Contents I-3-I-20
List of Cases Digested I-21-I-75
List of Cases Af rmed/Reversed/Overruled/Approved/ Disapproved I-77-I-81
List of Cases against which SLP Dismissed/Granted/ Notice issued by Supreme Court I-83-I-91
List of Circulars & Noti cations Judicially Analysed by Supreme Court/High Courts I-93-I-101
Digest of Judgments of Supreme Court/High Courts 1-845 Subject Index 847-871
Chapter-heads v
List of Cases Digested I-21-I-75
List of Cases Affirmed/Reversed/Overruled/Approved/ Disapproved I-77-I-81
List of Cases against which SLP Dismissed/Granted/ Notice issued by Supreme Court I-83-I-91
List of Circulars & Notifications Judicially Analysed by Supreme Court/High Courts I-93-I-101
Agricultural income [Section 2(1A)] 1-3 Co-operative societies [Section 2(19)] 4 Deemed dividend [Section 2(22)] 5-6
Principal Officer [Section 2(35)] 7-8 Relative [Section 2(41)] 9
Charge of tax
Income, definition of [Section 2(24)] 10 Income, chargeable as 11-25 Diversion of income by overriding title 26
Income, accrual of Time of accrual of income 27-30
Income, deemed to accrue or arise in India
Permanent Establishment [Article 5 of OECD Model Convention] 31-32
Business profit [Article 7 of OECD Model Convention] 33
Shipping, Inland Waterways Transport and Air Transport [Article 8 of OECD Model Convention] 34
Dividend [Article 10 of OECD Model Convention] 35-38
Royalty/Fees for technical services [Article 12 of OECD Model Convention] 39-47
Income from employment [Article 15 of OECD Model Convention] 48
Government Service [Article 19 of OECD Model Convention] 49
Leave Travel Concession [Section 10(5)] 50
Leave salary [Section 10(10AA)] 51
Voluntary retirement, payments in case of [Section 10(10C)] 52-53
Keyman Insurance Policy [Section 10(10D)] 54
House Rent Allowance [Section 10(13A)] 55
Scientific Research Association [Section 10(21)] 56
Educational Institutions [Section 10(22)/(23C)(iiiab)/(iiiad)/(vi)] 57-66
Hospitals [Section 10(22A)/(23C)(via)] 67
Income arising from transfer of long term securities [Section 10(38)] 68-70
Certain Body, Authority, Board, etc., constituted for benefit of general public [Section 10(46)] 71
Equalisation Levy [Section 10(50)] 72
Free Trade Zone [Section 10A] 73-78
Export oriented undertaking [Section 10B] 79-84
Special Economic Zones [Section 10AA] 85
Charitable purpose [Section 2(15)] 86-93
Illustrations 94-104
Exemption of income from property held under charitable/ religious trust [Section 11] 105-114
Registration of trust [Section 12A/12AA] 115-139
Denial of exemption [Section 13] 140-143
Expenditure incurred in relation to income not includible in total income
Finance Act, 2022 Amendment 144-156
Extent of disallowance 157
Recording of Satisfaction 158-162 Rule 8D 163-164
Banks, in case of 165
In respect of certain income 166-167
In respect of certain expenses 168-171
Perquisites [Section 17(2)] 172
Income from house property
Chargeable as [Section 22] 173-174
Profits and gains of business or profession
Business income - Chargeable as [Section 28(i)] 175-192
Business deduction/loss - Allowable as [Section 28(i)] 193-198
Value of any benefit or perquisite, arising from exercise of business or profession [Section 28(iv)] 199
Non-compete fee [Section 28(va)] 200
Claim for depreciation 201
User of assets 202-203
Owner 204-206
Assets entitled to depreciation 207-209
Intangible assets 210-213
Succession of business, in case of 214 Rate of depreciation 215-220
Leased assets/Leasehold rights 221-225
Explanation 1 to sub-section (1) of section 32 226
Additional depreciation [Section 32(1)(iia)] 227-232
Higher rate of depreciation 233-234
Unabsorbed depreciation, carry forward and set-off of 235-236 Reassessment 237-239 Revision 240
Shipping business, reserves for Reassessment 241
Scientific research expenditure
Sub-section (1)(ii) 242-246 Sub-section (2AB) 247-248
Specified business, expenditure on Reassessment 249
Voluntary Retirement Scheme, Amortisation of expenses incurred on Scope of provision 250
Minerals, expenditure on prospecting for Scope of provision 251-253
SECTION 36(1)(ii)
Bonus or Commission Scope of provision 254
SECTION 36(1)(iii)
Borrowal for acquisition of assets 255
For purpose of business 256-260 Interest free loans 261-263
Rate of interest 264 Year in which deductible 265 Reassessment 266-267
SECTION 36(1)(v)
Gratuity Scope of provision 268
SECTION 36(1)(va) Employees’ Contribution
Due date 269-270 Low tax effect 271
SECTION 36(1)(vii)/(viia)
Bad debts
Burden of proof 272 Bad debts, connotation of 273-274 Writing off of debt 275-282 Banks, in case of 283-286
SECTION 36(1)(viii)
Special reserve created by financial corporation Scope of provision 287
Business expenditure
Allowability of 288-341 Year in which deductible 342-343
Interest, etc., paid to a non-resident without deduction of tax at source [Section 40(a)(i)] 344
Interest, etc., paid to a resident without deduction of tax at source [Section 40(a)(ia)] 345-350
Royalty, License Fee, etc. [Section 40(a)(iib)] 351-353
Excessive or unreasonable payment [Section 40A(2)] 354-355
Cash payment exceeding prescribed limits [Section 40A(3)] 356-360
Certain deductions to be allowed only on actual payment [Section 43B] 361-373
Remission or cessation of trading liability
Cessation of liability 374-377 Unclaimed credit balance 378
Actual cost Compensation 379 Subsidy [Explanation 10] 380
Plant Bottles and crates 381 Ponds and Reservoir 382
Speculative Transactions
Derivative transactions 383-384 Forward contract 385
Foreign currency, changes in rate of exchange
Scope of provision 386
Insurance Business
Computation of income 387-390
Tax Audit Firm, partner, in case of 391
Mineral oils, special provisions for computing profits & gains in connection with business of exploration, etc., of Scope of provision 392
Capital gains
Capital assets [Section 2(14)] 393-396
Long term/Short term capital gains [Section 2(42A)/(42B)] 397
Transfer [Section 2(47)] 398-399 Slump Sale [Section 2(42C)] 400
Capital gain, chargeable as [Section 45] 401-407 Firm/Partner, in case of [Section 45(3)] 408-409
Computation of capital gains [Sections 48 & 55] 410-415
Cost with reference to certain modes of acquisition [Section 49] 416 Slump sale [Section 50B] 417
Special provision for computation of full value consideration in certain cases [Section 50C] 418-419
Fair market value deemed to be full value of consideration in certain cases [Section 50D] 420
Exemption : Profit on sale of property used for residence [Section 54] 421
Exemption : Investment in certain bonds [Section 54EC] 422
Exemption : Investment in a residential house [Section 54F] 423-425
Income from other sources
Chargeable as [Section 56] 426-434 Deductions [Section 57] 435-437
Burden of proof 438-441
Opportunity of hearing 442-443
Accommodation entries 444-451
Bank deposits 452-464
Firm/Partner, in case of 465 Gifts 466
Loans & advances 467-481 Purchases, bogus 482 Share application money/share capital 483-491 Share dealing 492-499
Sundry/Trade Credit 500-501 Trade advances 502 Under invoicing 503 Reassessment 504-505 Others 506-507
Unexplained Investments
Scope of provision 508-509
Cash deposit 510 Demonetization 511
Immovable property 512-514 Jewellery 515-516 Shares 517-526 Stock-in-trade 527-528 Rectification of mistake 529
Unexplained moneys, etc.
