Tattoonn Magazine nº4 england

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TATTOONN MAGAZINE Here we present the No. 4 of Tattoonn Magazine, Cristian interview tattooist Palmero, reporting and Gallery of Eli Widow, fashion, and much more relevant information the tattoo world. Each month you will approach more tattooists and studies. In addition to our website will see: Prices tattoo, all studies, tattooists, galleries, clothing and our simulator so you try tattoos now available with mobile app. Direction: Yaiza Gonzalez Design and Layout: Alex Guerrero Photography: Aroa Santaella Advertising: Home: Eli Widow Some images have been picked from Google.


INDEX Tatuadores Cristian Palmero



Tatuajes Megan Fox


Tatuajes de Dragones


Estrella Nautica



Eli Widow

Tattoos New School

Singer Tatuados


Fashion tattoon


30 48

Tattoos around the world



90 3


How did you start tattooing? As a teenager I liked paint her arms my friends with a marker, and 19 I dared to try it with machine, thanks to a friend It was then also learning and could give me the material. After many pigskins, I started with human skins thanks to

Where are you from?

many friends They trusted me. What opined your family and Sagunto, a town of Valen- friends when you started dedicate the tattoo business? cia. When you were born? The vast majority supported On December 15, 1992. me, but many others were not What age did you start okay, I was advised I stay in the feel passionate about tat- then it was my job fixed. Despitoos? te the advice, I left everything They have really liked about to mount my own tattoo studio, life, but from the 13, that was and I know that I will never when I did the first, the tattoo world It became an important regret it. part in my life. 4

What is most exciting from your What artists have influenced work? you? The fact that between a person by the door of my study, It comes looking for me, because it has seen my work and admires, and He wants me to be in charge of do something that will lead to always on your skin, that’s one of the most rewarding things and I make love every day this profession.

I have always been influenced by the person who made ​​me my first tattoo, and he has continued tatuándome most I wear. He is Fernando Bisceglia, a piece of artist who has always helped me and advised in all that has been and I must thank you very much. Although he specializes in a different style tattoos mine, I will always


have things learn from it. And good too me They have influenced many other artists such as Ryan Evans or Riccardo Cassese, two professional Realism in black and white that I admire and hope someday closer to their level. How would you define your style tattoo? tattoo and when? I try to be always clean and attention to detail. Very maniacal (do not know if as default or under), I like to have it all controlled and the client comfortable.

What do you consider as a personal or distinctive feature in your work? I like to stand out in gradients, that the change is not noticed tone and always trying to improve this technique. Do you remember the first tattoo what did you do? To Whom? Yes of course! He was a friend he asked me retouched a medium that name erased He is wearing for many years, and truth that I’ve improved quite ... Of course, then they came turd after turd. Is there any design for which feel predilection? I have none in particular, I much like the compositions faces mixed with any thing, and I have several so get me love them ! Would you die for something tatuar and you can not find who? Yes, many things! I have some I have prepared designs that they are stored, and every time I more eager to do. Who would you like to tattoo? Anyone who wants tattoo and you can like my work.



Do you regret some tattoo you’ve Have you been asked for any done? Once a tattoo you gado ne you do? Yes, many, when you start tatuar perhaps you are not aware, but Yes, quite. Since skins bad state when you see them over time and that I did not want Tattooing, until many mandalas and Maori. you gain more experience, What process follow from the think: “My mother what shit .... moment someone decides put “Luckily I’ve been fixing them in your hands? and I still have some pending. Not Usually the design is prepared really but if retocaría me. Who would never do it a tattoo? days before appointment, but other cases sat down to prepaAnyone who enters the door indecisive, or ask me a tattoo simply re the design together with the by the fact that he has seen client, computer or hand, listening some famous person.



to the ideas that brings the customer and providing those mine as a professional, until we get the desired result. Do you have any preference in materials?

What tattoos mean for you? They are a way to remember and carry always with you a moment, a time or feeling. What was the first tattoo

did you? At what age? Before Using different brands, depending the work you are doing, but always or after tatuaras? everything first quality. It was 13 years, long before start Do you think all tattooists They tattooing and after much time must wear tattoos? trying to convince my mother to No, not why, but it is rare. Most authorize me. have been tattooed before being The tattoo was my name with tattooists. I think that is the main letters Gothic back, despite today route for you know and you care it took almost all tattooed back, that name respects and remains for this world. in place. You have tattoos ,Who made​​ you? As I said the vast majority I made​​ them my partner professional and friend Fernando Bisceglia, also took some of my partner Luis Lejarriaga and some César López, an artist of my city. What kind of tattoos are the most requested you?


I usually ask realism, they come customers photographs They want to reflect on your skin, and I charmed!


And you, what kind of tattoo is the one you like to do? For realism, but above all faces, whether human or of animals. What do you think about teaching tattoo? I feel great, I think everyone trained artists to teach others should do the best that we can do is give us opportunities to each other to follow growing as tattooists. What do you think is the most important to know an apprenti- You must be very sure what it will ce before donning to tattoo? do, and if at any time feel insecure That will manipulate a human skin, or unable to do so, You must leave for another occasion. This is not a game and you have to be considerate. What advice would you those who want to dedicate the tattoo world? Especially the issue of hygiene, but also a lot of dedication What are your plans future? I see myself working hard on my study without stop learning 12

and grow-and while tattoo! Do you see tattooing within 10 years? And 60?

