Bozza Libro ApeWay

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ETHIOPIA keep your way

APEWAY - Ethiopia 2015 Ape, the legendary Piaggio three-wheeled vehicle created for moving people and goods, which has always been the choice of thousands of people, is the protagonist of ApeWay Ethiopia 2015. ApeWay is the new long-term format organized by Piaggio Commercial Vehicles in order to combine a commercial roadshow dedicated to present vehicles in selected local markets with a great adventure to produce inedited and unique photos and videos to get visibility and improve brand awareness. ApeWay is a “slow trip” through local areas in the spirit of integration and sustainability, adopting a multicultural and joint approach. “The business should act ethically respecting the local cultures and traditions, representing a valuable aid to the Country’s growth, as well as being profitable.”

Sergio Rubino Senior Vice President Overseas Market, Commercial vehicles EMEA & Emerging Markets


The tour left on the 6th of November 2015 from the Italian Embassy of Addis Abeba after a great launch event with the Ambassador Giuseppe Mistretta. The three teams have crossed various cities – Addis Abeba, Debre Zeit, Hossana, Arba Minch, Konso, Jinka, Shashemene and Ziway – where they have organized events to present the untiring three-wheeled Piaggio vehicle. This first edition of ApeWay has been possible thanks to the great experience of the official importer in Ethiopia, Tagrow PLC, and Taurinorum Team experts in organizing promotional adventures all around the world. ApeWay has also a social value: in every edition the teams promote road safety and visit charities along the way to document their projects and bring some help. In Ethiopia they visited two Italian NGOs: CVM - Comunità Volontari per il Mondo - Community of Volunteers for the World, and CIAI - Centro Italiano Aiuti all’Infanzia - Italian Centre for Children Aid, which have been both in the country for some time and are very familiar with the situation. The ApeWay crews have documented their projects of water development, hygiene education, scholastic instruction and protection of minors. The commercial purpose of the tour was to demonstrate the utility, versatility and sturdiness of the Ape as a cargo transport tool in Ethiopia, introducing the three-wheeled ‘cargo’ vehicle in agricultural and urban settings where NGOs operate for the development of the territory.

Ape is an extremely valuable work tool for person and cargo transportation. In particular it meets the needs of small local organisations that need to move agricultural products, lumber, water and materials from one location to another, from the field to the city market, from a water well to a village. Thanks to its particular characteristics - versatility, a large payload, low fuel consumption and costs of operation - the Piaggio three-wheeled workhorse lets transport cargo in less time and with less effort compared to current methods (mules, hand pulled carts, makeshift equipment, etc.) used by most of the population.


launch event Italian Embassy of Addis Abeba

APEWAY Ethiopia 2015 Sergio Rubino

Senior Vice President Piaggio Light Commercial Vehicles Area Overseas

Tsegay Atakilti

Official Piaggio Importer

Paolo Rignon - Ludovico de Maistre - Surafel Shewatatek- Paolo Iovine

Project Presentation Giuseppe Mistretta

His Excellency Italian Ambassador in Ethiopia

Sergio Rubino

Senior Vice President Piaggio Light Commercial Vehicles Area Overseas

ADDIS ABABA - ARBA MINCH’ Addis Ababa - Debre Zeyt - Adama - Ziway - Hossa’ina - Arba Minch



The launch of ApeWay 2015 from Tagrow Piaggio dealership in Addis Abeba

ApeWay team in Debre Zeyt for the opening of a new Tagrow Piaggio dealership

Ready to start the tour

Donkeys are still used very often for transport in Ethiopia‌

…and camels too

People transport water with small tanks. Ape Cargo could be a useful instrument to transport them

A small village on the way to Hossa’ina

ApeWay on his way to Hossa’ina

Roads in Ethiopia

ApeWay team organized a training about the importance of clean water in Gurmaladissa, project of Italian NGO CVM

ApeWay team met the people of Ello, a small village where Italian NGO CIAI built a school