Opportunity of hearing 530
Cash 531-532 Cash deposit 533-534
Demonetisation deposit 535-537
Gift 538 Sale, suppression of 539-540 Reassessment 541-543 Others 544
Undisclosed investment Shares 545-546 Stock-in-trade 547 Others 548
Unexplained expenditure
Accommodation entries 549 Burden of proof 550 Interest 551 Purchases, bogus 552-562 Others 563
Carry forward and set-off of business losses [Section 72] 564-565
Losses in case of amalgamation/Demerger, carry forward and set-off of [Section 72A] 566
Speculation losses [Section 73] 567 Loss returns [Section 80] 568
Not to be allowed unless return furnished [Section 80AC] 569
Donation to certain charitable institutions, etc. [Section 80G] 570-571
Profits and gains from foreign projects [Section 80HHB] 572 Exporters [Section 80HHC] 573-575
Profits and gains from infrastructure undertakings [Section 80-IA] 576-595
Profits and gains from industrial undertakings other than infrastructure development undertakings [Section 80-IB] 596-613
Special provisions in respect of certain undertakings or enterprises in certain special category States [Section 80-IC] 614-617 New workmen, employment of [Section 80JJAA] 618-619
Income of co-operative societies [Section 80P] 620-631
Associate enterprise [Section 92A] 632
International transaction [Section 92B] 633-634
Computation of arm’s length price - Methods for determination of 635-637
Computation of arm’s length price - Comparables, general principles [Section 92C] 638
Computation of arm’s length price - Comparability factors [Section 92C] 639-641
Computation of arm’s length price - Comparables, functional similarity [Section 92C] 642-647
Computation of arm’s length price - Adjustments [Section 92C] 648-654 Reference to TPO [Section 92CA] 655-658
Penalty under section 271(1)(c) 659 Dispute Resolution Panel [Section 144C] 660-674
Foreign companies, tax on dividends, royalty and technical services
Scope of provision 675
Minimum Alternate Tax
Banking companies, in case of 676-678
Electricity Company, in case of 679-683 Computation of book profit 684-696
Tax on distributed profits of domestic companies
Scope of provision 697
Instructions to subordinate authorities [Section 119] 698-699
Assessing Officer, jurisdiction of [Section 124] 700-701
Transfer of cases [Section 127] 702-708
Discovery, production of evidence, power regarding [Section 131] 709
Constitutional Validity 710
Authorised Officer 711-712 Recording of satisfaction 713-714
Statement on oath [Section 132(4)] 715 Retraction of statement 716-717 Seizure 718 Retention of documents 719
Others 720
Requisition of books of account [Section 132A] 721 Application of seized or requisitioned assets [Section 132B] 722-723
Income-tax authority, disclosure of information respecting assessee
Information, furnishing of 724 Sub-section (2) 725
SECTIONS 139 & 139D
Return of income
Technical Glitches 726 Revised return 727-728
Inquiry before assessment
Opportunity of hearing 729 Special audit [Sub-section (2A)] 730-734
Principles of natural justice 735-740 Stay 741
Intimation under section 143(1) 742-744 Notice under section 143(2) 745-746 Scrutiny assessment [Section 143(3)] 747 Writ Jurisdiction 748
Power to issue directions by Joint Commissioner in certain cases
Scope of provision 749-750
Faceless Assessment
Opportunity of hearing 751-782 Non-speaking order 783 Ex parte order 784-785
Show cause notice/draft assessment order 786-795 Sub-section (9) 796-798 Others 799-800
Method of accounting
Project Completion Method 801-803 LIFO Method 804 Rejection of accounts 805-808 Estimation of profit/addition to income 809-813 Valuation of stock 814-816
Income escaping assessment
Non-disclosure of primary facts [Section 147] 817-841 Notice for reassessment [Section 148] 842-858
Conducting inquiry, providing opportunity before issue of notice [Section 148A] 859-921
Time-limit for issuance of notice [Section 149] 922-930 Assessment in pursuance of an order of appeal, etc. [Section 150] 931-932 Sanction for issue of notice [Section 151] 933-943
Time-limit for completion of assessment [Section 153] 944-946
Search and Seizure, assessment in case of Assessment in case of search or requisition [Section 153A] 947-956
Time limit for completion of assessment under section 153A [Section 153B] 957 Assessment of income in case of any other person [Section 153C] 958-959
Notice of demand Scope of provision 960
Block assessment in search cases
Undisclosed income, computation of [Section 158BB] 961 Procedure for [Section 158BC] 962
Undisclosed income of any other person [Section 158BD] 963 Time limit for completion of block assessment [Section 158BE] 964 Tax in case of 965
Legal Representatives [Section 159] 966-967 Succession to business otherwise than on death [Section 170] 968-969 Company in liquidation [Section 178] 970 Liabilities of directors [Section 179] 971
Firm Reassessment 972
Interest other than interest on securities [Section 194A] 973-977
Contractors/Sub-contractors, payment to [Section 194C] 978-982
Insurance Commission [Section 194D] 983
Commission on sale of lottery tickets [Section 194G] 984
Commission or brokerage [Section 194H] 985-991
Rent [Section 194-I] 992
Fees for professional or technical services [Section 194J] 993-995
Acquisition of immovable property [Section 194LA] 996-997
Non-resident, payment to [Section 195] 998-1002
Certificate for deduction of tax at lower rate [Section 197] 1003-1004
Credit for tax deducted [Section 199] 1005
Consequences of failure to deduct or pay tax [Section 201] 1006
