CURRICULUM GUIDE 2012 Year 10 -13 Programmes
A handbook for the information of students and parents
2012 Table of Contents Page
Help with Choices
Subject Choices by Year Level
Subject Pathways
New Zealand Scholarship
Assessment Fees
University Entrance
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
Subject Codes
Future Directions for the New Zealand Curriculum At the time of printing of the 2012 Curriculum Handbook there are several key issues being decided around the refining and development of a responsive curriculum for New Zealand Schools:
The revised curriculum at Year 9 and 10 moving from implementation to embedding. NCEA Level 1 alignment to Level 6 of the curriculum. Movement of assessment from unit standards to achievement standards. Changes to literacy and numeracy requirements.
In order to ensure that students at Tauranga Girls’ College have access to the latest curriculum development decisions, there may be adjustments to the style and number of credits offered in this curriculum handbook and these will be communicated to students prior to the start of the year. No student will be disadvantaged by change, rather they will be accessing the very latest information.
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Help with Choices This book contains information about all subjects offered at Tauranga Girls’ College from Year 10 to 13.
Most subjects require a pre-requisite, so plan your course wisely. The prerequisites for subjects are listed in the subject information commencing on page 12. A very small number of subjects have open entry. When choosing your subjects it is advisable to look ahead at the subjects prerequisites required at all years. If you are undecided on a career path then choose subjects that challenge you, which you enjoy and in which you can succeed.
Your subject teacher can tell you how well you are doing in a subject.
Your Tutor and your Dean follow your progress through school across all your subjects.
The Careers Adviser can help you to identify which subjects lead to certain careers.
www.careers.govt.nz is a very helpful internet site.
Careers Services provides a HelpLine 0800 222 733.
The Option Evening on Tuesday 16 August 2011 from 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm gives an opportunity to discuss subjects with staff. A number of Tertiary providers will be present at this.
A Subject selection form will be issued by your Tutor Teacher. Please complete it and return it to your Tutor by
02 September 2011 for Year 9 – Year 12
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Subject Choices by Year Level Year 10 2012: All students study five the compulsory subjects of English, Mathematics, Physical Education, Science and Social Studies In addition students choose three option subjects to study for the year. Each student must choose one Technology subject and one Arts subject. The third option subject may be taken from any of the three lists below: Arts Languages Technology Art ESOL Computing Dance French Food Technology Drama German Design & Visual Communication Music Japanese Materials Technology Musicianship Te Reo Whakato Textiles Technology Ngā Mahi a Te Rēhia Te Reo Whakatipu Business Enterprise Ngā Toi Maori
Year 11 2012: You must choose the equivalent of six subjects at Year 11. Choose a course of study as follows: One of: English One of: Mathematics with Extension One of: Science
English in Progress Mathematics Science Core
Mathematics Applied Science Applied
Now choose three other subjects. Where half-year courses are available only one pair of these courses must be chosen. Half-year courses may not be repeated once taken in any of Years 11, 12 or 13.
Year 12 2012: You must select six subjects at this level. You must select English (at Level 2 or below) and five other subjects. Where half-year courses are available only one pair of these courses must be chosen. Half-year courses may not be repeated once taken in any of Years 11, 12 or 13. Subjects taken can be at any level but prerequisites apply and it is to your advantage to work at the highest level possible.
Year 13 2012: This year you can select either five subjects and five study periods or six subjects and one study period. Where half-year courses are available only one pair of these courses must be chosen. Half-year courses may not be repeated once taken in any of Years 11, 12 or 13. Subjects taken can be at any level but prerequisites apply and it is to your advantage to work at the highest level possible. Year 12 and 13 course changes due to NCEA results only must be made at school on a date to be advised. Courses must be planned carefully as subject changes will not be accepted after: Friday 09 December for Year 10 students Thursday 10 November 2011 for Year 11 & 12 students.
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Subject Pathways Your performance in Year 10 may restrict your options in Year 11 English
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3 13ENL
12ENL Level 2
Level 2/3
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2/3
12MAP Level 1/2
11MAP Level 1
12MAN Numeracy
Science 11SCI Level 1 9SCI
11SCC Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2
Level 3
11SCP Level 1
Key: Subjects in bold are currently approved for University Entrance ½ year subject Previous level of study required Preferred but not essential No prerequisites required
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Key: Subjects in bold are currently approved for University Entrance ½ year subject Previous level of study required Preferred but not essential No prerequisites required
Business Studies 9BET
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2
Levels 2/3
Languages 11FRE
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2
Level 3
Physical Education 9PEH
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
11HTH Level 1 11/12/13 AQS Level 2 & 3 11/12/13SED Levels 1 & 2
Page 5
Social Science
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2
Level 3
10SOS 11SOC Level 1 11ACT Level 1
Technology & Systems 9COM
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
10DVC 11DIV Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Key: Subjects in bold are currently approved for University Entrance ½ year subject Previous level of study required Preferred but not essential No prerequisites required
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The Arts
13PRD Level 3
Level 2
Level 3
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Vocational 11ECE
Level 1/2
Level 2/3
Level 2/3
Level 2/3
11SMS 11/12/13 HM1
23ESK Level 1/2/3 11/12/13 HM2
Key: Subjects in bold are currently approved for University Entrance ½ year subject Previous level of study required Preferred but not essential No prerequisites required
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Qualifications Students enrol in individual subjects and are assessed against standards. Each standard is worth credits towards a National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA). NCEA LEVEL 1
credits of which:
credits with
80 credits:
at least 10 credits are in Literacy and
at least 60 credits at Level 2 or above.
at least 60 credits at Level 3 or above.
at least 10 credits are in Numeracy.
The remaining credits can be taken from Level One.
The remaining 20 credits can be taken from Level 2 only.
Endorsements for NCEA At each level of NCEA there are endorsements for Merit and Excellence NCEA with Merit: Gain 50 credits at Merit or better NCEA with Excellence: Gain 50 credits at Excellence
Subject Endorsements A student will gain an endorsement for a subject where they achieve: 14 or more credits at Merit and Excellence including a minimum of 3 credits from externally assessed and 3 credits from internally assessed standards
New Zealand Scholarship Examination NZ Scholarship is a NCEA Level 4 qualification, designed to extend very high achieving Level 3 students. A Scholarship subject entry is encouraged if, in a Level 2 subject, a student has achieved with Excellence more often than Merit in the achievement standards. The course content is the same as Level 3, but candidates are expected to have highly developed independent work habits. Candidates will be required to integrate, synthesise and apply knowledge, skills, understanding and ideas relating to the chosen subject. Assessment for each subject is via an additional external examination in November or a portfolio submission for Visual Art or Technology.
Assessment Fees As a guide the following fee is based upon the 2011 cost. NZQA - The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) fee is $75.00 per year. This includes entry for all NCEA Standards and up to 2 Scholarship subjects. Extra course costs, where applicable, are listed under the individual subject information.
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University Entrance from NCEA University Entrance
Level 3 or higher 42 credits 14 credits in one “approved subject”
14 credits in one “approved subject”
14 credits from not more than two additional domains on the NQF or “approved subjects”
Level 2 or higher 8 credits in English or Te Reo Maori (including 4 reading and 4 writing from the approved list)
Level 1 or higher 14 credits in Mathematics or Pangarau
This is the minimum entry requirement for University. Some Universities require a larger number of credits for entry to certain degrees or a rank score. Check requirements from University websites or the Careers staff.
University Approved Subjects Accounting Biology Chemistry Classical Studies Computing Dance Design (Practical Art) Drama Economics English French (2nd language) Geography German (2nd language) Graphics (Design & Visual Communication) History
History of Art Japanese (2nd Language) Mathematics Mathematics with Calculus Mathematics with Statistics Music Studies Painting (Practical Art) Photography (Practical Art) Physical Education Physics Printmaking (Practical Art) Sculpture (Practical Art) Spanish (2nd Language) Technology (Textiles) Te Reo Rangatira or Te Reo Maori
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Additional entry requirements to University in 2012 are:
Most require a rank score which is calculated by identifying your best 80 credits at Level 3 or higher over a maximum of 5 approved subjects. The following points are awarded for up to 24 credits in each approved subject at Level 3: Excellence Merit Achieved
4 points 3 points 2 points
Auckland University: Has different rank scores depending on the degree eg Bachelor of Arts 140 points Bachelor of Nursing 200 points Bachelor of Engineering 240 points AUT University: University Entrance with some degrees needing a greater number of credits for entry. Waikato University: Must gain NCEA Level 3 Certificate. Massey University: Rank score is 120 points. Some of their degrees require a certain number of credits in a particular subject. Victoria University: Guaranteed entry is 140 rank points for almost all their degrees. Canterbury University: Preferential entry is NCEA Level 2 endorsed with Merit or Excellence. Rank score of 120 points except Music, Teaching and Fine Arts. Otago University: Preferential entry is if you fulfil at least one of the following criteria: NCEA Level 2 endorsed with either Merit or Excellence Accepted on Otago Scholarship Have accepted a place in a Hall of Residence Have gained 140 points from Level 3.
It is really important for students to check out additional requirements at University websites or from the Careers Department
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Year 10 Core
12 12 12 12 12
English Mathematics Physical Education & Health Science Social Studies
Art 13 Business Enterprise 13 Computing 13 Dance 13 Design & Visual Communication 14 Drama 14 English Support 14 ESOL 14 Food Technology 14 French 15 Future Thinking 15 German 15 Japanese 15 Materials Technology 15 Music 16 Musicianship 16 Nga Mahi a Te Rehia 16 Nga Toi Maori 16 Te Reo Whakato 16 Te Reo Whakatipu 17 Textiles Technology 17
A student’s level of achievement in Year 10, and in the end of year examinations in particular, will determine her course of study in Year 11. English, Mathematics and Science are compulsory in Year 11. There are other Year 11 subjects which set pre-requisites based on Year 10 English, Mathematics, Science or Social Studies achievement. See page 3 for Pathways
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Core Subjects English
Course Overview Education in English at Year 10 aims to teach students to learn to use spoken and written language effectively. The course involves practice in six main skills areas: reading listening writing viewing speaking presenting using a wide variety of literature and texts.
Course Overview Science encourages the development of skills and knowledge of the world around us. Students will study acids and bases, chemical symbols and materials, plants and reproduction, endangered species and their environments, electricity, forces and earth science.
Social Studies Mathematics
Course Overview Course Overview Students will further develop Mathematical skills, as well as the ability to problem solve, to think and reason logically, and develop their ability to understand and apply Mathematical and Statistical thinking to the world in which they live. This course is structured into eight units of learning based on the three strands of the New Zealand Curriculum: Number & Algebra, Geometry & Measurement, and Statistics
Subject specific costs: Homework book (extension classes only)
Physical Education & Health
Course Overview Physical Education encourages improved self-esteem and wellbeing through student involvement in physical and health related activities. Units of work will incorporate themes from 4 main strands: Personal health Movement skills Relationships Healthy communities
Social Studies is a study of human, social and economic behaviour in different cultures and environments at different times. Students study the five learning strands of: Culture and Heritage Society Geography/Environment History Economic activities
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Option Subjects Art
Computing 10ART
Course Overview
Course Overview Art is offered as an option for the student who has a genuine interest in art and gains enjoyment from her work. The topics covered are: drawing painting printmaking sculpture design
Pre-requisites Year 9 Art or at the discretion of HOD Art.
The aim is to develop a broad digital technological literacy that will equip students to participate in society as informed citizens and given them access to digital technology-related careers. Students will solve real work problems using digital technology. They will improve their skills with a range of software, including animation, graphics, presentation, programming and database applications. They will build their own web-based portfolio to display their work. Students will work in a range of roles including web designer, fashion designer, business entrepreneur, researcher, graphic artist and computer programmer.
Subject specific costs: Materials
The completion of 9COM is advisable.
Subject specific costs:
Business Enterprise
None – students will need to provide their own earphones.
Course Overview This programme will raise student awareness of the importance and the role of business in society. It will include a study of key business functions. Students will study a range of key business functions including writing a SWOT analysis and business plan as well as being introduced to basic accounting and economic concepts. They will apply the skills they have learnt by setting up their own business, making a product which will be sold on market day.
