NEWS OF THE UNITED CHURCH OF GOD, AN INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION • P.O.Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027 (513) 576-9796 Vol. 18, No. 7
U.S. Summer Camps Complete Splendid 18th Year by Steve Nutzman
We just completed our 18th summer of teen camps in the United Church of God. We’re thankful for God’s blessing upon all the campers and staff at all five camp locations. Approximately 440 campers and 270 staff enjoyed the special camp environment. This summer our main Christian living theme was “Calling, Honor and Faith.” Both campers and staff focused on their calling by God the Father to be a part of His true Church today and to be in training for service in the coming Kingdom of God. We owe a big thank you to the dedicated staff for their excellent examples and service to the campers. See pages 4-7 for camp reports and photos. Stay tuned in upcoming issues for more updates about camps in the United States and across the globe. Up next is Winter Camp in Wisconsin, which will be held December 24-30. Online applications are being accepted now. UN
Dorm 1G at the sand volleyball court at Camp Pinecrest.
From The COUNCIL It’s Up to You… ■ As the end time approaches and God’s people divide more and more, what suffers? Who’s to blame? And what must we do to overcome this problem?
and taught about a direct, personal relationship with Him as our Eternal Father and Elder Brother. And yet, during the lifetime of God’s chosen apostles, seeds of destruction, weakness and folly were already growing. Paul and Peter both strongly wrote to encourage the brethren by Robert Berendt to hold fast to God’s ideals. Paul wept God’s Church is a wonder in this world. over some who had become “enemies This small group of dedicated believers of the cross of Christ” (Philippians 3:17professes the highest ideals and dedica- 18). Paul and Peter saw the seeds of selftion to God’s way of life. The conditions destruction in every church, it seems (2 seem ideal for a continuation of a close Peter 2:1-3). relationship with God. Paul passionately It seems we humans are not good at wrote about wondrous miracles, a Savior, passing on the hard lessons of life to the protection from Satan, promises of eter- next generation. Generation after generanal life and an inheritance beyond our tion has to learn all over again the great comprehension (Romans 8, 1 Corinthi- lessons of life and the values that promote ans 15). God dwelt withUNITED men in theSTATISTICS flesh happiness, contentment and peace. One
of the prime examples of that is the life of King David and the hard lessons that he learned about walking with God. Not even two generations passed before so much was lost. David lost sight of God for a while, and it almost cost him everything he had. His son, Solomon, started strongly but fell so far. And the attitude of his grandson, Rehoboam, guaranteed the end of Israel. One of the sad observations we can make is that destruction came from within. It was self-destruction that tore Israel from God. God revealed a little of what would befall His people—the saints—to Daniel. Daniel was told that it was not for him to understand, but he did see enough to know
INSIDE UNITED NEWS Forward! How to Make the Church’s Work More Effective …………………………… 2 Profile: Roger Foster……………………… 3 United Church of God, an International Association
Please see page 2
Camp Reports Colombia………………………………… 4 Pinecrest………………………………… 4 Woodmen………………………………… 4 Cameroon………………………………… 7 Camp Photos………………………………5-6 UNITED NEWS August 2012
AT A GLANCE Young Adults Travel Opportunity— Fellowship, Biblical History and Great Landmarks of the AT A GLANCE World From Dec. 25-Jan. 1, plan to take advantage of a special opportunity for young adults from the Church of God community. Spending time together while traveling and visiting historical sites creates friendships that last a lifetime. London provides a great introduction to travel and provides a rich palette for a broad discussion of history, while offering a chance to explore extra-biblical artifacts with friends. Although at first the idea of travel Please see page 10
Announcements…………………………… 7 University Class of 2012…………………… 8 Local Church Updates……………………… 9 What’s New in Media?……………………… 12 Calendar of Events………………………… 12
4.8 million Total visits to for the month of July (see page 12 for additional statistics)
It’s Up to You… Continued from page 1
that just before the end time, the power of God’s people would be completely shattered—and then all these things shall be finished (Daniel 12:7-10). The attacks of Satan will intensify before and during the Great Tribulation, including the final attack against the two witnesses. The “power” spoken of can include the ability of the Church to preach and be organized. Could it be possible that the shattering of the power of the holy people is caused from within? Are the divisions we’ve seen in the last decades fragmenting the Body of Christ? Each fragment is weaker than the whole. Could it be that following in the footsteps of so many before us, we are our own greatest enemies? There was a great American statesman who once proclaimed that the United States was safe from foreign invasion, and if defeat was to be her destiny, it would have to come from with her own borders. That seems to be what we are witnessing as the divisions result in more and more fragments of the Church. Each group seems to be working at odds with the others. Each little fragment that leaves become less able to preach the gospel
strongly, and power certainly is lost. Is that part of the shattering/scattering that is foreseen? But God did promise Daniel that some would be purified and that the wise would understand (Daniel 12:10). My membership in God’s Church began about 50 years ago when I began attending the Worldwide Church of God (then the Radio Church of God). During the first 25 years, up until 1987, that church had problems, but was mostly unified, very dynamic in preaching the gospel, spreading the word of truth around the world and existing in a positive frame of mind. There were about 170,000 people actually attending services and the circulation of its publications numbered in the millions, with an income of over $500 million a year (adjusted for today’s dollars). The seeds of self-destruction existed but were not watered often. In the last 25 years, I have observed the Church change to the point that the former association no longer exists and the fragments left over that still strive to preserve the truth have a combined attendance of no more than 40,000 people. In almost every case, the splits, divisions and troubles came from within. Many ministers and members alike seem to
Could it be possible that the shattering of the power of the holy people is caused from within? have lost the powerful desire to be united and at peace. Paul’s words that there is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and a measure of grace are words that do not fit what we see today (Ephesians 4:4-6). There are more than 300 splinter groups that believe they make up part or all of the Body of Christ. There is no logical way that we can reason that all of them are the Body of Christ when one group considers the others enemies or antagonists. One can only imagine where we would be today if the ministry and members who are entrusted with the truth could have remained together in one organization. How many saints would there be? What impact would the Church have on the population of the world? God’s direction and will is for the Church to be strengthened. God will not
How to Make the Church’s Work More Effective
PETER EDDINGTON Media and Communications Services Operation Manager
It’s been an exciting year at the home office, especially in the media and communications services department. 2
You’ve no doubt heard about our new airtime opportunities for Beyond Today in Europe, Africa and Asia. We are now evaluating the early responses from Middle East TV, Far East TV and the World Harvest Network. Viewers are already writing in and responding to our message. The home office management team is making a concerted effort to communicate to you the work of the Church and the needs of the Church. In particular, we
are very thankful for the progress being made in our media department to more effectively preach the gospel of the Kingdom in all the world. But to be truly effective in our work, we must be a Church knit together in this work. We must have a godly love for one another. This bond comes through the common indwelling of the Holy Spirit in each of us. The relationship among the people of God is founded upon a real
UNITED NEWS August 2012
shatter the power of the Church—it has to come from Satan or from within ourselves. Converted people are expected to examine themselves often to be sure they are pleasing to God. They are to know they are “children of God” (1 John 3:1). Their destiny is to be like Him (1 John 3:2). They are to realize that not loving your brother in Christ is an attitude that originates with Satan (1 John 3:10, 16). They are to struggle for one another and love one another (1 John 3:23). When we are surrounded by people we love and whom we love in return, and when we have a great God-given purpose for living, there ought to be no room for seeds of self-destruction. If we are witnessing the shattering of the power of the Church as Daniel wrote—let it come from without and not from within. UN spiritual unity, not a human treaty or social contract, and not just because of mutual monetary or political interest. As the apostle Paul explained, God has predetermined that His people would become one in Christ. As converted but imperfect individuals, there will still be friction between the brethren, but we have a true foundation for unity in Christ, and we also have the spiritual resources by which to maintain the unity and to resolve conflicts. This will lead us to do a more effective work as a Church—even when it comes to preaching the gospel message. Please see next page United Church of God, an International Association
Profile: Roger Foster Roger is the oldest of six children born to Willie and Zelma Foster, who, at that time, lived in a very rural area northwest of Doniphan, Missouri. Roger’s father owned and operated his own sawmill business. Immediately after Mr. Foster’s graduation from high school his parents moved their entire family and his father’s sawmill business to northern Idaho, where a more reliable year-round supply of timber was available. It was from here [Idaho] that Mr. Foster traveled by bus to Pasadena California to attend Ambassador College in the fall of 1955. Mr. Foster became acquainted with the teachings of the Worldwide Church of God during his junior and senior years of high school by listening to Herbert Armstrong’s World Tomorrow radio broadcast, reading The Plain Truth magazine and studying the Ambassador Bible Correspondence Course produced by Ambassador College. In the spring of 1955, near the end of his senior year in high school, he applied for enrollment in Ambassador College in Pasadena, California. He was accepted and began his college training in the fall of 1955, graduating in the spring of 1959.