Requirement to furnish PAN [Section 206AA] 1007
Collection of tax at source [Section 206C] 1008
Fee, for default in furnishing statements [Section 234E] 1009
When tax payable and when assessee deemed in default [Section 220] 1010-1029
Certificate proceedings [Section 222] 1030-1032 Other proceedings [Section 226] 1033-1035
Interest, chargeable as
Interest on interest 1036
Waiver of Interest 1037-1038
Interest on excess refund [Section 234D] 1039
Refunds [Section 237] 1040-1042
Form of claim for refund and limitation [Section 239] 1043
Withholding of refund [Section 241A] 1044-1045
Interest on refund [Section 244A] 1046-1050
Refund, setting off against tax due [Section 245] 1051-1054
Settlement Commission
Interim Boards for settlement [Section 245AA] 1055-1058
Application for settlement of cases [Section 245C] 1059-1062 Procedure on application under section 245C [Section 245D] 1063-1071
Powers and procedure of Settlement Commission [Section 245F] 1072-1073
Commissioner (Appeals)
Appealable orders [Section 246A] 1074
Writ jurisdiction 1075-1081
Opportunity of hearing 1082
Form of appeal and limitation [Section 249] 1083
Powers of [Sections 250 & 251] 1084
Appellate Tribunal
Power to grant stay 1085-1087
Power to admit additional grounds 1088-1089
Powers of rectification 1090-1091 Procedure of Tribunal 1092-1094 Special Bench 1095
High Court, appeals to
Substantial question of law 1096-1097 Non-speaking order 1098-1101
Filing of appeal/SLP, effect of 1102
Power to condone delay 1103-1107
Territorial Jurisdiction 1108-1109
Writ jurisdiction 1110-1111
Supreme Court, Appeals to COVID-19 Guidelines 1112
Revision by Commissioner
Scope of provision 1113-1117
IBC Proceedings, overriding effect of 1118 Pendency of appeal, effect of 1119-1120
Document Identification Number, intimation of 1121 Writ Jurisdiction 1122
Revision of other orders [Section 264] 1123-1128
Filing of appeal or application for reference by income-tax authorities
Circular No. 21/2015, dated 10-12-2015 1129
Circular No. 3/2018, dated 11-7-2018 1130
Circular No. 17/2019, dated 8-8-2019 1131 Circular No. 23/2019, dated 6-9-2019 1132-1133
Mode of acceptance of loans or deposits
Penalty for failure to comply with section 269SS [Section 271D] 1134
Deposits, mode of repayment of certain
Penalty for failure to comply with section 269T [Section 271E] 1135
Purchase of property by Central Government
Order by appropriate authority [Section 269UD] 1136
Penalty for under-reporting and mis-reporting of income [Section 270A] 1137
Penalty for non-compliance of notices [Section 271(1)(b)] 1138
Penalty for concealment of income [Section 271(1)(c)] 1139-1150
Procedure for imposition of penalty [Section 274] 1151
Contravention of order under section 132(3) [Section 275A] 1152
Failure to pay tax to credit of Central Government [Section 276B] 1153-1156
Wilful attempt to evade tax, etc. [Section 276C] 1157-1168
Failure to furnish return of income [Section 276CC] 1169-1175
False statement in verification, etc. [Section 277] 1176
Prosecution to be at instance of Chief Commissioner/ Commissioner [Section 279] 1177-1182
Cognizance of offences [Section 292] 1183
Certain transactions to be void
Scope of provision 1184-1185
Provisional attachment to protect revenue in certain cases Scope of provision 1186-1187
Service of notice
Scope of provision 1188-1191
Notice deemed to be valid in certain circumstances
Scope of provision 1192
Search and requisition, authorization and assessment in case of Scope of provision 1193
Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 1194-1196
Direct Tax Vivad Se Vishwas Act, 2020 1197-1212
Gift-tax Act, 1958 1213-1215
Interest Tax Act, 1974 1216
Prohibition of Benami Property Transactions Act, 1988 1217-1230
Income Declaration Scheme, 2016 1231-1236
Kar Vivad Samadhan Scheme, 1988 1237
Wealth-tax Act, 1957 1238-1239
Words and Phrases 1240-1243
Chapter-heads I-5
List of Cases Digested I-23-I-95
List of Circulars & Notifications Judicially Analysed by Tribunal I-97-I-102
Agricultural income [Section 2(1A)] 1-5 Deemed dividend [Section 2(22)] 6-15
Charge of tax
Income, chargeable as 16-24 Diversion of income by overriding title or application of income 25-26
Income, accrual of Time of accrual 27-31
Residential Status Individual 32
Income, deemed to accrue or arise in India
Taxes covered [Article 2 of OECD Model Convention] 33-34
Permanent establishment [Article 5 of OECD Model Convention] 35-51
Income from immovable property [Article 6 of OECD Model Convention] 52
Business pro t [Article 7 of OECD Model Convention] 53-77
Shipping, inland waterways transport and air transport [Article 8 of OECD Model Convention] 78-84
Interest [Article 11 of OECD Model Convention] 85-91
Royalty/fees for technical services [Article 12 of OECD Model Convention] 92-212
Capital gain [Article 13 of OECD Model Convention] 213-216
Income from employment [Article 15 of OECD Model Convention] 217
Elimination of double taxation [Articles 23A and 23B of OECD Model Convention] 218-226
Non-discrimination [Article 24 of OECD Model Convention] 227-228
Mutual agreement procedure [Article 25 of OECD Model Convention] 229
Firm, share of pro ts to partner of rm [Section 10(2A)] 230
Keyman insurance policy [Section 10(10D)] 231
House rent allowance [Section 10(13A)] 232
Educational institutions [Section 10(23C)(iiiab)/(iiiad)/(vi)] 233-236
Hospitals [Section 10(23C)(iiiac)/(iiiae)/(via)] 237
Religious institutions [Section 10(23C)(v)] 238