I admire many tattooists, many people They make decent work admire and hope to get to be like them professionally. Trainee I not know none at this time, but anyone who takes this seriously and passionate about what it does, you can accomplish what is proposed. Do you have any anecdotes you want to share?

Yes of course! If the back and the Uff many! Every day in the studio view I may, I intend to continue Tattooing all my life. Is there anything you do not like tattoo world? People who get tattoos done following a fad, or that tattoos because some public figure so carries. I think this is something Very and you decide it you. To that tattooist you admire? What apprentice you see you a Good future? 13

What do you think of programs television about tattoos? I think that there are few, and the few there leave much to be desired From my point of view. Equally I think a very good way to publicize our work and people gradually it will open more to this world. How is your life when you do not tatúas? Take the opportunity to relax with my partner and enjoy our dogs, among other things. but above all It is a new adventure, from peculiar people, to situations much relax. uncomfortable in which we live ... Where’s your study? we never get bored! tion and perseverance. Too easy frustrated and want to throw in Gines in the street Musician No. the towel at first, when you expect 29, in Valencia Spain. results that do not get, If any readers but do not give up , You have to keep fighting and improving every You want to get in your hands day ... Nobody is born knowing! How to contact with you? What conventions have you I atYou can contact us Through our tended? study Facebook (INK TIME), our As a professional tattooist I Zara- Ink profile Time in Instagram goza attended and two months will (@inktimetattoo), my Facebook go to my city, Valencia. And on the profile (Cristian Palmero), or my other side, I being the tattooed Instagram profile (@cristian_inktiskin, I also been in Valencia, and me). You can also send an email to the address: inktimealso in Milan and Paris. tattoovalencia, or by What is you never you lose? telephone to 963,292,845. The Valencia, of course ! 14


MEGAN FOX TATTOOS Megan Fox over time has made many ​​ statements about his tattoos and what they mean to her, collect some of their personal reflections below.

real and one with pain. I have one (tattoo) down the ribs. it hurt, but I felt as well as if I had pulled a loose tooth. I’m not kidding when I say that if I lose a role because of my tattoos, leave Hollywood and go to work “Costco” (electronics store). “ “People hate tattoos because of their narrow-mindedness.”

“Every time I get a tattoo, it’s like a small” Fuck you “to all who tell me they do not. It ‘s strange to be part of Hollywood, trying to control every aspect of people ‘s lives, from the they should say to the color of her “It’s something that I found. The hair. and I like the feeling of me the people who do not like me , always tattoo. If I’m depressed, I like to feel tells me that I am” cockney “becau-


se I have tattoos. It seems crazy. We are in 2016, not in 1950. Tattoos are not limited the sailors. “ “It ‘s an art form, and one of the oldest. The nice meeting, so I’ll keep doing it (tattoo). I will not let things like that stop me.” The actress 29 years, said the relationship (emotional) had finished he told a well - known Australian magazine: “I have the name Brian tattooed on my body , “ talking about art on her skin: “Occasionally I see a little reckless. Moreover, it is so small and delicate tattoo. Out of curiosity I asked what it would cost to remove it , and would only be $ 200. “ The actress regrets having gone to a tattooist “placed” for the tribal design on his arm, which ended resulting in a “stain” done. Megan will this tattoo removed and insists that in the future will be more careful when choosing a tattoo artist. The star of “Transformers” states: “The guy was smoking” grass “as I tattooed, and did not properly Now it’s nothing and I will go to me erase I was told it was a really amazing tattooist.. but I was not focused on his work that night. I was distracted. “ Fox had better luck with his first tattoo, an image of her heroine Mari-


Lear” ( Megan said to be very fond of Shakespeare’s works, especially his love poems), in the neck I wear the Chinese symbol for “strength” and the name of my boyfriend Brian tattooed near my sex. It also has a tattoo of Marilyn Monroe on her forearm, and a star on his ankle. Megan Fox intends to continue expanding its collection of tattoos, completely covering one of his arms with a full tattoo (which in slang tattoo is known as “manga”). The sexy actress Transformers and has seven tattoos, and declares “I’m a full arm tattooed.”

lyn Monroe. “It was one of the first people I saw on TV, literally moments after birth Growing up, whenever I heard his voice entered me want to mourn. When I was younger I did not know exactly why, but I have my own theories. I’ve just always felt empathy for her (Marilyn) “. Megan explains some of his other tattoos ... The poem that I carry on my shoulder “We will all laugh at gilded butterflies” ( “We’ll laugh all the golden butterflies”) is a phrase of William Shakespeare ‘s “King 18


