Taxmann's Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita 2023 | Diglot Edition

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Table showing sections of Indian Penal Code, 1860 and corresponding sections of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 I-6

Comparative Study of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 (BNS) & Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) I-52

Guide to Punishment for Offences under Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 I-92

Arrangement of sections 1

Text of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 18

Statement of Objects and Reasons 190

Notes on Clauses 192

246th Report on Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023 - Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs - Observations/ Recommendations - At a glance 226

Speech of Honourable Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Cooperation (Shri Amit Shah) in Lok Sabha on 20-12-2023 236


Hkkjrh; naM lafgrk] 1860 dh /kkjk,¡ vkSj Hkkjrh; U;k; lafgrk] 2023 dh laxr /kkjk,¡ n'kkZus okyh rkfydk I&6

Hkkjrh; U;k; lafgrk] 2023 ¼ch,u,l½ vkSj Hkkjrh; naM lafgrk] 1860 ¼vkbZihlh½ dk rqyukRed v/;;u I&52

Hkkjrh; U;k; lafgrk] 2023 Ds$ v/khu vijk/kksa Ds$ fy, naM iznku gsrq fn'kkfunsZ'k I&92 /kkjk&Øe 1

Hkkjrh; U;k; lafgrk] 2023 18 mís';ksa vkSj dkj.kksa dk dFku

190 [kaMksa ij fVIi.k

Hkkjrh; U;k; lafgrk] 2023 ij 246ok¡ izfrosnu x`g ekeyksa ij lalnh; LFkk;h lfefr leqfä;ka/flQkfj'ksa ,d utj esa


226 ekuuh; x`g ea=kh rFkk lgdkfjrk ea=kh ¼Jh vfer 'kkg½ dk fnukad 20&12&2023 dks yksdlHkk esa fn;k x;k Hkk"k.k



Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or Noncognizable Bailable or Non-bailable By what Court triable

1 2 3 4 5 6

49 Abetment of any offence, if the act abetted is committed in consequence, and where no express provision is made for its punishment.

50 Abetment of any offence, if the person abetted does act with different intention from that of abettor.

51 Abetment of any offence, when one act is abetted and a different act is done; subject to the proviso.

Same as for offence abetted.

Same as for offence abetted.

According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

Same as for offence intended to be abetted.

According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

According as offence abetted is bailable or non-bailable.

Court by which offence abetted is triable.

According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

According as offence abetted is bailable or non-bailable.

Court by which offence abetted is triable.

According as offence abetted is bailable or non-bailable.

Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Hkkjrh; U;k;

lafgrk] 2023 Ds$ vèkhu vijkèkksa Ds$ fy, naM iznku gsrq fn'kkfunsZ'k

èkkjk vijkèk naM laKs; ;k vlaKs; tekurh; ;k vtekurh; fdl U;k;ky; } kjk; gS

49 fdlh vijkèk dk nq"izsj.k] ;fn] nq"izsfjr dk;Z mlDs$ ifj.kkeLo:i

fd;k tkrk gS vkSj tgka mlDs$ naM Ds$ fy, dksbZ vfHkO;ä micaèk ugha gSA

50 fdlh vijkèk dk nq"izsj.k] ;fn nq"izsfjr O;fä nq"izsjd Ds$ vk'k; ls fHkUu vk'k; ls dk;Z djrk gSA

51 fdlh vijkèk dk nq"izsj.k] tc ,d dk;Z dk nq"izsj.k fd;k x;k gS vkSj mlls fHkUu dk;Z fd;k x;k gS] ijarqd Ds$ vèkhu jgrs gq,A

ogh] tks nq"izsfjr vijkèk Ds$ fy, gSA

ogh] tks nq"izsfjr vijkèk Ds$ fy, gSA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk tekurh; gS ;k vtekurh;A

ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA

ogh] tks nq"izsfjr fd, tkus Ds$ fy, vk'kf;r vijkèk Ds$ fy, gSA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk tekurh; gS ;k vtekurh;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk tekurh; gS ;k vtekurh;A

ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA

ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA



or Non-bailable By what Court triable 1 2 3 4 5 6

52 Abettor when liable to cumulative punish-ment for act abetted and for act done.

53 Abetment of any offence, when an effect is caused by the act abetted different from that intended by the abettor.

54 Abetment of any offence, if abettor present when offence is committed.

55 Abetment of an offe-nce, punishable with death or imprisonment for life, if the offence be not committed in consequence of the abetment.

