NCEA Information Evening 2013

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National Certificate of Educational Achievement   

The main qualification for senior secondary school students. It is achievement based. A qualification on the National Qualifications Framework. NCEA uses standards to show what students know and can do. NCEA is available at three Levels:   

Year 11 Level 1 Year 12 Levels 1 or 2 Year 13 Levels 1, 2 or 3

Scholarship is available as a separate award, or in single subjects, beyond Level 3.

NCEA Level 1 To achieve this level of NCEA A student needs to achieve 80 credits at level 1 or higher. ď Ž Credits gained in following years can be counted towards the level 1 certificate. ď Ž A student must achieve 10 literacy and 10 numeracy credits, within their total of 80 credits ď Ž

NCEA Level 2 To achieve this level of NCEA 

a student needs to achieve 80 credits. At least 60 of these credits must be at level 2 or higher.

Credits gained in the following or previous years can be counted towards the level 2 certificate.  There are no particular literacy or numeracy credits required. 

NCEA Level 3 

Level 3 NCEA requires students to: Gain 80 credits.  At least 60 of these credits must be at level 3 or higher.  Credits gained in previous years can be counted towards the level 3 certificate.  There are no particular literacy or numeracy credits required. 

What are Standards? A course is divided into assessment standards A standard is a nationally recognised qualification that describes what a student who has achieved the standard knows and can do. Each standard has: ď Ž A defined credit value which represents notional learning time ď Ž A level which reflects the level of complexity of the skills and knowledge

At which level is my daughter studying? Each student was given a Course Outline in February for each subject/course they study. They also have been issued an assessment planner for the course. These documents state each standard to be assessed, including the level and number of credits.

Certificate Endorsements for NCEA

At each level of NCEA a student can gain a certificate endorsement:  NCEA with Merit  Gain 50 credits at Merit or better  NCEA with Excellence  Gain 50 credits at Excellence Only those standards where it is possible to gain Merit or Excellence (achievement standards) will contribute to this endorsement of the NCEA. Unit Standards will not contribute towards this endorsement so option choices are very important if this is a goal for students.

Course Endorsements for NCEA 

A course endorsement provides recognition for a student who has performed exceptionally well in an individual course. Students will gain an endorsement for a course if, in a single school year, they achieve: Merit Endorsement – 14 or more credits at merit or better Excellence Endorsement – 14 or more credits at excellence

University Entrance Currently this is the minimum level for students to enter University after school. The Universities have set this as a bench mark. 14 credits in Mathematics at level 1 or higher ď Ž 4 credits at level 2 or above in Reading ď Ž 4 credits at level 2 or above in Writing ď Ž 42 credits at level 3 or higher from University approved subjects

University Entrance continued 

42 credits at level 3 or higher (Proven performance in Level 3 subjects) 

14 credits in each of two subjects from the approved subject list


14 credits at level 3, or higher, in no more than two other subjects

University Entrance Summary UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE

Level 3 or higher 42 credits 14 credits in one “approved subject”

14 credits in one “approved subject”

14 credits from not more than two additional approved subjects

Level Two or Higher 8 credits in English or Te Reo Maori (inc.4 reading, 4 writing) Level 1 or higher

14 credits in Mathematics

Changes to University Entrance from 2014   

 

New UE requirements from 2014 Achievement of NCEA Level 3 14 credits in each of three subjects from the list of approved subjects The remaining credits to achieve NCEA Level 3 may come from either achievement or unit standards UE Numeracy – 10 credits at Level 1 UE Literacy – 10 credits in specific Level 2 and

NZ Scholarship 

The content assessed for New Zealand Scholarship will be the same as that covered for level 3 achievement standards.

Assessment is standards based (but not using achievement or unit standards) and all assessments will be external. 

Standards have been developed for each Scholarship subject and are available on the NZQA website.

For each standard, two levels of achievement can be gained:  Scholarship  Outstanding Performance.

NZ Scholarship continued 

To complete the New Zealand Scholarship qualification students require 72 credits at this level. Each Scholarship standard contributes 24 credits towards the qualification

Scholarship will generally be assessed by a three hour examination in November.

The New Zealand Scholarship Certificate will be awarded to students who have achieved the scholarship standards in at least three subjects, (within a 3 year period).

Things to watch for with UE 

Year 12 or 13 students not currently studying Maths. 

Achievement at level 2 is important in Reading and Writing 

UE requirement is to have achieved at least 14 credits in Maths at level 1.

Must achieve 4 credits in each of these areas within 12ENG, 13ENL, 13ENG, 12TRR or 13TRR

Subjects that are not University approved will not contribute towards UE Certificate and Subject endorsements are important to improve chances of getting into a

Information from School Information is available regularly throughout the year. Later this term senior students will have a printout of 

personal information for NZQA

Name, Address, DOB, NS Number

all standards for their subjects this year

Beyond Term 1      

Fees and entry information, invoice and assessment progress report to be sent by mail early Term 2 – depending on NZQA processing. Interim Report issued 22nd March Term One senior assessment week 20 -25th May Formal Report issued 21 June – Parent Evening 27th June Term Three Bench mark exams 16 – 20 September Final Formal Report 25th October

Subject teachers and the Deans can be contacted through the College office.

Information from School continued In June senior students will be issued with 

Their candidate information sheet from NZQA Entries  Fees and Financial Assistance  Special Assessment Conditions  Accessing information via the NZQA website 

A final summary of 

Personal information for NZQA 

Name, Address, DOB, NS Number

all standards for their subjects this year

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