Dragons Tattoo Meaning The dragon motif is a classic, very popular tattoo for men and women, and is also a clear sign of the profound influence of art and culture both Chinese and Japanese in Western culture, especially in the tattoo world. In these ancient cultures it believed that the dragon was here long before man appeared. These giant winged lizards, often


breathe fire burning are reminiscent of the prehistoric creatures dinosaurs - that roamed the earth millions of years ago, although the dragon as a creature exists only in the human imagination (excepting the “Dragon Komodo “a kind of large lizard). The appearance of the dragon in mythology probably occurs largely by the discovery in China and

elsewhere in Asia fossil remains of dinosaurs and other extinct reptiles daunting, whose origin was a mystery to the ancients. The mythological dragon came to represent concepts both positive and negative, depending on where in the world should blow his fire breath. In China, these mythological creatures were the symbol of both the power of the emperor, as supernatural powers, and it was believed residing in the beyond the clouds heavenly realms. Often they “saw” in the vicinity of storm clouds, red rain deities were considered to and because they were conside- cause downpours and squalls. As creatures able to change shape, they are firmly rooted in the myths and legends of Chinese culture, while the dragon is considered an ancestor of descending the Chinese people themselves. In Japan it happened almost the same when an emperor declared himself “descending dragon” and “the mighty and immortal dragon” proclaimed. It is not surprising therefore that the dragon image appeared frequently in the robes of the emperor, both as a sign of the protective powers of the dragon, as the power of the emperor himself. 21

It was said that dragons representing the four elements, so we can find stories and myths of dragons that have the power to control air, water, earth or fire. Each of these dragons had characteristics that had to be taken into account when treating (or face) with them. In addition to these “elemental dragons” also it had unique or special dragons that did not belong to these “broad categories” and had myths and legends particular. Dragons guarding magical treasures or who were in charge of special duties, protection of places, finding certain objects, or other responsibilities. In Japanese legend, the dragons were in possession of “pearl of


wisdom” and other magical jewels that gave their possessors great powers. Both Chinese and Japanese literature is filled with stories of creatures, which, through conducting missions or special tests finally were transformed into dragons. In Japan these stories are usually carried out by tents and “Koi”, which, through their perseverance, overcome an arduous journey full of obstacles, you will be rewarded in the end to be transformed into dragons. Before the arrival of Buddhism, the dragon appeared in Japanese literature and popular beliefs, and Taoism. In the ninth century, the Chinese dragon incorporated concepts and Buddhist art, where he took the role of “protector of

Buddha” and the sacred law of Buddhism (the “Dharma”). You can find him on the doors of the temples, and on the walls of the tombs, driving away with his presence evil spirits. The most recognizable Chinese dragon stamp develops during the ninth Dynasty “Tang” where we find depicted in his usual way multiple ink drawings. In this period the dragon is depicted with a covered like a snake, claws on the legs, small horns, large eyes under heavy brows, sharp teeth and scales elongated body. In one of the less threatening interpreta-

tions, he was associated with the rainbow. In the West the snakelike dragon has always been associated with evil. Because of its resemblance to his “relative”, the snake, causing serious problems for all mankind because of the biblical episode of the “Garden of Eden”. Later, the Christian imagery represented several saints fighting dragons exhaling fire, being known San Miguel and San Jorge. In the images of St. George, the dragon is sometimes depicted as a “sea serpent”


and the patron saint of England is original relic of the presence of portrayed as the clear winner of the Roman Empire in Britain. the contest. Wherever they appear the dragon, In battles during the Greek and his power and strength were consiRoman empires, sometimes dered supreme, either as protector, warriors wore the emblem of the or as a force that had to be defeadragon, an effective symbol to ted. Defeating a dragon threw fire instill terror into their enemies. It was the supreme test of couracould also be seen in the Viking ge and strength. Legends abound ships, and the Celtic culture was of ancient Greek heroes battthe emblem of sovereign power. ling dragons guardians of lakes, The Anglo-Saxons also used in their swamps and doors. The dragon coats of arms and banners. Today slain by the Greek hero, Jason, in the dragon is the national emblem his quest for the Golden Fleece of Wales, and is believed to be an appears in the castle tower of the


word is “Drake” derives from the Anglo-Saxon word “Draca”. (Encyclopedia British, 1959) A tattoo of a dragon symbolizes nobility, magic, the power of transformation, imagination, perseverance, loyalty, power and the ability to transcend the ordinary. For those who manage to defeat a dragon, this symbolizes the courage, bravery, honor and the end of a great mission. And who among us does not dream of that epic mission city of Ljubljana, Slovenia. to reveal the best of ourselves to Today for us the dragon is mere- face adversity. This is the extraorly fantastic creature with heaven- dinary power of the dragon. ly and monstrous connotations. In Chinese astrology, it is said that if you are born under the sign of the dragon, you’ll be a leader, but also a busy person, and in Feng Shui, when you put coins Dragon “Yang” tied together with coins of the Phoenix “Ying” , marriage blessings to reach the highest levels. The French word “dragon” derives from the Latin form of the Greek word “drakwu” related to “derkomai” which means “see” and can be translated roughly as “acute vision”. The equivalent English 25

MEANING OF NAUTICAL STAR If we go back to the old days, long before modern navigation techniques, sailors of antiquity used the stars as one of its tools to orient and keep the course on their journeys. In the northern hemisphere it is especially important the North Star, and in the southern hemispheIt is possible to trace the origins re several groups of stars and of the nautical star tattoo until especially the constellation known as the Southern Cross more than a century. The famous nautical star is a tattoo design that has maintained its popularity over time in the history of modern tattoo and is also one of the oldest symbols, along with anchor and other characteristic elements of marine culture.


virtually fixed in the same place , always pointing north, hence its great importance for navigation. This is why the sailors began to get tattooed stars, trust them to have a safe navigation and chart a course that would lead safely back to port. Superstitions that have always accompanied certain dangerous professions (such as the sailor) led to the belief that star tattoos made on themselves would be a kind were used. of amulet that would help them For a non-experienced obser- return home safely. ver it may seem that the stars are fixed in the firmament, Compasses are also a design but it is not, over night they very popular (and very old) are moving along the celestial nautical tattoo for the same dome almost imperceptibly, reason and the same applies except the North Star remains to the Rosa de los Vientos and