If an act which causes harm to be done in consequence of the abetment.

or Noncognizable

Same as for offence abetted. According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

Same as for offence committed. According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

Same as for offence committed. According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

Imprisonment for 7 years and ne.

According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

According as offence abetted is bailable or non-bailable.

According as offence abetted is bailable or non-bailable.

Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Imprisonment for 14 years and ne. According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

According as offence abetted is bailable or non-bailable.

Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Non-bailable. Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Non-bailable. Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Hkkjrh; U;k; lafgrk] 2023 ds vèkhu vijkèkksa ds fy, naM iznku gsrq fn'kkfunsZ'k I-93

èkkjk vijkèk naM laKs; ;k vlaKs; tekurh; ;k vtekurh; fdl U;k;ky; } kjk; gS

¼1½ ¼2½ ¼3½ ¼4½ ¼5½ ¼6½

52 nq"izsjd dc nq"izsfjr dk;Z Ds$ fy, vkSj fd, x, dk;Z Ds$ fy, vkadfyr n.M Ds$ fy, nk;h gSA

53 fdlh vijkèk dk nq"izsj.k] tc nq"izsfjr dk;Z ls ,slk izHkko iSnk gksrk gS] tks nq"izsjd } kjk vk'kf;r ls fHkUu gSA

54 fdlh vijkèk dk nq"izsj.k] nq"izsjd vijkèk fd, tkrs le; mifLFkr gSA

55 e`R;q ;k vkthou dkjkokl ls naMuh; vijkèk dk nq"izsj.k] ;fn nq"izsj.k Ds$

ifj.kkeLo:i vijkèk dkfjr ugha fd;k tkrk gSA

ogh] tks nq"izsfjr vijkèk Ds$ fy, gSA

ogh tks fd, x, vijkèk Ds$ fy, gSA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk tekurh; gS ;k vtekurh;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk tekurh; gS ;k vtekurh;A

ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA

ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA

ogh tks fd, x, vijkèk Ds$ fy, gSaA

7 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dkjkokl vkSj tqekZukA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk tekurh; gS ;k vtekurh;A

ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA

14 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dkjkokl vkSj tqekZukA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

vtekurh;A ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA

vtekurh;A ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA ;fn vigkfu djus okyk dk;Z nq"izsj.k Ds$ ifj.kkLo:i fd;k tkrk gSA


Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or Noncognizable Bailable or Non-bailable By what Court triable

1 2 3 4 5 6

56 Abetment of an offence, punishable with imprisonment, if the offence be not committed in consequence of the abetment.

If the abettor or the person abetted be a public servant whose duty it is to prevent the offence.

57 Abetting commission of an offence by the public or by more than ten persons.

58(a) Concealing design to commit offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life, if the offence be committed.

58(b) If offence be not committed.

Imprisonment extending to onefourth of the longest term provided for the offence, or ne, or both.

According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

According as offence abetted is bailable or non-bailable.

Imprisonment extending to one-half of the longest term provided for the offence, or ne, or both.

Imprisonment which may extend to 7 years and ne.

Imprisonment for 7 years and ne.

According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

According as offence abetted is bailable or non-bailable.

Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Imprisonment for 3 years and ne.

According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

According as offence abetted is bailable or non-bailable.

Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Non-bailable. Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Bailable. Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Hkkjrh; U;k; lafgrk] 2023 ds vèkhu vijkèkksa ds fy, naM iznku gsrq fn'kkfunsZ'k I-94

èkkjk vijkèk naM laKs; ;k vlaKs; tekurh; ;k vtekurh; fdl U;k;ky; } kjk; gS

¼1½ ¼2½ ¼3½ ¼4½ ¼5½ ¼6½

56 dkjkokl ls naMuh; vijkèk dk nq"izsj.k] ;fn nq"izsj.k Ds$ ifj.kkeLo:i vijkèk dkfjr ugha fd;k tkrk gSA

ml nh?kZre

vofèk Ds$ ,d pkSFkkbZ Hkkx rd dk dkjkokl] tks vijkèk Ds$ fy, micafèkr gS] ;k tqekZuk] ;k nksuksaA

ml nh?kZre vofèk Ds$ vkèks

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk tekurh; gS ;k vtekurh;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk

laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA ;fn nq"izsjd ;k nq"izsfjr O;fä ,slk yksd lsod gS] ftldk dÙkZO; vijkèk fuokfjr djuk gSA