Earliest Ministerial responsibilities His introduction to ministerial activity began in the summer of 1958 when, at the end of his junior year in college, he was selected as a student trainee to accompany Carlton Smith—an earlier AC graduate and more recently a church pastor—on a summer baptizing tour that extended across the northern half of the United States and into several provinces of Canada. Mr. Foster describes this experience as “incredibly valuable training.” Later that fall he was chosen to serve as senior class president during his final year in Ambassador College. The following two summers (of 1959 and 1960) he led his second and third baptizing tours, takContinued from page 2
The vision for the United Church of God, an International Association, uses material from Ephesians 4. You can see our vision statement on our website at about. In particular, please note the section from Ephesians on being joined and knit together in verses 13-16: “Till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect [mature] man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ—from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working [Greek: energeia] by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love” (emphasis mine throughout). Every part must do its share—young and United Church of God, an International Association
NEWS OF THE UNITED CHURCH OF GOD, AN INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION • P.O.Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027 (513) 576-9796
ing with him each summer another AC student as a trainee. He was ordained as a minister on the Feast of Pentecost in 1960. From the fall of 1959 through late spring of 1960, while not on a summer baptizing tour, Mr. Foster served as an area assistant to church pastor Burk McNair who lived in Denver, Colorado. Mr. Foster’s specific area of service at that time was mostly focused on visiting and counseling Church members living in western Kansas.
August 2012
Family information Mr. Foster’s wife, Janice, is the second of four children born to Charlie and Marie Roemer. She is the sister of Earl Roemer, who currently pastors United Church of God congregations in Alaska in addition to being the regional pastor for UCG congregations in the Philippines. She has two other brothers, Charles and Brian. Mrs. Foster’s father, Charlie Roemer, worked for years in the Transportation Department of Ambassador College in Pasadena, California. Charlie was well known by many of the “old-timers” associated with Ambassador College and/or the Worldwide Church of God. On Oct. 13, 1960, approximately at sundown at the end of the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, Roger and Janice Roemer were married in Big Sandy, Texas. As pastor and wife, they briefly served two California congregations for several months, one in Los Angeles and the other in Long Beach. In mid January, 1961, they were transferred to Texas to serve the congregations in Corpus Christi and San Antonio for approximately two years. In 1962 their oldest son, David, was added to their
family. Later two more sons, Richard and Rodrick, were added to their family. As of July 1, 2012, Mr. and Mrs. Foster are now retired from being active fulltime in the ministry after over 52 years of faithful service. Their example of godly love, humility and Christ-like service has inspired and helped many thousands of God’s people. They have served in so many cities and churches over the years that the list is too long to mention here. But here are states in which are the various congregations that they have served: California, Texas, Colorado, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kansas, Washington, Idaho, Florida and Arizona. And sometimes they were transferred and served in some of these states more than once. Mr. Foster has also been a major writer and editor for UCG’s publications. He has served both as a senior pastor and a festival coordinator in past years. Mrs. Foster has been, and continues to be, a strong helper to her husband, her family and God’s people. Thank you, Roger and Janice Foster, for setting such fine examples for all of us! May God continue to be with you and bless you both with many more years of health, happiness and service, as you enter this new phase of your life. UN
old alike, minister and member alike. We must become joined and knit together by what each of us supplies. In Colossians 2:2, the apostle Paul uses similar language: “...that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love.” We want to be joined and knit together, all of us, to help fulfill God’s great purpose to bring many sons and daughters to glory. This is also referenced in our vision statement and is taken from Hebrews 2:10-12: “For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. For both He who sanctifies and those who are being
sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying: ‘I will declare Your name to My brethren; In the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You.’” May Jesus Christ call us all His brothers and sisters, His brethren, as we are knit together in love, one with another, in preparing for glory in God’s Kingdom. UN
UNITED NEWS August 2012
Vol. 18, No. 7
United News (ISSN 1088-8020) is published monthly except April and October by the United Church of God, an International Association, 555 Technecenter Dr., Milford, OH 45150. © 2012 United Church of God, an International Association. Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without written permission is prohibited. Periodicals Postage paid at Milford, Ohio 45150, and at additional mailing offices. Canada Post publications mail agreement number 1487167. UCGIA Council of Elders: Carmelo Anastasi, Gary Antion, Scott Ashley, Robert Berendt, Bill Bradford, John Elliott, Mark Mickelson, Darris McNeely, Melvin Rhodes, Mario Seiglie, Donald Ward, Robin Webber President: Dennis Luker Media and Communications Services manager: Peter Eddington Managing Editor: Mitchell Moss Copy Editor: Milan Bizic Intern: Amanda Boyer Doctrinal reviewers: Arthur Suckling, Chuck Zimmerman, Gerald Seelig Scriptural references are from the New King James Version (© 1988 Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers) unless otherwise noted. Subscriptions: United News is sent automatically to members of the United Church of God and is free to all who request it. Your subscription is provided by the generous, voluntary contributions of members of the United Church of God, an International Association, and their coworkers. Donations are gratefully accepted and are tax-deductible. To request a subscription, write to United News, United Church of God, P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027, or to one of the international addresses below.
