August 23 2018
Tauranga Girls’ College Newsletter Message from the Principal Showcasing your talents Kia ora and congratulations to all those that participated in Pin’d last weekend. For those who enjoy or challenge themselves in the creative arts, Pin’d is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your talents. TGC StageNZ participants also displayed their talents to the Bay community last week as did our Kapa Haka roopu performing to a sold out capacity at the Graham Young Theatre. On a less formal note but certainly no less in talent, I popped in to check out the knitting club this week. It is fair to say, knitting is alive and well at TGC and I really must have another go!
Service and Leadership In a recent survey (Student Leadership and Agency) which closed this term, students were asked if they wanted more student voice and agency (95% said Yes) and if they wanted more than a ‘Top 4’ in the student leadership structure (75% said Yes). The data was overwhelmingly in favour of giving students further opportu-
nities to have more say and to lead. Subsequently, the 2019 formal student leadership team will provide more opportunities for students to apply for leadership roles. A two year phase in of a new leadership expectation and structure will take place. There are more formal roles and each role has a specific job description and explicit understanding of what leadership at TGC will now look like. This may assist with some of the inequity and the comments made by those in current roles about workload, too many events and confusion as to who does what. Whilst it was almost 50:50 (student voice in the survey) to having two Head Girls, the Deputy Head Girl structure has instead been broadened. Details will be shared with Year 12 Tutor Teachers and students in the next week. Rumour Has It Is Best Left To Adele I have heard that there is no ball or a leavers jackets for Year 13’s in 2019. This is news to me, your
Dean, and the Year 12 Ball Committee! In Year 13, students have assumed they will not be able to farewell their tutors on the last day of school before NCEA exams. This is also incorrect and a group of elected students in the Mini Council (2 Year 13 per tutor groups, so 20 students plus tutors) along with their Deans will be negotiating what activities will take place. This will ensure the learning of others is not disrupted, especially with junior exams in sight, meeting health and safety requirements and being able to respectfully say farewell to tutors after a 5 year journey. A highlight will be the formal event in the evening about which the two deans were in discussion with others last term and again with the council. Once again, more information will be shared at assemblies and with tutors over the week. Like our FB Page Welcome Miss Kaydi O’Connor! Kaydi is our new Brands and Communications leader and
joins us as a recent graduate from the University of Waikato where she earned a Bachelor of E-Commerce Degree. Please get in touch with Kaydi if you have some ‘good news’ stories to share about your daughter and for us to post on our FaceBook page. koconnor@tgc.school.nz And please, like our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ taurangagirls/ so you can keep up with events and news at TGC. Merivale Community Centre I have written to funders in support of a new centre to be developed at Merivale. The current premises are extremely well utilised but are inadequate for the number and needs of the community. Thanks to former alumni and Manager Sophie Rapson and her team for the great work they do for our community.
August 23 2018
Uniform Update Spring is almost upon us and the challenge of adding a trouser option to our uniform proved more challenging that we had anticipated. The student uniform team is still pursuing this for next year and in the meantime are focussed on shorts for summer and a new blouse, liked and worn by our sport exchange partners. Any change to uniform will see a 12 month phase in. In other words, students will still be able to wear the current uniform or purchase any new item for 2019. Once any final decision is made, we will make sure you are the first to know. Discobolus, how fit for purpose is he at a Girls’ School? I want students to have their say via a survey. Too often I hear, why do we have a naked man
throwing a discus on our uniform! I will ask for opinions soon so students check your email inbox. Winter Sports Tournament and AIMS Games AIMS games will be upon us in the Bay, and we wish all those students participating all the very best. The Secondary Schools Winter Tournament takes place the following week. We have several teams competing throughout the country. It is a privilege to represent your team and your school, so this is a reminder to ensure our school’s values and rules are adhered to in all that you do. Enjoy your competition, look after your coaches and managers and team members. We look forward to hearing updates along the way.
