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The Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association (DIAA) Board has voted to postpone the fall athletic season and restructure all seasons for the 2020-2021 school year. Winter sports will begin in December, followed by fall sports in mid-February and spring sports in April. Given this decision, Tatnall has decided to waive the two-sport requirement for this school year. Students are still encouraged to participate in athletics. With guidance from the Delaware Division of Public Health and the DIAA, Tatnall will create a plan for safe return to play over the next several weeks.



We will be offering sport-specific skill development this fall after school. We are still working out the schedule, but have tentatively scheduled skill development to begin on Monday, September 21.


When sports and practices do begin, several procedures will be modified to ensure the safety of our athletes:

Locker rooms will not be used to store equipment.

Locker rooms will be disinfected each night after use.

Athletic training room will be available by appointment only.

Students will report to the field/practice area immediately after changing in the locker room.

Additional details will be available in the coming weeks.


To allow students to continue to participate in physical education classes, Tatnall has developed three levels of socially distant P.E. Physical education teachers will determine the appropriate level for their individual classes. Level 1: Fully distanced* with no equipment Level 2: Fully distanced* and each student has his or her own equipment (equipment to be disinfected immediately after each use). Level 3: Fully distanced* and carefully considered shared, small group equipment (equipment to be disinfected immediately after each use). *Fully distanced means there is at least six feet between all people.

MODIFICATIONS FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL P.E. We will implement several modifications to allow Middle School students to safely participate in P.E. class:

Students will use locker rooms strictly as dressing rooms, not for the storage of equipment or clothing.

Students will not be changing clothes at the start of the school year. School clothes will be permitted with leniency on athletic clothing.

Students may remove masks only during outdoor class time.

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