Dance Course Overview
In this course students will explore dance forms and develop dance ideas. Students will learn to choreograph with confidence and perform a range of styles including narrative dance to a young audience. Students will develop a range of technical and choreographic skills. There is also a written component to this course.
Pre-requisites Level 4 in both English and Mathematics or at the discretion of the HOD Business Studies.
Where does the course lead to? This course will provide a strong background for students wishing to study Level 1 Economics, Accounting and/or Business Studies
Subject specific costs: Business Capital & Class Materials
Pre-requisites None
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Design & Visual Communication
English Support
Course Overview
Course Overview
Students will develop a sound working knowledge of graphics equipment and materials using a variety of illustration and presentation techniques.
Education in English Support at Year 10 is an optional subject which students may take in addition to English.
This is a design based course which develops the student’s ability to apply a design process to the solution of a design problem. The design problems will be based in three areas of study: Architectural; Engineering; Media. The student will need to, research existing products and materials, develop their own solutions through the application of a design process, then clearly and accurately communicate their own solution through a variety of different modes and media.
Pre-requisites None. Year 9GDE would be of advantage, but is not essential
Subject specific costs: Materials
Course Overview Drama is a practical course in which students develop communication skills, confidence, self-esteem and selfdiscipline. Drama enables students to learn about aspects of theatre such as improvisation, character development knowledge of theatre history and devised drama. Students also gain experience in the technical aspects of theatre such as costume and make up. There is a strong written component in the course.
Pre-requisites None
The course is designed to assist those students who are achieving below average level in reading and writing. Students will be involved in: vocabulary building spelling reading and writing activities to boost their literacy.
Pre-requisites Achieving at Level 2 or below Level 3 for most English assessment in Year 9.
Course Overview Students in Year 9 and 10 are assessed on enrolment and should second language assistance be required their timetable may be customised to meet their need. This is a pre-intermediate general English course.
Pre-requisites Admission to this class is by assessment following teacher recommendation.
Food Technology
Course Overview Food Technology prepares nutritional knowledge for life.
Students will be encouraged to explore, develop and produce food products that are nutritionally sound. Students have the opportunity to participate in national food competitions. All work is very practically based and students will develop an understanding of nutrition and health using the technological process.
Pre-requisites A minimum achievement at Level 4 in Food Technology in Year 9 or with permission of the Head of Department
Subject specific costs: Materials National Certificate in Food
$68.00 $12.00
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Course Overview
Course Overview
Level 2 proficient or better in 9 French
Japanese is a practical study enabling students to learn to speak, read, listen and write on various themes. For example, likes and dislikes, daily routines, people, clothes, families, sport, school, eating and drinking, weather and locations. As well as reading and writing hiragana, a second script known as Katakana is taught, and the use of kanji is extended. The cultural component will give students an insight into the people, country and language studied.
Subject specific costs:
French is a practical study enabling students to learn to speak, read, listen and write on various topics. For example, coping as a tourist in France, school, daily routine, shopping and food. The cultural component will give students an insight into the people, country and language studied.
Australian Language Exam Certificate (Optional)
Future Thinking
Level 2 proficient or better in 9 Japanese
Subject specific costs: Course booklets (compulsory) Australian Language Exam Certificate (Optional)
$10.00 $11.00
Course Overview The purpose of this course is to further develop the thinking and learning skills. It covers a range of areas designed to help you think more deeply, to critically look at issues, to learn more about yourself and how you learn and to support you to strive for excellence during your time here at school.
Pre-requisites/Class Structures Certificate of High Distinction in Year 9 Junior Diploma
Course Overview As well as being introduced to the various materials and their properties, the student will also develop their research and design and handling of these materials to achieve a successful outcome. Students will be involved in investigating, planning and developing their own solutions to technological problems. The students will be encouraged to use a range of materials that will include wood, metal, plastics and electronics within their solutions.
Course Overview German is a practical study enabling students to learn to speak, read, listen and write on various topics. For example, coping as a tourist in Germany, talking about families, people, clothes, school, daily routine, shopping and food. The cultural component will give students an insight into the people, country and language studied.
Pre-requisites Level 2 proficient or better in 9 German
Subject specific costs: Australian Language Exam Certificate (Optional)
Materials Technology
Pre-requisites 9MTY would be of advantage but is not essential.
Subject specific costs: Materials
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Nga Toi Maori
Course Overview
Course Overview
This course further develops the concepts taught in 9MUS and involves a large amount of instrumental playing, composition workshops and the theory and aural skills required for entry into 11 MUS.
This course is offered to all students. It builds on students’ previous learning experiences in either 9NTO or 9ART and continues to provide practical and theoretical learning experiences of Māori, Indigenous and international visual art forms. Students will extend ideas, technologies and processes in painting and a range of media. The course also offers out of school experiences such as visiting the city gallery, participating and selling their artworks at Artsfest etc.
Pre-requisites 9MUS or Grade 2 (or equivalent standard) in music theory and 2 years instrumental or vocal tuition. Students must be enrolled in either private or itinerant instrumental or vocal lessons for the duration of this course. Restriction: Not with 10MSN
Pre-requisites 9 Nga Toi Māori or 9ART.
Subject specific costs:
Where does the course lead to?
Itinerant tuition (if applicable)
Students can continue this course at Level 1 – CMA or Level 1 ART where they can gain 24 NCEA credits, 12 are external credits where students submit a 2 board art folio in mixed media drawing and painting.
Subject specific costs:
Course Overview Students will focus on an instrument (or instruments) throughout the course and develop more advanced skills. Lessons are practically based and will involve rehearsal individually and in groups, further extension of theory and aural skills and basic composition techniques.
Materials $30.00 Students will need to purchase this pack or individual items from the Art Department.
Te Reo Whakato
Course Overview
Pre-requisites 9MUS or 9MSN or Grade 2 (or equivalent standard) in music theory and 2 years instrumental or vocal tuition. Restriction: Not with 10MUS
Subject specific costs: Itinerant tuition (if applicable)
This Māori language course is for students who have learnt Te Reo Māori in Year 9 but are still at beginner level. Students will cover topics such as: Whakapapa, The Beach, The Weather and People; and will be encouraged to develop their oral skills in class.
Pre-requisites Level 2 proficient in Year 9 Te Reo Māori
Nga Mahi a Te Rehia
Subject specific costs:
Course Overview This course is for Year 10 students who will be doing NZQA Level 2 Unit Standards. Students will extend their knowledge of Māori performing arts in the three disciplines of historical development of Māori performing arts, performing arts brackets, and whakaraka at an advanced level.
Pre-requisites 10 credits in Year 9 Nga Mahi a Te Rehia.
Subject specific costs: Material & workbook
Homework booklet (compulsory) $10.00 Additional costs for Education Outside the Classroom to be advised.
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Te Reo Whakatipu
Course Overview This Māori language course is for students who have learnt Te Reo Māori in Year 9 and are at an advanced level, with a high level of oral and written competency. This course will build on and consolidate previous constructions and introduce students to new sentence constructions and words.
Pre-requisites Level 3 proficient in Year 9 Te Reo Māori
Subject specific costs: Homework booklet (compulsory) $10.00 Additional costs for Education Outside the Classroom to be advised.
Textiles Technology
Course Overview Textiles Technology prepares students to apply practical knowledge textiles for life. Students will develop portfolio work that explores problem solving, informed decision making and managing their project. In this work students will explore creative techniques which are used to design a wide range of products. Students are encouraged to enter the Global Connexions Fashion and Art Competition. Students will need to provide their own fabric and notions.
Pre-requisites A minimum achievement of Level 4 in Textiles Technology in Year 9 or with permission of the Head of Department
Subject specific costs: Materials (excluding fabric)
Page 18
Year 11 Core
English English in Progress Mathematics with Extension Mathematics Mathematics Applied Science Science Core Science Applied
19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20
Options Arts Art Art - Contemporary Maori Arts Contemporary Music Studies Dance Drama Music Nga Mahi a Te Rehia
22 22 23 23 24 28 28
Business Studies Accounting Business Studies Economics
21 22 25
Languages English as a Second Language (General) French German Japanese Spanish Te Reo Maori
25 26 27 28 30 30
Physical Education Aquatics Health Studies Physical Education Self Defence Sport & Recreation
21 27 29 29 30
Social Sciences Animal Care & Technology Geography History Social Science
21 26 27 29
Technology & Systems Computing 22 Design & Visual Communication 23 Design Innovation 23 Digital Technologies 24 Food & Nutrition 25 Furniture Making 26 Furniture – Outdoor 26 Home Innovation & Management 1 27 Home Innovation & Management 2 28 Textiles Technology 29 Vocational Driver Education Early Childhood Education Smart Steps
24 25 29
Page 19
Core Subjects English
Mathematics with Extensions
Course Overview Students will develop their language skills with a focus on literature, writing and speaking. The emphasis is on achieving the Level 1 Literacy qualification.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards A combination of Internal and External credits Potential Total 24 credits
Pre-requisites Achieving three or more of the key standards (10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5) from the Y10 Course at, or above, Curriculum Levels 4Advanced/5 Restriction: Not with ENP (English in Progress)
Subject specific costs:
Course Overview This course is the basis for academic study of Mathematics in Year 11 through to Year 13. It is structured into seven units of learning based on the three strands of the New Zealand Curriculum: Number & Algebra, Geometry & Measurement, and Statistics. The study and application of these skills will be at a level that will enable students to master Merit and Excellence questions in NCEA Achievement Standards.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standard Internal 16 credits External 8 credits Total 24 credits
NZQA Booklet Materials
$4.00 $5.00
Students working consistently at curriculum level 5 in 10MAT, both through the year and in the end of year examinations. Restriction: Not with 11MAP OR 11MAT
Subject specific costs: NZQA Homework book
English in Progress
Course Overview
Course Overview
Students will strengthen and develop their literacy skills at a pace suited to their ability. This could be Year 1 of a two year journey to Level 1 Literacy. This course is designed for students needing remedial work in English.
The course is structured into seven units of learning based on the three strands of the New Zealand Curriculum: Number & Algebra, Geometry & Measurement, and Statistics. The study and application of these skills will be at a level that will enable students to master Achieved and Merit questions in NCEA Achievement Standards.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards /Unit Standards Potential Total 20 credits
Achieving at, or below, Curriculum Level 3 or Level 4 Basic for most assessments in Year 10.
NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
Subject specific costs:
NZQA Booklet Materials
$4.00 $5.00
16 credits 8 credits 24 credits
Students working mostly at curriculum level 5 in 10MAT, both through the year and in the end of year examinations. Restriction: Not with 11MAE or 11MAP
Subject specific costs: NZQA Homework book
Page 20
Mathematics Applied
Science Core
Course Overview
Course Overview
This course is designed for those students who have a weaker background in Mathematics. There is an emphasis on the practical application of Mathematical skills. The three Numeracy Unit Standards are included in this course and students are also given the opportunity to undertake some Level One Achievement Standards.
Students will investigate the living, material and physical world. They will perform experiments, collect and interpret data and draw logical conclusions across a wide range of science scenarios. With good results this course could lead into Year 12 Biology, Chemistry or Physics.
NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
NCEA Numeracy Unit Standards NCEA Level 1 Internal Total
10 credits 13 credits 23 credits
10 Mathematics Restriction: Not with 11MAE or 11MAT
Subject specific costs:
Subject specific costs: NZQA Homework book
$7.00 11SCI
This course is the basis for the study of Biology, Chemistry and Physics through to Year 13. Students will investigate the living, material and physical world. They will perform experiments, collect and interpret data and draw logical conclusions across a wide range of scientific scenarios.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
NZQA Homework book
Science Applied
Course Overview
12 credits 12 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites Students working consistently at Curriculum Level 5 in Year 10 Science end of year examinations. Restriction: Cannot be taken with 11SCP or 11SCC
Course Overview This course has an emphasis on the practical application of skills. Students will investigate a range of science contexts, performing experiments, collecting and interpreting data and drawing logical conclusions.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Unit Standards Internal Total
16 credits 16 credits
Pre-requisites Completion of Year 10 Science Restriction: Cannot be taken with 11SCC or 11SCI.
Where does the course lead to? Level 2 Practical Science
Subject specific costs:
Where does the course lead to? Level 2 Sciences including Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Homework book
8 credits 12 credits 20 credits
Students working mostly at Curriculum Level 5 in Year 10 Science end of year examinations. Restriction: Cannot be taken with 11SCI or 11SCP.