Income arising from transfer of long-term securities [Section 10(38)] 239-244
Free trade zone [Section 10A] 245-246
Export oriented undertaking [Section 10B] 247
Charitable purpose [Section 2(15)] 248-250
Object of general public utility 251-259
Exemption of income from property held under trust [Section 11] 260-271
Registration of trust [Section 12A/12AA] 272-285
Procedure for fresh registration [Section 12AB] 286-288
Denial of exemption [Section 13] 289-294
Expenditure incurred in relation to income not includible in total income
Scope of provision 295-308
Rule 8D 309
Illustrations 310-319
Revision 320
Salaries, chargeable as [Section 15] 321-322
Income from house property
Income from house property - Chargeable as [Section 22] 323-326
Annual value [Section 23] 327-333
Deductions [Section 24] 334-336
Pro ts and gains of business or profession
Adventure in nature of trade [Section 2(13)] 337-339
Business income - Chargeable as [Section 28(i)] 340-348
Business deduction/loss - Allowable as [Section 28(i)] 349-350
Value of any bene t or perquisite arising from exercise of business or profession [Section 28(iv)] 351-354
Non-compete fees [Section 28(va)] 355
Claim for depreciation 356-357
User of asset 358-359 Owner 360-362
Leased assets 363 Demerger, in case of 364-365 Succession of rm by company, in case of 366 Rate of depreciation 367-371
Intangible assets 372-377 Block of assets 378-380 Additional depreciation 381-388 Higher rate of depreciation 389-391 Others 392-393
Investment in new plant or machinery Revision 394
Scienti c Research Expenditure
Sub-section (1)(ii) 395-396 Sub-section (2AB) 397-398
Technical know-how expenditure Scope of provision 399
Speci ed business, expenditure on Hotels 400-401
Preliminary expenses, amortisation of Share issue expenditure 402
Demerger, amortisation of expenditure, in case of Stock exchange, fee paid to 403
Voluntary Retirement Scheme, Amortisation of Expenses incurred on Slump sale, in case of 404
SECTION 36(1)(ii)
Bonus or commission
Directors, payments to 405 Illustrations 406
SECTION 36(1)(iii)
Interest on borrowed capital
For purpose of business 407-413 Interest free loans 414-424 Year in which deductible 425 Purchase of capital asset 426
SECTION 36(1)(iv)
Provident Fund, contribution towards Due date 427
SECTION 36(1)(va)
Employees’ contribution Finance Act, 2021 Amendment 428 Due date 429-435
SECTION 36(1)(vii)/(viia)
Bad debts
Writing off of debt 436-438 Unutilised Cenvat and service-tax credit written off 439 Banks, in case of 440-442
SECTION 36(1)(viii)
Special Reserve created by Financial Corporation Eligible Pro ts 443
Business expenditure
Allowability of 444-542 Year in which deductible 543-549
Building, etc., partly used for Business Cars, depreciation on 550
SECTIONS 40, 40A & 43B
Business disallowance
Interest, etc., paid to non-resident without deduction of tax at source [Section 40(a)(i)] 551-555
Interest, etc., paid to a resident without deduction of tax at source [Section 40(a)(ia)] 556-568
Equalisation levy [Section 40(a)(ib)] 569
Taxes [Section 40(a)(ii)] 570-575
Royalty, licence fee, etc. [Section 40(a)(iib)] 576-577 Interest, salary, etc. paid by rm to partner [Section 40(b)] 578 Excessive or unreasonable payments [Section 40A(2)] 579-582 Cash payment exceeding prescribed limits [Section 40A(3)] 583-599
Certain deductions to be allowed only on actual payment [Section 43B] 600-607
Remission or cessation of trading liability
Burden of proof 608-609 Allowance or deduction 610-612 Bank dues 613-614
Balancing charge
Scope of provision 615
Hedging contracts 616-617
Derivative transactions 618-619
Special provision for full value of consideration for transfer of assets other than capital assets in certain cases
Scope of provision 620
Tax Audit
Turnover 621-623
Tax audit report 624
Civil Construction Business Depreciation 625
Mineral oils, special provisions for computing pro ts & gains in connection with business of exploration, etc., of Computation of income 626-628
Non-residents - Business of operation of aircraft in case of Computation of income 629
Foreign companies, civil construction business in certain turnkey projects
Scope of provision 630-631
Capital gains
Capital asset [Section 2(14)] 632-639
Short-term capital gain [Section 2(42A)] 640
Transfer [Section 2(47)] 641-648
Capital gains, chargeable as [Section 45] 649-658
Computation of capital gains [Sections 48 & 55] 659-668
Cost with reference to certain modes of acquisition [Section 49] 669
Depreciable assets [Section 50] 670
Slump sale, cost of acquisition in case of [Section 50B] 671
Special provision for computation of full value of consideration [Section 50C] 672-676
Exemption - Pro t on sale of property used for residence [Section 54] 677-688
Exemption - Transfer of land used for agricultural purposes [Section 54B] 689-690
Exemption of, in case of investment in residential house [Section 54F] 691-703
Reference to valuation of cer [Section 55A] 704
Income from other sources
Chargeable as [Section 56] 705-746 Deductions [Section 57] 747-750
Cash credits
General 751 Burden of proof 752
Accommodation entries 753-754
Bank deposits 755-761
Bogus purchases 762-763
Donation 764
Firm/partner, in case of 765-766
Gift 767-768
Land dealings 769-770
Loans & advances 771-776
Rental income 777
Share application money 778-795
Share dealings 796-799
Sundry creditors 800-801 Others 802-803
Unexplained investments
Bank deposit 804-805 Immovable property 806 Other Illustrations 807-808
Unexplained moneys, etc.
