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2017 All Bible references are from The Amplified Bible, Classic Edition unless otherwise noted.
Heart Friends, Do you have a favorite scripture— a verse God put in front of you at a time when you desperately needed His help? If so, you are extremely blessed because you have real-life experience to back up what the Bible says—that God loves you and has a good plan for your life (see Jeremiah 29:11)! Unfortunately, many people go through their whole life not knowing God loves them. But we can do something about that! One of our guiding scriptures at the ministry is James 1:27, and we’re going to get you well acquainted with it in this issue of the magazine. It’s a verse that has touched Dave and I very deeply, and I pray that God would cause it to touch your heart too!
4 Share Christ, Love People
By Joyce Meyer
God wants us to be a light in a dark world, but that’s not something you or I can do apart from Him. Learn what it takes to fulfil your calling in life.
8 Who Can I Trust?
Enjoying Everyday Life is a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. [J] is also a registered trademark of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Order online 24/7 at Most major credit cards accepted. See enclosed form for details. Discounted offers expire December 21, 2017 (while supplies last) and are not available at conferences. Special offers cannot be combined for additional discounts. WRITERS Matt Clark, editor Rachael Athearn Charles Breitwiser Susan Crumley Chad Trafton Anne Williams Dar Wood
By Joyce Meyer
People may disappoint you, but it doesn’t have to bring you down. Learn how to put your trust in God alone.
12 My Time with God
Enjoying Everyday Life® is published by Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. ® , a nonprofit corporation, Fenton, MO USA © 2017 Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. Publications Agreement No. 41709522. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Enjoying Everyday Life has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. Because all Enjoying Everyday Life issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. For more information, go to
By Joyce Meyer
Living with real peace and joy is possible…when we know where to start.
DESIGNERS Steve DeShetler, creative director
Terri Bleeker Travis Denham Candace Gerard Amber Majors PHOTOGRAPHERS
Hannah Capps David Dobson Kelly McClure Chad Spickler, David George
SHUTTERSTOCK IMAGES 22 - Iconic Bestiary
25 Reaching the Shadow Children of Zambia By Jacques Van Bommel
Discover how your support is bringing the Gospel and critical support to Zambia in some of the most innovative ways.
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Share Christ, Love People. It’s not only our mission here at Joyce Meyer Ministries; it’s just a great reminder of what we’re all here to do. I think it sums up the meaning of true religion in a few simple words. Let’s look at how James 1:27 puts it: Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for the orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you (NLT). In this verse, we learn about God’s passion for two things: justice and righteousness. They’re similar in meaning, but there is a slight difference. Justice is making wrong things right (and I’ll share about that a little later in the magazine), and righteousness is doing the right things for the right reasons, which we’ll gradually learn to do if we are purposeful to study God’s Word.
You see, we live in a society that drives us to selfishness. We’re overloaded with advertising that fuels our self-centered nature and causes us to be dissatisfied with who we are and what we have. In addition to that, all the unjust, evil things that happen in the world today make us want to shelter ourselves from the world’s problems. But God hasn’t called us to be comfortable, He’s called us to light up the darkness around us!
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Ultimately, our goal as Christians should be to become so transformed by God’s Word that others can visibly see the change in us. For example, when someone sees you enjoying life in the middle of a storm—or helping others in your time of need—it will not go unnoticed. Believe me, they will want what you have, and they will want to know where you got it!
one go before you in line at the store…. The list could go on and on.
Now, one thing I want to make clear is that you can’t give away what you don’t have. But if we take time to meet with God and study His Word, our affection for Him grows, our perspectives and attitudes on life begin to change, and eventually we begin to reflect His nature in our everyday lives (see 2 Corinthians 3:18). This is God’s plan for you!
You see, loving and serving God is not about following a list of rules and regulations. It’s about sharing Christ by loving people so that when the world looks at you, they see what God’s doing inside of you. In fact, on page 16, you’ll read about the impact we’re having as a ministry when we don’t just tell people about the love of Christ, but show them what it looks like in very practical ways. What we’ve learned is that sometimes people are hurting so much that we can’t address their spiritual needs until we meet their practical needs. But more on that later on.
I encourage you to step out in faith in this area. Make a determined decision to meet with God daily and to use His Word as your instruction book for everyday life. Imagine how different the world would be if everyone would take a small step of faith and do one nice thing to help someone else every day? It can be so simple to put a smile on someone’s face! Give a compliment. Give something away. Take the time to listen. Open a door for someone. Let some-
Right now, I just want to encourage you to make it your business to start spending quality time in God’s Word, praying that He would lead and direct you in the various areas that you need to learn. Trust me: You’ll discover that a life of knowing Christ and being changed by His Word is the most wonderful, exciting way to live!
What I hope you’ll see by reading this is, you need to be purposeful in living God’s Word because it does not happen naturally. One of the ways you can do that is by regularly asking yourself: How can I make sure my life is a reflection of God’s Word? What can I do for somebody else today? It’s my personal goal to ask myself that question every morning when I wake up, and it has radically transformed my life! Do you know what I’ve found out? When I commit ALL my ways—my attitudes, my responses to tough situations, the problems of life—even before my feet hit the floor, I’ve discovered God is
faithful to help me do whatever I need to do.
