After studying this chapter, you should understand about:
Different kinds of portfolio management services
Organisation Structure of PMS in India
Registration requirements of a Portfolio Manager
Responsibilities of a Portfolio Manager
Administration of the portfolio
Dos and don’ts for the portfolio managers
7.1 Overview of portfolio managers in India
Risk and return are the two important aspects of financial investment. Portfolio management involves selecting and managing a basket of assets that minimizes risk, while maximizing return on investments. A portfolio manager plays a pivotal role in designing customized investment solutions for the clients.
A portfolio manager is a body corporate which, pursuant to a contract or arrangement with a client, advises or directs or undertakes on behalf of the client (whether as a discretionary portfolio manager or otherwise), the management or administration of a portfolio of securities or the client’s funds. Portfolio managers are registered and regulated under SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020. According to SEBI guidelines, portfolio management services (PMS) can be offered only by SEBI registered entities.

January 1993, marked the beginning of Portfolio Management Service when SEBI issued Securities and Exchange Board of India (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 1993. These were one of the first few regulations issued by the regulators. These regulations came even before the mutual fund regulations. This shows the importance of the sector to the regulator.
In India, the major providers of portfolio management services are big brokerage firms, asset management companies and independent experts.
According to the Asia-Pacific Wealth Report 2017, the Asia-Pacific region is recognized as having the highest net worth individuals (HNIs) and as being the region with the highest HNI wealth.17 As per the report, India is home to the fourth largest population of HNIs in the Asia-Pacific region. According to the report, India’s HNI population and wealth increased by 9.6 percent and 10 percent respectively during 2016. This is evident in the expanding clientele base of the portfolio management industry. The total number of clients jumped by more than three times, during a span of five years, to 1,49,720 at the end of March 2019 from 46,707 at the end of March 2015. The asset under management (AUM) has also been growing steadily year on year as can be observed in the Table 7.1.
Discretionary (EPFO/ PFs)
Discretionary (NonEPFO/ PFs)
2015-1646,0883,9152,28552,2887,34,89276,14160,1221,74,27210,45,428 2016-1770,9944,6741,48277,1508,55,9781,11,05775,0611,88,38512,30,482
2017-181,13,7765,4272,1581,21,3619,94,7481,57,37589,7972,25,13114,67,051 2018-191,38,8296,8534,0381,49,72011,30,4511,72,6901,09,0311,93,62016,05,792
17. https://www.capgemini.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/asia-pacific-wealth-report_2017_web_final.pdf
Source: SEBI
Non-Discretionary AdvisoryTotal
Discretionary (EPFO/ PFs)

7.2 Types of portfolio management services
On the basis of provider of the services PMS can be classified as:
1. PMS by asset management companies
2. PMS by brokerage houses
3. Boutique (independent) PMS houses
They can further be classified on the basis of product class as:
1. Equity based PMS
2. Fixed Income based PMS
3. Commodity PMS
4. Mutual Fund PMS
5. Multi Asset based PMS
Portfolio managers may classify their clients on the basis of their net-worth. Another way which also finds mention in the regulation also is on the basis of the services provided by the portfolio managers. The following are the types of portfolio management services.
7.2-1 Discretionary Services
As per SEBI’s Portfolio Managers Regulations, 2020 “discretionary portfolio manager” means a portfolio manager who under a contract relating to portfolio management, exercises or may exercise, any degree of discretion as to the investment of funds or management of the portfolio of securities of the client, as the case may be.

