Taxmann's Financial Reporting (FR) | CRACKER

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I-15 PAGE Chapter-wise Marks Distribution I-5 Previous Exams Trend Analysis I-9 Chapter-wise Comparison with Study Material I-13 CHAPTER 1 Framework for Financial Reporting under Ind AS 1.1 CHAPTER 2 Ind AS 1 : Presentation of Financial Statements 2.1 CHAPTER 3 Ind AS 34 : Interim Financial Reporting 3.1 CHAPTER 4 Ind AS 7 : Cash Flow Statement 4.1 CHAPTER 5 Ind AS 8 : Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors 5.1 CHAPTER 6 Ind AS 10 : Events after Reporting Period 6.1 CHAPTER 7 Ind AS 113 : Fair Value Measurements 7.1 CHAPTER 8 Ind AS 115 : Revenue from Contracts with Customers 8.1 Contents
I-16 CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER 9 Ind AS 2 : Inventories 9.1 CHAPTER 10 Ind AS 16 : Property, Plant and Equipment 10.1 CHAPTER 11 Ind AS 23 : Borrowing Costs 11.1 CHAPTER 12 Ind AS 36 : Impairment of Assets 12.1 CHAPTER 13 Ind AS 38 : Intangible Assets 13.1 CHAPTER 14 Ind AS 40 : Investment Property 14.1 CHAPTER 15 Ind AS 105 : Non-Current Assets (NCA) held for Sale & Discontinued Operations (DO) 15.1 CHAPTER 16 Ind AS 116 : Leases 16.1 CHAPTER 17 Ind AS 41 : Agriculture 17.1 CHAPTER 18 Ind AS 20 : Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance 18.1 CHAPTER 19 Ind AS 102 : Share Based Payment 19.1 CHAPTER 20 Ind AS 19 : Employee Benefits 20.1 CHAPTER 21 Ind AS 37 : Provision, Contingent Liability and Contingent Assets 21.1 CHAPTER 22 Ind AS 12 : Income Taxes 22.1 CHAPTER 23 Ind AS 21 : The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates 23.1
CONTENTS I-17 PAGE CHAPTER 24 Ind AS 24 : Related Party Disclosures 24.1 CHAPTER 25 Ind AS 33 : Earnings per Share 25.1 CHAPTER 26 Ind AS 108 : Operating Segments 26.1 CHAPTER 27 Ind AS 32 : Financial Instruments (FI) - Presentation 27.1 CHAPTER 28 Ind AS 109 : Financial Instruments (FI) – Recognition and Measurement 28.1 CHAPTER 29 Ind AS 103 : Business Combination 29.1 CHAPTER 30 Ind AS 110 : Consolidated Financial Statements 30.1 CHAPTER 31 Ind AS 111 : Joint Arrangements 31.1 CHAPTER 32 Ind AS 28 : Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures 32.1 CHAPTER 33 Ind AS 27 : Separate Financial Statements 33.1 CHAPTER 34 Ind AS 101: First-Time Adoption of Ind AS 34.1 CHAPTER 35 Professional and Ethical duty of a Chartered Accountant 35.1 CHAPTER 36 Accounting and Technology 36.1 SOLVED PAPER: MAY 2024 (SUGGESTED ANSWERS) P.1

Que. 1. How will you capitalize the interest when qualifying assets are funded by borrowings in the nature of bonds that are issued at discount?

Y Ltd. issued at the start of year 1, 10% (interest paid annually and having maturity period of 4 years) bonds with a face value of ` 2,00,000 at a discount of 10% to finance a qualifying asset which is ready for intended use at the end of year 2.

Compute the amount of borrowing costs to be capitalized if the company amortizes discount using Effective Interest Rate method by applying 13.39% p.a. of EIR.[RTP May 2021]

Ans. :

Capitalization Method:

As per the Standard, borrowing costs may include interest expense calculated using the effective interest method.

Capitalization of Interest:

Hence based on the above explanation the amount of borrowing cost of years 1 & 2 are to be capitalized and the borrowing cost relating to years 3 & 4 should be expensed.

Quantum of Borrowing:

The value of the bond to Y Ltd. is the transaction price i.e. ` 1,80,000 (2,00,000 –20,000). Therefore, Y Ltd. will recognize the borrowing at ` 1,80,000.

Computation of the amount of Borrowing Cost to be Capitalized:

Y Ltd. will capitalize the interest (borrowing cost) using the effective interest rate of 13.39% for two years as the qualifying asset is ready for intended use at the end of the year 2, the details of which are as follows:

CHAPTER 11 11.1

YearOpening Borrowing

Interest expense @ 13.39% to be capitalized

TotalInterest paid Closing Borrowing (1)(2)(3)(4)(3) – (4) 11,80,00024,1022,04,10220,0001,84,102 21,84,10224,6512,08,75320,0001,88,753 48,753

Accordingly, borrowing cost of ` 48,753 will be capitalized to the cost of qualifying asset.

