Taxmann's Secretarial Audit Compliance Management & Due Diligence (SACMDD/Due Diligence) | CRACKER

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TAXMANN ® S. No. Chapter Name 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Average J D D J D J D J 1. Compliance Framework 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 6.87 2. Compliances 15 5 5 10 17.5 10 10 20 11.56 3. Documentation and Maintenance of Records 5 5 15 5 10 10 10 5 8.12 4. Search and Status Report 10 5 15 5 5 5 5.62 5. KYC 10 10 10 5 5 15 10 5 8.75 6. Signing and Certi cation 10 15 5 10 12.5 5 10 10 9.68 7. Segment-wise Role of Company Secretaries 5 10 10 5 5 10 5 6.25 8. Audits 5 10 16 5 5 5 5.75 9. Secretarial Audit 11 10 13 8 3 5 6.25 10. Internal Audit 5 5 10 8 5 5 8 5 6.37 11. Concepts and Principles of other Audits 10 16 10 3 8 10 3 10 8.75 12. Audit Engagement 3 5 8 5 5 10 3 4.87 13. Audit Principles and Techniques 15 8 5 8 3 5 10 6.75 14. Audit Process and Documentation 5 3 5 13 5 5 4.5 15. Forming an Opinion and Reporting 3 3 5 5 10 10 5 5.12 16. Secretarial Audit - Fraud Detection and Reporting 8 2.5 3 10 5 5 4.18 17. Quality Review 3 10 5 5 3 8 5 4.87


Note: The total marks of each attempt exceed 100 marks as the alternate questions are also taken into consideration.

TAXMANN ® S. No. Chapter Name 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Average J D D J D J D J 18. Values, Ethics and Professional Conduct 5 2.5 3 3 6 5 3.06 19. Due Diligence I 10 30 5 15 10 5 10 11 12 20. Due Diligence II 3 5 8 5 5 5 3 12 5.75 Total 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 J - June; D - December


TAXMANN ® Year Question No. Compulsory Chapter Name Marks December 2019 1(a) Yes Know Your Customer (KYC) 5 1(b) Yes Documentation and Maintenance of Records 5 1(c) Yes Signing and Certi cation 5 1(d) Yes Due Diligence I 5 2(a) No Audits 5 2(b) No Know Your Customer (KYC) 5 2(c) No Signing and Certi cation 5 2(d) No Segment-wise Role of Company Secretaries 5 2A(i) No Signing and Certi cation 5 2A(ii) No Compliance Framework 5 2A(iii) No Compliances 5 2A(iv) No Due Diligence I 5 3(a) Yes Concepts and Principles of other Audits 5 3(b) Yes Due Diligence I 5 3(c) Yes Audit Engagement 5 4(a) Yes Forming an Opinion and Reporting 3 4(b) Yes Concepts and Principles of other Audits 3 4(c) Yes Concepts and Principles of other Audits 3