T Kanji Principal
Noqu Mata by Luisa Togotogorua 10 Nga Toi My Whakaahua - Self Portrait art work, "Noqu Mata" was inspired by New Zealand artist, Robyn Kahukiwa. The theme for my portrait represents me and Fijian culture. I used several different techniques that were inspired by the artist, use of warm colours, symmetrical balanced composition and different features to symbolise my identity. We needed to include at least 5 elements that were carefully arranged to be symbolic and tell my story. In addition to my self portrait, I included symbolism of someone that was special to me; the Tapa cloth in the background is symbolic to my Dad and Vatulele, his village, which is known for making Tapa cloth; the yellow ochre arch around me represents my Christian religion; I’m wearing a Fijian traditional dress with a Fijian necklace which was actually worn by my sister at her 21 st; my hair is in a bun because it’s iconic for how I normally wear my hair; the soft flowers in the background symbolise my love of nature. We practised the features on the face multiple times so that we understood the lighter and darker shades to create a 3D effect.
August 23 2018
An impressive 85 students were involved in the Dance NZ Made regional competition on Monday 13 August at Baycourt Theatre as part of the schools curricular and extracurricular dance programmes. This is our major opportunity to showcase student work for the year and is also used for NCEA live assessment. The event embraces dance ‘down under’ in a friendly relaxed atmosphere where exchanging great dance, creativity and energy are celebrated. Producing original and imaginative choreographic work is something Tauranga Girls’ College has become renowned for. This year Tauranga Girls’ entered several collaborative choreographic works developed from NCEA programmes, a scholarship Dance submission, our two school Dance troupes, and a Stage Art team (the replacement to Stage Challenge for 2018). 4 of our 7 teams placed in the competition which included 28 entries across 13 schools: Years 9-10 division: TGC Zena Hip Hop Troupe 3rd place Open division: ‘Break the Silence’ Contemporary Dance troupe: 1st place ‘Tapestry’ (NCEA Level 1 Dance class): 3rd place Stage Art division: ‘ Wairaka’ 1st place in open division ‘Break the Silence’ (pictured below with Kaitlyn Bengston, choreographer) were crowned Tauranga Regional winners for highest score of the evening out of a whopping 28 teams! The troupe is made up of Chris Bae, Ajah Cameron, Alysha Gill, Grace Gill, Kacey Henderson, Aliyah Le'Mon, Olive Pearce, Georgia Pendred, Taylah Pratt, Emma Scown, Josie Stent, Kirsten Tanner. Dance NZ Made regional finals are held across 10 centres throughout New Zealand including Christchurch, Hawkes Bay, Taupo, Whanganui, Tauranga, Rotorua, Waikato, Wellington, Auckland, and Palmerston North. The event involves over 2000 dancers! The national final takes place in Palmerston North on 22 September at the Regent on Broadway. Our Break the Silence team will travel to the national finals in September to compete against other regional finalists to claim the national title. Our NCEA Level 1 Dance class piece ‘Tapestry’ was the next top scoring team from Tauranga Girls’ College and is also eligible to compete at nationals.
Art Workshop 11-12 Contemporary Maori Art and 10 Nga Toi students attended handson workshop at the Tauranga City Gallery "Drawing into Painting". This was taught by respected New Zealand Abstract Artist, Evan Woodruffe The students were left inspired as they investigated new approaches to image-making where the exploratory aspects of drawing are combined with modern painting materials.
August 23 2018
Pin’d 2018
Congratulations to Rose Bruning (Year 9) and Laura Degas (Year 12) who both scored 95.5% in the DELF exams in Hamilton on Saturday 11 August. DELF is Diplome d'Etudes en Langue Francaise and is an internationally recognised qualification. They each topped their grade in the regional exams.
Chinese Speech Competition Last Friday 5 girls attended the 18th Rotorua Inter-schools Chinese Speech Competition sponsored by Toi Ohomai. Congratulations to Dana Stamenkovic who was placed 3rd and Yelim Joo who was placed 1st and won the trophy.
Breanna Ahern
Piper Van Rinsvelt
Congratulations to the following students for their success at the recent Pin’d competition: Priya Kumar 3rd Print and Graphics Jessica King Highly commended My Decade Hana Best 3rd My Decade Maddison Lewin Year 11 Runner-up workmanship Breanna Ahern 2nd Glamour Piper Van Rinsvelt 2nd Steam Punk Maddie Lewin 3rd Parent and child Asha Clarke 3rd in I see Red
Classics Week 20 August - 24 August Classics Week is a NZ wide initiative by the NZACT (New Zealand Association of Classical Studies Teachers) to help promote the teaching of Classical Studies in schools. There are a range of activities throughout the week such as a Kahoot, Roman emperor treasure hunt, Greek and Roman mythology Bingo, Selfie and Meme competitions. For the big events the winner will be sent through to the NZACT to go in the draw/running for Nationwide supremacy and prizes.