Que. 2. [Based on Para Nos. 5, 6(e) and 6A(i)]

ABC Ltd. has taken a loan of USD 20,000 on April 1, 20X1 for constructing a plant at an interest rate of 5% per annum payable on annual basis. On April 1, 20X1, the exchange rate between the currencies i.e. USD vs. Rupees was `45 per USD. The exchange rate on the reporting date i.e. March 31, 20X2 is `48 per USD.

The corresponding amount could have been borrowed by ABC Ltd. from State Bank of India in local currency at an interest rate of 11% per annum as on April 1, 20X1.

Compute the borrowing cost to be capitalized for the construction of plant by ABC Ltd. [MTP April 2019]

Ans. :

Step 1:

Interest on Foreign currency loan for the period:

USD 20,000 × 5% = USD 1,000

Converted in ` = USD 1,000 × ` 48/USD = ` 48,000

Step 2:

Interest that would have resulted if the loan was taken in Functional Currency:

USD 20,000 × ` 45/USD × 11% = ` 99,000

Step 3:

Amount of exchange loss covered by Para 6(e) + 6A(i):

Lower of the following:

(a) Actual exchange loss = USD 20,000 × (48 - 45) = ` 60,000

(b) Difference between Interest on Foreign Currency borrowing and Functional Currency borrowing

= Step 2 - Step 1

= ` 99,000 - 48,000 = ` 51,000



Only exchange loss to the extent of ` 51,000 is considered as borrowing costs.

Total borrowing cost to be capitalized:

Interest cost on borrowing `48,000

Exchange difference to the extent considered to be an adjustment to Interest cost ` 51,000

Total ` 99,000


The exchange difference of ` 51,000 has been capitalized as borrowing cost and the remaining ` 9,000 will be expensed off in the Statement of Profit and loss.

Que. 3. An entity constructs a new office building commencing on 1st September, 2018, which continues till 31st December, 2018 (and is expected to go beyond a year). Directly attributable expenditure at the beginning of the month on this asset are ` 2 Lakhs in September 2018 and ` 4 Lakhs in each of the months of October to December 2018. The entity has not taken any specific borrowings to finance the construction of the building but has incurred finance costs on its general borrowings during the construction period. During the year, the entity had issued 9% debentures with a face value of ` 30 Lakhs and had an overdraft of ` 4 Lakhs, which increased to ` 8 Lakhs in December 2018. Interest was paid on the overdraft at 12% until 1st October, 2018 and then the rate was increased to 15%.

Calculate the Capitalization rate for computation of borrowing cost in accordance with Ind AS ‘Borrowing Cost’. [November 2019 Examination - 8 Marks]

Ans. : Computation of capitalization rate on borrowings other than specific borrowings:

Step 1:

Computation of weighted Average amount of interest:

General borrowings Period outstanding Amount of loan (`) Rate of interest p.a. Weighted average amount of interest (`)
123[(2 × 3) ×
9% Debentures12 months30,00,0009%2,70,000 Bank overdraft9 months4,00,00012%36,000 2 months4,00,00015%10,000 1 month8,00,00015%10,000 46,00,0003,26,000

Step 2:

Weighted average amount of general borrowings:

= {30,00,000 × (12/12)} + {4,00,000 × (11/12)} + {8,00,000 × (1/12)}

= 34,33,334

Step 3:

Capitalization rate:

= (Weighted average amount of interest/Weighted average amount of general borrowings) × 100 = (3,26,000/34,33,334) × 100 = 9.50% p.a.

Que. 4. Zera Limited obtained a term loan of ` 1,080 lakh for complete renovation and modernization of its factory on 1st April, 2021. Plant and Machinery was acquired under the modernization scheme and installation was completed on 30th April, 2022. An expenditure of ` 910 lakhs was incurred on installation of Plant and Machinery and the balance loan was used for working capital purposes. Management of Zera Limited considers the 12 months period as substantial period of time to get the asset ready for its intended use.

The company has paid total interest of ` 94.40 lakhs during financial year 2021-22 on the above loan.

Discuss the treatment in the books of account of Zera Limited of interest paid of ` 94.40 lakhs during the financial year 2021-22.

Will your answer be different, if the whole process of renovation and modernization gets completed by 31st December, 2021?

[May 2022 Examination - 7 Marks]

Ans. : What Ind AS 23 states:

As per Ind AS 23, borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset form part of the cost of that asset. Other borrowing costs are recognized as an expense.

