On Premise November/December 2012

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Official publication of the tavern league of wisconsin

NO VEMB E R • DE C E MB E R 2 0 1 2 t lw. o rg

SafeRide Program

Convention Recap

Glasses. Ice. Coasters. Society.

It’s what you need to do business.

ting the drink specials No matter how friendly the bartender, how temp lete without TRIM comp isn’t just or how diverse the jukebox, a tavern ly serve up some proud we ® ty Socie At coverage from Society Insurance. best of all, And, ble. availa ages cover of the broadest property/liability rs like you. owne n taver for fically speci our TRIM program was concocted over swing ess, busin your for If you’re thirsty for coverage made got on tap. to societyinsurance.com and check out what we’ve Society Insurance is a corporate sponsor of the Tavern League of Wisconsin:

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NOV/DEC 2012 Volume 30, No. 6

F e at u r e s : 8 Be a Promotional Pro! 16 Walk for a Cause ess

L E A G U E S P O TL I G H TS : League Profile

18 Marinette County Tavern League Business Spotlight

Marinette COUNTY

20 Tradewinds II Charity Spotlight

22 M arinette County Elderly Services

D E P ARTM E N T s : 4 President’s Perspective 6 Front Rail 24 Distributor Spotlight 26 Corporate Spotlight 28 featured Affiliates 31 Accounting Help 32 affiliate members 33 Legislative Notes 34 new members 35 Local League Updates 37 straight up - BRANDY 38 Advertiser Index


SafeRide Last year the SafeRide Program provided nearly 75,000 free rides to impaired patrons who feel receiving a ride home is a good idea.

s oci a l ne t wo r k facebook.com


Tavern League of Wisconsin


2012 November/December On Premise






Thanks for theLEAGUE Camaraderie, LOCAL UPDATES Confidence, Education and Experience


t has been five great years since I was fortunate enough to have been elected TLW President in October 2007 at the Stevens Point event.

The TLW has taken me a long way since my first trip to the Madison office. As I am sure you are aware I will be stepping down as TLW President to begin a new chapter in my life as the Wisconsin State Assembly Representative for the 34th District.


This article is a hard one to put together as I reflect on my term as TLW President. I think the most important things I have received are the many friendships that have been created as I traveled, not only the state of Wisconsin but the nation, representing the TLW.



Unfortunately there is not enough space in this magazine for me to tell you how I feel about individuals associated with the TLW; they are clearly the best. However I do feel compelled to share my thoughts on our team in Madison. After working in and out of the Capitol for the last five years, I firmly believe that the TLW has the best Governmental Affairs Director of any association in the state, Scott Stenger. Scott is a very busy guy, but you should all be aware he takes and represents the TLW everywhere he goes. In addition, Scott has the unique quality to look at TLW issues from a different perspective which allows him to know when to act or react at any given time. I cannot tell you how much respect Scott has within the walls of the Capitol and beyond. I blame my interest in the Madison process as well as my run for the State Assembly on Scott Stenger, but that’s a good thing.




Without a doubt the most frustrating fight I faced as TLW President was the statewide smoking ban. After many years of successfully holding off the ban we had reached the final turn. Governor Doyle had forced the hand of Senate leadership and was poised to pass his version of a strict smoking ban. We contacted our opposition and asked for a meeting. The end result, Scott Stenger was able to negotiate the best scenario of a smoking ban in the country. As Pete, Scott and I left the Capitol late that evening, not much was said between the three of us. We all knew we had put forth our best effort for the TLW membership.


When it comes to our Executive Director, Pete Madland is second to none. I have been fortunate enough to be able to travel with Pete to meetings both here in Wisconsin and other states. I can tell you firsthand that Pete is by far the best representative the TLW has. Pete’s reputation among his peers across the country is one of industry knowledge and respect. We have sent Pete into many battles over the years; he is not afraid to take on any opposition to our industry and he does it with class.



I will miss the day-to-day conversations about our association (along with a couple of bad jokes and laughs) that Pete and I shared. Pete should never take a back seat to anybody.


I mentioned earlier the many friendships created and solidified during my term.



On Premise 2012 November/December

I have had the unique experience to have had three Senior Vice Presidents, first Sharon Ward, next Barb Mercer and currently Terry Harvath. I cannot thank Terry enough for stepping up while I entered the race for State Assembly. I was looking forward to working with Terry and establishing his role as my Vice President, unfortunately I never got that chance. Instead, Terry got catapulted into a new role; he has done a great job and I appreciate it very much. I expect you will support him as you did me as he drives the TLW into the New Year. Good luck Terry!



I have had many highlights over the past five years but my favorite memory is our 75th anniversary celebration. We kicked off in the spring with the help of the Eau Claire league, then the Gala in October 2010 in Stevens Point. Over 1000 members, affiliates and friends helped us commemorate this milestone. We waited anxiously for actor George Wendt to address the crowd, followed by a great evening of TLW memories along with industry friends and local league dignitaries. What a great couple of events. I will always remember the year-long celebration as I was honored to be the TLW President during our 75th year.

By Robert Swearingen TLW President


I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the TLW staff. Patti, Cindy and Karen have been great to work with. I have made many calls and asked for information from each of them over the past five years. As busy as it can get in the office I have never been turned down nor have a request put off. I know they are providing the best service to the membership even through the peak busy times in the office. I would like to thank them for making me look good by always being there to bail me out when I needed them.

Lastly, I would like to end this article the same way I started my first one five years ago, by saying thanks. I would like to thank the entire TLW membership for putting their confidence in me during my time as President. I truly believe there is no better group of hard working people than the members of the TLW. Although I am taking on a new personal role, I will still look forward to seeing you at future TLW events. Please feel free to keep in touch and keep me up to date as I am genuinely interested in what everyone continues to do. I will never forget my education and experience as TLW President — here’s to you TLW.


During my two and a half terms as TLW President





Support those who



support our association


Platinum Sponsors $50,000+ per yEAr





Gold Sponsors $25,000+ per year


SPOTLIGHT Anheuser-Busch


Silver Sponsors $10,000+ per year



Bronze Sponsors $5,000+ per year



Wisconsin Amusement & Music Operators, Inc.

Make sure and thank these groups for their support, and encourage others not on the list to participate. Any business interested in joining should call the TLW office (608-270-8591) for our brochure that lists the benefits of the different categories. Remember “Support those who support us.”


Tavern League of Wisconsin


2012 November/December On Premise







Membership Revisited


y the time you read this article it is my hope that each local league has appointed a Membership Chairperson and that person has received our updated recruiting manual. It is also my hope that each Membership Chairperson has a committee to work with and that membership is an item on each agenda every month. If this is not the case, get it resolved.


Member Committee Chair Dan Taivalkoski has put in many hours in an effort to produce an updated Recruiter’s Manual that will help everyone recruit new members. Thank you Dan. However, there is one kicker, you have to use it. I have often said the TLW will provide its members with tools to help with business or with the league but it is up to the members to use them. This is another example.



accountability. By that I mean members can be held accountable for follow through. Assign a list of non-members to be called on and simply go through the list at your meeting. Ask those responsible if these establishments were contacted and what the results were. If they were not contacted, find out why and reschedule a visit.

At your next meeting, talk about the product. Discuss what the Tavern League has to offer a non-member. If you have twenty people at the meeting, I am willing to bet you will have twenty different thoughts. Familiarize yourself with all of the benefits discussed, this will give you the knowledge and the confidence needed when approaching a potential member. Next, set a goal. In the past you may have done this and set a goal at a number of new members or raising membership by a certain percentage. Let’s set a different goal this time. Let’s obligate ourselves to contact a specific number of non-members in the next month or two. This strategy accomplishes two things. First it won’t allow you to quit if you sign up your first ten contacts, and secondly it creates 6

On Premise 2012 November/December

prospect “you are right, $150 is a lot of money, but I feel it is worth it”. Now, instead of arguing and posing as the enemy, you are agreeing and you can go on to discuss why membership is a good value. You may bring up things like the repeal of the Special Occupational tax and how that has saved them $250 a year for several years



So we have a Membership Committee, a chairperson and a manual, let’s get started. First of all, recruitment is not solely the job of the committee. Unless directed otherwise, I feel recruitment is everyone’s job, and that means you! Don’t be shy, we have a great product to sell and it is inexpensive.

By Pete Madland TLW Executive Director


“The TLW lost the Smoking Ban fight” — Dan Taivalkoski

Keep in mind everyone is approachable. Anyone with a Class A, B or C license is a potential member. Go out and recruit in teams. Everyone needs a little support and two heads are better than one when trying to answer questions and overcome objections. Speaking of objections, anticipate what they might be and be prepared. Remember, don’t be confrontational, but rather agreeable. Here are a couple of examples I have used in the past: “It’s too expensive” Our gut reaction is to respond by saying “It’s only $150, that’s less than fifty cents a day”, or something similar. The truth of the matter is the owner or manager thinks it is too expensive. Instead of disagreeing, agree.

Tell the

now. Mention how a beer tax increase was defeated or how he may be able to save money through our discounts with BMI and ASCAP as well as Society Insurance. Explain the many ways we save our members money and that our slogan “Membership doesn’t cost, it pays” really is true. “The Tavern League doesn’t do anything” Remember, this is how he really feels, don’t argue. Agree with the person by saying “I understand why you feel that way”. Many licensees remember the drinking age battle and the fight we lost on .08 and, most recently, the smoking ban. These issues had a huge impact on their business and they received a lot of press. Knowing this you can understand why they feel the way they do. Talk about our successes. Look through our recruitment brochure to refresh your memory. We have a lot to brag about – such www.tlw.org

the absence of liquor liability (Dram Shop). We have many accomplishments to be proud of. The non-member may have to be educated on them or just reminded. I have a feeling the most common objection you may run into is “The TLW lost the Smoking Ban fight”. The smoking ban had a negative effect on many tavern owners. During the smoking ban debate, the Tavern League was the only association in line that opposed the ban and fought to defeat it. The press coverage

reinforced this image, thus it is not surprising when people point their fingers at the TLW when placing blame. Respond by saying “I understand you would feel that way as we were the only association to publicly fight the proposed ban”. Do you realize if it were not for the Tavern League we could have had a smoking ban five years sooner and even though the ban was passed, the TLW was able to negotiate, what we think, is one of the most industry friendly bans in the country.

President: Rob Swearingen Senior Vice President: Terry Harvath Secretary: Sue Bonte Lee Treasurer: Tom Dahlen Southern Zone Vice Presidents: Chris Marsicano, Jim Pickett Eastern Zone Vice Presidents: Gene Loose, Dale VandenLangenberg Central Zone Vice Presidents: Lori Frommgen, Robert “Bubba” Sprenger Northern Zone Vice Presidents: Dan Corbin, Pete Olson

Please consider the following:

Governor’s Proposal

Final Bill

• Prohibits smoking in any public place.

• Allows for creation of smoking areas

• P rohibits smoking outside within a reasonable distance from any entrance to a building, a window that may be opened, or a ventilation opening that draws air inside.