TAXMANN ® Year Question No. Compulsory Chapter Name Marks 4(d) Yes Audit Principles and Techniques 3 4(e) Yes Quality Review 3 5(a) Yes Segment-wise Role of Company Secretaries 5 5(b) Yes Concepts and Principles of other Audits 5 5(c) Yes Due Diligence I 5 6(a) No Due Diligence I 5 6(b) No Internal Audit 5 6(c) No Audit Principles and Techniques 5 6A(i) No Secretarial Audit: Fraud Detection and Reporting 5 No Values, Ethics and Professional Conduct 6A(ii) No Due Diligence II 5 6A(iii) No Due Diligence I 5 December 2020 1(a) Yes Signing and Certi cation 5 1(b) Yes Documentation and Maintenance of Records 5 1(c) Yes Know Your Customer (KYC) 5 1(d) Yes Segment-wise Role of Company Secretaries 5 2(a) No Compliance Framework 5 2(b) No Documentation and Maintenance of Records 5 2(c) No Search and Status Report 5 2(d) No Know Your Customer (KYC) 5 2A(i) No Compliance Framework 5 2A(ii) No Segment-wise Role of Company Secretaries 5 2A(iii) No Documentation and Maintenance of Records 5 2A(iv) No Compliances 5 3(a) Yes Concepts and Principles of other Audits 5
TAXMANN ® Year Question No. Compulsory Chapter Name Marks 3(b) Yes Internal Audit 5 3(c) Yes Secretarial Audit 5 4(a) Yes Forming an Opinion and Reporting 3 4(b) Yes Audit Process and Documentation 3 4(c) Yes Audit Engagement 3 4(d) Yes Due Diligence II 3 4(e) Yes Values, Ethics and Professional Conduct 3 5(a) Yes Quality Review 5 5(b) Yes Concepts and Principles of other Audits 5 5(c) Yes Secretarial Audit 5 6(a) No Internal Audit 5 6(b) No Due Diligence I 5 6(c) No Quality Review 5 6A(i) No Audit Principles and Techniques 5 6A(ii) No Audit Engagement 5 6A(iii) No Due Diligence II 5 June 2021 1(a) Yes Compliance Framework 5 1(b) Yes Compliances 5 1(c) Yes Search and Status Report 5 1(d) Yes Signing and Certification 5 2(a) No Documentation and Maintenance of Records 5 2(b) No Know Your Customer (KYC) Guidelines 5 2(c) No Search and Status Report 5 2(d) No Segment-wise Role of Company Secretaries 5 2A(i) No Search and Status Report 5 2A(ii) No Signing and Certification 5 2A(iii) No Compliances 5 2A(iv) No Compliance Framework 5 PREVIOUS EXAMS TREND ANALYSIS I-9
TAXMANN ® Year Question No. Compulsory Chapter Name Marks 3(a) Yes Audits 5 3(b) Yes Due Diligence I 5 3(c) Yes Due Diligence II 5 4(a) Yes Secretarial Audit - Fraud Detection and Reporting 3 4(b) Yes Values, Ethics and Professional Conduct 3 4(c) Yes Internal Audit 3 4(d) Yes Concepts and Principles of Other Audits 3 4(e) Yes Audit Principles and Techniques 3 5(a) Yes Audit Process and Documentation 5 5(b) Yes Internal Audit 5 5(c) Yes Audits 5 6(a) No Quality Review 5 6(b) No Due Diligence I 5 6(c) No Audit Principles and Techniques 5 6A(i) No Audit Engagement 5 6A(ii) No Forming an Opinion and Reporting 5 6A(iii) No Due Diligence I 5 December 2021 1(a) Yes Compliance Framework 5 1(b) Yes Documentation and Maintenance of Records 5 1(c) Yes Compliances 5 1(d) Yes Documentation and Maintenance of Records 5 2(a) No Compliances Signing and Certi cation & Compliances 5 2(b) No Search and Status Report 5 2(c) No Signing and Certi cation 5 2(d) No KYC Guidelines 5 I-10 PREVIOUS
TAXMANN ® Year Question No. Compulsory Chapter Name Marks 2A(i) No Compliances 5 2A(ii) No Internal Audit 5 2A(iii) No Compliances 5 2A(iv) No Signing and Certi cation 5 3(a) Yes Secretarial Audit 5 3(b) Yes Secretarial Audit 5 3(c) Yes Audits 5 4(a) Yes Audit Principles and Techniques 3 4(b) Yes Audits 3 4(c) Yes Audits 3 4(d) Yes Secretarial Audit 3 4(e) Yes Concepts and Principles of Other Audits 3 5(a) Yes Concepts and Principles of Other Audits 5 5(b) Yes Due Diligence-I 5 5(c) Yes Forming an Opinion and Reporting 5 6(a) No Secretarial Audit - Fraud Detection and Reporting 5 6(b) No Secretarial Audit - Fraud Detection and Reporting 5 6(c) No Quality Review 5 6A(i) No Audits 5 6A(ii) No Due Diligence-II 5 6A(iii) No Due Diligence-I 5 June 2022 1(a) Yes Compliance Framework 5 1(b) Yes Documentation and Maintenance of Records 5 1(c) Yes Compliances 5 1(d) Yes Documentation and Maintenance of Records 5 2(a) No Due Diligence-II 5 PREVIOUS EXAMS TREND ANALYSIS I-11
TAXMANN ® Year Question No. Compulsory Chapter Name Marks 2(b) No Know Your Customer (KYC) Guidelines 5 2(c) No Know Your Customer (KYC) Guidelines 5 2(d) No Signing and Certification 5 2A(i) No Segment-wise Role of Company Secretaries 5 2A(ii) No Compliance Framework 5 2A(iii) No Compliances 5 2A(iv) No Know Your Customer (KYC) Guidelines 5 3(a) Yes Audits 5 3(b) Yes Concepts and Principles of Other Audit 5 3(c) Yes Due Diligence-I 5 4(a) Yes Values, Ethics and Professional Conduct 3 4(b) Yes Quality Review 3 4(c) Yes Audit Process and Documentation 3 4(d) Yes Values, Ethics and Professional Conduct 3 4(e) Yes Secretarial Audit 3 5(a) Yes Secretarial Audit - Fraud Detection and Reporting 5 5(b) Yes Secretarial Audit 5 5(c) Yes Audit Engagement 5 6(a) No Concepts and Principles of Other Audits 5 6(b) No Audit Process and Documentation 5 6(c) No Forming an Opinion and Reporting 5 6A(i) No Forming an Opinion and Reporting 5 I-12 PREVIOUS EXAMS TREND ANALYSIS
TAXMANN ® Year Question No. Compulsory Chapter Name Marks 6A(ii) No Audit Process and Documentation 5 6A(iii) No Internal Audit 5 Dec. 2022 1(a) Yes Signing and Certi cation 5 1(b) Yes Know Your Customer (KYC) 5 1(c) Yes Search and Status Report 5 1(d) Yes Documentation and Maintenance of Records 5 2(a) No Compliance Framework 5 2(b) No Know Your Customer (KYC) 5 2(c) No Compliances 5 2(d) No Segment-wise Role of Company Secretaries 5 2A(i) No Segment-wise Role of Company Secretaries 5 2A(ii) No Documentation and Maintenance of Records 5 2A(iii) No Signing and Certi cation 5 2A(iv) No Compliances 5 3(a) Yes Audit Principles and Techniques 5 3(b) Yes Audit Engagement 5 3(c) Yes Quality Review 5 4(a) Yes Quality Review 3 4(b) Yes Concepts and Principles of Other Audits 3 4(c) Yes Due Diligence- II 3 4(d) Yes Secretarial Audit 3 4(e) Yes Internal Audit 3 5(a) Yes Audit Engagement 5 5(b) Yes Secretarial Audit - Fraud Detection and Reporting 5 5(c) Yes Audit Process and Documentation 5 6(a) No Forming an Opinion and Reporting 5 PREVIOUS EXAMS TREND ANALYSIS I-13