If previously thought that t h e s e t at t o o s h e l p e d f i n d the safe route back home in the dangerous (and sometimes unknown) oceans of the ear th today help us to do the same in the turbulent waters of our modern lives, this tattoo is a symbol for those who need guidance and eager to f ind your other marine related icons find personal route today. the safe route back home or The nautical star tattoo tells oriented when one is lost. us to f ind and create our All these nautical symbols and own way and use the stars almost all star tattoos are gene- as a guide when we feel lost rally associated with the idea or frightened. of ​​guidance and protection of the person who looks. These tattoos are not only popular among the civilian mariners, sailors and navy warships of different eras have also appreciated this kind of tattoos. The symbolism of these designs has come almost intact until today and no matter who do not work on a ship and is nothing to do with the seafaring life to show off a tattoo of a nautical star, a compass, or an anchor has its meaning it remains the same: guidance and protection. 28


ELI WIDOW Special collaboration of Borja


I am a girl of 28 years, proudly grenadine. For a while I lived in Almería and Barcelona, but ended up returning to Granada. I vocational training business and marketing. Took more than four years working as business consultant in the field of telecomunicacionesy what I like about my job is dealing with the public, because I’m pretty sociable.Me consider myself a collector of adventures, either trying extreme sports , traveling with backpack or learning anything that catches my attention (cooking, massage, dance, photography).


ÂżWhen did your passion for tattoo-art?

What reason was?

Since I tattooed for the f irst time, feeling that I could capture a memory in my skin I was hooked t o t h e t at t o o.

At what age did you get your first tattoo? Well, I was turn 18.



It was a tattoo by a friend, with whom I went to live in Barcelona. His initials formed the word SOL, so I became a tribal tattoo of a sun. It is not my favorite but I have fond.

Any story about your first experience with your first tattoo? I remember a big smile on my face, I loved my tattoo and over did not hurt anything rather I tickled me and I thought the tattoos would be my downfall.

And you last tattoo, When did you do it? I d i d i n N o v e m b e r. I metatuĂŠ a sock apestosocon Monea Alejandro Madrid.


Do you do you usually tattooed outside Granada? I really almost all I’ve done in tattoo convent i o n s. I l ove t o s e e t h e work live tattooists. From a while back I usually go to those made in Seville and Malaga.

Do you think all tattoos must have a meaning or can be just to decorate the skin? Do all your tattoos mean something? Â W e l l , e v e r y o n e c a n g e t tattooed for any reason y o u w a n t . I , p e r s o n a l l y, I tattooed moments of my life I do not want to forget, whether travel, stories or stages of my life that have taught me something.

Do you have a favorite style tattoo? Perhaps the new school, but each style has somet h i n g I l i ke. I f I h ave a n 33



idea in the head, usually I visualize the style t h a t w o u l d b e b e t t e r. So I have eight dif fere n t t at t o o i s t s t at t o o s. Each with its own style and his trademark.

Do you know the number of tattoos they wear or have already lost count? I took adding.




Do any of the tattoos you wear is your favorite or you like them all equally? Everyone has thing special.


That’s what you have written on the wrist and that means?


I have a rope with lettermymind (my mind), I did that tattoo to remind me that we are the ones we put on our limitations, we put the noose around his neck before trying it. So it ’s a way to tell me not to be afraid, that there is n o t h i n g yo u c a n n o t d o.




You have a beetle tattooed under pecho多Te like Egyptian mythology? I love the mythology in general but this tattoo really absolutely not decided anything. It was a gift from one of my best friends, made me a super cool beetle sketch, I read about the symbolism of the god Khepri and the truth that I identified. I did not think much and a week and had it tattooed.


Do you have tattoos on your back? I f a g i f t b ox w i t h w i n g s. I got it back from a trip to Amsterdam, I would tattooed Dave Rodriguez of Granada. The only thing I do not like is that this tattoo on the back and I can not s e e m e.

Do you plan to fill your entire body ink? I do not think there are par ts I like to keep on o r i g i n a l c o l o r.

Do you have a sushi ta- Do you have a favorite ttooed leg? group? H a h a h a ! ! Ye s, t h at tattoo was a custom that took place a year ago. A s s u s h i a l mo s t e v e r y S u n d a y. I o r a s k m e h o m e o r I p rep a re. It depends on the desire you have to cook.

Do you plan and what will be your next tattoo? Where?

Yo u c a n s a y I h a v e m a n y, Queen, Red hotchiliPeppers, The Black Keys, B o n i v e r, M e n G , E s k a p e , Bob Marley ... let something varied, but as I am of I like a song and l i s t e n i n g t o a b h o r, n o w estoycon song “Ways� Rubytherabbitfoot.

Yo u t h o u g h t I h ave thousands of ideas but my next tattoo will be a skull in the arm with a mandala style background, I will Juanma Vazquez, who always plasma my ideas p e r f e c t l y.

What genre of music you listen to? It d e p e n d s o n m y m o o d . My mobile is a potpourr i o f s t y l e s d i fe re n t e s. Rock, reggae, electronic, classical, heave, rap ... even a song of Pantoja. 41



What was your last trip?

