Taxmann's Your Appeal Before Commissioner (Appeals)

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This book was conceived to fill a vacuum arising from the lack of a comprehensive product dealing with first appellate proceedings before the Commissioner (Appeals) under the Income-tax Act, 1961 and the radically transformed scenario in the wake of the introduction of Faceless Appeals in 2020. The second edition of the book covers legislative, statutory and judicial developments in the intervening period. A new Chapter has been added covering the institution of Joint Commissioner (Appeals) newly created by the Finance Act, 2023. A discussion on the Alternate Dispute Resolution mechanism provided by the Dispute Resolution Committee has also been included in a separate chapter.

Specimens covering various scenarios, procedures and situations that are usually encountered in proceedings before Commissioner (Appeals) have been suitably amended to cover intervening developments. In particular specimens giving draft submissions have been duly reviewed to cover latest case laws as also some new issues which have arisen since the First edition was published.

It is hoped that this book would be found useful by the professionals engaged in income-tax practice, academia, and all those who are either filing or pursuing appeals before the Commissioner (Appeals). As always comments, particularly communication of errors, omissions or commissions would be welcome and appreciated.

Place: New Delhi



Sanjeeva Narayan an alumnus of Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University and St. Xavier’s School, Delhi is a Fellow Member of both the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He has been a practicing Chartered Accountant for more than 35 years and is the Managing Partner of Ashwani & Associates. He specialises in the fields of corporate and international taxation and advises on taxation matters, including tax structuring, transfer pricing and compliance related matters and for a wide range of corporates, high net worth individuals and other organizations.

Sanjeeva is a regular contributor of articles on professional issues to journals like “Taxman”, “Corporate Professionals Today” etc. He is also an active blogger on issues of general interest which can be accessed at https://



The paramount inspiration provided by my parents, Late Principal Shanti Narayan (whose seminal work on various branches of Mathematics is widely referred to even more than eighty years after first published), my mother Late Shanti Devi (who epitomising her name radiated infinite peace and was the binding factor behind the immediate as well as extended family) and the loving care and affection of my late elder siblings Ravi, Sushma, Nilima and Nisha continued to guide me in the task of revising this book.

As always my professional colleagues at Ashwani and Associates, where I have spent my entire working life, specially, the Founding Partner, CA Ashwani Kumar as well as CA Aditya Kumar , CA Surender Kumar and CA Hitesh Minhas have supported the initiative and provided significant inputs. The research assistance provided by Lalit, the secretarial assistance provided by Mr P.C. Pandey and Shelly Rustagi and the wholehearted support of the two pillars of our organization, Madan Singh Rawat and Ganga Singh Bisht has been invaluable.

I remain forever indebted to my professional guru, CA Surendra Bhushan Gupta who provided me the initial grounding and support in my professional career and has been regularly encouraging me in my endeavours and checking on my welfare at all times.

The entire team at Taxmann, deserve special thanks for the effort that they have put in to bring out this book. Late Sh. Amit Bhargava continues to shower his love from Heaven and support our efforts.

Of course, the unending support and conducive environment provided by my wife Geeta, son Suhail and daughter (in law) Sonam, my late elder brother’s grandson Tushar, and our house-help Surender Panwar has been invaluable.

Place: New Delhi




The book is a comprehensive guide to the first appellate process before the Commissioner (Appeals) under the Income-tax Act, 1961. It gives a detailed analysis on the law relating to proceedings before the Commissioner (Appeals), the underlying procedures and compliances involved and related legal jurisprudence. It also includes an analysis of Faceless Appeal Scheme and highlights the anticipated challenges and precautions that need to be kept in view by the Assessees and Tax Practitioners.

It further provides specimens on various issues and procedures involved in the process of filing, adjudication and disposal of appeals before the Commissioner (Appeals). Also incorporated are submissions on some issues that are likely to arise in proceedings before the Commissioner (Appeals).

The second edition of the book incorporates the legislative, statutory and judicial developments in the intervening period. It also includes two new Chapters on the institution of Joint Commissioner (Appeals), freshly introduced by the Finance Act, 2023 and the avenue for Alternate dispute Resolution offered by the Dispute Resolution Committee.

The book should be found useful by Tax Practitioners, Assessees, Income -tax Department as well as Academia.

PAGE Foreword I-5 Preface I-7 About the Author I-9 Acknowledgements I-11 About the Book I-13 1 APPEAL, MEANING, CONCEPT AND SCOPE 1.1 Meaning 1 1.2 Right to appeal not inherent or implied 1 1.3 Judicial view 2 1.4 Right to appeal to be liberally construed 3 1.5 Judicial view 3 1.6 Appellate process vis-à-vis writ 4 1.7 Judicial view 5 1.8 Conclusion 10 2 LAW GOVERNING THE RIGHT TO APPEAL 2.1 Nature of right to appeal 11 2.2 Judicial view on the nature of right to appeal 11 2.3 Law governing appeals - Retrospective or prospective changes in law 12 2.4 Judicial view on law governing appeals 12 2.5 Rules governing appellate proceedings 14 2.6 Judicial view on scope/limitation of rules 15 CONTENTS I-15
PAGE 3 APPELLATE PROCESS UNDER THE INCOME-TAX ACT 3.1 Introduction 16 3.2 Overview of statutory provisions of the Act relating to Joint Commissioner/Commissioner (Appeals) 17 3.3 Appeal v. Revision 18 3.4 Judicial view differentiating revisionary and appellate powers 18 3.5 Alternate dispute resolution mechanisms 19 4 INSTITUTION OF COMMISSIONER (APPEALS) 4.1 Statutory framework 20 4.2 Judicial view on the role of Commissioner (Appeals) 21 4.3 Summary of legal provisions relating to Commissioner (Appeals) 22 5 INSTITUTION OF JOINT COMMISSIONER (APPEALS) 5.1 Statutory framework [Section 246] 24 5.2 Appealable orders for appeal before Joint Commissioner (Appeals) [Section 246(1)] 25 5.3 Appeal against assessment orders 25 5.4 Appeal against orders relating to TDS/TCS matters 27 5.5 Relating to penalty orders 28 5.6 Relating to rectification orders 28 5.7 Orders against which appeal cannot be filed before Joint Commissioner (Appeals) [Proviso to section 246(1)] 28 5.8 Transfer of pending appeal from Commissioner (Appeals) to Joint Commissioner (Appeals) [Section 246(2)] 29 5.9 Meaning of appeal ‘pending’ before Commissioner (Appeals) 29 5.10 Relevance of expression “any matter arising out of or connected with such appeal and which is so pending” 31 CONTENTS I-16
PAGE 5.11 Transfer of pending appeal from Joint Commissioner (Appeals) to Commissioner (Appeals) [Section 246(3)] 33 5.12 Disposal of appeals in a faceless manner [Section 246(5)] 34 5.13 Form of appeal and limitation [Section 249] 34 5.14 Procedure of appeal [Section 250] 34 5.15 Limitation period to dispose of the appeal by Joint Commissioner (Appeals) [Section 250(6A)] 35 5.16 Powers of the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) [Section 251] 35 5.17 Powers of the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) to levy penalty 35 5.18 Consequential amendments due to the introduction of the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) 36 5.19 Amendment in other provisions of the Act 36 6 RIGHT TO APPEAL 6.1 Introduction 38 6.2 Assessee 38 6.3 Person deemed to be an assessee 39 6.4 Judicial view 40 6.5 Person deemed to be an assessee in default 40 6.6 “Deductor” or “Collector” 41 6.7 Meaning of assessee “aggrieved” 42 6.8 Judicial view 42 6.9 Who can file an appeal - General 43 6.10 Individual 43 6.11 Procedure for registering legal heir 44 6.12 Judicial view 46 6.13 Hindu undivided family 46 6.14 Judicial view 46 6.15 Company 46 6.16 Judicial view 47 6.17 Firm 47 6.18 Judicial view 47 I-17 CONTENTS