NZQA Homework book
Page 21
Option Subjects Accounting
Aquatics 11ACC
Course Overview
Course Overview Students will develop knowledge of accounting’s purpose, function and place in making financial decisions. Students will develop a range of written and analytical skills. This programme includes a study of the conceptual basis of accounting, processing and analysis of financial information including the application of GST and the preparation of financial statements.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
9 credits 12 credits 21 credits
Students will be involved in a range of water based activities which may include surf survival, swimming for fitness, aqua aerobics, kayaking, snorkelling, diving and water games. They will have the opportunity to obtain qualifications in Surf Survival and the PADI Dive Certificate. For the diving work students must have an approved medical certificate. Students with respiratory/asthma /exceptional health concerns should check the suitability of dive activities with their doctor before enrolling in the course. Dive Course fees must be paid before the course starts.
Level 5B in Year 10 English and Mathematics or at the discretion of the HOD Business Studies.
NCEA Level 2 Unit Standards 5 credits NCEA Level 3 Unit Standards 14 credits Total 19 credits All unit standards are internally assessed. PADI Dive Certificate (internationally recognised qualification) Surf Survival Certificate Level 1, 2 or 3
Subject specific costs:
NZQA Workbook(s)
Ability to Swim 400m Co-requisite: any other ½ year course
Where does the course lead to?
Animal Care
This course is ideally suited for students continuing with Polytechnic courses in marine studies, sport/leisure and tourism courses.
Course Overview Students cover topics including care of domestic animals, animal control and technology, animal rights and issues with zoos. The class hears a number of guest speakers. There is a visit to the SPCA shelter and the Hamilton Zoo.
Assessment Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal
10 credits
Any other ½ year course
Subject specific costs: Fieldtrip
to be advised
Subject specific costs: Stationery Contributions to PADI Dive course fees Field Trips approx Medical Certificate approx
$ 5.00 $300.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
Page 22
Business Studies
Course Overview
Course Overview
Students will use drawing to generate and develop ideas based on a particular theme. They will use appropriate processes and procedures based on an investigation of selected established practice. They will produce a body of work that demonstrates a sequential, coherent process.
This course is about how individuals and groups of people organise, plan and act to create and develop goods and services to satisfy customers. Business is influenced by and impacts on the cultural, ethical, environmental, political and economic conditions of the day. Issues such as sustainability, citizenship, enterprise and globalisation are central to both business and the study of business.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
10 credits 12 credits 22 credits
Pre-requisites 10ART with an average of curriculum Level 4 in each standard.
Art - Contemporary Maori Arts
NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course booklet & photocopying
Students will explore the meaning and significance of Maori and Indigenous visual art in different contexts. Students will use drawing to generate and develop ideas based on a particular theme. They will use appropriate processes and procedures based on an investigation of selected established practice. They will produce a body of work that demonstrates a sequential, coherent process.
Course Overview
NCEA Level 1 Visual Art Achievement Standards Internal 14 credits External 12 credits Total 26 credits
Pre-requisites 10ART or 10NTO with an average of curriculum Level 4 in each standard. $40.00
Course Overview
Subject specific costs:
9 credits 12 credits 21 credits
Level 5 in Year 10 English and Mathematics or at the discretion of HOD Business Studies.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
The digital skills cover basic office applications, such as word processors, spreadsheets and databases, image editing skills, internet research, web publishing and basic computer components.
Assessment Level 1 Unit Standards
18 credits
An average of Level 4 or above in Year 10 Computing Restriction: Cannot be taken with 11 DTS.
Subject specific costs: None- students need to supply own earphones
Page 23
Contemporary Music Studies
Design & Visual Communication
Course Overview
Course Overview This course is for students who enjoy instrumental playing in a contemporary style but have limited experience. The students will focus on an instrument or instruments and learn more advanced skills. They will learn how to construct their own compositions and to notate a score. This course also includes basic training in the use of PA and recording equipment.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Standards Internal External
22 credits (optional) 8 credits
Pre-requisites Students working consistently at Curriculum Level 5 in 10MSN, both through the year and in the end of year examinations Restriction: students enrolling in this course must be enrolled in instrumental or vocal tuition either through the college instrumental programme or with a private music teacher Cannot be taken with 11MUS
$20.00 11DNC
Both the Internal and External Achievement Standards are assessed through the presentation of portfolios. NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards External 9 credits Internal 16 credits Total 25 credits
Pre-requisites Year 10 GDE /DVC Achieving at Level 4 or with the permission of the Head of Department Design Technology.
Design Innovation
11 DIV
Course Overview
Course Overview In this course students will choreograph dance sequences, learn and perform dance styles and respond to dance performances. Students will perform solo, duo and in group performances. Students will need to be confident enough to perform solo. Students may have the opportunity to work with professional dance companies and attend performances.
Ever wondered how designers/scientists/ engineers/entrepreneurs come up with successful new ideas? Find out how by focusing on creative thinking and learn about the importance of design to move forward in this technological age. Students apply the gained knowledge to design, develop and produce both a conceptual idea as well as a fully-realised design. Achievement standards can be gained for both theory and practical components in this exciting new course.
Assessment 20 credits 4 credits 24 credits
NCEA Level 1 & 2 Technology Achievement Standards Internal 18-22 credits Total 18-22 credits
Pre-requisites Graphics and/or Technology course in Year 10 is preferred.
Pre-requisites None - at the HOD’s discretion. It is highly recommended that student have had previous dance/performing arts experience
Subject specific costs: Materials Theatre Visit
NZQA Materials
NZQA Itinerant tuition (if applicable) Workbook
NCEA Level One Dance Internal External Total
Design & Visual Communication is a subject that will enable the students to conceptualise, develop and communicate design ideas and potential solutions within three areas of study, these being: Architectural and Environmental, Engineering and Technological, Media and Technical Illustration. In studying Design & Visual Communication the student will develop skills to interpret and communicate visual information in a format that enables them to communicate with the manufacturing world.
Subject specific costs:
Subject specific costs:
$10.00 TBA
Where does the course lead to? Students will develop a conceptual product to produce an entry for the Young Innovator Awards competition.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials & resources
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Digital Technologies
Driver Education
Course Overview
Course Overview
The aim is to develop a broad digital technological literacy that will equip students to participate in society as informed citizens and given them access to digital technology-related careers.
Students work towards becoming safe, proficient and qualified drivers. Students complete the following programme: Traffic Law Driving hazards and risk reduction Safe night driving Contributing factors to and consequences of road crashes Knowledge of stress, health and fatigue for driving Dynamics and techniques for managing light motor vehicles
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
14 credits 6 credits 20 credits
Pre-requisites An average of Level 5 or above in the 10COM projects and an assessment of the Year 10 Computing e-portfolio by department staff Restriction: Cannot be taken with 11 COM
Subject specific costs:
Assessment NCEA Unit Standards Level 2
15 credits
NZQA – students need to provide their own earphones
At least 15 years of age by 15 March 2011 or 15½ years of age by 30 July 2011. Co-requisite: Any other ½ year course.
Where does the course lead to?
Course Overview This course involves students analysing and performing scripts, devising performances and using theatre forms. Students will also learn and show understanding of drama terminology. Students will also be working toward external examinations.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
18 credits 4 credits 22 credits
Pre-requisites None - at the HOD’s discretion, however It is strongly recommended to have previous performing arts experience
Subject specific costs: Materials Theatre Visit
$10.00 TBA
Many occupations require employees to have a driving licence. This course enables students to understand what is needed for any occupation which requires the use of a vehicle. In addition, most students anticipate owning their own car in the future.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Workbooks $10.00 All students must purchase a current NZ Road Code Driving Lessons can be taken in Driver Education class time in consultation with the subject teacher and with written permission from parents/caregivers.
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Early Childhood Education
English as a Second Language (General)
Course Overview
Course Overview
Students will develop an awareness of the responsibility of early childhood education. They will gain confidence in the practical aspects of caring for young children through studies of the stages of development and their nutrition. They will also develop an understanding of the essential health & safety precautions necessary for the protection of young children. This course is suited to Year 11 students.
Students in Years 11 and 12 may choose this option having been assessed to ascertain their second language needs. This is an intermediate general English course preparing students for two NCEA Level 2 Unit Standards in reading and writing.
Assessment NCEA Internal Level 2 Unit Standards 10 credits
Pre-requisites Admission to this class is by assessment following teacher recommendation.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Unit Standards NCEA Level 2 Unit Standards Total
14 credits 8 credits 22 credits
Subject specific costs: NZQA
Pre-requisites At Level 4 or better in 3 or more key standards from 10ENG 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.6, 10.7
Food & Nutrition
Where does the course lead to?
Course Overview
Tertiary courses in Early Childhood Education
Students will develop an understanding of nutrition and health through the study of foods, the ability to plan, prepare and serve quality meals, and an understanding of individual needs. Practical cookery assessments are required. The course provides information on planning and preparing food for adolescents and demonstrates safe food handling skills. Analysis of nutritional information and the effects of advertising on food choices is also covered.
Subject specific costs: NZQA
Course Overview This course develops an understanding of economic concepts related to consumer choice, demand and supply. The operation of the market and the role of producers, resources and their use in production will be investigated alongside relationships between sectors of the economy. Decision making skills will be developed and internally assessed.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
12 credits 12 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites Level 5 in 10 English and Mathematics or at the discretion of HOD Business Studies
Subject specific costs: NZQA Workbook(s)
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal 10-15 credits External 8 credits Total between 18-23 credits
Pre-requisites Achieving at Level 4 or better in three or more of the key standards from Year 10 English 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
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Furniture - Outdoor
Course Overview
Course Overview
Students will undertake a practical course using the four language skills covering topics such as travel, holidays, sport and leisure, communications, health and New Zealand. Some cultural aspects are covered within the units.
This course will introduce students to the Building and Construction Industry, by enabling them to work on Unit Standards that involve both theoretical and practical elements, by constructing two items of outdoor furniture that will be part of their assessment.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
Assessment 14 credits 10 credits 24 credits
Level 4 proficient or better in 10 French
$14.00 $14.00 $20.00
Course Overview This course is designed to give students an introduction to the basic skills of furniture design and manufacturing by them constructing an item of furniture for their personal use.
Assessment NCEA Unit Standards Level 1
15 credits
NCEA Technology, construction manager, carpenter, cabinet maker, boat builder, builder, joiner, teacher.
Subject specific costs: Materials
Course Overview Students study themes between people and their environment, including extreme nature events (volcanic eruptions , tropical cyclones and tsunamis), Population Concepts (these may include India, Japan and NZ). This course offers an opportunity to apply theory to real world examples.
Pre-requisites Co requisite: any other ½ year course
Where does the course lead to? NCEA Technology, carpenter, cabinet maker, boat builder, builder, joiner, furniture finisher, picture framer, prop and set maker, teacher.
Subject specific costs: Materials
Where does the course lead to?
Subject specific costs:
Furniture Making
15 credits 15 credits
None Co requisite: any other ½ year course
NZQA NCEA Level 1 French (Renash) (optional) Australian Language Exam (compulsory) Language Perfect (optional)
NCEA Unit Standards Level 2 NCEA Unit Standards Level 3
NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
13 credits 12 credits 25 credits
Pre-requisites Students working mostly at Curriculum Level 5 through the year in 10SOS Co-requisite: 11ENG
Subject specific costs: NZQA Field trips and workbooks approx
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Course Overview
Course Overview
Students will engage in a practical course using the four language skills. Some cultural aspects are covered within the units.
Students develop a good awareness about the world, and further develop their academic skills which are emphasised in the teaching and learning of this subject. Students study four topics: Origins of World War 2, Civil Rights in America; Ireland; New Zealand in the World.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
14 credits 10 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites Level 4 proficient or better in 10German
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
12 credits 12 credits 24 credits
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course book NCEA Level 1 (optional) $20.00 Australian Language Exam Certificate (comp) $14.00 Language Perfect (optional) $20.00
Pre-requisites Students working mostly at Curriculum Level 5 through the year in 10SOS Co-requisite: 11ENG
Subject specific costs:
Health Studies
NZQA Topic workbooks/materials
Course Overview Students are encouraged to develop a positive attitude towards their personal wellbeing and recognise the impact of decision making on their own personal health. There is consideration of issues facing young people in our community. The course includes wellbeing, changing states of health, nutrition, drug education, sexuality and relationships.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Internal External Total
16 credits 8 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites Achieving consistently at Curriculum Level 5 in the Junior Health programme.
