Q1. On 25-11-2022, A gave power of attorney and possession to B in respect of a vacant land acquired 10 years ago. The sale deed was executed in April, 2023. In which assessment year, the capital gain is chargeable to tax?
[CA Final May 2010] [4 Marks]
in the previous year in which transfer took place.
47 inter alia
Explanation 2 to section 50C “assessable assessable
Q2. Can reference be made to the Valuation Officer u/s 55A where the A.O. is of the view that in the context of computation of capital gains, the value of asset as on 1-4-2001 adopted by the assessee is more than the FMV?
[CA Final May 2010] [4 Marks]
the value so claimed is at variance with the FMV of the asset. variance
Q3. A sold a house to his friend B on 1-11-2022, for a consideration of ` 25,00,000. The Sub-Registrar refused to register the document for the said value, as according to him, Stamp Duty had to be paid of ` 45,00,000 which was the Government Guideline Value. Mr. A preferred an appeal to the Revenue Divisional Officer, who fixed the value of the house as ` 32,00,000 (` 22,00,000 for Land, balance for Building portion). The differential Stamp Duty was paid, accepting the said value determined. Assuming that the FMV is ` 32,00,000, what are the tax implications in the hands of Mr. A and Mr. B for the A.Y. 2023-24? Mr. A had purchased the Land on 1-6-2018 for ` 5,19,000 & completed the construction of house on 1-12-2020 for ` 14,00,000.
CII: FY 2017-18: 272, FY 2018-19: 280, FY 2019-20: 289, FY 2021-22: 317, FY 2022-23: 331 [CA Final May 2010] [4 Marks]
Computation of Capital Gains for A.Y. 2023-24 Land (`) Building (`)
Note: i.e. `
16,05,574 (4,00,000)
Tax Implication:
Mr. A:
Mr. B: i.e.
Q4. A resident woman (individual) sold a house property on 16-1-2023. On the said transaction, she earned a long-term capital gain of ` 1,01,50,000. She invested a sum of ` 50,00,000 in capital gains bonds specified in section 54EC on 5-3-2023. She further invested a sum of ` 50,00,000 in the same bonds on 5-5-2023. Her other income for the financial year 2022-23 was ` 56,000. Compute the tax payable by her for the A.Y. 2023-24. Assume the assessee has not opted for Sec. 115BAC. [CA Final Nov. 2010] [6 Marks
Q5. Hari has acquired a residential house property in Delhi on 1st April, 2010 for ` 10,00,000 and decided to sell the same on 3rd May, 2012 to Ms. Pari and an advance of ` 25,000 was taken from her. The balance money was not paid by Ms. Pari and Hari has forfeited the entire advance sum. On 3rd June, 2022, he sold this house to Mr. Suri for ` 35,00,000. In the meantime, on 4th April, 2022, he had purchased a residential house in Delhi for ` 8,00,000, where he was staying with his family on rent for the last 5 years and paid the full amount as per the purchase agreement. However, Hari does not possess any legal title till 31st March, 2023, as such transfer was not registered with the registration authority.
Hari has purchased another old house in Surat on 14th October, 2022 from Mr. X, an Indian resident, by paying ` 5,00,000 and the purchase was registered with the appropriate authority. Determine the taxable capital gain arising from above transactions in the hands of Hari for A.Y. 2023-24. [CA Final Nov. 2010] [5 Marks]
Ans. Computation of taxable capital gain of Mr. Hari for the A.Y. 2023-24
two residential house properties
for the purpose of claiming exemption under section 54, holding of legal title is not necessary.
Q6. “Any transfer of a capital asset or intangible asset by a private company or unlisted public company to a LLP or any transfer of share or shares held in a company by a shareholder on conversion of a company into a LLP in accordance with section 56 and section 57 of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, shall not be regarded as a transfer for the purposes of levy of capital gains tax under section 45 subject to fulfilment of certain conditions”. Explain in the context of the provisions contained in the Act.
[CA Final May 2011] [6 Marks]Q7. Mr. X transferred his residential house to Y for ` 11 lakh on 1st April, 2022. The value of the said house as per Stamp Valuation Authority was ` 16 lakh. Mr. Y is a childhood friend of Mr. X.
Mr. X gifted a plot of land (purchased by him on 1st August, 2019) to Mr. Y on 1st July, 2022. The value as per Stamp Valuation Authority is ` 8 lakh. Mr. Y sold the land on 1st March, 2023 at ` 14 lakh. Compute the income of Mr. Y chargeable under the heads “Capital Gains” and “Income from other sources” for Assessment Year 2023-24.