Burden of proof 809 Bank deposit 810-815 Cash 816-817 Immovable property 818-819 Jewellery 820-821 Loan 822 Unaccounted receipts 823-826 Others 827-829
Unexplained expenditure
Scope of provision 830 Bogus purchases 831-832 Of ce expenses 833 On money 834 Site expenses 835 Revision 836 Other Illustrations 837
Carry forward and set-off of business losses [Section 72] 838-839
Carry forward and set-off of accumulated loss, etc., in case of amalgamation [Section 72A] 840
Losses in speculative business [Section 73] 841-842
Carry forward and set-off of in case of certain companies [Section 79] 843 Loss return [Section 80] 844-846
Deductions to be made in computing total income [Section 80A] 847
Deduction - Not to be allowed unless return furnished [Section 80AC] 848
Donation to certain funds, charitable institutions [Section 80G] 849-854
Political contributions [Section 80GGC] 855
Pro ts and gains from industrial undertakings, etc., after certain dates [Section 80-IA] 856-858
Pro ts and gains from industrial undertakings other than infrastructure development undertakings [Section 80-IB] 859-868
Special provisions in respect of certain undertakings or enterprises in certain special category States [Section 80-IC] 869-871
Deductions in respect of employment of new workmen [Section 80JJAA] 872-873
Income of co-operative societies [Section 80P] 874-896
Relief available when salary is paid in arrears or in advance
Scope of provision 897
Meaning of associated enterprise [Section 92A] 898-899 General 900-925 International transaction [Section 92B] 926-971
Speci ed domestic transaction [Section 92BA] 972-982
Computation of arm’s length price - Method for computation [Section 92C] 983-1054
Computation of arm’s length price - Comparability factors [Section 92C] 1055-1411
Computation of arm’s length price - Comparables, functional similarity [Section 92C] 1412-1824
Computation of arm’s length price - Adjustments [Section 92C] 1825-2165
Plus/minus 5 per cent adjustment 2166-2167
Reference to TPO [Section 92CA] 2168-2183
Safe harbour rules [Section 92CB] 2184-2185
Maintenance and keeping of information and documents [Section 92D read with section 271AA/271G] 2186-2190
Dispute resolution panel [Section 144C] 2191-2219 Penalty under section 271(1)(c) 2220-2221
Avoidance of tax by certain transactions
Sub-section (7) 2222
General Anti-Avoidance Rule Scope of provision 2223
Domestic companies, tax on income of Taxation Laws (Amendment) Act, 2020 (TLA, 2020) 2224
Anonymous donations
Scope of provision 2225-2227
Tax on income referred to in sections 68/69/69A/69B to 69D Scope of provision 2228-2232
Minimum alternate tax
Scope of provision 2233-2234
Insurance companies 2235 Computation of book pro ts 2236-2250
SECTIONS 119, 120 & 131
Income-tax authorities
Instructions to subordinate authorities [Section 119] 2251 Jurisdiction of AO [Section 120] 2252-2254
Discovery, production of evidence, power regarding [Section 131] 2255
Search & Seizure
Statement on oath [Section 132(4)] 2256 Loose sheets 2257
SECTIONS 139 & 140
Return of Income
Revised return 2258 Defective return 2259-2260 Return by whom to be veri ed [Section 140] 2261
Self-assessment Penalty 2262
Estimate by Valuation Of cer in certain cases Scope of provision 2263-2265
SECTIONS 143 & 144
Intimation under section 143(1) 2266-2268 Notices under section 143(2) 2269 Non-existent entity 2270 Scrunity assessment 2271-2272
Faceless Assessment Scope of provision 2273
SECTIONS 145 & 145A
Method of accounting General 2274 ICDS-IV 2275
Percentage completion method 2276-2278
Rejection of accounts 2279-2283
Estimation of Pro t 2284-2290
Valuation of stock 2291-2293
Discrepancy in receipts as shown in Form 26AS 2294 Others 2295
Income escaping assessment
Scope of reassessment 2296-2299
Issue of notice [Section 148] 2300-2303
Time-limit for issuance of notice [Section 149] 2304 Sanction for issue of notice [Section 151] 2305-2306
Time limit for completion of assessment [Section 153] 2307-2308
Search & seizure, assessment in case of Search and seizure, assessment in case of [Section 153A] 2309-2315 Assessment of any other person [Section 153C] 2316-2317
Recti cation of mistake
Scope of provision 2318-2320 Illustration 2321
Liability in special cases
Succession to business other than on death [Section 170] 2322-2323 Non-resident, shipping business of [Section 172] 2324-2326 Company in liquidation [Section 178] 2327
Deductions/Collection of tax at source
Interest other than interest on securities [Section 194A] 2328 Contractors/sub-contractors, payments to [Section 194C] 2329-2338
Insurance commission [Section 194D] 2339
Commission, brokerage, etc. [Section 194H] 2340-2345
Rent [Section 194-I] 2346-2347
Fees for professional or technical services [Section 194J] 2348-2349
Income by way of interest on certain bonds [Section 194LD] 2350
Payment to non-residents [Section 195] 2351
No deduction to be made in certain cases [Section 197A] 2352
Credit for tax deducted [Section 199] 2353-2354
Consequence of failure to deduct or pay [Section 201] 2355-2365
Requirement to furnish PAN [Section 206AA] 2366
Collection of tax at source [Section 206C] 2367
Fee for default in furnishing statement [Section 234E] 2368-2370
Advance Tax - Liability for payment of General 2371
Collection and recovery of tax
When tax payable and when assessee deemed in default [Section 220] 2372-2374
Penalty payable when tax in default [Section 221] 2375-2377
Interest, chargeable as Scope of provision 2378
Interest on refunds [Section 244A] 2379-2382
SECTIONS 246A, 250 AND 251
Commissioner (Appeals)
Appealable orders [Section 246A] 2383-2384
Powers of [Section 251] 2385-2400
Appellate Tribunal
Powers of [Section 254] 2401-2409
Revision by Commissioner Scope of provision 2410-2416
Filing of appeal or application for reference by income-tax authority
Circular No. 17/2019 2417-2418
Circular No. 23/2019 2419
Circular No. 3/2018 2420
Mode of acceptance of loan or deposits
Loan or deposits, mode of taking/accepting [Section 269SS] 2421
Loan or deposits, mode of repayment [Section 269T] 2422
Penalty for failure to comply with section 269SS [Section 271D] 2423
Penalty for non-compliance of notices [Section 271(1)(b)] 2424
Penalty for concealment of income [Section 271(1)(c)] 2425-2431
Penalty for failure to keep and maintain information and document in respect of certain transactions [Section 271AA] 2432
Penalty where search has been initiated [Section 271AAA/ 271AAB] 2433-2434
Penalty for failure to deduct tax [Section 271C] 2435
Penalty for failure to furnish information and document under section 92D [Section 271G] 2436-2440
Penalty for failure to answer question, sign statements, etc. [Section 272A] 2441
Penalty not to be imposed in certain cases [Section 273B] 2442
Service of notice
Scope of provision 2443
Notice deemed to be valid in certain circumstances Scope of provision 2444
Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 2445
Words and Phrases 2446-2452 PAGE NO. SUBJECT INDEX 1033
Charitable purpose [Section 2(15)]
Education 86-88
Medical relief 89 Object of General Public Utility
Proviso to section 2(15) 9093
Bar codes developer 94
Cricket association 95 Health club 96
Network application services 98-99
Printing Press 100
Seeds certi cation authority 101
Trade promotion Associations 102-104
Exemption of income from property held under charitable/religious trust [Section 11]
*Read with section 2(15).
