Taxmann's Master Guide to Income Tax Rules

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2AHouse Rent Allowance (HRA) 1

2BLeave Travel Concession/Assistance (LTC/ LTA) 6

2BAVoluntary retirement compensation 23

2BBSpecial allowances 28

2BBAFamily pension to heirs of Armed Forces (including Para-Military Forces) member 32

2BBBPercentage of Government grant for considering University, Hospital, etc., as substantially financed under section 10(23C) (iiiab)/(iiiac) 33

2CApplication for grant of approval of a fund/ trust/institution/university/other educational institution/hospital/other medical institution under first proviso to section 10(23C) 35

2DB &Pension fund 42 2DC

2DCA Computation of minimum investment/lending and exempt income for the purposes of section 10(23FE) 46

2DDComputation of exempt income of specified fund for the purposes of section 10(23FF) 66

2FGuidelines for setting up an Infrastructure

3AExemption of medical benefits from perquisite value in respect of medical treatment of prescribed diseases/ailments in hospitals approved by PCCIT/CCIT 145

3BComputation of annual accretion 158

4Unrealised Rent 161

5Depreciation 163

5ACFurnishing of audit report under section 33AB(2) 203

5ADFurnishing of audit report under section 33ABA(2) 204

5C, 5D &Guidelines, conditions, etc., for approval to 5Ebe granted to a Research Association/University/College/Other Institution 205

5CAIntimation for continuance of approval under section 35(1)(ii)/(iia)/(iii) 210

5FGuidelines, conditions, etc., for approval to be granted to a company registered in India 212

5GTaxation on income from patent 215

6Prescribed authorities for certain provisions of section 35 & conditions for approval under section 35(2AA) & (2AB) 216

6AExpenditure for obtaining right to use spectrum for telecommunication services 220

6AAD & Guidelines for approval of agricultural 6AAEextension project & conditions for notification under section 35CCC 221

6AAF,Guidelines for approval of skill develop6AAG &ment project & conditions for notification 6AAHunder section 35CCD 225

6ABForm of audit report for claiming deduction under sections 35D & 35E 230

6ABA Computation of aggregate average advances for purposes of section 36(1)(viia) 231


6ABAAInfrastructure facility for the purposes of section 36(1)(viii) 233

6ABBAOther permissible electronic modes for payment/receipt 235

6ABBBFurnishing of form of statement regarding preliminary expenses under section 35D 236

6DDDisallowance of cash payments 237

6DDA & Recognised stock exchange in respect of trad6DDBing in derivatives 251

6EAmount carried over to a reserve for unexpired risks in case of insurance business (other than life insurance) 254

6EA &Taxation of interest income of certain insti6EBtutions, banks, company, etc., in relation to specified categories of bad or doubtful debts 255

6FBooks of account and other documents to be kept and maintained under section 44AA(3) by persons carrying on certain professions 259

6GReport of audit of accounts to be furnished under section 44AB 267

6GAForm of report of audit of accounts to be furnished under section 44DA(2) 280

6HForm of report of an accountant under section 50B(3) 281

7Income which is partially agricultural and partially from business 283

7AIncome from the manufacture of rubber 288

7BIncome from the manufacture of coffee 290

8Income from the manufacture of tea 292

8AAMethod of determination of period of holding of capital asset in certain cases 299

8ABAttribution of income taxable under section 45(4) to the capital assets remaining with the specified entity, under section 48 301

8ACComputation of short-term capital gains and written down value under section 50 where depreciation on goodwill has been obtained 314

8ADComputation of capital gains for purposes of section 45(1B) 322

8BGuidelines for notification of zero coupon bonds 337

8CComputation of pro rata amount of discount on a zero coupon bond for purposes of section 36(1)(iiia) 340

8DMethod for determining amount of expenditure in relation to income not includible in total income 341

9ADeduction in respect of expenditure on production of feature films 353

9BDeduction in respect of expenditure on acquisition of distribution rights of feature films 360

9CConditions for carrying forward or set-off of accumulated loss and unabsorbed depreciation allowance in case of amalgamation 363

9DCalculation of taxable interest relating to contribution in a provident fund/ recognised provident fund, exceeding specified limit 367

10Determination of income in the case of nonresidents 389

10A toComputation of arm’s length price 395 10CA

10CBComputation of interest income pursuant to secondary adjustments 497

10D &Information and documents to be kept & 10DAmaintained under section 92D 505


10DBFurnishing of report in respect of an international group 513

10EReport from an accountant to be furnished under section 92E 518

10F toAdvance Pricing Agreement Scheme 524 10T

10RBRelief in tax payable under section 115JB(1) due to operation of section 115JB(2D) 544