PAGE 6.19 Association of persons, body of individuals (whether incorporated or not), local authority, and every artificial juridical person 48 6.20 Judicial view 48 7
7.1 Introduction 49 7.2 Appealable orders before Joint Commissioner (Appeals) 49 7.3 Appealable orders before Commissioner (Appeals) 50 7.4 Judicial view 53 7.5 Order by a Joint Commissioner under section 115VP(3)(ii) rejecting an application under Tonnage Tax Scheme 53 7.6 Order holding a person liable to be assessed under the Act 54 7.7 Judicial view 54 7.8 Appeal against an intimation under section 143(1) or section 143(1B) 56 7.9 Judicial view 57 7.10 Appeal against intimation under section 200A(1) or section 206CB(1) where the deductor or collector objects to be making of adjustments in the statement of TDS or TCS filed (as amended by the Finance Act, 2015 w.e.f. 1-6-2015) 58 7.11 Judicial view 59 7.12 Appeal against assessment under section 143(3) or 144 60 7.13 Judicial view 62 7.14 Appeal against (re)assessment under section 147 with respect to income escaping assessment 64 7.15 Judicial view 65 7.16 Appeal against an order of assessment under section 153A in case of search or requisition 66 7.17 Appeal against an order passed by an Assessing Officer pursuant to an Advanced Pricing Agreement (APA) 66 7.18 Appeal against an order of rectification of mistake 67 7.19 Judicial view 67 7.20 Appeal against order under section 163 treating assessee as agent of non-resident 69 CONTENTS I-18
PAGE 7.21 Judicial view 69 7.22 Appeal against an order under section 170 treating a person as a successor 69 7.23 Appeal against order under section 171 as regards partition of a Hindu Undivided Family 70 7.24 Judicial view 70 7.25 Appeal by person charged as assessee in default under section 201 or 206C for not deducting or collecting tax at source 70 7.26 Judicial view 71 7.27 Appeal against an order under section 237 refusing refund 71 7.28 Judicial view 72 7.29 Appeal against an order under section 239A relating to refund of tax paid under an agreement or arrangement in writing 72 7.30 Appeal against penalty orders 73 7.31 Judicial view 74 7.32 Non-appealable orders/situations 75 7.33 Judicial view 76 8 APPEAL BY PERSON DENYING LIABILITY TO DEDUCT TAX (SECTION 248 AS APPLICABLE W.E.F. 1.6.2007) 8.1 Introduction 79 8.2 Legislative intent 79 8.3 Meaning 80 8.4 Judicial view 80 8.5 Amendment made by Finance Act, 2022 83 9 PROCEDURE FOR FILING OF APPEAL [SECTION 249(1) AND RULES 45 & 46] 9.1 Pre-filing analysis 84 9.2 Form of appeal 85 9.3 Manner of filing 86 9.4 Procedure for filing of appeal and accompanying documents 87 I-19 CONTENTS
PAGE 9.5 Manner of furnishing accompanying documents 87 9.6 Procedure for e-filing of appeal to Commissioner (Appeals) 87 9.7 Administrative procedure for e-filing of appeals 90 9.8 Filing appeal electronically using digital signatures 90 9.9 “Electronic Verification Code” (EVC) - Meaning and procedure 91 9.10 Verification of appeal 94 9.11 Judicial view 96 10 STATEMENT OF FACTS (SoF) AND GROUNDS OF APPEAL (GoA) 10.1 Introduction 102 10.2 Statement of Facts (SoF) 102 10.3 Grounds of Appeal (GoA) 105 10.4 Conclusion 109 11 FEES FOR FILING OF APPEAL BEFORE COMMISSIONER (APPEALS) [SECTION 249(1)] 11.1 Introduction 111 11.2 Judicial view 112 11.3 Comment 112 12 LIMITATION PERIOD FOR FILING APPEAL [SECTION 249(2) AND SECTION 249(3)] 12.1 Period of limitation 113 12.2 Manner of determining date of service - Statutory provisions 113 12.3 Service of communication by other than electronic mode 114 12.4 Service of communication electronically 116 12.5 Conclusion 117 12.6 Exclusion of time for calculating limitation for filing appeal [Section 268] 117 12.7 Situation where due date is a holiday 118 12.8 Judicial view on date of service 119 CONTENTS I-20
PAGE 12.9 Condonation of delay [Section 249(2) and 249(3)] 121 12.10 Judicial view on sufficient cause in the context of the Income-tax Act 123 12.11 Manner of filing an affidavit in support of reasons for delay 127 12.12 Judicial view on filing of affidavit in support of reasons of delay 128 12.13 Judicial view on procedure to be followed for condonation of delay 128 12.14 Judicial view on circumstances exhibiting existence of “sufficient cause” 129 12.15 Judicial view on circumstances not exhibiting existence of “sufficient cause” 137 13 PAYMENT OF ADMITTED TAX BEFORE FILING OF APPEAL [SECTION 249(4)] 13.1 Legal provisions 141 13.2 Judicial view 142 13.3 Exemption from payment of advance tax payable when no return of income has been filed [Proviso to section 249(4)] 149 14 PROCEDURE IN APPEAL BEFORE COMMISSIONER (APPEALS) [SECTION 250 SUB-SECTIONS (1), (2) AND (3)] 14.1 Introduction 150 14.2 Notice of hearing 150 14.3 Format of notice of hearing issued by NFAC 152 14.4 Personal appearance in faceless proceedings 152 14.5 Filing of response or submission of report in response to notice issued by NFAC 153 14.6 Transfer of case 153 14.7 Miscellaneous 153 14.8 Judicial view on notice of hearing 154 14.9 Right to be heard 155 14.10 Judicial view on the right to be heard 155 14.11 Authorised representative 158 14.12 Judicial view 162 I-21 CONTENTS



