Artisanal Digital Marketing (Noun) : Digital marketing that’s crafted to deliver better results by maintaining a made-by-hand personal touch. If your business can’t meaningfully connect with people and compel them to take action, you’re not going to be in business for long. Here are 10 tips to help you bring a personal
Layer personal contact into every lead generation funnel.
Break up with stock photography.
Lead magnets are wonderful, but they’re not all
Images are everything, but if you’re using a
created equal. If you’re relying on a PDF or
cliché photo that’s been repurposed for
automated bit of content to attract people into
hundreds of other brands... then you’re
your marketing funnel, always quickly follow-up
probably going to look like hundreds of other
by offering your leads an opportunity to get in
brands. Try to stretch yourself to use original
touch with a live human and learn more.
photography when possible.
Sounds good, but how?
Okay, but how?
touch to a high-tech world. •
In your email nurture sequence, invite
your leads to sign up for a follow-up webinar or to sign up for a weekly demo/ workshop call. •
Provide a link to schedule a one-on-one consultation or informational call.
Make good use of your smartphone to shoot photography of your surroundings.
Hire a freelance photographer on UpWork or Fiverr.
Work with a local photographer for 2 hours every few months.
Audit your tech stack.
Find (and use) your authentic voice.
Use your customers' voices.
This tip is inspired by the Soulful MBA Program.
You know you need to ‘write the way you speak,’
Give your marketing a hand-crafted vibe by
but it’s not always easy to avoid adopting your
weaving in the language that your customers
competitors’ styles rather than cultivating your
use every day. When you spend time with
own voice.
someone, you naturally begin to use the same
Try to ensure that the values of your company are also reflected by the online vendors you work with. Supply chain auditing isn’t exclusive to businesses who deal in physical products; it
Keep your words fresh, fluid, and free from
should be something that all businesses—online
generic marketing speak. Stay conversational
and otherwise—consider on a regular basis.
and don't be afraid to toss in some humor and spice.
Sounds good, but how? Okay, but how? •
Make a master list of all the online vendors, tools, apps, and platforms that you use in your business.
Now ask yourself: is there any company on the list that does business in a way
Put your prose to the test: read all
words, phrasing, and inflection. By using your target audiences’ language and reflecting their speech patterns back to them, you create a sense of belonging and trust. Okay, but how? •
your customers or target audience.
your copy aloud before you publish. If it doesn't flow naturally, it probably
better aligns with your brand values.
Write down the words or phrases that they use to describe their problems
doesn't fit your voice.
and the solutions you provide.
you don’t agree with? If so, consider replacing them with a new partner that
Set up a series of informal chats with
Keep this list on hand to incorporate it into your own marketing and messaging.
Don’t be a bot. Just be on chat.
Be courageous and get on camera.
Lifeless marketing? Go live.
This tip is inspired by the founders of Namastream.
The truth is, it's hard to trust people on the
Evergreen ('set it and forget it') campaigns are
internet. The more you can do to pull back the
fabulous because they collect leads and sales
curtain and reveal who you are, why you do
24/7, but they aren't enough to keep your
what you do, and what makes you credible—the
audience fully engaged. Try hosting a Facebook
easier it will be to buy from you.
live event or Tweet chat to conduct a
Consider installing live chat functionality on your website or pricing page; this way your site visitors can be greeted by a live human and get their questions and answered in real time.
A great way to do that is to get on camera.
Sure, but how? •
Whether it be short explainer videos you post
Live chat apps! At Leadpages, we use
on social media, webinars, online trainings, or
Intercom, and if you’re already a
Facebook live events—camera time builds a
Leadpages customer, you can easily
connection with your audience.
conversation with your followers in real time. Sounds good, but how? •
segment of your audience, and inviting them to a live co-working session on
integrate Leadpages with Intercom and other live chat apps by connecting them
Facebook Live.
Okay, but how?
through Zapier.
• •
Test your skills by selecting a small
Let them know in advance that this is a
Grab a tripod and set up your phone on
beta project and ask for their patience
your desk to record weekly tips that you
as you work out the kinks.
dole out to your social media following.
09 Pick up the phone.
Do an authenticity gut-check.
This tip is an oldie but a goodie. No matter how
Chances are, you went into business to build
technically savvy your audience may be, there
a brand you’re proud of—right?
will come a point when they want to talk to a real human and get their questions answered pronto. Consider making a customer support line available, allowing people to schedule a 15min quick call, or to submit a call-me-back form. You can also add a click-to-call link to
doesn’t reflect your best stuff, you might be on
“Leadpages has definitely made
the content marketing hamster wheel instead of
it easier & faster for us to collect
being hyper-conscious of what your audience
leads & is way easier than trying to
wants and needs.
build websites yourself... in the
Okay, but how?
period of a few months, I built my list from 0 to about 1,300.”
Do a self-conducted content audit to see if what you’re publishing really appeals
your website to make it easy for mobile
to your audience.
users to quickly reach your team by phone with a single click.
Start a Free Trial
Facebook post or a PDF lead magnet—that
Sure, but how?
Add a click-to-call button or link on
If you’re producing any content—whether it’s a
your website.
Build a better business.
Where are there opportunities to pare down and power-up the value (and champion quality over quantity)?
Jennifer Barcelos CEO, Co-founder of Namastream