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Q.1 Discuss the limitations which must be kept in mind while evaluating the Financial Statements. [Nov. 2018, 4 Marks]
Ans. Limitations of Financial Statements
1. Historical Cost
2. Perpetual Continuity & Periodical Account
3. Strengths & Weaknesses
4. Intangible assets
5. Window Dressing
6. Different Accounting Policies
Q.1 Trading account
Ans. Trading account
Q.2 Profit and loss account
Ans. Profit and loss account:
Q.4 Manufacturing A/c
Ans. Manufacturing account:
Q.5 Trial balance
Ans. Trial balance:
Q.1 Provision & Reserve
Ans. Provision and Reserve:
Q.2 Capital reserve & Revenue reserve
Ans. Capital reserve and Revenue reserve:
Q.1 Profit and loss account shows the financial position of the concern.
Ans. False:
Q.2 Profit and loss account is a point statement whereas a balance sheet is a period statement.
Ans. False:
Q.3 The provision for discount on debtors is calculated before deducting the provision for doubtful debts from debtors
Ans. False:
Q.4 The gain from sale of capital assets need not be added to revenue to ascertain the net operating profit of a business.
Ans. True:
Q.5 Under the ‘liquidity approach’ assets which are most liquid are presented at the bottom of the balance sheet.
Ans. False:
Q.6 The proprietor of a shop feels that he has made a loss due to closing stock being zero.
Ans. False:
Q.7 Closing stock will never appear in the trial balance.
Ans. False:
Q.8 If Closing Stock appears in the Trial Balance: [Nov. 2018, 2 Marks]
The closing inventory is then not entered in Trading Account. It is shown only in the balance sheet.
Ans. True:
Q.9 The provision for bad debts is debited to sundry debtors account. [Dec. 2021, 2 Marks]
Ans. False:
Particulars (Dr.) Balance (Cr.) Balance
Show the extract of Profit & Loss Account & Balance Sheet for the above adjustments.
Profit and Loss Account (Extract)
Additional information:
Solution: Trading and Profit and Loss Account of Shah for the Year ended on December 31, 2015
Balance Sheet of Shah as on December 31, 2015
Extract of P&L Account for the year ended on 31-12-2013
Extract of P&L Account for the year ended on 31-12-2014
Extract of P&L Account for the year ended on 31-12-2015
Extract of Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2013
Extract of Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2014
Extract of Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2015
Final Accounts of Proprietary Concern (Sole Trader)
Trial Balance as at 31st March, 2016 Dr.
Additional Information:
M/s Hari
Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on 31.3.2016
Particulars ` Particulars `
Transfer Entries/Book Closing Entries
Solution: M/s. Rishabh
Trading and P&L a/c for the year ended on 31st March, 2016
M/s. Rishabh
Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2016
EDITION : 7th Edition
ISBN NO : 9789356226135
NO. OF PAGES : 502
Rs. 550 USD 37
This book is prepared exclusively for the Foundation Level of Chartered Accountancy Examination requirement. It covers the past exam questions & detailed answers strictly as per the new syllabus of ICAI.
The Present Publication is the 7th Edition for CA-Foundation | June 2023 exams. This book is authored by Dr. S.K. Agrawal & CA Manmeet Kaur, with the following noteworthy features:
• As per the latest syllabus of ICAI
• Coverage of this book includes:
• All Past Exam Questions, including
• CA Foundation Solved Paper – December 2022 | Principles & Practice of Accounting
• Theoretical Questions
• Illustrations
• Short Notes
• Short Notes
• [Marks Distribution] Chapter-wise marks distribution from May 2018 onwards