The Soapbox by Corny Poems Inc Issue 2 April 2022

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THE SOAPBOX Issue 2, April 2022

Corny Poems Inc.

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Contents DEVOTIONAL PROSE SECTION.......................................................................................................................................... 3 Let Us Be Good Environmental Stewards… ................................................................................................................. 3 Introduction: What happened to God's footstool?................................................................................................. 4 Environmental repercussions: ................................................................................................................................. 5 Spiritual repercussions: ............................................................................................................................................ 5 The end that He has in mind: ................................................................................................................................... 6 Some practical steps we may take: ......................................................................................................................... 7 Conclusion: ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 “Poetry corner” ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 “Should you want to support us” .......................................................................................................................... 11

Corny Poems Inc.

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DEVOTIONAL PROSE SECTION Let Us Be Good Environmental Stewards…

Corny Poems Inc.

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Introduction: What happened to God's footstool? "Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build Me? And where is the place of My rest?"(Isaiah 66vs1; New King James) There is a thought-provoking meme doing the rounds on social media and instant-messaging circles, and, as captioned above, it notes that: "Humans are the only creatures that will cut down a tree, turn it into paper, then write 'save trees' on it!" How pithily and humorously it gets the point across that, on the whole, humans have been woefully inept at stewarding the earth! Now, before breaking fellowship with the Almighty and forsaking Him, there seems to be indication or allusion to the possibility that the Maker would regularly walk with the seminal human couple of Adam and Eve: "in the garden in the cool of the day"(Genesis 3vs8; New King James). As the above banner/header scripture of Isaiah 66vs1 seems to allude (if I am hopefully not eisegeting the text), the earth was God's "footstool" and a "place of [His] rest." In a sense, a hangout/favored place or oasis wherein He could - and possibly, often would - kickback, relax, recline, unwind and "chill out" as it were, with His human children at the end of another long day, having overseen rule of the vast universe from heaven above. Those were the days - the good old days - when planet Earth was in "very good"(Genesis 1vs31; New King James) or mint condition.

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Environmental repercussions: Now? Well, to put it lightly...planet earth has been trashed! Notice Isaiah 24vs4-6: "The earth mourns and fades away, the world languishes and fades away; the haughty people of the earth languish. The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, Broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore the curse has devoured the earth, and those who dwell in it are desolate. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men are left."(New King James) Such are the tragic effects/consequences of ignoring the Maker's directive to "tend and keep"(Genesis 2vs15; New King James) the jewel of a planet He had bequeathed to His human counterparts. Spiritual repercussions: Yet, sadly - and possibly so - besides painful physical or environmental repercussions which are mounting from having trashed and fouled the planet, there may possibly be spiritual fallout from this rebellion as well. Though clearly and specifically referring to statutes concerning how ancient Israel and Judah were to conduct themselves when going to battle, cogitating on Deuteronomy 23vs12-14 may perhaps have been the petri dish for Benjamin Franklin's quote (or famously attributed quote) that: "Cleanliness is next to godliness". Notice those verses:

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"Also you shall have a place outside the camp, where you may go out; and you shall have an implement among your equipment, and when you sit down outside, you shall dig with it and turn and cover your refuse. For the LORD your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you and give your enemies over to you; therefore your camp shall be holy, that He may see no unclean thing among you, and turn away from you."(New King James) The bottom line? In a sense, it could be deduced that God appreciates clean and well-maintained environments, and that, neglecting to strive for and maintain such an order, may witness one having an attenuated fellowship with Him, to say the least. The end that He has in mind: The book of Revelation presents a broad overview of the end or aim that God has in mind concerning humanity in particular, as well as the creation in general. Revelation 11vs15-19 records that Messiah will return to the earth and set up heaven's Kingdom or reign over the nations, as was heralded by all the biblical prophets (see Revelation 10vs7). In verse 18 of Revelation 11, it is recorded that upon Messiah's return to the planet, one of the first orders of business He will get done as a matter of priority, is to: "destroy those who destroy the earth."(New King James). Well, now we more or less have God's mind on what He thinks of wilful and unrepentant polluters...may we not be caught offside. By the time one gets round to reading Revelation 21, Messiah and His saints would have spent a thousand years/millennium, having refurbished the earth and rehabilitated it to Edenic beauty (see Revelation 20vs1-6; & possibly combine it with other Scriptures such as Isaiah 2vs1-5; 11vs1-9; Isaiah 51vs1-4; Ezekiel 34- 36; et cetera). From there, the earth will then be fit enough to have New Jerusalem descend upon her, such that God Corny Poems Inc.

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the Father may then dwell or tabernacle on the earth, and rule over the universe, from His then new home (see Revelation 21vs1-4). What then happens from there? Well, not much else is revealed/fleshed out, save for the tantalising prospect that God will, "make all things new,"(Revelation 21vs5; New King James) and that He will liberate all creation from dilapidation and decay (ibid; see Romans 8vs18-21). He holds out the succulent promise that we may all participate in - as well as partake of that awe-inspiring future if we make and follow through on the decision of overcoming (with His help) our baleful addiction to rebel, pollute and be pathologically selfish (see Revelation 21vs7). Some practical steps we may take: Now that we have a broad overview of the mouth-watering plans that God has in store for this planet and its' people, what steps may we take to become better tenants of this benevolent Landlord? When it comes to our environmental footprint, here are some very basic and practical pointers: 1) Cease and desist littering please: This is no-brainer. Again, one take-away from cogitating on Deuteronomy 23vs12-14, is that God is repulsed by unsightly and unsanitary environments, and littering contributes to such. Remember, earth is to be God's footstool, not His commode (Isaiah 66vs1), and, by desisting from littering, we play our part in making it the former. 2) Refuse and repudiate consumerism: It's official, and it is in black and white, consumerism and the Scriptures are like oil and water...they simply do not mix. Notice 1 John 2vs15-17: "Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers you, for when you love the world, you show that you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only the lust for physical pleasure, the lust for everything we see, and pride in our possessions. These are not from the Father. They are from this evil world. And this world is