Mission Statement: The mission of the Church of God is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God in all the world, make disciples in all nations and care for those disciples. Address changes: POSTMASTER—Send address changes to United News, P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027 International addresses: AFRICA & ASIA (except as listed below): United Church of God, P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027, U.S.A. E-mail: AUSTRALIA: United Church of God–Australia, GPO Box 535, Brisbane, Qld. 4001, Australia. Phone: 0755 202-111 Fax: 0755 202-122 BENELUX countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg): P.O. Box 93, 2800 AB Gouda, The Netherlands. BRITISH ISLES: United Church of God–British Isles, P.O. Box 705, Watford, Herts. WD19 6FZ England. Phone: 020 8386 8467 Fax: 020 8386 1999 CANADA: United Church of God–Canada, P.O. Box 144, Station D, Etobicoke, ON M9A 4X1, Canada. Phone: (905) 614-1234, (800) 338-7779 Fax: (905) 614-1749 E-mail: CAMEROON: United Church of God Cameroon, BP 10322 Béssengue, Douala Cameroon. OTHER FRENCH-SPEAKING AREAS: Église de Dieu Unie–France, 127 rue Amelot, 75011 Paris, France. CARIBBEAN: United Church of God, P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027, U.S.A. E-mail: EAST AFRICA (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda): United Church of God– East Africa, P.O. Box 75261, Nairobi 00200 Kenya. E-mail: kenya@ GERMANY: Vereinte Kirche Gottes, Postfach 30 15 09, D-53195 Bonn, Germany. Phone: 0228-9454636 Fax: 02289454637 E-mail: ITALY: La Buona Notizia, Chiesa di Dio Unita, Casella Postale 187, 24121 Bergamo Centro, Italy. Phone/Fax: (+39) 035 4523573. E-mail: MALAWI: P.O. Box 32257, Chichiri, Blantyre 3, Malawi. Phone: +265 01 660 851. E-mail: NEW ZEALAND: United Church of God, P.O. Box 22, Shortland St., Auckland 1140, New Zealand. Phone: 0508-463-763 NIGERIA: United Church of God, P.O. Box 2265, Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria. Phone: 803-323-3193. E-mail: PHILIPPINES: United Church of God, P.O. Box 81840, DCCPO, 8000 Davao City, Philippines. Phone: (+63) 82 224-4444 Cell/Text: (+63) 918904-4444 SCANDINAVIA: Guds Enade Kyrka, P.O. Box 3535. 111 74, Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail: SINGAPORE: United Church of God, P.O. Box 535, Brisbane, Queensland, 4001, Australia. SOUTH AFRICA (and Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland only): United Church of God, Southern Africa, P.O. Box 36290, Menlo Park, 0102, Pretoria, South Africa. Phone: (+27) 12 751 4204 Fax: (+27) (0)86 572 7437. E-Mail: SPANISH-SPEAKING AREAS: Iglesia de Dios Unida, P.O. Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027, U.S.A. Phone: (513) 576-9796 TONGA: United Church of God–Tonga, P.O. Box 518, Nuku’alofa, Tonga. ALL OTHER SOUTH PACIFIC REGIONS NOT LISTED: United Church of God–Australia, GPO Box 535, Brisbane, Queensland, 4001, Australia ZAMBIA: United Church of God, P.O. Box 23076, Kitwe, Zambia. Phone: (02) 226076. E-mail: ZIMBABWE: United Church of God, Zimbabwe, P.O. Box 928, Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe. Phone: 011716273. E-mail: Internet access on your computer: The United Church of God, an International Association, has a home page on the Internet’s World Wide Web. The address www. gives you access to general information and news about the Church, issues of The Good News and United News, as well as our booklets. The address accesses the Church’s Canadian website, the Australian website, the Italian website, www. the British Isles website, the Philippines website, the Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda site and the Southern Africa website.
Camp Report: Camp Colombia Chinauta, Colombia by Jaime Salek
Another wonderful youth camp in Colombia took place on June 24-29. It was held at the same place we have the Feast site, the Chinauta Real Vacation Center, which has a magnificent view of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. The site is two hours by bus from Bogota, the capital. There were 21 youths who participated, including two from Mexico, three from Chile, one from Argentina and 15 from different cities in Colombia. The camp was led by our pastor, Mario Seiglie, and his wife Caty. While we were still in Bogota, on Saturday night, the youths went bowling, and for many it was their first time. The Seiglies, along with the daily lectures they gave, were involved in
virtually all the activities. The main topic of camp was “The Seven Laws of Success,” given by Mr. Seiglie. There were also separate talks for the boys and girls, and also I talked about my experience at Ambassador Bible Center (ABC) in Milford, Ohio. The activities each day began with breakfast at 8:30 a.m., after which we had a Christian living class. Before lunch there was some spare time where young people had time to use the pool or enjoyed getting to know each other better, especially since there were youths of different nationalities. Activities included a bonfire, a dance, Bible games, a movie, a hike, a sophisticated ropes course and fishing. Emilio Gippert from Chile caught a big tilapia fish using a net, and others caught smaller fish at a fish-
ing pond. There were also sports such as soccer, basketball and volleyball. It was indeed encouraging to see the youths having so much fun in such a nice environment and with a great spirit of fellowship that many would have liked to extend past bedtime. The personnel at the hotel were very attentive at all times, always trying to serve us the best possible way. One highlight was the session of informal speeches that all the youths gave the day before returning to Bogota. We heard phrases like: “From now on, my life will be divided into before and after camp.” Another girl mentioned, “I used to attend Church just because of my parents, but now I attend because this is my Church.” Another youth commented, “Before this camp I felt so
Camp Report: Camp Pinecrest Fredericktown, Missouri by Gary Smith
On the afternoon of Thursday, June 28, 2012, 47 staff members from 10 states gathered to begin the 17th orientation for Camp Pinecrest. The Pinecrest staff is unique in that a majority of those serving also bring their teens and other campers from their church areas. The remainder of the campers arrived on Friday afternoon. The 68 campers—30 young ladies and 38 young men—were divided into six dorms. The 2012 version of Pinecrest began with camper orientation on Friday followed by get-acquainted games in the gym. With the introductory games out of the way, the campers returned to their dorms for meetings and the closing out of the day with their assigned dorm parents. The Sabbath day began with a question and answer session covering a variety of questions submitted from the campers. The Q&A was followed by a hymn sing. Services began at 2:30 p.m., with Mark Welch giving a foundational sermon on the King-
dom of God, followed by dinner in Sabbath wear. The Sabbath concluded with a Bible scavenger hunt as dorms used scriptural clues to take them to various locations around the camp. At each station, the dorms where given biblical challenges to answer. Each activity day began with a 45-minute Christian living presentation focusing on different elements of the camp theme: Calling, Honor and Faith. With the conclusion of Christian living, the activity day began. The daily activities included canoeing, archery, the amazing race, Bible class, journalism, riflery, low ropes, softball, speedaway, swimming and volleyball. Each evening after dinner, a unique activity was planned. Campers and staff enjoyed dodge ball, team-building games, an open activity session, capture the flag and a dance to close out camp on Thursday evening. At the end of each evening, “Camp Fire” was held in the chapel to bring the day to a close. As camp began the temperatures
throughout the Midwest were sizzling. One headline trumpeted 118 degrees in Kansas. Because of the brutal temperatures, many prayers were offered to God asking for relief from the heat. God answered those prayers, giving the camp cloud cover and rain from Sunday through Thursday. The camp week included the Independence Day holiday. Prior to camp, fireworks had been planned by the camp on the evening of the 4th. However, with the heat and drought there was a high potential of fire, and the camp management indicated on Wednesday, July 3, that unless there was rain there would be no fireworks. David Yates, one of the camp managers, was explaining that it was doubtful there would be fireworks and showed various members of the staff where a fire had broken out on the property as a result of fireworks. Interestingly, as the conversation was coming to a close a few drops fell from the clouds above, and everyone went on to lunch. As lunch progressed more drops
Camp Report: Camp Woodmen Blountsville, Alabama by Shawn Cortelyou
Northern Alabama was a perfect setting for the UYC 2012 Camp Woodmen, which ended its 15th year on July 8. There were a total of 61 campers and 43 staff. We were impressed at the maturity, respect toward others and biblical knowledge that was shown by the teens throughout the week. It is clear that their parents are doing a wonderful job raising them in God’s way. Camp Woodmen had a wide variety of activities including basketball, sand volleyball, softball, riflery, high ropes, swimming and water sliding. Two new activities this year were archery and dance. Dance class 4
taught several styles of dance and added to the enjoyment of the camp dances. Each morning after breakfast, campers and staff joined together for Christian living class, which emphasized the camp theme of Calling, Honor and Faith. Campers were given daily memory verses to focus on during each activity. At the end of camp they were encouraged to work on personal goals to continue to develop their relationship with God through prayer and Bible study. We had a dance both at the beginning and end of camp. Other evening activities were novelty olympics, a fun show and Fridayevening Bible study.
