Armed And Dangerous! Part II Text: Mark 4:14-20
YOU don’t have to fight Satan because he is already defeated! Satan is under YOUR feet! Jesus has given YOU POWER in His Name to resist Satan! As a believer, you must enforce Satan’s defeat in your life!
The name Satan in Hebrew means Opposer—and he will try to oppose you in your Christian walk. That’s why YOU must know how Satan operates so that he will stay under your feet! John 10:10, John 8:44
The Word (seed) of God—even though it is alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword—will never produce anything in your life—until you get it into your heart. This seed has potential to bring salvation, healing, deliverance, and restoration into your life. When you plant the Word of God IN YOUR HEART—you begin to think like God thinks. When you speak the Word out of YOUR MOUTH in faith—you agree with God—and it shall be done! The Word of God IN YOU makes YOU ARMED AND DANGEROUS! You Sow The Word Into Your Heart By: Reading it Hearing it Meditating on it Praying it Acting on it God watches over His Word to fulfill it in your life. Jeremiah 1:12 Three Things Jesus Mentions In The Parable Of The Sower: 1. Satan comes IMMEDIATELY to steal your seed. Satan is afraid of the Word IN YOU! Satan knows that the Word will expose his lies and take you to a new level! Satan knows that if you find out who you really are in Christ Jesus you will take authority over him in the Name of Jesus! Acts 19:20, Psalm 103:20 How Do We Allow Satan To Steal The Word From Us? A. Passivity: You don’t take any action when the lies and negative thoughts come. James 4:7 B. Procrastination: The enemy loves it when you procrastinate in the things of God—when you put off reading the Word and obeying God. C. People: Sometimes we allow people to influence us or talk us out of the things of God. Other times, people say negative things that discourage us. D. Accusations: Satan will accuse you and tell you that you’re not worthy to receive from God or be blessed. The fact is, we are not worthy—Jesus made US worthy when we didn’t deserve it! Lisa Comes – July 31, 2013
E. Worry: We meditate on all the negative things in our life instead of meditating on God’s goodness and His promises. When you are tempted to worry—turn it into a prayer of faith instead. F. Doubt: Satan pulled this one in the Garden of Eden. He said to Eve: Did God really say that to you? He put doubt in her mind and she bought into it. 2. Satan will steal the Word if you have no roots. Proverbs 24:10 You have to grow up in God and learn to develop maturity and put down some roots in your life. Your faith is developed IN the trials of life. Don’t just go through trials—GROW through them. You can’t go by what you SEE. You have to go by what you KNOW. Make sure your roots go DEEP! 3. Satan will use the distraction of life to steal the Word. A DISTRACTION is anything that draws your attention away from God and the things of God. You can become so busy that you don’t take time to read God’s Word—and that’s the very thing that will bring you peace and victory. You may feel like you are too stressed out to pray—but if you take the time to pray, you won’t be so stressed out. Maybe you are so consumed with work and getting ahead and obtaining material things—that you have lost your first love. You may be focusing too much on the dream—but you have forgotten the Dream-Giver. Maybe you just have a hard time saying “no” to people and your schedule is too full. God has a harvest beyond your wildest dreams! But, you must hold on to God’s Word. When YOU are full of the Word of God—YOU ARE ARMED AND DANGEROUS to Satan! Notes:__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________