Taxmann's Forensic Audit Decoded – Unlocking the Secrets of Forensic Accounting Investigation

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About the AuthorI-5



Structure of the BookI-15


Tangible Fixed Assets

-which were never fixed

Why is it Important?

“Assets are economic resources. Anything - tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned, controlled or used to produce value andassets (such as land, building, plant, machineries, furnideployment of huge funds/borrowings, and therefore, could

the volume of sales and the amount of investment in plant & machinery, made, investment,ery,


The cost of an item of more than one period, also forms part of plant and machinery.

Ind AS 16 - Property, Plant & Equipment, I. Tangible assets (i (a (b (c (i (a (b (c

(d (e (f (g (ii class of assets


(d (e (f (g (h (ii separately specified under each class of assets or reversals separately.

(a (b (c (d notes to accounts.

CHAPTER 8 is applied. Fair value is the price that would be received, when an asset is sold. Fair value is not necessarily the market price. under head non-current assets.

Net disposal proceeds, if any, andnow held for sale.

3 assets nature of the business.

4 If the proper and complete records ofamount of investment with respect to each of the item and from whom purby the law. If no such proper records are 5 early warning sign. 6 ownership of such assets, in the foren(Table 20 Contd.)

plant & machineries, the manufacturing capacity should be commensurate with such investment.

machinery which are the various assets in which investment has been made and purpose of such investment - keeping in view nature & volume of business

eries are normally made for enhancing manufacturing capacity, the same is

gin, the logic of investment needs to be looked into

the gross block of any assets, indicate that either some part of the assets has been sold or there could be disposal of

used for the very same purpose, and there is no diversion of funds

(Table 20 Contd.)

(Table 20 Contd.)

To ascertain that the investment is

reality and has the same economic value, as appearing in the books of account.

version, siphoning of the funds, in the forensic accounting investigation of


- 11 15,48483 the year -

916 86 the year981 916 11641,617 the year 367 - 657 14 916 117 (Box 49 Contd.)

(Box 49 Contd.)

Notethe pertains tocrore inter alia


of this chapter. (Rs. in crore) 11,735


Available (Box 50 Contd.)

(Box 50 Contd.)

(Rs. in crore)

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