57 yksd lkèkkj.k } kjk ;k nl ls vfèkd O;fä;ksa } kjk vijkèk fd, tkus dk nq"izsj.kA

58¼d½ e`R;q ;k vkthou dkjkokl ls naMuh; vijkèk djus dh ifjdYiuk dks fNikuk] ;fn vijkèk dj fn;k tkrk gSA

58¼[k½ ;fn vijkèk ugha fd;k tkrk gSA

Hkkx rd dk dkjkokl] tks ml vijkèk Ds$ fy, micafèkr gS] ;k tqekZuk] ;k nksuksaA

dkjkokl] tks

7 o"kZ rd dk gks lDs$xk vkSj tqekZukA

7 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dkjkokl vkSj tqekZukA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk tekurh; gS ;k vtekurh;A

ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk tekurh; gS ;k vtekurh;A

ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA

vtekurh;A ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA

3 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dkjkokl vkSj tqekZukA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

tekurh;A ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA


Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or Noncognizable Bailable or Non-bailable By what Court triable

1 2 3 4 5 6

59(a) A public servant concealing a design to commit an offence which it is his duty to prevent, if the offence be committed.

59(b) If the offence be punishable with death or imprisonment for life.

59(c) If the offence be not committed.

Imprisonment extending to onehalf of the longest term provided for the offence, or ne, or both.

According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

According as offence abetted is bailable or non-bailable.

Court by which offence abetted is triable.

60(a) Concealing a design to commit an offence punishable with imprisonment, if offence be committed.

60(b) If the offence be not committed.

Imprisonment for 10 years According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

Imprisonment extending to onefourth of the longest term provided for the offence, or ne, or both.

Imprisonment extending to onefourth of the longest term provided for the offence, or ne, or both.

Imprisonment extending to oneeighth part of the longest term provided for the offence, or ne, or both.

According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

Non-bailable. Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Bailable. Court by which offence abetted is triable.

According as offence abetted is cognizable or noncognizable.

According as offence abetted is bailable or non-bailable.

Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Bailable. Court by which offence abetted is triable.

Hkkjrh; U;k; lafgrk] 2023 ds vèkhu vijkèkksa ds fy, naM iznku gsrq fn'kkfunsZ'k I-95

èkkjk vijkèk naM laKs; ;k vlaKs; tekurh; ;k vtekurh; fdl U;k;ky; } kjk; gS

¼1½ ¼2½ ¼3½ ¼4½ ¼5½ ¼6½

59¼d½ fdlh ,sls vijkèk

Ds$ fd, tkus dh

ifjdYiuk dk

yksd lsod } kjk

fNik;k tkuk] ftldk fuokj.k

djuk mldk

dÙkZO; gS] ;fn

vijkèk dj fn;k tkrk gSA

59¼[k½ ;fn vijkèk e`R;q ;k vkthou dkjkokl ls naMuh; gSA

59¼x½ ;fn vijkèk ugha fd;k tkrk gSA

ml nh?kZre

vofèk Ds$ vkèks

Hkkx rd dk dkjkokl] tks ml vijkèk Ds$ fy, micafèkr gS] ;k tqekZuk] ;k nksuksaA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk tekurh; gS ;k vtekurh;A

ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA

60¼d½ dkjkokl ls naMuh; vijkèk djus dh ifjdYiuk dks fNikuk] ;fn vijkèk dj fn;k tkrk gSA

10 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dkjkoklA

ml nh?kZre vofèk Ds$ ,d pkSFkkbZ Hkkx rd dk dkjkokl] tks ml vijkèk Ds$ fy, micafèkr gS] ;k tqekZuk] ;k nksuksaA

ml nh?kZre vofèk Ds$ ,d pkSFkkbZ Hkkx rd dk dkjkokl ;k tqekZuk ;k nksuksa] tks ml vijkèk Ds$ fy, micafèkr gSA

60¼[k½ ;fn vijkèk ugha fd;k tkrk gSA ml nh?kZre vofèk Ds$ vkBosa Hkkx rd dk dkjkokl] tks vijkèk Ds$ fy, micafèkr gS] ;k tqekZuk] ;k nksuksaA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

vtekurh;A ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA

tekurh;A ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk tekurh; gS ;k vtekurh;A

ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd nq"izsfjr vijkèk laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

tekurh;A ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk nq"izsfjr vijkèk; gSA


Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or Noncognizable Bailable or Non-bailable By what Court triable

1 2 3 4 5 6

61(2)(a) Criminal conspiracy to commit an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life or rigorous imprisonment for a term of 2 years or upwards.

