50 Things to Declutter Bedroom & Closet: q q q q q q q q q q q q
extra bedding clothing that doesn’t fit you clothing you don’t like clothing you haven’t worn in years clothing that isn’t comfortable excess promotional t-shirts duplicates of clothing worn-out shoes shoes that hurt you when you wear them socks with holes or missing a pair extra coats extra bags or purses
Bathroom: q q q q
old or expired makeup expired medicine worn towels body care products you don’t use
old papers from school old college textbooks unused office supplies old electronic gadgets mysterious or extra cords mysterious or extra chargers q old or unnecessary paper files q mail (go digital or unsubscribe) q q q q q q
q unused cooking equipment q excess pots, pans, bakeware q specialized cooking gadgets q extra Tupperware or plastic bins q reusable bags q extra plastic bags q food you haven’t eaten in a long time q specialized cleaning supplies
Living Room:
DVDs CDs VHS tapes videogames old board games books you read but won’t read again q books you haven’t read for years q knick-knacks on cluttered counters or shelving q q q q q q
Miscellaneous: q q q q q q q q q q
broken items duplicate items fantasy-self items freebies and promotional items items you have because you feel like you should, not because you like them gifts you received but did not want unnecessary furniture insignificant childhood items sporting equipment athletic gear © Abundantly Minimal 2017