• A llows smoking within a reasonable distance of entryway of Class “B” establishments. “Reasonable” is defined by owner, not the state

• P ermits local governments to enact ordinances more strict than state law. Local governments could prohibit outdoor smoking. • A ny business found violating provisions of the law shall be subject to the following forfeitures – no warnings: $50 - $100 for first violation $100 - $200 for second violation $200 - $500 for third & subsequent violations

Editor: Pete Madland, Executive Director Tavern League of Wisconsin Publisher: Barbara Slack Slack Attack Communications Advertising Sales: Heidi Koch Slack Attack Communications heidi@slackattack.com

• P re-empt local governments from passing laws stricter than the state

Art Director: Ann Christianson Slack Attack Communications

• B usiness owners’ first offense is a warning and any subsequent offenses are a maximum of $100/day

Contributing Writers: Pete Madland, Kimberly Ruef, Scott Stenger, Amanda Wegner, Rob Swearingen

• A license cannot be suspended, revoked or not renewed for any violations of the state smoking ban.

Printed By: Reindl Printing, Inc. Merrill,Wisconsin

Enforcement power given to local law officials instead of the Health Department. Effective date pushed back to July 5, 2010.

On Premise (ISSN #1051-4562) is a bi-monthly publication of the Tavern League of Wisconsin, Inc., 2817 Fish Hatchery Road, Fitchburg, WI 53713, phone: (800) 445-9221.

• B usiness owners could have their license suspended, revoked or not renewed for violations of the state smoking ban.

Published by Slack Attack Communications, 5113 Monona Drive, Madison,WI 53716, phone: (608) 222-7630.

Enforcement in the hands of State and Local Health Departments. Goes into effect September 2009.remember, membership is everyone’s job.

Recruitment can be difficult but it also can be a lot of fun. One thing is certain, recruitment of new members must be an ongoing process. Maintaining current members while gaining new ones is vital to the health of any organization and ours is no exception. So do your best. Be positive and understanding and remember, membership is everyone’s job. Good Luck!

Printing is by Reindl Printing, Inc., Merrill,WI 54452. For advertising information, contact Slack Attack Communications. Subscriptions included in TLW membership dues; non-member subscriptions: $15 per year. Address corrections should be sent to the Tavern League of Wisconsin Office, 2817 Fish Hatchery Rd., Fitchburg, WI 53713-5005. Second class postage paid at Madison, WI and other additional offices. © Copyright 2012 by the Tavern League of Wisconsin, Inc. Permission to reprint must be secured in advance of publication and credit given to author and On Premise

Tavern League of Wisconsin

2012 November/December On Premise


Be a Promotional Pro!

By Amanda N. Wegner

Be a Promotional Pro! Tips and advice for marketing your business It’s one thing to survive as a business owner. It’s another thing to thrive. Promotion is what will set you apart.

you’re located in a dead spot in the heart of the Northwoods, a promotional text program probably isn’t the best strategy.

“There’s a lot of competition out there,” says Craig Hofland, an Affiliate Member and Chief Imagination Officer of Hudson’s Is It 2B Marketing, LLC. “A savvy bar owner can pull in new people with promotions and events over someone who is not doing anything. People want to belong and belong to something fun, entertaining, welcoming and comfortable. If an owner can do that, he or she is going to be the one that is going to succeed.”

“You get the best value for your promotional investment by knowing who you are and who you want to your customers to be up front,” says Hofland. “Just throwing money at efforts without defining those things will lose you a lot of money fast.”

The word “promotion” has many meanings: promotional swag you give away to patrons, drink and food specials, events and more. Here, we take a top-level view of a variety of ways you can promote your business to get people in the door and lifting a glass.

First: Who are you? Your promotional pieces are a big factor in how you portray your establishment. Do you know who you are? “You’ve got to promote your strengths,” says Hofland. Do you stream European soccer live? Throw the most amazing Super Bowl party in the city? Serve the best Bloody Mary in the Midwest, as rated by Bartender magazine? Are you known as the place for bachelor and bachelorette parties? Make a list of your assets and strengths; what sets your establishment apart from the tavern down the road? Knowing your best assets not only gives you a leg up over the competition, but it also allows you to hone in on a target market. As you outline your strengths and assets, don’t be afraid to check out the competition. Look for ways you’re similar and ways you’re not. If patrons have similar bar options in the same general area, look for additional ways you can set yourself apart. “If you’re not promoting to your strengths, you’re going to lose out,” says Hofland. In addition, do a bit of research in regards to what your target market wants and how they prefer to get their information and interact with you. If you cater to younger drinkers in a campus area, Facebook might be a good place for you. If 8

On Premise 2012 November/December

Get Friendly with Facebook To get the most value out of the world’s No. 1 social media platform, focus on building conversations on Facebook. “When bar and restaurant owners use Facebook, they need to create conversation,” says Nick Fosberg, Owner of Bar Owner Marketing Systems. “They need to get people to ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ what they are posting. Why? Because this makes their business go viral. Stats show that for every person who clicks the Like or Share button, this becomes visible to another 150 or more people.” This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t post your specials or upcoming events. Instead, mix up the content with funny pictures, questions to elicit comments and real-time updates, like photos of events to drive interaction. Also, be sure to respond to comments and join in conversations. Fosberg works one-on-one with tavern owners to build targeted direct response marketing strategies to promote their businesses. He also offers a “Bar Profit Secrets” membership program, a monthly membership program that provides marketing strategies, examples, promotions and how-to information. Each month, members get a newsletter, CD or DVD, transcripts of the call and all the marketing materials for the promotion of the month. You can also use Facebook to capture leads and drive revenue with a Facebook contest. There are several low-cost applications available to create lead capture pages that explain the promotion and has a sign-up form to enter. “When they do this, if you have a marketing funnel structured right, now they will get updates on the promotion but also they will get emails, texts and direct mail throughout the year.”

Statistics show that people who provide their information to another business are 7 to 10 times more likely to respond to their marketing than anyone else. “Facebook is a great way to capture email, cell phone numbers, birthdays and addresses,” says Fosberg. “All you have to do is offer something valuable and send them to a site to get their information. The great part is, it’s all automated!” Also, be sure to promote your Facebook presence on premise; put a link on your website, include the Facebook logo on your menu and table toppers and have staff encourage patrons to like your business on Facebook for the latest updates and specials.

Shiny & New Speaking of latest updates and specials, “You always need something new going on,” says Fosberg. “People want new. When you go up to someone you haven’t seen in a while, you say ‘What’s new,’ not ‘What’s old!’ This is to drive in new customers, but our regulars also want new, fresh ideas and promotions. It keeps business exciting. Keep doing the same stuff and people are going to get bored. They want to be entertained.” Hofland seconds that sentiment. “You need to consistently be doing new things: New specials, new events, new promotions. Get them in people’s Facebook feeds, their mobile phones, in their faces.” That includes changing up your marketing and promotion tactics; one of the biggest mistakes bars and restaurants make, says Hofland, is running their promotions too long. Eventually, they just fizzle out. “You have to try different things. The key to all www.tlw.org

of it is to embrace the technology and the new methods of marketing, don’t have to try them all, but find a company to help guide you through it. If something’s not working for you, go on to the next thing.”

lows businesses to communicate with their customers whenever they want and have a 96-percent read rate. It is like picking up the phone and calling all your customers and letting them know what is going on!”

He adds that it’s important to keep websites and menus up to date, and even more important to keep things visual.

Based in Wisconsin, Qpondog is a full-service text marketing service that provides its customer with in-house marketing materials, unlimited text messages, text message writing and sending and more.

“I believe that people are visual. They want to see pictures and picture themselves in the crowd. Get them to think, ‘Should I be there? Is this is a fun place to be?’”

There’s an App for That Smartphone use is growing by leaps and bounds, and so has the use of mobile apps. “There’s a new, big push for that and one I always recommend to restaurants and taverns,” says Hofland. He adds that they are relatively inexpensive. What started out as a coupon book for Stevens Point’s BarsGuru has evolved into a mobile app in Portage and Marathon counties in central Wisconsin. When bargoers purchase a BarsGuru punch card, they get one free drink at participating bars; when the card is full, the cardholder gets a free drink. But on the back of the punch card is something special: A scratch-off sticker revealing a code that gives the holder one-year access to the mobile app with additional buy-one getone (BOGO) drink deals and food specials. “Coupons for drinks had never really been heard of before,” says Chris, owner of BarsGuru Enterprises, “but it’s a great way to get people in the door to see what you offer. Then it’s up to the bar staff to keep them there.” The punch card and mobile deals aren’t good for shots or pitchers and the mobile BOGO deals can’t be shared. His customers report that about 85 percent of punch card and mobile app users stay and eat. “That’s really huge. It’s one of the key things people have stayed on for.” In cooperation with fellow Tavern League Member Gene Shafer, Owner of Saloons & Spoons, BarsGuru is working on a similar product for bars in Wisconsin’s Northwoods.

The World of Text Marketing “Text marketing is proving to be the most powerful form of marketing available!” says Jim Sickels, President of QPonDog. “At no other time in marketing history has there been a tool that alTavern League of Wisconsin

Texting is Fosberg’s favorite marketing tool, despite the limited space to get your message across.” “I once read that 98.7 percent of people who get a text message read it within 20 minutes. This is powerful marketing! There is no other way to get your message read in that short amount of time,” says Fosberg. When it comes to increasing revenue, Sickels says the easiest way to do that is increasing visits from existing customers. “It is a fact that the best way to increase revenue is by marketing to your current client base. Marketing to your current customer base provides a return that is seven times higher than any other form of marketing. Texting should be the centerpiece of this marketing effort. By communicating with your customers you will generate excitement and make the customer feel a part of your business. You will also give them a reason and motivate them to increase their visits.” The results from text marketing have been so strong that QponDog guarantees that customers will earn $6,000 in additional annual sales a year or they don’t pay. There is a Tavern League discount available for QponDog services. Text marketing, he adds, also complements and enhances social media marketing, email programs and websites, making their returns stronger. Growing faster than any other form of marketing, it is projected that 50 percent of retail businesses will have a text marketing program within 18 months and over 75 percent within the next 36 months. Research shows that customers only will allow two to three businesses to have their text numbers before they get selective. “We want them to join our texting program when texting is still relatively new and exciting. We don’t want to wait until everyone else has a program and then try to get people to join. We sure don’t want our competitor to have our customer’s numbers and communicate with them weekly while we are sitting on the sidelines!” says Sickels.

