Real Estate A Property Sales Negotiators Poetic Points Of View In Haiku by Tatenda Kangwende

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Real Estate: A Property Sales Negotiator's Poetic Point(s) Of View In Haiku:

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About the poet Tatenda Kangwende works as a property sales negotiator for Guest and Tanner Real Estate one of Zimbabwe's seminal and most reputable realtors. If one would like to purchase, lease or sell real estate in Zimbabwe, they are free to:

Email: Call or message: +263 714 729 043 Visit:

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Graphics and layout by Tafara Mande. Mr. Mande also works with Mr. Kangwende at Guest and Tanner Real Estate, as a property sales negotiator. Also, if one would like to purchase, lease or sell real estate in Zimbabwe, they are free to:

Email: Call or sms: +263 784 999 306 Visit:

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Dedication and thanks This chapbook is dedicated to ma'am Nyaradzai Murenha, a selfless and genial registered real estate agent. To convey my appreciation poetically:

Thanks for bringing out the best in me: For always trying to educe the best in me, I have to thank thee. Mrs. Murenha currently works for one of Zimbabwe's oldest and most reputable realtors, namely, Guest and Tanner Real Estate . One may book a free 10 minute consultation with her concerning purchasing, selling or leasing real estate in Zimbabwe via: Email: Mobile: +263 779 702 805 The web: Special mention must also be made of Mrs. Sharon Mutarisi, who encouraged me to proceed with this project. Mrs. Mutarisi is also a property sales negotiator with Guest and Tanner Real Estate, and may be contacted via: Email: Mobile: +263 787 733 623 The web:

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Welcome and thank you dear reader This chapbook What I would like this chapbook to do, Is reel you in within a page or two, And instruct, inspire, the gray matter something valuable on which to chew; In short, to simply enlarge your mind with a hopefully unique point of view. For the investment of your time and attention, I heartily thank you.

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Free gift As a way of thanking the dear reader for the investment of their time and attention, they are cordially invited to follow the hyperlink below, to download a brief report titled General Guide To Sectional Deeds, which outlines how sectional deeds (a mode of property ownership) are drafted up in Zimbabwe. Again, thanks very much and Guest and Tanner Real Estate looks forward to engaging in business with you. The link to your free gift is:

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Table of Contents Be honest and true ............................................................................ 10 Equip yourself................................................................................... 11 Marketing materials tip .................................................................... 12 Be transparent ................................................................................. 13 Regardless, follow-through .............................................................. 14 The power of professionalism........................................................... 15 Quickly follow up on leads ............................................................... 16 Serve the principal* well .................................................................. 17 Beware of veneer .............................................................................. 18 Serve in good faith ............................................................................ 19 Work at acquiring acumen ............................................................... 20 Due diligence .................................................................................... 21 Due diligence (redux) ....................................................................... 22 Diligence and chaste dealings .......................................................... 23 Know your audience ......................................................................... 24 The power of free .............................................................................. 25 A healthy dose of skepticism............................................................. 26 Clients are golden ............................................................................. 27 Helpfulness marketing is in.............................................................. 28 The property negotiator's golden rule .............................................. 29 Don't be naïve ................................................................................... 30 Sell .................................................................................................... 31 Sell (redux) ....................................................................................... 32 Zeal will help the deal ....................................................................... 33 No desperation .................................................................................. 34 Assist, not con ................................................................................... 35 Page 8 of 41

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No need to gull* ................................................................................ 36 The magic sauce ............................................................................... 37 Advertise, advertise, advertise... ........................................................ 38 Try calls to action ............................................................................. 39 No big secret ..................................................................................... 40 Gratitude, reminder and request ...................................................... 41

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Be honest and true When clients inter-act with you, endeavor to be honest and true.

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Equip yourself Invest in the tools of the trade/equipment; it shows your commitment.

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Marketing materials tip Try it and see. Hav-ing a call to action, spurs more interaction.

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Be transparent

Be open and ho-nest, if you're recondite, your client may take flight.

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Regardless, follow-through On all potential leads follow through, yes, lots will be a lookie-loo.

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The power of professionalism Professionalism shown to the end, will make the client a dear friend.

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Quickly follow up on leads Pursue leads whilst they're still hot; why let potential business go to pot?

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Serve the principal* well Whether the proper-ty's big or small, serve the pri-ncipal* with your all. Key: * In property negotiation, the principal is the seller of a property.

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Beware of veneer "Be sober, be vigilant..."(1 Peter 5vs8; New King James) Investigate. Don't be cavalier, lest you be hustled by veneer.

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Serve in good faith Seek to serve and genuinely please, there's no need to "commission squeeze".

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Work at acquiring acumen "Study to shew thyself approved..."(2 Timothy 2vs15; King James) Know your subject ma-tter well, clients want much more than veneer or shell.

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Due diligence Like it or not, the truth is it's all to do, you have to follow through.

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Due diligence (redux) Take nothing at face value; it's all to do. You have to follow through.

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Diligence and chaste dealings In your dealings, be diligent and chaste, for oft, "Great haste makes great waste."* Key: * A popular aphorism, which, in its' full, unadulterated form, should say, "Great haste makes for great waste."

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Know your audience For your marketing to work, know whom you're trying to reach, teach, beseech.

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The power of free Parlay the power of free, and an audience will sure follow thee.

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A healthy dose of skepticism "The simple believes every word, but the prudent man considers well his steps."(Proverbs 14vs15; New King James) Things seem a little off or queer? Research. Don't be suckered by veneer.

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Clients are golden Treat your clientele like gold, and they will not leave you out in the cold.

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Helpfulness marketing is in To be top of mind, help others solve their itch or bind; and yes, be kind.

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The property negotiator's golden rule Whether the client wants to lease, sell or buy, just be a stand-up guy.

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Don't be naïve Don't be naive or quick to believe, else you'll be easy to deceive.

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Sell Sell, coz a little something, is better than a mother lode of nothing.

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Sell (redux) Sell, coz a little something, is better than loads and loads of nothing.

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Zeal will help the deal In expediting a deal, don't show despera-tion, but rather zeal.

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No desperation In most any deal, don't show desperation, but rather show some zeal.

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Assist, not con The secret isn't to pull a ruse, but to be of genuine use.

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No need to gull* Ain't no need to gull or pull a ruse when you're of help and genuine use. Appendix: * In the above rune, the haiku limit was exceeded by one syllable.

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The magic sauce (Courtesy of Ted Turner) "Early to bed, ear-ly to rise, work like hell, and advertise."(Ted Turner) How wise!

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Advertise, advertise, advertise... Don't advertise? How then, do you expect leads and sales to crystallize?

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Try calls to action Calls to action, spur interaction; try them, and see the reaction.

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No big secret It's no secret, my-stery or disguise; to suc-ceed, please advertise.

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Gratitude, reminder and request Thanks for reading this chapbook Thanks for reading this chapbook through, Hoped that it delivered some value to you. Please do kindly email, and provide feedback or some sort of review. Again, thank you. N.B. Please don't forget to obtain your free gift of a document titled General Guide To Sectional Deeds, which covers the topic of

sectional deeds. Thank you.

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