Motivation Chrispen Muyeche: Get off your false comfort seat Saturday, 26 May 2012 20:05
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” — Goethe There is so much potential that is lying dormant, parked and unused in so many people. I know that this column is read by people of different life circumstances — some wealthy, some rich, some getting there and others, well, lying dormant and waiting for a better day to begin their course to greatness.
But today I write for those readers who are inactive and dormant and trying to get into the battle towards greatness. I particularly dedicate this week’s piece to them. I am not going to be too kind, smooth talking and too persuasive as I try to convince you into standing up and marching forth, but rather I am going to apply a bit of hard love on you, kick you off your parking spot and prescribe you to the jumpers. It is high time we jumpstart your course to greatness.
Potential dormant force There is a force in science that is known as potential force. I am more of a business person, but I have my fair share of knowledge in the sciences, or at least have the wisdom to research on subjects such as these.
Where my credentials may be put to question, I have a gang of scientists more proficient and willing to define some of these terms for me. The website Wisegeek defines potential force as the stored energy of position. It can be thought of as energy that is “stored” by any physical system. It is called potential because in its current form, it is not doing any work or causing any change in its surroundings. It does, however, have the potential to be converted to different forms of
Motivation Chrispen Muyeche: Get off your false comfort seat Saturday, 26 May 2012 20:05
energy, such as kinetic energy.
There are two matters of interest to me here: one, potential force is a force that is not doing any work in its current state despite having an ability to influence its surroundings. Let us be brutally honest here: how many times have you heard people saying, “These days I am not doing anything?” Honestly, a capable person given so many talents and blessed with the gift of time can have the audacity of remarking that he is not doing anything. I am not talking about resting here. Resting and idleness are two completely different things altogether.
The second point of interest is that potential force can be converted to other useful forms of energy like kinetic (motion) force. The gist here is that you can in actual fact transform your potential dormant force into other useful forces. I warned you, I do not intend on being extra nice. Potential force is useless force for as long as it is not transformed to a purpose, a use. There is absolutely no reward that we are going to get from you if you remain stationed in your garage of false comfort until who knows when.
Get off your seat, for goodness’ sake, and do something. The world needs you to contribute to its growth and development. But, more significantly, do this for yourself, for your own self-esteem, for your own value so that you may be counted among others.
Motivation Chrispen Muyeche: Get off your false comfort seat Saturday, 26 May 2012 20:05
The law of growth and decay I am unleashing a new law (at least to this column) to you today, the law of growth and decay. In every minute of every day, you are either growing or decaying. This is a matter of fact. In simpler terms, you are either marching forward, which can be called progressing; or sinking into oblivion, which can be called regressing. I might need to justify my assertion: Let’s say you are not doing anything and you are parked in the garage of false comfort, you may be tempted to think you have remained
the same but you would have lost the value of what you could have done and what you could have become had you been working and labouring instead of lying inactive.
So, as you sit there counting the hours of the day, be rest assured that you risk becoming rusty and that you are subjecting yourself to wear and tear. This is the reason why if you park a car in some garage for a long time, say, a month, and then later try to turn the car on, your mission will almost certainly not be up to snuff. Your battery will require a jumpstart. Inactivity is expensive. It is too costly for anyone really, in both the physical and the spiritual sense. This business of lying dormant is just not for you and me.
The jumpstart Any doctor who diagnoses a patient’s illness without later prescribing a remedy for such ailment is as good as no doctor at all. I believe by now I have heavily applied salt to the wound and you are probably saying, “Yes, I want out of this garage, but my battery just won’t start (in the metaphorical sense of course). What can I do?” I have a three-point prescription for you to jumpstart your course to greatness, the greatness you duly deserve and must pursue:
Motivation Chrispen Muyeche: Get off your false comfort seat Saturday, 26 May 2012 20:05
One: Let it go Do not resent yourself for what you have not done; rather, love yourself for what you are just about to do. Do not moan the fact that you have been up to nothing meaningful in the past; rather celebrate the fact that you are now washing your car and getting ready for a jumpstart.
Success is heavily psychological. You need to start believing that the days of idleness and decay are over and that the days of meaningful growth and progression are upon us — upon you specifically. Learn to forget the past and just let it go. Free your mind and learn to think in a non-emotional way, to look at things as they really are. You will need that emotional stability as you march into the future.
Two: Decide now what it is you really want to do “Success demands singleness of purpose”, remarked Vincent Lambardi. Action without direction is no good rhetoric; in fact, it is a barren waste of energy.
What are you really passionate about? What do you love so badly that you can do it all morning and all evening without complaining and sometimes even for no monetary reward?
What is your purpose really? Decide and inscribe in very clear and unwavering terms what it is you want to spend the rest of your life doing, to be remembered for and even to die for. Read and research about finding your purpose. It is worthless to chase the wind. The challenge is that more often than not humans do things for
Motivation Chrispen Muyeche: Get off your false comfort seat Saturday, 26 May 2012 20:05
money and eventually fail to obtain a sense of fulfilment and accomplishment.
I am not saying money is not important. In fact, it is very significant and relevant, but we must learn to follow passion before profit for whenever passion is faithfully and resiliently applied, profit follows.
Profit pursues the faithful, the labourers. Three: Keep your eyes on the ball Progress is hard work. It is toil and suffering. Work if you must, toil if you must and suffer if you must because I have grown certain that the juice of success is so worth the squeeze. According to Brian Tracy, we work eight hours a day for survival and anything above that is for success, and I agree. So, working an eight-hour day will not make you great — it will only allow you to survive. You need to punch in and keep at it. Keep your eyes on the ball because you will be tempted to divert again and decay even further.
Feed yourself with continuous motivation and internal energy so that you remain focused. Success is such a journey. We are at war with idleness, with suffering, with lack and irrelevance. Life can be such a jungle and finding your way is not always easy, but you need to believe that inside of you there is a great power and a great purpose that must see the day of its fulfilment. You owe it to yourself. - Muyeche Chrispen is the author of the forthcoming motivational “Embrace Your Ultimate Greatness”. Link up with Chris by emailing chrismuyeche@yahoo.
Motivation Chrispen Muyeche: Get off your false comfort seat Saturday, 26 May 2012 20:05
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