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For Natalia and Santiago, my two beacons of light in a tempestuous world. In loving memory of my Mom

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introduction Christian Vizl Peace, stillness, calmness, and excitement are some of the ways I feel when I’m in the Ocean, surrounded by its immensity and mysteries. I am in awe and grateful of its infinite beauty and abundance of life. A world that has so many things to say, so many stories to tell, so many lessons to teach, but with a voice that can only be heard by our hearts and through the poetic sensitivity I believe we all share. The images in this book are the reflection of what I listen to beneath the waves. Ever since I can remember, and way before I became a diver, I felt seduced by the sea. I dreamt about what lies beneath its surface. I imagined what it would look like if, suddenly, all water would disappear for a while, while all the animals and living creatures remained in place, suspended in time, so I could walk along them and observe them all. I still have that same dream, and now I realize that my photographs are the result of that childhood memory of my dream…splendid and incredible marine life suspended in its natural environment while capturing a brief moment in time. This is the manner in which I perceive this dream; how immersing myself underwater in this magical and silent world, makes me feel. I have so many fond memories filled with special moments while being near the ocean, both above and underwater. I remember as a little kid, going on excursions to a deserted beach in the state of Guerrero, Mexico with my family. There were miles and miles of seashores, with no other humans around, except for the occasional local fishermen who passed by with their fishing nets, trying to catch food and provide for their families. My two favorite activities involved spending hours following them, and playing in the waves all day long. For many years, I dreamt about diving and like so many others, I was deeply inspired by Jacques Cousteau´s tales and explorations of the world’s oceans. I knew way before making my first immersion that I would love it, that I would need to become an Instructor in order to dive as much as I wanted. And so I did…and it became my passion. I love everything about the ocean, and I love spending time with all the incredible forms of life that live in it. I have spent entire days diving, just playing and getting to know a curious octopus. One time I dived for 5 hours at about 5 meters, only surfacing once to change my tank, and taking the time to watch a tiny gobie fish that was biting a careless intruder in its kingdom, a beautiful starfish. have witnessed first hand, the calmness of sharks, especially the great white sharks, and their non-threatening behavior towards man. One of the most spectacular dives I have experienced took place in one of the most remote diving areas in México, the Revillagigedo Islands, while drifting at 15 feet making my safety stop. A school of hundreds of silkie

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sharks appeared out of nowhere and passed by me, in a very close and calm fashion. It made me feel like I was the luckiest man alive, and left me in complete veneration of the presence of these magnificent animals. Another spectacular site is Cabo Pulmo, in the Sea of Cortez, where, at my very first immersion I was greeted by thousands of Jacks. I was impressed by the magnitude and the abundance of life. If only we could learn to respect it… Sea turtles, sea Lions, dolphins, manta rays, whale sharks, sail fish, numerous species of sharks and fishes, critters and so many other marine animals have become an important part of my life. I am very grateful, deeply grateful… I have shared many of these trips with a lot of great people that have the same love, passion and respect for the oceans as I do. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to experience many great adventures with them. One time I even fell in love with a beautiful selkie woman while swimming together in the ocean. That was a magical moment that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

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Through my photography, I try to capture sublime moments of the marine environment, the essence of being present in that experience, in the company of that particular animal, capturing their splendor and their soul. The sheer beauty and poetry with images that inspire, and make us vibrate through every corner of the ocean, an epic sight that carries the power to make us dream of a better world, where we value and care for all expressions of life. As a result, beyond the issue of our survival is the issue of how we experience our life and how we celebrate it. And our experience of life is intrinsically linked to how we communicate and bond with everything that surrounds us, especially with all sources of life around us. In my case, it is the ocean and their living creatures that make me want to celebrate. Therefore, my photography is intended as a celebration of marine life and the underwater world. Photography is all about light, and in my opinion, it is the single most important aspect when it comes to creating appealing, inspiring and touching images. In my point of view, far beyond technical issues, what´s most important is how I apply and manipulate the light that is available in order to create pictures with dramatic effect, carrying depths of emotion and using contrast and tonalities as means to emphasize form and structure of the scenery. I focus on the emotional impact of the final shot that will connect on a deeper level, with the people that observe these photographs. Just as a poet uses words to create poetry, a photographer uses light to create images. So when I’m underwater taking pictures, one of my goals is to create poetic images through the use of light. Today, our oceans are a violated Eden. Harmony and balance are being deranged in a dramatic way. For thousands of years, man has taken from the ocean without giving anything in return.