61(2)(b) Any other criminal conspiracy.

62 Attempting to commit offence punishable with imprisonment for life, or imprisonment, and in such attempt doing any act towards the commission of the offence.

Same as for abetment of the offence which is the object of the conspiracy.

According as the offence which is the object of conspiracy is cognizable or noncognizable.

Imprisonment for 6 months, or ne, or both. Noncognizable.

One half of the imprisonment for life, or imprisonment not exceeding one-half of the longest term, provided for the offence, or ne, or both.

According as the offence is cognizable or noncognizable.

According as offence which is object of conspiracy is bailable or non-bailable.

Court by which abetment of the offence which is the object of conspiracy is triable.

64(1) Rape. Rigorous imprisonment for not less than 10 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life, and ne.

Bailable. Magistrate of the rst class.

According as the offence attempted by the offender is bailable or non-bailable.

The court by which the offence attempted is triable.

Cognizable. Non-bailable. Court of Session.

Hkkjrh; U;k; lafgrk] 2023 ds vèkhu vijkèkksa ds fy, naM iznku gsrq fn'kkfunsZ'k I-96

èkkjk vijkèk naM laKs; ;k vlaKs; tekurh; ;k vtekurh; fdl U;k;ky; } kjk; gS

¼1½ ¼2½ ¼3½ ¼4½ ¼5½ ¼6½

61¼2½ ¼d½ e`R;q] vkthou dkjkokl ;k 2 o"kZ ;k mlls

vfèkd vofèk Ds$ dBksj dkjkokl ls naMuh; vijkèk djus Ds$ fy, vkijkfèkd


61¼2½ ¼[k½ dksbZ vU; vkijkfèkd "kM;a=kA

ogh] tks ml

vijkèk Ds$] tks

"kM;a=k } kjk

mfí"V gS] nq"izsj.k Ds$ fy, gSA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd vijkèk] tks

"kM;a=k } kjk mfí"V gS] laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A blDs$ vuqlkj fd og vijkèk] tks "kM;a=k } kjk mfí"V gS] tekurh; gS ;k vtekurh;A ml U;k;ky; } kjk] ftlDs$ } kjk ml vijkèk dk nq"izsj.k] tks

"kM;a=k }kjk mfí"V gS]; gSA

6 ekl Ds$ fy, dkjkokl] ;k tqekZuk] ;k nksuksaA vlaKs;A tekurh;A izFke oxZ eftLVªsVA

62 vkthou dkjkokl] ;k dkjkokl ls n.Muh; vijkèk dks dkfjr djus dk iz;Ru djuk vkSj ,sls iz;Ru esa vijkèk dkfjr djus dh n'kk esa dksbZ dk;Z djukA vkthou dkjkokl Ds$ vkèks] ;k ml vijkèk Ds$ fy, micfUèkr] nh?kZre vofèk Ds$ vkèks ls vufèkd dk dkjkokl] ;k tqekZuk] ;k nksuksaA

64¼1½ cykRlaxA de ls de 10 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dBksj dkjkokl] fdarq tks vkthou dkjkokl rd dk gks lDs$xk vkSj tqekZukA

blDs$ vuqlkj fd vijkèk] laKs; gS ;k vlaKs;A

blDs$ vuqlkj fd og vijkèk ftldk vijkèkh } kjk iz;Ru fd;k x;k tekurh; gS ;k vtekurh;A

og U;k;ky; ftlDs$ } kjk iz;Ru fd;k x;k vijkèk; gSA

laKs;A vtekurh;A ls'ku U;k;ky;A


Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or Noncognizable Bailable or Non-bailable By what Court triable

1 2 3 4 5 6

64(2) Rape by a police of cer or a public servant or member of armed forces or a person being on the management or on the staff of a jail, remand home or other place of custody or women’s or children’s institution or by a person on the management or on the staff of a hospital, and rape committed by a person in a position of trust or authority towards the person raped or by a near relative of the person raped.

Rigorous imprisonment for not less than 10 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life which shall mean the remainder of that person’s natural life and ne.

Cognizable. Non-bailable. Court of Session.