Traffic jam toward Konso

Ape and the rainbow in middle of nowhere

Average external temperature: 37째C . Humidity: 85%

Rain didn’t stop the Adventure

ARBA MINCH’- jinka Arba Minch - Konso - Jinka



ApeWay Team visited Konso villages

The textile tradition in Ethiopia is still very important

On the way to Jinka in the Omo Valley

Record distance in a day: 310 Km

Finally some sun after many kilometers under heavy rains

Ape would be a faster ambulance in remote areas

Windmill in remote areas are still very common in Ethiopia

Banna people near Key Afer

Traditional coffee celebration, an important sign of friendship

New shoes made with tyres

Traditional handcraft of Omo Valley

Jinka - turmi Jinka - Turmi



MISSION of the DAY: reach Mursi villages in the middle of nowhere

Different reaction in front of the camera: curiosity, fun, happiness

On the way to Mursi

Mursi people and village. ApeWay Team made it!

On the way to Turmi

People of a small village selling traditional handcraft

Cooking injera, national dish of Ethiopia

Traditional roofs of Konso villages. Amphora is a decorative element

on a beautiful and long dusty road

wonderful lights of Ethiopia

ARBA MINCH’ - turmi Turmi - Weyt’o - Konso - Arba Minch’



Dimeka market

Ape has passed even where big trucks couldn’t

ApeWay Team made it to Hamer villages near Turmi

Very hard road to Karo on the Omo River

ApeWay is made of people! Here they are!

Having fun inside the Ape

Omo River

ApeWay Team has been the first in the history to reach Omo River on three wheelers

Distributing high visibility bracelets

A little boy with a small wound needed a bit of medicines

it has not been easy

ARBA MINCH’ - ADDIS ABABA Arba Minch - Shashemene - Ziway - Adama - Debre Zeyt - Addis Ababa



On the way back to Addis Ababa

A funeral of an important person seen on the way back to Addis Ababa


beauty of the nature near Lake Chamo

ApeWay visited Piaggio dealer of Arba Minch

ApeWay visited the circus school for abandoned children and young boys and girls in Arba Minch. A project by Italian NGO CIAI

Camping in Senkelle Reserve

safari in Senkelle Reserve, the first Ape safari in history


ApeWay with many Piaggio friends in Shashemene

ApeWay Team concluded the trip with the visit of important Piaggio dealership and workshop in Shashemene

ORGANIZERS The team was born in 2009 when Ludovico de Maistre, Paolo Rignon and Carlo Alberto Biscaretti decided to do a super adventurous trip to celebrate their graduation. They took an old 1987 Fiat Panda Sisley 4x4 and left for West Africa. 40 days of traveling through Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon across deserts, forests and mountains. In 2011 they organized a trip with an Ape Piaggio through the Andes of Ecuador and Perù for the centenary of the discovery of Machu Picchu. In 2012 they replicated the adventure on board of an Ape across the Maya World of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize just before the end of the world of Maya. In 2013 they organized Iveco Daily4Africa, a roadshow with test drives and presentations across 7 countries of Southern Africa: South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia. They made it and, in 2014, they crossed Central Africa with

Taurinorum Team

the same formula. Angola, DR Congo, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Both of these Iveco tours promoted the international FIA’s campaign “Action for road safety” with the purpose of spreading and reinforcing the message of safety and proper conduct on the road. In 2015 they opened the doors of the Team and organized the first trip with other professionals. They have designed and organized ApeWay and crossed Southern Ethiopia on board of three Ape Piaggio City Passengers promoting the vehicles and road safety. In the last years they have matured a solid experience in organizing large scale expeditions, roadshows and promotional travel throughout the world. The mission of Taurinorum Team is to provide the opportunity to test the strength and reliability of vehicles and products according to the kind of communication that their partner need.

Corporate social responsibility Apeway 2015 visited two important projects developed by Italian NGOs, CIAI and CVM

CVM Project funded by the Italian Development Cooperation

CVM (Community of Volunteers for the World) is an Italian Ngo founded in 1978 by a group of volunteers who, after some years of voluntary work in Africa and South America, had a deep interest to help people in their struggle to exist in this world irrespective of where they are from. For more than 30 years CVM has promoted projects both in the South and in the North of the World aiming at the promotion of a balanced and human based development. Currently CVM operates in Ethiopia and Tanzania.