When I was a child, the sea for me, held life that seemed infinite. Now I have realized that animals are finite, that human greed and unconsciousness can put an end to all forms of life, including all human life. We are destroying nature and life all in the name of progress, power, and commercial opportunities. In 1977 Peter Beard wrote about Africa: “The wilderness of only half a century ago, then so completely itself, has been reduced, tree by tree, animal by animal, shadow by shadow, rock by rock, to its last rutted corners. The few remaining spaces have been infiltrated, dividedup, domesticated, deprived of natural systems, denuded of natural processes, systematized, artificialized, sterilized, commercialized...” and in a recent interview, he stated “When I first came here in 1955, there’s no way you could imagine how great it was, It was paradise, believe me. This was one of the heaviest wildlife areas in the history of the world, and now it’s a parking lot. People think you’re a whiner or a complainer if you mention it, but the speed with which we destroy nature is overwhelming, and we adapt to the damage we cause with unbelievable cunning” . It’s a tragedy, knowing that in a lifetime, one can witness the devastation of such a natural treasure, never to be seen again. I imagine that one of the other heaviest wildlife areas in the history of the world Peter Beard was referring to is the ocean. Our beautiful and vast oceans, with an incredible variety of life forms, some of them still undiscovered, are facing grave danger due to the predation of man. I love everything about my under water travels, the absolute simplicity and how everything seems to make sense, even when I lack the understanding of most of it. I like to be there to learn and grow, to be a silent observer of the natural beauty and process of life. Finding peace and sense away from a world that I find difficult to understand, a world called “civilization”, a world where we have consistently violated the natural balance, the one that nature established to accommodate a wide range of living creatures coexisting in harmony, resulting in a balanced and mutual conservation of a variety of natural habitats. From the tiniest crustaceans, all the way to blue whales, they all take food and in return, give back the nutrients necessary for the growth of plankton, which are the foundation for the entire ecosystem existence in natural equilibrium. If we take away and destroy any of these participants, we are endangering the whole balance. What does it take for us humans to realize that the path we are following is leading us towards our own destruction, along with the rest of life in this planet? We don´t seem to perceive that the termination of a species is a new step towards the termination of the human species. We don´t seem to perceive that if you hurt someone, you hurt yourself. If you help someone, you help yourself… Jean Michel Cousteau wrote in his foreword to Ernest H. Brooks II Silver Seas book “There are moments when a single image changes everything... At a time when we face critical issues about the health of the ocean; we need

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the inspiration of such images to remind us of what is at risk. The ocean is, after all, the main engine driving and controlling the earth´s climate. Without it, life here as we know it, and humanity in particular, would not only be unable to survive –it would never have evolved in the first place.” I offer my images for this great purpose, and If even one of them changes the perception of at least one human being, if it inspires another person to love, care and respect the ocean and all its forms of life, then it´s true value, it´s most profound meaning, will be accomplished. The world is in desperate need to discover a deep respect for nature. The fact is, we still have enough time to prevent the destruction of the planet, where Earth is no longer manipulated by our hand, where we are one with all sources of life, where we can develop ourselves in this world, without disturbing the balance or long for unsubstantial and empty material things. We are all participants in what is going on in this world and we can all be a part in changing our own lifestyles and our own destructive habits that we have inherited, to shift them towards a new direction where life entire on this planet can benefit from it. That is a huge and very important change in itself, because surely that will inspire the people closest to us to follow the same path, without the use of force or violence, simply by witnessing our own example.

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“The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin There are a lot of people who with their example have inherited a reason in me to hope. I am very grateful for their lives and their bravery to change what needs to be changed, the manner in which they enlighten others using reason and awareness where none has been found. This book is a tribute to all of them, and to all other human beings who already have a sense of love and respect for all forms of life. I hope that before it is too late, enough people will give the next generation a reason to hope.

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index 19 / 36 . ocean b&w

37 / 49 . ocean color

49 / 57 . macro

58 / 70 . finding yourself

71 / 99 . cenotes

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finding yourself

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A spiritual journey of discovery I have been diving in the Mexican cenotes for a long time, and I have always been fascinated by the natural beauty and magic held within them. It is a representation of an endless source of inspiration and bewilderment, both by their intrinsic naturalistic beauty, but also by their history and spiritual meaning. The ancient Mayans, believed that the location of the origins of life could be found in the water, it was considered a place where life emerges and regenerates. The cenotes were considered sacred powerful and symbolic places that represented the gateway to the spiritual underworld, to the afterlife, a place of rebirth. This cenotes series is associated with a journey of self-discovery, a search for the roots of life. The images address issues of how we connect as human beings, with ourselves, and in consequence, with life and nature. I believe that today, the heavy use of technology and great focus on material things have distorted and created an immense feeling of separation between our lives and all living creatures on the planet. It is as if we have become “disconnected” from our true wild nature, creating devastating consequences for all forms of life on this planet. The images explore how our fears and our egos interfere with the experience of our true selves, and how, if we could overcome these fears and live accordingly, we could reconnect again with all other forms of life with the conviction of becoming one with them. They are an invitation to reflect on the importance of connecting with our wild selves, to go deep inside, into the core essence of our human existence, to then become one with nature and reestablish a connection with all living things that surround us. It becomes the exploration of our own fears and unconsciousness because I believe that we become our own worst enemies, capable of self-destruction and corruption of life on this planet. Yet I also believe that by overcoming our fears and living our lives accordingly, the only possible result of our actions is love. After that we might have something really special and valuable to share with the rest of the world... The human presence in the cenotes, with its profound meaning as a place of rebirth, represents this deeper connection humanity can have with life, once we make the effort of connecting first with our wild nature. It becomes a rebirth of the human spirit, the one that will care and protect nature and all forms of life.

“Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Both the cenotes and the ocean are places where I can find my own internal silent kingdom.

In life, sometimes we go up, and sometimes we go down. It’s just a natural process that helps to keep our lives in perfect order. I think the challenge is to allow ourselves to go deep, without fear or doubts that we will rise again stronger each time. The risk is, that when we are down, we will let ourselves stay there...

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It takes courage to face our fears, the ones that hide in the deepest and most obscure corners of our souls. Don’t be afraid because the better version of you lies in the darkness. Face it,and it will come out to the light, shining more splendorous than ever before.

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This image is a tribute to those of us who are in the journey of freeing our spirit. For those who choose to go deep into self knowledge, and connect in the purest way, with all forms of life.

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This image is very special to me, and moves me in my deepest emotions. It symbolizes what I consider the most important journey in life, the one that connects and takes us deep inside ourselves. Everything we will ever need, the true value of each one of us, all the beauty and love we can dream of, is right there, waiting and wanting to be explored and discovered, ready to be shared with the rest of the world. In my case, I’m still searching, but taking pictures like this one brings me one step closer to my journey‌

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If we are true to ourselves, if we listen and follow the path set by our essence, if we go deeper into our own light, overcoming our fears and living our lives accordingly, the only possible result of our actions is LOVE. After that we might have something really special and valuable to share with the rest of the world...

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“So give me hope in the darkness that I will see the light, cause oh that gave me such a fright. But I will hold as long as you like, just promise me well be alright” Lyrics of “Ghosts that we knew” by Momford & Sons. Once I dedicated this song to a woman I loved, a beautiful selkie woman, but I was left in the darkness...we were never all right again. In this state of fear, I realized that the only light I could trust and rely on is the light of my own soul. It is right there, if only I could reach out and touch it...

Our own experience of life could be so much more pleasant if we could just learn to accept the facts of our own existence as circumstances appear and presents themselves. There are so many areas in my own life where I have failed to flow; to accept a fact that I cannot change, to stop and enjoy how wonderful life really is, to thank and to keep flowing...but now I promise myself to allow all the good and beautiful things of life to stream through me.

It takes courage to go deep inside the darkness of ourselves, to explore and confront our own fears. It´s not easy, and yes, we are alone, but this is a journey we have to make if we want to be free to experience the light...of love.

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I believe that humans, are like mirrors that reflect each other; we only see and recognize in others what we see and recognize in ourselves. I don’t always like what I see in my own reflection, and when I don’t, I have come to realize it is just my ego and my fears getting in the way, not my true self. It is in that place of solitude where I turn to and search for what I’m looking for, what I know is true and worthy, and therefore I am the creator of my own world, providing access only to those with similar reflections...

May the light enlighten our souls and spirit. A light that renders powerless all of our fears and puts an end to our suffering. A light that will bring us back to our true selves, the same light that will uncover the only true power available to us, the power of ourselves. This is the light of awareness and consciousness. May that light shine bright upon all of us, in order for us to experience and share love, peace and happiness, and feel the bond that ties us all, and all life, together.

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acknowledgments It is with my deepest gratitude that I mention all those who have helped and contributed to make Silent Kingdom a reality. Home: To my Dad, who has supported me throughout the years, regardless of the paths I have chosen to take. To the rest of my loving and caring family; Tony and Karin, Angeles, Humberto, Juan Pablo, Sofía, Tony and of course, my two wonderful kids, Santiago and Natalia. I don´t know what I would do without you all. Thank you so much for being such an important part of my life and putting up with my mood swings… Models: To my beautiful models Samantha, Maca and Lupita, for your friendship that I value so deeply, and for giving so much of your time, your soul, and your love for the ocean and the underwater world in helping to create these images. I treasure every trip we did together to the magical cenotes. It was so much fun and special being there with you. Sam, there is so much more in this book thanks to you that I´m able to describe in words…. thank you. Friends: To Patrick, for spending so many hours giving me advice, guidance and support as a photographer, in the development of this book, and aiding me in the curation and selection of the images.. Also for introducing me to Tatiana, who became the designer for this book and who in turn, created my logo and image as an underwater photographer. Thank you Tatiana for your incredible designs! To Sofia, Lorena, Annie and Paulina for your wonderful feedback on the words written for this book.

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