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fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever."(New Living Translation) End of story, and no need for commentary here. Now then, may we, "Just do it." 3) Embrace the concept of contentment or "enough": Mahatma Gandhi once adroitly quipped that: "The earth has enough for everyone's need, not everyone's greed." In 1 Corinthians 9vs25, God through the pen of Paul teaches that: "every man (and woman) that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things."(King James; brackets mine). The key is moderation, or being mindful to acquire and use only what we need. Notice as well, Proverbs 25vs16: "Have you found honey? Eat only as much as you need, lest you be filled with it and vomit"(New King James). Let's face it, the earth is a rich honeycomb oozing with abundant resources which may help its' inhabitants thrive, if used cerebrally. May the Maker get through to the hearts of men to "scoop" only what quantities they need, so that generations to come, may also enjoy her sweetness. 4) Try not to be wasteful, but rather, resourceful: In John 6, we encounter an account of Christ having miraculously fed a multitude of at least five thousand men. In verse 12 of that said chapter, we read: "So when they were filled, He said to His disciples, 'Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.'"(New King James). Talk about frugality and leading by example. Indeed, "The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness,"(Psalm 24vs1; New King James), thus, if Corny Poems Inc.

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the Landlord and, "He Who built all things"(Hebrews 3vs4; New King James) takes great trouble and makes great strides to do so...then, what excuse do we have in not doing so? Do I hear crickets? I thought so.... Conclusion: Thanks very much, for your time and attention, dear audience. May we all endeavor to be grateful and appreciative tenants of the Beneficent Landlord Who is the Lord Almighty, for He indeed: " us richly all things to enjoy."(1 Timothy 6vs17; New King James). Good-speed.

Corny Poems Inc.

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“Poetry corner” There’s Never a Time to trash the planet (By Corny Poems Inc.)

"Indeed heaven and the highest heavens belong to the Lord your God, also the earth with all that is in it." (Deuteronomy 10:14; New King James)

No, no, no…now is not the time to gaslight, cover-up, dodge the issue or otherwise attempt to save face. The cause of this particular malaise, we must trace, As to why this planet looks like a disgrace. For, if we were walking in God’s all-sufficient grace, We would make sure that we were looking after His space, This earth, this treasured place.

Corny Poems Inc.

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“Should you want to support us” Thank you for reading this - the second issue- installment of The Soapbox brought to you by Corny Poems Inc.. If you enjoyed it, and would like to see it continue, here are ways you may help out (thanks in advance): 1) Sign up, so as not to miss out on future issues/editions (if you have not yet signed up): Please consider signing up for the newsletter, so that you do not miss out on future issues, if you felt that the content added value to you. Here is the link (WhatsApp), and/or one may email and request to be added to the mailing list. 2) Spread the word and share the love: If you know of someone whom you feel may enjoy the newsletter, feel free to either share it with them, and/or encourage them to join the mailing list. Appreciated. 3) Connect with the CEO of Corny Poems Inc on LinkedIn: If you are on LinkedIn, please do not hesitate to “link up” with the Chief Edification Officer of Corny Poems Inc. there. It’s another place to hang out with you. Thanks. 4) Reviews and testimonials help out scads: Hopefully we are not forcing or wrenching it out of context, yet Proverbs 27 vs 2 records, “Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.”(New King James) Your testimonial/recommendation helps win the trust of others, which we will endeavor to appreciate by adding value to those who come courtesy of it. You may send any testimonials/references/recommendations either via email, and/or by connecting with the CEO of Corny Poems Inc. on LinkedIn, and then penning a recommendation. Preferably, both would be ideal, but no pressure either way. Thanks so much. 5) Help us keep the lights on with your pecuniary support: We would be floored if you considered us worthy of the honor of receiving some of your hard-earned currency. If not, no worries, as we will do what we can to one day earn that privilege in your eyes. There are several ways to help us keep the lights on and pay the bills. You may leave a tip or donation in our PayPal wallet; if you are in Zimbabwe and on the Ecocash mobile money platform, please feel at liberty to make a donation to the mobile number of Corny Poems Inc.

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+263 774 412 864. The recipient’s name should read, “Tatenda Kangwende”. Thank you. You may also shop at our online storefront and buy something. 6) The CEO of Corny Poems Inc. is most always open or amenable to speaking or performing engagements: These could be performances of poetry, as well as short, didactic speeches which utilize the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures as guides for living well. Speaking fees may always be discussed, and he is most accessible in Harare, Zimbabwe. 7) Would love to interact with you in person, at the monthly market days held at Mukuvisi Woodlands, on the first Sunday of each month, in Harare, Zimbabwe: The market days are usually fun events with myriad stalls selling all manner of food and well crafted wears, etc. This month’s (April, 2022) market day will be held on Sunday, April 3rd, 2022. Looking forward to possibly seeing you there. Would appreciate it. Time is from 09:00hrs to 15:00hrs. Mukuvisi Woodlands is situate at Corner Glenara Road and Hillside Extension, Harare. Thanks. 8) Last, but not least, an archive of all issues of The Soapbox is available: Kindly follow this link, to enjoy all the goodness. The archive will be updated monthly. Thank you again for your valued support of The Soapbox, which is brought to you by CornyPoems Inc. See you soon. Issue 3 will be out, Sunday, May 1st, 2022. Sincerely, Tatenda Kangwende and the crew at Corny Poems Inc.

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