10TA to Safe Harbour Rules for International Trans10THD actions & Specified Domestic Transactions 546

10UGAAR not to apply in certain cases 565

10UADetermination of consequences of impermissible avoidance arrangement 573

10UB toReference to PCIT/CIT for invocation of 10UFGAAR 575

10V toCertain activities not to constitute business 10VBconnection in India 579

11AMedical authority for certifying autism, cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities and certificate to be obtained from the medical authority for the purposes of deduction under sections 80DD & 80U 587

11AARequirement for approval of institution or fund under section 80G(5)(vi) 672

11BDeduction in respect of rents paid 678

11DDDeduction in respect of medical treatment of specified diseases & ailments 679

11EAGuidelines for specifying industrially backward districts for the purpose of deduction under section 80-IB(5) 681

11-OA &Guidelines for notification of certain speci11-OBfied businesses under section 35AD 685

11P toTonnage Tax Scheme for Shipping Com11Tpanies 691

11U &Determination of fair market value of prop11UAerty other than immovable property 696

11UAA &Special provision for full value of conside11UADration for transfer of share other than quoted share 728

11UABDetermination of Fair Market Value for Inventory 730

11UACCases in which provisions of section 56(2)(x) not to apply 731

11UACAComputation of income in respect of certain life insurance policies chargeable to tax under section 56(2)(xiii) 747

11UAEComputation of fair market value of capital assets for the purposes of section 50B 749

11UB &Determination of value of assets and ap11UCportionment of income in certain cases 752

11UDThresholds for the purposes of significant economic presence 765

11UE &Indirect transfer prior to 28-5-2012 of assets

11UFsituate in India 767

12Return of income 777

12APreparation of return by authorised representative 794

12AAVerification of return by whom 795

12ABConditions for furnishing return of income by persons referred to in section 139(1)(b) 797

12ACUpdated return 798

12ADReturn of income under section 170A 822

12CTax on income accruing/arising to/received from venture capital companies and venture capital funds 827

12CATax on income of unit holder and business trust 828

12CBTax on income of investment fund and its unit holders 829

12CCTax on income from Securitisation Trusts 830

12DPower to call for information by prescribed Income-tax Authority 831

12ERegular assessment 833

12FInquiry before assessment 834

13Procedure to requisition services under section 132(2) and to make a reference under section 132(9D) 835

13AValuation of property under section 132(9D) 837

14Inquiry before assessment 839

14A &Special audit 840


15Notice of demand 849

15ADeclaration under section 158A 851

16Application under section 158AB to defer filing of appeal before the ITAT or the jurisdictional High Court 853

16BExemption in respect of remuneration/fee/ any other income received by consultant or his employee 856

16CExemption in respect of income of a fund for the welfare of employees or their dependants 857

16CCForm of audit report prescribed under 10th proviso to section 10(23C) 859

16DAccountant’s report for claiming deduction under section 10AA 864

16DDSpecial provision in respect of newly established undertakings in free trade zone, etc. 866

17Exercise of option, etc., under section 11 or 10(21) 867

17AApplication for registration of charitable or religious trusts, etc. 874

17AABooks of account and other documents to be kept and maintained 882

17BAudit report in case of charitable or religious trusts 888

17CForms or modes of investment or deposits by a charitable or religious trust or institution 893

17CASpecial provisions relating to voluntary contributions received by electoral trust 897

17CBTax on accreted income of certain Trusts and Institutions 907

18AAAPrescribed authority for the purposes of section 80G(2)(a)(iiif) 914

18AAAAA Guidelines for specifying an association/ institution for the purposes of section 80G(2)(c) 915

18ABFurnishing of statement of particulars and certificate under section 80G(5)(viii)/(ix) or under section 35(1A) 916

18BBBForm of audit report for claiming deduction under section 80-IA/80-IB/80-IC 918

18BBEComputation of profits of certain activities forming integral part of a highway project 922

18CEligibility of industrial parks for benefit under section 80-IA(4)(iii) 924

19AB Form of report for claiming deduction under section 80JJAA 934

19ACForm of certificate to be furnished under section 80QQB(3) 935

19ADPrescribed authority & form of certificate to be furnished under section 80RRB(2) 936


19AEForm of accountant’s report to be furnished under section 80LA(3) 937

20Guidelines for approval under section 80C(2)(xix) 938

20AGuidelines for approval under section 80C(2)(xx) 940

21ARelief when salary is paid in arrears or in advance, etc. 942

21AA Furnishing of particulars for claiming refund under section 89 946

21AAATaxation of income from retirement benefit account maintained in a notified country 947