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DIVE DEEP WITH JOYCE INTO THE BOOK OF COLOSSIANS It’s Your Manual for Experiencing Growth and Change in Every Area of Life In the first century, when the apostle Paul wrote the book of Colossians, there were many false religions that threatened the beliefs of the early Church—they insisted that man cannot know God.
Joyce’s new Action Plan will teach you how to:
However, Paul reminded the Colossians that knowing God and having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the very cornerstone of our faith!
Walk in God’s promises for your life, learning how to receive—not achieve—all that is yours in Christ
The book of Colossians is truly a manual for understanding what we have in Christ and what it means to know Him and the power of His resurrection....1
Pray simple, practical, effective prayers that release your faith and activate God’s supernatural strength
Do you want to become more like Christ? Would you like to experience change and become everything God says you can be in His Word? As Christians, we have everything we need to live a life of peace, joy, growth and stability...and it’s all found “in Him.”
“Clothe” yourself with peace and love, representing the character of Christ to all those around you
We invite you to join Joyce as she walks, chapter by chapter, through the book of Colossians in this Bible study format.
Live in complete dependence on God and develop deep spiritual roots that will keep you stable and calm in the midst of any storm
1. Philippians 3:10 ESV 2. John 16:33
Think and speak according to God’s Word, developing a positive attitude of hope and expectancy
Christianity doesn’t offer us a life without problems. In fact, Jesus tells us we’re going to experience difficulties in this world.2 But God promises us something even better: His grace and strength to rise above our circumstances.
Now Available!
Colossians Action Plan 4 Teachings on CD & DVD, Personal Study Guide, Book of Colossians Booklet [AMPC]
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$39 U.S. Funds
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I married Dave at the age of 23, and from that point on I regularly attended church. I assumed that because I was now involved with “church people,” I could trust them and would not get hurt, but that didn’t turn out to be correct either. As a matter of fact, some of the deepest disappointments I have experienced in my life have come from Christians. (I can almost hear some readers saying, “Amen!”) You may have experienced the same thing, and I’m sure you have some harrowing stories to tell about what people have done to you.
So what should we do when people disappoint us? Should we adopt a sour and distrusting attitude and say, with everyone else, “You can’t trust anyone these days”? Or should we decide to trust everyone unless and until they give us sufficient reason not to? I vote for trusting people, simply because I refuse to live with a suspicious attitude that makes me miserable just because some people may disappoint me.
But the truth is, human beings, including ourselves, are flawed, and we are setting ourselves up for painful disappointment if we think otherwise. Jesus came for the weak, not the strong, and I am grateful
I believe we can trust people without placing a trust in them that, in reality, belongs only to God. Jesus talked about this and the apostle John recorded it:
As I grew into a teenager and young adult, I had other sad experiences that screamed the message, “You can’t trust anybody!” I got married at the age of 18 to a young man who was unfaithful in addition to being a petty thief who ended up in prison. I’m sure that I also met people who could
that He did. I need mercy and forgiveness regularly, and that means I also need to be ready to give them generously.
But Jesus [for His part] did not trust Himself to them, because He knew all [men]. John 2:24
For example, I knew by the age of seven that I couldn’t trust my parents because they were self-absorbed and very abusive. I couldn’t trust other relatives whom I had asked to help me because they refused to do so, using the weak excuse: “I don’t want to get involved; it’s none of my business.”
be trusted, but I was so angry with the people who had hurt and disappointed me that I tended to focus on that.
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The subject of trust—or rather lack of trust—fills the headlines these days. How do we tell the good guys from the bad guys? How do we know who is trustworthy and who is not? There are no easy answers, and sometimes the people we believed we could trust most let us down.
Unshakeable Trust
$24 U.S. FUNDS
Hardcover by Joyce Meyer Also available in Spanish.
Unshakeable Trust Study Guide
$13.99 U.S. FUNDS Paperback
and disappointed. I never purposely mean to hurt anyone, yet I do. Part of being in relationship requires a willingness to be disappointed and yet find a way to continue building trust, rather than giving up. So I have decided to trust with my eyes wide open, and that means I don’t expect anyone (except God) to never disappoint me. And even with God, I am sometimes initially disappointed when things don’t turn out the way I had hoped they would. But there is a difference between my being disappointed and God disappointing me. My own expectations are the source of my disappointment, not God, because Scripture teaches that if we put our hope in Him, He never disappoints us (see Romans 5:5).
This scripture does not say that Jesus didn’t trust anyone. Instead it says that He did not trust Himself to them. What does that mean? He didn’t give Himself over to the idea that men would never disappoint Him. He didn’t put Himself entirely in their hands for safekeeping.
I find that when I don’t trust God, I am filled with doubt, fear, worry, and anxiety. It is stressful and places a heavy burden on me that I don’t want to carry. But when I trust Him, believing His Word and promises, I have peace and joy, and I enjoy life.
And He did not need anyone to bear witness concerning man [needed no evidence from anyone about men], for He Himself knew what was in human nature…(John 2:25).