Home Innovation & Management 1
Course Overview A practical based subject that will provide students with a broad range of skills and knowledge that will be beneficial in the workplace, independent living and further study. Skills covered may include: design, research, budgeting, food and nutrition. This course can be taken in conjunction with Home Innovations & Management 2.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 & 2 Total
10 credits
Pre-requisites None Co-requisite:
Subject specific costs: Stationery
Not to be taken with Food & Nutrition or any other ½ year course
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
Page 28
Home Innovation & Management 2
Course Overview
Course Overview A practical based subject that will provide students with a broad range of skills and knowledge that will be beneficial in the workplace, independent living and further study. Skills covered may include: design, research and practical life skills.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 & 2 Total
10 credits
Pre-requisites None Co-requisite:
Not to be taken with Textiles Technology or any other ½ year course
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
22 credits 8 credits 30 credits
Pre-requisites Students working consistently at Curriculum Level 5 in 10MUS, both through the year and in the end of year examinations. Restrictions: Students enrolling in this course must be enrolled in instrumental or vocal tuition either through the college instrumental programme or with a private music teacher. Cannot be taken with 11CMS.
Subject specific costs:
Course Overview Students will cover the themes of introductions, classroom, weather, shopping, times and dates, family, describing people and homes, daily routines, town and around, sport and leisure, locations, eating and drinking, health, school life and travel using the four language skills. Competency in the three writing systems is increased. Cultural aspects are studied within the themes.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
Students will study musical history from the Baroque Period through to contemporary music. Composition skills will be further developed and the students will learn to notate music by ear. Performance as a soloist and as part of a group will also feature in this course.
14 credits 10 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites Level 4 proficient or better in 10 Japanese
NZQA Itinerant Tuition (if applicable) Workbooks (3)
Nga Mahi a Te Rehia
Course Overview This course will extend the students’ knowledge of Māori Performing Arts in the three disciplines of historical development of Māori Performing Arts, performing arts brackets, and whakaraka at an advanced level.
Assessment Internally assessed Level 3 Unit Standards 22 credits
Pre-requisites 10 credits in Year 10 Nga Mahi a Te Rehia.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course booklets (compulsory) $15.00 Australian Language Certificate Exam (compulsory) $14.00 NCEA Level 1 Japanese (Renash) (optional) $14.00 Language Perfect (optional) $20.00
Where does the course lead to? This course leads to tertiary studies in Performing Arts eg Bay of Plenty Polytechnic Diploma in Music Production and Performance – Te Kamakama Level 6.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
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Physical Education
Smart Steps
Course Overview This course is for students who enjoy participation in physical activity. The course will focus on involvement in practical activities with theory work to support. Students gain a greater understanding of how being active contributes to positive wellbeing. Module themes include the moving body, society and involvement in activity, the body’s response to exercise, and skills when involved in a team. Both individual and team activities are completed in a range of learning environments.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal Total
Course Overview Step into a course that offers an enjoyable, actionpacked programme which includes team building activities, visits to the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic, a First Aid Course, computing skills for survival, personal development and presentation. Have a go at a range of interesting practical activities.
Assessment NZQA Unit Standards Level 1 NZQA Unit Standards Level 2 Total of a minimum of
21 credits 1 credit 22 credits
Pre-requisites 24 credits 24 credits
Where does the course lead to?
Pre-requisites The completion of Year 10 Physical Education and Health programme and achieving consistently at Curriculum Level 5.
Subject specific costs: Stationery $15.00 Field trip – High Ropes Course approx. $20.00 Additional field trips may be offered
Self Defence
NZQA Materials
Students will be encouraged to develop confidence as young women in the community. They will learn to recognise potentially stressful situations in everyday life and be encouraged to develop a positive approach to being safe in the community. Such situations as obscene phone calls, inappropriate text messages, prowlers and unwanted attention from others will be considered. Personal self-esteem through mental toughness will be promoted and strategies to develop clear analytical thinking will be practised. They may gain an understanding of the law, human rights and community services available to help people. Emphasis will be on promotion of useful life skills.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Unit Standards NCEA Level Two Unit Standards All Unit Standards internally assessed Total
8 credits 2credits 10 credits
Pre-requisites Any other ½ year course
Subject specific costs: Stationery Field trips may be offered
12/13ESK Pathway towards gaining the National Certificate in Employment Skills Pathway towards gaining the Certificate in Work and Community Skills (Supported Learning) Further NCEA study Employment and/or further training
Subject specific costs:
Course Overview
None Corequisite:
Social Science
Course Overview This is a Social Science course which has no national examination at the end of the year. Instead, students study topics that enable them to undertake Unit and Achievement Standards that can be assessed during the year.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards/Unit Standards Internal 22 credits
Pre-requisites None
Where does the course lead to? The course can lead on to studying Year 12 courses such as Sociology and Tourism. It is not designed for students who are advancing on to Year 12 academic course in History, Geography or Classical Studies.
Subject specific costs: $10.00
Page 30
Where does the course lead to?
Students are well placed to study sports related courses at Level 3 & 4 at Polytechnic.
Course Overview Students will undertake a practical intensive conversational course from beginner level to NCEA Level 1 in one year. Students will concentrate on speaking in particular but will also complete NCEA assessments in Listening and Reading. Students will cover topics such as family and introductions, food, school and survival language for travel. Cultural aspects are studied within the themes.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
9 credits 10 credits 19 credits
Pre-requisites Achieving in 10ENG at Level 4 Advanced or higher. Must enjoy oral work.
Where does the course lead to? 12SPA and then onto 13SPA. Several international exchange opportunities exist both at secondary and at tertiary level. Foreign languages continue at tertiary level. They can be well combined with areas such as International Business, Law, Political Science, Tourism, Management, Teaching, Science, Translation, Hotel Management and Communication.
Field trips may be offered
Te Reo Maori
NZQA Course booklets (compulsory) NCEA Level 1 Spanish (Renash) (optional)
$13.50 $14.00
Course Overview This is a practical course for students who enjoy being involved in sporting activities. They will practice a wide variety of skills from both individual and team games. An understanding of rules and game strategies will be developed. Games covered in the course may include netball, basketball, softball, tennis, unihoc, softcrosse, golf, badminton, crash pad rounders, touch and international minor games.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal Total
9 credits 9 credits
Pre-requisites Achievement in the Learning Competencies in Year 10 Physical Education.
Course Overview This course includes achievement standards in speaking, listening, reading and writing in Te Reo Māori. Tikanga and cultural aspects of protocol will also be studied through specific topics. Students will use these language skills to study various topics such as: whakapapa/genealogy, learning to follow specific instructions, whakataukii/proverbs, kīwaha/idioms, reading and writing stories in Te Reo Māori.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
18 credits 12 credits 30 credits
Pre-requisites Achieving at Level 5 in 10TRR or 10TRW
Subject specific costs: NZQA Homework booklet (compulsory)
Textiles Technology
Subject specific costs:
Sport & Recreation
Subject specific costs:
$10.00 11TTY
Course Overview Students will develop skills of investigation, research, and planning, using Textiles as a base. Students are expected to design individual creative garments. Using their designs as a starting point they will explore and plan for the best construction techniques and fabrics to create well-made garments with flair. There is an opportunity to enter fashion competitions. Students are expected to provide their own materials, although some basics will be provided.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
20 credits 4 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites Achieving at Level 4 or better in Y10 Textiles or with permission of the Head of Department
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials (excluding fabrics, including toiles) $40.00
Page 31
Year 12 Core
32 32 32
English English Language & Literacy English in Progress
Options Arts Contemporary Music Studies Dance Drama Film & Media Production Music Practical Art Practical Art - Design Practical Art -Photography Practical Art - Printmaking Practical Art - Sculpture
34 34 35 36 40 40 41 41 41 41
Business Studies Accounting Business Studies Economics Legal Studies
33 33 36 38
Languages English as a Second Language (Academic) English as a Second Language (General) French German Japanese Te Reo Maori Mathematics Mathematics with Extensions Mathematics Mathematics Applied Mathematics Numeracy *
36 25 37 37 38 42
39 39 39 39
Physical Education Aquatics refer to page Physical Education Self Defence refer to page Sport & Leadership Sport & Recreation refer to page
21 40 29 42 30
Science Biology Chemistry Physics Practical Science
33 33 40 42
Social Sciences Classical Studies Geography History Introductory Tourism Sociology
34 37 37 38 42
Technology & Systems Computing 34 Design & Visual Communication 35 Digital Technologies 35 Food & Nutrition 36 Furniture Making refer to 26 Furniture - Outdoor refer to 26 Textiles Technology 43 Vocational Driver Education refer to page Early Childhood Education Employment Skills
24 35 43 Home Innovation & Management 1 27 Home Innovation & Management 2 28 Hospitality (A) 38
Page 32
Core Subjects English
Achieving fewer than four of English NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6. 1.7. Restriction: Cannot be taken with 12ENG or 13ENL
Course Overview Students will develop their language skills by studying a variety of texts from literature and the media. Emphasis is given to reading, writing and speaking skills. Formulating and expressing opinion is an important focus of the programme. Analytical skills will be developed. The aim is to achieve the Level 2 Literacy requirement for University Entry.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards A combination of Internal and External credits Potential Total 21 credits
Pre-requisites Achieving at least four of the Level 1 Achievement Standards listed: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 or with the permission of the Head of Department English.
Subject specific costs: NZQA
English in Progress
Course Overview This course is designed for students who need to develop their language skills to gain English literacy at Level 1. They also may gain some Level 2 credits but not literacy at Level 2. Students will work at a pace suited to their ability and each may do a different selection of standards according to their needs.
Assessment Where does the course lead to? This course provides the opportunity for the Level 2 Literacy qualification essential for any tertiary study. It is the pathway to Y13 English.
Subject specific costs:
English Language & Literacy
NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards /Level 1 Unit Standard Literacy and some Level 2 Standards Total 17-20 credits
11ENP, or fewer than three English NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6. 1.7, in 11ENG Restriction: Not with 12ENG or 12ENL 12ENL
Course Objectives Students will work on improving language skills with a view to gaining some Level 2 credits. It is an opportunity to gain the Level 2 Literacy requirement for University Entry mainly through a programme of internal standards. Students may have an option to sit two external standards.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Total 15-21 credits
Subject specific costs: NZQA Booklet Materials
$4.00 $5.00
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Option Subjects Accounting
Business Studies
Course Overview
Course Overview
This programme includes a study of the conceptual basis of accounting, the processing of financial transactions using computer software and the reporting and analysis of financial information. In particular, the systems in securing cash handling, inventory, accounts receivable and accounts payable are investigated. Unit Standard accreditation will be available for subsystems.
Students will gain knowledge, skills and experience to understand how large businesses make decisions. They will carry out and review a one-off business activity. Issues such as sustainability, citizenship, enterprise and globalisation are covered. This subject will assist with career options in marketing, business law, human resources and communication.
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
7 credits 13 credits 20 credits
12 credits in 11ACC
Subject specific costs: NZQA Workbook(s)
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course booklet & photocopying
Course Overview Students investigate various living organisms, their environment and biological processes in order to acquire a working knowledge of the concepts of Biology.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
10 credits 12 credits 22 credits
Course Overview Students will investigate and measure the chemical and physical properties of a range of groups of substances. They will also relate properties of matter to structure and bonding and develop an understanding of and use of the fundamental concepts of chemistry (for example, equilibrium and the thermo chemical principles) to interpret observations.
Pre-requisites 16 credits in Level 1 NCEA Science, including AS90948 and AS90950.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Field trip (approx) Workbook
9 credits 12 credits 21 credits
12 credits (some internal and external) in Level 1 Business Studies or 10 credits in 11ENG for students new to Business Studies at Level 2 or at the discretion of HOD Business Studies.