Other ideas When appropriate for your target market, buy mailing lists that match the criteria of who you are trying to reach. “If you want more women,” says Fosberg, “you can buy a list of women from any age range, that live within two miles of your bar, that have home values of whatever price range you want. You can even pick out people with good credit.” Join forces with other local businesses. Create certificates to give out to other local business to hand out to their customers and do the same for them in return. Do something for a local charity, but don’t worry about the front-end sales; instead focus on the positive publicity and community rapport. “It’s about looking good to the community. It’s about getting respect from the community. It’s about the future business you will get from people who like what you did for the community.” Turn your staff into a sales force. Use them to promote events and reward the staffers for bringing people in. Make your offer great. “A half-price appetizer isn’t going to do it,” says Fosberg. “You need a strong bold offer or value to get people out of the house and to drive to your business.” Have a system for capturing people’s information. “Customers who gladly hand over their address, cell phone, birthday, email, etc. are 7 to 10 times more profitable to market to than anyone else,” says Fosberg. “Building a customer database is the most important job of any bar owner, then following up with them through email, direct mail and texting with offers to get them back in will turn them into loyal regulars.” Is It 2B Marketing, LLC Craig Hofland, Chief Imagination Officer 715-808-8033 www.isit2bmarketing.com Bar Owner Marketing Systems Nick Fosberg, Owner 815-509-8670 www.barownermarketingsystems.com QponDog, LLC Jim Sickels, President 414-429-0103 www.qpondogtms.com BarsGuru Enterprises Chris Stehle 715-544-4878 www.drinkpassports.com

2012 November/December On Premise


TAVERN LEAGUE EXPANDS SAFERIDE PROGRAM The success of the Tavern League of Wisconsin’s SafeRide Program continues to grow. For the year ending June 30, 2012 ridership increased 10% over the previous year. The life-saving SafeRide program offers free rides home to patrons at participating Tavern League of Wisconsin establishments. Last year the SafeRide Program provided nearly 75,000 free rides to impaired patrons who feel receiving a ride home is a good idea. The TLW SafeRide Program began in 1985 and has received both state and federal funding since 1999. The program has received national recognition from the National Conference of Mayors for its effort to reduce alcohol related crashes and fatalities and is the largest SafeRide home program in the country. The TLW works with the state Department of Transportation to administer the program which provides free transportation home from a participating TLW Member establishment to those who request it. In addition to funding from local TLW members the SafeRide Program receives state funding through a surcharge on all OWI convictions in Wisconsin. Last year, the 55 local leagues participating in the SafeRide Program provided the rides home at a cost of nearly $830,000. “Our local members work hard to establish, fund and administer the program. It is not safe to drive while impaired and the statewide utilization of the SafeRide Program has proven to be an effective tool to help combat drunk driving,” said TLW Executive Director Pete Madland. “We have seen a dramatic increase in the use of the TLW SafeRide Program. In the last ten years we have expanded the footprint from a few counties to nearly the entire state of Wisconsin,” said Madland. “The use of SafeRide has increased every year as more TLW Member establishments participate. We spend a lot of time and resources educating the public about our SafeRide Program and the data we have seen indicate they are listening and choosing a SafeRide home,” Madland concluded. To utilize the program a patron can simply request a SafeRide voucher from any participating TLW member and they will be given a free ride home – no questions asked. Last year over 1700 TLW members participated in the SafeRide Program. For more information on SafeRide please go to www.tlw.org.


On Premise 2012 November/December 2012 November/December



No. of Riders

Cost of Riders

Average Cost


% of Total Cost


Adams Ashland/Bayfield Barron Brown Burnett Clark Columbia Dodge Door Dunn Eau Claire Elkhart Lake Fond du Lac Grant/Iowa Greater Northwoods Green Lake Area Jackson Jefferson Juneau Kenosha City Kenosha County Kewaunee La Crosse Lakeland Langlade Madison/Dane Manitowoc Marathon Marinette Marquette Milwaukee Monroe Oconto Oneida Oshkosh Outagamie Pierce Pepin Polk Portage Racine City Racine County Rock Shawano Sheboygan Superior/Douglas Tomahawk/Merrill Trempealeau/Buffalo Walworth Washburn Washington County Waukesha Waupaca County Waushara Wood

597 670 2922 600 939 28 905 128 890 470 2686 104 303 2736 2263 35 449 591 185 1307 630 14 7027 475 517 7281 1103 5455 3034 217 646 6139 50 3451 3057 152 47 252 1703 956 1356 126 870 170 497 1469 2640 1702 621 9 40 229 14 78 3711

7,044.00 6,079.00 12,113.00 9,744.76 13,272.00 332.00 6,356.10 2,218.00 6,014.50 5,030.00 19,288.00 856.00 1,981.00 25,205.00 15,270.00 390.00 2,427.00 1,951.00 1,984.00 11,718.00 15,212.00 250.75 51,777.36 4,666.60 4,730.00 99,140.59 8,604.00 47,283.00 13,674.00 2,488.22 9,597.00 29,200.00 1,311.65 19,244.00 22,097.85 1,146.75 312.00 2,193.00 3,264.00 10,705.25 30,690.00 4,356.00 21,435.00 1,507.50 1,973.00 17,353.00 26,400.00 21,363.74 10,121.00 150.00 481.00 4,106.00 374.00 1,860.00 10,908.10

11.80 9.07 4.15 16.24 14.13 11.86 7.02 17.33 6.76 10.70 7.18 8.23 6.54 9.21 6.75 11.14 5.41 3.30 10.72 8.97 24.15 17.91 7.37 9.82 9.15 13.62 7.80 8.67 4.51 11.47 14.86 4.76 26.23 5.58 7.23 7.54 6.64 8.70 1.92 11.20 22.63 34.57 24.64 8.87 3.97 11.81 10.00 12.55 16.30 16.67 12.03 17.93 26.71 23.85 2.94

25 17 10 73 7 5 10 23 20 6 34 8 7 32 54 10 9 29 21 34 39 18 168 15 15 100 40 75 19 14 37 25 15 32 35 18 7 12 48 72 35 23 28 21 30 40 60 68 87 2 4 11 6 15 61

50% 28% 17% 41% 15% 10% 29% 26% 34% 23% 50% 100% 23% 27% 100% 33% 5% 39% 25% 40% 62% 47% 100% 31% 28% 42% 40% 74% 35% 32% 17% 40% 19% 52% 45% 13% 13% 52% 100% 65% 48% 49% 36% 40% 50% 53% 77% 80% 80% 5% 6% 10% 7% 38% 76%

10,929.57 7,901.38 22,113.00 14,544.76 18,709.78 342.00 7,000.00 2,918.00 6,723.50 6,340.00 28,093.00 856.00 2,531.00 30,073.52 16,309.57 1,530.60 1,975.20 6,541.40 14,015.41 13,882.24 15,438.00 394.51 55,394.81 4,707.60 5,355.00 137,446.45 13,264.00 53,093.00 14,862.00 2,488.22 18,186.76 37,420.00 1,631.65 23,495.57 25,597.00 1,916.75 452.00 4,547.41 3,864.00 13,090.75 40,529.05 4,556.00 24,525.29 3,001.67 4,364.86 22,429.00 28,231.13 22,936.43 10,334.00 300.00 975.75 5,236.00 500.00 4,220.00 11,760.22




8.71 avg


42% avg


Tavern League of Wisconsin

2012 November/December On Premise


The Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells was the location for the TLW’s 77th Annual Fall Convention. A fantastic turnout was evident with over 800 attendees participating in this year’s event. The Sauk County Tavern League hosted this year’s convention. Their Monday Night Welcome Party was a huge success and free transportation was provided by the Sauk County Tavern League throughout the week. Keynote Speaker Garrett Peck talked about Prohibition, how it came to be and the impact it had on our industry then and how it continues to impact us today. Seminar presentations were provided by Nick Fosberg and Dan Berkos. Nick gave insight to marketing strategies that can be used to increase traffic and profit in your business while Attorney Dan Berkos updated us on current DUI laws and what is fact and what is fiction concerning these laws. Both seminars were very educational and well worth attendee’s time.


Reports by our State Secretary Sue Bonte Lee and Treasurer Tom Dahlen brought everyone up to speed regarding the activities of the TLW and its financial condition. We are pleased to report the financial status is healthy even though membership is down slightly. The convention was bittersweet for TLW President Rob Swearingen. In anticipation of an election victory in November for a State Assembly seat, Rob bid farewell to his many friends in the audience. Rob reflected on the joys and challenges of his presidency and the many relationships that were developed during his five years as the leader of the Tavern League. We want to thank Rob for his service to our organization and wish him and his family nothing but the best in his new endeavor.


With elections around the corner, several politicians took time to address our membership and share their thoughts. Among them were former Governor Tommy Thompson and Congressman Sean Duffy along with Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald and Assembly Majority Leader Robin Vos. A bit of fun was sprinkled throughout the convention. A Halloween theme was featured at Tuesday night’s reception as we were treated to great music by the Retro Specz. Hypnotist Sami Dare and several TLW “volunteers” provided entertainment Thursday morning.


honor went to ber of the year This year’s Mem pper Club in Su o of the Village th Chris Marsican by the Walwor was nominated several m fro Delavan. Chris d te lec se League and County Tavern ry of serving has a long histo ris Ch s. nt applica ty both on the un Co in Walworth TLW Members serving as the levels, currently state and local ife Patti have w s hi V.P. He and Southern Zone unity raising e in their comm been very activ Congratulao. als us charities money for vario rved award. a very well dese tions Chris on

Congratulations to Sauk County for sponsoring a very successful convention. All of this year’s attendees benefited from your hard work and we look forward to seeing everyone at the Spring Conference, April 8-11 in Eau Claire.



Walking for a Cause For 20 years, Woody Pfister has been rounding up his regulars for a brisk fall walk, all in the name of the SafeRide Program. Pfister, owner of Woody & Anne’s on Madison’s Winnebago Street, organizes the annual Lower Eastside Saferider Walk. This year, 110 walkers from five taverns in Pfister’s popular AtwoodSchenk neighborhood hit the pavement the afternoon of Saturday, October 6 to raise much-needed funds for the SafeRide Program. “We actually started 23 years ago, raising money for cancer,” explains Pfister. “But they weren’t a big fan of all the drinking and smoking and the association with taverns, so 20 years ago we made the switch to SafeRide. Back then, it was in a bit of a predicament, and year to year, it still needs a boost.” Taverns participating in this year’s Saferider Walk included Woody & Anne’s, Ohio Tavern, Wilson’s, Mr. Roberts and Players. Each bar pays $50, and then recruits walkers, who make a small $6 donation to the cause to participate. Starting at their respective establishments, they walk around the neighbor to participating bars, eating and drinking $2.50 taps and rails as they go. At planned intervals, each group moves to the next bar, keeping an even flow of business at each tavern through the afternoon. “It’s a pretty good drinking group, and it’s good for bar business,” says Pfister. “You get to know new people, get to know your regular customers better and take your regulars to other bars in the area they may not have visited before.”

The camaraderie is what keeps 82-year-old Judy “Grandma” Larson coming back for the walk year after year. “It’s just such a good time each year,” says Larson, a bartender at Woody & Anne’s. “I wouldn’t miss it.” In fact, says Pfister, he often uses Larson as an example to inspire others to participate. “She’s in her 80s and has been doing this and having a blast for 20-plus years. If Grandma can do it, you can do it!”

This year’s event raised about $1,200, which includes the sale of Walk T-shirts sponsored by New Glarus Brewing Co. and Frank Beverage. Pfister estimates that over the last 20 years, he’s donated close to $40,000 to SafeRide through the walk. Joining the group this year was Club LaMark, which is located a few miles east of the neighborhood on North Stoughton Road. “It’s really a great cause,” says Tanya Robish, a bartender at Club LaMark who helped recruit more than 20 walkers from her bar. “Woody is phenomenal, and this is a great thing, getting the neighborhood bars together.”


On Premise 2012 November/December





Marinette County AFFILIATE


Tavern League



he Marinette County Tavern League is one of about a dozen leagues leading the pack.



based. “Since we started the foundation, all the money has to be donated, so we’re on the lookout for good causes.”

CORPORATE To date, 13 leagues around the state, including the Marinette County Tavern League, have established their own foundations, a 501(c)3 arm that allows any donations a league receives to be tax-deductible.


In the last report submitted to the state, members of the Marinette County Tavern League reported that they collectively donated over $60,000. With only 54 members, that’s a lot of giving. Rehwinkel notes that since the smoking ban, membership has dropped, but the county league’s membership committee has made recruitment a priority.