PAGE 14.13 Power/right to grant/seek adjournment 163 14.14 Judicial view 164 14.15 Judicial view on adjournments sought by/failure of counsel (authorized representative) to appear before appellate authority 164 14.16 Rectification proceedings (clause 7 of the Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021) 165 15
15.1 Introduction 168 15.2 Calling of information and conducting further enquiry by the Commissioner (Appeals) [Section 250(4)] 170 15.3 Calling of information etc. at the instance of Assessing Officer 170 15.4 Exercise of power to make enquiries at the instance of an assessee 170 15.5 Judicial view 171 15.6 Enquiry by Commissioner (Appeals) through the Assessing Officer/power of remand 174 15.7 Judicial view 174 15.8 Procedure for making further enquiries either suo motu or at the instance of the Assessing Officer in faceless appellate proceeding 176 16
16.1 Introduction 177 16.2 Supreme court’s view on the right to raise additional ground 178 16.3 Judicial view on the right to agitate additional ground 180 16.4 Finding to be recorded for exercise of power under section 250(5) 182 16.5 Judicial view 182 16.6 Judicial view on law of limitation for additional ground 184 CONTENTS I-22
PAGE 16.7 Fresh claim 185 16.8 Judicial view 185 16.9 Filing of additional ground in faceless appeal proceedings 189 17 ADMISSION OF ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE (RULE 46A OF THE INCOME-TAX RULES, 1962) 17.1 Introduction 191 17.2 Powers to make rules regulating admission of additional evidence 192 17.3 Circumstances in which additional evidence may be produced [Rule 46A(1)] 193 17.4 Commissioner (Appeals) to record reason for admission of additional evidence [Rule 46A(2)] 193 17.5 Reasonable opportunity to be provided to Assessing Officer [Rule 46A(3)] 194 17.6 Additional evidence can be obtained by first appellate authority on its own motion [Rule 46A(4)] 194 17.7 Judicial view on vires of rule 46A 194 17.8 Summary of provisions relating to production and admission of additional evidence 194 17.9 Judicial view on filing of additional evidence and power of Commissioner (Appeals) 196 17.10 Judicial view on failure to provide opportunity to Assessing Officer being fatal to admission of additional evidence 203 17.11 Judicial view on the necessity of Commissioner (Appeals) to give a categorical finding in terms of rule 46A for admission of additional evidence in case Assessing Officer objects to the admission thereof 208 17.12 Judicial view on sending documents submitted by appellant to the Assessing Officer for remand report 210 17.13 Comparison of rule 46A(4) of the rules and section 250(4) of the Act - Complementary not conflicting 211 17.14 Judicial view 212 17.15 Procedure for admission of additional evidence (clause 5(1)(vii) and (viii) of the Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021) 214 I-23 CONTENTS




