Portfolio Architecture 2023

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Angie Tatiana Bautista


Angie Tatiana Bautista Forero


Seit Apr. 2023

Persönliche Daten

Anschrift Oderstraße 14, 10247 Berlin Mobil 0174 4353043

E-mail tatiana.bautista65@gmail.com

Geburtsdatum und -Ort 30.10.1997

Bogota, Kolumbien

Studentische Hilfskraft am Fachbereich IV der Berliner Hochschule für Technik /SHK, Berlin

Organisationsaktivitäten für das internationale interdisziplinäre Workshop von CASA VIVA

Seit Sept. 2022 Copyshop Kopierladen /Aushilfe, Berlin

Mai 2020 - März 2022

Selbstständiger /Architektin, Bogota

Innendesign für die Renovierung von Wohnungen in Bogota.

3D-Visualisierung von Projekten durch Rendering und Videos

Jan. - Apr. 2021

Inversiones y Construcciones Cima s.a.s /Architektin, Bogota

3D-Visualisierung des Innenraums und der Fassade eines Hauses in Villa de Leyva.

Einfamilienhaus Designphase 1 in La Calera


März . - Jul. 2022

Sept. - Nov. 2021

Jan. - Mai. 2021

Feb. 2020- Apr. 2021

Sprachart, Berlin /Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivkurs.

die deutSCHule, Berlin /Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivkurs.

RITx,Online-Lerninitiative des Rochester Institute of Technology/ Unreal Engine Foundations Professional Certificate.

Sprach Institut, Bogota/ Deutsch als Fremdsprache Intensivkurs.


Jul. - Nov. 2019

Andres Perea Architekturbüro /Madrid, Spanien

Technische Hilfe beim Bau des Fontan Gebäudes, Kulturstadt in Galicien, entworfen von Peter Eisenman.

Zusammenarbeit bei Vorschlägen für den internationalen polnischen Architekturwettbewerb.

Zusammenarbeit bei der Renovierung des Parks Manuel Azaña in Alcalá de Henares.

Einsatz von Architekturwerkzeugen wie CAD-Software, 3D-Modellierung, Adobe Suite und Drawing.


Seit Okt. 2022

Feb. 2015-Jun. 2020

Feb. 2001- Dez. 2014

Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten

Berliner Hochschule für Technik /Berlin, Deutschland

Master of Science in Architektur

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana /Bogota, Kolumbien

Bachelorabschluss in Architektur

Stella Matutina Schule /Bogota, Kolumbien

Grundschule und Gymnasium


Dez. 2020


Seit Okt. 2021

Wettbewerb Inspiration Hostel 2020

Gestaltung eines Rückzugsorts für Introspektion und Kreativität für Künstler

Wir Frauen Machen Druck

Linoldruckwerkstatt für Frauen im Schillerwerkstatt.e.v Anfertigung von Linolschnitten, handgefertigten Büchern und anderen kreativen Projekten






V-Ray Max


After Effects




Unreal Engine

MS Office



Spanisch Muttersprache

Deutsch C1

Englisch B2+

Portugiesisch A2

Soft Skills

Teamarbeit, Kreativität, Engagement und Organisationsfähigkeit.


of work samples

This portfolio showcases my latest four projects, including CASA VIVA, a workshop project, my first master’s project in the BHT program, my graduation project, and an academic project from my underbachelor’s studies. Within this portfolio, you will find a description of each project’s core concept along with various drafts and iterations.


Status: First Master Project

Theme: Building in Existing Contexts

Institution: BHT

Year: 2022-2023

Location: Berlin, Germany

Group members:Claudius Pompe,Sara Kabiri and Tatiana Bautista.

The objective of the project was to come up with a creative solution to enhance the productivity of an existing building within its existing footprint. To start, we conducted a site visit to the building, which was intended to be a combination of co-working spaces and apartments. Over the course of the semester, we developed a new concept for the building.

Our approach was to maintain the existing structure, construct additional floors with the aid of a new structure, and allocate new functions to certain areas, while still preserving the primary concept of co-working spaces and apartments.

Creon Resort is a work-life-leisure concept that offers short-term living and working spaces for the home office companies of the future. It offers for this purpose opportunities for intensive collaboration, team building and cultural program.

Design Concept

1. Conservation of the existing stock
2. Support with three-hinged frame 3. Addition of new floors 4. Construction of staircase



Verkehr und Mischnutzung

Building uses

The distribution of the building’s uses is organized with offices and social/event spaces on the lower floors. Residential functions are then allocated on the upper levels, connected through a triangular circulation core. This core not only facilitates movement but also incorporates spaces highlighting the importance of art, such as galleries and projection areas

Comparative table of areas by use

Use Before After


Traffic and mixed use

Circulation and mixed use

Section BB’

Living concept

Kitchen, laundry and bathroom in common areas.