If you are having trouble trusting in God, but you want to trust Him, I want to encourage you to pray this simple prayer: Father, help me learn to trust You. God is willing to meet you where you are and help you get to where you need to be. That is the good news of the Gospel!
Jesus knows all of our weaknesses. But He came to strengthen us in our weakness and forgive our failures and sins. If we want peace in our lives, we need to do the same thing. There is not one of us who can say that we have not hurt and disappointed others, or that we have not been hurt
This article has been adapted from Unshakeable Trust by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © by Joyce Meyer Ministries. Reprinted with permission of FaithWords, a division of Hachette Book Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Look for it wherever books are sold
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CAN I TRUST GOD? We asked the question on Facebook, and you responded…
Trust is part of having faith. It’s a crucial part of our relationship with God. Trials come so we can increase our trust in Him. I am in the middle of a season of trust. I’ve learned so much before, that this is easier. I never understood the count it all joy before. Now I do. Praise His Holy Name! Jeff Perkins
I am trusting God, but my finances aren’t changing, and I’m still struggling. I currently have to work two jobs, but I know my breakthrough will come. Wilma Penaherrera
I trust God, but still have doubt in my heart… I do trust God but feel forgotten at times. My soul is so broken. So much has happened to me, but I know God has not forsaken me. Just having a hard time getting passed it. Rosa Johnson
I trust God, but still have doubt in my heart because everything seems to be falling apart, and the various results I have coming in are very negative. I don’t know what to do in this situation, but I am fighting with God right now, hoping for the answer. Annie Sami
Trust is part of having faith.
How can I not trust Him, for without Him, I would not be here. He’s seen me through the loss of my husband, home and job. I have no one but Him. He did not promise us a life without struggle, but He gives us hope through those struggles. Debbie Poston Haggard
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I trust God completely! Even when I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Not once have I asked the question, “why me?” Even when I was in the hospital for 30 days after 10-hour major surgery, I never stopped trusting God. Yes, I felt distant and alone as I lay there in a hospital bed with wires here, there and everywhere. The Lord is my strength because after what I’ve been through I know I couldn’t have gotten through everything without Him. Thank You, Lord! Jamie Adams
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MY TIME The Key to Every good thing in Life ONE OF MY GREATEST PASSIONS IS TEACHING PEOPLE THAT GOD LOVES THEM and has an amazing plan for their lives. There are so many who are hurting and hopeless because they don’t know God, and they haven’t experienced His love for them.
I know what it’s like to live without real peace or joy…to feel insecure and afraid of rejection all the time. Because I was abused by my father throughout my childhood, I became an angry adult who believed it was up to me to take care of myself, and I had a hard time trusting that anyone really loved and accepted me.
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Spending time with God is a prerequisite for having a great life and fulfilling your purpose. If you want to live out God’s plans and purposes for your life, the first step in your journey is to be born again. What does it mean to be “born again”? It simply means you recognize you are a mess without God, and you confess your sins with a sincere heart, asking Him to forgive you. The truth is every single person in the world desperately needs God. Romans 3:23 (NIV) says, All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. And John 3:16 reveals how we can be made right with Him: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (NIV).
is a prerequisite for having a great life and fulfilling your purpose.
I’m so excited for you! And I want to encourage you to spend some time each day with the Lord in prayer and reading the Bible. It’s also important for you to have encouragement from other Christians, so you’ll want to find a good church where they teach the Bible and can help you grow in your faith. To help you get started in your new life in Christ, we’d like to give you a free copy of my book, A New Way of Living. Visit KnowJesus to request one. Also, use our interactive study on the following pages for practical tips and exercises to help you establish good Bible study habits.
I love spending time with God, praying and studying His Word! It’s the first thing I do every day because I can tell you from experience that having God’s help and presence in our lives is vital. He is the Author of all true success, and everything that is good. Without Him, we can do nothing of true value.
with God
God wants to have an intimate, personal relationship with you, and spending time with Him, acknowledging Him in all of your ways, is the key to abundant life filled with His righteousness, peace and joy (see Proverbs 3:6; Romans 14:17).
Lord Jesus, thank You for choosing to love me. I admit I am a sinner, and I need Your forgiveness to cleanse me of my sin and give me new life in Christ. I believe Jesus died and shed His blood to pay for my sins. He gave His life for me, so I can have life with You! I give You my heart, Lord, and all of my life. Please take me and work in my heart…change me and make me like Jesus. I love You, Lord. Thank You for saving me from my sin and giving me the promise of everlasting life.
Spending time
Giving your life to Christ is absolutely the best decision you will ever make! And knowing God and His Word are the best ways to discover His plan for you and become everything He created you to be!
John 10:10 says Jesus came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). Jesus died so we can have a full life—not just a barely-getting-by, “hanging on till Jesus comes back” existence.
If you want to begin a personal relationship with Christ, or maybe you need to renew your commitment to Him, then pray something like this:
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When I finally got a revelation that God loves me unconditionally, and He cares about every part of my life, I started to change. There was a lot of healing that needed to happen in my soul; the journey wasn’t easy and it took longer than I thought it would. But I can honestly say it was worth it, because God has brought me to a place where I really enjoy my everyday life with Him, and now He can use me to help others experience His love and have His hope and joy in their lives.
