition where, after exiting the elevators on the floor of our apartment, we would all run down the hall together until Teddy stopped knowingly in front of our door. Surely he would remember this exciting ritual that he originated, right? WRONG. But we’ll get to that. We picked up Teddy Poo and let me tell you…the nickname was more apropos than you can imagine. I guess if I were to give another tip, it would be to find a trainer who will bathe your dog before you pick him up. Teddy seemed to remember us, though he’s normally so friendly towards everyone that it was hard to tell whether his affection’s sentiment was “Missed ya, mom!” or “Hi, you’re a human!” We spent the 30-minute car ride home asking him rhetorically if he still loved us. He responded with licks and farts. The verdict was still undecided. Then, the moment of truth: we exited the elevators and looked at Teddy, awaiting his cue to start running down the hall. And…it never came. We were devastated. He didn’t even remember where our apartment was. “It must mean he hates us!” we thought. “He doesn’t love us anymore!” The next few weeks proved a reality check for us first-time dog owners. While Teddy may have forgotten which apartment door was ours, he didn’t forget that we brought him to a stranger’s house for more than a week. He developed some separation anxiety that he didn’t have before, excessively crying and barking when we would leave him in a room alone. It was depressing, truly. A traumatic experience for all involved—we’re just glad it’s over. Not to say that we won’t ever travel again, and I’m sure it will get easier each time as Teddy gets older and we get wiser. But, for the upside? Honestly, none. Let’s just chalk this one up to the downsides of owning an adorable, lovable puppy. Till next time!


good eats by Maria Eubanks

The leaves are falling and changing color, the temperature is slowly but surely dropping, and the flavors of the food around you are adjusting to the season. For many, fall is a much awaited time, as it enables them to put on their favorite sweaters and boots and consume dishes infused with warm hints of cinnamon and nutmeg. Sweet tooths crave all year long and the love of cookies lasts a lifetime, but it is in the fall and winter seasons when cravings are heightened. And everyone loves a classic snickerdoodle cookie. To adhere to the season that is upon us, I have come up with a fallinfused recipe that will allow you to share the warmth with your friends and family!

Fall Snickerdoodle (Serving Size: About 3 dozen / Cook Time: 8-10 Minutes)



2 cups all-purpose flour 2 tsp cream of tartar 1 tsp baking soda ½ tsp salt ½ tsp pumpkin pie spice 1 ¾ cups of sugar (1 ½ cups for dough, ¼ for coating) 2 sticks unsalted butter, softened 1 large egg ¾ cup pumpkin puree 2 tbsp ground cinnamon

Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, salt, and pumpkin pie spice. Set aside In another bowl or stand mixer, cream the butter and 1 ½ cups of sugar until the mix is light and fluffy Add the egg and continue to beat at medium speed until combined


Add the pumpkin puree and continue to beat until combined Lastly, add the dry ingredients slowly and beat at a low speed until combined, continually scraping down the sides of the bowls as you mix Place the remaining ¼ cup of sugar and cinnamon in a shallow bowl

For the days when you have a taste for something cute and sweet, Mini Apple Pies go perfectly with lunch or when you are looking to serve individual pies at a dinner. The great thing about these pies is that they give you

Roll a tablespoon of dough into a 1-inch ball, roll the ball in the sugar mixture, and place on the baking sheet. Repeat with remaining dough Bake the cookies, one sheet at a time, until the edges are set and the cookies are slightly brown with soft centers, typically 8-12 minutes Allow to cool for 5 minutes on the baking sheet, remove, and enjoy!

Secret Ingredients to Any Fall Recipe

Cinnamon Ginger Nutmeg Allspice

the freedom to do a variety of flavors in a single baking session. In addition to the sweet apple pie recipe, we’ve provided you with a simple tomato, basil, and mozzarella wrap recipe to complement it. These recipes will leave you wanting to make pie and wraps for yourself and all of your friends!