Application of income [Subsection (1)] 105-111
Accumulation of income [Sub-sections (2) and (3)] 112
Business held in trust [Subsections (4) and (4A)] 113 Others 114
Registration of Trust [Section 12A/12AA]
Principle governing grant of registration 115-117 Proviso to section 12A 118 Deemed registration 119120 Date of registration 121123 Cancellation of registration 124-139
Denial of Exemption [Section 13]
Income used for bene t of prohibited person [sub-section (1)(c)] 140-141
User of Trust’s assets by speci ed persons [sub-section (2)(b)] 142
S. 2(15)
Diversion of trust fund [sub-section (2)(g)] 143
86. Object of imparting education through an institution, would constitute ‘charitable purpose’ even if profit earning is involved incidently [Assessment years 2009-10 and 2010-11] [In favour of assessee]
CIT (Exemption) v. Krupanidhi Education Trust [2022] 138 taxmann. com 339/441 ITR 154 (Kar.)
Where object of the assessee-trust was imparting education, it would constitute ‘charitable purpose’ even if it incidentally involved profit earning and proviso to section 2(15) would not be applicable upon assessee.
87. Hostel facilities provided by assessee-society, running educational institution to students and staff of educational institution, would be construed to be incidental to providing education as per object of trust and, hence, come under charitable purpose [In favour of assessee]
CIT v. Durga Charitable Society [2022] 142 taxmann.com 540 (All.)
The assessee was a society running educational Institutes, medical colleges and charitable hospitals. Income from charitable activities declared by the assessee was Nil. The assessee earned gross receipt of Rs. 61.63 crores on account of educational activity and assessee was also running hostels for students as per UGC Guidelines which was an ancillary activity. According to the revenue the hostel being run by the assessee could not be treated as charitable activity and it was not necessary for functionality of the educational institution and, therefore, income from this hostel and other activities was not exempted. Held that in absence of any evidence to show that hostel facilities were provided to anybody other than students and staff of trust, hostel facilities provided by educational institution would be construed to be incidental to providing education as per object of trust and, hence, come under charitable purpose.
88. Where assessee, a non-profit entity, established by the National Council of Science Museum, was awarded by RBI a contract of construction of a museum and was also awarded task of establishing five galleries on textiles, astronomy, space, etc., as assessee had disseminated knowledge
S. 2(15)
in process of establishing facilities for RBI and SMC, activities of assessee amounted to education within meaning of section 2( 15) [Assessment years 2013-14 to 2014-15] [In favour of assessee]
Creative Museum Designers v. ITO, Exemptions [2022] 139 taxmann. com 451/443 ITR 173 (Cal.)
The assessee-company was a non-profit entity established by the National Council of Science Museum. It was engaged in taking up all kinds of museum/science centre projects on turnkey basis. During year, it became a successful bidder in an open tender floated by the RBI for setting up a museum project and was also awarded task of establishing five galleries on textiles, astronomy, space, etc., by SMC and received certain consideration. The Assessing Officer held that surplus generated by the assessee was on account of an activity which was commercial in nature and that the assessee was performing charitable activity only in form of general public utility and surplus was accordingly disallowed under section 13(8) read with proviso to section 2(15).
Held that to state that the assessee was only a contractor was to belittle its status and the purpose for which it was established by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. The authorities as well as the Tribunal were of the view that it is the RBI which is engaged in the educational activities and not the assessee. This finding was also erroneous as the museum was conceptualised by the assessee and all necessary inputs including training of personnel who were to man the museum or to function as a curator were all the tasks assigned to the assessee. All these would clearly fall within the objects of the assessee company. Thus, the message and information which would be disseminated through the museum which would be in the nature of a non-formal education was based upon the material which had been evolved by the assessee and implemented for and on behalf of the Reserve Bank of India.
Therefore, the role of the assessee could not be divested from the project rather it was the project of the assessee which was being manned by the recipient, namely, RBI and SMC. This would be the proper manner in which the work assigned to the assessee and completed by them had to be interpreted. Hence, the assessee had disseminated knowledge in the process of establishing the facilities for the RBI and the SMC.