Hkkjrh; U;k; lafgrk] 2023 ds vèkhu vijkèkksa ds fy, naM iznku gsrq fn'kkfunsZ'k I-97

èkkjk vijkèk naM laKs; ;k vlaKs; tekurh; ;k vtekurh; fdl U;k;ky; } kjk; gS

¼1½ ¼2½ ¼3½ ¼4½ ¼5½ ¼6½ 64¼2½ fdlh iqfyl

vfèkdkjh ;k fdlh yksd

lsod ;k l'kL=k

cyksa Ds$ lnL; ;k fdlh tsy] izfrizs"k.k&x`g ;k vfHkj{kk Ds$

vU; LFkku ;k fL=k;ksa ;k ckydksa

dh fdlh laLFkk

Ds$ izcaèkra=k ;k

deZpkjho`an esa Ds$ fdlh O;fä ;k fdlh vLirky

Ds$ izcaèkra=k ;k deZpkjho`an esa

Ds$ fdlh O;fä

} kjk cykRlax

vkSj ml O;fä

Ds$ izfr] ftlls cykRlax fd;k

x;k gS] U;kl ;k izkfèkdkjh

dh fLFkfr esa

Ds$ fdlh O;fä

} kjk ;k ml

O;fä Ds$] ftlls cykRlax fd;k

x;k gS] fdlh fudV ukrsnkj

} kjk fd;k x;k cykRlaxA

de ls de 10

o"kZ Ds$ fy, dBksj dkjkokl] fdarq tks vkthou dkjkokl rd dk gks lDs$xk] ftldk vFkZ ml

O;fä Ds$ 'ks"k izkÑr thoudky ls gksxk vkSj tqekZukA

laKs;A vtekurh;A ls'ku U;k;ky;A


Section Offence Punishment Cognizable or Noncognizable Bailable or Non-bailable By what Court triable 1 2 3 4 5 6

65(1) Persons committing offence of rape on a woman under sixteen years of age.

Rigorous imprisonment for not less than 20 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life, which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life and ne.

65(2) Persons committing offence of rape on a woman under twelve years of age.

Cognizable. Non-bailable. Court of Session.

66 Person committing an offence of rape and in icting injury which causes death or causes the woman to be in a persistent vegetative state.

Rigorous imprisonment for not less than 20 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life and with ne or death.

Rigorous imprisonment for not less than 20 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life or death.

Cognizable. Non-bailable. Court of Session.

Cognizable. Non-bailable. Court of Session.

Hkkjrh; U;k; lafgrk] 2023 ds vèkhu vijkèkksa ds fy, naM iznku gsrq fn'kkfunsZ'k I-98

èkkjk vijkèk naM laKs; ;k vlaKs; tekurh; ;k vtekurh; fdl U;k;ky; } kjk; gS

¼1½ ¼2½ ¼3½ ¼4½ ¼5½ ¼6½

65¼1½ lksyg o"kZ ls de vk;q dh L=kh Ds$

lkFk cykRlax dk

vijkèk dkfjr

djus okyk


65¼2½ ckjg o"kZ ls de vk;q dh L=kh Ds$ lkFk cykRlax dk

vijkèk dkfjr

djus okyk

,slh vofèk dk

dBksj dkjkokl]

tks 20 o"kZ ls de dh ugha gksxh] fdarq tks vkthou

dkjkokl rd dh gks lDs$xh] tks

ml O;fä Ds$ 'ks"k izkÑr thoudky

Ds$ fy, dkjkokl vfHkizsr gksxk vkSj tqekZukA

O;fäA de ls de 20 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dBksj dkjkokl] fdarq tks vkthou

dkjkokl rd dk gks lDs$xk]

tks ml O;fä Ds$ 'ks"k izkÑr thou dky Ds$ fy, dkjkokl vfHkizsr gksxk] vkSj tqekZus ls ;k e`R;qnaMA

66 cykRlax dk vijkèk djus vkSj ,slh {kfr igqapkus okyk O;fä] ftlls efgyk dh e`R;q dkfjr gks tkrh gS ;k mldh yxkrkj foÑr'khy n'kk gks tkrh gSA

de ls de 20 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dBksj dkjkokl] fdarq tks vkthou

dkjkokl rd dk gks lDs$xk] ftlls ml O;fä Ds$ 'ks"k izkÑr thou dky Ds$ fy, dkjkokl vfHkizsr gksxk] ;k e`R;qnaMA

laKs;A vtekurh;A ls'ku U;k;ky;A

laKs;A vtekurh;A ls'ku U;k;ky;

laKs;A vtekurh;A ls'ku U;k;ky;A


Section Offence Punishment

Cognizable or Noncognizable

Bailable or Non-bailable By what Court triable 1 2 3 4 5 6

67 Sexual intercourse by husband upon his wife during separation.

Imprisonment for not less than 2 years but which may extend to 7 years and ne.