This Bible study exercise will help you go deeper in God’s Word. Get more help at Joyce has some practical ideas that will encourage you to get started or go even further in your study of God’s Word.
GOD’S WORD IS EXTREMELY VALUABLE FOR US! “Our minds and attitudes need to be renewed according to the Word. The Bible teaches us how God thinks, talks and acts, and the more you study it, the more you learn truth that sets you free.”
Read 2 Corinthians 3:18 and Romans 12:2 and note the ways God’s Word impacts your life when you study it.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
PRACTICAL TIPS TO HELP YOU SUCCESSFULLY STUDY GOD’S WORD There are no specific rules you have to follow to study the Bible. The following tips are intended to give you basic guidance on how to prepare yourself and jump in.
Magenta Yellow
1. Getting started!
Not sure where to start? These Bible translations are good options to consider:
There are different Bible translations written in ways that are easy to understand. Use a website like or to research them if you need to pick one.
• Amplified Bible
Make sure you have a Bible in a translation that works for you.
Psalm 119:105
• New International Version • New Ki ng James Version • New Living Translation
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2. Make a plan for what you will study. • If you’re brand new to this, the gospel of John is a good place to start because it focuses on the life of Christ and explains how to develop a personal relationship with Him. • Topical Study: If you are struggling with a particular issue, such as grief and loss, anger management, or how to handle your finances, then it’s good to focus on scriptures that speak to your need. • A concordance and Bible dictionary are helpful tools for this approach. • Check out for free resources that offer a variety of study plans to choose from. • Practical Teaching for Everyday Life in Christ: The Epistles —such as Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians (there are 21 total)—are helpful to study when you want to learn more about what it means to really live the Christian life. • There are many ways to approach Bible study. If you’re interested in a book of the Bible you’ve never read before, study that. Or you could go through Proverbs and study one chapter a day for a month. Whatever you choose, the important thing is that you spend time with God in His Word.
What’s your plan?
BONUS TIPS to get the most out of your Bible study time:
What time of day works best for you?
How much time will you spend in the Word?
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Use a journal. This is a great way to keep a record of truths you’re discovering in the Bible, specific scriptures that impact your soul, thoughts and questions relating to issues you’re facing, and prayers you write to God. Eliminate distractions. Turn off your phone, go somewhere you won’t be disturbed, and keep a notebook handy to write down things that come to mind that you need to do later. Some interruptions may be unavoidable, but focus on the ones you can control.
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Ask God to guide you in your time with Him. If you’re just getting started, consider committing 15 to 30 minutes a day. It probably won’t take long before you find yourself making more time for it because of all you’re getting out of it.
4. Determine how long you will study each day.
Go for quality, not quantity. Study a chapter or a verse. Spend 15 minutes one day and give it an hour the next. Do what you can and give it your best effort.
Whether it’s morning, afternoon or evening, the important thing is to make time with God in His Word a top priority. Be as consistent as you can but don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day or two. You’re not doing this to stay on God’s good side or fulfill a religious obligation. The goal is to get as close to God as you can possibly be!
Be creative. You don’t have to do the same thing every day. Listen to the Bible on CD, read a book by a Bible teacher you respect, use a Bible study app on your phone— there are multiple ways to learn about God’s Word.
3. Set a time that works best for you.
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“I want people to see what freedom there is to Bible study…it’s not a boring ritual of things you have to do. My relationship with God has been so enriched by spending time in His Word!”
COMPELLED TO LOVE Showing God’s Love to a World in Need BY JOYCE MEYER
In the beginning of the magazine, I told you the importance of knowing who you are in Christ—and the way we do it is by understanding God’s Word. This is how we guard against the corruption of the world. But being a Christian,
ONE WHO DEMONSTRATES “TRUE RELIGION” MUST ALSO FOLLOW THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE OTHER SIDE TO THE SCRIPTURE: CARING FOR ORPHANS AND WIDOWS (SEE JAMES 1:27). I can say, it’s been one of my core teachings for years—that we get our minds off ourselves and help others who are hurting. Many times, we do this by addressing people’s practical needs on the way to helping them spiritually. And so, I’m excited to share with you over the next few pages, examples of how together we are doing just that.
It always amazes me how something as simple as a regular meal can have a major impact on a child’s life. Nutritious food can bring malnourished, lifeless bodies back to health. It can help struggling parents provide for their families. It eases hunger pains so a child can focus on their schoolwork. And we’ve seen God work through our feeding programs to bring whole families into a relationship with Him. I want you to know that your giving is making a dramatic difference in these little one’s lives.
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That’s because when you give to feed a hungry child, your gift is really doing so much more than meeting that practical—yet essential—need. It’s also providing an opportunity for that child to hear the good news of the Gospel and then even share it with their families. And we know that is where true, lasting change begins. Thanks to the support of our friends and partners, we’re able to regularly help more than 80,000 children at 742 sites worldwide through our feeding programs. What a powerful way to care for the widow and the orphan, as the scripture in James teaches us.