$15.00 $25.00
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
10 credits 13 credits 23 credits
Pre-requisites 16 credits in Level 1 NCEA Science, including AS90944. Co-requisite: 12MAE or 12MAT
Subject specific costs: NZQA Revision notes handouts
Page 34
Classical Studies
Contemporary Music Studies
Course Overview Students will develop their factual knowledge and skills (the ability to think, express oneself, interpret, analyse, marshal evidence and present an argument). Students study Greek mythology, architecture and sculpture, literature and society.
Course Overview This course has an emphasis on Contemporary Music and builds on the theoretical and practical skills developed in 11MSN. Students will progress towards Level 2 in the core areas of performance, technology, composition and musical knowledge.
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
12 credits 12 credits 24 credits
NCEA Level 2 standards Internal External Total
19 credits 4 credits 23 credits
Pre-requisites 16 credits in Level 1 History or any 4 Achievement Standards of 1.1-1.5 in Level 1 English.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course materials
Achieved grade or higher in 11CMS 1.1, 1.3, 1.5 and 1.6 or Grade 4 (or equivalent standard) in music theory and 4 years of instrumental or vocal tuition. Restrictions: students enrolling in this course must be enrolled in instrumental or vocal tuition either through the college or with a private music teacher. Cannot be taken with 12MUS.
Subject specific costs: Itinerant Tuition fee (if applicable) Workbooks (3)
Course Overview The digital skills cover basic office applications, such as word processors, spreadsheets and databases, image editing skills, internet research, web publishing and basic computer components.
Assessment Level 2 Unit Standards
18 credits
Pre-requisites 14 credits in 11COM. Restriction: cannot be taken with 12DTS
Where does the course lead to? Further education in Computing and Digital Technologies.
Subject specific costs: None- students will need own earphones
$15.00 $30.00
Course Overview This university approved subject enables students to explore a range of dance styles and will see students choreographing dance sequences. Students will perform Ethnic Dance, Salsa and Theatre dance eg jazz. Students will analyse dance performances and compiled portfolio to demonstrate understanding of choreographic processes. Students will have the opportunity to attend dance workshops and performances.
Assessment NCEA Level Two Achievement Standards Internal External Total
20 credits 4 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites 12 credits in Year 11 Dance or at the discretion of the teacher in charge (audition may be required).
Subject specific costs: Materials Theatre Visit
$10.00 TBA
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Design & Visual Communication
Course Overview Students will continue to develop their ability to conceptualise, develop and communicate design ideas and potential solutions specialising in the areas of Spatial Design, Product Design and Visual Communication Techniques. Design & Visual Communication is a design based course with all assessment evidence being developed from a Design Brief and presented as a Portfolio. They will develop through activities in Design & Visual Communication an appreciation and aesthetic awareness of design’s impact on people and the environment.
Assessment Evidence for both the Internal and External Achievement Standards will be in the form of portfolio’s. NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal 19 credits External 9 credits Total 28 credits
14 credits in 11COM Restriction: Cannot be taken with 12COS
Subject specific costs: NZQA - students need to supply own earphones.
Course Overview This course involves students studying key aspects of theatre history as well as textual interpretation, devising and performance. They will be involved in all aspects of producing and performing a major play that is presented to the public. Students will also be working toward external examinations. Students will be involved in scripted and devised drama as well as developing skills in one or more theatre forms.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
18 credits 4 credits 22 credits
Pre-requisites 12 NCEA Level 1 Curriculum credits in Graphics & Design or with the permission of the Head of Department Design Technology.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
Digital Technologies
Subject specific costs: Materials Theatre Visit
Early Childhood Education
Course Overview Building on skills from 11 DTS, students will solve three real world problems. The problems are based around three skill sets, information management, digital media and computer programming. Information management involves using office applications such as word processors, spreadsheets and databases, and switching data between the two. Digital media involves providing a multimedia solution that involves animation, video and sound editing and web production skills. Computing programming involves understanding algorithms and creating basic computer programmes for a 3D graphic environment.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
12 credits in NCEA Level 1 Drama Achievement Standards or at the HOD’s discretion based on an interview and/or audition. $10.00 TBA
Course Overview This course covers the basic needs of young children, hygiene, attachment, settling young children, promoting health in early childhood, developing observation skills and studying the development of children. This course provides a basic grounding in Early Childhood Education and parenting skills.
Assessment Level 2 Unit Standards Level 3 Unit Standards Total
18 credits 10 credits 28 credits
Pre-requisites 9 credits in 11ENG or 11ENP or 11ECE
Where does the course lead to? 14 credits 6 credits 20 credits
Preparation for tertiary study in Early Childhood Education.
Subject specific costs: $10.00
Page 36
Film & Media Production
Course Overview
Course Overview Students will use economic concepts, models and statistical data to develop an awareness of the New Zealand scene and government policies relating to economic issues of trade, inflation and growth. Investigation of a current economic issue using primary and secondary sources will be internally assessed.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
10 credits 12 credits 22 credits
This course is based on theory and practical work in media product and moving image. Students will analyse film genres, write concepts, treatments and scripts, storyboarding, learn the fundamentals of handling and operating a camera while collecting footage for film projects to be edited into the latest computer software. Students also have the opportunity to participate in national film competitions and undertake practical work filming school shows and activities outside of school.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Unit Standards NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Total
12 credits in Level 1 Economics or 10 credits in 11ENG for students new to Economics or at the discretion of the HOD Business Studies
Subject specific costs:
Subject specific costs:
NZQA Workbook(s)
English as a Second Language (Academic)
10 credits 9 credits 19 credits
No pre-requisite required.
NZQA Materials
Food & Nutrition
Course Overview
Course Overview Students in Years 12 and 13 may choose this option having been assessed to ascertain their second language needs. This is an upper intermediate academic English course preparing students for 2 NCEA Level 3 Unit Standards in reading and writing and/or the IELTS examination (academic module).
Food & Nutrition is a subject where students will investigate nutritional concerns of groups, examine New Zealand eating patterns, look at the needs of a sports person with high energy needs and explore special food needs. This course allows students to study nutrition and social issues that affect them and others in the community.
NCEA Internal Level 3 Unit Standards
10 credits
Pre-requisites Achievement of Level 2 US 3477, 2986 or at the discretion of the Director of International Students
Where does the course lead to? This course prepares students for the IELTS examination, which may be a pre-requisite for entry to some overseas universities.
10 credits in any four of the following 11ENG Achievement Standards 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.9 OR 11FNU
Where does the course lead to?
Subject specific costs: NZQA IELTS (2011 fee) This fee may increase in 2012
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal 10-15 credits External 8 credits Total between 18-23 credits
Combined with Biology and Chemistry this leads to tertiary study in food technology, nutrition, sports nutrition and consumer food science.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
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Course Overview
Course Overview
Students will use the four language skills to study topics such as holidays, fashion, the French-speaking world, some French literature and daily life. Students are encouraged to communicate in French.
Students will use the four language skills to study such German topics as young people, trends, a film and some fairy tales. Cultural aspects of Germanspeaking countries are also studied.
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
14 credits 10 credits 24 credits
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
14 credits 10 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites 19 credits NCEA Level 1 French
19 credits NCEA Level 1 German (should include 1.5)
Subject specific costs:
Subject specific costs:
NZQA Course booklets (compulsory) $10.00 Level 2 French (Renash) (optional) $14.00 Australian Language Exam Certificate (com) $14.00 Language Perfect (optional) $20.00
NZQA Course booklets Australian Language Certificate Exam (compulsory) Language Perfect (optional)
$10.00 $14.00 $20.00
Course Overview
Course Overview
Students study themes relating to people altering their environment, including Natural Landscapes as a result of physical and cultural processes, The South Island High Country and the Amazon, Urban Settlements with reference to processes and patterns in New Zealand.
Students study the momentous events and developments that took place during the 19th and early 20th century, which have shaped our world today. Topics include Origins of World War I, the Russian Revolution, Weimar Republic/Nazi Germany and a Local Study.
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
14 credits 12 credits 26 credits
14 credits 14 credits 28 credits
Pre-requisites 12 credits in Level 1 Geography or any 4 Achievement Standards of 1.1-1.5 in Level 1 English
Subject specific costs: NZQA 1 week optional field trip to South Island Field trips and workbooks approx
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
16 Achievement Standard credits in Level 1 History or any 4 Achievement Standards of 1.1-1.5 in Level 1 English
Subject specific costs: TBA $95.00
NZQA Course materials
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Hospitality (A)
Subject specific costs:
NZQA Course materials
Course Overview This course is designed to give students an introduction to the hospitality industry. Students will study food hygiene, catering, table and beverage service, customer service and will receive training in restaurant situations. The unit standard credits can be accredited towards a National Certificate in Hospitality.
Assessment Hospitality Standards Institute Unit Standards Level 2 23 credits Level 1 3 credits Total 26 credits
Pre-requisites None
Where does the course lead to? Hospitality (B), Hotel Management Diploma or Bachelor degree, chef, caterer, cafe worker, bar manager, maÎtre d’, waitress, wine waiting.
Subject specific costs: Materials Hotel Standards Institute levies
$90.00 $65.00
Introductory Tourism
Course Overview Tourism is an exciting area of growth in New Zealand. This course provides students with an understanding of the tourist industry and products, knowledge of tourist characteristics and needs, destination knowledge of both New Zealand and the world, an understanding of culture and how it applies to tourism and customer service/personal presentation skills. On successful completion of Introductory and Extension Tourism, students receive a National Certificate in Tourism Level 2.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Unit Standards 24 credits NCEA Level 3 Unit Standards 4 credits Total 28 credits The same unit standard credits can be accredited to National Certificate in Tourism and Travel Level 2 as well.
Pre-requisites 8 credits in any Level 1 Social Science course and the NCEA Level 1 Literacy and Numeracy requirements.
Where does the course lead to? Leads on to 13TRM and Tertiary Tourism Certificate/Diploma courses.
Course Overview Students will cover the themes of eating and drinking, family life and homes, leisure activities and the Japanese Education system using the four language skills. The study of kanji is increased. Students begin to use the colloquial language and advanced grammatical structures. Cultural aspects are taught within the themes.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
14 credits 10 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites 19 credits NCEA Level 1 Japanese (should include 1.5)
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course booklets (compulsory) $10.00 Level 2 Japanese (Renash) (optional) $14.00 Australian Language Exam Certificate (compulsory) $14.00 Language Perfect (optional) $20.00
Legal Studies
Course Overview The main objective of this course is for students to develop an awareness of the New Zealand legal system. Students will be introduced to the role of law in New Zealand society. They will gain an understanding of the legal process and consequences of criminal actions. Guest speakers from the community offer their insight into relevant topics. Students visit the District Court.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Units Standard
25 credits
Pre-requisites 12 NCEA Level 1 English credits or at the discretion of the HOD Business Studies
Where does the course lead to? Students may enter a legal executive programme at tertiary level.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Class materials
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Mathematics with Extensions
Subject specific costs: NZQA Workbooks
Mathematics Applied
Course Overview This is an academic course of study that prepares students for NCEA Level 3 Mathematics. It is structured into nine units of learning based on the three strands of the New Zealand Curriculum: Number & Algebra, Geometry & Measurement, and Statistics. The study and application of these skills will be at a level that will enable students to master Merit and Excellence questions in NCEA Achievement Standards. A graphics calculator is needed for this course.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
11 credits 14 credits 25 credits
Pre-requisites A minimum of 20 credits in 11MAE. Must have Merit or Excellence in AS 1.2 Algebra and Achieved in AS 1.3 Relations Restriction: Cannot be taken with 12MAT or 12MAP
Subject specific costs: NZQA Workbooks
Course Overview The course is structured into eight units of learning based on the New Zealand curriculum. The units are based around themes that emphasise the practical application of Mathematical skills. The course is designed for those students who have a weaker background in Mathematics.
