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Early Childhood will implement a staggered arrival that allows for a friendly greeting, a health check-in, and hand sanitizing before entering classrooms.

Morning Car Line Times

Facutly car line . . . . . . . . 7:30–7:40 a.m.

Kindergarten .

PK4 . 7:45–7:55 a.m.

7:55–8:10 a.m.

PK3 . 8:10–8:20 a.m.

Before you leave home, please complete Tatnall’s daily prescreening (see page 8) and ensure your child

has a clean mask. When you arrive on campus, please keep the following in mind:





5. Pull up to the curb of the building, put the car in park, and remain in the car. You and your child must be wearing masks. A faculty member will meet your child at the car. A faculty member will escort your child directly to the building and help them use hand sanitizer. A faculty member will escort your child to their classroom to wash their hands and begin the day.

DEPARTURE The departure car line will begin at 2:45 p.m. Please keep the following information in mind:


Pull up to the building, put your car in park, and get out of your car. Please wear a mask.




5. Please have car tags visible (best to hang from the rearview mirror). A faculty member will notify your child’s teacher you have arrived and will escort your child to your car. Children will wash their hands before leaving the classroom for dismissal. Parents or guardians will buckle their child into a safety seat.


Individual classrooms will hold Opening Exercises virtually. We will continue to uphold Mrs. Tatnall’s vision of gathering together as a community each morning to recognize special events and engage in school-wide read-alouds, celebrations, and discussions. Student leadership and public speaking will continue. Parents will not be able to join Opening Exercises like they have in years past. We will, however, engage parents with other opportunities.


To promote health and safety across Early Childhood, students will remain in small, static groups throughout the day. We are also instituting the following safety measures:

We will follow Tatnall’s Face Mask Policy.

We will place students six feet apart.

Students will use outdoor spaces for learning, lunch, and recess unless the weather is inclement.

We will limit the exchange of high touch materials.

Students will take mask breaks outside when a six-foot distance can be maintained.

Specialists will hold their classes in homerooms or take their classes outside.

We will incorporate hand washing and sanitizing into the daily routine.

We will routinely clean surfaces and spaces during and after school.


Early Childhood specials–PE, art, music, science, library, Spanish, and karate–will take place within individual classrooms or outdoors. Our specialists will move throughout the building into individual homerooms so the children can remain in their cohorts. Collaborations with the Middle and Upper School divisions will take place via Zoom.


Early Childhood students will eat either outdoors or in their classrooms, which will have plexiglass shields on the tabletops. Tatnall will provide prepackaged midmorning snacks. For lunch, students can either bring a home-packed lunch or select a boxed hot lunch from the Caffé. We will be providing details about how to order prepackaged lunches in the coming weeks.


Desktop computers and iPads will be used in classrooms for on-campus learning. Kindergarten will use 1:1 iPads and students in PK3 and PK4 will also have iPad training and use. Seesaw will be the primary learning platform used for in-school instruction and distance learning (if needed). We will ensure that all technology is thoroughly disinfected.



Lower School will implement a staggered arrival that allows for a friendly greeting, a health check-in, and hand sanitizing before entering classrooms.

Morning Car Line Times

Faculty car line . . . . . . . . 7:30–7:40 a.m.

Last names A–G . . . . . . . 7:45–7:55 a.m.

Last names H–P . 7:55–8:05 a.m.

Last names Q–Z . . . . . . . 8:05–8:15 a.m.

Before you leave home, please complete Tatnall’s daily prescreening (see page 8) and ensure your child

has a clean mask. When you arrive on campus, please keep the following in mind:





5. Pull up to the curb and remain in your car. • You and your child must be wearing masks. • Your child should have all personal belongings in their bag. A faculty member will meet you at your car to confirm you have completed the health screening. If yes, your child will exit the car. We are encouraging children to use the curbside door. If that’s not possible, please exit your car and escort your child to the Lower School awning. Your child will stand on a colored circle on the sidewalk until they are greeted by a faculty member who will oversee hand sanitizing. Students will walk directly to their homerooms. Faculty members will supervise from the hallways. Upon entry into the class, your child will immediately wash their hands before beginning their day.


The departure car line will begin at 2:55 p.m. The afternoon schedule is as follows:

Afternoon Car Line Times

Last names A–G . . . . . . . 2:55–3:05 p.m.

Last names H–P . 3:05–3:15 p.m.

Last names Q–Z . . . . . . . 3:15–3:25 p.m.

When you arrive on campus, please keep the following information in mind:




4. Please pull into the driveway and form two lines. When you reach the cones, alternate cars to merge into one line closest to the curb.

Pull up as far as you can. Please display the pickup sign Lower School will distribute during Orientation. We will notify the homeroom teacher that you have arrived. Your child will wash their hands and walk to the car line wearing their mask. Your child will walk to the car and enter from the curbside door. If this is not possible, please put on your mask and exit your car to help your child into the vehicle. Please look for the adult to signal that you may drive away.


Individual classrooms will hold Lower School Opening Exercises virtually. We will continue to uphold Mrs. Tatnall’s vision of gathering together as a community to recognize special events and engage in schoolwide read-alouds, celebrations, and discussions. Student leadership and public speaking will continue.


Students will be permitted to use their lockers during scheduled, supervised times. Lockers will be colorcoded to allow for physical distancing.


Tatnall’s Lower School teachers will continue to provide a student-centered, quality educational experience focused on the development of the whole child. To promote health and safety across the Lower School, students will remain in their homeroom cohorts throughout the day. The following safety measures will be in place:

We will follow Tatnall’s Face Mask Policy.