[CA Final Nov 2011] [5 Marks]
Ans. Computation of income of Mr. Y for A.Y. 2023-24
Q8. What are the consequences if the amount deposited in Capital Gains Account Scheme to avail exemption from capital gains is not utilised within the stipulated time? Is there any difference in the tax treatment in the event of death of the assessee before the stipulated time?
amount shall be chargeable as capital gain in the previous year in which the specified period of two years or three years, as the case may be, expires. The nature of the capital gain shall be same
Circular No.743 dated 6-5-1996
Q9. State the cases where the benefit of indexation of cost is not available for determination of capital gains. [CA Final May 2012] [7 Marks] Ans.
Q10. PQR Ltd. has two units–one engaged in manufacture of Computer Hardware and the other involved in developing Software. As a restructuring drive, the Company has decided to sell its Software Unit as a going concern by way of slump sale for ` 385 Lakhs to a new Company called S Ltd., in which it holds 74% Equity Shares. The FMV of the capital assets of the unit on the date of transfer calculated as per Rule 11UAE is ` 400 lakhs. The Balance Sheet of PQR Ltd. as on 31st March 2023, being the date on which software unit has been transferred, is as under:
Following additional information are furnished by the Management:
i) The Software Unit is in existence since May, 2019.
ii) Fixed Assets of Software Unit includes land which was purchased at ` 40 Lakhs in the year 2016 and revalued at ` 60 Lakhs as on March 31, 2023.
(iii) Fixed Assets of Software Unit mirrored at ` 140 Lakhs (` 200 Lakhs minus land value ` 60 Lakhs) is Written Down Value of Depreciable Assets as per books of account. However, the Written Down Value of these Assets u/s 43(6) of the Income-tax Act is ` 90 Lakhs.
a) Ascertain the tax liability, which would arise from slump sale to PQR Ltd.
b) What would be your advice as a Tax Consultant to make the restructuring plan to the Company more tax savvy, without changing the amount of sale consideration?
[CA Final Nov. 2012, May 2011] [10 Marks] Ans.
as appearing in the books of account.
revaluation of assets shall be ignored
Computation of Tax Liability arising on Slump Sale ` in Lakhs
1. Net Worth of Software Unit: ` in Lakhs
Total Assets
Less: Liabilities
(b) Modification in the Restructuring Plan Option 1: S Ltd - 100% Subsidiary i.e.
Result: iv not attract Capital Gains. Option 2: S Ltd - Demerger
Result: not a transfer vib
Q11. Mr. Shakti purchased a residential house in March, 2011 for ` 22 lakhs. He sold the house on 1st December, 2022 for ` 100 lakhs. He paid brokerage at 2% on sale price. He invested ` 80 lakhs in April, 2023 in equity shares of Shakti Private Limited, an eligible start-up. Mr. Shakti holds 80% of share capital of the company. The company utilised the sum of ` 80 lakhs in the following manner:
i) Purchase of new machinery during April, 2023 ` 70 lakhs (including ` 10 lakhs for purchase of computers).
ii) Deposit in specified bank on 25th September, 2023 ` 6 lakhs.
iii) Remaining ` 4 lakhs was held as Cash balance. The due date for filing return of income for Mr. Shakti for A.Y. 2023-24 is 31st October, 2023. Assume that he files return on 28.10.2023. Compute the taxable capital gain arising from the above transaction for Assessment Year 2023-24. [CA Final May 2013] [6 Marks]
Ans. Computation of taxable capital gains of Mr. Shakti for A.Y. 2023-24
Less: ` ×
Deemed cost of new plant and machinery for exemption u/s 54GB:
Q12. Tani purchased a land at a cost of ` 34 lakhs in the financial year 2010-11 and held the same as her capital asset till 31st March, 2019. Tani started her real estate business on 1st April, 2019 and converted the said land into stock-in-trade of her business on the said date, when the fair market value of the land was ` 150 lakhs.
She constructed 20 flats of equal size, quality and dimension. Cost of construction of each flat is ` 8 lakhs. Construction was completed in December, 2022. She sold 15 flats at ` 20 lakhs per flat between Jan., 2023 and March, 2023. Remaining 5 flats were held in stock as on 31-03-2023.
She invested ` 50 lakhs in bonds issued by Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd. on 31st March, 2023.
Compute the amount of chargeable capital gain and business income in the hands of Tani arising from the above transactions for Assessment Year 2023-24 indicating clearly the reasons for treatment for each item.
Cost Inflation Index: FY 2010-11: 167; FY 2019-20: 289; FY 2022-23: 331.
[CA Final May 2013] [10 Marks
Ans. Computation of Capital gains and business income of Tani for A.Y. 2023-24
Capital Gains
` Less: Business Income
Alternate presentation for computation of capital gains
Q13. The proprietary firm of ‘Mr. Amolak’ a practicing Chartered Accountant, was converted into partnership on 1-9-2022 when his son joined him in the firm for 50% share. All the assets and liabilities of the erstwhile proprietary firm were transferred into the newly constituted partnership firm.