Though the weather was predicted to be intensely hot, God showed mercy toward us. Most of the country saw record-high temperatures that week, and our weather was forecast to be 103 degrees, but we had a cooling rain and were blessed with 74 degrees on the first day. We had some mid90s temperatures, but no heat records were set during the week. It was very encouraging to see God’s hand at work answering our prayers. We were happy to have three recent Ambassador Bible Center graduates give a presentation about ABC. It was meaningful because the campers were able to ask
UNITED NEWS August 2012
June 24-29 alone against the world, but now I feel have a very strong support group.” How encouraging it is to hear and see the dedication and determination of all these young people to commit to living a truly Christian life, being lights in their colleges and universities! There were only six short days of learning and Christian fellowship, yet the fond memories from this camp will last for a very long time. Lastly after returning to Bogota, some of the youth from other countries had the opportunity to tour the downtown area and visit some of the tourist attractions before returning home. So we can say that our camp program in Colombia is, with God’s help, and using a familiar Mexican expression, going “full steam ahead!” UN
June 29-July 6 began to fall, and eventually 1.25 inches of rain fell on the camp. Seemingly coming out of nowhere, rain clouds seemed to blossom up over the camp area. Later that afternoon, the camp manager came by to inform us that we would have fireworks at 9:00 p.m. the following evening. The fireworks were set off over the lake as campers and staff enjoyed the beautiful display to close out the 4th of July. As check out began on Friday morning, everyone was tired as they began their journeys home. Each camper and staff member could compare the attitude of the campers at the beginning of the week and at the end. Because the purpose of the camp is to create a safe zone where God’s way of life is put into practice, one could see the hearts of the young people coming together in unity and a turning of most in a godly direction. This positive outcome was achieved for the 17th time at Camp Pinecrest because of God’s blessing and the sacrifice, love and service of the counselors and staff. UN
July 1-8 questions and hear their enthusiasm about the program. Every evening before camper curfew, everyone gathered in the meeting hall to sing the hymn, “As for Me and My House.” It was a great way to focus our attention on God’s Word right before bedtime. We thank God for His protection and direction at His camp. We had a wonderful group of teens and an exceptional service-oriented staff. It was difficult leaving after a week of becoming a tight-knit group focused on God’s way of life. We are already looking forward to Camp Woodmen 2013! UN United Church of God, an International Association
Clockwise from top left: all the campers with Mario and Caty Seiglie and Jaime Salek; church services; fun in the pool; sophisticated ropes; bowling; girl campers fellowshipping.
Clockwise from top left: Chelsea Shaw and Josh Hauck in a skit; dorm 3G at the river in the rain; dorm 2G; dorm 3B; Andy Lomas and Aaron Creech at canoe training; the finishers of the amazing race Bryce Foster, Caleb Schmidt, Terreon Craig, Bradley Bales and Chad Curran. United Church of God, an International Association
UNITED NEWS August 2012
Clockwise from top left: dorm 2B at riflery (Jacob Butler, Dalton Smith, Daniel Kovalchick, Zach Pflaum and C.J. Gennaro); Pierre Adcock and Brianna Cimino at the dance; campers Jordan Aust and Nick McLeod; male campers escorting female campers to Sabbath brunch; campers spell out “2012�; camper Jarrod Gennaro on the high ropes course.
Clockwise from top left: camper Siporah Mabout; all the campers together; Bible study during camp; campers with staff.
UNITED NEWS August 2012
United Church of God, an International Association
Camp Report: Camp Cameroon Douala, Cameroon by Moïse Elisée Mabout
This year our Cameroon youth camp took place from July 8 to July 15 at the Vitaparcours complex in the city of Douala. The climate had changed quite a bit, and the rainy season came prematurely, which prevented us from camping in the botanical garden, the park in Limbe or the Vitaparcours, as the city
of Limbe and Douala have the same climate and the same rain! We finally ended up camping in our church complex and went every morning to the Vitaparcours where we rented other buildings. A total of 16 young people and seven coaches, including two from Nigeria, attended the camp in Cameroon. The theme of our camp was “discovering
July 8-15
true values.” Peace, joy and harmony were present. The Vitaparcours complex we use is an obstacle course with a 2,700-meter runway and several buildings allowing a variety of activities to take place according to each person’s individual abilities. Sabbath evening, we had several
activities including a game of questions and answers on biblical subjects and several skits. To conclude, we had our traditional dances and the distribution of prizes to encourage our young people. We express our gratitude to all those who have directly or indirectly made it possible for this camp to take place. UN
Logan Mason Ezekiel Smith
Nick Trone and Elainea Spivey
Emma Pearl Kramer
Mateo Michael Lopez
Justin and Kristen Kramer are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Emma Pearl Kramer. She was born on Oct. 7, 2011, at 3:28 p.m., weighing in at 5 lb., 12 oz., and measuring 18 3/4 in. tall. Delighted grandparents include Mark and Janelle Fike from Reno, Nevada, and John and Carolyn Anderson from Chicago, Illinois.
Dirk and Kathleen Trone of Somerset, California, are pleased to announce the engagement of their son, Nick Louis Trone, to Elainea Michelle Spivey, daughter of Joel and Linda Hamby of Westmorland, California. Nick and Elainea met at Camp Hye Sierra in July of 2009 and began dating at the Feast in Steamboat Springs in 2011. Elainea currently attends the San Diego, California, congregation, and Nick attends with the Sacramento, California, congregation. A fall wedding in Southern California is being planned.