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So, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for what you’re already doing to help these children, and we also want to invite you to do even more if God puts it on your heart. If this is something you’d like to be a part of, please visit
CLASSROOMS OF HOPE Access to a quality education can give a child who’s living in poverty the tools they need to secure a better future. Without it, many children remain trapped in that desperate cycle for their whole lives. But we are working to make a good education available to the ones who need it most through a new project we’re calling Classrooms of Hope. Through this initiative, we’re providing a happy place of refuge for many boys and girls in one of the poorest provinces of South Africa—the Eastern Cape. In this area, we’ve found that many children are being taught in schoolhouses that leak when it rains or are close to collapsing. Well, we decided we had to do something to help them, and God showed us a simple solution to the problem. In fact, it’s already having a big impact on these communities. With the help of engineers, we’re transforming shipping containers into classrooms…a creative and cost-effective solution for villages across the area. Once the containers are insulated and we put in doors and large windows, our team can place them wherever they’re needed.
The students then learn in a safe environment, and the classrooms also serve as feeding centers…where the children receive a nutritious meal provided by our friends and partners. The most exciting part is that at each Classroom of Hope, the students are learning to read from a Bible-based curriculum, meaning their education is straight from the Word of God and the love they receive makes a lifelong difference.
give hope More than 40 classrooms completed!
We had a three-year goal to install 50 Classrooms of Hope, and we’re making great progress! We would love for you to join us in helping more children. I can’t think of a better way to help children succeed in life than to introduce them to the Word of God and give them a quality education.
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As you may know, for years we have been reaching out in many ways to women and girls all around the world. We are personally seeing the incredible impact God has made in their lives…and we know He is calling us to do even more.
So in response, we have launched Project GRL—a more focused effort to Guide, Restore and Love women and girls everywhere who are mistreated and undervalued. This initiative is one that’s particularly close to my heart. I know what it’s like to feel hopeless and powerless to change my circumstances and escape abuse. I know many women and girls experience the very same thing.
I want to tell you a quick story about a woman we just met named Farida. She is a Syrian refugee who lives in Lebanon. Farida was forced to marry at the age of 16, became a young mother and endured horrible abuse. Then her whole world was turned upside down when her family tragically drowned trying to get to Greece. But thankfully, today Farida is on the road to recovery with lots of help
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Through this effort, we have identified specific areas where women and girls are in great need. Far too many are affected by human trafficking and sex slavery. Many lack food and do not have access to clean water or education. And I would love for you to join us in this calling to help.
from God’s Word, which she received through reading some of my books…books that were given to her by one of our partner organizations in the Middle East. Farida now knows she’s loved and God is with her, and she can start the process of healing from all that she’s been through. None of that could have happened without the support of people like you…who gave what they could to help someone else who is hurting. Your special gift to Project GRL at can help us feed the more than 41,000 girls in our feeding programs, provide education to girls, dig freshwater wells that bring health and the chance for women to attend school, and rescue and restore those impacted by human trafficking. Not only that, I believe it will bring joy to your own life knowing you are helping women and girls realize they have a voice to change the world and that God loves them deeply.
GABRIELLE HOUSE EXPANSION One of our Project GRL initiatives that I recently visited is the Gabrielle House in Thailand. The work that God has allowed us to do there over the last seven years to help young women rebuild their lives is just amazing.
We currently help care for about 20 women who live at the Gabrielle House. These women have been rescued out of extremely difficult situations—many were forced to work long hours in deplorable conditions for little or no pay and some were victims of sex trafficking. At the Gabrielle House, these women are learning valuable skills, including a trade they can use to support themselves in the future.
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They also receive the support they need to heal from the abuse they’ve endured. And they see the love of God in action through being in the program.
No matter how you decide to get involved, I want to leave you with a word of encouragement. The Bible says that when we give to help hurting people, it’s something that endures forever (see 2 Corinthians 9:9). And I believe that you will be extremely blessed and your joy will increase and multiply many times over as you reach out and help widows, orphans and anyone you see who’s in need.
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Because of all the good we’re seeing come out of this program, we would like to expand the work that God has called us to in Thailand. We want to be able to increase the number of young women we can help. And we need your help to do it. Your gift of $4,000 will make a way for one woman to stay at the Gabrielle House for an entire year. I believe there are so many hurting girls in the world, and we don’t want to help just a few—we want to help as many as we can. Visit to join us in this exciting work.
Together, our mission is pretty simple: To share Christ and love people in every way we can. It’s what we’re passionate about and it defines who we are. And YOU are a vital part of this mission. Did you know there are a variety of ways you can join us in this calling?
None of us can do it alone, but together we can rescue children from the streets, provide meals for the hungry and help millions find new hope and life through the Gospel message. Your regular commitment will make all the difference for a world in need. Visit to learn more.
Providing support for the poor, weak, lost and suffering is vitally important to fulfilling the vision we have of sharing Christ and loving people. If God is leading you to give a special gift to help care for woman and girls in desperate situations, feed children around the world, provide a community with clean water and more, fill out the order form in this magazine or go to
You can give through…
Every time you purchase a resource from you’re helping yourself—or someone you love—grow in God’s Word. Your gift also makes it possible for us to share the Gospel with more people around the world. It’s a purchase you can feel good about.
