Taxmann's Research Methodology – Methods | Techniques | Practices

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xvi Research Methodology: Methods, Techniques, Practices



Research Design and Process


After studying this chapter, the readers will be able to:


2.6 Multiple Choice Questions 2.7

2.8 Bibliography

Research Methodology: Methods, Techniques, Practices

2.1 Introduction

Problem Identi cation

Literature Review

Formulating Research Questions

Planning for Research Design

Sampling Design

Fieldwork and gathering Data

Data Processing and Analysis

Drawing Conclusions and Writing a Report

Managerial problem vs. research problem

Review of Theories, Previous works, reports, websites

Formulating suitable research questions, Research objectives

Selection of research methods, sampling, and Tools

Probability vs. non-probability sampling, sample size, sampling units

Primary data/Secondary data/Both

Data cleaning, editing, analyzing

Interpretation of result, inferring conclusions and communication of result

2.1: Research Process


Research Design and Process 17

2.2 Steps in Research Process

arise owing to the cause that the researchers want

2.2.1 Research Problem Identification

Steps in Research Process

18 Research Methodology: Methods, Techniques, Practices

TABLE 2.1: Managerial Problems vs. Research Problems

Managerial Problems Research Problems

2.2.2 Literature Review

2.2.3 Formulating Research Questions Suitable Research Questions

unfocused research and will not be sure of what that the researchers search for answers in their

Research Design and Process 19

Research Objectives Significance of Research Questions

decision about appropriate research design, the decision about data collection and target audience,

Sources of Research Questions

Criteria of Effective Research Questions

Research Methodology: Methods, Techniques, Practices

Research Area


Research questions examples.

Selection of Speci c topic for research

Impact of training on performance

Does training have any positive or negative impact on organizational performance?

Does training have any impact on employee performance?

Does training help in acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities?

Does training lead to the empowerment of employees?

Does training motivate the employees?

Is training actually being used by trainees/Is training transferred at the workplace?

What are the factors that will enhance actual training transfer at the workplace?

Selection of Research Questions

Does training have any positive or negative impact on organizational performance?

Does training have any impact on employee performance?

Does training help in acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities?

Does training lead to the empowerment of employees?

Does training motivate the employees?

Is training being used by trainees/Is training transferred at workplace?

What are the factors that will enhance actual training transfer at the workplace?

2.2.4 Planning the Research Design

FIGURE 2.2: Research Question Selection Procedure Hypotheses Development

Age, Family status

Research Design and Process 21

2.3: Hypotheses Development

Brand love
Purchase intention

22 Research Methodology: Methods, Techniques, Practices

2.2.5 Sampling Design

2.2.6 Fieldwork and Gathering Data

Research Design and Process 23 to describe the financial investment behavior of existing customers will use secondary data. At this stage, the researchers need to ensure the reliability and validity of the data obtained for the study.

2.2.7 Data Processing and Analysis

After data gathering, the data needs to be converted or properly coded to answer the research question under study. The information gathered in the data collection phase should be mined from the primary raw data. Data processing starts with data editing, coding, and tabulation. First, it is vital for the researchers to check the data collection forms for missing data, clarity, and consistency in categorization. The editing process involves problems associated with data, such as respondents’ response errors. Editing improves the quality of the data and makes the data usable for tabulation, analysis, and interpretation. Tabulation is a technical process in which classified data are presented in tables. Researchers use computers to feed data to a computer spreadsheet for data analysis. The preparation of a spreadsheet also requires lots of expertise and experience. After coding the data, the next step is to analyze the data. Data analysis is the utilization of reasoning to make sense of data gathered. Ample statistical techniques are available for the researchers to analyze the data. Based on the research questions, objectives, study types, sampling framework used, data types, and degree of accuracy involved in the research, one can choose from parametric or nonparametric techniques for data analysis. Researchers may adopt univariate, bi-variate or multi-variate methods for data analysis. The analysis may include simple frequency analysis, multiple regression, or structural equation modeling. Different techniques are available for qualitative data, presented in Part 3 of this book.

2.2.8 Drawing Conclusion and Preparing a Report

After data analysis, the final stage in the research process is the interpretation of the results. The researcher requires analytical skills to interpret the statistical results, link the output with the research objectives, and state the implications of the result.

Research Design

Research design is the blueprint/systematic steps to carry out research smoothly.

Finally, researchers must communicate the result in the form of a report. The preparation of the final report needs to be done with the utmost care. The final report should include the identified research questions, research approach, data collection method, data analysis techniques, study findings, and implications for theory and practice. The structure of the report will be discussed in the last section of this book. The report should be prepared comprehensively to be usable by management or organizations for decision-making.

2.3 Classification of Research Design

This section highlights the classification of research design. As mentioned in the previous section, research design is the framework for carrying out management and other research. After the identification of a problem, the researchers formulate the research design. A good research design ensures the effectiveness of the research work. The choice of selecting an appropriate design relies on the research objectives. The broad categorization of research design with sub-categorization is detailed in various sub-sections.

24 Research Methodology: Methods, Techniques, Practices

2.3.1 Exploratory Research Design

Methods to Conduct Exploratory Research

Secondary sources of data

Case Studies

Methods to Conduct Descriptive Research

2.3.2 Descriptive Research Design

is that researchers rarely get specific answers to

2.3.3 Causal Research Design

Intake of Ice cream

Death due to drowning


Intake of Ice cream

2.4: Spurious Causal Relationship

Death due to drowning


Research Methodology: Methods, Techniques, Practices

2.3.4 Experimental Research Design

Experimental Research Design Correlation, Causation and Cofounds Experimental and Control Group Independent and Dependent Variables

Research Design and Process 27 Pre- and Post-test






EDITION : 2024 Edition

ISBN NO : 9789357787215

NO. OF PAGES : 324



This textbook simplifies and enriches the study of research methodologies for management students and doctoral scholars. Authored by experienced educators, it demystifies complex concepts in an engaging and accessible way.

This book focuses on the unique needs and challenges of Indian students and researchers, using relevant examples, case studies, and scenarios.

The Present Publication is the Latest Edition, authored by Rabi N. Subudhi, Sumita Mishra, and Malabika Sahoo. The pedagogical elements of the book are as follows:

• [Learning Outcomes] Clearly defined at the beginning of each chapter to guide the reader's learning journey

• [Lucid Examples] Real-world scenarios that bridge theory and practice

• [Boxed Summarisations] Key points and summaries in textboxes for quick reference

• [Key Terms] Highlighted and defined at the end of each chapter, indexed for easy reference

• [Review Questions and Exercises] Multiple-choice and application-based questions to reinforce understanding

• [Demonstrations in SPSS and Excel] Practical data analysis techniques for hands-on experience

• [Clear and Simple Writing] Straightforward presentation of complex ideas, making it accessible to a broad audience

This book is divided into four comprehensive parts

• [Understanding Basic Tenets of Management Research] Covers core principles, research designs, processes, and literature reviews

• [Foundations of Quantitative Research] Includes chapters on measurement of constructs, scale reliability and validity, questionnaire design, sampling, hypothesis testing, and quantitative data analysis

• [Foundations of Qualitative Research] Discusses qualitative methods, including interviews, focus groups, case studies, and ethnography

• [Understanding Report Writing] Guides on writing clear, coherent, and scientifically sound research reports


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