Pie Crust

1 ½ teaspoons sugar ½ teaspoon salt 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour 9 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch cubes 1 ½ teaspoons vinegar 1 egg (for brushing crust) Kosher salt


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Each issue, Caroline A. Wong styles and reviews a different designer collaboration. Joseph Altuzarra’s line for Target is her latest focus. Photos by Breana Powell

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ake away his collaboration with Target, and Joseph Altuzarra is still fashion’s of-the-moment darling. Even before he released his own fifteen-piece collection in 2008, Altuzarra was making a name for himself. Born in Paris to a ChineseAmerican mother and a French Basque father, he traveled internationally to intern with and serve as assistant to some of the most recognizable names in the industry: Marc Jacobs, Rochas, and Givenchy’s Riccardo Tisci. Three years after he branched off on his own, Altuzarra was granted the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Award. This year—and numerous awards later—he followed it up by earning the prestigious CFDA Womenswear Designer of the Year Award. Critical acclaim aside, Altuzarra has cultivated a loyal following through his collection’s sultry, feminine silhouettes and the worldliness stemming

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Featured throughout: Claret wrap dress, Altuzarra for Target, $40, neta-porter.com. Black jersey sweatshirt, Altuzarra for Target, $50, neta-porter.com. Sunglasses, Salt, $415, saltoptics.com for similar styles. Black leather clutch, Coach, vintage, coach.com for similar styles.

from his multicultural background and education. With silky blouses, fitted pencil skirts, and plunging necklines, his Target collection reflects a strong injection of that same sensual and cultured aesthetic. “We are really focused on a very adult and seductive way of dressing,” Altuzarra says. “The inspiration for this collection was really based on a global traveling narrative.” The Altuzarra x Target line is a triumph in my book. The quality is impeccable, and the designs are at once versatile, classic, and exquisitely Altuzarra. The blouses and pencil skirts in the collection are essential work-day ensembles, but the dresses are a bit more daring with their deep v-cut fronts. We’ve all been there: what to do with the sexy dress besides date night? It seems almost too easy, but Altuzarra gives us his answer within the same collection—yes, sweatshirts. He offers a few styles in his Target line that tone down an elegant look yet elevate typical casualwear. Case in point: his heron sweatshirt is a versatile black jersey fabric, but the gold and silver embroidery take the piece beyond weekend brunch. Look chic whether you wear it with leggings or even over Altuzarra’s dress, like I did. Even if you’re not pulling pieces from the Altuzarra x Target collection, the key here is to mix a typical silhouette—a sweatshirt—with tactile fabrications, be it embroidery or a luxe satin jersey evening dress. Tie the look together with an easygoing clutch and chunky heels. Or, just keep things simple and rock the dress on its own with strappy sandals!

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Share Your Where Berlin

By Amanda Chi

alking the streets of Berlin can be striking, as one minute you’re in the glitz and glamour of Museum Island and the next you’re in the graffiti-ridden neighborhood of Kreuzberg. Street art is commonplace, cultural even. And in Berlin, graffiti is particularly historical, revealing the revolutionary and artistic thought of its generations through simple aerosol cans of paint. Nowadays, the city of Berlin is known for its youthful, alternative sub-culture, a unique atmosphere that is a product of its segregated history. The famous Berlin Wall and the previous division between east and west are illustrated through the graffiti and street art that litters its streets and buildings. While London or New York’s street art may be an expression of artistic freedom, Berlin’s grew from the historical context of the Cold War and has developed into the prolific art scene it is today. After the end of World War II, the Western Allies gained control of West Germany while the Soviet Union assumed power over East Germany. The physical division of Germa39