On June 16, 2012, the Tulsa, Oklahoma, congregation celebrated the 60th diamond wedding anniversary of Harold and Martha Clement. After Sabbath services that day, a reception was given to honor them, along with a gift card and a special anniversary card signed by all. The reception included several decorated cakes, finger foods and beautiful flowers. The Clements were married on June 16, 1952. For 60 years they have set a wonderful example of marital faithfulness, commitment and love. During the reception, the Clements stated that one of their guiding principles for a long marriage was that divorce was never an
Chris and Ashley Lopez of the Tulsa, Oklahoma, congregation would like to announce the birth of their son, Mateo Michael. He was born in Lubbock, Texas, on Nov. 29, 2011. He weighed 9 lb., 10 oz., and was 22 1/2 in. long. Mateo is a very happy and social baby who brings smiles to everyone’s faces. He’s a constant source of entertainment to his parents, grandparents and many uncles, aunts and cousins. Mason and Lindsey Smith of the Columbia, South Carolina, congregation are pleased as peaches to announce the birth of their son, Logan Mason Ezekiel Smith. Logan was born on Mar. 27, 2012, at 8:47 a.m. He weighed 8 lb., 4oz., and was 20 3/4 in. long. Logan is welcomed by grandparents Steve and Maureen Smith of South Carolina, David and Margie Crockett of Texas, a host of aunts, uncles and cousins, great-grandparents and one very happy sister Hailie. We are so thankful to God for the addition of a healthy, happy baby boy to our family. United Church of God, an International Association
Harold and Martha Clement
Günter and Rosemarie Fröhlich
UNITED NEWS August 2012
option. They have four children. They first began attending the Feast in the latter 1950s. Harold was ordained an elder in May 1972. The Clements have faithfully served God and his people for many, many years. During the reception, everyone offered their appreciation and their congratulations to Harold and Martha for their wonderful example of Christian marriage. Günter and Rosemarie Fröhlich celebrated their 50th anniversary on Mar. 24, 2012. Four children and their spouses, 12 grandchildren, relatives and friends joined the festive occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Fröhlich were called to the Church of Please see page 11
Mark and Christine Miller 7
Congratulations, University Graduates! Class of 2012
Darci Barney Darci Barney Congregation: Lafayette, Indiana Accomplishments: She is graduating from Purdue University in August with a master of science in biology. Plans after graduation: Although not set in stone yet, she hopes to become employed by a clinical laboratory in either Lafayette or Indianapolis. She wants to work towards certification as a medical technologist. Church activities/hobbies/ interests: Darci enjoys cooking for church potlucks and serving meals at Lafayette Transitional Housing, as well as singing in the choir on Holy Days. In her spare time she also likes to play the cello, crochet, rollerblade and spend time with her two rambunctious tabby cats. Darci is proudly claimed by mother Sharla Turner of Cloudcroft, New Mexico, and grandparents Ward and Carolyn Shamblin of Lubbock, Texas. Favorite scripture: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). Celia Bradley Family: Husband—Hank Bradley, son—Derek Bradley, daughter—Marissa Bradley Congregation: Seattle/Bellevue, Washington Accomplishments: Bachelor’s in education (K to 8) from Western Governors’ University, member of the Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society. Church activities/hobbies/ interests: Served as a Sabbath school teacher and coordinator of the upper elementary from 1994 to 2007. She also serves as teen activity coordinator with husband Hank from 2007 to present, and served in UCG preteen camps as an archery instruc8
Celia Bradley tor and camp counselor. Plans after graduation: Celia has received a Washington State Teacher Certification for grades 4 to 6. She has worked as a teacher and a contractor with the Sky Valley Education Center in the Monroe School District for several years. Celia has been hired as certified teacher and will continue to teach in the SVEC, which is a parent partnership school providing support to homeschool students and parents. Additional comments: Celia homeschooled her two children, Derek and Marissa, for a total of 12 years. She received a Montessori Teaching Certificate for lower and upper elementary through the Montessori Schools of Washington. Favorite quote/scripture: “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). Kayleen Hannaway Parents: Kimberly Japhet and David Hannaway Congregation: Nashville, Tennessee Accomplishments: She graduated this past May with a bachelor of arts in neuroscience and a minor in bassoon performance from Vanderbilt University. Church activities/hobbies/ interests: Kayleen enjoys playing softball and volleyball. She sings and plays bassoon and piano. Plans after graduation: She will start a Ph.D. program in neuroscience at the University of Iowa in the fall. Favorite Quote: “I have struggled to reconcile the twin imperatives that a science of human beings should include: to understand what is and what could be.” —Martin E. P. Seligman Kourtney Hannaway Parents: Kimberly Japhet and
Kayleen Hannaway David Hannaway Congregation: Salem, Oregon Accomplishments: She completed a bachelor of arts in journalism and music and a bachelor of arts in English, and graduated through the Robert D. Clark Honors College within the University of Oregon. Church activities/hobbies/ interests: She directed the Salem adult choir while in school and often attended the Eugene, Oregon, congregation. She enjoys being observant (aka eavesdropping) and finding stories hidden in everyday life. Plans after graduation: She is beginning an internship in San Francisco in the fall for an online literary magazine. Jessica Randle Parents: Thomas and Deborah Randle Congregation: Twin Cities, Minnesota University Accomplishments: She graduated with a bachelor of arts in business management from Metropolitan State University. Church activities/hobbies/ interests: Music has always been a big part of her life. She plays saxophone in the church ensemble, provides piano accompaniment for hymns during services and sings in the choir. She likes to read material that is motivating and inspiring. She enjoys exercise and being active. She also likes to cook, experiment with recipes and try new foods. Plans after graduation: She is currently employed at Ameriprise Financial, but looking to potentially move within the company as well as geographically. She is interested in continuing education to obtain securities licenses and possibly attend graduate school in a few years. Favorite scriptures: “‘For I know the plans I have for you’ UNITED NEWS August 2012
Kourtney Hannaway declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV). “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV). “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13, NIV). Advice/motto: Today will never come again. Be a blessing, be a friend, encourage someone and take time to care. Let your words heal and not wound. Gregory Rorem Parents: Mark and Linda Rorem Congregation: San Diego, California Accomplishments: Bachelor of science in cognitive science from the University of California, San Diego; technical crew for Mandeville Center, UCSD, supporting concerts and presentations from around the world. Church activities/hobbies/ interests: He attended UYC camps from 1996 to 2011, including a number of years as a counselor; he plays guitar (electric, classical, 12 string, folk style), violin, viola and
Gregory Rorem
Jessica Randle piano; he is very interested in languages and has learned Russian, German, Spanish and Norwegian well enough to converse with others in those language, by teaching himself and also through class studies. Plans after graduation: He would like work related to major studies including human/computer interaction. Presently, he is working at the LifeNets Ukraine camp for children. Linda Webb Parents: Gerald and Joan Kerns Congregation: Portsmouth, Ohio Accomplishments: Some awards she received in college included: Who’s Who Among Students in America’s Universities and Colleges, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Golden Key International Honor Society and the 2012 Outstanding Graduate in Office Management at OU. Church activities/hobbies/ interests: She enjoys reading, yard work and spending time with her family. Plans after graduation: She plans to be an administrative assistant. Favorite scripture: “But those who wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength” (Isaiah 40:31).