“Pete in the state office ran it past us about three years ago,” says League President Mark Rehwinkel, who owns Marinette’s Cusack’s Pub with his wife Patricia. “We connected with a law firm, had to incorporate and jump through some hoops. It was probably a yearlong process, but it was well worth it. Now, any donations we get for our golf outings or tickets we sell, anything like that, are all tax-deductible.” Cusack’s has been in business for 36 years and was started by Patricia’s father.

“Our committee is going around, talking to the bars that have dropped out and those that aren’t members to encourage them to join.” Rehwinkel adds that the state started a program at the last convention to drive recruitment and his officers are working on that as well.

LEGISLATIVE The Marinette County Tavern League has two annual fundraisers that “keep us busy,” says Rehwinkel, including a June golf outing at Woodland Ridge in Crivitz and a fall banquet. Each year the banquet has a different theme, and this year, it will have a patriotic theme since it’s scheduled for November 11, Veteran’s Day. For $45, attendees get a meal of chicken and tips, hear live music, participate in raffles and more. The league invites local office holders it backed in elections. In addition, the league solicits donations from sponsors such as General Beverage, Miller, Bud and others. These sponsorships help keep the league “liquid and cover expenses,” says Rehwinkel, “so we can afford to give away all the donations that we do.”



The league votes at its meetings on which causes it will donate to. In addition, they often bring in individuals to talk about their organizations and needs. “Because it’s the county’s money, we put it to a vote, and if we know of an organization deserving, we will bring them in.”




On Premise 2012 November/December

he says. From a Marinette bar, rides cost $6 to Menomonee, Mich. and Peshtigo. Beyond those borders, it’s $1 per mile. In Crivitz, SafeRide is a Good Samaritan program, supported by corporate donations from sponsors like Wisconsin Amusement and Music Operators (WAMO), Miller, Bud and more.

“The county is very season-driven.


We depend on snow and nice summers to stay afloat around here.”

— League President Mark Rehwinkel


“We’re strong believers in the Tavern League,” says Rehwinkel, “Everyone seems to be interested and behind it as well.” Marinette County is a haven for tourists, a large county with rivers, resorts and lots of cabins. Mild winters, says Rehwinkel, hurt members. “The county is very season-driven. We depend on snow and nice summers to stay afloat around here.”


Because the county is so large — the thirdlargest in the state — running a SafeRide program us a challenge. Rehwinkel is proud of the league’s program despite this obsticle.

DISTRIBUTOR At present, the league wants to donate to local rescue squads, most of which are volunteer-



“We have an excellent program in the city that covers Marinette, Menomonee and Peshtigo,”


PARTNERS IN PROGRESS MAJOR SUPPORTER OF STATE AND LOCAL TAVERN LEAGUES Tavern League of Wisconsin • Co-sponsor of TLW Legislative Day • Underwriter of TLW Video on Jobs and Employment • Provider of Coin-Operated Games at TLW Conferences & Shows to Benefit PAC • Sponsor of the TLW Trip Give-away at TLW Fall Convention & Show • Donor of Large Screen TV at TLW Spring Conference & Show

Local Tavern League Programs (SafeRide, Golf, Others) • Contributions and support from individual WAMO members • Matching Funds from WAMO to Tavern League Locals • Contributions to SafeRide Program, Golf and Others • Active Participation and Attendance Wisconsin Amusement & Music Operators PO Box 250, Poynette, WI 53955-0250 | T: 608.635.4316 | F: 608.635.4327 | E: wamomax@aol.com A complete list of WAMO members can be found on the web site. Visit us at www.WAMO.net Hosts of the World’s Largest Dart Tournament & the Nation’s Largest Pool Tournament

Tavern League of Wisconsin

2012 November/December On Premise







ob Seguin has been in the bar and restaurant business his whole life. “My parents, Oliver and Doris, started this place in 1952, around when I was born,” says Seguin, owner of Marinette’s Tradewinds II. “We had a little living quarters off the back for the family…I’ve been here my whole life.” Originally called Snooky’s in honor of his father’s nickname, the establishment started as a bar and has evolved into a full-fledged dining experience with a supper club-like atmosphere. The menu now features steaks and seafood, homemade dressings and four homemade soups daily. The move to food began in the late 1960s, recalls Seguin, when his parents added a little grill, similar to something one might find in a fancy home kitchen, and began offering sandwiches. Around that time, the name also changed to Tradewinds. “We wanted to get more into the food part, because my dad was a good cook; he came up with some of these great sandwiches himself and it grew from there.” The Seguin family continued to add to the kitchen through the years and eventually turned a patio near the fireplace into a dining room. The transformation from simple bar to full-service restaurant was complete. Unfortunately, all that came to a temporary end in the early 1970s when the place suffered a fire and burned to the ground. The only thing left standing, says Seguin, was the stone fireplace. “We rebuilt the following year and built it into more of a supper club.” The family built around the fireplace, which only needed to be scrubbed clean. They placed an elevated bar in the center of the establishment and built a dining room on either side of the bar. The larger room that features the storied fireplace seats 60 to 70 people; the smaller seats 50 and is often used for private parties, rehearsal dinners and the monthly American Legion meeting. After the establishment was rebuilt, the 20

On Premise 2012 November/December

Marinette COUNTY


name was changed to Tradewinds II. While the restaurant caters to regulars, it’s located along the route to the Mackinaw Bridge and is a popular stop for tourists in the summer. Open seven days a week from 11 a.m. to about 9 p.m., the restaurant doesn’t accept reservations, “but even if we’re busy, you’ll get served real quick. That’s just one of the things we’re really good at.” Tradewind II’s lunch menu features those homemade soups and sandwiches, including the popular Champ. Created by Seguin’s father, the Champ features a half-pound hamburger, Thousand Island dressing, cheese and tomato on a specially made sesame seed bun. The dinner menu features chicken, seafood, steaks, Italian spaghetti and more. Broasted items are especially popular at Tradewinds II, including broasted chicken and a broasted pork steak served with grilled sauerkraut. Another specialty is broasted frog legs with garlic lemon chive butter.

“…even if we’re busy, you’ll get served real quick. That’s just one of the things we’re really good at.” — Bob Seguin “We get a lot of people in for that,” says Seguin. “Most places don’t get that anymore.” They also serve a lot of salmon. As a member of the Tavern League for “as long as I can remember, probably pretty close to the time my parents opened the place,” Seguin says the sense of belonging that the Tavern League offers is key. “It’s just something you have to belong to, sort of like a union in a factory,” says Seguin. “They help you out with things and are there when you need them.” Seguin employs about 30 people, including his son, Justin, who is learning about the business.

Bob Seguin Tradewinds II Bar & Restaurant W1820 U.S. Highway 41, Marinette 715-735-3104



Marinette County Elderly Services


“Due to funding cuts, there are a lot of gaps in our services,” says Pam Mueller Johnson, Director of Marinette County Elderly Services. “That’s why partnerships with groups like the Tavern League are so critical. They understand the importance of our programming and help us provide these services.” A nonprofit, Marinette County Elderly Services (MCES) has served those 60 and older in Marinette County since 1974. The organization receives funding from a number of sources, including the federal grants under the Older Americans Act, the state, county and other organizations, foundations and private groups. The Tavern League is a sponsor (with a state match of their donation) of the organization’s annual July golf outing, which raises $10,000 each year. This money goes directly to MCES’s program work, which is critically important in the face of decreased funding. “We rely on many different local resources,” says Mueller Johnson, “to help seniors stay independent and in their homes as long as they can.” Serving the third-largest geographic area in the state, MCES’s Rural Transportation program provides door-to-door transportation for seniors to doctor’s appointments, the grocery store and other locations; in 2011, over 3,200 rides were provided. For the very frail and elderly for which the longer route of the Rural Transportation program isn’t appropriate, MCES offers a Volunteer Medical Escort Program to take individuals to and from medical appointments; last year, volunteers put in more than 750 hours. “Transportation is a huge program because people are scattered across a large, rural area 22

On Premise 2012 November/December



TDISTRIBUTOR hanks to the help of groups like the Marinette County Tavern League, the frail and elderly of this Northeastern Wisconsin county have healthy meals and transportation to and from important medical appointments.



here,” says Mueller Johnson. “They really rely on us to have their needs met.” Nutrition is an equally large component of MCES’s work. The organization has six meal sites around the county that provide noon meals; there is a meal delivery service to homebound individuals as well. In 2011, MCES served nearly 50,000 meals in Marinette County.

Because the organization receives funding under the Older Americans Act, the nutrition program, explains Mueller Johnson, is based on a suggested donation of $4 per meal. An increasing number of people have difficulty paying that. “A lot of people in last year are not even able to pay that or anything,” she says. “But we can’t deny a meal.” Other services include a benefit specialist who

In addition to sponsoring the organization’s annual golf outing, Marinette County Tavern League has been helping “get the word out.” “We’ve been asked to do presentations to the Tavern League so they can take that information back to their businesses. They ask so many great questions and are helping us build awareness,” says Mueller Johnson. “Taverns are a gathering place and a great place for us to get the word out. They really do good things for the community.” In return for their generosity, Mueller Johnson and Mary Basak, MCES’s Transportation/Special Project Coordinator work the Tavern League’s annual golf event. “We really can’t say enough about the Tavern League,” says Basak. “Getting extra dollars as we do from the Tavern League and our golf out-

““Transportation is a huge program because people are scattered across a large, rural area here,” — Pam Mueller Johnson can help individuals with public benefits, support groups, and the spring and fall Chain Reaction Day, where volunteers help seniors with housekeeping and lawn care projects. MCES also offers a fall prevention education program and one on living well with chronic conditions.

ing helps us keep the quality of our services high so we don’t have to make cuts. If we don’t keep raising these dollars, meal days, routes, services will need to be cut. And our goal is not to have to do that.”

“It’s a lot, and we’re very diverse,” says Mueller Johnson. “We are not a huge organization; we only have about 25 people, most of them parttime. But we have a big volunteer base that puts in about 8,000 hours a year. We would not be able to do it without them.”

Marinette County Elderly Services Pam Mueller Johnson, Director 515 N. U.S. Highway 141, Crivitz, WI 54114 715-854-7453 aging@mces.net, www.mces.net

MCES is always looking for volunteers for all of its programs, she adds, and is especially looking for individuals who are willing to volunteer for leadership roles, such as running the Chain Reaction Day. www.tlw.org

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2012 November/December On Premise







ow in the fourth generation of ownership, Badger Liquor started with a car trunk.

“My great grandfather started selling whiskey out of the trunk of his car in the 1930s,” says Lacey Sadoff, Vice President of Corporate Development for Badger Liquor. “By the time Prohibition was repealed, whiskey producers were looking for legal means to distribute their product. From that, Badger Liquor was born and distribution started in 1935. I have an incredible sense of pride working for a company my family created and successfully grew over the past 76 years.” Currently owned and operated by Lacey Sadoff and her father, Gary, the company’s corporate office is located in Fond du Lac, with additional offices and transfer points in Milwaukee, Green Bay, Eau Claire, Mosinee and Elcho. In the Madison market, Frank Liquor operates as Badger Madison.