August 23 2018
MĀORI DEPARTMENT MATARIKI CELEBRATIONS The junior Te Reo Māori classes have been involved with the Matariki celebrations during the month of July. All students took part in presenting their poster as well as the information they had researched about the significance of Matariki. This was a competiton held among Year 9 and 10 students studying Te Reo Māori. All the art work had to be hand drawn and they could use basic resources available to them at school and at home. Computerised images were not permitted. There were some excellent posters presented and the information was well researched. However, prizes were awarded for first, second and third placings. Congratulations once again to the following students for their efforts in creating their posters and research on Matariki:
Billie Marsters
Nuvraan Kaur, Annabelle Moffatt
Puhi Hunapo, Alize Bowring-Smith
WHĀNAU HUI Tēnā koutou e te whānau. We are pleased to welcome all whānau to the Māori Department’s first Whānau Hui for 2018. This will take place on Wednesday 05 September from 5pm-7pm in the Staffroom at Tauranga Girls’ College. It is difficult to find a day and time that suits the majority so hopefully we will see as many of you as possible. The focus of this hui is to “meet and greet” and to share with the whānau the progress so far and the vision for the department moving forward. We know that our first whānau hui is overdue however, as a new staff member and the new HOD Māori, priority was given to settling into the role, learning the school systems, reviewing the curriculum and creating course outlines, raising the academic achievement for our students in classes and most importantly getting to know and understand the needs of our students. We look forward to seeing you all and to the positive interactions. Refreshments and light food will be provided. Nau mai, haere mai e te whānau whānui! Whaea Terehia Channings Whaea Te Rangimarie Hamiora Te Tari Māori TAURANGA GIRLS’ COLLEGE
August 23 2018
Tauranga Girls’ College has a proud history of providing a wide range of opportunities and learning pathways for our students to thrive and succeed, within and beyond the classroom. Established in 1958, our college will be celebrating its 60th Anniversary with a Diamond Jubilee. This is to be held over Labour Weekend (Friday 19 and Saturday 20 October 2018). The celebration will commence with an informal ‘Chatter and Platter’ evening on Friday night, while Saturday’s activities will be more structured, showcasing past and present successes of our students. The celebration also includes a special event called the 'Sixtieth Summit' where we feature high profile, successful women. Our aim is to attract guest speakers – ‘Wahine Toa: Aspirational Agents of Change’ from a diverse range of fields and backgrounds (leadership, business, sport, arts/culture). We would like them to share their inspirational and motivational stories with our community audience, so that in turn, with the support of their families and our community, this encourages our young women to reach their potential. Even if alumni are not in a position to register for the reunion, it would be great if they would like to register and provide an email contact going forward. Current details and updates of the programme are available at www.tgc.school.nz/reunion or on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/taurangagirls/
BOP SKI CHAMPS 13 August 2018 On 12 August, the TGC Ski Team made their way down to Mt Ruapehu to complete in the BOP Ski and Snowboard Champs. Our team consisted of four snowboarders and seven skiers. We met in Ski One 50 Lodge in National Park on Sunday and had a delicious dinner together. Monday was an early 6am start so we could make it up to the mountain by 8am for the briefing. We were blessed with a beautiful bluebird day and the race was set in the Yahoo area on Turoa ski field. We all had an amazing time on the course and off. Our team did very well with Nikita Borrie 3rd in the junior ski, Minnie Davies 1st in junior snowboard, Zoe Booth 1st and Tabea Binswanger 3rd in senior snowboard. Overall our school got 4th was placed of 11 schools. Nikita Borrie Year 11
Basketball BOP Championships On Friday 17 August TGC entered two teams into the Baywide competition. Our Premier Team were entered into the Premier Competition and our Senior Development Team into the Girls A Grade Competition. Both teams played very well and worked hard in all three games. The Senior Development team came 2nd in their division which was a fantastic effort. Thanks to Kaatia Watene, their amazing coach and the great positive attitudes from all the girls in the team. The Premier Team also had an amazing tournament and narrowly missed out on winning their division, losing to Rotorua Girls’ High School by 1. Again the girls played so well as a team and represented Tauranga Girls’ College so well with their amazing Sportsmanship.