What It Does One of the main areas of intervention is water supply and sanitation. The objective of CVM projects is to improve the living condition of the rural communities, through water access, awareness creation about the connection between dirty water and diseases, human waste disposal and better health conditions. The intervention philosophy considers communities as the main actors of development. This is why people are involved since the beginning in activity implementation. Simplicity and sustainability are fundamental for the reproducibility of the interventions. Water access is ensured through spring protection, wells and aqueducts which are realized with locally available materials and with low technological inputs.

CVM recognizes women as the engine of development in all the projects. Their active participation in decision making processes is ensured through their involvement in the interventions and capacity building. CVM intervention focuses also on vulnerable children. Through CVM intervention street children are reunified with their families, are supported to go back to school or to learn a trade. CVM is one of the pioneers in the fight

against HIV AIDS in Ethiopia. The work started more than 30 years ago, when the pandemic was still unknown and people living with HIV were deeply stigmatized. CVM works in close collaboration with local authorities and communities on HIV AIDS prevention and control focusing in particular on those women and children who are particularly exposed to abuses and the infection for their vulnerability: domestic workers, bar workers, poor women, young girls, orphans.

Description of the Project visited by Apeway

The deep well of Gurmoladissa, in Wolayta Zone - Soddo Zurya Woreda, is about 20 km far from Soddo, on the road to Hossana. The beneficiaries of the water system are the 7409 inhabitants of the kebele. The well was drilled in 2013, reaching a depth of 170 metres. The submersible pump draws water from the well and sends it to a concrete tank. The water is then distributed by gravity to nine distribution points through a 4,5 km pipe line. The aqueduct serves also the school of Gurmoladissa (with its 2100 students), the health post and the agricultural training center.

CIAI Centro Italiano Aiuti all’Infanzia CIAI, Centro Italiano Aiuti all’Infanzia (Italian Centre for Children Aid), is a non-government secular organisation which, since its creation in 1968, has worked to promote children’s wellbeing. In many years of experience CIAI has developed intervention strategies aimed at promoting the recognition of a child as an individual

person and defend its fundamental rights, wherever it may be, working on four areas of action: protection, participation, education, health and nutrition. Always placing children at the centre of their focus and developing their operations beginning from them, with them and for them. CIAI has been in Ethiopia since 1990 implementing cooperation for development projects, long term supporting support programmes and carrying out operations as an authorized inter-country adoption agency. CIAI has a branch in Addis Abeba and one in Arba Minch.

The apeway visited a school located on the highlands near Arba Minch where they documented the activities in progress and distributed pens, pencils, t-shirts to the children. This is one of the 52 schools in the Gamo Gofa area where CIAI develops the Pro- tect project, which is financed by the Italian Development Cooperation-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The purpose of this project is to create a system of protection for minors, which in- volves all the key players, enhancing the unsafe migration prevention, protection and counter measures.

The project, alongside the community work with the local authorities and police forces, implies intense work with the school in the form of a tool to build up the children and help them grow. The Protect project involves: 36,400 children and young people who attend 52 schools in Gamo Gofa, Â 676 members of the PSTA-Parents, Students and Teachers Associations, 260 school of cials, 600 representatives of the local authorities and 600 Italian students. The project will indirect- ly reach about 352,600 people who live in the areas of operation in Ethiopia. It is achieved in collaboration with the Gamo Gofa area Depart- ment of Education.

ROAD SAEFTY ApeWay is dedicated to promote road safety

Ethiopian mobility suffers from a high rate of traffic accidents which occur particularly between pedestrians and vehicles, especially at night. This is a problem which has come to the attention of institutions both on a national level (through the National road safety action plan), and an international level through WHO (World Health organization) and FIA (Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile) which promote the Action for Road Safety campaign. Participants have distributed more than 5,000 high visibility bracelets and hundreds of reflective T-shirts to the public: a small contribution which could save many lives.

PARTICIPANTS of the Apeway 2015

Adriano Filippi - photographer and reporter, Carlo Alberto Biscaretti - organizer, Erica Rossi - mapping of water holes Federico Sattanino - 360째 production, Francesca Sardella - graphic designer, Gabriele Saluci - creative director

Ludovico de Maistre- organizer, Ludovico Serra - video director and editor, Marta Lodico - anthropologist Paolo Rignon - organizer, Stefano De Giorgis - video maker and web communication responsible

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