TAXMANN ® Year Question No. Compulsory Chapter Name Marks 6(b) No Due Diligence - I 5 6(c) No Audits 5 6A(i) No Forming an Opinion and Reporting 5 6A(ii) No Due Diligence - I 5 6A(iii) No Internal Audit 5 June 2023 1(a) Yes Compliances 5 1(b) Yes Compliance Framework 5 1(c) Yes Documentation and Maintenance 5 1(d) Yes Compliances 5 2(a) No Audit Principles and Techniques 5 2(b) No Compliances 5 2(c) No Search and Status Report 5 2(d) No Signing and Certi cation 5 2A(i) No Signing and Certi cation 5 2A(ii) No Compliances 5 2A(iii) No Segment-wise Role of Company Secretaries 5 2A(iv) No Know Your Customer (KYC) Guidelines 5 3(a) Yes Due Diligence - I 5 3(b) Yes Concepts and Principles of Other Audits 5 3(c) Yes Due Diligence - II 5 4(a) Yes Due Diligence - II 3 4(b) Yes Due Diligence - I 3 4(c) Yes Due Diligence - I 3 4(d) Yes Due Diligence - II 3 4(e) Yes Audit Engagement 3 5(a) Yes Internal Audit 5 5(b) Yes Audit Principles and Techniques 5 5(c) Yes Concepts and Principles of Other Audits 5
TAXMANN ® Year Question No. Compulsory Chapter Name Marks 6(a) No Forming an Opinion and Reporting 5 6(b) No Values Ethics and Professional Conduct 5 6(c) No Audit Process and Documentation 5 6A(i) No Quality Review 5 6A(ii) No Audits 5 6A(iii) No Secretarial Audit 5 PREVIOUS EXAMS


TAXMANN ® Chapter No. Chapter Name Study Material Chapter No. Name of Chapter in ICSI Study Material 1. Compliance Framework Chapter 1 Compliance Framework 2. Compliances Chapter 2 Compliances 3. Documentation and Maintenance of Records Chapter 3 Documentation and Maintenance of Records 4. Search and Status Report Chapter 4 Search and Status Report 5. KYC Chapter 5 KYC 6. Signing and Certi cation Chapter 6 Signing and Certi cation 7. Segment-wise Role of Company Secretaries Chapter 7 Segment-wise Role of Company Secretaries 8. Audits Chapter 8 Audits 9. Secretarial Audit Chapter 9 Secretarial Audit 10. Internal Audit Chapter 10 Internal Audit and Performance Audit 11. Concepts and Principles of other Audits Chapter 11 Concepts and Principles of other Audits 12. Audit Engagement Chapter 12 Audit Engagement 13. Audit Principles and Techniques Chapter 13 Audit Principles and Techniques 14. Audit Process and Documentation Chapter 14 Audit Process and Documentation

15. Forming an Opinion and Reporting Chapter 15 Forming an Opinion and Reporting

16. Secretarial Audit - Fraud Detection and Reporting

Chapter 16 Secretarial AuditFraud Detection and Reporting

17. Quality Review Chapter 17 Quality Review

18. Values, Ethics and Professional Conduct

19. Due Diligence I

20. Due Diligence II

Chapter 18 Values, Ethics and Professional Conduct

Chapter 19 Due Diligence I

Chapter 20 Due Diligence II

TAXMANN ® Chapter No. Chapter Name Study Material Chapter No. Name of Chapter in ICSI Study Material






Q1. Write a note on: “Compliance Management”.

[(June 2010) (4 Marks)] [(December 2016) (3 Marks)]


Compliance management is the method by which corporate manage the entire compliance process. It includes the compliance program, compliance audit, compliance report etc. It is also known as “compliance solution”.

Corporate compliance management involves a full process of research and analysis as well as investigation and evaluation.