18.1 Introduction 217 18.2 Judicial view on reasoned and speaking order 219 18.3 Judicial view on consolidated order for more than one appeal 223 18.4 Passing of final appeal order under faceless appeal proceedings 224 19 ADVISORY LIMITATION FOR DISPOSAL OF APPEALS
250(6A)] 19.1 Introduction 225 19.2 Departmental circular on advisory time-limit for disposal of appeals by the Commissioner (Appeals) 225 19.3 Departmental instructions on time-limit for passing of orders by the Commissioner (Appeals) 226 19.4 Judicial view 227
20.1 Introduction and scope 228 20.2 Faceless appeal centres (Paragraph 4 of the Scheme) 231 20.3 Assignment of appeal 232 20.4 Procedure after assignment of appeal (Paragraph 5(ii) of the Scheme) 232 20.5 Procedure for submitting condonation of delay in filing appeal to Commissioner (Appeals) 232 20.6 Exercise of power u/s
and further
in faceless appellate proceedings 235
Filing additional ground(s)
Scheme) 235 20.8 Filing additional evidence (Para 5(1)(
Scheme) 236 CONTENTS I-24
250(4) (Para 5(1)(ii) and (iii) of the Scheme)
(Para 5(1)(v) and
vi) of the
viii)(a) to (g) of the
PAGE 20.9 Procedure for submitting additional evidence to Commissioner (Appeals) 237 20.10 Requisition by the NaFAC or Assessing Officer for the production of documents or evidence or examination of witness relevant for appellate proceedings (Para 5(1)(viii) (h) to (l) of the Scheme) 240 20.11 Enhancement of assessment/penalty or reduction of the amount of refund (Para 5(1)(ix) of the Scheme) 241 20.12 Passing of final appeal order (Para 5(1)(x) of the Scheme) 241 20.13 Transfer of case to another Commissioner (Appeals) (Para 5(2) of the Scheme) 242 20.14 Penalty proceedings (Para 6 of the Scheme) 242 20.15 Rectification proceedings (Para 7 of the Scheme) 243 20.16 Personal appearance during faceless proceedings (Para 12 of the Scheme) 244 20.17 Delivery of electronic record (Para 11 of the Scheme) 245 20.18 Exchange of communication exclusively by electronic mode (Para 9 of the Scheme) 247 20.19 Authentication of electronic record (Para 10 of the Scheme) 247 20.20 Specifying format, mode, procedure and processes by the NFAC (Para 13 of the Scheme) 247 20.21 Appeal against order passed by NFAC (Para 8(1) of the Scheme) 248 20.22 Proceedings in remand cases (Para 8(2) of the Scheme) 248 20.23 Definitions and concepts used in the Faceless Appeal Scheme 248 20.24 Benefits envisaged from the faceless appeals process 250 20.25 Potential pitfalls/areas of concern 251 20.26 Judicial view 255 21
OF THE COMMISSIONER (APPEALS) [SECTION 251] 21.1 Introduction 256 21.2 Confirmation of assessment/tax liability 257 21.3 Judicial view 258 I-25 CONTENTS
PAGE 21.4 Reduction of assessment/tax liability 259 21.5 Enhance the assessment/tax liability 259 21.6 Judicial view 260 21.7 Exercise of power of enhancement at the instance of Assessing Officer 264 21.8 Reasonable opportunity of showing cause 265 21.9 Judicial view 266 21.10 Power to annul an order/assessment 269 21.11 Judicial view on the powers of “annulment” 269 21.12 Appeals against the levy of penalty 270 21.13 Judicial view 270 21.14 Powers of Commissioner (Appeals) wide ranging and coterminous with the Assessing Officer 271 21.15 Judicial view - Powers of Commissioner (Appeals) vis-a-vis court of appeal under code of civil procedure 272 21.16 Judicial decisions - Scope of powers of Commissioner (Appeals) coterminous with Assessing Officer 273 21.17 Judicial view on the power of Commissioner (Appeals) to levy penalty 276 21.18 Judicial view on power of Commissioner (Appeals) to reject books of account 276 21.19 Judicial view on non-exercise of power/errors made by the Assessing Officer can be corrected by the first appellate authority 276 21.20 Judicial view on limitations on the power of Commissioner (Appeals) 277 22 LEGAL PRINCIPLES RELEVANT IN APPELLATE PROCEEDINGS 22.1 Doctrine of merger - Introduction 282 22.2 Principle of consistency - Introduction 290 22.3 Binding force of judicial precedents - Introduction 295 22.4 “Obiter dicta” and “ratio decidendi” 298 CONTENTS I-26
PAGE 23 APPEALS AGAINST AGREED ADDITIONS 23.1 Introduction 305 23.2 Procedure to be followed in appeal against agreed additions 306 23.3 Judicial view in favour of the assessee (holding that the appellate proceedings can be pursued in case of agreed additions) 306 23.4 Judicial view favouring revenue (that appeal does not lie against agreed additions) 307 24 APPELLATE PROVISIONS - POWER TO WITHDRAW 24.1 Introduction 310 24.2 Judicial view 310 25 STAY OF DISPUTED DEMAND 25.1 Power of appellate authority to stay disputed demand [Section 220(6)] 312 25.2 Judicial view upholding the right of Commissioner (Appeals) to grant stay 313 25.3 Judicial view denying the Commissioner (Appeals) power to grant stay 315 25.4 Judicial view on grant of stay miscellaneous issues 315 26 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR AVOIDING REPETITIVE APPEALS (CHAPTER - XIV-A) 26.1 Introduction 317 26.2 Procedure 317 26.3 Declaration by assessee 317 26.4 Report from Assessing Officer 318 26.5 Order of the Assessing Officer or the Appellate Authority 318 26.6 Admission of claim 318 26.7 Application of decision 319 I-27 CONTENTS



PAGE 26.8 Order to be final 319 26.9 Judicial view 319 27
27.1 Introduction 321
APPENDIX 1: Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021 329 APPENDIX 2: Specimen of challan for payment of appeal fees 343 APPENDIX 3(A): Specimen of notice of hearing issued by the national faceless appeals centre 344 APPENDIX 3(B): Specimen of notice of hearing issued for personal hearing before Commissioner (Appeals) 346 APPENDIX 4: Specimen application under section 46A seeking admission of additional evidence 348 APPENDIX 5: Specimen of application to seeking permission to agitate additional ground/make fresh claim before Commissioner (Appeals) 351 APPENDIX 6(A) : Initiation of reassessment proceedings u/s 148 of the Income-tax Act 353 APPENDIX 6(B) : Addition u/s 68 of the Act 372 APPENDIX 6(C) : Addition of Rs. Xxxxxxx being the alleged difference in receipts reported in Form 26AS and actual receipts from M/s xxxxxx 396 APPENDIX 6(D): Addition of Rs. Xxxxxx reduced by the appellant company from its profit as an adjustment pursuant to ICDS VII- “Government Grants” 404 APPENDIX 6(E): Addition on account of purchases made from various parties by treating them as bogus by resorting section 37 of the Act 412 APPENDIX 6(F): Addition u/s 56(2)(viib) on account of alleged excess share premium received 419 APPENDIX 6(G): Assessment framed not in accordance with departmental procedures and consequently void ab initio and non est 433 APPENDIX 6(H): Addition on account of deemed dividend under section 2(22)(e) 438 CONTENTS I-28

APPENDIX 6(M): Addition by rejecting books of account and adopting an arbitrary

APPENDIX 6(N): Challenge of assumption of jurisdiction u/s 153A 495

APPENDIX 6(O): Denial of exemption under section 54F for capital gains invested in the purchase of a residential property 500

APPENDIX 6(P): Addition u/s 14A r.w. rule 8D on account of expenses incurred to earn exempt income and on account of mismatch in receipts disclosed in the profit and loss account and those appearing in Form 26AS

APPENDIX 6(Q): Addition on account of imputing notional interest income on interest free advances

APPENDIX 6(R): Disallowance under sec. 14A r.w.r. 8D on account of expenses incurred to earn exempt income, exceeding exempt income or where there is no exempt income