A strong and focused management team, cutting-edge technologies and dedicated employees, says Sadoff, have allowed Badger Liquor to become the largest and most effective statewide beverage alcoholic sales network. While the company does sell different products in different regions of the state, highlights of Badger Liquor’s portfolio include Pernod Ricard, Diageo, Beam Global, Bacardi USA, Sidney Frank Imports, Sazerac, the brandies of Heaven Hill Distilleries and Luxco. “In addition to the great brands and labels we represent, it is critical we provide Tavern League of Wisconsin Members with the best possible service and marketing support available in the industry,” says Sadoff. “We achieve this with the best delivery systems and management teams available to our customers. We are always available to address problems and provide whatever solutions work best for our customers. We strive and take pride in providing information and services that Tavern League Members can use to grow and promote their business.” 24

On Premise 2012 November/December


That includes news and notes on what is popular and trending, around the state and the country. For instance, while rye whiskey consumption has always been higher in Wisconsin than most other areas of the country, national rye sales have shot up. “I guess we set a trend because rye sales have been increasing all over the country and are currently up about 20 percent, causing talk of a rye shortage! Get it while you can!” says Sadoff. In wine, the latest craze is Moscato; AC Nielsen reports that Moscato sales have grown over 80 percent in the past 12 months in the United States.

The Badger Liquor Selling and Serving Fine Wines Program is designed to help waitstaff create a memorable experience for the consumer, promoting repeat business and increasing sales and profit. The training program teaches the basics of wine product knowledge and service, how to upsell from house wines to premium wines and provides wine and food pairing guidelines. “We discuss what the wine label tells you, optimum serving temperatures and general wine tasting terminology designed to help the staff when selling wines,” says Gail Wirz, Badger Liquor’s Director of Training.

“We discuss what the wine label tells you, optimum serving temperatures and general wine tasting terminology designed to help the staff when selling wines,” — Gail Wirz Generally speaking, customers are always on the lookout for new and exciting products and flavors, a trend in and of itself. “New products are becoming a bigger and bigger trend each month,” says Sadoff, who joined the family business about five years ago spending a few years out of college working for other companies, including Bacardi USA out of Chicago. “Our suppliers are continuing to come out with new products, new flavors, anything under the sun they can bottle! Often times for big product launches, there are some really great on-premise promotion opportunities.” Even with different product offerings available in different markets, Badger Liquor’s sales and marketing efforts are unified. The company offers a state-of-the art marketing and print shop that is available to create and print wine lists, drink menus, bar cards, banners, store signs and more. The promotions teams are always looking for new venues and opportunities for on-premise tastings, parties and events, and Badger Liquor offers complete wine service trainings for bartenders and waitstaff in the on-premise segment of the industry.

In addition, Badger Liquor offers a special discount to its customers for ServSafe Alcohol training, as supporting the industry and taverns that support them has long been integral to the company’s success. “It has always been extremely important to my family to support the beverage alcoholic industry by offering the best products and services to our customers,” says Sadoff. “The Tavern League of Wisconsin has not only helped build our brands over the years, it has also been a building block for our continuing efforts at increased customer service and awareness.” Badger Liquor Lacey Sadoff, Vice President, Corporate Development 850 South Morris St., Fond du Lac 800-242-9708 www.badgerliquor.com


Upcoming tlw events Spring 2013 Conference & Tradeshow April 8 - 11, 2013 Plaza Hotel & Suites & Conf. Ctr. 1202 W Clairemont Ave Eau Claire, WI 54701

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Fall 2016 Convention & Tradeshow October 10 - 13, 2016 Kalahari Resort 1305 Kalahari Drive Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965

2012 November/December On Premise







LEGISLATIVE A s a tavern owner, you need reliable people who know their stuff behind your bar and in your kitchen. 360training.com can help you be sure they are prepared. A Corporate Sponsor of the Tavern League, 360training.com is a global provider of compliance and workforce training technology solutions. Servicing over 2,500 e-learning partners who have trained more than three million users across various industries, Austin, Texas-based 360training.com offers a Responsible Beverage Server training course specifically matched to Wisconsin law as well as food safety courses.



“If you are looking to alleviate all your compliance training needs, we are your solution,” says Jeff Leiken, Senior Vice President, Channel Sales. “Specifically, Tavern League of Wisconsin members can utilize our Responsible Beverage Server training course which meets Wisconsin compliance requirements.”


The course covers a range of topics, including a server’s responsibilities and obligations under

and motivated, independent, are comfortable with computers and using email and the Internet browser and able to stay on task.


The Food Handler Safety course is two hours and covers food safety issues, regulations and techniques to maintain a food-safe environment. This course helps those employees who work with food in your establishment better understand how handling food correctly is not only the law, but it improves safety and lowers cost as well. Course content includes food-borne illness and what causes it, contamination, temperature control and the importance of proper personal hygiene in the workplace.

“Some people prefer classroom training and some people prefer online,” says Leiken. “It really depends on the person. Online training allows you to take the course at your own convenience, which gives you options on when and where to take the training.” To sign up for any of these courses or the exam, visit the Tavern League of Wisconsin website at www.tlw.org and choose the appropriate online option under “Education.”


360training.com’s Wisconsin Food Safety Manager Certification course helps prepare servers for the nationally accredited ANSI-CFP (American National Standard Institute - Conference for Food Protection) certification exam. This is a comprehensive eight-hour course that covers much of the same content in the Food Handler Safety course. In order to receive your certificate you still have to attend a proctored exam at one of the TLW exam sites.

360training.com Jeff Leiken, SVP, Channel Sales 512-586-6176



360training.com, which has partnered with Tav-

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the law; the effects of alcohol and of mixing alcohol with other drugs; how to recognize intoxicated individuals; refusing a sale with little conflict; preventing disturbances in the establishment and handling difficult situations; how to check IDs accurately and recognize clues for when an individual is using a fake ID and more. To complete the course, you must pass the final exam with a score of 70 percent or more. The online course takes about four hours, says Leiken, and the course can be taken at your own pace. In addition, the course is open to any server, regardless of an individual tavern owner’s affiliation with the company. The company also offers two food safety programs. 26

On Premise 2012 November/December

ern League of Wisconsin since 2005, recently received approval from ANSI to offer the ANSICFP exam, but it will not be up and running until the end of the year. In the state of Wisconsin, any establishment that serves food must have a license to do so. The state also requires a minimum of one certified Food Manager on staff, though some counties have more stringent requirements. Certification lasts for five years and any time during the fifth year, individuals must complete a Recertification Course. Online learning isn’t for everyone. In general, the successful online students are self-directed


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2012 July/August On Premise




Friebert, Finerty SPOTLIGHT CHARITY & St. John, S.C.

When the Wisconsin Legislature passed the smoking ban, Brian Randall, a partner in Milwaukee’s Friebert, Finerty & St. John, S.C., had several clients ask him to help them understand their legal and compliance options. When he researched the issues and found the Tavern League to be a valuable resource, he became an Affiliate Member.



“I saw how members and Affiliate Members benefit from the TLW’s resources and strength as an organization,” says Randall. “Since joining, I have seen the benefits for my license law practice in that I can better understand the business interests involved in the industry.”


Randall can help guide Tavern League Members in almost any legal situation, from leases and purchase agreements to employment matters to litigation. Randall personally handles all aspects of municipal law, including alcohol beverage license applications, renewals and related issues as well as real estate project issues for owners, developers and end users. He has much experience working on license and regulatory compliance issues for restaurants and bars, as well as convenience stores, gold-buying stores, payday and installment lenders and more. “I have been privileged to have a licensing practice involving a number of interesting issues and applications, such as for a major Wisconsin brewer, a winery, a large casino, a high-speed ferry, movie theaters, a bowling alley, a painting studio and, of course, taverns and restaurants,” says Randall, who joined the Tavern League in January 2010. “I have assisted clients dealing with statutory and ordinance quota issues as well as those facing suspensions and revocations.” As a member of the Wauwatosa Board of Zoning Appeals, Randall has experience working on issues from the municipality’s point of view, which offers a valuable perspective to his clients. A small firm with 12 attorneys, Randall knows what it’s like to run a small business and is proud of the reputation his firm has earned in the legal community and with local governments around the state. “I strive to be a team player, and I do what it takes to understand the client’s specific situation and the unique issues at play in the municipality while keeping an eye toward success for the client,” says Randall. “I bring my years of experience to the table, which also helps me advise clients about what to expect. Finally, no matter what the issue is, after it is settled, I recognize that my client will remain a part of the community and so my general approach of building consensus while firmly advocating where needed has served my clients and me well over the years.” Part of building a strong reputation is being the first to tell a potential client that they don’t need an attorney. He often receives calls from Tavern League members with questions about specific issues. “I certainly take the calls, but if you don’t need a lawyer, I’ll be the first one to point that out,” says Randall. “If you do, with just a phone call, we can talk about the situation, determine if it’s something the firm could help with or refer it to another lawyer if necessary.” All the firm’s attorneys are licensed to practice in Wisconsin and are willing to travel throughout the state. While travel costs can be expensive, technology and electronic portability allows the firm to serve clients beyond southeast Wisconsin. Friebert, Finerty & St. John, S.C. Brian C. Randall, Partner 330 East Kilbourn Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202 414-271-0130, bcr@ffsj.com, www.ffsj.com


On Premise 2012 November/December

DJ D-Train

For Donald “DJ D-Train” Rosby, music isn’t a job. It’s a passion. “I’ve been in nightclubs and bars since I was 17. I love what I do; it’s a passion, it’s not even a job. Music is in my blood, in my head, in my heart.”


A mobile DJ for almost four years, Rosby brings an art to DJing that many others don’t. Instead of simply pushing buttons and moving through a set playlist, Rosby reads and interacts with the crowd to give them what they want. “DJing is a lost art,” says Rosby, who plays bars, nightclubs and special events and is even the official DJ for a semi-pro football team. “There are certain aspects to do the job properly. One is to read the audience. The second is to feel the vibe. It’s not enough to know if the crowd likes rock or country. You have to feel the mood, find songs that are similar, go between different genres and read what the crowd likes and what they don’t. I don’t just push buttons and hope it works out all right. I blend it together.” He adds: “I know I’m one of the last ones left who does it right. I’ve got the new technology but the old-school mentality.” An Affiliate Member of the Tavern League for three years, Rosby knows the organization has helped him grow his business. “The Tavern League has helped me secure many gigs and I am still convinced that if I left the Tavern League, it would be gone.” Rosby is especially grateful to Rick Truckey, an officer in the Clark County Tavern League and owner of Sun Up Saloon in Thorp, where Rosby has a regular gig. Based in Eau Claire, Rosby is willing to go “wherever the party is. I’m willing to travel.” His rate for bar gigs is a reasonable $200. A recent addition in his industry is mixing music with videos in a venue. Rosby hopes to add video to his business repertoire next year. “Most places are not set up for it, but video’s the next big thing,” says Rosby. “Video can enhance bar sales, because you’ll always have those people who don’t want to dance, so while they’re watching the video, they’re drinking something.” Rosby comes prepared with a wide portfolio of music (he’s all digital), including rock, country and Top 40, songs new and old. “I specialize in fun, first and foremost, and I’m reliable and reasonable. I play what people want to hear and when they want to hear it. I can satisfy a wide variety of tastes, from Sinatra to Lady Gaga.” He also comes prepared to mingle with the crowd. “There’s a big stereotype that DJs just sit back and push buttons; I’m not one of those DJs,” says Rosby. “I mingle, I get out, I play those requests, I dance. If people are not coming up, I’m bringing my notebook out and working the crowd. People never cease to be amazed by that. Try me out and you’ll be amazed, too!” Donald Rosby DJ D-Train 715-456-9479, dtrain1218@yahoo.com www.facebook.com/mixmaster.dtrain 888-876-6176