68 Sexual intercourse by a person in authority, etc. Rigorous imprisonment for not less than 5 years, but which may extend to 10 years and ne.

69 Sexual intercourse by employing deceitful means, etc.

Imprisonment which may extend to 10 years and ne.

70(1) Gang rape. Rigorous imprisonment for not less than 20 years but which may extend to imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life and ne.

70(2) Gang rape on a woman under eighteen years of age.

Imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life and with ne or with death.

Cognizable (only on the complaint of the victim). Bailable. Court of Session.

Cognizable. Non-bailable. Court of Session.

Cognizable. Non-bailable. Court of Session.

Cognizable. Non-bailable. Court of Session.

Cognizable. Non-bailable. Court of Session.

Hkkjrh; U;k; lafgrk] 2023 ds vèkhu vijkèkksa ds fy, naM iznku gsrq fn'kkfunsZ'k I-99

èkkjk vijkèk naM laKs; ;k vlaKs; tekurh; ;k vtekurh; fdl U;k;ky; } kjk; gS

¼1½ ¼2½ ¼3½ ¼4½ ¼5½ ¼6½

67 ifr } kjk viuh iRuh Ds$ lkFk i`Fkôdj.k Ds$ nkSjku eSFkquA

68 izkfèkdkj] vkfn esa fdlh O;fä } kjk eSFkquA

de ls de 2 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dkjkokl] fdarq tks 7 o"kZ rd dk gks lDs$xk vkSj tqekZukA

de ls de 5 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dBksj dkjkokl ls] fdUrq tks

10 o"kZ rd dk gks lDs$xk] vkSj tqekZukA

69 izoapukiw.kZ mik;ksa] vkfn dk mi;ksx djDs$ eSFkqu djukA

dkjkokl] tks

10 o"kZ rd dk gks lDs$xk] vkSj tqekZukA

70¼1½ lkewfgd cykRlaxA de ls de 20 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dBksj dkjkokl] fdarq tks vkthou

dkjkokl rd dk gks lDs$xk] ftlls ml O;fä

Ds$ 'ks"k izkÑr thou dky Ds$ fy, dkjkokl vfHkizsr gksxk] vkSj tqekZukA

70¼2½ vBkjg o"kZ ls de vk;q dh L=kh Ds$ lkFk lkewfgd cykRlaxA


dkjkokl] ftlls ml O;fä Ds$ 'ks"k izkÑr thoudky

Ds$ fy, dkjkokl vfHkizsr gksxk vkSj tqekZus ls ;k e`R;qnaMA

laKs; ¼Ds$oy ihfM+rk Ds$ ifjokn ij½A

tekurh;A ls'ku U;k;ky;A

laKs;A vtekurh;A ls'ku U;k;ky;A

laKs;A vtekurh;A ls'ku U;k;ky;A

laKs; A vtekurh;A ls'ku U;k;ky;A

laKs;A vtekurh;A ls'ku U;k;ky;A


Section Offence Punishment

Cognizable or Noncognizable Bailable or Non-bailable By what Court triable

1 2 3 4 5 6

71 Repeat offenders.

72(1) Disclosure of identity of the victim of certain offences, etc.

73 Printing or publication of a proceeding without prior permission of court.

74 Assault or use of criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty.

75(2) Sexual harassment and punishment for sexual harassment speci ed in clause (i) or clause (ii) or clause (iii) of sub-section (1).

75(3) Sexual harassment and punishment for sexual harassment speci ed in clause (iv) of sub-section (1).

Imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life or with death.

Imprisonment for 2 years and ne.

Imprisonment for 2 years and ne.

Imprisonment for 1 year which may extend to 5 years and ne.

Rigorous imprisonment with 3 years, or ne, or both.

Cognizable. Non-bailable. Court of Session.

Imprisonment for 1 year, or ne, or both.

Cognizable. Bailable. Any Magistrate.

Cognizable. Bailable. Any Magistrate.