In other words, discretionary portfolio manager individually and independently manages the funds of each investor as per the contract. This could be based on an existing investment approach or strategy which the portfolio manager is offering or can be customized based on client’s requirement.
7.2-2 Non-Discretionary Services
Non-discretionary portfolio manager manages the funds in accordance with the directions of the client. The portfolio manager does not exercise his/her discretion for the buy or sell decisions. The portfolio manager has to consult the client for every transaction. Decisions such as ‘What to buy/sell?’ and ‘When to buy/sell?’ vests with the investor. The execution of trade is done by the portfolio manager. So in this case, the Portfolio Manager provides investment execution services but not investment management services.
7.2-3 Advisory Services
In advisory role, the portfolio manager suggests the investment ideas or provides non-binding investment advice. The investor take the decisions. The investors also executes the transactions. These kind of services are typically used for institutional clients, who manages portfolio’s on their own, but typically hires country experts in each country.
7.3 Organizational structure of PMS in India
A portfolio manager is a body corporate who, pursuant to a contract or arrangement with a client, advises or directs or undertakes on behalf of the client (whether as a discretionary portfolio manager or otherwise), the management or administration of a portfolio of securities or the funds of the client.
Body corporate broadly means a corporate entity which has a legal existence. The Companies Act has provided an extensive definition of the term body corporate. The term “body corporate” is defined in Section 2(11) of the Companies Act, 2013.
“Body corporate” or “Corporation” includes a company incorporated outside India, but does not include—

(i) a co-operative society registered under any law relating to co-operative societies; and
(ii) any other body corporate (not being a company as defined in this Act), which the Central Government may, by notification, specify in this behalf;
In simple terms, the term body corporate includes a private company, public company, one persona company, small company, Limited Liability Partnerships, foreign company, etc.
A body corporate means any entity that has its separate legal existence apart from the persons forming it. It enjoys a completely different legal status apart from its members.
7.4 Registration requirements of a Portfolio Manager
To act as a portfolio manager, obtaining certificate of registration from SEBI under the Portfolio Managers Regulations is a mandatory requirement. All entities desirous to be registered as a portfolio manager are required to file an online application on SEBI Intermediary Portal.
The application for obtaining the certificate needs to be made to SEBI along with non-refundable fee.
The application needs to be made in Form A of Schedule I.18
Form A is a very detailed form. It requires mainly the following information.
Sr. No. PartDetails required to be given
1Particulars of the applicants
Name of the Applicant
Address of Registered office
Address for Correspondence
Address - Principal place of business (Where PMS activity shall be carried out)
If PMS activity is proposed to be carried out from any branch offices, details of such Branch Offices, including address, name of contact person, mobile number of contact person, email of contact person etc.
Candidates are advised to refer to the latest application form available on SEBI website.

Sr. No. PartDetails required to be given
2Organization Structure
The objectives of the entity seeking registration, (Memorandum and Articles of Association/Partnership Deed to be enclosed). (Copy of Board Resolution to be enclosed)
Date and Place of Incorporation (date/month/year/place/ROC Registration No.)
Status of the Applicant (e.g. Limited Company-Private/Public, LLP etc. If listed, names of the recognized stock exchanges to be given.)
Organization Chart [separately showing functional responsibilities (names and designations) of portfolio management activities to be enclosed]
Particulars of all Directors/Partners Name; Address; Qualification; Date of Appointment; DIN; PAN (Copy of PAN Card); Telephone No.; Mobile; Email; Experience (Entity name, designation, area of work, nature of work, experience (in years); other directorship/partnerships (entity name, date of appointment, No. of shares, percentage of shareholding)
Key Management Personnel [Name; Address; Qualification; Date of Appointment; DIN; PAN (Copy of PAN Card); Telephone No.; Mobile; Email; experience (Entity name, designation, area of work, nature of work, experience (in years); other directorship details (name of entity, date of appointment, No. of shares, percentage of shareholding)
Particulars of Promoters(Type (Individual/Corporate); Name, PAN, Address, Telephone, Mobile, Email)
Particulars of Compliance Officer(Name, PAN (Copy of PAN card), Address, Qualification, Date of appointment, Address, Experience (company name, designation, area of work, nature of work, experience (in years).
Particulars of Principal Officer [Name; Qualification; Date of Appointment; PAN (Copy of PAN Card); Certification details (date of test, result, percentage, certificate No., validity from (date) and validity till date)
Number of employees and number of employees for Portfolio Management services
Name and activities of associate companies/entities
Details of registration with SEBI or any other Govt. Regulatory body (Name of the regulator, Registration No., Registration start/end date, Registration status, details of action taken in the past (if any). List of major shareholders/partners of the Applicant (holding 5% or more voting rights)
Sr. No. PartDetails required to be given
3 Infrastructural Facilities