Corporate compliance management is undertaken in order to determine the potential issues and get a realistic view about how the entity is performing and how it is likely to perform in the future.

Company Secretaries with core competence in compliance and corporate governance play a crucial role in the corporate compliance management in an organisation.


Q2. What are the areas required to be covered in establishing a compliance management framework? (June 2014) (7 Marks)

Ans. Any corporate compliance management framework includes: (1) Compliance Identification, (2) Compliance Ownership, (3) Compliance Awareness, (4) Compliance Reporting and (5) Periodical Compliance MIS. Compliance Identification: The process involves the identification of compliances under various legislations applicable to the company in



consultation with the functional heads. The legal team has to identify the legislations applicable to the company and identify the compliances that are required under each legislation, rules and regulations made thereunder.

Compliance Ownership: The ownership of the various compliances has to be described function-wise and individual wise. Clear description of primary and secondary ownership is also very important. While the primary owner is mainly responsible for the compliance, the secondary owner (usually the supervisor of the primary owner) has to supervise the compliance. For example: Secretarial Officer/Company Secretary may be primarily responsible.

Compliance Awareness: This includes establishment of the legal compliance management and creation of awareness of the various Legal Compliances amongst those responsible. Sometimes, the compliances are handled by persons who are not fully aware of the requirements of the legislations and hence creating appropriate awareness amongst the owners is very important.

Compliance Reporting: The status of Compliances or non-compliances should be communicated to the concerned person/authority. Reporting of non-compliances ensures that appropriate corrective action is being taken by the responsible person in case of the failure in doing compliances.

Periodical Compliance MIS: It is a type of reporting that occurs at a pre-decided period (at least quarterly, if not monthly). This report contain the status of the various compliances need to be done by the company as well as any gap in the compliance and other incidents which are need to be reported to Board, Senior Management of the Company.


Q3. A subsidiary to a listed company, irrespective of its registered status, to a large extent is treated as a listed company by the authorities. As the Secretarial advisor and auditor of XYZ Ltd., which is a Public Ltd. company and a subsidiary to a listed company ABC Ltd. How would you ensure the compliance of Corporate Governance requirements by XYZ Ltd., with reference to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015? (December 2018) (5 Marks)


Ans. As per Regulation 24 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, the following compliances are required to be ensured by a subsidiary of a listed company with reference to Corporate Governance:

At least one independent director on the board of directors of the listed entity shall be a director on the board of directors of an unlisted material subsidiary incorporated in India.

The audit committee of the listed entity shall also review the financial statements, in particular the investments made by the unlisted subsidiary.

The minutes of the meetings of the board of directors of the unlisted subsidiary shall be placed at the meeting of the board of directors of the listed entity.

The management of the unlisted subsidiary shall periodically bring to the notice of the board of directors of the listed entity, a statement of all significant transactions and arrangements entered into by the unlisted subsidiary.

A listed entity shall not dispose of shares in its material subsidiary resulting in reduction of its shareholding (either on its own or together with other subsidiaries) to less than fifty per cent or cease the exercise of control over the subsidiary without passing a special resolution in its General Meeting except in cases where such divestment is made under a scheme of arrangement duly approved by a Court/Tribunal or under a resolution plan duly approved under section 31 of the Insolvency Code and such an event is disclosed to the recognised stock exchanges within one day of the resolution plan being approved.

Selling, disposing and leasing of assets amounting to more than twenty per cent of the assets of the material subsidiary on an aggregate basis during a financial year shall require prior approval of shareholders by way of special resolution, unless the sale/disposal/lease is made under a scheme of arrangement duly approved by a Court/Tribunal or under a resolution plan duly approved under section 31 of the Insolvency Code and such an event is disclosed to the recognised stock exchanges within one day of the resolution plan being approved.

Where a listed entity has a listed subsidiary which is itself a holding company, the provisions of this regulation shall apply to the listed subsidiary in so far as its subsidiaries are concerned.

As a Secretarial advisor and auditor of XYZ Ltd., which is a Public Ltd. company and a subsidiary to a Listed company ABC Ltd., I would focus on checking the compliance of XYZ Ltd. of the above cited points and



thereby ensure the compliance of Corporate Governance requirements by XYZ Ltd. with reference to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.


Q4. XYZ Ltd., a listed company, seeks your advice, as the Secretarial Auditor of the company, on the inclusion of Extract Annual Return in the Board’s Report for the financial year 2017-18.

(December 2018) (5 Marks)


As per the provisions under section 92(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 12 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 an extract of the annual return in Form MGT-9 is to be attached with the Board’s Report of the company. However, the amendment in Section 92(3) through Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017 provides that every company shall place a copy of the Annual Return on the website of the Company, if any and the web-link of such Annual Return shall be disclosed in the Board’s Report. But the same is not applicable for Financial Year 2017-2018 as it is not notified during Financial Year 2017-2018.