Your prayers for us mean so very much. Please pray for God to allow us more opportunities to share Christ around the world and alleviate suffering in practical ways. And if you have a request you’d like us to stand in prayer with you over, visit
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We asked some of our partners why they give to Joyce Meyer Ministries. Here’s what they said!
“Joyce’s resources and the way the Holy Spirit uses them to impact people is just so valuable. Partnership is so much bigger than what I can do on my own. I’m sowing into something where there’s real change. And I’ve seen it through the years. The ministry has been consistent, it’s been rock solid, and there’s just been tons of good fruit.” -Robin C
“I love Joyce Meyer’s ministry and the fact that she’s focused on helping this world—not just us in the USA, but people all around the world. This is my way to reach those in the world that I may never see. I love that Joyce Meyer Ministries has programs I can trust. They follow through on their word. To partner with Joyce Meyer Ministries doesn’t take a lot—whatever you can afford—when you compound the effect of what everyone is doing, it goes a long way.” -Dawn K
“I researched Hand of Hope and what you’re doing and who you’re partnering with. And you literally hit on every outreach that the Lord has asked us to. I loved that I saw that full package with Joyce Meyer Ministries.” –Megan T
“Some are called to go, some are called to send. I love sending!” –Charles B
When we come together, everyone doing something, there is absolutely nothing we can’t accomplish with God’s help.
“Being a partner with Joyce Meyer Ministries is really important to me because I’ve worked in missions and I was in Haiti and I can’t tell you how many women I saw lose children because of the dirty water. And when I saw Joyce doing freshwater wells, I knew that that changes lives forever. It saves these mothers’ children. I need to partner so even if I can’t get down to Haiti anymore, I can still partner with someone who’s building these wells and saving these children.” -Kathi R
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“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” —Ephesians 3:20 NLT
God can do more for you in a minute than you can do in a lifetime.
It’s amazing how just a few words can impact your life in a moment. In Joyce’s new book, you’ll find a variety of powerful statements that will encourage you in your faith, inspire you to achieve more of your goals in life, and help you stay focused on your relationship with God.
Where the mind goes, the man follows.
Take a peek inside
“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he….” - PROVERBS 23:7 NKJV
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Remember: “Where the mind goes, the man follows.” Make sure yours is on the right track!
100 Inspirational Quotes by Joyce Meyer
“Am I now trying to win the favor and approval of men, or of God? Or am I seeking to please someone? If I were still trying to be popular with men, I would not be a bond servant of Christ.” —GALATIANS 1:10
And the Life-Changing Scriptures Behind Them
God created us to please Him, which sets us free from the need to please people. Be a God-pleaser, not a people-pleaser.
Yellow BLACK
The beauty of this resource is, you can easily take in a helpful message, along with the Bible verse that inspired it, in a matter of a few minutes. Then you can go on with your day, applying words of wisdom that will make a positive difference in your life.
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“You have heard that is was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy; but I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, to show that you are the children of your Father Who is in heaven….” MATTHEW 5:43-45 AMPC
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You are most like God when you are good to those who don’t deserve it.
100 Inspirational Quotes Book - Page 4
Maybe you or someone you know, needs a reminder to “Expect something good to happen to you today!” Or that “Gratitude is a great energizer. The more thankful you are, the better you will feel.” And when you’re having a hard time, it’s good to know “There is never one moment in your life when God doesn’t love you!”
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Hardcover by Joyce Meyer A collection of some of Joyce’s most popular sayings, reminding you of biblical principles you strive to live by.
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$15 U.S. Funds See the enclosed envelope for more details about this offer.
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Reaching the Shadow Children of Zambia BY JACQUES VAN BOMMEL
I thought, How do I help her? How do I help a child like this? That’s what first provoked the thought of “shadow children.” Even in 2017, we occasionally still find places that aren’t developed. There are places where children live with no one to look after them. I asked myself, How do we help a child like this experience God’s goodness?
It seemingly took forever to drive to the western part of Zambia. We drove for hours on gravel roads filled with potholes. I said, “Lord, I don’t think we should do this. It’s too difficult, and it’s too far away.” However, as we reached our destination, our eyes were opened to the incredible need. I had no idea Zambia still had unreached people groups who knew nothing about Jesus. As we drove into the Western Province, we realized there weren’t any Christian churches. All of the churches were either Jehovah’s Witness or a mix of ancestral worship and witchcraft.
That day, it was sheer joy to watch this community of people celebrate. But as I walked away from the commotion—away from the rig—I noticed a little hut. And sitting in the shadow of the hut was a young crippled girl, smiling but clearly unable to join everyone else.
I’ll never forget the first night we set up camp on the banks of the Zambezi River. All night long, the sound of singing and intense drumming kept us awake. The next day we learned it was a gathering of witch doctors who were attempting to heal someone who was sick. This was a way of life—these were who the people turned to for help.
As the Founder and Director of Reaching a Generation, I have been a part of ministering to thousands of people in South Africa, but I wasn’t as familiar with Zambia, its neighbor to the north.