What else do you remember fondly travel?

In late January I was in Lithuania and Belgium in mochilera plan with Marina, a girl from Madrid. Despite being all a bit chaotic; sleeping in airports, that sharing a room with strange people, passing a horrible cold .. It was a totally repeatable ex p e r i e n c e.

In early October I went alone to the road to Santiago for a month, 500 kilometers on foot. It is a unique experienc e. Yo u k n o w a m a z i n g people around the world. From last he walked with a Korean, a Chinese, a German and a Spanish.

What do you like to read? B o o k s l i ke T h e Te n L i t t le Indians of AgathaChristie, Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden or Alchemist Paulo Coelho. I’m currently finishing The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari RobinSharma.

Do you practice any sport? If the account football as a sport I practice every week, but but I love snowboarding, but I do not practice as much as I would like b e c a u s e i t i s c a re t e. 44


Do you have a hobby or a passion? My hobby is to try new things, not left me feeling that I miss something. And my passion is traveling, whenever I c a n I e s c ap e.

 After all these explanations about tattoos that you wear on your skin, it seems fair to ask to finish tattooists who your favorite .... Nationally and each in its style, Juanma Va z q u ez , OA S H Ro d r i guez, Bubutattooine, DidacGonzålez, David troikadelhueco, GadorIsern .. we have many artists in Spain. I n t e r n at i o n a l l y : To n y Ciavarro, Brando Chiesa, Nikko Hurtado, M ega n M a s s a c re.


Facebook: Eli Widow Instagram: eliwidow 47

NEW SCHOOL TATTOOS Tattooing is an art that has been with us since time immemorial, have been achieved a rch a e o l o g i c a l ev i d e n c e that tattoos are even prehistoric times, specifically at the stage of neolithic thousands of years, and with the passage of time has evolved so that today is a beautiful art and there are millions of people today have on your


skin a tattoo, no doubt that if there is a country where the tattoo has evolved the art form we know are the United States today America where the tattoo can be divided into two types of school, the old school which is the traditional school tattoo, strong and sharp lines and a certain lack of color where it is limited to use basic colors and is the

huge changes in fashion and general culture where the tattoo was also drenched with these new cultural airs and that opened a new menu ideas and demands from the tattooed and thanks to that many tattoo artists were given the task of innovating the tattoo with new techniques and the application of technology to bring the tattoo to a new level. The characteristics of the new new school that it is a step school, as we said is based on forward in the evolution of include a new range of bright the tattoo with the inclusion of new line items and more colors and reliefs that make the tattoo more vivid and appealing to new generations of young people today are more who want to express their personality through a beautiful and colorful tattoo. It is said that tattoos new school began to see from the decades of 70 and 80 who were times where there were


colors and vibrant patterns that grip strength and power of pop culture where many characters of today’s modern culture have been a source of inspiration for this new line tattoos where ideas and models for tattoos seems to infinite, a key feature of this new school is the use of shading and gradients to give a new visual texture to the


tattoo where even some works give the feeling of realism even you can feel a 3D effect on the tattoo, and we could say that the most wonderful feature of the new school is that it is a style that has no creative boundaries because its essence is to surpass traditional models of tattoo to get to translate works of art the skin of people.


















SINGERS WITH TATTOOS There are an endless number of singers from all genres that have at least one tattoo, and many of the fans when wanting to become one also look for images that has their favorite singer and make him or have an orientation for a medical exam. Here you can see some outstanding singers for their tattoos, and even more than one has its own story of why they made each of the works of art they have on their skin. Until recently, actors, singers, among others, tried to teach a serious public image if they left with tattoos or piercings berated them because they were few extravagances that only the tribes could use. But over time it began to be more flexible with this as soon as they began to see that were fashionable, and most of all by modernism. See a random top 10:

1. Rihanna This woman definitely a fan of tattoos, has 21 of these around her body, her favorite subjects are the stars and letters. The first tattoo was done was a treble clef and a semi-quaver (musical notes) located in the foot, but then, in 2012, he 68

regrets this and an Egyp-

tian falcon that completely covered her tattoos musical notes. In his right hand was a tribal design inspired by one of their tour of New Zealand. In the area of the clavicle is a phrase that says “Never a failure, always a lesson�. Her favorite is a trail of stars having from the neck to the back. For her the subject of tattoos is a whole culture to know.


2. Miley Cyr us I recently had the curiosity to get tattoos and several were made, among the highlights this phrase in honor of his partner “Love never dies�

3. Justin Bieber Th i s yo u n g s i n ge r w h o cer tainly causes controversy worldwide, has 52 t at t o o s t o d ay, i n cl u d i n g a s e a g u l l w i t h s ev e ra l family as tradition Bieber and one of a mysterious girl who later revealed it was his ex Selena Gomez stands.

4. Lady Gaga Outstanding because of the originality of their t at t o o s, s o m e a re eve n very rare, her favorite is Little Monsters, and also has some words in several languages. 70

5. Eminem This American rapper has s ev e ra l

t at t o o s


which is the “D 12” which me a n s D i r t y D o ze n , t h e group that inció his career, and one that says “Roonie RIP” in tribute to his uncle who committed suicide.

6. Beyonce Among his many tattoos there is one of a praying angel as a symbol of gratitude to God.

7. Demi Lobato W i t h i t s va r i e t y o f t at t o o s, h e h a s E n gl i s h wo rd s, a c ro s s i n o n e h a n d .