Where, a qualifying asset is an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale.


Accordingly, the treatment of interest of ` 94.40 lakhs occurred during the year 2021-22 would be as follows:

Case I - When construction of asset completed on 30th April, 2022:

The treatment for total borrowing cost of ` 94.40 lakhs will be as follows:

PurposeNatureInterest to be capitalized ` in lakh

Modernization & renovation of plant & machinery

Qualifying asset[94.40 × (910/1,080)] = 79.54

Interest to be charged to P&L A/c ` in lakh


PurposeNatureInterest to be capitalized ` in lakh Interest to be charged to P&L A/c ` in lakh

Working CapitalNot a qualifying asset [94.40 × (170/1,080)] = 14.86 79.5414.86

Case II - When construction of assets is completed by 31st December, 2021: When the process of renovation gets completed in less than 12 months, the plant and machinery will not be considered as a qualifying asset until and unless then entity specifically considers that the asset took substantial period for completing its construction.

Accordingly, the whole of interest will be charged off to Profit and Loss account.

Que. 5. Nikka Limited has obtained a term loan of ` 620 lakhs for a complete renovation and modernization of its Factory on 1st April, 20X1. Plant and Machinery was acquired under the modernization scheme and installation was completed on 30th April, 20X2. An expenditure of 510 lakhs was incurred on installation of Plant and Machinery, 54 lakhs has been advanced to suppliers for additional assets (acquired on 25th April, 20X1) which were also installed on 30th April, 20X2 and the balance loan of ` 56 lakhs has been used for working capital purposes. Management of Nikka Limited considers the 12 months period as substantial period of time to get the asset ready for its intended use.

The company has paid total interest of ` 68.20 lakhs during financial year 20X1-20X2 on the above loan.

The accountant seeks your advice how to account for the interest paid in the books of account. Will your answer be different, if the whole process of renovation and modernization gets completed by 28th February, 20X2? [RTP November 2021]

Ans. : The treatment of Interest of ` 68.20 lakhs occurred during the year 20X120X2 would be as follows:

Case I - When construction of asset completed on 30th April, 20X2:

The treatment for total borrowing cost of `68.20 lakhs will be as follows:

to be capitalized Interest to be charged to profit and loss
account ` in lakh ` in lakh Modernization and renovation of plant and machinery Qualifying
68.20 × (510/620) = 56.10 Advance to suppliers for additional assets Qualifying asset 68.20 × (54/620) = 5.94

PurposeNatureInterest to be capitalized Interest to be charged to profit and loss account ` in lakh ` in lakh

Working CapitalNot a qualifying asset 68.20 x (56/620) = 6.16 62.046.16

Case II - When construction of assets is completed by 28th February, 20X2:

When the process of renovation gets completed in less than 12 months, the plant and machinery and the additional assets will not be considered as qualifying assets (until and unless the entity specifically considers that the assets took substantial period of time for completing their construction).

Accordingly, the whole of interest will be required to be charged off/expensed off to Profit and loss account.

Que. 6. Kaba Ltd. began construction of a new building at an estimated cost of ` 7 lakh on 1st April, 2017. To finance construction of the building it obtained a specific loan of ` 2 lakh from a financial institution at an interest rate of 9% per annum.

The company’s other outstanding loans were:

The expenditure incurred on the construction was:

April, 2017 ` 1,50,000

August, 2017 ` 2,00,000

October, 2017 ` 3,50,000

January, 2018 ` 1,00,000

The construction of building was completed by 31st January, 2018. Following the provisions of Ind AS 23 ‘Borrowing Costs’, calculate the amount of interest to be capitalized and pass necessary journal entry for capitalizing the cost and borrowing cost in respect of the building as on 31st January, 2018. [RTP November 2018]

Ans. : Computation of capitalization rate on borrowings other than specific borrowings:

Step 1:

Computation of weighted Average amount of interest:

AmountRate of Interest per annum `7,00,00012% `9,00,00011%

Amount of loan (`)Rate of interestAmount of interest (`)

Step 2:

Weighted average amount of general borrowings: = 7,00,0000 + 9,00,000 = 16,00,000.

