AroundCampus E A R LY C H I L D H O O D | L O W E R S C H O O L | M I D D L E S C H O O L | U P P E R S C H O O L
New Senior Tradtitions The Class of 2021 has left its mark on campus as they started a new tradition with their mural on the wall of the art room courtyard. Above the daisies and into the clouds, the seniors left a handprint and their name. The seniors spent their last three days at Tatnall participating in service projects around campus. Four projects ran concurrently: improvements to the outdoor classrooms, painting a mural for the EC, ridding the Bookman trail of invasive plants, and creating a video of Tatnall memories. Together, the senior class worked hard, bonded, and left their mark on the Tatnall community.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This question was a topic of conversation among the kindergarten children, and like time, has still gone unanswered. For the second year, the Early Childhood science classes have partnered with the University of Delaware Animal Sciences department, and incubated and hatched chicks. The children practice the star value of patience as they wait 21 long days. During this time, they learn about candling and daily egg development. Ask any kindergarten student and they could probably tell you what happens in a chicken egg on day 14! During the process, we add a webcam to watch as the chicks hatch from their eggs, and then we watch them grow in the brooder box. While they are only with us in science class for a few weeks, the biggest highlight is of course holding and petting them, and laughing as they run around the classroom.