8. Katy Par r y His outstanding is the word Jesus tattoo on his wrist as a sign of his Christian faith. 71

9. Britney Spears T h i s l o n g m u s i c a l c a re e r ar tist, has several colorful and quite simple tattoos as a pink dice on her wrist, a mark of a kiss on the back, in shor t, has 14 tattoos and most are pink shades.

10. Vanessa Hudgens Known for her performance in High School Musical, has a particular tattoo in French which means “never alone�.

We should not focus solely on the pop singers and rap, if something most people on this planet know is that every member of a rock band has at least one tattoo, and is simply his name, but for the fan of this genre, here you can see some that are iconic for some bands and also appreciate the originality of some of the designs that different artists chose to represent any meaning. Let’s look at the artists by bands: 72

-KISS Paul Stanley has one of the most emblematic band tattoos, a rose worn on the right shoulder. Ace Frehley has 2 tattoos, one of its name, which it did when the band had its early days, and Gibson Les Paul guitar with a dragon entwined holding a card with an ace on his left arm.

Peter Criss is the one who has more tattoos in the band, at the beginning of Kiss became a shamrock on his chest and left arm a drum and the cover of Rock And Roll Over tattooed. In the 90s it became a couple, a rose with the name “Jenilee” (his daughter), and a red cross with a 3 in the center. And finally the name “Gigi” (his wife) among the two tattoos on his left arm.


Eric Singer also has two tattoos, one of the crazy bird beating a drum in his right arm, and left Animal has a Muppet character who is a drummer.

-Guns n’ Roses Slash has a picture of a woman in the right arm, the sketch did when he was a teenager of 15 years in her notebook while doing homework, drew a guitarist with her partner, the woman is the girl. And one of the last that was made was a girl on his right forearm, is silhouette woman on the cover of Contraband by Velvet Revolver..












Tattooing is an ancient ar t, there is archaeolo gical evidence from the t i m e s o f c ave m e n a n d humans marked their skin with ink and a culture that i s k n o w n t o h ave b e e n part of the ancient tattoo history are the eastern counting among the most p ro m i n e n t t o C h i n e s e J a p a n e s e c u l t u re a n d are undoubtedly one of the most ancient cultu-

res and that have echoed through history with its rich and vast culture in all areas where the tattoo h a s b e e n n o exc ep t i o n and has starred in a story quite interesting and curious where the tattoo has been used to mark the skin of criminals to the emperor of Japan.

S o l e t ’s s t a r t w i t h t h e 83

history of Irezumi or you can also say the Oukoshishei, irezumi literally means to insert ink by referring to the act of tattooing and oukoshisheise refers to tattooing as an art form that highlights the grandeur and beauty of this art, tattoo appeared in Japan in the 10th century BC, even before the skin of criminals so that they were recognized by socie-

ty as reprehensible beings who do not respect the law is marked because Japanese society was under the influence of Confucianism and this prohibited make alterations the body of people so it is marking 84

the skin they considered harmful to society people, bu t c e n t u r i e s l at e r t h e tattoo began to reach all levels of society that even had tattoos to determine the social status of the person where he reached the point that the Emperor himself became a tattoo as a body adornment. B u t i f t h e re i s a n e ra in Japanese history w h e re a r t t at t o o m a d e i ts b i gge s t ex p lo s io n i n Japanese culture was in t h e E d o p e r i o d ( 1 6 0 3 1 8 6 8 ) , w h e re t h e s t y l e of Japanese tattoo took the form that many know t o d ay, p a r t l y t h a n ks a Chinese novel called S u i ko d e n where he presented his characters with tattoos of dragons, tigers and other fantastic creatures and other re l i g i o u s e l e m e n t s t h at made a great impact and increase the demand for tattoos of this kind, after the fall of the shogunate framework Tokugawa the end of the Edo period 85

gave way to the beginning of the Meiji period was the time when the Japanese government decided to ban the tattoo t o g i ve a b e t t e r i m age to the Western world in its mission to modernize the country and bring it more as a member of the international community and so the Japanes e t at t o o rep r i ze d h i s aura of criminality to be forced to operate from the shadows where Japanese criminal gangs better known as the yakuza used t at t o o i n g t o d e m a rc a - bands, but many tourists te the hierarchies in the were fascinated by Japan e s e t at t o o s w h e re t o King George of England a dragon tattooed on his arm as a souvenir of your t r i p t o J ap a n w h e n h e was a prince and was not legalized again until the allied occupation forces in world war II came to Japan in 1945, but even today day what tattoos a re f ro w n e d u p o n b y society for its relationship with the yakuza where 86

even the entry is prohibited tattooed people to p u b l i c b at h ro o m s a n d other establishments but already many young J ap a n e s e a re t at t o o e d but Western reasons t o s p e a k w h e re t at t o o i s i n t e n d e d t o ex p re s s the inner personality of the person and not a membership in a criminal gang. Today you can even choose to make a full body tattoo Japanese the best traditional style but is a task that takes

ye a rs t o p e r fo r m w i t h painful weekly sessions w h e n u s i n g t ra d i t i o n a l tools and takes an estimated cost of nearly $ 30,000. C h i n e s e c u l t u re i s o n e that has more made an impact in the history of h u m a n i t y, w h e re ev e n as we read also influenced the “boom” Japanese tattoo thanks to the C h i n e s e n o v e l “ S u i ko den”, as in the story tattoo in Japan tattooed