We will place student desks six feet apart.

Students will use outdoor spaces for classwork, lunch, recess, and P.E. unless the weather is inclement.

Students will have individual classroom materials and supplies.

Students will take mask breaks outside when a six-foot distance can be maintained.

Specialists will hold their classes in homerooms or take their classes outside.

We will incorporate hand washing and sanitizing into the daily routine.

We will routinely clean surfaces and spaces during and after school.


Lower School specials–science, PE, art, music, media literacy and language (Spanish and Prima Lingua)–will be held two times a week. However, our specialists will move throughout the building into individual homerooms so the children can remain in their cohorts.

We will not permit in-person clubs until the guidance changes and we can safely mix cohorts.


As often as possible, students will eat lunch outdoors with their cohorts, maintaining social distance. Students may bring a lunch or place an order with the Caffé. The Caffé will deliver all orders directly to the Lower School. We will be providing details about how to order prepackaged lunches in the coming weeks. All students should remember to bring a morning snack and a water bottle.


Students in 1st and 2nd grade will use 1:1 iPads and students in grades 3 through 5 will use 1:1 Chromebooks.

In grades 1 and 2, Seesaw will be the primary learning platform used for in-school instruction and distance learning (if needed). In grades 3 through 5, Google Classroom will be the primary learning platform used for in-school instruction and distance learning (if needed).



Middle School students can begin entering the building at 7:30 a.m. through the Beekley Lobby entrance. Students must use the hand sanitizer at the entrance of the building. After entering, students may go to their locker, then they must wash their hands and report directly to Advisory. Before you leave home, please complete Tatnall’s daily prescreening (see page 8) and ensure your child

has a clean mask. When students arrive on campus they will:



3. Enter the main Beekley Lobby entrance wearing masks. Sanitize hands upon entry. Gather in the lobby (six feet apart) until 7:45 a.m. A teacher will be on duty to monitor students.

4. Go to locker and Advisory rooms in waves. • Small groups of five to seven students will be dismissed in two-minute intervals until 8 a.m. • Sixth-grade students must use the lobby stairwell. • Seventh-grade students must use the Middle School hallway stairwell. • Eighth-grade students must use the Art Gallery stairwell.


Middle School departure will take place between 3 and 3:30 p.m. At the end of the school day, all Middle School students will remain in Advisory until they are called to car line (faculty members will be alerted via the SchoolPass app). Students will use their assigned grade-level stairwell to exit the building.


We are allowing longer crossover times between periods (ten minutes) and staggered dismissal between classes to ensure the entire student body is not passing through the halls at the same time.


To promote social distancing, we will be holding Community Gathering and grade level meetings via Zoom during Day 2 Special and the midday Read and Review block.


We are minimizing locker use. Students are still permitted to use their lockers; however, it will be supervised, with signage to promote social distancing.


To promote health and safety across the Middle School, the following safety measures will be in place:

We will follow Tatnall’s Face Mask Policy.

We will place student desks six feet apart. Students will use outdoor spaces for classwork, lunch, recess, and P.E. unless the weather is inclement. Students will have individual classroom materials and supplies. We will routinely clean surfaces and spaces during and after school.


Distancing protocols will remain in place during club meetings and special activities. Some clubs and activities will be held via Zoom to ensure distancing for larger groups.


Middle School students will eat lunch in their classrooms or outdoors with their small Advisory group. Students may bring their own lunch or preorder lunches from the Caffé, which will be delivered to the Middle School and sorted by grade level. We will be providing details about how to order prepackaged lunches in the coming weeks.


The Middle School 1:1 Chromebook program will continue. Google Classroom will be the primary learning platform used for in-school instruction and distance learning (if needed). MyTatnall will be used for posting grades.



Upper School students can begin entering the building at 7:30 a.m. through the Beekley Commons entrance. Students must use the hand sanitizer at the entrance of the building and must be wearing a mask. After entering, students may go to their locker, then they must wash their hands and report directly to Advisory. Faculty will supervise traffic to maintain safety protocols. Before leaving home, students must complete Tatnall’s daily prescreening (see page 8) and

have a clean mask.

To allow for a somewhat staggered beginning, any student with a study hall during first period may delay arrival until the first academic class. However, the above safety protocol must be followed and the student must proceed directly to the Upper School office to check-in. Parent permission must be provided.


Upper School dismissal will begin at 3 p.m., and all students are expected to leave campus at that time. We will accommodate early dismissals for students who end the day with a study hall, as long as parental permission exists.


We are allowing longer crossover times between periods (ten minutes) and staggered dismissal between classes to ensure the entire student body is not passing through the halls at the same time.


To promote social distancing, we will be holding Community Gathering via Zoom during the midday Flex period.


We are minimizing locker use. Students are still permitted to use their lockers; however, it will be supervised, with signage to promote social distancing.


To promote health and safety across the Upper School, the following safety measures will be in place:

We will follow Tatnall’s Face Mask Policy.

We will place student desks six feet apart.

Students will often use outdoor spaces for classwork, lunch, recess, and athletics unless the weather is inclement.

Students will have individual classroom materials and supplies.

We will routinely clean surfaces and spaces during and after school.

We will incorporate hand sanitizing into the daily routine.


Distancing protocols will remain in place during club meetings and special activities. Some clubs and activities will be held via Zoom to ensure distancing for larger groups.


Upper School students will eat lunch in their classrooms or outdoors with their Advisory group. Students may bring their own lunch or preorder lunches from the Caffé, which will be delivered to the Upper School and sorted by Advisory. We will be providing details about how to order prepackaged lunches in the coming weeks.

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