Staklena princeza s Jankovca

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s Jankovca

Glass Princess from

Iza sedam polja i sedam gora,u drevnoj hrastovoj šumi ,sred Papuka,živjela djevojka zlaćane kose,Katarina. Rasla je igrajući se s vilama i vilenjacima,umivala se rosom sa šumskog cvijeća,sanjala daleke zvijezde. Behind seven fields and seven hills, in a hoary oak forest, there lived Katarina, a girl with golden hair. She grew playing with fairies and elfs, washing her face with dewy forest flowers, dreaming stars beyond reach. 2

Svi su je voljeli. Sunce se preselilo u njene uvojke,zvijezde u njene oči. Bila je jedina kći u oca i matere,starih čarobnjaka koji su u utrobi Majke Zemlje stvarali čarobne predmete od stakla kakve dotad nitko nije vidio. Zvali su je Staklena princeza. Everybody loved her. The Sun shone from her golden locks and the stars glittered from her eyes. She was an only child of old sorcerers who created the most magical glass objects in the womb of Mother Earth, objects no one has ever seen before.They called her the Glass Princess. 3

Katarina je rasla,okružena ljubavlju sa svih strana. Postala je prekrasna djevojka,dobra,puna ljubavi…djevojku koja je svima htjela pomoći. Katarina grew surrounded with love from everywhere.She became the most beautiful girl , kind and full of love.. . a very helpful young lady.


Jednoga dana,u sumrak,vraćajući se kući sa vilinskog bala sretne mladića,crnog stasitog. Onog trenutka,kad su se ugledali svijet je za njih prestao postojati. Žurila se kući toga dana pa su se dogovorili su se naći kraj najstarijeg hrasta u šumi. One day at nightfall, while she was returning home from a festivity thrown by the fairies, she met a very handsome swarthy young man.And the whole world stopped from the moment their eyes met.That day she was in a hurry, so they agreed to meet later by the oldest oak tree in the forest. 5

Dugo u noć nije uspjela zaspati maštajući o crnokosom mladiću komu ni ime nije znala. Jedva je dočekala

jutro . That night she couldn' t fall asleep.All she did was fantasize about that blackhaired young man and she didn' t even know his name.She was so anxious for the morning to arise .


Mama i tata su naslutili da se nešto dogodilo jer je nikad nisu vidjeli tako snenu i zamišljenu. Molili su je da im oslika staklene vrčeve… Her parents noticed how drowsy and pensive she suddenly became, so they thought something must have happened. They told her to paint the glass jugs … 7

…..da donese studen-vode sa izvora…. ….. bring water from the spring…. 8

…organizira popodnevno druženje sa vilenjacima. Okupirana poslom zaboravila je obećanje dano crnokosom “princu “.

… organise afternoon gathering with the elfs.Being occupied with work, she simply forgot about her promise. 9

Spuštala se noć. I magla se polako vukla Papukom,kad iskrsnuše njegove oči pred njenim licem. The night began to fall.The fog slowly spread throughout Papuk when suddenly his eyes appeared in front of her face.

Skočila je kao plaha srna i trčala,trčala….kroz tajni prolaz, ispod slapa, do staroga hrasta. She jumped like a timid fawn and started to run.She ran and ran …..through a secret passage, under the waterfall…all the way until she reached the old oak tree. 11

Tamo nije bilo nikoga. Samo šum vjetra i noć koja je pokrila stabla. Sjela je na jedan panj . Magla ju je zagrlila i sakrila od pogleda…. There was no one there.Only the whisper of the wind and the night spreading over the trees.She sat on a stump.The mist embrassed her and hid her from the view. 12

Ujutro se vratila kući. Starim roditeljima je rekla da se zaljubila. Stari čarobnjaci shvatili su da se radi o sinu upravitelja staklane, Janku. Bili su ljutiti i po prvi put,veoma oštri prema svojoj princezi. Ona ne smije voljeti Janka, on nije za nju,jer je siromašan . Katarina je obećana grofu iz Požege. She came home in the morning and told her parents she had fallen in love.Old sorcerers realised she was in love with Janko, whose father was the head of the glassworks.They got angry and pretty harsh for the first time.She mustn' t love Janko, because he was poor.Katarina was promised to a count from Požega.


Dugo u noć je jecala. A onda joj na um pade jeziva misao. Skočit će sa Skakavca i nestati u zelenim dubinama. Ako ne može biti Jankova, neće biti ničija! She sobbed all night long, and then a scary thought crossed her mind.She will jump from Skakavac and vanish into the green depths.If she can' t be with Janko, she won' t be with anyone else. 14

Noću je došla do slapa,popela se na vrh i skočila. U padu,udari u kamen i ruka odskoči na drugu stranu. Nastane mrkla noć,ni zvijezda,ni mjeseca,ni vjetra. Samo su vukovi zavijali. At night, she came to the waterfall, climbed the peak and jumped.While falling, she hit the stone and her right arm flew over to the other side.And then a pitch-dark night arose….not a star in the sky, not the moon , not even a whisper of the wind.You could only hear the 15 wolves howling.

Ranom zorom roditelji su krenuli u potragu. Tražile su je vile i vilenjaci,svi ljudi iz sela,roditelji i šumske životinje…od Požege do Drenovca. Nisu je mogli naći. At early dawn her parents went searching for her.The fairies and the elfs looked everywhere, the peasants, the animals…. they all searched for her all the way from Požega to Drenovac.They couldn' t find her. 16

Treći dan našli su je u podnožju Slapa. On the third day they found her at the bottom of the waterfall. 17

Pokopali su je na obronku kraj staroga hrasta …na križu nije bilo desne strane…jer joj ruku nisu našli. Tuga se spustila nad Papuk kao jesenja magla…… They buried her at the slope by the old oak tree…there wasn't the right side on the cross…because they didn' t find her arm.Great grief came upon Papuk, as wide as the autumn mist.

Odjednom, skoči Katarina kao oparena! Zaspala je kraj hrasta i plakala. Uz nju je bio Janko i grleći je, brisao suze. And suddenly Katarina jumped like scalded!She fell asleep by the oak tree and cried.Janko was by her side, hugging her and wipping off her tears. 19

Svitao je dan,a njih dvoje,Staklena princeza i Janko vraćali su se,držeći se za ruke, u svoj dom. At dawn,the two of them,Glass Princess and Janko were going home holding hands.


Na pragu ih dočekaše zabrinuti roditelji. Prihvatili su Janka kao svog sina. Okiti Janko svoju princezu staklenom krunom i cipelicama kako se i dolikuje. Her parents welcomed them at the threshold.They have accepted Janko as their son .And then Janko gave his princess the glass crown and shoes as befitting.

Nakon nekoliko mjeseci pripremili su velike svatove u koje su pozvani svi od Požege do Čačinaca. Plesalo se,pilo i jelo tri dana i tri noći… Several months later, they invited everyone from Požega to Čačinci to celebrate their love at their wedding.People danced and drank for three days and three nights…

Proplanak na kojem se plesalo,usred šume…dobio je ime Jankovac,a kad čujete vjetar i maglu kako se šuljaju Papukom,to Katarina,Staklena princeza opet ružno sanja …. The hill on which they danced in the middle of the forest … the name Jankovac, and when you hear the wind and the mist sneaking over Papuk, it is Katarina, the Glass Princess, having another bad dream….


Napisala Tatjana Maršić,prof. Ilustrirala Gabrijela Behin,IV.r. i Anđela Hunjet,IV.r.(19.str.) Prijevod Biljana Farkaš,prof. Čačinci

2017./2018. 24

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