Chinese criminals in the face, first by cutting their skin with hot knives and then topped wounds with ink to form Chinese characters that betrayed the type of crime committed as a “rapist”, “thief ”, “murderer “practice that was used for centuries to even when punishing an of fender to go to watch i n t h e C h i n e s e wa l l i s marked on the forehead the work he was forced to Realize such as” caretaker tomorrow “and at another time to prisoners who were sent to forced labor in the borders with other countries were tattooed on the forehead so that in case of a leak neighboring countries are warned that a fleeing felon, but the tattoo beca-


me popular in Chinese society they work thanks the deYueFei legend was a b rave C h i n e s e ge n e ral where in a dif f icult b at t l e t h e ge n e ra l Fe i was betrayed by one of his closest comrades to f l e e t h e e n e m y c a m p, w h i ch d i s m aye d Yu e Fe i to abandon the f ield of physical hur t battle and e m o t i o n a l l y a n d d ep a rted back home with his mother who was sadden e d by t h e eve n t s a n d reminded Yu e F e i its value as a high general Chinese and needle and ink he tattooed his son t h e p h ra s e “ s e rve t h e country with complete loyalty” act renewed the value of general Fei and served to popularize the tattoo in Chinese society where for military and civil tattooed to distinguish certain social groups such as merchant guilds. Ti m e p a s s e d a n d a f t e r t h e rev o l u t i o n o f M a o Ts e t u n g t a t t o o s w e r e once again related to the

criminal world but then after the opening of China to the Western world the tattoo again became an art accessible to Chinese society and today in the world of tattoos one of the most popular requests is to tattoo Chinese characters. .