The next aspect was as to whether the assessee-company was engaged in educational activities. If the term ‘education’ as occurring in section 2(15) cannot be restricted to formal school or college education, then dissemination of knowledge through a museum or a science park would undoubtedly fall within the meaning of ‘education’ as occurring in section 2(15). Merely because a certain amount had been generated as surplus could not take
S. 2(15)
away the activities of the assessee as not being charitable for the purpose of imparting education or for general public utility. As could be seen from the memorandum of association, the incumbent profit of the assessee had to be utilised for the promotion of the objects which had been set forth in the memorandum. No portion of the income or property would be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus etc. Therefore, the finding of the Tribunal on this aspect was also not tenable. Thus, when the assessee had not been established for the purpose of earning profit and the income it generated had to be applied for promoting the objects as spelt out in the memorandum and no portion of the income could be directly or indirectly paid by way of dividend or bonus etc., it had to be necessarily held that the assessee was a not for profit organisation but public utility company and the activities of the company for which it had been established would undoubtedly show that the company by establishing knowledge parks was engaged in imparting education and also undertook advancement of other aspects of general public utility to fall within the definition of ‘charitable purpose’ as defined under section 2(15).
89. Where petitioner-society, engaged in running a hospital, gave free treatment to few poor/needy and collected fee from patients who could afford it, same would indicate that petitioner was not a charitable hospital [In favour of revenue]
Institute of Franciscan Missionaries of Mary v. Commissioner, Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation [2022] 137 taxmann.com 378/445 ITR 152 (Mad.)
The petitioner-society was engaged in running a hospital. The petitioner claimed that hospital was run with object of doing charity and was entitled for exemption from payment of property tax under section 123(e) of the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation Act, 1981. The Commissioner rejected the request of the petitioner. Held that in case of a charitable institution, there is an absence of quid pro quo for services. The charitable institutions largely depend on the charity and donations from public to achieve their objects as per the trust deed in case of a charitable institution or memorandum of association in case of a society. The charitable institutions are ordinarily not expected to involve themselves in the generation of income and the economic activities unless such activity itself is meant for rehabiting its beneficiaries. Such institutions sometimes employ physically handicapped persons or mentally challenged persons and destitute and/or other physically challenged persons, etc., for the generation of income. Generation of income in such case is incidental to the main activity. Generation of income can be a by-product of the charitable
activity. Therefore, there is no merit in the contention of the assessee that it was a charitable hospital. If the objects are distributive, each and every one of the objects must be charitable in order to conclude that the trust was engaged in valid charity. Same principle is applicable in the case of a building in which medical hospital is being run with a charitable object. Merely because a portion of service is charitable would not clothe such hospital with a tag of a charitable hospital to claim exemption. If such hospital is collecting money for the services rendered, it is not entitled to be called as charitable hospital. Merely because the petitioner was having certain out reach programmes which might be charitable in nature or a section of patients were given free treatment it would not automatically render the petitioner a charitable hospital. It would not mean that an exemption from payment of property tax can allowed to the petitioner.
Proviso to section 2(15)
90. So long as a GPU’s charity’s object involves activities which also generates profits it can be granted exemption provided the quantitative limit (of not exceeding 20 per cent) under second proviso to section 2(15) for receipts from such profits, is adhered to [In favour of assessee]
Asstt. CIT (Exemptions) v. Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority [2022] 143 taxmann.com 278/449 ITR 1 (SC)
The proper way of reading reference to the term “incidental” in section 11(4A) is to interpret it in the light of the sub-clause (i) of proviso to section 2(15), i.e., that the activity in the nature of business, trade, commerce or service in relation to such activities should be conducted actually in the course of achieving the GPU object, and the income, profit or surplus or gains can then, be logically incidental. The amendment of 2016, inserting sub-clause (i) to proviso to section 2(15) was therefore clarificatory. Thus, interpreted, there is no conflict between the definition of charitable purpose and the machinery part of section 11(4A). Further, the obligation under section 11(4A) to maintain separate books of account in respect of such receipts is to ensure that the quantitative limit imposed by sub-clause (ii) to section 2(15) can be computed and ascertained in an objective manner.
The conclusion recorded above is also supported by the language of seventh proviso to section 10(23C). Whereas section 2(15) is the definition clause, section 10 lists out what is not income. Section 10(23C) by sub-clauses (iv) and (v) exempt incomes of charitable organisations. Such organisations and institutions are not limited to GPU category charities but rather extend to other types of charities (i.e. the per se kind
S. 2(15)
as well). The controlling part of section 10(23C) along with the relevant clauses (iv) and (v) seek to exclude income received by the concerned charities. However, the provisos hedge such exemption with conditions. The seventh proviso - much like section 11(4A) and the definitioncarve out an exception, to the exemptions such that income derived by charities from business, are not exempt. The seventh proviso virtually echoes section 11(4A) in that business income derived by a charity (in the present case, the GPU charities) which arises from an activity incidental to the attainment of its objective is not per se excluded. Therefore, pure charity in the sense that the performance of an activity without any consideration is not envisioned under the Act. If one keeps this in mind, what section 2(15) emphasizes is that so long as a GPU’s charity’s object involves activities which also generates profits (incidental, or in other words, while actually carrying out the objectives of GPU, if some profit is generated), it can be granted exemption provided the quantitative limit (of not exceeding 20 per cent) under second proviso to section 2(15) for receipts from such profits, is adhered to.
Case review : Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority v. CIT (Exemption) v. [2017] 83 taxmann.com 78/396 ITR 323 (Guj.), CIT v. Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority [2017] 81 taxmann.com 208/395 ITR 18/298 CTR 127 (All.), Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority v. Union of India [2018] 91 taxmann.com 352/254 Taxman 289/406 ITR 418/303 CTR 512 (Delhi)/2018 SCC Online Delhi 7536, CIT v. Gujarat Maritime Board [2021] 123 taxmann.com 35/277 Taxman 376/[2020] 428 ITR 152 (Guj.), DIT v. Apparel Export Promotion Council [2000] 112 Taxman 433/244 ITR 736/163 CTR 133 (Delhi), CIT v. Ernet India [2019] 101 taxmann.com 59 (Delhi), CIT (Exemption) v. National Internet Exchange of India [2021] 133 taxmann.com 376 (Delhi), Tribune Trust v. CIT [2016] 76 taxmann.com 363/[2017] 247 Taxman 36/390 ITR 547 (Punj. Har.), CIT v. Shri Balaji Samaj Vikas Samiti [2018] 91 taxmann.com 26/254 Taxman 93/403 ITR 398/302 CTR 397 (All.) affirmed.