APPENDIX 6(S): Penalty under section 271(1)(b) for alleged failure to comply with a notice u/s 142(1) or 143(2) 529

APPENDIX 6(T): Levy of penalty under section 271(1)( c ) for alleged concealment/furnishing inaccurate particulars of income

APPENDIX 6(U): Additions on account of ad hoc disallowances out of expenses

APPENDIX 6(V): Disallowance of share based compensation (“ESOP”) expenses

APPENDIX 6(I): Denial of exemption u/s 10(38) on long term capital gains
APPENDIX 6(J): Treating interest received during construction period as a revenue receipt
loss 482
APPENDIX 6(K): Addition on account of alleged misutilization of facility of client code modification
APPENDIX 6(L): Addition on account of foreign exchange fluctuation



1.1-1 The right to “appeal” finds a place in almost all statutes whether Civil, Criminal or Economic (tax-adjudication related) and is an integral part of the judicial process. The Merriam – Webster Dictionary defines “appeal” as “a legal proceeding by which a case is brought before a higher Court for review of the decision of the lower Court”. The Wharton’s Law Lexicon defines it as “the removal of a cause from an inferior to a superior Court for the purpose of testing the soundness of the decision of the inferior Court”.

1.1-2 An appeal is a complaint or grievance to a superior court for reconsideration or review of a decision, verdict or sentence of a lower court. It can also be defined as a complaint made to a higher court with the intent that the order levying a sentence passed by the lower court is illegal or erroneous. The act of “appealing” is reflective of approaching a higher authority/Court of Law for corrective action against an act or decision which is perceived to be unjust, unfair, faulty or even illegal or to seek correction of an error.

1.1-3 While the right to appeal is neither inherent or implied but has to be specifically conferred by statute, or by the rules enforced thereunder almost all legislations whether civil, criminal, economic etc. incorporate a well-defined, comprehensive and hierarchical appellate process. In the context of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the right to “appeal” provides a formal opportunity for an aggrieved assessee to travel up the judicial hierarchy to agitate and dispute the decision of a lower authority, in case he feels aggrieved by the same.


1.2-1 The right of appeal is available only to the extent specified by the relevant statute. It is a creation of and derived from the underlying statute which also determines the nature, extent, scope and the limitations, if



any, imposed thereon by the Legislature enacting the statute or the rules promulgated by the Executive to operationalize the law in exercise of the power delegated to it by the statute. The right to appeal can be exercised in respect of an item/issue which is otherwise appealable, irrespective of whether it is the subject matter of an independent order or forms part of a consolidated order. The absence of a necessary redressal mechanism by way of appeal may, in appropriate circumstances, be a reason to hold a piece of legislation as being oppressive, however, right of appeal cannot be read into a legislation.


1.3-1 Right to appeal is neither inherent nor automatic but derived from a specific enactment under the underlying statute and cannot be implied. Except where “right to appeal” is specifically granted, appeal cannot be filed.

[Mahant Harihar Gir v. CIT [1941] 9 ITR 246 (Patna)].

1.3-2 The absence of a provision for appeal in taxing statute may be a vitiating factor leading to a constitutional challenge to the validity of the Act itself.

[Kunnathat Thathunni Moopil Nair v State of Kerala (AIR 1961 SC 552)]

1.3-3 The right of appeal is the creature of a statute. Without a statutory provision creating such a right the person aggrieved is not entitled to file an appeal. The Legislature while granting the right to appeal can impose conditions for the exercise of such right. An appeal is not inherent for any person but can only be filed and is maintainable under an authority of law and under the conditions imposed under that law. [Gujarat Agro Industries Co Ltd. v Municipal Corporation of City of Ahmedabad (1999) 45 CC 468 (SC)]

1.3-4 The appeal is a creation of statute and in case a person want to avail of the right to appeal he has to accept the conditions imposed by the Statute. The Legislature while granting the right to appeal can impose conditions for the exercise of such right. Neither there is a constitutional nor legal impediment for the imposition of such conditions. [State of Haryana v Maruti Udyog Ltd. (2001) 124 STC 285(SC)];

1.3-5 The right of appeal is not an inherent right or common law right, but it is a statutory right. If the law provides that an appeal can be filed on limited grounds, the grounds of challenge cannot be enlarged [National Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Nicolletta Rohtagi (2002) 7 SCC 456]

1.3-6 Section 246 of the Act specifically enumerates in detail the orders which are appealable to the first appellate authority. The said authority, therefore, cannot have jurisdiction to entertain appeals which fall outside the specific grounds and orders mentioned in the Section. The right to appeal cannot come under the category of fundamental rights. [CIT v. Ram Lal Mansukh Rai [1970] 77 ITR 964 (Punj. & Har.)]


1.4-1 The Income-tax Act lays down specific restrictions and limitations on the scope and manner of exercise of the right of filing appeal. However, considering the importance of the right to appeal in the entire tax adjudication process and for an Assessee, since it bestows upon him an opportunity of getting a wrong corrected and to mitigate the possibility of financial loss, the right to appeal should be viewed from a broad-based liberal perspective and not by applying a strict, constricted and myopic view. The decision whether the right to appeal is available in a particular circumstance should be guided by the form and not substance of the order appealed against.


1.5-1 It is true that there is no inherent right of appeal to any assessee and that it has to be spelt from the words of the statute, if any, providing for an appeal. But it is an equally well settled proposition of law that, if there is a provision conferring a right of appeal, it should be read in a “reasonable, practical and liberal manner.” Right of appeal includes right to challenge the very jurisdiction of the authority passing the order appealed against. Assessee can even challenge the jurisdiction of the Assessing Officer to make the order. Such a right cannot be denied on the ground that appeal lies only against order of the Assessing Officer and if Assessing Officer did not have jurisdiction to make the order, appeal too would not lie. [CIT v. Ashoka Engineering Co. [1992] 63 Taxman 510/194 ITR 645 (SC)]

1.5-2 Even if the Income-tax Officer committed an error in passing the order imposing penalty because the conditions necessary for invoking that jurisdiction were absent, an appeal against his order on the ground that he was not competent to pass the order did lie to the Appellate Assistant Commissioner. The Appellate Assistant Commissioner is under the Act constituted an appellate authority against certain orders of the Income-tax Officer, and exercise of that jurisdiction is not made conditional upon the competence of the Income-tax Officer to pass the orders made appealable. The Appellate Assistant Commissioner had as a court of appeal jurisdiction to determine the soundness of the conclusions of the Income-tax Officer both on questions of fact and law and even as to his jurisdiction to pass the order appealed from. If an order is appealable, an appeal would lie even though the Assessing Officer making the order had no jurisdiction to make the order [CIT v. Bhikaji Dadabhai & Co. [1961] 42 ITR 123 (SC)].