Conventions calendar MAY Bergen Tattoo Convention May 6, 2016 Europe, Norway

Prison Ink May 6, 2016 Denmark, Europe

Paradise Tattoo Convention

May 7, 2016 America, Argentina

Kansas City Tattoo Arts Convention May 13, 2016 Missouri, USA


May 6, 2016 America, Costa Rica

Palermo Tattoo Convention

Flensburg Tattoo Convention

Kerry 4th International Tattoo Convention

May 6, 2016 Europe, Germany

Body Accents Tattoo Expo May 6, 2016 Arizona, USA

Graz Tattoo Convention May 6, 2016 Austria, Europe

International Tattoo Expo Roma May 6, 2016 | Europe, Italy

TattooBash Köln May 6, 2016 Europe, Germany

Tattoo Convention Chalon-Sur-Saone May 7, 2016 Europe, France

Tattoo Convention Erfurt May 7, 2016 Europe, Germany

Oulu International Tattoo Festival May 7, 2016 Europe, Finland

9th Liverpool Tattoo Convention May 7, 2016 United Kingdom

Eternal Art Tattoo Convention May 7, 2016 America, Argentina, USA

Arel Tattoo Show May 7, 2016 Belgium, Europe


Rosario Tattoo Convention

June 2, 2016 | Europe, Italy June 3, 2016 | Europe, Ireland

Tattoo Expo Maracaibo June 3, 2016 | America, Venezuela

Cezanne Tattoo Ink June 3, 2016 Europe, France

Ti-Tattoo Convention Lugano June 3, 2016 Europe, Switzerland

Starfire Tattoo Weekend Kehl June 4, 2016 Europe, Germany

Tattoo Expo Magdeburg June 4, 2016 Europe, Germany

Scarborough Tattoo Show 2016 June 4, 2016 United Kingdom

Tattoo Motor Show Festival June 4, 2016 Europe, France

Tattoo Expo Maceio June 4, 2016 America, Brazil

Deaf International Tattoo Convention June 4, 2016 Europe, Germany

Art Tattoo Show Québec June 10, 2016 | America, Canada

La Spezia Tattoo Show June 10, 2016

Europe, Italy

3rd Place Tattoo Convention June 10, 2016 America, Brazil

Waterford City Tattoo Convention June 10, 2016 Europe, Ireland

Leeds International Tattoo Expo June 4, 2016 Europe, UK

Balkan International Tattoo Show June 17, 2016 Albania, Europe

Caserta 1st Tattoo Convention June 17, 2016 Europe, Italy

18th Northern Ink Xposure June 17, 2016 America, Canada

Krakow Tattoofest June 11, 2016 Europe, Poland

14th St. Petersburg Tattoo Festival June 10, 2016 Asia, Russian Federation

Ink & Arms June 24, 2016 | North Carolina, USA

17th Midleton Tattoo Show June 24, 2016 Europe, Ireland

Tahoe Tattoo Show June 24, 2016 Nevada, USA

Tatouage Convention Bourges June 18, 2016 Europe, France

Convenção Goiania Tattoo June 18, 2016 America, Brazil

Rimini Tattoo Convention June 24, 2016 Europe, Italy

Dallas Art and Tattoo Expo June 24, 2016 Texas, USA




Cali Tattoo Festival

Pacific Ink & Art Expo Hawaii

July 1, 2016 America, Colombia

August 5, 2016 Hawaii, USA

Northern Arizona Tattoo Fest

Starfire Tattoo Weekend Emden

July 1, 2016 Arizona, USA

August 5, 2016 Europe, Germany

Starfire Tattoo Weekend Aachen

Tattoo Jam

July 1, 2016 Europe, Germany

August 5, 2016 Europe, UK

Transilvania Tattoo Expo

4th Borneo Traditional Tattoo Expo

July 1, 2016 Europe, Romania

August 5, 2016 Asia, Malaysia

St. John’s Tattoo Convention

4th Borneo Traditional Tattoo Expo

July 1, 2016 America, Canada

August 5, 2016 Asia, Malaysia

4th Expo Tattoopeba

Niagara Tattoo Expo

July 2, 2016 America, Brazil

August 5, 2016 New York, USA

Memel Tattoo Convention

Ink Life Tour Longview

July 8, 2016 Europe, Lithuania

August 12, 2016 Texas, USA

Cantal In’k the skin

Pagoda City Tattoo Fest

July 2, 2016 Europe, France

August 5, 2016 Pennsylvania, USA

Tattoo Art Expo Dublin

2nd Monster’s Tattoo Expo

July 2, 2016 Europe, Ireland

August 12, 2016 America, Argentina

Valencia Tattoo Convention

Ink n Road

July 1, 2016 Europe, Spain

August 12, 2016 America, Canada

Southampton Tattoo Festival

Tattoo Expo Floripa

July 9, 2016 Europe, UK

August 19, 2016 America, Brazil

Corsair Tattoo Ink

7th Wildwood Tattoo Beach Bash

July 9, 2016 Europe, France

August 12, 2016 New Jersey, USA

Duke City Tattoo Festival

Tattoo Expo Limeira

July 8, 2016 New Mexico, USA

August 12, 2016 America, Brazil

NY Empire State Tattoo Expo

Panama City Ink Fest

July 15, 2016 New York, USA

August 19, 2016 America, Panama

Freiburger Tattoo Weekend

4th Annual West Virginia Tattoo Expo

July 15, 2016 Europe, Germany

August 19, 2016

Body Art Expo Pomona Show July 15, 2016 California, USA


USA, West Virginia

SEPTEMBER Massachusetts Tattoo Convention September 2, 2016 Massachusetts, USA

South Yorkshire Body Art Festival September 2, 2016 Europe, UK

11. Tattoo Convention Reutlingen September 2, 2016

Europe, Germany Rock’N’Ink September 2, 2016 Europe, Germany

Endless Summer Tattoo Convention September 3, 2016 Europe, Germany

Tattoo Day Belém - To September 9, 2016 America, Brazil

Montreal Art & Tattoo Show September 9, 2016 America, Canada

16. Tattoo & Piercing Expo Eggenfelden September 10, 2016 Europe, Germany

Kustom Kulture Festival September 3, 2016

Europe, UK 6th Pisa Tattoo Convention September 15, 2016 Europe, Italy

Malaga Tattoo Convention September 16, 2016 Europe, Spain

Tampa Tattoo Arts Convention September 16, 2016 Florida, USA

Montreux Tattoo Convention September 16, 2016 Europe, Switzerland

Italian Tattoo Artists September 16, 2016 Europe, Italy

Empire Ink Tattoo Expo September 16, 2016 Florida, USA

Australian Body Art Tattoo Expo Perth September 16, 2016 Australia, Oceania




Young Italian Tattoo Convention


October 1, 2016 Europe, Italy

November 3, 2016 America, The Bahamas

12. Tattoo Expo Saar

Bolivia Art Tattoo Convention

October 1, 2016 Europe, Germany

November 4, 2016 America, Bolivia

Tattoo Convention Ansbach

15th Tattoo Convention Kiel

October 1, 2016 Europe, Germany

November 5, 2016 Europe, Germany

Bournemouth Ink ‘n’ Art Tattoo Fest

Ural Tattoo Convention

October 1, 2016 Europe, UK

November 5, 2016 Asia, Russian Federation

Tattoo Convention Nantes

Ottawa Gatineau Tattoo Expo

October 7, 2016 Europe, France

November 11, 2016 America, Canada

Ink Life Tour Oklahoma City

Rafaela Convention

October 7, 2016 Oklahoma, USA

November 11, 2016 America, Argentina

Tchê Tattoo Expo

Sabadell Tattoo Convention

October 7, 2016 America, Brazil

November 11, 2016 Europe, Spain

Malta Tattoo Expo

Brussels Tattoo Convention

October 7, 2016 Europe, Malta

November 11, 2016 Belgium, Europe

Tattoo Halloween Bash

Florence Tattoo Convention

October 8, 2016 Europe, UK

November 18, 2016 Europe, Italy

4th Warsaw Tattoo Convention

Australian Body Art Tattoo Expo Melbourne

October 8, 2016 Europe, Poland

City of Trees Art & Ink Expo October 14, 2016 California, USA

Venezia International Tattoo Convention October 14, 2016 Europe, Italy

11 ° Genova Tattoo Convention October 14, 2016 Europe, Italy

The Calgary Tattoo & Arts Festival October 14, 2016 America, Canada

Cuenca Tattoo Convention October 14, 2016 America, Ecuador

Tommy’s Tattoo Convention October 14, 2016 Connecticut, USA


November 18, 2016 Australia, Oceania

DECEMBER International Tattoo Convention Puerto Rico December 2, 2016 America, Puerto Ricoo

Next number Realism

Models with tattoos

David Muyayo

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