GS1 India v. DGIT (Exemptions) [2013] 38 taxmann.com 364/219 Taxman 205/ [2014] 360 ITR 138/[2013] 262 CTR 585 (Delhi), DIT (Exemption) v. Gujarat Cricket Association [2020] 120 taxmann.com 50/[2019] 419 ITR 561 (Guj.), CIT v. Rajasthan Cricket Association [2018] 98 taxmann.com 425/[2019] 260 Taxman 149/414 ITR 452 (Raj.) set aside.
91. Where main object of assessee-society was running a printing press and publishing a newspaper and profit so generated was being ploughed back for charitable activities, mischief of proviso to section 2(15) was not attracted and, thus, assessee was entitled to exemption under section 11(1)[Assessment year 2011-12] [In favour of assessee]
Principal CIT v. Servants of People Society [2021] 133 taxmann.com 244/[2022] 284 Taxman 461 (Delhi)
The assessee-society was running a printing press and publishing a newspaper. Profit so generated was used for charitable purposes and apparently
S. 2(15)
there was no profit motive in activities of the assessee. The Tribunal allowed the assessee the benefit of exemption under section 11. Held that it could not be said that the assessee was involved in any trade, commerce or business. Therefore, mischief of proviso to section 2(15) was not attracted and it could be said that the activity of assessee-society was charitable in nature as profit, if any, made by the assessee-society was being ploughed back for charitable activities. Further, the Commissioner itself having granted registration to the assessee under section 12A, recognition under section 10(23C)(vi) and exemption under section 80G, the findings of the Commissioner (Appeals) and Tribunal that the assessee-society did not carry on any business, trade or commerce with intent of earning/distributing profit and was, thus, entitled to exemption under section 11(1) was agreeable.
92. Where assessee-society, registered under section 12A, undertook construction activities under State PWD department in lieu of 2.5 per cent supervision charges, purpose of such construction work could not be accepted as an activity coming within meaning of advancement of other object of general public utility and would rather be in nature of trade, commerce or business; therefore, proviso to section 2(15) would be attracted and assessee would not be entitled to benefit under section 11 [Assessment years 2009-10 and 2013-14] [In favour of revenue]
Nirmithi Kendra v. Dy. CIT (Exemptions) [2022] 141 taxmann.com 495 (Ker.)
The assessee-society was registered under section 12A with main objective to take up construction work of any nature to establish a chain of retail outlets. It undertook construction activities under State PWD department in lieu of 2.5 per cent supervision charges and accordingly claimed certain amount as applied for charitable purposes. The Assessing Officer was of view that construction work was an activity of trade, commerce or business for consideration and assessee could not claim status under section 12A since activities carried on by it did not fall within meaning of charitable purpose warranting exemption from income tax.
Held that where assessee executed construction work for benefit of the Government and received certain amount from the Government from same, purpose of such construction work could not be accepted as an activity coming within meaning of advancement of other object of general public utility. Since assessee was involved in carrying on of any activity in nature of trade, commerce or business, proviso to section 2(15) would be attracted and assessee would not be entitled to benefit under section 11.
S. 2(15)
Case review : Notice issued in SLP in Nirmithi Kendra v. Dy. CIT (Exemptions) [2022] 141 taxmann.com 496/288 Taxman 663 (SC).
93. Where assessee, a charitable trust, was engaged in activities for upliftment of poor, providing training and skill development to poor in rural areas and Assessing Officer had not brought on record any evidences which would suggest that activities of assessee were carried out with profit motive, proviso of section 2(15) was not applicable and, thus, assessee could not be denied exemption under section 11 during year [Assessment year 2011-12] [In favour of assessee]
CIT v. Professional Assistance For Development Action [2022] 143 taxmann.com 328/447 ITR 103 (Delhi)
The assessee charitable trust was engaged in activities for upliftment of poor, providing training and skill development of poor in rural areas in backward districts of States. The assessee had been allowed benefit of exemption under section 11 continuously upto assessment year 2010-11. However, in instant assessment year, the Assessing Officer denied exemption to the assessee by invoking proviso to section 2(15). It was noted that the Assessing Officer had not brought on record any evidences which would suggest that activities of the assessee had been carried out with profit motive. The revenue could not controvert fact that the assessee had not charged any fee from clients except cost of project actually incurred. Further, the Tribunal observed that in previous assessment years, the Assessing Officer held that the assessee was engaged in providing relief to poor within meaning of section 2(15) and assessee had claimed that its activity during year under consideration had remained same and there was no change as compared to earlier assessment years.
Held that proviso of section 2( 15) was not applicable and, thus, impugned denial of exemption by the Assessing Officer was unjustified.
94. Though GS1 India involved in issuing bar codes was in fact, involved in advancement of general public utility, since its services were for benefit of trade and business, from which it received significantly high receipts, its claim for exemption could not succeed having regard to amended section 2(15)
Asstt. CIT (Exemptions) v. Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority [2022] 143 taxmann.com 278/449 ITR 1 (SC)
The GS1 India was involved in issuing bar codes. GS1 codes were developed and created by GS1 International, Belgium (an international
EDITION : Vol I : 52nd Edition; Vol II : 28th Edition ISBN NO : 9789356224797 NO.OF PAGES : 2140 BINDING TYPE : HARDBOUND
Taxmann's Yearly Publication, 'YTD' as we call it, provides professionally drafted section-wise digests of all case laws reported at taxmann.com during the calendar year, i.e., from January to December from the following Courts:
• Supreme Court
• High Courts
• Income-tax Appellate Tribunal
It also includes information about the Circulars and Notifications issued by the Department during the year, along with 'words and phrases' taken from the reported case laws.
The Present Publication is the 52nd Edition, edited by Taxmann's Editorial Board. It incorporates all Case Laws, Circulars and Notifications for the year 2022. The key features of the book are as follows:
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This book is divided into two volumes:
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• A Section-wise Digest of Income-tax Judgments of the Supreme Court/High Courts reported in the year 2022
• Volume 2
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