Principal Place of Business and for branch office
Office Space
Office Equipment
Furniture and Fixtures
Communication Facilities
Data Processing Capacity: in-house and others
Computer facility : hardware and software
Details of Disaster Recovery Set up/Business Continuity Plan
4 Business Plan (for three years)
History, Major events and present activities
Proposed business plan and means of achieving the same.
Projected Profitability (Next three years)
(Targets, modus operandi to achieve targets, Resultant Income)
5 Financial Information Capital Structure : Paid-up capital & Free Reserves (excluding revaluation reserves) for Year prior to the preceding year of current year, Preceding year, Current Year
Net worth of Applicant (Net worth certificate not older than 3 months from the date of application to be enclosed)
Deployment of Resources in Fixed assets, plant machinery and office equipment, investments, etc., for Year prior to the preceding year of current year, Preceding year, Current Year
Major Sources of Income for Year prior to the preceding year of current year, Preceding year, Current Year
Net Profit for Year prior to the preceding year of current year, Preceding year, Current Year
Particulars of Principal Banks
Particulars of Auditors
6Other Information
Details of all settled and pending disputes of previous 3 years
Indictment of involvement in any economic offences in the last three years.
Any other information considered relevant to the nature of services rendered by the company.
Details of Membership with the recognized Stock Exchanges

Sr. No. PartDetails required to be given
7Business Information
Indicate type of activity carried on/proposed to be carried on.
Indicate the facilities for making decision on portfolio investment.
Details of risk profiling procedure to be followed by the Portfolio Manager.
Details of grievance redressal and dispute resolution mechanism to be followed by the Portfolio Manager.
Provide list of approved share brokers through whom orders shall be placed, involved for Portfolio Management activities and state whether any of them were suspended/had defaulted with any Stock Exchange authority.
Describe Accounting system followed/to be followed for Portfolio Management Services.
Indicate various research and database facilities provided.
Details of activities proposed to be outsourced
8ExperienceExperience in financial services rendered: details of activity, etc.,
9Additional Information
Copy of Draft Agreement with Client to be provided
Copy of Draft Disclosure Document to be provided
Details of Custodian: (Name, Address, SEBI Registration No., Date of Appointment)
Details of Registration with other Regulatory bodies.
(a) Declaration of compliance with Regulation 7 (2) signed by at least Two Directors or designated partners.
(b) Declaration for Fit and Proper Person as specified in SEBI (Intermediaries) Regulations, 2008.
(c) Declaration of Compliance with clause 12 (b) of Schedule III of the Regulations.
(d) Declaration of Compliance with SEBI circular on fees and charges
(e) Declaration of type and frequency of reports sent/proposed to be sent to clients.
(f) Declaration of time taken for transfer of securities into client accounts.
(g) Declaration of submission of periodic reports and Disclosure Document to SEBI.
Sr. No. PartDetails required to be given