Therefore as a Secretarial Auditor, it is advised to the Company that for the Financial Year 2017-18, the company should prepare the Extract of the Annual Return in Form MGT-9 and attach the same with the Board’s Report.


Q5. You are appointed as Compliance Officer in a listed company. An Independent Director asks you to describe the scope of Corporate Compliance. Prepare a brief note. (June 2019) (5 Marks)


To Mr. X

Independent Director

Subject: Scope of Corporate Compliance

Dear Sir,

As desired, the note on the Corporate Compliance is as under:


Corporate compliances broadly include compliance of Corporate & Economic Laws, Securities Laws, Commercial Laws including Intellectual Property Rights Laws, Labour Laws, Tax Laws, Cyber Laws which is also known as the Information Technology Law, Pollution Control Laws, Industry Specified laws and all other laws affecting the company concerned depending upon the type of industry/activity. The broad coverage of laws includes the compliances of the following laws:

Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules and Regulations framed thereunder, MCA-21 requirements and procedures.

Secretarial Standards/Accounting Standards/Cost Accounting Standards issued by ICSI/ICAI/ICMAI, respectively.

Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the various Notifications, Rules and Regulations framed thereunder.

Competition Act, 2002.

SEBI Act, 1992.

Securities (Contracts) Regulation Act, 1956 and rules made thereunder.

SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

Depositories Act, 1996.

Intellectual Property Rights Laws.

Income Tax Act, 1961.

Customs Act, 1962.

GST Laws.

Labour Laws.

Environment Laws.

Industry Specific Laws.

Local Laws include Municipal and Civic Administration Laws, Shops and Establishments etc.

Regards, Compliance Officer



Q6. Explain the compliances under Securities & Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) [SEBI



(LODR)] Regulations, 2015 relevant to the common obligations to any listed entity indicating the time period and event of each.

(June 2019) (5 Marks)

Ans. Following are common obligations to Listed Entity:

Regulation 7(3): Submission of Compliance Certificate to Ex-change:

Submission of Compliance Certificate to Stock Exchange certifying that all activities in relation to both physical and electronic share transfer facility are maintained either in house or by Registrar to an issue and share transfer agent registered with the Board.

Time Limit: Within one month of end of each half of the financial year.

Regulation 7(5): Appointment/Alteration of Share Transfer Agent: The Company can manage in house Share Transfer Facility. But as and when the total number of holders of securities of the listed entity exceeds INR 1,00,000. The listed entity shall appoint Share Transfer Agent.

Time Limit: Intimate to the Stock Exchange such appointment or alteration within 7 days on entering into agreement shall be placed before the Board of Directors in subsequent Meeting.

Regulation 13: Grievance Redressal Mechanism: The listed entity shall file with the recognized stock exchange(s) a statement giving:

1. The number of investor complaints pending at the beginning of the quarter,

2. Those received during the quarter,

3. Disposed of during the quarter and

4. Those remaining unresolved at the end of the quarter.

Time Limit: Within 21 days of the end of the each quarter. Same statement shall be placed before the Board of Director quarterly.


Q7. Zen Pvt. Limited had a paid up share capital of INR 35 crore in the previous year. The Company Secretary advises the Company that it is mandatory to appoint the auditor as per the requirements of Sec. 139(2) of the Companies Act, 2013. The company is having public borrowings viz. from banks INR 25 crore, financial institutions INR 20 crore and public deposits of INR 7.5 crore. Examine the require-


ment of applicability of mandatory term/rotation in the appointment of auditor with reference to the changed scenario since June, 2017. (December 2019) (5 Marks)

Ans. Provisions of section 139(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 5 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, as amended, deals with applicability of mandatory term/rotation in the appointment of auditor and the said provision is applicable to the following class of companies:


a) All unlisted public companies having paid up share capital of Rupees 10 crore or more;


b) All private limited companies having paid up share capital of Rupees 50 crore or more;


c) All companies having paid up share capital below the threshold limit mentioned in (a) and (b) above but having public borrowings from financial institutions, banks or public deposits of 50 crore or more. Accordingly, Zen Pvt. Limited will get be covered as per provision (c) above and therefore, it is mandatorily required to rotate the Auditor as per the provisions of section 139(2) of the Companies Act, 2013.


Q8. XYZ Ltd. is having paid up share capital of INR 10.00 crore as on 31st March, 2019. Whether the company is required to appoint a Company Secretary in the Company? What would be your answer if the said XYZ is a Private Limited Company? Explain the relevant provisions regarding the appointment of a Company Secretary in employment by the Company. (December 2019) (5 Marks)


According to section 203 of the Companies Act, 2013 & Rule 8 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration) Rules, 2014, every listed company and every other public company having paid up share capital of rupees ten crores or more is required to appoint a whole time Company Secretary, Managing Director and CFO.

Further Rule 8A of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration) Rules, 2014 provides that a company other than a company covered under rule 8 which has a paid-up share capital of five crore rupees or more shall have a whole-time company secretary. Hence, XYZ Ltd. as a Public Company is required to appoint Whole-time Company Secretary.