Art triangles

Visual arts integrated into everyday life

Type 1 30 m2 Type 2 45 m2 Type 3

Flexibly divided and interconnected offices 15 m2

Performance Pentagon

Performing arts in free time

Office concept


Status: Bachelor’s Thesis

Theme: Tourism and sustainability

Institution: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Year: 2019-2020

Location: Colombian Amazon

My graduation project focused on the development of an ecological touristic complex with sixty accommodation units in the city of Leticia in the Colombian Amazon. It is located between the Yahuarcaca Lakes and the Avenida Internacional, Leticia’s main street. This place was chosen due to the importance of the lakes as the city’s only source of water supply and as the sector with the biggest connection to indigenous communities.

The project is an eco-hotel that rescues Leticia’s ecological and cultural qualities through ecotourism. Moreover, it integrates the social dynamics of indigenous cultures, so that the city benefits economically, socially and ecologically.

The strategies for the design of this complex are based on sustainability and ecology principles, through an organic design and local materiality. Different technological tools play also a pivotal role such as the energy source management — water, lighting and the typical supply areas of the region— and reusing them is the main operating characteristic of the complex.

to 15 Km/h (10m) COMPASS ROSE

Plan of the complex

1.Main entrance

-Reception -Vehicle parking

-Bicycle park -Charging acces to the restaurant

2.Administrative building -Offices -Dressing rooms -Services -Meeting rooms -Coffee shop -Sale crafts -Pirarucu ponds

3.Restaurant -Catering -Kitchen -Restaurant -Prarucu pondst

4.Lodging -Vegetation areas -Crops -Social meeting zone -Productivity -Gardens -Rooms -Swimming pool

5.Central Building

-Community space -Tourist point -Indigenous products exhibitions -Recycling center -Laundry center

Floor plan of lodges

Water management

Communal areas -Jungle -Roads -Terraces -Viewpoints -Lake -Cyclorut -Canoas

of people/140

per person/ 150

General axonometry of the acoommodation

Metal panel support 164x99cm solar panel

Ajover thermoacoustic tile

1x8 "tapacan 3x2 "waterfront drip bead

Beam ties / calculation 2x8 "

Finished wooden slats 3x5cm each 5cm

Rainwater downspout

1x8 'tongue-and-groove decking

Union with steel bolts

Laminated wood truss

Laminated wood column 20x20

Wooden walls with vertical slats 3 x 6 cm every 10 cm Finished floor planking tongue and groove

Galvanized tubular steel

Anchor plate 35x35 thickness 3cm

Decking floor deck Deck platform

Sewage pipe

System septic tank

Horizontal septic tank of 2000l artificial wetland

Artificial wetland


Revision covers

Ventilation cover

Outlet to filter


Artificial wetland

Potted plants



Status: Seventh semester bachelor’s Project

Theme: Popular Housing

Institution: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Year: 2019

Integrants: Antonia Ballesteros, Danna Suesca and Tatiana Bautista

This project consists in the design of popular housing in the UPZ San Isidro Patios, Bogota, which is a group of working-class neighborhoods with different characteristics. Unlike many working-class neighborhoods in Bogota, those of San Isidro Patios are in a place that has a particular ecological structure around it, which allows them to function as an artificial and self-sufficient island. This characteristic motivates inhabitants to carry out activities for protecting the environment and to prosper within the area.

In order to design these houses a field study of the area was made, in which inhabitants of the neighborhood were considered as the most important factor. Through different housing surveys in the area, profiles of future house inhabitants were discovered and established. Afterwards, so that their needs were fulfilled, it was decided that housing should be ecologically productive, incremental, and diverse.


Modular area

Design Concept

First form design

Visuals Terraces


Status: The Inspiration Hostel 2020 competition

Theme: Space of introspection and creativity for artists

Year: 2020

Location: The Guajira, Colombia

Integrants: Laura Hurtado, Laura Rubio and Natalia Bautista and Tatiana Bautista

The Inspiration Hostel 2020 competition is aimed at architecture students or recent graduates, it is the design of a space of introspection and creativity for artists anywhere in the world, if no structural requirements, that is, it is an ideas contest.

Through an analysis of the different artistic users, we established the ether as the main concept of the venue and named it ethereal balance. Located in Colombia, in the department of Guajira, Ethereal Equilibrium is the return to the most primitive state of man. It is the space where the artist returns to the roots from which he once emerged, to find his purest essence. It is the space where it develops freely as an integral part of a whole and outside which its existence has no meaning or order.

Design Concept

First form design

Ethereal Equilibrium

The artist inhabits a concrete jungle. Immersed in a world of continuous movement where interactions are part of daily life, he seeks without triumph a place of escape, one in solitude where calm and peace allow him to meet again with himself and his senses. This is how the individual in solitude frees himself from the complications of everyday life and converges with nature to give rise to the most sensitive expressions of his being.

The project manifests itself through the five expressions of the whole: Water, earth, air, fire and ether. They are the five archetypal energies that gave origin to the universe, and which constitute the spirit of man, both on a material and immaterial level, and transform his way of feeling and thinking.

Like the artist, the earth can create from scratch to give rise to the most wonderful creative manifestations.

Fire is the maximum expression of freedom and fluidity found in nature.

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