ny and thus Berlin manifested in the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, tearing apart friends and families from each side. The wall actually consisted of two walls with what was known as the “death strip” in between. Any defector attempting to cross the wall was shot on sight. In a brave act of social and political defiance of the Soviet occupation of East Berlin, one man had the audacity to spray paint the west face of the wall, signifying the arrival of graffiti. The east face of the wall, however, was kept blank, as approaching the barrier was not allowed. The government in West Berlin left the sprayed graffiti on the wall, and soon locals, artists, and tourists added their work. It has been 25 years since the wall was torn down, but that has not stopped the art community from spreading throughout Berlin. Before Germany’s reunification and the fall of the wall, West Berlin acted as a safe haven for the youths who wanted to escape the past, their parents, and military conscription. People of West Berlin did not have to join the army, therefore issuing a wave of youths, punks, homosexuals, and anyone who didn’t want anything to do with Nazis or the army. The neighborhood of Kreuzberg was cheap enough for these individuals who occupied over 180 run-down and dirty squatted buildings. A melting pot of German youths, Turkish immigrants, and American soldiers grew in West Berlin, and that edgy, anti-commercial, ethnic, and vandalized feel is still evident even today. Freedom and artistic expression exploded once the wall came down and hippies, punks and squatters situated themselves in abandoned buildings in East Berlin. People paid 60 euro per month for a 3- to 4-bedroom apartment, and spaces were available everywhere. They only had to work the weekends to survive with an apartment that cheap! Since authorities avoided the east, members of the squatted buildings had the freedom to be creative in extreme

“An edgy, anti-commercial, ethnic, and vandalized feel is still evident even today. Freedom and artistic expression exploded once the wall came down.”

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ways. It was a bubble of creative anarchy that introduced the subculture for which Berlin is known today. Today, tagging is left alone as the city is just too poor to clean it up. Berlin has even gone bankrupt three times in the early 90s, a result of its lack of industries. The fine for tagging is 500 euro, and despite this, some have still risen to the challenge. If you look at the various tags throughout Berlin, in the subway, on sides of buildings, or even on those “heaven spots” up high, you’ll be able to spot flashy “1UP” signs. These come from the graffiti gang One United Power, a crew that started in 2003 and operate as a SWAT unit, getting their art jobs done in 3 minutes. They quickly, yet artfully, tag buildings before the polizei arrive. Similar to London’s street art, Berlin’s hosts both local and international artists and mediums of all kinds. From stencil and sprays to paper posters, the quality and designs of each illustration vary. El Bocho, a Berlin-based artist, introduced Little Lucy, a character based off a 70s Czechloslovakian cartoon but with a macabre twist. You can see the little cartoon girl finding various ways to kill her cat! Whether she’s murdering her cat with a hidden gun, throwing it in a washing machine, or microwaving it, Little Lucy is clearly not your typical children’s cartoon. El Bocho also uses cutouts and paste to post the Melancholy Girls with whom Berlin has “broke up.” The artist uses reusable paper clothes that allows the color to fade over time, creating the idea that the girls, though divorced from Berlin, become one with the city in an act of unrequited love. Why use cutouts and paste instead of painting on the surface itself? While some street art is indeed legal, pasting posters can incur a fine of only 35 euro; it’s certainly cheaper to get caught with paper and paste than it is with a can of spray paint in your hands. Certain factions of Berlin’s street art is less obvious to the tourist’s gaze, a fact dem-

onstrated by the granddaddy of street art, Mr. 6. For almost 20 years, this artist has painted over 650,000 “6s” throughout Berlin, painting 6 hours each day. The polizei catch him at times but can’t fine him because he purposefully paints over old advertisements, rather than painting directly on the face of a building. Ask him why he chooses to draw the number 6, and he’ll enigmatically respond that he’s improving the Internet speed. More apparent works of art can be found spanning the length of a building, such as the Kreuzberg Spaceman by Victor Ash. Entirely legal because there are no doors or windows on the face of the wall, the Astronaut Cosmonaut was painted using a technique that da Vinci used with a grid. If you look closely at the wall, you can see the gridlike pattern that has faded since the work’s completion. If stencils, posters, or the number 6 are too simple for you, check out the work of Australian artist Jimmy C. His pointillist artwork consists of colorful dots, spheres, wavy lines, and dripped paint that form a bigger image. Using spray paint, his most recent work in Berlin is of Anne Frank, located next to the Anne Frank Zentrum. From afar, it appears to be a simple portrait of Anne Frank, but upon closer inspection, you can see the wavy lines that detail every aspect of her face, hair, and clothing. Along with Jimmy C., artists familiar to Berlin such as Vhils, Banksy, Roa, and Stik also populate other cosmopolitan cities such as New York and London. Though these may be a mere handful of artists mentioned, many more decorate the streets of Berlin. Some places to check out are the neighborhoods of Kreuzberg and Mitte as well as the fantastically random reggae beach bar in Friedrichshain. YAAM Beach, or the Young African Art Market, is a wonderful pocket of culture located on the bank of the Spree river. Another location to see some street art, the sandy beach bar also serves the famed Ger43