Further on 31st March, 2019 if XYZ is a Private Limited Company then it has to appoint Whole-time Company Secretary if paid up capital of the Company is INR 5 Crore or above as per Rule 8A of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration) Rules, 2014.

Q9. Jemez & Co. Ltd. has listed is Securitized Debt Instruments at a stock exchange One of the directors has asked you, being the compliance officer of the company, to informs the obligations of the company regarding its Securitized Debt Instruments. Describe with reference to compliances under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. (December 2020) (5 Marks)

Ans. Refer Answer of Question 24 in Chapter 2.

Q10. Odee Ltd., a listed company has appointed two independent directors. As part of its familiarization policy it provides key updates and background about the company to the newly appointed directors. The directors have requested you as the Company Secretary of the company to explain the process of Corporate Compliance Reporting. Explain the process. (June 2021) (5 Marks)

Ans. As, a Company Secretary of Odee Ltd. the explanation of Corporate Compliance Reporting (CCR) Process for Independent Directors familiarization policy are as under:

Identification of Functional Heads for the Reporting: Functional heads for the reporting of various laws have to be identified.

Example: The company secretary would be the functional head for reporting of company law, listing regulations and commercial laws. In the same manner, the head of the personnel department could report the compliance of labour and industrial laws and the fiscal law compliance would be the domain of head of the finance/accounts departments.

Collection, Classification and Consolidation of relevant information by each functional heads: Each of the functional heads may collect and classify the relevant information from the various units/locations pertaining to their department and consolidate them in the form of a report.

Affirmation and Reporting by functional heads: The report shall carry an affirmation from the functional heads that the said report has been prepared based on the inputs received from the various units/offices. Also, list out the specific compliances/non-compliances as already


circulated to the functional heads. Each of the functional heads should forward their respective compliance reports to the company secretary/ managing director.

Brief Presentation of Comprehensive CCR to Board for its information, advice and noting: The company secretary would then brief the managing director and with suitable inputs from the company secretary, the managing director would consolidate and present under his signature a comprehensive CCR to the Board of Directors for its information, advice and noting.

Q11. IT Ltd. acquired 99% equity shares in Zeb Ltd. on 1st February, 2021. Amongst other compliances the Company Secretary informed the finance team that the consolidated Financial Statements of IT Ltd. are required to be prepared and presented to the Board. The CFO asks the Company Secretary to prepare a brief note on compliances relating to the financial Statements and forms to be filed with Registrar of Companies for discussion with the Statutory auditors. Outline the key points to be covered in the note and indicate the Relevant forms to be filed. (June 2021) (5 Marks)

Ans. The brief note on compliances relating to the Financial Statements and Forms to be filed with Registrar of Companies for the purpose of discussion with the statutory auditors of IT Ltd. :

Financial Statement [Section 137 of Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 12(1) of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014]: Company is required to file its financial statements, including consolidated financial statement along with all the documents required to be or attached to such financial statements, duly adopted at the AGM of the company with the Registrar within 30 days of the date of AGM or in case financial statements are adopted in the adjourned AGM, within 30 days of the date of adjourned AGM. If annual general meeting is not held for any year, the financial statements along with the documents required to be attached under sub-section (1) of section 137 duly signed along with the statement of facts and reasons for not holding the annual general meeting shall be with the Registrar within 30 days of the last date before which the annual general meeting should have been held.

Forms to be filed with Registrar of Companies: E-Form AOC-4 & E-form AOC-4 CFS required to be filed for above discussed purpose.



Q12. What are the records to be preserved for a period of 21 years and 5 years under Rule 27 of LLP Act ? (December 2021)(5 Marks)

Ans. Refer Answer of Question 19 in Chapter 2.

Q13. Amil Krishna, a Company Secretary and Law Graduate by profession, was appointed as Company Secretary cum Compliance officer for Radha Raman Ltd. (a BSE Listed Company). The Company follows the Good Corporate Governance practices and resolution for each and every grievance of the Stakeholder of the Company, Under the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, what are the provisions there for Grievance Redressal Mechanism & Submission of Compliance Certificate to the Exchange ?

(December 2021) (5 Marks)

Ans. Refer Answer of Question 28 in Chapter 2.

Q14. You are a Company Secretary of a Listed Company, where the prior notice is required to be sent to stock exchange before the Board Meeting. Kindly list out the matters under consideration for the meeting where at least 2 days prior notice of the Board Meeting is to be intimated by the Company to the Stock Exchange.

(December 2021) (5 Marks)

Ans. Refer Answer of Question 26 in Chapter 2.

Q15. Murthy, an Indian resident and citizen of India, has incorporated one person company under the Companies Act, 2013 at Mumbai with a paid up share capital of ` 40 lakh. During the financial year 202122, turnover of the company was ` 1.35 crore. The director of this company has asked the Company Secretary about holding of board meetings, notice and quorum of board meetings and appointment of auditor. Explain the applicable section, rule and compliances for these matters.