Step 3:

Capitalization rate:

= (Weighted average amount of interest/Weighted average amount of general borrowings) × 100 = 1,83,000/16,00,000) × 100 = 11.4375%

Computation of Borrowing cost eligible to be capitalized: (Based on weighted average accumulated expenses)


Since construction of building started on 1st April, 2017, it is presumed that all the later expenditures on construction of building had been incurred at the beginning of the respective month. Date of expenditure Amount


Computation of Total expenses to be capitalized for building:

Particulars ` Cost of building ` (1,50,000 + 2,00,000 + 3,50,000 + 1,00,000)8,00,000

Add: Amount of interest to be capitalized 37,875 8,37,875

Journal Entry:

DateParticulars `` 31-1-2018 Building account8,37,875 To Bank account8,00,000 To Interest payable (borrowing cost)37,875 (Being expenditure incurred on construction of building and borrowing cost thereon capitalized)

7,00,00012%84,000 9,00,00011%99,000 16,00,0001,83,000
spent Type of Borrowing WorkingsAmount
April, 20171,50,000Specific 1,50,000 × 9% × 10/1211,250 1st August, 20172,00,000Specific 50,000 × 9% × 10/123,750 General 1,50,000 × 11.4375% × 6/128,578.125 1st October, 20173,50,000General 3,50,000 × 11.4375% × 4/1213,343.75
January, 20181,00,000General 1,00,000 × 11.4375%
× 1/12953.125 37,875

Que. 7. On 1st April, 20X1, entity A contracted for the construction of a building for ` 22,00,000. The land under the building is regarded as a separate asset and is not part of the qualifying assets. The building was completed at the end of March, 20X2, and during the period the following payments were made to the contractor:

Payment dateAmount (`’000)

1st April, 20X1200

30th June, 20X1600

31st December, 20X11,200

31st March, 20X2200


Entity A’s borrowings at its year-end of 31st March, 20X2 were as follows:


a) 10%, 4-year note with simple interest payable annually, which relates specifically to the project; debt outstanding on 31st March, 20X2 amounted to ` 7,00,000. Interest of ` 65,000 was incurred on these borrowings during the year, and interest income of ` 20,000 was earned on these funds while they were held in anticipation of payments.


b) 12.5% 10-year note with simple interest payable annually; debt outstanding at 1st April, 20X1 amounted to `10,00,000 and remained unchanged during the year; and


c) 10% 10-year note with simple interest payable annually; debt outstanding at 1st April, 20X1 amounted to `15,00,000 and remained unchanged during the year.

What amount of the borrowing costs can be capitalized at year end as per relevant Ind AS? [RTP November 2019; MTP October 2020]

Ans. : Computation of capitalization rate on borrowings other than specific borrowings:

Step 1:

Computation of weighted Average amount of interest:

Amount of loan (`)Rate of interestAmount of interest (`) 10,00,00012.5%1,25,000 15,00,00010%1,50,000 25,00,0002,75,000

Step 2:

Weighted average amount of general borrowings: = 10,00,000 + 15,00,000 = 25,00,000.


Step 3:

Computation of Capitalization rate:

= (Weighted average amount of interest/Weighted average amount of general borrowings) × 100 = 2,75,000/25,00,000 × 100 = 11%

Analysis of expenditure:

DateExpenditure (`’000)

Amount allocated in General borrowings (`’000)

Weighted average based on the period outstanding (`’000)

1st April 20X1200Nil Nil

30th June 20X1600100 (Note)100 × 9/12 = 75

31st Dec. 20X11,2001,2001,200 × 3/12 = 300

31st March 20X2200200200 × 0/12 = 0



Specific borrowings of ` 7,00,000 fully utilized on 1st April & on 30th June to the extent of ` 5,00,000 hence remaining expenditure of ` 1,00,000 allocated to general borrowings.

Borrowing cost Eligible to be capitalized: Particulars Amount (`)

On Specific borrowings65,000

On General borrowings (3,75,000 × 11%)41,250

Total 1,06,250

Less: Interest income on specific borrowings(20,000)

Amount eligible for capitalization86,250

Therefore, the borrowing costs to be capitalized are ` 86,250.


Financial Reporting (FR) | CRACKER




ISBN NO : 9789357787154

NO. OF PAGES : 712



This book is designed exclusively for the Final Level of the Chartered Accountancy Examination. It comprehensively covers past exam questions with detailed answers, adhering strictly to the new scheme of ICAI.

The Present Publication is the 10th Edition for CA-Final | New Syllabus | Nov. 2024 Exams. This book is authored by CA Parveen Sharma & CA Kapileshwar Bhalla, with the following noteworthy features:

u Strictly as per the New Syllabus of ICAI

u Coverage of this book includes:

 Past Exam Questions, including May 2024 (Solved)

 Selected Questions from RTPs and MTPs of ICAI

u [Arrangement of Question] Questions in each chapter are arranged ‘sub-topic’ wise based on ‘Para No. of each Ind AS’

u [Chapter-wise Marks Distribution] for Past Exams from Jan 2021 onwards

u [Previous Exam Trend Analysis] from May 2022 onwards

u [Chapter-wise Comparison with ICAI Study Material]


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