We had no intention of starting a base in Zambia because we were working so heavily in South Africa. But God was doing something in our hearts and we soon began scouting out the land. At that point, we had no idea how the Lord wanted to use us in Zambia...and how He would use our partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries, Hand of Hope to do it.
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I WANT TO TELL YOU A STORY. About four years ago, I had the privilege of attending the installation of a new waterwell in Zambia. The villagers, who have close to nothing, all came out of their huts and cheered as the massive drilling rig moved into place and began its work.
Our first full day there, we were struck by the beauty of the river and all of the wildlife. However, the beauty is sharply contrasted by extreme poverty. In many ways, it was like stepping back in time three or four hundred years. There were no churches, no businesses, and very few people had a job or any money. And the little money they do have is often spent on alcohol. For these people, the river is their primary source: Men use it to fish, and the women and children use it to wash their clothes and gather water. However, the Zambezi is far from safe. Crocodiles are a constant threat, regularly taking the lives of these villagers. Crossing the river is one of the children’s greatest fears. As we saw the great need in this area, we desperately wanted to help; however, we weren’t in a good financial place to do it. But the Lord continued to stir our hearts, and we just knew. We looked at each other and said, “We have to do something to help these people.” Over the course of the next few months, we eventually purchased a piece of land, taking that first step of faith.
When the children heard our music playing, they would come running down to the beach for worship, a lesson about Jesus, and lots of fun games. It was the beginning of what we call “Islands of Hope.” Children here have so little. They don’t own undergarments or have basic hygiene items like soap or toothpaste. To remedy this, we give kids the opportunity to earn “coins” for good attendance, learning scriptures, and participating in games. They can then spend these coins at our “Zambesi Kids Shop” to purchase clothes, soaps, toothpaste, books, toys, and more. Let me tell you, there’s nothing more humbling than to watch a child stand in line and turn in their hard earned coins for a bar of soap, leaving the toys behind. Today, in partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries, Hand of Hope, we’ve been able to develop a total of 17 Islands of Hope children’s churches, ministering the Gospel to 2,500 children every single week!
ISLANDS OF HOPE Thanks to you, we are showing these children the love of Christ...and we are raising up a generation that will think, act and pray differently than the one before it.
One of the best ways to change a culture is to reach their children. However, because the area is so rural, it’s difficult to access the people. So, beginning with a single pontoon boat, we began traveling down the river, stopping at various points to minister to the kids.
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SUSTAINABLE FOOD I’m so proud to report that through our partnership with Hand of Hope, we are currently feeding 2,055 children five times a week at six different schools. We also have the opportunity to minister the Gospel. When we first spoke to David Meyer about partnering to feed more kids, we knew we wanted to do something unique—we wanted these schools and their communities to invest in the future so they could eventually provide for themselves. So, in order to receive these meals (Monday through Friday), each of the six schools signed an agreement to plant an orchard of Maringa trees on their land. These trees, properly maintained, will eventually bear enough fruit to sustain these children.
A few years ago, through Hand of Hope’s support, we changed all that. We began drilling freshwater wells next to the schools and churches...and it has literally changed everything. Seeing a child drink clean water from a safe well in their own community for the first time is truly a gift from God. This is what drives us to continue the hard work the Lord has given us in this area of the world. I recently presented David Meyer the copper hammer we used to drill 50 freshwater wells. It’s the testimony of the work and the partnership we’ve had together in bringing life to so many.
The Gospel has been preached, and witchcraft does not rule here anymore. In fact, the primary witch doctor in our area has stopped practicing witchcraft! I often say that when we need something in our lives, God gives us someone. The Lord will give us someone to help us and make us better if we will allow it. For us, you are that someone. I believe our relationship with Hand of Hope is God-ordained for this time and this place. So, on behalf of Reaching a Generation and the thousands of lives you have forever changed— thank you. You are reaching the children of Zambia, helping them walk out of the shadows and into God’s glorious light. Jacques Van Bommel is the Founder and Director of Reaching a Generation, a ministry dedicated to bringing the Gospel and humanitarian aid to some of the neediest people on earth. One of their primary missions is to influence the lives of children and impact the next generation.
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Out of desperation, people move away from the river and dig deep pits. The water it yields is filthy, but they have no choice—they have to drink it to survive.
Our prayer is that it will bring joy to your heart when you realize what God is using you to do here. Because of you, I can honestly say the Western province of Zambia is no longer “unreached.”
FRESH WATER These people in the Western Province have instant access to the Zambezi River, however the crocodiles make retrieving water a risk too dangerous to take. In fact, in our area alone, at least five people are killed from crocodiles each month.
RIGHT TIME, RIGHT PLACE...RIGHT PARTNERS It is such a privilege to be able to share these stories with you and show you the impact of your partnership with Joyce Meyer Ministries. Please know that thousands of children and their families have been blessed through your generosity.
And here’s more good news: Because of our feeding programs, these schools have recently seen a 30 percent increase in attendance!
And it’s just the beginning. In 2017, we are on schedule to drill 100 more!
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The spring of 2017 was our very first harvest, and these schools have begun supplementing the meals we provide with what they grow themselves. This allows us to use the extra money to support even more children who need our help.