(June 2022) (5 Marks)

Ans. Applicable Sections, Rules and Compliance in the given matter are as follows:

Holding of Board Meeting, Notice and Quorum of Board Meeting:

[Section 173(3) & (5) of Companies Act, 2013]: Every OPC shall hold at least one meeting of the Board of Directors in each half of a calendar year and the gap between the two meetings shall not be less than 90 days. However, provisions of section 173(5) and section 174 relating to quorum shall not apply to OPC in which there is only one director in the company. A meeting of the Board shall be called by giving not less than 7 days’ notice in writing to every director at his address registered with the company and such notice shall be sent by hand delivery or by post or by electronic means.



However, meeting of the Board may be called at shorter notice to transact urgent business in the presence of atleast one independent director.

Appointment of Auditor [Section 139(1) of Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 4(2) of Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014]: Auditor shall be appointed for 5 years. The company shall inform the auditor concerned of his or its appointment, and also file a notice of such appointment with the Registrar within fifteen (15) days of the meeting in which the auditor is appointed in e-Form ADT-1.

Note: In case of OPC; Exemption from rotation of Company Auditors.

Q16. Why are the following registers maintained in a company and under what rules ? CHG-7, MGT-2, MBP-3, SH-3, PAS-5. (June 2022) (5 Marks)

Ans. The given registers maintained in a company under below mentioned rules as:

CHG-7 Register of Charges.

MGT-2 Register of debenture holder and other security holders.

MBP-3 Register of Investment not held in its own name by the company.

SH-3 Register of Sweat Equity Shares.

PAS-5 Maintenance of complete record of Private Placement Offers.

Section 85 and Rule 10(1) of Companies (Registration of Charges) Rules, 2014.

Section 88 and Rules 4 & 15(2) of Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014.

Section 187(3) and Rule 14(1) of Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014.

Section 54 and Rule 8(14)(a) of Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014.

Section 42(9) and Rule 14(3) of Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014.


Q17. X and Y partners of a ZK LLP undertakes ` 2,50,000/- each in the total contribution of ` 5,00,000 of the firm. X transferred the amount of ` 2,75,000/- in ZK LLP’s bank account as the contribution. Referring the relevant provisions of the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Act, 2008 answer each of the following :



i) What will be the contribution of Y in the LLP ?

ii) Explain how the contribution contributed by X will be treated ? (December 2022) (5 Marks)



Ans. As per the provisions of Section 33 of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, contribution to the capital of LLP by each partner shall be as per the subscriber sheet being filled by the Company with the Registrar of Companies at the time of its Incorporation and it shall be mentioned in the LLP agreement filled with the Registrar of Companies.

If a partner contributes in excess of the obligation undertaken by him at the time of LLP incorporation then there are three ways to treat the excess amount:

Option-1: The LLP shall refund excess amount to the partner as soon as possible.

Option-2: File Form 3 and increase the total contribution of the FIRM within 30 days of its receipt.

Option-3: If options 1 and 2 has not been exercised, then excess amount shall be treated as loan from partner and such partner shall rank pari-passu to any other creditor of LLP.

In light of provisions of LLP Act, 2008:



i) The contribution to the capital of LLP by each partner shall be as per the subscriber sheet being filled by the Company with the Registrar of Companies at the time of its Incorporation.

ii) If a partner contributes in excess of the obligation undertaken by him at the time of LLP incorporation then there are abovementioned three ways to treat the excess amount.


Q18. SEBI emphasizes Listed entity to address and resolve the grievances raised by stakeholders and investors. The basic aim of Annual investors’ meet is to protect the interest of stakeholders and prospective investors. In view of this. Grievance Redressal Mechanism is mandated by the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. Prepare a note on Grievance Redressal Mechanism. (December 2022) (5 Marks)

Ans. Regulation 13 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015: Grievance Redressal Mechanism: The listed entity shall file with the recognized stock exchange(s) a statement giving:

1. The number of investor complaints pending at the beginning of the quarter;

2. Those received during the quarter;


3. Disposed of during the quarter; and

4. Those remaining unresolved at the end of the quarter.

Time Limit: Within 21 days of the end of the each quarter. Same statement shall be placed before the Board of Director quarterly.



Q19. List out the records which are required to be maintained by the LLPs under the LLP Act, 2008.

Ans. The records required to be maintained by the LLPs under LLP Act, 2008 are classified in grouping as discussed below:

Records to be preserved Permanently:

a Incorporation document [Section 11(1)(b)]

b Notice of situation of registered office [Section 13]

c. Information with regard to Limited Liability Permanent Partnership Agreement or any changes made therein [Section 23(2)]

d Notice of other address of any limited liability Permanent partnership at which documents to be served [Section 13(2)]

Records to be preserved for 21 Years: All papers, registers, refund orders and correspondence relating to the limited liability partnership liquidation accounts to be preserved for 21 years.