Linda Webb United Church of God, an International Association
Local Church UPDATES Roanoke, Virginia, Congregation Enjoys June Campout
Local Church UPDATES
Atop the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, at a cool elevation of 2,800 feet, the Roanoke, Virginia, Church members pitched their tents and folding chairs in Willis, Virginia, for a two-day church camp out, June 3-4, 2012. The weather was clear and temperatures crisp. Both the warm fellowship of spending time together and a constantly stoked campfire were very much appreciated by all.
David Mills, the local pastor, began the camp out with a Bible trivia game followed by a sermon about brotherly love. Sunday, after enjoying a pancake breakfast, the members visited scenic Mabry Mill, located on the Blue Ridge Parkway, and enjoyed ice cream afterwards. The members are grateful to Joe and Kelly Diamond, who graciously offered to host the camp out. Their home offered the perfect setting to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation, nestled in woodlands with two streams and a pond. Brotherly love certainly enveloped this two-day event with the thought of “how good and how pleasant for brethren to dwell together.” David Mills
The group from the Roanoke, Virginia, congregation that camped out in June.
spoke about the lost tribes of Israel in his “Tribe Tracker” seminar in the morning. He also gave the sermon in the afternoon. Clearly a lot of research went into his presentations, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. The luncheon at the International Buffet was free to all our members courtesy of a contribution by an anonymous donor. In attendance were members from the Chicago, Bloomington, Canton, and Troy, Illinois, congregations, and from the St. Louis, Missouri, congregation. Everyone enjoyed the presentations, fellowship and meal. Mr. Stiver was accompanied by his wife Linda and daughter Amanda. While staying in Springfield they were the guests of Susan Horst of Springfield. Ken Kerr
Randy Stiver Presents “Tribe Tracker” Seminar in Springfield On June 30th the Springfield, Illinois, congregation held Sabbath services at the Crown Plaza Hotel. Randy Stiver
Marriage Seminar Given in St. Louis Congregation in July On July 14, the St. Louis, Missouri, and Troy, Illinois, congregations held combined Sabbath services followed by a potluck meal. Afterwards, married couples were invited to continue the weekend with a fun and educational Marriage Enrichment Seminar taught by Frank McCrady at the Troy, Illinois, hall. Saturday afternoon, couples learned about various levels of intimacy and communication. This led to quiet discussions between couples on what each individual may need from the other. Those in attendance were also given information on understanding what is in their emotional cup and how it impacts their relationship with their spouse. A final lesson on emotional hurts, confession and forgiveness wrapped up the sessions for the evening.
Randy Stiver at the “Tribe Trackers” seminar he gave in Springfield, Illinois. United Church of God, an International Association
After checking into a hotel, the group spent an evening of fun and fellowship
while enjoying a meal together. At the end of the evening couples returned to their rooms to complete a homework assignment on confession and forgiveness. Bright and early Sunday morning, the seminar sessions continued with a discussion on the four ingredients needed for marital closeness and how to allow oneself to be free for emotional closeness. Improving upon our lives as Christians brings us closer to God. When we can improve upon our marriages in a way that uses His Word as the foundation we are brought closer to God and our mate. Couples attending the seminar learned to view their marriages in ways that will allow for continued growth and more intimate communication, leading to stronger relationships. Scheduling a Marriage Enrichment Seminar in your area will help newly married couples develop the tools needed for a happy and healthy marriage, while giving those that may have been married for years the opportunity to grow closer and stronger in their relationship. Sherrie Giddens
Frank McCrady presenting to the St. Louis congregation at the marriage seminar held there in July.
sota congregation warmly welcomes her. Felicia has been actively involved in volunteering in the Church in many areas, which include music and serving as a staff members at several United Youth Camps. She is presently working as a registered nurse, and will be getting married to Daniel Jacobsen from Mankato, Minnesota, on July 15. Kayla Nelson, daughter of Tadd and Janice Nelson, graduated from John Marshall High School in Rochester, Minnesota. Kayla has plans to attend college starting with a basic curriculum and then hopes to pursue a degree in business. She has a strong interest in photography and desires to take courses in that area as well. Kayla has been active in the local church teen group activities, having attended teen Bible studies, United Youth Camps, and she also served as a staff member at the preteen camp Ironwood. Kayla presently attends the Southern Minnesota congregation with her Dad (Tadd), her brother Isaac, and grandparents Lloyd and Norma Nelson. The Southern Minnesota congregation is happy to honor both graduates for their past accomplishments and
Southern Minnesota Congregation Honors Graduates On June 16, 2012, the Southern Minnesota congregation honored two outstanding graduates with a cake and punch reception. The graduates (Felicia Hoefker and Kayla Nelson) received cards, gift cards and a graduation keepsake book from their Church family. Felicia Hoefker, daughter of Scott and Gayle Hoefker, graduated Cum Laude from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, with a bachelor of science degree in nursing. Felicia previously attended the Omaha congregation, but has recently moved to Minnesota, where the Southern Minne-
UNITED NEWS August 2012
Minnesota university graduate Felicia (Hoefker) Jacobsen and high school graduate Kayla Nelson.
wishes them much success in their many future endeavors. Dagmar Howe
Ladies in Arizona Focus on a Woman’s High Calling Among the beautiful pines in Prescott, Arizona, 45 women of all ages and backgrounds met to strengthen their relationship with God and with each other. The theme of the 2012 Arizona Women’s Weekend was “A Woman’s High Calling—A Review of Titus 2:3-5.” All who attended had the opportunity to learn from workshops, stay in cabins together, break bread, join in a meditation walk, sing special music and karaoke, gather around a campfire and participate in a fundraiser for the Good Works program. All activities
revolved around the main question: “What are the characteristics and qualities God wants from us?” Kay Schreiber began the weekend by sharing an analogy of the sequoia, a tree strengthened by the other surrounding sequoias and their root system. The women were to think of each other as the “sequoias” whose “roots” unified and strengthened them through God’s Spirit. The ladies also took a personality survey that identified each one’s strengths, which was highlighted throughout the weekend. There was also a variety of special music presented in service and praise. One special Arizona treat was the opportunity to take a meditation walk through Prescott’s natural surroundings and view the symbolic beauty of our walk with God. Randy Schreiber delivered the main sermon at Sabbath services, which focused on the principles of marriage in the Body of Christ. Satur-
Continued from page 1
The anchor point for this program will be the British Museum, which houses a remarkable collection of historic objects directly relevant to the biblical record. Other places of note we will see are Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London (the famous medieval prison where the Crown Jewels now reside). We will also travel by train to Salisbury and Stonehenge, situated in southern England’s rural heartland. Escorting this tour will be John Karlik, a Church member of many years and a member of UCG’s Education Task Force. Possessing a love of travel for the educational value it offers as well as having a keen interest in history and its contemporary relevance, John has visited all of these sites--in the case of specific museums, a number of times. He is graciously donating his time and cost of his own airfare to make this possible. The program includes: • Participants will be met at London Heathrow Airport at suggested arrival time. • Escort and guided history discussion by Dr. John Karlik. • Six nights hotel accommodation in London, twin basis; Ibis London Euston. • Six daily breakfasts at hotel. • Cost of Transfers–London Heathrow 10
The weekend’s sessions highlighted the traits of godly speech, godly discipline, godly service and godly love, glued together by godly wisdom. All sessions were delivered in an interacThe Arizona women’s weekend attendees. tive format that allowed participants to immediately practice the character- were consistently evident as so many istics from Titus 2. These characteristics acts of love and service permeated were strengthened more deeply dur- the entire weekend. We look forward ing meal times and in the cabins when to seeing you at an upcoming Arizona friendships and relationships were Women’s Weekend! Kristina Fogelson knitted together. The fruits of the Spirit
Feast Musicians— Register Online Today!