Remembering Tom Flynn

JBM Amusements JBM Amusements does more than provide digital jukeboxes, dartboards, pool tables and other coin-operated amusement devices to customers. This company helps its’ customers better position themselves in the market by providing business planning services, market analysis and various other market research tools. This helps customers better understand where they stand among competitors and be able to grow and develop their businesses. “What differentiates JBM Amusements from our competitors,” says Jeff Blau, Partner, JBM Amusements, “is that we know how important it is to help our customers be successful at the retail level. Most of our competitors provide equipment to their locations and then are not involved in the business until it is time to collect the money or fix their equipment. They function at a wholesale level. We capitalize on our strong business management experience and many years of experience in the industry to help our customers take it one step further and understand how to use our equipment to increase traffic into their establishment.” JBM Amusements not only helps customers formulate a business plan, but provides other value-added services as well, such as purchasing local advertising for them. “By and large, the establishments that understand that promoting their location and its strengths aggressively is the key to success. By partnering with JBM Amusements, they can learn to be more successful, as it has resulted in 30-percentper-year growth for JBM Amusements. In this difficult economy, this is a testament to the awesome results that can be achieved through good old-fashioned hard work and teamwork, and we are proud to be partnered with the best locations in the area!” Part of being successful is having the right equipment, and Blau has noticed a trend away from certain items, such as video equipment. “Much of this type of technology is now available for home play. This has drastically reduced the desire for this type of equipment,” says Blau. “We see people wanting to connect once again with some proven staples such as pool, shuffleboard, skeeball and other of the more classic and basic yet fun games. In this difficult economy, patrons are looking more for value and less for glitz and glamour.” Newer technological advances include digital jukeboxes with alternative capabilities, such as a built-in photo booth, karaoke and connection to various social media platforms. In addition to league management, JBM Amusements services its equipment seven days a week, 365 days per year, with an average response time of 10 minutes. While JBM Amusements is based in Fond du Lac, Blau says the company is not limited geographically. A Tavern League of Wisconsin member since 2009, JBM Amusements became a member for the voice the TLW gives its members. “We joined the TLW because we believe that each of us in the industry has a responsibility to do our part in order to help our various industry segments be successful,” says Blau. “The Tavern League is a professional, proactive organization that allows our issues and concerns to be heard by lawmakers and legislatures. They give us a ‘voice’ in order to participate in the continual evolvement of our industry.” JBM Amusements Jeff Blau, Partner 426 Mary Lee Drive, Fond du Lac, WI 54935 920-929-9735, jblau@jbmamusements.com www.jbmamusements.com

With a heavy heart, we report the passing of a great friend and Tavern League of Wisconsin past-president, Tom Flynn of Brodhead, on Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012. Tom was born April 14, 1926, the son of William and Elfrieda (Zibolsky) Flynn, and graduated from Orfordville High School in 1943. Tom and his wife Rosemary were married June 9, 1945, at St. Augustine’s Catholic Church in Footville, Wis., and farmed in the Albany area for several years. They operated “Flynn’s Tap” in Albany 1960-1990, “Flynn’s Bar and Restaurant” in Brodhead 1963-1996, and “Flynn’s Bar and Restaurant” in Monticello for a few years in the 1970’s. Shortly after joining the South Central Tavern League in 1965, he was elected president, a position he held for 25 years. From 1974 to 1981 he was State Treasurer for the TLW and he was the first person to serve two consecutive terms as President, a position he held from 1981-1985. Members fondly remember Tom’s enthusiastic entrances at conventions during his presidency and his happy, friendly personality. Tom also served as Regional Vice President and Secretary of the National Licensed Beverage Association (predecessor to the American Beverage Licensees ABL) and in 1987 was elected the national association’s president. Tom’s outgoing personality and active interest in the alcohol industry resulted in friendships not only around the state, but around the country. Tom’s accomplishments were many while serving the Tavern League and his awards were numerous. He was always an active proponent for the prevention of drunk driving and was very proud of the fact that he was able to attend 80 Tavern League State Conventions, which he always said would not have been possible without the help of his family taking care of the business. Even as his health was slowing him down, he continued to attend TLW conventions and TLW Legislative Day. The last convention he attended was in Steven Point in 2007, where five of the Tavern League of Wisconsin’s past-presidents sat down to have a drink and share stories about the old days. Tom is survived by his wife, Rosemary Flynn of Brodhead; four sons, Richard (Cathy) Flynn of Brodhead, Dan (LaVon) Flynn of Oregon, Michael Flynn of Pigeon Forge, Tenn., and Thomas Flynn Jr. of Bloomington, Ill.; two daughters, Rosalie Clark and Ann (Thomas) Richmond of Brodhead; 15 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; a brother, James Flynn of Janesville; and several nieces and nephews. Tom was preceded in death by his parents; son, Patrick in 2003; daughter-in-law, Rena; and three brothers, Arthur, William, and Robert. Tom was one of our most well respected and beloved presidents. He loved being with people and enjoyed being with his family. He left his imprint on the Tavern League of Wisconsin, and will be greatly missed.

Tavern League of Wisconsin

2012 November/December On Premise




Special Club Membership October 29, 2012


Club Members Outagamie County Tavern League Oshkosh City Tavern League

Portage County Tavern League

TLW 3rd District TLW 5th District TLW 7th District


Club Members



dodge County Tavern League

Door County Tavern League

Manitowoc County Tavern League Vodka or gin? Olive garnish or pickled onion? Shaken or stirred? Ask a dozen martini drinkers what makes the perfect drink and you can expect a dozen answers.

Oconto County Tavern League

Not so with the Precision Pour 3-ball liquor pour! Precision Pours has created a measured pour that is as close to perfect as any pour on the market. More accurate and easier to maintain than old style pours, with a new cork that creates a better seal and yet is easier to remove from the bottle, and unrivaled in durability; our pour will last for years. If you’re looking for the perfect liquor pour, we’ve made your choice simple. If you’re looking for the perfect martini, we can only wish you luck.

Annual Membership Levels Platinum - $1,000 Annual Membership Level Gold - $500 Annual Membership Level Silver - $250 Annual Membership Level

The only pour featuring patented 3-ball technology. Available in wide variety of shot sizes and configurations including a three ounce “martini” shot size.

For more information on becoming a Special Club Member, call the TLW office at (800) 445-9221

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On Premise 2012 November/December







Analyzing Your Operations



By Kimberly Ruef, CPA


LEGISLATIVE Evaluating the legal form of your


business is an ongoing process.


The two primary factors to be considered when forming your business are:

The right form for you today might


• Legal liability – How to best protect your business and personal assets against claims of vendors, customers and other creditors.


business success, consider whether

Other factors to be considered as a business matures are:

not be right in ten years. As an

integral part of planning for your


your current form of business is go-

SPOTLIGHT • Tax implications – How to minimize taxes not just in the short-term but also in the long-term.

ing to suit you for the next year, five

Tavern League of Wisconsin

Selecting an initial form for your business is not a decision to be made lightly. It is important to consult your attorney and your accountant prior to making this very important decision. In addition, plan a periodic review of your business structure to be sure it is still the right choice for you.


• Succession – Will you be able to pass the business on to your heirs or your employees? If you plan on selling your business to a third party, is it structured in such a way that you’ll be able to keep the most sales dollars in your pocket?


years, ten years and into retirement.

Looking at the list of possible business structures is a daunting task. You may choose from sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, LLC (taxed as a disregarded entity, a partnership, a C corporation, or an S corporation), LLP or a corporation (taxed as a C or an S corporation).

Kimberly Ruef, CPA is a partner with Wegner LLP, CPAs & Consultants and Wegner Payroll Group with offices in Madison, Baraboo and Waukesha. She has been providing accounting and tax services to businesses and business owners for over 20 years. This article is not intended to give you complete tax advice, but a general review of the subject matter.


• Investors – If you are considering taking on partners or outside investors, the choice of entity may need to be changed. At a minimum, this is a good time to review your form and document the various legal and tax issues that need to be addressed in multi-owner companies.

Phone: (608) 274-4020 Email: kim.ruef@wegnercpas.com

• Employee benefits – If benefits (health insurance, life insurance, cafeteria plan and retirement benefits) are important to you, this fact should be considered as part of your entity-selection process. The ability to provide benefits for yourself and your family is contingent in many cases on your choice of legal entity. 2012 November/December On Premise


As of October 25, 2012 Ackley Novelty Inc

Dean Health Plan

Johnson Dist. Inc.

Plunkett’s Pest Control

Advanced Draft Solutions LLC

Delafield Brew Haus

JP Graphics Inc.

Portesi Italian Foods, Inc

Affiliated Investment Group

DeVere Company Inc.

Just in Time Refrigeration LLC

Precision Pours, Inc

Airgas National Carbonation

Dierks Waukesha


Preferred Distributors, LLC

Alliance Insurance Centers, LLC

Dining Publications LLC

Kavanaughs Restaurant Supplies

Pub Passports

Allied Games, Inc


Keg-Stands, LLC

Allied Insurance Centers Inc.

Disher Insurance Services

Kessenich’s Ltd

Qpondog Text Message Marketing Specialists

American Entertainment Services, Inc

DJ D-Train

American Income Life

Edge One Inc

KLB Insurance Services-Illinois Casualty

American Welding & Gas

El Cortez Hotel & Casino (The)

Amusement Devices Inc

Electro-Kold Corporation

App Mountain LLC

Emil’s Pizza, Inc.

Audio Excitement

Energy Distributing

B & K Bar & Restaurant Supplies

Engels Commercial Appliance, Inc.

B-M Music & Games

Flanigan Distributing

Badger Hood Cleaning

Fleming’s Fire I

Baer’s Beverage Inc.

Flipside Coin Machines Inc

Bar Owner Marketing Systems

Fox Valley Clean Air

Baraboo Sysco Food Services

Freistadt Alte Kameraden Band

Baraboo Tent & Awning

Friebert, Finerty & St. John, S.C.

BarsGuru Enterprises LLC

Game Management Corp.

Bay Tek Games

Games Are Us Inc

Bay Towel/Linen Rental

General Beer - Northeast, Inc.

Beechwood Distributors, Inc.

General Beverage Sales Co

Benedict Refrigeration Service, Inc

Glavinsured Agency, Inc.

Best Bargains

Great Lakes Amusements


Great Lakes Beverage

Bi-State Point Of Sale Solutions

Great Northern Amusements

Big Daddy Games LLC

Guardian Pest Solutions, Inc

Big Game Sports Cards/Sterling Graphics

Gunderson Linen

Bill’s Distributing LTD Blondie Enterprises BMI (Broadcast Music Inc)

Gustave A Larson Company Heartland Payment Systems Heartland Payment Systems

R & S Marketing Racine Amusement Inc

Kobussen Buses, Ltd

Red’s Novelty LTD

Krantz Electric Inc.

Reindl Printing

Lamers Bus Lines

Reinhart Food Service, LLC

Lebby’s Frozen Pizza

Riverside Foods, Inc.

Lee Beverage Of Wisconsin LLC

S & S Distributing, Inc.