1.5-3 The items specified as appealable have to be liberally construed and in case of ambiguity, benefit of doubt has to go to the assessee. [R.B. Jodha Mal Kuthiala v. CIT [1967] 66 ITR 319 (Delhi)].

1.5-4 The right of appeal is a valuable right and unless expressly taken away or abandoned, it could not be held that the assessee had abandoned or lost



such right by implication [IndianAluminium Co Ltd v. CIT [1986] 27 Taxman 578/162 ITR 788 (Cal.)].

1.5-5 The right to appeal is not merely a matter of procedure. It is a substantive right. The statutes pertaining to right of appeal have to be given a liberal construction since they are remedial in nature. A right of appeal will not be restricted or denied unless such a construction is unavoidable [CIT v. Bengal Cardboard Industries & Printers (P.) Ltd [1990] 49 Taxman 60/[1989] 176 ITR 193 (Cal.)].

1.5-6 Courts recognise the rule that an appeal of a cause is a valuable right to a litigant and, in the absence of unmistakable indications to the contrary, statutes regulating appeals are given liberal construction. It is also recognised that an appeal is a remedy that is favoured in law and an important right, which should never be denied, unless its forfeiture or abandonment is conclusively shown, and in case of doubt, an appeal should always be allowed rather than denied [Gopal Lal v. CIT [1967] 65 ITR 477 (Punj. & Har.)]

1.5-7 The right must be determined according to the effect the order has on the aggrieved taxpayer and not merely upon the form or language in which it has been concluded by the Officer concerned [Jaikishan Gopikishan & Sons v. CIT [1972] 84 ITR 645 (MP)].


1.6-1 A “Writ” is a legal order given by a Court of law directing the behaviour of a lower court, agency, specific official or another branch of the Government to do or not to do something. A writ petition, in its essence is a petition to a higher court seeking the exercise of its extraordinary jurisdiction to intervene in a review of lower court/authority/agency’s order/proposed action. The Constitution of India grants powers to the Supreme Court and the jurisdictional High Court to issue “prerogative writs” reflecting their discretionary, prerogative and extraordinary powers.

1.6-2 Under Article 32 of the Constitution of India, an aggrieved person can move the Supreme Court for a legal remedy in case of an alleged infringement of the Fundamental Right(s) for an appropriate writ, direction or order. Similarly Article 226 empowers High Courts to issue to any person or authority, including the Government (in appropriate cases) directions, orders or writs in the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto, certiorari or any of them. The power of High Courts to issue writs under Article 226 of the constitution is much broader and can be issued for the enforcement of fundamental rights as well as for any other purpose. A writ is issued only in exercise of the supervisory jurisdiction of the High Courts under Article 226 and not under their appellate jurisdiction.

1.6-3 The specific availability of a right to appeal against a particular grievance normally precludes the possibility of approaching the High Court directly by seeking recourse to an alternate remedy of filing a writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution. Simply put, an appeal is reflective of challenging the decision of a lower authority before the higher authorities by following the process as laid down in the governing statute. On the other hand, the resort to judicial review exercised by filing a Writ would involve a challenge to the decision making process.

1.6-4 Normally the question of constitutional validity or vires of a provision of any of the Direct Tax Acts, or of a rule made or of a notification or circular issued thereunder which cannot be entertained and decided by an authority appointed under the Acts, and for which no specific appellate procedure is laid down in the Act can be raised by way of a writ petition to the High Court.


1.7-1 The principles of law which emerge are that :


i) The power under Article 226 of the Constitution to issue writs can be exercised not only for the enforcement of fundamental rights, but for any other purpose as well;

(ii) The High Court has the discretion not to entertain a writ petition. One of the restrictions placed on the power of the High Court is where an effective alternate remedy is available to the aggrieved person;

(iii) Exceptions to the rule of alternate remedy arise where -


a) the writ petition has been filed for the enforcement of a fundamental right protected by Part III of the Constitution;


b) there has been a violation of the principles of natural justice;


c) the order or proceedings are wholly without jurisdiction; or


d) the vires of a legislation is challenged;


iv) An alternate remedy by itself does not divest the High Court of its powers under Article 226 of the Constitution in an appropriate case though ordinarily, a writ petition should not be entertained when an efficacious alternate remedy is provided by law;

(v) When a right is created by a statute, which itself prescribes the remedy or procedure for enforcing the right or liability, resort must be had to that particular statutory remedy before invoking the discretionary remedy under Article 226 of the Constitution. This rule of exhaustion of statutory remedies is a rule of policy, convenience and discretion; and



(vi) In cases where there are disputed questions of fact, the High Court may decide to decline jurisdiction in a writ petition. However, if the High Court is objectively of the view that the nature of the controversy requires the exercise of its writ jurisdiction, such a view would not readily be interfered with. Radha Krishna Industries v. State of Himachal Pradesh [(2021) SSC Online SC 334],

1.7-2 The power to issue prerogative writs under Article 226 of the Constitution is plenary in nature and is not limited by any other provision of the Constitution. This power can be exercised by the High Court not only for issuing writs in the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and certiorari for the enforcement of any of the Fundamental Rights contained in Part III of the Constitution but also for “any other purpose”. Under Article 226 of the Constitution, the High Court, having regard to the facts of the case, has a discretion to entertain or not to entertain a writ petition. But the High Court has imposed upon itself certain restrictions one of which is that if an effective and efficacious remedy is available, the High Court would not normally exercise its jurisdiction. But the alternative remedy has been consistently held by this Court not to operate as a bar in at least three contingencies, namely, where the writ petition has been filed for the enforcement of any of the Fundamental Rights or where there has been a violation of the principle of natural justice or where the order or proceedings are wholly without jurisdiction or the vires of an Act is challenged. There is a plethora of case-law on this point but to cut down this circle of forensic whirlpool, we would rely on some old decisions of the evolutionary era of the constitutional law as they still hold the field. Whirlpool Corporation v. Registrar of Trademarks, Mumbai [(1998) 8 SCC 1]