Branson Feast Site to Host Pilot Focused Education Seminars
We need you to volunteer for special music, Feast choir and instrumentals.
There will be a special opportunity for those attending Branson Feast site this year. The education task force is sponsoring two focused education seminars to educate attendees on relationship and personal issues of life. This is the pilot for what we hope will be an expanded program next year to help our brethren understand various issues that arise in the course of a person’s life. It is helpful information to use to understand others in their struggles in living a Christian life in this world.
Sign up online at http://feast.ucg. org/music. There you can tell us how you would like to contribute to festival music and what site you will be attending. If you can serve musically in any way, vocally or instrumentally, please plan to volunteer to help serve. Special music at the Feast praises and honors God and is a great spiritual and emotional boost for everyone.
during winter may not seem appealing, it does offer advantages of lower hotel rates and traditionally lower seasonal airfares. Also, our emphasis will be on indoor sights. Having the first-time traveler in mind as we created this educational journey, you will learn the ropes of arrival at London’s Heathrow Airport, as well as how to use the public transportation system.
day evening was filled with fun and laughter during fire pit activities, dorm skits and chants, karaoke, and the Good Works raffle fundraiser.
January 2006, Frank Fish with daughter Laurel exploring London.
Airport to/from London Paddington Station. • Cost of three inter-city metro trips. • Cost of transportation to/from Stonehenge and Salisbury. • Admissions to Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, Stonehenge and Salisbury Cathedral. • Travel Evacuation Insurance for covered reasons up to $250,000. Cost per person: Twin Occupancy: $1094 Single Supplement: $545 (Price reflects discount for cash or check; credit card payments subject to fees of 3 percent). Note: The program as presented requires a minimum of 15 participants. For more information, or to register, please visit Travel Gallery’s website: http://travelgaller ucg/2012/2013-london. Please read through the itinerary, get excited, and tell a friend. If I am able to offer any personal encouragement or answer any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know. Frank Fish Travel Gallery 800-858-6999
Frank Fish
We need your help in planning, so please take time now to volunteer to contribute to the overall success of the Feast of Tabernacles through music! As many musicians as possible are needed to make this a successful musical Feast.
Special Music Coordinators Bend, OR—Mar y Jo R ydholm;; 360-556-0819 Branson, MO—Neil LaCasse;; 517-663-1764 Escondido, CA—Dan Salcedo; dan_; 714-637-4335 Gatlinburg, TN—Arvid Simmons;; 615-646-9640 Jekyll Island, GA—Randy Schmidt;; 414-327-0382 Lahaina, HA—Fred Crow; fred_crow@; 408-238-5324 Lake George, NY—Ken Japhet;; 503-507-7770 New Braunfels, TX—Mark Graham;; 216533-6578 Panama City Beach, FL—Steve Myers;; 513-576-9796 Steamboat Spr ings, CO —D on McClenagan;; 250-846-5077 Wisconsin Dells, WI—Russ Devilbiss;; 262-694-5044 Canmore, Alberta, Canada—David Meidinger;; 928-472-1190 Steve Myers
UNITED NEWS August 2012
This year, Merna Leisure-Eppick, a registered addiction specialist (RAS) and a Christian drug and alcohol addictions counselor (CDAAC), will present a seminar titled “Intervention, Treatment and Recovery—What You Need to Know.” Mrs. Leisure-Eppick has presented her information at Ambassador Bible Center to educate our ABC students in these issues. She is well qualified from her work with clients as president and chief executive officer for Sigma House of Springfield, Inc. Gary Antion will present a seminar on “Dynamics of Aging” in the second seminar. Mr. Antion is a licensed marriage and family therapist in Ohio and Texas and has presented this material at the General Conference of Elders and at ABC. He is deputy chairman of the Council of Elders and coordinator of ABC and education programs for United. The seminars are scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 2, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. for the presentation by Mrs. LeisureEppick and from 7:45-9:00 p.m. for Mr. Antion’s presentation. Please set those dates aside and plan to attend these highly informative and motivational seminars in Branson. See you there! Gary Antion United Church of God, an International Association
Darrel and Patricia Slocum
Gerald and Mary Styer
Continued from page 7
God in the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany). With the opening of the Iron Curtain they moved to West Germany. They are very thankful for their 50 years of marriage and the wonderful celebration with their family and friends. Mark and Christine Miller celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on July 12, 2012. Mark began attending church at age 9 with his parents in 1972. Christine began attending church at age 11 months, with her parents in 1973. Mark is the son of Bill and Marlene (Roberson) Miller of Paducah, Kentucky. Christine is the daughter of David (deceased) and Bernice (Thompson) Capehart, formerly of Tennyson, Indiana. Mark and Christine were both baptized on May 12, 2007. They were married on Sunday, July 12, 1992, in Paducah, Kentucky. They are members of the Henderson, Kentucky, United Church of God congregation. Darrel and Patricia Slocum of the Portland, Oregon, congregation celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary the end of May. Darrel and Pat have faithfully pursued God’s way of life for over 48 years, since being called and baptized in 1964 in southern California. Together they have seen a lot of changes: personally, in the world, and in the Church of God. While this physical life becomes more and more challenging, they continue to set a glowing example of what is right about living God’s way. They draw on a strong relationship with each other and with their God, which has led them to touch many people’s lives over the years in a positive and encouraging way. They continue to be a pillar in the house of our Lord. Their abundant and grateful family wishes to thank them for the gift of life and love these many years. Cheers, Dad and Mom. Here’s to eternal happiness and joy. On Sabbath, June 9, 2012, the Nashville, Tennessee, congregation presented a beautiful card signed by the brethren to Gerald and Mary Styer in honor of their 60th wedding anniversary. The card, United Church of God, an International Association
Dudley and Louise Trone
designed by member Jim Robbins, was in full color, including photos of family milestones throughout the couple’s years together. After services, a 60th anniversary cake and snacks were shared with the congregation. Gerald and Mary were married on June 14, 1952, in Menomonie, Wisconsin. They have four children: Mike, husband of Cathy (Benayce); Tony, husband of Loni (Abbey); Wendy, wife of John Kovalchick; and Shari, wife of Mike Fooshe. They have been blessed with 10 grandchildren: Kaitlin Styer and Ben Benayce; Jennifer, David and Brian Styer; David and Daniel Kovalchick; and Megan, Mariah and Marissa Fooshe. All of their children live within a 30-minute drive from their parents. Gerald is a retired professional baker. He and Mary owned and operated their own bakery in Cornell, Wisconsin, for 10 years, after which he served as a bakery manager and later bakery specialist for food corporations including Super Value and Dawn Foods. Over the years, he has been blessed with the opportunity of designing and decorating the wedding cake for each of his four children. Additionally he has enjoyed teaching his grandchildren how to make their own homemade yeast bread “from scratch.” Prior to their marriage, Mary studied music at Wisconsin State Teacher’s College in Milwaukee (now the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee). She has shared her musical talents throughout the years through playing hymns at Sabbath services, as well as providing piano lessons to her grandchildren. Gerald and Mary were baptized in 1971 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by Keith Thomas.
been part of the Bakersfield, Oakland, San Jose—and since 1976—the Sacramento, California, congregations. They have been members of the United Church of God since its beginning in 1995. Dudley still works as a general contractor and enjoys hunting and fishing when he can. Louise enjoys walking and gardening.