“Mr. Amolak” was credited and paid an amount of ` 5 lakhs in his account from the firm. Explain as to chargeability of this amount of ` 5 lakhs in the hands of “Mr. Amolak” when it stands paid for:
i) transfer of business into partnership;
ii) goodwill by the incoming partner. [CA Final Nov. 2013] [4 Marks] Ans.
i) If the amount was paid for transfer of business/profession to partnership:
there is
a transfer of interest in the assets of the proprietor’s business as
(ii) If the amount is paid by the incoming partner for Goodwill: CIT v. B. C. Srinivasa Setty (1981), not possible to ascertain a
Q14. Mr. X had a leasehold property since 5th May, 2015. The leasehold rights were converted into freehold on 20th May, 2022. The said property was sold on 10th January, 2023. The assessee claimed the capital gain as long-term capital gain. The A.O. contended the same as short-term as the property was acquired by converting the leasehold right into freehold right only on 20th May, 2022. Is Mr. X justified in his claim?
Kalia (2013) (All.).
[CA Final May 2015] [4 Marks]
Q15. Mr. Ramesh purchased a plot of land in Chennai in June 2013 for ` 50 lakhs. He decided to sell the property to Mr. Mahesh for ` 80 lakhs and received an advance of ` 2 lakhs in May, 2013. Mr. Mahesh was unable to complete the agreement and hence, the entire advance was forfeited by Mr. Ramesh.
Again Mr. Ramesh entered into an agreement to sell the property to Mr. Rakesh for ` 95 lakhs and received advance money of ` 2.50 lakhs in August, 2022. But again the transfer did not materialise due to which the advance money was again forfeited.
On 4th January, 2023, the property was finally sold to Mr. Mukesh for ` 105 lakhs and the stamp duty value on that date was ` 125 lakhs. During financial year 2022-23, Mr. Ramesh earned business income of ` 25 lakhs. He acquired a new residential property for ` 130 lakhs by investing entire sale consideration and his business income. Determine the total income of Mr. Ramesh for the assessment year 2023-24
[CA Final May 2015] [7 Marks]
Computation of total income of Mr. Ramesh for the A.Y. 2023-24
` in lakhs ` in lakhs
Business Income Capital Gains
Income from other sources
The net book value of assets of SS(P) Ltd. before demerger was ` 40 crores. The net book value of assets transferred to RV(P) Ltd. was ` 10 crores. The demerger was made in January 2023. In the scheme of demerger, it was fixed that for each equity share of ` 10 each (fully paid-up) of SS(P) Ltd., two equity shares of ` 10 each (fully paid-up) were to be issued. One Mr. N.K. held 25,000 equity shares in SS(P) Ltd. which were acquired in the F.Y. 2009-10 for ` 6,00,000. Mr. N.K. received 50,000 equity shares from RV(P) Ltd. consequent to demerger in January 2023. He sold all the shares of RV(P) Ltd. for ` 8,00,000 in March, 2023. In this background answer the following:
i) Does the transaction of demerger attract any income tax liability in the hands of SS (P) Ltd. and RV(P) Ltd.?
ii) State the conditions in brief, which are to be satisfied under the Act for a demerger.
(iii) Compute the capital gain that could arise in the hands of Mr. N.K. on receipt of shares of RV(P) Ltd.
iv) Compute the capital gain that could arise in the hands of Mr. N.K. on sale of shares of RV(P) Ltd.
v) Will the sale of shares by Mr. N.K. affect the tax benefits availed by SS(P) Ltd. and/or RV(P) Ltd.?
vi) Is Mr. N.K. eligible to avail any tax exemption under any of the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 on the sale of shares of RV(P) Ltd.? If so, state in brief .
Q17. K and Co. (firm) had sold all its assets and liabilities as a slump sale on 31-3-2023 to SVPC & Co. (firm) for a lump sum consideration of ` 580 lakhs. The FMV of the capital assets on the date of transfer computed as per Rule 11UAE is ` 600 lakhs.
EDITION : 6th Edition
ISBN NO : 9789356224803
NO. OF PAGES : 700
Rs. 875 USD 42
This book is prepared exclusively for the requirements of the Final Level of Chartered Accountancy Examination. It covers the questions & detailed answers strictly as per the new syllabus of ICAI.
The Present Publication is the 6th Edition for CA-Final | Nov. 2023 Exam. This book is authored by CA Ravi Chhawchharia, with the following noteworthy features:
• Strictly as per the New Syllabus of ICAI
• Coverage of this book includes:
o All Past Exam Questions
CA Final Nov. 2022 (New Syllabus)
CA Final May 2023 (New Syllabus)
o Questions from RTPs & MTPs of ICAI
• [590+ Practical Questions & Answers] for self-practice
• [Updated Solutions/Answers] as per Law applicable for A.Y. 2023-24
• [Marks Distribution] Chapter-wise marks distribution for Past Exams | Nov. 2018 onwards
• [Previous Exam Trend Analysis] from Nov. 2018 onwards
• [Comparison with Study Material] Chapter-wise comparison with ICAI Study Material