many currywurst, African street food and a surprisingly hefty portion of delicious 5 euro African curry called domoda. You can even see one of Vhil’s jackhammered plaster pieces by the YAAM beach! With so much art everywhere, it can be rather time-consuming scouting out pieces as if you were on a scavenger hunt. If you’re looking for a more centralized location, check out the Hackesche Höfe near Hackescher Markt station, an alleyway with art covering every single spot on its walls and doors. With so much modern history, art, and individual expression colliding in Berlin, the alternative street art culture that presides today can be a visually overloading experience. Though art began as a cry for freedom at the Berlin Wall, it can now be found in the open spaces as well as the nooks and crannies of the city’s streets. The wall has been down since 1989, but part of it has been left as a memorial in the East Side Gallery. While the art on the Berlin Wall is beautiful, it is now mostly a tourist attraction. Venture deeper into the city, and you’ll find more of the most creative, high quality street art in the world.

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Share Your Wear

It has to be said. There are countless up-and-coming jewelry designers out there. While great designs are certainly important, in this day and age of social media, you need to have something extra special about your company to stand out above the rest. For Belcho USA designer Marie K., that something special is her love of animals and children. In fact, it was her rescued cat Belcho who provided inspiration for her company’s namesake and logo. “Since I love animals and have rescued several, I wanted to dedicate this jewelry line to a cause that I care so deeply about,” says Marie. “I wanted my name and logo to stand out and be more than just a word or just a simple design. “I think it’s very important to help. I have many friends that have needed help so I’m always aware of these things. It’s also great to be able to involve other people indirectly. When [customers] purchase from us, they are helping others.” That’s because a portions of the profits from every piece sold goes to these causes that Marie is passionate about. But it’s not just her passion for animals and other charitable causes that inspires her. “There’s a lot of unique and inspirational places in California from deserts to mountains. The beauty of the sun and leaves give me many ideas. My style is based on nature, life forms, textures, [and] the earth. Inspiration comes to me from everywhere and at any time.”

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By Anna Fryxell



You would know that the line is inspired by nature without her saying so, however. All of the jewelry pieces have an earthy quality with hammered textures and organic shapes and designs. Plus, all of her pieces are made by hand with 100 percent recycled and refined brass alloy. Perfectionism in every piece is important because, the way Marie looks at it, every individual piece is just a part of the overall design of the collection. “I’ll usually start molding with wax, and when I feel like the design is complete, it can move on to casting. Sometimes I start all over several times until it’s perfect.” All of the thought and work that goes into each piece is evident from the earrings to the necklaces to the handcrafter leather pieces. It makes Belcho USA a jewelry line worthy of the spotlight.

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More L

Lepore! With bold colors and a feminine aesthetic, American fashion designer and businesswoman NANETTE LEPORE has established herself as a style powerhouse. Her thoughtful designs have donned famous bodies of everyone from Kerry Washington and Eva Longoria to Michelle Obama and Taylor Swift. Lepore, 50, chatted with Caroline A. Wong about how she went from small-town Ohio girl to international fashion designer.