Lehmann Farms

Saloons N Spoons/Turbo Chemical

lodgeVision, Satellite & Security

Sam’s Amusement Co

M & R Amusements & Vending LLC

Sam’s Club

Madison Area City Guide

Sanimax USA Inc.

Magnuson Industries Inc

Saratoga Liquor Co, Inc.

Mass Appeal Specialties Inc

Schmidt Novelty

MBA Corp.

Serralles USA Brands

Micro Matic

Service Specialists

Mid-Oak Distillery

Slack Attack Communications

Midstate Amusement Games

SniffIt LLC

Midwest Amusements

Special Olympics Wisconsin, Inc.

Midwest Coin Concepts Of WI

Stansfield Vending Inc

Milwaukee Brewers

Stealth Solutions

Milwaukee Bucks

Stevens Point Brewery

Mississippi River Distilling Company

Stinky Gringo Margarita Inc.

Mitchell Novelty Co.

Superior Beverages LLC

Modern Cash Register Systems

Superior Vending

Moy, Borchert, Erbs & Associates, LLP

Swanel Beverage Inc./Banzai

MPI Protective Services*

Tamarak Design’s

Murphy Desmond S.C.

This Drinks on Us, LLC

National Chemicals, Inc.

Ticket King Inc.

Bob Schuchardt Insurance

Hiawatha Chef, Bar and Janitorial Supply

Boelter Companies

Holiday Wholesale Inc

Nei - Turner Media Group, Inc.

Toccata Gaming International, LLC

Bromak Sales Inc

Hood Cleaning Pros.

New Glarus Brewing Co

Total Merchant Services Of WI

Buy Right Purchasing Group LLC

Hospitality Services Corp.

New York Life

Total Register Systems

Capital Bankcard

Huebsch Services

Northern Lakes Amusement

Tri-Mart Corporation

Cardtronics USA

Hyer Standards

Northwest Coin Machine Co

Tricky Dick & Joyce Specialty

Cash Depot

Ideal Ad & Sportswear

Office Supplies 2 U, Inc.

US Foodservice

Central Ceiling Systems, Inc.

Impact Seven, Inc.

Original Ovenworks Pizza

Vern’s Cheese Inc

Chambers Travel

Independent Insurance Services Inc.

Pantheon BC

Vital Tokens

Cintas Corporation

Indianhead Foodservice Dist. Inc

Paradise Printing Company

Wausau Coin Machines Inc

Coffee Express, Inc.

Insphere Insurance Solutions

Park Ridge Distributing, Inc.

WI Hospitality Insured

Cornerstone Processing Solutions, Inc.

Is It 2b Marketing

Payroll Center (The)

Wil-Kil Pest Control

Corporate Casuals & Promotional Products

JBM Amusements

Pehler Distributing, Inc.

Windy Water Amusements

Jim’s Tap Cleaning LLC

Pep’s Pizza / Benetti

Wine Institute

Johnson Brothers Beverage

Per Mar Security Services

Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcaps

County Wide Extinguisher, Inc. D & D Amusement Games LLC


On Premise 2012 November/December




LEGISLATIVE 2013 Legislation Session



hat a year it has been for Wisconsin politics in 2012! No other state has seen the kind of political activity witnessed in Wisconsin the last 12 months. The year started with recall organizers turning in signatures to recall Governor Walker and Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch and four State Senators over the passage of the budget bill the previous year. All of this comes on the heels of State Senate recall elections in August 2011 which netted Democrats two additional seats. We have been in campaign mode in this state for two straight years. Only the TV stations seemed to enjoy the non-stop campaigning.



Governor Walker and Rebecca Kleefisch easily survived the historic June 5th recall elections against them. The recalls in 2011 and 2012 did deliver the State Senate to the Democrats as they knocked of three Republican incumbents giving them a slim 17-16 edge after the legislative session ended. On August 11th, Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney picked Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan to be his Vice President on the Republican ticket. Once again Wisconsin politics was at the center of the national political discussion. Congressman Ryan represents the first congressional district in Southeast Wisconsin. Early in the 2011-12 legislative session the Legislature moved up the Fall Primary from the second week in September to the second week in August. Just as everyone was catching their breath after the June 5th elections a new set of TV ads filled the airwaves for the August 14th Republican US Senate Primary. Former Governor Tommy Thompson prevailed in a hotly contested four way primary and faced Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin in the November 6th general election. Let’s not forget the lawsuits, of which many have yet to be decided. There were legal challenges to Wisconsin’s voter ID law, redistricting, Act 10 and a violation of Wisconsin open meetings law to name a few. To say Wisconsin has had its 15 minutes of fame in 2012 is an understatement.

Tavern League of Wisconsin

NOTES By Scott Stenger Stenger Government Relations


There has been a growing call from a number of college and university officials to take a look at the 21 year old drinking age. We will be working on both the state and federal level to determine whether or not the 21 year old drinking age is working or is it just a paper law routinely violated and seldom enforced. The issue must ultimately be addressed by Congress and with the growing number of critics of the 21 year old drinking age they may be willing to investigate whether or not the law is doing what it was intended to do. The United States of America has the most stringent minimum drinking age in the world yet experiences some of the biggest problems with underage drinking.


As we bid 2012 goodbye our focus turns to the 2013 legislative session. A new Legislature will be sworn in on January 3rd. After the contentious 2011-12 session there is hope from Democrats and Republicans that they can work more closely on some key issues in the 2013 session … don’t hold your breath. Governor Walker will introduce a two year operating state budget in February and the Legislature will work through June to pass it before the end of the fiscal year on June 30, 2013. As we prepare for the 2013 session mark your calendar to attend Tavern League of Wisconsin Legislative Day on March 19th at the Inn on the Park in Madison. This is always one of the most important events for TLW members as it brings state government to you and allows you to personally lobby your elected officials. We will be working on our legislative agenda which includes passing a bill formulated after a successful program in Alaska to provide license holders with more tools to combat underage drinkers from entering a licensed establishment. The bill would permit a license holder to take an underage person, who knowingly enters a licensed establishment with a false ID, to small claims court and seek $1000 if it is proven they illegally attempted to enter a licensed establishment. The goal of the bill is not to go to court but instead to be used and effective deterrent to underage drinkers from ever entering the business in the first place. Under the bill business owners could post signs warning an underage person they will be taken to court by the business if they knowingly enter a licensed establishment.

We will also be on the lookout for legislation which could prove detrimental to your business. A new lobbying group was recently formed and their platform includes increasing the taxes on alcohol and passes sobriety checkpoints. There has also been much discussion in the press relating to drunk driving issues. The Tavern League supported legislation in the previous session to target high BAC offenders and repeat offenders. We will continue to support legislation aimed at repeat offenders. It is also important to point out the continuing success of the TLW SafeRide Program. TLW participating members saw an increase of 10% in the number of free rides home provided to patrons last year. SafeRide is an important and successful tool to be used to address the issue of drunk driving. After the non-stop political excitement in 2012 many are hoping for a more conventional and frankly boring 2013. It will be anything but boring for the TLW – we have a lot on our agenda and will be ready to go to work on behalf of our Membership when the Legislature convenes in January. Please stay connected with the TLW through our website at www.tlw.org or through Facebook. You can follow all of the legislative action and get important information on issues of concern to you and your business.

2012 November/December On Premise






August 26 - October 25, 2012

PRESIDENT’S District 1 Kenosha City Lotus Sports Bar Sam Patel Kenosha

Kenosha County One Eyed Jack’s Dick Puchalski Camp Lake

Linden Store (The) Angie Griffiths Linden

Juneau County Hillsboro Firemen’s Community Center St 2 Kristi Jensen Hillsboro

PERSPECTIVE Woody’s Final Final Dan Wood Menasha

Burnett County Tavern on Main Paula Fisher Siren

Marathon County BC’s Gail’s Place Bob Clark Mosinee

District 7 Chippewa County Bloomer Bowl Rick Hanson Bloomer

Fox Run Golf Course KCB Fox, LLC Webster

Paper City Lanes Inc Al Javoroski Mosinee

Laury’s Town Pump Laury Konwinski Chippewa Falls Clark County Neighborhood Bar Thomas P. Breu Marshfield

District 5 Adams County Mo’s Melissa A. Minarcin Friendship



Mars Cheese Castle Mario J. Ventura, Jr. Kenosha

LaCrosse City/County Bucky’s Bar & Grill Rhonda Knobloch & Tiffany Hulburt La Crosse

Village Pub of Silver Lake Nancy Dulek Silver Lake

Glory Days Sports Pub Mark J. Schneider La Crosse

Q’s Pub & Grille Sue Bertz Mosinee

Driftwood Twin Lakes LLC Susan Harms Twin Lakes

River Jack’s Restaurant & Lounge Erik & Kathy Rasmussen La Crosse


Two’s Company Bar & Restaurant Craig Ziemanski Mosinee

Racine City Roundabout Bar & Grill LLC Ronald Zold Racine

Monroe County Foxhole Pub & Restaurant, LLC Alan & Penny Brueggen Sparta

Shawano County Fill’n Station Bar & Grill Katherine Gruszynski Cecil

Rock County Tremors Bar & Grill Ed F Quaerna anesville

Harmony Club (The) David Godfrey Sparta

Coachlight Bar & Grill LLC Greg Buss Shawano

LEAGUE District 2 Columbia County Thirsty’s Tammy Dickerson & Don Piffl Arlington


Gasthaus John Ashworth Watertown H2O Food & Entertainment Dago Rivera Watertown

Waupaca County Wigwam Inn Sandy Johnson Rosholt

Sportsman’s Bar Of Tomah Lance Heilman Tomah Slips Saloon Robert & Michele Bemis Warrens

AFFILIATE Jefferson County Jansens Kim Dahnert Fort Atkinson


Sauk County Ravina Bay Bar & Grill NABB LLC Lake Delton Tipper’s Bar & Grill Tip Hahn Wisconsin Dells

Madison/Dane County Northern Inn Bowl Kevin L. North Edgerton

Oshkosh City Daisy Dukes April Chase Oshkosh

CORPORATE Baldwin Street Grille Ryan Schultz Madison

Waukesha County Fall Pub & Grill Inc. Robert Placke Menominee Falls

Jockey Club Edward Strachan Oshkosh Kodiak Jack’s Lee Engleman Oshkosh

Wood County Polly’s Polly McCrossen Vesper District 6 Brown County Shakers Bar Matthew Kispert De Pere

Rolling Ground Bar & Grill Allan Klema Soldiers Grove

Ozaukee County C Wiesler’s Saloon & Eatery Mike Jackson Cedarburg

Biundo’s Italian & American Cuisine Mike Biundo Peshtigo

Grant/Iowa County Depot (The) Jason Schumacher Cuba City

Sheboygan County Dave’s Who’s Inn, Inc. David Repinski Sheboygan

Oconto County Dockside (The) Raoul Zerbe Oconto

Jeffreys House Of Foolishness Jeff Krier Dodgeville

Washington County Olde Cedar Inn Badube Urban West Bend

Outagamie County Parkers Playhouse LLC Adam L. Ditter Kaukauna



On Premise 2012 November/December

Brookside Tavern Dick Ryan Hixton

Vilas County Eagle River Inn & Resort Meghan McHale Eagle River

Doc’s Bunkhouse Tony L. Giese Merrillan Pierce County 63 Express Samantha Webb Hager City