1.7-3 So far as the view taken by the High Court that the remedy by way of recourse to arbitration clause was available to the appellants and therefore the writ petition filed by the appellants was liable to be dismissed is concerned, suffice it to observe that the rule of exclusion of writ jurisdiction by availability of an alternative remedy is a rule of discretion and not one of compulsion. In an appropriate case, in spite of availability of the alternative remedy, the High Court may still exercise its writ jurisdiction in at least three contingencies: (i) where the writ petition seeks enforcement of any of the fundamental rights; (ii) where there is failure of principles of natural justice; or (iii) where the orders or proceedings are wholly without jurisdiction or the vires of an Act is challenged. (See Whirlpool Corpn. v. Registrar of Trade Marks [(1998) 8 SCC 1]. The present case attracts applicability of the first two contingencies. Moreover, as noted, the petitioners dealership, which is their bread and butter, came to be terminated for an irrelevant and non-existent cause. In such circumstances, we feel that the appellants should have been allowed relief by the High Court itself instead of driving them to the need of initiating arbitration proceedings. Harbanslal Sahnia v. Indian Oil Corpn. Ltd. [(2003) 2 SCC 107]

1.7-4 Assessee challenged impugned assessment order on ground that impugned order proceeded on basis that there was a violation of ‘Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999’ without even issuing notice to counter party, since arguments of assessee that norms of FEMA had not been set out with specificity or required approval details had not been set out with specificity in impugned order were all clearly arguments in nature of an appeal qua impugned order i.e., not arguments compelling interference in writ jurisdiction, assessee was to be relegated to file statutory appeal under section 246A. [Greenstar Fertilizers Ltd. v. Additional/Joint/Deputy/Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax/ Income Tax Officer, National Faceless Assessment Centre, Delhi (2022) 134 115 (Madras)]

1.7-5 Where assessee, a vegetable vendor, collected cash from wholesale market and deposited same in bank account and Assessing Officer passed assessment order treating said deposit as unexplained money of assessee, since alternate statutory remedy by way of appeal under section 246A was available to assessee, writ petition filed against assessment order was not maintainable. [Arunachalam Nadar Muthuraj v. Income-tax Officer (2022) 135 162 (Madras)]

1.7-6 Where assessee filed writ petition against order of assessment passed under section 144 read with section 144B contending that opportunity of hearing was inadequate which affected his right to make a proper response, certainly same could be gone into by Commissioner (Appeals) and consequently assessee was to be relegated to forum of appeal before Commissioner (Appeals) under section 246A. [Sri Chandra Sekar Reddy Bokkalapall v. National Faceless Assessment Centre (2022) 142 taxmann. com 109 (Telangana)]

1.7-7 Where assessee filed writ petition against reopening notice issued upon it on ground that no sanction under section 151 was accorded by competent authority and further on making enquries online it became evident that computer generated document identification number (DIN) mentioned in sanction letter was also not correct, since assessee had an efficacious alternate statutory remedy available, it should avail it and, thus, writ petition was to be dismissed [Southern Ispat and Energy Ltd. v. Union of India (2022) 143 270 (Chhattisgarh)]

1.7-8 Where assessee-firm, engaged in business of quarrying and marketing granite, filed a writ petition against impugned assessment order wherein Assessing Officer had made addition of difference between selling price and raising rate of granite to be paid for production of minerals with taxes, since statutory remedy was available under section 246A, said writ petition was to be dismissed. [Tvl. Sree Karumariamman Granites v. Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax (2022) 144 118 (Madras)]

1.7-9 Writ petitions cannot be entertained when alternative remedy of filing appeal before Commissioner (Appeals) is available. However, where



the statutory authority has not acted in accordance with the provisions of the enactment in question or in defiance of the fundamental principles of natural justice or has resorted to invoke the provisions which are repealed or when an order has been passed in total violation of the principles of natural justice, a writ may be allowed. [CIT v. Chhabil Dass Agarwal [2013] 36 36 (SC)]

1.7-10 Where only show-cause notices under section 153C were issued for reassessment, assessee should have filed appropriate reply to said notices, instead of filing writ petition, followed by a special leave petition [CIT Gujarat v. Vijaybhai N. Chandrani [2013] 35 580]

1.7-11 Where assessee filed a writ petition against order of Assessing Officer rejecting its prayer for refund of excess amount paid as tax, in view of fact that an alternative remedy of filing revision application under section 264 was available, instant petition was to be dismissed being non-maintainable. [Aditya Marine Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (International Taxation) [2019] 112 taxmann. com 216 (Bom.)]

1.7-12 Writ against section 264 order need not be entertained in view of alternative remedy of filing appeal. [S. Thilakam v. CIT [2013] 35 taxmann. com 468 (Mad.)]

1.7-13 When an aggrieved person has a statutory remedy available to get rid of order, then said remedy must be availed of at first instance, before filing a writ under Articles 226 and 227 of the Constitution. Writ petition filed against order of Commissioner (Appeals) under section 251 is not entertainable as aggrieved has an alternative remedy of appeal under section 253 – [Omprakash Bagdia (HUF) v. CIT [2004] 139 Taxman 275 (MP)]

1.7-14 Writ cannot be filed in the High Court if remedy is available under the Income-tax Act where assessee had statutory alternative remedies available in form of filing an appeal before the Commissioner and further appeal to Tribunal, if required, invoking jurisdiction of High Court under article 226, was to be disallowed. [Jagran Prakashan Ltd. v. Dy. CIT [2014] 47 taxmann. com 82/225 Taxman 39 (Mag.) (All)]

1.7-15 Assessment order was passed against assessee bank on account of non-deduction of TDS under section 194A on interest paid to depositors. Assessee filed writ against it. It was held that since Act specifically provides an appeal remedy under section 246A, same had to be exhausted first by petitioner before approaching Court under Article 226 of Constitution of India. [Coimbatore District Central Co-Operative Bank Ltd. v. ITO [2014] 46 233 (Mad.)]