21ABInformation to be provided for claiming relief under an agreement referred to in sections 90 & 90A 949

21ACFurnishing of authorisation and maintenance of documents, etc., for the purposes of section 94A 951

21ADExercise of option under section 115BA(4) 953

21AEExercise of option under section 115BAA(5) 954

21AFExercise of option under section 115BAB(7) 958

21AGExercise of option under section 115BAC(5) 959

21AGAExercise of option under section 115BAC(6) 961

21AHExercise of option under section 115BAD(5) 967

21AHAExercise of option under section 115BAE(5) 968

21AI,Other conditions for specified fund & com-

21AIA &putation of exempt income of such fund for 21AJAthe purposes of section 10(4D) 969

21AJ & Determination of income of a specified fund

21AJAAunder section 115AD(1A)/(1B) 974

21AKExemption in respect of any income accrued/arisen to/received by a non-resident with regard to specified forwards contracts/

derivatives entered into with an offshore banking unit of an IFSC 978

21ALOther conditions required to be fulfilled by the original fund 980

26 toDeduction of tax at source 982 37BC

29AForm of certificate to be furnished under section 80QQB(4)/80RRB(3) 1148

37C toCollection of tax at source 1149 37J

38 & 39Payment of advance tax 1174

40BAccountant’s report u/s. 115JB(4) 1176

40BAAccountant’s report u/s. 115JC(3) 1177

40BBDetermination of amount received by domestic company in respect of issue of shares 1178

40GRefund claim under section 239A 1181

42 to 44Tax clearance certificates 1182

44DAExercise of option under section 245M(1) and intimation thereof 1186

44DAA toDispute Resolution Committee 1188 44DAD

44E toAdvance Rulings 1194 44FA

44GMutual Agreement Procedure 1201

44GAProcedure to deal with requests for Bilateral/Multilateral Advance Pricing Agreements 1244

45 & 46Form of Appeal to CIT(A) & Mode of Service 1246

46AProduction of additional evidence before CIT(A) 1250

47Form of appeal and memorandum of crossobjections to Appellate Tribunal 1253




49 to 66Authorised representatives 1255

67 to 81Recognised provident funds 1266

82 to 97Approved superannuation funds 1290

98 to 111Approved gratuity funds 1301

111AA &Reference to Valuation Officer 1311 111AB

111B Publication and circulation of Board’s order 1315

112Search and seizure 1317

112CRelease of remaining assets 1328

112DRequisition of books of account, etc. 1332

112EForm of information under section 133B(1) 1336

113Disclosure of information respecting assessees 1337

114 &Application for allotment of a Permanent

114AAAAccount Number 1338

114AApplication for allotment of a Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number 1357

114AABClass or classes of persons to whom provisions of section 139A shall not apply 1359

114B,Quoting/Intimation of Permanent Account 114BB,Number 1361

114C & 114D

114BATransactions for which persons are required to apply for allotment of PAN 1373

114DAFurnishing of annual statement by a nonresident having liaison office in India 1374

114DBInformation or Documents to be furnished u/s 285A 1375

114E toFurnishing of Statement of Financial

114HTransaction (SFT) 1377

114-IAnnual Information Statement (AIS) 1422

115Rate of exchange for conversion into rupees of income expressed in foreign currency 1425

115ARate of exchange for conversion of rupees into foreign currency and reconversion of foreign currency into rupees for the purposes of computation of capital gains under 1st proviso to section 48 1428

117B &Recovery by TRO 1430


119AProcedure to be followed in calculating interest 1432

119AAModes of payment for the purpose of section 269SU 1433

121AForm of statement to be furnished by producers of cinematograph films or persons engaged in specified activity 1434

125Electronic payment of tax 1436

126Computation of period of stay in India in certain cases 1438

127Service of notice, summons, requisition, order and other communication 1439

127AAuthentication of notices and other documents 1450

128Foreign Tax Credit 1452

129Form of application under section 270AA 1456

130Omission of certain rules and forms and savings 1457

131Electronic furnishing of forms, returns, statements, reports, orders, etc. 1459

132Application for Recomputation of Income u/s 155(18) 1462

133Calculation of net winnings from online games for the purpose of sections 115BBJ and 194BA 1464




134Application under section 155(20) regarding credit of tax deduction at source 1475


RULES 11U & 11UA*

Determination of fair market value of property other than immovable property

11U.1 Statutory background of section 56(2)(x)

11U.1-1 Applicability xx

Category Particulars Transactions to be taken into account Tax treatment

SECTION 56(2)(x) & 56(2)(viib).