Cognizable. Non-bailable. Any Magistrate.

Cognizable. Non-bailable. Court of Session.

Cognizable. Non-bailable. Court of Session.

Hkkjrh; U;k; lafgrk] 2023 ds vèkhu vijkèkksa ds fy, naM iznku gsrq fn'kkfunsZ'k I-100

èkkjk vijkèk naM laKs; ;k vlaKs; tekurh; ;k vtekurh; fdl U;k;ky; } kjk; gS

¼1½ ¼2½ ¼3½ ¼4½ ¼5½ ¼6½

71 iqujko`fÙkdrkZ vijkèkhA vkthou dkjkokl] ftlls ml O;fä Ds$ 'ks"k izkÑr thoudky Ds$ fy, dkjkokl vfHkizsr gksxk ;k e`R;qnaMA

72¼1½ dfri; vijkèkksa] vkfn ls ihfM+r O;fä dh igpku dk izdVhdj.kA

73 U;k;ky; dh iwoZ vuqefr Ds$ fcuk fdlh dk;Zokgh dk eqnz.k ;k izdk'kuA

74 efgyk dh yTtk Hkax djus Ds$ vk'k; ls ml ij geyk ;k vkijkfèkd cy dk iz;ksxA

75¼2½ mièkkjk ¼1½ Ds$ [kaM ¼i½ ;k [kaM ¼ii½ ;k [kaM ¼iii½ esa fofu£n"V ySafxd mRihM+u vkSj ySafxd mRihM+u Ds$ fy, naMA

75¼3½ mièkkjk ¼1½ Ds$ [kaM ¼iv½ esa fofu£n"V ySafxd mRihM+u vkSj ySafxd mRihM+u Ds$ fy, naMA

2 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dkjkokl vkSj tqekZukA

2 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dkjkokl vkSj tqekZukA

1 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dkjkokl] tks

5 o"kZ rd dk gks lDs$xk vkSj tqekZukA

3 o"kZ rd dk dBksj dkjkokl ;k tqekZuk ;k nksuksaA

laKs;A vtekurh;A ls'ku U;k;ky;A

1 o"kZ Ds$ fy, dkjkokl ;k tqekZuk ;k nksuksaA

laKs;A tekurh;A dksbZ eftLVªsVA

laKs;A tekurh;A dksbZ eftLVªsVA

laKs;A vtekurh;A dksbZ eftLVªsVA

laKs;A vtekurh;A ls'ku U;k;ky;A

laKs;A vtekurh;A ls'ku U;k;ky;A






ISBN NO : 9789357783637

NO. OF PAGES : 820



Rs. 745 | USD 10

This comprehensive legal resource focuses on the bare text of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) 2023, offering a detailed comparison with the Indian Penal Code 1860 and a guide to punishment for offences. By providing side-by-side text in both Hindi and English, this book effectively breaks down language barriers, making the nuances of the law accessible to all. The inclusion of tables, indexes, and comparative studies, further enhances the reader's ability to understand and relate the new legislation to the historical Indian Penal Code.

With its comprehensive approach and bilingual presentation, this book stands as a definitive legal resource in contemporary Indian jurisprudence. It is an invaluable tool for the judiciary, legal professionals, enforcement agencies, government bodies, students, and the general public.

The Present Publication is the 2024 Edition, [Act No. 45 of 2023 – Dated 25-12-2023, enforced w.e.f. 01-07-2024 | Except Section 106(2) | S.O. 850(E) – Dated 23-02-2024], edited and authored by Taxmann's Editorial Board. The coverage of this book includes:

• [Bilingual Format] Presented in both Hindi and English, ensuring accessibility and comprehension for a wider audience

• [Section-wise Tables] Detailed tables juxtapose sections from the Indian Penal Code 1860 with their counterparts in the BNS 2023, highlighting old versus new laws

• [Comprehensive Index] A meticulously crafted subject index for BNS 2023 aids quick reference and ease of navigation

• [Comparative Analysis] In-depth comparative studies between the BNS 2023 and the Indian Penal Code 1860 provide valuable insights into the legislative changes

• [Authoritative Content] Authored and edited by Taxmann's Editorial Board, this publication includes:

o Text of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita 2023

o Statement of Objects and Reasons

o Notes on Clauses

o Observations and recommendations from the 246th Committee Report on Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita

o Speech by the Honourable Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Cooperation (Shri Amit Shah)

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