Dudley and Louise Trone recently celebrated their 60th anniversary. They were married in Bakersfield, California, on May 29, 1952. The Sacramento congregation had a reception after services to celebrate on June 2, 2012. The Trones have four sons: Denton, Dirk, Drew and Darren, four daughters-in-law and 12 grandchildren. Louise was baptized in 1958, and Dudley in 1961. They have faithfully served since that time. Dudley was ordained an elder in 1969. They have
Church of God in Indianapolis in 1995. Allen was well known for his mechanical abilities, and his skills as a euchre player at many church euchre tournaments. With his wife, he’s survived by three children: Susan (Guy Durnil) of Lafayette, Indiana; Michael (Nancy) of Rome, Georgia; and Rob (Meredith) of Flora, Indiana; and seven grandchildren: Rachael, Ryan, Maggie, Heather, Colin, Guinevere and Darius.
Obituaries Allen D. Keeney, of the Indianapolis congregation, died unexpectedly on Feb. 25, 2012, a week after having a heart valve replaced. He was born on Oct. 12, 1941, in Danville, Indiana. He was retired from Allisons/Rolls Royce. He was a volunteer at the Rolls Royce Heritage Museum. He was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, serving in the Vietnam War. He married Linda Neat on Apr. 21, 1967. He started attending the Church of God at the Feast of Tabernacles in 1985 and was baptized in April, 1986. He was at the very first services of the United
Allen Keeney
UNITED NEWS August 2012
Augustus John “Gus” Stores was born to John and Theresa Stores on Sept. 26, 1928, near Goldson, Oregon, and he lived all his life in that state. He was baptized into the Church in 1960. Logging was his occupation of choice, but after 60 plus years as a logger, he became a certified organic farmer, raising fresh market crops and producing certified organic fruit wines. In 2004 he took best of show at the Oregon State Fair with his white concord grape wine. He gifted many cases of wine to the brethren at the Feast over the last 10 years. Gus died May 4, 2012, in Oregon City, and was buried there in Mountain View Cemetery. He is survived by his wife Jeanne, his step-daughter Barb Canaday, and five children with his first wife, Fredaburg Swanson; Chris Singleton, Kathy Foster, Mike, Abe and Ben Stores, 15 grandchildren, and 10 greatgrandchildren.
Gus Stores Announcements: Members are welcome to submit announcements of the births, engagements, weddings, significant anniversaries (25, 40, 50, 60, etc.) and obituaries in their families. Please include a selfaddressed envelope if you would like photos returned. Most items are 50 to 100 words and should not exceed 250 words. Please e-mail (preferred) or give them to your local pastor to forward to United News. 11
What’s New In MEDIA? ■ Beyond Today Airing Schedule The Lost Tribes of Israel: Why They Matter
Host Darris McNeely
Airing Period Aug. 5-11 The new search tool, powered by Google, is much faster. It returns text as well as images and graphics for search results and can index PDF files on the site (such as the United News PDF archives). Further, it can search across different sites not on the main site, so it will return results from bible., and
: )
■ New Search Tool on
What’s New In MEDIA?
Bracing for the Beast Steve Myers
Aug. 12-18
Jesus Fasted: Should Gary Petty You?
Aug. 19-25
Chasing the “Good Old” Days
Aug. 26-Sept. 1
Gary Petty
■ UCG Web Presence Expands
On July 31, Internet manager Aaron Booth reported the following stats for UCG Web activity: 44,540 total Facebook fans. 29,380 total Twitter followers. 921 videos posted on YouTube. 2,127,907 video views on YouTube. 208 Bible FAQs posted. 527,497 Bible FAQs views. 595 e-mail campaigns (This Is the Way, UCG Weekly Update, GN Newsletter, WNP E-news) sent. 786,302 clicks to our websites generated by e-mail campaigns. 192,101 booklet downloads from Apple’s iBook Store. 45,402 booklet downloads from Amazon’s Kindle Store. 1102 Good News iPad app downloads.
Teach your kids the
10 Commandments Jelly Learns the 10 Commandments
Featured Link
■ Jelly Learns the 10
Commandments Jelly learns a valuable lesson about stealing. Teach your kids the 10 Commandments through this fun sing-a-long. Sing-a-long lyrics: 1 You shall not have other gods before Me. 2 Don’t worship images from heaven or sea. 3 You shall not take the Lord your God’s name in vain. 4 Don’t forget the Sabbath; it is holy not plain.
Periodicals Postage Paid at Milford, Ohio, and at additional mailing offices
Aug. 19: ABC Welcome Picnic, Cincinnati Sept. 8 or 15: Kingdom of God Bible Seminars Sept. 17: Feast of Trumpets Sept. 26: Day of Atonement Oct. 1-8: Feast of Tabernacles Oct. 2: Focused Education Seminars, Branson Feast Site (see page 10) Dec. 10-13: Council of Elders Quarterly Meeting Dec. 21-25: Winter Family Weekend, Cincinnati Dec. 24-30: Winter Camp, East Troy, Wisconsin Dec. 25-Jan. 1: Young Adults Travel Opportunity (see page 1)
NEWS OF THE UNITED CHURCH OF GOD, AN INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION • P.O.Box 541027, Cincinnati, OH 45254-1027 (513) 576-9796
Top Search Terms Leading to
The information printed in the Festival Activities and Announcements brochure was incorrect. The information printed was last year’s information. For the correct information on activities, sign-up lists, etc., please visit the Feast website at
for period July 7-Aug. 6. Sample size=3.2m visits (total visits=4.8m). Includes top 25 search terms only. Similar terms combined (e.g. beyond today,, beyond today tv).
FESTIVAL CHILDREN’S CHOIR MUSIC NOW AVAILABLE The festival children’s choir selections are now available for download on the Feast website at: The guidelines for the children’s choir, vocal and instrumental versions of the two songs and a lyrics sheet are posted there. If you are unable to download the material, your local technical crew can make copies available to the children. 12
5 Honor your parents; don’t be mean because that’s wrong. That’s the first half of the song; let’s all sing along! 6 You shall not murder; don’t you get that mad. 7 Don’t commit adultery; because God says it’s bad. 8 You shall not steal because you know that ain’t yours. 9 You shall not lie; tell the truth, of course. 10 You shall not covet other people’s stuff. Obey the 10 commandments and you’ll show God your love!
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The festival children’s choir in South Africa in 2011. UNITED NEWS August 2012
United Church of God, an International Association