1.7-16 Assessee filed writ petition against assessment order passed by Assessing Officer. Since assessee had an efficacious alternative remedy of

filing appeal before Commissioner (Appeals) under section 246 against order of Assessing Officer, he was not entitled to invoke writ jurisdiction of High Court under article 226. [Dr. K. Nedunchezhian v. Dy. CIT [2005] 148 Taxman 617 (Mad.)]

1.7-17 Assessee had filed writ petition praying that satisfaction note recorded by Assistant Commissioner might be quashed with all consequential proceedings taken in pursuance thereof under section 153C, read with section 153A. Subsequently, it was noted that before writ petition was filed, an assessment order had been passed against assessee and that it had filed an appeal before Commissioner (Appeals) challenging said order wherein one of ground was same as the prayer made in writ petition. Since prayerin-question was not argued, instant petition was to be rejected with liberty to assessee to press all contentions in connection with aforesaid prayer before Commissioner (Appeals). [Saraya Industries Ltd. v. Union of India [2009] 176 Taxman 47 (Delhi)]

1.7-18 Assessee can cross examine concerned party in appeal, separate writ directing appellate authority to provide such opportunity is not required. [Naresh Prasad Agarwal v. CIT [2015] 57 41 (Mad.)]

1.7-19 Where Assessee-company filed a writ-petition against re-opening notice issued against it on ground that Assessee had failed to deduct TDS on certain payment and further reassessment order was passed making disallowance under section 40(a)(IA), since Assessee had not deducted TDS as detailed in Form 3CD and said fact was not taken into consideration by Assessing Officer while passing original assessment order under section 143(3), consideration of same could not to be considered as change of opinion and, thus, there was tangible material to believe that there was an escapement of income an alternative statutory remedy was available, impugned writ petition could not be entertained. [Bayer Vapi (P.) Ltd. v. Asstt. CIT [2021] 131 59 (Guj.)]

1.7-20 Where petitioner filed appeal against assessment order before Appellate authority and thereafter filed writ petition challenging said assessment order and demand notice issued under section 156, writ petition challenging same order which was pending consideration before Appellate Authority was not maintainable and was liable to be dismissed. [Agrawal Global Infratech (P) Ltd v Union of India (2021) 133 137 (Chhattisgarh)]

1.7-21 Where Commissioner (Appeals) repeatedly granted adjournments on all applications moved by assessee and thereafter, when assessee remained unrepresented passed impugned order on basis of material available on record, in such case assessee could not level baseless allegations against Commissioner (Appeals) alleging abuse of power in grounds of appeal before


Para 1.8 APPEAL, MEANING, CONCEPT AND SCOPE 10 Tribunal. [Abdul Wahab v Income-tax Officer, Ward -1(5) Ghaziabad [(2022) 134 152 (Delhi – Trib)]

1.7-22 Where an appeal filed by assessee against an assessment order was pending before Appellate Commissioner, impugned writ petition filed against said assessment order could not be adjudicated. [Coastal Engergy (P) Ltd v Deputy Commissioner of Income-tax (2022) 137 344 (Madras)]

1.7-23 Where appeal filed by assessee-cooperative society against an assessment order denying it deduction under section 80P was already pending before appellate authority, simultaneous writ petition filed by assessee against same assessment order could not be adjudicated. [Income-tax Officer v K 97 Kinathukadavu Primary Agriculture Cooperative Credit Society Ltd (2022) 139 234 (Madras)]


1.8-1 The conclusion arising out of the above discussion is that the appellate route is available only in respect of orders specially listed under the applicable provisions. However, while judging whether a particular order is covered under the relevant head, the substance rather that the form of the order is relevant e.g. an order wrongly stated to be passed under a particular section (which is not appealable) but which should have been legally passed in another section would be appealable since the subject matter of the order passed would be the determining factor for rendering whether it is appealable or not. The language of a provision conferring the right of appeal should be construed liberally and in case of an ambiguity, the relevant provisions must be construed in favour of the existence of the right.

1.8-2 Similarly where a specific remedy by way of pursuing a matter in appeal is available, filing a writ under Article 226 of the Constitution would not be the proper and acceptable course of action. However, the remedy of filing a writ petition can be directly pursued when the issue involved relates to the violation of fundamental rights or where the principles of natural justice have been grossly violated or where the challenge is to the vires of an enactment or a rule framed or a circular or a notification issued.

Your Appeal Before Commissioner (Appeals)



EDITION : 2nd Edition

ISBN NO : 9789357780063

NO. OF PAGES : 588



This book is a comprehensive guide to the appellate process before the Commissioner (Appeals). It provides the following:

▪ Detailed analysis of the law relating to first appellate proceedings before Joint Commissioner (Appeals)/Commissioner (Appeals)

▪ The underlying procedures & compliances

▪ Related legal jurisprudence

▪ Analysis of the Faceless Appeals Scheme, along with the anticipated challenges and precautions This book would be helpful to tax practitioners, assessees, Income-tax Department, and academicians.

The Present Publication is the 2nd Edition and has been amended by the Finance Act 2023. This book is authored by CA Sanjeeva Narayan with the following noteworthy features:

▪ [Discussion on Legal Provisions & Practical Aspects] before the Commissioner (Appeals), including the following:

o Pre-filing analysis

o Filing process

o Drafting of appeals

o Powers of the Commissioner (Appeals)

o Judicial views on various issues

• [New Chapters] that includes the following:

o Institution of Joint Commissioner (Appeals) introduced by the Finance Act 2023

o Avenues for Alternate Dispute Resolution offered by the Dispute Resolution Committee

• [Faceless Appeals Scheme] has also been discussed, along with the likely issues that may arise in the near future

• [Legal Jurisprudence] This book also discusses the legal principles/doctrines which are relevant in the first appellate process or applicable to proceedings under the Income-tax Act

• [Specimens with Latest Case Laws] covering various scenarios, procedures and situations that are usually encountered, such as:

o Process of filing

o Adjudication and disposal of appeals

o Submissions

o New Issues


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