With the insight of experience and heritage from both Russia and the UK, Tatiana Ashakova launched her millinery and fascinator brand Beretk!Ah… in August 2010 after she finished her MSc in International Fashion Marketing.
Inspired by the British hat-wearing tradition and prompted by a fascination of this culture, Tatiana invested creativity and skills into fashioning a diverse range of unique items. The line has gained recognition in both press and retail circles, in the UK and Russia, and continues to generate interest as the label grows.
Through significant experience in fashion the brand owner gained working as a stylist and make-up artist, she has a sharp eye on trends and it enables her to create bespoke exclusive head pieces that are up-to-date as well as instant classics.
At the moment Beretk!Ah pieces are sold in shops both in the UK and Russia, the full list of stockists can be found on the website www.beretkah.co.uk