Assessment NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standards Internal NCEA Level 1 Unit Standards NCEA Level 2 Unit Standards Total
9 credits 6 credits 5 credits 20 credits
Pre-requisites 11MAP or 11MAT Restriction: Cannot be taken with 12MAT or 12MAE
Where does the course lead to? Students who complete this course to a high standard can make application to Head of Department Mathematics to enter 12MAT.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Workbook
Mathematics Numeracy
Course Overview This course is based around the eight Level 2 Achievement Standards delivered in this course, which are based on the three strands of the New Zealand Curriculum: Number & Algebra, Geometry & Measurement, and Statistics. Students need to have mastered the work in 11MAT to be confident of successfully completing the Standards in this course.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External NCEA Level 2 Unit Standards Total
15 credits 4 credits 3 credits 22 credits
Pre-requisites A minimum of 20 Level 1 credits from 11MAT or 11MAE. Must have Achieved at least one of the external Achievement Standards in 11MAT or 11MAE. Restriction: Not with 12 MAP or 12MAE
Course Overview This half year course is for students who have not completed the numeracy requirement for NCEA Level One. The course will continue the work covered in 11MAP and will cater for the individual needs of students, allowing them to complete the three Numeracy Unit Standards needed for NCEA Level 1. Where possible, students will also investigate further practical application of their mathematical skills, and undertake further Level 1 Standards.
Assessment Numeracy Unit Standards Level 1
10 credits
Pre-requisites 11MAP, or any student who has not achieved the 10 Numeracy credits needed for NCEA Level 1 Restriction: Cannot be taken with any other Mathematics course Co-requisite: Any other ½ year course.
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Course Overview Students will undertake a more advanced programme of composition (including transcription and arranging skills), instrumental performance, studies in musical style and form, and aural notation.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External
Course Overview Students are able to apply the laws and principles of Physics to familiar and unfamiliar situations, design and perform experiments, organise and present data and come to a logical conclusion.
Assessment 19 credits 4 credits
Pre-requisites Achieved Grade or higher in 11MUS 1.1, 1.3, 1.5 and 1.6 or grade 4 (or equivalent standard) in music theory and 4 years instrumental or vocal tuition. Co-requisite: Students must be enrolled in either private or itinerant instrumental or vocal tuition either through the college or with a private teacher. Cannot be taken with 12CMS.
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
7 credits 16 credits 23 credits
Pre-requisites 16 credits in Level 1 NCEA Science including AS90940 and AS 90941
Subject specific costs: NZQA
Subject specific costs:
Practical Art
NZQA Itinerant Tuition (if applicable) Workbooks (3)
Physical Education
Course Overview Students will be involved in practical modules of work supported by related theory and laboratory work. Topics include the role of physical activity for young people, exercise science principles and methods of training, psychology of sport, skill analysis, performance of physical activity in an applied setting, injury prevention and treatment and risk management in the outdoors.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards NCEA Level 2 Unit Standards Total
19 credits 6 credits 25 credits
Pre-requisites 12 credits at Level 1 Physical Education/Science/ English or by application to the Head of Department Physical Education.
Where does the course lead to? Provides an ideal pathway for Polytechnic certificate or diploma courses.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Stationery Field trips
$15.00 (approx) $350.00
Course Overview Students will generate and develop ideas using drawing processes and procedures in painting, practice. They will produce a body of work within Painting to show understanding of art making methods and ideas. External work is marked by submitting a folio consisting of two A1 panels.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
12 credits 12 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites NCEA Level 1 Art – (16 credits) or at the discretion of the Head of Department.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
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Practical Art -Design
Practical Art - Printmaking
Course Overview
Course Overview
Students will generate and develop ideas using drawing processes and procedures in design, practice. They will produce a body of work within Design to show understanding of art making methods and ideas. External work is marked by submitting a folio consisting of two A1 panels.
Students will research established printmaking practice. They will investigate and use ideas and methods in a printmaking study. They will produce original work within Printmaking to show knowledge of art-making methods and ideas. External work is marked by submitting a folio consisting of three A1 panels.
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
12 credits 12 credits 24 credits
12 credits 12 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites Level 1 NCEA Art (16 credits) or at the discretion of the Head of Department.
NCEA Level 1 Art – (16 credits) or at the discretion of the Head of Department.
Subject specific costs:
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials $45.00 Stationery approximately $35.00-$40.00 Additional printing costs may be incurred during the year.
Practical Art -Photography
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
NZQA Stationery
Practical Art - Sculpture
Course Overview
Course Overview
Students will generate and develop ideas using drawing processes and procedures in photography practice. They will produce a body of work within Photography to show understanding of art making methods and ideas. External work is marked by submitting a folio consisting of two A1 panels.
Students will research the work of model artists, develop sculptural concepts using drawing skills, gain knowledge of sculptural processes and procedures and produce a variety of three-dimensional work. External work is marked by submitting a folio consisting of two A1 panels.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standard Internal External Total
12 credits 12 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites NCEA Level 1 Art – (16 credits) or at the discretion of the Head of Department
Subject specific costs: NZQA Paper purchased during the year approximately $120.00 Materials Fee $ 60.00 Digital camera with manual settings required.
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
12 credits 12 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites 11ART – (16 credits) or at the discretion of the Head of Department.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
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Practical Science
Sport & Leadership
Course Overview
Course Overview This course provides hands on skills related to a variety of science based industries eg Horticulture, Nursing and Hairdressing.
Assessment Industry based Unit Standards as available through the Polytechnic alongside NCEA internal assessments.
Pre-requisites 10 credits from any Level 1 Science course.
This course provides opportunity for students to learn strategies and techniques in sport leadership. Students develop communication, management and coaching skills through practical involvement and peer teaching in a variety of sports and activities. Students will be involved in assisting with community sports events eg Weet Bix Triathlon, Top School Competition. Direct involvement in leadership promotes confidence when working with others. It can provide a pathway for tertiary study in sport.
Assessment Where does the course lead to? Careers requiring a basic Science knowledge. Check with your careers advisor for specific requirements.
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Total
17 credits 17 credits
Pre-requisites The completion of 11SPR/12SPR or 10 credits in 11PED/12PED or 11ENG.
Subject specific costs: NZQA
Where does the course lead to? This course provides an ideal pathway to Polytechnic certificate or diploma courses and into 13PED.
Subject specific costs: Stationery Field trips may be offered
Course Overview Students study an introduction to sociological ideas and perspectives including the individual, culture and society. Analysis and interpretation is undertaken about social issues such as age divisions, the impact of media, gender issues. The course content contains interaction, debate and awareness as well as two student directed sociological inquiries.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Unit Standards Level 2 Achievement Standards Total
14 credits 10 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites 8 credits in any Level 1 Social Studies course and the NCEA Level 1 Literacy and Numeracy requirements.
Course Overview This course includes achievement standards in speaking, listening, reading and writing in Te Reo Māori. Tikanga and cultural aspects of protocol will also be studied through specific topics. Students will use these language skills to study various topics such as: whakapapa/genealogy, learning to follow specific instructions, whakataukii/proverbs, kīwaha/idioms, reading and writing stories in Te Reo Māori. At this level it is also expected that a research project be undertaken. Class conversations are expected to be in Te Reo Māori.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course materials
Te Reo Maori
NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
14 credits 10 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites 14 Level 1 NCEA credits in Te Reo Maori.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
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Textiles Technology
Employment Skills
Course Overview
Course Overview Students will develop their skills, within a design portfolio, and the products they make. Deeper investigation is undertaken into a variety of design elements, which are used to inform enriched designs and garment construction techniques. Students will need to provide their own materials, although some basics will be provided.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement, 21credits
Pre-requisites 16 credits should be gained in 11DTT or with permission of the Head of Department
Where does the course lead to? Students are encouraged to enter local and national fashion competitions.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Sample work & Toiles
This 12 hour per week course allows students to add to their NCEA achievement profile while working towards preparing themselves for employment and/or further training. Within the programme students produce a CV, complete a Kiwihost Customer Service course, a Comprehensive First Aid course and will be enrolled on the Gateway programme for work experience. Opportunities will also be available to participate in the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic Smart Paths programme. Year 12 students choose 3 other subjects, one of which must be an English subject. Year 13 students choose 2 other subjects.
Assessment NCEA Unit Standards Level 1 NCEA Unit Standards Level 2 NCEA Unit Standards Level 3 Total of a minimum of
12 credits 23 credits 4 credits 39 credits
Pre-requisites $40.00
Where does the course lead to? Employment and/or further career training Further NCEA study Pathway towards gaining the National Certificate in Employment Skills
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
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Year 13 Options
Arts Contemporary Music Studies Dance Drama Film & Media Production History of Art Music Practical Art – Design Practical Art – Painting Practical Art – Photography Practical Art – Printmaking Practical Art – Sculpture
47 48 48 50 52 54 53 53 54 54 54
Business Studies Accounting Economics Marketing & Management English English English as a Second Language (Academic) English in Progress English Language & Literacy Languages French German Japanese Spanish Te Reo Maori
46 48 53
49 36 49 49
50 51 53 55 55
Mathematics Mathematics with Calculus 53 Mathematics -Statistics & Modelling 54 Mathematics 54
Physical Education Aquatics refer to Physical Education Self Defence refer to Sport & Leadership refer to page Sport & Recreation refer to page
21 55 29 42 30
Science Biology Chemistry Physics
46 46 53
Social Science Classical Studies Extension Tourism Geography History Sociology
47 50 51 52 55
Technology & Systems Computing Computer Science - Web Design Furniture Making refer to Furniture - Outdoor refer to Graphics & Design Textiles Technology
47 47 26 26 51 57
Vocational Employment Skills
43 Home Innovation & Management 1 27 Home Innovation & Management 2 28 Hospitality Services (B) 52
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Where does the course lead to?
Health Sciences, Biological Science based tertiary study.
Course Overview Students will be able to analyse accounting systems of business, prepare cash flow statements and cash budgets as well as investigate manufacturing accounts. Company and Partnership accounts will be studied. Students should have an understanding of the conceptual framework, processes and systems as applied to different types of entities.
Subject specific costs:
NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total plus NCEA Unit Standards Internal
5 credits 19 credits 24 credits 7 credits
Pre-requisites 12 credits in 12ACC
Where does the course lead to? Students will be fully prepared to undertake Accounting and other business related subjects at tertiary institutions. Accounting is a compulsory subject in any business degree.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Workbook(s)
NZQA Field trip (2 approx) Workbook
$180.00 $ 25.00
Course Overview Students will investigate and measure the chemical and physical properties of a range of group of substances, for example acids and bases, oxidants and reductants, and selected organic and inorganic compounds. They will also relate properties of matter to structure and bonding and develop an understanding of the fundamental concepts of chemistry (for example, equilibrium and thermo chemical principles) to interpret observations.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
2 credits 18 credits 20 credits
Pre-requisites 16 credits in 12CHE (Level 2 NCEA Chemistry Achievement Standards) and AS90284: Manipulate algebraic expressions and solve equations.
Where does the course lead to? Health Science, Food Technology, Human Nutrition, Engineering, Wine Science tertiary courses.
Course Overview Students research contemporary biological issues, describe biological processes and techniques including biotechnology, evolution, plant and animal responses and genetics.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Internal External Total
Pre-requisites 16 credits in 12BIO
6 credits 14 credits 20 credits
Subject specific costs: NZQA Revision notes handouts
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Classical Studies
Course Overview
Course Overview Students will develop their factual knowledge and skills (information gathering, writing, analysing, decision-making) along with the ability to judge critically and to construct a logical argument. Students study a variety of topics, which touch on the disciplines of History, Art History and Literature. These include Alexander the Great; Greek Vase Painting; Virgil’s Aeneid.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
6 credits 18 credits 24 credits
This course includes a broad range of skills with a focus on office applications. Units are completed in word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentations and desktop published documents.
Assessment Level 3 Unit Standards
18 credits
Pre-requisites 14 credits in 12COM Restriction: Cannot be taken with 13COS
Where does the course lead to? Further training in Computing and Digital Technologies.
Subject specific costs:
Pre-requisites 14 credits in NCEA Level 2 Classical Studies or any 4 Achievement Standards of 2.1-2.6 in Level 2 English
NZQA None – students need to supply own earphones.
Where does the course lead to? This is an academic course which qualifies for university entrance. It can be studied in all major universities and contribute to degrees including (but not limited to) BA, B Soc, LLB. Careers include archaeologist, teacher, lecturer, librarian, researcher, journalist, curator, policy analyst, public service positions.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course materials
Computer Science
$50.00 13COS
Course Overview The course has a strong web publication focus. Students prepare a webpage using XHTML or a choice of web authoring tools. Student use Flash to produce the multimedia content. Spreadsheet, database and desktop publishing skills are also extended and assessed.