697 Rules 11U & 11UA

CategoryParticularsTransactions to be taken into account Tax treatment

x c A i iix c B i ii -

11U.1.1-1 ‘ Explanation (b) x Explanation (d) vii i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix

Rules 11U & 11UA 698


Explanation (b) x x i ii iii

PCIT Dr. Ranjan Pai pro rata Sudhir

Menon HUF Asstt. CIT

Following’ ‘ ’Jigar Jashwantlal Shah ACIT -

11U.1.1.1-1 ‘Jewellery’, defined Explanation (a) x Explanation (c) vii Explanation 14 ii a b

11U.1.1-2 Explanation (a) x Explanation (f) vii -

11U.1.1.2-1 ‘Assessable’, defined Explanation (a) x Explanation (a) vii Explanation 2

11U.1.1.2-2 SDV when date of agreement and date of registration are different


Rules 11U & 11UA i ii

11U.1.1.2-3 Reference to Valuation Officerr -


11U.1.1-3 ‘ Explanation (a) x Explanation (b) vii

see para 11U.2

11U.1-2 Non-applicability x see para 11UAC.2

11U.2 Determination of fair market value (FMV) of specified movable properties for the purposes of section 56(2)(x) [Rule 11UA(1)]

11U.2-1 Valuation of jewellery, archaeological collections and other artistic works [Rule 11UA(1)(a) & 11UA(1)(b)]

S. No.CircumstancesFair market value (FMV)

11U.2.1-1 f

Rules 11U & 11UA

11U.2-2 Valuation of quoted shares and securities [Rule 11UA(1)(c)(a)]

S. No.Quoted shares and securities are received by way of— Trading on valuation date or not Fair market value (FMV)


11U.2.2-1 d -

11U.2.2-2 e f

11U.2-3 Valuation of unquoted equity shares [Rule 11UA(1)(c)(b)]

S. No. ParticularsFormula


701 viib Rules 11U & 11UA

S. No. ParticularsFormula

FMV of unquoted equity shares

ITO Mystical Infaratech P. Ltd.


11U.2.3-1 b ii i ii j -

11U.2-4 Valuation of unquoted shares and securities (other than unquoted equity shares) [Rule 11UA(1)(c)(c)]

Information Technology Park Ltd. ITO

11U.3 Statutory background of section 56(2)(viib)

11U.3-1 Applicability

a i.e. b

Rules 11U & 11UA 702

c i.e.

d i.e.

e i.e. viibFlutura Business Solutions (P.) Ltd. ITO

Cimex Land and Housing (P.) Ltd. ITOMedicon Leather (P.) Ltd.

Asstt. CIT viib Milk Mantra Dairy (P.) Ltd. DCIT

11U.3.1-1 CIT Vaani Estates (P.) Ltd. viib

Explanation (a) viib

i see para 11U.4 ii i.e. iRuchi J Oil (P.) Ltd. PCIT viib viib the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2024 w.e.f. 1-4-2025

703 viib Rules 11U & 11UA -


viib Unnati Inorganics (P.) Ltd. ITO

Explanation viibLalithaa Jewellery Mart (P.) Ltd. Asstt. CIT -

India Convention and Culture Centre (P.) Ltd. ITO

i ii Explanation (a) viib Medicon Leather (P.) Ltd. Asstt. CIT

11U.3-2 Illustrations

Sri Sakthi Textiles Ltd. DCIT

viib Mantram Commodities (P.) Ltd. ITO


viib Royal Accord Realtors (P.) Ltd. DCIT

Rules 11U & 11UA 704

DCIT Rankin Infrastructure (P.) Ltd.

11U.3-3 Non-applicability viib i ii iii vide see Annex 11U.1 superseding vide

705 viib Rules 11U & 11UA DCIT

Ozone India Ltd.

Vora Financial Services P. Ltd. Asstt. CIT followed in VITP P. Ltd. DCIT


Explanation (b) viib Explanation (c) i n ii


11U.3.3-2 ‘

Explanation (b) viib Explanation (a)


Explanation (b) viib Explanation (b) 23FB

Rules 11U & 11UA 706

w.e.f. 1-4-2025 i ii iii iv w.e.f. 1-4-2025

11U.3.3-4 Explanation (aa) viibw.e.f. 1-4-2023

11U.3.3-5 a 68 n b 91 the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2024 the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2024

Notification No. GSR 127(E), dated 19-2-2019 see, Annex 11U.2

707 viib Rules 11U & 11UA

11U.3.3.5-1 Conditions for claiming exemption by an start-up entity viib

Notification No. GSR 127(E), dated 19-2-2019 see, Annex 11U.2

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