Photos of model Jessica Harris: CAROLINE A. WONG; All others: COURTESY OF NANETTE LEPORE

hen I ask Lepore to explain how she moved from Youngstown, Ohio, and got her start in the industry, the answer seems like a simple one. “I moved to New York to attend FIT [The Fashion Institute of Technology]. I had a few design jobs before working for a small shop on the Upper East Side. After some planning and a little luck, I opened a shop in the East Village between a soup kitchen and a gas station!” Part of that luck included a $5,000 loan from Lepore’s father, but it wasn’t just luck that moved her collection along. Says Lepore, “I wasn’t exactly getting the design jobs I wanted, so I decided that if I wanted a job, I had to hire myself. I needed to make my own line, so I did.” Lepore’s raw ambition eventually resulted in a line picked up by Barneys New York as well as the opening of her Los Angeles boutique store, putting her brand in the heart of celebrity central. She gained a star following as her line expanded internationally. “I started to really grow in the US around the same time that I expanded into Japan. I’ve been really lucky to grow organically in both markets. That’s made my brand feel very authentic overseas.” And while some brands have exploded abroad only to fizzle out soon after, Lepore’s collections continue to find success. “We’ve had a great response, and I love my customers there. I recently opened up a new flagship in Ginza, Tokyo.” Lepore has been very calculating about keeping up the momentum of her business. “I’m involved in every aspect,” she says. “I think better is better, and I hold everyone I work with to the highest possible standard. I love to design, but I also enjoy being a female entrepreneur in a male-dominated business world.” Some of that can-do attitude was a result Nanette Lepore

Worn by model throughout: Dress, Nanette Lepore, nanettelepore.com for similar styles. Platform sandals, Nanette Lepore, nanettelepore. com for similar styles. Coat, Zara, zara.com for similar styles. Nike+ FuelBand SE gold, $149, nike.com. Tastevin Magazine Handbag,56 model’s own, ysl.com for similar styles.

October / November 2014

of her upbringing, she concedes, explaining, “Growing up, [my family] built everything we needed. If we needed furniture, we made it. One time my grandpa even built a really cool custom camper for family road trips to California.” To keep her looks fresh in a sea of contemporary designers, Lepore stays “true to my design aesthetic and to my woman. I know what she wants, and I try to focus on her at all times.” That woman values fashion that is well-made, and Lepore echoes that in her pieces. Lepore abhors “anything that’s cheaply made. Quality trumps trends

“Quality trumps trends every time.”

every time.” Her advice to young designers is along those lines as well. She says, “If you want to make clothing that fits perfectly, it’s essential to focus on the craftsmanship. I always encourage young designers to keep their eyes on production.” While Lepore steers clear of typical fast fashion, she stays at the forefront of seasonal fashion (and had just wrapped up a New York Fashion Week show prior to our chat). For this fall, she’s loving “a comfy, oversized alpaca sweater paired with a merlot-colored asymmetrical lace skirt, like my Lace-Ymmetric Skirt.” But ultimately— from her years of style savvy and fashion industry experience—Lepore stresses that fashion should be personal. “Find a silhouette that looks great on you—everyone has one. Don’t be afraid to take risks with color. Optimism is in.”


Even More Lepore! Tastevin Magazine How do you feel about designer collaborations? Nanette Lepore “I love it. It’s exciting and refreshing to try something new. I’m working on launching a wine in the near future.”

What’s your favorite place to travel? “I love traveling to the Amalfi Coast in Italy. I always bring a sketchbook and iPhone speakers to bring the party!” TM Which celeb would you love to design for next? NL “If I could dress anyone right now, it would be Lupita Nyong’o.” TM NL

What’s next? “I can’t share too much, but I have a few tech accessories and collaborations on the horizon so keep a lookout!” TM NL


Jewelry Accessories Beauty


60 Tastevin Magazine October / November 2014




Fashion Project takes: Only accepted brands. Women’s clothing, shoes, handbags, & accessories. Items in nearly new or great condition.


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