Assessment Level 3 Unit Standards
18 credits
Pre-requisites 17 credits in 12COS Restriction: Cannot be taken with 13COM
Where does the course lead to? Further training in Computing and Digital Technologies.
Subject specific costs: NZQA none – students need to supply own earphones.
Contemporary Music Studies
Course Overview This course is designed for students interested in Contemporary Music. Students are able to select a facet or facets of music to specialise in at this level and will elect Achievement and/or Unit standards in performance, composition, Music Technology and musical knowledge.
Assessment All of the standards offered are NCEA Level 3. Students will create an individualised programme of study selecting from the following list of standards. All of the standards are internally assessed. MS 3.2 AS 90497 3 credits MS 3.4 AS 90499 6 credits MS 3.6 AS 90527 4 credits MM 3.1 AS 90526 4 credits MM 3.6 AS 90775 8 credits MM 3.7 AS 90776 8 credits US 16553 10 credits
Pre-requisites 12 CMS Restrictions: Students must be receiving ongoing private or Itinerant tuition on an instrument
Where does the course lead to? Vocal/instrumental soloist, Composer, Advertising executive, MIDI technician, Road manager.
Subject specific costs: Itinerant Tuition fee (if applicable) $15.00 Workbooks (AS90497 & Scholarship) each $10.00
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12 credits in NCEA Level 2 Drama Achievement Standards or at the HOD’s discretion based on an interview and/or audition.
Course Overview This University approved subject will see students continuing to develop their performance skills to a more advanced level. They will also produce dance for performance entirely from their own choreography and using production technologies. Students will analyse and evaluate a dance performance and research the development of Dance in NZ. Students will have the opportunity to participate in workshops and performances. Students can also sit scholarship
Where does the course lead to? The Year 13 drama course leads to Performing Arts schools such as Toi Whakaari (NZ Drama School), NASDA, Unitec and Arts degrees majoring in theatre/performing arts at Auckland, Otago and Victoria Universities. This course also provides students with transferable skills towards tertiary study in other area such as Law, Communications and Media Studies. This course can also lead to Radio.
Subject specific costs:
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
16 credits 8 credits 24 credits
Materials Theatre Visit
$10.00 TBA 13ECO
Pre-requisites 12 credits in NCEA Level 2 Dance or at the discretion of the teacher in charge based on an interview and/or audition.
Where does the course lead to? This course leads to Performing Arts schools and dance courses at a variety of institutions such as NZ School of Dance, Unitec, University of Auckland, AUT, Otago and the Wellington Performing Arts Centre.
Subject specific costs: Materials Theatre Visit
$10.00 TBA 13DRA
Course Overview This University approved subject will see students continuing to develop their drama skills (acting and technical) to a more advanced level. They will be involved in the Year 13 production and in performing devised and text based performances. Students will also be working towards external examinations and students will have the opportunity to do Scholarship drama.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
16 credits 8 credits 24 credits
Course Overview Students will study demand and supply for the perfect and imperfect competitor and will be able to describe the market showing an understanding of resource allocation via the public sector. An understanding of aggregate economic activity will be developed. An investigation will be complete to collect and process information and analyse economic information.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total NZQA Scholarship
5 credits 19 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites 14 credits in 12ECO or at the discretion of the HOD Business Studies
Where does the course lead to? Students will be fully prepared to undertake Economics and other business related subjects at tertiary institutions. Economics is a compulsory subject in any business degree. Year 13 Economics and Year 13 Geography complement each other.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Workbook(s) PcW Economics Competition
$40.00 $ 5.00
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English Language & Literacy
Course Overview Students will develop critical skills in language and literature. The course will include a variety of literature from New Zealand and the world. Students will extend their language, communication and thinking skills, valuable especially for tertiary study but also in any sphere of post school experience. Emphasis is given to the study of literature and the discussion of life issues, in line with the new curriculum focus.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Total
20 credits
Pre-requisites At least four NCEA Level 2 English Achievement Standards from 12ENG/Level 2 Literacy, or four standards from the 12ENL course and at the discretion of the Head of Department English. Students intending to do Scholarship English should be enrolled in this course.
Where does the course lead to? University Entrance or Polytechnic. Well-developed literacy skills are a sound basis for study at University, in particular for qualifications in Communication, Media Arts, Journalism and Law. NZQA Materials
English in Progress
This course is designed as a final opportunity to achieve the Level 2 Literacy requirement for University Entry. The standards are primarily internal. Students will have the opportunity to sit two external standards.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards Total 15-21 credits
Pre-requisites Achieving Level 1 Literacy but not Level 2 Literacy.
Where does the course lead to? Success may enable enrolment for some Polytechnic courses. NZQA
This course is a dual purpose course. It is designed for students to achieve the Level 2 Literacy requirement for University Entrance if this has not yet been achieved. It also offers 14 credits of Level 3 standards for University Entrance. It contains a range of internal standards at Level 2 and 3. Students will take different combinations of these standards to suit individual needs. The course includes a study of literature as well as speaking and writing components.
Assessment NCEA Level 2 Achievement Standards NCEA Level 2 Unit Standards Total and/or NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standard NCEA Level 3 Unit Standards Total
6 credits 8 credits 14 credits 4 credits 10 credits 14 credits
Pre-requisites Achieving fewer than four of NCEA Level 2 English Achievement Standards or not achieving Level 2 literacy requirements.
Where does the course lead to? University or other tertiary courses. NZQA
Course Overview
Subject specific costs:
Course Overview
Subject specific costs:
Subject specific costs:
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Extension Tourism
Where does the course lead to?
Tertiary courses in television production and media studies.
Course Overview This course recognises the knowledge and skills required as a base for further training in the tourism industry. Students study the Tourism Industry and Tourism Destinations. Students will also gain an awareness of the requirements of working in the Tourism and Travel Industry. On successful completion of Introductory and Extension Tourism, students receive a National Certificate in Tourism Level 2.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Unit Standards Total credits
28 credits 28 credits
Pre-requisites 8 credits in any Level 2 Social Science course or Level 2 English. Introductory Tourism is desirable but not essential.
Where does the course lead to?
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
Course Overview Students will use the four language skills to study topics such as New Zealand, health, cultural life and French literature. Students learn to use advanced grammatical structures and extend their vocabulary and are expected to communicate in French where possible.
This course prepares students for entry to the National Certificate in Tourism which in turn can lead to qualifications and careers in outbound travel such as travel consultancy or wholesale travel, and inbound tourism within the New Zealand tourism industry.
Subject specific costs:
15 credits NCEA Level 2 French (should include 2.5)
NZQA Course materials
Film & Media Production
Course Overview This course is based on theory and practical work in media product and moving image. Students will analyse film genres, write concepts, treatments and scripts, storyboarding, learn the fundamentals of handling and operating a camera while collecting footage for film projects to be edited into the latest computer software. Students also have the opportunity to participate in national film competitions and undertake practical work filming school shows and activities outside of school.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Unit Standards NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Total
Pre-requisites 16 Level 2 TVP credits.
10 credits 12 credits 22 credits
NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
9 credits 15 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites Where does the course lead to? Several international exchange opportunities exist both at secondary and at tertiary level. Foreign languages continue at tertiary level. They can be well combined with areas such as International Business, Law, Political Science, Tourism, Management, Teaching, Science, Translation, Hotel Management and Communication.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course booklets (compulsory) Level 3 French (Renash) (optional) Language Perfect (optional)
$15.00 $14.00 $20.00
Page 51
Where does the course lead to?
Course Overview Students study themes relating to people managing their environment including natural processes (study of volcanic processes), cultural processes (an in-depth study of tourism and the patterns and processes that evolve), and the role of Geography in planning and decision-making. There are two major field trips to Tongariro National Park and to Rotorua.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
11 credits 13 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites 15 credits in NCEA Level 2 Geography or any 4 Achievement Standards of 2.1-2.6 in Level 2 English
Where does the course lead to? Geography can be studied at all universities. Papers can focus on computerised mapping and data analysis, environment studies, development studies, political geography, human geography, physical geography. Possible careers: urban transport planner, policy analyst, policy advisor, diplomatic services, international aid, cartographer, climatologist, hazard planner, demographer, resource management, surveyor, research analyst, environment law, teacher.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Field trips
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course booklets (compulsory) Language Perfect (optional)
Graphics & Design
$15.00 $20.00 13GDE
Course Overview Graphics focuses on two main area of communication, these being Graphic Practice, and Drawing and Design. Graphic Practice focuses on the creative applications of drawing and design knowledge and techniques in the development of a conceptual outcome to address a brief. Drawing and Design focuses on knowledge and skills associated with sophisticated multi-dimensional drawing techniques and media usage, including an understanding of relevant codes of practice, conventions and underpinning concepts. Graphics is a design based course with all assessment evidence being developed from a Design Brief and presented as a Portfolio.
Assessment Evidence for both the Internal and External Achievement Standards will be in the form of portfolio’s. NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal 9 credits External 15 credits Total 24 credits
Course Overview Several international exchange opportunities exist both at secondary and at tertiary level. Students will use the four language skills to study women, youth, foreign workers, the environment and a film. Students learn to use advanced grammatical structures and extend their vocabulary.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
Several international exchange opportunities exist both at secondary and at tertiary level. Foreign languages continue at tertiary level. They can be well combined with areas such as International Business, Law, Political Science, Tourism, Management, Teaching, Science, Translation, Hotel Management and Communication.
9 credits 15 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites 15 credits NCEA Level 2 German (should include 2.5)
Pre-requisites 12 NCEA Level 2 Curriculum credits in Graphics & Design or with the permission of the Head of Department Design Technology.
Where does the course lead to? Graphics involves a rich variety of learning experiences which lead to a wide range of career opportunities that require creativity and logic to solve real life problems.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
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12 credits in NCEA Level 2 English or 14 credits from Level 2 Classical Studies or History.
Course Overview The course prepares students for academic study at universities, not only in History, but is a useful basis for study of Political Science, Public Policy, Management, Law, International Relations, Psychology and Anthropology. Students study the exam component England 1558-1667 consisting of constitutional, social, economic and religious history and a Special Studies component on American Studies.
Where does the course lead to? Tertiary study in Art History leading to careers in galleries, museums, stage, film and journalism.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course materials
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Internal External Total
9 credits 15 credits 24 credits
Hospitality Services (B)
Course Overview
Pre-requisites 16 credits in Level 2 History or any 4 Achievement Standards of 2.1-2.6 in Level 2 English
Where does the course lead to? History can be studied at all universities and contribute to degrees including BA, B Soc, LLB and others. History graduates are trained to work in a variety of vocations. A significant area of employment is in the government service. Other main areas include local body administration, research, teaching, broadcasting, journalism library and museum work, international law, managerial/administrative roles in the private sector.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Workbook
This course will enable students to complete further Unit Standards toward a National Certificate in Hospitality which is a pre-entry to tertiary study in hospitality. Students will study the techniques of preparing food for the hospitality industry and present food products and barista beverages suitable to serve in catering and restaurant situations. This course can be studied in the same year or in the year following HPA.
Assessment Certificate of Achievement in Barista plus Hotel Standards Institute Unit Standards Unit Standards Level 2 8 credits Unit Standards Level 3 17 credits Total 25 credits
Pre-requisites Co-requisite: HPA
Where does the course lead to?
History of Art
Hotel manager, chef, barista, maÎtre d’, cafe manager, caterer, bar manager, food and beverage manager, restaurant manager, kitchen assistant, baker.
Course Overview Students will study 14th century Italian painting, Renaissance painting and sculpture. They will come to appreciate the historical context, personal and regional styles, iconography and art terminology of the era.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
11 credits 13 credits 24 credits
Subject specific costs: Materials Hotel Standards Institute levies
$90.00 $65.00
Page 53
Course Overview Students use the four language skills to study Leisure Activities, Travel and Tourism, Japan At Work, and Communication and the Media. An increased study of kanji, vocabulary and grammatical structures is taught throughout the themes.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
NZIM papers 802, 803, 809 and 812 are compulsory in 2012 and 811 is optional (these papers may be used to apply for a credit inclusion of up to 10 credits per paper at NCEA Level 3 if required).
Pre-requisites 8 credits in Level 2 NCEA English or at the discretion of HOD Business Studies.