Voodoo Lounge Curt & Kris Raygo Marinette

Waterfront Rick Kramer Hayward

Merrill Golf Club Michael H. Malinowski Merrill

St Croix County Laurel Supper Club Roberta Little New Richmond


Sawyer County DJ’s Dock James Arnold Hayward

Black Creek Lodge Scott Bertrang Fairchild

Pulaski Shell of Wisconsin LLC Jeffrey Goin Pulaski

Screwballs Sports Pub LLC Brett J. Jungwirth Oshkosh

Oneida County Kirby’s Pine Isle Sports Bar & Grill Ryan Kirby Three Lakes

Tomahawk/Merrill Area Willow Haven Bar & Grill Mike Bohn Hazelhurst

Coach’s Bar & Grill Chad Seguin River Falls

Forest County Sparky’s II, LLC Sherry Nickel Crandon

Lakeland Area Parrot Bar & Grill (The) Sandy Fehrman Woodruff

Laura’s Brickhouse Grill & Saloon Larry Hickok Black River Falls


Marinette County Firelane Bar & Grill Mike Onkels Athelstane


Jackson County Airport Lounge Michael T. Green Black River Falls

Hagermeister Park Shannon Schmitt Green Bay

Robbins Restaurant Inc Wally Wagner Oshkosh

District 3 Crawford County Barn Restaurant (The) Drew Hager Prairie Du Chien

Kim-Chi Cafe and Lounge Ryan Miescke Eau Claire


ACCOUNTING Staceys Stacey Hanel Watertown

District 4 Calumet County Champs Pub Chris Fiedler Hilbert

Waushara County Tommy’s Roadhouse Saloon Tracy Hite Redgranite

Eau Claire City/County Slim’s Lake Hallie Tavern Alissa K. Bauer Chippewa Falls

Greater Northwoods Wolf’s Den Bar & Grill Victor Borrows Mercer

St Croix Lanes Dale Elliott River Falls

Gypsy Road Saloon Valerie Peterson Wilson Trempealeau/Buffalo County Arcadia Country Club Golf Course Troy Peterson Arcadia Meatheadz Blake Handrick Osseo


CJ’s Cari Sallander Whitehall District 8 Ashland/Bayfield County Other Place Bar-n-Grill (The) Erik C. Price Iron River


Brew’s Pub Kevin M. Konnow Land O Lakes District 9 Milwaukee County Hospitality Park View Pub Jill V. McNutt Brown Deer Lakeside Pub & Grill Ron Mellantine Cudahy Coaches Pub & Grill Corne M. Hanssen Milwaukee Fat Daddy’s Stefani M. Jaksic Milwaukee Frank’s Newport LLC Frank Creed Milwaukee Loaded Slate (The) Jerome Mellon Milwaukee O’Lydia’s Bar & Grill Linda Sackett Milwaukee Steny’s Tavern & Grill Jerome Stenstrup Milwaukee Bootz Saloon and Grill Christina Clausen Oak Creek Red Bar Nick Schell Saint Francis


Governor’s Open

League Leaders Day

TLW Participates in Governor’s Open. Robert “Bubba” Sprenger, Governor Scott Walker, Bill Hunter, Pete Madland at Black Wolf Run in Kohler.

Scenic downtown Minoqua was the location for the 2012 League Leaders Day. 140 local league representatives gathered in August to learn and exchange ideas on how to improve league management and participation. Guest speakers included Glenn Miller of Wegner CPAs and Mike Roseneau of Society Insurance. Attendees were brought up to date on the how’s and why’s of participating in a group exemption and on how to avoid embezzlement and theft at the local league level. Governmental Affairs Director Scott Stenger was also on hand to update participants regarding upcoming elections.

State Golf Outing

After lunch the group was treated to various activities including horseback riding, golf, and pontooning. The day was capped off with a reception that included drinks, h’or dourves, and entertainment. The positive feedback from the participants indicates that it was a very successful event.

It was a beautiful day in early September for the 14th Annual Tavern League of Wisconsin State Golf Outing held at Lake Arrowhead Golf Club in Nekoosa. Forty teams from around the state competed in the scramble event with top honors going to Jeff Woodruff, Dave Bartlett, David Swift and Kurt Watkins (picture not available), shooting a gross 54. Thanks to all who golfed for supporting the Wisconsin Tavern League Foundation and in turn local charities.

Tavern League of Wisconsin

2012 November/December On Premise




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On Premise 2012 November/December


Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation required by Title 39, United States Code 3685. Publication Title: On Premise. Publication number: 1051-4562. Filing Date: Oct 1, 2012. Frequency: bi-monthly. Number of issues published annually: six. Annual subscription price: member, $10.00, which is included in dues; non-members, $15.00. Mailing address of office of publication: Tavern League of Wisconsin, 2817 Fish Hatchery Rd., Fitchburg, WI 53713. Mailing address of general business offices: same. Name and mailing address of publisher: Kelly Wolf, Slack Attack Communications, 5113 Monona Drive, Madison, WI 53716. Name and mailing address of editor: Slack Attack Communications, 5113 Monona Dr., Madison, WI 53716. Name and address of Managing Editor: Kelly Wolf. Owner: Tavern League of Wisconsin, 2817 Fish Hatchery Rd., Fitchburg, WI 53713. Known bondholders: none. Total number of copies (net press run): 5,588 average last 12 months; 5,549 last issue (Sept/Oct 2012). Paid circulationmail subscriptions: 5,194 average last 12 months; 5,124 last issue. Total paid circulation: 5,194 average last 12 months; 5,549 last issue. Free distribution by mail: 0 average last 12 months; 0 last issue. Free distribution outside the mail: 246 average last 12 months; 205 last issue. Total free distribution: 205 average last 12 months; 143 last issue. Total distribution: 5,440 average last 12 months; 5,329 last issue. Office use: 148 average last 12 months; 220 last issue. Returns from news agents: none. Total: 5,588 average last 12 months; 5,549 last issue. Percent paid or requested circulation: 95.48% average last 12 months; 96.15% last issue. I certify that the statements made by me are correct and complete. Signed: Kelly Wolf, Publisher. www.tlw.org

: Brandy


ometimes myth becomes legend, and a quick tour of the Internet reveals that’s the case for Wisconsin and brandy.

One statistic shows our state consumes 14 percent of all brandy. Another states that Korbel sends about one-third of its product to the Dairy State. Yet another claims we spend more money on brandy than any other state. Whatever the case may be, Wisconsin loves its brandy. Derived from the Dutch word brandewijn, meaning “burnt wine,” this is exactly how Dutch traders introduced brandy to Northern Europe in the 16th century. In a very matter-of-fact way, they told buyers it was wine that had been burnt (boiled) to distill it. Luckily, brandy doesn’t taste like its Dutch name suggests. Made by distilling wine or other fermented fruit juices, brandy comes in a variety of tastes and was largely created by accident. Dutch merchants distilled wine to better preserve it and make it easier and cheaper to transport; the intent was to add water before consumption. But after aging in wooden casks on ships and carts for long periods of time, the merchants found the “wine” tasted quite good. Brandy was born. In its broadest definition, brandy is made from fruit juice or fruit pulp and skin. Grape brandy is distilled from fermented grape juice or crushed but not pressed grape pulp and skin. This spirit is aged in wooden casks, usually oak, which colors it, mellows the palate and adds flavor. Brandy generally contains 35–60 percent alcohol by volume (70–120 US proof). Pomace brandy, including Italian Grappa and French Marc, is made from the pressed grape pulp, skins and stems that remain after the grapes are crushed and pressed to extract juice for wine. Because they are minimally aged, pomace brandies tend to have a raw taste. Finally, fruit brandy is the general term for all brandies made from fruit other than grapes; these are generally distilled from fruit wines. Unlike grain spirits that are made throughout the year from grain that can be harvested and stored, brandy is dependent on the seasons, the climate and the wine from which it is made. Important brandy-making regions, particularly in Europe, differentiate their local brandies by

Tavern League of Wisconsin

specifying the types of grapes that can be used and the specific areas where the grapes can be grown. As most brandies are distilled from grapes, including Wisconsin favorite Korbel, the parts of the world that produce excellent grapes are also the parts that produce excellent brandies. Despite not having an agricultural connection to high-quality grapes, Wisconsin loves this spirit, and some speculate that the long winters are partially responsible. (Minnesotans drink a lot of brandy as well.) While it is merely a myth, St. Bernard rescue dogs are often depicted carrying miniature barrels of brandy around their necks, as it’s falsely thought to warm and revive hypothermic bodies. In addition, the hot toddy — warm brandy plus lemon, water, honey

or any number of other additives — is a popular home remedy for the common cold. While brandy is a coveted spirit in California, most West Coast drinkers enjoy it straight up in a snifter; here we prefer to mix it into a cocktail, with the brandy old-fashioned a top choice. While no one can determine the history of this particular version of the old-fashioned which is generally made with whiskey elsewhere, some link it to the Chicago’s Columbian Exposition in 1893. There, Korbel introduced its brandy to the world, and as the story goes, German immigrants (of which Wisconsin had many) became their biggest fans.

With winter drawing near, here are two cold weather-inspired brandy cocktails:

Brandy Eggnog 1 oz. brandy 1.25 oz. milk .5 oz. simple syrup 1 egg yolk Sprinkle with nutmeg

Pour the milk, brandy, egg yolk and simple syrup into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well and strain into a stemmed coffee mug. Garnish with fresh grated nutmeg on top

Brandy Alexander 1 1 1 1

oz. brandy oz. dark crème de cacao pinch nutmeg oz. heavy cream

Shake the brandy, crème de cacao, and cream with ice; then strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a pinch of nutmeg.

2012 November/December On Premise


Advertiser INDEX


Anheuser-Busch, Inc. www.anheuser-busch.com........................................................ 21


Benedict Refrigeration Service, Inc. www.benedictrefrigeration.com..................... 25


Cash Depot www.cashdepot.com................................................................................... 38

Contact Brad: Cell 920-573-2666 Office 1-855-POS-ATMS Ext. 13 Brad@Cornerstoneps.net

Cornerstone Processing Solutions www.cornerstoneeps.com............................... 36/38 Disher Insurance Service www.disherinsurance.com................................................ 23 Edge One, Inc. www.edgeone.com ................................................................................ 23 Engels Commercial Appliance, Inc. www.engelsinc.com............................................ 26 Great Lakes Amusement www.glastore.com................................................................ 38 Magnuson Industries, Inc. www.posi-pour.com........................................................... 25 MillerCoors www.millercoors.com............................................................................... BC Newton Manufacturing Company www.newtonmfg.com/jimflynn............................ 38

Promotional Products

Precision Pours, Inc. www.precisionpours.com.......................................................... 30


Sanimax USA Inc. www.sanimax.com.......................................................................... 23

Many American-made Products Available Newton Mfg. Rep. – Jim Flynn Janesville 608-758-3470 or Cell 608-201-2055 Email: jimsspecialties@yahoo.com Website: www.newtonmfg.com/jimflynn

Society Insurance www.societyinsurance.com..........................................................IFC SYSCO Food Services of Baraboo, Inc. www.baraboosysco.com................................ 25 Total Register Systems www.trs-pos.com...................................................................... 36 WAMO www.wamo.net.................................................................................................... 19

Great Lakes Amusement

Windy Water Amusement www.windywatersamusement.com ................................. 17


Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcaps www.wimilkcaps.com.................................................. 38 Wisconsin Wine & Spirits Institute..............................................................................IBC


On Premise 2012 November/December

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