To bring hope and inspiration to the people of America who may nheuser-Busch has a longstanding tradition of providing SILVER SPONSORS be feeling isolated and scared during this difficult time, Budweiser support to its neighbors and communities in their times of created an emotional 60-second video called “One Team” need. While COVID-19 is changing how we all live our lives, it ( that champions the best of the American isn’t changing the priorities and commitments of the company as spirit. The spot is a tribute honoring the everyday people of an employer, a business partner and a corporate citizen. America who are rising above the call of duty to help in the wake Alongside its sports partners, Anheuser-Busch donated $5 million of the COVID-19 health crisis, from doctors and nurses workto the American Red Cross to assist it in hosting blood drives to ing tirelessly around the clock to grocery store clerks working in collect a much-needed blood supply for patients in the weeks and today’s new normal. months to come. In addition, the company is working with sports BRONZE SPONSORS While Anheuser-Busch can’t solve this crisis on its own, the compartners to identify available arenas and stadiums across the country that can be used as temporary Red Cross blood drive centers. pany is proud to do what it can to serve and support communities Anheuser-Busch assisted in hosting four blood drives to date with in need and the heroes on the frontlines, using its capabilities, relationships and reach to do its part. TLW another 15 (and counting) already scheduled for the near future.
Furthermore, the company is continuing to leverage its capabilities, relationships and reach to provide assistance to those in need by producing and distributing hand sanitizer to accommoANHEUSER-BUSCH ALSO date the growing need across the U.S. The hand sanitizer will be SUPPORTS LOCAL WISCONSIN distributed through its wholesaler network to the American Red • S&S Distributing donated more than $10,000 to the Tavern Cross to support critical relief efforts, such as blood drives and League’s C.H.E.E.R.S. fund. emergency shelters, and to communities in need, with the help •P ehler Distributing contributed more than $500 to the TLW’s and direction of government authorities. The initial batch of over C.H.E.E.R.S. program, and worked with local restaurants to 175,000 bottles of hand sanitizer was already shipped out and promote takeout and delivery. If consumers order takeout from there is more to come. accounts,&they can enter themselves into a local sweepWisconsinlocal Amusement stakes. Social Music Operators, Inc. media and radio are being used to promote and Anheuser-Busch is also providing five truckloads — more than drive increased business to local restaurants and bars. Make sure thank these groups for their andCOVIDencourage others on the list to participate. in joining 250,000 cansand — of emergency drinking watersupport, to support • not Flanigan Distributing set Any up abusiness virtualinterested tip jar with localshould ca the TLW office (608-270-8591) for our brochure that lists the benefits of the different categories. Remember “Support those who support us.” 19 relief efforts in Los Angeles and New York. At the request nonprofit Door County Food, donating the first $500 and of the city of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department, promoting it on its social media channels. The company nearly 200,000 cans of clean, safe drinking water will be provided also lent out its refrigerated trucks for local nonprofits to January/February to the city’s Emergency Operations Center to support emergency use, making it possible to keep needed2012 perishable foods On Premise shelters in the region. An additional 50,000 cans will be provided cold and safe. to New York City to support vulnerable communities in the city • Wisconsin Distributors Inc. has taken a number of differat the direction of local authorities. ent actions including promoting takeout on all of its social media channels, directing consumers to a landing page with As well as the $1.2 million in collective donations made through all retailers’ takeout and to-go capabilities. The company regional efforts, Anheuser-Busch made a $1 million donation has also donated non-alcoholic product to first responders to the U.S. Bartenders Guild Bartender Emergency Assistance including local fire and police departments. Program for its COVID-19 Relief and Response Program. The • Dean Distributing continues to promote takeout on all of company is also encouraging the federal government to proits social media channels. The company set up a weekly vide relief for on-premise businesses by improving the Paycheck sweepstakes giving consumers a chance to win a gift card to a Protection Program, and is committed to working with industry highlighted restaurant as well as free beer. partners, such as the National Restaurant Association, to provide long-term certainty and recovery to the industry.
On Premise