Where does the course lead to? 9 credits 15 credits 24 credits
Students may undertake a business diploma degree qualification at tertiary level.
Subject specific costs: Course materials & booklet
15 credits NCEA Level 2 Japanese (should include 2.5)
Where does the course lead to? Several international exchange opportunities exist both at secondary and at tertiary level. Foreign languages continue at tertiary level. They can be well combined with areas such as International Business, Law, Political Science, Tourism, Management, Teaching, Science, Translation, Hotel Management and Communication.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course booklets (compulsory) Level 3 Japanese (Renash) (optional) Language Perfect (optional)
Marketing & Management
$10.00 $14.00 $20.00
Course Objectives Students will be enrolled with the New Zealand Institute of Management and study four papers to complete their Certificate in Management (Enterprise option) or new students will complete the four papers but will not be eligible for the Certificate. It provides introductory knowledge and skills for business and workplace situations. In 2012 papers offered will be: Human Resources 803 and 809, Introduction to Marketing 802, Workplace Communication 812 and Introduction to Computing 811 (voluntary). This course is STAR funded except for the fees listed below. The NZIM (New Zealand Institute of Management) certificate is endorsed by many large New Zealand businesses.
Mathematics with Calculus
Course Overview This course is structured into five units of learning based on the New Zealand curriculum. There is a heavy emphasis on Algebra and Calculus, and students need to be very competent in these topics to be successful in this subject. A graphics calculator is needed for this course.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
4 credits 20 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites All 20 credits in 12MAE. Must gain both AS 2.1 Algebra and AS 2.3 Calculus with Merit or Excellence and gain Achieved in AS 2.9 Trigonometry. Restriction: Cannot be taken with 13MAT
Where does the course lead to? This is an academic course of study that prepares students for on-going study in Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Engineering, Surveying and Economics at tertiary level.
Subject specific costs: NZQA
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Mathematics Statistics & Modelling
Course Overview The course is structured into seven units of learning based on the New Zealand curriculum. There is an emphasis on Statistics and Probability and students need to have successfully completed 12MAE to be successful in this subject. The course has three internal Achievement Standards, all of which are completed on computer and require the use of EXCEL. A graphics calculator is needed for this course.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
9 credits 15 credits 24 credits
NCEA Level 2 Unit Standards 7 credits NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal up to 9 credits NCEA Level 3 Unit Standards 5 credits Total 18-21 credits
Pre-requisites A minimum of 12 credits in 12MAE or 12 MAT Restriction: Not with 13MAS or 13MAC
Where does the course lead to? This course provides useful background to a number of tertiary level courses, such as nursing and primary teaching, in which the use of Mathematics is useful, but is not a major focus of study.
Subject specific costs: NZQA
Pre-requisites A minimum of 17 credits in 12MAE. Must gain both AS 2.5 Statistics and AS 2.6 Probability with Merit or Excellence and gained Achieved in AS 2.1 Algebra. Restriction: Cannot be taken with 13MAT
Where does the course lead to? This is an academic course of study that prepares students for on-going study in Mathematics, the Sciences, Social Science, Health Sciences or Business Studies at tertiary level.
Subject specific costs: NZQA
Course Overview The course is structured into seven units of learning based on the three strands of the New Zealand Curriculum: Number & Algebra, Geometry & Measurement, and Statistics. The course includes a mix of NCEA Level 2 and 3 Achievement and Unit Standards. It is a natural progression for 12MAT students, or for 12MAE students who do not wish to study Calculus or Statistics and Modelling. The course includes 6 NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards, but motivated students can complete a further 3 credits at this level, and thus attain 14 level three credits needed for a university approved subject.
Course Overview Based on their interests and strengths students will select their own standards from the list of Achievement and Unit Standards offered. They are able to specialise in one or more of the following areas: Composition and arrangement; Performance; Music studies
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement as selected by the students Total credits: students select the Standards that are most suitable for them up to a maximum of 28 credits.
Pre-requisites Achieved grade or higher for: Composition MUS 2.3 & MUS 2.4 Performance MUS 2.1 & MUS 2.2 Music Studies MUS 2.6 & MUS 2.7 Co-requisite: Students must be enrolled in private or itinerant instrumental or vocal lessons for the duration of this course.
Where does the course lead to? Arranger, advertising executive, film composer, choir director, vocal/instrumental soloist, session musician, general business musician, performing artist, orchestra/group member, background vocalist, floor show band .
Subject specific costs: NZQA Itinerant Tuition (if applicable) Workbooks as required
each $10.00
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Physical Education
Students are permitted to enter a maximum of two of the following five Practical Art subjects:
Course Overview Students will work in a student centred and teacher facilitated environment. Major modules of work include training for an event and its impact on wellbeing, an individual sport, influencing participation of others, and the investigation of a health related issue in society. Modules develop skills and confidence through practical involvement supported by theoretical knowledge.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards 20 credits NCEA Level 3 Unit Standard 4 credits Total 24 credits All achievement standards are internally assessed.
Pre-requisites 12 credits at Level 2 Physical Education/Biology/ English or by application to the Head of Department Physical Education.
Where does the course lead to? This is a useful background course for those going onto tertiary study in sports science, sports and event management, coaching, leadership and research, leisure promotion, nutrition, nursing, teaching and health promotion at Polytechnic or University.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Stationery Other field trips may be offered
Practical Art - Design Course Overview
Students will research established Design practice. They will investigate and use ideas and methods in a drawing study. They will produce original work within Design to show knowledge of art making methods and ideas. External work is marked by submitting a folio consisting of three A1 panels.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standard Internal External Total NCEA Level 2 Practical Art 18 credits.
Where does the course lead to? Tertiary study in all design fields eg Graphics, Industrial Design and Architecture.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials Stationery may be incurred during year
$60.00 $50.00
Course Overview
Course Overview Students will apply the laws and principles of Physics to familiar and unfamiliar situations, design and perform experiments, organise and present data and come to a logical conclusion. Topics includes: momentum (collisions), rotational motion, simple harmonic motion, waves, electromagnetism and nuclear reactions.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
10 credits 14 credits 24 credits
Practical Art - Painting Physics
4 credits 19 credits 23 credits
Students will research established painting practice. They will investigate and use ideas and methods in a drawing study. They will produce original work within Painting to show knowledge of art-making methods and ideas. External work is marked by submitting a folio consisting of three A1 panels.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
10 credits 14 credits 24 credits
NCEA Level 2 Practical Art 18 credits.
16 credits in 12PHY (NCEA Level 2)
Where does the course lead to?
Where does the course lead to?
Tertiary study in Visual/Fine arts and Design fields.
Tertiary study in engineering, medicine, aviation, electronics, optometry , medical imaging.
Subject specific costs:
Subject specific costs: NZQA
NZQA Stationery
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Practical Art - Photography
Practical Art - Sculpture
Course Overview
Course Overview
Students will research established photography practice. They will investigate and use ideas and methods in a drawing study. They will produce original work within Photography to show knowledge of art- making methods and ideas. External work is marked by submitting a folio consisting of three A1 panels.
Students will research established sculpture practice. They will investigate and use ideas and methods in a drawing study. They will produce original work within Sculpture to show knowledge of art making methods and ideas. External work is marked by submitting a folio consisting of three A1 panels.
NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
10 credits 14 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites NCEA Level 2 Sculpture 18 credits
NCEA Level 2 Photography 18 credits
Where does the course lead to?
Where does the course lead to?
Tertiary study in all Visual/Fine Arts.
Tertiary study in the Visual Arts leading to careers in the Television and Film Industry, Photography, Media.
Subject specific costs:
Subject specific costs:
NZQA Materials
NZQA Digital camera Materials Paper/printing during year
10 credits 14 credits 24 credits
$ 65.00 approx $160.00
Course Overview
Practical Art - Printmaking
Course Overview Students will research established printmaking practice. They will investigate and use ideas and methods in a drawing study. They will produce original work within Printmaking to show knowledge of art-making methods and ideas. External work is marked by submitting a folio consisting of three A1 panels.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
10 credits 14 credits 24 credits
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Unit Standards Level 3 Achievement Standards Total
18 credits 6 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites 8 credits in any Level 2 Social Studies course or Level 2 English.
Where does the course lead to?
NCEA Level 2 Practical Art 18 credits
Sociology graduates are currently employed in business, local and national government, social welfare, media and journalism, social and health research, marketing, policy analysis, advertising, town planning, law enforcement and education.
Where does the course lead to? Tertiary study in Visual/Fine Arts
Subject specific costs: NZQA Materials
Students will explore the impact of social change on aspects of society, and the way people’s identities can be constructed by the expectations of the society they are born into and the roles they acquire through this process. Students study an introduction to Sociology structures and institutions and ideas and perspective including current issues and family. Also social actions are explored through issues such as politics through the medium of music.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course materials
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Pre-requisites 14 credits in NCEA Level 2 Te Reo Maori.
Course Overview
Where does the course lead to?
Students will use the four language skills to extend their studies of Year 12 topics. New topics include travel, holidays and ecology. Cultural aspects of Spanish-speaking countries will also be included.
This course will lead to University studies in an range of areas.
NZQA Materials
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
9 credits 15 credits 24 credits
Textiles Technology
Course Overview
Pre-requisites 15 credits NCEA Level 2 Spanish.
Where does the course lead to? Several international exchange opportunities exist both at secondary and at tertiary level. Foreign languages continue at tertiary level. They can be well combined with areas such as International Business, Law, Political Science, Tourism, Management, Teaching, Science, Translation, Hotel Management and Communication.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Course booklets (compulsory) Language Perfect (optional)
Te Reo Maori
Subject specific costs:
$15.00 $20.00
Students who participate in this course will have a passion for textiles and are considering pursuing this subject at a tertiary level. Students will have the opportunity to produce a Technology portfolio and develop skills of working independently. School productions and competitions will be used in order to develop their portfolios. Students are expected to provide their own materials.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal Level 2/3 Unit Standards Total
14 credits 10 credits 24 credits
Pre-requisites 12 credits should be gained in 12DTT or by consultation with Head of Department.
Where does the course lead to? Course Overview This course includes achievement standards in speaking, listening, reading and writing in Te Reo Māori. Tikanga and cultural aspects of protocol will also be studied through specific topics. Students will use these language skills to study various topics such as: whakapapa/genealogy, learning to follow specific instructions, whakataukii/proverbs, kīwaha/idioms, local history research, reading and writing stories in Te Reo Māori. At this level it is also expected that a research project be undertaken. Students must be able to converse in Te Reo Māori.
Assessment NCEA Level 3 Achievement Standards Internal External Total
14 credits 10 credits 24 credits
Tertiary degree courses in Fashion Design. Careers: fashion designer, fashion buyer, pattern maker, furnishing and fabric designer, costume designer.
Subject specific costs: NZQA Sample work and Toiles and contribution to STAR funded workshops and industrial visits Further contributions may be required $70.00
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Accounting Animal Care Aquatics Art Biology Business Enterprise Business Studies Chemistry Classical Studies Computer Science Computing Contemporary Maori Arts Contemporary Music Studies Dance Design Design & Visual Communication Design Innovation Digital Technologies Drama Driver Education Early Childhood Education Economics Employment Skills English English as a Second Language English as a Second Language (academic) English as a Second Language (general) English In Progress English Language & Literacy English Support Film & Media Production Food & Nutrition Food Technology French Furniture (Making) Furniture (Outdoor) Future Thinking Geography German Graphics And Design Health Studies History History Of Art Home Innovation & Management 1
Home Innovation & Management 2 Hospitality Services (A) Hospitality Services (B) Japanese Legal Studies Marketing & Management Materials Technology Mathematics Mathematics Applied Mathematics with Numeracy Maths With Calculus Maths With Extensions Maths: Statistics & Modelling Music Musicianship Nga Mahi A Te Rehia Nga Toi Maori Arts Photography Physical Education Physics Practical Art Practical Art Design Practical Art Painting Practical Art- Photography Practical Art Printmaking Practical Art Sculpture Science Science Applied/Practical Science Core Sculpture Self-Defence Smart Steps Social Science Social Studies Sociology Spanish Sport And Leadership Sport And Recreation Te Reo Te Reo Maori (Year 10 Whakatipu) Te Reo Whakato Textiles Technology Tourism