Records to be preserved for 5 Years:

a Copies of Government orders relating to limited liability partnership; registered documents of limited liability partnership which have been fully wound up and finally dissolved together with;

b. Correspondence relating to such limited liability partnership;

c Papers relating to legal proceedings from the date of disposal of the case and appeal, if any;

d. Copies of statistical returns furnished to Government;

e All correspondences including correspondences relating to scrutiny of accounts, annual returns, prosecutions, reports to the Central Government and the Tribunal and the correspondences relating to complaints.

Records to be preserved for 3 Years:

a All books, records and papers, other than those specified in other categories.


b. Routine correspondence regarding payment of fees, additional filing fees and correspondence about the return of documents. Records of foreign limited liability partnerships: Registered documents of foreign limited liability partnerships which cease to have any place of business in India shall be destroyed after expiry of three years from such date if limited liability partnerships cease to have any place of business in India.


Q20. Discuss the various exemption availed by Section 8 companies under the Companies Act, 2013.

Ans. Various exemptions availed by Section 8 Companies under the Companies Act, 2013 are discussed as below:

The provisions of clause (24) of Section 2 shall not apply. Thus, Company Secretary of Section 8 Company need not be a member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.

The requirement of minimum paid up share capital under section 2(68) of Companies Act, 2013 shall not apply. Also, the requirement of minimum paid up share capital under section 2(71) of Companies Act, 2013 shall not apply.

Section 96(2) of Companies Act, 2013 inter alia covers time, date, venue of Annual General Meeting. In case of Section 8 companies, the time, date and place of each Annual General Meeting are decided upon before-hand by the board of directors having regard to the directions, if any, given in this regard by the company in its general meeting.

Section 101(1) of Companies Act, 2013 deals with notice of the General meeting with clear 21 days notice. In case of Section 8 Companies 14 clear days notice is sufficient for a general meeting.

Section 118 of Companies Act, 2013 deals with minutes of proceedings of general/board and other meetings. Provision of Section 118 does not apply to Section 8 companies except that minutes may be recorded within thirty days of the conclusion of every meeting in case of companies where the articles of association provide for confirmation of minutes by circulation.

Section 136(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 deals with the rights of members to copies of audited financial statement before twenty one days of the date of annual general meeting. Section 8 companies may send the audited financial statements, 14 days before the date of Annual General Meeting.


In clause (b) and first proviso to Section 149(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 exemption is provided with respect to provisions related maximum number of directors and permission of shareholders for having director beyond 15.

The cluster of sub-sections of section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013 given herein pertains to Independent Directors. These provisions will not apply to a Section 8 Company.

Section 150 of the Companies Act, 2013 deals with manner of selection of Independent Directors and maintenance of databank of independent directors, which is not applicable to Section 8 companies.

Proviso to sub-section (5) of Section 152 of the Companies Act, 2013 relates to appointment of independent directors. It is not applicable to Section 8 companies.

Section 160 of the Companies Act, 2013 deals with right of persons other than retiring directors to stand for directorship. Section 160 shall not apply to Section 8 companies whose articles provide for election of directors by ballot.

Section 165(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 deals with restrictions on number of directorships. Directorship of Section 8 Companies are not reckoned for this purpose.

Section 173(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 mandates convening of first board meeting within 30 days of incorporation and minimum of four board meeting every year with a gap not exceeding 120 days between two consecutive meetings. With regard to Section 8 companies this section shall apply only to the extent that the Board of Directors of such Companies shall hold at least one meeting within every six calendar months.

Section 174(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 states that the quorum for a meeting of the Board of Directors of a company shall be one third of its total strength or two directors, whichever is higher and the participation of the directors by video conferencing or by other audio visual means shall also be counted for the purposes of quorum under this sub-section. In case of Section 8 companies, the quorum for the Board Meetings shall be either eight members or twenty five per cent of its total strength whichever is less. However, the quorum shall not be less than two members.






EDITION : 6th Edition

ISBN NO : 9789357781800

NO. OF PAGES : 402



Rs. 525 USD 35

This book is prepared exclusively for the Professional Level of Company Secretary Examination requirement. It covers the questions (topic/sub-topic wise) & detailed answers strictly as per the syllabus of ICSI.

The Present Publication is the 6th Edition for CS-Professional | Dec. 2023 Exam. This book is authored by CS Divya Bajpai, with the following noteworthy features:

• Coverage of this book includes

o Fully-Solved Questions of Past Exams; Topic-wise, including: Solved Paper | June 2023 | Suggested Answers

• [Arrangement of Questions] Questions in each chapter are arranged 'sub-topic wise'

• [Important Additional Questions] with Answers are provided

• [Marks Distribution] Chapter-wise marks distribution from June 2019 onwards

• [Past Exam Trend Analysis] from December 2019 onwards

• [ICSI Study Material Comparison] is provided chapter-wise


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