(h) Declaration of compliance with clause (e) of sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 27 regarding maintenance of records for Investment rationale.
Declaration of availability of Disclosure document on website of Portfolio Manager
In addition to the information required to be furnished as discussed above, the regulator may require the applicant to furnish further information or clarification regarding matters relevant to his activity of a portfolio manager. The applicant or its principal officer if required, need to appear before the regulator for personal representation.
Before issuing a certificate of registration, the regulator will ensure whether:
1. the applicant is a body corporate;
2. the applicant has the necessary infrastructure like adequate office space, equipment and the manpower to effectively discharge the activities of a portfolio manager;
3. the applicant has appointed a compliance officer;
4. the principal officer19 of the applicant has (a) a professional qualification in finance, law, accountancy or business management from a university or an institution recognized by the Central Government or any State Government or a foreign university or a professional qualification by completing a Post Graduate Program in the Securities Market (Portfolio Management) from NISM of a duration not less than one year or a professional qualification by obtaining a CFA charter from the CFA institute; (b) experience of at least five years in related activities in the securities market including in a portfolio manager, stock broker, investment advisor, research analyst or as a fund manager;20 and (c) the relevant NISM certification as specified by SEBI from time to time.
19. “principal officer” means an employee of the portfolio manager who is responsible for:-
(A) the decisions made by the portfolio manager for the management or administration of portfolio of securities or the funds of the client, as the case may be.
(B) the overall supervision of the operations of the portfolio manager.
20.Provided that atleast 2 years of relevant experience in portfolio management or investment advisory services or in the areas related to fund management.

5. In addition to the Principal Officer and Compliance Officer, the applicant has in its employment at least one person who has a graduation from a university or an institution recognized by the Central Government or any State Government or a foreign university; and an experience of at least two years in related activities in the securities market including in a portfolio manager, stock broker, investment advisor or as a fund manager. Further, any employee of the Portfolio Manager, who has decision making authority related to fund management shall have the same minimum qualification, experience and certification as specified by the Principal Officer.
6. Any disciplinary action has been taken by SEBI against a person directly or indirectly connected with the applicant.
7. The applicant fulfils the net worth requirement (Rupees five crore).
8. The applicant, its director or partner, principal officer, compliance officer or the employee is involved in any litigation connected with the securities market that has an adverse bearing on the business of the applicant.
9. The applicant, its director or partner, principal officer, compliance officer or the employee has at any time been convicted for any offence involving moral turpitude or has been found guilty of any economic offence.
10. The applicant is a fit and proper person.
11. The grant of certificate to the applicant is in the interest of investors. The certificate of registration granted shall be valid unless it is suspended or cancelled by SEBI.
7.5 General Responsibilities of a Portfolio Manager
The Portfolio Managers Regulations by SEBI has enumerated the following general responsibilities on the portfolio managers:
1. The discretionary portfolio manager shall individually and independently manage the funds of each client in accordance with the needs of the client, in a manner which does not partake character of a Mutual Fund, whereas the non-discretionary portfolio manager shall manage the funds in accordance with the directions of the client.

2. The portfolio manager shall not accept from the client, funds or securities worth less than fifty lakh rupees:
Provided that the minimum investment: amount per client shall be applicable for new clients and fresh investments by existing clients:
Provided further that subject to appropriate disclosures in the disclosure document and the terms agreed between the client and the portfolio manager, the requirement of minimum investment amount per client shall not apply to an accredited investor:
Provided further that the requirement of minimum investment amount per client shall not apply to the co-investment portfolio manager.
3. The portfolio manager shall act in a fiduciary capacity with regard to the client’s funds.
4. The portfolio manager shall segregate each client’s holding in securities in separate accounts.
5. The portfolio manager shall keep the funds of all clients in a separate account to be maintained by it in a Scheduled Commercial Bank.
6. The portfolio manager shall transact in securities within the limitation placed by the client himself with regard to dealing in securities under the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934).
7. The portfolio manager shall not derive any direct or indirect benefit out of client’s funds or securities.
8. The portfolio manager shall not borrow funds or securities on behalf of the client.
9. The portfolio manager shall not lend securities held on behalf of the clients to a third person except as provided under these regulations.
10. The portfolio manager shall ensure proper and timely handling of complaints from his clients and take appropriate action immediately.
11. The portfolio manager shall ensure that any person or entity involved in the distribution of its services is carrying out the distribution activities in compliance with these regulations and circulars issued thereunder from time to time.