START THE SEASON WITH A GIFT OF HOPE 2017 Hand of Hope Christmas Catalog
The following page gives a quick snapshot of the various giving areas.
Make a donation today! 28
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A plate of food is no small gift. It relieves hunger pains, strengthens the mind and body, and over the long term provides security and emotional stability. Do good with a plate of food!
Water runs from our faucets with the turn of a handle. Yet for some, the nearest clean water source is 60 or more miles from home. Share hope through clean water wells, filters and tanks!
Education is important everywhere. Help us provide safe places for children to learn and grow, and hear about God’s great love for them…in some of the most remote places on the planet!
This new initiative exists to Guide, Restore and Love girls and women who need an understanding of God’s unfailing love and who’ve been marginalized by society. Let’s show them God cares!
We all want affordable access to basic health care. Through ongoing outreaches and short-term medical/ dental trips, you can share God’s healing love with people in desperate need.
You’re a child of God. But many have never heard the Gospel or experienced the peace, joy and freedom that’s available to them in Christ. Share hope with those in deep, spiritual need!
his Christmas, share the wonder of Jesus’ love by giving an unexpected gift of hope to someone in need! This catalog makes it easy to touch lives all over the world through six unique areas of ministry.
so you can make a real difference through these vital outreaches! Check out these opportunities and our additional areas of giving to spread hope all around the world by visiting
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NEW this year, we’ve added “Special Projects,”
I want to help you make a discovery today. It is something that— when you understand it—feelings of insecurity, uncertainty or even those fears that often cripple you will begin to disappear. What is this great promise for you today? You are never alone. No matter how difficult the dilemma or how pressing the problem, because you are a child of God, you will never have to “go it alone.” You’re not by yourself. God is with you—and He has promised to never, never leave you!
And Jesus said in Matthew 28:20 (NKJV), “. . . I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (emphasis added). Did you see those words—never and always? Those are powerful, life-altering words especially if you, or even someone you love, are battling insecurity, fear and doubt.
Magenta Yellow
Dear Friends,
Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV) says: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified . . . for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you” (emphasis added).
You Are Never Alone
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If you can relate—if you know what it’s like to feel isolated, rejected, or even persecuted at times because of your faith, these actions can produce a real sense of loneliness in us. But be encouraged and keep these two vital truths close to your heart. First, God is with you and He is trustworthy. Loneliness causes us to ask questions like, What if I am alone for the rest of my life? What if this pain I am feeling never goes away? What if a problem arises that I don’t know how to handle on my own? What if . . . what if . . . what if? You will never be able to answer all the “what ifs” in life (I know I haven’t). But as long as you know that the Lord is with you, you can trust Him to provide everything you need. You can live with confidence, free from the fear that “what ifs” often produce. And secondly, by God’s grace, you can press aggressively into a new life.
It’s really pretty simple. Let the loneliness you have felt in the past turn into fuel to change your future, and then decide to do something about it. Those are just two of the first steps toward overcoming insecurity, fear and loneliness. There are so many things the Word of God teaches about His unwavering presence that can radically change your life. Wanting more of God’s Word is the key to your fulfillment in life. His Word brings confidence, joy, peace and that wonderful knowing: I am never alone. It’s His promise to you, and His promises are greater than any problem.
Discover the power of believing God’s promises!
What’s even more interesting is some of the loneliest people are surrounded by people. Why is this? I believe people feel lonely because they feel like they don’t have anyone they can really, completely trust.
Let me give you a couple of practical suggestions about how to do that today: Begin to trust someone (start with small things if necessary), find someone who is lonely and reach out to that person. Make a new friend: Focus on the people who have helped you, rather than focusing on those who have hurt you.
You’re not without help. God is for you. You are never alone.
As I travel teaching the Word of God, I see an increasing number of people requesting help and guidance because they carry a sense of loneliness in their lives.
Don’t just passively sit back and wish loneliness would go away. With God’s help, you can chase away that constant feeling of isolation. You can actively get your joy back knowing this one thing— You are not alone.
It’s really pretty simple: Let the loneliness you have felt in the past turn into fuel to change your future, and then decide to do something about it.
Secure in Him,
Dave & Joyce Meyer
You Are Never Alone 4 Teachings on CD by Joyce Meyer
$20 U.S Funds
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Consider why this promise is so important . . .
The things that have happened in your life that cause you to feel lonely don’t have to steal your future. You can enjoy new hope in Christ—if you are willing to act.
In every area of your life, you have the assurance of God’s presence. You don’t have to come up with all the answers on your own. You don’t have to fight the battle with your limited strength. You are never alone!
H OW C A N I T R U ST G O D W H E N . . .
... I’ve been abused.
... I can’t feel Him.
... I have cancer.
... I’ve been burned by so many people.
... I see so much evil in the world.
If we could trust God in every situation, everything would change. In her newest book, Joyce tackles those hard questions you’ve been struggling with. Learn how you can trust without borders and have faith beyond reason. Pick up your copy today!
Unshakeable Trust
$24 U.S. Funds Hardcover by Joyce Meyer Also available in Spanish.
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O R D E R N OW AT Look for it wherever books are sold.
FALL 2017 // FOR BC1
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CYAN spouse betrayed me.