Hockey Congratulations to Isla Johnson Year 13 who plays with the Midlands Under 18 Girls team and has been selected to attend the Hockey NZ specialist goal keeper camp in October.
August 23 2018
Secondary Schools Squash Ankia Russell, Emily Chamberlain, Ashlee Linn, Nuvraan Kaur, Lola Vahey Bourne and Alyssa Lewitt. These girls have played in numerous Bay of Plenty competitions throughout the seasons and most recently represented Tauranga Girls’ College in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Squash Competition in Palmerston North. Seeded 15th out of 21 teams the campaign was not about a podium finish but about gaining as much experience as we could in secondary schools competition and about improving our seeding. Both these goals were achieved. A solid win in round one against Kamo High School, placed us pitched against the number 2 seed Napier Girls’ High School, which resulted as expected in a 1/4 loss. Round 3 was again a narrow loss against Wairaprapa College, 3/2, one in which the deciding game had only a 2 point margin. This was possibly our hardest loss considering we felt on a better day we could have been the victors and hence play off for the plate. But it was not to be and so into Round 4 against St Matthews Collegiate and Round 5 resulted in another win against Christchurch Girls’ High School did see us improve our seeding. A huge well done to the team who are a mixture of both senior and junior girls and also to Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Hughes and Mrs Boubee-Hill who supported the team as drivers, manager and coach throughout the campaign. Lots of squash was played, lots of battles were fought, many close wins and a few extra losses. But overall squash was the winner on the day and we now regroup for the 2019 season and even more competitions and more successes on the court.
August 23 2018
FRIDAY 14 Sept
11MAE (Pt 1) 11MAT 11MAP 12HIS 13ENG 13ENL 13TRR
MONDAY 17 Sept
11BSC 11FNU 11SPA 12GEO 12HTH 12/13DNC 13BST 13MUS
11MAE (Pt 2 MCAT) 11MAE (Pt 3) 12BST 12PHY 13HIS
Juniors only in class
Staff preparation for feedback to senior students
All Year 11, 12 and 13 students are on exam leave from Wednesday 12 September – Wednesday 19 September
News from the Careers Department.. August is a busy time for the Careers Department with option night, subject selection and university enrolments. This week we have had course planning sessions for students enrolling at Waikato, Massey, AUT, Victoria and Otago Universities. Auckland, Canterbury and Toi Ohomai visits are scheduled for September. Jade Chiem from Victoria University was in school to assist more than 30 students plan their papers for next year, as well as answering questions about accommodation, scholarships and university life.
Coming Up... 25 August
Auckland Uni Open Day
30 August
Art Exhibition, Historic Village
30 August
Board of Trustees Meeting 5.30pm
31 August
Last Day to Pay NZQA Fees
31 August
Victoria Uni Open Day
03 - 07 Sep
Winter Tournament Week
05 September
Whānau Hui
07 September
Mid Term Break
12 - 18 Sep
Benchmark Exams
28 September
Last Day of Term 3
15 October
First Day of Term 4
August 23 2018
Contacting the College 2018 We encourage parents to contact the College (578 8114) for support at any time during the year. The Pastoral Team includes: Year 9
Dean: Ms Robyn Mankelow
ext 767
Senior Leader: Mrs Bird
Year 10
Dean: Kylie Valentine
ext 766
Senior Leader: Ms Millar
Year 11
Dean: Ms Caroline Gill
ext 768
Senior Leader: Mrs Ferguson
Year 12
Dean: Mrs Bridget Prendiville
ext 769
Senior Leader: Ms Glenda Rowlands
Year 13
Deans Mrs Audrey Keightley and Ms Margot Glaser-Brown ext 770
Senior Leader: Ms Glenda Rowlands
Guidance Counsellors Ms Judy Burr
ext 728
Ms Chantal Stopford
ext 724